Saturday, September 23, 2023


References from [D1] to [D18] are moved to Table of Contents with highlights of each chapter for a brief overview of the book.

[D19] Katalin Mund - Buddhism implies dualism.

Contrary to the logical argument in the paper, Outside-The-Box / Consciousness of the consciousness advanced by Dharmapala-XuanZang (HsuanTsang) theoretical model is not a "stable / solid step-wise" as graphically presented in the paper to show 'The Awareness of Self Awareness is Self Awareness' which depends on different depths and heights on the vertical plane of [ self-selfless / #Prajna ] or [ / cunning intelligence due to concentration ]. Based on our 50+ years of field researches and dealing with degenerated esoteric dark forces from 2004, the special intelligence and/or ability may come from degenerated esoteric feudal systems and/or elites reincarnated from Atlantis (such as Swami Nithyananda of the claimed Kailasa), Mars (such as Elon Musk), etc. The extra ability is achievable by states (Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh from X-dimension, #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" from Y-dimension), and stock (complex Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace) of "positive evolution or negative degeneration back to humanity for proper self management". The outcomes are conditioned on the event and the agent focusing on the event. It is not "stable / solid step-wise" - referring to Figure 2 - due to ability to bypass one's tainted senses via discovered six Vertical Switches (Compassion, Aspiration, Detachment, Tantra, #PrajnaTIP in Sound and #PrajnaTIP in Kindness) from conflicting duality plane to high above on the vertical plane of No-Conflict consciousness, applicable to many dedicated explorers known in humanity such as LaoTzu, Gotama, KungTzu, Socrates, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, XuanZang, etc.

To our knowledge, there are five types of people having different evolving backgrounds in current 2024 humanity: people (1) evolving from animal upward and/or within the circle of humanity starting at Fibonacci number F0 = 0, (2) from degenerated esoteric feudal systems as apperared in Vietnam and being the communication channel for their past esoteric feudal systems trying to influence both humanity and Inter-Realms, (3) evolving from complex negative Fibonaaci degeneration starting from minute 7:00 in their very long cycle of evolution then degeneration or current elites holding world powers to change the world affairs, (4) from highly developed past civilizations starting at Lucas number L0 = 2 and/or having special missions from their groups, and (5) accidentally having complex Fibonacci Right evolution starting from minute 6:25. Based on our 50+ years of field researches and esoteric imperical observations PLUS combined EFFORTS of those in "fifth type scanning realities of existing Realms, the underlying natural laws of Right evolution to be deliverable by KhaiPhong are (1) Not "solid step-wise and stable" as presented in the paper but according to complex Fibonacci numbers approaching the golden ratio (Phi Φ) where the positive number indicates the level of natural or cunning {in the negative directions of [ X Y F ] dimensions} intelligence , (2) Kindness and Empathy vertical types for a breakthrough in the Y-direction to human [ Tranqility / Gateway-to-Oneness ] observable in people from highly developed countries who are "not too attached to any conflicting duality" and tend to be "HonNhien" in X-dimension reaching the level of Fibonacci "EquanimityAwareness", (3) Capable to access HuiNeng's WuNien at different depths using self-test whether one can naturally #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, (4) Knowing more about oneself to consciously clean up negative factors of animal Kingdoms to self-assure one is evolving from humanity upward according to underlying natural laws, (5) Strategically using available opportunities and resources for development what most important to one toward What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.

The writer likes to Share this true story; how much you take is up to you (at your level). A top Leader of Soviet Union after Nikita Khrushchev era happened to be a "cat" we help to take care when its owner is away. Observing its traits, we found the cat has (up to 2024) something very unique. At one time during a lunch nap, he was attacked by esoteric dark force and fell from a chair to the floor, extremely frightened; the writer comforted him. Next time, we saw him fighting with an invisible force and chased "the invisible force" to the point it knoced the head on the closet glass when the invisible force ran through it. Tracing its stream of consciousness, surprisingly he had been a wellknown philosopher after Socrates, a world-renown sculture, etc. One time, after coming back from our place, its owner asked us what happned to its cut on the tail. The cat later revealed - via direct communication at the source of thought - that it was so frustrated to be confined within the physical body of a cat that it cut itself! The reincarnation of HuiNeng invisible Help it so it can quickly back to humanity to contribute the Right Thing to Do with its accumulated "Awareness" wellknown in Plato's allegory of the cave. We call this "#Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Nagarjuna Ultimate (Wider) Truth" in activities at different levels of Higher Consciousness perpendicular to the duality plane of the target. The key point is the How in cultivable technologies according to underlying natural laws to be discovered, scatteredly contributed by many dedicated explorers in entire humanity but veiled and polluted by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] where cheating Buddhism is a part to (a) knock out the discovery of "transcendental outside the box in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness or Emptiness" as in the case of Gotama[D22], (b) kill the explorer in the case of Socrates, (c) kill and exploit the author track-records in the case of Jesus.

It is the real contribution of KhaiPhong, transcending all isms at visible binding Word/Image and clinging Thought to be in touch with "Thing As it Is" for a breakthrough solution of dynamic and harmonious individual / aggregate synchronised benefits in this conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) world. It is the target in the Science and Economics of Oneness in KhaiPhong.

The paper used the picture of an internationally well-known Samatha and Vipassana meditation master - Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw - to illustrate the reality that a conflicting duality [thought / duality / darkness / conflicting event] cannot transcend other conflicting duality [thought / duality / darkness / conflicting event], stuck by most monks and nuns in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha who claim to be torch carriers of Gotama's discovered solutions in #AwarenessPrajna[D22] - intentionally Ignored in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist sanghas - based on his personal opinion on achievable nine states of #Samadhi (#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peaces) as the solution of his identified Issue called Dukkha defined as sufferings (dukkha-dullha), changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha). The paper's conclusion is scientifically logical to demonstrate the cheating processes employed in 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha in using the cheating processes of description as the described (cooking sands) of what they do not know nor have in their well-known "Finger Pointing to the Moon" but Now Testable to wipe out cheating monks / nuns / followers in making very unworthy living. Gotama pecked his "Mindfulness" at the "Equanimity third Jhana" in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness[D29] while all Buddhist meditations and "Mindfulness" are on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. We make this Gotama's intention mathematically exposed via [ static and dynamic / states and stock ] of #Prajna - mathematically described in an orthogonal dimension of Complex Fibonacci numbers on both positive scale from minute 6:25 and/or evolution-degeneration from minute 7:00 - to make his modified[D26] Eightfold Path useful again by replacing "Right Mindfulness" with [ TranscendentalAwareness / HuiNeng's WuNien / Vietnamse Kiến Tánh / Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness ].

In Sayadaw's "Knowing and Seeing" book we can prove that he has not passed the Gateway-to-Oneness, knowing nothing about the driving force behind Volition (Sankhara which can be Freewill from #Prajna) to be totally emerged in his darkness of Ignorance. Yet he has been spreading his "unconditioned" Panna / Prajna as the outcome of his "conditioned concentration", having no transcendental states in all his claimed Jhanas. The proof is left for qualified Budh Counsellors, actually passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness" at certified "Equanimity" and "Purity" signed posts. Part of the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong is to enable many personally know these signed posts to turn Gotama's personal experience into statistically significant epistemic objectives[D20].

We have been hedging the "KhaiPhong / Opening psychological blocks and Liberating one toward Freedom" in the past 50+ years, waiting for the right time and place to Free Humanity from all isms via demanding for the "Described" in actual Present Living. We are a small part of this very precious Universal Orchestration of many realms having many parties joining together in the Good Force according to Natural Laws of the Right and Wrong, commonly known as "Conscience / Lương Tri of Right & Wrong" from human level upward which is also-known-as "Human Nature" in seeking "What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness". It is Not Easy! But at the right time, we open source available user custom AI Machine and Deep Learning to deliver Consciousness Technologies in weeding out "Big Mouth deeply persistent hardcore Professional cheaters" from "evidenced-based cheating processes" - such as the claimed meditation master Sayadaw U Jotika with his book "A Map of the Journey" and in Vietnamese "BẢN ĐỒ HÀNH TRÌNH TÂM LINH" in the light of our exposition - to desperately justify their 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha, Not knowing yet claimed to Know, not seeing yet claimed to See!

HuiNeng qualified Budh counsellor who must have the ability to be anchored from the "Self/Human Nature", outside the conditioned box of conflicting duality which renders Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw and Sayadaw U Jotika, or any claimed Buddhist teacher professional cheaters by definition. We crystallise this Qualification by demanding an actual experience in moving from Nagarjuna Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth for an Insight into the Emptiness, and from Asanga Perfected Nature to infuse the Natural Purification into the Imaginary Nature for moving toward the Dependent Nature, talked in Buddhism but unknown by most monks / nuns / followers blah blah blah at description level in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha up to 2024. The Qualification in "Taming the Ox" - of Buddhist well-known Ten Ox Picture[D37] which is proven as a false process of the "blinds touching elephant" - contributes at different angles and aspects to the proof that there is no chasm between Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only generated by monks and scholars not passing the gateway-to-oneness.

The bottom line is that if you have experienced something beyond thought described in Gotama's Jhanas, you - due to the Dependent Nature of all manifestations - can:

  1. Describe your actual states of consciousness as done by HuiNeng in his "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is [ Samadhi ] }, and "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" { "Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna [for Right Understanding], while Prajna is the activity of Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }. Your experience is definitely from different angle to the angles of Gotama and HuiNeng in experiencing the No-Conflict Consciousness of [ LaoTzu "Nameless Tao" / Gotama's "End of Dukkha" / Nagarjuna "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" / Jesus "Kingdom of God within" / Asanga "Perfected Nature" / Bodhidharma "#EmptyTheContent" / HuiNeng "#DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna" / XuanZang "Consciousness of the consciousness" / Muslim "No god but God" / Soyen "God [Dharmakaya / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Pháp-Thân] is unreality" ] so you can either prove, disprove, value-add, widen and/or deepen Thing-As-It-Is according to Natural Laws which render Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw, Sayadaw U Jotika, and most claimed Buddhist teachers and meditation masters professional cheaters in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha. With Then What, they will be kicked out of their cheating game.

  2. Reverse engineering the process leading to your verifiable states of Consciousness as actually done by Gotama in his first and second discourses to kick start his 45+ years of personally spreading the discoveries. The process had not been done by HuiNeng nor by others up to 2024. This is what we encourage people having observable qualities of the consciousness in Making Life Easier and Happier to contribute their know-how in soon-to-be-available secure and private "Persona Stream of #Awareness" based on "statements of facts" in daily activities. We have been quietly starting this process in an amazing guidance and orchestration of the past 50+ years that we only consciously know since 2004 thanks to distance Hearing of a "Sound Specialist" in our inner circle.

  3. Ride on current advanced Artificial Intelligence as we are doing with KhaiPhong technologies that neither Gotama, nor HuiNeng, nor any other dedicated explorers such as LaoTzu, KungTzu, Socrates, Jesus, Nagarjuna, Asanga, XuanZang, etc, had the opportunity being at the right time to prevent unworthy people distort the discoveries / value-add the descriptions of what they do not know nor have in making very unworthy living.

The significance of this discovery in entire human history is more than ever relevant to the current complex International and National Issues in "statements of facts" coming from private "Persona Stream of #Awareness" of the three "influencing" leaders of the World in 2020[R8]: President Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Xi Jinping of China, and President Donald Trump of USA. We think the three leaders can bring significant changes to the World if-and-only-if they can know more about themselves and dare to use their conscience of Right and Unworthy. The possible cancellation of INF Missile Treaty may possibly lead to tremendous waste of resources in arm races and possible actual war despite the full-on arms race is rather impossible in today's world due to current situations of the three World powers and its total destruction in no winner of nuclear war. So do the current Russia-Ukraine war having many hidden parties of conflicting forces. KhaiPhong "Harmonious Melting Pot" from Invisible Hand of Economics directed by "Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable Prajna", leading to Harmonious New World Order (NWO) instead of failed masters-slaves NWO of Lucifer dark forces in its planned third World War.

We can bring something very unique - namely cultivable layered No-Conflict Consciousness - to the table of the [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] for [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] events in reducing the "possibility of eliminating humanity" due to an "Ignorance" of a dictator via the technical implementation EIP / Executive Information Portal of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] of [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ], making happened Canadian Vision of "Inclusive Society" a modern humanistic reality where [ Information >< Consciousness >< Mathematics ] can interact in Making Life Easier and Happier / EIP rather than "[ a belief ]" of [ Respect / Relationships / Trust / Human Rights ] for all. The "implementation" for the first time brings to the table not only Buddhist four "Turnings of understanding" - value-added via Prajnaparamita, Madhyamaka, Yogacara, Tantra - but also Christian practicality of the Samaritan and modern Trusted Leadership 4.0 - transcending both Christian and KungTzu doctrinal leaderships in harmonious measurable real benefits - of the Right Society 5.0. [ The official conclusion of WEF learned from China about KungTzu's "Trusted doctrine" was taken out which says something about the reality of "China, WEF and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer played on both sides of Hegelian Dialectic" on the Duality Plane of Conflicting consciousness, and the Source of Conflicts identified by China since 2019 as "A Clash of Civilizations". Civilizations and Cultures are human endeavors In Search for the TRUTH and the Raison D'être of one's Existence. Out of these Turbulances and the Lesson learned from the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods, possible Solution emerged from the new Era of Humanity centered around "Security" under the Rule-of-Law with latest evidence in US - South Korean - Japan Security Pack, "Development" toward What Count from humanity upward under scientifically cultivable Normative and Positive Intelligence, and "Diversity" in multi-polar world from different angles to the TRUTH emerging from BRICS 2023 Summit. It is the Key Solution KhaiPhong is trying to sell in a bigger scale to (1) China, (2) US/EU, and (3) Russia with Scientifically Cultivable [ Invisible Hand of Prajna Dialectic ].

[D20] Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta: Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion - "The modified[D26] eightfold Path is the middle way producing vision, direct knowledge to calm and self-awakening - the way of practice leading to the End of Dukkha".

"The noble truth of the origination of Sufferings is to be Managed and Transformed". Buddhists use the 12 links of causes and effects to explain the origination of dukkha. The claimed recorded words by Buddhist Sangha from Gotama in Udàna [(III) (Ud 2)] is "scientifically False": "That is from the cessation of ignorance, volitional activities cease; from the cessation of volitional activities, consciousness ceases; from the cessation of consciousness, name-and-form ceases...". Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed, scientifically proven [ Thing-As-It-Is / Chân Như / Tathatā ] epistemic objective.

The darkness "Ignorance" cannot be destroyed by another darkness of preconceived idea. It must come from the light "#Prajna" starting at one's level of "Right Understanding" and "Right Motivation" of #Prajna division of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path in one's continuous Learning and Doing for "Right Effort". Containerized (persona) consciousness has both states and stock of its "#Prajna / Right" quality, scatteredly discovered by many dedicated explorers to be connected, integrated and value-added with new discovered underlying processes of Consciousness at the Oneness / No-Conflict and Diversity / Duality layers. Gotama is only one amongst many others to search for the solution of this "Dukkha / KHỔ" such as Socrates on the Moral Value of the Conscience leading to current Human Rights, Bodhidharma on Thing-As-Is-Is Dukkha / KHỔ TUYỆT VỜI to qualify the direct access to the plane of [ Oneness / Conscience / #Prajna / Wisdom ] unseen by Gotama, HuiNeng to demonstrate the possibility of #SamadhiPrajna within human existence of the Buddha Nature bypassing tainted senses for deeper or higher view of Thing-As-It-Is in seeing one's strategic position for a Right Effort, etc. The states and stock of #Prajna can be cultivable with currently discovered six (6) Sign Posts, six (6) Vertical Switches, and four (4) conducive activities under rigorous pharmaceutical testing process of learning and doing that everyone can be a part to clean up unworthy people bullying humanity from many 1000+ years. This proves how Buddhist cheating Sangha has turned Gotama's discoveries upside down to sabotage "his precious gifts" in its 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism.

The noble truth in the Cessation / End of Dukkha is to be directly experienced. After three years (2013 - 2015) of poking around to expose the fallacies from and challenge all organised religions[R6] to deliver the described Oneness / God / Allah where Buddhism is a part - driven by esoteric dark forces - here is the latest re-interpretation of Dukkha 2016-05-08 (the video was taken out) by a pali scholar monk HT Giới Đức Minh Đức Triều Tâm Ảnh (MDTTA) in terms of Nagarjuna's Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth (The video has been removed by this professional cheating monk in many of his life times of Buddhist studies): "NGƯỜI HỌC PHẬT CÓ THỂ HIỂU SAI VÀ TU SAI TỨ DIỆU ĐẾ / Students of Buddhism may misunderstand and wrongly practice the Fourfold Truth". According to MDTTA, the "End of Dukkha" is the absence of Volition / Sankhara to be the closest among 10 definitions of Nibbana (the end of dukkha) according to trusted documents of Buddhist Sangha: (1) Chấm dứt Tham Sân Si / Termination of Attachment Aversion Ignorance, (2) Chấm dứt sự diển tiến của ngủ uẩn / Termination the Processes of five Senses, (3) Thoát khỏi Sinh Tử Luân Hồi / Liberated from Circle of Birth Death, (4) Hạnh Phúc Tuyệt Đối / Absolute Happiness, (5) Hạnh Phúc Không Có Diều Kiện / Unconditioned Happiness, (6) Không Cón Tái Sanh hoặc Vô Sanh / No More Rebirth, (7) Niết Bàn Lá Chấm Dứt Tất Cả Nhân Quả Tạo Tác Làm và Không Làm, Trạng Thái Vượt Ngoài Ngôn Ngử, (... (8), (9) and (10) are not clearly stated). His bottom line personal assertion is When you actually see the End of Dukkha, there is no more Dukkha.

The significant contribution in this "reinterpretation" is to demonstrate the upside down of claimed Buddhist Dharmas basing on the Relative Truth and "imaginations of mental logics" without touching the transcendental states at the Ultimate (Wider) Truth toward "Oneness / Sunyata", outside conflicting duality (darkness) but within the reach of human Consciousness known as XuanZang's "Consciousness of the consciousness / Outside-the-box" to be practically deliverable in Scientifically Cultivable Prajna via integration of entire human civilizations of radio and consciousness technologies to solve current complex International Issues such as conflicting issues in South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea. The rhetoric is based on the fact that whatever the description, it is only the description at one angle of the totality. Yet, even at one angle - with appropriate conditions leading from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth - the scientific process can be tested and verified to either reject the "hypothesis / personal opinion / hallucination" or a starting point for widening and deepening stated ontological subjective into epistemic objectives in the Science of KhaiPhong. Typical example is "Faith", causing tremendous sufferings and billion lives killing one another in the name of imaginary XYZ. We logically demonstrate the driving force of "Faith" can come (1) from "Fears" as the case of the Virgin Mother Maria of Roman Catholic Church from esoteric realms for soothing the Fearfull Rulling of the Father God, (2) from "Greed" as the case of Jesus to be his Only Son that the degenerated Father God cheated him into being the world "Redeemer" - totally against the universal law of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes - for the cheater collecting goodness generated by his slaves, and finally (3) from "Aspiration" raising one's spirit at sufficiently high level for "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" to be shared by qualified students actually knowing [ Wu-Nien / Awareness / Transcendental-Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] from different conflicting faiths such as Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, etc.

MDTTA's assertion that when you actually see the End of Dukkha, there is no more Dukkha proves that (1) he knows nothing about transcendental states[D26], [D29], [D30] Gotama used to personally verify his ontological subjective in "Not-Self and The End of Dukkha[D44]" and (2) is not qualified by Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness at the third Jhana after passing the Gateway-to-Oneness . After personally experienced "The End of Dukkha", Gotama was still alive and subjected to the natural laws of Dukkha. Living students personally know Gotama's "The End of Dukkha" and use Sariputta's answer[D27] to further expand Gotama's discoveries in Natural Purification of the Oneness at theoretical level according to natural laws for heavy lifting one out of innumerable outdated marks of the tainted senses in evolution from Form back to Consciousness. The theory will be implemented at the right place and right time to turn Gotama's ontological subjective of Not-Self, Non-Thingness, and End of Dukkha into Epistemic Objectives for further widening and deepening Gotama's discoveries in all domains, Making Life Easier and Happier.

Without delivering personal experience in moving from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth, and what happened to the state of mind "after actually experiencing the Ultimate (Wider) Truth" when one is in relative truth, MDTTA reinterpretation - binding himself to the defects[D24] of Gotama's design - build - execution, incompatible with MDTTA's advice about Mindfulness and Gotama's advice for Ajita's question[D22] - is only the logical reasoning based on what we have publicly exposed in the past 3 years (2013 - 2015) to desperately defend Buddhist cheating processes at the logical level of the Blinds touching imaginary Elephant. We challenge MDTTA's personal experience / imagination to publicly show that he has passed the "Gateway-to-Oneness" exposing what he actually knows to be tested against millions others after the release of KhaiPhong's "#EmptyTheContent" technology via Sound.

Let's look at MDTTA few definitions of "The End of Dukkha" to logically see our challenge which will be properly exposed in the Science of Oneness using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool to augment the discovered processes of [ #Prajna >< AI ] at the right place and right time which is the first time in humanity that "#Prajna / Conscience / Wisdom" which produces [ Justice & Morality ] is scientifically cultivable: (1) Termination of Attachment Aversion Ignorance / Chấm dứt Tham Sân Si. Do you have actual experience or only reasoning and/or imagination? Please see Gotama's description below about "The End of Dukkha" based on his description in the process of "Entering the Ultimate (Wider) Truth or Oneness". One can either personally / scientifically verify Gotama's process and/or expand the discovered natural laws to integrate with tested favourable conditions at different angles of HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna, Bodhidharma's Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, and the Heart Sutra. (2) Termination in the Processes of five Senses / Chấm dứt sự diển tiến của ngủ uẩn. This is definitely the imagination of the blind touching the imaginary elephant to show MDTTA has not passed the Gateway-to-Oneness since Gotama must use his senses in daily existence after his momentary "End of Dukkha". (3) Liberated from Circle of Birth Death / Thoát khỏi Sinh Tử Luân Hồi. Here is another hallucination from the one who does not know yet claim to know does not see yet claim to see, making very unworthy living in sabotaging Gotama's precious discoveries. (4) Absolute Happiness / Hạnh Phúc Tuyệt Đối, another imagination of a professional cheater. (5) Unconditioned Happiness / Hạnh Phúc Không Có Diều Kiện, an imagination of the Blind touching imaginary Elephant. (6) No More Rebirth / Không Cón Tái Sanh hoặc Vô Sanh. All manifestations must go through the process of birth and death according to the Dependent Nature of natural laws to be discovered in each identified realm to Make Life Easier and Happier. This is very likely "another Buddhist Ignorance putting into Gotama's mouth to sustain the cheating process of its Sangha. Since Gotama has not actually gone through the process of "No More Rebirth", the statement if coming from Gotama is only his personal deduction / theory to be tested and verified that he is "hallucinated" since all manifestations must be conditioned and changing at Planck time according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. (7) Nibbana is the Termination of all causes and effects, doing or not doing, the state outside all descriptions / Niết Bàn Lá Chấm Dứt Tất Cả Nhân Quả Tạo Tác Làm và Không Làm, Trạng Thái Vượt Ngoài Ngôn Ngử. Assuming Gotama has actually achieved Nibbana - not cheating humanity as done by his Buddhist Sangha - please look at his description of "The End of Dukkha" below and Why we ask you to force all unworthy and professional cheating monks to actually describe the process in moving from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth of Oneness, and then what happened to the state of mind after experiencing the Oneness while functioning in the Relative Truth with innumerable tainted marks of the past.

Here is Gotama's processes in moving from Realtive Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth[D26], [D29], [D30], and how he personally verified the "End of Dukkha" in his 9th Samadhi[D44]. In this quote, Gotama did not answer the question "Then What?" from [ Minh Triết Việt / Vietnamese Widom / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy ] we pose to entire Buddhist communities about the noble truth in the Cessation of Sufferings - The End of Dukkha - to be directly experienced (HuiNeng's Unmoving Sunyata from Chinese contribution[R5.1]).

There is, bhikkhus, that base where there is no earth, no water, no fire, no air; no base consisting of the infinity of space, no base consisting of the infinity of consciousness, no base consisting of Non-Thingness, no base consisting of neither-perception-nor-non-perception; ... Here, bhikkhus, I say there is no coming, no going, no staying, no deceasing. Not fixed, not movable, it has no support. Just this is the End of Dukkha

Này các tỷ kheo, có xứ này, tại đấy không có đất, không có nước, không có lửa, không có gió; không có hư không vô biên xứ; không có thức vô biên xứ; không có vô sở hữu xứ; không có phi tưởng phi phi tưởng xứ... Do vậy, này các tỷ kheo, Ta tuyên bố không có đến, không có đi, không có trú, không có diệt, không có sanh, không có an trú, không có chuyển vận, không có sở duyên. Đây là sự đoạn tận khổ đau.

VIII (I) Ud 80 - VIII, 1

Even personally knowing this consciousness state but without further investigating the practical implication of this Thing-As-It-Is according to Natural Laws nor an engineering process of optimal conditions leading to it, Gotama was fallen into his own crack of logical deduction of what he called "The End of Dukkha" as proven in this wider view - at both theoretical and empirical levels presented in Right Understanding of Enlightenment - of (1) Making Life Easier and (2) Making Life Happier in one's Continuity of the identified Consciousness.

The Dharmapala-XuanZang "Consciousness of the consciousness / Outside-the-box"[D19] is very significant in the modern light of the observer effect from We Are All One since once higher consciousness of "Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } has been discovered from different angles of those actually knowing that state coming from KhaiPhong resources toward different depths in scientifically cultivable #Prajna that "Consciousness such as Gotama's Signed Post(s) and its utilities" becomes epistemic objectives. The "Soft Power" to demonstrate the "Real Quest of Vietnamese Buddhists" is here 2020-05-15 concretely deliverable the fourth No - no use or threatening to use force in international relations for “preventing and pushing back the risks of war” - in protecting the Vietnamese homeland for the next 10 years, then wait for KhaiPhong scientifically cultivable #Prajna in KhaiPhong and AwakeningBudh Movement to solve 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes. This is the most significant "breakthrough" in human, ET and esoteric intelligent beings in the new "Era of Universally Harmonious Living" according to natural laws for the "Real Implementation of Human Rights" since if one knows more about oneself and its Dependent Nature one will "Care" as a part of responsible creation, transcending both Eastern civilisation in Chinese legitimate Ruler given by Heaven and cheating Western civilisation directed by the evil God; both are bullying others that the stronger / bigger takes all in "I win You loose zero-sum game" of conflicting forces with physically destructive power!

The distributed "Soft Power" injected from scientifically cultivable "Prajna Dialectics" is absolutely required from human contribution to higher consciousness in seeing any "focused event" Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count. It has been proven in "Vietnamese guerrilla warfare of Change Management" at the grassroots to affect the aggregate at community, country and international levels where strategic vision is sketched out by the country elites in a Deep Insight of different conflicting forces in Hegelian Dialectics coming from Chinese Han "group democracy" and "Inclusive Capitalism of US cheating democracy" driven by "Greed and Fears[R8], opening a new post cold-war Era of major-power Competitions and Globalization. The constantly changing situations due to the complexity of the situation can now be strategically enhanced and visionary focused with implementation of KhaiPhong (1) "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" to change oneself and the environment toward What Count in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness" from evolving enforceable "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations", (2) augmented with AI to enable dynamic interactions between Normative Intelligence of Cultivable #Prajna and Care from an accountable creator in responsible environment, and (3) massive data processing augmented by CI (Competitive Intelligence). Riding on computing technologies of Industry 4.0, deep insight of the country elites and their strategic visions are extended to all important fields such as (1) relevant Industrial Classifications and consistent statistics of both time series and input-output tables, (2) macro economic strategic planning and simulation, (3) regional and industrial strategies, etc, that companies, trade associations, and individuals can fill the detailed gaps at the grassroots in "guerrilla warfare of Change Management" to mobilise the mass wisdom in human centric society.

Implementation of the above IT processes centres around the core Inner Consciousness of all concerned parties in visible, testable, and scientifically cultivable at different depths of Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh, "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác"[D22], and #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định. Their beneficial outcomes are obvious since all naturally qualified people having innate "Buddha Nature, Kingdom of God within, Conscience, #Prajna (Wisdom) from defined Humanitas" Actually Know, comming only through hard lessons in continuous evolution or facing degeneration in "engaged living" via "discovering and sharing" underlying Natural Laws for [ Making Life Easier and Happier - Knowing Your Raison D'être - Managing What Count ]. It has not yet happened due to the bullying religions and isms (capitalism, communism, socialism, etc) exploited by unworthy cheating people of the past to be easily manipulated by evil esoteric feudal systems Knowing Nothing about Self Respect and Respect Others - due to Equality / Bình Đẳng - in the Dependent Nature of Responsible Creation. Only in human realm, the scientifically cultivable [ Morality and Justice / Prajna ] of Human Rights in the Equality / Bình Đẳng of Independence, Freedom, and the Right - "IamX" - to seek Happiness of an "Accountable creator in a part of the Rersponsible Creation" has been raised up as a reacheable target for the Dignity of Intelligent Beings from Hunamity upward. The autocratic processes of an Almighty (cheating) Creator and his feudal systems in their 60,000+ human years of degeneration according to Natural Laws can be prevented in a "Lesson too big to Fail" for all constituents. The failure of "the blinds touching elephant of Thing-As-It-Is" in all isms, cultures and civilizations Has Inspired KhaiPhong discovering underlying Natural Laws and scientifically verifiable defects as discovered TRUTH in the case of Gotama's cracks, killed in the case of Socrates, killed and exploited in the case of Jesus, killed and/or sabotaged in the cases of many elites having the second thought against the degenerated ones as actually happened to this writer and many of his friends and associates that many times we have to physically and esoterically lean on one-another to survive up to 2024. If you are one of those - currently holding World Powers and Resources for Opportunities to Do Good - and "100% honesty with yourself and your Consciousness Reality / Conscience", you know what we are talking about - including serious plan of wiping out 90% human population - in your "Continuity of the Consciousness" according to Natural Laws[D32]!

As an official Head of a family lineage together with others (such as Isaac Newton / Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi) possessing the essence of both Eastern and Western civilizations - ready to replace and change the past esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods - the writer determines to change his past feudal system into democratic system augmented with human and esoteric Technologies to convince others Opening a New Era of Harmonious Living & Being in one's Continuity of the consciousness from THÔNG THIÊN PHÁP GIỚI / Inter-Realms Dharma.

The situation has not happened up to 2024 - despite the coordinated efforts of different forces from humanity upward - (1) the enforceable stability in "Rule of Law" from modern countries such as Canada as long as your activities and relationships are accountable and transparent sometimes to a very fine point such as plots driving one to below the bottom line of society and then leaving many gift cards (honey pots) as possible traps, (2) availability of many qualified students "Not Yet being exposed" while whatever revealed and recorded in this book including named unworthy people will be carried on by relevant people in opening the new Era of "Honesty & Care", (3) available modern tools and required Global Security in 'too big to fail', etc. Market demands are already there from both scientifically and spiritually inclining parties where all religions are forced to adjust their services due to universal "TRUTH" of discovered underlying natural laws to be Shared from different business models under the invisible hand of economics. We do not need to convince anyone, just making the needed solutions available for contribution of the mass according to qualified demands-supplies of non-negotiable Value of the values applicable to both humanity and esoteric forces in the proposed "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" while scientifically debunking and concretely naming both human and estoteric unworthy people to effortlessly help them not falling further due to their shamelessly cheating themselves and others, driving the group Greed and Fears and preventing other good parties "Care" for themselves and environments thay are parts. They must properly pay for their intentional crimes, and honestly see their realities as natural outcomes of their past volitions in their degenerated negative Fibonacci before any help can happen. The significant of this learned lesson is that the Article 3 of Fundamental Rights - Right to integrity of the person needs to be enforceable in possible future "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" which is KhaiPhong ultimate objective to help all intelligent beings having "Freewill / Volition / Sankhara" once rated by nature as a person which is very precious according to observeable actuality of intelligent evolution and possible degeneration. Only at that level, one may have a possibility - and from 2024 forward scientifically cultivable #Prajna - of [ Outside-The-Box / Consciousness of the consciousness ] in positive Fibonacci evolution.

The recorded videos and documents to be proven by those knowing what this writer said about hard-core unworthy Thích Giới Đức and hard-core professional cheater[R18.4] Thích Viên Minh had been removed as the publicly documented contents. Without "100% Honesty & Care" for themselves and the environment, they will be Ignorant in life-after-life - not six months or three years - but many 10,000+ years later as this writer will at the right time and place (1) demonstrate their imaginary deductions due to NOT KNOWING the underlying natural laws - missed even by Gotama in his entire life time - at both theoretical level in video 1 and imaginary implementations in video 2 starting from 2020-12-19 which will be scientifically contributed and supported as sustainable businesses with or without original contributors by many in KhaiPhong's Scientifically Cultivable [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its Flower - “Bát Nhã" là hoa ] on Compassion Tree deep rooted in Sunyata, (2) expose some well known esoteric people very dear to his heart and will do whatever necessary to Help as he wishes to help his present-life parents while attempting "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" for the benefits of all intelligent involved parties. To clear once-and-for-all the human and esoteric claims of "Maitreya Buddha / Giáo Pháp Di Lạc", we want to repeat here Krishnamurti's 60+ years of the most important message "The Description is Not the Described" that both esoteric and human unworthy people have fooled themselves and others via Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought of isms where all religions are parts carried out in the name of XYZ.

KhaiPhong field research indicates that your "Natural Purification from stable Gotama's Equanimity can Naturally and Effortlessly Free you from Binding Word/Image and Purity can clean up Clinging Thought, just like the thought of Allah is insignificant to Christian and/or Buddhist. All of the blah blah blah at the description level carry no weight in that practical living person. Here is a typical video Phật Di Lạc Nhập Thế / Entering of Maitreya Buddha that the "head" may have some esoteric connections to the past degenerted feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. All of your Voodoos are physical and will not match Effortlessly Spiritual Cosmic Energy known by KhaiPhong Inner Circle. As exposed in "Ngọc Hoàng Thượng Đế | MẬT NIỆM BÁT CHÁNH / The King of Gods | Secret Vibrations of Right Eightfold Path", your whole understanding and civilization are based on "Greed and Fears", not beyond the evolution from animal kingdoms to humanity defined in Latin humanitas as "Biology having ComPassion and Wisdom/Prajna". If you have any transcendental real outcome of wider perspective from Compassion-Prajna such as "Hindu yogic flying" then bring it to the table for proven scientific evaluation - benefiting the mass and enabling your contribution sustainable - or Get Out Of The Way! The technique will be a part of KhaiPhong wider eight (8) levels of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna in the discovered Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness since this writer has been astrally connected to a very senior member of this tradition, currently being a living student among us and know why the technology has not been sustainable.

See for yourself why scientific processes can be properly applied from "ontological subjective / personal opinion / theory" passing rigorous processes of Testing and Verifying in discovering natural laws of precious discoveries, effortlessly cleaning up unworthy people in cheating humanity many thousands years via all organized religions and isms to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships driven by dark esoteric forces that we esoterically and happily announce their Ending according to natural laws and the working of many dedicated explorers, opening a New Era of Higher Consciousness that we wish all can be parts. When the dots - value added by other dedicated explorers - are properly connected with the right-side up of Gotama discoveries, many will be able to personally verify his "signed posts of being directly experienced" and value add their explored trails contributing to the World's Open Innovations.

[D20.1] Anattalakkhana Sutta: Not-Self Characteristic Discourse - "In this discourse, the Buddha analyzes the constituents of a person's body and mind (khandha) and demonstrates that they are impermanent (anicca), subject to suffering (dukkha) and thus unfit for identification with a "self" for grasping and narrowing down one's vision of Right Understanding according to Natural Laws".

The scientific process starts at rational theoretical model of what underlines all manifested appearances. The process getting to this core is the modified[D26] Eightfold Path in his First discourse[D20] having recorded Sign Posts he actually knows. The "rational theoretical model" is augmented with 1000+ years of "Chan / Zen / Thiền" dedicated explorers from their life-time investigations in "Riding The Ox" where the Ox is one's physical and mental realities (Biology); one's "Soul / Alaya / Quality of the consciousness" (Compassion and #Prajna according to Latin Humanitas / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh) - figuratively sitting / riding the Ox - is more precious in Value of the values of one's scientifically proven "Continuity of the consciousness".

This is the same approach taken in the Sanskrit Version of Heart Sutra[R2] { form is Sunyata Sunyata is form } which is now scientifically proven. The description is not the described which is manifested only at discovered right conditions. Having the right conditions, the scientific cultivable processes of Thing-As-It-Is that one must pass through are { form is not different from Sunyata Sunyata is not different from form, form equals Sunyata Sunyata equals form. The same for feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness }. This is so since there are different layered No-Conflict Consciousness in the processes of #EmptyTheContent that Gotama and Jesus - in "Kingdom of God within" - did not know, but very important in one's evolution or degeneration discovered in Fibonacci positive or negative sequences in many 100,000+ man years of totally failed esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods.

Up to 2024, no one in entire human history - also in higher realms - lays out the Right Conditions for manifestations of cultivable Sunyata (#EmptyTheContent). Connecting all the dots contributed by dedicated explorers plus identifying those actually having "this state of Emptiness at different levels" including highly qualified "Soul / Alaya / Container of consciousness" currently being and living, the whole processes of Right Effort in "Making Life Easier and Happier" according to Natural Laws - empirically proven and statistically verified - will be Discovered and Shared where this Scientifically Cultivable Emptiness in #EmptyTheContent is the foundataion to (1) naturally detoxify tainted senses so "Detachment / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh" is a natural part of "perceptions" to loosen the grips of Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought indoctrinated by all Isms where religions are parts, (2) complete the cycle from Oneness to diversities and then back to Oneness for reborn and rejuvenation for all living stresses (Dukkha), (3) KNOW more about oneself and the Raison D'être of one's existence.

[D21] Eightfold Path - the proven trail proposed by Gotama, personally verified and tested by few but not by many up to 2024 due to not yet discovered different processes of Dependent Nature on conflicting duality plane and in no-conflict Oneness whose outcomes are defects[D24] in Gotama's [ Design - Build - Execution ] of his Buddhist Sangha. To avoid Gotama's crack and make the "Path" useful again, KhaiPhong replaces Buddhist "Right Mindfulness" with "TranscendentalAwareness" type, since Gotama "pecked his Mindfulness at the Equanimity third Jhana"[D29] unknown by almost all Buddhist monks / nuns / followers. We then provide the technologies and required measurable tools to "transcend the contents via detachment and natural purifications of tainted senses".

Two other trails - angles / views of the totality - complement and leading to the same target of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path have been identified in Table 1.1: [ #Awareness - Kiến Tánh, Dependent - Duyên Khởi, #Prajna - Bát Nhã ] of KhaiPhong Technology and [ ComPassion - Từ Bi, HonNhien, #Prajna (States and Stock of InnerSpace) ] of AwakeningBudh Movement. These two trails are absolutely required - together with transcendental technologies - via six Vertical Switches to enable most passing the Gateway-to-Oneness, knowing Transcendental #Awareness[D22] to take Buddhists out of the fallacy of "the Blinds touching Elephant" from most monks and nuns, not knowing Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness[D29], [D22], and to force all isms (where organised religions are parts) delivering the targeted "Described"[R1] while dropping all Conflicted Grasping of the means.

[D22] Ajita's Questions - Translated from Pali (Sn 5.1 PTS: Sn 1032-1039).

"[Ajita:] Everywhere flow the streams. [The Lord:] Whatever streams are in the World, it is Mindfulness (#Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / HuiNeng Wu-Nien / #EmptyTheContent) that obstructs and restricts them, and by Wisdom [#Prajna], they are cut off [dissolved]" By John D. Ireland.

"[Ajita:] They flow every which way, the streams [cravings, tanha, karmas, binding and clinging forces tainted the "Thing-As-It-Is" seen by Prajna into Ignorance / Avijja to drive Volition / Sankhara / Freewill from Right Effort into Wrong Effort causing Suffering Dukkha]. [The Buddha:] ...Mindfulness (#Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / HuiNeng Wu-Nien / #EmptyTheContent) is their restraint, with discernment [#Prajna] they're finally stopped." By Thanissaro.

— Ajita's Questions. We use (1) [cravings, tanha, karmas, binding and clinging forces tainted the "Thing-As-It-Is" seen by Prajna into Ignorance / Avijja to drive Volition / Sankhara / Freewill from Right Effort into Wrong Effort causing Suffering Dukkha] for "streams", (2) "#Prajna" for Ireland "wisdom" and Thanissaro "discernment", (3) "dissolved" instead of Ireland "cut off" or Thanissaro "finally stopped".

Using this question and answer as the cornerstone of Issue Identification (Dukkha) to scientifically proven solution (Nirvana / End of Dukkha), we construct An Engineering Roadmap as an outcome of this book. Assuming there is some "Value / Truth" in this advice worthy to pay some attention, please challenge all Buddhist universities, institutions, monks / nuns, claimed meditation masters, followers, etc their actual experience of "transcendental #Awareness / mindfulness, qualified by Gotama"[D29] at his Equanimity level.

Ask yourself why 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha has not delivered any practical value to solve Gotama's identified [Dukkha / Issue] as his lifetime "quest / thesis" and claimed "solution" that Gotama is not cheating humanity as most of professional cheaters in his Buddhist cheating Sanghas, sabotaging and violating his rules of conducts. Since a conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see another conflicting duality (darkness) As-It-Is, please force all Buddhists describe their actual experience at the source of thought to be mindful of one's Binding Word/Image perfected by Roman Catholic Church and Clinging Thought perfected by Muslim in enslaving humanity up until 2024. Most Buddhists cannot pass even the Gateway-to-Oneness Signed Post; do not let unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] continue their "big mouths" unchecked[R5.3], [R5.4] as on the dialogue between Tang poet Bai Juji and the claimed "crow-nested zen master" that professional cheaters frequently use to paint their images in making a very unworthy living.

"The signals from your senses which demand an #Awareness at the source of your thought (Transcendental #Awareness qualified in this advice which is beyond most monks and nuns in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha) do not count, only the State of your Being counts". Please put your Right Effort in "knowing more about yourself" and possibly dissolving some of your dominant "karmic forces" in Making Life Easier and Happier. We build sustainable steps to practicalise Gotama and many other value-added technologies in the proposed Science and Economics of Oneness.

[D23] Kalama Sutta - the Buddha's "Charter of Free Inquiry" to know more about one's #Prajna / Conscience - a faculty to know the Right and Unworthy - which is cultivable horizontally in daily activities and vertically in diving from within, drawing deeper power of the whole ocean (cosmic consciousness) where all disturbances at the surface are completely Empty (Absent).

Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing; nor upon tradition; nor upon rumor; nor upon what is in a scripture; nor upon surmise; nor upon an axiom; nor upon specious reasoning; nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over; nor upon another's seeming ability; nor upon the consideration. Kalamas, when you yourselves know (due to naturally qualified from humanity - Latin humanitas - upward): These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness, enter on and abide in them.

[D24] Anapanasati - mindfulness of breathing.

The term anapanasati does not mean, as is general interpreted, mindfulness established on in and out breathing. Actually it means mindfulness established on an object all the time with each in and out breath: initially one establishes mindfulness on the breathing itself, then on different kinds of feeling, different states of mind, then the characteristic of impermanence ... and finally on relinquishment, which is the ultimate objective of the practice.

Buddhist three issues causing the divergence between Gotama 'Self-Selfless Realisation' with 'the Execution from Buddhist cheating Sangha' are (1) Design - Not-Self and Emptiness explained at conflicting duality (darkness) to people not even passing the gateway-to-oneness knowing only the "self" in "Grasper and the Grasped" rather than stressing on the innate Budh (Buddha Nature / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh) rationally capable for a wider perspective of Worthy Existence directly solving the present "Pain / Dukkha", (2) Built - Mindfulness of Breathing (anapanasati) and MahaSatipatthana Sutta[D25] cannot deliver the Transcendental #Awareness or #SamadhiPrajna in dynamic interactions between one and the environment where the ultimate objective of the "built process" is only the beginning of "Present Moment in Emptiness", and (3) Execution - Buddhist Sangha not in 'Transparent' and 'Accountable' manner driven by invisible / helping hand of economics.

The three issues are natural outcomes of Not Having Sufficient Understandings about the Dependent Nature on conflicting duality plane of events (Relative Truth / Diversities) and in No-Conflict (Ultimate Wider Truth) Consciousness. The no-conflict Dependent Nature in Consciousness comes from Complex Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace when facing a focused event expressed around the F-dimension of positive Fibonacci evolution for a breakthrough on the Y-dimension via #Prajna or negative Fibonacci degeneration of cunning intelligence. They are similar to physical layers known in Unified Field Theory: (1) Selfless, a state in Consciousness knowable only with non-duality tool in its Dependent Nature while thought - a duality tool - can only be used to describe for verification of the actual experience, (2) Mindfulness - “What is mindfulness” - of Breathing / Anapanasati, a duality tool not leading to no-conflict state of consciousness, (3) Execution, not running by qualified people, passing the Gateway-to-Oneness. The Dependent Nature of correct layers in Consciousness and its cultivable scientific processes into epistemic objectives are patented to enable sufficient critical mass of certified Budh Counsellors as sustainable professional dedicated explorers, preventing unworthy people veiling the Truths as in the case of Gotama, or harming the explorers as in the case of Socrates and Jesus.

Solution: [Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien] of [SIMULTANEOUSLY arising signals from body, feeling, mind, mental qualities] extended to [the Dependent Nature of One and the Whole 'As It Is'] at (1) [ Wu-Nien / Vô-Niệm ] from the observed, (2) [ No-Mark / Vô Vết ] once action completed, (3) [ Detachment / Vô Trụ ] as a basis for the manifestation of #SamadhiPrajna in daily activities. In that Silence, one can cultivate eight (8) Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace in positive Fibonacci evolution to complete the cycle of the three Haves in KhaiPhong: (1) [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] at the observed, (2) [ Dependent / Duyên Khởi ] as the means, (3) [ #Prajna / Bát Nhã" ] in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's optimal condition to change the focused event toward What Count as shown in Figure 11.1. It is Transcendental #Awareness on the X-dimension coming from "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" on the Y-dimension to naturally purify tainted senses for the manifestation of Detachment (HonNhien) where one's "Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace around the F-dimension" is upgraded to the required quality of both #Samadhi and #Prajna at Fibonacci F8 = 21. It is cultivable in "Change Management of What Count" assisted by current ethical AI measuring at both the community desired targets shared of those actually knowing it and one's reality via privately and honestly rated "Right Effort". See for yourself if you know [ "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }. It is compounded on different depths of the settled "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" for a "Sudden Awaken" as asserted by HuiNeng, then Awakening in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Another alternative angle - Table 1.1 - for the solution is (1) ComPassion, (2) HonNhien, (3) #Prajna which are no-conflict tools tackled at different depths of No-Conflict Consciousness from AwakeningBudh Movement for cultivating the states and stock of Prajna. [ Transcendental #Awareness ] and #Prajna are key components of Gotama's advice to Ajita's Questions[D22]

[D25] MahaSatipatthana Sutta - The Great Frames of Reference Digha Nikaya 22 (Tứ niệm xứ).

focused (ardent, alert, and mindful) on [the body, feeling, mind, and mental qualities] is claimed as the unique/direct path for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the disappearance of pain and distress, for the attainment of the right method, and for the realisation of Unbinding.

Similar to Anapanasati - Mindfulness of breathing - the word "focused, ardent, alert, and mindful" lead practitioner toward "binding the mind to the presence" which is "Very Painful and Impossible" since at any moment there are interactions of innumerable signals SIMULTANEOUSLY arising from [the body, feeling, mind, and mental qualities] - many of which are invisible happening at the cells and chemical levels - but also from [the Dependent Nature of One and the Whole 'As It Is']. The practice renders one useless in modern living and in the market place where outcome of any issue is affected by intentional efforts of all involved parties. It is Impossible to precisely know all minute influences, exactly as the dialogue between Gotama and Subhuti in The Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra - Diamond Sutra that "the past mind cannot be grasped, neither can the present mind or the future mind (Section 18)". This assertion can now be scientifically proven in Self/Selfless Duality/Oneness.

For any international or trade issue, the mind and mental qualities of all involved parties are dynamically interacted in the set of "Thing-As-It-Is with Negotiable Conflicts - Patch A" in Figure 2. With proper training in Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict for an Insight into the Emptiness, raising up the states and stock of #Prajna, one can sense the pulse of the issue from outside-the-box Patch C, as well as the chemistry and/or reservation of the counter-part (Patch B) for a breakthrough solution. That means for any effort, there can only have a probability of the outcome due to complex Dependent Nature of many decision makers. For a major dominant issue, our team - hedging from the past 50+ years - can meet your challenge with (1) multi-disciplined strategies to make things happened, (2) custom #AwarenessPrajna and possible #SamadhiPrajna for any targeted stream of consciousness since only at present moment and engaged actual living one can change one's quality of the consciousness for a lasting Value of the value, (3) sensing the energy and movement of the targeted event.

Using set theory, we can mathematically prove that "a conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality As-It-Is" that Katalin Mund uses the picture of a well-known Samatha and Vipassana meditation master to demonstrate that "Buddhism implies dualism"[D19]. It has also been argued by Madhyamaka theorists that "a sword (conditioned thought), no matter how sharp it is, cannot cut itself". The same issue is applicable to (1) Meditation on Emptiness at rational thoughts and arguments, (2) Christian and Islam theologies and eschatology, (3) Buddhist Utopia in Bodhisattva and Bodhicitta unless the "intensity of attention" rendered one outside-the-box in Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict scientifically proven by observer effect Then Transcending both the observer and the observed in Not-Self state of consciousness toward Non-Thingness as illustrated in Patch C of Figure 11.1.

Fruitful cultivation[D32] having lasting value must come from No-Conflict Consciousness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict for an Insight into the Emptiness. Most people are driven by pulls and pushes of the situations without being Aware of the driving forces behind one's Volition / Freewill while unconsciously let indoctrinated binding Word/Image and clinging Thought enslaving them in chains of the "isms", rather than Empty them once the action is completed. All transient cultivation - just like a physical body - will be dissolved by its conditioned via #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness.

The "#Awareness in Emptiness" can be cultivable in "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" and has been pointed out by Tilopa in his Mahamudra-Upadesa. The same recommended solution is in the zen's "Riding The Ox" - Figure 6 - where one can let the mind running out most of its "steam" in opposite direction then effortlessly guide it back to the Right Effort. In this cultivation from "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", one can sense the pulse of the situation for a Right Effort, knowing the driving forces behind the "Volition / Freewill / Sankhara" - Table 2 - to properly manage one's Reality and possibly dissolving some dominant outdated Marks as Gotama's advice to Ajita's questions.

Now, let's look at the MahaSatipatthana claim its "unique/direct path for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the disappearance of pain and distress, for the attainment of the right method, and for the realization of Unbinding" to see how Buddhist cheating Sangha put its "Ignorance / 100% conflicting duality (darkness)" into Gotama's mouth by contrasting Gotama's affirmation in his Dwelling in the Emptiness[D26], describing how he moved from "Relative Truth" in the wilderness of village and community of monks to the "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" through nine stages of his absorption that Buddhist "Anapanasati - Mindfulness of breathing" and "MahaSatipatthana Great Frames of Reference (Tứ niệm xứ)" cannot touch, nor the Buddhist Samatha and Vipassana to render almost all monks and nuns in 2500+ years incapable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness and unqualified in knowing Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness[D29].

The Non-Duality due to Detachment at the Gateway-to-Oneness is cultivable via Understanding of Dependent Nature, Emptiness, Detachment, No-Mark once action completed, evidenced from an honest exposition of a Vietnamese monk at the Gateway-to-Oneness, not yet passing binding Word/Image, and clinging Though (sở tri chướng) as evidenced in the monk's life-time exposition of the Heart Sutra[R2]. The binding Word/Image is perfected by the Roman Catholic Church[R18.4] to be exposed as professional cheaters, and clinging Thought perfected by Muslim[R18.3] to be employed by unworthy in Illuminati elites.

Once the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" - to be democratised - is clearly seen[R1], the means to it from all organised religions and isms together with their possible "cracks" are exposed. One can decide the best for oneself based on the present conditions. Religious "holy and related wars" connected to "isms / utopia" are effortlessly out.

Solution: discover and implement technologies to easily access "No-Confict Consciousness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" (a theoretical plan making from [ #EmptyTheContent or cunning intelligence] Y-dimension and scientifically cultivable Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension) riding on Natural Laws (theoretically making up from Nature Energy Column "Thuận Thiên / Decision in harmony with Nature" and the focusced event where X-dimension is a two dimensional plane of the conflicting event) for heavy lifting illustrated in Figure 2. We have identified four (4) conducive activities to have an Insight into the Emptiness at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna: (1) #DhyanaSamadhi, (2) Tantra, (3) Aspiration, (4) Merging with Nature. The last one has not been known up to 2024 and will be the mechanism (a) to force all past trails / rafts exposed under the scientific processes the means to verifiable "No-Conflict Consciousness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict at different depths of Consciousness" together with noticeable "cracks", and (b) democratise the Practicalities of the Emptiness for efficient "#Prajna Cultivation" sensing Thing-As-It-Is of complex issues - replacing Buddhist Vipassana - via invisible / helping hand of economics to clean up masters-slaves relationships where inter-realms connections and assistance must be in accordance to natural laws, accountable and transparent[R1]. The secret sauce is in the Natural Purification having Transcendental Relaxation as a part with directed Transcendental #Awareness to enable Prajna empty the targeted entanglement. This secret sauce of Natural Purification is a part of KhaiPhong Technology, one of the three identified angles capable to directly access the totality or diving down to the deepest part of the ocean.

[D26] Verifiable Emptiness 1 - "Cula-suññata Sutta: The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness" (MN 121), translated from Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu. In this description, Gotama started from the base of his Transcendental #Awareness - Chánh Niệm that most monks/nuns do not know - passing the gateway-to-oneness in Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict - to merge oneself into

  1. Wilderness and/or KhaiPhong "Equanimity Community" ( upgradeable from "Tranqility" observable in countries like Switzerland or somewhere with friendly people to "Equanimity Communities" for further Dissolving Binding Word / Image),

  2. Purity via the earth subject or via the most advanced modern tools of "Sound / Aspiration", "Kindness / Empathy", etc.

  3. Infinite Space where the sense of one's body disappeared and the subject of meditation (such as the earth / Sound / Aspiration / Kindness / Empathy) is dissolved or empty in "Verifiable Emptiness",

  4. Infinite Consciousness / Transcending the "Observed",

  5. An Awareness of Non-Thingness where there is no trace of thought / Transcending the "Observer",

  6. Border line between conditioned and unconditioned / Information from the field / Sudden Breakthrough,

  7. Momentary Nirvana or Unmoving Sunyata.

A thought of 'Non-Thingness' is not 'Non-Thingness'. If there is no "thought" how can you know it is Non-Thingness "Then What" in your practical living and Continuity of the consciousness at both logical and empirical levels of Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh demonstrated by HuiNeng. Similarly, when the subject of meditation is dissolved in the 'Infinite Space' what make you be Aware of that 'Verifiable Emptiness'. It is first rational then personally verifiable in "Riding The Ox" via Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna on the Y-dimension and Transcendental #Awareness on the X-dimension, orthogonal to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness as illustrated in Figure 2. Now look at the logical but complex arguments in Shurangama Sutra[D33] to prove the existence of "the Unchanged and Unborn" in the changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkna) existence, then contrast with the state of "Kindness" (mettā - tâm từ) and Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi) that you actually know, and used by the Vietnamese General - Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] - as a principle to cultivate a strong community capable to militarily defeat three times the Mongol Empire.

When you describe that Kindness or Empathy, the real Kindness and Empathy are not there. Similarly, there is 'no thought' even in 'Expanding Space - Infinite Space' since it has passed the Utter Silence in Purity state, entering different depths of transcending the 'Observer' to directly experience Gotama's Not-Self or One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One for an Essence of the Right Effort. That transcending the 'Observed' and possible the 'Observer' have been explicitly described 2500+ years ago that no one - except HuiNeng from Chinese independent discoveries - in the entire Buddhist communities of monks and nuns has ever touched[R1]. It is important to establish them as signed posts of a theoretical foundation before delivering technologies for empirical verification in discovering trails leading to these signed posts. Each contributor stands on one's own discovery via a thesis to demonstrate that (1) one actually experiences HuiNeng Wu-Nien, (2) knows the way from Nagarjuna Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth, and (3) knows the infusion of Asanga Perfected Nature to drive the Imaginary Nature closer to Dependent Nature, ready to be scrutinized by the world under rigorous scientific investigations for the knowledge base.

[D27] Mahavedalla Sutta / Natural Purification - The Greater Set of Questions-and-Answers: cessation of Perception and Feeling, Nirvana at the Present Moment, or Unmoving Sunyata. Sariputta's answer - in the presence of Gotama at Savatthi Anathapindika Monastery - on the difference between the "dead thing" and "the monk who has attained to the stopping of perception and feeling":

What is the difference between one who is dead, who has completed his time, and a monk who has attained the cessation of perception and feeling?

although his bodily activities have been stopped ... have subsided, his vitality is not entirely destroyed, his heat is not allayed, his sense organs are purified (his faculties are exceptionally clear as translated by Thanissaro)

MN 43 PTS: M i 292

We assert and everyone can personally verify that this "Natural Purification" is available in all states of "Verifiable Emptiness" once entering the Gateway to Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict. It is beyond all philosophies and "isms" at Image / Word / Thought and Dualism. This assertion is based on (1) the discovery of layered No-Conflict Consciousness of Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] which is known and scientifically proven, (2) esoterically observable column of energy cross-cut and orthogonal to duality planes of knowable higher intelligence realms, and (3) observable by at least three living students personally knowing Signed Posts (Jhanas) of transcendental consciousness, cosmic consciousness, and unity.

Buddhist Consciousness-Only via modified[D26] Eightfold Path asserts that there is a Right and Wrong Transcendental Inner Peace (Samadhi) where the "Right in Right Effort" will direct One and the environment toward What Count according to Value of the values discovered in natural laws. The "Right" layers of identified attributes [ Compassion >< Detachment >< Transcendental-Inner-Peace ] via the Dependent Nature in Oneness are measurable and cultivable in KhaiPhong. We confirm this Right and Wrong from actually witnessing 60,000+ years of esoteric degeneration well-known in the planned dictators of Illuminati elites in one army, one financial institution to wipe out 90% human population. The observation shows importance and relevance of Dependent Nature in cultivable layers of consciousness, leading to Right Effort in all activities and relationships which can be changed by both Normative and Artificial Intelligence in one's continuity of the consciousness.

The Rights and Wrongs or TRUTHs are well established by billion years of natural evolution whose natural laws are to be discovered in Making life Easier and Happier. Similar to layers of physical worlds grouped together in visible and invisible matters, there are visible manifestations of consciousness on the duality plane of diversities where all intelligent beings can be parts, and there are invisible layers of Consciousness on the plane of no-conflict [ Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ], cultivable via six discovered Vertical Switches and measurable at six Signed Posts known by Gotama 2500+ years ago and value-added by many dedicated explorers transcending all isms. Technological advancements are necessary but only one part of Latin "humanitas" which besides biology also comprises of compassion and wisdom (prajna) to be the driving forces of all innovations and applications "From people, By people, and For people". The ComPassion and Prajna are not anymore just words but cultivable and measurable in their manifestations to enable one know more about oneself, being an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment toward what count. Instead of Singularity University we should have Prajna University to discover the frontier of Consciousness in Making Life Easier and Happier.

It is the secret sauce discovered in KhaiPhong Technology to naturally purify one's tainted senses. This secret sauce comes from one angle accessing the Core Consciousness, different from Gotama's angle of Dukkha. It was known by one student in our group since early 1970s period to scientifically explain the efficient process of required attributes in underlying natural laws for heavy lifting. Without this heavy lifting, being a "Good Person / Good Samaritan" does not have sufficient concentrated dose to break through the binding and clinging forces of tainted senses, evidenced via different past crusades.

The Value of the values in the moral Right and Wrong according to natural laws is beyond philosophy at word and thought in actual living according to Thing-As-It-Is in one's Continuity of the Consciousness which is now scientifically proven in the observer effect. It is the fact that simply observing a situation or phenomenon necessarily changes that phenomenon. That instantaneous changing via volition driven by Ignorance (Wrong) or Prajna (Right) changes the quality of one's consciousness either toward a direction of darkness of whatever heavy will sink or light in the easier and happier life[D32] to enable one change oneself and the environment toward what count where everyone has a role and a meaning of existence. Know more about yourself and do not let unworthy people bullying humanity in the past thousands years, messing up their own lives and the lives of others where we are parts.

It is the foundation of natural "Detachment" to be combined with other attributes for wider and deeper explorations. It lets one see the "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas", being the target of Bodhidharma's Recognising one's True Nature - 見性成佛 - Kiến tánh thành Phật". Seeing the "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" is the starting point to activate natural laws in consciousness technology moving in the vertical direction either "Deeper" toward Non-Thingness and Beyond (Core Consciousness) as personally experienced by Gotama or "Higher" as personally known by Jesus via Aspiration, or at Intensity of Attention known by Socrates, many others, and most recently Krishnamurti. This vertical movement of "#Awareness" is different from horizontal movements through conditioned and tainted five skandhas which is Empty according the Thing-As-It-Is to actually know the "true nature of one's existence" that one is more than just physical biology but also capable of "Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna)" leading to human rights.

Both deeper or higher movement of consciousness are "Beyond Thought" leading to a Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent, known by great artists and mystics. But due to tainted senses having innumerable outdated marks, there is "Wrong Transcendental Inner Peace" leading to "Attachment and Self Glorification" separating one out of the whole or the foundation of "Compassion and Wisdom", and "Right Transcendental Inner Peace" leading to an "Easier and Happier Existence" in both short and long term in one's continuity of the consciousness since it operates in accordance with underlying natural laws of consciousness - discovered in KhaiPhong Technology [ Compassion >< Detachment >< Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace ], actually verifying Gotama's Not-Self as an epistemic objective in modern Self-Selfless Actualization. All movements on the duality plane of Hegelian dialectic are subjected to changes. But there is "wrong change" and "Right Change / Prajna Dialecic" due to a wider view from vertical movement of the [ #Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness ] from Layered InnerSpace around F-dimension of positive Fibonacci evalution.

[ Compassion >< Detachment ] - different from "compassion, detachment, pretending inner peace" trained by Gotama and blah blah blah by most Buddhist monks not yet passing the Gateway-to-Oneness in their 2500+ years of sabotaging Gotama's discoveries - must have sufficient natural doses in a razor-sharp [ thought / oneness (hữu niệm / vô niệm) ] switching between "Right Effort" and "Wrong Effort" securely and privately honest evaluation based on fact-based measurable efforts in engaged living glimpsed by Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]. That is why the "Natural Purification" can effortlessly combine with "correct" logical and rational understanding of statistically proven epistemic objectives of Gotama Right Understanding and Right Motivation in any focused event (Wei-Wu-Wei), discovered by HuiNeng "#SamadhiPrajna / Sudden Awaken" of seeing Thing-As-It-Is and strategic position leading toward Value of the values.

It is also different from ENTERING THE MIDDLE WAY (the page is not available) by Chandrakirti and explained by the Dalai Lama in 2017. There are three major issues from this "ENTERING THE MIDDLE WAY" that almost all Buddhists up to 2024 unable to overcome: (1) Buddhist rational approach is only at conflicting duality level, and a conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see another conflicting duality (darkness) As-It-Is, (2) to be effective, it demands practitioners capable to know the "Source of Thought" which is beyond most who have not even passed the Gateway-to-Oneness, (3) the rational approach via Wise Attention to properly manage oneself is a gradual approach to one tainted mark at a time based on one's Personal Experience while one has innumerable tainted marks.

The scientific and efficient approach is discovering underlying natural laws for evolution from form back to consciousness, by-passing all tainted senses to enable this Natural Purification at different depths of Transcendental, Cosmic, and Unity to produce "HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna / Action based on wider perspective from the TRUTH plane" where the Wise Attention is augmented by both Natural Purification from the state and stock of Prajna and ability to retract oneself beyond the utter Silence to see the focused event As-it-Is and one's strategic position to make it happened one step closer to What Count.

Scientifically and practically seeing the defects of Chandrakirti and the entire Buddhist Madhyamaka theoretical arguments, we put ourselves to the tasks of discovering underlying natural laws and observable-testable-reproducible solutions to meet head-on Soyen Shaku challenge[R6]. The outcome is current KhaiPhong Technology to actually deliver the meaning of KhaiPhong to all in the entire range of [ Haves, Have-Nots, Stakeholders ]: (1) ability to sense the source of thought at the volitional level to consciously know the Wrong of Ignorance or the Right of #Prajna, properly managing one's reality or planning required conditions for a Breakthrough of #SamadhiPrajna, (2) personally verifying Gotama's advice in Ajita's Questions[D22] about the transcendental #AwarenessPrajna[D26] sabotaged by Buddhist Sangha in 2500+ years of its cheating history, (3) being an Agent of Changes fully responsible due to an acute sense of Right and Wrong (Moral Value completely veiled by unworthy people in cheating Buddhist Sangha[D46]) to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23].

The combination is a starting point of community conscious living / Equanimity Community based on and harmonious with natural laws. This conscious living naturally leads to further widening and deepening according to discovered natural laws embedded in the [Effortless Right Effort / Wei-Wu-Wei] from AwakeningBudh Movement / Awakening to actually know the "Raison D'être" of one's existence.

[D28] Wise Attention - The internal condition for the modified[D26] eightfold path which is not based on solitude (viveka,nissita) as wrongly interpreted by Buddhist monks and nuns but rather based on the foundation of being a Good Person - Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood - having qualified Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] to start a conscious living on the right direction according to natural laws. Since state of one's consciousness is conditioned on both [ Body >< Mind ] where state of the qualified [ Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm ] is cultivable, a moment of solitude can be a part of PrajnaPlace©® in Four conducive Activities to Oneness for the manifestations of Wise Attention. Due to this natural state of "Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" at cultivable seven (7) different depths of Verifiable Consciousness { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment, a moment of [ Solitude / Silence ] for "Seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's Strategic Position" can happen anywhere any time that outside environment - PrajnaPlace©® / Equanimity Community such as a corner of Japanese garden - may help but Not Absolutely Required!

The conscious living will be deepen at the two levels (1) the "[ Known / Epistemic Objectives / kiến thức ]" from scientific processes sabotaged by professional cheaters in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha and (2) something "[ Beyond / tri thức / breakthrough ]" measurable at the Signed Posts and reproducible into the Known by reversed engineering so others do not have to start from the beginning. Solution from the "Beyond" once shared to community from statistically proven solution will become the known to be further improved. The "Beyond Thought" of wise attention has not been scientifically investigated up until 2024 due to not at the right time and place as evidenced from Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986) declared "Pathless Land" up to his generation.

In fact, wise attention - called Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Riding the Ox at the observed or wu-nien by HuiNeng, or Intensity of Attention by Krishnamurti, or down to the root of reality Thing-As-It-Is - can only be cultivated in daily living[R1] regardless of who one is. This wise attention is now easier with technologies to enable almost everyone directly access different depths of Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict to let the Natural Purification[D27] from outside-the-box does the heavy lifting. The process involves retracting from event conflicting noises via one of six (6) Vertical Switches on the plane of [ Oneness / #Prajna / Conscience ] perpendicular to the duality plane of the event to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for a Right Effort. It is different from logical deductions of Buddhist monks and nuns based on our expositions in the past 15+ years (2007 - 2024) of the blinds touching elephant since the description is not the described. What Nagarjuna called "Ultimate Truth" or Hindu/Buddhist called Oneness is in fact layers of consciousness to be properly understood in one's evolution of form back to consciousness so one does not fall into the crack of "Wrong Transcendental Inner Peace / #Samadhi / Sidhis" toward the Grasp-er and the Grasped in asserting the Moral Value of ComPassion.

The wise attention is now easier since sciences in "Making Life less Sufferings - Knowing Your Raison D'être" have come from different fields to know more about one's "predefined stock of consciousness" manifested and measurable in the physical body; a part of which is DERMATOGLYPHICS a finger print analysis commonly used in pathological studies. Since the finger prints are associated with the right and left brain at different functional parts, it is a cost effective process to draw up a statistically significant map of any legal "user custom AI" - education, professional development, [corporate / organisation] culture - to know more about oneself and strategic position accumulated in its private "Neural Graph Database". It is the starting point of Change Management via Executive Information Portal / EIP in the cultivable [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] of the Wise Attention.

EIP©® for identified "Issues" - such as excessive sex drive, self exaggeration or unsatisfied, fear, phobia, etc - can be formally identified as a formal "service node" connected to case study nodes and their effective solutions shared by concerned people. With modern IoE (Internet of Everything) people having related dominant Issue can quickly enhance their "Conscious Living", sharing statistically significant [ Known / Epistemic Objectives / kiến thức ]" to widen and deepen the "[ Beyond / tri thức ]" based on this Wise Attention making happened via measurable Signed Posts.

Buddhist Consciousness-Only (Yogacara)[D39] goes one step further in identifying the seventh consciousness of the self and the core eighth consciousness of its continuity. This discovery turns out to be important and relevant to scientifically explain the degeneration of higher realms and the collapse of Illuminati elites whose snatching technology enables their tainted core possessing the good appearance of their victims to be in important [ religious / financial / political / military ] power in planning to enslave the world. That is why one can detect a very dark side of the elite. If you are one of these elites and still living, you must know the core quality of your consciousness and still have opportunity to change your core due to Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. It is also important to be beyond 'Binding Word/Image', 'Clinging Thought' from the general 'Grasp-er / Grasped' to truly live according to natural foundation of Higher Consciousness which is Kindness and Empathy where Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict can manifest in daily activities. We can Help and outcomes of required technologies will be open sources.

[D29] Saccavibhanga Sutta - Discourse on The Analysis of the Truths (MN 141 PTS: M iii 248).

  1. Herein a monk aloof from sense desires, aloof from unwholesome thoughts, attains to and abides in the first meditative absorption [jhana], which is Detachment and accompanied by applied thought, sustained thought, joy, and bliss.

  2. By allaying applied and sustained thought he attains to, and abides in the second jhana, which is inner Tranquility , which is unification (of the mind), devoid of applied and sustained thought, and which has joy and bliss.

  3. By detachment from joy he dwells in Equanimity, mindful, and with clear comprehension and enjoys bliss in body, and attains to and abides in the third jhana, which the noble ones [ariyas] call 'dwelling in equanimity, Mindfulness, and bliss'.

  4. By giving up of bliss and suffering, by the disappearance already of joy and sorrow, he attains to, and abides in the fourth jhana, which is neither suffering nor bliss, and which is the Purity of equanimity.

Up to 2024 - before rewriting the contents of this book under a new angle and title 'KhaiPhong' - we stress a very significant discovery about the underlying natural laws behind (1) the world of duality where mental activities based on current conditioned tools such as brain intelligence and tainted senses of innumerable outdated marks on the duality plane of events are parts, and (2) the higher consciousness where mental activities based on brain intelligence and tainted senses find a breakthrough according to natural laws to take it beyond the duality plane of Nagarjuna Relative Truth for a wider view (Ultimate Wider Truth) of Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count on Value of the values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness according to natural laws to be discovered and value added.

Once published, a "breakthrough" and its scientific processes - such as Hindu's "Non-Thingness", Gotama's "Not-Self", Jesus's Aspiration via Faith, HuiNeng's "Unmoving Sunyata", KhaiPhong Compassion-Prajna, etc, - may become an epistemic objective with well defined attributes and their functionalities to form the community know-how for deeper and wider discoveries, upgradable from Tranquility observable in countries like Switzerland to Equanimity Community, a conducive Living & Being environment for the Cultivation of Prajna whose outcomes are Morality and Justice according to underlying natural laws. This is the base for the Science and Economics of Oneness which is KhaiPhong's target.

The "breakthrough" is HuiNeng "Sudden Awaken" and conditioned on the focused event which is relevant and Right to that agent at that particular moment. Hence, a breakthrough is the outcome of many factors such as the cultivable states and stock of the Agent's #Prajna together with the agent's domain expert of the focused event. Since each event - such as an international crisis - is momentarily changing due to influencing effects of all involved parties, to see Thing-As-it-Is and one's strategic position for a Right Effort demands that aesthetic transcendental process. By discovering operating natural laws in transcendental consciousness - called Vertical Switches - we enable each person (1) an ecosystem of natural tools to scientifically know the past explored Signed Posts, being fully equipped with epistemic objectives in scientific up-to-date know-how to clearly see the nature of any breakthrough and its essential conditions, (2) being an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment toward what Count. Since there are innumerable events in activities and relationships, there are innumerable "Sudden Awaken" and everyone can be a part. Out of that swarm of "breakthroughs" there emerges statistically significant patterns for a Right Understanding and Right Motivation - implementations of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path - of major dominant events such as a Growing Child, Right Effort in one's selected profession, Marriage, Parenting, Education, Health and Death, Social Nets, International Conflicts, etc.

The writer intentionally does it to partially release pieces of discoveries at the right time to be in sync with the esoteric works done by another living student using first Sound then Light technologies, and partly to let "Buddhist unworthy people" exposed themselves with hard evidences in 2500+ years of sabotaging Gotama's discoveries of not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. In this process we both know that we are preciously and effortlessly guided by those at much higher realms than the realms known by humanity as Buddhas, Gods, Allah, and the King of Gods; many of them have been degenerated even below humanity defined in Latin Humanitas (biology, compassion, wisdom) which is now verifiable via negative Fibonacci degeneration to be scientifically and quickly recovered if and only if the degenerated entities of past claimed Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Gods, Allah 100% "Honest & Care" for oneself and the environment one a part. A DIY (Do-It-Yourself) test is if you are very intelligent rated as an elite but do not have a moment of Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Riding the Ox { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } as asked by the Infinite-Thought Bodhisatta in Buddhist Lotus sutra[D49], you are that "idiot savant" and there are scientifically cultivable processes to be back in the positive Fibonacci evolution. The test is very significant since many intelligent beings of the past totally collapsed feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods are driven by extreme desire around the layered F-dimension of qualified realms naturally rated in positive and negative Fibonacci evolution and degeneration. It is 100% applicable to living persons to actually know more about one's quality of the consciousness No Matter Who You Are! You can be a billionaire and/or an important political / religious leader, yet you are a hungry ghost, a sex addict and/or animal in the quality of the consciousness that if Not Doing Anything About it, the continuity of the consciousness will drag you in that downhill heavier direction.

The writer can unequivocally say that without tremendous esoteric works from what we call the Sound specialist and HuiNeng reincarnation, it is very hard for humanity to avoid the Third World War. Even with the avoidance of 90% human population to be eliminated, the human mass consciousness will not be quickly evolved as currently seen due to unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in the forms of organised religions, dictatorships, secrecy such as Illuminati elites to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships. In that sense, we all have benefits from the orchestration of Higher Consciousness of Good Forces in Thing-As-It-Is according to discovered natural laws and can look forward to a New Era of Conscious Living from Humanity Upward.

Hard evidences about unworthy people are only recently well exposed over the Internet. The entire 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha - hand picked and personally organised by Gotama - have also been sabotaged in 2500+ years by esoteric dark forces having armies of slaves to internationally cheat humanity. It is no different from their catholic peers[R18.4] and is much harder to detect. If we can expose that fact, we can unequivocally show both Gotama and Jesus are (1) dedicated explorers having unique contributions of their own, (2) Not Cheating Humanity for 1000+ years as done by their claimed torch carriers in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and 2000+ years of evil Roman Catholic Church, (3) honest pioneers in the Science of Higher Consciousness with breakthroughs to be further value added for discovering deeper and wider practicalities of the Higher Consciousness. Being qualified as human personas, they (1) are only a part like all of us having some conscience of Right and Wrong, and (2) can access Prajna Dialectic in contrast to Hegelian Dialectic of cunning intelligence. Without striving being an explorer, one misses an important dimension of Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] of Things-As-It-Is natural laws innate in all naturally qualified personas.

Many highly developed elites - typically in current extreme communist and religious leaders - fallen into this crack that will take them a very long time to recover the "meaning of Right and Wrong" to be a qualified human being according to underlying natural laws, currently protected by human Fundamental Rights - Article 3: Right to integrity of the person which is far beyond the degenerated entities known by humanity as Buddhas, Gods, Allah, and the King of Gods who are currently at "extreme desire of animal kingdoms". If you are one of these and still living, you must know your realities of dark consciousness, committed known crimes that you may avoid people judgements. But you cannot cheat the mother nature having billion years of evolution where both Relative Truth on the duality plane and Higher Consciousness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] operate according to Natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is to be discovered and value added. By equating western Conscience to eastern #Prajna, we logically demonstrate [ #Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Morality ] is cultivable by discovering natural laws under Higher Consciousness that both Gotama and Jesus were not able to touch. It is an underlying "raison d'être" in the new Golden Era for humanity where every conscious living person can be a part.

Since publicly releasing our discoveries from 2007 having over 50+ years of hedging to wait for the right time and right place, we logically show the practicalities of Higher Consciousness with Prajna Dialectic to see any focused event in Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to push it toward What Count[R23], and their scientific foundations to be personally verified turning Gotama's personal opinion into epistemic objectives, while selectively demonstrate beyond any doubt the realities of the claimed enlighten monk, the Dalai Lama XIV, the claimed Dharma King, the Zen master, Vietnamese Zen Truc Lam as a typical Buddhist sect among many Buddhist sects from other countries invented by professional cheaters of not knowing yet claimed to know, not seeing yet claimed to see[R19].

What is the significant discovery of underlying natural laws operating in the "world of duality and in the "higher consciousness" that no one in the entire history of humanity [ and in higher realms of Buddhas, Gods, Allah, King of Gods we esoterically know ] has touched for a wholesome integration in conscious living according to natural laws? The first half of the discovery has pointed out by Gotama in his investigation of the Ignorance / Avijja in his causes and effects - leading to [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] - behind Dukkha on the duality plan of existence. The swinging between Attachment / Greed and Aversion / Fear has been rationally improve with personal or group brain intelligence in Hegelian Dialectic of thesis-antithesis and synthesis of "I win You loose". The second half of Higher Consciousness comes into existence according to the Dependent Nature, also first discovered by Gotama. But without recognising the two separate processes - complement but operating under different natural laws of Thing-As-it-Is - he was unable[D24] to create the right "Design - Build - Execution" preventing professional cheaters veiling his discoveries[D19] while polluting his Buddhist Sangha.

The fundamental differences of the two processes operating on the duality plane of existence and Higher Consciousness are (1) A view filtered through conditioned brain and tainted sense is a darkness, and a darkness cannot see another darkness As-It-Is so the destruction of Ignorance[D46] cannot come from another Ignorance of tainted senses, and (2) there is #Prajna in higher consciousness, operating under different natural laws outside the duality plane of existence to see Thing-As-it-Is and one's strategic position in opposite direction of Ignorance via Self-Selfless Actualisation in KhaiPhong.

The first process operating on the duality plane is base on the self of making life easier and happier. The second process is based on selfless for wider view on the plan of [ Oneness / #Prajna / Conscience / Wisdom ]. Hence, selfless - Gotama's Not-Self - can only be seen from Higher Consciousness when the tainted senses are at utter silence at the above "Purity" fourth state of the consciousness. We make these two opposing but complement each other jointly operating in Taming The Ox. Similar to [ Selfless / Not-Self ], [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] can only be known in actual living of a transcendental breakthrough to verify its "Thing-As-It-Is" then one can describe one's actual experience to reverse engineering of required conditions to make it statistically happened according to natural laws. The description is not the described. That is why all isms where organised religions are parts have been able to cheat humanity for the group benefits of unworthy people.

Without passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness" - Gotama Tranquility second Jhana - to actually know Transcendental #Awareness at the third Jhana for proper management[D22] of one's realities by sensing the driving force behind thought, Buddhist Theravada chopped Gotama's nine stages of Jhanas[D29], [D30] into four[D19] as actually exposed by the claimed Zen Master THÍCH THÔNG TRIỆT and claimed Buddhist scholar Thích Thiện Minh in the "blinds touching elephant" toward a utopia of Nirvana and PariNirvana that they know nothing about. Based on our critique, claimed Zen Master THÍCH THÔNG TRIỆT vents out another smoke in 2017 with "TIẾN TRÌNH TU CHỨNG VÀ THÀNH ĐẠO CỦA ĐỨC PHẬT / The process of realisations and achievements of the Buddha" or claimed Buddhist scholar Thích Thiện Minh (Varapañño) in "THIỀN ĐỊNH VÀ SỨC KHỎE / Meditation and Health" deducts from the blinds touching meditation about Gotama's Purity state where the fourth Jhana is defined as "ĐỊNH BẤT ĐỘNG / Unmoving Samadhi" to drop all other recorded Jhanas[D30].

Is it the time for international dedicated Buddhists and scholars to stabilise on what Gotama actually said and experienced? We can help to bring our actual "Know-How" to scientifically debunk all Buddhist professional cheaters, not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] in destroying Gotama's discoveries and cheating humanity with unverifiable painted cakes. With KhaiPhong Technology, Gotama's personal experiences in his nine stages of verifiable consciousness will gradually become statistically significant epistemic objectives.

[D30] Latukikopama Suta - The Quail Simile (MN 66 PTS: M i 447).

There is the case where a monk...enters and remains in the fourth jhana... But that, too, I tell you, isn't enough. Abandon it, I tell you. Transcend it, I tell you. And what is its transcending?

Then there is the case where a monk, with the complete transcending of perceptions of form, with the disappearance of perceptions of resistance, and not heeding perceptions of diversity, [perceiving,] (5) 'Infinite space', enters and remains in the dimension of the infinitude of space.

Then there is the case where a monk, with the complete transcending of the dimension of the infinitude of space, [perceiving,] (6) 'Infinite consciousness', enters and remains in the dimension of the infinitude of consciousness.

Then there is the case where a monk, with the complete transcending of the dimension of the infinitude of consciousness, [perceiving,] 'There is nothing'. enters and remains in the dimension of (7) Non-Thingness.

Then there is the case where a monk, with the complete transcending of the dimension of Non-Thingness, enters and remains in the dimension of (8) neither perception nor non-perception.

There is the case where a monk, with the complete transcending of the dimension of neither perception nor non-perception, enters and remains in the (9) cessation of perception and feeling.

Please see Gotama's "Intensity of Attention / Deadly Serious" - but that, too, I tell you, isn't enough. Abandon it, I tell you. Transcend it, I tell you. And what is its transcending - which is "Effortless" unknown by most monks/nuns in 2500+ years of cheating Busshist Sangha very superficial in their faked concentration to cheat humanity for very unworthy living, impossible to pass the qualified Transcendental-Awareness[D22], [D46] [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] . That Effortless is superficially known at philosophical level as Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei from LaoTzu's Tao. Deepening and widening the "Higher Consciousness", we lay out six "Vertical Switches": (1) #PrajnaTIP in Sound, (2) Tantra, (3) Aspiration via different means, (4) ComPassion, (5) Detachment, (6) #PrajnaTIP in Kindness. The first one rides on charming power of "Non-Thingness" similar to attracting power of a black-hole to enable most people experience "Empty of the contents" under different Right Transcendental Inner Peace. These Right Transcendental Inner peaces will be contrasted to recorded Gotama's nine stages of Jhanas that we reclassify into measurable Signed Posts to form an explored road-map in understanding and reverse engineering aesthetic states in other switches. For example, (1) what are the roles and required conditions in aspiration via Faith, Effort with Intensity-of-Attention such as aloof from sense desire, Music, Dancing, etc, for what practical outcomes, (2) required conditions underlying effective ComPassion - measurable via a dialogue between Bodhidharma and the Chinese King - which is a sine-qua-non and foundation of cultivable #Prajna, (3) effective processes of Detachment in dealing with different forms of binding and clinging forces, (4) required machine-learning technologies to safely and securely integrate personal data with available public data. Finally, the #PrajnaTIP in Kindness rides on one's personally accumulated state and stock of #Prajna to instantly generate specialised worm-holes, connecting the two bundles of energy for either training in Transcendental #Awareness of Thing-As-It-Is and/or helping the needy breaking his/her own hurdle using the master's #Prajna and cosmic energy.

These are practical tools - contributed by all involved parties with relevant actual experience - in cultivable #Prajna according to our discovered process of Higher layered No-Conflict Consciousness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] in Western [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ] which is measurable via Right Effort in Eastern [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ]. The scientific cultivation can reach sufficient strength for required states and stock of measurable #Prajna[D22], [D46] to either dissolve an identified issue such as excessive and abnormal sex drive and/or to have a breakthrough in an important (personal, social, international) dominant issue. This can happen with the integration of Normative and Artificial Intelligence where many people - in relevant domains focusing on innumerable issues - can contribute.

By releasing our know-hows and technologies at the right place and right time we can effortlessly - Wei-Wu-Wei - change the mass consciousness toward What Count in Thing-As-It-Is. For example, "stopping the outer breath" at the unmoving Sunyata is our first and unique value-added observable attribute to enable better understanding and indication of Gotama's ninth stage of Jhana and HuiNeng Unmoving Mind. Without passing the Gateway-to-Oneness, claimed Zen Master THÍCH THÔNG TRIỆT and claimed Ph.D. in Buddhist studies about Buddhist meditations in his Ph.D.thesis Thích Thiện Minh (Varapañño) painted a picture of Gotama's Fourth Jhana as "ĐỊNH BẤT ĐỘNG / Unmoving Samadhi" to drop all other recorded Gotama's Jhanas which are required for actually verifying the "Not-Self" in his second discourse and a deeper "Non-Thingness" for emptying all stressful and conflicting events on the duality plane of existence for a freshness of reborn and rejuvenation which is the "HonNhien" in Buddhist Heart Sutra, exposing the Thing-As-It-Is Non-Thingness - similar to a physical Black-Hole - as an essential component of a conscious living.

By binding and clinging their investigations and focuses at the conditioned plane of duality such as the physical brain plus the [ words / descriptions / sayings ] claimed from Gotama and/or founders of different conflicting Buddhist sects, the claimed Zen Master and claimed Buddhist scholar (1) at most verifies his own past "achievable conditioned" manifested in his physical brain which is also rare in his long evolution and/or deduction of the blinds touching elephant, (2) do not know the Gateway-to-Oneness, passing the boundary between [ duality / diversities / Relative Truth ] and [ Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ], scientifically known in the investigation between [ Physical Brain / Relative Truth ] and [ #Awareness / Consciousness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ], (3) are voluntarily enslaved themselves[D25], [D20] in binding Word/Image, and clinging Though (sở tri chướng) similar to other Buddhist monks and nuns bullied by professional cheaters[R18.4] in cheating Buddhist Sangha rather than describing their actual experiences and Then What as tested in our Taming The Ox to prove that they are relatively Free from Binding Word while contributing their specialised angles to the knowledge base for others trekking along the trails - the description is not the described, (4) are case studies to show the relevance of our proposed Engineering Roadmap where the claimed Zen Master or others such as movements behind Swami Nithyananda, "Inter-Realms interactions in preparation for the New Era"[R20.1] that we esoterically know and will make contacts at the right place and right time, plus claims from other organised religions such as Christian Faith or Muslim Faith-Swirling or Tibet highest Tantra, etc, can start a new node and a branch - out of the six vertical switches to Oneness (#PrajnaTIP in Sound, Tantra, Aspiration, Compassion, Detachment, #PrajnaTIP in Kindness) identified from proven natural laws - where they can present their discoveries for public value-adds to form the knowledge base in the Science and Economics of Oneness in KhaiPhong to meet head-on Soyen Shaku's challenge[R6].

Gotama's Not-Self - actually verifiable in Gotama's (5) 'Infinite space' and (6) 'Infinite consciousness' - together with (7) Non-Thingness he learned from Hindu tradition enable a strong foundation of Natural Purification[D27] for both the depth and width of a Sudden Awaken from a focused event and one's strategic position to push the event toward What Count. The process according to natural laws in Higher Consciousness is the cultivable Normative Intelligence to direct the positive Artificial Intelligence - called Prajna Dialectic - in Making Life Easier and Happier Now but also Value of the values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, partially explained using one person's actual current know-hows Then What? We ask international community of dedicated Buddhists and scholars have a strong measure, cleaning up all professional cheaters from your Worthy Community.

While waiting for this cleaning up armies of professional cheaters[R18.4] in the blah blah blah of 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha, we go ahead to implement the No-Conflict Higher Consciousness of Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] via [ ThankYou / GsLp (Global service Local presence) ] Club where HOC (Home Office Club) is a part, driven by Invisible Hands of Empathy (leading to #Prajna) and Economics to benefit local Right Outcomes in changing oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23].

[D31] Visuddhimagga - the Path of Purification. Here is an easy free e-book to digest "Abhidhamma in Daily Life" by Nina van Gorkom and its Vietnamese translation.

From Abhidhamma in Daily Life" - page 148 - the five jhana-factors necessary for the first stage of Jhana [ (1) applied thinking (vitakka), (2) sustained thinking (vicara), (3) rapture (pıti) { Gateway-to-Oneness / Tranquillity / no inner conflict }, (4) happy feeling (sukha) { Equanimity / Mindfulness / bliss }[D29], (5) concentration (samadhi) { Purity / "by the disappearance of joy and sorrow, he attains to the 'neither suffering nor bliss', which is the Purity" / "therefore Sariputra, in Sunyata there is not form not feeling not perception not impulse not consciousness not eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-mind not form-sound-smell-taste-touch-thought not eye consciousness up to not mind consciousness not ignorance not destruction of ignorance not decay-death not destruction of decay-death not dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga not knowledge not attainment not non-attainment" } ], many will be able to personally verify these factors when we expose #PrajnaTIP in Sound and their dissolutions in deeper stages as personally recorded by Gotama[D29], [D30].

While waiting to debunk once and for all Buddhist 2500+ years of cheating processes to bully humanity blah blah blah by unworthy and professional cheaters, we ask the mass to contrast personal verification against Gotama's descriptions after trying the process of #PrajnaTIP in Sound, then (1) prove that the author of Visuddhimagga has not passed even the Gateway-to-Oneness, not qualified by "Gotama's Mindfulness"[D22] and the entire documentations were just deductions from the "Blind touching Elephant", and (2) contribute to community Right Understanding and Right Motivation of Gotama's Purity stage against the description of Buddhist Heart Sutra as quoted. At the right time we will logically prove beyond any doubt that the author of Visuddhimagga know nothing about Gotama's 7th Jhana state of Non-Thingness, not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see, exactly as this hard-core persistent professional cheating monk[D19].

[D32] Paccha-bhumika Sutta: [Brahmans] of the Western Land - Natural laws in Making Life Easier and Happier.

Suppose a man were to throw a large boulder into a deep lake of water, and a great crowd of people, gathering & congregating, would pray, [saying,] 'Rise up, O boulder! Come floating up,' What do you think: would that boulder ... rise up, or come float to the shore?

Suppose a man were to throw a jar of ghee/oil into a deep water, where it would break. There the jar-fragments would go down, while the ghee/oil would come up. Then a great crowd of people would pray, ... 'Sink, O ghee/oil! Go down, O ghee/oil!' What do you think: would that ghee/oil, because of the prayers, praise of that great crowd of people sink, submerge, or go down?

— SN 42.6 PTS: S iv 311 CDB ii 1336 translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

[D33] Shurangama Sutra - recorded Best Practices of 25 Arhats and Bodhisattvas in their evolution to be more Aware of oneself. Here is the latest presentation of [ Surangama / Kinh Thu Lang Nghiem ] from the claimed Manjushri Bodhisattva 2023-06-01 together with his deliverable outcomes / chửa bệnh to be ready for scientific investigations of what he can actually bring to the table at the Right Time of KhaiPhong.

We will scientifically show based on the "quoted introduction" that both "claimed Gotama and the Bodhisattva in the introduction" Know Nothing about the state of "Emptiness called by them Cảnh Giới Chư Phật / The Buddha Realm" and its practical utilities from the domain of Ultimate (Wider) Truth via entering the Gateway-to-Oneness in the domain of No-Conflict Consciousness that they have been blah blah blah in their esoteric animal kingdoms ruled by the degenerated King of Gods to sabotage Gotama's Discoveries and turned his 2500+ years of "cheating Sangha" into an Inter-Realm Cheating Club. By knowing the statistically proven underlying natural laws, many thousands people and intelligent beings from higher realms can actually testify that state of Emptiness and its utilities[D26] in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

Here is a debunk to suggest the Sutra is a faked dharma. Here is a debunk of the debunk. The "debunk" and "debunk of the debunk" is a healthy scientific process to make happened deliverable TRUTH which is the statistically epistemic objective or verifiable process to move from "Relative Truth" on the duality plane to "Ultimate/Wider Truth" on the [ Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ] plane and its practical aspect in Making Life Easier and Happier.

This scientific process is now providing fruit [the translation of KINH ĐẠI BI from Sanskrit to Chinese (around 550 - 577) then Vietnamese 2016] to unequivocally prove the Buddhist faked dharma sabotaging Gotama's discoveries in 2500+ years of Buddhism, turning Gotama's state of consciousness called "The End of Dukkha"[D44] into an imaginary state called Nirvana then Parinirvana for perpetuating the masters-slaves relationships of "not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see"[D19]. Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed according to scientific "conservation of energy and the mass".

This scientific debunk of the entire history of Buddhism is similar to the debunk of the entire history of Christianity cheated by the Forever Manifested God via the second law of thermodynamics.

Contrary to the Chinese claim in Mahayana texts that Shurangama Sutra will be the first one to be disappeared in the Dharma ending age, it will be the first one to be exposed to show the realities of professional cheaters[R18.4] - from both esoteric dark forces and their armies of human unworthy people who can see and face their heavy quality of the consciousness due to their innate Buddha Nature according to Natural Law of Action-Reaction - attempting to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships which come to the end with the collapse of Illuminati Elites.

Thanks to (1) available living students personally knowing the "Emptiness[D26]" and different proven practical angles of its utilities such as the reincarnations of (1.1) Khương Tử Nha 姜子牙, (1.2) Zhuge Liang Kongming (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng) / HuiNeng, (1.3) Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, (1.4) Lý Phật Mã, (1.5) Vietnamese Ngài / Thành to be ready for modern scientific investigations in DISCOVERING TRUTHs of Inter-Realms Dependent Nature for Making Life Easier and Happier in one's Continuity of the consciousness, (2) all manifestations are conditioned changing at Planck time and there is a reversed engineering of optimal conditions to make required targets reproducibly happened in Inclusive people-technology Society 5.0 of the Three World-Powers, (3) deliverable Prajna Dialectic to be ready for implementations as concrete esoteric / exoteric solutions of the New KhaiPhong Era of Bigger Thing-As-It-Is Natural Movements, something very Unique and Significant will soon happen at the Right Time and Place.

[D34] 'Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' - Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki:

People grasping their own shadows of discrimination, uphold the discrimination of dharma and adharma, and failing to carry out the abandonment of the dualism, they go on discriminating and never attain tranquillity. By Tranquillity is mean oneness, and oneness gives birth to the highest samadhi, which is gained by entering into the womb of Tathagatahood, which is the realm of supreme wisdom realized in one's inmost self;

O Mahamati, my doctrine of no-birth and no-annihilation is not the same as that held by the philosophers, nor as the doctrine of birth and permanence ... But mine is that is neither born nor transformed. Mine is above the category of being and non-being, and abandoning [the notion of] birth and destruction. I talk of that which is neither existence nor non-existence,

O Mahamati, by Nirvana I mean the seeing into the abode where the meaning [of existence] is understood in its truthfulness, the abandoning of all discrimination which takes place in the mind and what belongs to it, and the realization of the supreme wisdom which lies in the inmost consciousness of the Tathagatas - this I call Nirvana.

— References: pages 85, 265, 267

'Tranquillity' is an Actuality, the second observable attribute of Right Transcendental Inner Peace as described by Gotama and recorded in Buddhist texts, that almost all students under AwakeningBudh can testify. Most people can know this "Tranquillity" - initial level in Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict - at the surface via Kindness / Empathy / spontaneously helping the needy. There are cultivable processes to deepen and naturally manifest this Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict in daily activities for an action having the power of the whole ocean, but once done there in no residual Mark on one's stream of the Consciousness.

[D35] Jue Guan Lun / A Treatise on the Ceasing of Notions - An Instructive Talk between Master Nyuri and Disciple Emmon by Myokyo-ni (Irmgard Schloegl) and Michelle Bromley with selected comments by Soko Morinaga Roshi.

Question 12.1: Emmon asks, "If an inexperienced beginner on the Way should suddenly encounter someone intent on killing him, what must he do to conform with the Way?" / "Nếu có kẻ mới học đạo, bỗng gặp nhân duyên có người muốn hại, phải đối trị thế nào cho hợp đạo?"

Answer: Master Nyuri answers, “Nothing special needs to be done, because if he can escape, he will do so. If he cannot escape, he will have to endure it. If it is endurable, he will have to suffer it out. If it is not endurable, he will cry out.” / "Những điều đó chẳng cần phải đối trị. Là tại sao? Nếu tránh được thì tránh, không tránh được thì nhận; Nhẫn nhịn được thì nhẫn nhịn, không nhẫn nhịn được thì cứ khóc."

— The Art of No Conflict Inside - No Conflict Outside

Bodhidharma's "theoretical" answer stands from the Source of Oneness, the Common Denominator of all manifestations facing directly to Thing-As-It-Is (Actuality). From this "Oneness" - within the reach of one's innate Buddha Nature - one can (1) Know "#Awareness separating from the manifestations due to the complete Silence of the observer" in the changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) existence, (2) See the optimal no-conflict solution out of a complicated issue and its strategic position to be in, (3) Create the Right conditions and sense the Right Time and Place for an "Effortless Right Action / Wei-Wu-Wei" making happened Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" for a win-win outcome with maximum results toward the Right Direction, (4) Nullify adverse effects in "Right Effort of Change Management" that makes the above answer Childish and Unnecessary.

We call it a glimpse of "theoretical" answer without knowing the process dynamic and practical aspects in engaged living since Bodhidharma did not know the Dependent Nature of this "Oneness / #Prajna / Conscience" that Gotama knew. Bodhidharma did not know the state of consciousness - detectable by those who know - but theorised about the state in his answer! Gotama knew the separation of that "#Awareness" - without the observer - and the observations via his recorded nine Janas[D29], [D30], but did not see its scientific foundations to design the wrong tools[D24], [D25] for the right job[D22]. That separation of the "#Awareness" - without the observer - and the observations is KhaiPhong key and new discovery thanks to the hand-on "right effort" in foiling Voodoos (Bùa) of the degenerated forces.

It is well-known in KhaiPhong Inner Circle that the Sound Specialist can direct cosmic energy to [ foil / dissolve ] most Voodoo Spells without knowing their working processes. The student dissolved - similar to the dissolution of karmic forces via one's own #Prajna[D22] - and Free some highly developed beings from the "Voodoo Spells". But after a short sleep, the student found the same group of victims infected and manipulated by some hidden forces. Tracing out the source and ultimately finding out its mechanics as "Thought Forms", the student attacked the sources keeping them busy while effortlessly destroyed all created "Thought Forms". In our "Sharing and Discussions", the writer was told that even the student was affected while sleeping, but totally regaining the power in wakefulness. We immediately see the power of [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } at the source of thought (level 5) upward where there is a clear "Separation of the #Awareness" - without the observer - and the observations. It is commonly known as "Consciousness of the Awaken SatChitSunyata". The bottom line is that even highly developed beings, hacking of the mind via "Thought Forms" is easy unless the [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] is naturally present at all states of the consciousness.

Buddhist theories of Dependent Nature has investigated different aspects of the Dependent Nature (DN): (a) Nghiệp cảm duyên khởi (Karmic DN), (b) A-lại-da duyên khởi (Alaya-vijñāna DN), (c) Chân như duyên khởi (Tathātā DN) that Gotama claimed to be a Buddha because he has direct knowledge of this Dependent Nature, (d) Pháp giới duyên khởi (Dharmadhātu DN). Similar to Chân như duyên khởi (Tathātā DN), no one in entire history of Buddhist Sangha - up to 2024 - know the layers of the store-house Consciousness in A-lại-da duyên khởi (Alaya-vijñāna DN). There is a significant difference between stable base of Detachment (Equanimity) in the Foundations of Mindfulness and just a Good Person as in a dialogue between Bodhidarma and Emperor Wu of Liang. This very fine point is discovered based on scientific analysis of significant degeneration in Illuminati Elites as case studies.

Few dedicated explorers have touched this Oneness from different angles, known as the Pathless Land by Krishnamurti. We take Gotama's approach, starting from one's present level of consciousness to scientifically work out optimal conditions for reaching this Source with testable helps of positive and normative tools[R1]. Once the action is complete, there is No-Mark [ Beyond-Thought - Vô Niệm, No-Mark - Vô Vết, Detachment - Vô Trụ, #Prajna - Bát Nhã ]. We call this solution of Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha Bodhiarma's qualified #RmptyTheContent via Detachment, the quality of which is the dynamic interaction between the energy layer and the quality of the consciousness. The required energy for upward movement in #Prajna is much harder than the downward movement from any extreme intoxication such as ism utopia where religious fanatic is a typical case.

[D36] A Cognitive Science Dialogue - Alan Wallace vs John Searle (the video has been removed).

John Searle makes a distinction between ontological objective / subjective and epistemic objective / subjective where epistemic objective is accepted by most people as a recorded fact such as Einstein was born March 14, 1879. The statement that Einstein has been the greatest scientist is an epistemic subjective or personal opinion which can be right or wrong. The Science of Consciousness can be established since [ subjective experience / personal opinion ] such as Gotama Transcendental #Awareness and #Prajna or HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna[R5] for practical utility about all karmic (binding and clinging) forces in Gotama's advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] can be statistically significant Epistemic Objective if there are scientific discoveries of underlying natural laws to enable most people know these consciousness states of Thing-As-It-Is.

While denying duality and the fallacy in word / language since the description is not the described, but without having sufficient depth in direct experience of Normative Intelligence, his tool of logical deduction to poke around Consciousness and Unity is very limited without any impact of practical utility - called by him the pay-off - of the scientific knowledge which can be "Beyond Duality, Beyond the Right and Wrong" to be explored in KhaiPhong Technology.

By discovering Natural Laws (#PrajnaTIPs), Right Conditions and Scientific [ Treatments / Observations ] of outdated mark (KhaiPhong) in personally Taming The Ox, we can turn "epistemic subjective / personal experience" - such as nine stages of Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness[D26], [D29], [D30] and Not-Self - into statistically significant "Epistemic Objectives" called Normative Intelligence in the new Era of Consciousness Evolution. That is what we do in Scientifically Caltivable #Prajna by taking Gotama's Signed Posts and achievable HuiNeng' s WuNien / Vietnamese KienTanh / KhaiPhong #Awareness as ontological types. Using observable outcomes of these ontological types - such as #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #SamadhiPrajna, etc, as smart pointers pointing to different visible traits ranging from Attachments such as #Indoctrinated to Detachment such as #Care, #Intuition, the designed tools and their claimed reserved engineering processes can be socially tested where everyone can be a part to verify and/or further improve the tools and the processes most appropriate to different types. With current graph and neural networks, all religions and isms such as Catholicism (Kingdom-of-God-Within versus Ommi-X God), Islamism (the description is not the described, Soyen Shaku challenge), Buddhism (Not-Self versus Pari-Nirvana), Falun Gong (Honesty, Morality, Patience versus How to be statistically significant epistemic objectives, Then What), etc, are forced to prove what they bring to the table as epistemic objectives versus personal opinions or get-out-of-the-way.

Similar to John Searle's logical deduction of some Insight, Buddhist Insight into the Oneness has been described in many of its texts by its founder and other dedicated explorers. But without scientific reproducible process to concretely deliver the Being Needs of Self-Selfless Actualisation and Transcendence which must happen before SelfSelfless, there has been No Pay-Off / practical utility in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha in the duality of the "Blinds touching Elephant". By pointing out Buddhist Tautologies and Duality, we stress the absolute need of the practical utility and Then-What in scientific discoveries. We try to be as close as a natural Science as possible while waiting for statistically significant verification to be delivered at the Right Time and Right Place.

[D37] 'Ten Ox-herding Pictures' - graphical representations of a cultivating process according to Buddhist Zen tradition which exposes its duality between the Ox and the Persona that No One in entire Buddhist Zen tradition up to 2024 can detect since the Ox is the physical and mental manifestations of the Persona. Once having [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }, one can Ride The Ox but Not Part of The Ox in both success and failure - Detachment / Vô Trụ - once the "Action" is completed for a [ Fresh / HonNhien in Living & Being directed by #Prajna ].

Man can deal with many things outside without knowing that they are the manifestations of Inner States of the constituents within the aggregate. To solve outside issues we need to go to their roots. At individual level, no matter how Rich / Powerful / Philanthropic, there are always some traces of loneliness, dissatisfaction, and unhappy. At aggregate level, the orderly development of sustainable growth can happen only if majority of its constituents is mature enough to know more about oneself - what one needs in Making Life Easier and Happier - where everyone can only be a part of the whole, not to be cheated by any esoteric or exoteric cheaters. The "Essence of the Right Living" is described in measurable Right Effort and Tamming The Ox to KhaiPhong one's outdated marks and release one's potentiality.

Gotama's actual discoveries in his nine stages of absorption[D29], [D30], [D26] have been further value-added by Bodhidharma and HuiNeng with different observable attributes to the same (1) #EmptyingTheContent for Rejuvenation and Reborn of Gotama's "Not-Self" and "Non-Thingness", and (2) Seeing Thing-As-It-Is using "the Power of the Whole Ocean / Cosmic Energy of the Freedom from Binding / Clinging Forces. We ride on these precious gifts to overcome international cheating clubs of all Buddhist sects, and reverse-engineer our actual experience described in Gotama's Not-Self and Non-Thingness, sabotaged by Buddhist cheating Sangha in 2500+ years of their blah-blah-blah meditations and theoretical doctrines toward masters-slaves relationships. It is worthy to share our experience to save 20 to 50 years of precious time and resources for other dedicated explorers by exposing many 1000+ years of cheating processes of all isms where organised religions are parts.

In this struggling, we discover different Underlying Laws of Dependent Nature in two complement processes commonly known as [ Dependent Nature of Conflicting Polarity / Relative Truth / World ] and [ Dependent Nature of Oneness / Absolute (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / God ] to make happened the challenge of Soyen Shaku[R6]. Without scientifically knowing these two different natural laws of evolution - Prajna Dialectic and Hegelian Dialectic - Gotama had defects in his Design, Build and Execution in establishing his Buddhist Sangha scientifically proven by observer effect to effectively prevent unworthy people in polluting his precious gift to humanity.

Without scientific processes, new generations of dedicated explorers cannot learn the mistakes in conflicting duality enforced by Buddhist Sangha of all sects from all countries. Typical example is this set of 'Ten Ox-herding Pictures' - unable to breakthrough 1000+ years of Buddhist Tautologies - due to (1) one and the "mind / ox" is "One / Not Two Conflicting Units", (2) a conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality As-It-Is so all "Destroying Attachment / PHÁ CHẤP CĂN BẢN CỦA SỰ TU HÀNH" without touching the core in passing Gateway-to-Oneness. It is the Ignorance moving from Attachment / Greed to Aversion / Fear and Reversed, unless one is educated with statistically significant epistemic objectives which is beyond all current organised religions to know scientific proof of Thing-As-It-Is, (3) the razor-sharp required qualities of "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in the "#Prajna" division of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path for a "Right Effort" which is 100% different from Gotama's snapshots wrongly idealised by Buddhist Sangha to worship where they are the gatekeepers, rather than deepening and widening precious discoveries.

Duality such as [ male / female or self / selfless ] and conflicting forces such as [ spring / summer / autumn / winter ] are parts of Natural Laws for stable evolution. The zero-sum game of [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] in Hegelian Dialectic of the blinds is not anymore appropriate to be replaced by an area of possible [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] proven by International Fair Trade or Thing-As-It-Is without Conflicts in the new Era of Higher Consciousness. KhaiPhong makes happened the seeing and doing according to "Thing-As-It-Is" and one's strategic position in Prajna Dialectic by correcting the 'Ten Ox-herding Pictures' into the seven-fold dynamic process of "Scientific Learning and Doing" having scientific implementations according to Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path: (1) At Home with Kindness and Empathy, (2) Right Effort, (3) Taming The Ox, (4) Riding The Ox, (5) Non-Thingness, (6) The Source, (7) TRUTH on the foundation of Honesty & Care.

The correction is necessary to turn the Right-Side up of Buddhist Zen and/or Buddhist Samatha and Vipassana at duality[D19] of Ignorance and destruction / or Not Doing Anything since a darkness (conditioned / Ignorance) cannot see and solve another darkness. It must come from the "Light" at current Right Understanding and Right Motivation of one's cultivable states and stock of #Prajna.

[D38] Madhyamaka - the Middle Path. Here is a translation of Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka from Sankrit to Chinese then Vietnamese.

For whom emptiness is tenable
for him everything becomes tenable;
for whom emptiness is untenable
for him everything becomes untenable.
Middle Way. Faith grounded in Reasoning by the Dalai Lama (page 107)

Middle Way is a dynamic integration of "Right Effort" and "Oneness / No-Conflict Consciousness in positive Fibonacci evolution", of Madhyamaka "Relative Truth" and "Ultimate (Wider) Truth", of Consciousness-Only "Dependent Nature" and "Perfected Nature"[D39], of "Self" and "Not-Self", of "Sudden" and "Gradual" cultivation[R5], of "Dukkha" and "Nirvana"[D44], of Soyen Shaku[R6] "The World" and "God / Dharmakaya".

[D39] Consciousness-Only (Yogacara) - Buddhist Consciousness-Only deals at theoretical levels of the three Natures: Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita), Dependent Nature (Paratantra), Perfected Nature (Parinispanna).

In our scientifically value-added discoveries, we call this "Consciousness-Only = Oneness / No-Conflict Consciousness in positive Fibonacci evolution" where consciousness is functionally classified into "Duality Consciousness + No-Conflict Consciousness". The No-Conflict Consciousness in negative Fibonacci degeneration is also part of Oneness on its vertical plane and called cunning inelligence since its glorification of self, having No Natural #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness. There is a Need for an optimal Engineering Process to quickly recover one's innate Buddha Nature rather than the risky evolution regulated by underlying Natural Laws. From this functional classification, the duality tool where duality consciousness operates on the duality plane of focused event cannot operate on the "No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]". Being not-aware of this scientific fact, almost all Buddhist tools such as Gotama's mindfulness of breathing (Anapanasati)[D24] and the Great Frames of Reference (MahaSatipatthana Sutta - Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] start in "Duality Consciousness" on the duality plane and bound on this plane of conflicting forces, not qualified as internal conditions of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path. Wise Attention[D28] - though claimed as "the internal condition for the modified[D26] eightfold path" - but right from the beginning up until 2024 no one in the Buddhist cheating Sangha can lay out its scientifically underlying process due to Buddhist static "Right Mindfulness" rather than dynamic "TranscendentalAwareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" for reborn and regeneration to properly describe Gotama's qualified Mindfulness at the third Jhana of Equanimity[D29].

We will implement required technologies for switching Consciousness from Ignorance to Prajna to see 'Thing As It Is' in the Dependent Nature of existence having an infusion of something from the Perfected Nature. The scientific facts can drive the driving forces behind all effort (Volition - Free Will - Sankhara) away from Sufferings, drown in Imaginary Nature of personally hallucinated glorification.

Researchers are now providing scientific links of [ Consciousness to Sound / Light to Forms ] where 'thoughts' and 'feelings' are vibrations that drive the form patterns, making up the environment one a part. Vibrations from wider perspective can reverse that process [ Forms to Consciousness ], deliverable via #PrajnaTIP in Sound exactly as described in Shurangama Sutra by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva but Not Yet delivered nor scientifically explained its theoretical process, #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, Cultivable #Prajna in Activity, and in Sadhana (Table 4, and Table 4.1). They are the first implementations of this theoretical framework in the "Right Effort" (Figure 4) to be beyond 'Binding Word/Image', 'Clinging Thought' and general 'Grasp-er / Grasped' to the foundation of Consciousness which is Kindness and Empathy where Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict can manifest in daily activities.

[D40] The philosophy of Vasubandhu - Ph.D. thesis - Le Manh That.

[D41] Mahamudra-Upadesa (The_Mahamudra_Upadesa_of_Tilopa_(translated_by_Chogyam_Trungpa_Rinpoche) - instruction from Sri Tilopa to Naropa on the correct process to transform 'Ignorance' from the current conditioned mind of sufferings into actual Living of Worthy Existence.

The real vow of samaya is broken by thinking in terms of precepts.

The followers of Tantra, [Vajrayana, Pure Land], the Prajnaparamita, The Vinaya, the Sutras, and other religions [ i.e All Rituals and Isms ] - All these, by their texts and philosophical dogmas, Will not see the luminous mahamudra.

When trees grow leaves and branches, If you cut the roots, the many leaves and branches wither. Likewise, if you cut the root of mind, The various mental activities will subside.

translated by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Cutting the root of mind can only be done via "Natural Purification" from dimension of No-Conflict Consciousness in discovered four (4) conducive activities having "secret sauce" in the discovered six Vertical Switches to personally verify six "Signed Posts" first contributed by Gotama as his nine stages of his absorption states. The quotes were parts of submitted questions to Gyalwang Drukpa XII in his visit to Vietnam 14/04/2014 at 9.45 GMT+7. The questions were not posted nor answered, but we did hear in this period the statement from Gyalwang Drukpa XII "Buddhism is Not a religion, but the Management of Life". It is also a challenge to all Buddhist monks and nuns - all claimed meditation masters and spiritual counselors - to scientifically expose their spiritual understandings of their beliefs via whatever mean as we will expose and deliver the meaning of scientifically cultivable Signed Posts of the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2], [R1].

The first quote basically says that "precepts" must come from "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" in the #Prajna division of The modified[D26] Eightfold Path [#Prajna - Virtue - Stability], not from the cheating monk/nun's [Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ]. The second quote says the real cultivation must be beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought from the duality of all philosophical dogmas. The third quote debunks Buddhist training based on "Mindfulness of breathing - Anapanasati "[D24] and "The Great Frames of Reference - MahaSatipatthana Sutta"[D25], but in agreement with the "Diamond Sutra - Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra"[R7] and zen's "Riding The Ox" in Figure 6 - where one can let the mind running out most of its "steam" in opposite direction then effortlessly guide it back to the Right Effort.

Since a conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see other conflicting duality (darkness) As-It-Is and your logical idea of cutting the root of the mind is part of the mind where is a scientific process to make the third statement a reality, not a cunning process of 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha? Mathematically, most people operate with tainted senses on the plane of conflicting duality. To cut the root of the mind, one must be outside its conditioned binding and clinging forces as an assertion of Gotama "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by Prajna they are dissolved". Up to 2024, both Gotama's advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] and Mahamudra-Upadesa are just personal experiences. No monk and nun we know in entire Buddhist Sangha can either reject or verify to turn personal theories into epistemic objectives. The scientific solution for both personal theories is now readily deliverable via Natural Purification[D27] of KhaiPhong Technology.

This is only just a beginning - similar to the glimpse of HuiNeng wu-nien[R5], [R5.1], [R5.2]. The 'Then What' needs to be addressed to actually have concrete benefits for both one and others in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, Not to fall into the trap of Hallucinated Enlightenment at 'Word Level' executed by Buddhist cheating Sangha according to an esoteric force, turning Gotama's Right Relationships into 180-degree opposite direction toward masters-slaves relationships.

[D42] Zen in Medieval Vietnam - Pháp Vân, Pháp Vũ, Pháp Lôi, Pháp Điện in the Zen Thiên Uyên Tâp Anh.

[D43] Kalaka Sutta: “Thus, bhikkhus, being ever stable among things seen, heard, sensed, and cognized, the Tathāgata is a stable one. And, I say, there is no stable one more excellent or sublime than that stable one”. This stable state is scientifically cultivable in democratizing the "Verifiable Emptiness"[R1].

[D44] Udàna (Kinh Phật Tự Thuyết) - Vietnamese Buddhist Canon - Khuddhaka Nikàya. The English translation is from Ireland or Thanissaro. Please see the above Kalaka Sutta[D43] and deliverable "Verifiable Emptiness"[R1].

Herein, Bahiya, In the seen will be merely what is seen; in the heard will be merely what is heard; ... Just this is the End of Dukkha.

Này Bàhiya, Trong cái thấy sẽ chỉ là cái thấy. Trong cái nghe, sẽ chỉ là cái nghe... Như vậy là đoạn tận khổ đau.

Ud 1.10 PTS Ud 1.6 - Kinh I, 10

Please contrast this with HuiNeng description of [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } to see (1) why Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness - capable to obstruct and restrict flows of psychological karmic forces[D22] - must have this quality, and (2) the importance of scientifically cultivable processes of [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] at seven different depths known by living students to actually deliver the processes riding on the fourth industrial revolution. Most importantly, that state of consciousness { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } - known from different angles by people of different conflicting religions, cultures, nationalities, civilizations, skin color, etc - suggests a common underlying natural law crosscut and transcending all conflicting divisional forces on the duality plane of existence. KhaiPhong [ Design ] is intended to empirically and statistically confirm this underlying natural law of its newly discovered layered No-Conflict Consciousness to enable its [ Build & Execution ] globally sustainable in producing pipeline of elites who will change themselves and environments toward What Count - driven by Invisible Hands of #Prajna and Economics - wherever they happen to be.

Since all manifestations must happen according to the Dependent Nature of favourable conditions underlying the natural laws, it is your turn to scientifically work out the Right Conditions, enabling a personal verification of "[ #EmptyTheContent ]" to effortlessly wipe out unworthy people from all isms and cheating religions. The verified processes of "Natural Purification" will statistically Free humanity from binding Word/Image at Equanimity Higher Consciousness and clinging Thought at Purity Higher Consciousness. Then What if you think the recorded story and KhaiPhong [ Design - Build - Execution ] have some truth in it?

There is, bhikkhus, that base where there is no earth, no water, no fire, no air; no base consisting of the infinity of space, no base consisting of the infinity of consciousness, no base consisting of Non-Thingness, no base consisting of neither-perception-nor-non-perception; ... Here, bhikkhus, I say there is no coming, no going, no staying, no deceasing. Not fixed, not movable, it has no support. Just this is the End of Dukkha

Này các tỷ kheo, có xứ này, tại đấy không có đất, không có nước, không có lửa, không có gió; không có hư không vô biên xứ; không có thức vô biên xứ; không có vô sở hữu xứ; không có phi tưởng phi phi tưởng xứ... Do vậy, này các tỷ kheo, Ta tuyên bố không có đến, không có đi, không có trú, không có diệt, không có sanh, không có an trú, không có chuyển vận, không có sở duyên. Đây là sự đoạn tận khổ đau.

VIII (I) Ud 80 - VIII, 1

"The End of Dukkha" must be directly experienced to clean up unworthy people blah blah blah in their 2500+ years of international cheating clubs selling what they do not know yet claimed to know, do not see yet claimed to see. Please see the relevance of identified Signed Posts leading to this verifiable Unmoving Sunyata or The End of Dukkha. We intend to scientifically measure the [ correlation / causation / functional transformation ] of the Signed Posts of Samadhi with observable and verifiable [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] at seven different depths and other scientific breakthroughs from Prajna Dialectics high above the duality plane of conflicting events, actually known at both sides by current living students.

[D45] The Quarrel At Kosambi - It would be better to live alone if we cannot find good friends that can be consciously cultivated in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles to form an Ecosystem of a Living Whole in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. We use the word Inner Circle and circles of inner circles instead of "Sangha", easily and securely implemented via sub-nets of distributed networks. The word "Sangha" has been significantly exploited by both Hindu and all Buddhist traditions.

[D46] Buddhist Prajna - The Development of Prajna in Buddhism From Early Buddhism to the Prajnaparamita System by Fa Quing, Ph.D. thesis.

There are two knowable states at different depths of consciousness in Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien - discovered by Gotama - as the core of his solution, or the end-of-Dukkha[D44] to his identified Issue "Dukkha". They are either a state of Suffering (dukkha-dukkha) or Thing-As-It-Is dukkha since changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) are parts of Dukkha which is the manifestation of all phenomena on the duality plane.

Gotama's solution from suffering dukkha to Thing-As-It-Is dukkha implicitly comes from #AwarenessPrajna, and is his advice to Ajita[D22] in practical living. Transcendental #Awareness can obstruct and restrict karmic forces in tainted senses and #Prajna can dissolve dominant issue in Making Life Easier and Happier while a conflicting duality (darkness) of existence cannot be beyond one's present conditioned Ignorance. It needs a Light from Prajna, deliverable by Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna in present living. HuiNeng - at 1000+ years later - made it clearer with additional observable attributes called #SamadhiPrajna[R5] where one can know what it means Wu-Nien (Beyond Thought Vô Niệm) / No Mark Vô Vết / Detachment Vô Trụ which are observable, testable and reproducible for a scientific breakthrough from Suffering Dukkha to Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha. It was a glimpse from Bodhidharma and is the Sine-Qua-Non, or a thing that is absolutely necessary.

Laying Gotama and HuiNeng solution side-by-side - basing on the states and stock of #Prajna - together with Gotama's advice[D22] in Ajita's questions and his recorded #EmptyTheContent (Samma Samadhi)[D29], [D30], [D26] to precisely qualify the meaning of his Transcendental #Awareness and HuiNeng's #Samadhi, we (1) expose the defect[D24] of Gotama's [ Design - Build - Execution ] due to not being aware of Different Dependent Nature in conflicting Duality and in No-Conflict Consciousness, (2) prove that Gotama's qualified Mindfulness must be transcendental - emptying whatever content at the present moment - passing the Gateway-to-Oneness and capable to sense the source of thought or the driving force behind volition to properly manage one's reality, (3) clearly expose Buddhist cheating processes of not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha sabotaging his discoveries.

Buddhist traditions in 2500+ years have been sabotaged by armies of persistent professional cheaters for their group benefits of masters-slaves relationships, turning Beyond-Thought in the light of #Prajna into the outcome of conflicting duality (darkness) in [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] as evidenced in the Ph.D. thesis via the blah blah blah of "Meditation and Mindfulness" at duality without any deliverable transcendental state. In emphasising their Ethical Code / Giới, they all violate Gotama ethical codes "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối".

Here are Five Precepts of Buddhism: (1) Not harming living things, (2) Not stealing, (3) Not sexual misconduct, (4) Not Lying, (5) Not taking intoxicating substances. In voluntarily binding and clinging themselves to conflicting Word and Thought at duality plane of conditioned and changing manifestations of the self - just like the binding and clinging themselves to a painted Word/Image and Thought of Amitabha-Amitayus - they naturally enslave themselves with indoctrinated words and thoughts[D20] from unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] "cunningly put into Gotama's mouth" their ignorance such as the "destruction of Ignorance" which is impossible since Ignorance (darkness) is a form of energy that can only be transformed due to the light of #Prajna. They ride on Gotama's tools in "aloof from the senses for higher aspiration" to cheat others for very unworthy living, rather than having Right Effort to discover underlying natural laws pioneered by Gotama to be Freedom from the Known / Prajna Dialectic with achievable transcendental states of #AwarenessPrajna / #SamadhiPrajna.

For example, in the first precept, they are (1) very superficial at the Right and Wrong or [ Moral Value / Conscience ] of the Right-Thing-to-Do and the Right-Way-to-Do or the Right Understanding and Right Motivation of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path based on cultivable [ #Prajna / Conscience / Oneness / Wisdom ] according to Thing-As-It-Is, a delicate balance between self-selfless actualisation or "conditioned thought - beyond-thought / hữu niệm - vô niệm" by Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]. In the third precept, they avoid having sexual misconduct with human but some monks (2) did it with animals until explicitly forbidden by Gotama. In the fifth precept, they cannot (3) see the Right and Wrong relevant to the present moment in using drug as scientifically known in modern medicine where even morphine is useful as a pharmaceutical substance. See for yourself the picture that the present King and Queen of England entertained Pope Francis and his assistant with a "bottle of Scotch" and the visible aspiration in the guests' eyes. In the fourth precept, most (4) are intentionally Lying of not knowing yet claimed to know, not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] in bullying humanity based on Fear and Greed. In the second precept, some (5) make very unworthy living as precisely defined professional cheaters.

Using "Dependent Nature" - the core of Gotama's discoveries due to conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) or the scientific foundation of all manifestations due to the second law of thermodynamics - we can logically demonstrate that 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha are engaging in "Wrong Dependent Nature" driven by Ignorance to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships which is even worse than Hegelian Dialectic in rational thinking. A darkness cannot go beyond the tainted senses of one's long past evolution. It is in opposite direction of #Prajna discovered by Gotama in the Right Dependent Nature, stated as the Right Understanding and Right Motivation in the first #Prajna Division of the Eightfold-Path to deliver Prajna Dialectic based on Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position.

This "Wrong Dependent Nature" is no different whatsoever - leading toward the same Sufferings - with the Ignorance of manifested and permanent "Fearful and Contradicting God / Allah / Buddha / Whatever Name" despite the discovered natural law of "Thing-As-It-Is". See for yourself the crime against humanity of these armies of unworthy people, especially the use of their cheating and imaginary power to mold human cultures toward the "inflicted division in human Sacred Wedding and Death". Scientific approach to unveil the principle of cosmic order - the meaning of Dharma partially pushed forward by Ashoka's Dharma via his Major Rock Edicts plus current conscious living from the Haves of The One Percent - is the rescue before sufficient enforceable laws to protect this Human Right against religious unworthy and professional cheaters who are very immoral and intentionally Lying of not knowing yet claimed to know, not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] in bullying humanity based on Fear and Greed.

The "Right" and "Wrong" turn out to be simple and embedded in Nature where "people / God / Allah / Buddha" are parts of what are actually happening due to Volition / Sankhara, driven either by cultivable #Prajna toward a Right Direction of What Count[R23] or addicted Ignorance due to Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought enforced by all organised religions and isms, enslaving humanity to the past content while the "Present" is changing and everyone can be a part[R7].

#Prajna is the direct perception of the situation according to "Thing-As-It-Is", relevant, specific, and optimised at the "Intensity of Attention" of the agent to change oneself and the environment toward What Count. It is cultivable, and is the flower of the ComPassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata, mentioned in the Buddhist Heart Sutra where everyone can be a responsible part - driven by Invisible Hands of #Prajna and Economics - in one's Continuity of the Consciousness impersonally operated under natural Laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes.

Due to long evolution of individual stream of consciousness and different depths of transcendental states of consciousness achievable as a human being, there can be proven processes and required conditions for managing and dissolving individual outdated marks, making life easier and happier as actually deliverable in medical science. The "Right" and "Wrong" Dependent Nature must be scientifically unambiguous to qualified Budh Counselors while cleaning up religious professional cheaters. Here is a typical example about [Sin / Tội] and [Purity-of-the Mind / Tâm-Tịnh].

[D47] Essence of the Heart Sutra by the Dalai Lama - translated and edited by Geshe Thubten Jinpa Wisdom Publications, Boston, 2002. Here is a Vietnamese Translation: TINH THÚY BÁT NHÃ TÂM KINH - Hồng Như chuyển ngữ.

[D48] Middle Way. Faith grounded in Reasoning by the Dalai Lama - Nagarjuna's Fundamental Stanzas on the Middle Way.

[D49] Lotus Sutra - Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra, one of the popular and influential Mahāyāna sūtras, and the basis on which the Tiantai and Nichiren schools of Buddhism were established. In delivering [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] from scientifically testable right conditions at different angles from those actually knowing it at seven (7) different depths of Consciousness we fundamentally debunk this cheating sutra from esoteric claimed Buddha and Bodhisattavas. Most importantly, we scientifically prove the question of "Infinite-Thought" Bodhisattva is the reality of most "Idiot Savants" in the negative Fibonacci degeneration, and there is a scientific solution according to underlying natural laws to quickly recover "Human Nature / Nhân Bản" as contributed by XuanZang's "Outside-the-Box / Consciousness of the consciousness" or HuiNeng's "Wu-Nien", or independently developed in Latin humanitas comprising of Biology, Compassion and #Prajna (Wisdom).

[D50] Amitabha-Amitayus Buddha - the Buddha of Infinite Light and Infinite Life in the Western Land.

Here is our definition of Amitabha based on what we esoterically know in witnessing the collapse of the degenerated God / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms that can explain the connecting dots between Christian and Islam violent conflicts and another esoteric force, quietly corrupted Gotama's discoveries right from the beginning and planning to take over the master-slave relationships established by blood and sweat in both Christian and Islam, together with works of reptilian realm and ET[R20], [R20.1]. He was naturally degenerated to a lower physical form for the nature to detoxify his extreme cheating and cunning desires.

[D51] Dhipankara Buddha - the Buddha of Natural Brightness (Luminosity) as a lamp to show an evidence of the marketing hoax of the High Priest, a cunning intelligence in negative Fobonacci degeneration who later claimed to be the original Buddha[R13.1] and the Omnipotent, Omnipresent Forever God who must pay for his Ignorance according to Natural Laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes.

[D52] Phật Thầy Tây An - conclusion of Cẩm Nang Thập Thiện Khuyến Tu. Please refer to the link for content:

  1. Without 'Detachment' or 'Gateway to Oneness' - naturally coming from Kindness and Empathy - as one's Fundamental Principle, the first phase is only at word level of monks making unworthy living from claimed rituals and prayers they do not know nor own, and

  2. Without 'Verifiable Emptiness', the 'Detachment' cannot be deepen for 'rejuvenation and naturally reborn' having Freshness and tremendous / effortless 'Intensity of Attention' to actually know the second phase and the meaning of present existence.

Detachment is Gotama's qualification for #EmptyTheContent from Grasp-er and the Grasped, driving one and others into an Abyss of Sufferings as seen in 'Faith that can move the mountain'[Matthew 17:20] violently killing and destructing in recorded Crusades that Buddhist communities of unworthy people are trying to imitate their counter-part evil Roman Catholic Church.

Detachment is also the highest in the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind (tứ vô lượng tâm) for the Happiness of One and the Whole: Kindness (mettā - tâm từ), Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi), Joy (muditā - tâm hỷ), Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả) where upekkhā can only be natural when one can transcend the Observer at some stability level.

Six Vertical Switches - achievable with Natural Purification discovered in KhaiPhong Technology - are needed to effortlessly flip from activities to Utter Silence for 'naturally reborn / rejuvenation' from the source and Infuse that Transcendental-Inner-Peace of 'No Conflict Inside - No Conflict Outside' to transform 'burdens' into opportunity and potentiality. Then, 'Transcend Inner Peace' from Transcendental Consciousness to Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness and Unity to actually experience 'the Essence of the Right Effort' which is 'Not-Self / One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One'.

These technical switches fulfil Krishnamurti's Vision, making the motto "tu Nhân học Phật / being a Good Person then doing Buddhist study" quickly bearing fruits via by-passing innumerable outdated marks of one's tainted senses. Without Natural Purification discovered in KhaiPhong Technology the motto is just another blah blah blah at the duality level, disconnected itself from the Core Consciousness just like thousand years of all organised religions.

[D53] "Faith and Reason" - advocated by Maulana WahiDuddin Khan and marketed by Islam without actually delivering the "Totality, Oneness, Unchanged, Unborn, God, Allah". The Description is Not The Described. The "beyond description" means without Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought - having direct access to the "Tao" of LaoTzu. the "Verifiable Emptiness up to Nirvana" known by Gotama, "The Kingdom of God Within" known by Jesus, the "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" known by Nagarjuna, the "Perfected Nature" known by Asanga, the "Consciousness of Consciousness" known by XuanZang, the "Self Nature" known by HuiNeng. This possibility within human reach is due to its "Oneness", talked about but unknown in all organised religions up to 2024.

[D54] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Bliss (Ananda) - view of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1960's - 1970's period based on his exploration of the Hindu SatChitAnanda, revised into 'Emptiness', 'Non-Thingness' based on further reflection of 30+ years after an unworthy scandal.

Maharishi revised vision into 'Emptiness', 'Non-Thingness' is now at the right time in wider view of AwakeningBudh directing KhaiPhong KpPlatform SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound) projects at both theoretical and empirical levels presented from Right Understanding of Enlightenment. It is a scientific breakthrough in (1) Making Life Easier and (2) Making Life Happier where every person can be a part as a "Stakeholder" in one's Continuity of the identified Consciousness. We are looking for strategic partners in both Not-for-Profit AwakeningBudh and its technical arm KhaiPhong.

[R1] Amitartha - Sutra of Innumerable Meanings. Here is a Vietnamese translation: Kinh Vô Lượng Nghĩa

The Innumerable Meanings [Diversities] originate from one law. This one law is, namely, non form. Such non form is formless, and not form. Being not form, and formless, it is called the real aspect of things.

Vô Lượng Nghĩa là do từ một pháp sinh ra; một pháp đó tức là “vô tướng”. Vô tướng như thế tức là không có tướng nào mà chẳng có tướng, chẳng có tướng nào là không tướng, đó gọi là “thật tướng”.

— The "Beyond Thought / (Transcendental) #Awareness / Vô Niệm Vô Tướng" is pointing toward this "Oneness" knowable in daily activities by KhaiPhong.

Please check the original sutra and all modern translations to see the "fallacy" of "the Blinds touching Elephant" at both esoteric and human levels. The same pattern is applicable to HuiNeng "WuNien" and its translation. The Description is not the Described, and there is a need of required scientific "TRUTH" - statistically verifiable in epistemic objectives - according to "Nature of Things / Thing-As-It-Is" to be discovered and normatively verifiable in Actual Living.

Let G = God, A = Allah, B = Bodhisattva, T = Amitabha and for our purpose any "Type" of thought / manifestation of Oneness, the following diagrams demonstrate "The Nature of Things" - all manifested things must be conditioned and changed at Planck time; there is always an engineering process to optimally make it happened as proven via complex LLM / Large Language Model of Complex-Valued Data - in

A: Conflicted Grasping pushed by Unworthy People

B: Verifiable Process from #PrajnaTIP in Sound / Light

C: Cultivable States and Stock of #Prajna

D: Verifiable Process from #PrajnaTIP in Kindness

[R2] Prajnaparamita Hridaya - Bát Nhã Tâm Kinh - source: Dương Bá Tiến, Prajna Pagoda Calgary Canada 1979 and its Special Publication 1989 (Chùa Bát Nhã và Đặc-san Bát Nhã 2533). The exploration - starting at the concept of [ GNH / Gross National Happiness ] early 1970's - has been formulated since 1978 with the formation of Teconomics Inc. (an Economics and Technology Company) to implement "The Right Understanding and Right Motivation" with measurable Effort in all activities and relationships.

Eight of the outcomes have been (1) the community formation of Prajna Pagoda in Calgary Canada approved by the Vietnamese Buddhist Community at the end of 1978, (2) Alberta IDEAL (Industrial Disaggregated Economic Acivity Long term) model - an integration of economics time series and Input-Output - for regional and national forecasting / simulation having corporate clients since 1983, (3) a formal proposal to the Government of Vietnam at the end of 1990, the second part or which was the (unaccepted) formation of a transparent and accountable "Technical Energy Board" mimic Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) to efficiently employ energy resources in the context of Vietnam initially directed by retired ERCB board members and Dr. Duong BaTien who was appointed in 1982 as the chief technical examiner in Alberta billion dollars Alsands Project and also involved in the 1989 contract between PetroVietnam (PVN) and Petro-Canada, (4) KhaiPhong whose listed targets and their Engineering Road Map will be implemented and evolved at the right time and place, (5) private and progressive Executive Information / Inter-Realms Portal (EIP) from 2024, a part of KhaiPhong Strategic Intelligence Service (KpSIS) enabling people the centre of all activities and relationships, (6) to be filled (7) in the next 5 years, and (8) Beyond.

The seven-page source notes of the listed-below translations from Sanskrit to English and Vietnamese were distributed to friends in a private 1996 fund raising (in Calgary Canada) for Tibetan settlement of Gyudmed Tantric Monastic School, happened on The Same Date of 15 years ago the Dalai Lama XIV presented a silk painting of Gotama's Awakening with his signature and signed date also in a private but formal state (not religious!) ceremony in Calgary Canada to the Vietnamese Buddhist Community. This coincidence was later known by the Dalai Lama. The hand painting of Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness - culminating to his third Truth that "dukkha can be ended or contained by Natural Detachment / Ưng vô sở trụ / #EmptyTheContent / BUÔNG (the driven forces of tainted senses)" from his second discourse of Not-Self / Selfless" - as an ultimate solution of his raised Issue Dukkha in Duality Existence of all sentient beings. The painting was given and presented to Vietnamese Buddhist commuity to be used in their weekly meeting. The "hand-crafting" picture was passed to many hands and esoterically directed and mysteriously coming back to AwakeningBudh and KhaiPhong as its "protector". The hand painting should be dedicated to humanity whose "Awaken then Awakening" will be an epistemic objective - briefly described in Preface - via the implementation phases of KhaiPhong to enable Self-Selfless Actualization manifested to drive "Harmonious New World Order" (NWO) via Prajna Dialectic instead of Illuminati NWO via Cunning Intelligence of Hegelian Dialectic as planned by the degenerated Illuninati elites and their Lucifer esoteric cheaters. It is the difference between Right Evolution on the Complex Fibonacci sequence as shown at minute 6:25 versus Evolution-Degeneration cycle shown at minute 7:00 due to the Self incapable to lift off the duality plane of conflicting consciousness into the Self-Selfless Actualization known by Gotama, HuiNeng and many others as qualified human beings (Latin humanitas). With collecting complex-valued data from qualified students happened to be on the Right Evolution knowing both Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh and Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, user custom AI can help to pull the "Haves into Stakeholders" from Evolution-Degeneration cycle back to the Right Evolution.

The description is "Not The Described". It is at the bottom line of the Described to justify the spending valuable resources to the description, enabling Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna whose processes must be the discovered underlying natural laws of observable, testable and reproducible to practically expose all past Buddhist unworthy people in their 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. Up to 2024, the Heart Sutra has been recited and studied by all Buddhist Communities / Universities without any deliverable practicality and pay-off. We break this vicious circle of theoretical excellence but not yet implemented due to armies of unworthy people in both esoteric degenerated claimed Buddhas and their slaves in human realms. It will be built on top of the outcomes in deliverable solutions for a breakthrough of another Buddhist vicious circle

[Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fears]

and the implementation of Gotama[D22] / qualified Bodhidharma[D35] / HuiNeng[R5] solution, commonly known in AwakeningBudh and KhaiPhong as Scientifically Cultivable [ "Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ]: #AwarenessPrajna / #EmptyTheContent via Detachment / #SamadhiPrajna / Compassion-Prajna, scientifically proven to be unknown by even the historical Gotama as exposed in Scientific Proof of Gotama's Degeneration, opening the door for esoteric and exoteric unworthy people destroying his DISCOVERIES even at the time of his personally spreading the Know-Hows. They are our assigned trade marks to crown past dedicated explorers - Gotama, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng - that they are not even aware their significant contributions, serving as stepping stones for KhaiPhong Compassion-Prajna. To shut down 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism by esoteric and exoteric evil and cheating dark forces, we prove that Gotama pecked his Mindfulness qualified at the third Jhana Equanimity level[D29]. To make his modified[D26] Eightfold Path useful again in the [ Self-Selfless Actualization / Atman merging into Brahman / Consciousness & Quantum Entanglement ] we replace his "Right Mindfulness" blah blah blah by unworthy monks and nuns in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating meditations with "TranscendentalAwareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" to force Gotama's monks, nuns, followers delivering this Transcendental Silence state or shut up their mouths, directly violating Gotama's fundamental human virtue of "Honesty". The word "Right and #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" also shut down the negative Fibonacci degeneration due to concentration and extreme desires.

By (A) knowing actual states of past explorers, and (B) applying scientific processes in reversed engineering of required conditions, we are able to discover (1) underlying Natural Laws such as #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to actually know Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detachment / Gotama #AwarenessPrajna / HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna Then What from DISCOVERING Fibonacci layered InnerSpace in scientific evolution and degeneration, and (2) scientific technologies for the manifestation of Natural Purification and #Prajna on both the duality plane of conflicting events and the event TRUTH Plane of Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Consciousness of the consciousness / Perfected Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / No god but Allah. The processes have been sketched out using modern definition of Consciousness having identified attributes - Duality Consciousness and No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]. They are accessible, being innate foundation in the interaction between the persona Consciousness of its unique Quality with the environment to logically (1) demonstrate the Meaning of Existence - Being Needs - veiled by all isms and organised religions, (2) point out the importance of Knowing more about oneself and its responsibility for its Existence and Happiness, (3) lay out scientifically deliverable solutions in "Making Life Easier and Happier", and (4) democratise the innate Budh - ability to know the Right and Wrong - in every person for the Human Rights according to Human Nature, shining at the mountain-top "Freedom from the Known / Freshness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" via Conscious Living in all activities and relationships to empirically and statistically test the Buddhist Heart Sutra, plus THEN What to "fill the incompleteness of historical Heart Sutra to be relevant in people-centric Sosiety: (1) False Static of either or rather than Dynamic of All Changing at Planck time having no distinction in a states and stock of the dynamic cultivable Inner-Space for the manifestation of #Prajna and changing conditions, (2) no (statistically) proven processes in moving from tainted senses to Gateway-to-Oneness then graded levels of "#EmptyTheContent" via "Selfless / Not-Self", "Non-Thingness", "Unmoving Sunyata" applicable to different Shades of Intelligence, (3) no AI drawn from qualified community data applicable to the persona fact-based complex-valued data cross-cut all intelligent realms where ETs may be parts in engineering optimal control processes having Alert System - RAP Robotic Agent Processing avoiding Cracks fallen by Gotama and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva without knowing "Why".

Unlike the generality of the scientific meaning of the Consciousness, Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path is his discovered solution for his stated Normative Issue of Existence, namely Dukkha / Sufferings comprising of dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha, and sankhara-dukkha. Via his nine (9) verifiable states of absorption (Jhanas), Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path is his "breakthrough" of the above vicious circle [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fears ] that his Buddhist communities have not known even at a theoretical level - from a self to selfless and Then What at the self - having no practicality and pay-off for the present life effort, missed even by Gotama then and esoterically up to 2020-01-02 evidenced in the Vietnamese translation of the Heart Sutra which is an unauthorised copy of our Vietnamese version since the formation of Prajna Pagoda in Calgary Canada at the end of 1978. Driven by negative Fibonacci degeneration from Vietnamese communist mafias, the evil and many life time professional cheating monks in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism shamelessly blah blah blah again in historical Prajnaparamita Hridaya / Bát Nhã Tâm Kinh. The communist cheating outcome 2022 had No InnerSpace / No Soul (Vô Hồn) (the blah blah blah video of communist mafias was deleted) having nothing to do with Inner Silence and Spirituality.

Only those having personal experience of "Wu-Nien / #EmptyTheContent" can know the difference between "Vượt / Gate / Right Effort" of KhaiPhong scientifically cultivable InnerSpace (to be open sources as MuOmSunyata linking Physics and Mathematics shown from minute 16:00 of the video called "Theology / Ruliad / Qui Luật / Underlying Natural Laws" with proven discovered TRUTH in consciousness technologies to replace all cheating religious theologies since "the descriptions of the Blinds touching elephant are Not the Described", and be contributed world-wide in all fields and domains via user-facing mu. The shameless (evidenced in most monks, nuns, followers in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism) unauthorized version of "Vượt Rồi / claimed Already Passed of Big-Mouth Bullying animals up to 2023-09-15" blah blah blah from Vietnamese communist mafias at the level of "bullying animals and below". Its latest version in that direction is the blah blah blah of the claimed "fully enlighten Buddha / [Chuyển Pháp Luân] Đại Bát Nhã Viên Mãn 2023-06-21" [ that we quote as hard evidence waiting to be scientifically debunk by KhaiPhong as done by this writer to expose and debunk the entire 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism since 2007 ] (the link has been deleted and/or changed) by Vietnamese Buddhist cheaters running up to 2024, currently at the top Vietnamese communist elites. Their karmic families and they themselves have been degenerated in many 1000+ years at or below bullying animals according to underlying natural laws that they KNOW via direct interactions with KhaiPhong Communication Hub made happened by the reincarnation of HuiNeng. They know who we are when we mentioned (1) Bé Vân An, (2) Knights Templar, (3) the reincarnation of Trần Thủ Độ.

In this present (2024 forward) Trusted Leadership 4.0 - transcending both Christian and KungTzu doctrinal leaderships in harmonious measurable real benefits - of the Right Society 5.0, the "Vietnamese Government played well the Rule-of-Law" in International Affairs. Hopefully, it is also applicable in all domestic Affairs advocated by Trần Quốc Tuấn (1228–1300) and Accepted by the Government: "From people, By people, and For people / nhà nước pháp quyền Của Dân, Do Dân, Vì Dân". It is very important to stand on what one said at the bottom line and deliver what promised that VietNam missed since 1986 Đổi Mới - Not as What currently happened in China loosing the "Trust in Leadership 4.0" as commented by President Biden 2023-09-20 - to maintain current momentum, Then injecting breakthrough Innovative Solutions far above the Source of Conflicts identified by China as "A Clash of Civilizations".

Your blah blah blah of a static evolution from 60,000+ human years in degenerated "Vượt Rồi / claimed Already Passed Then What" of cheating and bullying others has come to the end by underlying natural laws evidenced in the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. You are in Evolution at your cunning intelligence then Degenerated without "Knowing Why" mathematically described at minute 7:00 of the Complex Fibonacci numbers. We can help you moving to the Right Evolution shown at minute 6:25 in Thing-As-It-Is dynamic changing of all maninestations at Planck time. Sirs, it is very precious to be living persons having "Free Will" to change oneself and the environments toward What Count exactly as addressed in the message THÔNG THIÊN PHÁP GIỚI / Inter-Realms Dharma 2023-06-22 to be First implemented in MuOmSunyata upgrading past lost "Transquility" in China and Japan, but still observable in present Switzerland to achievable "Equanimity Communities of Living & Being" for those seeing Value of the values in their Continuity of the consciousness. By Knowing underlying natural laws and while being a person, you can change and help your families changed with your available resources! Cheating, stealing, and bullying others with your cunning intelligence are behaviors of sub-human standards in animal kingdoms to be totally regulated by Nature in its Right Evolution.

We can Help to Make Things Happened in one's Continuity of the consciousness - "IamX" protected by human rights for the Dignity of an Intelligent Being and later from Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations blah blah blah up to 2023-06-23 - applicable to all communist and illuminati elites with trillions US dollars to feed your Empire of Lies applicable to most human ruling classes and from 60,000+ man years of esoteric feudal systems until its total collapse ruled by the King of Gods and his degenerated ancestors leading to a New Era of Phật Thầy Tây An and the 12 Heads of Family Lineages as cream of the creams in entire human history upto 2024 and forward - applicable to all elites and rulers from all countries and religions - due to underlying Natural Laws of Thing-As-It-Is to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. No matter who you are - visible and/or invisible - you Must Know based on human discoveries of underlying natural laws that all manifestations Must Be Changed at Planck time due to the second law of thermadynamics exactly as discovered by Gotama's dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha, sankhara-dukkha. If you have anything concrete, bring to the "fair trading table" for scientific verifications - "TRUTH Is My Light" - or get out of the way! We can Help with current Living studends accidentally evolving according to positive Fibonacci sequence as exposed at minute 6:25 capable to demonstrate Prajna Dialectic in solving current human Issues such as (1) the Russia-Ukraine war, (2) Conflicts between US and China due to the influences of the Chinese Confucius and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer, (3) The Dignity of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward protected by Human Rights and soon by a new Esoteric Order of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations pioneered by the Lineage of LaoTzu in proper "Continuity of the Consciousness & Quantum Entanglement" according to DISCOVERED & SHARED Prajna Way Beyond Non-Dualism underlying Natural Laws. Sirs / Madams, if you have over 20 billion US dollars and do not know "HuiNeng Wu-Nien, Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind Fresh / Free from stain and attachment" }, you are the degenerarted elites!

The Heart Sutra raises the modified[D26] Eightfold Path to the next level by (1) taking Gotama's seventh Jhana of Non-Thingness to the front line of "Verifiable State in the reversed evolution from Form back to Non-Thingness for reborn and rejuvenation, by-passing tainted senses, and (2) laying out three essential attributes needed to be singled out for their functions and descriptions in both translation and exposition: शून्यता / Sunyata, प्रज्ञा / Prajna, Na (Not). The writer's interest in the Heart Sutra is Not from scholastic (the video has been removed) nor from the authority of the description by XYZ, but from the scientific exploration for discovering underlying Natural Laws, Making Life Easier and Happier - Knowing Your Raison D'être. Gotama's Non-Thingness or शून्यता / Sunyata - psychological and metaphysical unmoving consciousness - is a state of mind where all things (good or bad) are dissolved for rejuvenation and reborn. The Sutra affirms that "in Sunyata / शून्यता there is not form not feeling ... not dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga not knowledge not attainment not non-attainment" which challenges all intelligent beings to verify that state of mind - Non-Thingness / शून्यता / Sunyata - the real solution of Dukkha / Sufferings which Gotama claimed to have found the solution, empirically verifiable at Gotama's seventh Jhana named "Non-Thingness". It has been 2500+ years with contributions from many other dedicated explorers that we are now able to help many meeting this challenge.

First, Bodhidharma in his Jue Guan Lun[D35] suggested this possibility despite the conditioned existence / sankhara-dukkha of all sentient beings. The possibility has been personally demonstrated by HuiNeng in his #SamadhiPrajna which demonstrated that as an intelligent being, one can evolve from Form back to Non-Thingness as graphically illustrated in the inner triangle of Figure 11, by-passing the tainted senses. By reverse-engineering this "State of Non-Thingness / शून्यता / Sunyata" - currently known by living students - we discovered natural laws sufficient for evolution from Form to Non-Thingness (PrajnaTIPs), together with appropriate conditions for the cultivation toward this Non-Thingness, and the way to emptying deep psychological blocks of the past outdated marks and opening latent potentialities of past accumulations and cultivations (KhaiPhong), Making Life Easier and Happier.

Besides the term Sunyata, the sutra concretely uses the term "Na / Not" to describe "#EmptyTheContent State" of Sunyata toward Gotama's "Non-Thingness" for the manifestation of #Prajna and Compassion, building on top of the accumulated state and stock providing in Gotama's #Prajna division of his modified[D26] Eightfold Path to spell out the Meaning of Existence. That "verifiable consciousness of Non-Thingness" confirmed by Gotama is now scientifically proven and understood as the Quantum Fields where everything is connected. The term Prajna / प्रज्ञा - from etymology प्र- (pra-, “in front of”) + ज्ञ (jñā, “to know”) - means the "source of to know" commonly translated as wisdom. Via Cultivable Purification of tainted senses from discovered favourable conditions and natural laws (#PrajnaTIPs) for heavy lifting, one can be "Aware at the Source of Thought" to verify Gotama's advice in Ajita's questions[D22] that "whatever streams of karma, it is [ Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness/ Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / HuiNeng Wu-Nien ] that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved". ComPassion or common vibration of energy is the direct way to access the "Unity of Oneness / Non-Thingness / शून्यता / Sunyata" and is the foundation of #Prajna as theoretically[D19] and graphically represented in XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness. Therefore, the Natural Purification of the tainted conditioned senses can only happen if and only if there are transcendental states toward Gotama's Non-Thingness for rejuvenation and reborn, making happened the highest observable modern psychology of Transcendence and Self-Selfless Actualisation.

[ Compassion >< Detachment >< #Prajna ]

Thus, besides the senses (eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-mind) through which one interacts with the world via forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness having innumerable outdated marks in all "activities / holographic universe" and "relationships / scientific agent of changes, the Heart Sutra introduces the terms "Sunyata, Prajna, and Na" with specific meanings to deepen the understanding of the scientific states of the Consciousness, relevant to the Normative Intelligence available to all people. That Normative Intelligence, thanks to HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna by-passing the present state of tainted senses due to past conditioned not yet naturally purified and dissolved, enables one see "Thing-As-It-Is", sensing the "Pulses" of the Focused Issue for a wider perspective and strategic position to change oneself and the environment toward the Right Direction of What Count[R23].

With a glimpse of these attributes - from Gotama's "Verifiable Emptiness" or nine stages of jhanas[D29], [D30] - one can understand the differences in the two most popular versions, the Sanskrit version and XuanZang version designed for his specialized utility to help his Noble Quest. This indicates that the "Description" is not relevant. It is the "described" of real beneficial utilities that humanity can bring its Robotic Process Automation (RPA) with armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researches to the trading table. Thanks to the Sound Technology of a living student in this very special Inter-Realms Communication Hub, we know the Inner Circle of XuanZang together with other "big" family Lineages (giòng họ) of people in VietNam. We are looking for possibilities of Joint Researches for the benefits of all involved parties in different Realms of one's Continuity of the consciousness.

The first sentence of the Sanskrit version ended in "the five skandhas also (of the past) to be Empty Of Essence" without the addition "thus overcoming all ills and sufferings" in the Chinese version. The addition is logically at the conclusion that: "causes to cease all sufferings trustworthy not false" which is also in the Chinese version. It is also realistic since after actually experiencing the "dissolution of appearances" at Tranquillity state, arriving at the utter Silence of Purity, one needs to be proficient in "no mind enclosure" as explained below to be in touch with momentary Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha[D44], then Not Fallen into a crack of Self-Hallucination as the case of Gotama.

Starting right at the level achievable by Gotama in human realm - i.e. actually experiencing all Gotama's Signed Posts of recorded Right Samadhis (nine Jhanas) - one can use that power of [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] to discover solutions for other fundamental issues, similar to Gotama used his achievable power of [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] to discover the solutions for his raised Issue Dukkha and share the discoveries in his first two discourses: the discourse on the modified[D26] Eightfold Path and the discourse of Not-Self (Selfless) in the Self-Selfless Actualization of modern living. Practical Issues actually knowing by identified living students are: (1) reproducible scientific processes from different angles of divisional isms to naturally produce a Harmonious Melting Pot in reclaiming one's Latin Humanitas wiping out all unworthy people in all religions and beliefs, (2) natural processes to "Free / Liberate" oneself from binding Word/Image and clinging Thought unknown and a major cause producing unnecessary Sufferings (Dukkha) for all intelligent existence (all esoteric and human realms), (3) [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count in all activities and relationships of all domains and fields, including (3.1) ability to sense the energy vibration and its patterns for one's strategic moves, (3.2) prediction of significant event in the future as the case of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm about the [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] in "Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good" and what one needs to cultivates in making the future event toward What Count in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, (3.3) the need of "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" via Sound Broadcasting Technology for accountable and transparent 'Rule of Law' in governing the integrity of each realm and required "Medium of Exchange" in guarding one's legitimate Right in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, (3.4) proven underlying natural law to expose Gotama's crack of Self-Hallucination of permanent Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana, and (4) new discovery at the sub-atomic level in the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness to be explored by all intelligent beings.

Referring to the unauthorised copy of our Vietnamese version below (the video was deleted), the cheating author - Thích Tuệ Hải - exposed his 100% Ignorance of #Prajna in transcending consciousness easily detected by those actually knowing [ Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Huineng's Wu-Nien ] { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }. It is similar in learning the science of economics, there are first-year, master degree, and PhD levels. The same question can be separated into different depths to correctly rate the level of tested students. From the first sentence on the "flowing depth of the Wisdom, sees the five skandhas also (of the past) to be Empty Of Essence / thông sâu theo dòng Bát Nhã Siêu Việt nhìn lại năm uẩn cũng (đã qua) đều thấy Không Có Tự Tánh", the words "also / cũng", (of the past / đã qua), and "sees / thấy" must be exposed by each explorer to verify the depths and your actualities in your binocular views and actual experiences from Relative Truth on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to Ultimate (Wider) Truth of #Prajna on the plane of layered No-Conflict Consciousness. All knowing and experiencing "#Prajna" must describe their state of consciousness and what it means "of the past / đã qua" in the experiencing "#Prajna / Bát Nhã" and Then What in all daily activities and relationships. More specifically, it can be used in solving complex issue such as "South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea" predicted by Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm as "Effortless Right Effort / Wei-Wu-Wei / BẤT CHIẾN TỰ NHIÊN THÀNH" which must have all right conditions, very likely to be personally managed and directed by the reincarnation of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm in "Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good".

It may be Helped BUT Not Given by any evil "God" since he/she is only a part subjected to universal natural law of Action-Reaction, but carefully crafted from seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count. Information is directly perceived from the "fields" to be significantly enhanced with modern AI embedded in custom ai part of your Executive Information Portal (EIP) privately controlled and owned by your Neural Graph Database db opening to future "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations", sensing its vibrations and movements in one's optimal Change Management. Imagine if this kind of practical #Prajna is scientifically exposed to all walks of life in all domains and fields enabling people at different levels (1) "Know" more about oneself, and (2) "Care" for oneself and the environment one a part, an Accountable creator of all activities and relationships and being a part of Responsible Creation. This practical #Prajna is conceptually known in Buddhist scholarship as achievable "#Prajna in Relative Truth" briefly exposed above via present deliverable outcomes at the level of Gotama [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] exposed on the Y-dimension at different depths of Transcendental #Awareness exposed on the X-dimension of Figure 2 to be implemented by identified living students.

Similar to the Vietnamese hardcore persistent professional cheating monk Thích Phước Nguyên - shamelessly copying "ideas and words" from others without any authorisation, claiming to Know what he does not know to see what he does not see from many life times in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha[D19] and NIỆM ĐỊNH TUỆ of Thích Nguyên Tuệ subtle cheating processes in using conflicting consciousness of Words and Thoughts, THÍCH TUỆ HẢI not even passing the Gateway-to-Oneness evidenced in his own explanation from 1:38:00 of the Heart Sutra to be publicly exposed by all identified as knowing [ Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Huineng's Wu-Nien ] { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } in all activities and relationships yet hallucinated with "external energy in his recitation of his translation" corrupted by external Buddhist dark forces from the past 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism perpetuated by Communist government-sponsored Vietnamese Buddhism run by esoteric and communist mafias! #Prajna is beyond all binding Image/Word, clinging Thought and external manifestations to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count. This cultivable #Prajna will be delivered by KhaiPhong at the Right time and place to the mass in Conscious Living, weeding out all professional cheaters Having No [ Honesty / Chân Thật ] and [ Conscience / Lương Tri ] to [ Care / Quan Tâm ] for oneself and the environment of an Accountable creator in Responsible Creation!

Due to embedded tainted senses in one's evolution according natural laws, it is very easy to fall in a crack of one's Self-Hallucination as the case of Gotama in Not Yet "bound to Transcendental Wisdom dwells in no mind enclosure / nương theo Bát Nhã Siêu Việt, trú nơi tâm không chướng ngại". It is the same crack fallen by the degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva that this writer personally asked her final advice in private session through the Vietnamese channel 'Xuân Mai' (nhà chị Dũng-Ngà) "making her tears continuously falling" in sharing the "painful lesson" learned in 60,000+ years that 'One should be vigilant at each pulse of thought; a slightly wrong thought may lead to tremendous sufferings for one and many others'. The writer - in exposing this courageous but painful TRUTH - wishes your benefits from her final advice will come back to her stream of consciousness according to natural law of Action-Reaction while warning all unworthy people in entire human history that you cannot continue to cheat humanity via binding Word/Image and clinging Thought of all isms where all divisional organised religions are parts to be "Free / Liberated" at sufficiently stable Equanimity and Purity Signed Posts.

"Knowing or Awareness at each pulse of thought (rated at level 5)" is Not an Actuality to many including almost all Buddhist monks / nuns / claimed meditation masters who blah blah blah about what Not to Know yet claimed to know Not to See yet claimed to see[D19], and are total strangers to [ Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Huineng's Wu-Nien / KhaiPhong #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh ] { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } like the Infinite Thought Bodhisattva in Lotus Sutra[D49]. Yet, even at that level without - 100% [ Honesty / Chân Thật / "Conscience / Lương Tri of Right & Wrong" ] with oneself and [ Care / Quan Tâm ] for oneself and the environment - one can very easily be fallen into the crack. The writer is amazing with technological advancements in both esoteric (tightly kept within a family) and human realms in accountable and transparent open-sources Rule of Law. Both now can learn from each other.

Let's see what "Consciousness Know-Hows" humanity can bring to the table, then wait for the esoteric realms' "Proposed Know-Hows" they can offer in this accountable and transparent partnership. The "practical types of #Prajna" deliverable by current identified living students are briefly exposed above. Natural processes leading to deliverable "Equanimity Signed Post" to "Free / Liberate" oneself from binding Word/Image imposed by all isms will be statistically tested. Similarly, scientific processes leading to "Purity Signed Post" can be tested to verify that the Purity can "Free / Liberate" oneself from clinging Thought such as the Hindu cast system existing from the time of Gotama and Allah for Muslims. These two Signed Posts enable reproducible scientific processes to naturally produce a Harmonious Melting Pot in reclaiming one's innate Buddha Nature and the implementation of Prajna Dialectic in all activities and relationships. From the above "practical #Prajna in relative Truth", we discover the sub-atomic level in the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness - capable toward Non-Thingness and Unmoving Sunyata (Gotama's End-of-Dukkha) - to basically fill the crack fallen by both Gotama in human realm and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in esoteric realm, opening the new Vista of the proposed "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". This #Prajna is conceptually known in Buddhist scholarship as achievable "#Prajna in Ultimate (Wider) Truth" that humanity can bring to the table.

The "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" has been improved from automatic writing (officially established in the city of Tây Ninh Caodaism, southern Vietnam in 1926) to channeling at different processes and efficiency[R20], [R20.1], then publicly moving the "process" from crude form dated 2020-03-25 toward a smooth process dated 2020-04-12 at minute 16:00 for immediate benefits to million Catholics directly related to 150+ years of Vietnamese history. Both current Pope Francis and the [ Saint Cardinal / THÁNH HỒNG Y NGUYỄN VĂN THUẬN ] Not at { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, but may be able to meet right evolution for billion Catholics world wide. The direct "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" can now be "Sound Broadcasting Technology" transcending languages in human and other realms using as a tool currently executing by a Sound Specialist in our group. We hope hundred millions dedicated Buddhists - cheated in 2500+ years of Buddhism Not to Know yet claimed to know Not to See yet claimed to see in "pray for the peace and the dead / cầu an cầu siêu"[D32] and in "Tiền âm phủ / Money for the dead" - can have similar right evolution according to underlying natural laws. So do all religions and beliefs in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations! Esoterically, we heard from the "King of God" that more than half of prisoners in his feudal system were enemies of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva! There have also been Identity Thefts via Consciousness Snatching Technology to put their degenerated members in politics, military and financial powers to rule the world, But Failed due to the presence of Good Forces and Natural Laws of Consciousness Evolution. Another key piece of information we know is that Not All Esoteric Activities and Relationships are under direct and/or indirect management of the past corrupted esoteric feudal systems.

In human realm, we are now at Industrial revolution 4.0 capable in modeling and simulation from huge data at different sources and sensors from soon explosive IoT (Internet of Things) linking all relevant information, together with complex distributed 'Rule of Law' including "medium of exchanges" to assure "Right Effort" in continuous evolution prioritised by Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of cultivable #Prajna, which can be enforceable through accountable and transparent body spiritually established in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". KhaiPhong is interested in this New Era of Communications and Collaborations, having concrete proposed possibility of joint efforts in "inter-realms communications and collaborations" - most specifically in immediate relevant consciousness and medical knowledge - with scientifically measurable outcomes in all activities and relationships driven by ComPassion. It is the Foundation of [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] to avoid the Third World War - wiping out 90% human population - and the light effortlessly dispelling conflicting degenerated forces of Greed and Fears. It is possible in Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm prediction about the [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] with "Effortless Right Effort / Wei-Wu-Wei / BẤT CHIẾN TỰ NHIÊN THÀNH" via moving toward a Harmonious Melting Pot of cultivable #Prajna.

The second sentence of the Sanskrit version has "here Sariputtra, form is sunyata sunyata is form, form is not different from sunyata sunyata is not different from form, form equals Sunyata sunyata equals form". The Chinese version does not have "form is sunyata sunyata is form" which is now scientifically proven and known as the Quantum Fields where everything is connected. Most people do not know Sunyata - Empty the content - for a Freshness of Reborn and Rejuvenation. The first part "form is sunyata sunyata is form" is a theoretical approach to rationally explain Thing-As-It-Is, similar to Gotama's second discourse[R20.1] to explain the ultimate solution pointed out in his First discourse[R20]. This first part can be scientifically established in the Relative Truth from conflicting duality plane to convince modern people put real effort in actually verifying "form is not different from sunyata sunyata is not different from form, form equals Sunyata sunyata equals form". It is a cultivation process to move from Madhyamaka Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth to test one's internal power of detaching all residual clinging forces once the action is completed with Freshness ready for the next challenge. The beginning of this practical cultivation process in reclaiming one's innate [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ] is Gotama's qualified Transcendental #Awareness or Huineng's Wu-Nien { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } which can now be deliverable from different angles due to the presence of those actually knowing this state of Consciousness at seven different depths and six Signed Posts. The many life times being unworthy and professional cheater THÍCH TUỆ HẢI is 100% ignorant about [ Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien ], scientifically testable in forcing him to describe the functionality of this [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] which will be scientifically and statistically tested conducted by reversed engineering of 36+ students identified as actually knowing [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] from different angles in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations", forcing all religions delivering scientific claims of their (a) "pray for the peace and the dead / cầu an cầu siêu"[D32], (b) divisional rituals of membership, marriage, and dead of their cheating organizations, plus the underlying natural laws in weeding out undue sufferings generated by dark forces in entire human history.

The third sentence "here Sariputra all dharmas indicate Sunyata: not arising not suppressed not tainted not pure not deficient not complete" indicates actual experience one will know from higher/wider view on the plane of [ Oneness / Conscience / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] Thing-As-It-Is on the duality plane of conflicting event, plus one's strategic position to push the focused event toward What Count[R23]. That "[Iha / Here / Ở đây] Sariputra" is the first cornerstone for this writer to debunk Thich Nhat Hanh and Lang Mai since 2007; those knowing [ Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Huineng's Wu-Nien ] can contrast their actual experience of "[Iha / Here / Ở đây]" with the description of this unworthy and professional cheater THÍCH TUỆ HẢI in his daily activities and relationships forcing him out of his ivory tower of hallucinations.

The fourth sentence "therefore Sariputra, in Sunyata there is not form not feeling ..." is considered by many - not yet passing the Gateway-to-Oneness and knowing nothing about Gotama's Emptiness - as [ illogical / inconsistent ] with the second sentence. The Truth is that this sentence describes Thing-As-It-Is state of consciousness known as "Non-Thingness" in Gotama's seventh jhana[D30]. We will prove that most [monks / nuns / followers] in Buddhist Theravada do not know this state of "Non-Thingness", cheating the world[D19] in claiming to know what they do not know to see what they do not see in 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha. They chop Gotama's verifiable "the end of Dukkha[D44]" into an imaginary utopia of "Nibbana" then "Pari-Nibbana" inconsistent with current scientific knowledge. This logical description is completely different from the shameless description of THÍCH TUỆ HẢI since in engaged activities of life and death relevant to your realm, all of your whole being must be at the presence to activate #SamadhiPrajna { "Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna for Right Understanding, while Prajna is the activity of Samadhi for Right Motivation" }. Yet, once the life and death activity is complete, there is a natural detachment for #Prajna known as [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } acting as a natural detoxification of one's tainted senses, scientifically unknown even by the historical Gotama.

Again, there is a difference between the Sanskrit and Chinese version. The Sanskrit verson has "na jhanam na pratir na-apraptih / not knowledge not attainment not non-attainment / không trí không đắc không không đắc" while the Chinese version drops the third component. The Sanskrit version is empirically relevant at both verifiable Sunyata Non-Thingness (Gotama seventh Jhana) and esoteric Formless Realm characterized as beyond both Self, and Selfless having #Awareness and Free Will. In a debate about proper translation of the Heart Sutra, Jayarava suggests that someone had replaced the common concept of illusion (maya) such as in [ na hi anyā sā māyā anyat tad rūpam | rūpam eva māyā | māyaiva rūpam ] for Sunyata. We prove that (1) Buddhist Mahayana is an evolution of Theravada with deeper philosophy from Nagarjuna Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth but still on the rational basis of duality tool, (2) It has not provided technologies to move from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth, (3) It has not provided the mean to investigate layers of consciousness in Ultimate (Wider) Truth plus the consequences in Relative Truth, (4) It is "illusion" since it knows nothing about "Natural Purification" as the consequences of moving from Ultimate (Wider) Truth to Relative Truth since only in engaged living one can change one's quality of the consciousness and its environment towards What Count. In providing technologies according to natural laws in six (6) Vertical Switches having six (6) measurable Signed Posts in four (4) Conducive Activities, we scientifically prove at both theoretical level and empirical verification that there is No Conflict in the Heart Sutra which describes Thing-As-It-Is according to Natural Laws within the reach of humanity to be known as epistemic objectives or ontological types of complex-valued data to know more about oneself in scientifically cultivable #Prajna, making apparent two other attributes - Compassion and #Prajna (Wisdom) - besides the biology of Latin humanitas, leading to human rights.

The word "skandha" means "heap" or "aggregate". Buddhists talk about 5 heaps: form, feeling, perception, impulse and consciousness. These aggregates comprise of both physical facilities which are conditioned at birth driven by states and stock of the consciousness at that time, together with current states and stock of the consciousness at the present to make up one's realities at this moment. Therefore, having the right understanding and right motivation of Thing-As-It-Is together with one's sweet spot at the Right time and place, one can have Right Effort, being an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment one a part. No Buddhist meditation - including Buddhist theoretical Vipassana[D24], [D25] - can practically touch this #Prajna division of modified[D26] Eightfold Path since it tries to Grasp the present changing and conditioned existence and turn the Path upside-down at its own conflicting duality (darkness) of [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ]. In "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations", #Prajna can sense what happen in many thousands years ahead to strategically position oneself with required qualities plus relationships to make Things happened. This writer is lucky to have few Trusted Friends that he wants being parts of his teams to enable the prediction of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm being the actuality of current International conflicts in "South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea", peacefully avoiding the Third World War wiping out 90% human population in "Effortless Right Effort / Wei-Wu-Wei / BẤT CHIẾN TỰ NHIÊN THÀNH".

With frequent Reflection (Bhavana), one can deepen one's own understanding to 'Know Oneself', closing the gap between Reality and Actuality - Figure 1 - by using the following qualified questions which are based on these core attributes. In doing so, we help clean up unworthy and cheaters, no matter what they claim on the traceable reincarnations and/or lineages[R13], [R13.1], [R14], [R15], Buddhist or non Buddhist, to be all in the community of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings:

  1. Gotama third Seal 'Not-Self (Verifiable Emptiness)' and fourth Seal 'Nirvana', and how they are connected to the first Seal and Truth 'Dukkha'; alternatively, the cessation of Dukkha or Gotama's Third Truth in connection to the mentioned third and fourth Seals to deliver the solution for the first Truth and Seal "Dukkha". This is purely based on Gotama's discoveries without relying on any later development.

    If you are a Buddhist monk / nun of any tradition and claim to be a Buddhist teacher with your blah blah blah in meditation, please see your "Reality" with this "acid test" or qualified question, then answer if you can ever touch and capable to receive Gotama advice to Ajita's questions[D22] about the role of "#AwarenessPrajna" for your own benefits and the communities you are parts. Instead of cheating others about your "#Awareness and #Prajna" [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] which must come from the real cultivation to realise and/or fulfil Gotama's answer as a "Truth" to make known to the world that Gotama knows what he is talking about, but did not have enough time to properly deliver it to the mass. You are his worthy heir / heiress.

  2. The three core attributes listed in the Buddhist Heart Sutra (Sunyata, Prajna, Empty / Not), and how they are connected to the Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent (Samma-Samadhi) and Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh described by Gotama in his modified[D26] Eightfold Path. Buddhist communities of monks and nuns - typified by Vietnamese and Chinese Buddhist Sanghas - have turned the modified[D26] Eightfold Path into a useless concept that, according to them, only Gotama (or Buddha) can have the Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the #Prajna division of the Path. The rest need to follow the "cheating" Sangha [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ], turning "#Prajna" into an outcome of the Buddhist doctrinal system which is loaded with Ignorance. Their assertion will be proven differently[R1]. Now 2024 - after debunking from 2007 all cheating processes in 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha - the unworthy and professional cheater THÍCH TUỆ HẢI steals and copies our Vietnamese translation of the Heart Sutra to ignorantly imitate Gotama's descriptions of his claimed Jhanas without scientifically delivering the claimed states of Consciousness. He did not realises that from 2024 onward, no Buddhist [ monk / nun ] - as specifically exposed with hard evidences in this book - can repeat 2500+ years of cheating processes in bullying the world at only claimed descriptions due to available scientific advancements currently at Industrial Revolution 4.0 in response to religious claims from the evil Roman Catholic Church.

    A conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see other conflicting duality (darkness) As It Is. There is a cultivable [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ] - the guiding light to light up the Right Understanding and Right Motivation in the #Prajna division of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path - to drive the Volition / Freewill / Sankhara toward Right Effort, dynamically adjusting Wrong Effort in one's continuous Learning and Doing toward What Count[R23]. This is an Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] and practicalized by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] in his three fundamental Principles[R7]: the first Principle "Kindness and Empathy" is the Right Understanding, the third Principle "From people, By people, and For people" is the Right Motivation. The two Principles drive his second Principle "Right Effort in continuous Learning and Doing". These three Principles are practical living in accordance with Natural Laws - Making Life Easier and Happier - that demand both the state and stock of cultivable "#Prajna" at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna for a Right Effort. The three properties can be measurable based on hard facts of one's Efforts to augment discovered Consciousness Technologies.

  3. Measurable and achievable qualities via Observable Attributes of Right Transcendental Inner Peace described by Gotama in his nine (9) attributes of meditation, and how these signed posts are related to Actual Living of the Present Moment to be the real solution to his First Truth or Issue Identification called Dukkha (Table 1). We name these nine attributes Gotama's "Measurable Right Transcendental Inner Peace" that all qualified Budh Counselors must know and stand on one's own feet to defend for what one value-adds in a contributed know-how of a thesis, scrutinized by public exactly as we show below how Gotama and the Heart Sutra describe their "Verifiable Emptiness" at different angles according to scientific process to be "empirically verified", "value-added", or "rejected".

This is a 'self service' cultivation to 'Know Oneself' (self-qualified as a Buddhist or the one exploring what can be known under human vessel) for one's own benefits in 'Learning and Doing' (Table 1 and Table 1.1) according to Gotama, and "Budh Counselor" according to HuiNeng (Figure 5). We use the word "Budh Counselor" to qualify the one capable to help others along the self exploration of Learning and Doing. How can you claim to be a Buddhist Teacher as automatically claimed by cheating members of Buddhist communities of monks and nuns if you are not equipped with "answers to the above three questions" for your own benefits? Since "Not-Self", "Verifiable Emptiness", "Nirvana / End of Dukkha", and solution for the first Truth "Dukkha" are beyond Image / Word / Thought and conflicting Dualism, the qualified "Budh Counselor" must demonstrate he/she has personally known the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict". It is very likely that most monks and nuns up to 2024 - such as this claimed enlighten monk, meditation master / thiền sư and Buddhist teacher - do not have any clue about these questions and are complete strangers to the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict"[D34].

In our presentation, #Prajna (equating to western Highest Conscience / Wisdom) is a visible scientific fact, manifesting according to its State called Transcendental #Awareness to see 'Thing As It Is' - including its own imagination - having Insights of something outside-the-box. The Insights come from its Stock whose lasting Values can be cultivated with Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi). The invisible part of #Prajna is Sunyata where Verifiable Emptiness is basically the Rejuvenation from the Charming Non-Thingness for required utilities in all forms and manifestations. The Buddha Nature embraces both the invisible Sunyata and the visible ComPassion-Prajna.

"Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" is not mysterious and most people directly know it at the surface via Kindness, Empathy, helping the needy as a Good Samaritan since at this level one can sense a common vibration outside the self. At a deeper level - qualified by Gotama as the base of Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness from third Jhana Equanimity upward)[D29] which can be cultivable via scientific processes such as #PrajnaTIP in Sound - one can directly "flow into it" exactly as the described "gambhiram Prajnaparamitacaryam / in the flowing depth of the Prajna / thông sâu theo dòng Bát Nhã Siêu Việt" having a glimpse - deeper than logical arguments and descriptions at thought level - "the five skandhas of the past to be Empty Of Essence" at the Gateway-to-Oneness between the Relative Truth and something Beyond.

The Essence of Gotama Dharma is right in the mid of Dukkha - dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha, sankhara-dukkha - there is the Emptiness / Tánh Không to enable the manifestation of Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict in daily activities[R1], unknown even by Gotama and entire history of his Buddhist Sangha indulging too much with the corona circle (vòng kim cô) of binding and clinging forces on the duality of conflicting consciousness. The cultivation must come from actual experiences - beyond conditioned thought - far from the actual experience and understanding of most monks and nuns up to 2024 since they have not passed even the Gateway-to-Oneness, nor reaching the base of Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness consciously or unconsciously being unworthy people selling what they do not know nor have.

In Taming The Ox - Figure 5 - we qualify "Budh Counselor" as the one who has actually passed from Nagarjuna Relative Truth to the Ultimate (Wider) Truth for an Insight into the Emptiness, and from Asanga Perfected Nature to enable the infusion of Natural Purification to drive Imaginary Nature toward Dependent Nature, thus helping to theoretically and empirically prove that there is No Chasm between Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only and/or between Gradual Cultivation and Sudden Awakening created by monks and scholars, knowing nothing about Buddhist Transcendental #Awareness (qualified by Gotama at Equanimity Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict) and Emptiness.

The qualification is intended to democratise "the Practicalities of the Emptiness" where one can stand on one's own feet to expose one's actual experience in (1) transcending (dissolving) the appearance(s), (2) actually knowing the state of "not arising conflicting duality", and (3) reaching the Silence of Purity. The knowledge of "#EmptyTheContent" is the same, but what contents and "Then What" in the "Practicality of the Emptiness" is different that each can bring something very concrete to the table where others on the same trail / raft can further value add to make the trail / raft easier for others. For example, "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" for a breakthrough in trade negotiation, political issue, a major business deal, a scientific discovery, overcoming a phobia / fear, etc, are beneficial contributions to take the mysteries out of "the Practicality of the Emptiness" in "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at different depths of the Consciousness. Hưng Đạo Vương Trần Quốc Tuấn[R7.4] was the first one we are Aware of, capable to bring his "Inner Depth" coming from "dwelling in no mind enclosure" as described below to be in Utter Inner Silence for sensing the counterpart vibrations before critical engagements.

Followings are the two descriptions (1) from the Heart Sutra[R1] and (2) from Gotama for this qualification where being stable at "Equanimity" the grips of binding Word/Image will be loosen, while at "Purity" the clinging Thought is not there. These two levels are the qualified levels for Budh Counselors, forming a transparent and accountable body to help KhaiPhong Technology and AwakeningBudh Movement sustainable.

First, one "flows" into the Ultimate (Wider) Truth of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" which is pegged by Gotama as the base of his Transcendental #Awareness[D29] for an Insight into the Emptiness. Here / Iha / Ở đây, see one angle in dissolving the Observed from the Heart Sutra: "form is Sunyata, Sunyata is form, form is not different from Sunyata, Sunyata is not different from form, form equals Sunyata, Sunyata equals form"[R1]. It is one description of how form is dissolving. This dissolving process comes from deep understanding that "the five skandhas (form, feeling, perception, impulse, consciousness) to be Empty Of Essence".

Here is another description from Gotama in his first and second meditative absorption (jhana)[D29] of the dissolving process: starting at "aloof from sense desires, aloof from unwholesome thoughts", the practitioner "allaying (relieve / alleviate) applied and sustained thought" has "devoid of applied and sustained thought" which produces some light happiness". "The same for feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness".

Please note from Gotama descriptions in his 45+ years of spreading his discoveries, working only at one attribute of the consciousness, namely Aspiration from Aloof in sense desire and unwholesome thought which is one of the vertical off-on switches in moving from Relative Truth on duality plane to No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] (Ultimate Truth) of [ #Prajna / Oneness / Conscience ] plane, perpendicular to the plane of duality. Jesus used this switch via "Faith", so do many mystics and others via musics, dance, kung-fu, yoga, etc. Both - and many others up to 2024 - do not know that the foundation for their extra ordinary tasks in No obstruction from Manifestation and Emptiness (Hửu Không vô ngại) as theorised by Madhyamaka comes from their very long cultivation of sensing the vibration of self-selfless in [ Compassion = Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) ] that thank to a childhood experience Gotama abandoned hard practices on duality level to discover his Fourfold Truth and Not-Self. We call the discoveries in these identified vertical switches - namely #PrajnaTIP in Sound, Tantra, Aspiration, Compassion, Detachment, #PrajnaTIP in Kindness - the secrete sauces to be discovered and shared so people can value-add from their unique angles.

This shows a precious but very long process of dissolving the five skandhas, Not as superficial as imaginations from communities of cheating monks and nuns to veil their unwholesome living as professional cheaters. Those knowing this dissolution of other observed - such as a Sound via #PrajnaTIP in Sound or a Kindness helping others via #PrajnaTIP in Kindness - can describe the condition they are in and their actual experience. Again, #PrajnaTIP in Sound and in Kindness select only one attribute of the consciousness as the starting trails[R1]. But knowing proven scientific process we can efficiently speed up the cultivation toward worthy attributes in actual living while avoiding deep cracks of serious mistakes, Making Life Easier and Happier. It is just like water flows by itself as argued by Lao-Tzu, but scientifically knowing its attributes, one can use water for many utilities from ancient time up to modern time of generating electricity.

Historically, the Prajna Paramita literature appeared after Gotama time. We prove in previous paragraph that Gotama and our later processes focus only in one selective attribute of the consciousness while the Heart Sutra covers the whole range of the consciousness and other skandhas. Esoterically we feel the Sutra was transmitted by Avalokitesvara teacher to a group of students in higher realm where Sariputra was one student in that group who asked for further clarification. As a very cautious scholar, XuanZang probably knew a version of Heart Sutra in China. But when his "esoteric teacher" personally appeared to transmit the Sutra and finally congratulated him at Nalanda University he was convinced his version was the authentic one! One student in our group who discovered these differences in 1990 - 20 years after his personal experience of Gotama's nine Jhanas from a Sudden Awaken in 1970 using Sound technology described from Shurangama Sutra[D33] - had a theory that the "teacher (1) intentionally customized the sutra for XuanZang's relevant need while (2) left the holes for another student to discover, straighten it out, and deliver its practicality via the cultivable manifested Compassion-Prajna from "Invisible Sunyata", and finally (3) a third student - the sound specialist without any need to read Buddhist scripture - actually demonstrates the Quantum Consciousness (the video has been removed) pioneered by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna[R5].

The writer now esoterically knows the assertion of "form is Sunyata Sunyata is form / sắc là Sunyata Sunyata là sắc" is only at the theoretical level even with "Avalokitesvara teacher" who does not know the dynamic interaction between Form and Sunyata at different layers of Fibonacci sequence from posive evolution; he does not Know up to 2024 the "negative degeneration" that his peers - including the claimed "evil Father God and Allah" - had fallen into, ONLY evidenced from visible bottom line of outcomes commonly KNOWN as Cunning Intelligence of Hegelian Dialectic versus Harmonious Solution from Prajna Dialectic. Both can be on the vertical plane of Y-dimension to see the focused event and one's comparative advantages to change the outcome; one is through the innate concentration of Self while another is through wider Compassion of Oneness and Non-Thingness. Again, the difference between positive Fibonacci evolution and negative Fibonacci degeneration of equal Intelligence Y5 = 5 = Y-5 is naturally #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness having wider Vision and Compassion for the benefits of one and others, having natural Silence, the lighter to float up VERSUS concentration (có ní nuận) of cunning intelligence in "I win You loose" always in the conflict rather than Harmonious in [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ], the heavier to sink down regulated by Nature to detoxify the tainted senses[D32] according to underlying natural laws in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

In the past before 2012, what happened to humanity Not totally depend on their Freewill and Action-Reaction according to underlying natural laws as revealed in one's [ Eighth Consciousness / store-house of one's "Continuity of the Consciousness / MUÔN KIẾP NHÂN SINH" (ālāyavijñāna) ]", but also depend on the esoteric power arangement and their influences - not only from their ability to see major focused event but also the ability to send their supported agent (người được chống lưng / thiên mệnh từ tam tòa) to the right position PLUS ability to influence the selected person via whispering and/or "thought form" at the "Source of Thought" that No One up to 2012 can resist since they are able to physically inflict damaged (phạt) and/or assist (ban / thưởng) the selected person as shown in the video to do what they want, including IMMORAL and UNJUST behaviour to please the esoteric evil forces. The voodoos from higher realms are even more bullying and psychologically threatening known by many living persons leading to suicides including those from KhaiPhong Inner Circle. At the Right Time, President Putin may reveal the driving forces behind his "nostagic decision" to start up the Russia-Ukraine conflicts besides what he revealed in the interview and what immediately visible and invisible actions from the evil Roman Catholic Church. On Foreign Affairs, see (1) the tracked records of the Council on Foreign Affairs on American politics now changed to Foreign Relations directed by claimed Illunimati Elites, and (2) its war in VietNam plus behind-the-scence negotiations of the two sides from negative Fibonacci degeneration of equal cunning intelligence leading to 1973 Vietnamese Paris Peace Accords that were violated by all sides except the victims and the opportunities for millions Vietnameses of all ages to be legally abroad, seeding for the Era of Conscious Living and Opportunites to do Good where unworthy people from all religions are fully exposed. Via the Science of History, see the conflicts from two fractions of Nguyển Family: Nguyển Ánh & Nguyển Huệ and the "Lucky Gia Long" from esoteric realms of feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods.

The bottom Practicality of Then What is matter specific to different scenario related to different "IamX" since there are wide ranges of evolutions. We can logically say that (a) if the "Right Living & Being" according to DISCOVERED and SHARED underlying natural laws is Known, the 60,000+ human years of bloods and terrors from the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods - exported to human feudal totalitarian systems - would not be totally collapsed; its lesson learned is "Rule of Law & Too Big to Fail" beeing proven in Human (Stakeholder) Democracy and its legal Human Rights, (b) "Not-Self, Self, and Liberation / VÔ NGÃ, CHẤP NGÃ VÀ GIÁC NGỘ, GIẢI THOÁT" explored by Gotama 2500+ years ago via Self-Selfless Actualization has been esoterically sabotaged and destroyed by their unworthy people infiltrated right in the legitimate Buddhist Sangha established by Gotama for spreading his DISCOVERIES with different painted pictures for Buddhits and Chirstians well-known in all communist mafias, (c) scientifically DISCOVERED TRUTH in SelfSelfless Actualization / DualityOneness Nature in the Engaged Living & Being pioneered by KhaiPhong and AwakeningBudh is the Harmonious Solution bringing all intelligent beings from humanity upward fully qualified by Thing-As-It-Is Nature to the Prajna Dialectic or Fair Trading table for the benefits of all involved parties in one's Continuity of the consciousness. In this sense, everyone can contribute at different specialized angles and How Scientifically Cultivable Prajna can inject outside-the-box to a focused Issue such as Russia-Ukraine conflicts and/or China-US conflicts indoctrinated and conditioned on the two incompleteness of Chinese Confucius versus the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer. It is "not a verbal attack", but statement of Fact verifiable in scientic methods for the Dignity of humanity!

This is where human scientific processes of discovering TRUTH becomes relevant and pratical for all involved parties from humanity upward qualified by Nature with Free Will and the possibility of "#Prajna" from an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation. The Description IS NOT the Described and esoteric entities can No Longer automatically claim their masters-slaves relationships to have their own Lesson Learned of Right and Wrong in Morality and Justice according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. That is WHY we publicly challenge (1) Jesus to SAY ALOUD that "Jesus Redeemer" is a Hoax and he will Not Repeat the mistake of Confucius to prevent unnecessary Sufferings / Dukkhas for billion Naturally qualified people following his "Hallucinated Painted Image", (2) Thái Thượng Lão Quân (Tai Shang Laojun / 太上老君) from 2022-01-18 minute 2:41 bringing their deliverable practical outcomes of "Không / Non-Thingness / Gotama's 7th Jhana"[D30] to the "Right and Wrong / Thế Nào Là (Biết / Scientific Process) Làm Chân Chánh từ cái Không" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, (3) All intelligent beings from humanity upward in all Realms of Intelligent (Raison D'être of) Existence that is the right time of "Self Respect and Respect others" and one is an "Accountable creator in a part of the Responsible Creation" so the Fan Li (Phạm Lãi) - esoterically mentioned from 2020-11-13 minute 21:30 - and Liu Ji (Lưu Bá Ôn) can serve the Whole according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED & SHARED where dark forces will be effortlessly weeded out thanks to the mass at grassroots naturally Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good.

These students are presently (2024) parts of our group that we hope the right time and place will soon happen for the benefits of those conscious living in the same direction. Thanks to publicly exposed from 2007 cheating processes of 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha - not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] in sabotaging Gotama's discoveries right from the time of his active living - different versions of "The Heart Sutra" in both Chinese and Sanskrit versions are critically looked by serious scholars. Riding on our actual know-how together with AI from Industry 4.0, we can build sustainable ICT in the reversed engineering to enable the world elites coming to benefit themselves and form a Private Club according to Chatham House Rule for scientifically and statistically test the implementations of the Heart Sutra whose aggregate results and proven processes are publicly available and open sources in enabling spirituality from diverse angles parts of humanistic Wholesome Science.

Something significant must be waiting for the students appeared at approximately right times and right places where their students and students of the students will be orchestrated to work together. The significance can be seen through varieties of signals: (1) visible esoteric signal similar to the visible token transmitted from Bodhidharma to HuiNeng, (2) the logical and Only #Prajna Tool deliverable from Ashoka's policy of Dhamma to enable complex modern societies harmoniously living together where everyone - despite differences and opposing cultures, religions, past patterns, etc, on the conflicting plane of [ events / diversities / duality ] - can be an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment toward What Count due to the innate [ Buddha Nature / the Kingdom of God Within / Latin Humanitas ] knowing the Right and Wrong relevant to one's present existence, (3) The precious tool that humanity has spent significant resources in its translations and maintenance, (4) available living students in their 1000+ years of evolution in the noble Right Direction of Learning and Doing according to natural laws to not only connect all the dots together, but also visible solutions for the new Era of humanity, and (5) all come together due to the Invisible Hands of "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna and Economics".

You are the judge on its right time and be a part to make it happened. If you are naturally attracted to somebody via "Higher Aspiration that you do not or vaguely know why", please follow your intuition since you are orchestrated to work with your past teacher and/or teachers of teachers for something very Noble in the new Era of human Golden Age. Thanks to the mind-eye of the Sound Specialist who is shown how the swarm circular movements of energy naturally separate identified qualities of consciousness open-containers according to natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes the writer can combine both understanding of KhaiPhong Technology and current physical sciences to theorize a very complex interaction between self Efforts and external influences in the complex Dependent Nature of existence, very much different from the feudal recorded system of the past collapsed degenerated forces, cunningly attempted to cheat natural laws for the glorified Self.

In essence, the lighter floats up while the heavier sinks[D32]. The reason why an external darkness - such as excessive sex drive and/or greed of easy power - can stick to your innate consciousness is that the seed of that darkness has not been completely dissolved by #Prajna, and the dark forces are skillful in using binding Word/Image and clinging Thought to "blow" the seed up to make you think it is the real you. Here you can logically see the relevance of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] and HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna[R5] in knowing more about your realities and the meaning of your existence (raison d'être). The vertical movement in making life easier and happier in one's Continuity of the consciousness is via the path of deeper Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent for cultivating the stock of #Prajna and/or higher via Aspiration for energy connection to higher causes. The "Right Higher Causes" from cosmic energy - falsely claimed by [ (evil) Father God / original Buddha / Mẹ Thiên Nhiên / Creator and Governor of the Whole ] (Not an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation) in his/her negative Fibonacci degeneration as his/her Blessing of What He/She Did Not Know Nor Had just like any (group / communist) dictator from his/her Animal Kingdoms - universally and equally flow from the above like the "rain" where how much each container can receive based on its own ability to absorb. Hence, one's personal efforts and worthy relationships in one's inner circle and circles of inner circles are most important, having direct impacts to one's quality of the consciousness in the Responsible Creation of the New Era of "Stakeholder Democracy".

Moving deeper (into Equanimity) "all dharmas indicate Sunyata: not arising not suppressed not tainted not pure not deficient not complete". Again, here is Gotama description from his trail: "by detachment from joy he dwells in Equanimity, mindful, and with clear comprehension, called dwelling in equanimity, Mindfulness, and bliss". Similarly, one can describe the State of Equanimity from different angles of Sound and Kindness.

Passing Equanimity to the utter Silence of Purity "therefore Sariputra, in Sunyata there is not form not feeling not perception not impulse not consciousness not eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-mind not form-sound-smell-taste-touch-thought not eye consciousness up to not mind consciousness not ignorance not destruction of ignorance not decay-death not destruction of decay-death not dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga not knowledge not attainment not non-attainment". That is all internal disturbances of duality Inner Conflicts are at utter Silence, ready for sensing the "Pulses of Thing As It Is"[R1]. Here is the "known" in Gotama's trail: "by the disappearance of joy and sorrow, he attains to the 'neither suffering nor bliss', which is the Purity". So does the state of Purity via "Sound / Light" and/or "Kindness". The states of Equanimity and Purity are the same as those known by Gotama, but the described view / angle and what contents to be dissolved in Transcendental Consciousness are different.

The dissolving process or transcending the Observed either from the Heart Sutra or Gotama angles of Tranquillity, Equanimity, and Purity[D29], or #PrajnaTIP in Sound and in Kindness can be observable and verifiable by new practitioners[R1]. This is How we can democratise "the Practicalities of the Emptiness" where one does not need to start from square one of the trail other explorers have passed and left the roadmap for others value-adds. It took the writer 20 years and another advanced student 45 years to overcome tremendous barriers put up by claimed meditation masters and enlighten monks from their Imagination Nature. We hope to save you time to present your Value-Add via a "thesis" to the World and be a part of Budh Counselors making AwakeningBudh Movement and KhaiPhong Technology sustainable.

From then on, one "dwells in no mind enclosure", passing deeper beyond Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness into Sunyata Non-Thingness, actually knowing Gotama's "Not-Self", reaching "Nirvana / Unmoving Sunyata". Hence, "dwelling in no mind enclosure" for the possibility of experiencing Gotama "Not-Self" is the required condition to be a Budh Counselor that you can stand on your own feet via your thesis to partially testify that there is no chasm between "Right Effort" with Self and "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" (Not-Self), between Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D39] and Madhyamaka[D38], between Gradual Cultivation and Sudden Awakening. Here is Gotama description from the Gradual Cultivation on his trail[D26], [D30]. The dissolving / transcending process can be deepen to the point that all can be instantly and effortlessly in the "No Mind Enclosure" as described in the Heart Sutra and/or asserted in Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra[R7] - commonly known as completely Open having no preconceived idea - to be Alert and Aware of all signals coming from all directions to have a "Pulse" of a complex situation for a possible breakthrough in innovative solution.

To invite all putting their efforts in the "Practicalities of the Emptiness" learning from one another in the culture of "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings" while effortlessly weeding out religious unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], here are known six (6) Vertical Switches from duality of conflicting events to measurable six (6) Signed Posts on the no-conflict in layered plane of [ Oneness, #Prajna, Conscience, Wisdom, Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] via four (4) conducive activities for six (6) event possible outcomes in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position at the present moment.

In Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, either one knows it or not, similar to sexual orgasm in Tantric "Bliss and Emptiness" and in "Faith that can move the mountain". The finer level at different depths, the harder it is to recognize and have "Detachment / Vô Trụ", without being addicted to sex and/or faith. Once you are addicted, the "Verifiable Emptiness" is lost - an Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]. All efforts turn into wrong efforts as evidenced in 2000+ years of addicted "Bliss" in Vajrayana and "Faith" in Christian and Muslim extreme violences throughout the dark human periods.

Knowing the state of "not arising conflicting duality" in Equanimity is very precious, pegged by Gotama as the base of his "Transcendental #Awareness" that most Buddhist monks and nuns do not know nor have, putting their efforts in the blah blah blah of meditation at the conflicting duality level of breathing[D24], of Vipassana[D25], [D19], and of "Emptiness" at conditioned thoughts in voluminous treatises and philosophical arguments from those not qualified by Gotama in Transcendental #Awareness. This state is deeper than the Good Samaritan[R16] and Humanist Ontological System that most of the Catholic priests and nuns do not know nor have, putting their efforts in exposing the Heart to show off their love at word level in fishing the "souls" of the faithful.

Once the states and stock of "#Prajna" is deep enough, one can flow into the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at the eye-to-eye meeting between the helper and the assisted person to raise the relationships to higher level of Empathy, deepening all involved parties to the Utter Silence of all internal conflicts. From this cultivable level, the direct Perception of the "Pulses" relevant to the dominant "Issue" and manifesting "Verifiable Emptiness" is a very long path of "Consciousness Evolution" that we can all walk together in different trails, scientifically explored and Shared in the Science and Economics of Oneness in "Making Life Easier and Happier".

By introducing innovative technologies - illustrated in Table 4 and Table 4.1 - riding on natural laws for heavy lifting we provide the scientific foundations and initial depths of #AwarenessPrajna of new trails built on the solid foundation of Kindness and Empathy for qualified Budh Counselors to value-add their theses at different spreads of the trails. Sooner or later, the practicalities of the Emptiness will be democratized where everyone can value add his/her contribution and leave something sustainable in "Making Life Easier and Happier".

At the right time - either "Now" due to your innate Quality and/or after #PrajnaTIP in Sound is introduced to take your current "states" and "stock" of #Prajna to the level of Transcendental #Awareness qualified by Gotama (third stage of his meditation) - you should be able to verify "that state in Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Intuition" is directed but Not focussed in any involved element and/or participant with #Awareness to sense the arising signals from anywhere and its significance, capable to catch the Pulse of the situation and what need to be done to change the outcome toward its directed direction that it senses "the Right Thing to do" (Figure 3).

Acting as a front line soldier, we will expose in #PrajnaTIPs[R1]:

  1. The scientific foundation of the process that may have some Intellectual Property Right (IPR) to properly manage the process Clusters of Open Innovation Network (COIN).

  2. The required safety conditions and implementations of the process for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mass market.

  3. The available community supports to make your efforts worthwhile, safe-guarding your practice with available professional helps in the case the power of Transcendental / Dissolving Process from the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict opens up one of your outdated mark to indicate the time to clean it up and you cannot handle by yourself.

  4. Possible experiences DIY practitioners may have where you can value-add to the community your personal experience together with nine (9) stages of recorded Gotama's "Verifiable Emptiness" that we reclassify based on phase changes into Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity.

As a dedicated explorer, one is fully responsible for one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles to Share and Learn from one another. It is good to be humble and there is nothing wrong in accepting some advanced person as one's mentor/teacher. In fact, the DIY PrajnaTIP in Sound / Light is designed to reach the mass riding on one's already achievable level to be the front line soldiers in changing oneself and others as qualified Budh Counselors. The body of Budh Counselors is there to help more people knowing Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict who - by themselves - cannot reach the base "Equanimity" state and/or further advanced to make the process sustainable with or without original contributors.

Finally, from "Transcendental Wisdom, no mind enclosure transcends beyond errors reaches nirvana" the Heart Sutra states the fact of Worthy Existence / Manifestation at the Present Moment "All Buddhas ... bound to Transcendental Wisdom reach the highest enlightenment". This is the depths in proficiency between Nagarjuna Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth, Asanga Perfected Nature and Dependent Nature, XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness, HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna in daily activities, Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] "Hửu Niệm / Vô Niệm", and Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna in life management[D22] of daily activities.

These are "Verifiable Emptiness" described by Gotama[D26]. The "dwell in no mind enclosure" is an actual state of living. It is Not "No mind enclosure / Không Chướng Ngại / Không Dính Mắc" at Word or Thought explained by most Buddhist cheating monks and scholars[R1]. It is the required condition to naturally detach from "Right-Wrong / Yes-No / Self-Selfless" Seeing Thing As It Is for a Right Effort, having no residual Marks once the action completes. But the Right Action and the driving force behind the action is Not Illusory (Như Huyễn) as commonly known at conditioned thought level in the entire history of cheating Buddhism up to 2024 since it changes the Quality and Normative Direction of the individual and aggregate consciousness toward the Right Direction of What Count according to discovered and shared Natural Laws in one's Continuity of the Consciousness[R1]. That is all about positive Fibonacci evolution reaching higher and higher boundaries according to underlying natural laws. The strategic position coming from Right Action - directly perceived by Purity of the Mind - also debunks the entire history of Vietnamese Trúc Lâm Buddhist sect whose principle is seeing everything illusion at hallucinated thinking level. Alternatively, they can be parts of implementing the Soyen Shaku's challenge from the World Parliament of Religions 1893[R6]:

All things return to "One" and "One" operates in all things.

God [Dharmakaya / Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict] not in the world is the false God and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict] is unreality.

The "unreality" is the Illusory as commonly known at conditioned thought level of most Buddhists / Non-Buddhists since they have not touched the [God / Dharmakaya / Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict]. Here is the difference in the "described" and the "description", the "actuality" and reality" which needs to be revitalized and delivered in the Science and Economics of Oneness.

Realisation of the Heart Sutra is the necessary and sufficient condition to know the "Right" at different depths of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path since Gotama's Ontological System is one small angle of the Heart Sutra. It is the dynamic driving force to have "Right Effort" instead of "Wrong Effort" as an Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] - riding on cultivable Natural Laws - custom made for each person at the most appropriate time, place and pattern of the Intelligent Agent to change oneself and the environment one a part. That insight is the dynamic interaction between the "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" in patch C from Prajna Dialectic of Figure 2 and patch A mathematically proven in international trade to enable all involved parties better-off. Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate!

See for yourself if this is the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" and most important of all one can make the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Conscience / Wisdom / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth" manifested in daily activities, using the power of the Whole Ocean not just the flickering waves at the surface of the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva[D49] stuck on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness of an "Idiot Savant" in negative Fibonacci degeneration. Hope you see Scientific Facts[R1] of 'Exploring Truth' - not 'Doctrinal Truth' (Belief, Ritual) - that can be a rescue to the Budh Dharma. We are more than ready to collaborate with interested parties.

Sanskrit Version - Prajnaparamita Hridaya

Om Namo Bhagavatyai Arya Prajnaparamitayai

Arya-Avalokitesvaro-(bodhisattva) gambhiram Prajnaparamitacaryam
caramano vyavalokayati sma panca skandha
tasma Svabhavasunyan pasyati sma.

Iha Sariputra, rupam Sunyata Sunyata-iva rupam
rupanna prithak Sunyata Sunyata-ya na prithagrupam
yad rupam sa Sunyata ya Sunyata tad rupam
evam eva vedana-samjna-samskara-vijnanam.

Iha Sariputra sarva-dharmah Sunyata-laksana
anutpanna aniruddha amala avimala anuna aparipurnah.

Tasmac Sariputra, Sunyata-yam na rupam na vedana
na samjna na samskarah na vijnanam na caksuh-srotra-ghrana-jihva-
kaya-mamamsi na rupa-sabda-gandha-rasa-sprastavya-dharmah na
caksur-dhatur yavam na manovijnana-dhatuh
na-avidya na-avidya-ksayo yavan na jara-maranam na jara-maranaksayo
na dukkha-samudaya-nirodha-marga na jhanam na pratir na-apraptih.

Bodhisattvasya Prajnaparamitam asritya
atrasto vaparyasa-atikranto nishta-nirvana-praptah.

Tryadhva-vyavasthitah sarva-buddhah
prajnaparamitamasritya-anuttaram samyaksambodhim abhisambudha.

Tasmaj jnatavyam prajnaparamita maha-mantro
maha-vidyamantro nuttara-mantro samasama-mantrah
sarva-dukkhaprasamanah satyam amithyatvat.

Prajnaparamitayam ukto (mantrah) tadyatha
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate
Bodhi Svaha.

English Translation - The Buddhist Heart Sutra

Honor To The Noble Transcendental Wisdom

Noble Avalokitesvara (Bodhisattva) in the flowing depth of the Wisdom
sees the five skandhas also (of the past)
to be Empty Of Essence.

Here Sariputra, form is Sunyata Sunyata is form
form is not different from Sunyata Sunyata is not different from form
form equals Sunyata Sunyata equals form
The same for feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness.

Here Sariputra all dharmas indicate Sunyata:
not arising not suppressed not tainted not pure not deficient not complete.

Therefore Sariputra, in Sunyata there is not form not feeling
not perception not impulse not consciousness not eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-
mind not form-sound-smell-taste-touch-thought not eye consciousness up to
not mind consciousness not ignorance not destruction of ignorance
not decay-death not destruction of decay-death not dukkha-sammudaya-
nirodha-marga not knowledge not attainment not non-attainment.

Bodhisattva bound to Transcendental Wisdom
dwells in no mind enclosure, no mind enclosure intrepidity
transcends beyond errors reaches nirvana.

All Buddhas appear in three periods of time
bound to Transcendental Wisdom reach the highest enlightenment.

Therefore the Transcendental Wisdom is great mantra
great knowledge mantra invincible mantra unsurpassable mantra
causes to cease all sufferings trustworthy not false.

The Transcendental Wisdom utters Thing-As-It-Is / Chân Như / Tathatā:
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate
(Gate Gate Paragate Discover & Share)
Bodhi Svaha.

Vietnamese Translation - Bát Nhã Tâm Kinh

Kính cẩn trước dòng Bát Nhã Siêu Việt.

(Bồ Tát) Quán Thế Âm thông sâu theo dòng Bát Nhã Siêu Việt
nhìn lại năm uẩn cũng (đã qua)
đều thấy Không Có Tự Tánh.

Ở đây Xá Lợi Phất sắc là Sunyata Sunyata là sắc
sắc chẳng khác gì Sunyata Sunyata chẳng khác gì sắc
sắc chính thực Sunyata Sunyata chính thực sắc
cảm nhận thúc thức cũng như vậy.

Ở đây Xá Lợi Phất mọi pháp đều Sunyata,
không sanh không diệt không dơ không sạch không thiếu không đủ.

Cho nên Xá Lợi Phất, trong Sunyata
không sắc không cảm không nhận không thúc không thức
không mắt tai mũi lưỡi thân ý, không sắc thanh hương vị súc pháp
không nhãn giới cho đến không ý thức giới
không vô minh không hết vô minh, không lão tử không hết lão tử
không khổ tập diệt đạo, không trí không đắc không không đắc.

Bồ Tát nương theo Bát Nhã Siêu Việt, trú nơi tâm không chướng ngại
tâm không chướng ngại, vượt mọi mộng tưởng đến Niết Bàn tuyệt đối.

Chư Phật trong ba đời
y theo Bát Nhã Siêu Việt đến vô thượng giác.

Vậy nên biết rằng Bát Nhã Siêu Việt là linh chú đại thần
linh chú đại minh linh chú vô thượng linh chú tuyệt đỉnh
có năng lực tiêu trừ mọi khổ nạn, chân thật không hư.

'Bát Nhã Siêu Việt' phát ra Cái Như Là / Thing-As-It-Is / Chân Như / Tathatā:
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate
(Vượt Vượt Vượt Biết & Chia)
Bodhi Svaha.

[R2.1] Consciousness, a Quantum Physics Perspective - a partial scientific theory derived from [ Patannjali's Yoga Sutras ] and Buddhist Enlightenment.

Contrary to Hindu 's "the doctrine of salvation" that "beyond Purity awareness" is eternal, and once this transcendental awareness is achieved, a person cannot ever cease being aware; this is moksha, the soteriological ("the salvation") goal in Hinduism. It is contrary to scientific understanding of Thing-As-It-Is due to the second law of thermodynamics. Thanks to personally experienced a Samadhi state called the End of Dukkha[D44] - changing (viparinama-dukkha) due to conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) in a mathematical Planck time - Gotama formulated his Issue to be addressed (Sufferings - Dukkha) and his ultimate solution in the first discourse[D20] based on the Dependent Nature of existence consistent with current scientific understanding and the second discourse of Not-Self[D20.1] which is supported by modern science 2023-06-09 to kick start his community of monks to the new dimension of Self-Selfless Actualization in the New Era of Transcending both the Observed and the Observer for Seeing Thing-As-It-Is according to underlying natural laws and a possible breakthrough via Prajna Dialectic qualified from humanity upward. Since then, the self-selfless actualisation has been contributed by many such as (1) Jesus's Kingdom of God within due to Aspiration where Faith is a part, (2) Bodhidharma in Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha capable to #EmptyTheContent via Detachment, (3) XuanZang Consciousness of the consciousness[D19] due to different depths at Signed Posts of #Samadhis, (4) HuiNeng cultivable #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna[R5].

The foundation of the Dependent Nature of existence is scientifically known as "Emptiness / Non-Thingness" which is Not Empty but "Quantum Fields" that make everything - where humanity is a part - connected. We discover different natural laws underlying the Dependent Nature of duality conflicting consciousness and layered No-Conflict Consciousness. We scientifically connect these discoveries together having measurable Right Efforts to assist individual quality of the consciousness in Value of the values directed by #Prajna from the Freshness of WuNien / #Awareness where all can be parts.

The complete circular processes are Now available with KhaiPhong technologies and living students, having many thousand years[R8] of observations and cultivation. Everyone can be a part in one's specialised domain to discover scientific technologies for the manifestation of Natural Purification and #Prajna:

[ Scientific Understanding of Consciousness >< Technological Implementations at Vertical Switches >< Technology Augmentation of Right Effort >< Community Implementation of Right Understanding and Right Motivation of important events ] which boil down to observable:

[ #SamadhiPrajna >< Reversed Evolution from Form to Sunyata for Rejuvenation and Reborn >< Detachment via Natural Purification of tainted senses >< Artificial Intelligence of custom #Prajna ].

[R3] XuanZang - seventeen years overland journey to India, recorded in the classic Chinese text 'Great Tang Records on the Western Regions', and in turn provided the inspiration for the popular epic novel 'Journey to the West'.

[R4] Journey to the West - There might be some 'esoteric agenda' in 'Journey to the West' since it rewrote the contributions of XuanZang into opposite direction of unjust and immoral master-slave relationship to glorify the Now degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in her negative Fibonacci degeneration for many 100,000+ man years without a scientific understanding of "Why and How" to quickly evolve back according to underlying natural laws. Both scientifically understanding of causes and effects and possible solution are Now available under KhaiPhong in answering the four questions about conflicting and evolving civilizations from India, China, Japan, and Western leading to the New Golden Era of Conscious Living in Harmonious Melting Pot regulated by invisible hand of economics and driven by invisible hand of scientifically cultivable #Prajna.

The story had its own Value-Adds in the descriptions about activities of 'spirit' realms which are similar to what we have observed through the mind eye, and heard via Sound technology. Esoterically, these lower organizations[R20.2] were front line soldiers of the Bodhisattva. In this modern global and Inter-Realms International trade, one must deal directly at the [ sources of both demands and supplies / mua tận gốc bán tận ngọn ] in Accountable and Verifiable Transparencies.

There is a much greater drama we esoterically know in the collapse of God / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms where the leaders of the Bodhisattva were driving behind the third esoteric force.

[R5] The Sutra of Hui Neng.

[R5.1] The Zen doctrine of no-mind - Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (Author), Christmas Humphreys (Editor). There is a Vietnamese trannslation by Thích Nhuận Châu and its pdf for offline reading. Is there any practicality from the zen tradition?

[R5.2] The Sixth Patriarch’s Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra - with the Commentary of Master Hua (translation and interpretation from Sangha members).

[R5.3] The Overnight Guest Yongjia Xuanjue (Vĩnh Gia Huyền Giác) - A zen dialogue and encounter with HuiNeng who had the actual understanding of what he said. The description is Not the described, and is only at the beginning used to point to something Actual in one's continuous Learning and Doing.

The bottom-line 'Then What' demands a scientific approach at theoretical foundation for possible accumulated value-adds from others and empirical verification to qualify the required conditions of the theory. Xuanjue's understanding has been only at word level - falling into the trap of another esoteric force[R14] - which does not give any real benefit to him and others, and will be lost if there is not appropriate conditions to turn that understanding into the innate nature of actual living according to natural laws.

Esoterically, we feel this is the case for Xuanjue who happened to be reincarnated as a very well-known Buddhist monk Chin Kung (Tịnh Không)[R5.4], dedicated 50+ years of his whole life in learning and exposing Buddhist Dharma. Chin Kung has been capable to fluently explain Mahayana texts at a very young age in more depth than others - including the Heart Sutra before 2012 - but only at word level totally enslaved in binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, knowing nothing about "Oneness / Dharmakaya / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / There is No god but God", exactly where he was 1000's years ago.

Even worse - if Chin Kung was a reincarnation of Xuanjue - he personally dropped 1000's years of Sutra (Vimalakirti) studies and meditation since the time of Xuanjue, plus 50+ years of this present life in Buddhist meditation according to #Prajna to adopt another easier trap of Amitayus Pure Land to end up as a cheating monk selling what he does not know nor has. This shows how precious it is to know #Prajna - innate and qualified by nature in every person[R1] - for a Right Effort in making life easier and happier. He has not been even Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh to know the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict of the core 'Emptiness' that he used as a part of his name (Kung - Không). Looking at the painting of Xuanjue and Chin Kung, you can see the natural operation of the clinging forces (Karma) at the three layers of the consciousness: physical, energy, and the carry-on core consciousness or Western [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ] which is measurable via Right Effort in Eastern [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ], cultivable via required states and stock of measurable #Prajna[D22], [D46].

#Prajna turns out to be very simple and is the ability to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to one's present moment, plus the Volition / Free Will / Sankhara to make things happened which can empirically verify by its author via feedback in dynamic Learning & Doing. The bottom lines of its attributes are "Morality & Justice" which can be statistically measurable with hard Evidences such as the Chinese Cultural Revolution or the Vietnamese communist "Class Struggle and Land Reform / Đấu Tố và Cải Cách Ruộng Đất". It is innate in all normal persons as long as one is At Home, wearing no mask based on Actualities as explained by Gotama in his Charter of Free Inquiry Kalama Sutta[D23]. The signals from your senses do not count, only the State of your Being counts. See if you know the "state of your being" when you cannot even know the driving forces behind the signals from your senses. You can see the issues of all the masks - especially in religious leaders, all popes, most politicians, most the rich-and-famous, most the poor-and-untouchable, all paedophile-and-sex offenders, all cheaters, etc, down to most husband-and-wife - where one is a slave to one's senses.

The sense signals are one's realities different from actualities (Figure 1) to create Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2], [R19], [R15], [R13.1]. Is it worthy to use the senses As It Is with Clarity and Insight to properly manage one's Realities in the Essence of the Right Effort where there exist the cultivable Natural Purification[R14] - a discovery of Gotama - known as Verifiable Emptiness (Table 1) observable and testable through HuiNeng Beyond-Thought at the observed, No-Mark once the action completed, Detachment as one's basis to have Right Transcendental #Awareness of Thing As It Is (Table 1.1).

Similarly, another claimed enlighten monk from HuiNeng - Shen-Hui [R5.1] page 119 - who has only a cunning intelligence left to cheat others. It is important to turn what you think and/or actually experience the lasting values such as Compassion and/or Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict into your signatures in actual living to be the Quality of your core Consciousness since it will directly affect the Quality of your existence. Typical example is the case of Tilopa and Naropa[D41] who were pounding on what they actually know to deliver some practical implementation of Sound Technology via the introduced Transcendental Meditation in 1960's - 1970's, but only at the beginning level while they themselves did not have proper understanding and required depths of the Sound Technology.

In this modern time, we can be practical enough to demand the delivery of actual solution, beneficial and relevant to the Present Moment. Even you honestly describe your actual realization which may be good for future generation, it may be relevant only to You. Your job of Sharing Happiness has not been completed. If you are not self hallucinated to be driven by Ignorance and degenerated to re-learn the lessons of Right Effort, your innate Buddha Nature will push you to the next step of actual delivery for your deeper benefit and for others.

These are the cases of humanistic past great explorers mentioned in our case studies: Lao Tzu, Gotama, Jesus, Nagarjuna, Asanga, HuiNeng, etc. Hope the time is right so you can actually see and have hand-on the next step of this job from a real living person in HuiNeng Sudden Awakening, together with other highly qualified ones preparing the field for this new Budh Era with their unique Consciousness Technology, Sound Technology, Natural Levitation, etc. Then watch the contributions from others - via scientific discoveries and community consensus which are effectively verifiable with current technologies we are building - in the next few generations since they are all parts of this unique "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaboration©".

[R5.4] Chin Kung - (Tịnh Không) an International well-known Buddhist monk spreading Pure Land Buddhism, of what he does not know nor have being a slave of the degenerated Amitabha Buddha currently in the downhill of negative Fibonacci 100,000+ man-year degeneration personally known and shared by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.

The monk said it took him 40+ years to believe in Buddhist Pure Land and has 50+ years to spread Buddhist Dharma. According to HuiNeng, he is not qualified as a Budh Counselor since he has not entered the Gateway to Oneness and knows nothing about different depths of Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict Verifiable Emptiness that he uses as a part of his name 'Kung - Không'. He is definitely far away from 'Equanimity' state used by Gotama to qualify his Transcendental #Awareness which naturally loosens the grips of binding Word/Image in his Substance that he has been stuck for so long. Words and Images are used to point to something and has been successfully used by unworthy people to enslave intelligent beings in all isms where conflicting religions are parts since they are the lowest scales on the X-axis of binding and clinging forces rather than liberating oneself from prison without bar. The description is not the described. He is absolutely far below the Purity which is the first part of his name 'Chin - Tịnh'.

Chin Kung advocates Detachment (Vô Trụ) based on his Buddhist training at word level, yet his confused life is toward the Grasp-er (Grahaka) and the Grasped (Grahya) of Amitabha-Amitayus Buddha Pure Land, the source of all Sufferings - due to the differences between one'd Realities and Actualities - as proven by Buddhists Asanga and Vasubandhu Consciousness-Only that all modern persons can logically understand as illustrated in Figure 1. He has no #Awareness Beyond-Thought (Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / #Awareness) { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, totally drown in within-the-box of conditioned and indoctrinated teachings at word level.

There is no need to bind oneself to the word 'Amitabha / Amitayus' and thought of being reborn in Pure Land to be Detachment and Emptiness in the future that one does not know while one devotes all efforts to the opposite direction of Detachment and Emptiness at the Present Moment. It is similar to the esoteric evil Allah, enslaving yourself to his name for a promise of Foreever Heaven which is FALSE due to the second law of thermodynamics where all manifestations are changing at Planck time. This kind of nonsense from religious fanatics and confused philosophers has been mathematically proven in optimization theory, used in launching a rocket to its target that the optimization in any instant moment will lead to the overall optimization of the trajectory where unexpected winds and storms (of karmic forces) are unavoidable i.e. the Pure Land of the Present Moment. No common-sense person falls into this childish trap of religious addiction.

If Chin Kung is a reincarnation of Xuanjue[R5.3] that he can look at the eyes, the energy vibration, and the core inner consciousness to rediscover himself, he has been unconsciously fallen into the trap of an esoteric force, attempting to sabotage Gotama's discoveries under the three locks of master-slave relationships[R14]:

  1. Sutra recitation and studying at word and thought levels, instead of actual living to really know Dukkha and to be Beyond-Thought at the Observed known by kind Samaritan,

  2. Vajrayana and Tantra attachments to rituals, desires, and bliss through the release of sexual pressure, rather than Detachment as the Gotama's qualification for any Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Empty-The-Content (Samma Samadhi) or Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả) in observable visible manifestations of the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind (tứ vô lượng tâm) for the Happiness of One and the Whole,

  3. Faked purification either through Amitabha-Amitayus, which is scientific ignorance (no such thing as manifested forever Amitayus) - same as the claimed manifested Forever God - due to the generation of entropy of existence, and/or purification in meditation of emptiness at thought level, instead of Natural Purification[D27] in Gotama different depths of Verifiable Emptiness, known as the Ultimate (Wider) Truth under Madhyamaka and the Perfected Nature under the Consciousness-Only.

These are similar to the three locks to assure master-slave relationships in Christian movement: (1) Word was God, (2) Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge, (3) claimed Forever where thought is changing and relative.

[R6] Soyen Shaku - was the first Zen Buddhist (January 10, 1860 – October 29, 1919) to spread the Dharma in the United States. In his youth, his master (Kosen) and others had recognized him to be naturally advantaged. In 1893 Shaku was one of four priests and two laymen, representing Rinzai Zen, Jōdo Shinshū, Nichirin, Tendai, and Esoteric schools, composing the Japanese delegation that participated in the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago organized by John Henry Barrows and Paul Carus.

Soyen Shaku rationally explained:

All things return to "One" and "One" operates in all things.

God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality (mathematically proven in modern Gödel Incompleteness theorem).

Source: The God-Conception of Buddhism

We call that "One" the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" and the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong enable that "Oneness" Testable, Verifiable, and Reproducible to most practitioners, democratizing "The Practicalities of the Emptiness". Soyen's definition of "God" has been well-known with Jesus "Parable of the Good Samaritan"[R16] mentioned in only one of the Canonical gospels, but the most significant factor accepted by almost all Christians or None-Christians. It is the "meaningful and intangible cause" in Maulana WahiDuddin Khan 's "Faith and Reason"[D53] accepted and advocated by Islam. It has been promoted World Wide in the Vision for every country where everyone is a changemaker.

Soyen Shaku was the first one attempting to explain the basic principles that can help you started on the journey of experiencing zen, paving the way to direct realization of "zen that can be explained is not zen" but once you know the "Oneness" you can describe your path with optimal conditions and required "watch-out" to fully integrate the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" as the guiding light[R7.3] for your "Right Effort" so others along your path do not have to start from "square one" and can value-add to make the path easier and more enjoyable for more people to add their created Values. Outcomes at the bottom line of all paths leading to Harmonious Oneness are statistically measurable and must be deliverable as human efforts in Engineering, Health, and Social Sciences. Here is a Free book of his recorded Sermons. There are at least 10 differences we are not on the same page with Shaku, being exposed in this book to democratize "the Practicalities of the Emptiness" and implement Trần Thái Tông Insight[R7.3] between "Right Effort" and "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict".

The deliveries of these differences will make Shaku's Vision a Reality and set Buddhist Dharma Right Side Up according to Gotama's discoveries that Ashoka's policy of Dhamma gave it a push, but not at the right time to be overrun by unworthy people in Buddhist cheating Sangha: (1) Momentary Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha[D44], not Buddhist Nirvana then PariNirvana as a correct answer in a "Reply to a Christian Critic", (2) Gradual Cultivation driven by #Prajna consistent with Sudden Awaken, not gradual cultivation from the darkness of preconceived ideas, (3) Oneness / God / Dharmakaya defined as Consciousness, the ground of all being, the nature of all things vibrating at the fundamental level, (4) Middle Way, a dynamic integration of "Right Effort" and "Oneness", of Nagarjuna "Relative Truth" and "Ultimate (Wider) Truth"[D38], of Asanga "Dependent Nature" and "Perfected Nature"[D39], of "Self" and "Not-Self", of "Sudden"[R5] and "Gradual" cultivation, of "Dukkha" and "End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana"[D44], of Shaku "The World" and "God / Dharmakaya", (5) Answers to his Vision coming from "Practicalities of the Emptiness / #EmptyTheContent to see Thing-As-It-Is" contributed by qualified Budh Counselors, (6) Ethics (according to underlying natural laws) guided by #Prajna to activate #Awareness for switching between Ignorance and #Prajna - augmented by AI - making known the difference between Ashoka's Dharma via his Major Rock Edicts and recorded Buddhist Dharma polluted by unworthy people in Buddhist cheating Sangha; the on-off "digital" switches between [ self / selfless - duality / oneness - relative Truth / ultimate (wider) Truth ] will gradually move toward Sudden Awakening of Quantum Consciousness already demonstrated by HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna, observable in current reincarnation of HuiNeng as a living student; same things are observable from the reincarnations of [ Ashoka / Soyen Shaku ], XuanZang as living students among us to demonstrate the precious Value of the values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. (7) Good Laws, phenomenons and super-phenomenons being conditions to be discovered in integration between Right Effort and Oneness, (8) Faith, not an absolute but a theoretical assumption to be discovered, dropped or accepted due to Detachment and its Practicality, (9) Taxonomy of Consciousness, Soul, Freewill, #Prajna, Compassion, Emptiness for scientific investigations and enhancements (10) Dhyana qualified by the presence of transcendental states.

The deliveries of these differences are now, readily available in wider view of AwakeningBudh directing KhaiPhong SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound) projects at both theoretical and empirical levels presented from Right Understanding of Enlightenment. It is a scientific breakthrough in (1) Making Life Easier and (2) Making Life Happier where every person can be a part in one's Continuity of the identified Consciousness. We are looking for strategic partners in both Not-for-Profit AwakeningBudh and its technical arm KhaiPhong.

[R6.1] Jiddu Krishnamurti - (12 May 1895 – 17 February 1986) was an Indian speaker and writer on philosophical and spiritual subjects. In his early life he was groomed to be the new World Teacher but later rejected this mantle and disbanded the organisation behind it. Here is his description on the seriousness of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" from "Intensity of Attention" to break the crust of the "Self / Conditioned Patterns / Outdated Marks".

Through this guiding light - cultivable instinct of the #SixthSense plus something beyond at the #SeventhSense via Compassion and #Prajna - one can know more about oneself, capable to get the "Pulse" of a complex Issue for a Right Effort. The scientific processes in a wider view are now available at both theoretical and empirical levels, presented in Right Understanding of Enlightenment.

[R6.2] Jiddu Krishnamurti Talks With Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche - the required Intensity of Attention to see "Thing As It Is" messed up by all "organized religions" and "Isms".

[R6.3] Krishnamurti Issue Identification - Psychological Suffering - Nature of Mind, and his solution through "Intensity of Attention".

We say Krishnamurti solution may be appropriate to only few having thousands+ years of poking the Transcendental #Awareness on what is the "host" (staying in 'Thing As It Is') and what are the "guests" (changing and conditioned). Even so, it may be effective only in certain domain that the practitioner has accumulated sufficient conditions according to underlying natural laws.

Knowing the process, we can discover these natural laws to create the right conditions for a heavy lifting. The real solution has been partially contributed 2500+ years ago called Wise Attention[D28] covering both the [ Known / Epistemic Objectives ] and something Beyond in the science of consciousness. It has been further practically contributed in rationally knowing who one is beyond visible physical and mental manifestations in "Riding the Ox" with "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh". It is embedded in advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] sabotaged by professional cheaters in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha.

[R7] The Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra - Diamond Sutra. Here is the Vietnamese translation and explanation by Thich Thanh Tu.

Why? Subhuti, the past mind cannot be grasped, neither can the present mind or the future mind.

In 2500+ years since Gotama / Subhuti dialogue, we have been aware of two persons speaking in sufficient details directly from their experience the "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" for an Insight into the "Emptiness" - Patch C in Figure 2 - (1) Tilopa giving "precious instructions to Naropa"[D41] and (2) HuiNeng in his well-known "Wu-Nien"[R5.1]. Neither of them, nor the dialogue between Gotama / Subhuti gave details both at theoretical foundation and empirical verifications of the assertion. We are now in the Golden Era of the new cosmic cycle, having required conditions to start the Science and Economics of Oneness in KhaiPhong according to Human Nature.

Here are explanations why Tilopa 's instructions are in accordance with the quoted dialogue[D41]. He debunks Buddhist traditional practices in Mindfulness of breathing[D24] and in MahaSatipatthana Sutta (Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] that are always in conflicting duality[D19] and not practical in modern living, unless the practitioner arrives at the final stage in direct contact with Emptiness which is Only the beginning of Tilopa's and HuiNeng's[R5.1] Insights.

The "mind" in the dialogue can be referred to "the mind or a containerized (identifiable) stream of consciousness" of an individual or aggregate such as a family, a business, a community, an industry, an organization, a region, a country or the World. That unique containerized stream of consciousness interacts with other streams of consciousness which can be abstracted as the "Observer" and the "Observed" in Figure 2 at any "Thesis" of current operations, leading to "Antithesis" and "Synthesis". The lump of an identifiable stream of consciousness is possible for both individual and aggregate under a common concept known as a persona.

We define "Mind" based on the attributes influencing the Consciousness of 'Thing As It Is' at the Present Moment, comprising of: (1) Intuition and Brain Intelligence that drive the 'Doing' in all activities, and (2) wider perspective of ComPassion from the Heart for "the Right Thing to do" from #Prajna (Wisdom) which embraces relevant involved parties in the Totality of Existence to inject the 'Being' into the 'Doing'. In related to Figure 2, the outcome of Prajna Dialectic in patch C is considered as the area of scientifically cultivable Intuition while patch A is the domain of brain intelligence mathematically proven in Fair-Trade better-off for all involved parties. Compassion and #Prajna are visible manifestations in patterns and possible breakthrough solutions detected by that stream of consciousness from the un-manifested part of the Consciousness, the nature of all things.

The definition and scientific processes in cultivating "the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" as one's guiding light to the Right Effort and mechanism to keep it away from "Wrong Effort" highlight the importance of Worthy Existence in wider perspective of one's Consciousness Quality in its Evolution according to the Laws of the Nature. The Science of Oneness in KhaiPhong - enabling most people direct access to "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Không Hai Không Xung Đột" at different depths of the Consciousness - will democratise the "Practicalities of the Emptiness".

Here we briefly lay out the significance of theoretical foundations and empirical verification to be delivered via the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong - pioneered by the Vietnamese Lý / Trần dynasties - to (1) eliminate all chasms within and between all organized religions and/or utopia trying to enslave humanity in binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, and (2) democratize the Practicalities of Gotama's "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26], Jesus "Kingdom of God within you"[Luke 17:21], Nagarjuna's Ultimate (Wider) Truth[D38], Asanga's Perfected Nature[D39], XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness[D19] and HuiNeng's Self Nature[R5]. It is the "Right Effort" from Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path, driven by the states and stock of #Prajna which is cultivable as briefly explained in Figure 4.

In any identifiable issue for an effort, there can only have a probability of the outcome due to complex Dependent Nature of many decision makers[R1]. The Right Effort - Figure 4 - comes from #Prajna to see and act according to "Thing As It Is". In reality, almost all streams of the consciousness have innumerable outdated Marks to taint its (or the aggregate of) six senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) plus incomplete information about action-reaction of all concerned parties. That is why "the present mind cannot be grasped" contrary to the hallucination of Buddhist traditional practices up to 2024. But through the cultivation in "Verifiable Emptiness" one can sense the pulse of the situation for a Right Effort, similar to the movements in flocks of birds[R21]. This capability has been demonstrated by many - commonly known as a Vision or Sudden Breakthrough - such as Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1] in his decision to move the Vietnamese capital to present day Hà Nội. In implementation of this book, we are looking for opportunity to demonstrate this Prajna Dialectic in solving current International Conflicts at South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea.

According to natural laws in "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at different depths of the Consciousness, there is a "Natural Purification" from "Verifiable Emptiness" to (1) purify the tainted senses from their outdated marks for required clarity in a Right Effort[D26], (2) enable the "mind" sense the driving forces behind its Volition / Freewill and its state of the being - influenced by both inside and outside interactions - to properly manage one's realities, (3) wipe out dominant binding / clinging (karmic) forces being a dominant barrier in one's present living[D22], and (4) sense a sudden breakthrough for any dominant issue. Democratizing the practicalities of the "Emptiness" via breakthrough Consciousness Technologies which can be augmented by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Communication Technologies (ICT) is a giant leap for humanity, enabling each an agent of changes to change oneself and the environment one a part due to dynamic interactions of the two in one's Continuity of the Consciousness based on What Count[R23].

In the rational understanding of this theoretical framework according to the Dependent Nature of natural laws, an obvious question is (1) How one can start from the present state of one's being (#Prajna) since the ability to know "What Right and Unworthy" according to one's present conditions is innate in all people despite its tainted realities, commonly known as the "Buddha Nature / Conscience / The Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas / There is No god But God", and (2) whether there is a solid foundation of lasting values that one can lean on, in the light of ET technologies from esoteric dark forces of "soul snatching and mixing". Brief outline of this "soul snatching and mixing" is required as we know from the collapse of Illuminati Elites to highlight the importance of democratizing the "Practicalities of the Emptiness".

Using the same techniques they have mastered in all organized religions of imposing Fear and Uncertainty in the outside Chaos for an outside Order (mass rituals) of masters-slaves relationships, the esoteric dark forces are capable to (1) ride on the available seeds in one's tainted senses to change what one sees in the six senses, (2) switch the manifested pattern (sổ bộ) of a higher quality of the consciousness for the stream of consciousness in their side to affect the aggregate outcome, (3) replace the "soul / alaya / core container" in developed vessel from a higher quality according to natural laws of likes-attract-likes and action-reaction with another "soul / alaya / core container" under their command to carry out their esoteric order, (4) imposing fear and extreme punishment to enslave the binding of mixing souls with different physical characteristics to work together as one slaved unit serving their purpose. That is why ET spreading their inhuman technologies in the "Matrix" and reality simulation, turning intelligent beings into dispensable "Things" having no Feelings, Kindness, Empathy and Conscience. It is unthinkable when they plan to eliminate more than 90% of human population (7+ billion people) to be replaced by their slaves of "physical" strength while manipulating billion intelligent streams of consciousness serving their Fascism. Man is more than a thing, has evolved far enough with innate Buddha Nature to transcend the Observed and the Observer - Buddhist Not-Self - with Freewill to change oneself and the environment toward the direction of What Count[R23].

The effective weapon against the dark force first capability is the ability to know more about oneself, capable to detect the driving forces behind one's volition / freewill to clearly know whether the driving force coming from inside one's consciousness or from outside external influence to properly manage one's realities. The second, third and fourth capability can only be defended with one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles where one is more than willing to help and get the help from others either through natural law of Action-Reaction and/or from one's associates. The best way to self defence one's situation, no matter how unfavourable it is, is to cultivate the lasting-value base of one's Quality of the Consciousness, proven by highly evolving beings such as Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] in the Vietnamese Lý / Trần KhaiPhong.

In his Military Treatise - proven to turn the country into effective and strong unit against three Mongol invasions - he laid out three principles of Right Effort according to Human Nature:

  1. Kindness and Empathy once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties. It turns out that this principle is the realization of "the Good Samaritan"[R16] first suggested by Jesus without depending on any external force since each intelligent being is only one part of the whole as asserted in the dialogue between the Buddha and Subhuti, and internationally endorsed as Human Nature, recognizing the differences among people but there is no difference in having the Right and Aspiration for some happiness, avoiding unnecessary sufferings. When viewing from above his three Principles as one unit - similar to Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path as one unit - we discover that this first Principle - Kindness and Empathy - is Gotama's Right Understanding, but even more specific since it touches the Nature of Things / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict about the foundation of Right Understanding or an ability to be completely Silent for sensing the Pulse[R1] of the complex situation according to Thing-As-It-Is having no preconceived idea and no judgement of Right or Wrong. This realization is only recently known as Humanistic Process after a long struggle to be out of all professional cheating clubs of organized religions via a mathematical pattern of Axiom to drive the Model for reality of its Taxonomy in modern Ontological System.

  2. Continuous Right Effort in Learning and Doing to manifest one's Worthy Existence of the wise[R10]. This worthy "Self" existence in cultivating the base of lasting values in one's continuity of the consciousness turns out the most effective mean in defending against the capability (2), (3) and (4) of the esoteric dark forces as described above. Esoterically, the dark forces have been foiled for a new Era where Right Efforts have Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes according to natural laws. This continuous Right Effort is Gotama Right Effort driven by Right Understanding and Right Motivation. For Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4], the Right Effort - driven by Right Understanding based on Kindness and Empathy, and Right Motivation of the third Principle "From people, By people, and For people" - is to manifest one's existence of the wise in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

  3. All Efforts come "From people, By people, and For people" (he used the word "citizen" in his treatise) for the practicality at the bottom line of Right Effort. The second and third principles form one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles that can overcome almost all obstructions in Making Life Easier and Happier wherever one happens to be in the wider perspective of one's Continuity of the Consciousness. It is the Light to instantly and effortlessly Dispel the darkness. This third Principle is the Right Motivation for sustainable Right Effort which demands cultivable state and stock of "Prajna".

The dynamic switching between "Self" and "Not-Self" for a "Right Effort" was an Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] to be fully Alert and Aware of the present moment in Emptiness exactly as crudely described in the Dialogue in one's continuous Learning and Doing wherever one happens to be. That constant "Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien" with intensity of attention sharpens one's innate Buddha Nature to know more about oneself.

If there are consciousness technologies - riding on discovered natural laws - to enable the Natural Purification from Gotama Verifiable Emptiness (Jesus Kingdom of God, Nagarjuna Ultimate (Wider) Truth, Asanga Perfected Nature, etc) do the "heavy lifting", the "Practicalities of Emptiness" in "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" will be democratized. This will be done at the right time in right conditions since there are these technologies - reproducible under scientific processes - currently known by living students in their many thousands years of developments.

Putting all together, the solid foundation of lasting values that one can lean on is:

  1. Kindness and Empathy, the lasting value of higher evolution. Intelligent person is more than a thing.

  2. Dynamic interaction between Right Effort (Figure 4 - "Self") and Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict (Patch C in Figure 2 - "Not-Self") or between "Hửu Niệm / Vô Niệm" pioneered by Trần Thái Tông[R7.3], riding on discovered consciousness technologies to directly experience the "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at different depths of Gotama "Verifiable Emptiness" in visible signed posts.

  3. Realisation of Emptiness in all activities. Once the power of Emptiness is strong enough plus sufficient Purity of the senses, any dark force - if there is one in the future - will have hard time to pull and push one's stability and communities, which are solidly grounded on the Sunyata visibly manifested in Compassion and Prajna. Majority of people in the community have their consciousness quality raised to the natural level described in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] as "Dwelling in No Mind Enclosure / Tâm Không Chướng Ngại", capable to "Transcend Beyond Errors / Vượt Mọi Mộng Tưởng".

Sitting on that lasting-valued foundation, one approaches the Totality being a wholesome integrated person via three non-exclusive angles depending on the situations and circumstances:

  1. Directly facing the Pain / Dukkha (Khổ), one actually experiences the Impermanence (Vô Thường) to directly know the Not-Self (Vô Ngã) and momentary Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha (Niết Bàn)

  2. Beyond-Thought (Vô Niệm / Wu-Nien) at the Observed, one has No-Mark (Vô Vết) once the action is completed due to DetachmentBorn (Vô Trụ) as one's basis for the manifestation of #Prajna (Bát Nhã) in daily activities.

  3. One can effortlessly and naturally approach everything in the market place with ComPassion (Từ Bi) from the foundation of Detachment (Vô Trụ) and Hồn Nhiên due to the manifestation of #Prajna (State and Stock of Samadhi).

From this core, one help discover and value-add to the communities personal experiences on the trails / rafts one has actually gone through[R1] with learned lessons to make the trips more enjoyable and less hazardous.

[R7.1] Lý Thái Tổ - Birth name Lý Công Uẩn was Đại Việt Emperor and was the founder of the Lý Dynasty. He was raised by an accomplished Zen monk Vạn Hạnh (938 - 1025) who was advisor of the previous Lê dynasty, a visionary leader and the main architect of a bloodless / effortless coup d'etat to change the Lê to Lý dynasty, opening a new Era for the Country. Vạn Hạnh was well known in his ability to get the "Pulse[R1]" of complex military and diplomatic national securities to arise at optimum solutions toward What Count[R23]. Lý Thái Tổ reigned from 1009 to 1028 AD. It was he who moved the capital to Hanoi in 1010.

[R7.2] Lý Thái Tông - (1000–1054) was the title of Lý Phật Mã, emperor of the Lý dynasty of Đại Việt from 1028 to 1054. His father was Lý Công Uẩn.

[R7.3] Trần Thái Tông - Birth name Trần Cảnh (17 July 1218 – 4 May 1277) was the first emperor of the Trần Dynasty, seated on the throne for 33 years (1226–58), being Grand Emperor for 19 years.

Chỉ sai hữu niệm quên vô niệm - Wrongly grasp a conditioned thought and forget the Beyond-Thought (Wu-Nien / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict)

— The razor-sharp [ thought / wu-nien (hữu niệm / vô niệm) ] may turn the "Right Effort" into "Wrong Effort"

The words "quên vô niệm / forget the wu-nien (Beyond-Thought Oneness)" indicate that the author

  1. Recognizes the importance of "Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Beyond-Thought",

  2. May or may not "know this beyond-thought because "Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Beyond-Thought" is materialized Only By Sufficient States and Stock of #Prajna. #Prajna - from pra, “in front of” and jna, “to know” - means the "source of to know" or the driving force behind "Volition / Sankhara" to properly manage one's realities, and "Dissolve Them" if they are the most dominant to one's present life,

  3. That "Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Beyond-Thought" can be at a bottom level of "Naturally Fresh HonNhien mind" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } moving deeper into consciously knowing optimal conditions to manage that Freshness from tainted mind[R8] to scientifically discover underlying natural law(s) for testable and reproducible process of the discovery sharing with millions others of similar pattern then deeper to "the source of your thought and its driving force" to properly manage one's reality coming from #Prajna at seven different levels that Gotama called "(Transcendental) Mindfulness" (which is equivalent to Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng Wu-Nien / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh) to obstruct and restrict karmic forces[D22],

  4. Needs to put whatever available resources unable to carry-on after death to scientifically cultivable processes, solving the most dominant Issue (Dukkha) for him and others via sustainable projects that may last beyond that life time.

Let's scientifically trace out "how Trần Thái Tông could come to this conclusion based on his Effort" so we can (1) learn how this Buddhist actually passed the above three targets in cultivating the "Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh", (2) see precious gifts from this dedicated explorer to humanity, and (3) recognize the damages done by professional cheaters[R18.4], [R20.3] in Buddhist cheating Sangha, sabotaging Gotama's discoveries.

Buddhist "Koan" was invented by different HuiNeng's students to test oneself and others the possible depths of #AwarenessPrajna one can reach in the "Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh". Rinzai (Linji Yixuan / Rinzai Gigen) Zen posed the koan (question) about the position of one's "real untainted person" in the observable changing and conditioned [ Body >< Mind ]. He asserted - without supplying evidence for the insight - that [ it is right in the mass of one's red meat / nó ở ngay trên đống thịt đỏ au ]. Here is how Thái Tông's insight into this koan. After fulfilling the responsibility of being the first King of Tran dynasty to militarily defeat the first Mongol invasion to VietNam, he dedicated the remaining life and all available resources to explore "this real untainted person / con người thực đó". He described this "Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" as "[ Vô vị chân nhân thịt đỏ au, Hồng hồng trắng trắng khéo lừa nhau, Ai hay mây cuốn trời quang tạnh, Hiện rõ bên trời dáng núi cao / The invisible untainted person in this body 'red meat', red red white white hide their real nature, suddenly the veiled cloud gone and the sky clear, the high mountain is clearly seen ]". That is how Thái Tông recognized the real untainted person Within the tainted [ Body >< Mind ]. It happens only when (if and only if) the inner sky is clear which is "Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental $Awareness / Kiến Tánh" at seven different depths on the X-dimension of positive Fibonacci evolution.

Since everything comes into existence via Dependent Nature, what is the condition to generate Thái Tông's sudden unclouded clear sky? We mathematically prove that in Oneness, the condition comes from transcending conflicting duality of any event to be high above on the event TRUTH plane, perpendicular to the duality plane of focused event. The proof has been empirically verified via " Natural Purification "[D27] coming from Sariputta in the presence of Gotama. It will be an epistemic objective when the transcendental technologies are introduced since a condition on the duality plane cannot see Thing-As-It-Is due to the clouded view of tainted senses.

Moving one step further to deal with the "koan" what to do when one knows the four unavoidable mountains of [ Birth - Old Age - Sickness - Death / Sinh - Lão - Bệnh - Tử ] are approaching and forcing one toward the corner having no space and time? Trần Thái Tông - thanks to clear unclouded sky - naturally see these mountains "Empty of Essence" and naturally unbounded by Word/Image and Thought to offer his description: "Bao quanh bốn núi vạn cây rừng, Tỉnh giấc ai ngờ muôn pháp không, May thay đã có lừa ba cẳng, Vượt thẳng đường lên đỉnh tột cùng / Surronded by four mountains of thick forests, Awaken to the Empty of all manifestations, Luckily having the donkey of three legs, Riding all the way to the ultimate top / Tứ sơn tiễu bích vạn thanh tùng, Liễu ngộ đô vô vạn vật không, Hỷ đắc lư nhi tam cước tại, Mạch ky đã sấn thượng cao phong".

Note that the verification must be at transcendental states high above the conflicting duality plane of all events. Most Buddhist monks - such as Thich Nhat Hanh - not yet passing the Gateway-to-Oneness, blah blah blah at the deductions of the blinds-touching-elephant on the duality plane of Not Seeing yet claim to see, Not Knowing yet claim to know[D19] to sabotage precious discoveries of dedicated explorers. By discovering underlying natural laws and reproducible means - such as why water can be frozen into ice or boiled into vapour - to be known by many we can turn personal subjective experiences such as Gotama's Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Empty-The-Content / (Samma-Samadhi / Signed Posts) into epistemic objectives. Scientific study to explore the Nature of Things is part of this book's summary in Glossary or Ontological Nodes to implement Soyen Shaku challenge[R6], wiping out unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in all organised religions bullying humanity for so long.

If Trần Thái Tông were a living student in this modern time - applicable to all claimed Buddhist teachers, mediation masters, spiritual advisers, religious leaders - we would ask him or claimed person to get out of the unprecised poetic words, be a real scientist for [ observable / testable / deliverable outcome ] to:

  1. Identify the three legs of his donkey. It is definitely not [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ][D46] as explained by the claimed enlighten monk. If it is [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] then Thái Tông would be stuck on the duality conflicting plane of event and will not be able to ride "all the way to the ultimate top". We will then prove the three legs are the three divisions of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path [ Prajna >< Virtue >< Stablity ], starting from one's current level of Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the Prajna division applicable to all manifested events on the duality plane, outside the tainted senses even missed by its author Gotama (the link is deleted) enabling unworthy people nullify his 45+ years of personal efforts in establishing the Buddhist Sangha to be mostely corrupted in 2500+ years of its cheating history.

  2. Identify the optimal [ condition(s) / process(es) ] enabling him moving from tainted [ Body >< Mind ] to his necessary and sufficient condition of "Inner Clear Sky". This is the case aplicable to everyone, and will be most valuable discovery that all religions and mystics are searching up to 2024 to be ended in being violently destroyed in the hands of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] as happened in the Christian Inquisitions and Crusades. By scientifically tracking Thái Tông foot steps on the three-leg donkey of [ Prajna >< Virtue >< Stablity ] from one's current state of intelligence all the way to the ultimate top we can open a new vista for humanity, riding on one's innate [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / There is No god But God ]. From 2024 onward, it is even easier with open-source modern tool such as user-facing mu.

  3. Reaffirm what he can actually see as the Signed Posts / Samadhis / Jhanas known by Gotama and by living students in our group or something else for further exploration. All claims - including esoteric claims - will be subjected under scientific explorations of the underlying natural laws of Things-As-It-Is at both the mental (mind) and physical (body) levels in the totality of existence for Making Life Easier and Happier.

  4. Describe what he sees as Gateway-to-Oneness where conflicting duality from the senses are dissolved. Then explore the gross level of Binding Word/Image that all isms are trying to sell, and how he can clear these clouds from his inner sky toward his required condition; then What happens to his state of mind.

  5. Explore the finer level of Clinging Thought that all kinds of extremes are pushing and pulling humanity toward Sufferings and Destruction. Then describe what he actually knows about his existence in [ Body >< Mind ] that Gotama called Not-Self and made it as the corner stone of the New Era cultivable system.

  6. Reaffirm whether there is a state of "Non-Thingness" discovered in physical science, then What?

  7. Describe what is at the "ultimate top", called by Gotama [ The End of Dukkha / Nirvana ], HuiNeng as Unmoving, then What to debunk 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes of Nirvana and Parinirvana from hard-core persistent professional cheaters[R18.4], claiming to know what they do not know to see what they do not see[D19]

In quoting the insight, we change "forget the wu-nien" into "miss the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" which is due to Not Trusting one's "Insight / Sensing / Feeling" at that moment to turn the "Right Effort" into "Wrong Effort", actually costing this writer 20 years of cross checking and testing. This happens very frequently to many due to Not sufficient Trust in one's Inner Power. The debunk of 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes hopes partly alleviating this Issue blah blah blah by unworthy people in all organized religions. Via Wise Việt (Minh Triết Việt), it is well-known among Vietnamese, the description is not the described even for the original author and what one listens may not be what the speaker means. It is the practicality at the bottom line in one's continuity of the consciousness that counts. Esoterically, one student in our group senses that Thái Tông was a reincarnation of Gotama. Thanks to be a small part of an effort to minimize damages caused by esoteric dark forces - guiding the Illuminati World order - we know for sure and can dialog with the Vietnamese monk Thích Quảng Đức who is confirmed as the reincarnation of Gotama. If that is the case in this continuity of the consciousness, see for yourself significant damage caused by Buddhist cheating Sangha driven by armies of professional cheaters[R18.4] that even the author of original precious gifts to humanity has been bullied and cheated to the point he could not recognize the Inner Clear Sky to see face-to-face with one's real untainted person.

Contrary to common thread in Buddhist "beating around the bush" - including Vimalakirti’s "Gate of Nonduality and Thunderous Silence" - in describing "pairs of opposites are created by the mind" and their suggested theoretical solutions of "the Blinds touching Elephant" without delivering scientific solutions to move from duality of existence to the "Oneness" state for perceiving "Thing-As-It-Is" situation for a "Right Effort, the "pairs of opposites are Actualities" due to the Dependent Nature of existence. There are scientific cultivable processes from discovering natural laws (#PrajnaTIPs) and conditions in Opening the notches (KhaiPhong) of tainted senses, being aware of the driving force behind one's "Volition / Sankhara" and transcending conflicting dualities toward #SamadhiPrajna. The bottom-line of "Ignorant Dependent Nature" due to tainted senses or "Wise Dependent Nature" due to #Prajna is measurable to guide one's states and stock of #Prajna toward What Count. That is the difference and complement between the Positive and Normative Intelligence in Making Life Easier and Happier.

In the case of Trần Thái Tông, his [ thought / wu-nien (hữu niệm / vô niệm) ] is Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness and his "suddenly the veiled cloud gone and the sky clear" is a sudden awaken of Huineng's #DhyanaSamadhi { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }. This "Transcendental #Awareness (hữu niệm / vô niệm)" is totally different from Buddhist 2500+ years of training in (Mindfulness / Concentration); the #Awareness is capable to obstruct and restrict karmic forces[D22]. If he were Gotama then he has completely lost "#Prajna" capable to dissolve dominant outdated marks in Making Life Easier and Happier which is a completely unknown among most of his [ monks / nuns / followers ] in 2500+ years of his Buddhist Sangha! He was even a complete stranger to Huineng's "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" } making his modified[D26] Eightfold Path completely useless.

Similar to the Quantum Fields where everything is connected, "Prajna / Conscience / Wisdom" is the first time cultivable in the right conditions to be discovered, and statistically significant measurable as outcomes of subjectively self rated achievable "Signed Posts" and depth of [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] at the bottom line of "Then What".

[R7.4] Trần Hưng Đạo - Born Prince Trần Quốc Tuấn (1228–1300) was the Supreme Commander of Vietnam during the Trần Dynasty. He commanded the Đại Việt armies that repelled three major Mongol invasions in the 13th century. His triple victories over the mighty Mongol Yuan Dynasty under Kublai Khan are considered among the greatest military feats in world history. General Trần Hưng Đạo’s military brilliance and prowess are reflected in many warfare treatises that he authored.

His last advise to the Vietnamese King comprises of three principles:

  1. "Kindness and Empathy" once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties.

  2. Continuous effort in Learning and Doing to manifest one's Worthy Existence of the wise[R10]; you are in part discover and in part create the Real You (the Wise tame themselves - Dhammapala verse 80 - attanam damayanti pandita).

  3. All Efforts come "From people, By people, and For people" in delivering the practicality at the bottom line of Right Effort. He used the word "citizen" in his military treatise for the Vietnamese context.

[R8] Brain Magic - a demonstration of how easy one can be tricked with conditioned thoughts and feelings of self-deception. Here is another demonstration to enable the Green Field of human mind "easily hacked in Hypnosis" and/or divert its attention that all isms, ideals and religions, faked news, etc, are trying to enslave you into a "Pavlov dog".

Can one properly manage one's mind, keeping it "Fresh" in [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment"page 126 in The Zen doctrine of no-mind [R5.1] } - keeping the mind unworn-out by stresses having Transcendental #Awareness - shortening the discrepancy between the Reality (what one sees) and Actuality (of 'Thing As it Is') that creates many unnecessary Sufferings? The answer is "Yes" at seven (7) different depths of [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] states of the mind known by living students to be scientifically implemented at the right time.

It's possible in "KhaiPhong" coming from discovered natural laws to enable most people passing the Gateway-to-Oneness and beyond, riding on Natural Purification[D26] from Gotama's "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Empty-The-Content / Samma Samadhi[D5]" to naturally purify tainted up-to-the-sixth senses as actually demonstrated and clear "one's inner sky[R7.3]" for a sudden manifestation due to Detachment of HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna[R5] in the seventh sense of seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for the "Right Understanding and Right Motivation (Prajna division of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path)" of any event, statistically significant in "Making Life Easier and Happier

To further point out the significance of this discovery in entire human history and higher realms leading to the known degeneration of the claimed "Illuminati Elites" of ignorance about one's innate quality of the consciousness - commonly known as the "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God from Within / Latin Humanitas / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / No god but God" - being Pulled and Pushed by Greed and Fears at both mental and physical levels imposed by all isms up to 2024, here are the 2020 three strong leaders of the world that we esoterically know their patterns and past connections of many 1000+ years of street smart on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, capable to lift off the duality to the plane of No-Conflict consciousness of Complex Fibonacci sequence of evolution-degeneration as described at minute 7:00: President Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Xi Jinping of China, and President Donald Trump of USA.

With President Putin, see how he could bluff the violent mob documented at 2:45 minutes of the video (the video has been removed); With President Xi Jinping, see how he has changed from Confucius Institute to "Belt and Road Initiative" with modified China's new type of party system, and noisy explanations in the difference between China globalization versus Western past Globalization / Colonialism leading to Inclusive Globalization in the culture of dominant Han of bullying and cunning back-door politics evidenced in the history of Baiyue / Bách Việt without learning the 5000+ years of Chinese Wisdom and its integration with Indian Wisdom for the manifestation of #Prajna actually demonstrated by HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi plus #SamadhiPrajna, and theoretically explained in Dharmapala-XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness / Outside-the-box to be community-proven statistically significant epistemic objective, acting as the driving force to direct Machine and Deep Learning (AI) [ #Prajna >< AI ]; With President Donald Trump, see his pattern of inflicting Fear in zero-sum game of "I win You Loose" and his Not Being Slaved but Wrongly Riding on Word/Image and Thought in bullying others rather than rational win-win deals of human intelligent assets through all activities and relationships.

The 5000+ years of Chinese Wisdom and its integration with Indian Wisdom - when augmented with Western scientific (observable, testable, and reproducible) process - is very relevant and significant for the new Era of Human Conscious Living, challenged by Soyen Shaku[R6] to clean up unworthy people from past dedicated explorers. More specifically, it is the Chinese [ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ], [ Strategic Position / Địa Lợi ], [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ] that everyone can be both an Accountable creator and part of the Responsible Creation as a human (intelligent) asset in one's Continuity of the identifiable Consciousness. KhaiPhong rides on Invisible Hands of Economics and #Prajna to meet Soyen's Challenge head-on, opening a New Era of Higher Consciousness in practical living. The "2019 Trade War" between US and China is a continuous process of "[ Greed / Attachment and Fear / Aversion ]" from the beginning of humanity up until 2024 of all conflicting isms and religions in enslaving the mass for group benefits of minority. The trade mathematical proof does not (1) take into account the possibility of hacking into human mind driven by Greed and Fear from unworthy people of all isms well known in the degeneration of the Illuminati elites after the Second World War, (2) have scientific solution for "Human Panacea or Gotama's Dukkha" which is a natural process in "Qualified Transcendental #Awareness"[D22] to Empty-The-Content whatever the content is, (3) include deliverable Chinese practicalities of XuanZang Conscious of the Consciousness / Outside-the-Box[D19], and (4) implement HuiNeng [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm ] presently available from identified Chinese students in KhaiPhong extended circles actually knowing "[ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm ]" beyond level 5 in sensing "the driving sources of thoughts" capable at #AwarenessPrajna in Forecasting and Simulation around the F-dimension at Fibonacci F8 = 21 and 1000+ years of worthy past connections.

The three Presidents of the World are "very smart" and deep inside they all actually know something Beyond the Greed and Fear far beyond all claimed religious leaders as historically known in the dialogue between Bodhidharma and Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty and its aftermath on the Emperor quality of the consciousness according to Natural Laws. This "Beyond the Greed and Fears" has been explored and value-added by many dedicated explorers in entire human history known under different names such as (1) Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna, (2) Jesus's Kingdom of God within, (3) Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent via Detachment, (4) HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi (outside-in) and #SamadhiPrajna (inside-out), (5) XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness, (6) Soyen's "God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality", (7) AI Neural Networks or training layers from huge data processing, and (8) KhaiPhong's Compassion-Prajna which are all measurable via the manifestations in the Right Effort of Then What in user private Neural Graph Database.

Similar to knowing and using sub-atomic layers either for "Making Life Easier and Happier" or destroying life and environment, the tremendous power from knowing and using the power of "Beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought" can be used in the "Right Effort" leading to higher "Quality of the Consciousness" for one and the whole or "degeneration" of self-illusions as known in the entire human history of all isms where organised religions are parts. The Significance of this possible Integration - enabling Cultivable Consciousness to drive allocation of resources to AI Deep Learning, and AI to turn Consciousness Technologies into a solid established Science - can be seen and learned from Value of the values found in binding Word/Image and clinging Thought exposed in "Right Understanding of Enlightenment".

With the Persona Stream of Awareness via user-facing tool mu recording the "statements of facts" from your self-rated Right Effort, you can - riding on Persona (1) Custom Feed, (2) Consciousness and Transcendental technologies, (3) AI Machine Learning, and (4) Deep Learning - consciously knowing more about yourself, cultivating proper quality of the consciousness and contributing your "secret sauce" to humanity in "Making Life Easier and Happier". The new Era of Conscious Living is Now that we are implementing in custom ai where we ask you being an active part.

The grassroots revolution in Chinese Cultural Revolution - attempted to reactivate the spirits of Chinese ancient Spring-Autumn period (771 to 403 BC) - was failed due to Not at the right time and place since the "mass Inner Awakening" can only happen in the stability of outside order. The imposing of outside order via Confucius Institute is not appropriate in advancements of "Human Rights" and global communications and collaborations. It is now (2024) possible due to international laws and enforceable orders for outside stability of proven tested top-down technologies, plus available technologies and favourable conditions to regain one's innate quality of "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" from bottom-up breakthroughs in diversities. This possibility will naturally happen - Wei-Wu-Wei / Bất Chiến Tự Nhiên Thành - to enforce the natural laws and orders according to discovered Thing-As-It-Is with contributed implementations from Gotama's [ #AwarenessPrajna ] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Wu-Nien that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }, Dharmapala-XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness / Outside-the-box, and most importantly HuiNeng's [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }, [ #DhyanaSamadhi ] { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi } and [ #SamadhiPrajna ] { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna for Right Understanding, while #Prajna is the activity of Samadhi for Right Motivation" }.

There are presently Chinese living students, actually knowing these states with possible past connections to the highest current levels of Chinese and Russian leaders that they may be immediately recognisable among themselves due to the ability of sensing energy vibrations of all involved parties to do something together for humanity.

[R9] Self-deception - patterns of self-deception. See how easy it is to be pulled and pushed by 'Binding Word/Image' and 'Clinging Thought' employed by all 'isms' to enslave humanity in the master-slave relationships.

[R10] Is there a real you? - the Wise tame themselves (Dhammapala verse 80 - attanam damayanti pandita): you are in part discover and in part create the Real You.

[R11] A Demonstration of the Heart sutra - Lama Dondrup Dorje via Qi Gong. What is Qi Gong and the Art of "Riding-The-Ox" of your physical and mental manifestations? Please carefully observe How does Lama Dondrup Dorje use his "directed Transcendental-Awareness" to either reflect the opponent's energy and/or direct the force to different direction, then explore KhaiPhong "Wu-Nien / Vô-Niệm / Transcendental Awareness / Kiến Tánh" mathematically expressed on the X-dimension of its mathematical model starting from empirical observations of living students to scientifically discover the underlying natural laws and their optimal conditions to be statistically significant for different types of people which is also applicable to other techniques such as "Hindu yogic flying", and most importantly KhaiPhong applications of "Awareness-Prajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" beyond the Selfless #Awareness at Fibonacci F5 = 5 in its visible "Yogic Flying", solving all conflicts with Scientifically Cultivable "#Prajna", solving complex International Issues via "Prajna Dialectic", enforcing Inter-Realms Order and Justice with HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna.

    > Qi Gong Demonstration - a manifestation from Cosmic energy. Plus Fire Qi Gong - another manifestation from Cosmic energy to be later spiritually delivered at [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Vô-Niệm / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] level 6 and 7 of X-dimension in positive Fibonacci evolution.

Actual living according to the Heart Sutra demands actual experience in 'Verifiable Emptiness' of 'Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien' at the observed, 'No-Mark' once the action completed, 'Detachment' as a basis for the manifestation of Right Transcendental #AwarenessPrajna to see 'Thing As It Is' in daily activities. It is combined with "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" personally experienced by Gotama and other living students on the "Y-dimension" to naturally form the Truth Plane in the direction of the universal column energy, perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. Based either on #Prajna from positive Fibonacci evolution or cunning intelligence of idiot savants from negative Fibonacci degeneration, one can see the focused event from the layered F-dimension in Figure 11.1 orthogonal to the X-Y dimensions of Figure 2 from different perspectives at Patch C where [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] or B to reder all involved parties worse-off, and one's strategic position to push the outcome of the negotiable event. Commonly, the outcome is at "Fair Trade" Patch A [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] mathematically proven by International Trade to render all involved parties better-off. In terms of current 2024 International Issues and Conflicts at South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea and "the world strategic move" at CamRanh, KhaiPhong very advanced Chinese student will ride on personal ability of "Wu-Nien / Vô-Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" at level 6 of layered No-Conflict Consciousness (F-dimension) for forecastings and simulations to effortlessly / Wei-Wu-Wei drive all involved parties via "Foreign Affairs" to the Harmonious Melting Pot of the "Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of #Prajna" on equal claims and contributions of "Human Rights" from the West and the East as anticipated by Soyen Shaku early 1900 in his vision "Budh Dharma was born from India, germinates in China, grows in Japan, and will maturate throughout the world" of the new Era of "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations", explained in Figure 2.

KhaiPhong strategy is to (1) ride on available highly qualified living students having their many 1000+ man-years of "Worthy Connections" with people currently holding powers to help them changing themselves and the World toward What Count from "Top-Down" of Foreign Affairs, and (2) build user-facing tool container mu from the ground up to equalize the playing field of all interested parties, exiting with "Opportunities to Do Good" at "Bottom-Up". Once the KpPlatform is in shape, the entire world and Inter-Realms will be part of it in the new Era of Harmonious Living with injections of microservices from "Inside-Out and Outside-In". The cultivation process is scientific[R1], starting from one's [ ComPassion-Prajna ] of (Right Understanding and Right Motivation) to be a Good Person (Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood) while deepening one's stability in [ ComPassion-Praja / Sunyata ] as described in the A Demonstration of the Heart sutra (Right Effort, Right Transcendental-Awareness, Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace).

The process naturally Purifies one's senses and entanglements to enable 'Verifiable Emptiness' rejuvenate all activities to directly experience at different depths of Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity. Deepening this process, one may have a glimpse of the flowing process (gambhiram prajnaparamitacaryam) as described in the Heart Sutra where Living is just a manifestation of the Whole; one is both an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.

The Science of Consciousness accumulates proven trails that everyone can explore to infuse the 'Perfected Nature' (Parinispanna) into relative activities, moving away from 'Imaginary Nature' (Parikalpita) causing Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts into 'Dependent Nature' (Paratantra) closing the gap between Reality and Actuality (Figure 1).

Along the trail, there are many who can access the Source (the Nameless, the Tao, the Totality transcending both the "Observer" and the "Observed") acting as a conduit infusing cosmic energy to neutralize current blocking abnormality of the relative existence. It is NOT the source of Grasping "higher manifested knowledge" to enslave the Grasper rather than serving the presence, but "No-Mark" once the action completed due to the foundation of "Detachment". Using the power of the source (Chi) for mitigating physical pains and/or balanced health is only the beginning. A wider perspective is to show people the Way or the Essence of the Right Effort in one's Continuity of the Consciousness so everyone is an agent of Changes, fully responsible for one's action and the environment one a part.

Knowing the Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict 'Gateway to Oneness' and having the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent - either in Dhyana (meditation), natural levitation, Sudden Awaken then Awakening - is the beginning to know one is more than the current physical and energy body. What really count[R23] is one's Quality of the Consciousness which is momentarily changed by one's Volition (Free Will - Sankhara) either driven by #Prajna or Ignorance (Table 2). The highest assistance is to open one's Heart and Crown Chakras plus infusing the cosmic energy to give the targets a big push. There are living students, capable to make this invisible but most precious thing happened.

Many too much sucked into an Abyss of their hallucination[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2], rendering them to have no minimum Conscience to know the Right and the Unworthy of their action. To have the Heart and Crown Chakras opened in the above highest assistance will enable them to have a second thought before committing an unthinkable mistake. That is how the astral bodies of many visible and invisible leaders being helped to prepare for the new 'Budh Era' in Evolution of the Consciousness. It is the process of infusing the 'Perfected Nature' into 'Imaginary Nature' to turn it closer to the 'Dependent Nature' of the Right Effort.

Since one has evolved for a long time with current innate [ ComPassion-Prajna ] of understanding and motivation, everyone can contribute something for the benefits of one's life and others based on one's unique 'Comparative Advantages' to verify the scientific facts of the Heart Sutra and the wholesome continuous cultivation, accessing the 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth' from the 'Conventional Truth' for being an Integrated Person.

[R12] The Four Noble Truths - a new beginning of Buddhist scientific approach. The second part of the lecture: [R12.1].

[R13] The Four Seals of Dharma - As explained by a Buddhist monk Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, a recognized third reincarnation (1961 - ?) of the founder of Khyentse lineage of Tibetan Buddhism from the first reincarnation Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820–1892) and the second incarnation renowned lama Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro (1893–1959) has been totally dedicated to the Buddhist Inner Quest for a traceable long time, currently well educated and very active in the direction of Worthy Existence according to Scientific Facts discovered from Buddhist Dharma.

All compounded things are impermanent. All emotions are painful. All phenomena are empty. Nirvana is beyond extremes.

— the 'Actuality' of most Buddhist monks and nuns at the present messy state of Buddhist cheating Sangha.

[R13.1] Claimed Vajradhara and Dorje Chang Buddha III: - claimed Highest Buddhist Masters according to their Organization Chart extracted from the book (the link has been removed) which shows the mess-up of human realm and political manipulation based on 'Word/Image' and 'Thought' of organized religions, utopia and esoteric connections to enforce master-slave relationships that destroy both slaves (billion lives) and masters (the collapse of the God / Bodhisattva / Buddha feudal system).

Esoterically, most entities having names in the claimed hierarchy of the imposters were significantly degenerated and had their own issues to be sorted out from the past 100,000+ man years. The imposters are masters in using clinging Thought and binding Word/Image - the lowest negative side of X-dimension binding intelligent beings to tainted senses - to write up their story based on frictional and factual events as they did in creating the Bible. This time they use the degenerated Vajradhara Buddha (Phật Kim Cang) to ride on his deceptions. That shows the importance and significance of Right Relationships in AwakeningBudh beyond the human realm, extended to God / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms.

One cannot accept the 'God Willing' based on 'Clinging Thought' given to Muslim, but can be a part to drive the Gods, Humanity, and the Whole Environment toward a Right Direction[R1] due to the Buddha Nature innate in everyone. Test all who may be parts of your Inner Circle and circles of inner circles whether they are Explorers dedicated to know more about themselves and the environment they are a part, and see if they are qualified Budh Counselors - capable to be beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought so one can learn something from one another in Thing-As-It-Is - then the depths of Sunyata having scientific signed posts where Verifiable Emptiness is its observable manifestation.

It is the responsibility of one's Worthy Existence to be a Good Person and in a wider perspective - cultivating the Budh Dharma (Tao, Totality) - from 'the Essence of the Right Effort' in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

[R14] Geshe Kelsang Gyatso - The Path of Compassion and Wisdom in the Mahayana Buddhist study and meditation centres that follow the Kadampa Buddhist tradition: Volume 1: Sutra, Volume 2: Tantra, Volume 3: Prayers of Modern Buddhism.

The description of 'Emptiness' is not the 'described' and Is Not Empty. The monk's descriptions are totally inside the conditioned Thought - not qualified as a Budh Counselor - having no "Oneness / Dharmakaya / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" totally in the trap of an esoteric force. They have marketed the Gotama phenomenon in Mahayana / Buddhayana texts to sabotage Gotama's discoveries immediately after his death and turned his discoveries 180 degrees to different direction.

Here are scientific Issues to be resolved by all Buddhist Universities, Institutions, scholars, monks / nuns / followers from all countries in all sects, and concerned parties to take 'Emptiness' out of the conceptual level of those who do not Know nor Have into 'Thing As It Is' beneficial in actual living:

Gotama's discoveries
  1. 'Dukkha' As It Is, having the innate Buddha Nature with Volition / Freewill / Sankhara to Know and Act according to the Right and Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment leading toward 'Detachment' and 'Natural Purification' via 'Verifiable Emptiness' (Table 1).

  2. 'Detachment' as a basis for the natural manifestation of #Prajna in Gotama's Right Relationships where everyone can have unique comparative advantages to create Value, fully responsible for one's actions and the environment one a part.

  3. 'Natural Purification' via 'Verifiable Emptiness' up to the mountain-top Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha that via the real Tantra of 'Self-Respect and Respect Other' in the Dependent Nature of Existence, one can ultimately going beyond attracting / conflicting duality of male-female forms by Transcendental #Awareness at the source of thoughts to manage one's realities, and using the force of Natural Purification to be actually beyond sex.
Executed by Buddhist Sanghas
  1. Possible 'Liberation' by raising one's inferiority complex and exaggerating one's realities (dukkha) while dishonestly painting the pictures of Pure Land and Buddha Utopia in boosting the stages of Bodhisattvas and Arhats to kick-start the new Master-Slave relationships totally at 'conditioned thought'.

  2. Indoctrinated addictions to Recitation of Sutras from thought constructions, plus Praying and Ritual entertainments to firmly enforce the intended Master-Slave relationships away from the Right Relationships of Dependent Nature in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

  3. Purification via meditation on Emptiness and Tantra addicted Bliss in temporary release of sexual pressure to mask Gotama's verifiable Emptiness with 'Bliss and Emptiness' which is in reality 'sexual ejaculation in releasing its pressure', including the transformation of sexual juice into 'Chi' known by a living student and a false claim by Kalachakra in 100% transformation of sexual juice.

The trap ultimately leads one to master-slave addiction of what the saboteurs / imposters do not know nor have, guarded by an army of Buddhist cheating monks who do not know the Sources of their Thoughts and the States of their Beings, rather than Gotama's Right Relationships due to the innate Buddha Nature, capable to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment.

The whole Buddhist traditions do not know the Purification process coming from Verifiable Emptiness, naturally disentangled the entanglements (accumulated and outdated marks) from the sources of one's senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) and one's aggregate entanglements (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness).

[R14.1] In My Own Words - An Introduction to My Teachings and Philosophy by the Dalai Lama.

But as we are concerned here with tantric practices, the appearance of the object is recommended to be withdrawn.

We can start this practice in either of two ways: We can first dissolve all appearances and then meditate on emptiness, or first meditate on emptiness and then dissolve all appearances of the objects.

The suggested technique is (1) identifying what is negated, (2) reflecting whether an independent self exists ..., things are said to exist only nominally. There is no objective reality.

Understanding Emptiness, pages 163, 165, and 167

The word 'dissolve' means Transcend and 'emptiness' means the state where the mentioned gross attribute is Not There. Both 'Transcend' and 'Emptiness' mean "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" toward "Non-Thingness" whatever the content is. To what extent "#EmptyTheContent" a human [ vessel / container / soul / alaya ] can reach is "Verifiable Emptiness" - known by Gotama 2500+ years ago - that we propose to set its scientific foundation at both theoretical level and empirical verification so other investigators and explorers do not have to start from square One of hearsay and exploitation.

The described methods from the Highest Tantra are either from the ones who stole the description from the true explorers and/or from cheaters to market the 'faked know-how' as a trade secret to sell what they did not know or have. The process description from the Dalai Lama is faulty due to the conflicting duality and separation between the 'Transcendental' and the 'Emptiness' which are not the two separate processes but One. This hard evidence scientifically demonstrates that the Dalai Lama XIV has not passed the "Gateway-to-Oneness" and does not know the process of "Dissolution and/or #EmptyTheContent".

It is faulty, similar to the trap to enslave the whole Buddhist Sangha into the conditioned thought of 'ethical codes' with its master-slave ritual and praying - contrary to Gotama original Virtue in the modified[D26] Eightfold Path - then to the separating / conflicting duality of #Samadhi (Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent) and Wisdom (#Prajna) [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ][D46]. It is then painted with Meditation and Bliss that most monks do not know what meditation is about except Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts in their whole lives and lives-after-lives, yet make a very degenerated living - competing with other claimed and divisional Truths in their international cheating clubs - selling what they do not know nor have. HuiNeng pointed out this 'faulty' over thousands years ago in his #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền-Định) and #SamadhiPrajna. Very few - up to 2024 - can understand this state. It must wait for the right time for the precious state of Natural Purification to be delivered to the mass in the new Budh Era.

These two are momentary state depending on the angle of the description. The same state can be described as 'Transcendental' or '#EmptyTheContent'. It is Not a practice of one state first then the next with both at the conditioned thoughts as put out by a huge volume of Buddhist meditation on emptiness from those who do not know the Meditation - #DhyanaSamadhi nor the Emptiness - #SamadhiPrajna. It is beyond all clutches at thought level, but can be cultivated to move from 'Conventional Truth' to 'Ultimate (Wider) truth', accessing the "Oneness" and regaining the potentiality of an Integrated Person.

Via the gateway to Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, the Heart Sutra[R2] gives one description of the process in dissolving the Observed (form, feeling, perception, impulse, consciousness) to utter Silence of Purity for cultivating sufficient "states" and "stock" of #Prajna "dwelling in no mind enclosure" to reach "Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha". Let's challenge all Buddhists, monks and nuns to deliver the 'described', not the 'description' of what they do not know nor have, falling into the trap at conditioned thought of an esoteric force - claimed Buddhas and Bodhisattvas - trying to divert Gotama's discoveries into opposite direction of master-slave relationships that we esoterically know the leaders and their degeneration.

[R15] Chögyam Trungpa - a claimed buddhist meditation master and holder of both the Kagyu and Nyingma lineages, the eleventh Trungpa tülku, a tertön, supreme abbot of the Surmang monasteries, scholar, teacher, poet, artist, and originator of a radical re-presentation of Shambhala vision.

Due to the Continuity of the Consciousness, logically see how the Quality of this stream of Consciousness will evolve according to Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction for your 'continuous Learning and Doing'. That is the typical quality of consciousness of most Buddhist monks and nuns, significantly degenerated due to a "Wrong Living" in being a Buddhist unworthy and professional cheating monk.

[R16] Parable of the Good Samaritan - mentioned in only one of the Canonical gospels, but the most significant factor accepted by almost all Christians or None-Christians.

[R17] Mother Teresa - see how the embedded Kindness was destroyed in the confined brick walls of faith that may cost many lives before one can grow out of the clinging thought[R1]. Esoterically she was the reincarnation of Saint Teresa of Ávila. You can look at the two pictures side-by-side to draw your own conclusion.

Knowing the Equanimity Verifiable Emptiness, the natural Purification will loosen the grips of binding Word/Image in one's core consciousness. Only at Purity Verifiable Emptiness, the clinging thought will be disentangled and one can gradually be out of the conditioned brick walls of faith.

[R17.1] Archbishop Ngo-Dinh-Thuc Martyr for the Faith - Please trace the whole life of this 'Martyr for the Faith' who was spreading the 'Good News' of 'Priest, Faithful, and Infidel' rather than 'Good Samaritan' under different model/process - Infallible Pope as the gatekeeper and Faith, rather than just Faith as one aspect of inner Aspiration - from the Church.

Similarly, Saint Augustine was the driver in Salvation based on Faith ('Sola Fide') and not "works of the law", to solidifying the Foundation for existence (sine qua non) of the Christian. The 'grasped / attachment' is very deep in human psychology, 1500+ years of 'Sola Fide' to the climax of attempting to convert Vietnam to that faith but failed, then finally Excommunicated by the same Roman Catholic Church.

Hope you can see the importance of '#Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Conscience' in one's Continuity of the Consciousness and know how to use #Prajna in the 'Simulation Technology' to take out the outdated Marks most dominant in your life.

[R18] Pope Innocent III - one of the most powerful and influential popes in the history of the papacy.

His tracked records were 100% opposite to the 'Innocent' name that similar to 'Love' most involved parties in the entire evil Roman Catholic Church do not know nor have since Love is beyond 'Word' which is 'God' as written in the bible[John 1:1] 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God'.

Behind any word are innumerable conflicting thoughts, and behind any thought are innumerable motivations driven by the entanglements embedded in forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness.

[R18.1] Pope Alexander VI - The saga of a crime family (The Borgias) to the pinnacle of the Roman Catholic Church and their tactics to maintain the power of the Infallibility, personally guaranteed by the (Hoax of Jesus) Redeemer. Force the claimed Infallibilities and Redeemer dropped their masks, revealing their Realities.

[R18.2] The Bad Popes - Bottom line hard facts of claimed 'Infallibility guaranteed by the (Hoax of Jesus) Redeemer': Pope Stephen VI (896–897) who had his predecessor Pope Formosus exhumed, tried, de-fingered, briefly reburied, and thrown in the Tiber; Pope John XII (955–964) who gave land to a mistress; murdered several people, and was killed by a man who caught him in bed with his wife; Pope Benedict IX (1032–1044, 1045, 1047–1048) who "sold" the Papacy; Pope Boniface VIII (1294–1303) who is lampooned in Dante's Divine Comedy; Pope Urban VI (1378–1389) who complained that he did not hear enough screaming when Cardinals who had conspired against him were tortured; Pope Alexander VI (1492–1503), a Borgia, who was guilty of nepotism and whose unattended corpse swelled until it could barely fit in a coffin; Pope Leo X (1513–1521), a spendthrift member of the Medici family who once spent 1/7 of his predecessors' reserves on a single ceremony; Pope Clement VII (1523–1534), also a Medici, whose power-politicking with France, Spain, and Germany got Rome sacked.

[R18.3] Unworthy / Criminals - (the video has been removed) A term for anyone who has committed a crime, whether convicted of the offense or not such as a "human physical and/or cultural genocide". It is thousands years of crimes against humanity, penetrated in all organized religions and isms have been well documented due to possible threats of masters-slaves relationships from "Illuminati Elites" whose members have been very fragmented in different conflicting interest groups due to the top esoteric layers (their masters of masters) have been exposed and destroyed. The outcome for a new Era is thanks to the "Volition / Sankhara / The Right Thing-to-Do" coming from Good Forces whose students have been strategically placed at the Right Places / Realms / Positions and Right Time that we are lucky to play a very small part. Members of the dark forces - especially those controlled by the "image of an owl for Buddhists and Christians or white light for Muslims" and/or signed contracts sealed with their own blood - are now Freely acting according to their "Conscience / Wisdom / Quality of the Consciousness / Free Will, known in Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path as the cultivable Right Understanding and Right Motivation to change the quality of their uniquely identifiable streams of consciousness and the environments they are parts according to natural laws of "Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction". The verdict is there for you to judge based on the discovered lasting Values or norms of Latin Humanitas - biology, Compassion, Wisdom (#Prajna) - which is not any more an "idealistic" philosophy but possible discovered TRUTH, verifiable by most people commonly known as epistemic objectives due to cultivable discovered natural laws.

The word philosophy comes from Greek philosophia - φιλοσοφία - literally means "love of wisdom" or the scientific attitude of challenging all "descriptions" to actually discover the "described", not the blind Faith as indoctrinated in all divisional organized religions and isms that all claimed Buddhists, Catholics, Islamists , Taoists, Confucianists, communists, capitalists, etc must do something about their Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought which are verifiable signed posts to be free from the evil tactics driven by Greed and Fear to destroy their own lives and billion lives of others. The word TRUTH means (1) the quality / state of being true or a mathematical point on the plane of TRUTH from the [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience / Oneness ]" dimension orthogonal to all realms of manifested intelligent existence, (2) that which is true or in accordance with fact / actuality or an aggregate of these planes of TRUTH from all angles on the plane of duality. Where one is - cultivable higher / deeper relative to the base line from the duality to the transcendental source of Oneness - on these planes of TRUTH count[R23] since only on these planes of TRUTH one can see Thing-As-It-Is at the duality point of interest and strategic position to change the event.

A typical legal case to assure minimum achievable standard quality of a living person using a very small portion of available evidences to legally assure the verdict had been duely investigated with its international judgement against the Roman Catholic Church. The same verdict can be reached in all organized religions and isms, different only in the degrees and nature of the crimes against humanity. In the case of Buddhism, the cheating monks, nuns, followers directly violate Gotama ethical codes of "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối"[D46].

[R18.4] Professional Cheaters / Scam Artists - and its definition / meaning. Please investigate all organized religions and isms to arrive at your own verdict. Then do something for your conscious and/or unconscious slavery imposed by the above unworthy to destroy their own lives and the lives of their victims.

If you claim to be a religious leader and/or placed in any relationship / activity wherever you are, please know more about yourself recognizing the quality of your identifiable stream of consciousness since that quality will lead you to the next quality of existence according to natural laws of Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction. You are in part discover and in part create the Real You; the Wise tame themselves (Dhammapala verse 80 - attanam damayanti pandita).

[R19] The Lost Sutras of Jesus - early Chinese manuscripts of Christian teachings, influenced by Buddhists and Taoists, found in Dunhuang together with Buddhist manuscripts.

The genuine search for 'Who Am I and the Essence of the Right Effort' has been with great explorers, but exploited by imposters and opportunists to form organized religions where they are the Gate Keepers, the Chosen One, the One and Only.

There is a real need in the Science of the Consciousness, exposing and zooming in scientific facts or pieces of Truth picked up by great members of humanity to be empirically verified in scientific processes according to discovered Natural Laws to be Integrated Person. Scientifically, all manifestations are conditioned and changing at Planck time. Via modern optimal engineering control system, there is a possibility to optimally reproduce the manifestation and its underlying process can be statistically proven as epistemic objective or just a personal opinion!

[R20] Inter-Realms from 2022 - and Reincarnation as explained by Bashar (the video is removed) in KhaiPhong "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" where integration of industry 4.0 Radio Technologies and available "Consciousness Technologies" relevant and actually happened in intelligent - Human, Esoterics, ETs - realms having [ Freewill / Volition / Sankhara ] in either positive Fibonacci where Prajna is scientifically cultivable or negative Fibonacci where cunning intelligence of "idiot savants" operate with scientifically cultivable solution from Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva[D49] to personally experience [ "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }.

Through a Vietnamese channel Xuân Mai known in VietNam, US, Canada from 1975 - 2007, intelligent beings[R20.1] - presented themselves as Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Inner-Circle members of the King of Gods, and peripheral Gods / Goddesses etc - open their eyes and fully functional as normal human persons (indistinguishable by people not knowing them) but recognizable as different entities and names with distinct behaviours, voices, and personas. Their appearances through the channel were instantaneous and effortless which demonstrate the Channel Synchronization between Bashar and Darryl Anka can be significantly improved.

It took few seconds as seen in 'Bashar' if they have to search for requested ones in different realms and/or places on earth such as from Canada to Vietnam and back which demonstrate the actuality of Teleportation. Their observable activities include shopping to select flowers for offerings, going picnics in group through one biological channel with other human friends, invisibly pushing the car stuck in the snow, demonstrating their Kung-Fu, etc.

If you have a capability of distant Hearing and Seeing - as the case of a Living Student that we wish the Right Time will be soon for her appearance - you can listen to their conversations on earth and what they are doing.

Few cautious words - based on our 40+ years of esoteric assistances and 12+ years of direct interacting and dealing with these forces - are necessary for those in direct contact with Esoteric Consciousness technologies.

  1. The Path of True or Righteous Heart based on one's innate Budh - having Conscience or capability to know the Right and Unworthy for one's existence - is absolutely required to Honestly and Actually 'Know Oneself' since there is a natural 'Freewill' or 'Volition / Sankhara' innate in one's Buddha Nature (Table 2) that can be a significant barrier against all artificial dark forces. It is further scientifically enforced with the new discovery in layered No-Conflict Consciousness forming the foundation of Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] which can be scientifically discovered underlying natural laws, tested, validated for sustainable directed developments toward What Count[R23].

  2. The claimed Amitabha-Amitayus Buddha, Vajradhara Buddha (Phật Kim Cang), Forever God and One-and-Only Allah, together with their associates are very skilful in the Art of Deception using Binding Word/Image, Clinging Thought, and fearful techniques of coercion. The effective solution against this thousands years-old technique is to be an Integrated Person - accessing one's full potentiality via Intuition, Brain Intelligence, and the visible outside-the-box infusion of Compassion and Prajna. These attributes are cultivable right from the Present Moment and measurable as your Key Performance Indicator (KPI) in your KhaiPhong (Table 1.1): Beyond-Thought at the Observed, No-Mark on one's Substance once the action completed, Detachment as one's basis to have Transcendental-Awareness of seeing 'Thing As it Is'.

  3. The esoteric forces driving [Christianity, Islam, Vajrayana, Pure Land] can use their knowledge in the Science of Consciousness to influence and change your feelings, perceptions, impulses such as Fears, Sexual and other Desires to unbearable points. One needs to be Alert and Vigilant in any relationship despite horrific plans of the dark force to eliminate over 90% human population by force had been "foiled" at the esoteric high level. People working under their instructions are still there and in controlling positions to either do Bad or Good to humanity[R20.3], [R20.4]. Nevertheless, the effective solution to counter-act this technique is the core element of Consciousness - the Verifiable Emptiness to have all good and bad manifestations rejuvenated and naturally reborn, asserted at the mountain-top level in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] which are scientific facts as our suggested Researches to be continuously updated with verifiable empirical evidences.

  4. 'Know Oneself' - assisted by the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong - to consciously appreciate and build Worthy Relationships in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles, being fully responsible for one's actions to change oneself and the environment one a part in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The dark forces have switched their strategies, combining both resources under their own control with significant comparative advantages: (1) financial resources to manipulate the World economics and politics, (2) consciousness technologies to ride on the needs of modern knowledge - especially the science of the consciousness - to enslave one's "lower self" of "Grasper" and the "Grasped" to the chain of "Higher Self" in manipulating / selecting one's Reality which is a "burn image" to override one's innate Conscience (Prajna) and Compassion (common vibration of energy in the Dependent Nature of existence).

[R20.1] VỊ LAI PHÁP - Inter-Realms interactions and Vietnamese channels in preparation for the New Era: (1) TỲ LÔ GIÁ NA PHẬT, (2) DỊCH CHUYỂN CỦA MỘT LINH HỒN QUA TỪNG KIẾP ĐỜI, (3) CÁC ĐẤNG VỀ GIẢNG PHÁP, (4) CÁC LINH THẦN TRONG THỜI HIỆN KIẾP, (5) NGƯỜI NGOÀI HÀNH TINH, (6) "LINH CĂN CỦA ANH SHAN VỀ NÓI CHUYỆN", (7) DIÊU TRÌ ĐỊA MẪU THUYẾT GIẢNG, etc. You can use Google auto-translate in sub-title of your language by setting button of the YouTube video to (1) demonstrate all past esoteric and/or humanistic [ isms / religions / schools ] are at word/image and thought level on duality plane of conflicting events having all burdens of Living without Being in the negative Fibonacci degeneration of "Idiot Savants" rather than in scientifically cultivable #Prajna of the positive Fibonacci evolution capable of being "Outside-The-Box / Consciousness of the consciousness"[D19], and (2) mark the golden Era of humanity in higher consciousness of #Prajna to reclaim one's [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas ] having [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment". In the sixth turning of understanding you can drop all burdens once actions completed and continuously put your Right Effort in #Prajna for heavy lifting out of the duality plane of conflicting events.

It has been partially reflected in the western version having conscious living persons poking into the question of "Wealth and Social Responsibilities" even before the "esoteric collapse" from 1% of The One Percent, published since 2011. We may be ready - from 2024 onward - for the Science and Economics of Oneness in KhaiPhong to explore Quantum Consciousness[R2.1] pioneered by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna[R5].

Those who knew 'Xuân Mai' from 1975 to 2007 in Vietnam - US - Canada for Avalokitesrvara Bodhisattva and her associates please go public to contrast the differences between this channel and the momentary snatching technology to expose the esoteric unworthy[R18.3] of the dark forces[R20.3], [R20.4] who - just like hardcore persistent professional cheaters[R18.4] in Buddhist cheating Sangha violating Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối" - claimed the current existence of their degenerated feudal system that they even do not know what will happen to their identifiable streams of consciousness according to natural laws for sustainable Moral Values and Value of the values.

The lesson learned is to know more about oneself - being an integrated person having outside-the-box #Prajna on the Compassion tree deep rooted in invisible Sunyata. The Science and Economics of KhaiPhong uses the clearly defined Good Person provided by observable outcomes of [ Kindness Empathy Joy Detachment / Từ Bi Hỷ Xả ] as "traffic rules" in Artificial Intelligence to assist [ user / organization / persona ] navigate daily roads of activities and relationships where there exists "reckless drivers" to be an Agent-of-Changes changing oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23].

The differences with "self-driving car technologies" are that the more one can access wider perspective from the X-Y TRUTH plane orthogonal to the degeneration or evolution layered intelligent beings F dimension through the normative science of consciousness as advised by Gotama[D22], the more [ Effortless Right Action / Wei Wu Wei ] due to Natural Purification of the senses one can have, the more one can change oneself and the environment (of the "reckless drivers") toward the foundation of [ Kindness Empathy Joy Detachment / Từ Bi Hỷ Xả ] via Politics (normative economics) and (positive) Economics to enable true democracy and human rights where everyone can be a part.

It is the Right Effort in one's "Body & Mind" as foundation for scientifically cultivable higher consciousness augmented with ethical AI via "Compassion >< #Prajna" on the event Truth Plane of Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension and Empty-The-Content Y-dimension. It is the new phase of VỊ LAI PHÁP / Inter-Realms interactions, the last step of our Engineering Roadmap, implementing the Vietnamese 'Path-of-the-True-Heart / Đạo Chân Tâm[D42]', via [ spreading the Dharma from the Cloud (Pháp Vân), in large scale (Pháp Vũ / #PrajnaTIP in Sound), thundering the Dharma from Beyond Thought (Pháp Lôi), lightning the Dharma from Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations (Pháp Điện / #PrajnaTIP in Kindness). It may also be new chapters of major organised religions being parts in the "Council on KhaiPhong" making happened the challenge of Soyen Shaku[R6]: "God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality".

[R20.2] Pele (deity) - The Goddess of Fire in Hawaii, USA.

This Goddess was recently recruited under the wing of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva whose front-line associates of the thousands years past were esoterically described in the 'Journey to the West'[R4].

Her appearance can be seen in a video of ET manifestation via the Vietnamese channel 'Xuân Mai' seen from 1975 to 2007 in Vietnam, US, Canada for Avalokitesrvara Bodhisattva and her associates.

[R20.3] A "Moral-and-Justice" Share of Personal Sufferings (the video is not any more available) - Satanic Ritualistic Abuse Exposed by Canadian Psychotherapist Sandra Fecht. Here is an exposure from an Ex-Illuminati Banker

[R20.4] A contribution at Global Scene - Full Disclosure Hon Paul T Hellyer. Here is the reality of a government advocating human rights In God We trust without the foundation of "Knowing More About Oneself" being both an accountable creator and part of the responsible Creation, guiding the Right Effort toward What Count.

[R20.5] Thiên Long Sơn - the latest public version of VỊ LAI PHÁP of 'inter-realms communications and collaborations' (the video has been deleted) in discovering and sharing underlying natural laws of both manifested in different realms evidenced in Journey to the West and layered No-Conflict Consciousnesses accessible from humanity upward. Here is a public Feedback - also from a Vietnamese - to confirm the right time of 'inter-realms communications and collaborations' and the new Era of Consciousness Technologies where all intelligent beings evolving to the level of "Freewill" toward the Right and Wrong of "Efforts" such as humanity and beyond can join on the equal ground of innate capability in Self-Selfless Actualization in allocating scare resources - specific to the identified realm in spelling out its Comparative Advantages driven by Invisible Hand of Economics - and directed by scientifically cultivable Prajna.

Both KungTzu pyramid leaderships given by the Heaven (thiên mệnh / 天命; bính âm / Tiānmìng: mệnh lệnh của Trời / khái niệm về tính chính danh của bậc quân vương) and Judea / Christian / Islamic ideals of unique manifested persona (God) are cheating, unscientific (since all manifestations must be changed due to the second law of thermodynamics), and outdated which must be replaced by inter-realms Dependent Nature of modern Self-Selfless actualisation discovered and open sources to be beneficial for all involved parties affected by underlying natural laws governing different realms. It is so due to reversed engineering from different angles of those actually knowing [ Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] accessing the layers of No-Conflict Consciousness in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count, called Prajna Dialectic. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak may kick up a new sense of community collaborations and responsibilities. A possible legal action from Canada, US and now from many countries (the video has been removed) against irresponsible actions causing undue sufferings for the world and the self-volunteer to help homeless during this pandemic are typical. The same sense of order and responsibility can be established for inter-realms communications and collaborations - as exposed below - in the aftermath of the Lucifer and its systems planning to wipe out 90% human population. The plot was failed due to "slow but very severe consequences of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes" naturally happened of Thing-As-It-Is under the conditions of their "unjust and immoral cheating feudal systems, brought to humanity under all religions and isms driven by Greed and Fears. The solution is now available and impersonally enforceable "Rule of Law", a contribution from humanity for required social order and stability of the Universal Moral Value driven by Invisible Hands of Economics and Sciencetifically Cultivable Prajna-Dialectic which is basing on discovered (1) layered No-Conflict Consciousness and (2) Foundation of Oneness as underlying Natural Laws of Self-Selfless Actualization.

KhaiPhong can help both esoteric and human concerned parties dedicated their efforts in the Right Direction of one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Cultivable #Prajna in all activities and relationships riding on humanity accumulated scientific (observable, testable, reproducible) efforts in transparent and accountable manner will be first implemented and tested according to human underlying natural laws. The same processes and lessons learned in Consciousness Technologies - from duality plane of conflicting consciousness to layered No-Conflict Consciousness of #Prajna at different depths/heights - can be reproducible in different realms according to the realm natural laws, Making Life Easier and Happier in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes are universal natural laws that you cannot continue to cheat the nature for 60,000+ human years, "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối".

On the "inter-realms communications and collaborations", this writer is so amazing with the orchestration of "Higher Realm that we KNOW its existence based on our personal experiences since without this invisible orchestration 90% human population will be wiped out". It is far beyond Amitabha or DIÊU TRÌ ĐỊA MẪU / Queen Mother of the West / Tây Vương Mẫu / Đại Thánh Mẫu for all involved parties - good, bad, or in-between Not Knowing the Right Evolution (#AwarenessPrajna) according to underlying Natural Laws to be Discovered and Shared - ready for the New "Era of Conscious Living" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. It is also a very deer lesson learned from the past 60,000+ man years that there is the Right (from ComPassion-Prajna) and Wrong (from Greed and Fears of self existence), naturally regulated by universal laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes in one's evolution from one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The lesson is that anything Right according to discovered natural laws in Making Life Easier and Happier needs to be "Shared" for the positive forces of the Light (#Prajna) growing, effortlessly dispelling the darkness of Ignorance in one's and the whole's Self-Selfless Actualization. That is what KhaiPhong is doing, reversed engineering from actual states of Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh and Signed Posts of #Samadhis to different angles from Relative Truth on the duality plane of Conflicting Consciousness to Ultimate (Wider) Truth at different [ heights / depths ] of #Prajna No-Conflict Consciousness. The same is applicable to "Higher Realm that we KNOW" whose highly qualified members have been harmed by the dark forces. KhaiPhong and all its qualified members are happy to be a part of the Good Forces according to natural laws to kick start the new Era of Harmonious Conscious Living, effortlessly dissolving all past unworthy people. The solution is extremely simple: (1) 100% Honesty / Chân Thật with oneself, (2) Care / Quan Tâm for oneself and the whole of Self-Selfless Actualization in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

From the 12 chapters (videos) of Joe Nguyen film - the contents and structures of which may be heavily influenced by high levels of esoteric forces, impossibly manifested by human efforts and/or lower levels of spirits - this writer immediately gets the message and hopes the "inter-realms communications and collaborations" will be soon materialised all the way up to the highest levels directly and/or indirectly related to humanity for the benefits of all intelligent beings from humanity upward, capable to know the Right and Wrong in Cultivable #Prajna / Conscience from one's Continuity of the Consciousness:

  1. It is impossible for Joe Nguyen to cheat in publicly revealing at minute 19 his true identity as the prince born 1300 (14 tháng 10 năm 1300), the fifth emperor Trần Minh Tông of Đại Việt. Similarly - as a follower of Jesus - the probability for Joe Nguyen to smoothly recite at minute 25 [ Maha Karunika Dharani / Chú Đại Bi ] is nil.

  2. The main message of the film is - starting at minute 11 - looking for an opportunity to legally establish a spiritual and scientific centre, turning Vietnam into the world Spiritual Land where the new Dharma - beyond all isms and religions based on Word/Image and Thought transcended at Equanimity and Purity of Samadhis - will be scientifically spreading for the benefits of humanity and other intelligent beings. Specifically, it is at minute 27 the treatment of human cancer using Consciousness / Spiritual (this video has been removed) and Natural Technologies as a possibility proposed to Joe Nguyen. If this happens, it is the first time "Consciousness / Spiritual Technologies" applied at Lourdes by the Blessed Mary 1862 and 1849 epidemic by Phật Thầy Tây An at Tòng Sơn[D52] are scientifically tested and statistically measured, plus possible discovered consciousness technologies to make it reproducible. We esoterically know and are capable to communicate with both driving forces via direct communications of Consciousness Technologies behind Lourdes and Tòng Sơn events for the benefits of all involved parties via Scientic Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED). We will make this Happened via the LaoTzu Lineage in co-operation with others such as the Lineage of Isaac Newton / Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi and wellcome the joining forces in other discovering underlying technologies. The writer adds in Scientific centre of possible "Prajna University evolving from Singularity University" in (2.1) scientific integration of discovered consciousness (thought and its interactions) technologies and positive (physical and radio) technologies in Making Life Easier and Happier for all involved parties, (2.2) avoiding Nikola Tesla mistakes and their possible exploitation, (2.3) taking esoteric and future predictions out of their cheating processes in accountable and transparent manner using statistically significant tests from feedback and discovering for the benefits of all involved parties according to natural laws, which will be actually demonstrated at the bottom line of World Peace via #Awareness from level 5 upward [ Knowing the source of Thought, Using cosmic energy, Directing cosmic energy to help others ] by the current reincarnations of HuiNeng and Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm.

  3. The writer is interested in this proposed possibility of joint efforts in "inter-realms communications and collaborations" since he has been a medical student from University of Saigon 1965-1966, a chemical engineer from McGill University (Canada) 1970, and from the University of Western Ontario (Canada) Master of Bio-Engineering (1972), Master of Economics (1973) and Ph.D. in Economics - actually working as an engineer, researcher in a bio-lab, teaching Economics at University levels, chief technical examiner of Canadian billion-dollar Oil Sand project, senior economist and then president of an economic consulting firm building econometric models for policy simulations and forecasting using mathematically consistent data for existence of the system inverse matrix in simultaneous solutions of time series from market economy together with input-output technology of planned economy, assembling / selling computers and IT consulting, retiring since 1995 to dedicate the rest of his life in actually delivering Gotama's discovered Consciousness Technologies of Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and cultivable #Prajna (Tỉnh Giác). He is currently the Head of LaoTzu Lineage in higher Grangon Realm. The outcome of this proposed SR&ED - together with concrete human deliverable (1) Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, (2) Rule-of-Law making happened too big to fail in all intelligent realms, and (3) Personal-Public Privacy and Security - will definitely improve the current realities of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations (the video has been removed) and definitely prevent future total collapse of all the ways up to the highest degenerated esoteric form realms.

  4. Due to this rare opportunity, the writer personally believes the possibility of "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations together with Medium of Exchanges transparently accessible via both Radio and Consciousness Technologies for the benefits of all involved parties in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness", and wishes to further reveal some esoteric information he personally knows and has been working in 50+ years:

    4.1 Similar to different identities of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva under forensic investigation, one can see slightly different pattern between the the Lady of La Vang (Mẹ La Vang 2021-02-15) and the Blessed Mary from other appearances. The reincarnation of this identity is now a Vietnamese among us. The Real / Actual Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and cultivable #Prajna (Tỉnh Giác) unknown in 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha will be scientifically implemented by armies of scientists - if this happens - under the supervision of this person, effortlessly cleaning up all Buddhist unworthy and professional cheaters in 2500+ years of Buddhist history. The plan of actions and required most relevant technologies from a "blank sheet" having minimum technological risks have been worked out to enable different parts as independent and sustainable businesses forming an eco-system of the whole where everyone can be a part of self-sustainable businesses. They are independent with their own executive arms manifesting the (1) Created Value (Kiến Tạo Giá Trị) of "Prajna Dialectic", being (2) front-line soldiers (Truyền Thông) in Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to (3) direct (Thực Hiện) the Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count. The underlying technologies are not trivial and their efficiency in (4) Doing Business (Lợi Nhuận - buôn tận gốc, bán tận ngọn) are at the bare metal as long as there are sufficient demands which can be self generated from KhaiPhong eco systems to assure the Logistics of Supplies & Demands as the starting points to make the "World Harmonious Melting Pot" beyond duality plane of conflicting consciousness ruled by kingdoms of bullying animals below Value of the values from protected Latin humanitas in one's (5) Inter-Realm Communications & Collaboration (Tiếp Nối). You can use forensic investigation due to slow changes of inner patterns - logically and rationally advanced since the time of Socrates - to see the differences between Huỳnh Phú Sổ and Phật Thầy Tây An in detecting a false claim from Thiên Long Sơn to lump the impostor Huỳnh Phú Sổ with Phật Thầy Tây An in their esoteric cheating and stealing of animal kingdoms.

    4.2 Another esoteric piece of information may help to quickly seal the connection between Joe Nguyen and the family to sponsor the "Seal of Queen Mother of the West". If from very young, you have been afraid - similar to Abraham in front of God even willing to kill his own son Isaac - and got message from an Owl (also applicable to all Illuminati elites having more than 20 billion US dollars and/or those having contracts signed in blood) helping you to build your present fortune (but insignificant comparing to trillions dollars from other esoteric dark forces currently holding the world power 2023-01-23) since many of them are even worse than you in the inner qualities of the consciousness. This can be easily self-verified by Honestly see if you know "Natural Silence / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien /Tramscendental #Awareness / #Samadhis / Kingdom of God within / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / #Prajna". You are the selected bridge to channel many trillions dollars from abroad to help develop Vietnam into a modern World Power. Yes, you were the cornerstone of the Vietnamese Tran dynasty! You may not be very afraid of that image any more thanks to KhaiPhong so you can see the degenerated changes of your quality of the consciousness from many thousands human years in higher realm, and 2500+ years from the time of the first Buddhist patriarch Mahakasyapa. Ask yourself if the current quality of your consciousness is what you are Happy with and the reality of your miserable type of ongoing life which is waiting for you due to Continuity of the Consciousness. Similar to "Spirit to guard treasure / Thần giữ của" (the video has been removed) under master-slave relationship, if you wish to "Free / Liberate" yourself from that binding and clinging forces - vòng kim cô / corona - it may be a good time to have formal and enforceable agreement between you, your wife and the esoteric force in a fair self-respect and respect-others of inter-realms relationships. It - together with "Spirit to guard treasure / Thần giữ của" - may be the first formal "Rule-of-Law", enforceable through accountable and transparent body spiritually established in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" that KhaiPhong plans to
    =>(4.2.1) bring human "Rule-of-Law" as a stability factor to replace the past cheating religions (evidenced in tracked records from the evil Roman Catholic Church of the cunning Father God Lucifer, same to all other fractions) and violent dictatorships (evidenced from all past Chinese dynasties based on KungTzu pyramid dictatorships given by the Heaven),
    =>(4.2.2) introduce discovered layered No-Conflict Consciousness for a breakthrough from the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to higher No-Conflict Consciousness applicable to all realms in Making Life Easier and Happier beneficial to all Accountable Creators as a part of the Dependent Nature of the Responsible Creation,
    =>(4.2.3) extend Knight Templar first multi-national trusted corporation of Banking System to NfP AwakeningBudh "Medium of Exchange" services - purely driven by Invisible Hands of Economics and Prajna - acceptable and transferable according to the natural laws applicable to the target realm of Accountable Creator and Responsible Dependent Nature of the Whole.

    From hand-on knowledge about the realities of degenerated Buddhas, Gods, Allah, etc, and available living students badly damaged but survived and capable to response to esoteric and exoteric mafia attacks, the writer firmly believes that his discovered invisible hand of cultivable #Prajna (a part of Human Humanitas) - once scientifically implemented - can enable the mass to leverage invisible hand of Economics proven in economic science to enforce "Rule-of-Law" in "too big to fail" for humanity then in inter-realms guarded by Verifiable Trading Inter-Realm Transfers driven by invisible hands of cultivable Prajna and Economics (Allocation of Scare Resources) to clean up past unworthy people. Right from the first step, the "Rule-of-Law" will force all religions delivering scientific claims of their (a) "pray for the peace and the dead / cầu an cầu siêu"[D32], (b) divisional rituals of membership, marriage, just born, adulthood, and death of their cheating organizations, plus the underlying natural laws in weeding out undue sufferings generated by the evil dark forces in entire human history. We can help similar to the proposed harmonious release of funds from treasures of past Chinese dynasties for immediate opportunities to Do Good, including human dedicated researches in agreed enhanced inter-realms communications and collaborations as actually demonstrated by the power of KhaiPhong Inner Circle including (a) the power to destroy "contracts signed in blood well-known amongst Illuminati elites before 2012" avoiding further harms for living persons driven by Greed and Fears of the past degenerated systems that only those signed the contracts for wealth and power can know, (b) the power to communicate at the source of thought that KhaiPhong will use to convert "good people" currently holding world power to join hands in changing the World toward What Count, (c) optimal conditions according to natural laws in detoxifying and dissolving binding and clinging forces of all voodoos spells, (d) hand-on experience at the crude level of using the underlying technologies of radio and consciousness fields in dealing with the degenerated esoteric dark forces whose results open up a new vista of scientific researches in both the Health and Environmental Sciences.

    4.3 At minute 27 of the video 2020-03-17 Joe Nguyen is "allowed to directly dialogue with ...Dream-On, Henry Kissinger on the top secret to enable China invade the Paracel Islands (Xisha Islands by Beijing, Hoang Sa Islands by Hanoi), with President Putin of Russia, President Xi Jinping of China[R8]. It is their seriousness from their past feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods and they know what in KhaiPhong Action Plan to ride on their Satanic Power of the past Greed and Fears totally destroyed by "Invisible Hands of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes", and cosmic energy directed by the reincarnation of HuiNeng at the bottom line of Natural Justice, currently a living student of KhaiPhong.

    The writer has identified possible reincarnation of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm - rated to have #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác) at beyond the sources of thought (level 5) - who amazingly also had Déjà Vu trusted energy connection with both presidents Putin and Xi Jinping that in the right conditions, they will instantly recognise one another together with other related members of KhaiPhong. That person may or may not know - similar to Joe Nguyen impossible for him to think he was the fifth emperor Trần Minh Tông of Đại Việt - but if things happened to enable the person spreading Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) #Prajna (Tỉnh Giác) in running and directing NfP ThankYou (Global Service Local Presence) Clubs in Guangzhou and Hainan then quickly expanding to different places world wide due to the world universally "Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good", the reputation will start to spread. Here is the first time medium of exchanges pioneered by Knights Templar (the first multinational corporation) can be transferable in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" for allocations of scare resources via Invisible Hand of Economics - specific to each realm - driven by Invisible Hand of cultivable #Prajna in one's Continuity of the Consciousness via Not-for-Profit Multi-Realm AwakeningBudh and Multinational Corporation KhaiPhong bringing together the [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] have Raison D'être and Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good where one is only a part of the Whole. That person and this writer have been esoterically and physically connected since 2017 that we recognise our Déjà Vu since 2250+ years, ready for the next phase from 2024. To see the power of "worthy Déjà Vu - scientifically cultivable via Tantra - Energy Weaving in Transcendental Inner Peace" incorporating spirituality into biological needs - please read recorded story how the president Xi Jinping of China and the lady Peng Liyuan (Bành Lệ Viện) met and married, and the trusted relationship between President Putin of Russia and President Xi Jinping of China that they may not know Why[R8]. Once a solid preparation is established, a "family introduction" will enable the person convert both presidents and their wives being students in the Right direction of Natural Laws for the new Era of humanity, transcending unworthy past binding and clinging forces of all isms and religions generated by unworthy people. This is "Effortless Right Effort / Wei-Wu-Wei / BẤT CHIẾN TỰ NHIÊN THÀNH" in Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm prediction about the Vietnamese East Sea, very likely to be personally managed and directed by the reincarnation of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm via "Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good" in continuity of the consciousness which - together with the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang Kongming (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng) also a known Vietnamese of KhaiPhong Inner Circle - show once and for all No Difference between male or female, violently enforced in both KungTzu pyramid leaderships given by the Heaven and Judea / Christian / Islamic ideals.

    4.4 We know the collapse at top levels of the past esoteric forces, involving degenerated Buddhas, Gods, Allah, Saints, Bodhisattvas, etc forced by natural laws to relearn the right meaning of an Intelligent Being. We now see the established new systems to enable orderly developments of all intelligent beings in accountable and responsible manner according to Natural Laws where humanity has something unique on the Fair Trade table of exchange to assure the integrity for one's Continuity ("IamX") of the consciousness where "evil Voodoos against underlying Natural Laws must be eliminated by their peers who "Care". The new system cannot duplicate the old cheating KungTzu pyramid leaderships given by the Heaven nor the Judea / Christian / Islamic ideals of unique manifested persona (God) feudal systems - collapsed on its own weights of fractional Greed and Fears and 90% plan of human reduction for easy masters-slaves management - but very likely coming from democratic and equal rights in harmonious Easier and Happier Dependent Nature of Existence such as Duality and No-Conflict Consciousness / Prajna Dialectic to be discovered and shared. This is what humanity can bring to the table from its own struggle to be Free / Liberated from the "corona circle (vòng kim cô) of cheating religions and dictatorships" via Industrial Revolutions 1, 2, 3, and Now 4 of AI being combined with "Consciousness / Spiritual Technologies" via #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) #Prajna (Tỉnh Giác). To sense the relevance of esoteric forces to humanity beyond the conspiracy of 90% human population wipe-out in enforcing degenerated masters-slaves relationships - 100% opposite to fundamental human rights having innate Compassion-Wisdom in Latin Humanitas - and its adjustments via The building blocks of Inclusive Capitalism, please watch at minute (? cannot find now the face and appearance of US President Obama in sensing something) before asking what most people pray in his 2016 visit to Vietnam Jade Emperor Pagoda (chùa Ngọc Hoàng and Not any Buddhist Temple). Cultivable #Prajna / Prajna Dialectic is absolutely required in Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0.

    One thing is very clear that once #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác) are scientifically known, all past and evolving infrastructures are enhanced in accountable and responsible manners for optimal evolution of all involved parties. Lê Văn Duyệt has been protecting those trusted in him. A formal arrangement of enforceable contracts - similar to the past contracts signed in blood and/or past agreement established from Lăng Ông (Bà Chiểu) to esoterically and uniquely identify the committed protected party - must be worked out according to the real accountable and responsible natural laws - not the divisional and past master-slaves relationships driven by Greed and Fears appeared from both Thiên Long Sơn and its Feedback - for a fair and equal playing grounds in the new inter-realms communications and collaborations. At the visible radio technologies, there are required secured end-to-end containerized Communications and Collaborations with mathematical proof of "Confidentiality" (only You can read data), "Integrity" (only You can modify data), "Attestation" (You can prove it in Zero Trust strategy which will be the foundation in the new Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations). The esoteric proof of "IamX" for Inter-Realm Secure Transfer of Resources and Commitments are still to be worked out to replace past unreliable "Seal Symbol". A "Filter Technology" has been in place to prevent the degenerated cheating and stealing of the past degenerated King of Gods based on natural principle of the Light floating up and the heavy dark consciousness quality sinking down to separate qualified entities into qualified people (Latin humanitas), middle realms, and dragon realm. We will have a formal "Verifiable Fair Trade Agreement" with the Dragon Realm to avoid unneccessary Sufferings for billion lives from religious and dynasty wars in entire human histories and Now possible Clash of Civilizations - to Guard and Guarantee the rights of integrity of one's Continuity ("IamX") of the consciousness in exchange for (1) DISCOVERED Consciousness Technologies to detoxify tainted senses unknown in all esoteric form realms and Freewill of the Right and Wrong according to the "Morality & Justice" of underlying Natural Laws, statistically significant as epistemic "TRUTH", (2) hard-earned engineering / management Know-Hows in Rule-of-Law and Too-Big-To-Fail to prevent past mistakes of feudal systems resulting in the elimination of the power of dragon king for the power of the degenerated King of Gods causing the total collapse of 60,000+ man-years esoteric feudal systems, (3) armies of human Ph.D. and post-graduated researchers for scientific investigations of the "TRUTH" (underlying natural laws) most appropriate in human and in dragon realm and/or other realms having Trade Agreements for the benefits of all imvolved parties.

    We ride on the available reincarnations of both HuiNeng and Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm as current living persons, together with 36+ other students actually knowing #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác) to (a) expose since 2007 evil processes and Voodoos under unworthy 2500+ years of masters-slaves relationships in Buddhist cheaing Sangha who must actually deliver [ Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Chánh Niệm ] and [ Meditation / #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] that in entire history of Buddhism only the monk HuiNeng - whose reincarnation as a Vietnamese has been identified and a member of KhaiPhong - knew but Not Yet delivered waiting for the Right Time and Place, (b) open a new vista of full integration between Consciousness Technologies and AI (Artificial Intelligence) enabling accountable and responsible people and intelligent beings centres of all activities and relationships, (c) enable [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Chánh Niệm ] { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment} and [ Meditation / #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] { To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi } as a natural state in Inner Peace being delivered as discovered underlying natural laws to be shared and statistically tested to at least 1% - 8% human population for knowing the Right and Wrong, plus statistically measure claimed usefulness of esoteric and future predictions in accountable and transparent manner according to discovered underlying natural laws. It can be done thanks to IT processes encapsulating KhaiPhong integration of past significant contributions from Gotama, HuiNeng, ShenHsiu, XuanZang using modern mathematics and Information Technologies, together with new Consciousness Technologies to actually deliver concrete solutions for humanity.

    Here is a significant contribution of human "Rule-of-Law" as part of orderly development in the new Era of #SamadhiPrajna (Định Tuệ). We do sense Trần Quốc Tuấn and his Lady Princess of Nguyên Từ, very likely among living people from VietNam - in different generations - ready for the new Era of Conscious Living. Please do not fall into the past mistake of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva evidenced in Journey to the West designed to steal significant contribution of XuanZang whose reincarnation is currently a Vietnamese ready for the new Era. We personally know the realities of different identities under this esoteric name, plus huge existing infrastructures you are taking over 2020-04, knowing only the glorified Self purely driven by Greed and Fears attracting living unworthy people 100% ignorant with Gotama / HuiNeng [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Chánh Niệm ] and [ Meditation / #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] designed to raise intelligent beings from all intelligent realms having innate "#Prajna" to higher levels of their innate [ Buddha Nature / Humanitas / Kingdom-of-God within ] according to underlying natural laws. Humanity has responded with "furores" in mobilising the human sense of Conscience since pre-and-after 2012, including current COVID-19 pandemic.

    This has been changed due to additional breakthroughs and discovered scientific processes - observable, testable, and reproducible - driving all intelligent beings (esoteric or human beings) exiting with opportunities to Do Good typified in the Lady of La Vang (Mẹ La Vang) that we will scientifically prove - at both theoretical and empirical levels - Kindness and Empathy are layered No-Conflict Consciousness leading to easy [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Chánh Niệm ], [ Meditation / #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] and cultivable "#Prajna" different from Gotama's final instructions, unscientific according to natural laws and applicable only to him. It is also 180o different from the cheating "Hoax of Redeemer" coming from the most cunning Lucifer Father God of the evil Roman Catholic Church, deeply degenerated according to the universal law of Action-Reaction. The heavy will sink down, only the light can "float up" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness[D32].

    Out of this list of highly qualified and spiritual entities, the writer can personally add additional information in the proposed and new "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations": (1) Trần Bình Trọng and Trần Quốc Toản whose reincarnations may be current living Vietnamese students very proficient in Transcendental #Awareness rated from level 5 upward and ICT (information Communication Technologies) to play very significant and leading roles in the implementation of scientifically cultivable "#Prajna in Relative Truth and in Ultimate (Wider) Truth"[R2] applicable in both human and esoteric realms that the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva (Vô Tận Ý Bồ Tát) can personally testify our scientific processes applicable to both human and esoteric realms, (2) Ānanda whose reincarnation may also be a current living Vietnamese, probably joining with other handicapped persons from Indian tradition to transmit their "secret sauce" to [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness ] { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } to be "Just Living and Happy" where Happiness is a precious inner state that most billionaires - with or without esoteric connections - do not know nor have. Breaking the totally collapsed vicious circles of masters-slaves relationships - since everyone is only apart of the Whole and three fundamental attributes of democratic processes implied in underlying natural laws to validate one an accoutable creator and part of the responsible creation are "Independence", "Freedom", and the "Right" in the pursuite of Happiness - the discovered underlying natural laws can help all involved intelligent esoteric and human parties to know more about oneself and the environment one a part in Making Life Easier and Happier applicable to one's relevant realms and their interactions.

    The first item about discovered sub-atomic layered No-Conflict Consciousness and scientifically cultivable "#Prajna in Relative (Visible) Truth and in Ultimate (Wider Invisible) Truth"[R2] is very important to hit all mentioned parties in this list of highly qualified and spiritual entities since it explains Not Only the underlying natural laws for your miserable and stagnant systems in the past 60,000+ man years But Also the "solutions" starting from wherever qualities you are in the new Era of Self-Selfless Actualization of One and the Whole where everyone is an "Accountable Creator in Responsible Wholesome Creation" under proven "Rule-of-Law" evolving via "Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of scientifically cultivable #Prajna" proven by humanity in response to your cheating feudal and pyramid systems transmitted to humanity via Confucius and the evil Roman Catholic Church. Here is the Unique Opportunity to learn and bring together the strengths and weaknesses of both human via Radio technologies and esoteric realms via Consciousness technologies to "morally serve all Intelligent Beings in one's Continuity of the identified Consciousness". The Universal Morality is driven by "Conscience / #Prajna" according to discovered underlying natural laws that you know first hand "No Unworthy Professional Cheater" can be against and will be stopped by others equally capable - proven in humanity in too big to fail - but in the Right and Lesson Learned Direction such as KhaiPhong "seal of the crack in self hallucination from Inside Out of the Un-Moving Sunyata" fallen by Gotama in humanity realm and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in esoteric realm. The second item in "Just Living and Happy in doing 'What Most Count' at the present moment" is another new discovery from "Practical #Prajna in Visible Truth" to correct "Nhất thiết hữu vi pháp Như mộng huyễn bào ảnh / Tất cả những pháp hữu vi Khác nào mộng huyễn, khác gì điện, sương / All visible manifestations are illusions No difference from a dream as a mirage" cheated in entire Buddhism and half baked esoteric explorers Not Knowing one's Raison D'être to be exploited by unworthy people in the vicious circle driven by Greed and Fears. "Visible" in both human and esoteric realms is the manifestation of the "Invisible" driven by Ignorance causing Sufferings or cultivable #Prajna in the Right Direction of "Making Life Easier and Happier" for the benefits of One and the Whole. The "Invisible or your Quality of the Consciousness" can only be changed and measurable in engaged living. Therefore, if you do not have to worry about mundane things Be Wise to be Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good that very few religious and dedicated explorers are able to do since most of their efforts are dedicated to cheating others for their "hallucinated Word/Image and Thought" in the name of XYZ.

    KhaiPhong will scientifically prove that the cultivable #Prajna is a layered No-Conflict Consciousness, dependent on the layered No-Conflict Consciousness of ComPassion exactly as the defined quality of humanity in "Latin Humanitas / Kingdom of God within / Buddha Nature" where ComPassion and #Prajna are two other qualities of a qualified human being according to natural laws, on top of the physical biology in a very long evolution of your "Continuity of the Consciousness". We call #Prajna the flower of Compassion tree, deep rooted in verifiable Sunyata Non-Thingness (personally known by Gotama as his seventh Jhana and by members of KhaiPhong Inner Circle) where one is Only a part of the Whole. You cannot continue to cheat the Nature that the evil Father God and One only Allah must learn their painful lesson since all visible manifestations are conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changed (viparinama-dukkha) scientifically proven in the second law of thermodynamics. The writer knows how to deal with and balance conflicting forces of major companies and the community interests in making Things Happened from his role as the "Chief Technical Examiner" of Canadian billion-dollar Oil Sand project, Calgary Alberta Canada. The domain can be expanded to the proposed "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" where Trusted Leadership 4.0 - transcending both Christian and KungTzu doctrinal leaderships in harmonious measurable real benefits - of the Right Society 5.0 in cleaning up the dark forces behind US CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)" immorally putting the dirty hands in the world while the US government blah blah blah about human rights and democracy as painted cakes driven by the Ignorance of Greed and Fears benefitting from the World [ chaos / wars / conflicts ] rather than by scientifically cultivable #Prajna to enforfce the real human rights and stakeholders democracy, resulting 25+ years ago in workable processes of "Open Source Competitive Intelligence (CI)" where "Esoteric Competitive Intelligence (CI)" is definitely a part in one's Continuity of the Identified Consciousness. The secret US formula in immorally benefitting from their painted cakes becomes the Right process to be driven by Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna: [ #Prajna >< What-Count >< Stakeholers Democracy >< Enforceable Rule-of-Law >< ].

    The proposed possibility of joint efforts in (1) "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" is "Not Only Top Down but Bottom Up, Inside Out and Outside In" driven by discovered underlying natural laws called Invisible Hand of Cultivable #Prajna via the Indispensable Building Blocks from Science of Consciousness (2) "#AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác)" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } in engaged living for opportunities to Do Good and Knowing more about oneself, (3) "#DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền-Định)" as natural state of Inner Silence { To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi }, (4) "Education" for manifesting the creams of all intelligent beings from all angles and relationships, together with Invisible Hand of Economics driven by #Prajna via human accumulated efforts in (5) "Rule-of-Law" to assure intelligent joint efforts can solve almost everything, (6) "Free Trade" whose mathematical proof of knowing more about oneself - forming Conscious and Trusted communities - in Utility Function is closer to reality, (7) "Inclusive Globalization" inevitable in 21st century. No one can be against underlying Natural Laws to be discovered and shared for the benefits of all involved parties' "joint efforts".

  5. Vua Cõng Phật / King (Self) piggyback Buddha (Selfless)
    Hòe Nhai HaNoi

    Cây Thành Thần Mộc / Trees Turn Spirits
    Đá Hóa Thạch Linh / Stones Become Spiritual
    Địa Lợi Nhân Hòa / Strategic Position Human Harmony
    Kinh Bang Tế Thế / National Management Helping Humanity.

    The Haves / Stakeholders / HaveNots
    Have Raison D'être and
    Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good
    [ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ] .

[R21] How algorithms shape our world - complex computer programs have been applied to espionage tactics, stock prices, movie scripts, and architecture. The near speed-of-light stock trading and other rapid advancements in machine learning have raised some concern about the difference between Gambling and Insurance in "Hedging", the normative having embedded value of Right and Wrong versus the positive values of more and more. Having closer-encounter with What Count, a new Golden Era emerges serving both humanity and environment according to discovered Natural Laws.

These advanced patterns can be better used to enable our lives - both from personal and aggregate views - Easier and Happier working in tandem with Consciousness technologies to know more about oneself and/or organization - being an agent of changes - fully responsible for one's actions and the environment one a part in Creating Values and normative distributions of Wealth.

Insight into Consciousness - via #Prajna - can have a breakthrough and/or point out the direction for further confirmation and/or rejected by computational patterns which is the top-down approach to validate the 'gut feeling' via Advanced Analytics and What-If Simulations.

Our Vision is now do-able with the reflection between the Normative Persona and its Digital Identities where the Persona can be a person or an aggregate such as family, business, organization, community, country, the World. It includes advanced engineering and optimal control theory, together with Core Language and Structure as a Monad functional reactive/reflective programming similar to Google Card Now, IBM Corelet of Watson or Wolfram Core function. The functional reactive programming is well-known where exogenous variables may come from outside of the relevant system. The functional reflective programming comes from the Change Management sub-system where functional recommendations and model simulations of the Value system of systems are parts.

[R21.1] Do-able Optimal Control Theory with the core classes of Event, Node (detail) and list of nodes naturally coming out of a search order. The event's state has its embedded time series and relationship index for Decision Making and Relationship Building sub-systems. It is a hybrid of Git simple data model and Value Database where both normative and positive values are driving the system. Injection of Verifiable Emptiness in a wider perspective of Worthy Existence is a part of the Novelty - coming from Right Understanding and Right Motivation of #Prajna - in generating a modeling process to create Values. Change Management sub-system is augmented with the helps of the Decision Making and Relationship Building sub-systems in the custom Computational Knowledge Engine. Insights from "Big Data" come from the integration and simulation of specialized systems together with accumulated group intelligence in the specialized models that are otherwise lost.

[R21.2] A Possible Cognitive Computational Knowledge Engine - The vision is gradually materialized with heavy competition among major players such as the release of IBM Watson, Google Graph database, etc. We ride on these technologies for deliverable integration between Normative decision process and Positive augmentation from established science. Our unique contribution is in this integration - not addressed by any Cognitive Engine - at the Persona level where a Persona is an individual and/or aggregate having group specialised intelligence accumulated and integrated in model simulations and forecasts in the Persona strategic planning. Production and consumption patterns are directed toward What Count, floating up from the grass roots. The services based on WebRTC (Web Real Time Communication) will be a part of this book.

[R22] Are we alone? - Stephen Hawking presented the evidence that no radio signal of alien of our state of development has been detected in the radius of few hundred light years. For the future of the human race, there is an urgent need of changing our survival instinct given the issue of population, limited resources, and advanced technological progresses.

The question of no detected radio signal has been publicly put to the claimed ET Bashar. His answer indicated that there are Intelligent Beings in different dimensions of parallel universes, using consciousness technologies rather than radio technologies similar to our current state of development.

We confirm Bashar's answer in what Buddhist cosmology has been talking about different "Realms", but warn all intelligent beings the "agendas of dark forces" - in the same pattern as the agendas from unworthy people via all "isms and religions" - trying to enslave people in the "chains of Words / Images / Ideas" which are only the descriptions, not the bottom-line described in "Practicality" while innate in everyone is the "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within", having an ability to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to one's present moment.

Through our physical and esoteric interactions with these realms via a Vietnamese channel "Xuân Mai" for Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva seen in VietNam, US, and Canada from 1975 - 2007, we - more than one person of KhaiPhong Inner Circle - accidentally revitalize our innate Consciousness Technologies such as (1) the remote hearing and seeing, (2) ability to recall information that no one except that person can privately know from previous life (as in the case of the reincarnation of Soyen Shaku[R6] in the incidences on September 23 1893 and in early 1900), (3) being a "broadcasting hub" to enable intelligent beings from different realms, people from different countries either living or dead directly communicate at the source of their thoughts with no need of interpretations and/or translations, (4) ability to know the driving force of one's own thoughts either coming from one's own physical and mental make-ups to properly manage oneself or from external forces and their realities, (5) ability to activate cosmic energy - partially demonstrated here[R11] using one's directed Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien - for one's defense aganist esoteric attacks, etc. In that long and hardship for 20+ years, we empirically discover the optimal processes of evolution mathematically described in positive Fibonacci sequence, and the causes and effects of 100,000+ man-years of degeneration in higher esoteric realms and ETs described in negative Fibonacci sequence where a mathematical model is constructed, ready for an IPR and statistical verification.

That ability from innate "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" is cultivable in wider perspective of Worthy Existence manifested though (1) visible attributes such as HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Beyond-Thought at the Observed, No-Mark once the action is completed, Detachment as one's basis for the manifestation of one's #DhyanaSamadhi, or (2) Compassion and #Prajna as defined in Latin humanitas, and (3) InnerSpace cultivation for the manifestations of KhaiPhong's three Haves [ "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" ], etc.

[R22.1] Stephen Hawking's Wormholes - Consciousness Disappearing Technology is similar to the theory of Stephen Hawking's Wormholes.

[R23] Albert Einstein

Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.

[R24] Complexity economics - Complexity economics is the application of complexity science to the problems of economics in capturing emergent properties of complex systems. It sees the economy not as a system in equilibrium, but as one in motion, perpetually constructing itself anew. It uses computational rather than mathematical analysis to explore how economic structure is formed and reformed, in continuous interaction with the adaptive behaviour of the 'agents' in the economy. Artificial Intelligence via Machine Learning and Smart Contract - driven by { #DhyanaSamadhi, #SamadhiPrajna, and #AwarenessPrajna } - are intimate parts of the complex science. Via the success of LLM (Large Language Model) pioneered by Chat GPT-4o, the Complex-Economics can be an iteration of traditional macro-economics modeling to capture causal theoretical economics and consistent accounting data in both time-series and Input-Output tables, PLUS Complex-Valued modeling of important variables to include both Visionanry Normative and Positive Intelligence for accumulation of Lesson Learned over time. The technologies are general enough to be applicable to all important Issues such as National Security, Regional and National geo-politics in Strategic Economic Developments.

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