Saturday, September 23, 2023

Empty-The-Content / Transcendental-Inner-Peace

Takeaway:Being naturally qualified as a person (Latin humanitas) one can "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Buddhist Samma #Samadhi" as actually proven by Gotama in his recorded Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30]. Instead of scientifically discovering underlying natural laws to be proven from 2025 forward to turn his verifiable "Transcendental #Awareness"[D26] in engaged living for a possible states and stock of #Prajna breakthroughs of a focused event, Gotama's Buddhist Sanghas ride on his defect in using the word "Right Mindfulness applicable ONLY to him" in his proposed solution via the "(modified) Eightfold Path" to Shamelessly blah blah blah in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism with all kinds of { Mindfulness meditations[D24] / concentration of cunning intelligence from unworthy monks } to be qualified as Buddhist teachers in formal master-students relationships. Except Bodhidharma and HuiNeng whose reincarnations are current living students of KhaiPhong, almost all Buddhist monks / nuns / followers have No Required "Internal (Causal) Power / Wei-Wu-Wei" for a breakthrough from duality plane of conflicting consciousness, "DETACHED / BUÔNG / Ưng vô sở trụ / #EmptyTheContent, but rather {"cooking sands" ... and finally dream-on to the relinquishment for the ultimate objective of the practice[D24] }" to cheat oneself and others for a very unworthy living, far from Gotama's practical utilities of Right #Samadhis - blah blah blah to justify Gotama's hallucinations leading to his defects as scientifically proven from Gotama's ontologically claimed Enlightenment - Then What in one's Continuity of the consciousness - and the defect of Gotama's deduction of (permanent / forever / unchanged) "Nibana / Niết Bàn" of Buddhist Four Seals of The Consciousness which is scientifically impossible due to the laws of thermodynamics and the changing of all manifestations - visible or invisible - at Planck time. All practical aspects of Gotama's discoveries such as the Right Transcendental Inner Peace toward Nothingness of [ Not-Self / Selfless ] are completly wiped out in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism!

Without knowing this "Thing-As-It-Is", Gotama's entire Buddhist cheating Sanghas has fallen into the "crack of dogmatic effort" to carry the raft helping a "personal experience in the Gateway-to-Oneness" applicable to only particular persona without optimal conditions from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth of the "Gateway-to-Oneness" and Then What. "Aspiration" from any mean such as "Hymn of Freedom / Ca ngợi tự do, Music to transcendental state (xuất thần), Qi-Gong, Harmony with Nature, Faith, etc, is a possibility to that "Internal (Causal) Power". By DISCOVERING Underlying natural laws, we turn Gotama's recorded experiences of Jhanas into "epistemic objectives" for "reborn / rejuvenation practical in engaged living". Buddhist unworthy monks and nuns riding on Gotama's defect in his presentation of "Right Mindfulness" and the descriptions of the Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana, plus Gotama's tools via Anapanasati[D24] (mindfulness of breathing) and MahaSatipatthana Sutta[D25] (The Great Frames of Reference / Tứ niệm xứ) to blah blah blah of what they do not See yet claimed to see do not Know yet claimed to know in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism[D19], selling Gotama's credibility from their Greed and Fears via Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought at the extreme negative scale of Fibonacci degeneration - capable to concentrate from cunning intelligence (có ní nuận) exactly as the ruling Vietnamese communist mafias - that we prove they are the cause and major driving force for the total collapse and tremendous sufferings in esoteric realms of Gods, Buddhas, Allah, ruled by the King of Gods that they even have not known Why in their cheating and stealing culture of animal kingdoms from cunning intelligence in negative Fibonacci degeneraion, never having a moment of Complete Silence from their continuous chatting mind, honestly ASKED by Infinite Thought Bodhisattva recorded in Lotus Sutra[D49] BUT unable to answer and cheated by Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva.

Two universal processes have been discovered to be implemented and statistically tested by those actually knowing "Gotama's Transcendental #Awarenesss / HuiNeng's WuNien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh"[D26]: (1) a charming attraction of Sunyata Non-Thingness (Gotama's seventh Jhana) of #PrajnaTIP in Sound mentioned in Buddhist Shurangama Sutra[D33], (2) "energy merging process" to be in complete aesthetic "Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space" from different Activities and vertical Switches. Four conducive activities are (1) #DhyanaSamadhi as defined by HuiNeng { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi } to gain the required foundation of "Detachment and Transcendental #Awareness at the minimum Equanimity upward" for consciousnessly observing Thing-As-It-Is, (2) highest Tantra to solve the "hanging physical karmic forces via Detachment of Thing-As-It-Is" from evil process of degenerated Thái Thượng Lão Quân (Tai Shang Laojun / 太上老君), (3) Aspiration from many angles guided and supported to deepen and widen by those actually knowing them, (4) Merging with Nature. Six vertical switches are (1) #PrajnaTIP in sound, (2) Tantra of physical union to enforce the Worthy Existence of Consciousness Living in one's Continuity of the consciousness, (3) Aspiration from major ("conflicting") religions, (4) Compassion, (5) Detachment, (6) #PrajnaTIP in Kindness. Delivering technologies of "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" at proven Signed Posts personally tested by Gotama and this writer, we revitalize (qualified by Nature) innate "Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" practical tools for natural detoxification of tainted senses to enable one know more about oneself and the "#Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien" of the Right positive Fibonacci evolution, getting out the doldrums of cunning intelligence in cheating and stealing. The possible solutions are augmented with the Tao of AI using custom functional programming to make happened dynamic interactions of observable smart pointers as outcome of Gotama's Samma #Samadhi capable to transcend the Observed and the Observer, seeing Thing-As-It-Is and possible breakthroughs in complex Issues such as the current Russia-Ukraine war or the conflicts in South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea, etc.

We model the known "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" as six Signed Posts on the positive No-Conflict consciousness of Y-dimension of Fibonacci evolution personally verified by Gotama 2500+ years ago where the subscript is the rated Fibonacci number and the value indicates its layered level of Intelligence: [ y0 = 0 naturally qualified as a person, y1 = 1 Gateway-to-Oneness / Tranquillity, y2 = 1 Equanimity to enforce the stable level 1 based on the simulation of positive Complex Fibonacci at minute 6:25 of the video, y3 = 2 Purity, y4 = 3 Not-Self / Selfless a TRUTH discovered by Gotama value added by KhaiPhong as the verifiable consciousness state of Transcending the Observed and the Observer, y5 = 5 Gotama's Nothingness to be on bar with x5 = 5 in knowing the source of thought or f5 = 5 VisibleAwarenessPrajna as the last advice of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva to the writer in semi-public meeting early 2000 Calgary Canada, y6 = 8 HuiNeng's Unmoving Sunyata of Gotama's End-of-Dukkha to be on bar but required more stable with x6 and x7 capable to use cosmic energy to protect oneself and help others or f6, f7 and f8 of #AwarenessPrajna in engaged Living, Forecasting and VisibleSamadhiPrajna] to indicate that the glimpse of Gotama's Nothingness and HuiNeng's Unmoving Sunyata needs to dig further and more enforceable for verifiable manifestations in the X and F dimensions in exploring what we know that we do not know THEN BEYOND in natural Complex Fibonacci Evolution.

The negative direction in Y-dimension is observable in cunning intelligence away from the base of humanitas [ y-1 = 1 Empathy ready for "Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien"[D26], y-2 = -1 Kindness to dig deeper into a wider state of mental health, y-3 = 2 Conscience to widen the Right and Wrong, y-4 = -3 Conscience-1 to alert who you are, y-5 = 5 Conscience-2 to activate your realities that we ask all (Illuminati and Vietnamese communist) elites currently holding (world) powers of finance / politics / militaries / industries / logistics to influence millions lives, etc "HONESTLY / CHÂN THẬT" look at the Realities of your "Living & Being" in your Continuity of the consciousness and do something for Yourself toward What Count, y-6 = -8 Conscience-3 to let you know you are only a part of the Dependent Nature of the Whole ]. Conscience (lương tri) is the ability to know the Right and Wrong and living according to underlying natural laws is empirically observed as what happened to the claimed Father God (aka the original Buddha / Phật Nguyên Thủy) and Allah. The bottom line of Right and Wrong in evolution or degeneration according to underlying natural laws is the observable of the Light / Float or Darkness / Sink in the Reality of Existence. Through a very long trials-and-errors of evolution or evolution-then-degeneration, people have different patterns and preferences. Generally speaking, those having advantages in the Y-dimension are better in Detachment due to more detoxification of the senses. But "Detachment" is Not there for its own sake of Not-Doing-Anything But being tested in visible Transcendental #Awareness. The InnerSpace F dimension to balance the invisible Y and the visible X dimensions needs stable and extra Inner (Causal) Power represented in higher Fibonacci number to dig deeper in both X and Y dimensions.

The difference between positive Fibonacci evolution and negative Fibonacci degeneration of equal Intelligence y5 = 5 = y-5 is the positive evolution can naturally #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness having wider Vision and Compassion for the benefits of one and others, having natural Silence, lighter to float up VERSUS concentration (có ní nuận) of cunning intelligence in "I win You loose" always in the conflict rather than Harmonious in [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ], heavier to sink down regulated by Nature to detoxify the tainted senses[D32] according to underlying natural laws in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Esoterically, some elites see the difference in DNA without realizing a deeper cause from ‘Our life is shaped by our mind: we become what we think’ in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Hence, the scales along the vertical Y-dimension range from the lowest "Conscience (lương tri)" naturally selected in animal kingdoms to the natural "#Awareness of Kindness and Empathy" for a wider perceptions of an "accountable creator in responsible creation", ready for a breakthrough from "qualified humanitas" for a higher View from the event's "Truth Plane" - perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness - into different states of No-Conflict Consciousness known in Gotama's Jhanas. Students of KhaiPhong re-classify them into "Signed Posts" for precise mathematical modeling. The mechanism to enable a cunning intelligence having a Hegelian Dialectic (thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis) is the "Naturally Unaffected / Vô Cảm" from the past concentration observable in all dictators, extreme religious "knights" and communist leaders. It darkens and renders one's quality of the consciousness heavy, easily observable if one has minimal "#Honesty & #Care".

Only as a human, Gotama had actual experiences in his Jhanas and Jesus described its utility as "nothing will be impossible for you" without personally and actually demonstrating that his faith can move the mountainMatthew 17:20 "Then What?". Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna is not exclusive in human realm, but in all forms of Existence from humanity upward according to underlying natural laws in one's Continuity of the consciousness. If Jesus knows "you" are cheated by the "Father God" using "you" as a "Redeemer" and "you" are Not Cheating Others like Confucius since all manifestations - visibe or invisible - must be conditioned and changing at Planck time, PLUS still having enough conscience of "Right and Wrong" please publicly SAY ALOUD so others having minimum conscience do not fall into your "Hallucinated Painted Image" in many 1000+ years of "Sufferings / Dukkha" in human realm and 60,000+ years of "Bloods and Terrors" in the past esoteric animal Kingdoms ruled by the past King of Dragons and taking over by the rulling feudal systems totally COLLAPSED due to universally underlying natural laws Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. There are scientific processes to the "End of Dukkha" currently in the hand of KhaiPhong[D44]. The utilities of #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Transcendental-Inner-Peace are deeply explored in HuiNeng's "Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định" { "to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana (Thiền), and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi" }, and "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of Samadhi } and verifiable in natural detachment and purification for reborn and rejuvenation, capable to sense the vibration of the focused event in Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count.

The processes of these states - [ Conscience >< Kindness (Từ) >< Empathy (Bi) >< #Prajna >< Morality >< Justice >< Joy (Hỷ) >< Detachment (Xả) ] - can now be statistically personalised with user facing AI from functional Components of the dynamic global variables [ #Awareness and #Samadhi as states of #Prajna, while Scientifically Cultivable InnerSpace connected and changed via visible smart pointers and traits as stock of #Prajna ] in both horizontal [ X ] implementations of #Awareness and vertical [ Y ] integration of #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to detoxify one's tainted senses at Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace around [ F ] dimension (stock of Prajna) given present states of available resources such as Health, available time of present life span and others (including relationships and capital) in Making Life Easier and Happier. Custom functional programming can be designed with your private data and what most important to you to expose the negative types in all three dimensions [ F >< Y >< X ] to the rational conscious level of Living & Being, assuring the right evolution from humanity upward according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws described in the Right complex Fibonacci evolution.

Jump to #1 Meditation, #2 Awakening, #3 Signed Posts, #4 Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn / Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations.

KhaiPhong Strategic (AEsthetic) Intelligence Service (KpSIS) is a service riding on the aggregate Quality of the Consciousness of the KpSIS team whose sponsored projects of the Engineering Roadmap step 1 will first and directly benefit the private sponsor(s), then open sources for the benefits of the masses at local community levels.

1. Meditation

Meditation is generally defined / advertised as a process leading to a state of consciousness that brings serenity, clarity, and 'bliss', plus possible other manifestations such as knowing one's and others' past lives for a wider perspective, soundless hearing plus third eye to see and dialogue with other realms, natural levitation, telepathy, etc, with lasting Vision to thousands of years, etc) to enable deeper meaningful Sharing Happiness (Từ / Kindness) - Mitigating Sufferings (Bi / Empathy). Contrary to the blah blah blah of cheating people Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19], and for our purpose, [ Meditation / Dhyana ] is a knowledge of "spiritual mysteries" to be discovered and shared - gnosis - scientifically verifiable with community value-adds and consensus initially defined by HuiNeng in "#DhyanaSamadhi" (Thiền Định) { "to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana (Thiền), and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }". We call [ "free from attachment to all outer objects" ] is [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh[D26] ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment"} in the manifestations of different depths of Consciousness, and (2) #Samadhi (Định) is measurable and initially defined by Gotama's 9 Jhanas (knowable absorption states) reclassified as Signed Posts.

Let's encapsulate the Issue and its possible scientific processes to the target / goal within one's innate nature. Due to a very long evolution with happy outcomes and failures, the senses are tainted with innumerable outdated marks to prevent one from seeing Thing-As-It-Is shown in Figure 1. One's Grand Strategy - pictured in KhaiPhong logo as a starting point of Fibonacci sequence of the Wave - is limited with (1) "preconceived ideas and tainted senses" represented as concrete blocks of physical mountains, and binding / clinging forces in the wave. As illustrated from Figure 2, we need a scientifically cultivable process to (2) "by-pass binding and clinging forces" of the Grand Strategy or X-dimension in Figure 2 surrounding the focused event. The task requires no-conflict (3) "Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent" away from the focused event (represented as one's "cultivable Inner Peace of Y-dimension at the source of one's consciousness or the beginning of measurable square) to directly perceive the Thing-As-It-Is which is momentarily affected by innumerable - visible and invisible - outside directed forces. One's strategic position or action may be an outcome of [ Wisdom / #Prajna ], commonly known as one's sweet spot comparative advantage at the focused event.

The first two underlined attributes come from the definition of HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is [ #Samadhi ] }. The third underlined attribute comes around from HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna where "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" and/or measurable with Gotama's Emptiness in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness[D26], [D29], [D30]. Correct cultivation must logically be consistent with the described processes which proves 180o opposite direction of binding and clinging from all organised religions and isms where cheating Buddhist Samatha (Thiền Chỉ)[D24] and Vipassana (Thiền Quán)[D25] are parts. We let Gotama's Charter of Free Inquiry[D23] augmented with logically and mathematically pointing out from Figure 2 that a conflicting consciousness cannot lead to the No-Conflict consciousness perpendicular to the duality plane, inviting people coming and seeing his discoveries at the bottom line of 2500+ years of his Buddhist cheating Sanghas advocating the duality conflicting states of Samatha (Thiền Chỉ) and Vipassana (Thiền Quán) to replace the No-Conflict transcendental state of #Samadhi[D29], [D30], [D26] and #Prajna[D22] where its state of [ #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh ] can obstruct and restrict karmic (clinging and binding) forces, and it is the #Prajna these binding and clinging forces are dissolved in one's continuity of the consciousness Making Life Easier and Happier.

We then use scientific Dependent Nature - first glimpsed at the surface by Gotama and used as the rational foundation of his doctrine - to demonstrate Thing-As-It-Is layered No-Conflict Consciousness observable in physical world[R2.1] and in the foundation of Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (Từ) >< Empathy (Bi) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (Hỷ) >< Detachment (Xả) ] that dependent on the previous cultivable layer the next layer can be cultivated which then affect the observable previous layers facing a focused event in engaged living. It is mathematically described in Complex Fibonacci numbers from negative (Dark / Heavy / Lie) to positive (Light / Aestehetic / Truth) where Latin humanitas is the ground zero at the cross point; the cross is the deviding line between physical CHON and esoteric beings 2022-02-12 (the video was deleted). It is enhanced with eventually-consistent distributed legal db (private Neural Graph Database) using modern Graph Analytics, AI and ML (Machine Learning), a front line of radio technologies in Better World. We mathematically present these conflicting consciousness of the "self" on duality plane of the event evidenced from the agent's Raison D'être and the "Not-Self / Selfless" as two perpendicular planes to logically show the Gateway-to-Oneness, mystically discovered by dedicated explorers such as Lao-Tzu, Gotama, Kung-Tzu, Jesus, Nagarjuna, Asangha, Bodhidharma, XuanZang, HuiNeng, etc. The mathematical representation logically proves the required attribute - the No-Conflict Consciousness - on the duality conflicting events (Relative Truth) in contact with different heights / depths of achievable recorded states - called Signed Posts - of [ Oneness / #Prajna / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness ]. We reversed-engineer tested technology know-how of identified accomplished people in our group - riding on universal natural laws to enable most people actually knowing these exotic states which are innate in every normal person and really Count[R23] on one's Continuity of the consciousness.

Within our group, there are many qualified people (due to their correct Path from Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital) that you can instantly observe that required quality of life. We encourage them reversed-engineering the conditions leading to these precious qualities to share with the mass. We are working on required facilities - named ThankYou (GsLp / Global Service Local Presence) Club - using both software and physical facilities to kick-start AwakeningBudh Movement where people can get together for opportunities and networking to change oneself and the environment one a part. We then use Big Data (from private Neural Graph Database db) and Open Source Intelligence (custom ai) as tools to make Normative Intelligence that everyone can be a part to enable people the driving forces - naturally orchestrated by Moral (leading to #Prajna) and Invisible Hand of Economics ("From people, By people, and For people") enabling both the Haves and HaveNots stakeholders - to make things happened toward what Count[R23].

The word 'Meditation' means different things to different people unconsciously addicted to 'Word' and preconceived 'Thought' indoctrinated by religions, cultures, marketing gimmicks, and even our past karmic forces. One needs to look at the bottom-line Actuality, relevant to one's Present Moment. We rigorously define 'Meditation/Dhyana' as an Exploration of 'Right Living / Effort' involving all activities (Waking, Sleeping, Dreaming and Consciousness) at different intensities leading to its proper target of Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict Transcendental Inner Peace. Historically, there are three identified meanings of 'Meditation':

  1. Bhavana (Reflection), looking at the issue from different angles and being Aware of precious Qualities veiled by Ignorance and Imagination.

  2. Dhyana (Thiền in Vietnamese, Zen in Japanese, Chan in Chinese), referring to a deep state in the cultivation of Clarity to see 'Thing As it Is' at different depths and Insight, incorporating frequent Reflections whose manifestations are Prajna and Effortless Transcendental Inner Peace, observable as the HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) and measureable at different signed posts.

    We concur with and use HuiNeng definition[R5] 'to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Inner Peace is Samadhi Transcendental Inner Peace)'. In this definition, Dhyana is the Reflection (Bhavana) at the focused event viewed from one's Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace to arrive at the decision either via cunning intelligence to point B or a breakthrough due to complete Silence from Signed Post on vertical Y-dimension to arrive possible solution somewhere on Patch C of Figure 2 at the 'Intent' for a Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict at different depths of Transcendental Inner Peace to momentarily free from attachment to all outer objects. It is so since one's consciousness via aspiration and the depths of #Samadhi can jump on the plane of [ Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom ] perpendicular to duality plane to view Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position toward the positive direction of Detachment and Energy, personally visible at different layers of WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh. The Inner Peace at different depths having distinct attributes are different stages (snapshots) of #Samadhi.

    Hence, Reflection (Bhavana) must transcend its conflicting boundary from Patches A of "Fair Trade" and B of "I win You loose" for a Thing-As-It-Is breakthrough at Patch C without conflicting View of what is going on in the Observed, the Observer, and the state of observation. That transcending the conflicting boundary at the Intensity-of-Attention point (Issue) is called Sudden Awaken, then Awakening in HuiNeng zen tradition[R5.1]. It is also known as 'breaking the crust of sesame seed for its oil' by Tilopa[D41]. All "current meditations" up to 2025 - either from cheating Buddhism of all sects and traditions, and/or other organised religions - start at a point/dot on the conflicting duality plane of changes (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and stayed on that plane of conflicting duality - 'never being free from attachment to all outer objects, nor attaining Right Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness' - are by definition "imaginations" of the Blinds touching imaginary Elephant and/or cunning heartless intelligence of Hegelian Dialectic in negative Fibonacci degeneration of "thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis" capable to calm the mind due to past concentration.

    To be more precise at the observed and its influence, we use 'Beyond-Thought' instead of Dhyana - to be free from attachment to all outer objects - which was also described by HuiNeng as WuNien (no-thought-ness), but unfortunately not understood by his students and claimed meditation masters since all are only at Word level. HuiNeng defined Wu-Nien (page 126[R5.1]) 'to have thoughts and yet not to have them' and 'seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment, this is Wu-Nien' which is "verifiable" in qualified Transcendental #Awareness[D29] by Gotama at Equanimity level and above or Detachment (Xả) by HuiNeng at stable different levels of WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh.

    'Beyond-Thought' turns out to be Not Complicated, and most normal people can directly experience, especially in Kindness and Empathy [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } or #EmptyTheContent of what Not Relevant. Knowing statistically significant "Foundation of #Awareness", the higher quality of consciousness can be quickly materialised with augmentation of custom AI in daily activities and relationships. See for yourself if you have a moment of 'empathy' from direct feeling - beyond thought - in helping a needy, such as assistance to cross a heavy traffic in rush hour. This 'Beyond-Thought' leaves 'No-Mark' once the action completed with Detachment for a Right Transcendental #Awareness to get the job done.

    This definition is a down-to-earth expression of a more technical Seals of the Consciousness (Table 1.1) in KhaiPhong: 'Detachment' as one's basis to be 'Beyond-Thought' at the Observed with 'No-Mark' on one's Substance once the action completed for the manifestation of Right Transcendental #Awareness. The accumulated and stable Signed Post of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to detoxify one's tainted senses is required for this state of Right Transcendental #Awareness. We use Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and #Samadhi as interchangeable terms to demystify the meaning of Samadhi. The word "Right" came from Gotama, qualified by HuiNeng's "Detachment".

  3. Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma #Samadhi / Chánh Định) with Natural Purification. The Purification was described by Sariputta[D27] in the presence of Gotama the observable characteristic of the highest meditation stage, known and called by Gotama "The end of Dukkha / Suffering"[D44] (Momentary Nirvana). Note that there is Wrong inner peace leading toward attachment and self illusion, different from Right Inner Peace having Detachment built on other Layered No-Conflict Consciousness as the foundation of #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien [ Conscience >< Kindness (Từ) >< Empathy (Bi) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (Hỷ) >< Detachment (Xả) ] that was unknown by Gotama and the entire history of his Buddhist communities up until the release from KhaiPhong in the twenty first century. We assert and the mass can statistically verify after the release of #PrajnaTIP in Sound that the Natural Purification starts to manifest from Gotama's second stage of [ Samma #Samadhi / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness ][D29], [D30] - named Gateway-to-Oneness - upward to that mountain top.

Toward this Actuality based on Scientific Facts, Bodhidharma[D35] introduced the Beyond 'Word' (Bất Lập Văn Tự) and 'Thought' (Vô Tướng). Everyone has the innate Buddha Nature, a corollary of 'Living', capable to know the Right and Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment. One can look at the 'contextual' bottom line, not to be veiled by 'Word/Image' and 'Thought', to leverage and explore more about that precious 'Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas' that we may not be Aware of it due to external 'Pulls' and 'Pushes' from 'Birth to Death' without knowing 'Who Am I?', 'What is the purpose of this present life and where is my next step?' The answer of this question is in the #Awareness of one's present State of the Consciousness which is one's natural but heavily veiled Mirror System, being Aware of the sense signals at the sources and the State of the being to have an optimal Right at the momentary Sweet Spot. Ontology in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is absolutely required to effortlessly weed out unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] bullying humanity for 1000's of years. No Buddhist [ samatha / mindfulness of breathing ][D24] and [ vipassana / The Great Frames of Reference / Tứ niệm xứ ][D25] can touch this "Source of Thought", hence not having Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien qualified[D22] by Gotama.

To make life Easier and Happier, we use modern Ontological System to create a digital Mirror System, augmenting and enhancing the heavily veiled natural Mirror System, enabling one reclaiming the Wholesome Mind of being an Integrated Person friendly and compassionate in accordance with the Essence of the Right Living / Effort (Figure 10). The Easier is provided with pervasive Business Intelligence and Analytics in knowing the Persona Graph of the Normative Persona with its Digital Identities to assist all Activities and Issues of life. The Happier comes from having more time, Clarity and Insight to Know Oneself via Science of Consciousness having hard-data feedback in a wider perspective in Continuity of the Consciousness.

But 'looking at the contextual bottom line' is still at the conscious caution with an effort, not at the deeper layer of effortless [ Beyond 'Word/Image' (Bất Lập Văn Tự) and 'Thought' (Vô Tướng) ]. This deeper layer involves mixing Ultimate (Wider) Truth to Conventional Truth in Madhyamaka[D38] for the continuous Purpose of Learning and Doing in KhaiPhong, infusing the Perfected Nature to take the Imaginary Nature closer to the Dependent Nature in Consciousness-Only[D39], experiencing the #Awareness of Self #Awareness in Dharmapala-XuanZang (HsuanTsang) theoretical model[D19], or knowing 'the Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas'. These are cultivable processes to reclaim one's 'Buddha Nature', heavily veiled by innumerable Marks and outdated Patches in our core carry-on Consciousness (Alaya). It has been

  1. Implemented by HuiNeng[R5], [R5.1], [R5.2] in his Beyond-Thought (Vô Niệm) at the observed 'Object', having No-Mark (Vô Vết) on one's 'Substance' and Detachment (Vô Trụ) as a basis.

  2. Value-added by Krishnamurti's "Intensity of Attention" in his 60+ years spreading the need of Consciousness revolution to Change oneself and the environment as explained next. Knowing it or not, this value add has solved the age-old question of Buddhist Consciousness-Only that how one can move from 'self' in Dependent Nature (Paratantra) to 'not-self' in Perfected Nature (Parinispanna) to activate outside-the-box Purification process from the Perfected Nature to dynamically adjust one's Realities to Actualities, changing the Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita) into Dependent Nature of Worthy Existence. We call the driving force in that Purification process [ Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict Transcendental Inner Peace ] at different depths (heights) of scientific facts to be used as Signed Posts personally discovered by Gotama as recorded in his nine Jhanas, stabilized and manifested in engaged living through different levels of HuiNeng's [ WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] known in KhaiPhong Inner Circle based on the writer's 50+ years of limited field research for Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna which can now be theoretically and empirically materialized using modern eventually-consistent db (Personal Neural Graph Database) with Graph Analytics, mathematical modeling in a complex number, and engineering optimal control theory.

  3. Personally discovered by the writer 50+ years ago in the exploration of Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D39], [D19] that it is the naturally effortless energy of the 'Intent' (energy at the "Intensity of Attention" discovered by Krishnamurti) which gives life to the used 'Word' and 'Thought' to (a) enable one entering a "Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Empty-The-Content / Thing-As-It-Is without conflict" where one is beyond the Grasp-er and the Grasped of the logical left brain to be Awaken to something beyond the conditioned relative existence, (b) naturally influence the surrounding due to the vibration of energy one is able to generate commonly known as charming and/or charisma, and (c) generate a Right Action relevant to the Present Moment.

This chapter attempts to make clear the theoretical foundation of a 'Right Living / Effort' based on one's cultivable Innate Quality from Self/Selfless #Awareness, Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma #Samadhi - Chánh Định). The theoretical foundation will be verifiable by normal persons with the help of implemented technologies and facilities in KhaiPhong (Wu-Nien, No Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ with deeper scientific cultivation of one's InnerSpace for the breakthroughs in #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã). Followings are broad strokes to be drilled down at both theoretical level and value-added implementations:

  1. The 'Effortless Intent' or Krishnamurti's "Intensity of Attention" Must Come From Right Transcendental Inner Peace having the characteristics of No-Mark once the action completed and Detachment, visible in HonNhien.

  2. The "Intensity of Attention" coming from concentration and/or wearing mask observable in most has its destructive charming and charisma in negative Fibonacci degeneration[R18.2] with possible deliverable of 'Miracle' and 'Bliss'[R18.1] if the 'concentration' is strong enough to push one and surrounding toward Sufferings due to the grasper and the grasped of hallucinated self[R18]. This is called 'Wrong Samadhi / addicted Inner Peace', qualified by Gotama due to the absence of 'Detachment' (Vô Trụ) of the Right Transcendental Inner Peace.

  3. The 'Effortless Intent' is a part of Reflection to be Aware of one's Present State or Self/Selfless #Awareness, both positive and negative, to clearly know what most Relevant at the Present Moment and do something about it. It is the Right Transcendental #Awareness with feedback to dynamically adjust one's Reality to Actuality according to proven signed posts of Beyond-Thought (Vô Niệm), No-Mark (Vô Vết) and Detachment (Vô Trụ) to see whether the driving force behind one's Volition (Sankhara) is Ignorance or states and stock of #Prajna. We value add the feedback with hard facts facilitated by advanced technologies [ Intuition >< Data >< Intelligence >< ].

  4. When that 'effortless focused energy' is a part of Right Transcendental #Awareness (ChánhNiệm) at the moment of kindness-empathy[R16] which naturally puts one in a 'Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict', one will effortlessly and clearly recognises this ComPassion (Từ Bi - Common Vibration of Energy) to make it into a signature of one's stored-house consciousness: [ Kindness >< Empathy >< Signature >< ]. The process activates the wiring in one's 'Third Eye' (Wisdom Eye, Pineal Gland, #Prajna Eye, Huệ Nhãn) for a wider perspective of left and right brain synchronisation. This important Research is an outcome of the 'PrajnaTIP in Kindness'.

  5. Once the signature of ComPassion is registered in the [ Containrized Consciousness / Alaya / Soul ], one is assured the precious ComPassion quality will be carried on in 'reincarnation' which is just a word to describe the Continuity of the Consciousness in changing physical form, similar to a 'self' to describe one's State of Consciousness in current physical and changing body. The 'Signature' manifests itself when combined with energy and physical form, acting as its tool according to the realm conditions. This manifestation from [ Consciousness > Forms ] has been proven by science in the activation of different turned-on DNA to explain a wide range of capability in [ Self-Selfless #Awareness - Right Transcendental #Awareness - Right Transcendental Inner Peace ] or the correlation between 'Quality of Consciousness' to 'Quality of Life'.

  6. The Right Action relevant to one's Present Moment due to the Right Transcendental Inner Peace has been explained via HuiNeng 's assertion[R5] about the states and stock of #Prajna [ '#Samadhi (Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness) is the quintessence of #Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi' (corrected by our extension as at both instantaneous moment and Accumulated State) ] which drives the 'Right Action'. In that correction, HuiNeng's #Prajna is Gotama's state of Right Transcendental #Awareness, plus Right Understanding and Right Motivation from #Prajna division of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path. Hence, embedded in #Prajna is the accumulated effortless focused energy drawn from something Beyond (Sunyata) of the Whole to make the 'Intent' happened. The driving force of this #Prajna as manifestation of Sunyata includes something very Fresh relevant to the Present Moment in the Essence of the Right Living from the Totality, since both the individual and the aggregate whole are dynamically changing. The word "modified" is added to Gotama's Eightfold Path to replace its "Right Mindfulness" with "Transcendental #Awareness" type to explicitly demand the quality of Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness.

  7. That 'Effortless Intent' to draw required energy from the Whole to make the 'Right Living / Effort' happened can be cultivable in KhaiPhong (Wu-Nien, No Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ having deeper scientific cultivation of one's InnerSpace for the breakthroughs in #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã) where one consciously creates the Right Environment (PrajnaPlace implemented via Equanimity Communities) for one's Inner Circle and circle of inner circles.

'Transcendental Inner Peace' (#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / There is No god but God) + Detachment (Vô Trụ that implies No-Mark - Vô Vết) is easily known via Kindness and Empathy (ComPassion) which smooths the evolution of one's Continuity of the Consciousness with Merits or Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes to enable #Prajna (Bát Nhã) flowered. Similarly, one can raise the Aspiration of Faith beyond thought (not prayers at conditioned thought) together with ComPassion to naturally direct one's energy upward flowing from Heart to Crown chakra, joining with cosmic ComPassion directed and channeled by highly evolving beings (beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought).

Another easy way to this 'Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' is to use the charming attraction of Sunyata Non-Thingness to naturally rejuvenate the burdens of relative existence at the surface with effortless '#PrajnaTIP in Sound' to reactivate the HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity). We call this charming attraction and condition to make it happened at one's highest aspiration point a secret sauce of #PrajnaTIP in Sound. There is a need to handle the edge cases for the practitioners' safety and assuring the rejuvenation process is not lost due to Grasper and the Grasped that even the founder of 'Transcendental Bliss'[D54] did not know and fell into an unworthy mistake.

Here our 'Detachment (Vô Trụ)' implies different knowable depths of Verifiable Emptiness such as loosening the Grips of 'Binding Word' in the Equanimity, loosening the Grips of 'Clinging Thought' in the Purity, loosening the entanglements (i.e. purification) of the six senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) from the five heaps[D19] (skandhas) (forms, feelings, perceptions,impulses, consciousness) in all observable attributes of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma #Samadhi - Chánh Định). We pioneer this integration from normative horizontal Right Transcendental #Awareness and vertical Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace - Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path - whose utilities are stated in his advice[D22] "Whatever streams are in the World, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved" with measurable Right Effort provided by reasoning AI.

This 'Detachment - Vô Trụ' is classified as the second 'Impermanence - Vô Thường' and third 'Not-Self - Vô Ngã / Emptiness' Seals of Budh Dharma as formulated by Gotama (Table 1). Its visible manifestation is HonNhien to show both the Inner and Outer observable Seals of the Budh Dharma. Without guidance from #Prajna, there is no 'Right Living' according to KhaiPhong which is deepening of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path[D21], making #Prajna a starting and the ultimate Perfection in the Right Living / Effort.

To kick start KhaiPhong, we extend Gotama's corollary of the Axiom Living - the Buddha Nature, capable to know the Right and Unworthy relevant to one's present moment - with rule-based assumptions to drive his extended model of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path in [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] applicable to all Activities and Issues of a Normative Persona (a person and/or organization) to make its life Easer and Happier. This [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] is the foundation of enforced Learning and the core of Knowledge Graph in Tensor Intelligence where open-source DeepSeek has touched only at the beginning of enforced Learning.

This means starting from any pain point (Dukkha), one can vertically integrate that "Dukkha to The-End-of-Dukkha" through 'Verifiable Emptiness >< Right Transcendental Inner Peace' and apply the state of that 'Transcendental-Inner-Peace' stability (Table 1) - Right Transcendental #Awareness having Clarity and Insight - to initiate the Mind Map of 'Plan' in the Mirror System for an outcome with feedback of both normative and positive KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Repeating this process in all activities and issues one has accumulated a Persona Graph. For aggregate Intelligence such as that of a business / organization, the Persona Graph is the accumulation of its strategic [ Vision - Missions (Portfolios) - Executions (Projects) ], paid by real resources of its stakeholders' [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ]. Data mining of this Persona Graph can make the life of the Normative Persona Easier and Happier.

[ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] >< { Effort }

We already talk about 'WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh' and how easily and naturally to have its direct experience in Kindness and Empathy (Compassion). The reason why it had not happened up until 2025 due to not having systematic and scientific approach that up to the time of Krishnamurti he had to say it was a pathless land. See the practical aspects of this 'WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh' at deeper level in all aspects of daily activities and in the group intelligence for serious matters such as national policies, economic / security / military strategies. World-Wide Buddhist monks - up to 2025 - have not even touched at its surface, passing the [ Gateway-to-Oneness ]. Krishnamurti spent 60+ years of his life - going around the world - spreading the message that one can See Thing As it Is without preconceived judgement and/or veils which is Beyond-Thought or "Awareness / Consciousness beyond the sense of self / No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]". To 'Know Oneself / WuNien / KiếnTánh' is the beginning of a Vibrant living organism, having a keen Inner #Awareness in Inner Cloud and Outer #Awareness in Outer Cloud for any momentary Right Action, commonly known as [ #Samadhi Transcendental-Inner-Peace ] as explored from one angle on the duality plane with duality tool known by humanity and [ middle realm of Buddhas, Gods, Allah ] which can be Right - called Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace - or Wrong (due to subtle self and egoistic elites). But the description is not the described; it is the deliverable and measurable in actual living that count[R23].

Right from the outset, we talk about scientific (observable, testable, reproducible / achievable) facts of:

  1. A natural Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma #Samadhi - Chánh Định) of #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna as a necessary foundation of beyond-thought Meditation.

  2. An embedded Detachment (Vô Trụ) to qualify the Inner Peace as a Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (#Samadhi - Chánh Định) to see 'Thing-As-It-Is'.

  3. A guidance toward 'the Right Thing to do' from #Prajna with Clarity and Insight about the Sweet Spot in activities.

'Inner Peace or Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna is required to recognize our precious 'Buddha Nature'. 'Detachment (Vô Trụ)' is absolutely necessary for the Right Transcendental #Awareness (ChánhNiệm) to guard against the addicted pattern of 'Grasp-er' and the 'Grasped' processed by the left brain, right at the source of thought in creating a divergence from one's 'Reality' and 'Actuality' of 'Thing As It Is'. The divergence is a Conflict which is 'Unsatisfied' (dukkha-dukkha). #Prajna provides 'guidance' toward 'the Right Thing to do', a razor-sharp momentary Change Dynamics to sense the 'Whole' as part of one's action to change the environment one a part.

Amongst these qualities, ComPassion or an ability to have Empathy - feeling the Pains of others having common vibrations and communications with living entities such as those in existing esoteric realms, animals, trees, etc - is the foundation to naturally have Detachment and to flower into #Prajna. 'Inner Peace or Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' is easily recognisable and sustainable in kindness Acts[R16] gradually solidified into Empathy that naturally enables the manifestation of #Prajna at the Intensity-of-Attention point: [ Kindness >< Empathy >< Signature ] then [ ComPassion >< Right Transcendental Inner Peace >< #Prajna ].

We do not make a fuss about mechanical processes such as riding on (1) the charming attraction of the Sunyata Non-Thingness, (2) the aspiration via Faith beyond thought plus ComPassion, (3) specialized ability (Siddhis) of accomplished practitioners to channel cosmic energy in the helpful Purification of the target(s). Yet, we do introduce these mechanical processes with emphasis on Detachment right from the preparation step to enable most persons direct experience the 'Gateway-to-Oneness' at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna that all organised religions cannot deliver, but enforce the system of master-slave relationships in Faith via Prayers at conditioned thought/image for addicted Wrong Inner Peace.

Precisely, #Prajna is the Wholesome Integration of Brain Intelligence of Being or Knowing Who You Are, x_trait such as Intuition coming from smart pointer such as (state-stock of #Prajna), and wider perspective of ComPassion from the Heart (stock of #Prajna)[R16] for 'the Right Thing to do' which embraces all involved parties in the Totality of Existence, outside the boxes of all local involved parties. It is the manifestation from Dhyana (Meditation, Thiền, Zen, Chan) through frequent Reflections (Bhavana), Clarity and Insight enforced at different depths with Effortless Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định) to deepen the 'seeing Thing As It Is' moving through different depths of #Prajna to its Perfection. 'The Right Thing to do' is both a Sudden flash of the Vision and the accumulated corner stones to turn the Vision into an Actuality. It is the modified[D26] Eightfold Path Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma #Samadhi), extended to the [Dependent Nature of the present states of one's Relationships with the World 'As It Is']. #Prajna is the manifestation at different depths of Sunyata, a technical term embracing something even beyond what can be known within our relative existence.

Over thousand years ago when communication and infusion of the knowledge were not wide spread, HuiNeng used his 'Actual Experience' ('to attain Inner Peace is #Samadhi') to correct many thousands years of Hindu description of #Samadhi which is 'Bliss - Ananda' in the well-known SatChitAnanda that only few qualified practitioners have actually known it. In doing this he corrected marketing gimmicks of many Buddhist cheating monks - happening up to 2025 - wearing the masks of meditation masters having monk's robe, advocating retarded processes via focused concentration - narrowing down the scope of one's "Mindfulness / concentration" not sensible to external events around oneself - being a seeing / hearing machine.

Sticking to this Hindu tradition at his time and the snapshot approach, Gotama used the word 'Bliss - Ananda' for this 'Inner Peace' to describe the Actual three preliminary observable attributes of Right / Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định) without describing 'its intensity fading away into Verifiable Emptiness at the Purity stage, to be utterly Silent, ready for the 'No Thought' in the Expanding Space of Right Inner Peace toward the 'Sunyata Non-Thingness'. A thought of Emptiness is not Empty and a thought of Non-Thingness is not Non-Thingness, but there is a consciousness state to be Aware of that "Emptiness and/or Nonthingness" named at theoretical model as the fourth consciousness)[D19]. Most monks/nuns do not know this Verifiable Emptiness and Non-Thingness. There is 'No Thought' in the 'Expanding Space', so what enables you be Aware of the 'Expanding Space'? See for yourself the precious discovery of an #Awareness / Consciousness beyond the sense of self on duality plane that Krishnamurti spent 60+ years of his life to tell humanity that all naturally qualified persons can personally know this state to get out of the vicious circle of [ Ignorance >< Aversion / Fear >< Attachment / Greed ] on the duality plane.

Question: Everything I know is conditioned on duality plane of conflicting forces. A conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality As-It-Is, scientifically proven in observer effect. How can I See and Live 'Thing-As-It-Is' in a Worthy conditioned existence?

Answer: It is the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma Samadhi) - or #EmptyTheContent toward "Sunyata Non-Thingness" accessible by most people with minimum qualified conscience knowing the Right and Wrong relevant to one's present moment - as defined below based on recorded Actual Experience of Gotama[D29], [D30], [D26], further annotated with actual experiences of several students in AwakeningBudh Movement, to naturally take one to an experience in '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' at different [depths / heights] glimpsed by Trần Thái Tông[R7.3].

The visible characteristics of this solution have been introduced by HuiNeng over thousands years ago: Beyond Thought at any Observed (Yes, there is an #Awareness beyond Thought / duality such as Kindness, Empathy that most people can know in a compassion daily living!), having No-Mark on one's Substance once the action completed with Detachment as one's basis for the manifestation of Right Transcendental #Awareness to see and act according to 'Thing-As-It-Is'. It is the reversed evolution from Form back to Consciousness, bypassing outdated marks in tainted senses riding on discovered natural laws to short-cut treacherous pass of many 1000+ years of trials and errors. It is the KhaiPhong to Free Intelligent Beings at human level or above from the [ Known / Binding Word-Image and Clinging Thought / Sở Tri Chướng ] required in the Dependent Nature of Existence for a high above on the plane of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] to see the focused event As-It-Is and one's strategic / breakthrough solution to push the event toward a right direction of What Count[R23].

This is the end cycle (Decenber 2012) to start a new golden Era (from 2025) of higher consciousness as predicted in 'The Path of the True Heart / Đạo Chân Tâm[D42], [R20.1]', via [ Spreading the Dharma from the Cloud (Pháp Vân - KpPlatform), and In large scale (Pháp Vũ / #PrajnaTIP in Sound), Thundering the Dharma from Beyond Thought (Pháp Lôi / Mu PrajnaPlaces), Lightning the Dharma from Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations (Pháp Điện / #PrajnaTIP in Kindness). It is just a simple Truth between Light and Darkness that just a flick of Awaken Light, many thousands years of Darkness in master-slave relationships with billion lives thrown into an Abyss of Extreme Violence and Sufferings will be effortlessly dissolved.

Please put following question to all claimed Buddhist teachers, monks and nuns to force them being real solution providers - not being unworthy[R18.4] but Qualified Participants in Khaiphong - of Gotama's advice in the practicality and essence of the Right Effort, tracing out the optimal conditions in Taming The Ox as we would ask and challenge Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] if he were a living student:

Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is Right Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved
Source: Answer to Ajita's Questions

See for yourself why the question has not been touched by any monk / nun in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism right from the time of living Gotama. Via repeated cultivation, there are natural Inner Changes toward Inside Order (Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent personally known by Gotma in his recorded Jhanas) to Change whatever one is doing (the World) for an Outside Order (World Peace). That Transcendental Inner Peace and beyond[R1] to Cosmic Consciousness and Unity has been poked into by many great Explorers commonly known as the 'Nameless' by Lao Tzu, the 'End-of-Dukkha' by Gotama, 'the kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21] from Jesus, 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth'[D38] in Buddhist Madhyamaka, 'Perfected Nature' in Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D39], '#Awareness of Self #Awareness'[D19] in Dharmapala-XuanZang theoretical model, and 'Self Nature' by HuiNeng[R5].

A conflicting duality - conditioned veiled by its dominant 'mask' - cannot see other conflicting duality 'As It Is' that creates Sufferings (Unsatisfied) due to a divergence between Reality (perceived through the 6 senses) and Actuality (thing without the presence of the grasp-er and the grasped) as illustrated in Figure 1 (Evolution of the Species and the Consciousness). There is also a divergence between Seeing 'Thing As it Is' and Acting on 'the Right Thing to do' (Right Living based on the known) where '#Prajna' makes these chasms disappeared. Hence, #Prajna provides required "Intensity of Attention" to overcome unavoidable conflicts from seeing 'Thing-As-It-Is' and the required action of 'the Right Thing to do', commonly known as one's Conscience, plus the use of the "known" at the right place and right time. The 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas totally miss the senses of Right and Wrong, the sense of Justice, and the meaning of Moral Value in the layered No-Conflict Consciousness forming the foundation of Right Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (Từ) >< Empathy (Bi) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (Hỷ) >< Detachment (Xả) ] due to its cheating process of [ Ethical Code whose first violators are almost all monks & nuns > Concentration > faked #Prajna / Giới > Định > Tuệ ] turning Gotama transcendental Samma #Samadhi (Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace) and #Prajna required for Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path as outcomes of its conflicting and cheated duality of Gotama's accomplishments. The innate [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] - directing the "Intensity of Attention" toward the Right Thing Todo of Right Understanding - is then further veiled and wrapped in the imaginary "meditation in Emptiness" and/or totally sabotaged by degenerated forces in perpetuating the cheating processes of masters-slaves that everything is illusion! What is the meaning - Raison D'être - of your existence that only in engaged living one can change the quality of one's consciousness and its environment.

The "Question" has been cracked by Gotama who presented the Fourfold Truth of a Right Living / Effort, having required Transcendental-Inner-Peace, embedded Detachment[D20] (Vô Trụ), and #Prajna (Bát Nhã). These Scientific Facts have been further explored by many with detailed road maps and tested trails, to present the Ultimate Fact Sunyata (summarized in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] - Prajna Paramitas Hridaya) in their Sharing Happiness (Từ) - Mitigating Sufferings (Bi). But Gotama's discoveries and further value-adds by other dedicated explorers are Not Deep Enough to unravel underlying natural laws to statistically test their personal opinions and turn them into epistemic objectives so others - and their own reincarnations - do not have to start from square 1 of the scientific process.

If we conceptually view Budh Dharma as a Totality (the Tao), we can describe that Totality from different angles. Gotama took the angle of 'Living' as a mathematical Axiom where Buddha Nature, an ability to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment, is a Corollary. Without the 'Buddha Nature', there is No Living. From the 'Living Axiom', he discovered scientific (observable, testable, achievable/reproducible) facts varying from the surface 'Dukkha' (dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha), to 'Impermanence' and much deeper 'Not-Self / Empty' beyond thought (a thought of 'Not-Self' or 'Emptiness' is not Empty) toward Verifiable Emptiness, to the deepest a personal existence he (one) can actually know 'Nirvana' (or The End of Dukkha at an instantaneous moment outside gross conditions). These are the four Seals of Budh Dharma from the angle of Worthy Living (SatChitSunyata) as discovered by Gotama (Table 1).

Without relying on any Axiom which is a 'construct of logical and rational thinking', KhaiPhong presents the Budh Dharma of 'Thing-As-It-Is' (Tathagata) that everything is a part of that Totality. For example, Gravity is a 'Thing-As-It-Is' or a scientific fact that we can leverage the force as a part of our existence to make life (Dukkha) Easier and Worthy in one's Continuity of the Consciousness with or without knowing Newton third law of Action-Reaction. To discover the Gravity with its precised expression for many other practical applications, Newton relied on his third law as a mathematical axiom to discover a scientific fact of Gravity, setting the beginning step in exploring what are out there in the Universe to make a normative Agent Happier in leveraging its innate Potentialities in a wider perspective of the Essence of the Right Living / Effort. The "Thing-As-It-Is" (Tathagata) from humanity upward is the ability of [ ComPassion >< Prajna ] as defined in Latin Humanitas if not messed up by the degenerated dark forces, known as the collapse of Illuminati (New World Order) Elites!

Scientific facts contributed by AwakeningBudh to kick start the Movement are [ ComPassion, Detachment, HonNhien, #Prajna ] which are "Thing-As-It-Is" but systematically related and interconnected to move deeper and deeper to the core of the Totality, having innumerable discovered trails along the path to be explored for the benefits of one and the whole. Like Gravity applicable to certain condition, scientific (observable, testable, achievable) facts of [ ComPassion, Detachment, HonNhien, #Prajna ] can be immediately utilised first qualitatively in our present conditions while waiting for precise scientific descriptions with quantitatively measurable metrics, just like innumerable applications of Gravity even before the discovery from Newton third law of Action-Reaction. We have developed quantitatively measurable metrics to gauge the states at seven different achievable levels of Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension known in KhaiPhong Inner Circle and Signed Posts Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness Y-dimension of one's "states and stock of #Prajna (a lump of all other factors) in observable pattern of Fibonacci sequence", the manifestation of "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace" on the foundation of Kindness and Empathy deep rooted in the invisible Sunyata.

To prepare for this step of 'Thing-As-It-Is' (Tathagata), Bodhidharma[D35] leveraging Vasubandhu's analysis of conditioned existence[D19], [D40], advocated to Go Beyond 'Word' (Bất Lập Văn Tự) and 'Thought' (Vô Tướng) for the bottom line Actuality since words and thoughts are the descriptions of the described which is actuality and deliverable. HuiNeng demonstrated this Beyond Word and Thought tradition that with #Prajna (Bát Nhã), one can look at observed 'Object' at Beyond Thought (Vô Niệm), having No-Mark (Vô Vết) on one's 'Substance' once the action completed and Detachment (Vô Trụ) as a basis of a Right Living, fully consistent with Budh Dharma without scholastic study of huge Buddhist texts, to drive Budh Dharma into Scientific Facts of Actuality. The tradition, based on scientific facts, is contrary to the assertion in the bible 'the Word was God'[John 1:1] and 'Cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I am - Je pense donc je suis', which has been used by Buddhist unworthy people[R18.4] with "so many imaginary fingers pointed to different painted moons" to sabotage Gotama's discoveries up to 2025 and perpetuate masters-slaves relationships that destroyed both masters and slaves.

Due to logical and mathematically proven proof that a conflicting duality (conditioned darkness) cannot see other conflicting duality (conditioned darkness) As It Is, HuiNeng approach turns out to be the measurable process to be (1) out of the tautology process locked in 2500+ years up until 2025 of cheating Buddhist Sanghas i.e. practitioners in Gotama's process must be upgraded to the level of Beyond-Thought pegged by Gotama as minimum requirement for his Transcendental #Awareness that most [ monks / nuns / followers ] fail to personally know and verified as an epistemic objective, and (2) efficiently starting the Thing-As-It-Is process from Compassion >< #Prajna, i.e. the Kindness and Empathy must be systematically and consciously cultivated to be at the level of recognising the "Beyond-Thought" and its impacts. Both the two conditions are not generally met and are parts in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong (Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ required for deeper scientific cultimation of one's InnerSpace for the manifestation of #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã).

Under certain condition such as 'Vacuum', there is no Gravity. Similarly, at the mountain top of form-realm existence, #Prajna can be at Prajna-Paramita outside our present conditioned existence via Transcending the Observed and Observer at the Unmoving State called "The End of Dukkha". The unconditioned outside relevant conditioned existence can be conditioned under a larger set as mathematically presented in Figure 2 if we draw another set embracing the entire Figure as its content. It is similar to #Awareness of a Self #Awareness is Self #Awareness as argued by Dharmapala-XuanZang[D19] in their theoretical model of Cognitive Science that KhaiPhong will deliver the technologies for most people to personally verify the theory that there is a "no-observer #Awareness / No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]" right at the source of thought to know the sense signals and the state of one's being for an optimum Right Action at the Present Moment.

That is How a breakthrough from #Prajna to move a conflicting event toward a Right direction in making the pie bigger of [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ], not the zero-sum game of "I win You loose" of the "Yin Yang fixed pie" from Tao's [ Wu-Wei / Not Doing Anything ]. It is also the meaning "Peace and Plenty" of a lay-Buddhist organisation Hòa Hảo, esoterically dreamed - due to not yet deliverable - in the realm of Gods / Allah / Buddhas. For that reason, 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth' presented by Nagarjuna can only be a 'No-Conflict' Truth relative to the conflicting boundary of the observer. Its manifestation from the angle of the observer in conditioned existence is conditioned and self-selfless Actualization - due to one's capable #Awareness outside the relative present conflicting moment - exactly as scientifically proven by the second law of thermodynamics due to the generation of entropy of the manifested existence, and totally consistent with Madhyamaka.

This modern understanding via mathematical set theory can immediately demonstrate the hard facts about 'claimed masters' in Madhyamaka that they do not know 'Verifiable Emptiness' at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna that Nagarjuna had only a glimpse - called insight into the Emptiness - when they strongly put up the argument against Consciousness-Only that 'a sword cannot cut itself' or in modern term a conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality 'As It Is' due to the observer effect. It has to be 'outside-the-box' and all transcendental technologies from all great explorers are around this point.

In that transcendental state or 'insight into the Verifiable Emptiness', there is an #Awareness to view 'Thing-As-It-Is' - from Not-Self No-Conflict Consciousness accessible by the observer - so one can make a strategic move in the manifestation of the conditioned, known by Hindu as Chit or an #Awareness of the Awaken. It is similar to a thought of love is Not love, but there is an #Awareness of the love beyond all manifested thoughts. The phase 'As it Is' has different depths and space - hence different depths of Verifiable Emptiness - which is easily understood using mathematics while waiting for proper implementations at different depths in Insight of the Emptiness. That same argument can show the futility of Buddhist meditation on emptiness when there is no transcendental states at different depths for a Natural Purification from the power of Detachment which is Not the detachment at thought level.

That is why HuiNeng mildly corrected the wrongdoing of 'boosting meditations' from professional monks by asserting that without Inner Peace transcendental state or insight into the emptiness) there is no meditation (#DhyanaSamadhi), and 'hope' (or dream on) they can be 'honest' enough to cool down what they do not know nor have[D19]. Over thousands years and this writer effort to warn Vietnam Buddhist Research Institute (Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam) since 2007 as well as his public voice against unworthy monks are enough for all kinds of rituals, blah blah blah, and self-ordained into international cheating clubs, totally diverting Gotama's discoveries of #Awareness and Right Relationships into the darkness of masters-slaves relationships. Gotama did not authorise any army of gatekeepers so there has been no blood shed between the faithful and the infidels. But a cloud of darkness is there. With a flip of light from both scientific knowledge and deliverable technologies to different depths of 'Verifiable Emptiness', thousands years of darkness will be dispelled. We hope you can be a part - The first Global Buddhist Summit April 2023 New Delhi - of this new Era of Consciousness revolution with hand-on in engaged living at KhaiPhong Global service Local presence (GsLp) / ThankYou Clubs to work for the benefits of the sponsor's engaged living and local communities at the grass roots.

The same thing of not knowing the 'Verifiable Emptiness' is applied to monks in the Consciousness-Only that they do not know different depths of the Verifiable Emptiness in their answer about 'a light to light up the light'. This within-the-box of conflicting duality is called 'tautology' when applied to 'thought' similar to the conditioned thought tautology between [ Ignorance >< Not understanding Fourfold Truth ] and [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna ], totally within conditioned boxes of indoctrinated monks to make Budh Dharma stagnant in the past 2500+ years.

Monks and claimed masters in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas have spent too much time and efforts in the debates at thought constructs, not yet arriving at 'Thing As It Is' in the Natural Purification or 'naturally reborn and rejuvenation' of the 'Verifiable Emptiness' for an Insight of momentary 'Thing As It Is' in the deeper process of Learning and Doing, moving from Ignorance of Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought toward Detachment embedded in actualities of 'Thing As It Is' relevant to the Present Moment.

As Scientific Facts or Natural Laws, all signed posts carry the Dharma Seals of Impermanence (Vô Thường) and Not-Self (Vô Ngã / Emptiness) exactly as formulated by Gotama in addressing the observable Issue (Dukkha - Khổ) and its solution (The End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana - Niết Bàn) for the Present Living, or Detachment (Vô Trụ) and HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) as an initial contribution of AwakeningBudh Movement, making happened the precious ComPassion (Từ Bi) and #Prajna (Bát Nhã - the source of Right Action) innate in the Buddha Nature, a Sine Qua Non or Corollary of Axiom 'Living', implicitly made by Gotama that everyone feels its existence, talks about, but does not know how to use it for practical benefits of the Present Living.

The solution is at down-to-earth daily activities in KhaiPhong (Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ required for deeper scientific cultimation of one's InnerSpace for the manifestation of #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã) to be revitalized in the AwakeningBudh Movement. It happens if and only if one is on the positive Fibonacci evolution, capable to have Compassion and #Prajna as defined and observable in Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within. In that definition, all degenerated Buddhas, Gods, Allah, and cunning intelligent people - having no minute of complete Silence as asked by the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva but cheated by Avalokitshvara Bodhisattva[D49] - are below animal energy due to their extreme desires, no matter what extreme desires are binding and clinging to them. Yet, they continue to cheat in stealing and bullying others like their human priests, monks and nuns, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19].

Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma #Samadhi - Chánh Định) is the required attribute of the Right Living / Effort

By discovering two "Universal Processes" (1) a charming attraction of Sunyata Non-Thingness (Gotama's seventh Jhana) of #PrajnaTIP in Sound mentioned in Buddhist Shurangama Sutra[D33], and (2) "energy merging process" to be in complete Silence from different activities and vertical switches having "real people" actually knowing the Silence States of "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's WuNien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh", we basically enable most people - targeted at 500,000,000 or 8% human population - regain the innate (qualified by Nature) "Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" as personally known by Gotama and Jesus with the difference in (1) diversities from different angles in all Activities and Relationships at all Places to wipe out masters-slaves relationships of the collapsed feudal systems and democratize the new "Era of Conscious Living", knowing more about oneself and the environment one a part, and (2) buiding one's Right Effort on top of statistically proven "TRUTH" DISCOVERING and SHARING amongst intelligent beings (Human / Esoterics / ETs) in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations.

2. Awakening: [ Economics >< Technical Singularity >< KhaiPhong ]

Recognizing these tainted senses - economically exploited by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] up until 2025 - humanity has learned a very "dear / costly" lesson of masters-slaves relationships in the past feudal era, claimed gatekeepers of divisional and conflicting spiritual powers supported by esoteric dark forces from different planes of duality consciousness, and cunning degenerated elites from Technical Singularity ONLY at the physical dimension, mathematically proven to be INCOMPLETE by Gödel theorem exposed below due to subjective Observer having taintted senses and Space / Time in Einstein's universe of existence that Gotama has demonstrated 2500+ years ago a person qualified by Nature defined in Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, prajna) can transcend both the Observed / Space and Observer / Time / Not-Self for a breakthrough #Prajna at different states and stock of #Prajna applicable in all domains and fields to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The outcome from this many thousand years of struggle in Change Management is a scientific (logical) understanding of Simulated Reality of "Who one is" at observable physical and mental manifestations. But the environment of your present reality and current game you are in is also evolving according to natural laws of Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction where (1) only in engaged living at the present moment one can know more about oneself in changing oneself and helping to change environment one a part, (2) the "quality of one's consciousness" determines the environment and game one is a part at the end of current physical life cycle. There are underlying natural laws of the Light Floating Up[D27], of Action-Reaction, and Likes-attract-Likes that we call Universal Moral (Human) value of the values / Giá trị nhân bản của mọi giá trị in Making Life Easier and Happier. That Freewill in Making Life Easier and Happier plus innate ability selected by Nature in "Latin humnitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within", one - with [ #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh ] - is more than all physical and mental manifestations having a chance to make it "Right" again in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Via SHARING discovered underlying natural laws of the above "Universal Processes", we introduce the "Universal Moral (Human) value of the values / Giá trị nhân bản" an additional scientifc factor for investigation and testing to prove the TRUTH that one is an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.

That wider scientific understanding is now empirically verifiable in KhaiPhong using both discovered "Normative Intelligence" at the common line separating the plane of duality consciousness and the plane of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] for a wider view of Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count as illustrated in Figure 2. Interactions between [ Oneness = duality Consciousness + no-conflict Consciousness / Consciousness-Only / Yogacara at theoretical levels of the three Natures: Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita), Dependent Nature (Paratantra), Perfected Nature (Parinispanna)[D39] and Artificial Intelligence (AI) toward What Count ] are discovered via shared epistemic objectives from Right Understanding and Right Motivation of all important events and relationships in community implementations of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path. Current and future open sources of these technologies will enable Wholesome Technical Singularity from both normative and positive Intelligence coming "From people, By people, and For people", making happened two other attributes of Latin humanitas - Compassion and Wisdom (Prajna) - for the true meaning of human rights in a "light effortlessly dispelling all kinds of past darkness".

The discovery of "No-Conflict Consciousness" with different layers in "Dependent Nature" of Thing-As-It-Is described in positive Fibonacci evolution that conflicting consciousness on the duality plane of existence (Relative Truth) cannot touch - scientifically proven by the observer effect - is significant and outcome of many dedicated explorers in solving the quest or Truth of "Who one Is / the Raison D'être". It is the practical philosophy starting from epistemic objective of Consciousness and the functional attributes of Consciousness Intelligence. Since one can access both "No-Conflict Consciousness / #Prajna / The Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / There is No god but God" and duality consciousness of focused event to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count, one is both (1) the Creator on the Relative Truth and (2) part of the Creation on the Ultimate (Wider) Truth. The collapse of esoteric higher realms of claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah and the Illuminati NWO rendering many involved parties degenerated to below human level is the lesson learned by all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward.

The video "Why We Are Living in a Simulation" listed three reasons why many elites are convinced and believed in the races of super advanced masters controlling our world. This has been the reality of humanity up until the end of 2017 with Inter-Realms very long struggles in technological advancements on conflicting duality planes and their invisible Raison D'être glimpsed by minority forming the battle between Evil and Good forces of 60,000's man years in higher realms. Only after the collapse of esoteric dark forces, strategically engineered by the Good Forces to make Things happened in the direction of What Count[R23] according to underlying natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is having Right Agents of Changes in both higher realms and human realm to foil their horrific plots of destruction in perpetuating masters-slaves relationships and glorifying the conflicting "narrow" self, we are able to see pieces fitted together. The discovering of layered No-Conflict Consciousness as the foundations of Right Transcendental #Awareness unknown even by Gotama, and deliverable technologies to enable people not only Creators like Chimpanzees but also part of the Creation in Making Life Easier and Happier driven by #Prajna Dialectic.

Esoteric external forces have been using humanity as their biological labs just like people using animals without some kindness and empathy for their sufferings, totally ignorant about underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes that Nature has Safety Valves in orchestrating the normative - that we call Ultimate Moral Value of the values - and positive intelligence in its own evolution toward What Count[R23]. The collapse of Illuminati Elites planning to eliminate 90% human population for their easy masters-slaves relationships officially ended 2022-07-26 (the video was deleted), and evidenced-based quality of the consciousness of all elites controlling financial, military, politics and religious powers of the world provide reasonable proofs of these esoteric influences that evil and good forces have their people strategically put and properly trained in specialised positions in preparation of the final cosmic changes at the end of 2012. Thanks to be a very small part in this Grand Strategy, we can - based on our fact-based esoteric evidences - confirm that (1) all major players and slaves of the dark forces in the middle and higher realms have been clean up by the Dependent Nature of underlying Natural Laws, (2) the executive branches of the King of Gods using consciousness technologies in controlling all isms in humanity where religions are parts have been totally collapsed with many not even qualified as intelligent animals for the nature naturally purifying their insanity of living beings, (3) dedicated explorers having higher consciousness - proven from their past records of changing the world toward a Right Direction according to Natural Laws of Making Life Easier and Happier - are properly put in place in the reorganisation of the higher realms, (4) some of them have their identified streams of consciousness in both higher and human realms to work with their past partners, students and students of students to speed up the changes in the Right Direction.

If you are the above elites and still survived due to your past good karmic forces, please (1) honestly face the quality of your consciousness that your sense of the "Right and Wrong / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / There is no god but God" is capable to see Value of the values in your continuity of the consciousness, (2) listen to your Intuition (states and stock of your InnerSpace / #Prajna) (where we attempt to use AI to "detect and help" your qualification patterns toward What Count rated at Fibonacci evolution or degeneration) to properly change yourself - no matter who you are (person, leader of an organization, or a country, of realm, etc, - and the environment most directly related and important to you in concrete sustainable projects such as [ ThankYou / Global Service Local Presence ] Club that may last beyond your current life time, (3) dedicate 100% your [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] to what most important to Your Raison D'être. We can Help.

If you have some extra precious qualities built from the layered No-Conflict Consciousness [ Conscience >< Kindness (Từ) >< Empathy (Bi) >< #Prajna >< Morality >< Justice >< Joy (Hỷ) >< Detachment (Xả) ] , please listen to your #Prajna and dedicate 100% your [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] to change yourself and environment toward What Count[R23]. ThankYou Clubs will be the places for such people, recognising opportunities and networking to make a difference for Creation as a responsible creator. Do not be bullied by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] under all isms that they are very good in advertising painted cakes, evidenced from the entire history of major organised religions where Buddhism is a part at the bottom line of their 2500+ years in "cheating" Mindfulness, Emptiness, immoral mystic powers, Sutra recitation and praying. Look at tracked records of all religious leaders and spiritual teachers in helping to create the environment you want to be a part to effortlessly wipe out the cheaters. The battle in exploiting binding Word/Image and clinging Thought is extended to cheating thesis in Capitalism and anti-thesis in Communism by the dark forces driven by Greed and Fears of Problems and Reactions rather than innate Budh Nature / Kingdom of God within from #Prajna Dialectic which can take one out of the duality plane of conflicting consciousness of all isms and imaginary utopia such as "inclusive capitalism", "inclusive globalization" pioneered by Canadian "Inclusive Society" where the "cheating systhesis" may be worse than a "Fair Trade" deal, mathematically proven in International Trade to make all involved parties better off.

There is no need to prove the hoax of Forever and Manifested "Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Creator" of the Consciousness due to the second law of thermodynamics and changing of all manifestations - visible or invisible - at Planck time. Just like Gotama's quest for the meaning of one's existence and the solution of present Sufferings (Dukkha) in his discoveries of the Fourfold Truth[D20] and Not-Self[D20.1], the same quest has been done by intelligent beings in higher realms with many trials and errors from dedicated explorers. In that Noble Quest, unworthy people - driven by Greed and Fears - are more than ready to cheat others for an upper hand of masters-slaves relationships in claiming to Know what they do not know to See what they do not see[D19]. Facing the oppression and cheating of all isms where conflicting religions are parts, current science looks at [ information and outputs of Consciousness Intelligence ].

According to a Vietnamese author, Gödel’s theorem presented on 19-07-2019 (Ha Noi) is one of the most important theories in modern science and philosophy that KhaiPhong will empirically prove below the INCOMPLETENESS theorem together with Complex Fibonacci Numbers in mathematical simulation is "very important" to (1) convince the "dark forces" from 100,000+ years of their esoteric degeneration in their animal Kingdoms without knowing the reason "WHY" that there is a scientific way to "Harmoniously Evolve" according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED by all involved parties, (2) ride on the "Good Forces" from both esoteric and humanistic Right Evolution to scientifically identify optimal conditions leading to the naturally desired qualities that others make them into "Moral and Justice Leaders" for the benefits of themselves and others, and (3) explain the "Vietnamese KiếnTánh / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's WuNien" more completely that as long as being qualified by Nature as a "person" one is more than just "Body & Mind" of a containerized self - BUT with Freewill - one can be a Normative Agent of Right and Wrong and the best breakthrough solution via scientifically cultivable #Prajna of neither Right nor Wrong at that instant moment in a very complex situation such as the Dark Sides of US Federal Reserve Bank in its Empire of Lies to channel Cosmic Energy for the benefits of the Whole.

Gödel first incompleteness theorem states that any consistent formal system F within which a certain amount of elementary arithmetic can be carried out is incomplete. This "INCOMPLETENESS theorem" is NOW APPLIED in ML (Machine Learning) to fill the required gaps of needed information via Neural Network Forecasting and Simulation in proposed Neural Graph Databases. KhaiPhong rides on available living students having the desired (#Prajna) qualities such as the reincarnations of (1) Trần Quốc Tuấn, (2) HuiNeng / Huệ Năng, (3) Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, (4) XuanZang / Huyền Trang, (5) Phạm Ngũ Lão, and recorded noble properties of others such as Gotama, Jesus, etc, with armies of PhD and post graduated researchers ready to offer their trained scientific knowledges together with Conscious Living psychologists on The Importance of Being Ethical (The Grand Inquisitor @ minute 44:55 of the video). It was again applied by international communist movements and by Vietnamese communist mafias up to 2025 to exploit the uncertainties of one's InnerSpace in (1) the way to make decisions, (2) the way to create Values, and (3) the way to make the Created Values happened and sustainable. We must decide WHAT - Value of the values - for ourselves and the environment we are a Responsible part, enabling scientific and engineering feedback control processes to effectively HELP present worldly successful people with financial-millitary-industrial-political-religious Power PLUS available Resources But Lack of Serene Mind and Qualities [ personally known by Gotama, Jesus, HuiNeng, etc, / DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN (Cảnh báo cho người nổi danh) / Successful - Disturbed Mind ] the Best Money can Buy in creating distributed Equanimity Communities as Play Grounds of Worthy Living & Being in one's Continuity of the consciousness to scientifically and optimally evolve according to proven underlying natural laws in Harmonious environment where all involved parties of the [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] are exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good, rather than Cheating / Stealing / Bullying / zero-sum Game of I-win-You-loose on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. The secret sauces within KhaiPhong IPR (Intellectual Property Right) are (1) all manifestations must be conditioned due to the second law of thermodynamics, (2) the demonstrated qualities of highly qualified living and esoteric students can be scientifically figured out proven in KhaiPhong Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness ready to be tested to naturally detoxify tainted senses, (3) available tools and professional HELP are NOW READY for the Best Money can Buy in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

Applying [ "1 for True / Có / Visible / Diversity / Manifestation" & "0 for False / Không / Invisible / #Oneness / Emptiness" ] to Gotama's Dependent Nature on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness mathematically modeled as X-dimension of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ], we prove that (1) Gotama reversed direction in the destruction of Ignorance within his "Axiom of Living" is False since his Consistent System on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness is INCOMPLETE. Empirically, "Ignorance" is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed via cultivable #Prajna in the first division of his modified[D26] Eightfold Path as the solution of his identified issue Dukkha - #Prajna was explicitly introduced in the second turning wheel of dharma from Prajnaparamita[R2], (2) [ #Prajna / Madhyamaka Ultimate (wider) Truth / Yogacara Perfected Nature ] is on different plane of No-Conflict Consciousness orthogonal to the duality plane of conflicting event and the InnerSpace viewed from one knowing self-selfless actualization (technically known in Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22]) capable to see Thing-As-It-Is at the focused event and one's strategic move to push the event toward What Count missed by Gotama leading to his own defects in design-build-execution of Buddhist cheating Sangha and degeneration which debunk Buddhist classifications of [ Stream-enterer (Sotāpanna) - Once-returner (Sakadāgāmin) - Non-returner (Anāgāmi) - Arahant ] due to the dynamic non-linear interactions of the process similar to and from known dynamic interactions of Layered No-Conflict Consciousness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ], (3) the complete Silence of self on the Truth plane of the event has other implications on the "Inter-Realms Dependent Nature known by few students in KhaiPhong Inner Circle as a scientific solution to the question of the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva plus "How to quickly move out of the negative Fibonacci degeneration to the Lighter and Happier of positive Fibonacci evolution in Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49].

In terms of Thing-As-It-Is wider implications conceptialized in Buddhist [ "Có / Không - Visible / Invisible - Diversity / Oneness - Manifestation / Emptiness" ] or Soyen Shaku[R6] in the World Parliament of Religions 1893 (Chicago US) and subsequently spreading the Buddhist Dharma in the United States { All things return to "One" and "One" operates in all things or God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality }, the "INCOMPLETENESS" of the Buddhist founder is his theoretical (logical) deduction from totality based only on one dimension from Duality Plane of Conflicting consciousness despite the fact that he (lumped together as the complex third dimension of an intelligent identity) actually had a "bird view" of another orthogonal dimension of "Transcendental Inner Peace / Right #Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" leading to the defects in design-build-execution to enable unworthy monks / nuns / followers sell his discoveries in their Buddhist cheating Sanghas, riding on his credibiity to fool humanity in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. KhaiPhong corrects Gotama's defects with (1) value-adding HuiNeng's contributions in "Detachment / Ưng vô sở trụ" from [ WuNien / Right Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh ] as X-dimension of his logical presentations, (2) using his "Right #Samadhis" as scientifically measurable Signed Posts of Y-dimension, and (3) lumped together all other factors where Gotama and HuiNeng, etc, are only parts in the Complex Fibonacci dimension of Thing-As-It-Is "Totality Whole" according to underlying natural laws to be further DISCOVERED and SHARED. Complex functions are used to model [ Y-X-F ] for discovering underlying natural laws for optimal one's process-of-evolution toward What Count.

The first two points - HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness and Gotama's Transcendental Inner Peace - can be immediately implemented. The third point is about the danger of withdrawing to Sunyata Non-Thingness in spirit realm where one's astral body can be damaged by Vairajana Voodoo Spells. We need this Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations to enforce the required protection of "IamX" legal integrity. Mathematically, when we introduce another dimension - the dimension of other intelligent beings of other realms in more complex Dependent nature of Existence - we open / expose to many possibilities where the Right and Wrong of concerned activities and relationships must be dealt with. One can enter different stages of Silence and ask some friends to guard the physical body, and/or if one's "Natural Emptiness" is deep enough, the body has its own defense against the esoteric intrusion. Up to 2019, humanity is treated as slaved by other dimensions of intelligent beings. In reclaiming the innate [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas ] capable to have [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }, one can bring cultivable #Prajna to deliver "#Prajna Dialectic" on any other plane of duality existence just like on the human plane of conflicting events. This is the Green field of new Golden Era that "Human Rights" of humanity can bring to the table from its learned lessons of dark periods dominated by unworthy people of all isms where religions are parts to hack human mind in claiming their "masters" who are degenerated according to Natural Laws. Practical example of this multidimensional conflicting event is the "Right and Ownership of the treasure in a sovereign country" guarded by Vajrayana Voodoo Spells of "Spirit to guard treasure / Thần giữ của". It is now even more complicated with the new Consciousness Technology from Vairayana Voodoo Spells to enable "willing" astral bodies of living stakeholders coming as a new team of the treasure guards. Here we have parties legitimately owning the "treasure", the immoral "consciousness technologies" to hack the mind of other intelligent assets "Spirits", and the country ownership. We are aware some treasures from past Chinese dynasties in Vietnam, China and Other Countries ready to finance Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good of all involved parties, and can help since the darkness of all immoral Vajrayana Voodoo Spells will be dissolved via the light of Cosmic Energy coming from "#Prajna" to bring "Peace and Harmony" to the table of "Justice, Accountable, and Transparency".

Same scenario is applicable to accumulated resources directed by esoteric forces and carried out by real people prepared for a co-competition after 2012, but failed due to the working of natural laws and involvements of both Good and dark forces. All involved parties claimed their major shares but there is no "Rule-of-Law enforceable in Inter-Realms" since ONLY intelligent beings in each realm can effectively make happened for their orderly development and evolution to be deeper exposed below. Esoteric forces always claim their master position dedicated to their selected human beneficiary, and enforced according to their "Rule-by-Law" where the Law is not applicable to them since they are masters well-known in Confucius feudal systems! It is "not a verbal attack", but statement of Facts verifiable in scientific methods for the Dignity of humanity! This is Not the case anymore due to the degeneration of the dark forces, and/or our "destruction of contracts signed in blood / thought-form matrix / snatching technologies / etc". Once all involved parties realise what most important to their quality of the consciousness, and their accumulated resources can be used to pay for the help of immediate benefits plus Value of the values to what most relevant to their Needs, we can definitely help in both available and dedicated researches - whose fruits will be open sources - of normative and positive technologies according to the laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes!

Gödel (1906–1978) ontological proof is intended for the existence of "God" which has different meanings of any enclosed system, very much different from the hoax of the Persona Father from the Roman Catholic Church - "Forever and Manifested "Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Creator" due to the second law of thermodynamics and the changing of all manifestations - visible or invisible - at Planck time. In August 1970, Gödel told Oskar Morgenstern that he was "satisfied" with the "proof" that Gödel would not publish because he was afraid that others might think "he actually believes in God, whereas he is only engaged in a logical investigation [that is, in showing that such a proof with classical assumptions (completeness, etc.) correspondingly axiomatized, is possible]. For our purpose, we use "God" in "The God-Conception of Buddhism" put out by Soyen Shaku[R6] from the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago (1893): God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality (Gödel Incompleteness due to different dimension orthogonal to the World on duality plane of conflicting consciousness). In this sense "God is the underlying TRUTH" to be DISCOVERED and SHARED applicable to different realms, cross-cut all intelligent existences where comparative advantages proven in International Trade are applicable in making all involved parties beter off. The "God" factor is Now Easy to understand using mathematics when we introduce the target system into another bigger system. For example, the Observer Effect is well known in physical science since consciousness is a New / God Factor besides the physical manifestations. In "Relative Truth" of manifested physical and consciousness states on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, Gotama discovered in a living person an ability to enter the "Dimension of #Oneness / No-Conflict Consciousness" for a breakthrough out of the self to selfless from the fifth Jhana upward toward Non-Thingness that Buddhist theories called "Ultimate (Wider) Truth in Madhyamaka[D38] and Perfected Nature in Consciousness-Only[D39]". KhaiPhong rides on this "Discovery" and its "Scientifically Cultivable Technologies" to deliver the Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna having visible practical outcomes to solve major International Issues.

In our application of Gödel’s theorem, we show that (1) the description of Gotama's first discourse[D20] for the Solution of his Raised Issue Dukkha is INCOMPLETE, and that the solution MUST BE the modified[D26] Eightfold Path to explicitly include another [ No-Conflict consciousness dimension Y of Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness ]. The reversed direction of its Dependent Nature blah blah blah in his cheating Sanghas right at the time of his spreading the discoveries did not have this Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to enable unworthy people in his Buddhist cheating Sanghas turning his modified[D26] Eightfold path upside down [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ][D46] totally on the duality plane of conflicting events, (2) Gotama's second discourse of Not-Self[D20.1] explicitly declared the description is Not the described of what Gotama knew which is #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness - whatever that content of karmic Binding and Clinging forces are - in his recorded Jhanas we use as identifiable Signed Posts which are the Right conditions for energy changing from Ignorance to #Prajna due to Natural Purification of the tainted senses used by the Accountable creator as a part of one's Responsible Creation (one is fully responsible for one's activities and relationships driven by invisible hands of #Prajna and Economics), (3) there may be different natural laws applicable to different dimensions - such as duality of conflicting consciousness and layered no-conflict consciousness - that the Right or Wrong Action/Effort must take into account that humanity with armies of PhD and post-graduate researchers are ready to provide the services.

Here is an actual experience happened to and known by the writer to casually touch the power of MahaSatipatthana[D25] - the foundation for Vipassana - applicable Only to Gotama in Inter-Realm Dependent Nature and the relevance of KhaiPhong's Scientifically Cultivable [ "#Awareness" as its target - “KiếnTánh" làm tông / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its Flower - “Bát Nhã" là hoa ] on Compassion Tree deep rooted in Sunyata as an outcome of one's InnerSpace F cultivation having a glimpse of WuNien (Beyond Thought Vô Niệm) / No Mark Vô Vết / Detachment Vô Trụ which are observable, testable and reproducible for a scientific breakthrough from Suffering Dukkha to Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha. Similar to esoteric forces driving President Putin to the war with Ukraine that he may reveal at the right time as a "Learned Lesson" for Intelligent beings from humanity upward, this writer was sexually stimulated by dark forces. The #Awareness at the fifth level of WuNien will naturally enable one to know the driving source of the thought whether coming from internal or from external forces for a clear decision of Right or Wrong via the manifestation of #Prajna. Further more, the resulting internal forces are clearly separated into to organ stimulation from the thought perception and its stimulation rising up to unbearable level. Due to the “KiếnTánh" at the base, one can properly manage oneself and/or use "cosmic energy" from #Prajna to DISSOLVE the attacking forces presented in the physical demonstration of the Heart Sutra via Qi-Gong. The foundation of “Vietnamese KiếnTánh" is in Transcendental states #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Virtue / Ý NGHĨA CĂN BẢN CỦA GIỚI LUẬT cannot touch.

Mathematically, each dimension is a matrix of property vectors relevant to the-self-evaluated legal Persona in tracing the identity "IamX" for the identity's neural network in graph from one's tensor personal Neural Graph Database db to help the identity know more about oneself as claimed but declined by the billionaire Elon Musk, and the "Scientifically Cultivable Prajna" for one's Right evolution in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Here is the green area of Joint researches and Trading in our proposed Inter-Realms Communications and Collabotations, positively responded here by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva 2023-03-12 for Giới Phật (aka The Morgan, The Trần, The Buddha), the preparation of Giới Tiên 2023-03-23 (aka the Tao), and the degenerated esoteric Amitabha 2023-03-18, having ONLY the blah blah blah descriptions claimed to be "Chân Thực Thiết Thực Thực Tiển / Honesty Realistic Practical" to boost that he can be above the underlying natural laws of "Action-Reaction"; in reality he is NOT even qualified as a person personally known by "Mother Thánh Anh" who used esoteric technology to put his soul / alaya into a human womb. We do know your degenerated acts - Amitabha Buddha - with current Vietnamese communist elites in your esoteric human mafia circle similar to the past Illuminati (Western) Elites directly influencing VietNam since 1954 after the fall of Điện Biên Phủ up to Sino-Vietnamese War 1979 to perpetuate their 75+ years of communist autocratic system from the life-time personal View of a "true" Vietnamese lady 1947 - 2015 continuing up to the "officially corrupted" Chinese communist mafia (đường dây) Trương Mỹ Lan 2023 (the video in VietNam was deleted; we replace with another video outside the country) against Vietnamese people, having tracked records to be proven later by the Science of History.

VietNam has been esoterically selected as a strategic geopolitical Right Place at the Right Time in possible "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" for many highly qualified people (Phật, Tiên, Thánh, Thần) in many domains and fields to be parts of the history. We feel the majority of Vietnameses in and outside the country may be ready - The time for Exploring KhaiPhong / Tới Ngày Triển Khai @ minute 13:00 of the video - riding on accumulated available physical resources in exchange for more universal Morality and Justice via GNH (Gross National Happiness) toward a New Era of Harmonious Living proven by "slaved" Vietnameses in Vanuatu (Tân Đảo from 12:50 of the video) whose Inner Secrets and their Underlying Natural Laws are Formalized and Scientifically Proven in Invisible Hand of #Prajna Dialectic to direct Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count. Culturally, the balance between Intuition and Rationality (practicality plus scientific knowledge / Kỷ Năng Thích Nghi) are readily available in most Vietnameses from minute 1:22:00 of the video. With the injection of #Prajna from the No-Conflict Consciousness via scientifically cultivable underlying natural laws, the Vietnamese innate comparative advantage will be raised up to the Next Level of Innovative Solutions / Kiến Tạo, practically solving complex Issues in many domains and fields Making Life Easier and Happier most appropriate to current world structural changes in the New Era of Consciousness Living & Being.

Grounding on the foundation of natural Inner Peace known in Gotama's 9 Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] and being implemented in KhaiPhong 6 Signed Posts, VietNam - through the Free Trade emerging ASEAN economic hub - may be ready to fill the required remedies for structural Weakness which is the injection of scientifically cultivable #Prajna on the #Truth plane of Moral Assertions in current conflicts between US and China, EU and Russia, India and the South, etc, 100% on the duality plane, emerged from 2025 Trump 2.0. The protections of Human Rights and Dignity are threaten to be obsolete replaced by the challenges to Diplomacy as a solution to perpetual War & Peace, currently from the conflicting civilizations on the foundation of cheating Confucius versus the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer. Given current conditions, this is where KhaiPhong injections of #Prajna from its innate students can strategically change the world Affairs toward Harmonious Melting Pot of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna and the Invisible Hand of Economics. Esoterically, the cunning forces with symbol "All Seeing Eye" created a newly formed Vietnamese religion (Cao Dai 1926) of the "degenerated" King of God and Huỳnh Phú Sổ (born 1920 popularly called Phật thầy, "Buddha Master" in Vietnamese) founded a lay-Buddhist organisation Hòa Hảo (1939) to prepare for "Stealing the new Era of higher Ascension" in enslaving humanity with its symbol "appeared in 1935 on US 1 dollar bill" of the failed degenerated NWO (New World Order) / Hegemony, completely Exposed at the bottom line of Trump 2.0.

Let's bring to the Fair Trade table if you - current esoteric Good Forces - have anything TRUTHFUL and Practical in one's Continuity of the consciousness, making Life Easier and Happier to avoid your personally Learned lesson in 100,000+ years of evolution then degeneration shown in the mathematical Complex Fibonacci simulation from minute 7:00 of the video. ELSE get out of the way in another 60,000+ years of degeneration. Due to your very long evolution then degeneration without knowing "WHY", your "Comparative Advantage" is in cunning intelligence similar to your human slaves currently holding Vietnamese communist absolute power in bullying and cheating others of "Corruptions and Anti-Corruption" to hide the Realities of all involved parties in [ DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN (Cảnh báo cho người nổi danh) / Successful - Disturbed Mind ] that you and your communist mafias must follow the underlying natural laws in very large scale of continuous degeneration according to your present realities. All of your involved parties KNOW with minimum "Honesty" (we only ask you CARE for yourself and the environment you are a part / No One can be against the law of Action-Reaction) until you can be naturally awaken due to your innate Buddha Nature of Right and Wrong to reverse the Suffering of disturbing mind (harming others) via your cunning intelligence PLUS Voodoos of esoteric and "Bullying power" of "communist mafias. Alternatively, you will be continuing your pattern of Cheating, Stealing, Cunning and Bullying others of AnimalConsciousness according to underlying natural laws of Likes-atract-Likes and Action-Reaction[D32]. There is a beter way to use your Intelligence and Freewill in (1) The Right Thing to Do and (2) The Right Way to Do, (3) Combining with your Comparative Advantages to be the leader of the degenerated forces currently holding trillions of trillions US dollars preparing their show-down at the end of 2012 but Failed that you were a part of this dark force.

We can help to scientifically reverse your esoteric and human degenerated trend via (1) your Freewill to recognize the Right from the Wrong - The Importance of Being Ethical (The Grand Inquisitor @ minute 44:55 of the video) - according to underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes, (2) being "Agents of Changes" having demonstrated qualities of "#Honesty & #Care" at Verifiable TRUSTED bottom lines, exciting in Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good for all involved parties of minimum Fair Trade and/or #Prajna Dialectic. Similar messages are directed to the degenerated "Giới Tiên & Giới Thần" currently blah blah blah in VietNam with your destructive consciousness technologies as recorded in Journey to the West[R4] at physical levels to physically harm and bully others which is "Unethical / Immoral and Unjust against underlying Natural Laws". We are aware of the esoteric energy behind a Vietnamese communist at minister level (2025), but your "bullying force has No Match" against cosmic energy nor against ET Good Force extending their assistances in the New Era of Harmonious "Living & Being". This includes those currently have physical human bodies like "DIỆU TỐT" in your underlying natural laws called "Qui Luật" 2022-02-12 (the video is now private) that we do know your dark sides! There is the universal "Qui Luật / Action-Reaction" No One can be against and must conform to The Importance of Being Ethical (The Grand Inquisitor @ minute 44:55 of the video) to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. It is "Unethical and Against Underlying Natural Laws" to steal the precious part of others and claimed to be yours like the unworthy - claimed enlighten monk Thich Nhat Hanh - as pointed out and seriously advised by a Harvard expert & Warren Buffett to stay away from this type in one's Worthy relationships of the new people-centered Society 5.0. We will work with qualified and responsible "Family Lineages" from the dragon Realm to establish "Law & Order" according to verifiable and enforceable "Rule-of-Law" for the stability development of all involved parties where you are welcome.

The distributed "creator" and responsible part of "Creation" in "self-selfless actualization" (technically known as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22]) of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] uphold the democratic process and equal human rights / Bình Đẳng if and only if there are sufficient numbers of qualified elites in each "equanimity community" to assure the "community mind" not being stained and attached by fake News / disinformation and information warfare, absolutely required as Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0. [ The official conclusion of WEF learned from China about KungTzu's "Trusted doctrine" was taken out which says something about the reality of "China, WEF and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer played on both sides of Hegelian Dialectic" on the Duality Plane of Conflicting consciousness, and the Source of Conflicts identified by China since 2019 as "A Clash of Civilizations". Civilizations and Cultures are human endeavors In Search for the TRUTH and the Raison D'être of one's Existence. Out of these Turbulances and the Lesson learned from the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods, possible Solution emerged from the new Era of Humanity centered around "Security" under the Rule-of-Law with latest evidence in US - South Korean - Japan Security Pack, "Development" toward What Count from humanity upward under scientifically cultivable Normative and Positive Intelligence, and "Diversity" in multi-polar world from different angles to the TRUTH emerging from BRICS 2023 Summit. It is the Key Solution KhaiPhong is trying to sell in a bigger scale to (1) China, (2) US/EU, and (3) Russia with Scientifically Cultivable Invisible Hand of #Prajna Dialectic ]. Past armies of unworthy people of dark forces must follow their own courses of degeneration until awaken in their conscience of Right and Wrong according to natural laws. The current situation is very bright since (1) those in the controlling power fully recognised their qualities of the Consciousness - of the light floating up and the heavy darkness sinking down - to do something with available resources that will not be parts of their Continuity of the Consciousness, and (2) there exist numbers of students actually knowing the { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } from many different conditions according to natural laws in the manifestation of self-selfless actualization at different achievable depths. The bottom line is that all beliefs and utopia are scientifically and statistically measurable to convince the mass of their "proposed Values" and that no absolute dictator can violently enforce the description without deliverable concrete beneficial results.

In discovering Dependent Nature of layered No-Conflict Consciousness and the three orthogonal sets (of personas' measurable vectors) (F-X plane, X-Y plane, and fibonacci InnerSpace in facing a focused event) from humanity upward - together with living students actually knowing [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] - we think (1) Gotama's suggested solutions in his discoveries of the Fourfold Truth[D20] and Not-Self[D20.1] will step out of his personal experiences into epistemic objectives, cultivable and statistically verified by pipelines of trained elites, (2) HuiNeng's value-added discoveries will be scientifically implemented by the combined forces of post-graduate scientists and those actually knowing [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] from their 1000+ years of trials and errors to speed up the cultivable processes of millions others to assure Human Rights in innate [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas ].

Please help clean up once-and-for-all hardcore persistent processional cheating artists - such as the monk in his entire life time up until 2020-03-15 Thích Giác Toàn evidenced in "PHẬT GIÁO THỰC HÀNH GIÁO LÝ KHỔ VÀ DIỆT KHỔ TRONG THỜI HIỆN ĐẠI / Buddhism practices the Dharma of Dukkha and the end of Dukkha in present time" - Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] since "diệt 'ái' liên quan đến diệt khổ trong mọi hoàn cảnh / destruction of 'craving / tanha' related to the destruction of Dukkha in all situations" in response to our scientific proof of Gotama "wrong Dependent Nature" at both theoretical and empirical levels. At theoretical level, we use the above Gödel’s theorem plus 'ái / craving / tanha' is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed. At empirical level, the solutions will be delivered by those actually knowing WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness and all #Samadhi Signed Posts known by Hindu and Gotama. Scientific processes of cultivable #Prajna injected and tested in all human activities and relationships as illustrated at the top "Takeaway, including esoteric relationships with other realms directly and/or indirectly related to human beings driven by invisible hands of #Prajna and Economics. The desire of destruction is 'ái / craving / tanha' itself, and duality on the plane of conflicting consciousness cannot be "beyond its conflicting dukkha". The solution must be from different orthogonal dimension - from Ignorance on the duality plane of Conflicting Consciousness to the dimension of layered No-Conflict Consciousness at cultivable different heights/depths of #Prajna naturally transforming 'craving / tanha' to 'detachment' due to natural purification of the senses in the Body & Mind cleaning - glimpsed by Gotama as #AwarenessPrajna { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }, value-added by XuanZang {consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness} and HuiNeng [ WuNien / Vô Niệm ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment"}, [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }, and #SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ { Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna [for Right Understanding], while Prajna is the activity of Samadhi [for Right Motivation] }.

Discovering underlying Natural Laws of statistically significant epistemic objectives are modern solutions that humanity can bring to the table in the new Era of Conscious Living. Whatever manifested is conditioned and must be changed (viparinama-dukkha) at Planck time proven by the second law of thermodynamics. All esoteric and human blah blah blah in VietNam are past unworthy people in their 60,000+ man-years of negative Fibonacci degeneration. Their descriptions of "Emptiness / Non-Thingness" are Not the described "Emptiness / Non-Thingness" known by Gotama in "Transcendental Inner Peace (Jhanas) / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" for natural Purification of tainted senses and manifestataions of HuiNeng "WuNien / KiếnTánh / Transcendental #Awareness"[D26]. The re-branded from the degenerted Father God into "Cha Trời Mẹ Đất / Father God Mother Earth" is a "childish trick as [ TÓC XÁ LỢI PHẬT / The Buddha's Hair ]" (the video was deleted) to attract another Jesus Redeemer via Greed and Fears of animal kingdoms below humanity. Please force them to answer who created "Cha Trời Mẹ Đất / Father God Mother Earth at minute 21:00 up to 2024-01-01" (the video was deleted) and how they are changed and conditioned according to underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVEDRED and SHARED since according to current scientific understanding all manifestations - visibe and/or invisible - must be changing according to the second law of thermodynamics and at Planck time. In scientifically cultivable levels of consciousness, an intelligent being rated by Nature at the level of "Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" (the quoted video becomes private) protected by Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be a part in its scientifically cultivable "Then What". Each living thing is a creator of its own right in its own environments that regulate and constrain its activities and relationships. But only human or above - capable to access the Event Truth / No-Conflict Consciousness / #Prajna / The Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness - can be both an Accountable creator and part of the Responsible Creation.

This is the new Era of Higher Consciousness in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" after the collapse of degenerated Illuminati Elites. The writer's astral body is currently working with others in the Dragon Realm, but detailed remembering what are going to happen with the participations of many highly qualified senior members he needs the reincarnation of HuiNeng who - currently a living Vietnamese - has been the front line soldier since 2004 as a communication Hub where people can directly communicate in his/her own language. The "message" is broadcasing at the source of thought so all participants can understand in their own languages without the need of any translation. According to the latest News from 2024-01-01, highly qualified people in the Dragon Realm are joining forces in "Science" such as Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein etc, and "Consciousness Technologies" on top of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math). The viewer from "No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]" can sense current pattern of the focused event and its optimal move - at the macro level - according to the Dependent Nature to be discovered in its responsible part of the totality. At the micro levels of independent intelligent units and collaborative communities, there is a possibility to mathematically model the nested and evolution of intelligent tetrahedron at minute 4:24 in the perfect sharing where what happened in one will affect the whole - well-known in the butterfly effects - and what movement in the whole will affect all components arranged in Fibonacci sequence toward a Golden Mean Ratio of constitutional building blocks in the universe accessible at discovered Vertical Switches. The tool mu and others in KpPlatform are our attempts of this mathematical model to integrate human radio technologies with discovered Consciousness technologies contributed by many dedicated explorers. In this integration, the "butterfly effects" can be hard-wired from one's protected ID to directly communicate what most important to one with his/her connected circle and circles of inner circles in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations for one's Integrity: five distinct (R E A L M) intelligent realms if available, three advanced centers (social, health, engineering), 5 closest personas of one's private subnet, one's "Core / Alaya / Soul" in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

Taking each person as an individual building block modeled as a fundamental building block tetrahedron - a three-dimensional equilateral triangle - the above illustration of Self-Selfless Actualization (technically known as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna) in cultivable #Prajna being injected in all activities and relationships via KhaiPhong >< Strategic Intelligence Service (SIS) with custom AI as a starting point to 100% honestly know more about oneself and #Care as an Accountable Creator and part of the Responsible Creation. The #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác[D22] has its cultivable state in Transcendental #Awareness at visible different depths and cultivable visible #Samadhi Signed Posts are parts of one's InnerSpace of the tetrahedron. Information in the fields where your quality of the #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác as illustrated above in KhaiPhong IT processes is another angle to be significantly contributed by modern Artificial Intelligence. Finally, based on what most Count in your present living, the system can suggest optimal relationships in helping you (1) Making Life Easier and Happier, (2) Knowing Your Raison D'être, and (3) Managing What Count which come from facets of each "legal building block" in its #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác[D22] in the Dependent Nature with its environment: Intuition (states and stock of InnerSpace / #Prajna, comprising of (1) #Awareness, (2) #Samadhi, and (3) (stock of) #Prajna / InnerSpace. Your Raison D'être of the Self validates modern "Human Rights" according to underlying natural laws and "True Democracy" for the required stability under the Rule of Law where there is no contradiction between Article 1 about human Rights and Article 3 about the sovereignty of the nation in the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 (French: Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen de 1789)" if and only if there is a critical mass estimated at 8% or more of the population knowing the foundation of scientifically cultivable #Prajna.

The existence of "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" available in beings qualified by nature as "human" described " from philosophy as Humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Wisdom) or from religions as Having Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" theoretically validates the "Universal Moral / Natural Laws" - to be discovered and shared - invisibly operated in "Accountable Creator and a part of the Responsible Creation", and empirically proves the underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes from hard evidences in the collapse of advanced esoteric realms of Buddhas / Gods / Allah and of Illuminati (New World Order) Elites in humanity. Being naturally qualified as a person - having embedded Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) in Latin humanitas to be qualified for the dignity of human rights - one's innate quality of the Right and Wrong can reverse the evolution from duality form back to "No-Conflict Consciousness" in a vista of Consciousness Intelligence that we call #Prajna Dialectic. Only in engaged living[R6] - measurable in fact-based self-awareness of Right and Wrong - one can change oneself and the environment toward What Count according to Consciousness Intelligence to be discovered and shared from both Positive and Normative Intelligence in both Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth of #Oneness.

The Self (Your Raison D'être) - Selfless (Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna) Actualization is the first time implemented in human realm to "Free / Liberate" oneself from binding Word/Image and clinging Thought unknown and a major cause producing unnecessary Sufferings for all intelligent existence, and "Activate" [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count But also applicable to all intelligent esoteric realms in the proposed "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations"[R20.5]. Besides available "Inter-Realms Communication Hub" for all intelligent beings communicating at the sources of their thoughts - transcending all languages - via Sound Technology of a living student, current speech recognitions and automatic translations can definitely replace unreliable and tainted senses of required mediums.

The scientific facts of Impermanence (Anicca) and Empty (Not-self) cannot be achieved at logical thought of the left brain, but with 'required wiring' in the 'Third Eye' (Wisdom Eye, Pineal Gland, #Prajna Eye, Huệ Nhãn) to synchronise between the parallel processor of the right brain absorbing simultaneous signals from the Whole relevant to the 'Intensity-of-Attention' point and the left brain to categorise the signals, manifested from the inner power of cultivable [ #Oneness = duality Consciousness + no-conflict Consciousness / Consciousness-Only / Yogacara at theoretical levels of the three Natures Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita), Dependent Nature (Paratantra), Perfected Nature (Parinispanna)[D39] ] which can be one aspect in KhaiPhong scientific exploration of its cultivation of the persona Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace in changing your visible Imaginary Nature to your self-rated visible Dependent Nature based on your

[ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] >< { Effort }

When the 'Action' is completed, required emotions and energy at the intensity-of-attention point are naturally dropped for a natural "Freshness" to face the next moment. That is the meaning of 'Impermanence (Anicca - Vô Thường)' and 'Empty' (Not-self - Vô Ngã) in Actual Living, missed by the entire history of the Buddhist cheating Sanghas in thousands years of conditioned 'Impermanence' and 'Empty' at 'Word and Thought'. It is a required qualified attribute of HuiNeng's No-Mark (Vô Vết) on one's 'Substance' once the action completed, fully demonstrated by Vietnamese General Trần Hưng Đạo, three times militarily defeated the Mongol invasions and taught them a severe lesson in the third time. But once the action completed, there is No-Mark on one's substance to continue the process of 'Learning and Doing'. To make this happened - especially in modern stressful activities - there must have "Transcendental #Awareness" for the stability and rejuvenation via "state of #Prajna and Signed Post of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness (Samma-Samadhi) absolutely required for the cultivation of stock of #Prajna" unknown by all monks / nuns in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas, Not knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19].

No student under HuiNeng could understand this simple "Actuality" known by currently collected students of KhaiPhong that they recorded as 'no-thought means to be without thought while in the mist of thought' (Vô niệm là ngay nơi niệm mà lìa niệm) exactly as the blah blah blah of unworthy people in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, and boosted via pure imagination (of the Buddhist monk Shen-Hui[D5]) [or softer translation, Thần Hội[R5.1] - 'Đối với những ai thấy được vô niệm, thì nghiệp ngừng hẳn tác dụng' - those seeing the 'No-Mark' has no more Karma]. There is no transcendental states deliverable in the entire history of Buddhist cheaing Sanghas world-wide in all sects and cultures up to 2025, except those who like to be among nature attempted by Phật Thầy Tây An / The Buddhist teacher at Tây An[D52] for delivering "Transcendental Relaxation"; but none of his students up to 2025 - and probably he himself since he has not stated his "Recipe / Tâm Pháp (Heart Dharma)" to be tested by the mass - can naturally dissolve stresses in open space and wilderness from the fertile South of VietNam to personally experience the transcendental states of No-Conflict Consciousness, actually experiencing HuiNeng's Wu-Nien. To get to the "Recipe / Tâm Pháp (Heart Dharma)" according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED such as the correction of Buddhist Sound Technology, one must first actually know it such as the mentioned Phật Thầy Tây An / The Buddhist teacher at Tây An as we esoterically know then "reverse engineering" to test required optimal processes and conditions making it happened according to the "Recipe / Tâm Pháp (Heart Dharma)". If something happened to enable the sustainable KpPlatform, the "Technology or secret Recipe / Tâm Pháp (Heart Dharma)" will be personally deliverable to most qualified students cross-cut all nations, religions, civilizations, skin-colors, male-female, etc, by the Vietnamese reincarnation of [ Tôn Tử (SunTzu) "Win without Fighting" / Khương Duy (Jiang Wei) / Huyền Trang (Xuanzang 玄奘) / Lý Phật Mã (Vua nhà Lý) / Trần Quốc Toản / VŨ khắc Trường / General Nguyễn Viết Thanh (South VN) ] in "IamX" from one's Continuity of the consciousness. At the right time, please recognize him via his visibly deliverable outcomes (plus look alike XuanZang and Nguyễn Viết Thanh), being a part of his teams since he will not claim who he had been in the past.

Any one claiming to know "[ KiếnTánh / #Awareness / WuNien / "Thiền - Dhyana / Tâm lý học (Tôn giáo") "#DhyanaSamadhi" (Thiền Định) { "to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana (Thiền), and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi } / Psychology out of the Cheating organized religions ]" such as the 2000+ years of evil Roman Catholic Church and/or 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism without delivering the "Recipe / Tâm Pháp (Heart Dharma)" to scientifically reproduce verifiable outcomes Is a professional scam artist to be exposed under the human Rule-of-Law. We can drive her / him / it further with "Then What" in visible "Dependent (for optimal engineering processes) and subjectively measurable Prajna (the next two practical utilities to demonstrate your realities)". Typical example is this professional unworthy person 100% evidenced here 2021-10-20 from a Vietnamese shameless layman (the video was deleted), Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19], trying to perpetuate 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and/or its re-branded religion of the cheating and stealing animal kingdoms. Since most Asian countries - such as VietNam, China, etc, - are agricultural base, here is (1) a "koan / công án" for someone to break into it from "KiếnTánh / #Awareness / WuNien" since you must be on the Truth Plane of the Issue directly seeing a wider aspect via your "Aspiration of Justice and Morality" for a breakthrough solution based on your comparative advantages to make it happened for You and others while demonstrating the visible outcomes of KhaiPhong "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" similar to (2) the "koan for Vietnamese East Sea, South China Sea, West Phillipine Sea" transcending both "Hegelian Dialectic" [ of Chinese thesis "Belt and Road Initiative"[R8] versus US-lead anti-thesis “B3W / Build Back Better World” and China "Digital Silk Road (DSR) 2022-01-21" ]: "How can I help people living close to the land and nature, naturally "harmonious, kind, and hard-working HaveNots" to deserve a much better portion of the economic Shares in Clean Ecology, forming a threshold to democratically change the world toward What Count?" or "How can I help the World enabling morally and justly transcending conflicting Issues such as issues at South China Sea to a Harmonious Melting Pot of "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings"?

Only KhaiPhong can deliver "these two koans" starting from its Inner Circle of collected "qualified students from the past 50+ years" to spread Consciousness Beyond the Known briefly explained here at the entry level 2021-10-24 to the mass in raising the threshold required for sustainable "[ KiếnTánh / #Awareness / WuNien ]" to support the required working conditions of people-centered democratic society. It is "Beyond the Known" since there are verifiable states of consciousness in one's scientifically cultivable Intuition augmented by AI toward What Count (the sixth sense of one's containerized Alaya) and required breakthrough from Prajna (the seventh sense of selfless) for optimal solutions of dynamically changing situations of the above two "koans / công án". It is the first time under "Trusted Leaderships" of people-centered Society 5.0, practical zen koans / công án are jointly contributed and solved by concerned people KhaiPhong is looking for as partners Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good. Some of these people pass all Gotama's personal discoveries without falling into his own crack of hallucinations plus successfully reversed engineering the experiences to enable almost all normal persons know - proven by the failed Transcendental Meditation[D54] in 1960 to 1970 period - all Gotama's reported nine Jhanas riding on discovered underlying natural laws to do the heavy lifting for one's effortless Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Empty-The-Content toward Non-Thingness[D29], [D30], [D26], and deeper than HuiNeng's contributions[R5] in his [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ ] plus many 1000+ more human years in further explorations and engaged livings for the present reincarnations amongst us being parts of the team to show the "TRUTH" according to underlying natural laws in the negative Fibonacci degeneration of esoteric "claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah, King of Gods" in their layered systems of the systems in the culture of cheating and stealing manifested in humanity as "Binding Word / Image and Clinging Thoughts" enforced by their slaves / Pavlov dogs in the names of religious and ism leaders on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness in zero-sum game of "I win You loose".

The discovered "TRUTH" also includes proven positive Fibonacci evolution visibly demonstrated via living students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle, and scientific processes to be statistically measurable and proven the fastest routes to transform the negative Fibonacci degeneration to the "qualified Humanitas" via Kindness and Empathy, then a breakthrough to HuiNeng's "WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh". The reversed engineering is based on limited field researches starting at the writer's actual experiences to be protected by Intellectual Property Right (IPR) and statistically significant tests from Industrial Revolution 4.0 of user-facing mu in KpPlatform for sitting Transcendental Meditation in 1970 as a graduate student at the University of Western Ontario Canada, and in 1982 of selfless consciousness (Gotama's Infinite Space and Infinite Consciousness toward Non-Thingness[D30]) while lying on the grass and under a Rescue Apple Tree of his house, and/or any other spiritual claims such as the claims from Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] since all manifestations are conditioned and there are optimal conditions to make it happened with or without the original contributor. These two experiences - when combined with proven Ayurvedic herbal medecines + Yogic Flying and transcendental Qi-Gong at the source of Knowing or Singing and playing music (to be deliverable by a Canadian student), or technologies from lost Atlatis (we are recently aware of in humanity) - are excellent technologies to be "parts of spiritual tourism of Equanimity Community upgradable from Tranqility to natural processes of #EmptyTheContent proven and knowable from humanity upward[D26]". The powers of "the unmanifested as explained in Yogic Flying" and the visible demonstration of "transcendental Qi-Gong in using the mind power" have been practically applied by the present reincarnation of HuiNeng at deeper levels to deal with unseen esoteric attacks and Voodoos of the dark forces and known by at least five other students from KhaiPhong Inner Circle at levels x3 = 2 of KnowingFreshness, x4 = 3 of ProcessDiscovered, X5 = 5 of KnowingThought from the source, X6 = 8 of CareViaCosmicEnergy, X7 = 13 of HelpViaCosmicEnergy in "KiếnTánh / #Awareness / WuNien" in positive Fibonacci evolution. The technologies to get to that Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness are now scientific to be statistically tested in user-facing mu of KpPlatform.

That is what we wish to achieve in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations", concretely deliverable in industrial revolution 4.0 / cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0 2021-08-03 (The video was deleted from its author who knew outside-the-box from negative Fibonacci degeneration that we use as a case study at the bottom-line of Thing-As-It-Is in one's Continuity of the consciousness). The challenge will basically expose the fundamental difference between the "described" in "Living & Being" versus the "description / motto / khẩu hiệu" of a binding and clinging "Image / Word / Thought / Tiên Học Lễ, Hậu Học Văn" (the video was deleted) to enslave intelligent beings in all isms and religions advocated by unworthy people. The challenge brings to the front line current International conflicts between China led by the "cheating Confucianism" and US indoctrination via "In God We Trust" and/or Oxford University "God Is My Light" from the Greatest Hoax of Jesus Redeemer totally inconsistent with the observed natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. It is technically possible from 2025 onward due to discovered underlying processes to enable almost all intelligent beings reclaim the dignity of "Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within", being "outside the box" of all binding and clinging forces that we mathematically prove the differences between negative Fibonacci degeneration and positive Fibonacci evolution, unknown in higher esoteric realms and the causes of their 60,000+ human years of degenerated sufferings. We are happy to say that the fighting for "Democracy and Clean Environment" is moving toward a living "TRUTH worthy for the dignity of humanity as defined in Latin Humanitas".

The IPR (Intellectual Property Right) is Not intended for any monopoly power But a necessary mean via human "Rule-of-Law" to enable Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna have sufficient time to raise cultivable consciousness qualities from the grassroots to a critical level - estimated at 8% human population - of sustainable business with or without the writer that No Dark Force having tremendous physical resources legally and/or illegally accumulated can mess around and/or "Buy It in the culture of Greed and Fears" of negative Fibonacci degeneration from the corrupted feudal systems ruled by the past Original Buddha and Father God "Lucifer", and his degenerated family King of Gods. The technologies will then be exported to other Intelligent Realms (Esoterics, ETs) with verifiable IDs and transfereable resources using human Democracy-Affirming Technologies and verifiable "Rule-of-Law" with other intelligent Realms on the Fair Trading table, similar to the Knights Templar of international banking - but Liberated from all binding Word/Image and clinging Thought 2022-01-02 created by the greatest Hoax of Jesus Redeemer for a natural balance with the surrounding just like natural "Wu-Nien coming from true Kindness and Empathy in qualified humanitas" - to assure the Continuity of "TRUTH is My Light" in all intelligent realms where protected "Human Rights of Independence - Liberated - Happiness" are enforced according to underlying Natural Laws applicable to different realms of existence.

It is totally different from the blah blah blah of Buddhist monks / nuns / followers in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - evidenced here from a shameless legitimate Vietnamese monk TT.TS Thích Phước Đạt up until 2021-12-08 - using "cunning words mastered-minded in 75+ years of Vietnamese Communist Mafia" to claim what they do not know nor have, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. Here is what the entire Buddhist Sangha claimed from Gotama: “Quá khứ không truy tìm, Quá khứ đã đoạn tận, Tương lai lại chưa đến, Chỉ có pháp hiện tại Tuệ quán chính nơi đây” [Kinh Trung bộ III. Kinh Nhất Dạ Hiền Giả, Thích Minh Châu dịch, Trường Cao cấp Phật học Việt Nam ấn hành 1986, tr.336-337] / The past is not sought after, The past is over, The future hasn't come yet, Only measures the current, The main insight / Wisdom / #Prajna is here”. We help you (1) scientifically prove that Gotama did not know the present state of his current moment that he fell into his own hallucination of permanent Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana, (2) as a part of your first logical then personally verifying "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã - the KhaiPhong three Haves after verifying HuiNeng's three Nots "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ” for deeper scientific investigations of your Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace - that you can SHARE your reversed engineering to enable many along your path "knowing more about oneself in Making Life Easier and Happier" in one's Continuity of the consciousness, and (3) know more about your present state of the current moment with industry 4.0 digital tool mu whose tremendous costs of developments of social apps such as the clones of facebook, twitter, linkedin will be paid by the Haves and committed Governments to equalize the playing fields for the mass down to Free and/or very affordable in the evolving standard holistic networks of the Persona IoT (Internet of Things) to Free one from mundane works, enabling faster integration and more holistic "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã from Democracy-Affirming Technologies: hub of KpPlatform.

Here is what coming directly from Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22][D26] blah blah blah in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism without putting any affort in verifying his discoveries up to 2025 { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }. The "Transcendental #Awareness[D26]" qualified by Gotama at Equanimity level[D29] not only obstructs but also enables you know the causes and effects of your past unworthy mistakes so you can scientifically put the measurable Right Effort to counter balance the past driving forces, SHARE with others, and Not Making the same mistakes again as what Confucius and Jesus made to be fully exposed next in their past lives. The [ #Prajna versus heartless (vô cảm) cunning intelligence ] can be Visible only at the Fibonacci fifth layer (VisibleAwarenessPrajna) f5 = 5 versus (AnimalConsciousness) f-5 = 5 of equal intelligence. (Right- Chánh - Positive Fibonacci Evolution) / "heartless (vô cảm) cunning intelligence" (Wrong - Tà - Negative Fibonacci Degeneration). It enables you have the "Right Vision" such as the "TRUTH of Democracy, Kindness, Empathy" so you can change yourself and the environment toward What Count or "Wrong Living" according to underlying Natural Laws that "you are the winner in zero-sum game without knowing that you render all involved party worse-off - including and especially You - in the long run for "Continuity of the consciousness.

Please listen carefully the story about Confucius and his student shared by two Vietnamese ladies at minute 14:00 (the video was deleted), THEN seriously look at the current conflicts between China and US on their "democracy" at binding Word / Image and clinging Thought rather than a living "TRUTH just like Kindness and Empathy" happened only in (1) HuiNeng's Wu-Nien, No Mark, Detachment for natural Transcendental-Inner-Peace, and (2) KhaiPhong "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna". If both Confucius and Jesus coming from the same identified stream of consciousness - IamX - in one's Continuity of the consciousness, see for yourself the damages made by a higly dedicated explorer - unintentionally or intentionally - if he/she still does not have a minimum conscience of Right and Wrong to expose the "LESSON LEARNED in TRUTH Is my Light", and the RESPONSIBILITY of other equally and/or higher qualified "qualia" to stop the painted "message / picture / motto" happened again. This can happens if and ONLY if 8% or more of the community can be "DETACHED Beyond Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought" via scientifically cultivable "HuiNeng's Wu-Nien, No Mark, Detachment" from painted "message / picture / motto" then "MANIFESTED" via scientifically cultivable "KhaiPhong's #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna" from the DESCRIBED As-It-Is and its "breakthrough" as in the above two "Koans". This can be done according to underlying natural laws via DISCOVERED & SHARED Thing-As-It-Is Tool to do heavy lifting for detoxification of one's tainted senses.

Similarly, once personally knowing Gotama's 9 Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] thanks to DISCOVERED underlying natural laws for "heavy lifting" plus reversed engineering optimal conditions to naturally make happened the Jhanas as actually known by Gotama when he was a child under the shade of a tree, many can easily show the "critical defects due to Not at the right time and Not Having required scientific tools" in Gotama's descriptions to enable unworthy people nearly destroy his precious efforts up to 2021-12-19 in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. We leave the task for you to be front-line Soldiers knowing more about yourself and being Value (quality in one's Continuity of the consciousness) Builders for yourself and others due to underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. Do Not Allow Them to create the Third World War in eliminating 90% human population (Mười Phần Chết Bảy Còn Ba Chết Hai Còn Một Mới Ra Thái Bình) officially ended from 2022-07-26 (the video was deleted). The discovered "TRUTH" needs to be well established as an epistemic objective or culture of "Thing-As-It-Is" which demands a critical mass estimated at 8% or more of the population knowing the foundation of scientifically cultivable #Prajna to direct the Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count. Once knowing all Gotama's Jhanas of Transcendental Inner Peace toward Non-Thingness rated on the F-dimension of Layered InnerSpace at Samadhi SignedPosts f3 = 2, then at SelflessAwareness f4 = 3 toward "VisibleAwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác" f5 = 5 { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved"[D22]}, one can combine with HuiNeng's WuNien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh to mathematically and econometrically model one's actual processes in KpPlatform just like professional economists to study and properly manage complex modern economies. All unworthy Buddhist monks such as Thích Đức Kiên 2021-12-28 must stop what you do not know nor have in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. If you - Thích Đức Kiên and Thích Minh Tâm 2021-12-28 - do DISCOVER something useful and want to SHARE, please contribute and/or wait for KhaiPhong KpPlatform mu and hub to create your Inner Circle and circles of inner circles in "Harmonious Melting Pot", forcing all unworthy people from all cheating religions where Buddhism is a part down to their knees. If you "innately have something as this grade-1 Vietnamese lady" called "Innate Knowledge" in Instructions for Practical Living of 'China' up until 2021-12-25 but widely spread as grassroots in Latin humanitas, such as the two 100% legally blind persons - one in VietNam and one in Canada - discovered only through direct sensing to help the World but "NOT Yet appeared", we will have teams of researchers at the Right Time to econometrically model your optimal causes and effects leading to current states (qualia) of your consciousness that may help millions others along your path so you and your group can have a sustainable business with or without you.

Back to the deliverable in industrial revolution 4.0 / cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0 2021-08-03 at 1:15:20 about its author [ Vision / Tầm Nhìn ] in city planning (the video was deleted by the author that we plan to use as a case study), Dr. Lê Doãn Hợp - please quietly - recall your facing at the constraint directed by extreme communist dictators and your "monent of breakthrough / lóe sáng / bức phá / outside-the-box" or "#Prajna / heartless (vô cảm) cunning intelligence" happened only at the Fibonacci fifth layer f5 = 5 = f-5 called Visible "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác in positive Fibonacci evolution[D22][D26]". Now see for yourself if you naturally have "A COMPLETE SILENCE / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }[D26] defined as a (Latin) Humanitas with biology but also "Compassion and #Prajna" beyond animal kingdoms visibly in esoteric and human degenerated Mafia Groups. If you do not know [ Wu-Nien as its object / “vô niệm làm tông” - No-Mark as its substance / “vô tướng làm thể” - Detachment as its fundamental principle / “vô trụ làm gốc” ][R5][D26], you are in the negative Fibonacci degeneration rated at f-5 = 5 from "heartless (vô cảm) cunning intelligence". All visions you quoted about great communist leaders such as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong having tracked records that the world will not be cheated by degenerated Communist Mafias of Extreme Passion from tainted senses having No Guidance from #Prajna causing the collapse of past human and esoteric civilizations (the video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias). They were even Not qualified as persons according to underlying natural laws! Your recorded experiences are Not Visions from #Prajna but cunning intelligence of heartless (vô cảm) negative Fibonacci degeneration until the Nature / Action-Reaction can wake you up to the level of humanity and above so the good force in the dignity of human beings at Stakeholder Democracy from the grassroots can rise up - estimated at 8% or more - to democratically void the communist mistakes happened again. It is the same as the forces from grassroots will void the "Biggest Mistakes" of Confucius and Jesus - causing billion people unnecessary Sufferings in their devine feudal systems and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer - in Making Life Easier and Happier according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED when KpPlatform can meet the Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna.

Thoses having that "monent of breakthrough / lóe sáng / bức phá / outside-the-box" like you Plus "Natural Wu-Nien from the positive Fibonacci evolution"[D26] in solving daily issues are Not Stupid. Almost all your friends in the past and present "Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam / Executives of the Central Communist Party" are in negative Fibonacci degeneration, just like most of those holding financial, political, military and industrial powers from the West 1945 - 2025. You probably know some and/or had been in touch with your highly esteemed past-away or present friends - having billion US dollars in their secret accounts - always eat first before any party since they are already at the levels of "hungry ghosts and/or different types of animals due to extreme desires in power, money and devious sex as the demand force behind the crime against Bé Vân An (the video of sex crime was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias)" and/or the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Nguyên Trí, head of Bát Nhã (Prajna) Temple Meditation Institute of USA, from which karmic forces can be changed ONLY in CURRENT LIVING far below the qualified Latin Humanitas. It is similar to the case of Mao Zedong (the video was deleted). If any one amongst your friends including you has "No Moment of #KindnessEmpathy" - which will be mathamatically and naturally proven as the required trait to be from humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness - from Vietnamese communist mafias and still living, that person needs to change using one's available resources as means to do "what Most Important toward What Count relevant to one's most Dominant pattern" otherwise it will be too late in one's many 1000+ years of Ignorance like your past TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng. We can help!

After this writer's business visit to VietNam at the end of 1990 where 1989 - 1990 was at the bottom to be Awaken by the proven Intelligent People from that he thought the right time to be a part of the (technical professionals for Accountable and Tranparent) changes due to both internal and external conditions that Dr. Lê Doãn Hợp was excited in the market economy after 1986 and has been fully aware, there have been significant changes thanks to people like him and/or Dr. Nguyen Quang A, PLUS many others risking their lives for the dignity of the Country and its people in many fronts except "Accountablity & Transparency" for the benefits of the Whole Nation that the Vietnamese communist party has been trying to equalize its animal Kingdom with the country, and the "Being" in "Compassion & Prajna" of humanitas from 2011 to look back the country's 10 years efforts for an economic strategic plan 2011 - 2020 hopefully to turn VietNam into a modern country in inevitable industrial revolution. It is Not the Reality up to 2024-04-18 in the past 20 years of Vietnamese history and 30+ years as evidenced from Dr. Vũ Thế Dũng in attempting to do something for the mother land via the writer's business visit for the Right "Mạch Nguồn Đoàn Kết / Văn Hóa Tâm Linh", [ bringing National Culture to new heights of Spiritual Culture / đưa Văn Hóa Dân Tộc lên tầm cao mới của Văn Hóa Tâm Linh ] from [ ThankYou / GsLp Club ] (GsLp - Global Services Local Presence - spreading "Stakeholders Democracy" from the grassroots via Economics and the Dignity of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward). VietNam has missed its opportunities of a Unified Nation having many qualified well educated people ready for a New Phase of Independence, Freedom and Happiness from 1975. This can happen If and Only If current outdated and rotten-to-the-core communist mafias are replaced by "Freedom, Democracy, Rule-of-Law / Tự Do, Dân Chủ, Pháp Quyền", and most importance of all if we can enable 8% or more of Vietnamese grassroots - whose culture has its innate Comparative Advantages - actually Knowing [ Budh / Buddha Nature / Cái Biết / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh - Phật Tánh ] to have direct participtions in relevant processes, Far Beyond Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought via KhaiPhong's three Haves "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" publicly KNOWN & SHARED by this Vietnamese 2024-03-12 at both rational and actual levels in engaged "Living & Being" which need deeper scientific Insights in the natural detoxifications of tainted senses far Beyond any logical explainations since a thought cannot go beyond the duality plane of its conflicting consciousness. Its practicalities were glimpsed in Gotama's smart pointer #AwarenessPrajna[D22], applicable to all domains and fields from technologies, to geo-politics such as the current Vietnamese East Sea / Biển Đông, to Too Big to Fail World Financial Systems (see Jamie Dimon subtle message at the entrance and the interview place of the Tao's "Conduct the Teaching of No Words") which have similar Issues faced by a Global Corporation and its connected processes for Accountability, Transparency and Efficiency moving toward Wider View of Morality and Justice of the Right and Wrong according to DISCOVERED underlying natural laws!

It was theorized in Buddhist Madhyamaka as the Absolute (Wider) Truth and the Relative (conflicting) Truth, in Buddhist Consciousness-Only as the fourth consciousness being aware of the self-consciousness[D19], mathematically represented in KhaiPhong as No-Conflict Consciousness Y-dimension of Transcendental inner Peace known by Gotama perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness X-dimension of Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien known by HuiNeng to be implemented in AI where the scientifically cultivable "InnerSpace" of F-dimension is the lump of all other relevant factors forming with x and y dimensions in one's containerized self, together with the "How" to achievable abstract concepts of #Honesty & #Care in the Right Complex Fibonacci Evolution according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED at minute 6:25. The common line beween the No-Conflict [ X-Y ] plane and the duality [ F-X ] plane must have the same properties accessible from these two planes. The properties are discovered by many dedicated explorers such as LaoTzu, Gotama, KungTzu, Socrates, Jesus, Nagarjuna, Asanga, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, etc, forming observable trait - #KindnessEmpathy - embedded in them. We discover that Observable Trait #KindnessEmpathy must be further developed in natural evolution from restricted physical bodies of animals to finer Latin humanitas where Biology, Compassion, Wisdom / #Prajna are integrated, capable to be beyond the Observed and the Observer proven by Gotama in his fifth and sixth Jhanas toward the seventh Jhana of Nothingness for Reborn and Rejuvenation[D30] from scientifically cultivable Inner Peace to be deliverable at the right time. Smart pointers such as Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent, HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi #SamadhiPrajna, Gotama #AwarenessPrajna, KhaiPhong #PrajnaTIPs, etc, are outcomes of verifiable depths of Inner Peace, named by Gotama as Jhanas. It is further observable in complex Fibonacci numbers that the Observable Trait #KindnessEmpathy must be enforced twice at [ Fibonacci f1 = 1 = f2 ] in the Right evolution rather than evolution then degeneration due to the hallucinated self.

There is something more such as the reincarnation of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm who could see the future and would reserve his place as a part of significantly New Era, capable to bring both China and Russia due to past worthy relationships with their presidents to this "Mạch Nguồn Văn Hóa (Khoa Học) Tâm Linh / The Source of Spiritual Culture (Science)" as an extension of KP InnerCircle. Same thing is applicable to other reincarnations, already identified as living (2025) Vietnamese persons ready to be front-line soldiers to change the World: Bodhidharma[D35], Zhuge Liang Kongming (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng), XuanZang / Huyền Trang, etc. KhaiPhong - the reincarnation of Teconomics Inc's proposals in 1990 to the Office of the Prime Minister - NOW has some suggestions with the current Vietnamese Communist Party personally related to many of its top leaders whose astral bodies have been brought by current esoteric forces in VietNam to directly interact with KhaiPhong's Inner Circle since 2011 so they know us and we know their realities toward What Count - you cannot hide like almost all claimed religious leaders of major World religions - since we communicate at the levels of thoughts and sources of thoughts from alaya-vijnana (storehouse consciousness). Those having these "astral experiences" and still remember something, please seriously test the bottom line of your Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace and look around Vietnamese communities in and outside the country from both visible (hửu vi) and invisible (vô vi) forces as we asked Dr. Lê Doãn Hợp see for yourself if you naturally have "A COMPLETE SILENCE / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }[D26] defined as a (Latin) Humanitas with biology but also "Compassion and #Prajna" beyond animal kingdoms visibly in esoteric and human degenerated Mafia Groups. Otherwise, it may be too late in your next 10,000 to 50,000 man-years of your future existence since everything must be evolving according to underlying natural laws of Justice and Morality that all intelligent beings can look at the Right and Wrong from the qualities of their conscience (lương tri) in Continuity of the consciousness toward What Count.

The key difference between "positive Fibonacci evolution / Chánh / Tâm Phật and negative Fibonacci degeneration / Tà / Tâm Ma" has been partially revealed here p82 2021-12-10 from 1:15:00 that Dr. Hợp can "privately - confidential HR - Chatham-House-Rule" check with all your "esteemed friends" - especially the "Tứ Trụ / Four Columns" from 2011 - their "esoteric / spiritual actions" all the way up to 2021-12-10 in "Thay Hồn Đổi Xác / using snatching technologies"[R20.1] of cheating and stealing at the cost of 5 Billions US dollars per person. Ask the "right persons" and they will be shocked how do you know! It has been sold / employed in "negative Fibonacci degeneration / Tà / Tâm Ma", against underlying natural laws to render all involved parties worse off. The practice of this "Voodoo wellknown in entire 5,000+ years of Chinese history with deep esoteric indoctrinations in incense and "money for the dead"" - feasible ONLY when the dark forces had been strong in the past 60,000+ human years of degeneration up until the laws of Action-Reaction Likes-attract-Likes completing their works - is "unjust and immoral" many times worse than the harvesting human organs well-known from the past Chinese Communist Party in their "heartless (vô cảm) cunning intelligence" for immediate money, power, and devious sex (the video was deleted). It is different from "positive Fibonacci evolution / Chánh / Tâm Phật in "Reincarnation / Chuyển Kiếp" according to underlying natural laws[D32] based on the quality of one's consciousness discovered to be naturally manifested in positive or negative Fibonacci sequence happened only in engaged living. No one can cheat the Mother Nature! Here is a modern "super greedy" version to attract another hallucinated "Jesus Redeemer" to the dark side of negative Fibonacci degenertion dated 2021-12-22 which can be effortlessly cleaned up - Wei-Wu-Wei for the light to dispell the darkness - if and only if the two simultaneous directions of KhaiPhong [ Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna Normative Intelligence >< KpPlatform Positive AI ] meet for the mass deepening and widening the DISCOVERED underlying natural laws and SHARED via "TRUTH is my Light".

We can Help because there have been discovered underlying natural laws for heavy lifting from negative degeneration to positive Fibonaaci evolution. The difference between "positive Fibonacci evolution / Chánh / Tâm Phật and negative Fibonacci degeneration / Tà / Tâm Ma" is much deeper than what revealed by this rare living Vietnamese and the upper hand is on the "Good / Chánh / Tâm Phật" similar to the changing from dark cold winter to Spring that naturally harmonious people having the trait of #KindnessEmpathy can actually observe. The base of required quality in "EmpathyAwareness" type is scientifically and empirically above one's "bullying self" of animal kingdom historically proven in the past 4,000+ years between the Han and Baiyue (Chinese: 百越, Vietnamese: Bách Việt) from the north and south sides of YangTze river for a wider perspective existence on the Y-dimension toward human base with innate "Compassion #Prajna" as defined in Latin Humanitas. It is naturally required for a breakthrough of Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh[D26] from binding / clinging forces of Word/Image and Thought indoctrinated by all isms where religions are parts in negative Fibonacci dimention wisely pointed here p81 2021-12-10 to rise up in positive Fibonacci evolution[D26] for the manifestations of required Inner Peace known by Gotama[D26]. Thank You for Your Courageous and Very Glad to Know You are in VietNam! Please keep this Video 2021-12-10 for historical record - first time ever coming from a Vietnamese that all Vietnameses (especially the current "Four Columns / Tứ Trụ of VietNam") in and outside the country need to listen - of the Right Vietnamese Kiến Tánh to be actually deliverable by KhaiPhong circles of Inner Circle in engaged living.

It is "scientific" since the darkness / heaviness in negative Fibonacci degeneration of Communists / Dictators - capable of being outside-the-box on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness / có lý luận - render their decisions within the box of "container Alaya of I Win You Loose" at point A to point B from a wellknown "the Whites had Lands the Indians had Bible officially recognized in Pope Francis trip of penance 2022-07-24" in past Canadian history. Mathematically and Empirically Observed, people in the negative Fibonacci degeneration on the Y-axis can be outside the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, but due to the innate cunning intelligence they think they are smarter than others in Post-Truth Politics without knowing that the quality of their consciousness have been "darken due to against underlying natural laws" according to Thing-As-It-Is Action-Reaction. Here is the main cause for the total collapse of entire esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. It is Not the Fair Trade at point A or Prajna Dialectic at point C in Harmonious Melting Pot as KhaiPhong solutions of the stated two koans. It is also "empirical observable" through the "Mind Eye / Huệ Nhản" seeing the column of energy crosscut duality planes of intelligent existences in covering the earth to its core, and that heartless (vô cảm) cunning intelligence - through its "heaviness" - sinking down, while the "light" of wider vision floating upward in the natural state of "Detachment" in HuiNeng's process of "#EmptyTheContent" described in Gotama's Emptiness[D26]. Further more, only through Gotama's Transcendental Inner Peace toward Non-Thingness, one can be Silent Enough[D26] to sense "information from the field" which is "#Prajna" (the seventh state of consciousness) outside one's containerized "#Intuition" (the sixth state of consciousness).

Imagine what happened to VietNam or any country any community when the technology is available to the mass (especially for those naturally having the trait of #KindnessEmpathy being harmonious with one and the whole) which is the gut of our solutions to the above two "koans / công án": (1) best solution for Vietnamese East Sea / Wei-Wu-Wei Bất chiến tự nhiên thành, (2) consciousness Beyond the Known in your "lóe sáng / bức phá / outside-the-box" to help "harmonious, kind, and hard-working HaveNots". Here is an attempt about "THÔNG TIN CHO THỊ TRƯỜNG 2021-12-10" from Dr. Trần Đình Hoành connected since 2014 that we know he has something from the deepest part of his heart that we have encouraged him and you (if you have natural "A COMPLETE SILENCE / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh"[D26]) reversed engineering "your Comparative Advantages" with "secret sauces" from any field and domain you put your efforts in. Best information about demands and supplies including ethical Competitive Intelligence (CI) - together with appropriate tools for analyses, modelings, simulations with required human technical resources - are well-known in "hand-on experience". A "lóe sáng / bức phá / outside-the-box" is our proposed solution to all involved parties in [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] much more than what attempted by Transcendental Meditation facing 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Tools for analyses, modelings, simulations - BEES Business Economics Engineering Softwares - have been reversed engineering from main frame computer to micro-computer for the modelings and simulations 1000+ simultaneous equations of time-series and input-output tables were given to the Government of VietNam making a copy in this writer 1990 business visit. KhaiPhong will provide tools for cultivating one's "InnerSpace" and together Equalizing the playing fields: (1) the way to make decisions, (2) the way to create Values, and (3) the way to make the Created Values happened and sustainable beyond the founders' life times.

Knowing at the "source of thought" to properly manage oneself as described by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (the video about Emptiness was taken out) can be at different depths classified in known Fibonacci evolution layers and can easily fall into one's own crack as the case of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva rated at the fifth level of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien[D22][D26] ] or Maharishi himself if the underlying natural laws have not been publicly DISCOVERED as epistemic objective. Second, even personally experiencing #Samadhi (states of No-Conflict Consciousness beyond Non-Thingness) reclassified into Signed Posts, but without scientifically knowing the Dependent Nature of one's InnerSpace currently and theoretically proposed as Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace by combining Gotama's Emptiness[D26] and HuiNeng's Wu-Nien[R5] up to verifiable #SamadhiPrajna, Gotama fell into his own crack of permanent Nibbana then hallucinated PariNirvana. Third, Using the writer's actual experiences and scientific analyses of the Greatest Hoax from Jesus Redeemer, he can demonstrate the power of "Jesus Faith" coming from "Energy of Aspiration with secret sauce of the recipe to merge into that selfless energy". The writer then uses the descriptions of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva's sound technology[D33] and Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation to discover the #PrajnaTIP in Sound to be statistically and empirically verified in human rigorous proven Rules-of-Law theoretical and empirical verifications as the underlying DISCOVERED TRUTH forming the foundation of "democracy from the grassroots".

This is the "East Wind / Gió Đông" - from people living closer to their Hearts typified from this grade-1 Vietnamese lady and KhaiPhong strategic plan - to help naturally "harmonious, kind, and hard-working HaveNots into StakeHolders" having a much better portion of the economic Shares in Clean Ecology proven by 2022-02-03 via turning their innate natural comparative advantages into visible spiritual outcomes of Gotama's [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác ][D22] and [ HuiNeng's WuNien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh ] together with digital technologies standardized on a Neural Graph Database db on top of required most efficient Key-Value store for sufficient demands to globally maket their current assets and raising their levels of educations so they naturally help themselves that the reincarnations of Zhou Yu (Chu Du) and Sun Quan (Tôn Quyền) from the past China are looking for. The naturally "harmonious, kind, and hard-working HaveNots becoming StakeHolders" have many 1000+ years of "Living & Being" according to underlying natural laws - Thuận Theo Tự Nhiên - as evidenced from this casual Buddhist exposition and sharing 2022-02-09 at minute 17:00 for the beginner "lấy Trí Tuệ (Prajna) khai mở Tâm Linh, lấy Thanh trừ đi Tạp, lấy Tánh Lành trừ Ác, lấy Thanh Tịnh trừ Tham, lấy Bi đổi Oán, etc," that the entire Vietnamese nationally organized Buddhist Sangha since 2007 directed by huge investments from Vietnamese Communist Mafia with their internationally qualified academic Buddhist Universities and Institutions planning to use 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism to cheat the world cannot touch! When underlying natural laws are theoretically and empirically EXPOSED - partialy deliverable from 1960s by two Universities - many of them will be able to personally know different depths of HuiNeng's and Gotama's realizations.

#Prajna Dialectic or Self-Selfless Actualization / #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác[D22][D26] is NOW Scientifically Cultivable, emerging as the Crown to naturally release Stresses / Dukkha of the four "asian" occupations - the shi (gentry scholars), the nong (peasant farmers), the gong (artisans and craftsmen), and the shang (merchants and traders) - classified according to specializations and conditioned environment to be excell in "Living & Being" of all intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs). There is different Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent elevating your spirit and will not create addicted patterns if you seriously takes the modified[D26] Eightfold Path[D21] as a Sine Qua Non of Right Living introduced in KhaiPhong to be further explored below (Table 4):

Starting at your level of "Right Understanding and Right Motivation / #Prajna" with the rational "Kiến Tánh" that you as defined in Latin humanitas are more than all mental and physical manifestations having both Compassion and #Prajna - which you can share as a part of public Right Understanding and Right Motivation (community implementations) of important events such as Education, Health and Death, Social Nets, International Conflicts, Trade Negotiations, Foreign Relations, etc, - you strive to be a Good Person (Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood) from your humanistic Know-How of Right and Wrong while exerting measurable Right Effort in cultivating Right Transcendental #Awareness (state X dimension of #Prajna) and Right Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness (Signed Post Y dimension required for the manifestations of #Prajna - Chánh Định). Personally knowing the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent of Transcendental Consciousness (Detachment, Tranquillity, Equanimity, Purity), you 'Transcend Inner Peace'[R1] to Cosmic Consciousness (Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness) and Unity (Sunyata Non-Thingness, Border line between conditioned and unconditioned, Unmoving Sunyata) to directly experience 'the Essence of the Right Living / Effort' which is measurable and cultivable as a Signature of your Awakening in your Continuity of the Consciousness. Gotama - starting as a person having a wife and son - actually achieved these transcendental states toward Non-Thingness, "So Can I" since I am a qualified Latin Humanitas having innate Buddha Nature. That Signature is your KhaiPhong [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ with scientifically cultivable Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace for the manifestation of visible #Prajna / Bát Nhã ] for yourself and the environment you are a part wherever you happen to be life-after-life, realm-after-realm.

Fortunately, measurable signed posts for 'Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent' (Samma-Samadhi) have been contributed in sufficient details of 'what can be consciously known via Right #Samadhi' (Chánh Định) under Natural Laws by Gotama[D29], [D30], [D26], and recorded in Buddhist texts 2500+ years ago known as nine (9) identifiable attributes of Right #Samadhi. These states are personally known by current living students, together with reversed engineering from their thousands years of fruitful cultivation to enable other experiencing the same. The reversed engineering is done not only at the Science of Consciousness but also at custom AI (Artificial Intelligence) toward What Count to enable a conscious living in all activities, enabling people the driving force behind all productions and consumption in Making Life Easier and Happier. It is Very Significant in entire history of Intelligent Existence (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) and the unique contribution of humanity on the "Fair-Trade" table of DISCOVERING and SHARING for the benefits of all involved parties, enabling the Three Pillars: (1) Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, (2) Rule-of-Law for too big to fail, (3) Public / Personal Security / Privacy to assure natural evolution according to natural laws applicable to both humanity and "intelligent realms in possible future Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations".

Living students in the AwakeningBudh Movement revitalize these observable attributes[R1] with more detailed descriptions according to their actual experiences, plus added perspectives, tools and facilities (switches from activities to utter Silence) for verifiable and practical applications that may open doors for many value-adds from others at theoretical level, empirically verifiable processes, and practical implementations. These value adds form a scientific body of knowledge at the After Graduation and Ph.D. levels in the Science of Consciousness to enable proven and sustainable signed posts that one can build on and leave something as a contribution back to all Realms of Intelligent Existences. KhaiPhong is the driving force behind the "Science of Consciousness" with concrete scientifically deliverable technologies for actually knowing your InnerSpace of Alaya via (1) Right #Samadhi / Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness called Signed Posts as actually known by Gotama[D29], [D30], [D26], (2) WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh deeper than what actually known by HuiNeng rated at seven levels from the breakthrough in { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } to discovering scientific processes to naturally produce the Freshness protected by IPR (Intellectual property Right) to enable the mass verifying what Not Known but cheated by unworthy people in entire human and esoteric history, done by this writer since 1970 as a graduate student in Canada, knowing the source of one's Thought to properly manage one's reality, using cosmic energy for self-protection, and directing cosmic energy to help others at the right time by the currently living Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng, then (3) scientifically cultivating your sixth sense Intuition - states and stock of #Prajna - augmented by a digital tool of AI toward What Count for the manifestation of your seventh sense #Prajna outside your containerized Alaya for accessing information from the field and beyond.

Technologies - tested and implemented - in the "Science of Consciousness" are designed to revitalise one's Wholesome Mind, activating one's natural Mirror System soon to be augmented with digital mirror systems to be beyond heavily veiled by innumerable Marks and outdated 'patched' being Aware of the sense signals from the sources and the state of the being for sensing the Sweet Spot to drive an optimal Right Action, making the life Happier in a wider perspective of one's Continuity of the Consciousness. That traditional debating revitalisation process takes a long time with easy chance to fall back into the crack of 'Ignorance' due to cheating and stealing of unworthy people in all isms where all religions are parts. To spread the Dharma in large scale (Pháp Vân / PrajnaTools and Pháp Vũ / PrajnaTIP in Sound), we use modern Ontological System to extend Gotama's axiom with rule-based assumptions to drive the modified[D26] Eightfold Path model via [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] in all activities and issues of a Normative Persona - a user and/or organisation - acting through its Digital Identities to make its life Easier with pervasive Business Intelligence and Analytics and Happier in knowing more about itself and the Sweet Spot.

In that sense, all available (Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Natural, etc) techniques must follow a scientific method of clearly spelling out - via a formal Ontological System - at theoretical level, empirically verifiable processes and practical applications[D8], to discern the real from faked Sharing of organised religions, driving humanity into an Abyss of Sufferings under the Master-Slave relationships of the past thousands years. The tool has feedback and is rated by concerned participants in Learning and Doing according to the technique's bottom lines of reproducible processes and real benefits.

Gut Feelings from past mystics and artists, enabling them easier accessible to simultaneous signals from the right brain for some Insight implemented by different Great Cultures and past organised religions can now be scientifically explored for the benefits of the Whole. The Poetic Verses and Mystics of Parables are primitive tools, needed to be exposed in a scientific method to clean up artificial divisions in religions, ethnics and cultures to enrich Worthy Existence of Humanity in our Right Relationships since the 'Buddha Nature / Latin Humanitas / the Kingdom of God-Allah within' is innate in everyone.

Outcomes of human resources - contributed by each person from a child to a matured old age - come from levels of the Known and Beyond in all activities and relationships which involve expanding the Self-Selfless #Awareness (Kiến Thức / Tri Thức) into a wider scope of #Awareness at different depths of Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity, changing the World toward a Right Direction as we would ask and challenge Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] if he were a living student. Each person comes to existence with his/her own Signed Post of personal experience and possible ability to access the Beyond in some Specialised Domain.

The Purpose of Education is to Know more about oneself and the environment one a part of learning what required from the "Known / Kiến Thức" to maximise one's "Right Efforts", riding and further cultivating the lasting Value of the values in something Beyond (Selfless / Tri Thức / innate Budh Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas) - Free from Duality Consciousness in entrapped Problem-Reaction at any focused event - since the "Known" is changing while the "Beyond" will stay as one's innate ability to see Thing-As-It-Is and strategic position at any place and time to choose the battle most relevant to the Present Moment according to one's 'Unique Comparative Advantages' in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. This Awakening to the Foundations of #Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness is possible at identified Vertical Switches from Duality Consciousness to No-Conflict Consciousness, and measurable at the Signed Posts contributed by past explorers and people on the Path of Conscious Living. KhaiPhong Education - far beyond currently known Liberal Education / Giáo Dục Khai Phóng GDKP - is "the driving force of the above Koan" from your "Aspiration of Justice and Morality" to bring the HaveNots into Stakeholders where all involved parties are Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good.

Dhyana (Thiền, Zen, Chan) and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent (Samma-Samadhi) are the central aspects of Budh Dharma, scientifically introduced as a process to know more about oneself to recognise one's True (Buddha) Nature in a Right Relationship beyond the Grasp-er (Grahaka) and the Grasped (Grahya) that have drown one in its abyss of Sufferings (Dukkha-Dukkha). The purpose of education is fulfilled in combining both Artificial intelligence and cultivable Normative Intelligence which is [Samma-Samadhi / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness], mentioned as:

  1. Right #Samadhi (Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace - Chánh Định) in the modified[D26] Eightfold Path[D21],

  2. 'What can be known'[D29], [D30] in the nine observable attributes of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace,

  3. How Right #Samadhi can manifest itself as the Right Transcendental #Awareness (ChánhNiệm) to check and manage all karmic forces in the answer to Ajita's question[D22], and

  4. One important attribute innate in the Buddha Nature worthy to cultivate to the Perfection in the Buddhist six Perfections (Generosity, Ethics, Patience, Energetic, Right #Samadhi, #Prajna) to know the meaning of possible Freedom and Liberation at the mountain top End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana.

If you are a Buddhist, no matter how many traceable reincarnations, see for yourself if you have signatures of 'Detachment (Vô Trụ) and HonNhien'. If you have, please contribute to scientific facts of either from different angle and/or from the angle of [ #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna ] actually happened in KhaiPhong [ Wu-Nien (Vô Niệm), No-Mark (Vô Vết), Detachment (Vô Trụ), #Awareness (Kiến Tánh), Dependent (Duyên Khởi), #Prajna (Bát Nhã) ].

Detachment (Vô Trụ) is the embedded quality and manifestation of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi - Chánh Định)

See for yourself why 2500+ years in history of cheating Buddhism most monks, nuns, and followers blah blah blah too much about Detachment at word and thought level without actually having it; it is so since they do not have the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness or Samma-Samadhi. From the second Buddhist tautaloty [ Not Having Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent >< Not Having "Right Understanding" ] of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path that they claim only Gotama had it. Buddhist first tautoloty is [ Ignorance >< Not understanding Fourfold Truth ] which comes from "Not Having Right Understanding". The Grasp-er (Grahaka - Người Chiếm Hữu) and the Grasped (Grahya - Cái Chiếm Hữu) is the barrier of the HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) due to the loss of the Detachment (Vô Trụ) or natural state on Being Aware of 'Impermanence - Vô Thường' and 'Empty - Vô Ngã'. By discovering natural laws to upgrade most people quality to directly experience Transcendental-Inner-Peace (TIP), Buddhist two tautologies are solved. Here is the key difference between 'Awaken' via various techniques of Siddhis (miraculous powers) having 'Bliss' with 'Awaken then Awakening driven by ComPassion from the Heart', sustainable via the Buddhist six Perfections (Generosity, Ethics, Patience, Energetic, Right #Samadhi, #Prajna).

From the picture of KhaiPhong processes, the duality plane of conflicting events is the feeding ground of PrajnaPlace where #Prajna breakthroughs in all domains and fields of all activities and relationships are happening due to invisible hand of [ Empathy >< #Prajna ] coming from No-Conflict Consciousness to enable transcendental Right #Awareness, different from Buddhist defective Mindfulness[D24], [D25] bound to the duality plane of conflicting events:

[ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ]


[ #Prajna = Conscience >< Morality >< Justice ]

[ #Prajna = True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position ]

Doing or Not-Doing in EIP / Executive Information Portal represents one's "Right Effort" - a mirror of one's state and Signed Post required depth of #EmptyTheContent in defining Fibonacci quality "Stock of #Prajna" in facing the focused event - which is measurable on the rated level of [ Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien / "State of #Prajna" ] based on fact-based hard data from the "Feedback" of [ Plan >< Execution ]. The rated attributes of #Prajna states based on "Right Effort" forms the community base for AI statistically identifying recommended allocation of the persona's scare resources toward (1) the Value of the values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, (2) the Grand Strategy and tactical steps for both individual and aggregate persona moving toward the targets, (3) empirically verifying this theory of "Fibonacci Layered No-Conflict Consciousness" which is logically deducted from the writer experiences to be further refined based on tested data and other expert inputs. All gear to the target of "knowing more about oneself" and conditions to properly manage one's realities with cultivable Natural Silence from Detachment.

Referring to different Value systems from China (the East) and US (the West), it is interesting to listen to the "bottom line of Singularity University launched (from their recorded videos) in US and in (Toronto) Canada". In US it is "all about advanved technologies and available capital from inclusive capitalism" to change humanity driven by Greed and Fears of Not Yet 100% degenerated elites with cunning intelligence proven in negative Fibonacci degeneration. In Canada, its bottom line and "Export of Democratic Processes" are based on Confucius ethic "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself" which is still 100% on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness pushed and pulled by all cheating isms where religions are parts because one does not know more about oneself - first rationally then actually DISCOVERING and SHARING underlying natural laws as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation - that one (qualified as Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within) is more than all physical and mental manifestations. China has already changed its "thesis" from "Confucius Institute" to "Belt and Road Initiative"[R8]. Most recently, there is an "anti-thesis" adopted from US-inspired “Build Back Better World” (B3W) from G7 2021-08-06 and China "Digital Silk Road (DSR) 2022-01-21". Is it time to get out of Hegelian Dialectic of thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis - from feudalism to capitlism to communism, then to inclusive XYZ, then Economics from cunning intelligence rendering all involved parties worse-off proven in past colonialism and "financial debt trap" - rathen than "Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of Scientificlly Cultivable Prajna" - or at least Fair Trade mathematically proven on the duality plane of conflicting forces to a Harmonious Melting Pot of scientifically cultivable "Prajna Dialectic" in "Making Life Easier and Happier" according to underlying natural laws embedded from positive Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space in Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0?

The KpPlatform together with its Scientifically Cultivable Prajna to know more about oneself in one's Continuity of the consciousness will be part of the "Digital Silk Road" with its "GsLp / ThankYou Clubs" as its outposts of distributed and democratic systems from the grass roots, based on human fundamental rights of "Independence", "Liberated", and "Happiness" via DISCOVERING and SHARING TRUTH of underlying natural laws: TRUTH Is My Light. The front-line technologies such as Knowledge / Property in Graph Analytics together with best CDN (Content Delivery Network / distributed servers that speed up the delivery of web content by bringing it closer to users) used by Google and Facebook to earn their advertisement revenues can be deepening and widening with proven business SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and economic (Benefit-Cost Analysis) processes as properties and functions associated to relevant entities and relationships to know more about oneself and the environments one a part in all Activities and Relationships at all Places toward What Count.

3. Signed Posts

Scientific approach in 'Gateway-to-Oneness / Tranquility' forces all religions and isms putting Right Effort to deliver real contributions, driving the human development while eliminating addicted and divisional "Faiths / Isms" - deep rooted Marks like other binding and clinging forces such as abnormal sex, fear, phobia - enforced by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], causing unnecessary sufferings for billion lives in the past. By separating the mean such as Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Communists, Elites, etc, from the target of "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", the mean can be dropped if not appropriate for the most effective targets toward higher levels of consciousness and aesthetic beauty, Making Life Easier and Happier in the Raison D'être of one's Being Needs. What are these "quantitatively measurable targets" at one time visibly sensed and seen at Tranquility Gateway-to-Oneness from Harmonious Nature of peaceful spaces in China Mountains and Lakes, Japanese Gardens, or Switzerland?

Through the "#Oneness / God / Allah" - with or without claimed esoteric assistance - (1) one's Efforts are mostly "Right" due to wider perspective of the focused event, (2) the quality of one's "Transcendental-Inner-Peace" is visibly manifested in #EmptyTheContent of light happiness and Insight into Emptiness toward Sunyata Non-Thingness, (3) One's quality of Right Living / Effort depends on the visible depths/heights of accessing the Oneness. Out of all discovered paths, we prove that the Buddhist modified[D26] Eightfold Path is the most scientific model to drive its Ontological System in achieving the taxonomy of discovered worthy attributes.

Using the modified[D26] Eightfold Path[D21] as the driving model to "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", one has the Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the path #Prajna division at one's present level acting as a guiding light for all activities, dynamically leading to Right Effort. Contrary to cheating processes created by unworthy monk / nuns / followers in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, "#Prajna" or the wider transcendental perspective of Right and Wrong is available to most qualified persons in higher consciousness according to natural laws, invisibly filtered through trillions trillions other intelligent living entities whose senses of Right and Wrong must be tested and regulated by natural barriers instead of "Free Will" as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation. It is Not a theory but "Thing-As-It-Is fact" explained by Gotama 2500+ years ago that how difficult it is to be a person! If degenerated entities (people or higher) know this fact, they would not come to this stage fully ALERT in human Security called Zero Trust strategy which will be the foundation in the new Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations. The writer sincerely shares the painful experience since many of his esoteric family members and friends did fall into the crack beyond his wishes to do something! Since the real changes can only happen in engaged living for verifications of one's realities at the bottom line, and the DISCOVERED "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" is available, the writer wishes to export these technologies to different realms of existence so the technologies can be changed and value added by many other intelligent beings. One's "unique ID Seal of IamX" can be technically connected and information transfered to THREE ESOTERIC REALMS acording to our design if this happened. Based on the effort outcome, one consciously and continuously adjusts and/or contributes back to community what have not known/discovered by others in one's life-after-life, realm-after-realm. It is so due to the innate Budh / Buddha Nature - the ability to know the Right and Unworthy which form the foundation of modern Democracy and Human Rights - relevant to one's present moment. This is How we try to duplicate "Knight Templar" International Banking in the new Era of "TRUTH is my LIGHT" via Inter-Reamls Communications and Collaborations. Using hard facts of performance-based [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] we can quantitatively measure the "Right / Wrong Effort" and the degree of Detachment manifested in the outcomes to recommend and/or dynamically adjust one's Learning and Doing.

The normative "Right / Wrong" Effort can be evaluated according to fact-based feedback due to the innate "states and stock of #Prajna / Wisdom" which has both the [ States of #Prajna / #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Intuition ] in Transcendental Inner Peace / #Samadhi for "Right Understanding" and [ Stock of #Prajna / one's InnerSpace ] of the consciousnessly and naturally rated according to Fibonacci sequence in Scientifically Cultivable Transcendental InnerSpace - a lumped-together all other factors to be modeled via a complex number in well-known engineering feed forward and backward control system - which is measurable in identified types of Signed Posts first DISCOVERED by Gotama[D26], [D29], [D30] and Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien at 7 layered types deeper than HuiNeng's glimpse for "Right Motivation" on the [ Y-X ] dimensions of Figure 11.1. Observable outcomes of the Signed Posts are smart pointers [ #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, #Awareness and #Prajna lumped together in Vietnamese KienTanh / HuiNeng WuNien, #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIPs ] pointing to observable traits on X-dimension types [ #TRUTH, #Honesty, #Care, #Intuition, #Balanced, #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated ]. The hashtag (#) type is a node type for concerned people to connect in communities of Sharing and Learning from one another. Similarly, the InnerSpace F is a custom functional programming of both [ x-y ] types. We discover an outcome of [ Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Right #Samadhis ] is a Natural Purification process from observable "Natural Relaxation" in purifying the tainted senses due to Binding Word/Image and clinging Thought that all past isms and religions are trying to hack and slave human mind[R8] to claim their dominant cheating stakes. "Detachment" is the [ visible / observable ] attribute to gauge the depth of the Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent relative to one's specific binding and clinging force. Since Transcendental No-Conflict Consciousness of all factors relevant to one's Continuity of the consciousness - X-dimension of #Awareness toward total Detachment, Y-dimension of #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, and F-dimension of Fibonacci evolution toward VisibleSamadhiPrajna - are orthogonal to the duality plane of conflicting events for [ highest Insights into the Emptiness at Transcendental, Cosmic, Unity states ] are conditioned, the highest state of one's life-time is not always there - since optimal conditions are Not always available in engaged living - contrary to the 2500+ years of Buddhist claims in leading to permanent Nirvana and Pari-Nirvana which is scientifically False. The key point is to discover underlying natural laws inducive to proven conditions toward total Detachment and #EmptyTheContent when Not Required toward Nothingness for wider perspective and more stable in the outcomes of Transcending the Observed and the Observer, raising accessible consciousness to Higher Level of provable Outcomes such as accessing information in the field, using Cosmic Energy for the Justice and Moral Causes, etc,.

"Right Effort" and "Detachment" have no contradiction and are dynamically complement each other on the razor-sharp edge of the Right Living: one is the driving force to make things happened under the guiding light of the "states and stock of #Prajna", the other is required to see and act according to "Thing-As-It-Is" which is also part of "#Prajna". It is #Prajna - the manifestation of invisible Sunyata - that sees Thing-As-It-Is to drive the aggregate consciousness toward the right direction of Harmonious and Happy environment. The contradiction comes from Ignorance leading to Wrong Effort and Pain. It is the light to dispel "Buddhist vicious tautologies" that up to 2025 most Buddhists, monks and nuns have not been able to solve due to Not Passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict": [ not knowing the Fourfold Truth >< Ignorance ], [ not having Right Understanding >< not having Right-Inner-Peace ] and [ Reading / Listening / Reciting Buddhist scriptures > Reflection > Cultivation - VĂN > TƯ > TU - 聞-思-修 ] in the vicious circle of the blinds touching imaginary elephant Prajna since besides Gotama and HuiNeng in human realm, we know no one including claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah (aka Dhipankara Buddha[D51]) having deep Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries (Gnosis). That may be the reason they turned Gotama's discovery of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path upside down from [ #Prajna >< Virtue >< Stability ] into [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] having no observable #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace.

Another very subtle point the entire Buddhist Sangha - up until 2025 - missed in 2500+ years is the "Natural Purification" coming from direct contact with Verifiable Emptiness, which is starting from qualified Transcendental #Awareness rated by Gotama at the minimum of Equanimity[D29] third attribute (jhana) all the way up to "the End of Dukkha" or momentary Nirvana. This empirically proves that No One in entire 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas up to 2025 has thoroughly known Gotama's Jhanas beyond "just a glimpse demonstrated by Sariputta" to further contribute what Gotama missed in "Natural Purification" which is the driving force of his discovered solution in his First Sermon[D20]. Using the description of Sariputta[D27] at the presence of Gotama, we basically prove that (1) Sariputta - another person - did know the "momentary Nirvana or the End of Dukkha" and (2) Purification of the senses must come from "Verifiable Emptiness[D29], [D30]", outside conditioned boxes of Word and Thought which is Gotama's greatest discovery. When Consciousness and Sound / Light technologies are released, we expect many more personally know this state of momentary Nirvana or the cessation of Dukkha according to Gotama's criterion to further value-add qualified attributes as this writer did in the states of selflessness (Gotama's infinite space and infinite consciousness) and in stopping outer breath in "unmoving sunyata".

Since each one is very unique - having unique path of evolution and degeneration - there will be innumerable possibilities of Sudden Awaken then Awakening, riding on natural laws for heavy lifting discovered and protected by Intellectual Property Right (IPR) to make the solution epistemic objective in sustainable resources and effortlessly wiping out unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4]. For that reason, we take Gotama's rating of "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác in his advice to Ajita[D22] as the necessary and sufficient condition to be qualified Budh Counselor who must demonstrate that one can stand on one's actual experience of the third and fourth levels of Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien to be part of the community driving and implementing Gotama's advice, Deep and Wide in Making Life Easier and Happier. The target has dynamic multiple effects: (1) Gotama's assertion can be tested, verified, and augmented with different descriptions from different angles of achievable practitioners, (2) the smart-pointer outcomes pointing to different verifiable traits of activities and relationships types can be used as targets to intelligently guide other explorers via LLM (Large Language Model agentic AI out of negative traits to the desired traits such as capable to DISSOLVE deep binding and clinging karmic forces in Making Life Easier and Happier, (3) STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) approach is deepening and widening practical solutions for many types of persona in many domains and fields. The required thesis comes from one's personal experience to solve the issues bubbled up from measurable patterns of "Efforts" and "Detachment", emerged from the community analysis. There are sufficient qualified Budh Counselors - making up required quorum of academic judges - from discovered living students that no professional cheating artists dare to get close. The writer encourages identified living students reverse engineering their innate quality that may help many others of similar patterns. This process enables KhaiPhong sustainable without depending on any individual. It will be driven by the World dedicated professionals, facilitating the manifestation of Prajna / Wisdom in all human activities "From people, By people, and For people as advocated by General Trần Hưng Đạo".

The 'detachment' from the joy in the 'Equanimity' state which is also the base of Gotama 'Right Transcendental #Awareness', and 'giving up of bliss and suffering' in the 'Purity' are 'natural' and not at the thought level, but at the transcendental level of #Awareness - having an Insight into the Emptiness described by Nagarjuna - which is qualified by HuiNeng as #DhyanaSamadhi. These necessary and sufficient conditions are Not at the forced violent concentration of eliminating anything advocated by most Buddhist monks, selling what they do not know nor have, riding on Gotama's credibility in making a very unworthy living. It is the foundation of 'Detachment' right in the first stage that was missed by other 'Wrong Inner Peace' using sexual intercourse, faith, and swirling. One can use them as a form of relaxation, as long as Not being addicted to them and/or making others addicted via elaborate rituals in the form of organised religions and/or utopia of something one does not know nor has.

This Right #Samadhi (Chánh Định)[D29] defies Buddhist first four observable attributes of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace: (1) Detachment, (2) Tranquility, (3) Equanimity, (4) Purity. The word 'Bliss' is used to describe attributes of the first 3. In the fourth Purity, any sensation (such as 'bliss' and suffering) is naturally disappeared in an Utter Silent (disappearance). Any sensation in the Buddhist first attribute must be faded away as one enters finer states of mind to the Purity of complete Silence, similar to the finer breath as one actually enters different depths of Sunyata to the point of No Outer Breath or Unmoving Sunyata, stopping of perception and feeling[D30]. Here is another scientific significance - besides the difference between the wrong and the right Transcendental-Inner-Peace - of the Right Process according to natural laws where gross attributes such as Inner Peace are naturally dissolved to deeper layers of 'Being', transcending the Inner Peace toward "Non-Thingness" for Cosmic Consciousness and Unity.

The Prajnaparamita[R2] introduces cultivable state of consciousness "Prajna" turning Gotama wrong Dependent Nature { 'from the cessation of ignorance, volitional activities (Sankhara) cease; from the cessation of volitional activities, consciousness ceases' - "Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed" } into Right Dependent Nature of human existence where "Cultivable #Prajna" will bring Peace and Harmony in [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] to most major conflicting human events. This did not happen! Thousand years later, value-adds from Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness identified as Dharmakaya and HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna could not make any difference in the bullying humanity of unworthy people in totally corrupted Gotama's Buddhist cheating Sangha. Thanks to the collapse of Illuminati (NWO) Elites - partly due to Natural Laws and partly thanks to the interference of Good Force having its long-trained qualified students, the sabotage of Gotama's discoveries and their limitations are exposed together with possible outcomes in verifying the underlying Natural Laws to be shared. Do not identify yourself with past mistake of Ignorance nor any [ ism / religion / school ] at binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, dropping all burdens once actions completed, but putting your Right Effort in scientifically cultivable states and stock of #Prajna - since all manifestations are conditioned and there is an optimal engineering process for that identified condition happened as currently demonstrated in reasoning AI - for heavy lifting out of the duality plane of conflicting events.

The Madhyamaka[D38] logically introduces a new dimension - the Ultimate (wider) Truth which is also the Tao Nameless - missed by Gotama leading to his own defects in design-build-execution of Buddhist Sangha and degeneration due to not knowing dynamic interactions of Fibonacci-Layered Inner-Space [ Compassion >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ]. Again, no one including Nagarjuna and others could detect Gotama's defects and subsequent degeneration but rather trying to justify Buddhist teaching about "Emptiness" at description level of the "blinds touching elephant" since no one up to 2025 could actually know how to move from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth and then What when back to the Relative Truth in "Taming The Ox / Mind". HuiNeng knew this movement from Relative Truth in observable KungTzu responsible leaderships to the Tao Nameless or Ultimate (Wider) Truth of the invisible in Madhyamaka middle path, evidenced in his WuNien, #DhyanaSamadhi, and #SamadhiPrajna. Not being a scholar, HuiNeng was interested in what he could actually bring to the table. In a hand-written note about [ Thành duy thức luận / Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi Sastra / 成唯識論 Che'ng Wei-shih Lun ], the writer - based on his personal experience - proved XuanZang deduction versus direct perception of his quoted Dharmapala in a copy having hand-correction by the book author Wei Tat 韋達. Reincarnations of both HuiNeng and XuanZang are current living students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle who know and can teach people the "How-To" at appropriate Right Time and Right Place. Modern classifications for precised communications between human and machine - together with Artificial intelligence - can discover (1) the causation, correlation, and or functional relationship between achievable Signed Posts and seven depths of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] not yet wide-spread in humanity up until 2025, and (2) optimal conditions with required processes to move from one [ signed post / depth ] to another [ signed post / depth ] in engaged living, not necessary in linear fashion which is KhaiPhong proposed scientifically cultivable Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace.

If things happened, KhaiPhong will produce pipelines of elites - based on these scientific discoveries - having required Trusted Leadership 4.0 - transcending both Christian and KungTzu doctrinal leaderships in harmoniously measurable real benefits - of the Right Society 5.0. Scientific consciousness technologies - commonly known as the Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries / Gnosis - are the manifestations of visible ComPassion and #Prajna from the invisible Sunjata to inject the Right and Wrong according to underlying natural laws to be discovered and shared in one's continuity of the consciousness. It is invisible but scientifically measurable and rated after the resultant facts. Together with proven Open Sources from Industry 4.0, there will be Invisible and Harmoniously Melting Pots to naturally force all conflicting religions, isms, civilisations, customs, cultures, social norms, etc, delivering concrete benefits to be relevant of Worthy Existence, or "get out of the way".

The Yogacara[D39] demonstrates deeper Consciousness Technologies and the mechanism how one can change from Imaginary Nature into Dependent Nature of Thing-As-It-Is according to Natural Laws to be discovered and shared, making it easier with Generative AI (GenGPT). Again, big mouths of unworthy people in Buddhist cheating Sangha succeeded to veil this discovery just based on their logical consistent Not-Self in both Relative and Ultimate (Wider) Truths rather than self-selfless actualization (technically known as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác) { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } in practical human living while in part discover and in part create the Real You[R10]. With available living students actually knowing the "Natural Purification" of the senses due to the Right Conditions entering the Perfected Nature according to Natural Laws and/or Thing-As-It-Is, Buddhist unworthy monks / nuns will be unemployed! Deeper researches in consciousness technologies will be available to humanity thanks to available qualified elites in the Right Society 5.0.

The Tantra[R14] introduces "energy weaving" to enable Worthy Relationship in one's Continuity of the Consciousness since the chance of unworthy/bad karmic forces are very high, evidenced in modern divorced rates and/or inhuman cultural enforcement against modern human rights. Degenerated Vairayana with its immoral Voodoo Spells turn Tantra into something mystics to enforce their claimed masters-slaves relationships driven by Greed and Fears destroying all involved parties. At the Right time, the technique will be properly introduced by fully qualified living students to spiritually solve the biological needs of humanity. For the ultimate target of energy weaving to assure continuity of Worthy Relationships, current living students knowing [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } from level 5 upward can do it without physical copulation! By just thinking of the "partner", the two bundles of energy are connected. It is commonly known as telepathy for checking the right conditions to be together in worthy collaborative efforts of one's very long evolution. It is currently practised by some living students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle!

Epistemological traditions are focusing on what we know, how we know, and community accumulation of the Right Understanding and Right Motivation for measurable Right Effort in Making Life Easier and Happier. Using Artificial Intelligence, the sixth turning the wheel of understanding will scientifically evaluate the subjective experiences of [ Emptiness / Jhanas / #Samadhis / Inner Peace ] in their [ Right / Wrong / Practicality ] at both present moment and Value of the values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, changing oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23].

Through KhaiPhong Technologies and other techniques, many will be able to testify these four observable attributes of Right #Samadhi (Chánh Định). The 'Bliss' is in fact an Inner Peace (very light happiness) as described by HuiNeng, similar to the kind of Inner Peace one has as #KindnessEmpathy Samaritan[R16] or a silent Avalokiteshvara, spontaneously helping the needy from one's True Heart (natural Detachment and HonNhien), or an Inner Peace (#Samadhi) through 'Aspiration' either via vision, beauty, serenity, art, open vista, etc. It is a 'Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict', beyond self and not-self of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent (Chánh Định) starting from Tranquility the 'Gateway-to-Oneness' induced by natural forces such as the Charming power of Sunyata Non-Thingness, natural levitation (Yogic Flying) and other Siddhis as explained in Hindu and Buddhist texts. That 'light happiness' must be faded away to its complete absence, Utter Silence, in the Purity according to natural law moving from the gross to finer states toward "Non-Thingness".

In the above quoted Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent (Samma-Samadhi - Chánh Định)[D29], the third attribute - which the noble ones call 'dwelling in equanimity, mindfulness, and bliss' - clearly defined "Mindfulness" depends on this base Equanimity to see Thing with Clarity for a Right Understanding (State of Prajna) and Right Motivation (Stock of #Prajna). Those who know this Equanimity can personally verified that the initial light Happiness (Hindu Bliss) has been significantly faded away, but still there consistent with Gotama snapshot approach. This means without transcending (dissolving) the Observed at gross level, there is No Right Transcendental #Awareness. All Buddhist training of mindfulness and meditation in the past 2500+ years - up to 2025 - have created more damages since most have not passed the first stage of Detachment and far from the second Tranquility or Gateway-to-Oneness. None of Buddhist techniques can deliver the transcendental state to directly experience Gotama Verifiable Emptiness. This is the Reality of most cheating Buddhists, similar to the Realities of all catholic Popes and Priests, no matter how many claimed reincarnations you can trace out. This may be an important topic for Buddhist scholars and monks/nuns either modify, prove or disprove the statement.

When the Quality of Equanimity has settled down, the binding 'Word/Image' conditioned by cultures, religions and advertisements loosen their grips. That is why after 30+ years of further reflection, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi[D54] can correct the Hindu Bliss (Ananda) into Verifiable Emptiness, Non-Thingness. To reach the quality of Beyond Thought (Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm) at the observed, No-Mark (Vô Vết) once the action completed, Detachment (Vô Trụ) as one's basis for the Right Transcendental #Awareness to know 'the Right Thing to do', the Right Transcendental #Awareness must be based on the Purity level of Utter Silence, ready for no thought in Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness. Since Right Transcendental #Awareness is the State of #Prajna, the deeper and more "Signed Posts" of Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent one can accumulate in the quality of one's InnerSpace described in positive Fibonacci sequence, the clearer one can see 'the Right Thing to do' which is the most important at the point of death since it will determine the next step one will be, besides the precious assistance of one's "Inter-Realms" Inner Circle and circle of one's inner circles in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. KhaiPhong PrajnaTools - user-facing mu, private Neural Graph Database db, user custom ai, and EIP / Executive Information Portal - are technical means to honestly know more about oneself in one's Private Corner, and consciously build one's inner Circle and circle of inner circles. This 'Right Thing to do' is an outcome of "#Prajna" in the layered No-Conflict Consciousness of the Right Transcendental #Awareness: [ Conscience >< Kindness (Từ) >< Empathy (Bi) >< #Prajna >< Morality >< Justice >< Joy (Hỷ) >< Detachment (Xả) ] .

Each of these four observable attributes (Detachment, Tranquility, Equanimity, Purity), together with other formless in the Buddhist nine observable attributes of #Samadhi, will be further "Inter-Realms" explored in one's Continuity of the consciousness - sensed by this writer in the new Era of [ Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations ] - to 'Transcend Inner Peace'[R1] showing that they are good Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at theoretical levels to be a foundation for empirically verifiable processes and practical applications, relevant to the Present Living. Based on actual experience of living students in AwakeningBudh Movement, there are different trails hence different characteristics to Higher Consciousness. The Buddhist nine observable attributes of Right Samadhi (Chánh Định) are similar to signed posts at different elevation that different trails are met[D29], [D30].

See how 'forceful' Gotama made this 'deadly serious point'[D30] from the reference since one needs tremendous "Intensity of Attention" to make things happened, yet complement with and building on top of the "Detachment" in the first state. That deadly serious point is the Right Effort from his modified[D26] Eightfold Path - the scientifically measurable part of the quality of your identifiable stream of consciousness / the Wei-Wu-Wei / KhaiPhong (Effortless Right Action) of your Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space - different from imaginary power of indoctrinated "Learning / Văn - Reflection / Tư" and "Cultivation / Tu" via "Praying / Holy Recitation / Concentration" which is the upside-down of Thing-As-It-Is according to Natural Laws. It is better to start from one's pain point Beyond Greed and Fears having scientific solution then share your personal experience with the world weeding out unworthy people from your responsible Creation. The detachment is a natural outcome of #KindnessEmpathy, not at the conditioned thought advocated by most monks. These texts, besides the above four observable attributes (1) Detachment, (2) Tranquility, (3) Equanimity, (4) Purity, described (5) Expanding Space, (6) Expanding Consciousness, (7) Sunyata Non-Thingness, (8) Border line between conditioned and unconditioned, (9) Unmoving Sunyata or momentary Nirvana form the following six signed posts to be concretely investigated.

We use 'Expanding Space' and 'Expanding Consciousness' instead of 'Infinite Space and Infinite Consciousness' to show the dynamic nature of the experience, not a static snapshot of 'infinite' which is not a mathematical infinite. We use 'Sunyata Non-Thingness' (the video was deleted) to show a not-self awareness of 'Non-Thingness' with 'no thought' and Wonderful where Sunyata is the invisible part. We use the 'Border line between conditioned and unconditioned' to generalise the dynamic description since this state can happen in activities (#PrajnaTIP in Kindness and Cultivable #Prajna in Activities). We use 'Unmoving Sunyata' inspired by HuiNeng's assertion in his self introduction (which moves: the wind, the flag, or your mind) instead of 'Nirvana' or the above description to show the dynamic of Present Moment as actually described in the Heart Sutra[R2], not the Static "Nirvana" explained by Buddhist cheating Sanghas in the past 2500+ years where they project from their logic that there is no more karmic forces so one enters Pari-Nirvana at the end of current life. We challenge this stand head-on since we know most of them not even qualified to have "Transcendental #Awareness" to understand Gotama's advice to Ajita[D22]. We use either "End-of-Dukkha / Momentary Nirvana" as actually described by Gotama or "Unmoving Sunyata" for this state where Dukkha of Change and Condition is Frozen at that moment.

We see the issue of this classification, implying static order of gradual development as instructed and stagnant by the Buddhist Sanghas in 2500+ years. If one needs to classify according to significant changed phases such as ice, water, vapour while there are different observable attributes in each phase (cold, warm, hot water and super heated) one can say something about three distinct phases: (1) Transcendental Consciousness having major identifiable characteristic as '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' corresponding to Buddhist Detachment, Tranquility, Equanimity, Purity; (2) Cosmic Consciousness (of No Thought) corresponding to Buddhist Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness; (3) Unity corresponding to Buddhist Sunyata Non-Thingness, Border line between conditioned and unconditioned, and Unmoving Sunyata. In each phase, there are other observable attributes, actually known by living students than the ones identified by Gotama.

There is a need of more serious research and most importantly scientific processes to enable explorers on different trails more enjoyable and practical directly related to the Present Living in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. After 2012, there is a shift in cosmic consciousness just like the arriving of Spring after a long dark and cold winter, enabling individual streams of consciousness easily accessing higher consciousness as recorded in Buddhist texts. We will introduce appropriate technologies for most people to personally verify these higher stages of consciousness. This pushes all concerned parties from all organised religions to the front line of their Last Temples of [ Body >< Mind >< Right Effort which are all measurable either in positive and/or normative sense of all cultures. The last component is usually known in different cultures as [ Spirit / Christian Soul / Buddhist qualia (from one's Right Understanding and Right Motivation, the #Prajna division of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path ] wherever one happens to be, showing the real Dependent Nature of one - being an Agent of Changes - and the environments that affect the quality of the present living. The word "Right Effort" is visible outcome to force one Know more about oneself and what need to change in engaged living to be qualified as a [ Humanitas having / Buddha Nature of evolving Budh / Kingdom of God within ]. Existing temples and churches are meeting places for direct Learning via Doing and Sharing Lessons Learned from discovered Natural Laws underlying scientific researches to actually show where are the lasting contributions of Gotama, Jesus, etc, plus your discoveries and value-adds to Humanity. The outcome of this research can be sustainable as graduate courses certified by qualified stakeholders on 'Verifiable Emptiness' where the world accumulated knowledge can be built on.

This can be done thanks to modern technologies and lessons learned from Sports and Performing Arts in measurable hard facts moving toward a normalised Art with solidly identified attributes at different signed posts. Based on the above signed posts, different depths of Gotama's Detachment / his advice in #AwarenessPrajna[D22] / Jesus's Kingdom-of-God within You[Luke 17:21] / Bodhidharma's Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35] / HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna[R5] / XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness[D19] can be statistically measurable and rated at the normal distributions with acceptable standard deviations.

We see this scientific possibility - together with the change in cosmic energy, discovered natural laws to enable humanity returning to the source of #Oneness from astray current paths of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and physical sciences away from the Sources of Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) in the meaning of Humanitas, plus the orchestration of higher beings - as an opening door to (1) raise the mass consciousness to a higher level of knowing more about oneself in the True Meaning of Democracy and Freewill, (2) enable everyone opportunities and facilities to be an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23], and (3) make sure the secrecy and cunning intelligence employed by the dark forces in perpetuating masters-slaves relationships will not happen again.

Here are the bottom lines of our field researches up to 2025. Detachment is statistically measurable via its manifestations of Right Effort from Right Understanding (State of #Prajna) and Right Motivation (Stock of #Prajna) in dealing with the current Issues at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna[D22], identified at the following signed posts:

  1. Gateway-to-Oneness / Tranquillity y1 = 1: (a) no inner conflict, (b) light relaxation to start the observable dissolution of whatever the current content or releasing stresses in rejuvenation and reborn. This state of Living can be observable from people living Harmoniously with Nature in open tranquility spaces amongst China Mountains and Lakes, Japanese Gardens, or Switzerland. But without scientifically understanding underlying natural laws for the manifestations of that state of Living in accordance with Morality and Justice / Right and Unworthy, one can easity fall into the trap of self glorifications driven by tainted sesses. KhaiPhong's target is to facilitate and make happened "Equanimity Communities" of both Inner Cloud and Outer Cloud where Accountable and Responsible stakeholders can join hands to make reasoning AI Helping Normative Intelligence toward What Count and Reversed: [ #Prajna >< AI ].

    This #EmptyTheContent[D26] at [ y1 = 1 Tranquility Gateway-to-Oneness is different from disappearance of contents due to concentration and boosting in cunning intelligence at y-1 = 1, gradually loosing one's sense of Empathy, knowing nothing about "Natural Silence / Vietnamese KiếnTánh / Huineng Transcendental WuNien / Kingdom of God within / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Prajna" - DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN (Cảnh báo cho người nổi danh).

    It is observable behavior via mathematical presentation of Complex Fibonacci numbers at minute 7:00 comming from evolution then degeneration via blah blah blah of the past degenerated in many 1,000+ years evidenced up to 2023-07-14 versus the visible Tranquillity enforced with Equanimity passing the Fibonacci number 1 twice as shown at minute 6:15 of the mathematical presentation. That is why the claimed degenerated "Kim Thân Cha Kiều Nguyên Tá" knew nothing about HuiNeng's WuNien and the #Prajna Emptiness to be statistically testified at the right time by the mass.

  2. Equanimity y2 = 1 [ enforcing the stable level 1 based on the simulation of positive Complex Fibonacci at minute 6:25 of the video ]: (a) starting the process of natural purification in Higher Consciousness, (b) loosening the binding force of indoctrinated Word/Image - authority figure - observable by you and others in your actions / reactions, (c) "all dharmas indicate Sunyata: not arising not suppressed not tainted not pure not deficient not complete" via Vietnamese Kiến Tánh, (d) "by detachment from joy he dwells in Equanimity with clear comprehension, called dwelling in equanimity, Mindfulness / Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent, and bliss" dscribed by Gotama; the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature recognized from 2023-07-10 needs "CARES to move from "Tranquillity / Gateway-to-Oneness" toward this "Equanimity" to detoxify many life-times tainted senses.

    The ">#Care" must come from people qualified in Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion and #Prajna) with their internationally recognized Dignity and Human Rights - fully protected - since naturally sensed and seen at Tranquility Gateway-to-Oneness from Harmonious peaceful spaces in China Mountains and Lakes, and in Japanese Gardens have been gradually lost which can be revitalized with Scientific Implementations of Soyen Shaku[R6] from 1893 { All things return to "One" and "One" operates in all things or God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [due to qualified innate Compassion-Prajna / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods within] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân proven in Gödel incompleteness theorem / Vertical Causation scientifically measurable at these six Signed Posts of Y-dimension ] is unreality } as partially observed in Switzerland but gradually losing the Inner Driving Forces according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED due to the greatest Hoax of "Jesus Redeemer" and/or painted version(s) of [ Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought / Sở Tri Chướng ] up to 2023-08-04 (the evident video was taken out) that this writer scientifically and publicly challenges the real Jesus and their living people publicly expose this TRUTH as a learned Lesson from degenerated dark forces in their persistent 60,000+ human years of esoteric Greed and Fears creating tremendous Sufferings in rivers of bloods wherever they had their hands on (the video was deleted)!

    The Reality of Equanimity Community upgradable from Tranquility Community observable in past cultures such as China mountains and lakes, Japanese gardens, etc, or current Switzerland, etc, is "doable" due to the DISCOVERED underlying Transcendental [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] injecting the "Being" into the "Living" which will be demonstrated and implemented by KhaiPhong to replace (1) the visible practical outcomes of cunning intelligence making all involved parties (degenerated without knowing WHY mathematically proven at minute 7:00) worse off in the long run and/or (2) the golden surface of feudal masters-slaves relationships achievable via degenerated esoteric-exoteric controlling powers, causing (3) extreme psychological abnormalities of the HaveNots, Stakeholders, and the Haves (due to Not Knowing more about oneself) such as in Japan and every where in all layers / classes of humanity without a stable sustainable Visible Happy Solution beyond the duality plane of conflicting consciousness in one's Continuity of the consciousness, capable from humanity upward as defined in [ Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, #Prajna) / the Buddha Nature / the Kingdom of Gods within ].

    The solution to be changed by all concerned parties is at the DISCOVERED underlying natural laws to integrate all human contributions of the pasts PLUS Lessons Learned from degenerated esoteric feudal systems as Spiritual / Nghỉ Dưởng Resources due to the Dignity of qualified people Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good where all can be parts of the Harmonious Melting Pot [ the Haves >< the Stakeholdes >< the HaveNots ] according to underlying Natural Laws - TRUTH is My Light - to support its ThankYou / GsLp (Global Services Local Presences) Clubs where positive changes from the grassroots are measurable and observable. The Key Difference here is (1) theoretical understanding of "Vietnamese KiếnTánh"[D26] according to proven modern sciences, then (2) personally empirical verifications according to proven underlying natural laws. Appropriate conducive environments have been patiently preserved in Japan of required Outer Simplicity to the Perfection in all Activities and Relationships at all Places for possible Inner Tranquility, further explored and modified in VietNam for possible manifestations of Inner Equanimity to be ready for the Integrated Scientific Implementation of DISCOVERED Consciousness Technolgies.

  3. Purity y3 = 2: (a) loosening the clinging force of thought in hearing the indoctrinated church bell, temple drum, call for praying time, or any attached pattern at different depths of the tainted marks in the past, (b) internal disturbances of duality at utter Silence to sense the "Pulses of Thing-As-It-Is"; "therefore Sariputra, in Sunyata there is not form not feeling not perception not impulse not consciousness not eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-mind not form-sound-smell-taste-touch-thought not eye consciousness up to not mind consciousness not ignorance not destruction of ignorance not decay-death not destruction of decay-death not dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga not knowledge not attainment not non-attainment", (c) "by the disappearance of joy and sorrow, the practitioner (he) attains to the 'neither suffering nor bliss', which is the "Purity" [ describe your actual experience and your state of that consciousness (already pioneered by the Sutra and Gotama's experience) since you cannot fool the one who knows and sees, exposing 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism that we publicly challenge the reincarnations of all past dedicated explorers PLUS THEN WHAT in DISCOVERING and SHARING "TRUTH is My Light" ], (d) ability to direct "the mind / intent / intensity-of-attention" for "Effortless Right Action / Wei-Wu-Wei" whatever the action / intention being empirically verifiable in engaged living whichever realm one is in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

    This can be scientifically implemented in the new Era of THÔNG THIÊN PHÁP GIỚI / Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations. In the light of Groundbreaking Experiment about "light" traveling through both space and time 2023-07-05 (the video was taken out), the writer is expecting a lot of new DISCOVERIES in consciousness field from Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations and suggest "Purity" may be a Signed Post for complete "Transcending the Space" ready for the next stage of "Transcending the Time / Not-Self" to further detoxifying the sense consciousness from a very long past. Hence "#KindnessEmpathy" is sine qua non for Transcendental Stages!

  4. Not-Self y4 = 3: (a) Beyond-Thought / WuNien / Self-Selfless Actualization (technically known as Gotama's "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác"[D22]) of Being Needs, (b) frequent #Awareness of expanding space and expending consciousness, (c) naturally free from conflicting feelings in an action such as not-for-profit appeals based on guilt, desires, attractions, yet very sensible to the needs of beings and/or aesthetic inspiration that tears naturally flow, (d) knowable right for an Effortless Right Action / Wei-Wu-Wei at "universal level of #Oneness", using cosmic energy - instead of one's limited sources - to help others and/or make things happened in the Right Direction.

    In engaged living, [ Not-Self / Selfless ] needs available required facts from AI and something more for the manifestation of #Prajna shown at C area which is measurable to know more about oneself and what need to cultivate and/or required complement from one's Inner Circle and circles of Inner Circles. The writer expects it is the beginning of "Transcending the Time" to detoxify long past karmic forces such as "un-awareness of sexual desire and driven / veiled by it" rather than Being Aware and Managing it toward What Count.

  5. Sunyata Non-Thingness y5 = 5: (a) aware of the state of Sunyata Non-Thingness to personally verify the literal description of the Heart Sutra Emptiness having no need of logical arguments to prove Thing-As-It-Is, (b) this state of Non-Thingness has been scientifically explored in physical sciences about the properties of Non-Thingness to derive innumerable industrial practical applications of modern time, (c) the same exploration is now applicable to the verifiable Science of Consciousness pioneered via #PrajnaTIP in Sound, #PrajnaTIP in Engaged Living, #PrajnaTIP in Kindness with a fully qualified student actually knowing it in "the reversed engineering" (documented for many generations to come), and (d) scientifically value-added epistemic objectives from different angles in all activities and relationships applicable to millions of similar patterns to enable all qualified persons being agents of changes to change oneself and the environment toward What Count in reversed engineering of those actually knowing "HuiNeng WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } in reborn/rejuvenation from one's innate cultivable states and stock of #Prajna for complete integration from physical sciences of Body Wellness and Science of Consciousness identified at seven (7) depths of WuNien.

    Just like to know the taste of apple, you must slowly eat and feel its flavour. You cannot know it from a picture, dream about it via dream-yoga and/or meditate on its descriptions from unworthy people who do not know yet claim to know, do not see yet claim to see as done in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha[D19] to sabotage Gotama's discoveries in perpetuating masters-slaves relationships. "Sunyata Non-Thingness" may be the end of "Transcending the Time" for more "UnKnown Exploration" in the field of "Formless Realms" that we know their interferences called the Good Forces just like human knows the existence of dark matter via its interference of Gravity Force!

  6. Unmoving Sunyata / End-of-Dukkha[D44] / momentary "Nirvana" y6 = 8: (a) aware the ceasing of outer breath. End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana is Gotama's claimed solution for his identified Dukkha - LUẬN VỀ NIẾT BÀN 2020-10-27. The description is Not the described. Three Seals of Budh Dharma - as done by Theravada cheating process in its utopia of Nirvana and Parinirvana - turn Gotama into a confused philosopher, not a dedicated and great naturalist having practical solution for his raised issue that all Buddhist sects claim a possibility of Freedom as intuitively identified attributes in the Latin Humanitas (biology, compassion, wisdom) leading to Human Rights.

    Please logically and scientifically shut down the "Big Mouth" of these unworthy people in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism for the new Era of "TRUTH" explorers like HuiNeng and "dedicated scholars" of Latin humanitas like XuanZang whose "discovered underlying natural laws" can be statistically tested in "Inter-Realms" deepening and widening Thing-As-It-Is, "Making Life Easier and Happier" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness!

The bottom line of these achievable Signed Posts is the "Effective Power to #Care" for oneself and the environment in the Right Direction of What Count.

An immediate noticeable observation from the above Signed Posts is the absence of conflict making it different from duality plan of conflicting forces of "observer and the observed" generating by all concerned parties on the focused event such as current International Issues at the South China Sea. This Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space has qualified lighter abode and required attributes at different depths of (1) Detachment, (2) transcendental toward Sunyata Non-Thingness for Reborn and Rejuvenation, and Unmoving Sunyata which is described in the Heart Sutra[R2] as (1) "form is Sunyata Sunyata is form", then (2) "in Sunyata there is not form, etc" of Thing-As-It-Is in the process to move from conflicting duality to no-conflict Oneness: 'seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment, this is 'Wu-Nien' according to HuiNeng (page 126[R5.1]). Those not passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness" will not be able to see this Thing-As-It-Is of Self-Selfless Duality-Oneness, not qualified by Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness, HuiNeng's Detachment (Xả), KhaiPhong #Awareness, and Vietnamese KiếnTánh at Equanimity level. Please do not tolerate these hardcore unworthy people[R18.4] degenerating themselves and destroying others as they have done in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas.

The "Gateway-to-Oneness" is the entry level of self-evaluation for all practitioners to measure one's quality of the consciousness (the foundation of its visible "iceberg") failed by most cheating Buddhists [ monks / nuns / practitioners ] blah blah blah in their "hallucinated teachings" of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved"[D22] } from what they do not know nor have in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha. The above six (6) Signed Posts were actually known and recorded from Gotama[D29], [D30]. The "Then What" of "Wise Viet" adds three more Signed Posts cross-cut in the multi-dimensional existence in one's Continuity of the Consciousness applicable to all realms of intelligent existence to manifest the practicalities of achievable Inner Peace: (1) Awaring "the source of your thought and its driving force" - known by Avlokiteshvara Bodhisattva in her "painful share of the outcone" due to Not knowing underlying natural laws happening Only in human modern Science - to properly manage your realities, (2) Using cosmic energy to fight against dark forces and teach them a lesson of not messing around the discovered natural laws, (3) Giving others a boost in their natural evolution with your directed cosmic energy. Without these three more manifested [ Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh ] listed in the State of #Prajna, members of KhaiPhong Inner Circle will not be able to survive the "bullying of esoteric dark forces" and available to SHARE their hard earned experiences.

The "knowns" from humanity upward according to underlying natural laws on the positive Y-dimension of Fibonacci evolution are probably accidentally known similar to what known by Gotama long long time ago in higher realms "but lost" since we do sense these "formless intelligent beings". Without their orchestration and assistance - together with "natural downhill of the dark forces in cheating and stealing cultures of cunning intelligence - the new Era of Conscious Living via Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to direct Invisible Hand of Economics in all activities and relationships may not happen. The negative direction in Y-dimension is observable in cunning intelligence away from the base of humanitas [ y-1 = 1 Empathy ready for "Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien"[D26], y-2 = -1 Kindness to dig deeper into a wider state of mental health, y-3 = 2 Conscience to widen the Right and Wrong, y-4 = -3 Conscience-1 to alert who you are, y-5 = 5 Conscience-2 to activate your realities that we ask all (Illuminati and Vietnamese communist) elites currently holding (world) powers of finance / politics / militaries / industries / logistics to influence millions lives, etc "HONESTLY / CHÂN THẬT" look at the Realities of your "Living & Being" in your Continuity of the consciousness and do something for Yourself toward What Count, y-6 = -8 Conscience-3 to let you know you are only a part of the Dependent Nature of the Whole ]. These attributes on the negative scale of Y-dimension are "our subjective assessment" from limited research of small sample for intelligent beings reaching toward qualified humanitas, designed to help human or esoteric degenerated Elites and those qualified by nature as a [ humanitas having Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within ] quickly recover their past qualities rather than a very long past of trials-and-errors or a "breakthrough" of sudden Awaken then Awakening, measurable at [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ]. The mechanism has its foundation in wider vision of natural existence due to complex dependent nature of intelligent living. It also enables a cunning intelligence having a Hegelian Dialectic (thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis) due to the past "Naturally Unaffected", commonly known in the past Illuminati Elites and/or from tracked records of crimes against humanity. Take a look at recorded crimes against Falun Gong, the Holocaust, the past Crusades, etc; all have the same pattern of "insensiblility of the Right and Wrong in human Sufferings", 180o opposite direction of the Good Samaritan[R16]. It darkens and renders one's quality of the consciousness heavy, easily observable if one has "#Honesty & #Care": (1) extreme desire of "I win you loose" in making decisions, (2) "chatting mind" having no minute of complete silence in natural "#EmptyTheContent" asked by Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva of Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49] but cheated by claimed Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and (3) always-In-Conflict and doubt with oneself and others.

In selecting relationships such as employer-employee, given required technical qualifications for the job and its market price the identified rating in positive Fibonacci evolution - applicable to individial and aggregate of all sizes - should be the ultimate goal of all involved parties. The technical tool EIP (Executive Information Portal) may greatly facilitate this process. It is the scientific implementation of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] and the "Right Understanding of Enlightenment", enabling Trusted Leadership 4.0 of current Globalization which are measurable and deliverable with Prajna Dialectic. With current advanced science and AI, this raises a possibility of wholesome "Living & Being" where employment is also a part personal Right Effort toward What Count in one's Conscious Living. it is the writer's determination to implement pipelines of qualified elites capable to (1) properly manage one's mind, (2) knowing the sources of one's thoughts and (3) having "breakthroughs" in one's directed attentions as his/her unique contribution Now from humanity realm and then as a seed of Change Management to assure corrupted dictatorships of past era will not happen in human and higher realms since the Harmony can only happen from Inner Peace to Outer Peace according to Natural Laws, Not the other way from past dictators and feudal systems of cunning outside order to pacify individual order with religions, all isms and customs, etc. It is also a tool enabling the Three Pillars: (1) Scientifically Cultivable states and stock of #Prajna, (2) Rule-of-Law for too big to fail, (3) Public / Personal Security / Privacy to assure natural evolution according to natural laws applicable to both humanity and "intelligent realms in possible future Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations", enabling the manifestation of [ "HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi / ThiềnĐịnh" ] { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi } and [ "Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" ] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } in all concerned parties and their aggregate communities from engaged living in their Continuity of the Consciousness as Accountable Creators and parts of the Responsible Creation.

Another universal "energy merging process" to be in complete "aesthetic Inner Silence" from different activities and vertical switches such as in (1) Singing from a qualified singer outside-the-box (xuất thần via Aspiration), (3) Dancing from a qualified dancer, (3) Playing music from a qualified musician, (4) Merging with Nature from a qualified camper, (5) Merging one's attention into a familiar activity and/or relationship / Conflict & Harmonious Outcome such as in helping the needy, etc, will be introduced by identified living students (already identified to make these five activities as the mass practical tools in "Transcendental #Awareness" and "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace") who can actually have [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] with a "secret sauce". This secret technical process will open very wide ranges of the mass to actually experience what Gotama reported as "Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" that IS a natural detoxcification of one's tainted senses, besides other proven process in Yogic Flying and #EmptyTheContent with Sound. The technologies are applicable to all conflicting forces such as civilizations, religions, value systems, nationalities, skin colors, etc, to enable everyone riding on one's present conditions to the "Melting Pot" of "Trancendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent" toward Sunyata Non-Thingness for Reborn and Rejuvenation.

We prove beyond any doubt that (1) Vajrayana-Tantra emptiness / #Oneness is to the maximum of selfless via expanding space and expanding consciousness similar to outside-the-box of "xuất thần via Aspiration", not selfless via Gotama's emptiness which is dissolving the contents toward Non-Thingness[D26], [D30] for rejuvenation and reborn and (2) Vajrayana-Tantra movement from conflicting duality to their imaginary #Oneness / Emptiness (STRASBOURG France from 2016-09-17 to 2016-09-18) via secrete transmissions (Ladakh 2016-08-29 to 2016-09-01) from different Vajrayana-Tantra schools to selected students is an addicted process of unworthy people on the cheating trails of 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism leading to their "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict at thought level", scientifically debunk by Huineng's WuNien, Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness, KhaiPhong #Awareness and Vietnamese KiếnTánh. Via personal experience, the writer can assert that "Vajrayana-Tantra emptiness" can at most reach the "Selfless in expanding space and expanding consciousness" and it is best used to weave one's energy together with worthy partner for future possible connection to jointly deliver higher worthy manifestations that it is hard for one's sole effort.

In the light of scientific observer effect from We Are All One, see for yourself desperate argument of professional cheating artists[R18.4], enslaved themselves on the duality plane of conflicting forces unable to access and explore the Not-Self Awareness glimpsed and mentioned in Buddhist theory and other isms as sixth sense - a [ non-sensory consciousness / một năng lực tinh thần không cảm giác / No-Conflict Consciousness ] - and in various terms such as Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth[D38], Consciousness-Only Perfected Nature[D39], the Kingdom of God from within[Luke 17:21], Consciousness of the consciousness[D19], etc. We logically show that the cultivable process of Not-Self #Awareness in the manifestation of #Prajna will lead to the "seventh sense" of not only directly seeing Thing-As-It-Is but also one's strategic position to influence the focused event - known as Prajna Dialectic - toward What Count[R23]. The "Prajna Dialectic" will be scientifically deliverable at the right place and right time.

  1. Behind any objective, there is a subjective #Awareness. Using the words "Objective and Subjective Emptiness" we question whether its author - the Dalai Lama XIV - actually knows anything about what he calls Emptiness? There is always a duality between subjective / observer and objective / observed. The objective / observed is only one angle, filtered through the tainted senses of the observer. In the above signed posts, we wish to prove that Gotama's personal / subjective opinions are epistemic objectives by discovering scientific processes to enable many personally verify these attributes since they are Thing-As-It-Is[D36] according to natural laws under certain conditions. There is no duality from the "Not-Self" signed post to Unmoving Sunyata due to the functionalities of Emptiness toward the Non-Thingness and Beyond that you can logically understand via the scientific Black Hole.

  2. In the Last Temples of [ Body >< Mind >< Right Effort ] commonly known in the West as [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ] or in the East as [ Body >< Mind >< Spirit ] humanity has already known something we esoterically know as [ Physical Body >< Energy Body >< Alaya or Core Quality of an identifiable stream of consciousness ]. By looking at the signature of the Alaya - due to its slow changes - we can trace out the evolution or degeneration of that identity. It is identifiable "self" since it exposes some uniqueness in its behaviours and patterns despite the fact that all three components of the self are conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha). That "identifiable self" is the creator of all activities and relationships to shape the environment where it is a part[R10] and responsible in its measurable Right or Wrong Effort driven by its quality of #Prajna or Ignorance.

    Here are some brief significant areas for deeper scientific researches: (a) at the end of natural life cycle, the Alaya and its energy body will combine with other elements of a particular realm most appropriate to its quality according to natural law of the light floating up (easier and happier life) and the heavy (more sufferings) sinking down absolutely Not as esoteric claimed from claimed Buddha / God / Allah / King of Gods in their perpetuate culture of animal kingdoms since most of them have been degenerated rendering them under negative Fibonacci degeneration and possible quickly recovering if and only if there are discovered underlying natural laws that we are doing, (b) due to a wide range of quality in each realm, the standard deviations are wide and there are influences from intelligent beings in "different but Not higher or lower all evolving according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED" realms responsible for harmonious evolution of the whole just like human climate change managements, (c) just like organ transplants in human realm, there is consciousness technology to replace the Alaya and energy body with another Alaya and energy body to the existing physical body for identified tasks, called snatching technology employed by degenerated New World Order to cheat the Nature, covering their "corrupted core and boiling energy of Greed" with the body of advanced Alaya for more power and wealth[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2], (d) This snatching technology is similar to observable stealing DNA to shortcut physical evolution; but in terms of [ normative intelligence / knowing the Right and Wrong ] according to natural inner laws - transcending physical laws in different realms - the ignorance of cheating and grasping darken the core quality of Compassion and #Prajna of the consciousness to render these identifiable streams of consciousness further degenerated to restart in physical realms appropriate to the quality of their "Alaya"; these are esoterically and actually applicable to many highly developed "Alaya" revered by humanity as personal Gods, Allah, Buddhas, Saints, Bodhisattvas, scholars, monks, etc, in the re-organization for the new Era by even higher realms that we are lucky to be a small part, living according to the true meaning of Latin humanitas to revitalize the true meaning of democracy and human (Alaya) rights.

    Let's face some acid tests to know more about yourself that you are the most qualified person to know your actual reality according to natural laws by being "at home / most honest in your private corner". Assuming you are not starving and have sufficient money to buy what you need in food and required supplies. Ask yourself why you are still hoarding beyond what you naturally need to the point you may disgust with yourself in many things - foods, accessories, fame, powers, sex, killings - reducing yourself to a naturally degenerated "biology thing" while "humanitas" or human nature means biology plus compassion and wisdom (#Prajna) for the privilege of accepted "Human Rights". Even you are a billionaire and/or head of a group democratic totalitarian communist party, see the lightness and darkness of your [ Conscience / #Oneness / #Prajna ] which will evolve according to natural laws of the light floating up (easier and happier life) and the heavy (more sufferings) sinking down, not the painted picture you hallucinate yourself to cheat others. You cannot cheat the Nature according to Thing-As-It-Is.

    The verifiable solution has been discovered by Gotama "karma (binding/clinging forces) flows as a stream; whatever the streams it is "Transcendental ##Awareness" that obstructs and restricts them and by [#Prajna / Wisdom], they are dissolved"[D22]. All organized religions and isms failed up to 2025 due to the bullying humanity by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], reducing you into a darkness of slaves in their perpetual cycles of [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] where they can play on both sides of [ Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] in the zero-sum game of Greed and Power where they are currently holding the physical means belonging to the communities. There is the Wise Attention[D28] from #Prajna Dialectic in your Right Effort, raising you up from [ Compassion >< Wisdom ].

  3. Vajrayana-Tantra secret transmissions are similar to special transmissions in Martial Arts to selected students in using the school proprietary techniques for cultivating Internal Inner Power[R11], due to the student unique evolution in the core quality of the consciousness and the energy body. If there is any real deliverable contributions from these secret transmissions - including tantric copulation into an Art as definition of humanitas (biology, compassion, prajna) - they should get together to normalize and standardize their contributions to humanity - weeding out unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] - as actually done by different Martial Arts in transparent and accountable manner.

    When the "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in Thing-As-It-Is wider view of "continuity of identifiable streams of consciousness" are in place - as done by the communities of Chinese Martial Arts - the science of consciousness will be deepen and widen to make happened the cross-breed between Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei and Shen-Hsiu [ "Body >< Mind >< Right Effort " ] to possibly deliverable technologies in transcending duality toward Non-Thingness and unmoving Sunyata for rejuvenation and reborn as actually discovered by Gotama in his Verifiable Emptiness[D26]. The Effortless Action - Wei-Wu-Wei / khaiPhong - comes from a higher View of cultivable #Prajna, perpendicular to the plane of conflicting duality to see Thing-As-It-Is complex Issue and one's strategic position to change oneself and the environment one a part. This "Change Management" was accidentally discovered in Vietnamese 1945 August Uprising in the Nation Quest for Independence and Freedom. This shows the power in wisdom of the mass when there is sufficient force - generally from 1% to 8% - of the "Right" to break through the "Wrong" of masters-slaves relationships due to the true meaning of Human Rights.

    Unfortunately, the sense of [ Right and Wrong / Normative Intelligence ] are not sufficient at the grassroots of the people. Unworthy people are more than ready to offer another painted cake of communist utopia to lead the country into another internal war between capitalism and communism driven by small foreign groups to protect their hallucinations in grasping Wealth and Power now and forever in their "Greed and Cunning Intelligence from negative Fibonacci degeneration, leading to the collapse in human and middle realms of "Lucifer" planning for the Illuminati (New World Order) Elites. The lesson learned is to raise the mass consciousness up - to know more about oneself at the grassroots - capable to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23] in a wider perspective of existence. This is what we are doing, using both Artificial Intelligence and Normative Intelligence to strategically enable everyone recognizing one's unique Value and Strategic Strength in the Change Management: (1) enabling the "Change Management" as a Free tool to the mass, (2) creating an application platform as a "lego" service (application PaaS / Platform as a Service / KpPlatform mu) where everyone can contribute and value add - from the cornerstones of the changing foundation to sustainable utilities - naturally orchestrated by the Invisible and Helping Hand of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna.

  4. In the above presentations of Nagarjuna's Bodhichittavivarana, the Dalai Lama XIV was honest enough (1) to present the "middle way through the logical integration and identification between the "Dependent Nature" of conditions (sankhara-dukkha) and changes (viparinama-dukkha) with "Emptiness" and (2) his own cultivation via sufficient courage to break through the "crust of authority" from either esoteric and/or human sources - who are mostly unworthy people - to sense the possibility of the Emptiness. Yet, he is still under the binding Word/Image (painted cake) of Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth - which claims to be ultimately "Empty of Content" - without seeing Thing-As-It-Is / Actuality in (1) the person having lunch, (2) the action of eating lunch, (3) and the lunch, together with casual joke - but very significant to people willingly enslaved themselves in Greed and Fear - of "dream yoga" (one of Six Yogas of Naropa) without any verifiable benefit in deliverable outcomes. What kind of "Emptiness" is this to render all human efforts meaningless? and Where is the Right and Wrong - the quality of knowing oneself, realising Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) underlying the meaning of Latin humanitas - from the innate Budh?

    The "Change Management" can only happen when one can be in part discover and in part create the Real You (identifiable stream of consciousness) according to the "Right" driven by cultivable #Prajna or the "Wrong" driven by Ignorance, measurable at the bottom line of one's "Effort" to dynamically change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. Here are some deadly traps set up by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], turning Gotama's discoveries upside down: (5 below) breaking a concept (negation of external and internal phenomenon) with another concept (Relative Truth - Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Hữu Vô) without any deliverable How in complex processes of putting the Cart in front of the Ox, (6 below) taking and changing the descriptions of Gotma's Snapshots (Statics) into painted Word/Image for worshiping where they are the gatekeepers to interpret what Gotama knows as the ultimate unchanging Dynamics, bypassing the "Natural Purification from Detachment" of dynamic Inner laws that most are ignorant due to not passing "the Gateway-to-Oneness" hence no deliverable How nor actually knowing the snapshots raised up as the above epistemic objectives for personal verification.

    The cheating monks claim to know what they do not know and see what they do not see[D19] to bully humanity that they are the authority to know and see the Ox in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. By throwing light upon their cheating processes and recognising the Value of each person in humanity according the Latin humanitas (biological existence, compassion, wisdom) - via challenging oneself and all claimed leaders of all organized religions the processes of Taming The Ox in knowing more about oneself - the corollaries of sensible modern solutions appear: (7 below) moral Values of Right and Wrong as part of the innate Budh to recognize one's Value having compassion and wisdom, (8 below) due to strong Inter Dependent between individual and communities as advocated by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] for the whole community acting as one unit in protecting a common cause driven by the Right and Wrong in moral Value of the values, focusing on the development of [ Body >< Mind >< Right Effort ] appealed to both individual and the aggregates to guarantee minimum services of Health Care, Education, and Social Net as actually achievable in some advanced countries, reflecting required attributes of compassion and wisdom of the human rights.

  5. The Dalai Lama XIV stands on Madhyamaka "Concept of Emptiness" - equated to Dependent Nature - to negate both external and internal phenomenon of the Consciousness-Only which is also a Conceptual Model at duality level to be tested and validated. Both Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only have been in thousand years of conflicts - just like conflicting doctrines within and among all organized religions - in the blinds touching elephant since most scholars and professional cheating artists cannot touch something in transcendental consciousness where the actuality of Emptiness is manifested. Only when one dares to break through all "claimed authority" in both esoteric and human sources to directly face one's Conscience or innate Budh of Right and Wrong one can discover something that Consciousness-Only calls Consciousness of the consciousness[D19] - the fourth consciousness - to directly know the functionalities of Emptiness which have been discovered by Gotama 2500+ years ago but sabotaged by his Buddhist cheating Sanghas right from the beginning, even at the time of his active spreading the precious gifts to humanity[D45]. This observation sheds light on how unworthy people turn Gotama's discoveries upside down or putting the Cart (observable activities and relationships) in front of the Ox (the creator / driver of all activities and relationships) to mold the Ox in the framework of the indoctrinated cart set up by unworthy people to protect their group interest of masters-slaves relationships.

    In the case of the Dalai Lama XIV - applicable to all followers up to 2025 - it is [ Learning > Reflection > Cultivation / Văn > Tư > Tu ] and [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna / Giới > Định > Tuệ ] successfully indoctrinated in all Buddhist practices by Buddhist unworthy monks and nuns to mold each practitioner in the framework of their indoctrinated literature and/or Ethical Code. The cart is "Ethical Code" or "documented literature" to be tested and changed in adjustments to changes of the practitioners' environments and conditions. Gotama explicitly allowed these changes to be relevant to the practitioners who must be the centers of all activities and relationships that we will implement via - the integration of normative and artificial intelligence - to enable everyone in part discover and in part create the Real You in the right direction according to discovered natural laws[R10].

    The "cart" was created based on universal solid foundation of the common vibration of energy - ComPassion - relevant to many people at the time of its creation. Since (1) time is changing and (2) each person is very unique, modern approach should talk about scientifically personalized solid foundation in common vibration of energy appropriate to each unique practitioner to know more about oneself and the environment one a part. All isms - where organized religions are parts - try to impose their "carts" on people through Fear and Greed in their cheating processes of enslaving humanity in perpetual masters-slaves relationships. To break this unworthy[R18.3] and cheating[R18.4] process imposed on humanity for 1000+ years despite the appearances of some dedicated explorers such as Gotama, Jesus, etc, we nail down the common vibration of energy identified in four Boundless Qualities of the Mind (Conscience, Kindness, Empathy, #Prajna, Justice, Moral Value, Joy, Detachment) as the foundation of Gotama Transcendental #Awareness and worthy principles to guide Good Activities and Relationships, assisting [ user / organisation / persona ] navigating daily roads of activities and relationships where there exists "reckless drivers" helping to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23].

    The drivers behind all relative activities and relationships are "states and stock of #Prajna / Tuệ / Cultivation" as explicitly set in the order or Right-side-Up of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path, starting from one's quality of identifiable stream of consciousness relevant to each practitioner's "issue / dukkha" to know more about oneself, being an agent of changes to change oneself and the environment toward What Count according to the Right and Wrong Value of the values of each member of the aggregate. This is true democracy, leading to the true definition of human rights according to the definition of Latin humanitas. This right order according to the modified[D26] Eightfold Path and Thing-As-It-Is natural laws was already implemented by the Buddhist Teacher at Tây An[D52], wiping out all nonsenses of Buddhist Sanghas when he was forced to be a Zen Buddhist monk.

    Back to Madhyamaka negation at both external and internal phenomenon to critisize the Consciousness-Only, we challenge all scholars and monks from both schools to describe their actual "know-hows / proven processes" in moving from "Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth" and back, or "accessing Perfected Nature to move from Imaginary Nature to Dependent Nature" to demonstrate that all these unworthy people have not passed the "Gateway-to-Oneness" to actually know what the Emptiness is, and that there is no contradiction between these two schools, forming significant contributions to explain Gotama's precious gifts to humanity.

    The same thing is applied to modern Vietnamese Zen Trúc Lâm with its motto "[ Biết Vọng Không Theo / Knowing the Wrong Drop it ]" while in the mid of authority binding "Word/Image" perfected by Roman Catholic Church, and clinging "Thought" perfected by Muslim. Their theoretical solution - not yet deliverable by any - is to be 100% honest with oneself (At Home in our modified Ox Herding Pictures) with frequent reflection (Knowing the Right and Wrong at one's level of "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in the order of Gotana's modified[D26] Eightfold Path) while having Kindness and Empathy.

    Without deliverable transcendental technologies such as Krishnamurti's "Intensity of Attention" or our "reversed processes from Form back to Consciousness", bypassing all tainted senses at different [ depths / signed posts ] of Transcendental States (Jhanas) as actually demonstrated by Gotama and exposed above, their theoretical reflection is only "beating around the bush" at duality as scientifically proven[D19]. The suggestion of "Kindness and Empathy" up to 2025 is just their "copying" of revealed Foundation of Gotama's "Mindfulness" - different from 2500+ years of Buddhist Foundation of Mindfulness[D25], [D24] - without "engaged living" in visible deliverables, and an imitation of Christian Samaritan[R16] without any value add to break through the binding "Word/Image" and clinging "Thought" since the "breakthrough" demands sufficient States (Transcendental #Awareness, Transcendental Inner Peace / Right #Samadhi) and Stock (Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space) of #Prajna, cheated and blah blah blah by most monks and nuns knowing nothing about the "Gateway-to-Oneness".

    The elaboration of their motto [ Mọi hiện khởi hiện lên trong tâm, dù đúng dù sai đều gọi là “vọng” / All manifestations from the mind - either Right or Wrong - are "Illusion" ] proves that they all have not passed the Gateway-to-Oneness, not knowing anything about [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] high above on the plane of event TRUTH known by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] who was willing to put his life - "fearlessness UNKNOWN in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating sanghas" - as a Conscience Proof of the Right Thing todo to fight for the country against the bullying Mongol under Kublai Khan. Trúc Lâm monks are imitating Theravada cheating process - not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] - with a change of helping Vietnamese people instead of "Doing Nothing of Vietnamese Buddhist unworthy people in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas" due to the selfish Wrong Dependent Nature, the Fear of Karma, and the Greed of indoctrinated Parinirvana which is only a painted cake contradicting with current scientific knowledge to make happened the meaning of humanitas (biology, Compassion, Wisdom).

    Once passing the Gateway-to-Oneness - capable to see the event clearer - one can see from high above the duality plane of event the strategic position to change the event toward a right direction of What Count[R23] due to the Clear Inner Sky from the glimpse of Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]: "[ Vô vị chân nhân thịt đỏ au, Hồng hồng trắng trắng khéo lừa nhau, Ai hay mây cuốn trời quang tạnh, Hiện rõ bên trời dáng núi cao / The invisible untainted person in this body 'red meat', red red white white hide their real nature, suddenly the veiled cloud gone and the sky clear, the high mountain is clearly seen ]". This strategic position - directly perceived by Purity of the Mind - is Not Illusion and relevant to all activities and relationships at the present moment of Good People that we use observable outcomes [ Conscience, Kindness, Empathy, #Prajna, Justice, Moral Value, Joy, Detachment ] as "traffic rules" in Artificial Intelligence to assist [ user / organisation / persona ] navigate daily roads of activities and relationships where there exists "reckless drivers" such as the leaders of Mongol invasion.

    Only at "Knowing more about Oneself" - consciously knowing what is Right and Wrong - one can change oneself via both the internal and external hooks to Free people with modern tools assisted by Hooked / Unhooked technologies (the video was deleted) employed in custom AI, and cultivable Natural Purification from higher consciousness and the living environment one a part. Trúc Lâm monks know nothing about themselves - incapable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness in dissolution of the contents - how can they claim to help Vietnamese people, imitating their peers of [ Christian priests / other Buddhist monks ] messing their own lives and the lives of others in their international cheating clubs. We do employ the "Hooked technologies" of "Trigger >< Action >< Investment >< Reward" where "Trigger" is your pain point (Dukkha) with your natural "habit" of the past from your innate "Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" that qualifies you as an intelligent being from humanity upward. One common denominater of that "right habit" is "Aspiration" that one can rationally know its pro and con. For example, you can use "your Faith" as a tool for Aspiration while recognizing its adverse effects employed in past religions via "Greed" (from Jesus mistake and hallucination driven by Greed) and "Fear" (from Maria mistake) who are two identities of claimed "IamX" we esoterically know.

    There are available living students from your faith actually knowing "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's WuNien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh" raising their sustainable business model to help and waiting for your contributions to change the world. Similarly, if your "Aspiration / Relaxation" is via "Singing, Dancing, Playing music, pacticing Qi-Gong, etc" there are such living students to raise your past habits to an Art of engaged Living to know more about yourself. Beside "Aspiration", three other activities conducive to "Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" having required students to scientifically make it happened as sustainable business models with or without original contributors are "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định" { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }, Highest Tantra, and Merging with Nature. Hence, the "trigger is to take your right habit" in engaged Action of Right Effort for an immediate Investment / Conscious Living / Tỉnh Thức to first rationally then actually [ knowing more about yourself / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's WuNien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh ] as a Reward / Starting Point to change yourself and the environment toward What Count in positive Complex-Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space.

    See for yourself the "Hooked Technologies" employed by unworthy people of past isms and religions via Ignorance can also be modified to "Free / Liberate yourself in discovering and correctly applying the proven SHARED process of #Prajna versus Ignorance that we explicitly ask you being a part. This very fine point together with actual deliverable "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" built from five layers of contributions currently available ONLY in Human Realm having armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers on top of the first two: (1) Gotama's nine stages of "Transcendental-Inner-Peace" as recorded in his nine Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] simplified into six Signed Posts for sicientifically measurable ratings, (2) HuiNeng's personal contributions in "WuNien" - "#DhyanaSamadhi" - "#SamadhiPrajna" scientifically rated at seven achievable qualities known by current living students of KhaiPhong's Inner Circle. It is the "Key" to avoid past degenerated mistakes of physical advancements ONLY without a sense of Morality accordding to underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED as scientific TRUTHS combined with "hallucination at thinking level on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness in 2500+ Years of cheating Buddhism - Hết thảy các pháp hữu vi Như mộng, huyễn / all visible manifestations are like dreams blah blah blah by unworthy monks / nuns / followers, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. Only in engaged living to "Honestly" know more about oneself and "#Care" for oneself and the environment in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, one can actually change due to one's innate qualified "Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within"!

    We like to ask your Help creating sustainable business models of injectable microservices riding on other DISCOVERIES "unraveling the hidden GEM" - glimpsed by Gotama[D22] - commonly known as "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }. It is one of KhaiPhong's target, incapable to touch throughout 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. The "Unhooked Technologies / Liberation / Freedom" are user facing mu and its associated injected microservices of KpPlatform which has the technology embeded GEM (Growth, Engagement, Monetization) in your "Continuity of the consciousness" to use AI, helping you expose negative attributes (such as AnimalEnergy, ExtremeDesire, AnimalConsciousness having visible traits of Indoctrinated, Veiled, Influenced that darken your Conscience of Right and Wrong) in [ X-Y ] dimensions to your rational conscious Living & Being and enable your scientifically cultivable states and stock of #Prajna as your Inner (Causal) Power in your Right evolution from humanity upward. Once you know more about yourself and the "Hook Technologies" you can consciously break the cycle of [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] to effortlessly transform Ignorance to #Prajna via Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable states and stock of #Prajna in conversation UI between normative and positive intelligence drawing from Big Data of the mass and your strictly private personal data that you are THE LEGAL OWNER in present and future [ Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations ].

    The strategic position - directly perceived by Purity of the Mind - debunks the entire history of Vietnamese Trúc Lâm Buddhist sect whose principle is seeing everything illusion at hallucinated thinking level. It is "Not Illusion" and scientifically measurable to weed out unworthy monks and nuns[R18.4] in implementing Soyen Shaku[R6] concrete challenge as the result of 1893 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago: "God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality [ due to our tainted senses in activities and relationships ]". Only at the present moment one can change oneself and the environment Quality of the Consciousness in Making Life Easier and Happier. But once the Right Action - a fold on Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path - is completed, there is No Mark of the self in one's quality of the consciousness due to the Insight of the Emptiness from epistemic objectives of Signed Posts actually demonstrated by Trần Quốc Tuấn using his injected #Prajna to defeat the Mongol Bullying Invasions[R7.4] in his private will at death.

    A significant outcome and solution of these "proven processes" is observable, testable and cultivable "Natural Purification[D26]" to purify one's tainted senses as advised by Gotama to Ajita[D22], but missed by the entire history of Buddhist Sanghas sabotaged by unworthy people up to 2025. This is Gotama's deeper precious contribution building on top of the Dependent Nature - not yet discovered by science in the role of normative Intelligence to direct all advancements such as reasoning AI - toward What Count. The Dependent Nature in physical manifestations is already surpassed by the second law of thermodynamics with deeper understanding the natural law behind all manifestations due to conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha). If Trúc Lâm monks - or Buddhist monks and priests from all traditions - know the meaning of existence to change oneself and environments toward What Count[R23], they should be parts in implementation of the Soyen Shaku's challenge[R6] as what we are doing, forming a solid foundation of [ Conscience, Kindness, Empathy, #Prajna, Justice, Moral Value, Joy, Detachment ] as "traffic rules" navigating daily roads of activities and relationships where there exists "reckless drivers" such as the [ dictators / NWO elites ] driving humanity toward the destruction of 7+ billion people (90% human population) officially ended from 2022-07-26 (the video was deleted).

    The other side of this solid practical foundation is its political correctness of human rights according to human nature (humanitas: biology, compassion, wisdom) and economic efficiency where everyone - both the Haves and HaveNots - can be parts. The Haves - currently controlling most world resources in preparation for their New World Order - now released from esoteric mind control can clearly see (1) the quality of their consciousness, (2) what most important to use the available resources, and (3) what need to do to change their and the environments' Quality of the consciousness toward What Count for their Value of the values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The HaveNots have opportunities to help changing the environments where international conflicts will not be driven by "reckless drivers" who are unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4].

    Another contribution - not yet discovered up to 2025 by any one to be introduced at the right time and right place - is an ability available to most people to reverse the evolution process from Consciousness to Form (i.e. from Form back to Consciousness toward the Non-Thingness to actually know the "Insight of Emptiness / Sunyata" as described in the Buddhist Heart Attack Sutra), bypassing all tainted senses to know something beyond thought [ Vietnamese KiếnTánh / HuiNeng's WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong #Awareness ], named by Jesus as the Kingdom of God within, by Madhyamaka as the Ultimate (Wider) Truth, by Consciousness-Only as the Perfected Nature, by XuanZang as Consciousness of the consciousness, etc. Please do not let Buddhist unworthy people further sabotage precious gifts to humanity in the true meaning of Latin Humanitas. The "Emptiness" can be verifiable - epistemic objective - as actually known by Gotama[D26] in KhaiPhong Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna mu. The question of "No / Not and Fearlessness" in Buddhist Heart Attack Sutra - incapable to answer by any Not Experiencing [ Vietnamese KiếnTánh / Chinese WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong #Awareness ] will be naturally and scientifically solved in KhaiPhong Executive Information Portal due to Verifiable Emptiness in Gotama Signed Posts for "No / Not" and the combination of rationality plus one's current quality for "Fearlessness" via the "The Right and The Unworthy in one's Continuity of the consciousness" since the dark forces can combine both their esoteric degenerated power and the power of their human slaves as actually known via the "Illuminati NWO (New World Order) via EIP". The Key Roles OF [ Sunyata / Emptiness ] "In Buddhist Teachings / VAI TRÒ THEN CHỐT CỦA TÁNH KHÔNG TRONG PHẬT GIÁO as exposed 2023-03-16" confirmed our assertion about unworthy people in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, even at the time of Gotama's Living and Spreading his DISCOVERIES. Under visible KhaiPhong, the "Illuminati NWO" will effortlessly transform into "Harmonious NWO".

    Beyond scientific implementations with modern tools in IoE (Internet of Everything) for verifiable Thing-As-It-Is completed circle in Buddhist [ "Có / Không - Visible / Invisible - Diversity / Oneness - Manifestation / Emptiness - Right Understanding of Enlightemment" ] and the "Insight of Emptiness / Sunyata" as described in the Buddhist Heart (Attack) Sutra, KhaiPhong opens up a New Vista in scientific processes and treatments from one's As-It-Is pressent conditions toward achievable goals of an intelligent being (Latin humanitas) discovered by "HuiNeng WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh" X-dimension, Gotama's "Right #Samadhis / Transcendental Inner Peace" Y-dimension in exchange for other useful technologies and services via "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations 2023-03-12" where all intelligent beings can engage in "Fair Trade" of their comparatve advantages most conducive in their "Continuity of the consciousness". The bottom line of the "Right Side Up" according to the modified[D26] Eightfold Path, ushering all practitioners[R10] - the drivers / creators of all activities and relationships - to the front line of "moral / normative" Right and Wrong with sufficient courage to break through the "crust of authority" from either esoteric and/or human sources as actually done by the Dalai Lama XIV in his own cultivation, starting to realize Compassion and Wisdom (Prajna). There is a saying in Zen that "if you meet a claimed Buddha, [kill him] / [do not let him enslave you] to solely face your Inner Budh". See for yourself the importance of Free from Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought in Taming The Ox and Riding The Ox.

    This is also the basic difference between Buddhist Studies where Buddhists - like other followers of organised religions - engage most of their time in cheating and hallucinated painted pictures versus Dharma Study to sense and feel what the Mother Nature warns you that you can only know through the moral Right and Wrong from your innate Buddha Nature or Conscience which is cultivable in actual living. It is also the basic difference between Eastern Learning to take away the Freshness and relevant Innovation of individual dedicated explorer versus practical Western Learning to use the innate Right and Wrong as measurable yardstick to test and challenge established knowledge in the true meaning of Greek philosophia or ‘the love of wisdom’ to detect underlying natural laws, Making Life Easier and Happier. That is why scientific processes count[R23] to render beneficial learning which must be scientific or observable, testable and reproducible.

  6. The Dalai Lama XIV used the 12 Links of Causes and Effects to actually show innumerable layers of Ignorance - moment by moment and life after life - that dynamically influence one's Efforts, and deeper/subtler grasping that he argues one must use the "concept of emptiness" to negate both external and internal phenomenon in fighting the grasper and the gransped of the ignorant self. He logically points out Theravada process of not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] from the blinds touching elephant in their utopia of "permanent Nirvana and Parinirvana", claiming the destruction of forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness which is false since consciousness is a form of energy to be transformed, not destroyed according to scientific conservation of energy and mass.

    This exposition makes clear Buddhist cheating process in 2500+ years, turning Gotama's snapshots at signed posts (as laid out in the above six signed posts) in manifestations of Right Effort from Right Understanding and Right Motivation into permanent unchanging states, called by Gotama as Transcendental #Awareness. Behind the snapshots is a dynamic process due to the measurable State of X-dimension of Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien and Stock for manifestation Y-dimension of Transcendental Inner Peace / Right #Samadhi of your required #Prajna in evolution or degeneration of natural Fibonacci InnerSpace - lumping all other relevant factors together modeled in a complex number of well-known engineering feedback control system that Gotama did not have scientific "States and Stock of any required dynamic process at his time. But he did use this knowledge of Thing-As-It-Is in his advice to Ajita[D22] about the defined roles of Transcendental #Awareness and #Prajna in what well-known as Gotama's "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" cheated by all his monks and nuns (except Bodhidharma and HuiNeng whose current reincarnations are in KhaiPhong ready for the right time to make Known the right side up of the Dharma) in 2500+ years of Buddhism, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. The analysis of states and stock of #Prajna scientifically debunks Theravada claims of Nirvana and Parinirvana in the destruction of forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness since after Awaken and Awakening, Gotama was still alive and had to use his senses in the Relative Truth. The solution is Now available and will be deliverable by KhaiPhong. By challenging the description from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth in the Emptiness, then back we practically and logically prove that these states exist - Thing-As-It-Is - to be scientifically discovered since the manifestation of Ultimate (Wider) Truth in the Relative Truth is conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha). No one in the entire history of Buddhist Madhyamaka - including Nagarjuna - ever touches this nor offers a scientific process to validate its "concept of emptiness". Buddhist Consciousness-Only does offer the dynamic process in Consciousness of the consciousness[D19], despite the fact that none of them can ever describe the quality of the mind in accessing the Perfected Nature to move Imaginary Nature toward Dependent Nature of existence for an Insight in the Emptiness / Sunyata as described in the Heart Sutra[R2], and Then What in the Right Evolution of What Count that each persona Trusted by the Nature to be an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation must do via #Honesty & #Care for the benefits of one and the environment one is a part.

    Using the States (Gotama Transcendental #Awareness and Transcendental Inner Peace, HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi, KhaiPhong #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh) and Scientifically Cultivable Stock of #Prajna measurable at the depths of Gotama's Right #Samadhi and Transcendental #Awareness from underlying scientifically detectable and measurable Fibonacci of Things-As-It-Is together with Scientifically Cultivable InnerSpace to be DISCOVERED and SHARED for visible manifestations of #Prajna in one's Continuity of the consciousness, Buddhist Dependent Nature - supplemented by scientific second law of thermodynamics PLUS the changing conditions of all manifestations at Planck time - effortlessly forces Christianity and Muslim change their esoteric processes of God and Allah to meet the challenge of Soyen Shaku[R6]: (1) All things return to "One" and "One" operates in all things, and (2) God [Allah / Dharmakaya] not in the world is the false God [Allah / Dharmakaya] and the World not in God [Allah / Dharmakaya] is unreality. It debunks huge volumes of Buddhist treatises and explanations of Detachment, Emptiness, Mindfulness, Prajna at conflicting duality of words and assertions.

    We think this is a New Era where the Science of Consciousness is ready for humanity to help the true democracy and human rights according to the Latin humanitas by raising everyone' s consciousness level passing the Gateway-to-Oneness to know more about oneself, where Artificial Intelligence of statistically measurable relative objectives at the above six signed posts can augment normative intelligence to turn Gotama's personal opinions (ontological subjective) into epistemic objectives.

  7. The Dalai Lama talks about the Moral Value of Right and Wrong - the Conscience / Lương Tri in Western-Eastern Civilizations - having innate Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) implied in the Latin word Humanitas. This is where the Inner Discoveries of Eastern Civilization via Buddhist contributions and Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei / KhaiPhong (Effortless Right Action) can combine with Western science to make happened the True Democracy and Human Rights. Buddhist Prajnaparamita literature talks about the unmanifested Sunyata / Emptiness having observable interdependent manifestations between Compassion and #Prajna. We say "#Prajna is the flower of Compassion tree, deep rooted in Sunyata" based on our esoteric witnessing the collapse of Gods / Allah / Buddhas realms manifested through the Illuminati (New World Order) Elites, well documented over the Internet. The esoteric civilisations - via advancements in consciousness technologies - lost the compassion foundation in their Greed of more power via merciless masters-slaves relationships to enslave their peers and plans to control humanity. Without compassion in the Dependent Nature of Right Understanding according to natural laws, the moral Value was lost, leaving behind the cunning physical intelligence to destroy one another and their environments until the Big Change happened at the end of December 2012. A new Era - together with re-organization and orchestration of even higher realms - has arrived according to natural laws of higher consciousness living.

    We wish no one misses the opportunity where the "Haves" get opportunities to Share what most important to them according to Action-Reaction to be in part discover and in part create the Real You[R10] toward the target quality of your identifiable stream of consciousness, which will sink or float according to the heavy darkness or the expanding light. The "HaveNots" get the opportunity to manifest ones' Right Efforts of their Edges. This is basically the Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings that we think everyone can be a part to create the new environment toward What Count[R23] where we are facilitators to make happened the Right human communities advocated by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4], enforced by discovered technologies according to natural laws in the Science of KhaiPhong to make happened the Human Rights having visible manifestations of Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna). We like to work with the "Haves" in implementing required infrastructures for the "HaveNots" to be part of the true meaning of "Humanitas" to help you knowing more about yourself of what most important in Self-Selfless Actualization from Being Need while enabling all beings parts of this new Era of Conscious Living far beyond modern psychology.

  8. Using the Dalai Lama XIV personal efforts as a case study within the context of integration of Western and Eastern civilizations, we say that:

    (8.1) Only through complete #Honesty with oneself (100% At Home), plus having sufficient confidence and deadly righteous conscience via one's own innate Budh - having no "Layer of Authority" - dwelling in no mind enclosure of binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, one can learn something from the Transcendental Wisdom as exposed in the Heart Sutra. It is so - action not recitation - since the momentary presence and its major forces, relevant to one's situation, is always changing. Only the quality of [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] at that moment can see the Right and Wrong, manifested in one's "Effort" in the evidence-based reflection/feedback. [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] only comes from its foundation Compassion which is observable and cultivable only in actual living, Not from any utopia at thought level such as [ Bodhicitta / Bồ đề tâm ] hallucinated in the entire history of cheating Buddhist Mahayana. Due to the complete #Honesty, one can evaluate the Right and Wrong of the Outcome to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. We let the Dalai Lama make his own evaluation and Share with others as his own contribution in dispelling 2500+ years darkness of cheating Buddhism in producing unworthy people as he did against the dark esoteric force that might help him at one time.

    (8.2) Shen-Hsiu [ Body >< Mind >< Right Effort ] turns out to be the statistically measurable part of Western [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ] and Eastern [ Body >< Mind >< Spirit ] where the "Right Effort" can be directly hooked into the modified[D26] Eightfold Path which can now be scientifically deliverable to the mass with discovered Proven Techniques for reaching to the above six signed posts and/or from one signed post to other Verifiable Emptiness[R1] from outcomes of its observable manifestations, technically modeled as smart pointers [ #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, #Awareness and #Prajna lumped together in Vietnamese KienTanh or Chinese WuNien, #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIPs ] toward observable traits in engaged living [ #TRUTH, #Honesty, #Care, #Intuition, #Balanced, #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated ]. Concrete benefits in synchronization of [ Body >< Mind ] is well known to both individual and society that through common sense many countries can efficiently run government-sponsored Health Care, Education, and Social Net for those falling into the cracks to guarantee minimum deliverable true meaning of Humanitas and Human Rights since the country's resources belong to its people who have been contributed to its present shape throughout the country's history. Democracy is an actuality Only when the critical mass know more about themselves and their Rights, adjusted via invisible and helping hand of economics. Governing process assures a fair and efficient play ground for its people where the Right and Wrong are decided at the grass roots.

Since one can jump into different observable attributes of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi - Chánh Định) without following the prescribed order, meditation (Dhyana) is a HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) process in one's daily activities, not just the formal sitting in the heavy masks of Buddhist cheating monks, knowing nothing about dhyana and have no Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness as concretely defined { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental-Inner-Peace is #Samadhi }. It is much easier if one can be a part with the Nature, sensing the common vibration of energy (Compassion) and naturally flow into it for naturally reborn and rejuvenation as actually demonstrated with the help of technologies in KhaiPhong (Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ, then Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã).

With some reflection and minimum #Honesty, one can see the Pulled and Pushed of many irrelevant things including religions, cultures, customs, ideologies, fashions, peer pressures, etc, to suck one into the vortex of Grasp-er (Grahaka) and the Grasped (Grahya). Unfortunately, most persons are in that (Grahaka-Grahya) vortex from the newly born to the death time without a solid anchor to know Who, Where, and What most important to one. Being Aware of one's Sweet Spot, based on the ComPassion of one's True Heart can be a part to be fully responsible for one's destiny. One's Quality of the Consciousness - measurable in either lighter expanding higher consciousness or narrower heavier darkness of Greed-Anger-Ignorance - and Worthy Relationships are the only two to be carried on in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

As graphically represented in Figure 2, without an intensity-of-attention called Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) in any encounter, the Buddha Nature - a corollary of Living - is completely dormant. Here are observable facts:

  1. Most people conduct their lives completely unaware their innate Buddha Nature from Birth to Death, wrongly responding to innumerable signals from the senses, not relevant to their True Heart having innumerable unnecessary Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts in "immediate Action-Reaction to be Hooked" by oneself and all isms where past religions are cheating parts. User-facing mu is a tool to help you Knowing more about yourself and the way to make decision via Right Understanding and Right Motivation, first DISCOVERED by Gotama in his (modified) eight-fold Path.

  2. Modern living stresses on Goal Setting and the required driving forces (intensity-of-attention) to be successful in this World without touching the ComPassion or relevant environment of any encounter, and definitely not the #Prajna which is the combination of something outside the boxes of all involved parties for the Right Thing to do, and the best Right Way Intelligence can offer in the event's Change Dynamics of one's 'Unique Comparative Advantages' illustrated in Figure 3, as we are doing our parts. The driving forces in a dog-eat-dog world would not rule out any unethical ruthless tactic to gain some comparative advantages in 'I win - You loose' zero sum game of animal kingdoms that most 'successful persons' by definition of the world are very 'Poor and Miserable' in their whole life of Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts, unable to see the win-win situation of 1 + 1 > 2 in mathematically proven Fair Trade - and possibly [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] in #Prajna Dialectic - of the modern Right Relationships started by Gotama 2500+ years, value-added by HuiNeng and XuanZang plus many others up to 2025. This is the realities of 2025 US MAGA (Make America Great Again) of Trump 2.0 and the resulting World Chaos pushing humanistic World Health Organization and Climate Change Co-Operation targets backward. We hope there exist world leaders like Trần Quốc Tuấn, capable of having injected #Prajna to teach the Bullying Degenerated Cunning Elites a Lesson without waiting for the outcomes of universal Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes PLUS the Greater TAO to the next level of the Whole Evolution in their Accountable and Responsible Continuity of the consciousness, proven in the total collapse of the feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods from their final manifestations in Vietnam. KhaiPhong tools in KpPlatform facilitate the way to create Value and the way to make that Value Happened then Sustainable with or without the founder(s).

  3. The pictures in (1) and (2) fairly represent the lives of most people, either Unfocused or Ruthless or anywhere between of the two extremes in the master-slave relationships of Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts. That is why most are at the Dukkha-Dukkha or Sufferings. This Dukkha-Dukkha has even wider perspective if we look at the Continuity of the Consciousness and see how long one has been drown in this Abyss of ignorant Sufferings due to the Grasp-er and the Grasped via 'Binding Word' and 'Clinging Thought' of Idols and Utopias. Please have some reflection about your Actualities, no matter who you are including monks / priests / nuns / claimed meditation masters, etc, and do something for your True Heart of a Worthy Existence, rather than wearing different masks life after life which are not You.

  4. There is a Worthy Living and the innate Buddha Nature or the ability to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment. A wise person[R10] must do something for his/her life no matter which current position one is in. Don't be just a slave to your senses. Be aware of the State of your being so you can manage your realities and optimize your normative economics at the present moment and in your Continuity of the consciousness.

The picture is even Grimmer if one can sees that 'self' is only a conceptual word to describe the states of one's Continuity of the Consciousness whose observable-testable-verifiable qualities such as [ ComPassion >< Detachment >< HonNhien >< Prajna ] determine the level of Happiness and Conflicts that are always parts of one's Existence. Therefore, Kindness and Empathy (ComPassion) naturally enable one see the "Dependent Nature" of existence beyond the narrow scope of selfish Grasp-er and the Grasped in a wider perspective of beyond-thought "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings". This kind of "Dependent Nature" is the foundation of Inner Peace to Outer Peace, a fundamental Truth discovered by Gotama permeating in all aspects and corners of his doctrine.

One cannot carry on to the next life material gains including professional skills required to make a living in current life. That is why many successful persons in all fields (religions, politics, businesses, philanthropists, professionals, etc) are ended with empty hands and karmic adversaries. Knowing more about oneself and the environment one a part, one can optimize Right At The Present Moment whatever one cannot carry on for some lasting values dearest to one's True Heart. We like to collaborate with those seeing this Lasting Value to have higher impact for One and Others due to the Unique Comparative Advantages of the Seer. The Lasting Value must be Hand-On of [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] for more benefits at both individual and community levels.

The only things that have some lasting counts in one's Continuity of the Consciousness are one's qualities of the innate Buddha Nature and Worthy Relationships that one can cultivate Right at the Present Moment. That is why the Hand-On - if possible - in Learning and Doings is absolutely required for any sustainable worthy cause.

The key contribution from [ ComPassion >< Detachment >< HonNhien >< #Prajna ] to optimize one's existence in instantaneous moments is a natural Intensity-of-Attention (Intent) to make things happened due to the Right Thing to do the best in the Fair Trade situation of 1 + 1 > 2 win-win solution as shown in the Figure 2, plus possible Worthy Relationships and most important of all the ability to naturally drop all required emotions connected to the action once the action completed exactly as the assertion of Gotama about Transcendental #Awareness and #Prajna (Wisdom) in the answer to Ajita's questions[D22].

The foundation of this natural ability is [ Kindness >< Empathy >< Signature ] to be rooted in the invisible Sunyata. Out of the ComPassion is the "Detachment" as the preparation for all kinds of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace, qualified by Gotama right at the first step of his Right #Samadhi. Without Detachment, the Grasper and the Grasped from the left brain are there to claim its 'trophy' and the visible HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) of Detachment / Verifiable Emptiness required for naturally reborn / rejuvenation of all manifestations is lost. With Detachment, the Rational Mind of both Brain Intelligence and Intuition is 'there' (wait and see) ready to be in action mode from the Wholesome Mind signal.

The switch or 'on/off button (between activity / silence)' to naturally enter "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at different depths of Higher Consciousness - but ready to be in action mode - is activated by Detachment: [ ComPassion >< Detachment >< HonNhien >< #Prajna ]. Due to this Detachment, one's mind is "Fresh / Rejuvenated with No-Mind-Enclosure" to properly see and act according to "Thing As it Is". If the direction of "Thing As It Is" is not in-sync with one's guiding-light from #Prajna due to one's ability to sense the source of one's thought, the guiding-light #Prajna can point out one's Sweet Spot to influence the event outcome according to one's Right Effort. Please see the power of #Prajna - especially this #Prajna is innate in everyone and cultivable as the starting point of the modified[D26] Eightfold Path - in all aspects of human activities to change oneself and the environment one a part toward What Count[R23].

4. Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn / "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations"

@ "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã"

"Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's WuNien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh" is a process to cultivate what can be known under Scientific Facts / Pieces of Truth for its manifestation to see 'Thing-As-It-Is' at different depths of [ "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác" ] - first mentioned by Gotama[D22] - in the totality of the Whole { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }.

In response to the bullying and cheating oppressing forces from the Father God (already degenerated by Natural Laws to very far below Latin humanitas) with his "Hoax of Jesus Redeemer", we publicly challenge the Real Jesus - and his other human reincarnations - in our proposed Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations to say out loud the "TRUTH". Western civilized world has responded with many scientific (visible - verifiable - reproducible) domains and fields to Make Life Easier and Happier in search for the Raison D'être of one's Existence. It has built the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to answer the question of What we are made of. After two years of working to find if there is something beyond Higgs Boson, the joint Efforts of World Scientists found Nothing from minute 54:27 of the video. The Issue of Observer Effect and the Observed is well known in physical science since we expand the physics to a bigger system with Consciousness from the Observer. Gotama at 2500+ years ago started at the Relative Truth of physical body and its mental consciousness ("Observer") on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness of the "Self", and empirically found one can use [ "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác"[D22] ] to (1) instantly enter the "Gateway-to-Oneness" - naturally quiet / #EmptyTheContent of the mind to the Purity level for (2) accessing another New Dimension of "Selfless / Not-Self" toward Non-Thingness for "Reborn and Rejuvenation" in engaged Living. There have been different theoretical models to explain this new Discovery such as (1) Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth from Madhyamaka[D38], Immaginary versus Dependent Natures and the role of Perfected Nature from Consciousness-Only[D39], Dharmapala-XuanZang consciousness of the consciousness[R3], etc. The founder of KhaiPhong personally experienced all recorded Gotama's Jhanas since Fall 1970 as a graduate student from a Canadian University rides on these Discoveries at both theoretical and empirical levels, and together with his 2000+ years human Inner Circle value-add scientific contributions in 50+ years of field reseaches at both theoretical and empirical implementations of deliverable practical processes called Scientifically Cultivable states and stock of #Prajna to see any conflicting Issue from Wider Perspective at an instant "​#Prajna Dialectic different from Hegelian Dialectic" toward Harmonious Melting Pot of What Count[R23] according to Underlying Natural Laws as a "Normative Invisible Hand" to direct Invisible Hand of Economics in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

It is a Natural Process to Wholesomely Integrate Brain Intelligence of Being or Knowing Who You Are and Intuition (states and stock of #Prajna) with the ComPassion from the Heart in Transcendental Inner Peace of Y-dimension #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to Open the hidden Consciousness (of the consciousness / Chit) for a manifestation of #Prajna (Wisdom) in a Worthy Existence (Sat in SatChitSunyata). HuiNeng[R5] defined 'to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Inner Peace is Samadhi. When we are in a position to deal with Dhyana and to keep our inner mind in Samadhi, then we are said to have attained #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định'. We say without #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace visible at the above Signed Posts - Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is having no-conflict / Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas - there is no Meditation. Without Detachment naturally dissolving contents toward Non-Thingness for a total Freshness in seeing Thing-As-It-Is, there is no Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent (Samma-Samadhi - Chánh Định). The statement scientifically exposes 2500+ years of Buddhist "cheating meditation and faked samma-samadhi" since none of them is transcendental or "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness".

The process - depending on its depth - embraces Relevant factors, directly and indirectly related to the "Intensity of Attention" (focused) point with something beyond out of all involved conditioned boxes for the best possible optimization (directed by #Prajna) of the outcome in the dimension orthogonal to Space-Time in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. It can be rationally and mathematically explained by moving from the focused event toward the no-conflict consciousness line between the event truth plane and duality plane, then with a vertical switch to directly see the event from the deepest InnerSpace which depends on the cultivable deepest Signed Post to directly perceive the situation and one's strategic position for an appropriate action. The outcome is commonly known as a lasting Vision such as the decision of Lý Thái Tổ[R7.1] to move the Vietnamese capital to the present-day HaNoi that still proves beneficial for many generations during 1000+ years of the country history. The process demands both Detachment due to Natural Purification of the senses, and instantaneous Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent (#Samadhi) to directly perceive the event and one's strategic position. The gut of this cultivation process is "Detachment" coming from Natural Purification of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness which are layered to enable #Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness of the situation: [ Conscience >< Kindness (Từ) >< Empathy (Bi) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (Hỷ) >< Detachment (Xả) ], scientifically exposed in positive Fibonacci evolution versus negative Fibonacci degeneration where the quality of one's Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space - the qualia - dictates one's normative intelligence in decision making at facing the focused event whose bottom-line outcomes can reveal something about one's "True Nature in evolution or degeneration in one's Continuity of the consciousness" according to underlying natural laws of the "Lighter floating up" and the "Heavier / Darker sinking down". #Prajna is available ONLY from positive Fibonacci evolution and is LOST in the negative degeneration due to the Greed and Fears from cunning intelligence. But one can change both the states and stock of one's #Prajna - via traits of Intuition arisen from smart pointers #Samadhi, #Awareness, #Prajna - due to "Free Will and innate Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" qualified by Nature as a "person", from which negative attributes are exposed to the rational and conscious Living & Being to assure one's Right evolution from humanity upward. Now - thanks to technical discovered processes in ethical AI toward What Count to be statistically monitoring and measuring - underlying TRUTH applicable to different specific cases and pattern developments can be relatively determined as parts of the wholesome Health Science in Making Life Easier and Happier.

The low hanging fruits of this "SR&ED" together with highly qualified living students collected in the past 50+ years in delivering practical utilities of manifested states and stock of #Prajna such as (1) the new Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations in one's Continuity of The Consciousness according to discovered underlying natural laws to be discovered and shared relevant to intelligent realms, (2) the Melting Pot via deliverable No-Conflict Consciousness to harmonize all conflicting forces caused by Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought from past unworthy people trying to perpetuate their privileges based on Greed and Fears from masters-slaves relationships in all intelligent realms, (3) Wei-Wu-Wei (Effortless Actionable) solutions via Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to solve current International and National Conflicts in trusted Leaderships of people-centered societies, (4) integrations of Radio and Consciousness Technologies with Ethical AI at both Technology and Aspiration / Aesthetic sides from #AwarenessPrajna in Engaged Living are now readily deliverable as business services! Starting from available people at wide different angles naturally having this Transcendental-Inner-Peace and its outcomes of WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness as the target - KiếnTánh làm tông, we can reverse engineering optimal required conditions leading to this Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent for detoxifying tainted senses applicable to all realms of existence from humanity upward. This is the first time integration of proven radio technologies can integrate with consciousness technologies to prevent 60,000+ human years of higher realms called by involved parties as "Thế Giới Cũ Tận - Thế Vào Thiên Đàng Mới / The End of Old Systems - The Beginning of New Era". KhaiPhong and its NfP AwakeningBudh are the driving forces of this movement! Modern human beings are in unique position of this integration as the foundation of the Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna due to readily available "Radio Technologies" in all Activities and Relationships at all Places, plus innate ability - moving from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth selected by Natural Laws, commonly known as the Buddha Nature, the Kingdom of God within, the Tao, the Perfected Nature, Consciousness of the consciousness, etc - from #Prajna Dialectic in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change oneself and the focused event toward What Count.

Up to 2025, no religion and/or mystic - including Gotama, Jesus, Nagarjuna, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, any past or present Guru, etc - has offered scientific process(es) according to discovered underlying natural laws to enable the mass having precious qualities as they actually had in "Making Life Easier and Happier". If you - intelligent beings including Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs - are not cheating then what are optimal conditions enabling you having required "states" different from others who aspire to learn and trek your path in Value of the values. The KpPlatform is providing appropriate tools for your SHARED precious "Know-Hows" statistically tested by the mass to naturally make your solutions sustainable with or without your presence. By discovering underlying Natural Laws and the optimal conditions, one can "Know One's Raison D'être - Managing What Count" in statistically measurable outcome called #Prajna Dialectic. The writer - in a right condition from 1970 in Canada - recalled his [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] experienced in higher realm of all levels of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent - known as Right #Samadhi in Gotama's first discourse[D20] and recorded for scientific investigation as his Jhanas in #EmptyTheContent[D26], [D29], [D30] - to enable the historical Buddha claim his new discovery of "Not-Self / Selfless" in the second discourse[D20.1] leading to modern observable Self-Selfless Actualization (technically known as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22]). With further discoveries about the real driving forces behind "Faith" and its same deliverable outcomes from different conflicting religions and isms by people - actually knowing WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh at different depths - we theoretically and empirically prove the "destructive driving forces of Faith" driven by unworthy people in Greed and Fears, and its "positive force in Aspiration" to merge into different depths of Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness personally testified by Gotama, other dedicated explorers such as HuiNeng, and students of KhaiPhong. Once, the real cause of "Aspiration" has been identified, different angles to that "Aspiration" can be verified such as in Singing from a qualified singer, Dancing from a qualified dancer, Music from a qualified musician, Merging with Nature by a qualified naturalist, etc, We encourage identified qualified students reversed engineering and discovering "secret sauce of the recipe" to enable millions others "having the quality" while wiping out unworthy people in both esoteric and human realms trying to enslave others in their entire histories.

All Buddhist [ monks / nuns / scholars / followers ] Not Knowing Transcendental #Awareness at "Equanimity" level upward or WuNien { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } - typically in this hard-core persistent cheating monk in many life times of 2500+ years cheating Buddhism intentionally disregarding Gotama's discoveries in Ajita's Questions[D22] - in his blah blah blah "Nếu Vô Ngã Thì Ai Thọ Nghiệp / If Selfless then Who carries the karma" - Trí Chơn committed serious offence up to Nov 9, 2020 against the fundamental Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối", widespread and rotten to the core under "observable communist or any autocracy system" enforced with Greed and Fears for physical preservations of animal kingdom. You must stop blah blah blah about Buddhism and Vietnam - esoterically revealed via the contents of 2021-08-18 from minute 33:00 - as teachers of what you do not know yet claimed to Know do not see yet claimed to See[D19] in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, even worse than the degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva first time "being exposed according to Thing-As-It-Is" and recognizing why she has been degenerated for so long in the negative Fibonacci degeneration thanks to her "still having some level of Conscience of knowing the Right and Wrong" in "close encounter with Vietnamese living students". It is the common values of all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward to Transcend the Eastern Confucius and Western Jesus Redeemer in masters-slaves relationships toward the Harmonious Equanimity and Above of Underlying Natural Laws from Simplicity of Equanimity[D29] to Perfection due to Scientifically Cultivable "Prajna" injecting Value of the values toward What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Gotama's discoveries are underlying natural laws to be scientifically investigating deeper and wider in Making Life Easier and Happier which can help all intelligent beings (humanitas, Esoterics, ETs). You must stop being "unworthy people" sabotaging Gotama's precious discoveries in 2500+ years that you have been parts in many lives from your negative Fibonacci degeneration below animal kingdoms from your reincarnations - the video from Bashar was deleted[R20] if you continue Not Knowing Why and How to get out of that mess of Dukkha, thinking you are smarter than others in your cunning intelligence to cheat others in making a very unworthy living.

If you are Buddhist monks / nuns / Gotama's followers, your responsibility in Engaged Living for You and Others ("CARE") is enabling Gotama's suggested solution to Ajita's Questions a reality for humanity, ET, and esoteric intelligent beings since almost all intelligent beings need (Văn Học Phật Học) in one's continuity of the consciousness due to [ tainted senses and alaya-vijnana (storehouse consciousness) ] evidenced from a Vietnamese recalling some of his life times 2022-06-23 { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is (Transcendental) Awareness / #EmptyTheContent[D26] that obstructs and restricts them, and by Prajna they are dissolved[D22]" } "How? and Then What?" or "Get Out of The Way" No Matter What Title you can legitimately claim and/or wear robe of any claimed cheating Religion / A Clash of Civilizations. If you and/or your [ Esoteric Communities / Family Lineages ] have something Real / Practical / Relevant, please reverse-engineer your Know-How to enable the Good Qualities according to underlying natural laws happened in a sustainable Service according to practical Vietnamese "Then What" in TRUTH is My Light. The KpPlatform with its tools such as user-facing mu, private Neural Graph Database db, user custom ai, EIP / Executive Information Portal, private Knowledge Graph, etc, will enable your claimed solutions statistically tested by general public to let Invisible Hand of Economics make it sink or float that you cannot make your "description" to sell your painted cake riding on Gotama's credibility. Conscious Living (Tỉnh Thức) people and those actually knowing "Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent" at and beyond the "Gateway-to-Oneness / from conflicting consciousness to #EmptyTheContent[D22][D26] / from relative Truth to ultimate (wider) Truth Then What" are Not Stupid and you cannot perpetuate your blah blah blah of what you do not know nor have, being a cheap sale slave of the past esoteric degenerated feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. If you "Care" for yourself and the environment you are a part, please do not allow this situation perpetuated! The Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna will enable 8% human population or more in the next 5 years starting from 2025 to know more about oneself with Gotama's qualified transcendental #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22][D26]. The qualified #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác has different depths (from Equanimity, to Purity, to Selfless, to Visible #AwarenessPrajna, to #SamadhiPrajna in complex events) at different angles (on specialized fields) depending on different conditioned situations (in realities of strength and weakness) and at the Right time and space, etc. In the case of the blah blah blah hard-core persistent Trí Chơn monk in his 2020-11-04 teaching, he has not passed the "Gateway-to-Oneness" 100% Ignorance and intentionally cheating himself and others of his qualified #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22][D26].

Some recently discovered personas can be candidates of KhaiPhong 36+ identified students naturally knowing WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh làm tông No-Conflict Consciousness at different depths that we encourage them to answer "Then What" to reverse engineering their optimal conditions in helping many others rather than boosting in wrong Buddhist Enlightenment. Without discovering underlying natural laws of Detachment versus Binding and Clinging forces exposed below to fall into one's own crack [ and/or Gotama's degeneration in "imaginary deduction of Nirvana and Pari-Nirvana" due to "Not Yet Stable at his verifiable Sunyata Non-Thingness" and discovering the functionality of that Non-Thingness named by him as the seventh Jhana[D30] ], we call the mentioned Vietnamese "unworthy person" due to persistent cheating of Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seing yet claimed to see[D19]. Even the founder Gotama - personally discovered "Signed Posts of Right #Samadhi in #EmptyTheContent to Non-Thingness and Beyond" plus the Dependent Nature of "Relative Truth" - still fall into his own crack of hallucinated Permanent Nirvana, Pari-Nirvana and Buddhist achievements in (1) Stream-enterer (Sotāpanna), (2) Once-returner (Sakadāgāmin), (3) Non-returner (Anāgāmi), up to (4) Arahant in our "Right Understanding of Enlightenment / Scientific Proof of Gotama's Degeneration" in the sense of binding and clinging forces of ignorant thoughts on duality plane of conflicting consciousness, rendering his life time effort in building the Sangha for spreading his discoveries to be exploited by unworthy people. There are systems of scientific processes through the eight (8) levels of Layered-Inner-Space from positive Fibonacci evolution, cultivable next to HuiNeng's three-nots (Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ) for the visible manifestations of KhaiPhong three-haves: #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã - moving from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth in all practical utilities of engaged living via integration between radio and consciousness technologies.

There must be something happening in Vietnam from 2020 forward since (1) Not all highly qualified spiritual people in higher realms are degenerted in the past 60,000+ human years leading to the natural outcome "Thế Giới Cũ Tận - Thế Vào Thiên Đàng Mới / The End of Old Systems - The Beginning of New Era" and ready for the new "Era in the Right Evolution very likely to happen in VietNam from 2025" that the degenerated Amitabha Buddha and his esoteric-plus-human parties can start from this concentrated energy at minute 15:00 in the Right direction (the video was deleted) of all Intelligent Beings (People, Esoterics, ETs), (2) this writer has known many highly qualified people - applicable to many worldly successful persons and billionaires - significantly degenerated in their quality of the consciousness unless immediately being awaken to the [ light / right versus darkness / wrong ] commonly known as CONSCIENCE which must conform to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED, (3) there exist required conditions for full integration from radio technologies of Knowing Who You Are with ethical AI from industry revolution 4.0 in the melting pot of human evolution of Being capable to statistically measure all visible and invisible manifestations for DISCOVERING UNDERLYING NATURAL LAWS via Invisible Hand of Economics and directed by cultivable "Invisible Hand of #Prajna". They are reincarnated as living people from VietNam and others for their precious chance as changing agents - esoterically revealed and partially exposed in the contents of 2021-08-18 from minute 33:00 to dedicated people evolving in the Right Living & Being in Latin humanitas (Biology, ComPassion, #Prajna) of the past 2500+ years - such as an ancient Chinese military strategist, politician, and businessman Fan Li (Phạm Lãi), esoterically mentioned from 2020-11-13 minute 21:30

Here is the first time in humanity - speaking through a Vietnamese body 2020-11-25 - the esoteric understanding of meditation in the realms ruled by and totally collapsed under the degenerated King of God their Buddhist Theoretical Mind and Hope to have "Natural Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent leading to Natural Detachment" in "HuiNeng's WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong's #Awareness as the target - KiếnTánh làm tông", which is "Impossible" known in Buddhist Dharma as "cooking sand / Binding and Clinging Forces on duality plane of existence" and wishfully expecting "cooked rice / Detachment in Self-Selfless Actualization" correctly described AT THE MOST GENERALITY by a living Vietnamese Buddhist monk starting at minute 30:00 2020-12-03 in engaged living about the innate ability in "Awareness of Visible via 5 senses and Invisible via No-Conflict Consciousness of intelligent beings from humanity upward. It is practically impossible since "the description of Mind is Not the described quality capable to obstruct and restrict tainted driving forces and/or dissolving them" as asserted by Gotama[D22] and verified by KhaiPhong "Scientifically Cultivable #AwarenessPrajna". Either you have or you don't, cheated in all religions - Buddhism in its entire 2500+ years of history is an active cheating part - in the name of XYZ. But if you have, and since all manifestations are conditioned such as cooking, you can reverse engineering for optimal conditions leading to the required target of a reproducible recipe. In modern term, it is called "Self-Selfless Actualization via ethical AI toward What Count". Scientifically researched directly from those actually knowing and having stakes on the table, we may discover underlying natural laws and make evolution faster toward a right direction! "Self-Selfless Actualization" will have breakthroughs from 2025 forward with statistically measurable self-evaluations of "Right Efforts" as outcomes of one's Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna applicable in all Activities, Relationships and Places grounded (technically doable) on the eight layered states and stocks of one's consciousness evolving from Fibonacci sequence at both positive and negative directions. If things happened, we will implement "Best Practices" of Open Sources where Not-for-Profit AwakeningBudh will be the custodial organization of KpPlatform similar to the transparent processes done in Cardano project. Part of AwakeningBudh main functions is to “standardize, protect, and promote the technologies”, transparently available to all under rigorously accountable manner agreed by all concerned parties. KhaiPhong is an implementer of KpPlatform enabling precious consciousness technologies - such as XuanZang's "outside-the-box / Consciousness of the consciousness" and HuiNeng's "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment" being sustainable businesses.

Intelligent beings will innately recognize "Core natural Inner Peace / Buddha Nature / the Kingdom of God within" - not yet fully manifested in all intelligent realms up to 2025 - and the "tools'" scientifically cultivable manifestations of Being or Knowing Who You Are via "natural #Intuition" and "#Prajna". Deliverable outcomes can be [ epistemic objectives ] in all domains and fields known by all Walks of Life in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness". They are what this writer directly challenges Amitabha Buddha (seemingly being selected up to 2021-06-06 as a front line representative for the past feudal systems) and ETs of what they can actually provide for themselves and others, and what are imaginations of past unworthy entities cheating oneself and others in 60,000+ human years under "his name and his own Greed" - the source of his natural down fall - in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations in one's Continuity of The Consciousness according to discovered underlying natural laws to be discovered and shared relevant to intelligent realms having Free-Will. The claimed Amitabha Buddha, Buddha XyZ, King of Gods, etc, are degenerated below humanity, yet still blah blah blah with the obsolete feudal systems of masters-slaves relationships. The painted picture is now 2023-08-01 under different "named mothers refreshed with [ Thiện Lành Trong Sáng / Bright Kindness ] such as the esoteic Mother Maria 2022 from Russia-Ukraine conflict in the greatest Hoax of Jesus Redeemer from the past 2000+ years of religious wars, etc. You and million years of Evolution and Degeneration without Knowing WHY are your Realities due to the second law of thermodynamics and against underlying natural laws in billion years of natural evolution. What have been known by Gotama and HuiNeng will be integrated and significantly enhanced under KhaiPhong to enable many advanced students from humanity upward capable to Transcend Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought to see [ Thing-As-It-Is / the unique Culture of "The Description is Not the Described / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy" to wipe out The False ] that you and your slaves must deliver or Get Out of the Way. Let's focus human resources in concrete deliverable outcomes of Accountable Transparent Law & Order humanistic Values so intelligent people will not be slaves to any cheating and stealing feudal systems unless they have something concrete for trading toward What Count in Zero Trust strategy which will be the foundation in the new Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations.

The challenge is "NOW Feasible" due to (1) KhaiPhong scientific implementations of the [ Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn ] @ "Awareness, Dependent, Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" starting from visible and observable desired qualities of "Awareness, Dependent" in present living students and their scientifically reversed engineering for scientific investigations plus field researches to be statistically verifiable of Thing-As-It-Is Self-Selfless Actualization in one's Intellligent Evolution for the benefits of all intelligent beings (human, esoterics, ETs) where not only human but esoteric realms and ETs are beneficial to avoid the past 60,000+ human years in degeneration invisibly regulated by universal Moral Law of Action-Reaction, (2) recorded outcomes at Lourdes by the Blessed Mary 1862 which is forensically different from the Lady of La Vang or Mother Maria of Fatima, and 1849 epidemic by Phật Thầy Tây An at Tòng Sơn, plus most recently via Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (Quan Âm) Tịnh Thủy having her own signature in Calgary Canada early 2000 where this writer was a participating member until he personally asked the "Energy" her last "Wisdom Words" that she cried with final words "One Must Be Mindful of one's THOUGHTs" - testable by other living students at that time - that we scientifically show below the differences between causations and correlations between Faith and its practical outcomes - in Faith driven by Aspirations versus Faith driven by Fears and Greed leading to violent crusades - with a "secret sauce" to "#EmptyTheContent" for "reborn and rejuvenation" of #Prajna Dialectic that this writer also personally challenges present reincarnations of both Virgin Mother Maria and Phật Thầy Tây An / Jesus reverse their engineering processes to be tested by current human industrial revolution 4.0 in medical and pharmaceutical sciences (KpHealth), (3) the claim at minute 27 the treatments of human cancer [ and our deduction in Alzheimer suggested by the living reincarnation of the Vietnamese Lady (Mẹ) at La Vang in our friendly conversations ] - the two currently unsolveable via human technologies - using Consciousness / Spiritual and Natural Technologies as a possibility proposed to Joe Nguyen[R20.5], (4) The numbers (2) and (3) verification processes can be easily done based on KhaiPhong implementations of "#Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, #Prajna / Bát Nhã", (5) the blah blah blah when forced to the real practical deliverables to be tested in Invisible Hand of Economics from the claimed Amitabha Buddha, riding on the "esoteric impostor Huỳnh Phú Sổ "(founder of a lay-Buddhist organisation Hòa Hảo 1939).

The Bảo Giang / Precious Gateway is a prediction from Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm where - "Gateway" - the Light out of the Great conflicting forces in South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea to unite all conflicting forces (conflicting Values such as cultures, nationalities, religions) into "ONE" whose verifiable attributes are scientifically identified as KiếnTánh / #Awareness of one's innate True Nature of very long evolution and degeneration due to Not Knowing underlying natural laws, Duyên Khởi / Dependent as opportunities to reconfirm one's innate quality and its verifiable manifestations which is "Bát Nhã / #Prajna" that acts as scientifically cultivable Invisible Hand to harmoniously bring all intelligent beings (Humanity, Esoterics, ETs) together according to underlying natural laws. Since many things at both esoterics and human realms have been happening in VietNam traced back to 4500+ years and its survival next to the big bullying brother China, plus current freely communications between human and different realms from feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of God, we start from VietNam reference point 2021-01-25 to open contributions from all dedicated explorers statistically verifiable precised "Codes of Conducts" essentially reflecting the manifestations of true ComPassion & #Prajna claimed in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - being completely sabotaged by esoteric systems ruled by the King of Gods (video from Hắc Bì Phật Tổ ) and human unworthy people up to 2021-05-26 - that it does not have ComPassion nor #Prajna at both the theoretical and observable empirical verifications. A new Era and Fresh Start / Luồn Gió Mới (the video was deleted) can happen if one can see and jump on its opportunities from the grassroots.

The search for a unified system describing underlying natural laws of "Right Existence" has been the Quest of all intelligent beings (Esoterics, Humanity) - and in human realm - ranging from "LaoTzu's Tao" to Gotama's "modified[D26] Eightfold Path" to KungTzu mainly confused and [ binding / clinging / enslaved ] cheating (due to the difference from outside painted ideas and the inside realities) concepts of "Jen (wren - justice), Li (lee - order), Yi (yee - righteousness), Hsiao (showe - reverence), Chih (chee - wisdom), to "granted power" from the claimed bullying single God (which is "scientifically False" due to the second law of thermodynamics) on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness incapable to touch the "Source" beyond all changing and conditioned duality to the Oneness toward Non-Thingness of Thing-As-It-Is for revitalization and reborn in one's "Continuity of the consciousness" observable in positive Fibonacci evolution. Gotama was the "Only One" capable to touch the "Source" and attempted to scientifically implement it as the ultimate solution to his raised Issue Dukkha in conditioned existence. Unfortunately, his personal experience is "Not Deep Enough" to properly expose his "Solution" - the "How" of verifiable "Not-Self / Selfless" in his second discourse as the base for Right Understanding and Right Motivation content in #Prajna division of his first discourse leading to his "modified[D26] Eightfold Path / BÁT CHÁNH ĐẠO" - nor he had sufficient theoretical background to rationally prove what he has personally known the "#Source / #Oneness" innate in all people called the [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin humanitas ].

The situation can be scientifically changed in db to statistically test and verify "Codes of Conducts specific to each realm / [ Independence, Liberated, Integrity - Self Respect and Respect Others? ]" coming directly from true ComPassion & #Prajna of SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) sponsored by open-source KpPlatform agreed by all concerned parties, facilitating the Right environment for deepening and widening the required attributes of the Right Living in all Activities, Relationships, and Places in the new Era of " Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. This is what humanity can bring its [ mathematics / statistics and radio technologies ] to the table in Exchange for other proven technologies from other intelligent realms, having Free Will for the benefial activities of all involved parties, mathematically proven in International Trades.

We esoterically know the impostor Huỳnh Phú Sổ and the curently living Thanh Hải Bhikkhunī claimed [ Vô Thượng Sư / Supreme Master ] are son and daughter of the degenerated King of Gods "among many" in his "nhất dạ lục giao sinh ngũ tử / one night having six copulations to produce five children" also being grand children of the " Father God" planned but failed in 90% human deduction (Mười Phần Chết Bảy Còn Ba Chết Hai Còn Một Mới Ra Thái Bình) to morally reap the severe "Justice" of natural law "Action-Reaction / Nhân Quả" to be "Diagnosed, Discovered, and Shared" in Making Life Easier and Happier. Please look at the Hindu and past civilizations who could cut huge boulders smoothly and precisely in building high walls and temples that even current human modern technologies cannot match, together with many other scientific discoveries. Yet, the civilizations had been lost to be replaced with the ruling culture of "I win You loose" bullying in the culture of animal kingdoms of MẬT NIỆM BÁT CHÁNH from The King of Gods. Similarly, "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh beyond the tainted Seeing and Hearing" in Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count will be lost if we cannot make it into a distributed scientific knowledge known as "epistemic objective" that we have been patiently waiting for the right time to bring something valuable and sustainable with or without the writer and his connected friends in the new "Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" as the Lesson Learned and the Light out of the degenerated Esoteric Feudal Systems ruled by the King of Gods.

In KhaiPhong, we concentrate in (1) Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to inject TIP (Transcendental Inner Peace) enabling one know more about oneself for changing oneself and environment toward What Count being beyond "faked News and cheating isms" for proper and healthy working conditions of "democracy / human rights" - painfully learned from the 2020 US presidential election to directly challenge the foundation of what US stands for as a country - and the proper working conditions of Invisible Hand of Economics as mathematically proven in its International Trade, (2) facilitating a "clear distinction of causation and correlation at macro economics and in consciousness via Big Data of Graph Analytics" riding on (2.1) advancements in both market and planned economies with consistent statistics in reported time series and input-output tables for existence of an inverse matrix in solving many thousands simultaneous equations whose outcomes can be used as a-long-term-fact-based platform of accumulating hard data and national fact-based strategic assumptions - such as the “Chiến lược Phát triển bền vững kinh tế biển Việt Nam đến năm 2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2045 / Strategic Developments of economically sustainable coastal lines of Vietnam to 2030 with vision to 2045” - to be filled in with "Right Efforts from individuals, organizations, regionals, nationals, and internationals, etc" plus (2.2) hard-earn lesson about potent energy such as "Faith leading to destruction due to Fears and Greed and "#Prajna" due to Compassion that Jesus and hopefully his reincarnations seem being the Only Ones able to draw the learned lesson from The-Only-Son-of-God Redeemer and tell the world the Right #Prajna solution in exposing his "Father God" processes, (3) providing required infrastructures to equalize the playing fields for all involved parties in the Trusted Leadership 4.0 from the Right Society 5.0 - a technology-based and human-centered society proposed in a proper balance between accountable individual Rights and the responsible aggretate / national Rights pioneered in KhaiPhong's user private ai.

Let's see how scientific "TRUTH" can touch all sensitive parts of humanity and a significant human contribution to all intelligent realms. In the “Strategic Developments of economically sustainable coastal lines of Vietnam to 2030 with vision to 2045”, anyone having "minimum economics training" can see it is a "communist painted cake of political will" based on the Geopolitical Advantages of VietNam / Địa Lợi in current world competitions and conflicts. It has no Insight nor concrete and detailed steps for achievement of the target to be honestly called a Strategic Long-Term Plan rather than fact-based data structure absolutely required in this modern dynamic information 5.0 society, heading to national disaster from lessons learned in Chinese Cultural Revolution and Vietnamese Land Reform due to "Blind Faith and extreme Political Will" that a senior member in the office of the Prime Minister (where this writer sent Teconomics proposals) told him that people from VietNam can change since they are very practical and dynamic - Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy - and had only 36 years of ruling communists (from 1954) in the writer's 1990 business visit to VietNam; learning that our company - Teconomics Inc. - was Novell Unix Master Reseller and Gold Authorized Reseller, he invited Teconomics as a partner in networking-technologies with VietNam and Russia. The quoted National Plan does not have the understanding of many critical factors for making it happened and optimal outcomes to the rest of the country such as the balanced income distribution to harmoniously solve the issue of classic capitalist exploitations based on I-Win-You-Loose Greed and Fears, well known in economics as multiplier effect in any major economic decision!

Up to 2014, Premier Li Keqiang of China publicly declared that he had his own "economic indicators" rather than relying on "communist GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) statistics well applicable in China and VietNam" to help him making decisions affecting billion people. Formally trained in economics, this is the first time Li Keqiang talks about verifiable databases of 130 millions of "market entities" and proper roles between government and the "market entities" in Accountable and Transparent management of the country, similar to President Xi Jinping on his verifiable databases of Extreme Poverty Elimination. China is a huge country, but recently it has achieved claimed Extreme Poverty Elimination thanks to databases of the program's targets - including different angles and situations specific to different groups - so the implementers can design different programs and helps to optimize available resources that its main architecture - President Xi Jinping - stated that one can know the practical TRUTH from hard data that China is trying to re-invent the wheel with government-directed "market entities" rather than building on top of what work best via Invisible Hand of Economics. The world looks at it in measurable metric such as lower criterion below UN average bar of extreme poverty; nevertheless it is an achievement riding on modern scientific standards and available tools plus likely sustainable with the help of technologies to alert concerned parties relevant and important factors for the long term successful and sustainable developments where effective purchasing power and the number won't lie.

Other major concerns / doubts to President Xi's possible successes are well-kown "China Death Points (Tử Huyệt)" on (1) thousand years of conflicting cultures of different ethnic groups especially from those aggressively and cunningly bullying others versus harmonious-with-nature of Tao / Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion and #Prajna) which will be major competing forces between "Autocracy versus Democracy" in the evolution of humanity and of all intelligent beings accessible to higher "Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space - Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn" - of positive evolution coming out from negative degeneration of cunning intelligence, (2) cheating and cunning communist unworthy people scientifically and fully exposed in their tracked records wherever the communist dictators can control using the painted ideas of Chinese Nationalism and hallucinated Communist Ideal to cover their proven recorded corrupted human dignity - that Righteous people must join force to wipe out these degenerateds who are even below animals according to naturally rated evolution from Fibonacci sequence, (3) significantly different economic and cultural zones, etc, difficult to be melted in a common denominator except in brutal totalitarian systems proven in its entire history of Confucius feudal systems, BLESSED from the totally collapsed feudal systems driven by Greed and Fears of animal kingdoms ruled by the degenerated King of Gods up to 2025.

The harmonious solutions to China thousands years of conflicting dynasties and forces are (1) helping Chinese people recognizing and realizing their "True Tao / Buddha Nature / Wu-Nien / Humanitas / Kingdom of God within" to speed up their evolution processes, (2) the reversed order of "China Death Points (Tử Huyệt)" in implementations of "The precious Gateway" via Global service Local presence (GsLp) at NfP ThankYou Clubs to introduce Invisible Hand of Economics driven by scientificlly cultivable Invisible Hand of #Prajna which is the "new Era of Melting Pot" that No Force from Intelligent (ETs, Esoteric, Human) Beings can go against, (3) making it happened faster for the benefits of billion Chineses to see the inevitable end point of all cheating and stealing of communist totalitarian systems and personal glorifications. What happened to China is 100% Dependent on Chinese people since they are intelligent enough to know What Best for them - practical and knowing more about oneself and its reason of existence in Value of the values of the present intelligent being, Not Being Cheated by any feudal system and/or ism, etc, while rediscovering Chinese Wisdom in its 5000+ years of culture in absorbing Buddhist philosophy into its practicality as the Chinese own contributions to the World with XuanZang seventeen years overland journey to India to bring "Consciousness of the consciousness / Being Outside the Box" back home[R3] and HuiNeng Chinese indigenous discovery in [ Wu-Nien as its object - “vô niệm làm tông” / No-Mark as its substance - “vô tướng làm thể” / Detachment as its fundamental principle - “vô trụ làm gốc” ][R5] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }.

VietNam is blessed with many generations of burning desires to do something for themselves and the country, such as "strategic developments of the country sides, optimally combining key factors such as Competitive Intelligence (CI), required technologies / infrastructure, driven by suitable human and financial resources", successfully proven by Vinamilk in applying sciences with tracked records for accountability and transparency, and international standards. But proper industrial classifications and quality data are still not available to get a pulse of the situation as claimed by few researchers and entrepreneurs known by the writer since "applying modern technologies and entrepreneur know-how in international marketing and trading" to quickly raise standard living of many hard-working people in the country sides are NOW feasible and sustainable in a big way. Industrial Revolution 4.0 is only the blah blah blah of cheating politicians evidenced in the claim of Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyển Xuân Phúc 8G Telecommunication Technologies while international 6G standards have not been completely finalized. Vietnamese communist is just one step better than (ahead of - trong giới mù thằng chột làm vua) 2500+ Years of cheating Buddhism blah blah blah by Vietnamese Buddhist Sanghas since it is still grounded on the reality of the Geopolitical Advantages of VietNam / Địa Lợi. A politician having formal training in economics - corrupted Vương Đình Huệ - had warned the serious situations of copying the central political decisions since that was the rigid structure of established communist ruling in the post-truth politics orchestrated by the impostor of the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson and Communist Mafias learning their trades from Russian and Chinese Mafias in the chaos of the regime changes, having no wider feedback and distributed invisible (self regulated) mechanism - advocated by Hưng Đạo Vương Trần Quốc Tuấn proven in the successful fights against the most violent and bullying invaders - of the country aggregate [ Wisdom / Prajna ].

Scientific TRUTHS can help to break this [ corona / vòng kim cô ] of immorally stealing, cheating and lying of all isms. We say [ Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn ] @ "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" can turn Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm well-known best predition for VietNam into realities since (1) the gate qualities (HuiNeng natural Inner Peace and cultivable KhaiPhong #Prajna Dialectic in conducting businesses of high impact domains and fields) will attract huge foreign investments @ minute 6:12 of the video - available from past-isms unworthy people in their failed attempts to enslave humanity who can see Value of the values in their Continuity of the Consciousness - from outside to inside in engaged living and hand-on learning to change oneself and the environment toward What Count, (2) any one from inside - harmonious and kind empathy - capable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness will be a front line soldier to spread precious underlying natural laws and highest human esteems to the world and to all intelligent realms in searching for one's Raison D'être, (3) the gateway implementation will immediately materialize the first time integration of radio and consciousness technologies taking Industrial Revolution 4.0 to the new frontier of people-centered society of AI (Artificial Intelligence) directed by #Prajna Dialectic via mu in Making Life Easier and Happier, (4) the gateway operation will take the country to the front line of International Relations and Spiritual Explorations via high-end experiencing in knowing one's Raison D'être toward What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations, and finally (5) the gateway is a measurable metric on equal footing of intelligent Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations[R20.5] in self-respect and respect others from physical CHON intelligent realms (left) to esoteric realms (right), from above humanity (higher) to below (lower) (the video describing exoteric and esoteric relationships was deleted). "The Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn" is KhaiPhong's injection of scientifically cultivable Invisible Hand of #Prajna on top of Invisible Hand of Economics to "make democratic processes work" when majority of people "Knowing More About Oneself" not being pulled and pushed by Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought of Post-Truth Politics or a neo-feudal system of China government-directed "market entities". These are the guts of KhaiPhong 10 proposed projects to the People and Gov. of VietNam (Có thầy Nhân thập đi về - Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời, Strategic Position / Địa Lợi, Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa), being one step ahead others in developing and applying Scientifically Cultivable Normative Intelligence (#Prajna) and information to solve current [ International - National - Community - Individual ] conflicts of people-centered Society.

It is well known among Vietnamese in-and-outside-the-country intellectuals the differences between "Nghị Quyết Thuận Thiên / Decision in harmony with Nature" contributed by all concerned parties whose wellfare are directly affected by 2021-03-13 (the video was deleted by communist mafias) rather by communist cheated "Blind Faith Decision blah blah blah about wifi 8G while the world has not finalized on 6G" proven in China Cultural Revolution and Vietnamese Land Reform, commonly known in Vietnamese Southern parts as [ Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / #Awaremess or Transcendental #Awareness as the target / Kiến Tánh làm tông ] that Krishnamurti dedicated his 60+ Years of his life telling the world "esoteric cheating of all religions and isms". Like almost everything Not Yet influenced by Industry 4.0, the thoroughly understanding is Only The Beginning, the best required infrastructures, processes, and tools for sustainable business models are still to be built. KhaiPhong intends to be an integrated player in this green field with one additional component Not Yet Available anywhere in entire human history and in all known Intelligent Beings (Esoterics, ETs) namely Scientifically Cultivable states and stock of #Prajna enabling all involved parties knowing more about oneself in the true meaning of existence innately in all activities and relationships with two driving forces (1) "emotionally" via implementation of HuiNeng's Wu-Nien, No Mark, Detachment for natural Transcendental-Inner-Peace, and (2) "intellectually" via KhaiPhong "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna".

Same thing as happened to (1) “Chiến lược Phát triển bền vững kinh tế biển Việt Nam đến năm 2030, tầm nhìn đến năm 2045 / Strategic Developments of economically sustainable coastal lines of Vietnam to 2030 with vision to 2045”, and (2) "Nghị Quyết Thuận Thiên / Decision in harmony with Nature" contributed by all concerned parties, "Chiến lược quốc gia về nghiên cứu, phát triển và ứng dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo đến năm 2030 / National strategy in research and development with practical applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to 2030" is the blah blah blah of communist politicians and mafias to force the whole country toward their painted cake up to 2030 to mark 100 years in the formation of Vietnamese Communist Party unless (1) the Righteous people can ride on underlying natural laws to force unworthy people facing their realities as KhaiPhong has pioneered since 2007 to expose them in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism.

Since Vương Đình Huệ was out of the Head of Vietnamese National Assembly due to corruptions, the writer likes to share some academic Insight with professional people from VietNam about (1) the historical time according to "World Bank Diagnostic Update" on 2022-05-18 having (2) International Strategic Place along the Vietnamese East Sea and (3) imminent role in the new Era of people-centered Society, strategically approved starting from VietNam 2024-02-07 SENSED BUT did not KNOW HOW in the blah blah blah of the past degenerated systems to steal the real people and real works in Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna. The blah blah blah from any esoteric impostor since 2021 has been orchestrated by its communist mafias hoped to attract required huge investments of What Count in Engaged Living to make their long-term target happened, perpetuating the materialistic dark forces / Kiên định và vận dụng sáng tạo Chủ nghĩa Mác - Lênin 2024-02-02! Reincarnations of Khương Thượng, Khổng Minh, the "mentioned tuổi mùi" are currently living Vietnameses. Democracy is a process built and proven as the most efficiently sustainable by the intelligent people thoroughly understood in “Gỡ nút thắt đầu tư của ngành điện Việt Nam” - Hà Nội, ngày 30 tháng 3 năm 2021, not a system cheated by the impostor of the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson that can be imposed on people in collaborations with other "unworthy mafias" without their consent and against their traditions and culture to realize the freedom and the capacity for self-sustainability in the Latin humanitas (as Biology, Compassion, Prajna/Wisdom). The required "Cơ Chế Bao Cấp / Subsidies Mechanism" run by Government are applicable to ONLY few rare cases such as Culture, Pure Scientific Research, too risky for national security if privately owned, etc, which can also draw money and resources from people to be observable and decided in verifiable processess of "Accoutability and Transparency" where the "market values" have not been properly and scientifically assigned which will be minimum when most market participants know their Value of the values in Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna.

Beside the well known "separation of powers of Legislative , Executive , and Judiciary" distributed to three self-regulated and best sustainable independent bodies (Not the "three wastefully duplicated power structures of a single political party in a totalitarian system on top, a single "carrying-ordered government" at the middle in running the country, and a single structure to monitor and manage people of the communist autocracy") in using scare national resources which belong to the people, "statistics provided and evolved by modern science" to collect hard data for hard evidences is an orthogonal dimension to enforce sustainable "Accoutability and Transparency" on all members of the three independent bodies. This means there must be a law to enable Statistics run by Scientists and qualified Executives, 100% independent from the above three Legislative - Executive - Judiciary bodies FREELY available to all concerned parties of the country. KhaiPhong - evolving from Techconomics Inc since 1978 - had hand-on experience with both Statistics Canada and Economic Council of Canada, had successfully integrated both time-series and I-O (Input-Output) tables statistically consistent framework at both Canadian national and Alberta provincial econometric models for mathematical existence of the inverse matrix of many thousands simultaneous equations describing complex dynamic macro economic depedent natures required in policy simulation and forcasting based on joint research works from the three universities in US, Canada, and Russia. The fruits of this research Work can be at practical level ONLY with current cloud computing due to huge amount of data to be processed as futher explained below, and absolutely required in disruptive and fast structural changes as happened from 2025 of US Trump 2.0 in modern global inter-connected economies.

Related to "imminent role in the new Era of people-centered Society starting from VietNam", this writer likes to share some esoteric "Insights consistent to the TRUTH" about the prediction from minute 5:00 biased to its "esoteric agenda 2021-05-06" PLUS all other agendas partially quoted in this book to continuously and falsely assert the devine power and One and Only Creator causing billion lives unneccessary Sufferings under the Chinese Confucius system and the Hoax of Western Jesus Redeemer. All manifested things - visible and/or invisible - must be changed due to its conditioned at Planck time and according to the second law of thermodynamics. It has been scientifically proven that one - including the supreme Father God with his tracked records and slaves - is only one Accountable creator among innumerable others due to underlying natural law of Action-Reaction proven in the human discovery of gravity and being a part in the Responsible Creation where one is and will be in one's Continuity of the Consciousness which cannot be destroyed, "falsely claimed by Gotama". But if sensible enough, one can sense the dominant driving forces in the esoteric prediction. We like to add to that prediction from minute 12:50 that (1) the reincarnations of Zhou Yu (Chu Du) and Sun Quan (Tôn Quyền) are currently (2021-05-07 and up to 2023-11-29 Gia Cát Lượng Tiên Tri) the most powerful leaders of China and Russia, (2) the reincarnations of Zhuge Liang (Khổng Minh) is currently a Vietnamese certified by this writer in KhaiPhong Inner Circle and will be a front line advisor to help solve "the Issues of Knowing More About Oneself for all Intelligent Beings (Humanity, Esoterics, ETs) via [ Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn ] @ "Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, Prajna / Bát Nhã" of KhaiPhong, (3) The reincarnations of the two beautiful and well-known ladies - the second one was the wife of Zhou Yu (Chu Du) - are currently (2025) Chineses that they will be parts of KhaiPhong Culture thanks to our past worthy connections and our telepathy communications. The first one has already been connected since 2017 at both physical and astral levels, and will be "a part of front line advisor" of KhaiPhong Foreign Affairs to verify if that person is the reincarnation of [ Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm ] to win / atttract both reincarnations of Zhou Yu (Chu Du) and Sun Quan (Tôn Quyền) to the culture of Righteous Living which still has up to 2023-12-28 a major hurdle in VietNam due to hard-core communist indoctrination of bullying animals and below intentionally ignored the visible outcomes of “Cửu Long cạn dòng Biển Đông dậy sóng / the Mekong river dried up and the East Sea churning”, protecting mafia group benefits in the past 75+ years, just like 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism sabotaged by unworthy monks / nuns from many of their life-time degenerations.

The reincarnation of Zhou Yu (Chu Du) can now have "East Wind / Gió Đông" again without being destroyed due to "Greed and Fears" in his "Continuity of the consciousneous" if and only-if he listens to KhaiPhong and implements the "Harmonious Melting Pot in Global Economy for human kind" with Chinese indiginous independent contributions of HuiNeng and XuanZang from the people he met in the past! This is Not an esoteric blah blah blah but "Testable and Verifiable" when two of you - reincarnations of Zhou Yu (Chu Du) and Sun Quan (Tôn Quyền) - look at your [ InnerSpace / Inner Being ] and see for yourself if you know "HuiNeng's [ Wu-Nien, No Mark, Detachment ], XuanZang's [ Consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness ], and Gotama's six [ Signed Posts[D26], [D29], [D30] ]". The "East Wind / Gió Đông had benefits from Rosicrucian Secrets" and suggestions from higher Realm Intelligent Beings such as Isaac Newton, Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi on 2023-12-28 to actually deliver the Fruits of Integration between Eastern and Western Civilizations with modern AI Cognitive Agent as an extension of a Persona in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

We hope the reincarnation of Zhou Yu (Chu Du) will not fall into the trap of the "Empire of Lies trying to manipulate the choked points in their hegemony of masters-slaves relationships" BUT ride on the "Collective Power" of People from Grassroots for the Dignity of Naturally Qualified Humanitas via both economic and geo-political angles in the multi-polar world. The esoteric [ Dark Forces / Illuminati Elites from the Empire of Lies ] have been totally destroyed due to both Natural laws of Morality and Justice and the strategic moves from positive Good Forces with a front-line soldier Zhuge Liang (Khổng Minh) since 2004. It is "Scientifically cultivable #Prajna Dialectic" to direct Cognitive Artifical Intelligence - already embedded in 5G Open RAN and Cognitive Agents directly related and relevant to YOU as Intelligent Assets / Living Beings in your Continuity of the consciousness toward What Count, Not the cheating and cunning intelligence of negative Fibonacci degeneration via cunning Hegelian Dialectic where the reincarnation of Zhou Yu (Chu Du) has been sucked into this degenerated cycle in 1500+ human years - mathematically presented at minute 7:00 of Complex Fibonacci degeneration in the alternative positive-negative of Chinese Yin-Yang - and/or if he can remember anything from astral direct interaction with the Vietnamese living reincarnation of HuiNeng. Ask your wife the "know-how" telepathy communication with her past worthy friend(s) in Value of the values from one's Continuity of the consciousness manifested partly from 2024 SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) Summit (the life stream is not available). Alternatively, riding on your current position to enable Chinese 5000+ years of glorious culture together with numerous natural treasures inducive to naturally form the "CoOp Equanimity of people centric society" with the Help of Science to positively enhanve human advancements from both economics and spirituality Value of the values. People in positive Fibonacci evolution from "Visible #AwarenessPrajna[D22] / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác" via modern Scientific Implementations to revitalize Gotama's Noble Discoveries of Inner (Causal) Power" are Not Stupid.

The "reincarnation of Khương Thượng" (Khương Tử Nha 姜子牙, 1156 TCN - 1017 TCN) may be amongst us as a Vietnamese. This time with his "straight fishing hook of [ Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn ] @ "Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, Prajna / Bát Nhã", he will enable many - targeted at 500,000,000 or more people word-wide - discover the "Kingdom of God within being Righteous Persons" of the new Era of Trusted Leadership 4.0 from the Right Society 5.0, building on top of precious discoveries of the past: (1) HuiNeng's "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation] } at wider aspects in the sense that (1.a) there are proven scientific processes to naturally know all Gotama's Jhanas as recorded in Buddhist literatures in #EmptyTheContent[D26], [D29], [D30] but Not Yet Deliverable in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas and (1.b) there are differences between the states and stocks of one's Consciousness visibly manifested via #Prajna - unknown by Gotama - that a right condition can be consciously created for that manifestation in solving important Issues such as the current international conflicts at South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea, (2) Buddhist understanding of Prajna up to 2021-05-07 { trí tuệ phát sinh do nghe học, trí tuệ phát sinh do tư duy phản chiếu, trí tuệ phát sinh do tu tập phát triển thiền định / #Prajna coming from education, from deep reflection, and from HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi} at KhaiPhong scientifically cultivable processes where (2.a) #Prajna coming from education is the activation of one's very long evolution of natural [ Intuition ] widen further with Kindness Awareness and Empathy Awareness beyond Animal Energy of "I win You loose well-known in US Politics 2016 and 2020" to the based level of Fibonacci [ f0 = 0 but at wide ranges of rated x_evaluation and y_evaluation to be scientifically modeled via reasoning AI in complex evolution and degeneration of "IamX" ] ready for the transcendental states at rated "EquanimityAwareness" [ #Awareness ] of the invisible part of the visible Iceberg of [ Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn ] @ "#Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, #Prajna / Bát Nhã", (2.b) #Prajna coming from deep reflections is the well-known "Hegelian Dialectic" currently employed in all human Think-Tanks [KpGovernance / GsLp ThankYou Clubs], and (2.c) #Prajna coming from HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi in all Activities and Relationships at all Places named Scientifically Cultivable states and stock of #Prajna, (3) Invisible Hand of Economics impersonally directs the accumulations of radio technologies through the long Industrial Revolutions 1, 2, 3, and now 4.0 of wide-spread information ready for the new Era of Consciousness Technologies directed by Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations of all Intelligent Beings (Humanity, Esoterics, ETs).

Back to long term "Strategic Developments of Economically Sustainable Vietnam", the world has been dedicated significant resources due to outcomes pioneered by a Soviet-American economist Nobel Prized 1973 Wassily Leontief and American Nobel Prized 1980 Lawrence Klein whose works have been integrated in the Wharton Forecasting Model (Ross Preston 1972). The Leontief input-output uses accounting processes to facilitate the detection of structural changes, while the time-series enable statistical correlations and structural changes via tested economic theories. Dr. Preston later became manager of CANDIDE 2.0, and here is the report in THE STATE OF THE ART IN CANADIAN MACROECONOMIC MODELLING March 1985. As a Ph.D. candidate in economics, the writer early supervisor was Professor R.G. Bodkin from the University of Western Ontario who was manager of CANDIDE 1.1 (1972 - 1974). After the completion of all requirements except the thesis, he worked in Ottawa for Mr. McCracken who was manager of CANDIDE 1.0 (1970 - 1972) and formed his own Economics Consulting Firm Informetrica. With processing powers of computers and softwares, the costs of data analysis, modeling and simulation were significantly reduced. The writer formed his own economics consulting firm Teconomics Inc. at the time of first IBM PC with its own IDEAL (Industrial Disaggregated Economic Activity Long term) and BEES (Business Economics Engineering Software) models to mimic and operate the Long Term model having exogenous monetary policy where mathematically proven consistent data for an inverse matrix of the simultaneous system is important. Collected statistical data are already there. But with consistent data of structural changes and dynamic impacts of disruptive structures as what happened in the outcomes of US 2025 Trump 2.0 in multi-polar geo-political economies - together with cloud computing and reasoning AI - there are huge demands of information services if available secure KpPlatform affirming "IamX" is readily available.

Currently, there is a huge demand for data scientists (Ph.D. researchers in Neural Network such as Innovative neural network approaches for petrophysical parameter prediction 2004 of a well-known recent (2019) esoteric and political victim in Vietnamese politics and Laplace transform in control theory) due to Big Data and required Artificial Intelligence. But "Data Analysts" in all domains and fields (BA / MA levels) for "Competitive Intelligence (CI)" are more productive in human centered Society 5.0 where VietNam may be an "outsourcing centre thanks to open-source stabilized standard tool such as KhaiPhong BEES system from db" for modelling and simulation with people fully qualified as technically trained professionals including advanced modern techniques readily available from an open-souce standard Neural Graph Database such as the NEURAL NETWORK AND AUTO REGRESSIVE INTEGRATED MOVING AVERAGE MODEL 2007 of linear (statistical methods such as ARIMA - Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average - or Multiple Regression, etc,) and non-linear (fuzzy inference systems, genetic inference, neural networks, Machine Learning, etc,) data resulting in different ANN (Artificial Neural Network) for forcasting stocks, electricity prices, breast cancers, rainfalls, etc, plus having outside-the-box #Prajna Dialectic instead of communist cheating Hegelian Dialectic well known in Illuminaty Elites of all isms where communism is a part. The outsourcing centre is further enforced with its own databases of related marketing and CI (Competitive Intelligence) information collected for efficient operation of the local ThankYou club and strategic plan to bring Global service Local presence (GsLp) to directly benefit the local community.

Most recently, the esoteric unworthy entities in bullying animal kingdoms direct the blah blah blah from their human unworthy people up until 2021-05-13. They will be exposed if you force them to actually deliver the outcomes which have been blah blah blah and unknown by their degenerated esoterics in their feudal-brutal-totalitarian systems of Greed and Fears. Do Not fall into their "Greed of painted cakes" and have "Fears willing to be slaves for the most evil Father God" who was Justly and Morally executed via "Action-Reaction" to render them into the most "Smelly Animals" personally known by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. We scientifically show them their 60,000+ man years of degenerations in "negative Fibonacci sequence" which can be quickly reversed to the Right direction according to discovered underlying natural laws, first to be applied to humanity then to all Intelligent Beings (Human, Esoterics such as the degenerated Amitabha Buddha and/or the "esoteric impostor Huỳnh Phú Sổ " founder of a lay-Buddhist organisation Hòa Hảo 1939, ETs).

They continue the cheating game of exploiting the psychology of Intelligent Beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs) and explicitly threaten to destroy current human radio technologies - nền văn minh khoa học at minute 2:53 2021-03-18 : "Đừng nghe những gì [ cộng sản / esoterics ] nói, hãy nhìn những [ gì cộng sản / esoterics làm / kết quả của việc làm ]", and (2) microservices mu of visible "Open Government Data" to display key targets and monitoring indicators in global "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" as integrated parts in sustainable eco system. We seriously warn Vietnamese major players - the impostor of the reincarnation of Thomas Jefferson in politics and the reincarnation of Trần Thủ Độ in investments - that it is still Not Too Late to get out of the evil esoteric processes helping you achieving what you have wanted (bán linh hồn cho ma quỷ / sell your soul to the devil) known from western Illuminati elites via the Roman Catholic Church in its degeneration driven by Greed and Fears to change yourselves and environments in Continuity of the Consciousness for many 1000+ years toward What Count. It is Not the blah blah blah currently and up to November 2023 running in VietNam of the totally collapsed esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods and his ancestors (the video was deleted).

The time is "more than ripe" as esoteric advices from "good people" in cultivating [ "Kindness >< Empathy / Compassion >< Prajna - Phước Huệ Song Tu" ] that "Only Those actually living with Value of the values (chân giá trị của cuộc sống)" can deliver having No Difference between male or female. But, there are differences between Righteous People / people having minimum Conscience of a [ Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Prajna) / Tao / Đạo ] in the Morality and Justice of the universal Action-Reaction (Nhân Quả) natural law versus unworthy people of all isms where all major organized religions such as Christianism, Islamism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc enslaving people on binding "Word/Image" and clinging "Thought" via Greed and Fears are parts. The conclusion from a dedicated Buddhist (the video was deleted) "cầu xin nhửng người gọi là Thầy đang ẩn mình ... không chân chính hảy dừng lại ... tự vấn bản thân mình đùng đi xâu vào con đường tội lổi nửa / all Buddhist monks and nuns must honestly look at yourself" because no one can cheat the Morality and Justice which is applicable to "all mentioned monks and nuns in this book" having concrete evidences of their actual violations of the fundamental Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối".

The key point is How to assure the integrity of one's identity in one's continuity of the consciousness and its "legal driving forces (căn) from different realms" for "accountability and transparency" (the video from inclusive capitalism is not available), Not immorally and unjustly killed and imprisoned by different mafia tatics and "Voodoos / Bùa Chú" to steal the best parts (Alaya) of the parties and/or eliminating an opponent who may detect your legal crimes such as a well-known recent (2019) esoteric and political victim in Vietnamese politics that Only esoteric mafias and their slaves know. But, you again cannot cheat the universal Action-Reaction (Nhân Quả) natural law as you and your assocoates had done for many 60,000+ human-years in your degeneration. Integration of human radio and consciousness technologies together with current scientific knowledge in different related fields - including too big to fail in Finance - can make it happened under KhaiPhong where your cheating mafias and Voodoo (Bùa Chú) driven by the dark sides of Greed and Fears of animal kingdoms ruled by the past degenerated King of Gods must change if you want to stop your " downhill Ignorance in Craving and Clinging to quickly evolve according to discovered underlying natural laws, similar to the "eminent changes of Chinese Autocracy versus the Chinese Wisdom" where Compassion and #Prajna are parts of appropriate realms on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness exactly as defined in Latin Humanitas. With the writer direct involvements in fighting against the dark forces and his friend's ability of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations, the writer is convinced that the hardest task can be done and gradually improved driven by distributed invisible Hand of #Prajna Dialectic plus human democratic processes.

Back to the relevant all concerned parties in current human realm, please look at your actual states of the consciousness - deeper than what Gotama or Jesus knew and as commonly repeated and recorded by Buddhists and Christians - about "Love and Faith" that selected people from KhaiPhong on your current Path will help people out of the "Love and Faith" driven by Fears and Greed toward the "No-Conflict Consciousness of Aspiration" for actual realization of [ "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness as the target - KiếnTánh làm tông" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }. With scientific implementations of the [ Precious Gateway ] @  "#Awareness / KiếnTánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, #Prajna / Bát Nhã", Righteous People beyond all physical appearances manifested from esoteric forces 2021-03-16 will help to change all intelligent beings (human, esoterics, ETs) toward "What Count in one's Continuity of the Consciousness painfully Shared by the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva" in response to this writer's question at a semi-public meeting in Calgary Canada early 2000's.

To clean up once-and-for-all unworthy people from Vietnamese Buddhist cheating Sanghas and liberate the people from the "vòng kim cô / corona of communist mafias" as actually happened in Vesak 2014 and Vesak 2019 organised and directed in Vetnam, here are the three living persons (January 2021) rated by the writer as (1) 100% ignorance of the "Gateway-to-Oneness" required in [ "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness as the target - KiếnTánh làm tông" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } Thich Nhat Hanh, (2) at the "Gateway-to-Oneness" Thích Thanh Từ, and (3) Ông Năm - Cư Sĩ "Đắc Pháp" Hạ Phàm (the video was deleted) - at the "EquanimityAwareness" knowing the first level of WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh làm tông of an "#Awareness beyond the Seeing and Hearing of the five physical senses according to nature in engaged living to be qualified by nature defined in Latin Humanitas or having innate Buddha Nature asserted by Buddhist Dharma. Besides our "quoted documents" to scientifically verify this writer's rating, please have further living testimonies of their forced actual understanding of the state of their consciousness from the five tainted physical senses, to an #Awareness beyond Seeing and Hearing as asserted by HuiNeng to be delivered by identified living students Then What back to the five physical senses. Do Not Let the Cư Sĩ "Đắc Pháp" Hạ Phàm (deleted video) - incapable to be FREE from binding Word/Image at stable EquanimityAwareness, far below Krishnamurti level of knowing the Description Is Not the Described, intentionally committing fundamental Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối" - be the robot blah blah blah for the "esoteric impostor Huỳnh Phú Sổ "(founder of a lay-Buddhist organisation Hòa Hảo 1939) trying to steal actual hard works of Phật Thầy Tây An[D52] as they cheated Jesus 2000+ years ago as "the Only Son of God and the Redeemer for human Sin" that this writer "personally challenges" the identified stream of Jesus Consciousness - aka Shennong (神農) / Thần Nông believed to be "Divine Farmer" and a mythological deity in Chinese and Vietnamese folk religion, Shubuti of India, KungTzu of China, Lý Công Uẩn of VietNam, Jacques de Molay of Knights Templar, and Buddhist Teacher (Phật Thầy) at Tây An of Vietnam, likely to assume the good position of the past degenerated King of Dragons and Gods in higher esoteric realms - exposes "The Truths and Lessons Learned" in his own evolution of the Consciousness for all Intelligent Beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs) Knowing Value of the values in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness".

They could not imagine the power of underlying natural laws, and not all of their peers are 100% degenerated! The 2025 humanity is different from 2000+ years ago, fully being aware the difference between animal kingdoms ruled by the strength and/or cunning from Greed and Fears of masters-slaves relationships, not yet passing the threshold by "underlying natural laws at Fibonacci [ f0 = 0 but a wide ranges of qualities in human realm ]" ready for outside-the-box breakthroughs in the scientifically cultivable sixth sense of Intuition and the seventh senses of #Prajna to be further discovered and agreed upon in the new Era of "Inter-Realms Communications and Colllaborations" into humanity and above having "Compassion-Prajna" deliverable via Industry 4.0, actually knowing both the "Living & Being" in Wholesome Integration between "Radio and Consciousness Technologies" for stability of the "Whole Systems Too Big To Fail" as actually happened to the past esoteric collapsed feudal systems which can be avoided based on the learned lesson and possible solution from humanity.

To be one step ahead of our proposed scientific verification, here is the well known "BÀI KỆ KẾT THÚC CƯ TRẦN LẠC ĐẠO / The bottom line conclusion of The Way of Zen in Vietnam 2020-11-13" that we can demonstrate (1) the ignorance of Thich Nhat Hanh as an interpreter of The Way of Zen in Vietnam, and (2) the blah blah blah of the claimed Buddha King Trần Nhân Tông and his teacher Zen Master Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ that we esoterically know who they have concretely been from the time of Gotama in forming the Buddhist cheating Sanghas, and further degenerated in the esoteric past feudal systems. According to Thich Nhat Hanh, the four principles of Trần Nhân Tông conclusion are: (1) "Đói ăn khát uống tức là ta phải thật sự ăn, ta phải thật sự uống / hungry then eat thirsty then drink mean we must truely eat, we must fully know drinking" which is his concentration advocating by Buddhist Vipassana and meditations, putting one ignorance on top of another ignorance on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, "binding the mind of five physical tainted senses to the present moment"; it renders the mind retarded / insensible to millions other things relevant to What Count in one's Continuity of the Consciousness and the claimed enlighten monk ignorant argument that the past has gone the future has not arisen and there is Only This Instant Moment which has been cheating in 2500+ years of Buddhism starting from the time of Gotama; this "Instant Moment" can only be effectively solved from 2025 forward with breakthroughs in Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna / Wisdom and Industrial Revolution 4.0 to direct all Activities, Relationships, and Places toward What Count via Invisible Hand of Economics through Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the transformation, automation, and modernization, called an integrated version of Think-on-Demand of the Right human-centered Society 5.0 as explained below, (2) "Phải quán chiếu để thấy cho rõ những nhu yếu đích thực của mình / must seriously observe one's true needs" which is totally at the physical levels on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness incapable to be "Beyond Thought / HuiNeng's WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong's #Awareness as the target - KiếnTánh làm tông" naturally innate in one's Buddha Nature to know What Count in "Value of the values", (3) "chúng ta đã sẵn có châu báu, đừng có đi tìm ở đâu xa nữa / we already have the precious Buddha Nature, do not seek anywhere" which is the theoretical boosting of cheating Buddhists [ monks / nuns / scholars / followers ] Not Knowing the "Buddha Nature" yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] that Lý Học Phật - a student of KhaiPhong circle - suggests to another dedicated Vietnmese that [ "Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh through Japanese Way of Sword needs to widely spread in all activities and relationships - especially in global businesses and politics / thiền học trong kiếm đạo phải được lan tỏa ra mọi hoạt động và tương quan ở mọi nơi mọi chốn – nhất là trong thương trường và chánh trường" ], (4) "nếu ta có thể đối cảnh vô tâm thì đừng có hỏi tới thiền làm gì nữa / if we can have 'WuNien - { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }' then no need to seek meditation" by unworthy people attempting to cheat oneself and others committing serious offence against the fundamental Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối", proven in his claimed Zen Master Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ "No Difference between Ignorance (Wrong / Immoral) and Awaken (Right / Moral) / Mê ngộ bất dị". The statement "nếu ta có thể đối cảnh vô tâm / if we can have Wu-Nien in facing a focused event" indicates that the claimed Buddha King Trần Nhân Tông has not passed even the "Gateway-To-Oneness" to actually know the states and stock of his consciousness for proper managemenet of one's realities, self-indoctrinated himself to the most negative scale of X-dimension in clinging Word and binding Thought far away from "Detachment" at the end of HuiNeng's "WuNien / No-Mark / Detachment", having No [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ], and 100% Ignorance of [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }. [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] at level 6 and 7 beyond knowing the source of one's thought - actually known by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva but degenerated and courageously shared her Lesson Learned due to Not knowing the underlying natural laws to be statistically tested in appropriate realms - are required to survive the Voodoos of the dark forces until some enforceable rule can be implemented to guard one's Right to integrity of the person.

This is also the fundamental issue incapable to solve by all dedicated explorers up to 2025 - LaoTzu, Gotama, Jesus, HuiNeng - due to the lack of scientific processes of underlying natural laws, well known in Buddhist Dharma as a finger pointing to the moon in using the description (finger or duality consciousness) in explaining what actually knowing consciousness states of No-Conflict Consciousness. It leads to Buddhist tautaulogy in understanding Gotama's Right Understanding of his modified[D26] Eightfold Path, and conflicting assumption on the "Purity of the Mind" (as in the above case of HuiNeng of Not Doing) and required "Right Effort" in cleaning the tainted Body & Mind. Via reversed engineering of this writer's actual experience of all recorded Gotama's nine (9) Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] in 1970 together with scientific processes of underlying natural laws of "Dependent Nature" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness discovered by Gotama 2500+ years ago and now proven in the second law of thermodynamics, plus the "Dependent Nature of Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space" to be statistically tested and verified in eight (8) levels of scientific processes from "EquanimityAwareness of Empathy towad VisibleSamadhiPrajna" of Thing-As-It-Is having demonstrated utilities from actual Living & Being in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness". He then uses mathematics to demonstrate the processes moving from Buddhist Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth for a wider view of existence from "Hegelian Dialectic to #Prajna Dialectic" in one's evolution of the consciousness. Finally, via Invisible Hand of Economics allocating scare resources toward What Count directed by Invisible Hand of cultivable #Prajna, the writer demonstrates the discovered harmonious "Melting Pot" where every intelligent being is naturally Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good. The Buddhist conflict between sudden awaken and gradual cultivation of which coming first is Now scientifically and empirically solved based on Thing-As-It-Is consciousness quality of humanity upward, capable of Compassion and Wisdom / #Prajna as qualified in Latin Humanitas. Similarly, by starting from actuality of "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness as the target - Kiến Tánh làm tông " one can reverse engineering optimal conditions - for example Faith / Aspiration / etc plus secret sauce - leading to one's innate quality of the consciousness to be shared and contributed by many people of similar pattern. Using ethical AI toward What Count, a sustainable business model is a natural process to spread out one's accidental Right in many 1000+ years of trials and errors, while underlying natural laws can be statistically derived in shared epistemic objectives.

This has been an amazing process, and becoming clear Only after 2012 from witnessing the collapse of entire executive systems called by involved parties as "Thế Giới Cũ Tận - Thế Vào Thiên Đàng Mới / The End of Old Systems - The Beginning of New Era" due to Not Evolving according to Natural Laws but driven by Greed and Fears for Self Glorification. The scientifically cultivable #Prajna is measurable in self-and-performance rated outcomes of all efforts - in doing or not doing - being statistically correlated with measurable self-rated Transcendental #Awareness and Signed Posts of #Samadhi". This cultivable #Prajna being injected in all activities and relationships of an accountable Creator and a part of the responsible Human Creation is now an integrated process with modern Artificial Intelligence to bring different views and angles leading to visible and measurable targets of beneficial Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent. In term of tools from Industrial Revolution 4.0 such as well-known Closure functional programming, what discovered by past dedicated explorers is a list of required ingredients for temporary outside-the-box of useless conflicting energy ("Faith plus Processes") and observable verified properties of the underlying natural laws (#DhyanaSamadhi, #AwarenessPrajna) for moving from conflicting Consciousness (Madhyamaka Relative Truth) toward the common line of No-Conflict consciousness (Madhyamaka Ultimate Wider Truth) where ComPassion and Prajna are manifested. The secret sauce to [ jump / dive ] from that common line to high above or deep into the Foundation of Oneness have been discovered per KhaiPhong theoretical model but not yet publicly exposed as a registered IPR (Intellectual Property Right) and fully implemented for community statistically testing grounds to enable the list of ingredients transformed into "map" then "filter (Lessons Learned / Natural Detachment)" and "reduce (#EmptyTheContent) of Closure functional programming for required outcomces of user-facing #Prajna Dialectic self-rated at three levels of measurable outcomes (seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's Right Effort / one's strategic position at the right place and time) in all Activities, Relationships, and Places. Under aggregate Big Data, ethical AI will be able to statistically reclassify the more objective outcomes.

Buddhist Consciousness-Only (Yogacara)[D39] has discovered the Eighth Consciousness as the life-after-life store-house of one's continuity of the consciousness (ālāyavijñāna) which stores accumulations of essential consciousness - lessons learned via either hallucination such as the claimed God or verifiable TRUTH in Dependent Nature - from five senses and the mind in making up one's quality of the consciousness or dominant patterns. KhaiPhong will empirically prove the existence of this storage in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, and with appropriate technologies one can apply Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna (modern Self-Selfless Actualization) to speed up the processes of "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" Not Only as current human being But Also in one's continuity of the consciousness as long as one's quality of the consciousness is at the level of humanity upward. Many highly evolved beings such as the King of Gods and his partners have been degenerated to the levels below humanity to enable Nature naturally detoxify their extremes such as sex / killing / power addictions, etc. Please honestly look at your realities and use your innate [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within ] of the Right and Wrong in your very long evolution! The degeneration process - in Claimed Esoteric, ET, and Human Realms - Can Only Be Stopped and Reversed from Ignorance to #Prajna if and only if one can realise the wrong course of Self Glorification driven by Greed and Problem Reaction driven by Fears for possible cultivable natural Silence from [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness as the target - KiếnTánh làm tông ] at 7 different depths to the source of Thought glimpsed by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and at 6 Signed Posts recorded achievements of Gotama.

The fundamental Issue in 2500+ years of Buddhist Sanghas is partly from Gotama's defect[D24], [D25] of [ Design - Build - Execution ] due to not being aware the layered No-Conflict Consciousness forming the foundation of his Transcendental #Awareness[D22], enabling unworthy people in his Sanghas knowing nothing about [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas / There is no god but God ] blah blah blah of the "Blinds touching Elephant" on the conflicting duality plane of focused event. We debunk 2500+ years of this cheating process using (1) logical argument that a duality conflicting consciousness cannot know the layers of no-conflict consciousness, (2) mathematics of no-conflict event truth perpendicular to the horizontal conflicting events, (3) deliverable technology via available and proven Closure Functional Programming for most people knowing this "Transcendental State" and its "Natural Purification" for Detachment Freshness to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's actualities, (4) [ ThankYou / GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) ] Club to enable the networking of the [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] to change oneself and the environment toward What Count driven by Invisible Hand of [ Moral Value / Empathy directed by #Prajna ] and Economics.

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