Takeaway: Please use standardized formal evolving Ontology / Node to precisely communicate discovered Natural Laws for communications among intelligent beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs) and machines, Making Life Easier and Happier in one's Continuity of the identified consciousness ("Soul / Alaya / IamX") as a part of enforceable "Rule-of-Law" from "Too Big To Fail" in KhaiPhong equal footing of Self Respect and Respect Others amongst intelligent "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaboration©" where you can build on your "Right Effort" from your past stock to required changes at the Presence for possible identified future Worthy Activities and Relationships augmented with Accountable and Transparent processes from scientific "proof-of-stake" of multi-parties and future multi-realms smart contracts.
Glossary is an ontological index node for clear communications between human and machine in IoE (Internet of Everything) special searches. User can look up unfamiliar terms in Glossary and retrieve the precisely defined meaning / usage, as classified and intended in the publication used to help programs and people share knowledge. It is also a classification by a human indexer to enable Reading systems develop search features that interact with the publication. Pub enables books / publications read from available device (Phone, IoT, Tablet, Laptop), plus relevant Now and intelligent to what the user is Planning. To be ready for the next generation of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Glossary or human indexes are Ontological nodes evolving from Commonly related nodes, Conceptually related nodes, Domain classified nodes which interact with other nodes in generating activities and relationships.
Glossary is in dark blue #000070 bold italic, visually presented as a tree branch of nodes. Glossary - under standardized EPUB together with machine-learning - is a collaborative tool of ontology which is the study or concern about what kinds of things exist (what essential entities there are in the universe). Ontology derives from the Greek onto (being) and logia (written or spoken discourse). It is a branch of metaphysics, the study of first principles or the essence of things. Applying scientific investigations plus machine-learning from the mass wisdom to the glossary of any specialized important field, we may prevent unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] messing up humanity for many thousands years under all isms and organised religions. Its outcomes are discovered Natural Laws at both physical and consciousness levels.
We use Figure 2 to illustrate the book core concept of Thing-As-It-Is with negotiable conflicts (patch A - International-trade mathematically-proven better-off for all involved parties), hidden reservations, chemistry with possible external influences (patch B of involved parties in engaged living), and Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict making all parties much happier (area C in 1 + 1 >> 2) due to "bigger pie" on the duality plane of the conflicting consciousness where "X-dimension" of conflicting thoughts lie in the right direction of universal energy column, plus one's strategic position due to "outside-the-box breakthroughs" on the "Y-dimension" in actually knowing one's strength and weakness at the focussed point that one can sense via "Transcendental #Awareness in Communications and Collaborations" of positive Fibonacci evolution or via "cunning intelligence" of negative Fibonacci degeneration. The two big circles and their intersections are current positions based on hard data of the focused event, such as the territorial or trade dispute. Acceptable movable points in patch A or B come from Hegelian Dialectic best offered by institutional group intelligence. Movable points in area C represent behind-the-scene and/or soft power coming from Prajna Dialectic capable to see Thing-As-it-Is of the current event and one's strategic position to make things happened toward one's right direction of What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The Figure demonstrates the importance of #Prajna which is an ability to retract from event noises (Wu-Nien), passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness" for seeing thing-As-it-is and one's strategic position at both individual and aggregate levels. The Figure helps precise definitions of following technical terms put out by a human indexer of the book. Like other scientific understandings, the body of knowledge is evolving, modified and/or dropped in the light of empirical observations and verification.
Our intention is to use standardized evolving Ontology to precisely communicate discovered Natural Laws for communications among people and machines, Making Life Easier and Happier. This is where the book life-time licensees play a role in something worthy of our effort. An owner - a life-time Licensee of all versions of the book - has some deeper interest than general public accessible to the book's public samples either for one's own explorations and/or possible contributions / value-adds to the portal opened up by the book where one can securely chat (guaranteed by KpPlatform for authenticity, confidentiality and integrity) with other members of the book channel. This "chat" is based on the persona Knowledge Graph built from (1) popular open sources services of IBM granite, meta Llama, Microsoft Phi, xAI Grok, (2) augmented and trained with KpPlatform community donated data and the persona private data, plus (3) custom ai as starting point of community-evolving ontology and connected concepts / implementations / evolving and proven technologies.
Having unique measurable normative values and consciousness technologies to enable You a driving agent toward What Count[R23], we ride on available resources, open technologies and third-party services to democratize the precious "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / There is No god But God" innate in every person to know more about oneself, fully accessible to the evolution from Diversities (outside) back to Oneness (inside) - from Forms back to Consciousness - with No Conflict Inside / No Conflict Outside in complete Silence for seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count. The Engineering Roadmap is intended to bootstrap the book processes where "Actuality" defines the evolving required [ qualities / attributes ] of the ontological nodes.
Actuality - 'Thing-As-It-Is' without the presence of the grasp-er (Grahaka - filtered by the subject/observer) and the grasped (Grahya - perceived phenomena through the lens of the subject). This 'Thing-As-It-Is' has different depths and widths, cultivable in "#EmptyTheContent" and verifiable "#AwarenessPrajna" at different dynamically cultivable Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace from [ EngagedAwarenessPrajna visible F6 = 8 to ForecasingAwarenessPrajna F7 = 13 ] reaching to [ VisibleSamadhiPrajna F8 = 21 ].
To see 'Thing As It Is', there must be some 'transcendental #Awareness' called by KhaiPhong "Kiến Tánh làm tông" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, outside-the-box as represented in Patch C of Figure 2 or the #Awareness of Oneness among all diversities on the duality plane, invisibly regulated by underlying natural laws (such as Action-Reaction, Likes-attract-Likes, invisible hand of Economics, invisible hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna) of Dependent Nature of conditioned existence. Let's squarely look at why isms - where all organized religions are parts - can bully and cheat humanity and other intelligent beings (Esoterics, ETs) of different realms for so long, causing tremendous unnecessary sufferings in many 60,000+ man years of dark periods, personally known by the mentioned Esoterics and ETs named in this book.
For example, "Faith" is the corner stone in Christianity and Muslim. Jesus - after 40 days and nights of [ Meditation / Thiền Định / #DhyanaSamadhi ] to activate his innate "transcendental states" high above the Relative Truth of any event on the duality plane, he declares "the kingdom of God within you"[Luke 17:21]. Faith is the main mechanism to enable Jesus know something Beyond "Word / Image / Thought" (perfected to enslave others by Christianity, Muslim and "stupidly imitated by unworthy and cheating monks of Buddhism 100% contrary to Gotama's contributions" to enslave humanity rather than liberating humanity conceived in the term humanitas having embedded Compassion and Wisdom / #Prajna), moving high along cultivable #Prajna dimension perpendicular to the plane of duality. Yet, without knowing the underlying Natural Laws of Thing-As-It-Is, Jesus was bullied and cheated by the evil esoteric "Abba, Father" driven by "Greed and Fears" rather than "Aspiration from Faith" in outside-the-box for using "Cosmic Energy". We can scientifically prove that Jesus unquestionable faith in the personal God is scientifically unfounded at minimum three angles: (1) there is no such thing as Forever in all manifestations due to the second law of thermodynamics (each manifestation is only a part of the whole), (2) in any changing and conditioned existence, there are always factors being changed according to one's influences and/or by consciously directed actions (there is no such thing as 100% predetermined), (3) There is a "Natural Purification" in Detachment that one can naturally drop outdated marks of the past in 'Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict'. What can "Faith" do as an "Actuality / Ontological node" and can it be a part to implement Soyen Shaku challenge [ God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality ]?
This is the direct challenge to those who want to use Faith - including the real Jesus - as a mechanism to directly move from a conflicting dot on the duality plane to the instant "Kingdom of God Within". Our scientific investigation indicates that Jesus can do it with Faith since he has accumulated the two out of three layers in the pyramid of [ Compassion >< Detachment >< #EmptyTheContent ]. The "Kingdom of God Within" is "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" (Transcendental-Inner-Peace) if and only if it is grounded on the "Detachment", scientifically deliverable by HuiNeng Wu-Nien to be known by 500,000,000 people or more via KpPlatform: [ detachment in all activities then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ ].
Similarly, "Not-Self / Selfless" is Gotama's discovery and the corner stone of his "contributions". Buddhist Theravada distorts Gotama's nine (9) jhanas with its "conflicting mindfulness of breathing in concentration", attempted to use Vipassana to cheat humanity in its 2500+ years of "cooking-sand effort" to clearly recognize all internal and external driving forces related to the event then not doing anything from half-baked Tao since whatever come will go according to the Dependent Nature. It knows nothing about the "Right-Thing-To-Do" coming from one's "Conscience / Wisdom / #Prajna / Moral Value of the values". Up to 2025, we are Not Aware any Buddhist monk or nun knows and/or pokes into "the source of thought" as known by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva - personally told us that she was a past Buddha - yet fell into her own crack and shared her painful experience due to Not Knowing the underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED in this book. To explain this "Not-Self" in the science of consciousness where "self" is the creator of all activities and relationships on the duality plane, Dharmapala-XuanZang theoretical model states that 'Consciousness of self-consciousness is Self Consciousness'[D19]. Buddhist unworthy people[R18.3] in Vajrayana and Tantra[R13.1], [R15] took this dynamic [ Perfected-Nature / Freshness ] of "Not-Self" and the Dependent Nature / Imaginary Nature of "self" into a permanent static-state snap shots of [Dharmakaya (Truth body / manifested God or Allah), Sambhogakaya (Enjoyment body), and Nirmanakaya (Manifestation body)], and assign these imaginary permanent states to the reincarnated Gurus, different version but similar to the claimed Infallible Priests guaranteed by the "cheated to be publicly and directly challenged" Redeemer, the only Son of the evil Creator God[R18.3] in Christianity. Following the binding Word/Image and clinging Thought of their peers in Tibetian Kalachakra, professional cheaters[R18.4] in Vietnamese Buddhist cheating Sangha created [ Lễ Hằng Thuận / Ritual for Forever Harmony ] as the Buddhist ritual for marriage having added spice of Forever totally against Gotama's Dependent Nature and Free Investigation of Thing-As-It-Is. So, what is the Actuality of Not-Self / Selfless and can it be a part to implement Soyen Shaku challenge[R6]? The answer is "Yes" when #PrajnaTIP in Sound technology is introduced to enable 1% - 8% human population know "Gateway-to-Oneness" failed by most monks and nuns we know up until 2025. It is the beginning step[D29] to be qualified by Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness[D22].
Amitabha - the claimed Infinite Light and Infinite Life Buddha. Following is a synopsis or bird view of the degenerated esoteric saga in at least 60,000+ human years of conflicting consciousness and the quest to go beyond on the conflicting plane of consciousness to reach the TRUTH plane from all Intelligent beings as defined / asserted in [ Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within ].
In witnessing the collapse of the degenerated God / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms, we identify the name 'Amitabha' had been connected to the three major esoteric forces that messed up themselves and others in their realms and in humanity, visibly observed in all human feudal systems on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. It is a high drama of Good / Evil / Justice / Ignorance / Evolution and Degeneration of intelligent beings in many realms of intelligent existence. It may also be the ending of masters-slaves relationships for humanity, opening up a true stakeholders democratic process from Humanity upward for the TRUTH of unalienable Rights in Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness Not Only within humanity But Also inter-realms where humanity has something very unique to bring to the table. It is far beyond 'Journey to the West'[R4] applied to the ruling classes[D50], [D51], [R13.1], more real than past Science Frictions to explain factual pieces of ET[R20], [R20.1] with complex Crop Circles - especially in 2012 to impress humanity from a cheap sale person - and Wormholes to move from one level of Consciousness to another level. It has covered the whole spectrum of human organized religions and Inter-Realms Dependent Nature of Existence. Most significance is an attempt of Illuminati masters-slaves New World Order (NWO) in its plot to eliminate 90% human population (7+ billion people) in its masters-slaves utopia of one bank, one army and one religion.
The plot had been foiled at the top esoteric layers partly by underlying natural laws and tremendous efforts of involved parties in their conscience of Right and Wrong in one's Continuity of the consciousness. But not at the lower esoteric layers and their human infiltration which have been fractured into different dominant forces, adjusting their strategies and efforts. The bottom line is that everyone is responsible for one's action and the environment one a part in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness" either floating up for an easier and happier life or sinking down due to natural laws[D32] not only of Likes-attract-Likes but Action-Reaction. One has been enslaved to binding Word/Image and clinging Thought for so long to turn one's Right Effort into Wrong Effort generating unnecessary Sufferings for one and the environments one a part. But within the human nature there is a cultivable Conscience / #Prajna / Wisdom to be Free from the knots of outdated Marks Opening hidden Potential for Right Effort rather than Wrong Effort.
There is a 'frictional' saga, but much more 'Real' with 'Actual Facts' than the 'Truth and Only Truth' defended by organized religions such as the One from the evil Roman Catholic Church with its claimed 'Infallibility', 'Redeemer', 'Salvation', 'Born Again', 'Eternal Hell and Forever Heaven'. There is no way to prove one way or other, except some hard evidences connected to the latest phenomenon of Extra Terrestrial (ET) and recorded tapes from the Vietnamese channel 'Xuân Mai' seen from 1975 to 2007 in Vietnam, US, Canada via Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and her associates. We encourage those who knew Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva via 'Xuân Mai' - especially with recorded tapes - go public to share their learned lessons. We unfortunately destroyed related evidences when we have taken the challenge to be torch carriers since 2004 that we have unconsciously carried out in many past lives, partially assisted by the "Good-according-to-Natural-Law" Esoteric Circle in our continuous process of Learning and Doing. We define "Good" according to #Prajna / Conscience of Right and Wrong leading to "Right Effort in one's Continuity of the consciousness" sensing the Right Place Right Time for a decisive Right Action.
By 2025, there is no need to prove Thing-As-It-Is inter-realms communications and collaborations since the same group via different channels has appeared in Vietnam and US at gradually changing core message toward what we view as the new Golden Era that no esoteric[R20.1], [R20], [R20.2] and/or human forces can resist to perpetuate their ignorance of masters-slaves relationships. We can now scientifically prove the esoteric sabotage - implemented by their armies of hard-core persistent professional cheaters in human realm[D31] - of Gotama's "End of Dukkha"[D44] into imaginary utopia of Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana which can be scientifically debunked by the "conservation of energy and mass" similar to the debunk of entire Christianity about the Forever God with the second law of thermodynamics. We now have a solid and significant story to tell and concrete deliverable technologies to kick off the new Era of KhaiPhong. We totally rewrite AwakeningBudh contents under a new angle and title "KhaiPhong".
The sabotages from the third esoteric force can be seen at the highest level from Vietnamese CAO ĐÀI @ minute 1:50 HỘI LONG HOA in their Three Periods of General Help / Tam Kỳ Phổ Độ, and (1) under scientific investigations of many Buddhist Mahayana Texts to unravel its "Agenda" such as Shurangama[D33] and Saddharma-pundarika[D49], (2) evil dragon images in Christian Churches and (3) working dragon slaves of the Bodhisattva in the east. Their behind-the-scene plots - driven by another esoteric force, connected to the history of the United States - can be seen through the Lucifer in Christian Churches, secret societies penetrated in both west and east including middle-east Islam. Recently they go public, first through channel messages and ET such as Bashar[R20] and others, then officially disclose their organisation in slightly different objectives, and personally testifying among human persons from different countries their galactic connections. Riding on their strength and comparative advantages in possessing huge financial resources plus degenerated consciousness technologies driven by Greed and Fears below animal kingdoms in negative Fibonacci sequence, they are (1) influencing world politics and economics while (2) enforcing more desires for knowledge to enforce the power of "self" in masters-slaves relationships rather than "beyond self" in a wider perspective of Worthy Existence according to Natural Laws. This Buddhist "Not-Self / Selfless" can be empirically verified in the "#Awareness" of Consciousness, transcending both Observed and the Observer under the known Buddhist "Infinite Consciousness / Gotama's Jhana 5" and beyond to empirically verify the Oneness of existence.
The "image of an Owl for Buddhists and Christians or white light for Muslims" was used to directly control and order their human slaves who are leaders with resources to Enslave or Help the World if and only if they can realize that their immoral stealing and cheating cannot be continued forever. If you are suddenly not aware of what you are doing - including in important business deals, signing legal documents, violent behaviors and abusing others working for you that later you cannot even understand why you did that, and/or paralyzed when some image such as an Owl for Buddhists and Christians or white light for Muslims appeared in your mind - you are already affected at different degrees. You are a subject, remotely controlled to use your unique comparative advantages - through a long road of your evolution - manifested in the physical brain to carry their orders when they want. Most are not even allowed a quiet moment precisely defined in HuiNeng's Wu-Nien or KhaiPhong's [ Awareness / "Kiến Tánh" ] for deeper and wider reflection since their controlling technique is outside 'Chaos' leading to outside 'Order' by force and violence to totally suppress your inner Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas.
Ask yourself why you cannot use your cool / calm / smartness that you know it is innate in you in all activities, being an Integrated Person, fully responsible for your actions and the environment you are a part. Now we understand why horrible violent / bloody events driving billion lives into unnecessary sufferings have been happened under the names of religions, utopia and isms of "indoctrinated binding Word/Image and clinging Thought" as soft power and brutally enforceable via Greed and Fears "strictly done in chain commands of the totalitarian system" of selected tops having feudal systems as the foundation and governments of that totalitarian system where all they need is to control few "keyed slaves at the top" that is now well documented about secret societies. The dark period of that "biggest Mafia system / inter-realms autocracy / bảng phong thần at the lowest level" has come to the end visibly marked from 2012 due to underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Like in the quality of identified "Alaya / Soul". The Good News is that their plots have been foiled and top-leaders are subjected to the natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes according to the Quality of their Consciousness. We are happy to announce that their esoteric middle layers orchestrated by Amitabha-Amitayus Buddha with his immoral "voodoo / bùa thay hồn đổi xác" has been totally annihilated since 2023-07-09 for the movement of Harmonious NWO (New World Order) where the fruitful Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations may happen.
If you have paid billion US dollars to buy other "soul / alaya / IamX" to intentionally commit a crime against the morality and justice of underlying natural laws on top of your "communist Mafia crimes using your cunning intelligence of negative Fibonacci degeneration as actually happened in VietNam since 2012, or for a place in Amitabha-Amitayus current and future empire, and you still living "you know we are directly talking to you". You better carrefully read this book Preface and its Contents, and have a Chatham-House-Rule conversation with Dr. Duong BaTien being part of the Engineering Roadmap in your Continuity of the consciousness. No One can be cheating and/or against the underlying natural laws forever in a very high stake of 60,000+ man years of evolution as what happened according to Natural Laws to Amitabha-Amitayus Buddha who is technically an Accountable creator like you and I who must bring something beneficial to the International and Inter-Realm Trading table; so does the claimed Cha Trời 2023 : Thiên Vụ Phật Tiên Thánh Và Biến Chuyển Trời Đất. We are together in a new "Era of Consciousness Evolution" where everyone can be a part in "Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good" currently protected by "Human Rights at both mental (Soul / Alaya / IamX) and physical levels" and will be spread throughout Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations for the integrity of one's Continuity of the identified consciousness ("Soul / Alaya / IamX") and either physical and/or astral bodies "Not Being Slave to any unworthy" as a part of enforceable "Rule-of-Law" from "Too Big To Fail" in KhaiPhong equal footing of Self Respect and Respect Others amongst intelligent beings (Human / Esoterics / ETs). We even know the lowest levels in that autocracy food-chain actually doing the system operations, such as Mother "Thánh Anh" responsible for training "Trạng" and taking charge of the system's operations of appointed reincarnations in human realm which proves that she "cannot force her way against the underlying natural laws" as we "actually know the attempted reincarnation cases" of Amitabha Buddha and the King of God into human bodies since their consciousness qualities - at that time - were not qualified in Latin Humanitas (Biology, Compassion, #Prajna) from their many 1000+ years of degeneration described in the negative Fibonacci degeneration below the Animal Energy due to Extreme Desire. Here is the greatest opportunities in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations via integration of radio and consciousness technologies for the benefits of all involved parties augmented with Accountable and Transparent processes from scientific "proof of stake in smart contracts" of multi-parties and future multi-realms smart contracts using Ethical AI.
AvalokiteshvaraBodhisattva - the Bodhisattva recorded in Buddhist Texts.
She was supposely the author of "Sound Technology" as recorded in Shurangama Sutra[D33], and capable to have [ ontological type of "TranscendentalAwareness" to replace Gotama's Right Mindfulness of his Eightfold Path to explicitly enforce required Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent for a wider view of the focused event / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Vietnamese KienTanh ] having explicitly [ smart pointers #Awareness, #Prajna ] at seven (7) levels up to the [ KnowingThought at level 5, CareViaCosmicEnergy at level 6, HelpViaCosmicEnergy at level 7 ]. We esoterically know the Buddhist Heart Sutra, coming from the teacher Avalokiteshvara (not Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva) who must also be an Accountable member and a Responsible part of the Whole in his Continuity of the consciousness mathematically described at minute 6:25 of complex Fibonacci positive evolution Else degenerated just like the Chirstian Father God or the Buddhist Amitabha. It was a conversation using the process of "self / duality" to "not-self / selfless / Oneness" and back to "self / duality" with Sariputtra who asked for further clarification and was badly degenerated due to Not Scientifically Knowing Underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The deliverable processes of moving from conflicting activities such as "the politics of hate and post-truth politics" on the duality plane of Conflicting consciousness toward the "No-Conflict Consciousness" of #EmptyTheContent via reversed engineering actual qualities of identified students from different angles such as "Conflicting Religions sustainable by esoteric and human unworthy people" will effortlessly clean up these unworthy people while forcing all religions, civilizations, cultures, and isms, etc, deliver tangible and measurable benefits which can be done with available technologies of 4.0 Industrial Revolution. The beneficial processes are scientific and statistically significant.
We use the term 'Good (Kindness) Person (Samaritan)' or 'Silent Bodhisattva' to refer to those living according to the 'Parable of the Good Samaritan'[R16], or in the Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings in One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One. The deliverable processes of Scientifically Cultivable Prajna also exposes 60,000+ human years of cheating processes in esoteric realms up to the highest level of Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] evidenced from Buddhist Lotus Sutra - Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra[D49] on the question "faced by almost all people" about the issue of "Infinite Thoughts" and its practical solution of "Wu-Nien / TranscendentalAwareness / Vô Niệm / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } to know more about oneself.
Awaken - a moment of sudden realisation or breakthrough coming from an "Intensity of Attention" on certain issue, outside normal conditioned box. The mechanism for this Sudden Awaken is #SamadhiPrajna - ranging from Layered No-Conflict Consciousness at "EquanimityAwareness F1 = 1" to the empirically highest quality of Un-moving Sunyata known by Gotama and HuiNeng at "VisibleSamadhiPrajna F8 = 21" on the positive Fibonacci around F-dimension - where #Samadhi enables one see Thing-As-It-Is and #Prajna provides optimal way toward What Count to make Things happened based on one's current comparative advantages. That moment of Insight is very light and natural, especially in the scientifically cultivable Awakening process augmented by ethical AI having Natural Purification from #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness stable at different Signed Posts.
This scientific definition of "Awaken" is "100% Different and a Challenge" to 2500+ years of Buddhist meditations and cultivation processes handed down from "mindfulness of breathing - Anapanasati"[D24], the Great Frames of Reference Digha Nikaya 22 (MahaSatipatthana Sutta)[D25], "Sudden Enlightenment and Gradual Cultivation" as understood by most monks except HuiNeng[R5]. This is a very tall order and we stand on it in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong
The issues of Anapanasati[D24], MahaSatipatthana Sutta[D25] and their possible solutions are briefly explained in their references that we used another Buddhist Sutra - Diamond / The Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra[R7] - to show their "Having No Rice / TrancendentalAwareness" and "Useless" in "Cooking Sand" to expect "Cooked Rice" in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. Using set theory, we prove that "a conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality As It Is"[D19]. We then use the quotes from Mahamudra-Upadesa[D41] given by Sri Tilopa to Naropa on the correct process to transform 'Ignorance' from the current conditioned mud of sufferings into actual Living of Worthy Existence (1) to enforce "a conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality As It Is" and (2) demonstrate the upside-down of the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha in its claimed process of [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] contrary to Gotama process in the Prajna division of The eightfold Path [ Prajna >< Virtue >< Stability ] where we prove that most Buddhist [ monks / nuns / followers ] know nothing about the Right and Wrong while violating fundamental ethical code set up by Gotama.
In the "Gradual Cultivation" either through [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] and/or missinterpretation of the ShenHsiu (due to the absence of Detachment and Effortless Intensity of Attention unreacheable by most monks / nuns in the well-known zen contest on the Nature of Mind), we prove its fallacy due to "a conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality As It Is". One's "messy state" due to not Knowing oneself - or the lack of inner Order - is further messing up with temporary "outside order" to enforce one's Outdated Marks without the "Right Understanding and "Right Motivation" in the #Prajna division of the Eightfold Path acting as a guiding light to one's efforts. These are popular practices in all organized religions - where Buddhism is a part - in "Praying" and "Using calming beads" to dull one's Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh, seeking the "Outer Order" out of the chaos in Wrong Effort driven by enforcing outdated Marks of the senses, rather than the lasting value from "#EmptyTheContent" for a Right Effort.
When starting from the "states" and "stock" of one's Wisdom / #Prajna / Conscience, the "Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" about one's understanding and motivation in regard to the Issue and its complex Dependent Nature driven by intentional efforts of all involved parties plus "something more" are activated and sharpen to dynamically adjust one's "Right Effort" according to "Thing As It Is" not according to one's "Imaginary Nature". That is why Kindness and Empathy form the solid foundation for one's sensing the Issue and its environments, including hidden dangers and opportunities from the invisible of "something more". Furthermore, the "Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" in the states and stock of one's Wisdom / #Prajna / Conscience are cultivable from discovered scientific processes riding on natural laws for heavy lifting.
Therefore, "Gradual Cultivation" is the cultivation right from "At Home / Figure 7" relevant to one's situation and current challenge to explore the dynamic interactions between Right Effort (with Self) (patch A) and the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict (Patch C) in Figure 2 for a "Sudden Awaken" then the continuous "Sudden Awakening" to actually know XuanZang "Outside-the-box / Consciousness of the consciousness"[D19] in his explanation of Consciousness-Only[D39]. This "Gradual Cultivation" is a part in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.
In the "Sudden Awaken" or "Sudden Enlightenment" as commonly known from HuiNeng, here is some recorded text from the self-claimed enlighten zen master Shen-Hui that scholars[R5.1 - page 119] relied on for some understanding from HuiNeng Wu-Nien without a critical scientific investigation: "He who has definitely attained the experience of Mind retains his no-thought-ness (wu-nien) even when his body is cut to pieces ... He is solid as a diamond, he is firm and immovable. Even when all the Buddhas appear, ..., not the least feeling of joy moves in him. Even when beings equal number of sands of the Ganges disappear all at once, not the least feeling of pity moves in him. He abides in the thought of emptiness and absolute sameness...". It is the shamelessly boosting of HuiNeng's followers who know nothing about "Oneness / Non-Duality / Thing-As-It-Is". That explains why the debate about #SamadhiPrajna between the Chinese and Indian scholars at Nalanda University went astray since non of them knew both #Samadhi and #Prajna according to "HuiNeng actual experience". It is similar to the chasm between Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only about self and not-self at the "Word level" without "Direct Experience in Nagarjuna Ultimate (Wider) Truth and Asanga Perfected Nature"
That "Sudden Awaken" is a breakthrough of conditioned existence on the Issue one is deeply concerned in whatever relevant field of specialised domain. Its scientific mechanism was picked up" by Krishnamurti, called "Intensity of Attention"[R6.1]. He unknowingly solved the bitter chasm between Nagarjuna Madhyamaka of Not-Self and Asanga Consciousness-Only with "Self" in conditioned existence for a Right Effort and "Not-Self" in the Perfected Nature. It is true that there are different depths and stability of "Not-Self", and that depth can be cultivable via "Natural Purification" in Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict amid conditioned existence.
But that "Sudden Awaken" does not break the Links of Causes and Effects as taught and accepted by most monks and nuns in their "destruction of Ignorance". What it does provide is the sufficient conditions according to natural laws applicable to that individual for switching between "Ignorance" and "Prajna" in a particular aspect to turn "Craving - Tanha" and "Clinging - Upadana" into "Detachment" and HonNhien plus deeper sensing of the driving forces behind Volition / Freewill / Sankhara to properly mange one's reality.
If we look at a very long evolution of one's stream of consciousness with innumerable visible and invisible outdated marks along the way, the scientific understanding of this "Awaken" makes sense. So even Gotama knowing the "Cessation of Dukkha called Nirvana" that knowing and Awaken is only at that moment and fully subjected to Links of Causes and Effects, whether these causes and effects coming from Ignorance or Prajna shown in Table 2. It is not the "destruction of Ignorance" either by [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] and/or scientifically infeasible Vipassana[R7] in concentration since a "darkness" cannot destroy another "darkness". It is the light from #Prajna to effortlessly dispel the "darkness" and this "Sudden Awakening" is a part in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.
The Awaken moment can be purely at the Brain Intelligence which is mechanical and/or Wholesome Awakening to Open the Hidden Part of the Brain in a carry-on continuous process at deeper layer of Consciousness. Scientifically, the wiring are required in Patches A and B in Figure 2 for accessing something beyond in Patch C that empirically one can be at the border line of conditioned and unconditioned and even reaching a momentary Unmoving Sunyata, named by Gotama as Nirvana. Therefore, those having a sudden breakthrough as in scientific discoveries and/or consciousness Awakening, it is important to stabilize the process for its carry-on lasting values in one's continuity of the consciousness.
Without embedded natural Rightness and Wrongness in one's behaviours - Conscience / #Prajna - there is no common vibration from the "True Heart or definition of Mind [R7]" as Oneness of Existence; the act of Generosity and Giving is then driven by the Grasp-er and the Grasped for a hallucinated "self", the source of all sufferings. Here is the difference between (Siddhi) miraculous powers of the Grasp-er and the Grasped and #Prajna / Conscience where Siddhis are some of its natural outcomes beyond the conditioned physical and mental boxes.
The outcome of this scientific exposition is to make known (1) the "Practicalities of the Emptiness" at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna or the upside-down of the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha in its claimed process of [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] contrary to Gotama process in the #Prajna division of The (modified) Eightfold Path [ #Prajna >< Virtue >< Stability ], or worship of the "mean" without reaching the "target" by other organised religions, (2) the consistent and continuous process of "Sudden Awaken" and "Gradual Cultivation" to open the knots of outdated Marks and expand one's Potentiality, (3) the complement between "Not-Self" in Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D38] and interaction between "Self" and "Not-Self" in Asanga Consciousness-Only[D39] to empirically experience the "Verifiable Emptiness", (4) the cultivable dynamic nature between the Right Effort (hữu niệm) and the Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict (wu-nien) via the Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] in both the Science and Economics (allocating scare resources) of KhaiPhong. Related: KhaiPhong, ComPassion, #Prajna.
BeyondThought - commonly known as XuanZang's 'outside-the-box / Consciousness of the consciousness' of preconceived ideas and/or conditioned to see 'Thing-As-It-Is'[R1] and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count.
This scientific fact (observable and reproducible) is put side-by-side to contrast with the zen tradition of wu-nien (no-thought-ness) as a measurable metric of Sudden Awaken at the Observed. Similar to Conscience, Love, Emptiness, Buddhist Impermanence and 'Not-Self', the 'Beyond Thought' is cultivable. It is a natural process due to Purification of the senses from accumulated Stock of #EmptyTheContent, and Transcendental-Awareness to see 'Thing-As-It-Is', being Aware at the source of thought and its Volition. It is the outcome of one's Conscience (technically defined as Prajna) at both the casual manifestation as Transcendental #Awareness and/or at serious matter / cutting off dominant karmic force by pounding the Transcendental #Awareness on the Intensity of Attention point to put one's total Quality to the front line of solving the real 'Pain' or 'Inner Quest'. Related: #Prajna, Conscience, #Samadhi, Inside the box / Outside the box.
Bhavana - commonly known as Reflection, or being Aware of precious Qualities veiled by Ignorance and Imagination.
It is Dhyana (Thiền) if and only if it can break its conditioned boundary. Mathematically, Bhavana is Dhyana when one moves from duality of existence in Patches (Sets) A and B to Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict at different depths of Patch (Set) C as illustrated in Figure 2. This is so since with one on the TRUTH plane Y - perpendicular to the duality plane X of the event in Figure 11.1 to #Prajna from Fibonaaci plane - one can see beyond the mask of the observed and the veil of observer (via one's tainted senses) outside the boxes of both observer-observed in patch (Set) C. That movement is the secret of Madhyamaka to move from Relative Truth to 'Absolute (Wider) Truth' - outside the box, unreachable by the Dalai Lama XIV in his understanding of Nagarjuna Madhyamaka in the entire life of being a Buddhist monk - for an Insight into the Emptiness. The Figure visually demonstrates that Madhyamaka 'Absolute/Wider Truth' only means outside-the-box of pattern-conditioned duality existence, and that outside-the-box has different depths of #AwarenessPrajna according to Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness[D29]. It is theoretically known as Dharmapala-XuanZang Consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness. It is the same as Asanga's classification to move from narrow scope veiled by conditioned patterns of Imaginary Nature illustrated in Sets A and B to wider scope of Perfected Nature at different depths for its infusion of Natural Purification to be closer to the Dependent Nature of wider-scope "Thing-As-It-Is".
Empirically and technically, the #Prjana division of the (modified) Eightfold Path (Right Understanding and Right Motivation) is tainted by the conditioned patterns of Reflection (Bhavana) or "Perception" in Buddhist five skandhas [ forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness ]. It is possible - and a target of New Era in Science of Consciousness - for an instantaneous Right Understanding and Right Motivation under the state of #SamadhiPrajna (Định Tuệ) which has different depths of Verifiable Emptiness[D29] where there is a Union (a point in positive Fibonacci evolution) of Emptiness (#Samadhi / positive Y of Transcendental Inner Peace) and Awareness (positive X of Detachment). The difference between these is the difference in transcending the Observed and transcending both the Observed and the Observer for deeper understanding of "Thing-As-It-Is" that leads either to measurable 'Wrong Effort' or 'Right Effort' that one can Honestly See from [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ]. Related: Dhyana, ComPassion, #Prajna, #Samadhi.
Bliss / 'Ananda' - frequently used in Hindu SatChitAnanda to describe a sensation of happiness in sustained Concentration and #Samadhi, in the Thing-As-It-Is without Conflicts. Sat means worthy existence. Chit means consciousness.
Scientifically, it is associated with Pineal Gland and the natural production of neurotransmitter dopamine, the chemical through which our mechanical bodies experience some happiness.
Without the Detachment in the first observable attribute of #EmptyTheContent, the happiness from Thing-As-It-Is without conflict, regardless of the cause (such as the Highest Tantra great bliss of completion stage, siddhis / miraculous powers[D54], aspiration from the Heart, getting High caused by external chemical substance, directed "love / non-violence / compassion / worthy cause" charity marketed by organized religions, kindness Samaritan, etc), is mystified with the 'Bliss / Happiness' to be an object of the 'Grasped' (Grahya - Cái Chiếm Hữu) from the 'Grasp-er' (Grahaka - Người Chiếm Hữu) who becomes addicted to either the 'actual happiness' and/or just the 'imagination'.
In these 'kinds of happiness', the light happiness of kindness Samaritan has in it the embedded "Detachment" so all required Intensity of Attention and associated emotions connected to the act of kindness are naturally dropped when the action is completed. It is civilized, practical, and 180-degree different from the cheating process of Buddhist "Bliss and Emptiness" mystified under Vaijrayana and Tantra. Related: ComPassion, #Prajna, Sunyata.
Buddha / Bodhisattva - subjectively called by an inspired who thinks that person knows the Essence of the Oneness Budh qualified by HuiNeng as a Buddhist Counselor, and has the ability to Guide others toward achievable qualities that go beyond Conflicting Duality (Things).
The word Bodhisattva/Buddha imply a direct knowledge of 'Awaken then Awakening'. Everyone has some moment of awaken, actually learned from one's mistake, and change oneself (awakening) to help change the environment due to ComPassion from the True Heart.
The one who claims to Know (meditation/esoteric masters, all-knowing god, Bodhisattva/Buddha in a sense of a person who Knows) does not Know since to know is static at one particular instance while living is a continuous dynamic process of evolving, of Sharing Happiness (Từ) Mitigating Sufferings (Bi).
One is Only a part of the Whole, having the innate Buddha Nature, a Sine Qua Non or Corollary of Axiom Living, that can be cultivated to be awaken then Awakening leading toward the 'Sunyata Non-Thingness' in one's Continuity of the consciousness i.e. the state where no dust (sin) can stick. Related: Buddhist, ComPassion, #Prajna, Sunyata.
Buddhist - coming from the root 'Budh / Know' or the one Exploring the innate Buddha Nature, capable to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment.
In this sense, all living forms (animals, spirits, persons, gods, etc) having a sense of an agent are Buddhists. We use a narrower definition of Buddhist which is
- qualified by Gotama as a person who has an Inner Quest (from the Right Thing to do, a nagging feeling, a pain/unsatisfied), putting 'Right Effort' searching for the solution of Who I Am. The possible solution - contributed by Gotama from his Inner Quest - is empirically verifiable at observable signed posts of #EmptyTheContent that purify one's senses for Stability in the flux of 'Changing' (viparinama-dukkha) and 'Conditioned' (sankhara-dukkha), or
- qualified by KhaiPhong Ecosystem as the one continuously putting Right Effort in manifestation of Kindness (Từ), Empathy (Bi) for a possible breakthrough via #Prajna (Bát Nhã, Trí Huệ), the innate attributes of the Buddha Nature observable in Detachment and HonNhien as defined in Latin Humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Prajna) toward a Worthy 'Sharing Happiness (Từ) - Mitigating Sufferings (Bi)'. The 'Worthy' driven by #Prajna is beyond word/image and thought, beyond conditioned feelings and perceptions, in-tune with the momentary need of the Nature.
This culture is described as being (1) a Good Person (Tu Nhân) cultivating Gotama's "Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood" in (2) exploring the Essence of exerting Right Effort, TranscendentalAwareness and #EmptyTheContent (Transcendental-Inner-Peace). This is the community implementations of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path using Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác) { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } and/or HuiNeng's Awaken via "#SamadhiPrajna" as statistically significant Right Understanding and Right Motivation of all important events.
In KhaiPhong, one can replace the word 'Buddhist' with 'the one who has some "Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien" to Know more about Oneself' { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }. We expect a new branch of science qualified at Master and Ph.D. sitting on top of current Psychology and Neuroscience, and using "appropriately designed and collected Big Data for Ethical AI" in discovering underlying natural laws and their optimized processes in forming and influencing from layered Consciousness represented in both positive and negative Fibonacci sequence around the F-dimension, empirically observed here. It is orthogonal to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness where scales of HuiNeng's Wu-Nien or Gotama's TranscendentalAwareness lies in the two-dimensional [ 360o-focused-event and X-dimension ], and #EmptyTheContent proven in Khaiphong's Signed Posts (or Gotama's recorded Jhanas) as Y-dimension for an "outside-the-box" to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count. The [ 360o-focused-event and X-dimension ] is likely in the human realm at the base Fibonacci [ Fo = 0 ] where there are wide ranges of intelligence from different domains and fields with common denominator defined in Latin Humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Prajna) naturally selected by Nature and partially influenced by different realms on the F-dimension. XuanZang's "Outside-the-Box / Consciousness of the consciousness" on the Y-dimension of intelligence can be accessed by intelligent beings at different consciousness layers descibed in both positive (Prajna) and negative (cunning intelligence) Fibonacci sequence to drive the mathematically proven better-off position A for both parties in international trade to point B via cunning intelligence (evidenced in the exchange "land for bible" between North America Indians and the Whites) or C via #Prajna where [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] (probably to be proven in the [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] conflicts by the reincarnation of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm to fulfill his 500-year prediction using his innate "#AwarenessPrajna in Forecasting" [ F7 = 13 ]). Specialized human bodies where different identified [ Soul / Alaya ] can access (the video was removed) via either Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva or ET consciousness technologies for Inter-realms Communications and Collaborations can be easily replaced with a specilized robot in integration of radio and consciousness technologies.
The graduates are qualified as trained "Budh Counselors, Esoterics, and ETs" practically helping their clients in this "evolution process" toward Self-Selfless Actualization in Making Life Easier and Happier. Related: Awaken, ComPassion, #Prajna, Sunyata, Buddha / Bodhisattva.
Compassion - common vibration of energy to elevate and assist living forms to a higher level of Consciousness, conducive to Purity-Tranquillity (Khiết An - Thanh Khiết An Lành) of existence. From KhaiPhong modeling of evolution and degeneration observed in Fibonacci positive and negative sequences, compassion comes from the wider view of the Right and Wrong in conscience observable in manifested "Kindness and Empathy" for natural evolution of outside-the-box Y-dimension or in the "#Awareness of Kindness and Empathy" beyond the bullying of animal for the breakthrough of the degeneration on the F-dimension where one does not have a moment of "complete Silence of Thought as asked by the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva[D49].
The common vibration of energy usually embraces both Kindness (mettā - tâm từ) (a driving force to drive you Sharing Happiness and resources you may not need to make others happy) and Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi) (a driving force to enable you feel the pains of others, driving you do something as if they are your own pains).
Similar to Emptiness, both Kindness and Empathy are BeyondThought. A Thought - such as arguments in voluminous Buddhist meditation on Emptiness, Bodhisattva or Bodhicitta at conditioned thought - cannot touch the BeyondThought. Implementation of this BeyondThought will turn 2500+ years of upside-down Buddhism to the right-side up of Gotama discoveries.
The Prajna division of the (modified) Eightfold Path of RightUnderstanding RightMotivation for a RightEffort have the Inner cultivation via Emptiness in TranscendentalAwareness and #EmptyTheContent, and the Outer visible manifestation of the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind (Kindness, Empathy, Joy, Detachment) embedded in our consciousness angle of the totality (Compassion, Detachment, HonNhien, Prajna) in Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood. We use these four Boundless Qualities of the Mind as worthy principles to guide Good Activities and Relationships since they are the rated levels to be (1) naturally qualified by Nature as a person having enough Kindness and Empathy for a breakthrough from duality plane of conflicting consciousness, and (2) cultivable "Prajna" for the manifestations of Morality and Justice according to underlying natural laws for "Living & Being in Joy and Happiness which we expect it is the new Era of Conscious Living in all Activities and Relationships at all Places.
It elevates one's quality of consciousness toward a useful existence in the scale from extreme hallucinated Self Centric to Indivisible (meaning of 'individual' according to Krishnamurti) from the Whole according to a Scientific Fact.
ComPassion is sustainable by Ethics. A thought of ComPassion is Not ComPassion, just like the Love is not there when there is a show-off, a description in whatever form including exposing the heart as the marketing image from the Roman Catholic Church to show off what it does not know nor have; a thought of love is not Love. Related: Bhavana, Dhyana, Samadhi, Prajna, Sunyata.
Concentration - defined as the ability to keep the Mind at its target via directed effort to eliminate the interference of other simultaneously arising signals for [body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities].
An intense Concentration brings some 'silence' but without the foundation of Detachment, the Grasp-er is already there to Grasp the 'quiteness of the mind' and its achievement of "I win You loose zero-sum game" to enforce the ego. Related: Bliss, Bhavana, Dhyana, Samadhi.
Conscience - an inner feeling or voice acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
The Buddha links the positive aspect of conscience to a pure heart and a calm, well-directed mind: "when the mind is face to face with the Truth, a self-luminous spark of thought is revealed at the inner core of ourselves and, by analogy, all reality." [Edward Conze. Buddhism: Its Essence and Development. 1959 p. 162]. It is also related to ComPassion fully developed into the system of scientific facts of six Perfections: [ Generosity, Ethics, Patience, Energetic, Right Samadhi, Prajna ]. In the West, it is connected to the Good Samaritan. In modern term, Conscience is related to 'the Right Thing to do' [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] .
Conscience is now scientifically cultivable, transcending 'Binding Word/Image' and 'Clinging Thought' molded / conditioned in all 'isms' and cultures. Its Qualities [ ComPassion, Detachment, HonNhien, Prajna ] have direct impact on the Quality of one's present and future Worthy Existence. Technically, we define Conscience as the "sine qua non" of Prajna whose casual manifestation is TranscendentalAwareness to see 'Thing As It Is' and its Insight arising from accumulated (Stock) "Empty-The-Content" (Samma-Samadhi). It drives the Volition (Sankhara) to the Right Action, instead of Ignorance leading to Sufferings; both Rightness and Wrongness have the full consequences of one's Action. Related: Prajna, Compassion, Samadhi.
Desire - the cause of an action via body, speech and mind having its presence through discursive thoughts.
With higher intensity, desire becomes Greed - one of 3 Poisons to degenerate oneself according to Scientific Facts to a lower level of more sufferings to wake up one's Buddha Nature. Faith - enforced by indoctrination - is a desire, not a Spontaneous Action of HonNhien, and different from Aspiration which raises the spirit to higher level having Detachment different from addicted pattern of Faith. Related: HonNhien, Grahya, Grahaka.
Dharma - from the root Dhr means to hold, and in the view of Gotama, signify one's righteous action to support the growth and evolution of the Whole.
Dharma has in it embedded Ethics according to Scientific Facts in KhaiPhong since Fact is 'Thing-As-It-Is' and 'Scientific due to Dependent Nature' either at theoretical/logical level to be later proved or rejected, at empirically verifiable processes, and at a wide range of applications due to the reproducible Fact. Related: ComPassion, Prajna, Sunyata.
Dhyana - translated as Chan (Chinese), Zen (Japanese) or Thiền (Vietnamese).
It refers to a deep state in the cultivation of Clarity to see 'Thing-As-It-Is' and Insight, incorporating frequent Reflection (Bhavana) whose outcomes are Prajna and Effortless #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, observable as the HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) and verifiable at signed posts in observable attributes of the Gotama's Jhanas: (1) Detachment, (2) Tranquillity, (3) Equanimity, (4) Purity, (5) Expanding Space, (6) Expanding Consciousness, (7) Sunyata Non-Thingness, (8) Border line of conditioned and unconditioned, (9) Unmoving Sunyata.
HuiNeng[R5], [R5.2] defined 'To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental (#EmptyTheContent) Inner Peace is #Samadhi. When we are in a position to deal with Dhyana and to keep our inner mind in that Inner Peace, then we are said to have attained Dhyana and Samadhi'. The assertion can be stated as: meditation exists if and only if there is a transcendental state of Samadhi known as "#EmptyTheContent" to be fully vibrant in the action but 'free from attachment to all outer objects' once the action completed. The Samadhi (#EmptyTheContent) is further qualified in "Detachment" for the meaning of #EmptyTheContent Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi) according to both Gotama and HuiNeng.
Referring to Figure 2, Reflection (Bhavana) has to transcend its boundary of international trade mathematically proven better-off for both parties at Point A or cunning intelligence at Point B for a Fresh outside-the-box Point C to be called Meditation (Dhyana) where Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict Transcendental Inner Peace is experienced. The Transcendental Inner Peace has different depths of verifiable qualities that we suggest as initial signed posts to mark different degrees of Natural Purification to explore and discover different trails leading to them.
That boundary transcendental action is known as breaking the crust of sesame seed for its oil from Tilopa[D39]. Its mechanism is a piece of Truth discovered by Krishnamurti called the effortless 'Intensity of Attention'. Under this definition, all known Buddhist meditations - without transcendental states sold by professional cheaters, incapable to pass the Gateway to Oneness Tranquillity, identified in Gotama's second stage of #Samadhi - are Not Meditations as claimed in their thousands years of Duality[D19] having "No Rice / Wu-Nien / TranscendentalAwareness / Kiến Tánh" in their Useless cooking-sand but expecting and selling as cooked-rice. Dhyana (State) enables one's current dominant issues properly manageable with TranscendentalAwareness and #Prajna blah blah blah by Buddhist cheating monks and nuns as [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác< ][D22] of what they do not know nor have. Related: Compassion, Prajna, Sunyata, Bhavana, Samadhi.
Emptiness - literally means having 'nothing' but space for required utilities. The ontology of "Emptiness" is more than the literal definition of current physical science. The nature or "Being" of the Emptiness has been discovered 2500+ years ago by Gotama. We aspire to scientifically revitalize that "Verifiable Emptiness" to enable most people directly access the innate precious quality of the [ Buddha Nature, Latin humanitas, Kingdom of God within ] as an epistemic objective.
Even in visible physical matter, there is mostly Empty Space, hold together by strong force. So do the five mental entanglements (skandhas) [ forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness ] due to inherited conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) in the perceptions which acts as a strong force of containerized forms, feelings, impulses from visible and invisible consciousness of the mind. They are Changed (viparinama-dukkha), scientifically expressed at Planck time in the second law of Thermodynamics, hence "Empty of the Substance or Buddhist Not-Self / Selfless"[D20.1]. This is Gotama "rational" arguments for "Not-Self" without presenting his empirical evidence nor the Then What in the implication of "Not-Self". There is an empirical verification of Thing-As-It-Is when one knows Gotama's Jhanas from level 5 to 9 of Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness, Non-Thingness, etc, since there is an #Awareness of these states, and the description of Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness, Non-Thingness is Not the Described. So, personal verification of Not-Self is a Reality of "Thing-As-It-Is". It is scientifically known - as explained in the video - that one uses the most up to 3% - 5% (increase from 2% assertion in the video) of one's consciousness potentialities from one's and community's accumulated knowledges. The rests of information are dormant in one's containerized storehouse of consciousness [ Alaya / Soul (store-house / ālāyavijñāna) ] and information from the field. It is the Perceptions veiled by the grips of Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought indoctrinated by all Isms to render one unneccessary dukkhas from Oneness to diversities, enslaving one to their hallucinated masters of this and that and preventing one back to Harmonious Oneness (Returning to the Source) for reborn and rejuvenation NOT KNOWING more about oneself and the Raison D'être of one's existence.
The video explains "snatching technologies or Voodoos" from different entities; its solution is "totally Detached / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心"[R7]. It falls into the "chicken and eggs" and tautology issue as in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. It does not provide the scientific process to start from present state of one's existence to the reqired state and Detachment at different degrees in different environments for different issues. Similarly, the processes of birth, aging, illness and death are ONLY observable and projections of the Tao Ignorance in zero-sum game of its Yin-Yang and the Devine Creator rather than observable Thing-As-It-Is according to some fundamental Natural Laws observable everywhere in the Nature, mathematically described in complex Fibonacci sequence. It is ignorant since consciousness is a form of energy which can ONLY be transformed and NOT DESTROYED as hallucinated by Falun-Gong and/or cheating Buddhism, either evolution being and Accountable creator in Responsible Creaion or degeneration being naturally regulated to wake up one's Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods within, mathematically observable in Fibonacci sequence unknown in the past feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. All manifestations - including the claimed Devine Creator(s) who are empirically proven as cheater(s) and subjected to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED - are conditioned and changing at Planck time. The TRUTH is any person - qualified by Nature as a Latin humanitas - is an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.
Modern science has looked at the physical world and its being influenced, well-known in the Observer effect. For any Event such as Russia-Ukraine war (Activity, Relationships at any Place), there are many concerned parties with different interests and influences directed to the event. Empirically, if one can see Thing-As-It-Is and sense the net effects of these influences and/or generate instances to direct the infuences toward a desired direction, one can [ "Do the effortless Doing / Wei-Wu-Wei / Bất chiến tự nhiên thành" ] and make Things Happened. Mathematically, on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, there is a Truth Plane of any event, perpendicular to the duality plane that as a naturally qualified Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, prajna) one can "#EmptyTheContent" to the deep level toward Non-Thingness" and/or rise high above of the X-Y Truth plane as illustrated in Figure 2 to clearly see the event for one's strategic decision. Empirically, the processes have been actually and personally demonstrated by Sun Tzu, Zhuge Liang Kongming (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng), Liu Ji (Lưu Bá Ôn). The consciousness technologies to move from Relative Truth on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to the Truth X-Y plane have been demonstrated by Gotama and HuiNeng in transcending Not Only the Observed from the noises on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness But Also the Observer in absence of all the senses (Not-Self, Selfless) for a Prajna Dialectic as theoretically shown in the Figure. KhaiPhong rides on available living students, knowing Not Only this theoretical model at verifiable Signed Posts on the X-dimention and Y-dimension But Also deliver practical outcomes of high valued projects such as { (1) China's "A Clash of Civilizations" (2) Russia-Ukraine Conflicts, (3) Personal Issues of Elites, (4) Ism to bring its Prajna Dialectic to the table, (5) unfinished proposed projects to the Gov. of VietNam } to finance its unique KpPlatform lighting up "consciousness candle light" from the grassroots to implement Trần Quốc Tuấn's [ "lấy dân làm gốc / grounded on people / democracy" ].
KhaiPhong's solution starts from real living persons (1) actually knowing all Gotama's recorded Jhanas and HuiNeng's [ Wu-Nien - No-Mark - Detachment / Vô Niệm - Vô Vết - Vô Trụ ], (2) scientifically reversed engineering their personally achievable states to (2.1) value add Gotama's achievable Right Jhanas into Six Signed Posts of Y-dimension in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and HuiNeng's Wu-Nien into 7 stages of Transcendental #Awareness all starting at the foundation of "Body & Mind" Cleaning riding on the holistic Wholesome approaches of past experiences and modern sciences, (2.2) modify for better description of Gotama's Eightfold Path from Right Mindfulness into "TranscendentalAwareness" type since Gotama pecked his Mindfulness to his Equanimity third Jhana[D29] and the zen ten-ox herding into 7 stages ( At Home on the foundation of Kindness and Empathy, Right Effort, Taming The Ox, Riding The Ox, Non-Thingness, The Source, AwakeningBudh) with modern tools to "Honestly Know" more about oneself in a dynamic process of [ "Normative Intelligence >< AI Positive Intelligence" ] to be At Home in all Activities and Relationships and "Care" for oneself and the environment one a part, (2.3) Riding on current AI technologies from massive recorded data to be augmented to KhaiPhong normative private data of shared communities and of private Persona in Decision Management to know more about oneself, being an Accountable creator and a part of Responsible Creation Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good in Value of the values of one's Continuity of the consciousness, (2.4) exporting Technologies of both normative and positive intelligence according to underlying natural laws in claimed "IamX", Managemet Know-How in Rule-of-Law and Too-Big-To-Fail, and armies of PhDs and post-graduate reserches to Inter-Reamls Communications and Collaborations opening a new Era of continuous Learning and Doing in all Realms of Existence from humanity upward, (2.5) starting the integration of radio and consciousness technologies, injecting "Being" into "Living" for all concerned parties from humanity upward, upholding fundamental "Human Rights" protected for equal opportunities of all intelligent beings in their Continuity of the consciousness.
Contrary to cheating processes - blah blah blah by unworthy people[R18.4] in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas - that once you have "Right Understanding" on the true nature of these skandhas [ forms, feelings, "Perceptions", impulses, consciousness ] as conditioned and changing, you are "Disgusting" with them hence totally clean them up, reaching liberated mind [ "Quán sát như vậy gọi là quán sát chân chánh. Khi đã quán sát chân chánh thì sẽ sinh ra nhàm tởm. Khi đã nhàm tởm thì dứt sạch hỷ tham. Sự dứt sạch hỷ tham được gọi là tâm giải thoát" ]. No! No! No!. All existing manifestations are conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha), and only through "Living & Being" - manifestations of your quality of the consciousness - you can change yourself and the environment toward what count to discover the raison d'être of your existence. Once you are disgusting with something you are drown in your cycle of [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ]. This is the Wrong Dependent Nature that no one in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas can have a breakthrough, since a conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality of five skandhas as empty!
Esoteric unworthy[R18.3] - through their human slaves acting as professional cheaters[R18.4] - have successfully enslaved humanity on the duality plane of inner conflict / outer conflicts to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships up until 2025 marking their complete degeneration to be naturally cleaned up by natural laws as evidenced from the collapse of Lucifer and the masters-slaves NWO (New World Order). Where is the power known as Prajna / Wisdom of Thing-As-It-Is having your strategic position coming from Samadhi of HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna? The Right Dependent Nature comes from Oneness in KhaiPhong with discovered underlying natural laws to Awaken the #Prajna in most people. A thought of Emptiness is not 'Empty', hence meditation on emptiness at conditioned thinking in voluminous Buddhist texts such as Nagarjuna Madhyamaka is useless! Is it the right time for the world "Listen to those actually know" the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2], capable to use modern tools and Right Evolution to fill its incompletness for scientific verification as part of the TRUTH for further DISCOVERING and SHARING?
No one in the entire history of Buddhist communities of monks and nuns has clearly defined what the 'Emptiness' is. Based on the recorded nine Jhanas of '#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness' or our 'Verifiable Emptiness', we define Emptiness is the State where gross attributes perceived in the shallow stage are naturally dissolved in deeper stages, moving toward Non-Thingness and Unmoving Sunyata. Please ask yourself what enable you verify the Non-Thingness to prove Gotama is not cheating humanity as most of his monks! In Verifiable Emptiness, one can personally verify this definition exactly as described by Gotama and may be further value-add based on different trails leading to the signed posts and from one signed post to others.
There is an #Awareness Beyond Thought (Vô Niệm / Wu-Nien / Transcendental Awareness / Kiến Tánh) to 'perceive' the Emptiness which is simply 'Not', such as 'Love' known by many described as 'kindness' (good) Samaritan. We call that consciousness an #Awareness of the Awaken or Real #Awareness at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna. A description of 'Love' or 'exposing the heart' to show off love as marketed by the Roman Catholic Church is Not Love. The description is not the described. Please use your innate Buddha Nature to challenge the statement if you do not concur.
The "Practicality of this Emptiness" is measurable - representing the states and stock of #Prajna - via the manifestation of "Detachment" in daily activities to know more about one's Realities. It is observable and verifiable in Oneness: Beyond Thought (Vô Niệm) in the Observed, No-Mark (Vô Vết) on one's Substance once the action is completed, Detachment (Vô Trụ) as one's Fundamental Principle to complete the cycle from Oneness to diversities and back to Oneness for scientific cultivation of one's "Inner-Spaces" having the pattern of Fibonacci sequence for the visible manifestation of [ Awareness - Dependent - Prajna ] in Value of the values from engaged Living toward What Count.
Referring to Figure 2, emptiness implies the rejuvenation of all appearances from mathematically proven international trade Point A, cunning intelligence from degeneration described by negative Fibonacci at Point B, and available only from #Prajna in positive Fibonacci toward Point C. Those who know #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness can verify this rejuvenation process. Emptiness enables the No-Mark on one's Substance once the action is completed. Here is a solution from Avalokiteshvara Ecosystem for the question asked by 'Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva' in Saddharma-pundarika[D49] to instantaneously calming the mind, unknown by even AvalokiteshvaraBodhisattva and most intelligent beings of the past degenerated systems ruled by the King of Gods. It will be deliverable at the right time by those actually knowing it. The solution is in effortlessly Accessing the four attributes of Buddhist #EmptyTheContent (Samadhi): Detachment, Tranquillity gateway to Oneness, Equanimity loosening the Grips of 'Binding Word/Image', Purity loosening the Grips of 'Clinging Thought', then 'Transcend Inner Peace' to Cosmic Consciousness and Unity to actually verify 'Thing-As-It-Is': One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One.
Sound Technology will enable most people 'Directly Experience' this Emptiness via Sharing Happiness (Từ) - Mitigating Sufferings (Bi), a "Secret Process / Mật Pháp" unknown by Avalokiteshvara, rendering its original author[D33] degenerated without Knowing WHY in 100,000+ human years and in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas. The Emptiness is manifested through effortlessly and naturally dropping all required Intensity-of-Attention and emotions associated with an action when the action completed. There is no trace of hanging burden, sometimes carved in stone like the Ten Commandments, known by most people. These technologies can be personally verified as described in the Heart Sutra[R2] (1) the dissolution of appearances (form, feeling,perception, impulse, consciousness) in the gateway-to-Oneness Tranquillity, (2) the absence of arising conflicting duality in Equanimity, (3) the utter Silence in Purity. Related: Oneness, Compassion, Prajna, Sunyata.
ET / Extra-Terrestrial - an actual demonstration of Teleportation plus Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations via Chanelling. According to Bashar, what we usually conceive as Extra-Terrestrials (ETs) and spacecraft are in fact intelligent beings from different realms. It is the 'manifestation of concentrated energy of consciousness'. We personally know and directly interact with this Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations through a Vietnamese channel 'Xuân Mai' seen from 1975 to 2007 in Vietnam, US, Japan, Canada via AvalokiteshvaraBodhisattva and her associates. These layered realms are now split into Esoterics and ETs due to different built-up at DNAs from very long different paths of living.
HonNhien - an action not coming from desire - qualified by Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity.
It comes either from Natural #Awareness or Intensity of Attention to do something about the situation. It is the perceived Best Action available at the time with no Hanging Burden once the action is completed.
Scientifically, 'HonNhien' has a time lapse that Buddhists call a ksana, measurable at Planck Time or the rate at which regular matter in physical reality changes. It is the quality of an action on the current states and stock (of one's consciousness) to change the accumulated Next Moment where each Next Moment can be short or long: 1 ksana, 1 year, 10 years, 1 life and beyond. Time is relative; 1 life is just a ksana in one's evolving stream of consciousness. 'HonNhien' means the same as "Transcendental #Awareness" having embedded "Joy", razor-sharp Middle Path buttons directed by #Prajna, not the middle path of confused philosophers from Nagarjuna Madhyamaka in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. It transcends the conflicting forces of discursive thoughts and creates a sense of joy / expanding InnerSpace, outside-the-box of conditioned thinking.
Inside-the-box / Outside-the-box - a cliché often refers to habitual versus novel or creative thinking.
It is commonly understood as a narrow scope concerning more about oneself in 'Inside-the-box' versus a wider scope embracing others and hence more ComPassion and Harmonious living. Referring to Figure 2, the technical definition of 'inside the box' may include both creative thinking and wider scope for [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] in international trade mathematically proven better-off for all involved parties at Patch A that we call "Fair" negotiable conflicts and/or cunning intelligence of "I win You loose" Patch B, always on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. 'Outside-the-box' refers to a possible 'ComPassion / Empathy' for a possible Worthy Guest in one's circles, and the aesthetic states of [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] in Patch C for an Innovation relevant to the focused point. This definition, using mathematical set theory, shows that without ComPassion anchoring from the relevant Freshness a cunning mind still can have a wider scope with hidden master-slave relationship to turn against his/her partner at the critical time. Without ComPassion, there is no #Prajna. HuiNeng referred to this technical term having #Prajna as the Self Nature that all (Buddhist) teaching doors are established' (page 273 - sixth patriarch's Sutra[R5.2]). We scientifically prove it is the "Right Evolution" described in positive Fibonacci sequence.
The key in our technical definition is that 'outside-the-box' can be scientifically cultivable via TranscendentalAwareness and #EmptyTheContent in the manifestation of #Prajna. It is an Engineering Approach to the Science of Consciousness that we plan to make it happened. 'Outside-the-box' is the 'Vision with Solution' which may have lasting value to thousands years in the future for the benefits of many. Lý Công Uẩn, the founder of Vietnamese Lý Dynasty, demonstrated this 'outside-the-box' Vision in his decision to move the Vietnamese capital to present day Hà Nội. Related: Reality, Actuality, Compassion, #Prajna.
Intelligence - an ability to process available information received by the physical Brain (Brain Intelligence) for 'the Perceived Target' which can be a 'Cunning Mind' to cheat others in aspects of making a Living, or the 'Right-Thing-to-Do' directed by [ Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] and #Prajna, in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
Brain Intelligence is a mechanical process, including the process where the hidden part commonly known as the 'Wisdom Eye' of the Brain is open due to the ComPassion feedback from the Heart to the Brain. The mechanical Brain wiring process is lost at death, and reconstructed in the naturally reborn process with the carry-on Consciousness where #Prajna has left its impinge in the continuous Awakening process. It is the carry-on [ Alaya / Soul / IamX ] signatures - not the physical parts - that count.
Without #Prajna to direct the 'Right-Thing-to-Do', Intelligence in highly developed form becomes cunning mind in negative Fibinacci degeneration with hallucinated self driven by the Grasp-er and the Grasped in Extreme-Desire below the animal energy. That is why the Buddhist Teacher (Phật Thầy) at Tây An prioritizes what most Relevant in practical Living to be first as a Good Person (Tu Nhân), then Beyond in wider perspective of one's Continuity of the Consciousness (Buddhist Cultivation - Học Phật). Related: Prajna, Emptiness, Sunyata.
Grahaka - the Grasp-er (Người Chiếm Hữu).
According to Buddhists Asanga and Vasubandhu, its Clinging Force come from the narrow perspective of one's long evolution then degeneration, deeply embedded in the seventh Consciousness. Biologically, it is the serial processor of the left brain to classify received signals according to past patterns and/or project them into the future.
According to KhaiPhong and asserted[D22] by Gotama, the Clinging Force of Gut (Instinct) and Brain Intelligence can be checked and dissolved via [ Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] with ComPassion at the True Heart for the Wholesome manifestation of #Prajna (Conscience) having embedded attributes of Detachment and HonNhien (Natural, Spontaneous, Unaffected, Purity). Gotama's assertion will be implemented and proven as an epistemic objective with KhaiPhong's Normative Technologies to make happened HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is [ #Samadhi ] },#SamadhiPrajna { "Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }, and Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna { "Karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }, augmented with its Executive Information Portal (EIP) having selective Value-Adds with custom custom AI from Machine Learning and "proof-of-stake" Smart Contracts.
The driving mechanism of this Checking and/or Dissolving all karmic (clinging) forces is due to Natural Purification of the senses to disentangle the entanglements in forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness. The checking mode from #Awareness is natural Transcendental #Awareness to receive important signals. Once the disentanglements have been partially accomplished and with directed Mind, the light of #Prajna will 'dissolve' the clinging force (darkness) exactly as Gotama assertion in Ajita's Questions[D22].
The verification is at different depths of #EmptyTheContent (Samma-Samadhi): (1) Transcendental Consciousness where Tranquillity is the gateway to Oneness, Equanimity breaks loose the grips of 'Binding Word/Image', Purity breaks loose the grips of 'Clinging Thought', (2) Cosmic Consciousness of Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness breaks loose the grips of Grasp-er, (3) Unity Consciousness of Sunyata Non-Thingness, border line between conditioned and unconditioned, and Unmoving Sunyata speeds up the disentanglement of innumerable karmic forces to enable the No-Mark (Vô Vết) on one's Substance once the action is completed, Detachment (Vô Trụ) as one's Fundamental Principle for the manifestation of TranscendentalAwareness (#SamadhiPrajna) to see 'Thing-As-it-Is'. Related: Grahya, Beyond Thought, Outside the box, Conscience, #Prajna.
Grahya - the Grasped (Cái Chiếm Hữu)
It is in everything deemed to have some Value, including something 'Beyond Thought' such as 'Truth' picked up by the explorer who is destroyed by the Grasped. Its Grip is loosen when one can be 'Beyond Thought', outside-the-box, having Transcendental #Awareness to see 'Thing-As-It-Is', sensing at the source of Thought. Related: Grahaka, BeyondThought, Outside-the-box, Conscience, #Prajna.
Karma - Action and Reaction happened on the conscious stream of a living form having a sense of an agent.
In modern term, it is expressed as Ethics of Reciprocity which is permeated in all great cultures and the most essential basis for the modern concepts of human rights.
KhaiPhong - technologies to (1) sense the driving force of Volition / Freewill / Sankhara and the "States" of one's Being to properly manage one's Realities, (2) open the knots of outdated Marks for the Quality of present living, and (3) Expand one's Potentiality in higher Consciousness. KhaiPhong's mission is to enable one know more about oneself and one's strategic position via "#PrajnaTIPs" for the cultivation and injections of #Awareness, #Samadhi, #Prajna in all "Relationships", "Activities" and "Places".
It is explicitly connected to Human Nature (Nhân Bản) applicable to most persons and has been explored with concrete value-adds by dedicated explorers such as HuiNeng, Nagarjuna, Asanga. The target is toward the Institute of KhaiPhong and KhaiPhong Institute of specialized treatments to train qualified Budh Counselors for applying [ (1) HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, (2) Nagarjuna Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth, (3) Asanga Perfected Nature and Dependent Nature ] to practicalize Gotama's advice to Ajita: "Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved". Related: Oneness, Awaken, #Prajna.
Virgin Mother Maria - an esoteric greatest Hoax of the evil Roman Catholic Church orchestrated by the evil Lucifer (aka - also known as - the original Buddha, the Father God, the Allah) fully degenerated since 2012 as described in negative Fibonacci sequence by underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. The "Hoax" has been designed to perpetuate people at physical level of Greed and Fears. It is Now 2025 at scientifically cultivable quality defined in Latin Humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Prajna), far above the Extreme Desire of animal energy that many claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah have to relearn the Awareness of Kindness and Empathy right at the levels of their engaged intelligent living in whichever realm and level they are. Thanks to scientifically cultivable discovered underlying natural laws, the path of recovering will be much faster than the past billion-year trials-and-errors.
Maria is a real identified intelligent "Soul / Alaya (store-house consciousness / ālāyavijñāna)" and a part of 60,000+ man-years "dark period of higher esoteric realms" whose feudal and family systems were similar to the Confucius feudal and family systems of China. They have been totally collapsed due to degeneration rendered by underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction Likes-attract-Likes. Yet, up to 2020-10-19 Maria continues to perpetuate the esoteric greatest Hoax "Thông điệp của Mẹ Maria và Mẹ Diêu Trì Kim Mẫu gửi đến toàn nhân loại / Messages of Mother Maria and Mother Diêu Trì Kim Mẫu to entire humanity" to blindly maintain her privilege position before with Faith driven by Fears and now blah blah blah messages driven by Greed similar to the cheated Jesus to fool billion Catholics as the Redeemer. Please ask yourself what physical Virginity can do for the real quality of the consciousness in your Continuity of the identified consciousness, and if there is any difference between You and any bullying male so concern about "your virginity for his biological needs. Would it be more meaningful in your - and your biological partner - silent moments of [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } with the ones both of you love. That makes "Harmonious Family" the corner stone and spiritual foundation - rather than churches, temples, and all isms - of a harmonious community, region, country, the world, and Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations, driving all unworthy people claiming and selling what they do not know nor have in the "Right Effort toward Actuality" relevant in present engaged living at whatever layer you are in Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good to change yourself and the environment toward What Count.
Your "Message" - repeating the evil plot of the claimed "bullying" Father God aka the original Buddha - is not anymore appropriate to humanity who survived the Lucifer's plan of 90% population reduction as evidenced in the SECRET JESUIT OATH in deciding who has the right to live. The message is incompatible with the target of a "Spiritual Land from harmonious No-Conflict Consciousness" and corrupted under the universal natural law of "Action-Reaction / Justice" and the Dependent Nature of responsible intelligent beings. The message should address How the "Consciousness / Spiritual Technologies" applied at Lourdes by the Blessed Mary 1862 and 1849 epidemic by Phật Thầy Tây An at Tòng Sơn[D52] are delivered to be scientifically tested and statistically measured. The writer is interested in turning this Noble "external consciousness" into practical scientific (observable, testable and verifiable) processes which will naturally happen with a small Right Effort from esoteric and human reasources via invisible hand of economics driven by invisible hand of scientifically cultivable #Prajna. Most importantly, KhaiPhong's deliverables of natural Inner Peace [ "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness as the target - Kiến Tánh làm tông" ], [ "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its Flower - “Bát Nhã" là hoa ] on Compassion Tree deep rooted in Sunyata will enable at least 8% human population or over 500,000,000 people know more about themselves and the power of "No-Conflict Consciousness" similar to the power of sub-atomic energy. It will be the first time that "Love / Faith" - which are parts of No-Conflict Consciousness - the Virgin Mother and Jesus exposed 2000+ years ago to be scientifically explored, understood and properly applied to show your esoteric realms the right living according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED in avoiding the past mistakes being repeated at this scale. With embedded [ "Wu-Nien / #Awareness as the target - Kiến Tánh làm tông" ], it is very easy to see the driving force of "Love / Faith" coming from "Fears", or from "Greed" in the case of Jesus being tempted as the "Only Son of God" and in the Crusades of religious wars initiated, supported, and directed by the Roman Catholic Church. The No-Conflict Consciousness where "Love / Faith" are natural parts leading to "#Prajna / Bát Nhã" in practical engaged living will be scientifically exposed by living students actually knowing [ "Wu-Nien / #Awareness as the target - Kiến Tánh làm tông" ] yet coming from conflicting religions and isms to wipe out past unworthy people so humanity will not suffer what your esoteric realms had gone through in 60,000+ human years.
Mind - used in the entire Buddhist history up to 2025 to mean different things at different places.
It seems contradicting with one another, not precisely defined via formal classification (ontology) in (1) the well-known theory of Mind[R10] the Wise tame themselves (Dhammapala verse 80 - attanam damayanti pandita): you are in part discover and in part create the Real You, (2) No-Mind[R5.1], [R7] or the Oneness of Consciousness where any stream of consciousness can influence its environment in the Dependent Nature which affects the agent's well-being, and (3) Consciousness-Only[D35] as a theoretical framework to understand the science behind a Right Effort.
That seemingly contradicting one another is a technique - most popular in Zen - to force real "Explorer" either challenging the assertion and/or putting all efforts in breaking that impasse which is the required "Intensity of Attention" to jump outside the yoke of conditioned thinking to the Gateway of Oneness Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict as exposed in Lankavatara Sutra[D32]. Unfortunately, the "mean / technique" has been significantly abused in zen tradition by most impostors and/or superficial monks just having a first glimpse of this Oneness yet boosting their experience in making a living.
The "Then What" after your "sudden breakthrough in Oneness" will force you to expose your actual experience and deeply explore different depths in Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict to expose the "Ontology of Mind" and Practicalities of the Emptiness to scientifically test the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2]. It will be done likewise when we introduce technologies - Table 4 and Table 4.1 - to ride on Natural Laws for heavy lifting.
The "Intensity of Attention" was picked up by Krishnamurti and knowing it or not he has scientifically wiped out the thousands-years chasm between Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D34] and Asanga Consciousness-Only[D35] about "Self" and "Not-Self", about the dynamic interaction between "Right Effort" and wider perspective of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" as a guiding light - patch C in Figure 2 - of "the Right Thing to do". The technique is applicable only to those having thousands years of serious investigations - very rare amongst Buddhist monks and nuns - but Not Yet "breaking the crust of sesame seeds for its oil" commonly known by Tilopa[D39] .
Using scientific and practical approach, we define Mind based on the attributes influencing the Consciousness of 'Thing As It Is' at the Present Moment, comprising of: (1) Brain Intelligence and Instinct that drive the 'Doing' in all activities, and (2) wider perspective of ComPassion Vibration from the Heart for 'the Right Thing to do' from #Prajna (Wisdom) which embraces relevant involved parties in the Totality of Existence to inject the 'Being' into the 'Doing'. This definition focuses on unique identifiable streams of consciousness - commonly known as one's "soul / normative existence" in the dependent nature of the aggregate, responsible for one's Effort and the environment one a part. It is Not a narrow scope of the "hallucinated self" since no one can be completely independent from the environment, nor an abstract definition of Consciousness directed by any dictator and/or creator since every intelligent being is a creator of its own Right for What Count[R23] and its consequences.
The definition brings to the front line (1) dynamic interaction between "natural intuition" - patch C in Figure 2 - and brain intelligence at patch A of international trade mathematically proven better-off for all involved parties, (2) The "natural intuition" at the aggregate of all involved parties such as business, organization, community, region, country, the world - called Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict - can be accumulated from past actions via Artificial Intelligence and advanced Analytics, (3) accessing to that Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict being scientifically cultivable, not belonging to "Any Ism" as claimed by past organized religions of their exclusive Right, (4) the separation between the mean and the target where the mean - such as any faith - can be dropped and/or changed to more potent means.
In investigating the states and stock of #Prajna - especially in regard to Dharmapala-XuanZang (HsuanTsang) theoretical model[D19] of 'Awareness of Self Awareness is Self Awareness' - we find these two are different: the "natural intuition" is stable consciousness evolution sometimes manifested in physical appearance such as in embedded patterns of migrating animals and/or in human "turned-on" DNA (normally from 20 to 24) out of 64 codons which are sequence of DNA activated for expression to give instruction to the cell chemistry. The non-activated codons are inert or not working, except for 3, which are the start and stop program patterns. "Vibration" is the finer sense for getting the pulse of complex situation commonly known as the "Art" and possible optimal solution toward a Right Direction of lasting Value.
These two qualities of the mind are cultivable sitting on the foundation of Kindness and Empathy vibrations. That is why we say #Prajna is the flower of Compassion ( = Kindness >< Empathy) tree deep rooted in the invisible Sunyata. Similar to #SamadhiPrajna to include both the instant states of HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna and also the accumulated stock with or without manifestation in the physical wiring, we make a distinction between Mind as commonly defined as the sixth sense from "natural intuition" and Mind+ to cover the new frontier of "Vibration" from the seventh sense of #Prajna. The cultivable processes in the sixth and seventh senses of knowing the "Pulse" of the Issue and possible optimal solution toward a lasting valued solution for one and the community is a part in the Science and Economics of Oneness in KhaiPhong.
This scientific approach provides the essence of human Effort summarized in Figure 4, comprising at (1) theoretical "How" in "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" to connect the Practicality of "Self" (in the Wise tame themselves) to the Oneness in existence of "Not-Self" in seeing "Thing As It Is" for a Right Effort, moving from Consciousness-Only to #Prajna current state and stock of one's being in the Science of Oneness, and (2) empirical "How" in cultivating the "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at different depths of consciousness attainable as a human being.
The practical approach comes from transient knowledge at conditioned thoughts such as scientific knowledge of quantum theory, and the lasting value ingrained or being essence in the core of the stream of consciousness. Since a conflicting duality cannot dissolve / transcend other conflicting duality and/or see others As It Is. The genuine cultivation is in the "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" - the state and stock of #Prajna - relevant to the present state of one's being. It is our patented process of Dependent Nature in Oneness of no conflict, different from the Dependent Nature in duality of conflicts. Gotama and Jesus had direct experience of these two processes called by Nagarjuna as Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth, but not deep enough to see the working processes behind them. The outcomes are (1) Gotama's defects in [ Design - Build - Execution ] of his Buddhist Sangha opening door for professional cheaters to stop the delivery of his precious gifts to humanity, and (2) the exploitation of Jesus's Faith by "evil / degenerated" God and Allah in Christian and Muslim Faiths. This "Practicality" highlights the significance of "Worthy Existence" which is transient but absolutely required in "Learning and Doing" for the lasting values in the "Quality of the Consciousness" which is carried on in one's Continuity of the Consciousness where the Laws of Nature operate. Related: Intelligence, Compassion, #Prajna, Sunyata.
MuOmSunyata - a custom Computational Knowledge System driven by Normative >< Positive Intelligence, enabling you an Accountable Creator and part of Responsible Creation in all Activities and Relationships at all Places, ranging from microscopic "Mu / μ / Zen koan / Mirror Universe" to macroscopic Om in deeper explorations from the Fifth Dimension of "Akashic Field" via future "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaboration". It is a rule-base Ruliad RPA (Robotic Process Automation) Linking Physics and Mathematics shown from minute 16:00 of the video where one's tainted senses can be purified / detoxified from proven underlying natural laws specifically applicable to one's relevant states of consciousnous moving toward the direction of What Count.
It is sustainable by stakeholders in the culture of [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] - that draws their Best Practices from open sources and contribute their discoveries back to the communities. The system comprises of:
- user-facing mu the user "home Container Service or Command Centre" where required activities and services are injected for you in part discover and in part create the Real You. It is Wei-Wu-Wei / Effortless Action for Making Life Easier and Happier. Its KpPlatform as a Service (PaaS) sits on the three pillars of specialized domains: (1.1) Security or mathematical proof of "Confidentiality" (only You can read data), "Integrity" (only You can modify data), "Attestation" (You can prove it in Zero Trust strategy which will be the foundation in the new Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations), (1.2) Deep Learning, (1.3) Proof-of-Stake Decentralised Network.
- Om real-time endpoints for mobile and web apps to store and sync data instantly, capable to serve millions authenticated users with required token to roam around authorized networks.
- Sunyata endpoints of dedicated services and web sites riding on the most modern and efficient standardized infrastructures cross-cut vendors' data-centres, plus free entry services to democratize the web presence of all involved parties at the most affordable entry points for Value Creation to change Oneself and the environment one a part.
Ontology is a shared and common understanding of a domain that can be communicated across people and computers. It is used for Intelligence Integration / Group Intelligence in a multi-agent Ecosystem from human and computer perspectives. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) System - MuOmSunyata - applies Ontology of (1) #DhyanaSamadhi as defined by HuiNeng[R5.2], and #AwarenessPrajna as defined by Gotama[D22] in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and the custom modeling of [ #Samadhi >< #Prajna >< #Awareness >< Intuition ].
Normative Persona is unique with its private Neural Graph Database db in the custom ai - corresponding to its Digital Identities - and rendered by MuOmSunyata. The Free default enables one unique Normative Persona associated with Digital Identities in the Cloud Single-Sign-On in constructing its Persona private db and ai. Other services are optional and/or custom designed/developed.
No-Conflict-Inside / No-Conflict-Outside - a momentary recognizable state of 'No-Conflict Consciousness' manifested in Prajna from positive Fibonacci sequence that drives the 'Freewill - Volition - Sankhara' for actionable 'Right Effort'.
Oneness - referred to as a scientifically cultivable states via Oneness in KhaiPhong, being explored by humanity many thousands years in search for "the meaning of existence" and the "Happiness" at the present moment in consistent and favourable conditions with the Optimal Path of one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
It is commonly known as the LaoTzu "Nameless", Gotama "Nirvana", Jesus "The Kingdom of God within", Nagarjuna "Ultimate (Wider) Truth", Asanga "Perfected Nature", Islam "Allah / There is No god But God", XuanZang "Consciousness of the consciousness", HuiNeng "Self Nature". The target is a cultivable process and systematic account (Ontology) of its Existence where the mean to that existence - via divisional and troublesome past isms and religions - is irrelevant and can be dropped due to Human Nature and Human Rights. In our writing this "Oneness" is described as "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", and sometimes as "Thing-As-It-Is", "No-Conflict-Inside / No-Conflict-Outside".
The state has been qualitatively described as:
“1. The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name; the nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth.
2. Herein, Bahiya, In the seen will be merely what is seen; in the heard will be merely what is heard; ... Just this is the end of suffering.Này Bàhiya, Trong cái thấy sẽ chỉ là cái thấy. Trong cái nghe, sẽ chỉ là cái nghe... Như vậy là đoạn tận khổ đau.
3. There is, bhikkhus, that base where there is no earth, no water, no fire, no air; no base consisting of the infinity of space, no base consisting of the infinity of consciousness, no base consisting of Non-Thingness, no base consisting of neither-perception-nor-non-perception; ... Here, bhikkhus, I say there is no coming, no going, no staying, no deceasing. Not fixed, not movable, it has no support. Just this is the end of sufferingNày các tỷ kheo, có xứ này, tại đấy không có đất, không có nước, không có lửa, không có gió; không có hư không vô biên xứ; không có thức vô biên xứ; không có vô sở hữu xứ; không có phi tưởng phi phi tưởng xứ... Do vậy, này các tỷ kheo, Ta tuyên bố không có đến, không có đi, không có trú, không có diệt, không có sanh, không có an trú, không có chuyển vận, không có sở duyên. Đây là sự đoạn tận khổ đau.
4. People grasping their own shadows of discrimination, uphold the discrimination of dharma and adharma, and failing to carry out the abandonment of the dualism, they go on discriminating and never attain tranquillity. By Tranquillity is mean oneness, and oneness gives birth to the highest samadhi, which is gained by entering into the womb of Tathagatahood, which is the realm of supreme wisdom realized in one's inmost self;
O Mahamati, my doctrine of no-birth and no-annihilation is not the same as that held by the philosophers, nor as the doctrine of birth and permanence ... But mine is that is neither born nor transformed. Mine is above the category of being and non-being, and abandoning [the notion of] birth and destruction. I talk of that which is neither existence nor non-existence,
O Mahamati, by Nirvana I mean the seeing into the abode where the meaning [of existence] is understood in its truthfulness, the abandoning of all discrimination which takes place in the mind and what belongs to it, and the realization of the supreme wisdom which lies in the inmost consciousness of the Tathagatas - this I call Nirvana.
5. The self-nature is originally pure / neither produced nor destroyed / complete in itself / without movement - Tự tánh vốn tự thanh tịnh / chẳng sanh diệt / tự đầy đủ / chẳng lay động " then "The self-nature can produce the ten thousands dharmas / tự tánh sanh ra muôn pháp.
6. Chỉ sai hữu niệm quên vô niệm - Wrongly grasp a conditioned thought and miss the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]
7. Here Sariputra, form is Sunyata Sunyata is form form is not different from Sunyata Sunyata is not different from form form equals Sunyata Sunyata equals form The same for feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness.
Here Sariputra all dharmas indicate Sunyata: not arising not suppressed not tainted not pure not deficient not complete.
Therefore Sariputra, in Sunyata there is not form not feeling not perception not impulse not consciousness not eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-mind not form-sound-smell-taste-touch-thought not eye consciousness up to not mind consciousness not ignorance not destruction of ignorance not decay-death not destruction of decay-death not dukkha-sammudaya- nirodha-marga not knowledge not attainment not non-attainmrent.
Bodhisattva bound to Transcendental Wisdom dwells in no mind enclosure, no mind enclosure intrepidity transcends beyond errors reaches nirvana.
8. All things return to "One" and "One" operates in all things.
God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality.
These are the quotes to unambiguously demonstrate "The Oneness"[R1] - the common "Moral-Value" denominator of all manifestations - and its scientific challenge to all seekers in the new Era of AwakeningBudh. Related: Oneness, Awaken, #Prajna
#Prajna - the Wholesome Integration of Intuition, Brain Intelligence, and wider perspective of ComPassion from the Heart for 'the Right Thing to do' which embraces all involved parties in the Totality of Existence at the "Present Moment", outside-the-box of all local involved parties. Mathematically, it is a direct View from the cultivable Oneness perpendicular to the cross-cut planes of duality of all intelligent realms - where human realm is a part - to see "Thing-As-It-Is", plus a strategic Effort to make Things happened for the evolution of the Whole. The higher one can jump to that dimension from the duality plane, the clearer/effortless measurable strategic action one can execute.
From Figure 2, Prajna is the manifestation at the Intensity-of-Attention point, embracing Patches A, B, C and D at different depths / heights of #AwarenessPrajna. It is at both the States commonly described as Transcendental-Awareness and the Stock commonly described as the stability of (accumulated) "#EmptyTheContent (Transcendental-Inner-Peace), capable of sensing something relevant in the "Patch C", plus something more which can be assisted by one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles since one is only a part of the Whole. #Prajna can happen ONLY from positive Fibonacci sequence, beyond the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. The "degeneration" happened in the past esoteric higher realms, leading to the total collapse of the entire multi-realms ruled by the King of Gods. Most involved parties are currently on the negative Fibonacci sequence of one's InnerSpace as shown from minute 7:00 of the video, capable to use Hegelian Dialectic due to cunning intelligence but always on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness as asked by Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva[D49] that none of them has a solution including the blah blah blah of AvalokiteshvaraBodhisattva until she was forced to face her reality in a semi-public meeting in Calgary Canada early 2000.
Assuming you are more intelligent than others - commonly known in Hegelian dialectics - there are three visible signs for self-evaluation if you are on this degenerative cycle: (1) your cunning intelligence is mostly used to drive other parties from fair trade depicted in Path A toward "I win You loose" in Patch B as actually observed in colonial period or between the Whites and Indians in North America, (2) you do not have an #Awareness of Kindness and Empathy, frequently bullying others based on your physical and/or mental strength, (3) you do not have a moment of complete Silence, having no thought. With or without explicit comparative advantages of brain intelligence, there are now scientifically cultivable processes to get out of this doldrum. Finally, [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness as the target - Kiến Tánh làm tông ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } is the beginning of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna.
That "plus something more beside limitted sample for forming the mathematical model of evolution then degeneration" is what we actually know it is there, but do not have sufficient time nor resources to do further research at present moment. It is not based on what Xyz said which are mostly and shamelessly boosting from the ones not even passed the gateway-to-oneness Thing-As-It-Is without conflict. But it is very essential for scientific understanding of the states and stock of one's Consciousness whether that "one" is a person or an aggregate such as family, community, a business, an organization, a region, a country, or the world.
Once there are sufficient evidences in the scientific understanding, we can inject necessary ingredients / attributes to change both the states and the stock of the quality of the Consciousness so the progress can be fast tracked, testable and verifiable for many. One does not need to start from square one of rediscovering what others have proven. Due to the natural process of reincarnation, one may only have an itch and/or an urge toward that direction.
Relevant to our current integration / value-adds - on top of the contributions from Gotama and HuiNeng - is that
- Gotama used "snapshot" approach to describe his Eightfold Path where Right Understanding and Right Motivation - a division of #Prajna - is the starting point from one's actual level to know more about oneself in his implicit "Learning and Doing" process to dynamically adjust one's Imagination due to Ignorance toward unnecessary Sufferings to the light of #Prajna for a Right Effort (Table 2) as deepening at later stage by Buddhist Consciousness-Only. Gotama's qualified Mindfulness at Equanimity third Jhana[D29] is itself insufficient to touch the "#AwarenessPrajna" in his advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] that no Buddhist monk or nun dares to touch up until 2025. The question demands "TranscendentalAwareness" to turn (1) Buddhist cul-de-sac Ignorance into #Prajna, (2) Buddhist ignorance of "Not-Doing anything" to avoid "Volition - Sankhara" into "Freewill" directed by #Prajna, (3) Buddhist "cooking sands" in the destruction of Ignorance into "having Rice from Prajna" and cooked rices of "Craving and Clinging" into "Dependent and HonNhien" as the current state of the Consciousness. Gotama's Right Samadhi is "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" to build up the stock of Consciousness Quality that has a natural purification to separate outdated marks from the sense consciousness.
His fundamental advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] needs to be supplemented with a dynamic process "How to move from current state to the state where Transcendental #Awareness is based on", defined as Gotama Third Equanimity state where the binding Word/Image is loosening its grips. Then "from the state of potent Transcendental #Awareness to deeper states up to Sunyata Non-Thingness and momentary Nirvana for a potent #Prajna", naturally cleaning up deep rooted outdated Marks where male-female duality attraction is the most dominant force. It is a part of KhaiPhong Simulation Technology to enhance the quality of the living in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
- HuiNeng used the momentary snapshot of the one who has already achieved high quality of "Verifiable Emptiness" as his school foundation which is #DhyanaSamadhi and generalized #SamadhiPrajna where #Samadhi is Gotama's #EmptyTheContent (Transcendental-Inner-Peace). In this approach, it stresses on the dynamic of "Learning and Doing" due to sheer [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ], naturally coming out of the scientifically cultivable State from Gotama's [ Samma Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace ].
Thus HuiNeng stresses on the desired and achievable quality of a "Conscious Living" (Lối Sống Tỉnh Thức) via Oneness in KhaiPhong: Wu-Nien at the observed, No-Mark once the action completed, Detachment as the fundamental principle for the manifestation of #SamadhiPrajna. The cultivation process is Gotama's modified Eightfold Path "revitalized from the destruction of cheating Buddhism" in even simpler term of "KhaiPhong Path:" (1) At Home 100% honesty to know more about oneself, and (2) Care for oneself and the environment one a part where Samadhi and Prajna are not necessary happened at the same instant moment. Gotama's modified Eightfold Path is now a part "Body & Mind" scientifically cleaning processes. When both #Samadhi and #Prajna happened, it is commonly known as a Siddhi (spiritual power), a breakthrough to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position. Using modern ICT (Information Communication Technology) we call that sudden breakthrough a community implementation of Gotama's Right Understanding and Right Motivation toward any event such as a marriage, family relationships, a breakthrough of an international issue, a vision for humanity, etc.
In common term, #Prajna is known as Vision with the simplest possible solution. ComPassion is represented as the natural space of Patches A and B moving toward Patch C in a wider scope at any focused point. Without ComPassion, or this natural space, there cannot be #Prajna. ComPassion and #Prajna are visible attributes of invisible Sunyata at the Present Moment, injecting the 'Being' into the 'Doing' in all activities (Living at the Present Moment).
ComPassion, on the other hand, is sustainable by natural Ethics. It is the manifestation from Dhyana (Chan, Zen, Thiền) enforced at different depths with Natural Effortless "#EmptyTheContent" (Transcendental-Inner-Peace) to deepen the 'seeing Thing As It Is' moving through different depths of #Prajna to its Perfection (Paramita). It is the Path of Transcendental #Awareness and #EmptyTheContent, extended to the [Dependent Nature of the present states of one's Relationships with the World 'As It Is'] to make happened Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort.
Contrasting characteristic between #Prajna and #Samadhi, our definition of #Prajna is both the States and the Stock of accumulated #EmptyTheContent Samadhi with something more from the present moment of Sunyata. It does not require the simultaneous manifestation of Prajna and Samadhi at the same instant moment as defined by HuiNeng. When both Samadhi and Prajna manifested at the same instant moment, we have a Sudden Awaken. In simple term, Prajna is the manifestation at different depths of Sunyata.
We equate the technical #Prajna with common term Conscience which is the #Awareness of Right and Wrong, culminating in wider aspects of Kindness and Empathy for a breakthrough in Gateway-to-Oneness to show everyone can start from one's Conscience and that Conscience is cultivable, having direct impact on the Quality of one's present and future Worthy Existence in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. It is layered No-Conflict Consciousness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] that are observable, testable and cultivable in Making Life Easier and Happier.
The actual and lasting solution is [ Wu-Nien (Vô Niệm), No-Mark (Vô Vết), Detachment (Vô Trụ) ] in #EmptyTheContent at different scientifically cultivable Layered No-Conflict Consciousness for the positive [ #Awareness (Kiến Tánh), Dependent (Duyên Khởi), #Prajna (Bát Nhã) ], actually described in the Heart Sutra[R2] dissolving process: 'Here Sariputra, form is Sunyata Sunyata is form; form is not different from Sunyata Sunyata is not different from form; form equals Sunyata Sunyata equals form. The same for feelings, "perceptions", impulses, consciousness'. Related: Compassion, Intelligence, Awaken, Bhavana, Samadhi.
Purity-Tranquillity - (Khiết An - Thanh Khiết An Lành) an observable, testable and achievable state of living, manifested under the Awakening of the Unconditioned Budh - Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict - beyond conditioned Binding Word and Clinging Thought.
In Transcendental Consciousness, 'Tranquillity' is an observable attribute known as gateway-to-oneness described in Buddhist Lankavatara Sutra[D34], while 'Purity' is an utter Silence where 'vibrations' such as light happiness in 'Detachment', 'Tranquillity' and 'Equanimity' is fading out to a complete Calm, ready to be 'no thought' in Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness. A thought of expanding is Not Expanding!
Practical aspect of Purity-Tranquillity is the natural Purification of the senses, separating their consciousness (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) from other entanglements (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness). The grip of 'Binding Word/Image' will be loosen in the familiarity of 'Equanimity', while 'Clinging Thought' looses its effect in 'Purity'.
Gotama pegged 'Equanimity' as his base of Right Mindfulness (TranscendentalAwareness) to see 'Thing As It Is'. Solely for the Taxonomy of Ontological Modeling and Assumption, we peg 'Purity' as the base to be 'Beyond-Thought / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien' at the observed object for the 'No-Mark' on one's Substance once the action is completed based on 'Detachment' as one's Fundamental Principal for the manifestation of TranscendentalAwareness which is the extension of Gotama's Right Mindfulness to the 'Dependent Nature' of Thing As It Is. It is for the consistency of Beyond-Thought and the changed phase from Transcendental Consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness.
Reality - phenomena perceived through the 6 senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind), filtered by innumerable outdated marks of accumulated layers of consciousness.
At the aggregate level such as a family / business / community / country / the World, there is an organization's reality driving its Volition and normative allocation of scare resources. Contrasting against the above discussion on Actuality, there is a Social Need of a collaborative Science of Consciousness.
#Samadhi - usually defined as an intense Concentration, merging the Mind with the Target for certain outcome called Siddhi or Miracle which is its target.
Without the foundation of Detachment (Emptiness), the Grasp-er of the left brain is already there to Grasp the #Samadhi (the Grasped) for its 'Silence untouched by a chatting mind life-after-life' and achievement in enforcing the ego.
#Samadhi is a Scientific Fact achievable through two roads: (1) the common road of Concentration forcing the mind to stay with the target which is very painful and egoistic, or (2) the Natural Effortless approach based on the charming power of innate attributes (ComPassion, Detachment, HonNhien, #Prajna) of the Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods within / No-Conflict consciousness, cultivable through Meditation (Dhyana) for 'the Right Thing to do', riding on the natural 'charming power' of rejuvenation in Emptiness.
Both approaches lead to different Siddhis (Miracles), but the first one easily heads to degeneration (such as sex scandals, immoral behavior) due to Not seeing 'Thing As It Is' especially the driving force behind Volition / Freewill / Sankhara. The Natural Effortless #EmptyTheContent Inner Peace (Samadhi) is the outcome of Buddhist Dhyana (Chan/Zen) where attributes of the Buddha Nature naturally revealed due to "#Prajna", the light effortlessly dispelling Ignorance and Imagination. The 'light' is measurable due to its "states" and "stock" at different depths of "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" via the signed posts of #EmptyTheContent Inner Peace described by Gotama and manifested through measurable Right Effort.
The second approach is the Enlightenment approach where Effortless Siddhis are side effects, Not the main targets. HuiNeng[R5], [R5.2] defined '#Samadhi', called '#EmptyTheContent Inner Peace', is the Quintessence of #Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi'. Adding to this #EmptyTheContent Inner Peace the 'Right' (Sama-Samadhi) qualified by Gotama we have a modified version of Mindfulness called TranscendentalAwareness which is the state of both casual #DhyanaSamadhi and the intense #SamadhiPrajna. This modified version is the required classification to make it difference from Prajna and why "Karma flows as a stream. Whatever the streams are in the World, it is Transcendental Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by Prajna, they are dissolved"[D22]. The precise definition is needed for unambiguous communication among people and machines.
Hence, HuiNeng assertion on the above meditation (dhyana) - connected to #SamadhiPrajna - together with the 'Right' from Gotama can be logically stated that 'Verifiable Emptiness' is the sine-qua-non or corollary of Right Meditation.
- Meditation exists if and only if there is a transcendental state known as TranscendentalAwareness to be fully vibrant in the action but 'free from attachment to all outer objects' once the action completed
- TranscendentalAwareness exists if and only if there is a Transcendental (#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness) Inner Peace
- Transcendental (Empty-The-Content) Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi) exists if and only if there is a Detachment (Emptiness)
- Detachment / Emptiness can be cultivated Only with Natural Purification via Verifiable Emptiness where gross attributes are naturally dissolved at deeper layers up until Sunyata Non-Thingness to reach Gotama Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha. TranscendentalAwareness not only obstructs and restricts all flows of binding/clinging forces[D22] but also direct the force of Natural Purification for a focussed Intensity of Attention.
Meditation on Emptiness to purify the mind at conflicting duality level[D19] - incapable to reach Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth or Consciousness-Only Perfected Nature - in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha is useless due to no transcendental states for the generation of Natural Purification.
Mathematical approach to scientific facts help the mass weeding out noises of professional cheaters in all organized religions to be after the 'described'[R1] which is a scientific fact empirically and personally verifiable according to natural laws at different levels of the Consciousness. We will use ontology of [Taxonomy - Model - Axiom] to expose pieces of Truth discovered by great explorers, but unfortunately sabotaged by esoteric dark forces in all organized religions - up to 2025 - to make known the Lasting Values contributed by great pioneers. Related: Compassion, #Prajna, Sunyata, Bhavana, Dhyana, TranscendentalAwareness.
Cheater / ScamArtist: - a person attempting to defraud others by presenting a fraudulent offer.
The cheater / scam artist intentionally pretends that it is
- legitimate, making other believe something the artist does not know,
- a ploy by a shyster (a person without professional honour) to raise money,
- a fraudulent business scheme,
- a confidence trick, an attempt to mislead others.
Please use the definition to rate counterparts in all organized religions. Related: Actuality, Reality.
SmartPointers - the visible outcomes of Gotama's Jhanas in Y-dimension modified into Signed Posts for Agent reasoning AI (Artificial Intelligence). The "#" hashtag makes following nodes as claimed "Visible and Measurable Attributes" the user / persona wants to be connected with its private value-added descriptions for one's custom LLM (Large Language Model) ai of the persona's private Activities and Relationships to know more about oneself via Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes in one's "#Honesty & #Care" for the Right and Unworthy in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. These "Visible and Measurable Attributes" of Smart Pointers pointing to identifiable Traits for normative evaluation at the bottom line of one's Efforts to know more about oneself as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.
- #EmptyTheContent ,
- #DhyanaSamadhi ,
- #Samadhi ,
- #Awareness ,
- #Prajna ,
- #AwarenessPrajna ,
- #SamadhiPrajna ,
- #PrajnaTIP1 ,
- #PrajnaTIP2.
SuddenAwakening: - a process manifested as a sudden Awaken, a physical and/or mental jolt / happiness / tinkering / expanding, then Awakening due to the underlying continuous Consciousness (Chit) known as an #Awareness of the Awaken (SatChitSunyata) running side-by-side with the waking, dreaming and sleeping.
Due to 'the intensity of Attention' or the 'focused topic', the Awakening can continue to generate sudden Awaken(s) to activate required wiring process in synchronization of the left and right brain, and register its 'Signature' in the eighth Consciousness[D39] for continuity of the process, transcending current life and future realms in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
This scientific "Awakening" is a challenge to 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist meditations and cultivations to make known (1) the "Practicalities of the Emptiness" at different depths of Awareness-Prajna or the challenge to all organized religions presenting their "mean" to reach the target of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict"[R1], (2) the consistent and continuous process of "Sudden Awaken" and "Gradual Cultivation" to open the knots of outdated Marks and expand one's Potentiality, (3) the complement between "Not-Self" in Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D38] and interaction between "Self" and "Selfless" in Asanga Consciousness-Only[D39] to empirically experience the "Verifiable Emptiness", (4) the cultivable dynamic process between the Right Effort (hữu niệm) and the Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict (wu-nien) via the Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] in both the Science and Economics (allocating scare resources) of Oneness in KhaiPhong.
Scientific evidences indicate that higher frequency of vibrations in wider perspective of ComPassion turns on more active codes among 64 pairs of one's DNA to sense more complex patterns of the 'Right Effort'. Currently in normal persons there are only 20 active codes are turned on. This indicates the solid foundation of "Kindness" and "Empathy" for deepening the ability to sense both dangers and opportunities in complex "Dependent Nature" of modern living such as trade negotiation, national security, strategic economics and social policies, corporate strategy, professional specialization, career choice, etc. Related: Awaken, Sunyata, #Prajna.
Sunyata - the invisible part, embracing Emptiness for rejuvenation and seeing 'Thing As It Is' plus something more whose manifestation is #Prajna at an Intensity of Attention Point which can be "Effortless / Wei-Wu-Wei / Action from Emptiness" and happened in the sleep directed by one's "Perception poking into the Conscious Universe" in one's "Conscious Living / Lối Sống Tỉnh Thức".
Similar to the discovery of dark matter via visible gravitational force, Sunyata is called invisible since we can deduct its existence through the manifestation of "ComPassion and #Prajna" where Emptiness is a force to detoxify tainted senses for naturally reborn and rejuvenation, having verifiable Signed Posts, personally verifiable by Gotama and will be known by most people in the Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings.
Referring to Figure 2, Sunyata embraces not only the Emptiness of the conditioned inside the box, but also outside the box plus the relevant Right Effort in seeing 'Thing As It Is'. Seeing and Effort is immediate, not discursive thought of a confused philosopher.
Since there are different depths of #Awareness[R5.1] or Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict at different depths of Consciousness layers, there are different Scientific Facts used as signed posts, known as the observable attributes of Transcendental (#EmptyTheContent) Inner Peace (#Samadhi) of 'what can be known', first discovered and described by Gotama, or categorised according to distinct changed phases: Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity.
Through Consciousness and Sound technologies, most will be able to personally experience these observable attributes of Transcendental (#EmptyTheContent) Inner Peace as known by Gotama when he was a child. Thanks to this recovery Gotama dropped his six (6) years of within-the-box hard practices to discover the Fourfold Truth (Scientific Fact to be an epistemic objective statistically verifiable by many people) in his investigation of Issues of Living (Dukkha) and the verifiable solution Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha (cessation of Dukkha) - Table 1 and Table 1.1 - whose dynamic and relevant impacts on one's Quality of the Consciousness is the Natural Purification of the senses. Related: Compassion, Prajna.
Traits - Trait is a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically belonging to a persona. There are positive and negative traits observable in X-dimension pointed to by smart pointer transcendental #Awareness using the naturally qualified person - defined in Latin humanitas as Biology, Compassion and #Prajna - as the base. #Intuition leading to possible normative manifestation of #Prajna in the Right and Unworthy is the breaking point for self-assuring to be continuously evolving from humanity upward where #Honesty & #Care are the traits to clean up negative traits coming from very long evolution to the point good enough for the Nature to enable one - Freewill - an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation, Not Too much regulated by Biology. The "#" hashtag makes following nodes as claimed visible and self-measurable attributes the user / persona wants to be connected with its private value-added descriptions for custom agentic reasoning LLM (Large Language Model) ai of the persona's private Activities and Relationships to know more about oneself via Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes in one's "#Care" for the Right and Unworthy in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
- #TRUTH ,
- #Honesty ,
- #Care ,
- #Intuition ,
- #Balanced ,
- #KindnessEmpathy - the required trait for deeper smart pointer #Awareness in Sustainable Breakthroughs / Tùy duyên Bất biến, Bất biến Tùy duyên of past tainted senses, cultivable and measurable in all Activities - Relationships at all Places empirically proven in the "Parable of the Good Samaritan[R16] to be theoretically and empirically deliverable by KhaiPhong's normative and positive [ #Prajna >< AI ] Consciousness Technologies in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations,
- #Influenced ,
- #Veiled ,
- #Indoctrinated .
#Care is an evaluable trait driven by #Truth & #Honesty to look at the bottom-line outcome of one's "RightEffort" in one's private InnerSpace cultivation which is pointed to via both Gotama's modified Eightfold Path:
- RightUnderstanding ,
- RightMotivation ,
- RightSpeech ,
- RightAction ,
- RightLivelihood
- RightEffort ,
- TranscendentalAwareness ,
- RightSamadhi .
and Buddhist modified taming the Ox since the Ox and the trainer persona is One Not Two containerized consciousness:
- AtHome ,
- RightEffort ,
- TamingTheOx ,
- RidingTheOx ,
- Non-Thingness ,
- TheSource ,
- AwakeningBudh .
Using this complex-valued graphical neural network, the smart pointer #Care evaluated at the bottom-line of RightEffort can be used to evaluate its effectiveness (via statistically epistemic Objective) or personal opinion (hallucination) of all philosophies and/or isms such as KungTzu "assigned Son of God / Chân Mạng Thiên Tử " versus [ Nhân ( ren 仁 ), Nghĩa ( yi 义 ), Lể ( li 理 ), Trí ( zhi 智 ) and Tín ( xin 信 ) ], Falun Gong [ Honesty, Morality, Patience ], LaoTzu [ Wu-Wei / Vo Vi ] , I-Ching [ Heaven Earth Person / Thiên Địa Nhân ]. In this sense, we can scientifically prove that in Christian Trinity / Chúa Ba Ngôi, the Son Jusus is accidentally Right in his epistemic Objective [ 'The kingdom of God within you'Luke 17:21, John 3.3, Matthew 18.3 ], while the Father God is "hallucinated / personal opinion" since all manifestations are conditioned, changed at Planck time, and many in the Community of Holy Spirits are degenerated just like 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism due to Not Knowing Things-As-It-Is underlying Natural Laws of Nature to be DISCOVERED and SHARED.
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