Takeaway: Self/Selfless Duality/Oneness - Thanks to aggregate human efforts in search for the "Raison D'être" of one's existence, together with Industrial Revolution 4.0 we can theoretically and empirically point out the existence of "#Oneness / the source of all diversities" accesible by normal person qualified by Nature commonly known as cultivable "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" that Gotama used as the #Prajna division of his modified[D26] Eightfold Path and his personal assertion about the Right #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22], the model to solve identified Issues of Sufferings (dukkha-dukkha, vipaninama-dukkha, sankhara-dukkha) to Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35] in { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" via "WuNien / KiếnTánh / Transcendental #Awareness" from stain and attachment }.
The "Harmonious New World Order" in one's Continuity of the consciousness is Now Possible due to KhaiPhong Open-Source Integration of human radio and consciousness technologies, opening a Harmonious Melting Pot from "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" to activate "Fair Trade" when one knows more about oneself for the benefits of all involved parties in one's optimal conditions for continuous evolution revealed from the case study of Nikola Tesla for DISCOVERING and SHARING the "#Truth of Innate Morality and Justice from underlying natural laws embedded in positive Fibonacci evolution" instead of evolution then degeneration due to tainted senses, a "Big Lesson in 60,000+ human years of degeneration without knowing Why SHARED by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Calgary Canada early 2000s" learned from the collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods.
This #Oneness benefits from diversities of different civilisations and cultures in discovering statistically significant underlying Natural Laws such as Socrates Latin Humanitas (Biology, Compassion and #Prajna), plus Jesus Kingdom of God from within via No-Conflict Consciousness. Element of diversities benefits from #Oneness in engaged living, seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's comparative advantages in changing focused events toward What Count according to tested and proven Epistemic Objectives (Natural Laws).
(1) Dependent Nature of Existence, (2) #Oneness, (3) Moral Issue - Universal Moral Value, (4) Implementation Augmented by Artificial Intelligence.
We exist in Space-Time (Observed-Observer) where a 'self / observer' or 'identity' is a fictional concept to represent the continuity of the person's Quality of the Consciousness in [ The Connected Universe where Everything is Connected ], mostly driven by bundles of patterns in five entanglements (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness). It is rational to recognise one's Realities and do something about it due to Freewill / Volition / Sankhara and cultivable quality of the carry-on Consciousness, measurable as Compassion-Prajna. The states of one's being - the Normative Persona - continuously changing according to Volition in response to external and internal signals. The driving force of Volition at different depths of Integration - Ignorance or #Prajna - between #Intuition, Brain Intelligence and wider perspective of ComPassion is a part of Living in all entities having a sense of an Agent from humanity upward. The higher in evolving scale the more an Intelligent Agent can be Aware at the "sources" that drive the Volition - via Freewill - either toward Sufferings due to Ignorance or Worthy Existence due to #Prajna, a manifestation of the States (Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh or Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Signed Post) and Stock of one's InnerSpace for the manifestations of #Prajna in Engaged Living.
#Prajna - the source leading to Right Action - or Ignorance veiled by not seeing 'Thing As It Is' (Tathagata) (Table 2) drives the momentary direction of the consciousness. Birth and Death are parts of the natural cycle to be naturally reborn and rejuvenated for the Continuity of the Consciousness whose qualities dynamically drive the formation of five bundles (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness) as theoretically explained in the Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D39]. Therefore, qualities of the Consciousness measurable via Scientific Facts such as
where in part [ Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Moral Value ] and in part
[ Prajna = True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position ]
determine present and future qualities of one's life within their constraints according to the Realm natural laws. Via normative evaluation of measurable feedback from Effort, we can indirectly measure the manifestations (states) of #Prajna and discover its scientifically cultivable processes of one's InnerSpace.
1. Dependent Nature of Existence
In the same Space-Time (Observed-Observer), there are different Realms of Existence. Spirit realms may not have the same physical form structure of C-H-O-N as human, but similar structure of Consciousness and Energy (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness), having the same aspiration for some happiness - mitigating unnecessary sufferings with innumerable desires and driving forces[R20]. Similarly, animals have different realms from human, but the same physical C-H-O-N signature, confined Consciousness and Energy. The same flower is seen differently by persons and bees that lead to different volitions to create parts of the Complex Dependent Nature of the Present Moment. In this sense, each stream of consciousness having a sense of an agent has its own world subjected to natural laws of the constrained realm, dynamically interacting with other subjective and objective worlds in the same (Ecosystem) and/or different realms (larger set of Ecosystems) to be parts of the Present Moment of the Whole.
Each realm is governed by its own natural laws which are not isolated but interdependent that the higher (consciousness) realm can influence its own living and the environments of lower realms. Examples are 'man on the climate changes' and 'extinction of species'. Qualities of the Consciousness change in different realms to be appropriate to the Realm's governing environment. Within each highly evolving realm such as mankind, there are wide range of qualities leading to different behaviors for either evolution or degeneration according to Scientific Facts. Two relevant forces in one's Continuity of the Consciousness are one's own "Qualities" which are now scientifically cultivable and measurable at the bottom-line of one's Right or Wrong Effort and Worthy Relationships which determine the environment one being a part due to invisible hands of Action-Reaction and Likes-attact-Likes to determine one's next moment where the next moment can be at Present or life-after-life, and external influence from one's relationships in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles, including Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations.
Having a wider perspective in Continuity of the Consciousness with full appreciation of one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles - especially discovered underlying natural laws forming one's epistemic objective - such as Action-Reaction, Dependent Nature, one can optimise Evolution Path along the Selected Space-Time (Observed-Observer) and major Event, while being a focused part of the Whole to make it happened in the Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings of one's Worthy Existence. This is expressed in verse by the Buddhist Teacher (Phật Thầy) at Tây An[D52] 'Understand the Wonderful Creative Cycle. Knowing the Universe, West and East' (Rõ thấu tuần huờn Cơ Máy tạo. Am tường vũ trụ khắp Tây Đông) or from Soyen Shaku in 1893 World Parliament of Religions[R6] "God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality".
It has been mathematically proven in optimisation theory, used in launching a rocket to its target that the optimisation in any instant moment will lead to the overall optimisation of the trajectory where unexpected winds and storms (of karmic forces) are unavoidable. That means by staying with Actuality in seeing 'Thing As It Is' from Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh, one can instantaneously adjust the Unworthy (imagination) into the Right in the Change Dynamics of the Present Moment. This approach (partially credited to HuiNeng) to the 'Truth' of 'Thing-As-It-Is' is based on Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien (Vô Niệm) at the Observed, No-Mark (Vô Vết) on one's Substance once the action completed, and Detachment (Vô Trụ) as one's Fundamental Principle for the manifestation of #Prajna and Transcendental #Awareness). The practical Actuality is enhanced by modern technology to bring one's Intuition and Brain Intelligence together via reasoning AI and Advanced Analytics: [ #Intuition - Data - Intelligence ].
In this wholesome practicality for a wider perspective of one's Continuity of the Consciousness, one can cultivate even in Sleeping and Dreaming with connected Inner Circle due to the Consciousness (Chit), running along and capable to observe these states 'As It Is' which you can find out in the proof of your "innate quality" called "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" to put your Value of the values in [ Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / Chinese Wu-Nien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong #Awareness ], first rationally then actually in "Riding The Ox" of your wholesome existence. It is the Wholesome since the driving force not only directly targeted the pressing Issue of the Present Moment, taking into account the unavoidable constraint of current life time, but also a Vision or Insight of what will lie ahead. In the example of the rocket, the space traveller optimises required solutions of the present issues toward the destination at the space station (current life time) and preparation for the next few steps (with one's Inner Circle) in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. This optimisation is possible due to silent states by-passing tainted senses, and high above in the event Truth plane of #Prajna to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change oneself and the environment toward What Count. Part of this preparation may be the assigned tasks at the Present Moment if one can be silent enough to sense it.
One's stream of Consciousness can be Transformed to lighter higher ground in wider perspective of ComPassion and #Prajna, or Sucked into an Abyss of Sufferings due to heavier, narrower scope of Greed and Ignorance. The quality of the Consciousness does not depend on your profession - including religious leaders of all organised religions - but on the stock of your Good Heart. That is why most "claimed religious leaders" in all organised religions - including Buddhism - have more issues than others due to Not being able to be "At Home / 100% #Honesty" to start from the "Right Understanding" and "Right Motivation" of their Quality of the Consciousness due to the "Masks" they are wearing. Note that you are fully responsible for your actions and the environment you are a part. Have some Reflection and do something for your Realities which can be known via signals from your senses and the state of your being if you are able to know 'Who You Are' where both Gotama and Jesus are only explorers like you - equally protected by enforceable Human Rights for Integrity of the Person - in DISCOVERING and SHARING underlying natural laws, Making Life Easier and Happier. If you do not know who you are how can you claim to be a spiritual leader and/or qualified by the one who has his/her own issue, even deeper than yours[R18.2], [R15], [R13.1]. Actually knowing "Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" - unknown by almost all claimed zen masters and Buddhist monks / nuns / followers up until 2025 - to properly manage oneself at different "state and stock of Prajna" is the minimum qualification to know more about yourself.
This minimum qualification - { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } - at seven (7) different depths of #AwarenessPrajna has been practically unknown by almost all [ monks / nuns / followers ] in entire 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha up until 2025 due to their cheating processes of Samatha and Vipassana to knock out Gotama's discovery of #Samadhi and #Prajna in his suggested solution of all binding and clinging forces, commonly known as karma[D22] via "#AwarenessPrajna" that almost all have not passed even the Gateway-to-Oneness (Tranquility level) to actually know transcendental states (Equanimity Community) toward Non-Thingness and Nirvana (momentary End-of-Dukkha[D44]). See the damages done by Buddhist unworthy monks / nuns /followers to totally block human innate quality of "Latin Humanitas / Kingdom of God within / Buddha Nature" to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships, 180o in opposite direction of Gotama's efforts, searching for the fundamental solution of human existence identified as Sufferings (Dukkha) without being a slave to the "painted concept of the greatest hoax Redeemer" inconsistent with underlying natural law of Action-Reaction. We publicly challenge the current reincarnation of Jesus to tell the whole world how he was cheated by the Father God and its consequence of Action-Reaction in one's evolution or degeneration according to underlying natural laws described in " Complex Fibonacci sequence" that we will scientifically introduced in Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna!
Please challenge all Buddhist unworthy people to show any remote evidence of #Samadhi and #Prajna in their cheating Vipassana since most do not know smart pointers #Sanadhi or #Prajna, retarding the mind due to an impossible task of micromanaging the mind since innumerable actions and reactions are happening at the cell/chemical levels and at outdated marks of one's senses. "Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" keeps the mind Fresh for natural rejuvenation and reborn, but very Alert ready for a #SamadhiPrajna in engaged living which is statistically measurable to gauge the quality of one's consciousness for a Right or Wrong Effort of one's Raison D'être.
The question is how to move from Infinite Thought of everything - sex, eating, shopping, addicting, etc, - asked by the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva in Lotus Sutra[D49] to a momentary Silence of "Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh"? The solution will be provided by those actually knowing "Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" from different angles, religions, countries, social make-ups, cultures, skin colors, etc, to debunk the esoteric cheating Buddha and Bodhisattvas and be statistically tested from global community Big Data provided by the science and economics of KhaiPhong.
Knowing this Dependent Nature and the Change Dynamics of different attributes, the 'Right Living / Effort' along the Time dimension has much wider perspective for the Present Moment, 24-hours-a-day of this life, in-between, different realms life-after-life in Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings of Right Effort in Transcendental #Awareness of simultaneously arising signals from [ the body, feelings, mind, mental qualities ] and [ relationships with the surroundings ] beyond Present Moment of human realm having supports from one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles in [ The Connected Universe where Everything is Connected ].
The Dependent Nature (originally known as Dependent Condition or Impermanence) is the foundation of Budh Dharma discovered by Gotama in his Quest for the meaning of Worthy Existence. Impermanence (Vô Thường) is scientifically proven in the second law of thermodynamics due to the generation of entropy of existence. It is significantly enhanced to differentiate the Dependent Nature (Paratantra) of 'Thing As It Is' from Imagination Nature (Parikalpita) by having the infusion of the Perfected Nature (Parinispanna) from 'outside the box'. There are different trails (mechanisms) or switches to flip from activities to Higher Consciousness to draw its source and power into relative activities in Verifiable Emptiness[D26] from Transcendental Consciousness, to Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity to directly experience the 'Essence of the Right Living / Effort'.
The Dependent Nature explored by most Buddhists - executed by Buddhist communities of monks and nuns - in the past 2500+ years does not have these higher Consciousness Switches and misses an important ingredient namely the Common Vibration of Energy (ComPassion)[R16] which is the foundation of 'all goodness' in the wider perspective of One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One.
It has been adjusted in Mahayana but knowing it or not sabotaged by the third esoteric force to enslave the whole Gotama Sangha at the conditioned thought level of Bodhisattva and Bodhicitta to pull one into a subtler trap of egoistic utopia of Bodhisattva and Bodhicitta at conditioned thought - not in actual living - which are Not Relevant to practical Living. Being stuck at the Word / Concept of Nirvana and PariNirvana, Soyen Shaku[R6] could not satisfactorily and directly answer in his "Reply to a Christian Critic" which depends on Aspiration using Faith that one can personally experience the switch irrespective of that is a Right or Wrong switch like "opium" to keep one "high" and/or violence of the crusades led by the evil Roman Catholic Church in its entire history of cheating and bullying from cunning intelligence scientifically proven in negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration as in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism.
The "Right" switch can be described and mathematically represented as an "#EmptyTheContent" plane orthogonal to duality planes of Relative Truths around the X-dimension in different realms for whatever the contents are on the duality plane of conflicting events to the Universal #Truth plane of "#Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom" perpendicular to the duality plane to clearly see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for a Right Effort using #Prajna Dialectic rather than Hegelian Dialectic of a confused mind on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. It is universal since "#EmptyTheContent" is Thing-As-It-Is cross-cut different realms of existence where earth is a part. The switch can be either moving deeper on the vertical plane through different Signed Posts around the Y-dimension known by Gotama or higher via Aspiration using faith, music, dancing, painting, calligraphy, etc known by Jesus and many mystics, artists, etc. The switch to this scientifically cultivable InnerSpace around the F-dimension (set of vectors representing layered No-Conflict Consciousness) to represent one's quality of the consciousness built on and orthogonal to X and Y sets of vectors is a right switch if and only if it is built on a solid foundation [ Compassion >< Detachment >< Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace ] for a manifestation of #Prajna in a Right Effort
To correct this Issue, we use Soyen Shaku's own statement "God [Dharmakaya / Oneness] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Oneness] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Oneness] is unreality" and recorded Gotama's statements[D44] to ask Buddhist Communities officially correct two major traps designed to sabotage Gotama's discoveries in the two major branches of Buddhism: Momentary Nirvana rather than Theravada Nirvana then PariNirvana, and Natural Purification[D26] via Gotama's signed posts of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace rather than voluminous treatises in "meditation on Emptiness" at thought level of "monks and scholars" knowing nothing about the "#Oneness / Dharmakaya / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / Self Nature" which will be known and personally verified by many at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna as actually known by Gotama when he was a child driven by tremendous Compassion for all beings and HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity).
Using observable Thing-As-It-Is TRUTH plane [ Selfless / #Oneness / Dharmakaya / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] ] of any event and its interaction with duality plane [ Self / Duality / Relative Truth / Imaginary Nature / Conflicting Consciousness ] of the event, together with statistically measurable Right Effort, KhaiPhong transcends all abstract concepts of all isms such as [ Buddhist Trikāya, Christian "Father God", Muslim "No God but God" to directly meet Soyen Shaku's challenge "God [Dharmakaya / #Oneness] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / #Oneness ] and the World not in God [ Dharmakaya / #Oneness ] is unreality". In terms of Gödel incompleteness theorem and personal experiences of dedicated explorers such as Gotama, Jesus, HuiNeng. etc, the analysis of the system comprising of Relative Truth [ Physical - Consciousness (Observer) - Energy ] alone is "Incomplete" if we do not go one step further to include [ Ultimate (Wider) Truth ], another Knowable [ Y-Dimension of Transcendental Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness ] orthogonal to the [ X-Dimension Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien ] as observable and measurable Signed Posts and all other factors lumped together as F-Dimension evolving or degenerating described via Complex Fibonacci numbers according to underlying Natural Laws for continuous Reborn and Rejuvenation with possible outside-the-box breakthrough of #Prajna Dialectic. Using complex function to model [ Y, X, F ], we basically abstract all other unknown factors in each function xf(M), yf(M), and F(x,y) where M = HashMap(key:String, Value:function of 9 attributes: Conscience from 1 to 3, Kindness, Empathy, Moral Value, Justice, Joy, Detachment at rated higher qualities). X and Y dimensions are Complex Inner-Functions as visible / measurable complex Fibonacci function of states of #Prajna, and Complex Fibonacci outer function F(x,y) as "Stock" of #Prajna to produce observable I(gnorance) or P(rajna). Integrating the latest Principles in Functional Programming for Writing Scalable & Maintainable Code with the [ three Vedic Gunas: Creative Force, Manifestation force, Stability force ], we apply Interface on the three modules of Transcendental #Awareness X, Transcendental Inner Peace Y, and one's private scientifically cultivable InnerSpace F on the duality plane of consciousness and Ultimate (Wider) #Truth on the #Oneness.
Referring to the relationships at the focused point (Figure 2), without the wider space of ComPassion beyond Kindness and Empathy around the vertical Y-dimension for a breakthrough in Gateway-to-Oneness of positive Complex Fibonacci evolution, there cannot be any infusion of the Perfected Nature to see 'Thing As It Is'. Saying differently, without ComPassion there is no #Prajna from a Right Transcendental #Awareness in X-dimension toward the light of energy column (the State) and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace of Y-dimension of Inner-Peace toward Non-Thingness. Right Mindfulness practised by most Buddhists has no outside-the-box in "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendent" infusion from either the Perfected Nature of Consciousness-Only or the Ultimate (Wider) Truth of Nagarjuna since it has no accumulated Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) in the first place. That "Right Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" - blah blah blah in entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha up to 2025 - is not qualified by Gotama in his advise to Ajita[D22] since even Gotama did not scientifically know its Foundations at Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace of No-Conflict Consciousness from positive Complex Fibonacci evolution, and designed the wrong tools in mindfulness of breathing (Anapanasati)[D24] and Great Frames of Reference (MahaSatipatthana Sutta - Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] 100% on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness while as a qualified person one can transcend the duality known in reported Gotama's Jhanas to see Thing-As-It-Is while learning the Language of the Universe: Transcend Duality, Find Freedom. Buddhists blah blah blah of meditations in their 2500+ years of "cooking sand but selling as rice" is the impossible job of "#EmptyTheContent toward "Non-Thingness". ComPassion is now scientifically proven in Neuroscience.
Here is the key difference between #Prajna (Trí Huệ) and Brain Intelligence (Trí Tuệ) of normative intelligence in people-centered society where Multi-Agent Framework MetaGPT and domain specic Knowledge Graph TableGPT are open-source tools to enable people direct custom ai toward What Count. #Prajna integrates Intelligence with Intuition (the sixth sense) and ComPassionate Vibration (the seventh sense) that injects the unique relevant part of the Present Moment relevant to the Issue that may not be there known by "containerized" Intuition and/or Intelligence which are both conditioned. The integrated solution comes from commonly known as information from the field and breakthrough via Thing-As-It-Is. We can say that Intuition and Brain Intelligence drive the 'Doing' in all activities while ComPassion and #Prajna are manifestations of invisible Sunyata from #Oneness, injecting the wider perspective of 'Being' into the 'Doing' to direct the activities. Observable attributes of this process are Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien at the Observed, No-Mark on one's Substance once the action completed, Detachment as one's Fundamental Principle for manifestation of Right Transcendental #Awareness (state of Prajna) to see and act according to 'Thing As It Is' which is succinctly described in { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }.
#Prajna brings something very fresh to the conditioned existence to raise its conditioned space to the next level recently discovered by KhaiPhong: Conflicting Consciousness on duality plane of existence and layered No-Conflict Consciousness in "Right Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" scientificlly cultivable with HuiNeng's "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định" { To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental-Inner-Peace is Samadhi } which is measurable from scientifically cultivable Signed Posts actually discovered by Gotama. It is consistent with XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness[D19]. When one looses ComPassion, one first looses the wider perspective of existence, but the 'conditioned' intelligence - visibly as cunning intelligence - is still there at one's conditioned level of the consciousness, and continues for some reincarnations but at gradual degenerated states described in negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration driven by extreme desire below even animal energy of "I win You loose" via binding Word/Image and clinging Thought driving the Fair Trade at point A to the cheating and bullying toward point B in any negotiable outcome from Figure 2. Lesson learned from the collapse of Illuminati elites - personally known and testified by them - partially proves this process. The significances of KhaiPhong DISCOVERIES are (1) the combination of rational understanding of Thing-As-It-Is (epistemic objectives contributed by all concerned parties) used as "Right Transcendental pegs of #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" in measurable gradual trainings to higher up having scientific understanding of negative forces in body-mind cleaning and managing one's realities rendering one's Degeneration without Knowing WHY happened to all dedicated explorers in all Intelligent Realms up to 2025, (2) using #Honesty & #Care as anchors from Diversities to #Oneness and from #Oneness back to SHARED Diversities in engineering dynamic feed backward and forward toward Sefl-Selfless Actualization, (3) riding on recursive functions discovered in Thing-As-It-Is natural patterns of living manifestations such as the complex Fibinacci numbers and reasoning AI of proven LLM (Large Language Model) toward proven required qualities of dedicated explorers to raise mass Tensor / Spacial Intelligence from humanity upward. Hope you can see the importance of the Source, which is ComPassion (Higher Consciousness), and nurture its root. We say #Prajna is the flower on ComPassion tree deep rooted in the invisible Sunyata, injecting the two visible aspects - Transcendental #Awareness and Transcendental #Samadhi / Inner-Peace - in measurable outcome states and stock of #Prajna from 'Being' into 'Living' ('Doing' in all activities).
The difference between #Prajna and Intelligence leads to the fundamental difference between Right Transcendental #Awareness from KhaiPhong [ Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien / #Awarenesss / Kiến Tánh ] with Right Mindfulness taught by all members of 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha in Anapanasati (mindfulness of breathing)[D24] and other Samatha-Vipassana training[D25] up to 2025 which are totally within conditioned box on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. Force all claimed meditation masters of Buddhist Samatha-Vipassana to verify their process from Thought to Beyond Thought and its net effects back to the Thought process as the challenge using the picture of an international meditation master of Samatha-Vipassana on the duality of Buddhism by Katalin Mund[D19]. Same thing is applicable to all claimed Zen meditation teachers who know nothing about Wu-Nien up until 2025. Where is the 'Gateway-to-Oneness' based on Tranquility upward Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict from Buddhist meditation that has been making tremendous noises at conditioned thought in the entire history of the Buddhist cheating Sanghas? That "Gateway-to-Oneness" is named "Bảo Giang Môn" having many highly qualified people [ Phật, Tiên, Thánh, Thần giáng trần (the video was deleted) ] reincarnated in and outside to be ready for the right @ "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" where the reincarnation of its author is ready as sensed by the writer to play a "uniquely important role" for this significant event with esoterically and closely connected friends in many life times of worthy relationships. Once together they can change the world International Affairs toward Accountable creators and parts of the Responsible Creation in one's Continuity of the consciousness. VietNam happens to hold this precious gem to start a New Era of Right Evolution from humanity upward
We restate HuiNeng definition of meditation as a measurable stick against all 'meditations' claimed by all organized religions, claimed meditation masters and enlighten monks. Its outcome is simply that 'Verifiable Emptiness' - #EmptyTheContent - is the sine-qua-non or corollary of Right Transcendental #Awareness. The Right Transcendental #Awareness from KhaiPhong is 'outside-the-box', taking the infusion of the 'Perfected Nature'[D39] (the 'Ultimate Wider Truth'[D38], 'the Kingdom of God'[Luke 17:21], Latin Humanitas, the Self Nature[R5], the #Awareness of Self-Awareness[D19]) into the Dependent Nature to see and act according to 'Thing As It Is'. It rides on all opportunities, especially the optimum moments of (#PrajnaTIP in) 'Kindness', to naturally flow into (gambhiram - flowing depth - thông sâu) different depths of Inner Peace in actually experiencing #Prajna (as described in the Heart Sutra[R2]).
The Lesson Learned in 'Dependent Nature' is that ComPassion is the common thread to link all natural existences together. This ComPassion can be cultivated with Right Transcendental #Awareness in Kindness which generates Real/Actual Merit to smooth one's evolution path via Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes toward [ Kindness >< Empathy >< Signature ] life-after-life.
Dependent Nature is first discovered by Gotama and the core of his solution[D26], [D29], [D30] in solving his identified Issue Dukkha of existence, knowing more about Who one Is and the Meaning of one's Existence (Raison D'être). This DISCOVERY is only a glimpse to the nature of Thing-As-It-Is since (1) the discovery does not cover verifiable processes - due to all manifestations are conditioned and can be revesed-engineering to epistemic objectives - from Relative #Truth of Diversities to Ultimate (Wider) #Truth of #Oneness, (2) the differences in #Oneness back to Diversities of Then What have not been unveiled, (3) the qualified proven processes in both feed forward and backward with required proven pegs can be materialized without moving in perpetual cycle of Peace / Evolution and War / Degeneration without Knowing Why as actually happened in 60,000+ human years of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. What went wrong and why unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] can veil and pollute his precious gift to humanity in 2500+ years of his Buddhist cheating Sanghas up to the unauthorized version of "Vượt Rồi / Already Passed up to 2023-09-15" blah blah blah by Vietnamese communist mafias at the levels of "bullying animals and below as esoterically told by Francis-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận from minute 16:00" that dedicated Buddhist [ monks / nuns / aspirers / concerned people for one's Continuity of the consciousness ] must do something to straighten it out? The Description Is Not the Described! Esoterically, KhaiPhong can confirm at bottom line allmost all Highest ranking Vietnamese communist elites since 1945 up to 2024 of TBT Nguyễn Phú Trọng (the video was deleted) - 'The last communist / người cộng sản kiên định cuối cùng' và di sản 'đốt lò' - are at "bullying animals and below in their Continuity of the consciousness according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws" that No Manifested Intelligent Being can be against, especially the degenerated Beings from the past 60,000+ human years of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods (the video was deleted and we replace by another one). It is very precious to be a Living Person and Be Honest to take good care as an Accountable creator in the Responsible Creation / Con Đường Việt Nam from minute 16:01. No One can be against underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. At the Right time, KhaiPhong implementations of "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaboration" will straighthen this out amongst accepted Realms of Existence having the "export of its Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" on the fair trading table beneficial for all involved parties.
Here is a response about the claimed Gotama's Dependent Nature after our critique of the claimed Gotama's Fourth Jhana as "ĐỊNH BẤT ĐỘNG / Unmoving Samadhi" to drop all other recorded Gotama's Jhanas from "Infinite Space leading to Transcending the Observed" via Einstein curved space and Infinite Consciousness leading to "Transcending the Observer" which are required for actually verifying the "Not-Self" in his second discourse and a deeper "Non-Thingness" for emptying all stressful and conflicting events on the duality plane of existence for a freshness of reborn and rejuvenation which is the "HonNhien" in Buddhist Heart Sutra, exposing the Thing-As-It-Is Non-Thingness - similar to a physical Black-Hole - as an essential component of a conscious living.
In the claimed "Dependent Nature" - as in their claimed "TIẾN TRÌNH TU CHỨNG VÀ THÀNH ĐẠO CỦA ĐỨC PHẬT / The process of realisations and achievements of the Buddha" - Thích Nữ Hằng Như grasps the defective concept of LaoTzu impostor in [ Doing Nothing and/or Thiền Vô Vi / Wu-Wei Bí Thuật Tu Tiên / Bát Nương LUYỆN ĐẠO TAM BỬU, etc ] of the blinds touching elephant to assert that "Pháp Vô vi không nằm trong Duyên Khởi / the Dependent Nature does not operate in Wu-Wei" to claim "Sang canh Hai, Đức Phật lý luận Duyên Khởi theo chiều ngược. Nghĩa là "do cái này không có mặt, cái kia không có mặt, do cái này diệt, cái kia diệt" which is the well known accepted Buddhist modern Dependent Nature / Pratītyasamutpāda (Pāli paṭiccasamuppāda; Tib. rten cing ’brel ’byung རྟེན་ཅིང་འབྲེལ་འབྱུང་; Ch. yuán qǐ 縁起; Jpn. engi; Kor. yeon-gi; Viet. Duyên khởi): “Because this exists, that arises; because this does not exist, that does not arise; from the cessation of that, this ceases / Cái này có thì cái kia có; cái này không có thì cái kia không có; cái này diệt thì cái kia diệt”. The third component [ from the cessation of that, this ceases / cái này diệt thì cái kia diệt ] is incorrect in the selfless knowable beyond the senses [ Oneness / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ]. This demonstrates - up to 2025 and except few dedicated explorers - the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas has not known Gotama's [ Not-Self / Selfless ] since most have not pass the 'Gateway-to-Oneness' of "Tranquility" known by those having [ Compassion = Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) ] in actual living.
If the claim about Gotama reasoning on the reverse direction of the Dependent Nature is NOT true "due to different natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is such as Gravity and Vacuum states then a very significant discovery by Socrates [470 - 399 BC] - 100 years later - that "The unexamined life is not worth living / Eastern Conscious Living / Sống Tỉnh Thức". The reincarnation of Socrates is esoterically known as a current US billionaire we hope he can do something for the Dignity of humanity. [ Assuming Nothing Questioning Everything / Zero Trust strategy / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy ] reveal all visible signs to empirically demonstrate the Vietnamese communist mafias rotten to the core. It is very relevant, Be Scientific which is also Gotama's Charter of Free Inquiry[D23]. Reasoning is at conditioned thought on the plane of Relative Truth. So even if one has a momentary breakthrough such as The End-of-Dukkha[D44], it is very easy to fall into the Binding Word/Image loosen at the qualified Transcendental #Awareness[D29] and Clinging Thought loosen at Purity Higher Consciousness. It is at the bottom lines verifiable by STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) that count!
This exposition says something about Buddhist Nirvana and PariNirvana, deduction from those not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. It also rates the difference between Gotama Off-On Switches at different Signed Posts and HuiNeng Quantum Consciousness, actually demonstrated by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna[R5] and presently observable from a living student if the time is right which must be ASAP by 2023-03-12. Hope many can see the precious Value of the values that only at the right conditions of living and only at observable consequences - both esoterically and in human realm of the Illuminati new World Order - we can have sufficient tools and scientific backgrounds to start a new Golden Era of Conscious Living which can only come from grassroots at interdependent communities.
The Not-for-Profit counter parts of KhaiPhong Technologies are Not-for-Profit (NfP) [ ThankYou / GSLP (Global service Local presence) ] Clubs - from SDF (Stateholder Democratic Foundation) - physical conducive facilities for clustering of people exploring more about oneself and the Right / Wrong Efforts. It is the unique contribution to bring the scientifically cultivable #Prajna dimension of the event #Truth plane perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to enable (1) #Oneness benefits from diversities of different civilisations and cultures in discovering statistically significant underlying Natural Laws such as Socrates Latin Humanitas (Biology, Compassion and Prajna), plus Jesus #GodKingdom within - a to-be-proven epistemic objecticve - via No-Conflict Consciousness; and (2) Element of diversities benefits from #Oneness in engaged living, seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's comparative advantages in changing focused events toward What Count according to tested and proven Epistemic Objectives (Natural Laws). Our field researches indicate that many people accidentally have these precious qualities but may not fully realise the underlying natural laws. The framework scientifically enables dynamic interactions in open sources for the benefit of humanity. In the same token, (1) Global Service benefits from Local Presence to have the pulses of its market competitions and changing market demands; (2) Local activities and relationships benefit from Global Service for available cost-effective Resources. All are driven by "Invisible Hand of Economics and directed by scientifically cultivable invisible hand of #Prajna", making people the centre of all activities and relationships to drive [ Technologies + Processes + Engineering ].
It may be worthy for our evolving Ontological Systems to roughly touch at the similarity and difference between the Observable Inner Peace beyond Sunyata Non-Thingness and physical phenomenon predicted by theoretical physics via mathematics as one moves in the space toward the vicinity of a mathematical / absolute "black-hole". Different depths of the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace have been roughly described by Gotama, and actually known by more than one student over 50+ years ago (possibly with other living students in our circle) who uses Buddhist Texts as a road map after facts, Not before. Our comparison of Sunyata Non-Thingness with a theoretical physical black hole is due to their similarity of the charming (pulling) force. Technically, Sunyata Non-Thingness is Not the mathematical / absolute singularity of the theoretical back-hole since one can go even beyond it to Unmoving Sunyata (momentary Nirvana) and back if the life force is still there.
Furthermore, out of the Sunyata Non-Thingness up to momentary End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana, there is a strong Purification[D27] and rejuvenation, a freshness to detoxify tainted senses and inject Detachment to daily activities. The "Purification and Detoxification" are unique contributions of KhaiPhong in its 50+ years of field researches at post-graduate levels and parts of the movement IPR (Intellectual Property Right) to keep Inter-Realms unworthy entities away from messing around with the discoveries until the scientific investications being stable and recognized as parts of the TRUTH of underlying natural laws. Due to unique underlying natural laws in each habitable realm, constituents of that intelligent realm Must Take Care of themselves and the environments they are parts for their Right Evolution according to the #Truth of Morality and Justice in Harmonity of the Whole. In current Human Realm, cunning intelligence from "Empire of the Lies" in the West driven by the "Hoax of Jesus Redeemer" can ONLY Be Balanced by equal intelligence of the Right Evolution or from mafias from original communist movement (which was also created and financed by the Empire of Lies to perpetuate their masters-slaves relationships in human realm) as actually happened in VietNam from 1945 up to 2025, and evidenced in the outcome of the Paris negotiations in 1973 by Lê Đức Thọ (Phan Đình Khải Nam Định) and Henry Kissinger. Not all living people from both sides are degenerted and they are only ones knowing who they are with minimum Honesty as a naturally qualified human being, one's #Prajna can Transcend both Observed and Observer for the naturally balanced Whole. There emerges a New Era of KhaiPhong, Opening the notches of tainted senses and Liberate one to higher levels from Freedom of the Known. The Bullying, Cheating and Stealing of the past total collapsed esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods can be avoided if and only if there exist qualified people Knowing and Defending the Right and Wrong of their Worthy Existence evident in 1979 China-VietNam Border War / Chiến Tranh Biên Giới!
This normative experience is now consistent with the latest theoretical framework where both General Relativity and Quantum theory are operational and correct. There could be no absolute mathematical singularity at the core of the black hole since quantum effect around the black hole cause space-time to fluctuate wildly for a sharp boundary to exist. In that fluctuation, light and energy find its way to spit out in new form of reborn and rejuvenation which can be subjectively experienced in the "Verifiable Emptiness", capable of HuiNeng's "No-Mark / vô vết" and "Detachment / vô trụ" once the work is completed no matter it is the greatest success or a terrible failure to be "Fresh" in the next challenge in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
In the Space, one is not subjected to the earth gravitational force. Toward the vicinity of the black-hole, Space and Time start to be curved. The space traveler can see at the same time its back and front at the point known as the Schwarzschild radius where the event horizon splits into 2: the horizon and the anti-horizon. There is no darkness as implied in the 'word' black-hole, and lights from both sides hit the observer. One never reaches at the point of mathematical / absolute Singularity and be able to come out of it.
In visible Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent, one enters the "Gateway-to-Oneness of Transcendental Consciousness (Layered No-Conflict Consciousness) free from Duality of conflicts similar to the Space free from gravitational force, then goes beyond thought - 'Transcend Inner Peace'[D26] - at 'Expanding Space' (curved space to infinity) since a thought of 'infinite' is not 'infinite'; the sense of body boundary is disappeared. One experiences 'Expanding Consciousness' where there is no sense of Time (curved time). It is then the True Emptiness at Sunyata Non-Thingness, but one's consciousness (Chit - #Awareness of the Awaken - postulated by Consciousness-Only as the fourth consciousness capable to aware of the third self-consciousness) can be aware of it; that is why it is Wonderful. Gotama identified two attributes after 'Sunyata Non-Thingness' that we call (1) 'the border line between conditioned and unconditioned', described by Gotama as 'Neither Perception nor Non Perception', and (2) 'Unmoving Sunyata' or called by Gotama the 'Cessation of Dukkha' - Nirvana - at the Present Moment. "Naturally ceasing the outer breath" is an observable attribute at 'Unmoving Sunyata' known by KhaiPhong living students to be further verified into an epistemic objective by others.
After that momentary glimpse, short or long depending on the present conditions of the practitioner, relative existence is there and Dukkha is kicked in. Gotama and three other students do not see 'infinite light'. That Unconditioned Consciousness is a much subtler energy than the energy at gross level of Sound and Light. Similar to "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Selfless", Tantric Penetration induced via physical means is very much different from the 'Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma-Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent'. Tantric Penetration has sex addiction if not properly CARED while Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace haing Natural Purification and Detachment which can use Tantric as initial tool to solve the biological need with another "secret sauce / process" of energy merging (flowing in) to #Oneness beyond the duality of male and female. The "secret sauce" in Tantric Penetration needs to be exposed and tested since "Beyond Thought Detachment" cannot come from thought - Bodhisattva, Bodhicitta, or Madhyamaka - as cheated by Tibet Buddhist monks. This can be easily understood from the duality plane of Relative Truth and No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] Ultimate (Wider) #Truth plane perpendicular to the duality plane.
Nevertheless, 'Tantric Penetration and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma-Samadhi' can be in union from a very high esoteric practice - according to our actual personal experience - to consciously generate intimate connecting energy of high-level practitioners knowing [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] at the 5th level of sensing the source of thoughts / feelings in reducing the risk of unworthy sexual acts with Not Qualified partners in future existence. Trust-Worthy relationships can also take place of Tantric Penetration. These practitioners can sense and reconnect to Trust-Worthy partners in different time and places of future existences in their Right Continuity of the Consciousness. This writer has connected to a possibly identified Chinese student at this 5th level of [ WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] having these noble connections to the highest current Chinese and Russian leaders[R8] that they may recognise one another to do something significant for themselves and humanity.
In observing the reincarnation processes of many in different realms, more than one living students do see the appeared lights to the 'stream of consciousness having a sense of an agent - soul'. The appearing light may be a phenomenon immediately after death where the stream of consciousness leave the current realm (physical form in the case of human) or symmetrically as a pulling force for reincarnation to different existence, constraint and bounded by the destination realm. So the 'light' as theoretically seen by a space traveler at Schwarzschild radius is at the gross level of knowable experience, similar to the sexual 'Bliss' compared to Transcendental-Inner-Peace (#Samadhi) known by a Good Samaritan at the moment of #PrajnaTIP in Kindness (mettā - tâm từ) and Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi).
Esoterically and most importantly, there are two forms of consciousness evolution: (1) the lower form of consciousness evolution completely regulated by natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes where the senses of community sharing (Kindness and Compassion) are dominant driving forces to Higher Consciousness, and (2) the higher form of consciousness starting from humanity upward in positive Complex Fibonacci evolution to assure proper management of "Volitional Consciousness" toward "Easier and Happier existence". In the past cycle - around 60,000+ man years - that selection and regulation by higher esoteric realms had been corrupted, overriding natural laws with the consciousness technologies from various fractions of competing dark forces, manifested in all organised religions and utopia of "isms" leading to well-known collapse of Illuminati elites from 2012 to 2025 in their planning to eliminate 90% human population for easy management of masters-slaves relationships. We think the degenerated forces are ending for the start of the new Era of Conscious Living where one will "know more about oneself" and "Care" for the environment one is a part in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness".
The corruption has been cleaned up and reorganised to hopefully assure "Transparency and Accountability" exported from hard-earned experience of distributed systems where all souls / agents / identities have equal opportunities for evolution and development, just like the meaning of Humanity and its Human Rights as defined in this human world. Animals and lower forms are also used as natural mechanism to naturally neutralize extreme destructive energies in higher beings driven by Greed, Anger, Ignorance. If the souls / agents / identities have reasonably good Inner Circle and circles of inner circles, they will be watched and intentionally help having right conditions for faster consciousness evolution. Therefore, besides one's own Quality of the Consciousness, one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles are the two most important factors in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, not anymore subjected to masters-slaves relationships of the past feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods. Kindness and Empathy - not divisional organised religions cheating and stealing followers from one another - are "rational and right way" to create and generate Kind and Empathy Communities where one is always a part according to natural laws. It is formally stated:
“Kindness and Empathy once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties
This Kindness and Empathy Transcendental-Inner-Peace, especially together with the power of #PrajnaTIP in Kindness is also similar but different due to different conditions from 'Inner Peace' beyond the 'Gateway-to-Oneness' to Equanimity (used by Gotama as the base of Transcendental #Awareness and its settled experience loosening the Grip of Binding Word/Image). Similar to the effects of 'Purity' in loosening the Grip of Clinging Thought, 'Expanding Space' and 'Expanding Consciousness' will loosen the grips of general 'Grasp-er / Grasped', so does the Unity ('Sunyata Non-Thingness', 'Border line of conditioned and unconditioned', and 'Unmoving Sunyata'). The difference is due to different conditions leading to different Depths of Transcendental-Inner-Peace. It is Not as linear as exclusively known in Buddhist text of the blinds touching elephant, but dynamic and directly flowing in exactly as described in the Heart Sutra[R2]: [in the flowing depth of the Wisdom sees the five skandhas of the past to be Empty Of Essence] - [thông sâu theo dòng Bát Nhã Siêu Việt nhìn lại năm uẩn đã qua đều thấy Không Có Tự Tánh] - [gambhiram Prajnaparamitacaryam caramano vyavalokayati sma panca skandha tasma Svabhavasunyan pasyati sma]. Technical analyses can only be feasible with modern AI of matrix manipulations among three set of vectors representing (1) Fibonacci space around X-adimension of [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ], (2) Fibonacci space around Y-dimension of visible [ Signed Posts ], and (3) Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace around F-dimension serving as cultivable stock of #Prajna.
Scientifically, humanity has collaboratively allocated tremendous resources (beyond ability of any single country) to understand the structure of the Cosmos since 'Visible Matter' makes up only 5% while 'Dark Matter' 23% and 'Dark Energy' 72%. It is called 'Dark' since we cannot see but know its existence via gravitational influence. Similarly, Sunyata is called invisible since we can deduct its existence through the manifestation of ComPassion and #Prajna where Emptiness is a force for naturally reborn and rejuvenation. For every matter, there is a counter-part anti-matter. Similarly, for every 'deep stress - unnecessary and outdated mark' due to Ignorance there is a counter force of Inner Peace and #Awareness to dig it out. Since the Quality of Consciousness directly affects the Quality of Present Living of all persons, of being a Good Person (fully responsible for one's action and the environment one a part), there may now be the time for world-wide collaborative efforts in the Science of Consciousness. We hope this is the case since beside scientific process discovered by this writer in 50+ years of field researches he has identified people having actual experience of #EmptyTheContent at different levels from wide angles. With a [ hub of formal researches / "Campus of the World #Prajna / Vườn Ươm của Trí Tuệ Thế Giới"] to scientifically identify common conditions and attributes naturally leading to the state of { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } together with root node #EmptyTheContent for global testing and refining by their claimed achievers, we can bring significant benefits to humanity at the core fundamental level in reclaiming the innate [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas ] of an intelligent asset. The outcomes can be exported to other Intelligent Realms in a Fair Trade for the benefits of all involved parties to avoid the past total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods, since armies of PhDs and post-graduate reserachers with distributed research centres and required infrastructures are readily available in human realm.
When matter and antimatter come into contact, they annihilate each other and releasing a lot of pure energy calculable via e = m*c². For example 1 kg of matter + 1 Kg of antimatter release an equivalence of 43 millions tons of dynamites. The terms 'Dark Matter' and 'Antimatter' do not carry any ethical connotation making a fuss by all organised religions, just 'Thing As it Is'. Similarly, when the force of Inner Peace touches a stress, the natural finer level of breath is bounced back that sometimes releases the stress; the practitioner has a light feeling like a 'release of gas'. Without the power of Right Transcendental #Awareness, the Grasper of that light feeling comes in and one looses the Natural HonNhien; one's Transcendental-Inner-Peace (meditation) becomes mechanical and has No Effect as one used to have. Similarly in the Consciousness Simulation where one uses Right Transcendental #Awareness pounding on the most dominant hurdle to use #Prajna dissolving that karmic force as the advice[D22] from Gotama, one may have a Sudden Release of tremendous force from the core of one's Inner Self. This is commonly known as a 'Sudden Awaken - Satori'. The burden of the dominant karmic force effortlessly disappears without one's notice. Mathematically, it is at the second time of the Complex Fibonacci simulation at minute 6:25 for intelligent beings recognising its consequences learned from 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas, 2000+ years of cheating Roman Catholic Church, and/or natural disasters caused by irresponsible human creations.
One caveat is that the "stress" touched by the diving force of Transcendental-Inner-Peace can also be a "can-of-worms" psychological issues that one either used different means of "counter-thrusts" commonly and superficially called "rational mindfulness" used in modern therapy - due to the blah blah blah and "Big Mouths" of Buddhist unworthy people - to push the issue to a dark corner so one can go on with the pressing present life. Whatever the "type of stress", the mother nature tells one that it is the time to properly do something for it via #Prajna[D22] in one's Continuity of the Consciousness to dissolve the stress. When the past "can of worms" is released one may need community and professional help. For that safety reason, the required facilities must be available before proper technologies can be released.
Further more, without the persistent quality of the Right Transcendental #Awareness the Grasp-er is already there to boost its trophy of achievement and the real outside-the-box is lost. Now look at the boosting 'Right Mindfulness' of all Buddhist cheating monks / nuns and claimed meditation masters to see the 'goods' they are trying to sell from what they do not know nor have in making a very 'unworthy living' in imaginary rituals destroying the credibility of Gotama contributions to humanity; almost all of them know nothing about "#EmptyTheContent / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace. Please see the power of [ Right Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh ] on the Quality of one's Worthy Existence. Addicted Desire such as Excessive Sex, Fears, Phobia, Uncontrollable Urge, Offending and Undesirable Patterns, etc are properly managed and possible wiped out by #Prajna if one works on it.
The outcome from this minimum allocated resource has direct impact on the quality of human Quality Existence where participants can contribute in 'One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One'. The Movement strategic target is to build on established tremendous efforts, started by Gotama in Right relationships versus Master-Slave relationships in 2500+ years, value-added from different angles and technologies by many others that we connect the 'dots' together with a significant discovery of layered No-Conflict Consciousness for deliverable solutions mapped out in this book.
We use Gotama's classification in the 9 states of Right #Samadhi - reorganised into Six Signed Posts for clearly defined statistically measurable attributes - as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to express a strategic target to collaborate with interested parties. As pointed out by Krishnamurti in his entire life dedication, one has to deal with Actualities, minimising the divergence between 'Actuality' and one's 'Reality', to be an integrated person. Scientific KPIs and Verifiable Emptiness[D26] are parts of the Actuality. Gotama's classification of 'Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace' are based on observable attributes and supported by at least this writer.
It has been pointed out by one young lad who actually knows "WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh" unknown by almost all claimed Zen teachers up until 2025, supported by another (the two never read any Buddhist Text), and fully agreed by the writer who uses the classification to directly verify his Actual Experience against the Gotama classifications that the appropriate classifications may not be 9 but the three distinct states of significant changed phases (scientific dialogue for practical Living? - that is our intention in the Clusters of Open Innovation for #PrajnaTIP in Sound, #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, Cultivable #Prajna in Activity, and in Sadhana):
- the 'Transcendental Consciousness' within conditioned existence corresponding to the first four observable attributes of Gotama's Right #Samadhi: Detachment, Tranquillity gateway to Oneness, Equanimity loosening the grips of 'Binding Word/Image', Purity loosening the grips of 'Clinging Thought'.
- the 'Cosmic Consciousness - Beyond Thought' where there is 'No Thought' but there is an #Awareness of the Awaken, corresponding to Gotama's Infinite Space to verify Scientific Curved-Space for Knowing transcending the Observed and Infinite Consciousness to verify Scientific Curved-Time for Knowing transcending the Observer that we call Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness, lumped together as Not-Self signed post.
- the 'Unity' corresponding to the student revised descriptions of Gotama into 'Sunyata Non-Thingness', 'Border line between Conditioned and Unconditioned', 'Unmoving Sunyata'. The word 'Unity' is used to show the neutral scientific fact where both visible (Unmoving described by HuiNeng in his self introduction) and invisible (Sunyata) is One.
These classifications will be significantly drilled down in the proposed Global Collaboration of "#EmptyTheContent"[R1]. The 'Beyond Thought' corresponding to Gotama's Infinite Space and Infinite Consciousness is Not suddenly and statically 'Infinite' as logical deduction from Buddhist cheating monks who are totally bounded at 'Thought'. It is exactly as described by science about a space traveler moving toward the black-hole: the space and time start to be curved and one experiences the 'Expanding Space' and 'Expanding Consciousness'. One may have to generate required energy for this Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness to widen the boundary by just a natural effortless 'Intent'.
That #Awareness has different depths of #AwarenessPrajna where the clinging force is fading away which is different from commonly used static 'Pure Awareness'. This scientific fact is expressed as:
“Here Sariputra, form is Sunyata Sunyata is form, form is not different from Sunyata Sunyata is not different from form, form equals Sunyata Sunyata equals form. The same for feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness.
The transcending of the conditioned boundary commonly known as breaking the 'crust of sesame seed for its oil' in the 'enlighten' (Sudden Awaken) song of Tilopa[D41]. The description can be personally verified when one transcends the Observed then the Observer[R14.1] to reach Cosmic Consciousness and Unity.
From then on, there are different depths at different issues. It is 'Awaken' then 'Awakening' in life-after-life and realm-after-realm, not a kind of easy 'Enlighten' as boosted by Buddhist cheating monks, imitating from their counter part evil Roman Catholic Church. Esoterically, that is a hurdle many advanced students still have to go through in their 'Learning and Doing'[R5.3], [R5.4] where we are parts in a symbolic thousands Heads, Arms, Eyes of a living ecosystem in Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings where one is a part of the Whole - the Whole in One.
Another significant factor is an Esoteric Connection that one's esoteric teacher will be there to make happened the precious experience if one's True Heart is devoted to the ComPassion for others to benefit One and the Whole. Do Not Miss this Noble Teacher-Student relationship which is very private - bastardised by all organised religions - beyond all 'isms' to have lasting Value in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. That Teacher-Student relationship is esoterically known as "Sangha" or community of more than three people geting together to explore underlying Natural Laws commonly known as "Gnosis / Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries" for supporting one-another and "Common Vibration of Energy / ComPassion" conjoined in moving from Conflicting Consciousness to higher plane of discovered No-Conflict Consciousness. The meaning of "Sangha / Teacher-Student" has been brought down from higher realms to humanity under Hindu, Buddhist, and Confucian Systems. Again, that meaning of "Sangha" has been corrupted by "Greed and Egoistic Self" of all involved parties, ranging from the dragon realm (such as recorded master-slave story about the degenerated Dhipanakhara Buddha[D51] and Gotama) down to humanity. This writer likes to reveal an empirically very significant fact, applicable to almost all qualified human beings as defined in Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, prajna) and protected in Human Rights. Due to the total collapses of past esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods, new structures have been emerged in a wide range of qualities from "Good Forces" clustered together due to "Likes-attract-Likes" and "Binding Forces" of one's past Karmas such as religions, family trees, spiritual practices, etc. One needs "spiritual protection from unlawful physical and mental damages to bully a qualified human being - especially from before birth to adulthood of 18 - similar to the protections many Chineses and Vietnameses from South VietNam had under the Leadership of General Lê Văn Duyệt. KhaiPhong wants to formally establish Fair Trade "of Accountable and Verifiable Responsible Relationships" using KpPlatform RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to prove Accountability / Integrity & Transparency for the mutual benefits of these Good Clusters and their members, especially the "Good Family Trees (that is WHY Westerners use "De such as De RothsChild", "Mac such as Mac Donald", etc, to show they belong to and protected by the Lineage).
Thanks to the existence of Formless Realms, the new Era - after the collapse of esoteric Illuminati elites - is not subjected to Chance but properly managed according to Natural Laws that we are happy to be a small part. The natural laws have taken too long proven in Complex Fibonacci simulation at minute 7:00 in comparing with discovered positive evolution at minute 6:25 for intelligent beings recognising its consequences learned from 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha, 2000+ years of evil Roman Catholic Church, and natural disasters caused by irresponsible human creations. Thanks to Sciences in the responses to the bullying of religious unworthy people, humanity is currently the "Only Place we esoterically know" has "established Orders" enforceable by responsible Laws to reflect "Human Rights" coming from "hard-earned #Prajna / Wisdom". "Rule-of-Law" will no longer be cheated in "Ruled-by-Law" given from the Heaven via Chinese Confucius and/or gatekeepers of evil authorities from all isms. The bottom line is that one is more than the physical and energy observable bodies, and the Consciousness can enable that direct experience right at the Present Moment for one's wider perspective in one's Continuity of the Consciousness whose Quality has direct impact on one's Quality Existence life after life. Once knowing something 'Beyond Thought', one can operate in the relative world of 'Thought' and competing forces of Conflicts with a smile since the Inner Conflicts have been minimised, loosening the grips of 'Binding Word/Image', 'Clinging Thought', and general 'Grasp-er/Grasped'.
The lightness of mental states and stock is the clearest indicator of the Quality of the Consciousness according to scientific facts of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes that lead to the Quality of one's Present Moment and Future Abode that are happening in Actual Living in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. That is why [ Kindness >< Empathy >< Signature ] is the foundation of all Goodness far beyond all 'isms' of organised religions at 'Binding Word/Image', 'Clinging Thought', and general 'Grasp-er/Grasped' that we actually know in observing, dealing, and helping many others through their astral bodies, applicable to both the living and the dead.
To appreciate the power of this lightness via 'Wu-Nien - Vô Niệm làm tông', 'No-Mark - Vô Vết', 'Detachment - Vô Trụ', and visible '#Awareness - Kiến Tánh làm tông', 'Dependent - Duyên Khởi', '#Prajna - Bát Nhã', use your [ Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within ] to observe your Consciousness and see how one is slaved to 'Binding Word/Image', 'Clinging Thought', and general 'Grasp-er/Grasped' No Matter who you are: Pope, Religious Leaders, King/Queen, President, Rich/Poor, monk/priest, Guru/Master, God / Bodhisattva / Buddha, etc. This enslavement - prison without bar - is clearly exposed on how easy one's mind can be hacked[R8] by all isms, religions, personal glorification, cultures, customs, faked news, etc.
The practical bottom line in direct experiencing the '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' of [ Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness ] is the Purification of the Senses where the six sense consciousnesses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) are naturally purified and separated from the 5 entanglements (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness) so one can clearly see the 'source of thought' as this writer actually asks those knowing "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" digging deeper into the seven (7) depths of the Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh personally known by living students to contribute the scientific aggregate know-how at the right time and places personally sensed by this writer. We make a distinction about (1) conflicting consciousness conditioned on the physical structure of the mind (brain of the six senses), (2) conflicting consciousness in the 5 entanglements, and (3) the reachable No-Conflict Consciousness by the #Awareness that can be beyond thought (Wu-Nien) transcending the observer. That deeper layer 3 of reachable No-Conflict consciousness is conditioned (from wider set of Dependent Nature) and can be affected by the interference from more subtle realm that we lump together as the 'Esoteric Circle'. We know some of our actual experiences are not 100% our own effort and present ability. That is the importance of Right Relationships in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles that everyone can cultivate in 'One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One'.
Therefore, End-of-Dukkha / momentary Nirvana (Table 1) is a snap shot at the mountain top in the ninth observable attribute of Right #Samadhi at the Present Moment that Gotama had that experience when he was a child. Later, he was too focused on the Inner Quest for the Right Living of a Worthy Existence, and fell back for 6 years within the box of Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts in concentration. Right #Samadhi (Transcendental-Inner-Peace - ability to be one with the object in Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict) can be easily achieved with Detachment (Vô Trụ) and HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity). There are definitely different depths to 'Transcend-Inner-Peace'[D26]; they are conditioned and bounded in the physical and energy realm one is in. In the Right Inner Circle, one's authentic Teacher plays a significant role on one's 'Learning and Doing' in one's Continuity of the Consciousness that is far beyond one's life time.
From the first Detachment to the Unmoving Sunyata, there are different depths at different Intensity to Purify[D26] the senses for separating the sense consciousness out of the past 5 entanglements (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness) in { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }. After that instantaneous Unmoving Sunyata, the conditions of relative existence kicks in, and one gets back to Dukkha but with a little difference in quality to be Aware (beyond thought) of the arisen nine observable attributes of Right #Samadhi to alternate between Silence and Activities just like to dye cloth and dry it in the Sun to enable the Silence solidify itself in daily activities. Therefore, awaken (satori) at different depths of Sunyata / #AwarenessPrajna - even at the deepest depth of Unmoving Sunyata or cessation of Dukkha - is only the awaken at one instant moment. The 'Sudden' is required to
- biologically kick-start the wiring process for synchronization between left and right brain,
- revitalize the dormant wiring if it is already there due to past accumulated efforts,
- register the event as a signature in the storehouse (eighth) consciousness to assure that it is not a one-shot affair.
The combination of innumerable dormant karmic forces together with momentary extinction (cessation) in Nirvana logically make happened the appearance of the Unmoving Sunyata. This logical deduction is similar to the logical hypothesis that there is no thought beyond the Purity of Right #Samadhi to form one's theoretical model to be personally tested and verified by each person. One can go one step further to logically see that if there is no thought in Expanding Space (since a thought of Expanding is Not Expanding), there must be a consciousness to know that Expanding State. That Consciousness, called #Awareness of the Awaken or Consciousness of the consciousness postulated by Dharmapala-XuanZang theoretical model[D19], is far beyond what HuiNeng exposed in his foundation for Zen Sudden School[R5], [R5.1], [R5.2]. Due to available living students actually knowing these states, the separation between #Awareness and manifested phenomena is empirically verifiable currently at seven different depths of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ]
One needs a 'Sudden Awaken' to directly experience the transcendental '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict', then continuously 'Awakening' life-after-life to build the required Foundation to 'Transcend Inner Peace'[D26] going beyond thought to directly experience the Essence of the Right Living / Effort far beyond all 'isms' to enslave one into its binding 'Word/Image' and clinging 'Thought'.
Back to the foundation of Zen Sudden School:
“Learned Audience, it has been the tradition of our school to take 'Idea-lessness / Wu-Nien Vô Niệm' as our object (làm tông), 'Non-objectivity' as our basis, and 'Non-attachment' as our fundamental principle. 'Idea-lessness' means not to be carried away by any particular idea in the exercise of the mental faculty. 'Non-objectivity' means not to be absorbed by objects when in contact with objects. 'Non-attachment' is the characteristic of our Essence of Mind.
In Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna qualified for his advise in Ajita's Questions[D22], we scientifically prove at both theoretical and empirical levels that (1) Buddhist blah blah blah of the Mindfulness is faked in their 2500+ Year of Buddhist cheating sanghas since it is totally on the duality of conflicting events, impossible to be outside the box, penetrating through the thick illusion of the present mind, (2) Buddhist process will render practitioner's mind worn-out as warned by HuiNeng 1000+ years ago due to impossible task of the cheating blinds teaching other blinks of what they do not personally know nor have, (3) 'Idea-lessness / Blank Mind / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh' is cultivable and will be epistemic objective at the grassroots for one to properly manage one's reality, fully responsible at a higher level of consciousness evolution where Compassion and #Prajna is a part of biology as defined in Latin Humanitas forming the basis of modern Human Rights, (4) It is rationale and personally verifiable "doing good" according to natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes, weeding out the Greed (in Heaven, Pureland, Nirvana, PariNirvana, or any faked utopia) and Fears (in Hell, Judgement Day, etc) failed by all divisional past unworthy religions and isms, hacked[R8] by degenerated esoteric forces leading to severed consequences for both esoteric masters and armies of unworthy people directed by human Illuminati elites and their esoteric masters (Thiên Ma Ba Tuần), rendering them degenerated without KNOWING WHY according to Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes in the Complex Fibonacci, naturally shown in minute 7:00.
Based on what (scientific facts - pieces of #Truths) picked up by HuiNeng plus the mess-up by Buddhist Zen tradition in particular and cheating Buddhism in general (Tantra, Vairayana, Pure Land, latest recent Buddhist sects - Vietnamese Cao Đài & Hòa Hảo - in anticipation of the New Era of Harmony and Abundance driven by #Prajna from Higher Consciousness), we scientifically prove and value-add HuiNeng discoveries into The 'Why' and the 'How' of "The Truth of The End of Suffering / Dukkha", Not Yet done by any (Human, Buddha, God, XYZ) Beyond the Assertion of Gotama in his Four Noble Truths that one must modify[D26] his Eightfold Path asserted solution to explicitly demand the required [ Transcendental #Awareness / Chinese Wu-Nien / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh ] instead of the "Right Mindfulness blah blah blah in 2500+ years of his cheating Buddhism" from the angle of KhaiPhong practical daily activities:
“'Beyond Thought' (Wu-Nien Vô Niệm), 'No-Mark' (Vô Vết), 'Detachment' (Vô Trụ) to scientifically cultivable Complex Fibonacci InnerSpace, leading toward #Awareness (Kiến Tánh), Dependent (Duyên Khởi), #Prajna (Bát Nhã).
By identifying different people actually knowing and having 'Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh' we can kick start KhaiPhong Design with known scientific processes from different angles to enable people of similar patterns and preferences from all [ religions / isms / cultures / civilizations / colors / nationlities / etc ] reclaim their "innate qualities of [ Humanitas / Kingdom of God within / Buddha Nature ]" in being an accountable creator and a part of the responsible Creation knowing the Right and Wrong of cultivable "#Prajna" and wise enough to allocate scare resources (Economics) toward What Count in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The "Design" is much easier thanks to advanced Information Technologies in the past 70+ years and most recently LLM (Large Langiage Models) with different open-source tunning in specialized agent technologies. Specifically, the process comprises of (1) formal scientific researchers in documented interviews with the claimed subjects of knowing Transcendental #Awareness { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } plus their personally tested processes that they are willing to stand on their own feet in global open-source communities from the past 50+ years of field limited researches, (2) open source tools and scientific researches contributed by all concerned parties to activate a conscious living in enabling people the centres of all activities and relationships, reclaiming one's "Raison D'être" via "Invisible Hands of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable Prajna, and (3) applying Rust smart pointers mentioned by dedicated explorers from Hindu and Buddhist traditions such as #EmptyTheContent toward Gotama's verifiable Non-Thingness, #Samadhi, #Awareness, etc, pointing to observable traits ranging from attachment in #Indoctrinated to detachment in #Truth where custom AI assistant will help dedicated explorers cleaning up negative types to assure one's evolution from humanity upward which dynamically feed backward and forward in engineering control system toward deeper and wider smart pointers where one can ride on proven community advancemens and/or contribute to what already there of Thng-As-It-Is according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED.
This design assures different angles known by actual practitioners in many of their life times fully taken into account having global contributions in #EmptyTheContent to be scientifically contrasted with the writer's scientific discovery in making #EmptyTheContent an epistemic objective for at least 1% to 8% human population in reclaiming their innate "Latin Humanitas / Kingdom of God within / Buddha Nature". It is also the first time to statistically prove Dharmapala-XuanZang theoretical model in "Consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness" or different layers of cultivable #Awareness[D19] while correcting modern psychology in actual treatments of the "binding/clinging forces of the mind". Finally, this is the first time to deliver and prove Gotama is not cheating humanity as most of his [ monks / nuns / followers / sympathisers ] in his most practical discovery about "#AwarenessPrajna" in advise to Ajita's Questions "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is (Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved"[D22]
The Design together with Build and Execution will enable 'Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh' being epistemic objective at the grassroots in proper scientific environments having technical implementations of professionals from statistics, psychotherapy, Artificial Intelligence to turn the epistemic objective into a solid sustainable science with practical services in Making Life Easier and Happier. The question from 'Infinite Thought' Bodhisattva in cheating Lotus Sutra[D49] of those not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] will now have statistical significance in specific cases such as excessive sex drives, continuously yearning for food, shopping to death, addicting to anything, etc, at different depths of treatments and required cultivation based on one's priority in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
Esoteric cheaters such as the claimed Buddha (also known as the Original Buddha, the Father God, Allah, Lucifer), and Bodhisattvas (Avalokitesvara, Manjusri) - together with their armies of unworthy entities from all religions and isms - cannot anymore use the copied descriptions (such as the Ultimate Wider Truth / Wu-Nien, etc) to show off the described they do not know nor have, leading to their current degeneration. The described will be scientifically delivered by current living students in human world to effortlessly weed out their newly reincarnated highest qualified slaves who will be converted to changes according to Thing-As-It-Is of discovered natural laws. Their "Voodoo powers[R8]" from evil and unethical slaves in Vajrayana, Tantra will be over powered by cosmic energy from those knowing the sources of thought and above to partially use cosmic energy as they have been esoterically foiling unethical binding and clinging forces without detailed knowledge of how specific Voodoo was created.
The rationale and personally verifiable "doing good" come from proven layered No-Conflict Consciousness required in the Quality of Transcendental #Awareness - totally messed up by unworthy people in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas - with scientifically deliverable Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace personally contributed by Gotama and further Value-Added by HuiNeng over wider perspective of conflicting events in all activities and relationships that either one evolves at different depths of 'Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh' described in positive Fibonacci evolution, or invisibly faces consequences to be worthy in a community of Conscious living helping him / her Not much degenerated further in negative Fibonacci degeneration from wide range of animal kingdoms to actually learn the LESSON from underlying natural laws. It is more than ever required in modern stressful living in faked news from all directions including established religions and idealistic isms at binding Word/Image and clinging Thought whose practical solution is cultivable and measurable at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna, reachable from humanity upward in Value of the values of Higher Consciousness. It boils down to be very simple in Making Life Easier and Happier for oneself and the environments one a part. Since there are innumerable aspects of engaged living, there are innumerable way of honest contributions that everyone can be a part in Invisible Hands of #Prajna and Economics.
Back to the above simplest 'Thing As It Is' that the Consciousness can come from a 'thought / feeling / perception' which is tainted or from an '#Awareness Beyond Thought, Wu-Nien' such as 'kindness, empathy' so you know the existence of this 'Wu-Nien' that we also call 'Transcendental #Awareness, Kiến Tánh'; a thought / image / word of 'Love' - including exposing one's "cheating" heart - is not 'Love', but there is a 'Love' one can directly be Aware of. We hope to make the direct experience of "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" personally known by most, riding on the person's accumulated lasting values and natural charming power of Sunyata Non-Thingness. This in turn deepens the #Awareness of finer consciousness of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace to activate the long road of Sudden Awaken then Awakening in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. One is naturally responsible for one's actions and the environment one a part.
'#Awareness / Kiến Tánh' at the Observed to contrast with HuiNeng Wu-Nien (no-thought-ness) is to put a signed post on the ground for personal verification that at an "Effortless Intensity-of-Attention" point, one can totally listen to the surrounding without any preconceived thought. Krishnamurti spent a major portion of his life to show this point; unfortunately to most listeners, it is only at word level when they are out of his "Compassionate Energy" since he has not discovered the underlying natural laws or conditions leading to this precious attribute, and used his "limited power" to convey the message. His job was probably just to introduce the possibility for the deliverable technologies coming from much more qualified persons to change the world at massive scale from all important aspects. This can happen if and only if (1) DISCIVERED underlying natural laws are available to enable most people personally experiencing Gotama's Signed Posts so sustainable contributions can come from the grassroots, (2) required infrastructure for secure and private contributions from the mass at Free and/or very affordable level to enable a service built on top of available services to be a part of the global services, (3) there exists stable SDS (Stakeholders Democratic System) for the efficiency in Invisible Hand of Economics where all concerned parties are parts. Hope you can see that power of Real Experience that No Word and Thought can describe. You just know it to DISCOVER the solution of your real Issue, and SHARE to make it sustainable beyond your current life in your Continuity of the consciousness! A scientific process to speed up the infusion of higher No-Conflict Consciousness is now available to personally experience the Natural Purification of the senses via "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26], [D29], [D30], all the way up to Gotama's End-of-Dukkha / momemtary Nirvana[D44].
This road block will be changed based on our researched work #PrajnaTIP in Sound to accumulate required foundation from Transcendental Consciousness, then in Kindness since it is you who mindfully generate the Action (some time with esoteric assistance if it comes from the deepest part of your True Heart to Share your Goodness for the benefits of Others which is a natural law of ComPassion) in a scientific process, personally verified and researched for 50+ years together with joint contributions of few identified as personally knowing the Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict having thousands years of fruitful Learning and Doing in their specialities.
2. #Oneness
Let's explore how Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm - "state" of Prajna) and Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna (Bát Nhã) in both "states" and "stock" can disentangle the entanglements - unnecessary outdated marks - and 'dissolve' the dominant karmic forces as paraphrased by Gotama in his advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] that the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas - up to 2025 - intentionally ignores in their blah blah blah of claimed [ Foundations of Mindfulness / Vipassana ][D25] and [ Mindfulness of Breathing / Samatha ][D24].
In Figure 1, the divergence between the observed Object 'As It Is - Actuality' and the Reality or what we perceive creates 'Unsatisfied', 'Conflict' even within our success and/or happiness. Let's look at different depths of Consciousness as recorded from Gotama's experience and see the outcomes in directly experiencing these depths to naturally disentangle your entanglements. The signed posts are waiting for your personal verification with the help of KhaiPhong #PrajnaTIP in Sound, #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, Cultivable #Prajna in Activity and in Sadhana.
Biologically, we are equipped with six senses: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body (touch), mind (Intuition, Brain Intelligence, ComPassion, Prajna where #Intuition and Brain are containerized Self while ComPassion and #Prajna are wider/higher consciousness accessible if and only if there is a breakthrough in Compassion from Kindness and Empathy capable to enter the Gateway-to-Oneness in the positive Complex Fibonacci evolution around the Y-dimension). There are six states of Consciousness associated with signals from the senses, initially contributed by Gotama from his personally verified Jhanas. At the Consciousness, we have five entanglements filtering the signals and distorting the Actuality into Reality[D19]: forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness. The picture is even more complicated in the way how the brain is evolving into (1) the parallel processor of the Right brain absorbing simultaneous signals from the Whole including something outside the box plus '#Intuition Gut Feelings' of hard-earned past lessons, (2) the serial processor of the Left brain classifying the received signals according to pattern of the past and projecting into the future, and (3) the required wiring for synchronisation between Left and Right brain in the 'Third Eye' (Wisdom Eye, Pineal Gland, #Prajna Eye, Huệ Nhãn).
The functional part of the serial processor is called the seventh Consciousness in Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D39] having the tendency of the Grasp-er (Grahaka - Người Chiếm Hữu) and the Grasped (Grahya - Cái Chiếm Hữu) including something outside its domain on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness - in our discovered layered No-Conflict Consciousness - such as 'Love', 'Emptiness' in its painted self, etc, that it describes using 'Word' and 'Thought' from what it knows since the Grasp-er is the Owner of 'Word' and 'Thought'. Examples are: (1) 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God'[bible John 1:1], (2) Muslim clinging Thought Allah or Buddhist Amitabha, (3) Communism, Utopia, and all other 'Isms', (4) Buddhist Sangha's "cheating" interpretation of Nirvana to Parinirvana, Dharmakaya (Truth body), Sambhogakaya (Enjoyment body), and Nirmanakaya (Manifestation body). Via cultivable "Transcendental #Awareness" based on discovered layered No-Conflict Consciousness of Kindness >< Empathy, one's sense of #Awareness and Happiness is expanding in natural Transcendental-Inner-Peace - Wu-Nien { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } - with clearer and deeper "#Intuition". Experience of Transcendental is the "natural Detachment" of the described "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh". From that qualified human foundation - defined as biology plus compassion and wisdom - one is ready to ride on underlying natural laws for experiencing different depths of #Samadhi known as Gotama's Signed Posts in enptying the content toward Non-Thingness for Reborn and Rejuvenation, opening the seventh sense of "#Prajna" on the planes of No-Conflict Consciousness applied to all domains and fields of practical "Living and Being" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. The technologies activate the synchonization between left brain and right brain, providing the required wiring to turn Buddhist seventh consciousness into "Self-Selfless Actualization" in deepening one's consciousness with Gotama's "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } and HuiNeng "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation] }.
A significant contribution of Buddhist Consciousness-Only is the store-house (containerized) eighth Consciousness - the memory part of one's States of the Consciousness (Intuition and Brain Intelligence). Self or Grasp-er - similar to one's identity or nickname - is the description for the Continuity of one's States of Consciousness in the same body; reincarnation is the description for that Continuity in different form and realm which may be different from the human realm. It has been proved that the Mind (Intuition, Brain Intelligence, ComPassion, #Prajna) uses the physical neurons to partially create itself. Reincarnation is that recreation process according to Likes-attract-Likes and actions-reactions with possible external influence for a new utility vessel in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. KhaiPhong will empirically prove the existence of this "Store-house Eighth Consciousness / Alaya / Akashic Record" and uses its discovered technologies to (1) manage one's realities via "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } in Making Life Easier and Happier, and (2) "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation] } - capable to be Beyond the Known, seeing Thing-As-It-Is, and a breakthrough based on one's Comparative Advantages - to co-create the future environment where one is a part in worthy "Continuity of the Consciousness". In a very long evolution and degeneration in different environment and critical situations, there may be different aspects of conflicting personalities. Knowing more about oneself, one can use "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" and "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" in scientifically caltivable InnerSpace to be more Integrated and smooth the future path of evolution toward What Count. KhaiPhong KpSIS (Strategic Intelligence Services) specializes in this niche.
The Science and Economics of KhaiPhong focuses on both the disentangle of the entanglements and dissolving dominant addicted karmic forces of the present life, while consciously making 'Good Qualities' reproducible themselves in reincarnation so one continues evolving rather than evolving then degenerating due to 'Ignorance' and/or starting from square one. An interesting scientific question is whether Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna can access that stored information plus "statistically testable How", consciously see the bottom-line of one's effort to really awaken one's [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] and through this mechanism accessing the fields of cosmic collected data of universal consciousness. Same question is put to qualified Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent, HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna, and AwakeningBudh's ComPassion-#Prajna. This is a very big question. waiting for more researches. We will superficially mention the Vibration and Cosmic Energy - a part of different transcendental entries into #Prajna - to wide open different Vista in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.
Based on our subjective experience at different depths of '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' measurable in 'Transcendental-Inner-Peace[D26]' as recorded in Buddhist Texts, the second "Tranquillity" is the unification of mind, devoid of applied and sustained thought right at the border line between Duality Consciousness and No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] that we call "The Gateway to Oneness". Mathematically as presented below, it is the consciousness state along the line between the event on conflicting duality plane to the common vibration of the observable (via mind-eye) energy column crosscut all duality planes of intelligent existences forming the TRUTH plane of the event perpendicular to the duality plane. The "TRUTH plane of the event is momentarily changing due to the changing forces on the focused event relative to the much slower change of the cross-cut energy column. Nevertheless, there exists "dominant patterns" that make something effortlessly happened due to underlying driving forces at the right conditions and right time. By being on the TRUTH plane high above the duality plane of conflicting events, one can sense the pulses of forces and strategic position to direct the event toward What Count[R23], including major events that shape the world such as:
- The "East Wind / Gió Đông" abnormally happened at the decisive time for the formation of Chinese "The Three Kingdoms Period (AD 220–280)" that knowing its exact time Zhuge Liang Kongming (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng) could prepare "right conditions" to win the largest naval battle in history riding on the partner's strength Zhou Yu against the numerically-superior forces of the northern warlord Cao Cao, and changed the course of history,
- Similarly, reasoning AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the latest human technology at International Action Summit. But, the technologies are only at physical levels Not at both physical and normative levels toward What Count of people-based Society 5.0 - From people By people and For People - Value of the values similar to Ashoka's Kalinga War or Vietnamese Bạch Đằng Giang. That normative Moral Value toward What Count has been searched by all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward, having empirical Learned Lesson in the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. Presently, the world in 2025 is again at the cross road - Russia-Ukraine war and the debate between Autocracy and Democracy as general outcomes of the cheating Confucius and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer - on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness without deeper investigations of the real driving forces behind Russia-Ukraine war and US empire of Lies in its cunning Intelligence behind US One-dollar bill to drive generations of Vietnameses into ideological conflicts between Capitalism and Communism for their evil Christian hallucinations. The solution to be out of perpetual cycle of War & Peace is currently available, in the hand of KhaiPhong's Inner Circle having the reincarnations of [ Ashoka / Trần Quốc Tuấn ] Inner Circles where the reincarnation of [ Zhuge Liang Kongming / HuiNeng ] is one of them. The solution will fulfil alien's predictions about [ #Prajna >< AI ] in the Age of Consciousness.
- The "Oracle" predicted by Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm about possible "Harmonious Melting Pot" to solve expensive and possible "Third World War to destroy humanity" between Chinese thesis "Belt and Road Initiative"[R8], the West anti-thesis "Build Back Better World (B3W)", and now the IMEEC (India–Middle East–Europe Economic Corridor) corridor, that he promised to be back - unique in all past human and/or esoteric predictors - 500 years later, being a part of the much "Bigger Solution" for humanity and all intelligent existences in the "New Era of [ Conscious Living / Tỉnh Thức ]" riding on "his" many thousands years of worthy relationships in many life times, at least from the time of Ashoka as a trusted advisor.
Esoterically, this writer can say that the reincarnations of both Zhuge Liang Kongming (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng 100% certified by the writer) and Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm (sensed by the writer but need to verified at the bottom line) are living students, ready to be parts of KhaiPhong's Inner Circles to actually demonstrate "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh" beyond "the source of thought" rated at the sixth and seventh levels in directing cosmic energy to help others, making happened the possible "Harmonious Melting Pot" via Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of scientifically cultivable #Prajna with possible training qualified trainers at [ F7 = 13 #AwarenessPrajna in Forecasting and Simulation, F8 = 21 #SamadhiPrajna ]. They will not deny nor confirm who they were since what relevant NOW are their contributions. But you can easily recognize them in their works to be manifested at the right time, beyond the male / female appearances. Please be parts of their solutions and "you will learn a lot from them". Their many 1000+ years of "old acquaintances" such as Zhou Yu and Sun Quan - whose reincarnations are also currently living students of present world politics - can instantly recognize them as what happened to this writer in his "Déjà Vu".
These subjective observations are used as theoretical observations to be tested against empirical verification of doable #PrajnaTIPs, and use them as signed posts of sustainable applications. The deeper / higher one can move on the TRUTH plane - known as Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth - the Wider perspective one can influence the event. This 'Tranquillity' is precisely defined in Lankavatara Sutra as Gateway-to-Oneness that gives birth to the highest Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace, which is gained by entering into the womb of Tathagatahood, which is the realm of supreme wisdom realized in one's inmost self'[D34]. From this mathematical presentation we can logically see the common line between the event on duality plane and its event Truth plane - perpendicular to the duality plane - must have common properties of No-Conflict Consciousness such as the Foundations of Transcendental #Awareness that Gotama did not know in designing the wrong tools[D24], [D25] for the right job[D22].
The [ #Oneness / No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] ] is cultivable [D26], as evidenced from an exposition of a Vietnamese monk at the Gateway-to-Oneness, not yet passing binding Word/Image, and clinging Though (sở tri chướng) as evidenced in the monk's life-time exposition of the Heart Sutra[R2]. It is the Self-Selfless Actualisation aka Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna from Being Needs, the #Oneness[R6] manifested through Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) known in the Latin Humanitas to derive Human Rights. This consciousness dimension - touched by dedicated explorers and mystics - is perpendicular to planes of duality such as conflicting Norms and Moral Values of all isms where organised religions are parts. The deeper / higher one can switch from the plane of conflicting duality to this cross-cut dimension of Compassion-Prajna - bypassing tainted senses thanks to discovered natural laws for reversed evolution from Form back to Consciousness - the clearer one can see the conflicting issue As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the situation toward a Right Direction according to the Underlying Natural Laws. In this actual doing and learning one is an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23].
The lasting Universal (Moral) Value of the values - the [ Conscience / Normative Intelligence ] of knowing Right and Wrong - which is an "epistemic objective" must be perpendicular to that duality plane to objectively measure the quality of the Normative Intelligence in the Right Understanding and Right Motivation, the #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path, discovered by Gotama 2500+ years ago and value-added by many waiting for a Right Place and Right Time to be reborn and revitalised into a Science of Consciousness. It is Now DISCOVERED as evolution (positive) or degeneration (negative) mathematically described via Complex Fibonacci sequence which is statistically measurable via Big Data of AI in matrix manipulation of the three orthogogal sets of vectors of identified attributes in facing an event of a legal identity "IamX" neural network. These three sets of vectors are (1) [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ] around X-dimension, (2) Signed Posts around Y-dimension, (3) Layers of InnerSpace around F-dimension. It is Universal since it is based on discovered natural laws operating in Duality Consciousness (Relative Truth) and in No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] or Ultimate (Wider) #Truth. It is "Moral mathematically described in positive Complex Fibinacci evolution" due to the normative Right (Morality & Justice) or Wrong (Suffering / Dukkha) from #Prajna or Ignorance in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The cultivable "Normative Intelligence[R1]" helps one know more about oneself, plus "Artificial Intelligence" to augment one's "Transcendental #Awareness and Transcendental Inner-Peace states from stock of #Prajna" via "Scientifically Cultivable Inner-Spaces, mathematically predictable via Complex Fibonacci numbers", enabling one the centre of all activities and relationships in productions and consumption toward What Count[R23].
Thank to special ability, innate "Compassion-Prajna" of the "Sound Specialist" - currently a living student - to foil the inter-realms dark forces, and through these events since 2004, the writer has innumerable opportunities to personally experience and reflect upon major cracks fallen by highly evolved entities as well as the Right Effort / Living where transcendental "Compassion-Prajna" are going hand-in-hand with others playing key-roles in this re-structuring. Out of this hand-on training and doing together with previous 50+ years of preparation, he is able to point out and fill the Gaps with Unique Value-Adds to Gotama's "Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion"[D20]. This is an attempt to bring natural forces of proven scientific and economic processes into the "Tao of Consciousness" - discoveries to turn the general "Tao" into a science of observable, testable, and reproducible - in Making Life Easier, driven "From people, By people, and For people" toward a Right Direction of What Count[R23] where everyone can be a part due to Human Nature and Human Rights.
The synthesis is observable, testable and reproducible via [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] in the East or [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ] of the West where [ Mind >< measurable Effort >< Soul ] is the [ Energy >< Quality of the Eighth Consciousness ] being explored and changed by the self (seventh consciousness) in consciousness-only[D39]. It is a tool to demand practical outcomes of all Efforts "From people, By people, and For people" to naturally weed out unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all isms - where organized religions are parts - to bully humanity with Fear and Greed via Painted Cakes, Holy Words and Threatening Thought. It demands everyone's Effort to manifest one's inner potentiality - the Kingdom of God from within - to verify the [ conflicting / divisional / violent ] duality of all [ cheating / fanatic ] religions: "God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality [ or illusion due to one's tainted senses and innumerable outdated marks ][R6]".
Please challenge all claimed [ Priests / Teachers / Masters / Enlighten Ones / Appointed Messenger / Kim Thân Cha / The Only Son of God / Buddha XYZ / King of Gods / Mother XYZ ] with qualified questions from Taming The Ox to weed out thousand years of unworthy people, and many 60,000+ man-years in all esoteric realms - messing up their own lives and the lives of others - while concentrating available resources for lasting "Value of the Values" in your continuity of the Consciousness, helping oneself and others staying close to the actualities by questioning all descriptions (Greek philosophia or ‘the love of wisdom’) to detect underlying natural laws, Making Life Easier and Happier with the possibility of "Beyond the Known / Dharmapala-XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness"[D19] at higher Complex Fibonacci levels in No-Conflict Consciousness contributed by Gotama around the Y-dimension and HuiNeng states of #Prajna around X-dimension to be DISCOVERED and SHARED in the evolution according to [ underlying natural laws / thuận theo tự nhiên ] of the Tao "Honestly and Independently Shared @ 2021-09-13" (the video is deleted) in the new Era of "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations"[R20.5]. There must be something happening, opening the New Era of "Harmonious and Prosperous Living", starting from VietNam since there are highly developed entities currently being people from VietNam (2021-09-14) in and outside the country, plus qualified others strategically spreading around the world.
Due to the Inter-Realms Dependent Nature[R20.1], [R20.5] and very long evolution of humanity, a glimpse of #Oneness has been touched at different great civilizations by both #Truth lovers (philosophers) and dedicated explorers in search for the "Meaning of Existence or Being" and the "Right / Moral Path" of harmonious development leading toward Happiness opposite to the "Wrong / Immoral Path of destruction for one and the environment in the Dependent Nature according to underlying natural laws. We are interested in Lasting Values and the Right Path while presenting fact-based destruction and sufferings of "Thing-As-It-Is" to scientifically test all theoretical proposals, including Buddhist Heart Sutra from human or esoteric intelligent being[R2], [R11] to finally debunk unworthy people in both human isms where religions are intimate parts from the beginning, and esoteric feudal realms cheating and stealing, driven by Greed and Fears of animal kingdoms.
Advaita (not-two) Vedanta says that at some deep fundamental level, everything is unified while the surface level is diverse which is an Actuality discovered and proven by current sciences. There is one unified Field, and that all apparent diversity is nothing other than the One appearing as the many while actually remaining One. The observer, process of observation, and observed assume different functions while remaining #Oneness as argued by Buddhist Consciousness-Only at different higher/deeper Consciousness of the consciousness[D19]. This Oneness is not anymore mysterious thanks to the mind-eye of a living Sound Specialist and the orchestration of Higher Beings in cleaning up the messes created by dark forces, commonly known as the collapsed esoteric Illuminati Elites. What that student saw is an energy column, orthogonal to different realms of existences where the earth (human realm) is at the base of that energy column. The energy column - touching the duality plane of conflicting consciousness of the event - is theoretically used as another anchored point for the common line where higher outside-the-box consciousness - desribed in positive Fibonacci evolution - can access to see and sense the forces happening at the event as illustrated in Figure 2. Dedicated explorers can now intelligently connect all "significant dots" together for a deeper and wider understanding of natural laws in "Making Life Easier and Happier", wiping out unworthy people in all religions and isms bullying humanity for so long in exploiting human minds toward masters-slaves relationships driven by their Greed and Fears from negative heavier Complex Fibonacci degeneration, proven via deliverable solution to the issue asked by the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva in Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49]. That is what we are doing and asking you being a part, not only for your Right Evolution but also the SHARE of your precious actuality according to "[ underlying natural laws / thuận theo tự nhiên of the Tao @ 2021-09-13 (the video was deleted) ]" for others quickly recovering from negative (heavy/dark) to positive (light) Fibonacci evolution, or deepening and widening Value-Adds, "Making Life Easier and Happier" in realm after realm from your Continuity of the consciousness. For example, people who can "quiet / become silent and still" the mind to be "outside of the conflicting event" to sense what is going on and its best move from one's comparative advantages Honestly Ask yourself Whether you can be "Naturally Happy / HonNhien for Reborn and Rejuvenation in engaged Living. Now, look at the outcomes of your Efforts in all Activities and Relationships at all Places at the bottom line to Know Your Realities. What you really want to do and bring to the Fair Trade table that KpPlatform can mathematically draw Lessons Learned from You and the World in its Big Data Models, enabling everyone exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good. We are here to make this happened since What Right / Optimal for you may be Right / Optimal for many, worthy to form your Inner Circle and circles of inner circles for spreading your many 1000+ years of hard-earned experiences according to underlying natural laws.
Due to discovered natural Moral Laws such as Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes, the lighter higher quality of consciousness floats up experiencing Happiness via [ KhaiPhong Foundations of Transcendental #Awareness ], while the darkness and heavier sink to different levels of Suffering[D27]. Via different techniques of meditation (qualified dhyana), practitioners were able to experience the dissolution of contents - #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness statistically measurable via Big Data AI of all proposed processes - from duality to Not-Self / Selfless [ Self-Selfless Actualization (technically known as Gotama's Infinite Space / Infinite Consciousness) ] toward the Non-Thingness[D30] and the End-of-Dukkha / momentary Nirvana[D44]. These aesthetic transcendental states - dissolving contents toward Non-Thingness - are transient due to innumerable outdated marks embedded in one's consciousness, and there is a proper way in this natural Purification in the complex system[R24] (complexity science) of tainted senses[D41] embedded in almost all people and visible intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs). Despite theoretical and verifiable Oneness, Indian Caste System deprives equal opportunity to everyone to justify economic efficiency through divisions of labour. Human Rights - integrity of one's identity at physical, mental and containerized (alaya) consciousness levels - must be enforceable in all visible intelligent beings from humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness to prevent the past 100,000+ (hman) years of degenerated esoteric feudal systems happened again.
Gotama was able to personally verify the "#Oneness" in Indian system from his two teachers, plus one deeper level at "Unmoving Sunyata / End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana" when he recalled his experience from childhood via effortless "Detachment / HonNhien" mind having "Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity" attributes. He formulated his discovery[D20] by scientifically reversed-engineering this process to start from everyone's reality of Dukkha - at both physical and mental levels [ Body >< Mind >< Effort / Body >< Mind >< Soul ] with the (modified) Eightfold Path as the solution, moving from any conflicting duality manifestation toward the Source of #Oneness at different higher/deeper [ Wisdom / #Prajna ] due to strategically seeing "Thing-As-It-Is" and the optimum Action/Inaction at one's Intensity of Attention. He called this process #AwarenessPrajna[D22] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by Prajna they are dissolved" } that we (1) scientifically classify it as "a State of #Prajna" or "Transcendental #Awareness" which is Not the claimed Buddhist Mindfulness [ The Great Frames of Reference / Digha Nikaya 22 / Tứ niệm xứ ][D25], capable to obstruct and restrict the driving momentum of clinging-binding forces, and (2) take this achievable quality as a smart pointer pointing to observable traits of all intelligent beings from humanity upward which can change the verifiable types in one's evolution or degeneration according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED.
It is "Transcendental" since the "#Awareness" at any event must "#EmptyTheContent / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace" to a silent spot of one's scientifically cultivable InnerSpace or Stock of #Prajna for an outcome that we call [ States of #Prajna / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ]. To fulfil this capability, Gotama's "qualified #Awareness" must be able to sense the "source of thought" to properly manage one's reality that almost all Buddhist Vipassana and monks - we are aware of - are incapable to touch in entire 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. Gotama formally set up the Buddhist Sangha by presenting the discovery in his first public discourse to address the mental dukkha which covers most issues of intelligent existence - the Being and Doing - of humanitas (biology, compassion, wisdom) leading to modern Human Rights thanks to human evolution of the normative Right and Wrong. Unfortunately, it has been his Buddhist Sanghas right from the time he was trying to spread Dharma destroy his Discoveries and violate his fundamental ethics "Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối". That might be the reason WHY HuiNeng did not officially accept any student, and Bodhidharma Only Allowed to deliver his #EmptyTheContent up to HuiNeng. KhaiPhong will revitalize their Noble Efforts in the new Era of conscious "Living & Being" since the reincarnations of both Bodhidharma and HuiNeng happend to be in its Inner Circle since 1997.
Let's use modern tools to trace out Gotama's verifiable process, then contrast it against voluminous treatises and debates of the "blinds touching elephant" in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha. Start from a changing conflicting event on the duality plane, either at personal level (such as hurt feeling, anger, sexual desire, intention of cheating/killing, fear, phobia) or aggregate (such as the South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea, international crisis, country strategy, community development, company marketing, [family / team / personal] project).
The outcome of that event at any moment is the net result in probability and intensity of both internal and external factors that Buddhist Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita[R7] asserted "the past mind cannot be grasped, neither can the present mind or the future mind". For an aggregate event, the "mind" indicates "Thing-As-It-Is" state of the event or swarm of forces from all involved parties directly / indirectly related to the event. Without delivering any transcendental state due to "beating around the bush" on the duality plane, incapable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness (jumping above the duality plane), Buddhist Theravada distorts Gotama's nine (9) verifiable transcendental states from #Awareness with its conflicting mindfulness of breathing[D24], attempted to use Vipassana to cheat humanity in its ability to clearly recognise all internal and external driving forces related to the event then not doing anything since whatever come will go according to the Dependent Nature. It knows nothing about the "Right-Thing-to-Do" coming from one's "Conscience / Wisdom / #Prajna / Moral Value of the values". It chops Gotama's transcendental states into eight[D19] (or even worse to four) and glorify the momentary Nirvana into static/permanent nirvana (while still in the condition / niết bàn hữu dư / sopadhisesa) and parinirvana (nirvana with no conditions / niết bàn vô dư / nirupadhisesa) of painted thought / conflicting level. Theravada cheating process - claiming to know what they do not know to see what they do not see[D19] - renders millions people into a cheating process of "doing nothing" to ride on Gotama's credibility in making very unworthy living, useless to oneself and the community[D19]. It basically renders Gotama's snap-shot approach from dynamic complexity systems[R24] into static painted cakes in enforcing masters-slaves relationships where they are his gatekeepers.
Buddhist Mahayana - partially transmitted by both dark and good esoteric forces toward the end-game in the collapse of Illuminati Elites[R18.3] - wrapped Theravada cheating process in ivory tower of confused philosophers to enforce masters-slaves relationships since the middle realm entities [ Buddhas / Gods / Allah ] are still experiencing "the in and out of transcendental states" while tightly watching what each group knows as their proprietary weapons to boost claims in grasping "bloody" power, exactly as Theravada monks boosting and grasping their painted cake of Nirvana and Parinirvana, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seing yet claimed to see cheating one another to their teeth[D19]. Mahayana logically drives the diverse manifestations back to Oneness at different grades of Bodhisattavas or cultivable levels without delivering the scientific How. For example, Nagarjuna of Madhyamaka used logical arguments to rationally expose Gotama's discoveries with "Emptiness" as the [ #Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] and "Dependent Nature" as the natural law of [ Diversities / Relative Truth ]. He put forward the argument whether Nirvana is ontic that Theravada monks are grasping, and came to the conclusion that there is no difference between nirvana and samsara since all are absent of self-nature, without touching Gotama's precious discoveries in practical solution of his original quest about "Dukkha" and its solution in "the End-of-Dukkha"[D44] at both physical and mental levels. So does the "Buddhist Heart Sutra and many others that we can use them as theoretical models to be tested for validation or rejection. Past unworthy people will be "toasted" at the #Truth of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna.
Scientifically, we can trace any event on the duality plane toward the "common source of #Oneness" that we esoterically observe as a cross-cut energy column to enable "reborn and rejuvenation" in Latin humanitas and all Esoteric / ET Realms of Consciousness, starting from this physical earth with humanity as its top stakeholder plus esoteric very high stakes in their 60,000+ human-years negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration according to discovered underlying natural laws to be SHARED driven by invisible hand of Economics in mathematically proven Fair trade. To test if you are already degenerated, at the border line of Latin humanitas, or still in positive Fibonacci evolution, see if you have solution for the question asked by the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva in Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49], which has been cheated by the degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha up until 2025. The solution to be statistically tested has been actually solved by [ HuiNeng's Wu-Nien, Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness, KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh ]. Subjectively, that #Oneness has been verified by mystics and different organised religions under different names. Any event on the duality plane is subjected to different forces of all concerned parties which are measurable as participants' Efforts which represent the participants' qualities of the consciousness in actual living. Psychologically through recognisable patterns and rational observations of many people, modern psychology in Self-Selfless Actualisation aka Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna postulates deliverable breakthrough in one's quality of the consciousness, capable to diagnose a complex event and one's strategic position to change and/or ride on the situation toward one's intended direction. Mathematically, we can logically prove that the higher one can dwell on the plane of [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) #Truth[D38] / Yogacara Perfected Nature[D39] ] the clearer one can be out of the conflicting forces of the event on the duality plane (Detachment) to see the event As-It-Is and one's contribution to push the event toward a right direction of What Count[R23] according to tested and proven underlying natural laws in one's continuity of the consciousness, Making Life Easier and Happier.
We formulate the "#Oneness" based on (1) scientifically cultivale Gotama's Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, and (2) HuiNeng's rationally then actually knowing [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ] as empirically observable points on Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2], [R11], a theoretical model to be statistically validated with the manifestations of [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] on the Compassion tree, deep rooted in Sunyata. Thus, the work is a value-add on top of entire humanistic search for one's Raison D'être from discovering underlying natural laws, plus esoterically from entire history of intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs). This is the first time we can inject "human science" - humanistic independent contributions - into the [ Principle of Wisdom / Nguyên Lý Càn Khôn / #Tao 2023-09-13 ] of all intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) from all manifested realms, taking "Latin humanitas" as the base. This Value-Add takes the Tao [ Wu-Wei / Vô Vi ] in entire Chinese history of "Not-Doing-Anything" - the "stupid sense (ngu ngốc) from unworthy entities in both degenerated esoteric and humanity to perpetuate the "cheating and stealing masters-slaves" relationships - of [ underlying natural laws / thuận theo tự nhiên ]" into the [ Wei-Wu-Wei / #Prajna Way of "thuận theo tự nhiên" according to discovered underlying natural laws ] in Making Life Easier and Happier, the "Harmonious Melting Pot" using Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of #Prajna (Trí Huệ) to be exported to all intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs).
Water flows by itself, but knowing its principle we can turn its power into utilities of innumerable applications. Similarly, we can ride on the cosmic energy and #Prajna to dissolve all karmic forces of the tainted senses in a much wider vision of positive Complex Fibonacci evolution. This is What KhaiPnong is planning to demonstrate by (1) riding on available qualified students such as the reincarnations of Ashoka and his Inner Circle, of Zhuge Liang Kongming (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng), of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, of XuanZang (HsuanTsang), of Phạm Ngũ Lão, and of many already identified students to be parts of the required teams (2) in delivering "Harmonious Melting Pot" for current International Conflicts at "South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea" while (3) gathering available resources from esoteric and human efforts having trillion US dollars plus Esoteric and ETs supports to enable the start up of "what most important in Consciuos Living and Opportunities to Do Good", leading to sustainable solution of "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna". The outcome will be a "new digital era of industrial revolution 4.0 for VietNam starting from 2021-08-24 and for advanced countries putting billion US dollars into Ethical AI toward What Count in the Right Society 5.0.
The use of cosmic energy to destroy "immoral Voodoos of cheating and stealing the integrity of the person" from degenerated Buddhas, Gods, Allah and their slaves in the "total collapse of esoteric realms ruled by the King of Gods" is the proof of this "Wei-Wu-Wei" from the living reincarnation of HuiNeng, very similar to the Heart Sutra Demonstration using Qi Gong but at much finer levels using one's "mind eye" and distant hearing to observe what they are doing and plotting fully documented "from early 1960 (President Kennedy 1961 - 1963) up to 2020 (President Trump 2017 - 2021) to start the third World War but Failed". Now knowing the process of "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" is Not anymore effective, US President Trump 2.0 from 2025 turns everything upside down to sow the "Chaos" in the mass so they can pull physical power (MAGA Make America Great Again) of "I win you loose" in the hope of gaining power via physical forces. The manifestations of Compassion and #Prajna (Wisdom) on biological existence in the quested "Latin Humanitas" will thus become an epistemic objective which can be scientifically done for at least 1% to 8% human population in enforceable qualities of Human Rights in the integrity of the person (identity). The trace from any event to this #Oneness then along the vertical dimension of [ Wisdom / #Prajna ] to deeper / higher far beyond "outdated Prajna-Paramita" from the event plane of #Truth, perpendicular to the plane of duality of all events since there is No Limit in positive Fibonacci evolution to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Gotama's advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] can be formally stated that the higher/deeper along the #Prajna dimension one can view the event, the clearer one can see Thing-As-It-Is - having less distorted view due to preconceived idea from binding Word/Image and clinging Thought - and the strategic position to Change the event toward What Count[R23]. For a personal event, being aware at the source of thought Transcendental #Awareness can obstruct and restrict the driving forces, and by Wisdom [ #Prajna ], they are dissolved. The solution is now a possible reality at different depths of cultivable [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh around the X-dimension ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" around the Y-dimension from stain and attachment" } to reclaim one's innate "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas", to teach both degenerated Buddhas and Gods the lesson of "distributed Wisdom from the grassroots" of Invisible Hand of #Prajna from engaged Living and Being efficiently performed by Invisible Hand of Economics that no ism such as "cheated communism and dictator" can compete, and are measurable via Fibonacci negative degeneration or positive evolution around the F-dimension.
In the West, the lovers of #Truth (philosophers) using their currently embedded [ Wisdom / #Prajna ] as epistemic objectives to rationally reason the fundamental attributes of a person - Latin humanitas - as/being "[ biology, compassion, wisdom ]" that leads to current view of "Human Rights in the integrity of the person". Here is also the underlying nature of Gotama's discoveries to enable him breaking away from Indian traditional Caste System to clearly state the human "Charter of Free Inquiry", knowing more about one's #Prajna / Conscience - a faculty to know the Right and Unworthy - which is cultivable horizontally in daily activities and vertically in diving from within, drawing deeper power of the whole ocean (cosmic consciousness) where all disturbances at the surface are completely Empty (Absent)[D26]. Yet, the caste system in India, [ the hunger / đói ] of the [ poor / HaveNots ] from other countries still persists up to 2025! This is an excellent opportunity for the Haves to do something for themselves and the world. KhaiPhong is Happy to be a part of this world-wide movement.
Two significant events have happened in the West: (1) the discovery of Jesus about the power of Faith on any event's plane of #Truth and the need of Empathy in Samaritan[R16], and (2) scientific discoveries in practical solutions to unveil underlying natural laws for "Making Life Easier and Happier" opposing to the exploited Blind Faith imposed on humanity by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4]. "Faith" and "Empathy" together with many different attributes from different angles such as "Aspiration", "concentrated Effort", "Music", "Dancing", "Yoga" "being with Nature", etc, are "No-Conflict Consciousness" on the common line with "No-Conflict Event Truth" plane where "#Prajna" operates. With this Inner Peace from No-Conflict Consciousess, one can effortlessly switch to #Prajna identified by Gotama as "AwarenessPrajna", by HuiNeng as "#SamadhiPrajna" and by KhaiPhong as "ComPassion-Prajna". From here, we use SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Design) to explore engineering processes of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna in No-Conflict Consciousness. The "SR&ED" is the reversed engineering from people identified by this writer as having "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" at different depths with a poking question "Why do you have it while millions others yearn for it but do not know how and being cheated by all conflicting religions and isms. All "manifested things" are conditioned and dependent in Gotama's discovery of Dependent Nature of Relative Truth, just like "cooking". Having an efficient process to produce that innate target, you can help others moving from stresses of conflicting consciousness to natural Transcendental-Inner-Peace of No-Conflict Consciousness then Beyond.
The need of Empathy in Samaritan - transcending all conflicting forces (or preconceived ideas due to binding Word/Image and clinging Thought) coming from races, sexes, religions, nationalities, languages, customs, cultures - is fundamental since only in that state of naturally detached mind as stated in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2]: "Bodhisattva bound to Transcendental Wisdom dwells in no mind enclosure, no mind enclosure intrepidity transcends beyond errors reaches nirvana / the end of Dukkha[D44]", one can personally know the common vibration (Com) of energy (Passion) between one and others discovered by Krishnamurti, spending 60+ years of his life time and the etymology of the word ComPassion to spread out this meaning. We now use set theory to prove that without ComPassion of [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] there is no [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] since one has to be on the "No-Conflict" line on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness of Relative Truth. From Figure 2, the "Fair Trade at point A" where all involved parties are better off demonstrates the justice sense of Right and Wrong according to underlying natural laws. That is why #Prajna is the flower of ComPassion tree deep rooted in the #Oneness invisible Sunyata. This logical proof is now well-known and mathematically proven in International Trade to prosper economics and commerce. That is also why the Foundations of Transcendental #Awareness leading to #Prajna is Empathy, a trainable state of mind to sense the pain of others as your own pain to do something about it. It is Not the claimed Buddhist Samatha[D24] or Vipassana[D25] totally enslaved on the duality plane of conflicting events or one's prison without bars.
Having this actual embedded ComPassion of the Good Samaritan, Jesus found that "Faith" can raise him up beyond the plane of conflicting duality for extra ordinary tasks called miracles by people bounded in the [ plane of duality / Relative Truth from Madhyamaka / Imaginary and Dependent Nature by Consciousness-Only ]. But there is the Right Faith and the Wrong Faith based on painful lessons, learned the corrupted Roman Catholic Church[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2], [R18.3], [R18.4] similar to the Right Dependent Nature and the Wrong Dependent Nature that Buddhist professional cheaters[R18.4] can successfully "knock out" Gotama's precious gifts to humanity in 2500+ years of his Buddhist cheating Sanghas in all sects and schools from all countries, or the "Wu-Wei / Thuận Theo Tự Nhiên" of the Tao but performing all kinds of Voodoos / Tinh-Khí-Thần in cheating and stealing at the physical levels to immorally violate the Integrity of the Person at the back, rendering all involved parties worse off.
In the case of Jesus, the Wrong Faith [ from [Mark 14:36] "Abba, Father," he said, "all things are possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will" or from [Matthew 26:42] "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done"], making him "#Veiled" (visible trait) of the Right and Wrong from his innate Conscience of an Evolved Being, enforcing the Ignorance like Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac at Moriah. This (1) makes him into a religious fanatic violently attacked money changers in a temple which did not belong to him in the first place, (2) enables unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] drive billion others into an abyss of unnecessary sufferings as evidenced in the bloody history of the Christian Churches and their conflicts with Muslims (1050-1300 CE) of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the Christian Latin Church in the medieval period, and (3) is attempted again by Illuminati elites in Russia-Ukhaine war and in the US-China conflicts to eliminate 90% human population (7+ billion people) for easy management of masters-slaves relationships. It will Not Happened thanks to underlying Natural Laws and the front-line soldiers of Good Forces to make happend the total collapse of the bloody autocratic feudal systems degenerated in the past 60,000+ human years Without Knowing WHY.
Esoterically, Jesus was a reincarnation of Confucius, reborned again as Phật Thầy Tây An in VietNam, and a 1975 Vietnamese refugee in Canada. The writer asks that Noble stream of consciousness SPELL OUT THE TRUTH of "IamX" as a Significantly Learned Lesson of Humanity. It is similar to defects in communism from Marx and Engels helping "unworthy animals" killing 100's millions people to enforce their hallucinations. The [ #Prajna / Conscience / Lương Tri ] of "Right and Wrong" according to discovered and proven. "Right and Wrong" is very fine at each detailed focused event level. As an Intelligent Being from humanity upward (Figure 11.2), each one is an Accountable creator in Responsible Creation. Do Not let any one - especially proven bullying animals of the past feudal systems and "evil dictators" far below the dignity of humanity - to be your Moral Action, But at 100% #Honesty & #Care to the perfection of "#Truth" that you SHARE your hard earned experience so others will not make the same mistake and together with you forming your Inner Circle and circles of inner circles in your Right Evolution life-after-life. This is exactly WHAT this writer has been doing with many hard-earned lessons. Only at proven bottom-line outcomes, we can together evolve according to underlying natural laws applicable in different realms. See for yourself Why we take "#TRUTH is My Light", and corrageously point out unworthy entities in all established religions, isms, and the cracks of their founders so we can LEARN from one another, worthy for the Dignity of a human being. It is Not to wipe out / eliminate anything as in the motto of Communism and/or any Isms but to ride on what are there after seeing the Rights from the Wrongs and Help the Wrongs back to the Rights. In that very wide range of eco systems in any established realm where efficient allocation of scare resources is required (economics) as in human realm, the Strategic Structure to #Truth is made possible by KpPlatform to enable everyone - [ the Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] - becoming a Statekeholder of Accountable Creators in Responsible Creation in one's Continuity of the consciousness. It was the vision of Trần Quốc Tuấn's [ "From people, By people, and For people / nhà nước pháp quyền Của Dân, Do Dân, Vì Dân" ]. Let those hard-core unworthy people / entities to be taught by underlying natural laws subjected in different realms of existence for the Right positive Evolution.
KhaiPhong is ready for this task since it has identified the Right qualified people in conflicting civilizations, religions, cultures, skin colors, male-female, etc, to start a Movement of Right Living & Being driven by Invisible Hand of Economics for efficient allocation of scare resources BUT directed by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable smart pointer #Prajna where everyone - from humanity upward - can be a part in a wide range of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward Figure 11.2. The "Abba, Father" - called by Jesus - esoterically was a degenerated entity[R18.3] and part of the higher dark forces to start the whole mess in the middle realm. He himself, his associate claimed "Virgin Mary", and his son (the claimed "Natural Brightness Dhipankara Buddha")[D51] were degenerated together with the collapse of his grand son (King of Gods) dynasty according to natural laws of Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction which will take a very long time for them to recover their virtuous quality of the consciousness if they continue to blah blah blah from "Ngọc Hoàng Thượng Đế | MẬT NIỆM BÁT CHÁNH / The King of Gods | Secret Vibrations of Right Eightfold Path". So does the degenerated Allah who knows us and we know him! The exploitation using Jesus as the Redeemer carried out by his human slaves (unworthy people)[R18.4] to psychologically enslave humanity is now fully exposed in the collapse of Illuminati Elites. The middle realm is reorganized under the leadership of Jesus together with others. Human vision of Humanitas - biology, compassion and wisdom - with deliverable higher consciousness, moving from diversities back to the #Oneness and then higher DISCOVERIES Toward What Count on the dimension of [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] - together with distributed self-adjustment "Rule-of-Law and Too Big to Fail" are very concrete on the table to jointly run the Inter-Realms World according to scientifically discovered natural laws where Morallity and Justice are naturally and distributedly enforced before it is too late as happened in the past esoteric degenerated feudal systems.
Western scientific discoveries concentrate on what are observable on any event on the duality plane. Without tracing to the #Oneness and the Raison D'être of the innovations and applications, the physical sciences may become tools for any dark force to destroy humanity. Esoterically, this was a tragedy in higher realms for over 60,000+ man years, coming to the end in the collapse of Illuminati with reorganisation from even higher realms. Given the tainted senses in all people and the hard evidences below to prove the democracy and freedom of choice were illusions together with "faked news", it is very important for at least 1% - 8% population having higher consciousness on the plane of #Truth of important events to not only rationally explore possible forces around the event in Thing-As-It-Is, but also strategically see what need to be done from one's Intensity-of-Attention toward a Right direction of What Count[R23]. The entry level of this higher consciousness is [ Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] or minimum ability in Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness to guard the mind against innumerable attacks from outside and inside without a moment of Silence to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count.
The [Right / Moral] and [Wrong / Immoral] activities in making up "Quality of the Consciousness" are cultivable based on different Signed Posts along the vertical dimension of [ Wisdom / #Prajna ] and statistically measurable at the bottom-line evidence-based Efforts in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong. Thanks to personal involvement of a living student being a part in foiling the top esoteric layers of Illuminati Elites, here are the four conclusions that you can safely have "Strong Faith" in life-after-life to be a solidly integrated person, transcending all isms where organised religions are parts on the conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) duality plane. The transcendence of conflicts in [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] moves toward transparent and accountable Democracy and Human Rights coming from aggregate Consciousness where everyone can be a part in Changing oneself and the Environment toward What Count[R23], Making Life Easier and Happier. That makes one fully responsible for one's action and the environment one a part.
- There exists natural laws affecting all activities due to billion years of evolution to make parts sustainable and being Accountable parts of the Whole. Discovering and sharing these laws - such as the Dependent Nature or second law of thermodynamics - are parts of Making Life Easier and Happier for one and the vibrant whole.
- There exists cultivable Universal Moral Value of Right and Wrong according to natural laws - such as Action-Reaction, Likes-attract-Likes, Conscience - to invisibly regulate intelligent being responsible for one's activities and relationships.
- There exists the [ Budh/Buddha Nature / #GodKingdom within ] in all intelligent beings, knowing the Right or Unworthy relevant to one's present moment. Intelligent beings from humanity upward are capable to transcend the duality of conflicting consciousness between the Observed and the Observer to a new dimension of No-Conflict Consciousness in Self-Selfless Actualization to see Thing-As-It-Is and a breakthrough Harmonious Solution for the better-off [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] of all involved parties in the the Right Direction of one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The first two findings assure sustainable living environment with or without the interference of external forces from the fourth finding.
- There exists orchestrations of higher beings - just like the management of environment by humanity - to assure proper evolution according to natural laws, yet being "Alert" at the driving forces of Faith from (1) Greed in the case of Jesus, (2) Fears in the case of mother Maria, and (3) Aspiration in the case of Jesus and KhaiPhong's studends from different conflicting religions to correctly ride on underlying natural laws to benefit one and the environment.
- STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) epistemic objectives are visible, measurable and reproducible for deeper and wider applications building on top of other contributions.
Faith - especially on proven discovered natural laws - is a mechanism of self-generated energy to tightly bind these proven principles together, overcoming slightest doubt about Universal Moral Value in Harmonious Living based on one's Conscience to a very delicate edge of the Right toward lasting Value of all other values Making Life Easier and Happier for one and others, even to the point to sacrifice current life for the sake of one's integrated being. "Faith" together with "Intensity-of-Attention" advocated by Krishnamurti are two out of four proven natural processes to take one from conflicting forces at thought level on the duality plane of Relative Truth to high above on the plane of TRUTH at that moment (Ultimate / Wider Truth according to Buddhist Madhyamaka) to Naturally / HonNhien inject a Fresh Insight to the event. Two other proven processes to be implemented at the right time are (1) the charming attraction of the Sunyata Non-Thingness, and (2) ComPassion which demands sufficient states and Signed Posts of #Prajna coming from Natural Purification - commonly known as HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna - due to (transcendental) accumulated (Signed Post of) #Samadhi coming from these proven processes.
To see the importance of Faith for an integrated person in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, let's look at three or four layers of one's consciousness - physical layer, energy / astral layer, carry-on consciousness layer. The physical and astral layers can be considered as the shells of the energy and the carry-on consciousness (soul). Without the contents, the outer shells loose most of their functionalities. It is well known in the world efforts to stop the genocide of over 90% world population (7+ billion people even more than the crimes done by the bloody Roman Catholic Church[R18.4]) for easy management of masters-slaves relationships that the esoteric sites of the dark forces used consciousness technologies - driven by consciousness discoveries - different from human radio technologies in enforcing their greedy powers. With Wrong/Immoral application of these technologies, they are able to mix and match their layers of lower qualities of the consciousness with other higher quality layers that we call "snatching technology" in their attempt to abuse the natural laws, similar to the fear of many that applications of physical discoveries may destroy humanity if the moral side of humanity is continuously degenerated. Faith - especially faith on the righteousness - works through the mind in the dynamic circle of western [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ] or eastern [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ]. Effort and its bottom-line outcomes can be normally rated and statistically measurable which reveal one's quality of the consciousness. Soul on the other hand is more abstract to use "Word" as binding and clinging forces of "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" agaist underlying natural laws with visible consequence in the total degeneration of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods without Knowing WHY. It is not a linear process as conceived by most people. The binding force of Faith helps overcome Fears via Freewill to render the snatching technologies ineffective.
Let's scientifically see how Faith can take one out of the confused mess at the present moment on the duality plane, rising high on the plane of #Truth to see Thing-As-It-Is; one strategically moves out of the present mess. Faith - where prayer is a part - first transcends the confused mess of binding Word/Image (perfected by the evil Catholic Church) and clinging Thought (perfected by Muslim) in generating insecure state of mind toward a single concentrated point, called Intensity-of-Attention by Krishnamurti. It does not matter whether that faith is in Jesus, Abba, Allah, Marie, Bodhisattva, Amitabha, Gotama, fakir concentration, or Krishnamurti attention whenever needed for a Fresh Look. Buddhist [ Anapanasati[D24] / Mindfulness of breathing ] - which is not Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness[D22] capable to obstructs and restricts whatever binding and clinging forces of karmic flows - is the "beating around the bush" toward relinquishment which is the ultimate objective of the practice as quoted. Its ultimate objective of "relinquishment" is impossible and cheating process as the Buddhist vipassana trying the impossible task of micro-observation of the mind[R7] without any #Prajna to see the momentary strategic position to change the event.
Similar to the binding Word/Image perfected by Christians and clinging Thought perfected by Muslims, Buddhist "mindfulness of breathing[D24]" narrows and binds the mind to a focused breath. It is logically impossible to relinquish the mind at that focused point. The cheated process is similar to the cheating process of praying to Amitabha, advocating Detachment (Vô Trụ), yet the whole life is dedicated to the Grasp-er (Grahaka) and the Grasped (Grahya) of Amitabha Pure Land. In Krishnamurti "Intensity-of-Attention", it is the "energy" that transcends all conflicting forces on the duality plane, raising one high up the dimension of "[ Wisdom / #Prajna ]" for a Fresh look of Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event. The [ Christian / Muslim / Buddhist breathing and pure land ] processes forcefully destroy all except the selected utopia and chained oneself to it, voluntarily being a slave in masters-slaves relationship.
One may ask under what mechanism Gotama and Jesus can avoid the binding and clinging force of their mind to the breath or to the Father God, and the implications of their case studies. First of all, Gotama did not limit the event to "Mindfulness of breathing / Anapanasati". Mindfulness can apply to any event such as "wilderness with community of monks" in the Lesser Discourse on Emptiness (MN 121)[D26]. Hence "mindfulness of breathing" must transcend the breath that 2500+ years of Buddhist Sanghas cannot reach, but always beating around the bush on the duality plane of Relative Truth. That "qualified #Awareness" must be able to sense "the source of thought" to properly manage one's reality which will be deliverable by KhaiPhong Technology. Jesus had Wrong Faith in "Abba, Father" but his built-in "Detachment" was strong enough to enable his mind naturally breaking the crust of self on the duality plane to be high on the dimension of "#Prajna / Wisdom" for extraordinary tasks, commonly known as miracles. Thanks to be a very small part in foiling the esoteric plots of Illuminati, we were told and know many reincarnations of both Gotama and Jesus who was the reincarnation of Subhūti well-known with his Buddhist understanding of the emptiness (Sanskrit: Śūnyatā). Some of us have had very close connections to both 2500+ years in human realm and before in dragon realm. They are just like many other evolving beings from humanity upward in their own DISCOVERING and SHARING.
We asked you to do forensic comparison between Jesus and the Buddhist Teacher at Tây An since they have similar patterns. It may be the right time to reveal some esoteric information to (1) demonstrate the importance of sharing/recording one's personal discoveries and case studies so others can value-add without starting from the beginning in one's continuous learning and doing, (2) show the existence of moral value in evolution of higher consciousness in one's continuity of the consciousness, (3) have scientific attitude of challenging any theory and/or personal experience with empirical evidences to derive specific natural laws in "Making Life Easier and Happier".
In the Diamond Sutra (The Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra[R7]) we learn about the dialogue between Gotama and Subhuti on the "Detachment" - quality of the first Jhana[D29] - to transcend the binding and clinging forces of contents in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and strategic position for a Right Effort coming from high above [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ]. Thanks to the recording of this sutra "Do not attach to anything ( natural detachment - HonNhien - in all activities ) then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ, HuiNeng immediately recognized that innate "Wonderful Mind" in every person. We esoterically learn that Subhuti was reincarnated from Shennong (神農) / Thần Nông believed to be "Divine Farmer" and a mythological deity in Chinese and Vietnamese folk religion, and as K'ungTzu in China, Jesus of Nazareth, Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1] the founder of Vietnamese Ly Dynasty who moved the capital to Hanoi in 1010,..., and the Buddhist Teacher at Tây An[D52].
Whether or not our esoteric information is right, we see continuously tremendous effort from that identifiable stream of consciousness to find out the Raison D'être (meaning) of existence or the Being according to natural laws. With that sharing - together with the reincarnation of Gotama - we debunk "Personal Glorification / Utopia" of all organised religions and/or autocratic systems visibly in communist dictatorship, bullying humanity based on Fears and Greed to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships for group benefits of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4]. The Moral Value of higher consciousness shows its effects in the end-result of many claimed Buddhas, Gods and Allah that they have to exist according to Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction that no one(s) Punish or Redeem their mistakes / sins. Since humanity has been indoctrinated for so long and only living at the present moment can change the quality of the consciousness, Soyen Shaku[R6] after the World Parliament of Religions 1893 stated "God [Dharmakaya / Oneness] not in the world is the false God and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Oneness] is unreality" which has been mathematically proven in Gödel incompleteness theorem where "God [Dharmakaya / Oneness]" stands for all unkonwn relevant factors lumped together and can be explored via the non-linearity of a complex variable wellknown in the thermostat temperature control system. In our analysis of one's containerized consciousness, we used verifiable states of #Samadhi as reported by Gotama and HuiNeng's Wu-Nien at much deeper levels personally verifiable by KhaiPhong's advanced students as states of #Prajna and its stock can be cultivable in one's absolutely private InnerSpace or Vault for the manifestations of visible "#Awareness, Dependent, Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã"
Let's get back to the plane of #Truth at any event. We logically show that it is the "energy" that transcends all conflicting forces, raising one high up the dimension of "[ Wisdom / #Prajna ]" for a Fresh look and one's strategic position to change the event. The difference between Gotama / Jesus with others in using the breath or faith to strongly anchoring the mind to one point is the accumulated states of Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent to naturally Purify the tainted senses: one has "detachment / (but not yet) no-mind enclosure" due to Natural Purification of the sense while others are slaves to their tainted senses further enforced and indoctrinated by unworthy people in their own organised religions. The necessary and sufficient condition to Free one from tainted senses is (a) the direct experience of the transcendental states / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to activate the Natural Purification process, and (b) modern tool to know more about oneself using both the cultivable Normative Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence.
Scientifically, one must move from the noises at any conflicting event to the No-Conflict consciousness along the crossing line between the event No-Conflict plane and duality plane. "#DhyanaSamadhi", "Aspiration" where Faith can be a tool, "Merging with nature" are activities along this line. One then uses proficient Vertical Switch to raise the spirit to the highest aesthetic level, then the shared discovered secret sauce (statistically significant) to the highest Signed Post for a wider view of the focused event, seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic move to push the event toward What Count[R23]. Part (a) of transcendental states will be delivered in #PrajnaTIPs and part (b) via AI such as Executive Information Portal (EIP), the implementation of Change Management accidentally discovered from Vietnamese 1945 August Uprising in the Nation Quest for Independence and Freedom. This necessary and sufficient condition is also the deliverable solution of Chinese "Wei-Wu-Wei / Action in Non-Action / Effortless Right Action" which - up to 2025 - is only a concept from the blinds touching elephant of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, similar to HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna incapable to shed any light in 1000's years of blah blah blah cheating processes in claiming to see what they do not see claiming to know what they do not know[D19].
The many 1000+ years cheating processes driven by unworthy people must and can be STOPPED now, thanks to wider view of AwakeningBudh directing KhaiPhong SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound) projects at both theoretical and empirical levels presented from Right Understanding of Enlightenment. It is a scientific breakthrough in (1) Making Life Easier and (2) Making Life Happier where every person can be a part in one's Continuity of the identified Consciousness. We are looking for strategic partners in both Not-for-Profit AwakeningBudh and its democrarically sustainable technical arm KhaiPhong.
We now mathematically use the plane of #Truth at any event on the duality plane to (a) dig deeper into the nature of Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth from Madhyamaka middle path[D38] and back, from Imaginary Nature and Dependent Nature to the Perfected Nature of Consciousness-Only[D39] and back, from Dharmapala-XuanZang Consciousness of the consciousness[D19] and back, from Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] and back, from Jesus's Faith in "God/Father/Allah"[R16] and back, from claimed Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent moving from conflicting Dukkha to "Thing-As-It-Is dukkha in Jue Guan Lun / A Treatise on the Ceasing of Notions[D35] and back, from HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna[R5] and back, from Soyen Shaku [R6] based on 2500+ years of Buddhist understanding of [ God / Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân ] then back to the world, from Krishnamurti Intensity-of-Attention[R6.1] to be Free from the [ Known / Binding Word-Image and Clinging Thought / Sở Tri Chướng ] when necessary then back to relaxing, then (b) explore the current Sustainable Change Management at its optimal places and times.
We together explore the underlying natural laws to scientifically derive epistemic objectives of identifiable stream of consciousness and the environment in its swarms of forces that make up the aggregate Consciousness of Humanity toward the Inter Realm Dependent Nature in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness". Consciousness is a form of energy, and can Only be Transformed, "Not Being Destroyed / Vụt Tắt" as cheated by Buddhist degenerateds[R18.4] in 2500+ years of Buddhist Sanghas, claiming to know what they do not know to see what they do not see[D19] to Knock 0ut Gotama's gifts to humanity in their attempts to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships, being the gate keepers that they are not authorised by the Founder.
From any event on the duality plane and its plane of #Truth, one can draw a line to the Source then vertically along the dimension of [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] of the plane of #Truth at that event. The process and observable attributes along this path has been described by Gotama at the event of [ the wilderness with community of monks ] in "Cula-suññata Sutta: The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness" (MN 121)[D26]. The observable attributes are known as Gotama's recorded Jhanas[D29], [D30] that he could experience as a child under the shade of a tree having tremendous compassion for all beings trying to make a living: men do plowing, worms are unearthed, birds eat worms, etc. As a sannyasin he learned meditation from his two teachers, capable to achieve Sunyata Non-Thingness, the Indian #Oneness of all diversities. The lingering self of achievement was always there to signify significant divergence of Gotama's withdrawal of the senses from Patanjali’s 8 limbs of Yoga, separating his vibrations from others which was not Selfless #Oneness. Thanks to recalling his childhood experience and "aloof from unwholesome thoughts with Detachment", he could effortlessly arrive at the "Unmoving Sunyata", one step deeper than the Indian #Samadhis that he called "the End-of-Dukkha"[D44] which is the beginning of his Quest. This is Gotama's scientific process - as we see it - to unravel Value of the Values: (1) ComPassion to be part of the natural Dependent Nature, (2) [ Detachment / Hon Nhen ] to flow with current natural forces, (3) Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (samma-samadhi) / #EmptyTheContent to enable natural purification to purify outdated marks of tainted senses .
We reclassify Gotama Jhanas into six signed posts with additional observable attributes for empirical tests and further contributions via discovering different natural laws, more practical to modern living. At most events, one will not always have optimal conditions conducive to the manifestations of #Prajna. The reclassification is necessary for different scientific processes discovered from natural laws and/or [ strategic help / external forces ] to enable practitioners starting from where one is with tainted senses and innumerable outdated marks to personally experience the Gateway-to-Oneness then different depths of "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma #Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness", and statistically verifiable at stability levels. This is essential since only through the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace - not the Wrong Bliss - the process of Natural Purification can be activated for an Insight into the Emptiness, leading to different depths of Detachment leaving "No-Mark / outdated mark" on the stream of the consciousness. This is a very long process as evidenced in recorded human history up to 2025. But with available digital tools such as user facing mu, Neural Graph Database db, custom-built ai of EIP / Executive Information Portal, impersonally value-added outcomes can be naturally happened from the grassroots that are not lost for innumerable value-added spices that may be appropriate for many different patterns.
Typical example in using the natural law is #PrajnaTIP in Sound to personally know what Gotama experienced as a child under the shade of a tree with tremendous compassion for all beings. Since many have gone through many evolution then degeneration processes due to trials and errors, many already have currently dormant good stock. A highly developed qualified student - capable to see the energy and blocked area - can strategically help to unblock the hurdle for a Sudden Insight into the Emptiness. This is the HuiNeng Sudden school that HuiNeng has not done for his students due to not at the right time and right place. We can scientifically prove that (1) everyone can have a Sudden Awaken then Awakening that none of his claimed student knows due to Grasping, turning a momentary state into a permanent states as done in Buddhist PureLand and Vajrajana for the group benefits, (2) everyone can be a mirror for others to observe and reflect the Right Effort in daily activities and relationships to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. His reincarnation can be easily recognised as a living student among us. Due to dynamic interaction between Body and Mind [ Body >< Mind ] Hindu tradition can combine specialised eating regime with mental training to induce a natural levitation to enable the practitioner experiencing a moment of Beyond Thought. We have been esoterically aware of a living student in this tradition, capable to use his mind to direct cosmic energy to make this process easier due to an additional external force beside personal cultivation. Finally, here are demonstrations of trainable processes to activate Internal Inner Power via Qi Cong[R11]
The advantage of clearly and personally verifying different levels of No-Conflict Consciousness (even with external assistance) is to open one's wider view to possible Higher Consciousness and can personally describe as - Gotama described his nine stages of Jhanas - in much more detailed than the No-Conflict Consciousness many already know via "Kindness >< Empathy". Once proficient on this path - from any event to the Source or Gateway-to-Oneness then different signed posts - one can traverse the diagonal line from the event to the highest achievable signed post in that particular situation. This makes the Gateway-to-Oneness right at the event for a finer diagonal traversing process. This is what Gotama advice in Ajita's Questions[D22] since Transcendental #Awareness - the state of one's #Samadhi - is effortlessly Being Aware at the Source of Thought, i.e. sensing the driving force even before its bubbling up as a thought leading to action from tainted senses so one can properly manage one's reality. Most claimed masters of Buddhist Vipassana are far away from this level and why they are beating around the bush on duality plane[D19]. It is Bodhidharma theoretical contribution in his Jue Guan Lun / A Treatise on the Ceasing of Notions[D35] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } combined with rational Wise Attention[D28] in Thing-As-it-is Dukkha.
Since each individual is unique in one's evolution with innumerable different states and stocks of tainted senses and there are innumerable unexpected favourable and unfavourable events, there are different zig-zag paths around the event on the flat duality plane[D19], and from outside the box above the duality plane, called by Dharmapala-XuanZang Consciousness of the consciousness[D19] that dynamically affect one another in one's complex system[R24]. The formal favourable path under optimal conditions is used to cultivate one's Signed Post of #Samadhi that infuses the Natural Purification to either dissolve outdated marks and/or floating an outdated mark up to the conscious level for doing something about it with one's #Prajna. That is why we say Gotama should record his state of mind at this event, the Quarrel At Kosambi[D45]. For unfavourable event, whatever one can do, one already did it with current state and Signed Post of one's #Prajna - contrary to the blah blah blah of Buddhist professional cheaters advocating "Not Doing Anything / Wu-Wei" due to the Dependent Nature of what come then go - the embedded Detachment and its Natural Purification turn the seriousness of the event into Thing-As-It-Is dukkha for another round of Change Management and/or more urgent matter as described by Bodhidharma in Jue Guan Lun / A Treatise on the Ceasing of Notions[D35]. The event in actual living also reveals one's Quality of the Consciousness - which is [ Wei-Wu-Wei / Effortless Action / Action of Non-Action ] statistically measurable in one's [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] derived from Gotama, Bodhidharma, Xuanzang, HuiNeng, modern psychology contributions - and the learned lessons to allocate one's resources for doing something about it!
Up to this point we look at any personal and/or aggregate event, and logically connect the dots claimed by religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Catholicism. We construct a mathematical model to enable these claims (1) consistent with science in the unified #Oneness and Dependent Nature of all [manifestations / diversities], (2) having embedded "epistemic objectives" of the defined Latin Humanitas [ biology, compassion, wisdom ] leading to modern Human Rights. We equate wisdom with "#Prajna" having the sense of Right and Wrong as in the #Prajna division of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path. We show from any considered event, there is a Gateway-to-Oneness that transcends conflicting conditions toward higher/deeper [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] which is the Core Melting Pot and KhaiPhong's cornerstone. This means via Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, one can always be stable - not being a part of other opinions - for a #Prajna Dialectic. We logically show the foundation of #Prajna is Compassion, and the Gateway-to-Oneness can be right at the event in the gradual process of cultivation to naturally and sufficiently Purify the tainted senses. We will further show below that all signed posts in the gradual process - according to one's highest stable achievement - can be collapsed (Sudden Awaken) at the present moment of the [ Event / Gateway-to-Oneness / discovered signed posts ] due to Intensity-of-Attention or the serious mind.
We look at any event and the central question about the nature of living and being which is Gotama's identified [ Dukkha / Suffering ], and what is required for a fundamental change[R6.3]. Current solution is to manage it at duality level - including psychological suffering - to make life easier without any fundamental change. It just pushes the issue to another darker corner of the mind. Organised religions bully humanity based on Greed and Fears in boosting[D19] what unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] do not know nor have. Our answer / solution is formulated as necessary to Free one from tainted senses - the direct experience of transcendental states to activate the Natural Purification process - and sufficient condition with modern tool to know more about oneself using both the cultivable Normative Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence to directly face one's consequences at the bottom line. At the event on the duality plane, there are huge information and tested solutions from various angles of any event, concerning innumerable aspects that make up current modern society. All these scientifically tested solutions can be used with one important additional factor of cultivable Normative Intelligence to make people the centre of all activities and relationships, coming "From people, By people, and For people".
Let's have a rough stroke of how proven processes of modern society can be integrated with cultivable normative intelligence in higher consciousness to enable people the centres of all activities in Making Life Easier and Happier according to Human Rights. Free (1) todo-list such as Google Keep is a common tool in modern society; (2) That list can ride on Muti-Agent LLM (Large Language Model) Framework to inject normative intelligence as the personal driving force of one's effort toward What Count; (3) The What Count effort is one's MindMap; (4) That Persona MindMap then rides on KhaiPhong Executie Information Portal eip and its required infrastructure to accumulate Zero Trust strategy required data and domain-specific db database to build one's custom ai; (5) The "custom AI is the starting point to know more about oneself for manifestation of #Prajna Dialectic in the potential claim of "IamX in one's Continuity of the consciousness" beyond this present life time. Specialized applications of this simple but practical list are Care-list, Learn-list, Trip-list, Test-list, etc. Plans are basically lists of todo-list going through custom execution steps whose outcomes can be measurable based on both positive and normative evaluations for feedback to automatically change the plans according to rules and/or strategically change the directions and/or priorities. Porfolios are lists of plans. Balanced Scorecard and Portfolio Performance are well-understood management tools to be used with Artificial Intelligence to drive the fourth Industrial Revolution driven by people to serve people and their environments. We are at the cross road of higher evolution in higher consciousness, and in unique opportunity to make it sustainable. Here is a prototype user-facing web app mu before we get back to a deliverable bigger picture of #SamadhiPrajna to strategically push complex event toward a Right Direction seen from higher view of [ #Prajna / Wisdom ].
The gradual process in meditation demands a step back from the event to [ either move to the Source / or immediately touch the source ] then higher/deeper along the [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] dimension to one's possible peak for a direct perception of the event. The advantage of this route is to (1) solidly know the depth of one's observable detachment for one's Right Effort such as loosening the binding force of indoctrinated Word/Image or authority figure, and clinging force of thought so one can look at any event according to Thing-As-It-Is, (2) verify the importance of Detachment / No Mind Enclosure / No preconceived idea to all manifestations (of the past, present, and possible future), (3) clearly see one's actuality and what needed in the Right Effort according to tested road maps of previous explorers. Here are basically scientific processes to be tested and validated by others, different from the personal claims to be imposed on others as Faith Which can be Right Or Wrong as Jesus's Faith on the claimed God. Unless one is very honest and constantly engages in present living where one's efforts can be statistically measurable at the bottom line, one's self-evaluation is usually boosting, claiming to know what one does not know to see what one does not see[D19] which can be adjusted in the "Tao of AI" with fact-based self-evaluation and one's bottom-line outcomes from Activities, Relationships at all Places including sleeping and dreaming.
In many cases - such as life and death from a war - highest stable #SamadhiPrajna is required. Graphically, the { Event / Gateway-to-Oneness / highest possible [ #Prajna / Wisdom ]} is reduced to one point at the presence for a direct perception of the situation and one's strategic move. This is the practicality of HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna. He defines "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" in applying the modified Eightfold Path. This instant moment is also Krishnamurti's "Intensity of Attention", Jesus's Faith. The movement from [Relative Truth] or [Imaginary Nature - Dependent Nature] on the duality plane to high above on the plane of #Truth is called the [Ultimate (Wider) Truth in Buddhist Madhyamaka] or [Perfected Nature in Buddhist Consciousness-Only]. HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna is the verifiable process of Soyen Shaku's { [ God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân ] is unreality } or illusions due to one's tainted senses and innumerable outdated marks, Not Seing Thing-As-It-Is.
The invisible manifestation of [ Wisdom / #Prajna ] is visible under both gradual process of [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] and sudden #SamadhiPrajna for an Insight and Practicality of the Emptiness. The insight comes from a Totally Fresh view of the event. The practicality comes from direct perception of one's strategic point at the event despite swarm of forces directly and indirectly affecting the event. The insight and practicality cover only half the power of [ Emptiness / Sunyata ]. The second half come from one's layers of body and astral shells to direct cosmic energy for "self" protection and/or helping others toward a Right Direction. Here is a demonstration of how to use the body shell to direct the cosmic energy. A living student known among us as a Sound Specialist can use the astral shell to direct the cosmic energy to be an active part in foiling the plots of Illuminati dark forces.
Practitioners under KhaiPhong at different measurable levels can personally testify that the infusion of "Equanimity" will loosen the Grips of Binding Word, and the infusion of "Purity" will break the Clinging Thought since Transcendental #Awareness now can sense the source and motivation of the arising Thought to properly manage one's Actuality (such as sexual drives in most adults). Learned Buddhists can immediately recognize this is the starting implementation of 'Verifiable Emptiness'[D26] summarised by Nagarjuna[D48], [D47] "(page 107) For whom emptiness is tenable for him everything becomes tenable".
HuiNeng demonstrated that one does not need to read any Buddhist Text and/or know the above complexity, since the Buddha Nature is innate in everyone as shown at the bottom line the nature of this Not Yet Finished Grade 1 Vietnamese Lady. It is not a Buddhist Study that counts but a practical service like a medical doctor knowing both the theory (conditioned / sankhara-dukkha) and its practical aspects (changing / viparinama-dukkha) to change the miserable situation into manageable solution and make it happened for others. This consciousness knowing can be specialized for deeper and wider practical applications in Making Life Easier and Happier. The complexity of proven scientific facts, of tested solutions (drugs) and required facilities are dedicated to field specializations. Gotama answered the question: How can I start at Present Moment from where I am in the instructions to Kalamas[D23] to know more about one's 'casual' #Prajna or Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm): Kalamas, when you yourselves know: 'These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness, enter on and abide in them. This is Gotama's 'Charter of Free Inquiry - Tư-duy Tự-do' to start a Conscious Living on the Path of the true Heart and "Stay Close - Then What" to the practicality of the Present Living.
The reincarnation of the Real Jesus - no matter who and where your are - MUST SAY ALOUD your lesson learned as a Redeemer / #Honesty so other Intelligent Beings do not fall into the trap of unworthy Father God, Amitabha Buddha, Allah, or any XYZ while still appreciating the Help from any "Samaritan" and trying to be part of that Help as part of the Responsible Creation / Detachment toward verifiable Non-Thingness / #EmptyTheContent for reborn and rejuvenation according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED / #Care / Tôi Quan Tâm. The direct perception of the complex event and its Insight from one's angle of comparative advantages in "Prajna" goes far beyond Gotama's arguments and reasoning.
Buddhist 2500+ years of stagnant within-the-box ivory tower talk about the Dependent Nature of existence and its Emptiness, but ignore the Source of #Oneness in the normative intelligence of the Right driven by cultivable #Prajna and the Wrong driven by the darkness of Ignorance, exactly as the current state of physical science driven by shiner manifestations to divorce from its source of humanitas Compassion and #Prajna. Injecting the cultivable normative intelligence into the positive measurable intelligence we turn all conflicting angles of duality right side up where each person/agent is the centre of all worthy activities and relationships, fully responsible for one's action and the environment one a part. Measurable degree of Right/Wrong of the Effort feedback together with fact-based evaluations can be integrated parts of Artificial Intelligence to change both the agent pattern and its activities / relationships which quickly change the event toward a right direction of What Count[R23] at both the micro and macro levels in both behaviour and patterns.
Let's explore the practicality of this manifested [ Oneness / Wisdom / #Prajna ] in all events from macro level of Complexity economics to micro level and their dynamic feedback Dependent Nature where the true Democracy of Human Rights according to the Latin Humanitas can be sustainable. Once the scientifically cultivable #Prajna is established in discovered underlying natural laws and available to all activities and fields, the invisible hand of #Prajna will direct all activities and relationships toward a direction of What Counts, contributed by all involved parties leading to Harmonious Diversities smoothing out unnecessary conflicts of Living and Being. It is a new Golden Era.
Just like a flash of no-conflict 'light happiness' known by a Good Samaritan that one may not recognise before the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is" state is solidified with one's Transcendental #Awareness, you will initially have a glimpse of this "Equanimity and Purity" states especially in formal #PrajnaTIPs (Dhyana) effortlessly enabling the Sunyata Non-Thingness, similar to one's black-hole, rejuvenate binding thoughts and clinging forces. With the presence of Transcendental #Awareness, the "Equanimity and Purity" states will gradually solidify and become clearer.
Gradually, the power of Equanimity loosens the Grip of 'Binding Word' that one has been conditioned for so long. Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh becomes clearer and easy to be beyond thought thanks to the "Detachment / Vô Trụ" in the first observable attribute. Similarly, when the Purity state is solidified one will naturally detach from 'Clinging Thought' entangled in one's behaviour pattern embedded in one's present Physical and Mental States. The detachment is even easier if one has known the Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness, Sunyata Non-Thingness due to the charming force of the Nature. The 'detachment' process is effortless and natural; there is only an observable sign that one is more relaxed and HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity). These qualities are visible fragrances of Kindness (mettā - tâm từ), Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi), Joy (muditā - tâm hỷ), Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả) from the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind (TỨ VÔ LƯỢNG TÂM) in ones's daily activities via Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood. The process enables outer manifestations of inner cultivation in "Verifiable Emptiness".
That is the process how Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Chánh Định) drives Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) of Detachment (Vô Trụ) and Beyond Thought (Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm ) to see 'Thing-As-It-Is' for the manifestation of #Prajna at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna where #Prajna helps dissolve Clinging (Karmic) Forces exactly as the answer to Ajita's Question[D22]. In that process, the senses are Purified, naturally separated from Clinging Forces as described by Sariputta[D27] in the presence of Gotama at the mountain top in momentary 'cessation of perception and feeling' (ninth observable attribute of Right Transcendental Inner Peace). Logical description of the driving process between Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Chánh Định) and Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm), as well as attributes of the first four observable attributes of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace do not give enough justice for the importance of "Actual Experience of #Oneness" which is far beyond conflicting thoughts ever known in one's life-after-life, entering into different depths of #Oneness, and most importantly the actual experience of #Prajna on the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Chánh Định).
The writer wishes to sufficiently communicate the importance of these first hand experiences to what he and his friends actually observe in the real lives of many well-known players including founders of great Cultures and Religions such as highly evolved entities in Hindu, Tao, Confucius, Buddhist, Christianity, Islam, etc, taking thousands years of evolution, yet only having a glimpse of this precious know-how which is the Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) at Beyond Thought (Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm ) and Detachment (Vô Trụ) to imply No-Mark (Vô Vết) once the action is completed for the Freshness (reborn and rejuvenation) of KhaiPhong manifestations of #Awareness, Dependent Nature, #Prajna in one's measurable Right Effort.
In connecting the dots together and communicating this very subtle part - we hope to shorten the path for many others - ready to take it to their True Hearts to see the entangles of innumerable things in one's 'Binding Word', 'Clinging Thought' and the subtle entanglements of many things in the 'Sex Energy' to veil one's Clarity and Insight in seeing 'Thing As It Is' which is within the capability of every person Innate Buddha Nature to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. 'Ready to take it to the True Heart' has degrees just like different depths of HonNhien mind and can only happen in Actual Living, out of the Ivory tower of Buddhist cheating Sanghas in the past 2500+ years. By 2023, the writer kmows He Is The Head of a family Leaneage in Dragon Realm. He determines to change the past feudal system into SDS (Stakeholders Democratic System) via GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) ThankYou HOC (Home Office Club) of Equanimity Communities - at least in his Lineage - currently prototyped in KhaiPhong Corporation so all rigorously tested qualified people have equal opportunities to contribute to "Worthy Communities Upward" while reserving Appointed ONLY members of AwakeningBudh Foundation to proven qualified seniors so they don't need to worry about mundane things BUT concentrating their energy in prioritized strategic directions which are set on 2024-01-01 in Dragon Realm as (1) Science, (2) Consciousness Technology, (3) Full Integration of the two. The structure is similar to the Executive Governance and Board of Directors in a human arganization.
In this Actual Living guided by [ ComPassion, Detachment, HonNhien, and #Prajna ] the entanglements of innumerable things in the senses are naturally separated for an #Awareness Beyond Thought (Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm). That separation is basically a scientific method to know a little more about oneself, to clearly see the causes and effects of contributed attributes reflected through one's Buddha Nature for an appropriate Right (Normative) Action from #Prajna in seeing 'Thing-As-It-Is' with infusion of something outside all conflicting boxes. At the top of Transcendental Inner Peace, the Nirvana of the Present Moment or Actual Cessation-of-Dukkha, it is described as: 'his sense organs are purified'[D27].
That Purification is the process to naturally separate the sense from other accumulated karmic forces that Buddhist scholars can only logically explain at Thought level. A thought of Emptiness and Non-Thingness is Not Empty and Non-Thingness, since there is still a Thought which is even 'Grosser than Love'. Experiencing the Equanimity where Equanimity Community upgradable from Tranquility Community observable in past cultures such as China mountains and lakes, Japanese gardens, etc, or current Switzerland, etc, is favourable environment of third observable attribute of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace. It is the Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness as described by Gotama[D29] and will make loose the Grips of Binding Word/Image. Knowing the Purity of Right Transcendental Inner Peace, the Grips of Clinging Thought will loose its power to enslave one in its conditioned box of Idols and Utopia driven by the Grasp-er and the Grasped. These are not imaginary theories but actual precious experience of few living students, taking the challenge being pioneers and daring against thousands years of esoteric master-slave relationships in 'the Right Thing to do'. Equanimity Community is favourable environment where one can communicate with others and surroundings Beyond Thought at Expanding Space (transcending the Observed) and Expanding Consciousness (transcending the Observer) of Knowable Transcendental States as described by a Vietnamese scholar at #6 and #7 of the presentations 2023-08-20, intimately KNOWN at the deepest corner of one's Heart that we hope it is still there 2025-02-15 in many Vietnameses for the New Era of KhaiPhong.
In summary, available solutions such as [ Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna, qualified Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent, HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna, and AwakeningBudh's Compassion-Prajna ] come to [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] from any conflicting event via "transcendental sensing" along the No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] on the duality plane of the event (Relative Truth) to be "naturally lifted" to the #Truth plane of the event for wider perspective of the event and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count. It is the real #Prajna measurable at the bottom-line of fact-based Effort to demonstrate whether one's effort coming from #Prajna or Ignorance. That is how #Prajna dispels Ignorance or Ignorance is effortlessly transformed in #Prajna.
The real #Prajna naturally makes one do something for the environment - even much stronger than Empathy - as the case of Gotama in his 45+ years of spreading his discoveries. Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh is naturally awaken whenever required, otherwise proven functionalities of the senses are operational. It is not like what hardcore professional cheaters[R18.4] in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, trying so hard to seriously prove what they do not know yet claimed to know do not see yet claimed to see[D19] in destroying their own lives and the lives of their followers as warned by HuiNeng 1000+ years ago. It is more like a herd of wild animals leisurely enjoying themselves. But suddenly, everything is in high alert when an unseen danger is directly perceived beyond physical senses! Humanity has advanced very far on the duality plane of existence. It is the time for a new frontier of Conscious Living, bringing to light natural laws operating in No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] for the manifestation of Being in all activities and relationships of living.
This Transcendental #Awareness makes Gotama [ MahaSatipatthana Sutta / The Great Frames of Reference / Tứ niệm xứ[D25] ] practical again in wider perspective of [ body, feeling, mind, and mental qualities ] by providing transcendental technologies and processes to pass Gateway-to-Oneness, reaching minimum qualified (Equanimity / Third Jhana) level of Transcendental #Awareness and Detachment[D22]. In the [Dependent Nature of the present states of one's Relationships with the World 'As It Is'], one is a part to change the Consuming and Producing patterns of the environment toward a Normative Economics of What Count[R23] at both micro and macro levels. The outcome of this complex 'Dependent Nature' in dynamic 'Learning and Doing' depends not only to one's action, but also the actions taken by other involved parties, commonly known as market f#orces, counter-part negotiations, etc, which can be intelligently supplemented with hard facts via Analytics (advanced, predictive, enterprise) and Artificial Intelligence (Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence). Accumulated data from these snapshots, together with other required information practically facilitate 'knowing more about oneself and optimise one's evolution in Continuity of the Consciousness'.
With the injection of Transcendental #Awareness - capable to sense the source of thought whether coming from you or other and its connection to properly manage oneself - Gotama [ MahaSatipatthana Sutta / The Great Frames of Reference / Tứ niệm xứ[D25] ] is a powerful tool to sense Thing-As-It-Is recently exposed in its translation by a Vietnamese scholar (1) to deepen the understanding of Dependent Nature in Duality Consciousness using one's container [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] and in No-Conflict Consciousness via the interaction of "self" with the layers of one's eighth consciousness for Value of the values in one's continuity of the consciousness, (2) to widen the understanding of Dependent Nature in Tantra Vertical Switch where the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace in common vibration of energy of True Caring and Sharing - even stronger than Empathy - take over the attached sexual pleasure due to natural Detachment that at the right time we will share with Tibetan Tantric Monastic Schools and the world, and (3) to drive humanity from [ international / cultural / religious / racial / etc ] conflicting events toward a harmonious developments based on invisible hands of natural laws (leading to #Prajna commonly known-as Moral Value of the values) and economics.
3. Moral Issue - Universal Moral Value
Based on observable Dependent Nature and sensing of the #Oneness, philosophers - lovers of TRUTH - have poked into the meaning of Morality which is from the Latin moralis "manner, character, proper behaviour". It is the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and those that are improper which is commonly known as Normative Intelligence. Moral Value can be a body of standards or principles derived for a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal which is a discovered underlying natural law to be tested and proven as an epistemic objective. The discovered "underlying natural laws directly perceived by #Prajna" from important and complex events such as "National Security, Territorial Ownership, Human Rights, Global Environment, etc" point out the relevance of cultivable #Prajna and its invisible hand to drive allocations of resources in Economics and the Raison D'être of human existence that XuanZang willing to risk his life to value add the missing part of Chinese Wisdom and Practicalities. It also scientifically points out "the utilities of #Prajna" in dissolving psychological karmic forces[D22] via living as an Accountable creator and part of the Responsible Creation according to Natural Laws of Thing-As-It-Is from the Whole.
The beliefs from all religions and philosophies - up to 2025 - have been created to meet human needs of something bigger from outside, commonly known as Type 1 and Type 2 Errors[R9]. Riding on this "Self Deception" in human evolution, all organised religions are created - having a backup from dark esoteric forces - to enforce masters-slaves relationships. Gotama was one of the dedicated explorers attempting to breakup this Vicious Circle of [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] with discovered natural laws for heavy lifting. Unfortunately, his discoveries have been intentionally distorted by hardcore unworthy monks / nuns / followers not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see - violating his fundametal ethic / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối - from within his Buddhist cheating Sanghas[D19] in 2500+ years of his cheating Buddhism.
Besides turning upside-down Gotama's Eightfold Path of Not-Self and Self interaction into a one dimension conflicting Self process of [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ][D46] where Not-Self is only a concept, not a reality in actual living. What humanity needs is a living entry level to Not-Self to be implemented in KhaiPhong if Things Happened as [ GsLp (Global Services Local Presence) / ThankYou Clubs and Equanimity Communities ] - Kindness > Empathy sensing people need and do something about it in Exciting with Opportunites to Do Good of all involved parties - that the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas and claimed religious leaders missed up to 2025. Let's look at the Moral Issue [Sin / Tội] and [Purity-of-the Mind / Tâm-Tịnh] in search for some lasting value in intelligent existence where the sources causing Purity of the Mind - Visible in one's engaged living and Testable in natural Wu-Nien - may come from different angles asserted / discovered by humanity up to 2025. That is what this writer use to search for and identify more than 36 students from different conditions, religions, skin colors, males or females of different cultures, etc.
In monotheism, [God / Allah] is a supreme Creator that all must follow - even in horrible acts of extreme violence and genocide as stories told in the bible - for possible "salvation and eternal assistance". This philosophy is illogical and against the Thing-As-It-Is of Natural Laws of conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) manifestation due to the second law of thermodynamics; all existences - visible or invisible - must be changing at Planck time as proven in modern STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math). In Christianity - cheated by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from evil Roman Catholic Church - people are indoctrinated as sinners, knowing nothing about the ultimate / absolute Right and Wrong and must be saved by the Redeemer - the greatest Hoax that we publicly challenge the reincarnation of Jesus to expose the #Truth once and for all the degenerated Father God rendered by underlying natural laws that he knows from the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods - where the popes and priests are gatekeepers[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2] collecting taxes from those wanted to be saved. We prove above that Jesus Wrong Faith rendered him a religious fanatic and being exploited as "Redeemer" by esoteric God that he called the Father. The second law of thermodynamics proves that the esoteric degenerated God is only a part of the Whole, fully responsible for his actions and consequences, equally treated (Rule-of-Law) by underlying natural law of Action-Reaction, scientificlly proven by Newton in his exact measurement of Gravity.
Via playing a small part in foiling masters-slaves relationships from Illuminati Elites, we esoterically know many in their degeneration to the quality not fit to be a human being to neutralise their steaming energy of extreme violence and sex among themselves. It logically, scientifically and empirically shows no one can be above Thing-As-It-Is Natural Laws, the Principle of Cosmic Order briefly known as Dharma. Discovering these Natural Laws - Making Life Easier and Happier - is the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong. Only in Budh Dharma, we can find the causes of [Sin / Wrong Effort] where everyone is a creator of one's own right fully accountable for one's action and the environment one a part, plus assertion of a logical possible solution in [ Purity-of-the-Mind / #Oneness / Sunyata ] due to Gotama's discoveries. The Moral Issue boils down to Normative Judgement and Effort on any event viewed from one's angle along the dimension of [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] high above and perpendicular to the plane of duality of all events.
The discoveries coming from [Purity-of-the-Mind / #Oneness / Sunyata] - transcending conflicting duality at binding-clinging [Word / Images / Thought] and beyond - to reachable consciousness[D26], [D29], [D30] have been esoterically sabotaged right from the beginning of Gotama's Sanghas since his discoveries go against group benefits in masters-slaves relationships. We esoterically know the degeneration of many named Buddhas in Buddhism, similar to the groups of Gods and Allah. Let's look at its well-known assertions: "(1) Tội sinh ra vì tâm bất tịnh / Sin is born due to Impure Mind, (2) Tâm đã tịnh rồi, tội liền tiêu / Once Purity-of-the-Mind is reached, sin is dissolved, (3) Tội tiêu tâm tịnh, thảy đều không / Sin and Purity-of-the-Mind is Empty, (4) Đó mới thực là chân sám hối / That really is true repentance”. Please stop here to see the tricks in Word / Thought in 2500+ years cheating processes of Buddhist unworthy monks / nuns / followers, then contrast it with scientifically deliverable Sin & Sunyata.
The first assertion is logically acceptable as explained in Buddhist 12 links of causes and effects. Here are some possible alternatives to immediately expose hard-core persistent unworthy people in their imaginary elephant to boost what they do not know nor have since they have not passed "the Gateway-to-Oneness", knowing nothing about transcendental states and totally within the box of their Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought[D19]: (1.a) Tội do tâm khởi, do tâm diệt / Sin is generated by the Mind and dissolved by the Mind or (1.b) Tánh tội vốn không do tâm tạo / The Essence of Sin is Empty and generated by the Mind. You can find out this 2500+ years of cheating in Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see by forcing them to describe their Actual Experience in Transcendental States pushed to the front line by HuiNeng's [ Wu-Nien aka Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] 1000+ years ago, since most have not touched the "Gateway-to-Oneness at 'Tranquility' level" and Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác[D22][D26] that no monk dares to touch.
The second assertion - without exposing how the [ Purity-of-the-Mind / #Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature ] is reached from the [ tainted mind / duality / relative truth / imaginary nature ] - is definitely coming from persistent cheating monks / nuns[D19], violating Gotama's ethical codes if coming from monks / nuns / Buddhists. This has happened in entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas up to 2025 since Gotama did not know the scientific process in the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] to (1) waste six years of hard practices until he recalled the HonNhien experience with tremendous compassion for living beings when being a child, and (2) designed the wrong tools[D24], [D25] for the right job of transcendental #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác)[D22][D26].
It is similar to a thought (meditation not at the transcendental level) of Emptiness in Nagarjuna Madhyamaka is not Empty. A "thought/concept of avoiding duality" as taught by an esoteric impostor Maitreya is already a duality. The third assertion is designed to "knock Gotama's discovered pieces of #Truth down", killing all "Intensity-of-Attention" naturally generated in recognising the Sinful Act and its consequences, the Person doing the Act, and possible changes due to Volition / Freewill / Sankhara from Wrong Effort (causing Sufferings for one and the environment one a part) driven by Ignorance to Right Effort driven by cultivable #Prajna in one's innate Budh (Buddha Nature). Armies of persistent unworthy monks / nuns ride on Gotma's credibility, making very unworthy living as exposed in the fourth assertion for their blah-blah-blah of cheating rituals in "true repentance" and solutions based on Fears and Ignorance, just like the indoctrinated sinners from Christianity totally relied on the faked redeemer, 100% contrary to the natural law of Action-Reaction.
No one in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - and most in higher realms according to our direct experience - know this state of "True Repentance" due to Purity-of-the-Mind, exactly as described in the Heart Sutra[R2], "Effortlessly Knowing" the "Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien", "No-Mark", "Detachment" coming from HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna. We are aware of two living persons knowing this state of mind since it is directly related to their past experience 7,000+ years ago in higher realm, and the need to "dissolve the karmic force" according to Gotama's advice to Ajita. That is why just casually reading the advice in his reincarnation from Soyen Shaku[R6] he immediately sees the answer and surprises why no one digs into the answer in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas. The two met again as Ashoka and his wife who convinced Ashoka "Doing Good". He had her name on one of his edicts. They are now among us, waiting for the right time and place to share their personal experiences as sets of discovered natural laws, turning the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong as a branch of natural science. The subtle sabotage is similar to Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness, capable to restrict and obstruct karmic forces with a possibility of dissolving them via #Prajna[D22] is replaced by "Concentration under the mask of Buddhist Mindfulness" blah blah blah by unworthy monks / nuns - not able to pass through the Gateway-to-Oneness - using Samatha to replace Gotama's #Samadhi and Vipassana to replace Gotama's #Prajna in perpetuating masters-slaves relationships.
If we consider one as an open container (containerized consciousness to be modeled as a personalized standard share-nothing container mu), possibly having proven (from HuiNeng and Gotama) different (Complex Fibonacci) layers of no-conflict consciousness as states and stock of one's possible #Prajna with innumerable tainted possibilities in facing an event in conflicting consciousness of all involved parties - also having innumerable tainted / outdated marks - interacting with outside conscious volition, we see a very complex environment where one is fully responsible for one's quality and its surroundings. Ultimately, it is a change in the quality of one's consciousness that counts since it determines the next abode of one's existence. At the time of forming container, the quality of the container depends on the quality of its contents leading to observable forms in wide ranges. Thanks to the Sound Specialist and our direct interactions in foiling the dark forces, we see two distinct containers and their contents: the body container and the "core/soul" container having energy and consciousness as their respective contents. That may be a reason why the "Mind" in the West is considered to be located in the brain together with the soul in "[ Body >< Mind >< Soul ]" while in the East, the "Core Subtlest Mind" is located at the Heart, and "[ Body >< Mind >< Effort ]" can be subjectively measurable as "Right Effort or Wrong Effort for a conscious living with Transcendental #Awareness where one is the only evaluator of this "unique accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation" in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Since any Effort is measurable after hard facts of the execution at both objective and subjective sense, Gotama's advice to Ajita about functionalities of Transcendental #AwarenessPrajna[D22] can be investigated at different depths, and statistically tested at clearly defined Signed Posts where beyond Gateway-to-Oneness is the unbinding Word/Image and unclinging Though.
On top of this are volitional activities of others - either good commonly known as esoteric helps ( God / Allah / Angel / Buddha / Bodhisattva) or bad voodoo[R8], [R9] - to affect the quality of one's consciousness. It is similar to a physical disease where there are many influencing factors and possible solutions that only statistically proven approach in the science of medicine can help to alleviate parts of sufferings. More important than the physical science, the quality of the consciousness is influenced not only at the Form level via Intensity of Attention due to [ the Right-Thing to-do / Conscience / #Prajna ] but also at the Energy level due to the Right conditions of discovered Natural Laws and ability of qualified students directing cosmic energy toward a target. Most important of all is the discovered #Oneness, the source for reborn and rejuvenation of all duality manifestations. All these point to the relevance of the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.
The "Degeneration of Moral Values" has been globally visible since (1) the bullying of humanity through Fears and Greed by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all isms where religions are cheating parts and totalitarian systems were fully exposed to strip "moral masks of crooked religious and world leaders", (2) the democracy and freedom of choice were illusions proven by tainted senses GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) from Buddhist Dharma and hard evidences proving US Governments - up to 2020 - manipulation of public / world opinions by cunning elites from Illuminati New World Order driven by the Right and Wrong of extreme Left and Right while majority of people are drugged in the binding Word/Image and clinging thought via organized religions, corruptions of agents in authorities called by George Soros as the dichotomy / duality of market participant and political participant, in combination with mass propaganda, (3) the human rights coming from Latin "humanitas" of (a) biological existence, (b) various moral concepts of Enlightenment [ #Prajna ], and (c) inherent ability to have compassion for other humans [ Compassion ] have been lost due to corrupted immoral benefits to enslave humanity at masters-slaves relationships.
When #PrajnaTIP in Sound is properly implemented, many will be able to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness, turning Gotama's personal opinion of his achievable #Samadhi into epistemic objectives of Thing-As-It-Is. The Moral Issues and Solutions in Right Understanding and Right Motivation of any event is not any more exclusive domain of religions, bullying humanity for an exclusive legal or cultural Right but totally failed up to 2025. Using these epistemic objectives of "#Samadhi / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent" as scientific tools, many other vertical switches such as (1) #PrajnaTIP in Sound, (2) Tantra, (3) Aspiration via faith, music, dancing, painting, etc, (4) ComPassion, (5) Detachment, and (6) #PrajnaTIP in Kindness will be further discovered, scientifically implemented and value added. Having the mass capable to know #Oneness, the Raison D'être of innovations and applications will come "From people, By people, and For people" toward What Count[R23]. There is no more conflicts between socially acceptable religions and sciences.
In the market economy, Complexity economics sees the economy not as a system in equilibrium, but as one in motion, perpetually constructing itself anew due to dynamic changing both demands and supplies, and the "Information Types such as [ Tranquility, Equanimity, Purity, Selfless, Non-Thingness, Unmoving (in the Y-dimension) / HonNhien, ManagingFreshness, KnowingFreshness, ProcessDiscovered, KnowingTHought, CareViaCosmicEnergy, HelpViaCosmicEnergy (in the X-dimension) / EquanimityAwareness, PurityAwareness, SignedPosts, SelflessAwareness, VisibleAwarenessPrajna, EngagedAwarenessPrajna, ForecastingSimulation, VisibleSamadhiPrajna (in the F-dimension) ]" if we start to introduce Normative Intelligence toward What Count[R23]. It uses computational rather than mathematical analysis to explore how economic structure is formed and reformed, in continuous interaction with the adaptive behavior of the 'agents' in the economy. This non-linearity is a key point to properly deal with the nested structure of the data which must be part of the underlying dynamic data model for eventually consistent of an evolving system driven by subjective resource allocations of all involved participants. Given the success of LLM (Large Language Model) via neural networks, the causes and effects in linear regressions of consistent time series and Input-Output tables in consistent Industrial Classifications can be further augmented with reasoning LLM neural simulation in AI economic forcasting and simulations.
Research has shown that no two separate micro-events are completely isolated, and there is a statistical relationship that forms a macroeconomic structure. The relationship is not always in one direction; there is a reciprocal influence when feedback is in operation. Classical proof is in input-output data where producing energy needs machines and producing machines need energy. Economics theory has talked about long term equilibrium. In integration between economics time series and input-output, it has been mathematically proven "there exists an inverse matrix in solving many thousands simultaneous equations for a consistent system of consistent time-series and input-output data at each measurable time point. Distributed databases in modern complex economics such as privately owned distributed db and its ecosystem in KpPlatform have also been proved to be eventually consistent. Hence, the integration of Normative and Artificial Intelligence has mathematically proven to be feasible in eventually consistent model to enable people the centres of all economic activities and relationships in Universal Moral Value of the values where everyone can be a changing agent. It is Universal according to Thing-As-It-Is natural laws to be discovered and shared. It is Moral due to Normative Intelligence contributed by all concerned parties. This rationally comes together between the economic Haves and HaveNots in KhaiPhong's Harmonious Melting Pot driven by Invisible Hand of Economics and invisibly directed by Scientifically Cultivable Invisible Hand of #Prajna.
To sum up the complexity of both normative intelligence of multi-party engagements and available technologies to start up the new Era of Conscious Living via Trusted Leaderships in human centric Society 5.0, let's take the current (2025) International Issues of "South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea" as a typical example to "reveal KhaiPhong proposed solution". We put ourselves in the economic HaveNots, and use the "Normative Haves in Making Life Easier and Happier, and economic Know-How" of good return in investments in Universal (Moral) Value of the values to attract the Haves in their most significant learning and doing. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi[D54] - via discovering the underlying power of the "Universal #Oneness" and his proof in Yogic Flying from Hindu traditions - has suggested in 1960s - 1970s an "Age of Enlightenment" to harmoniously tackle human international issues. The utopia of harmonious "Melting Pot" is the lowest hanging fruit, and ready to be picked by those happened to be in the right position at the right place and right time. As mentioned in the PRECIOUS GATEWAY / BẢO GIANG MÔN @ "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã", the current (2025) international issues are similar to the Three Kingdoms (simplified Chinese: 三国时代; traditional Chinese: 三國時代) tripartite division of China among the states of Wei, Shu, and Wu with the end of the Han dynasty. The Harmonious solution has been predicted by Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm who can be in a unique and optimal position to bring all concerned parties together in the culture of "Righteous Living". Together we will equalise the playing fields for both the Haves and HaveNots in a new Golden Era of humanity.
George Soros argues at the philosophical level that it is OK for the market participant to make money in a market economy even on the average the action causes more harm than good since if one does not do some other - being equally intelligent - will do it to ride on the opportunity. But, when one represents people - being a political participant - one has a moral value and responsibility with the represented people. This is not the case according to Thing-As-It-Is, having bottom line hard evidences that corruption driven by the Greed of Power under the narrow scope of any utopia is much worse than corruptions of money, visibly observable in the top communist leaders (2025) of China and VietNam. These create favourable attributes for soft Intelligence coup d'etat / regime change, leading to the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Just like anything one needs to take any claim with a grain of salt, waiting for more hard evidences. Dr. Soros played his game well at both sides of short sighted human conscience - immoral in making money and moral in advocating enforceable laws - according to the Latin humanitas. The conflicting duality turns him and his short sighted view into a stock of negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration - testable and verifiable from the fact of having "No Moment of a complete Silence" raised by the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva[D49] well-known in the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness personally testified by Gotama and KhaiPhong - being a cunning elite just like a cunning Catholic Pope[R18.2], [R18.1], [R18], destroying himself and others at both sides of the extreme, including the moral side in his view, or the "Faith and Love side of any Pope". The quality of his - or the Pope's - identifiable stream of consciousness would not serve him in this life and in longer continuity of the consciousness which cannot be destroyed but transformed in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
It is scientifically proven above that one can theoretically act on all events from the reachable #Oneness and high above in [ #Prajna / Wisdom ]. From that wider view one can see strategic position toward a Right Direction of What Count[R23] in one's continuity of the consciousness. But that higher level No-Conflict consciousness can also be reached via cunning intelligence of concentration, cheating the counter parts to "I win You loose" rendering all involved parties Worse Off, showing the defference between Hegelian Dialectic versus #Prajna Dialectic as shown at pont B and C of Figure 2. The Moral Issue boils down to the Non-Duality decision based on [ Wisdom / #Prajna ] on the #Truth plane - having No Inner Conflict with possible minimum outer conflict - of any event.
The new Era has been arrived to Awaken that innate Budh in every person, knowing more about oneself and the environment one a part, having solutions for Effortless Right Action / Wei-Wu-Wei moving among conflicting Duality with cultivable Detachment - No Obstruction from Manifestation and Emptiness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại[D34] - to answer the challenge that "God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality[R6]". By raising the level of consciousness - knowing more about oneself in the longer and wider view from discovered natural laws underlying one's Quality and Continuity of the identifiable stream of Consciousness - one can make money in market economy and use the money as an opportunity to do good according to Action-Reaction plus a privilege to have "hand-on experience" to actually learn the underlying conditions of higher quality in "Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna)" underlying the Latin Humanitas and its derived Human Rights. We like to work with the "Haves" to use your available resources toward What most Count for yourself and the environment where you are a part since one Can Know and Change Only In Engaged Living, Now and Near Future.
The Detachment can be statistically measurable at six manifested signed posts of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] or HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna[R5]. We appeal to all people seeing this possibility get together, making the Corner Stone of the New Era an Actuality for many generations to come where everyone has equal right to value-add and part of this new Era, harmoniously orchestrated by Invisible and Helping Hand of Natural Laws underlying the Latin "humanitas" [ Compassion-Prajna ] due to Normative Intelligence from the Dependent Nature of Existence, changing oneself and the environment[R10] toward What Count[R23]. The "Corner Stone" is based on three-prong strategy targeted all people: the Haves from top layer, the HaveNots from bottom layer, and the Stakeholders running current organisations, enabling everyone an Agent of Changes. The Have - with available resources to do Good - gets the opportunity to know more about oneself and what most important in one's Value of the values. The HaveNot has opportunities to know more about oneself via Right Effort moving toward responsible stakeholder. The Stakeholder is forced to actually know more about oneself in measurable Taming The Ox. That "three-prong strategy" is trekking along Trần Thái Tông three-legs donkey[R7.3] riding on Gotama's three divisions of modified Eightfold Path: [ #Prajna >< Virtue >< Stability ].
This Corner Stone from the Haves, HaveNots and Stakeholders of the New Era is now visible in the aftermath of the foiled Illuminati Elites. The Moral Value of the values and its cultivable processes is very relevant to those (1) being At Home directly facing one's realities and What Right in Actuality, and (2) having sufficient 'Conscience - The Right Thing to do - #Prajna - Ultimate (Wider) #Truth - Kingdom of God within' to change oneself and the environment one a part. The description is not the described and with the innate "#Oneness / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Conscience / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth" one can know the Right and Wrong of measurable efforts which directly affect the quality of one's consciousness in fact-based statistical significance of both individual and the aggregates.
The "Universal Moral Value" according to Natural Laws perpendicular to duality plane of conflicting events has its own "safety check" in the layered dependent nature of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]. Once the foundation layers of Kindness and Empathy are not there, the #Prajna of [ Not-Self / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ] on the Compassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata is lost. There is only the cunning intelligence of Hegelian dialectic on the duality plane of conflicting events in zero-sum game making all involved parties burned out due to stress which can be changed by Empathy and cross responsibility. The quality of one's consciousness is degenerated until something happened to reawaken one's conscience toward a Right Direction of What Count[R23]. This is in fact what happened to the esoteric [ Lucifer / degenerated Gods, Allah, Buddhas ] filtering down to their slaves in Illuminati Elites.
In reversed engineering the very precious and long process of Right Effort having many "watch-outs" of first-hand painful cracks, we discover "Thing-As-It-Is" layered Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] different from Duality Consciousness on duality plane of conflicting events to scientifically explain the degeneration and costly lessons learned from highly evolved beings and inner circles of the Illuminati elites. In the aftermath of the foiled Illuminati Elites those who are still living can live with their conscience to reverse the degeneration process in their Continuity of the Consciousness, mathematically proven from minute 7:00 and 6:25 of Complex Fibonacci evolution then degeneration by natural laws and Right positive Fibonacci Evolution. Via Freewill plus custom AI from armies of PhD and post-graduate researchers of all relevant domains, one can ride on available resources with the Best money can buy in the Right Direction toward What Count to assure that one is always on the Right Path from humanity upward.
Esoterically, we learned from a not-degenerated member of the Illuminati inner circles that those controlling over 20 billion US dollars upward are identified elites. You were selected because of your past achievements and comparative advantages. Be honest and see for yourself if you are able to be Aware of the driving forces (the sources) of your thoughts properly managing your realities exactly as Gotama's advice to Ajita[D22] using your transcendental #AwarenessPrajna[D26] that all Buddhist Professional cheating monks / nuns[R18.4] cannot even pass the Gateway-to-Oneness. If not, the "safety check" in you has been activated according to Thing-As-It-Is of Natural Laws. It is now the time to use available resources that you cannot carry on at the end of this life cycle to reverse the degeneration process in your "Continuity of the Consciousness" according to Natural Purification[D27]. We can help; your sustainable works may last even beyond current life time. If you are controlling 20 billion dollars upward, and in the past communicated by the image of an Owl for Buddhists and Christians or white light for Muslims, you are the elite outer edges as we esoterically know the reincarnation of the claimed cornerstone of Trần dynsty in the East and of Saint Francis of Assisi in the West.
We use the word 'Unmoving Sunyata' inspired by HuiNeng self-introduction instead of Nirvana to stress the dynamic process of Learning and Doing and Then What, not just the target knowable under human condition and then exploited by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], cheating humanity in not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. Similarly, we use the word 'Sunyata Non-Thingness' to show subtler levels of Consciousness to be aware of the "nothingness" and may be something more but outside the Consciousness domain of human realm, partly touched in Buddhayana texts such as Prajnaparamita, Lankavatara, etc. We use 'Expanding Space' and 'Expanding Consciousness' instead of 'Infinite Space' and 'Infinite Consciousness' to show the dynamic nature of experience rather the static utopia of 'Infinite' at thought level. A thought of 'Infinite' is not 'mathematically infinite'.
Therefore, from the Actuality of Real Pains or Inner Quest (the Right Thing to do), one directly knows the manifestation of "#Prajna" and its required conditions to have much wider perspective of relative Worthy Existence. Applying that wider perspective on the deep rooted Sunyata, one has a Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) to transform all karmic forces into manageable existence (such as sexual drives, fears, phobias, uncontrollable urges and greed of many things, etc) and the Sunyata Non-Thingness to enable a Freshness and Rejuvenation of all conditioned manifestations in a Worthy Existence (Sat) of SatChitSunyata.
It is like No Gravity in the Vacuum, and the ability of effortlessly moving from one state to others for a naturally reborn and rejuvenation out of the Sunyata. Both Gravity and Vacuum states are parts of Natural Laws under different conditions. Similarly, both Dukkha and Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha are parts of the Natural Laws discovered by Gotama. The role of all qualified Explorers is to logically Know its road map for required Right Efforts, personally Verify it in one's Continuity of the Consciousness toward What Count, then Spread it out, enabling the scientific process widely benefiting the communities wherever one happens to be due to the Dependent Nature of Existence. This wider perspective can be possibly valid, extended to thousands years into the future for the benefits of many generations to come. It is commonly known as the Vision, or probability of the Right Outcome of any significant event as mathematically described in Quantum Mechanics.
#Prajna (Conscience and more) is observable in daily activities and cultivable to understand more about oneself and the 'Issues' of the Present Moment that we wish to make it happened to all students in AwakeningBudh Movement, out of the confusion (up to 2025) of current Buddhist Sanghas into the practical "Thing As It Is". Back to the democratizing KhaiPhong and crossing the river from one bank of Sufferings, jumping into #Prajna and arriving to the other side of Prajna-Paramita Worthy Existence, we see many dedicated buddhists - each (defined as one exploring the KhaiPhong) on his/her own way to explore the nature of one's Consciousness - have been working on their current issues in the long past and may possibly have a glimpse of possible solutions of the issues. Due to complex Dependent Nature of existence, one's dominant interest, success or failure, must come from somewhere that through Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) one can recover the past experience, like Gotama recovering his past experience as a child that changed his outlook for an outcome of the Fourfold Truth.
Linking these efforts together via invisible / helping hand of Normative Economics (allocating scare resources to What Counts[R23]), one can leverage efforts and solutions from others while adding one's unique 'sauce' to make the solution more practical and enjoyable, rather than always starting from square one, ignorantly pulled and pushed by organised religions to totally abandon one's Buddha Nature or True Heart. Accessing to the Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Chánh Định), one can build required infrastructure in the Right Effort as we are doing for a Business Project of any size and a Personal Development HR system that many can value-add their specialised domains as sustainable economic activities that may last beyond their life times. If things happened we will equalise the playing fields for all, the Haves, Stakeholders, and HaveNots.
In this continuous process of [ Right Effort >< Right Transcendental #Awareness >< Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace ] where their qualities can be measured in all Activities, Relationships and Places, worthy relationships in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles are critical not only for the success of the Project in this life time, but also the karmic binding forces in future Space-Time required relationships for the involved parties' evolution. For example, in 'The Quarrel At Kosambi'[D45] one would wonder a proper positioning among the Buddha, the Budh Dharma, and the Buddhism born from Buddhist Sanghas. Since we are living in a conflicting world and due to the Dependent Nature, Gotama should describe his inner process to dissolve the outer conflicts from the Inner Peace, typical in an answer from Bodhidharma[D35]. The visible outcome was not what we expect, and that may be the reason for his DISCOVERIES and life-time efforts effortlessly destroyed by unworthy monks / nuns in his own Buddhist cheating Sangha right at the time of his spreading the Buddhist Dharma.
To sum up, the Universal (Moral) Value is now statistically measurable commonly known as epistemic objectives / ICA (International Cooperative Alliance) in modern democratic process called SDS (Stakeholders Democratic System) to be discovered and shared in Making Life Easier and Happier. It is not [ divisional / conflicting "Moral Value" ] derived either from any ism or organised religion, cheating humanity by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] for group benefits in making very unworthy living. This Universal (Moral) Value can be sustainable if and only if there are sufficient elites capable to know more about oneself { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } in reclaiming one's [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas ] plus ability to penetrate complex focused events with one's comparative advantages to change one and the events toward What Count. This is the practicalities of cultivable #Prajna, short fall from Chinese Wisdom and its Practicalities to turn Budh Dharma into a religion that forced XuanZang to find out the Raison D'être of one's existence. Value-added contributions of XuanZang and HuiNeng must wait for the right time to be revitalised. Please sense their reincarnations as present living students among us to make happened the new Era of human Golden Era. For a Buddhist, you can create part of your Environment and monitor your Right Understanding and Right Motivation with reasoning AI (Artificial Intelligence) to wipe out all cheating monks / nuns, intentionally sabotaging Gotama's discoveries up until 2025. When Vertical Switches are introduced you are their testers and participants to help the "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in innumerable specialised cases. You are in part discover and in part create the Real You[R10], the Wise tame themselves (Dhammapala verse 80 - attanam damayanti pandita).
In doing so, you gradually build your private persona graph to train the AI custom to your uniqueness and most relevant at any time and place. In our open-source design system, you have your own database and own the generated data which are shared only what you want to share for community research in detecting the Right Understanding and Right Motivation of important issues, relevant to you and humanity. The equalisation processes involve open-source (1) data with minimum restriction to assure flexibility of your own data structures while making the data unbounded expanding and useful to others, (2) a "single version of #Truth" for tracking distributed transactions where one service can be automatically connected to other services by the system, (3) distributed graph technology for AI, (4) core container-based services where everyone can value add, riding on industry standards and other value-adds.
4. Implementation Augmented by Artificial Intelligence
Once the scientific and moral foundations of #Oneness where epistemic objectives in No-Conflict Consciousness Discovered and Shared have been integrated via connecting the dots - contributed by dedicated explorers from both human and higher realms - its implementation is straight forward to make everyone an Agent of Changes, turning epistemic objectives (biology, compassion, wisdom) of Latin humanitas into daily actualities to solidify Human Rights toward Higher Consciousness. Every one can do something for one's Compassion and [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness ] to be part of the Equanimity Communities KhaiPhong toward What Count.
Referring to the four sudden awakens shared by a student in our group (1) when he was a growing child, (2) when he put Right Effort in his selected professions, (3) when he married and raised a family, (4) when he played a father role, the engaged events are continuously changing and differently conditioned due to changing [ driving forces / attitudes ] of involved participants, changing economic and social make-ups of the surroundings, etc. There are innumerable activities, plans and relationships in these events. Without "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in a conscious living of What, How, and When to act (or not to act / wei-wu-wei) all of one's efforts turn into vain, causing sufferings / unhappy for one and others, no matter how much "money" one can make and what "power" one can secure. That fundamental Issue called Dukkha - applicable to all people in all walks of life from all countries and beyond - has been raised up by Gotama 2500+ years ago in his search for a real solution of existence.
Gotama succinctly presented his claimed discoveries in the first and second discourses - namely the "(modified) Eightfold Path and Not-Self" - to kick-start the establishment of Buddhist Sanghas for spreading the solution. The solution practicality is stated in his advice "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them and by [ #Prajna / Wisdom ], they are dissolved"[D22] to be statistically tested and verified as epistemic objectives. Thousand+ years later, HuiNeng significantly value-added from different angle looking at the core of Gotama's transcendental solution[D26] with #SamadhiPrajna[R5] where #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]".
Just like Gotama standing on his proposed solution in actual living for 45+ years, HuiNeng demonstrated his #Samadhi - the utter silence of all inner noises - to see Thing-As-it-is for a Right Understanding, and #Prajna - a wisdom to identify one's strategic position for a Right Effort, directing the currently engaged event toward What Count[R23]. Gotama's advice[D22] and HuiNeng demonstrable "#SamadhiPrajna" turn out to be trainable with augmentation in reasoning LLM (Large Language Model) AI of Deep Learning, statistically measurable and testable with current scientific knowledge, and most importantly scientifically cultivable due to significant discovery of KhaiPhong Technology of underlying natural laws to directly access different depths of Right #Samadhi (Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent) to activate the Natural Purification[D27] in purifying one's tainted senses for clearer view of Thing-As-It-Is.
Via Natural Purification[D29], [D30] - cultivable from KhaiPhong Technology - any Breakthrough in the Right Understanding and Right Motivation coming from "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } can be documented with its outcome(s) and optimal required conditions for further testing. The Natural Purification[D27] together with Deep Learning from hard data via statistical and mathematical optimisations are combined for deeper and wider applications in Making Life Easier and Happier, putting people as centres of all activities and relationships "[ From people, By people, and For people ]" known by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] to enable all acting as a single entity - humanity - for common cause. The Right Understanding and Right Motivation of important events - such as those shared by a student in our group as (1) A growing child, (2) Right Effort in one's selected profession, (3) Marriage, (4) Parenting, etc - can be considered as the community implementations of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path to actually verify his assertion[D22].
The darkness in entire history of humanity - foiled at the esoteric levels in their critical time known as the degenerated Illuminati Elites - will be dispelled with the light of [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] of Right Understanding and Right Motivation of Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position toward What Count, applicable to all intelligent realms from humanity upward. Our three-prong approach - applicable to the Haves, HaveNots, and Stakeholders - rides on the innate "Kingdom of God from Within" or "Buddha Nature" capable to know the Right and Wrong relevant to one's present moment once the tainted senses are at utter Silence for the manifestation of #Prajna. This natural technology will effortlessly and invisibly pull all the selected slaves of the esoteric dark forces to the right direction via Value of the values in one's continuity of the consciousness to properly use accumulated resources and worldly powers under their control to benefit them and the surroundings toward What Count.
The implementation embraces both tools and facilities to be more and more wider and deeper concerning all aspects of living, Making Life Easier and Happier. Its three corner stones are:
- Simplicity of the "lego" system where a service can build on top of other services so almost everyone can be a part of "unique value-add" from any angle.
- Security in accumulated inner circle of the circles where everyone is both a consumer and producer to change both consumption and production patterns.
- Built from Open Sources and contributed back to open sources specializations in cultivable Normative Intelligent, enabling people centres of all activities and relationships.
Sustainable opportunities are better than ever since (1) technical risk is at the minimum while what required for well orchestrated concrete unique services are readily available and Free as trees in a forest, (2) cost of an initial plash from well-crafted independent units is still reasonable, having no possible competition in cultivable Normative Intelligence to change humanity toward Higher Consciousness, injecting Happiness in all daily activities for [ both the Haves the Stakeholders and the HaveNots ].
The "lego" system is mature enough with reasonable (open source) minimum rules to enable (1) independent design of user interface of each microservice, (2) independent design of the service data structures (from Neural Graph Database db built on Rust-based clone of Open Sources and Blockchain per user/service) where major heavy lifts are open sources and available services (user facing ai) so you just concentrate on your unique value-add, (3) business intelligence (BI), competitive intelligence (CI) and artificial intelligence are parts of services, (4) commercialisation (Node centric and edge-centric data centres) is just one deployment away. For example, technology behind Google Keep is well-known where each service is responsible only for its internal routing while application like user facing mu will route the demanded services. Flexible database where you can have your own data structure, use all or just a selected layer with assurance that the database is scalable, fit for functional programming of a complexity system[R24], with or without time-series for modeling and simulation.
Security is a major concern in this "open world" where faked news and networks of intelligence and counter-intelligence are everywhere. Riding on well-proven internet DNS (Domain Name Service in more secure IPv6) you can duplicate your circle of inner circles down to how many layers as you currently have. To further facilitate the Good Forces in hand-on training to know more about oneself and the environments one a part, ThankYou Club is our planned facility to make happened Global Service Local Presence where international trades and relations of [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] privately and informally happened.
Open Sources are fertile grounds to enforce One is only a part of the Whole and [ harmonious / transparent / accountable ] fields to observe the dynamic invisible hands of human rights (directed by invisible but measurable #Prajna) in action to change the world to higher consciousness. Once the initial plash of required tools and facilities happened with flexible Neural Graph Database and custom AI, we will convert our past technologies to the new systems of microservices: (1) Executive Information Portal - sponsored by Canadian Oil and Gas companies in early 2000's - to make private [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] affordable at the lowest entry level, (2) Open Government collected data on flexible db and custom AI combined with custom Balanced Scorecard becoming a flood gate of innumerable applications Making Life Easier and Happier where community Values and Cultures are parts of productions and consumption, (3) Collected statistical data on both the trends (time-series) and structural changes (Leontief input-output model) at national, regional and industry levels instantly available to enable deep analysis from economic analysts in responding to rapid changes, (4) Converging technologies between time-series and input-output table pioneered by Canadian CANDIDE (Canadian Disaggregated Integrated Distributed Economic) model (Economic Council of Canada in 1970s) and Alberta IDEAL (Alberta Distributed Economic Activity Long term) model (Teconomics in 1980s) combined with modern technologies of Big Data for detecting time-series, structural and relationship changes becoming more relevant than ever, absolutely required for approval of major long term project.
Our Communications and Collaborations - having four core services whose technologies are open sources: user facing mu (edge-centric services), Neural Graph Database db (activities and relationships services), custom AI services, and KpPlatform (node-centric services) - are itended to fill this 2500+ years of gap, showing:
- How Buddhist "Transcendental #Awareness aka Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" can be effective if and only if the quality of practitioner can be raised to Gotama's "minimum qualified level of Transcendental #Awareness[D29]". This is contrary to the current blah blah blah of Buddhist cheating Sanghas from those not even passing the gateway-to-oneness. Please read honest - mostly from westerners - evaluations of Buddhist "Mindfulness" from many practitioners dedicated their lives in the past 50 years to see the cul-de-sac or the "Blinds touching Elephant" of Buddhist duality[D19], [D24]. See for yourself how Gotama's discoveries of the "#Oneness and Diversities together with empirical verifications from "Relative #Truth" to "Ultimate (Wider) #Truth"" at different depths of "Insight into the Emptiness[D26]" as the solution to identified Dukkha (dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha, sankhara-dukkha) in Actual Living, sabotaged by his own Buddhist cheating Sanghas through esoteric influences to perpetuate the masters-slaves relationships[R13.1]. It is much easier to drive other discoveries without having sufficient time and resources to further develop into a solid foundation based on Thing-As-It-Is Natural Laws such as those from Jesus in his "Parable of the Good Samaritan"[R16]. The Hoax of Jesus Redeemer is the outcome of the evil Roman Catholic Church[R18.3] using the "Binding Word/Image" then - by different esoteric group - to Islam with even more abstract "Clinging Thought". Since duality is always at the conflicts of changes and conditioned, esoteric dark forces after messing their own realms driven by Greed attempted to drive humanity toward a Totalitarian System with one bank, one military force, and one religion in imposing their ignorance on others as they successfully accomplished via organized religions. Their plots have been foiled and all involved parties have their consequences according to Natural Laws of Action-Reaction and Like-attract-Likes. The solution is now achievable - unifying all organized religions - and at the right time by discovering natural laws in implementing the right process in Purification of the Senses known by living students as evidenced in this book and in the way we push / pull world opinion toward scientific verifiable processes.
- How to extend it to Gotama's "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" from his modified Eightfold Path in solving complex global issues. The potentialities are there and the cultivation process must be outside-the-box in Patch C of Figure 2 via #SamadhiPrajna revealed 1000+ years ago by HuiNeng. This razor-sharp required qualities of "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in the "#Prajna" division of the modified Eightfold Path for a "Right Effort" shows (1) the relevant of HuiNeng's dynamic #SamadhiPrajna rather than the gradual process of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna, (2) the jumping from any Plane of #Truth perpendicular at the duality plane at the point of conflicting manifestation to another Plane of #Truth high above the new conflicting manifestation due to the injection of volition of all involved parties[R7], (3) the possibility of Effortless Right Action / Wei-Wu-Wei moving among conflicting Duality with cultivable Detachment / #EmptyTheContent - No Obstruction from Manifestation and Emptiness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại[D34] - to answer the challenge that "God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality[R6]".
- How to focus the qualified "#Awareness" to implement Gotama's advice in Ajita's questions[D22] - "Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved - which if scientifically implemented will effortlessly reduce unnecessary sufferings for many. The discoveries have been veiled by cheating monks / nuns / followers[R18.4] for so long.
- How to turn 'The Art of War' in balancing conflicting driving forces in life into a practical tool in one's important activities to know more about oneself and the direction one is heading as presented by Bodhidharma in his "Jue Guan Lun / TUYỆT QUÁN LUẬN[D35]" of Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha.
The entanglements are complex, but with Right Transcendental Inner Peace whose outcomes are both 'Purification of the Senses' (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) at different depths of Right Transcendental #Awareness and 'Dissolving dominant karmic hurdles' for better Qualities of the Present Living, one can start the 'disentangle' of the 'entanglements' right Now at the present Moment. They are measurable levels, just like academic measurable levels of after graduation passing the required Detachment. Since each person has innumerable different issues, the scientific processes and qualifications to personally know the processes as Equanimity and Purity Mind are what we need as qualified Budh Counsellors for helping many others while making the Science of Consciousness sustainable. It is an actual deliverable benefit in helping One and the Communities one a part.
The same process is applied to other 'Clinging Forces' using different conditioned environments for specialized targets. Here is a new frontier to be significantly contributed by Professionals having personal experience with #Prajna to shed light on their services from new angles. #Prajna (Wisdom) is the innovative Source to drive all activities toward a Right Direction according to Natural Laws. The technology of accessing Higher Consciousness demonstrates the power of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Chánh Định) for Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) in purification of the senses, enabling the senses naturally separated from 'Impurities' without any conflict or will power for seeing 'Thing As It Is'. All kinds of impurity - dust in HuiNeng well-known contest - can be dissolved in the ever 'Sunyata Non-Thingness' seventh observable attribute of Right Transcendental Inner Peace for the manifestation of #Prajna to drive the 'Volition - Sankhara' toward a Right Action of the Present Moment.
It is the power of 'Equanimity' from Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent to loosen the Grips of 'Binding Word' and 'Purity' to separate 'Clinging Thought' from all senses, naturally drop associated emotions when an action is completed. 'Binding Word' and 'Clinging Thought' are entangled in one's Physical and Mental States, theoretically explained in the seventh Consciousness of Vasubandhu. They are parts of one's Grasp-er and the Grasped in the master-slave relationships rather than the Right Relationship of 'One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One' in 'Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings'. It is the quality of HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) to manifest one's hidden valuable attributes [ ComPassion, Detachment, HonNhien, and #Prajna ] according to Natural Laws. Everyone can use the technologies to explore Deliverable Solutions for the present Unsatisfied (Dukkha-Dukkha).
At the personal level, Right Transcendental #Awareness disentangles the entanglements and dissolves (due to its internal energy of #Prajna) dominant karmic force, while at the aggregate ecosystem, the group Right Transcendental #Awareness sheds lights from different angles of expertise on the Issue and the Strategy at the aggregate point of interests. To see the evolving event in "Thing-As-It-Is" and appropriate strategy at any point in time, the mathematical representation of the evolving event on the duality plane and its [ Gateway-to-Oneness / Source ] in a perpendicular plane of #Truth indicates that the higher/deeper we can reach the clearer and simpler we can push the event toward our "right" direction. There is a one-to-one mapping between aggregate Persona and personal Persona, both in terms of the driving forces and the feedback impersonally recorded by the corresponding digital Persona to augment the Learning and Doings: Detachment / Pragmatic, Beyond-Thought at the Issue / Detecting structural and emergent attributes, No-Mark on one's Substance / Feedback of lessons learned, Accumulated Right Transcendental Inner Peace / Accumulated Knowledge on the subject.
'Spreading the Dharma in large scale', we identify and deliver Natural Attributes of the Right Effort having [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] of real time hard evidences for Clarity in Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and Insight in Right Transcendental-InnerPeace / #EmptyTheContent (Chánh Định) of one's Mindful Communications and Collaborations. We wish to democratize KhaiPhong with the two Simplest Attributes but most significant findings in Budh Dharma: Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) to see 'Thing As It Is' having Detachment (Vô Trụ) and #Prajna (Bát Nhã) manifested in required appropriate Action / Inaction of all Efforts. When the Right Transcendental #Awareness is extending to the Dependent Nature of One and the environments to embrace the environments as an extension of one's vibrant Living Organism, the same principles - namely [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ] - are applicable to help democratising all relationships into Right Relationships: family, club / community, profession / company, entertainment / public. The discovered foundation of cultivable [ #AwarenessPrajna: "ComPassion >< Right Transcendental Inner Peace >< #AwarenessPrajna ] is also the foundation of [ Education: "Knowing oneself and the environment As-It-Is >< Capable to penetrate facing Complex Issue >< Perceiving one's Strategic Position ] to change oneself and the environment toward What Count in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
Unlike many unfounded claims from all organised religions, the Budh Dharma is the description of Natural Laws which we aspire to make them into a formal Science of Consciousness, consistent through out and waiting for further discovery for the benefits of One and Others, just like math taught in elementary level consistent with and required for math at higher levels. In that sense, there is no difference between the scientific Theravada and Mahayana. They are the descriptions of natural laws to be empirically verified according to the Science of Consciousness at different angles applicable at different conditioned existences that one is exposed in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The technical facilities force all descriptions of all isms and processes where cheating religions are parts to deliver practical outsomes to be statistically tested at scientifically significant level to dissolve all superficially conflicting and divisionary forces such as "conflicting Faith" into practical outcomes beneficial to its "testers".
For example, the Fourfold Truth is required ingredient of the Supreme Koan to start right at the Present Moment of real Pains, bounded by Words and Thoughts, leveraging thousands years of one's evolution to directly access one's #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path via Intuition, Conscience and True Heart for a Right Understanding and Motivation to Change the Present Conditions, going beyond all conditioned boundaries touching Prajna-Paramita described in the Heart Sutra[R2]: 'in Sunyata there is not ... fourfold truth', just Thing As It Is in actual Living. It is a 'Knowing As It Is' and 'Doing something about It', not at the confused thought and shying away from Actuality that directly affects one's well-being.
Similarly, #Prajna (deep rooted in Sunyata) is Not at the thought level of rejecting all Grasp-er and the Grasped as explained at thought level of the Heart Sutra by many "blinds touching elephant", but an actual Right Action / Inaction (to do something about it) as observable outcome from the Clarity of Seeing "Thing-As-It-Is" of both the Grasp-er and the Grasped, having an Insight of the current state of observation with something beyond all conditioned boxes in a wider perspective of one's existence. It is "Effortless Right Action / Wei-Wu-Wei" thanks to #Prajna high above conflicting duality for Right Understanding and Right Motivation. In that direct experiencing in the manifestation of #Prajna at the signed post of Sunyata Non-Thingness, one will testify the assertion of Heart Sutra[R2] (Supreme Koan) that in Sunyata (Gambhiram Prajnaparamitacaryam - Flowing Depth of the Prajnaparamita), there is Not dukkha-samudaya-nirodha-marga (fourfold truth), similar to No Gravity in Vacuum for reborn and rejuvenation of all conflicting forces.
Here we talk about outside the box of conditioned existence to directly know beyond thought (the Ovserved and Observer) (1) Cosmic Consciousness (described by Gotama as Infinite Space, Infinite Consciousness) and (2) Unity (described by Gotama as Non-Thingness, Neither perception nor non perception, Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha). There is no thought in Cosmic Consciousness and beyond. If there is No Thought, what make you know it is Infinite Space, Infinite Consciousness, Non-Thingness, the End-of-Dukkha. To go beyond Nirvana, there must be an #Awareness to be aware of the Unmoving Sunyata (Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha) then Beyond for the manifestation of #AwarenessPrajna in engaged living capable to use cosmic energy to take care of oneself and help others, in forcasting and simulation, etc. Mathematically, it is represented as a set C that includes both the Observed and Observer circles of Figure 2. It includes another dimension in terms of Gödel incompleteness theorem available to intelligent beings from humanity upward. It is the Ultimate (Wider) Truth in Madhyamaka[D38], the Perfected Nature in Consciousness-Only[D39], 'the kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21] called in modern terms as Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity that through the Sound / Light and Consciousness technologies, most people can easily access without spending thousands years in the energy at Intensity-of-Attention point.
That Intensity of Attention point as discovered by Krishnamurti is the focused point of 'Intent' for directed energy toward one's target. The #Awareness of body and mind via Buddhist Samatha and Vipassana has not delivered - up to 2025 - an Insight into the Emptiness since most claimed Buddhist teachers and meditation masters[D19] have not passed the Gateway-to-Oneness. It is much easier via martial arts to be aware of correct forms of body movements and the "intent" to direct internal energy in observable energetic movement. The deliverable outcome of martial arts in using mind at different signed posts of measurable Emptiness to direct energy toward an observable manifestation - reaching Effortless Right Action / Wei-Wu-Wei[R11] - proves that (1) there exists scientifically reproducible / teachable natural laws working at both physical and mental levels known by "Beyond-Thought #Awareness / an #Awareness without the Observer / Selfless #Awareness" to be discovered, (2) it is "Beyond Thought" since untrained students cannot use the mind to direct energy flow, (3) all meditations / reflections at thought level of Emptiness, Nagarjuna Relative Truth / Ultimate (Wider) Truth, Asanga Perfected Nature / Dependent Nature / Imaginary Nature, Allah / Christ / Pure Land / Vajrayana / Tantra teaching at word/image and thought levels of Love / Compassion / Bodhicitta - driven by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] - are useless since a conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality As-It-Is, (4) there is an urgent need of discovered natural laws moving from conflicting duality - having partial solutions in law and order, research institutes, recorded hard evidences of measurable indicators, big-data analytics, forecasting, modeling and simulation - to #Prajna / Oneness / Kingdom-of-God from Within, high above the plane of duality to have correct Pulse of the situation and its strategic solution in combating the "Degeneration of Moral Values" failed by all isms and organised religions at duality conflicting levels. These lasting values are partially discovered by dedicated explorers such as Gotama, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, etc.
Technically, there is no such thing as Hindu Consciousness, Buddhist Consciousness, Christian Consciousness, Muslim Consciousness; but there are Hindu / Buddhist / Christian / Muslim conditions. The word 'religion' is only an aggregate name like a car whose functionality comes from its parts. Can we strip the aggregate name that has caused so much sufferings in religious divisions and let the functional parts float up to prove their practical values in Present Living. We say 'Yes' with the real contributions from the above four organized religions if one has enough courage to drop the 'False' and see the benefits of the 'True'. True education toward an integrated living Whole is the key that Krishnamurti devoted his life time to spread out this message.
In building an organisation to sustain the AwakeningBudh Movement, many instructions coming from Gotama were purely logical at thought level without any fragrance from something beyond word and thought (probably for the level of his audience) that thanks to the Actual Experience beyond Word and Thought as a child he dropped the 6 years of hard practices via conflicting forces. Typical examples are:
- Mindfulness of breathing (anapanasati)[D24] at thought level stuck by many monks in thousands of years
- The direct link between the (modified) Eightfold Path and the links of causes and effects to 'do something about Sufferings' enable Budh Dharma well connected just like math at elementary school fully consistent and required for math at higher levels
- The 'Why' and the 'How' of the third truth - cessation of Dukkha - not the assertion at word level to let monks turn the natural laws discovered in Budh Dharma into a utopia (Nirvana and Parinirvana) at word level
- The circular process between the Fourfold Truth (as a Supreme Koan) and the Verifiable Emptiness[D26] in the dialogue with Subhuti (Diamond Sutra)[R7] which has been later further developed into Prajna-Paramitas summarized in the Heart Sutra[R2] (Prajna Paramita Hridaya), to start from Actuality of Real Pains in experiencing deeper aspects of Flowing #Prajna (gambhiram prajnaparamitacaryam) of the Present Moment.
The above four issues are satisfactorily resolved and the circular process between the Dependent Nature of the Supreme Koan (Fourfold Truth) where #Prajna is the first division of the fourth Truth (modified Eightfold Path) with its visible manifestation deep rooted in Sunyata. It is a contribution of KhaiPhong, not yet stated anywhere in Buddhist texts, to unify and actualise the Nagarjuna's two Truths (Ultimate/Wider and Conventional)[D38] into Actual Living of the Present Moment (observable / measurable / testable), having the infusion of something outside conflicting boxes (Perfected Nature[D39]) of involved subjective and objective worlds. The solution connects the Fourfold Truth where the first division of the Path #Prajna is contrasted with Ignorance (Avijja) to drive the Volition Freewill / Sankhara toward opposite direction (Becoming - Bhava) of Sufferings toward the Purity-Tranquillity of Worthy Existence (Table 2). It fulfils the requirements of Right Understanding and Right Motivation at the best position one is currently at in the Change Dynamics of Leaning and Doing in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
In that causes-and-effects system, Sankhara / Volition / Freewill plays an important role at the instantaneous moment of the Present Moment to merge three meanings of Dukkha (dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha, sankhara-dukkha) into Nirvana / The End-of-Dukkha to collapse all Four Seals of Consciousness formulated by Gotama into an Unmoving Sunyata as asserted by HuiNeng in his self-introduction: Which moves, the Wind, the Flag or your Mind?
Under KhaiPhong Technology, the actuality (solution) is much simpler and accessible to most people relevant to one's Present Moment via Kindness Samaritan having Empathy to naturally move deeper into [ ComPassion - Prajna ] at any instant moment of all activities where different depths of Detachment / Vô Trụ and HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) can be visibly observed to know what one needs to do for one's Worthy Existence; at the moment of Unmoving Sunyata, #AwarenessPrajna is at its instantaneous on the Truth plane of the event.
It adds to Quantum Mechanics the subjective dimension of all involved parties having a sense of an agent that drive the Volitional Formation (Sankhara) in Change Dynamics of the Present Moment plus something outside the boxes of current Space-Time dimension projected into the fifth dimension in the probability of the outcome. The subjective dimension added to Quantum Mechanics (the 'Who' and the 'What' to make the potentiality of the event happened) involves the Inter-Realms Dependent Nature of connected worlds. It is the "Normative Economics", the allocation of scare resources to What Count[R23] - from micro economics to affect macro economics.
This is commonly known as 'Vision - Oracle' that the depth of one's #Prajna can manifest with or without the assistance of entities in different realms having much longer life span than human form, hence wider perspective of the Vision. It is not a theoretical proposition, but an actual fact proven by the founder of Vietnamese Lý Dynasty (Lý Công Uẩn - a student in the AwakeningBudh) in his decision to move the Vietnamese capital to current day Hà Nội.
To spread the Dharma coming out from this circular flow in large scale (Pháp Vũ từ Thành Đạo), we modernize Buddhist [ Right Effort >< Right Transcendental-Awareness >< Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace ] into a circular process where Right Effort from statistically measurable Detachment - in reaching different signed posts - is applied in instantaneous Change Dynamics that everyone can use and share with one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
This circular process starts from Right Understanding of What most important to you driven by this Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm). This is the Project to be driven by formal tools of Right Effort having objective hard evidences from [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] in the Change Dynamics of both Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and Right Effort. The cultivation of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Chánh Định) makes the Right Effort more enjoyable with the re-born and rejuvenation of the wears and tears (stresses) of the Right Effort, while expanding the ComPassion space for a wider perspective of Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm). It is also a frontier in functional programming to model the identity and its state whose observed snap shot of Change Dynamics due to market forces can be both actual and predicted in the relevant future for the agent micro decisions which affect the macro market conditions.
An educational program - Institute of KhaiPhong and KhaiPhong Institute of specialised treatments - to explore the Science of Consciousness needs to be established to introduce the deepening of established KhaiPhong Sound / Light and Consciousness technologies, enabling wider casual participants and available supporting qualified counsellors direct experience of observable attributes of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent to close the gaps between one's Realities and Actualities, hence reducing stresses and unnecessary Sufferings of the Present Living. It is the partnership between academia and business in [ Heart >< Mind >< Sweat / Capital ] intended as a Hub where technologies from [ #SamadhiPrajna / Relative #Truth - Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature - Dependent Nature ] are researched and implemented in all fields of human endeavours.
That educational program such as at Equanimity and Purity Higher Consciousness is different in standard educational system of within-the-box established knowledge. It requires both technology know-how at theoretical and practical (intelligent - Trí Tuệ) level but also #Prajna (Wisdom - Trí Huệ) which is the Source. Without connecting to the Source of ComPassion (such as addicted Grasper / Grasped of everything), #Prajna will be lost. The manifestation from the source can be detected from one's thesis which is one's contribution back to the community. Unlike technical knowledge, the #Prajna can be lost due to Ignorance coming from negative attributes which render one below humanity, regulated by nature for the InnerSpace evolution again. Using STEM of modern Era, it is the first time one can consciously clean up negative types to self-assure one's existence from humanity upward. A transparent and accountable governing board plays a visible role to sustain the process.
Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) is a 'Right Thing to do' tool in sensing the Sweet Spot to enable one continuously monitor the pulses of Actuality ("Thing-As-It-Is") to adjust Reality (what one sees) via Right Effort of the Why, How, and What. The foundation of the Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) has been established 2500+ years ago by Gotama. Due to the upside down in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, there exists Wrong Division between the Essence of Inner Exploration in Budh Dharma with required external organisations plus infrastructures. The wrong organisation was based on Seniority having no Performance Review and messy infrastructures to enforce the Verifiable Qualities. The Budh Dharma has been veiled by saboteurs from within the organisation despite tremendous efforts of Buddhists, defined as ones exploring KhaiPhong having long karmic force with Buddhist Communities.
To solidify this stand, we formulate the Why, How, and What for Righteous Buddhists inside and outside of the cheating Sanghas to assess their Inner Circles. We will deliver answers and practical solutions for the following 3 questions.
- The "Why" is established in the First #Truth of Real Pains (Dukkha) or one's Inner Quest with the cure asserted in the Third #Truth and proposed solution in the Fourth #Truth. There is a direction toward Purity-Tranquility of a Worthy Existence from the current Abyss of Sufferings. "Dependent Nature" is the foundation to understand this 'Why'. So, where is the Dependent Origination (Second Truth) connecting the First Truth with the Third Truth and the Fourth Truth to transform current Pains into Purity-Tranquility of a Worthy Existence? According to Krishnamurti "If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer will not separate from the problem". Gotama has succinctly identified the Issue to enable 50% of the solution in his first discourse[D20]. The second half forming his ultimate solution in the second discourse is unfortunately only at a glimpsed level of self-selfless actualisation. Instead of digging deeper and wider, his Buddhist Sanghas - infiltrated by unworthy monks / nuns / followers undetected and prevented from the early days of spreading his discoveries - rides on his credibility to spread their hallucinated deductions from the "blinds touching elephant" to bully and cheat humanity for their group benefits of very unworthy living! We turn his identified Problem into the "Supreme Koan[R2]" suggested to all concerned parties wishing to explore the Innate Budh to personally experience what Gotama has gone through under the Bodhi Tree 2500+ years ago.
- The "How" has been formulated as a challenge for all dedicated explorers to have their contributions and value-adds in solving their real Pains, not Imaginary Liberation and Freedom blah blah blah from those Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. Parts of the "How" include all proven underlying technologies from all domains and fields relevant to the present living in Making Life Easier and Happier, being parts of the solution for the identified Issue of "Why" above plus few more steps ahead for Value of the values in one's continuity of the consciousness. HuiNeng, in a test to get the Buddha robe in an Unbroken Lineage, addressed the Real Pains (or dusts of all kinds of conflicts, uncontrollable urges, fears, phobias, destructive and sexual desires, unsatisfied, not-at-home, etc.) with an assertion 'where can the dust alight?' We will deliver the solutions of this 'How' in Actual Living, starting from HuiNeng's [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment ] (Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ) at the Present Moment. The [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] in { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } will be (1) contributed from different angles by those identified as actually knowing this consciousness as an outcome of a formal scientific research at seven different depths who presently are in different religions / civilizations of different nationalities to debunk past unworthy people trying to enslave humanity under masters-slaves relationships, (2) popularized by this writer's proven scientific process in his 50+ years of personal testing and field researches that both esoteric dark forces and their human slaves dare not getting close since they will be toasted by capable elites in Higher Consciousness. From the natural Detachment, one digs deeper in the eight Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace ranking one's quality of the consciousness described in positive Complex Fibonacci evolution for the manifestations of practical outcomes in Khaiphong's Three Haves [ #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna ] (Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã) in engaged living.
- The "What" according to each dedicated explorer is the sweet spot of 'the Right Thing to do' or the 'Why', the 'Right Way to do' or the 'How' at Present Moment. Here are seven (7) principles one can apply to all organizations, making them an extension of one's vibrant Living Organism: (1) Dependent Nature, (2) Transparency, (3) Accountability, (4) Modern Technologies, (5) Invisible / Helping Hand of #Prajna and of Economics, (6) Best Governance, (7) Lasting Values in "Deep Learning" according to Natural Laws. They are parts of one's 'Unique Comparative Advantages' or the 'What' of sustainable service/product the person provides. Applying readily available proven technologies of the "How" from all domains and fields of all activities and relationships, we can easily bring together the [ HaveNots >< Stakeholders >< Haves named SDS (Stakeholders Democratic System ] in producing Equanimity Communities to solve an "inequality issue" where everyone has an equal right of opportunity in Value of the values from one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The Crown of this What is the 'Unmoving Sunyata or momentary End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana' and possibly Beyond. This 'What' has been contributed and explored by many in the AwakeningBudh: Gotama's Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent (Chánh Định) toward Non-Thingness, #Prajna, Sunyata and Not (Verifiable Emptiness) drawn from Nagarjuna Madhyamaka, Asanga/Vasubandhu Consciousness-Only, Heart Sutra, plus commonly known as from one's innate Buddha Nature, Kingdom of God Within, Latin Humanitas, etc.
At the aggregate level, the 'Why' is connected to its ecosystem with sustainable Created Values, the 'How' is the Freshness to manage the pulses of the business, the 'What' is the organization Sweet Spot of its sustainable Values.
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