Takeaway: Self-Selfless Actualization - proven at both theoretical and empirical levels - in Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objectives of scientifically cultivable processes is a New significant DISCOVERY to be SHARED and deliverable by KhaiPhong as presented at a high level Preface, moving deeper in proven Inner Peace via #EmptyTheContent in Y-dimension toward Non-Thingness / Nothingness for "Reborn & Rejuvenation", optimally required for visible manifesttions of transcendental #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm Tỉnh Giác in X-dimension via visible injections of #Prajna in engaged Living & Being which are outcomes from scientifically cultivable Inner Space F-dimension as a lump of all relevant attributes of Complex Normative Space / Tensor Intelligence in ontological types Y, X, F of complex variables to describe the three dimensions of Normative Intelligence. It is first Verifiable by Gotama in his glimpse via a binocular View, achievable in his recorded 9 Jhanas / stages of the Right #Samadhi. It is then augmented with deeper explorations from both East and West to shed "Light" on the nature of "Tao" independently glimpsed before Gotama by LaoTzu in TaoTeChing.
Via visible smart pointers [ Transcendental #Awareness / #AwarenessPrajna / #SamadhiPrajna ] is one's ability - from narurally qualified human (as defined by Latin humanitas) in one's Continuity of the consciousness - to know the complex Right or Unworthy according to Natural Laws in Value of the values / Moral Value due to naturally qualified "Latin humatitas / Budh / Kingdom of gods within" relevant to one's Present Moment. It drives Volition / Freewill / Sankhara to make things happened toward What Count. #Awareness with #Prajna can look beyond the Observed's Mask and the Observer's #Veil, having something outside conflicting boxes of involved parties for a Breakthrough such as a difficult issue in international conflict. It has been exploring from entire human history and higher realms, and known as LaoTzu Tao, Gotama Transcendental #Awareness in his #AwarenessPrajna[D22], Socrates "Latin Humanitas", Jesus "Kingdom of God within", Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, Muslim "No gods but God", HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, XuanZang Consciousness of the consciousness, Soyen Shaku "God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality", and now KhaiPhong's Compassion-Prajna innate in human beings, qualified by Natural Evolution / Nature of Thing-As-It-Is according to underlying natural laws. These are "fingers pointing to different moons" which are now scientifically testable due to (1) the Dependent Nature of all visible and invisible manifestations, and (2) Big Data AI to DISCOVER and SHARE underlying manifested Natural Laws in Making Life Easier and Happier driven by Invisible Hand of Economics, directed by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna.
The process is 'scientific' in horizontal implementations with [ Right Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh ] around the X-dimension { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } toward Detachment, vertical integration with [ Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma-#Samadhi) / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness ] around the Y-dimension, and cultivable states and stock of "#Prajna" around the F-dimension in eight (8) layers of No-Conflict Consciousness for the manifestations of the Three Haves: (1) [ "#Awareness / KiếnTánh làm tông" ], (2) [ "Dependent / Duyên Khởi" làm thể ], and (3) "#Prajna / Bát Nhã" làm gốc ] whose states and stock are momentarily changed due to Volition, driven by either #Prajna or Ignorance. It is not anymore "Finger Pointing to any Moon" from unworthy people[R18.4] in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, claiming to Know what they do not know to See what they do not see[D19]. By discovering natural laws and required conditions in Making Life Easier and Happier, one can ride on this [ rocket / three-leg donkey ] known by Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] to the ultimate top of the [ the End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana / Unmoving Sunyata ] then back to personally experience the whole life cycle of [ Dukkha >< Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha ] which is possible in the Right Understanding of Enlightenment where Transcendental #Awareness is [ WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] at different depths of functional "#Prajna" - measurable via Right Effort or Ignorance (Wrong Effort) - capable to (1) a penetration of Insight through complex Issue relevant to your dominant concern / directed intensity of attention such as current International Conflict at South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea, and (2) an ability to "dissolve karmic forces of outdated marks" to purify one's tainted senses[R8].
With the private "digital extension of Persona Stream of Awareness mu" using self-rated "Right Effort" in "statements of facts" recorded from daily events of your private Executive Information Portal EIP, KhaiPhong user custom ai produces Personalised Recommendation Feed to help enabling (1) "Inside-Out" validating people and processes of your Persona or Organization in the direction of your Vision, (2) "Outside-In" bringing qualified people and services to your networks / circles, (3) "Top-Down" validating your Persona or Organization Breakthroughs, and (4) "Bottom-Up" in AI Machine and Deep Learning for further insights of the working Natural Laws in your Conscious Living of Worthy Efforts from higher layers of No-Conflict Consciousness as illustrated in KhaiPhong logo. It helps to optimally allocate scare resources via Invisible Hand of Economics to the persona target whether that target is personal or aggregate such as National Security and/or Territorial Ownership.
Thanks to precise definition of epistemic objective[D36] and Big Data AI, reputable assertions are not any more "blind faith in finger pointed to the moon" asserted by Buddhist unworthy people, challenging all Buddhist [ monks / nuns / followers / PhDs ] what they publicly know about HuiNeng "WuNien / Vô Niệm", "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định", "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ", and Gotama ##AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác. All "reputable moons" are testable: (1) KhaiPhong Compassion-Prajna { "[ Compassion = Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) ] and [ Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Moral Value (of the values) ] plus [ Prajna = sensing the True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position ] in [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] " }, (2) HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Transcendental-Inner-Peace is [ Samadhi ] } and #SamadhiPrajna { "Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna [for Right Understanding], while Prajna is the activity of Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }, or (3) Gotama #AwarenessPrajna { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by Prajna they are dissolved" }. It is so due to deeper vertically accessible Higher Consciousness on the plane of Truth perpendicular to the duality plane of event. At the cross point of the event, the driving force can be "Ignorance" due to tainted senses as analysed in Buddhist 12 links of causes and effects or cultivable #Prajna from KhaiPhong beyond binding Word/Image perfected by Christianity and clinging Thought perfected by Muslim to see the Thing-As-It-Is and strategic move based on one's comparative advantages.
This Conscious Living of Worthy Efforts is another discovered Invisible Hand from visible trait #KindnessEmpathy leading to Conscience / #Prajna of Right and Wrong besides the "Invisible Hand of Economics" to effortlessly and invisibly deliver a lesson to the Grasper and the Grasped based on Greed and Fears to change oneself and the environment toward what count. Drawing resources and experiencing KhaiPhong plus its Implementations, it is now your time to put up and implement a Vision from your specialised domain for the raison d'être of your existence that we may be a part. We have our Vision materialised via (1) Change Management SIS (Strategic Intelligence Services KpSIS), (2) Modelling and Simulation via EIP, (3) Clean Environment of distributed database db, and (4) Resources Policies using latest technologies in sustainable processes via mu, and deliverable #EmptyTheContent via Detachment coming from underlying Natural Purification.
(1) Consciousness of the consciousness (proof for the innate Budh / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas), (2) Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only (Conscious Living of Worthy Efforts), (3) Right Understanding of Enlightenment / Scientific Proof of Gotama's Degeneration.
That #Awareness - switching between Self (hữu niệm) / Selfless (vô niệm)[R7.3], Relative Truth / Ultimate (Wider) Truth[D38], Suffering Dukkha / Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35] - is possible due to Transcendental #Awareness[D22][D26] or states of #Prajna, qualified by Gotama at the Equanimity third Jhana (level) of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace[D29]. In that Equanimity y2 = 1 enforced KindnessEmpathy (represented in complex Fibonacci passing 1 twice) upward, one has "Detachment" in the first Jhana and direct experience with "#EmptyTheContent / Insight in the Emptiness from Tranquility" of gross attributes. It comprises both the conditioned Mind of Intuition and brain Intelligence, and "the Essence of Mind" defined by HuiNeng as "intrinsically pure / free from becoming or annihilation / self-sufficient / free from change"[R5] Chapter I accessible via Compassion and #Prajna. That "Essence of Mind" - taken for granted from established Buddhist philosophy - is the invisible Sunyata from the Heart Sutra[R2] to be further researched at both Gotama #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác Y-dimension and HuiNeng WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension to DISCOVER and SHARE underlying natural laws for InnerSpace scientific cultivations of F-dimension or one's states and stock of #Prajna. Its manifestations are Compassion and #Prajna to drive Volition / Freewill / Sankhara toward Right Effort / Living according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The Right Effort turns into Wrong Effort when the Volition is driven by Ignorance / Avijja driven by tainted senses[R7.3]. The outcome of Right Effort or Wrong Effort and their degrees are measurable feedbacks for dynamic adjustments to change both the normative and positive decisions about the sweet spot.
In the scientific definition of "Mind" for deeper exploration of human potentialities in terms of "states" and "stock" of smart pointer #Prajna - the flower of Compassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata - we go beyond humanity understanding of the consciousness up to 2025 to identify the "seventh sense of Vibrations" capable to get the "Pulse" and possible optimum solution of a complex issue whose outcome is a dynamic set of interactions and feedback of "Thrusts and Counter-Thrusts" from multi parties in critical situations affecting millions lives and/or generations to come. This "seventh sense" is on top of commonly known as the "sixth sense" from "Inctinct > Intuition", observable in migrating animals and in many persons. Both the seventh and sixth senses are cultivable from the "#Awareness of Common Energy Vibrations" and are parts of #PrajnaTIP in Kindness. Tainted senses can be Silent for a "Completely Open Mind / No Mind Enclosure" when the "Purity" signed post is sufficiently stable to sense the core issue and possible solution according to "Thing-As-It-Is". Via "Verifiable Emptiness"[R1], the conditioned mind has an infusion of "Natural Purification / Inner Peace" from "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" for a Right Effort of 'Thing As It Is' from #Prajna. The process is cultivable via discovered natural laws to enable an on/off switch between "Relative Truth" of a driving Agent / Self and "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" in "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" to know more about oneself at different depths of "#Awareness>" having a Fresh Insight at the Present Moment.
Via [ Self-Selfless #Awareness / Actualization ], one can verify the theoretical model of Dharmapala-XuanZang "Consciousness of the consciousness" and prove "No Chasm / Contradiction" between Asanga's Consciousness-Only[D39] and Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D38], or between "Self" and "Not-Self" of a Right Effort.
Your facilities and appropriate conditions - Prajna Places coming from clearly stated unique comparative advantage of your Mission or portfolios of related projects for Execution - may be sustainable and last beyond your life time. What we bring to the table are (A) scientific and logical proofs (on the duality plane of existence) the defects and/or not sufficient of all dedicated explorers up to 2025 (including LaoTzu, Gotama, KungTzu, Socrates, Jesus, Nagarjuna, Asanga, Bodhidharma, XuanZang, HuiNeng, Krishnamurti, etc) together with possible integration to glue all relevant attributes together with modern Machine and Deep Learning for community verification as statistically significant epistemic objectives, (B) possible demonstrations of the "Right Effort" in our professional trails of (1) Change Management SIS, (2) Modelling and Simulation custom AI, (3) Clean Environment and Harmonious NWO (New World Order) db, and (4) Resources Policies from grassroots mu using latest technologies in sustainable processes, and deliverable #EmptyTheContent via Detachment coming from underlying Natural Purification; it is designed to partially clean up the messes in worthy human existence and partly earn sustainable resources (together with donated resources from those convinced by trail #1 to change oneself and the environment toward What Count) in an Engineering Roadmap enabling Conscious being a solid Science validated by measurable Worthy Efforts, (C) a federation of dedicated explorers in entire spectrum of the "Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots" for sustainable AwakeningBudh where KhaiPhong is its technical arm in Making Life Easier and Happier.
1. Consciousness of the consciousness (proof for the innate Budh / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas)
Science looks at Self (Soul) as an object of human belief, or as a concept that shapes cognition and an understanding of the world, having direct impacts on the Quality of one's existence. We tentatively define (1) Consciousness = the ground of all beings, the nature of all things vibrating at the fundamental level to enable Understanding and its Meanings different from functional programming from the Nobel prize in physics, (2) Self / Soul / Agent = an identifiable bundle of unique Consciousness having Intelligence which is an ability to make decision and ability to learn, (3) Freewill = the Directed Force of a Self / Soul / Agent to shape its unique quality of the Consciousness and the Environment. In that #Awareness of the consciousness - passing an utter Silence of Purity - there is no experience of body and thought, transcending the "Observed" to Non-Thingness and transcending the "Observer" which is the Buddhist "Not-Self". It is knowable via Gotama's signed posts[D29], [D30] at Expanding (Infinite) Space upward. Hence - with appropriate technologies - one can personally verify Beyond Thought / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh that existence is a manifestation of Consciousness-Only.
Over 2500 years ago, there was a child sitting under a tree in a Vista of Open Space that he felt a part / Equanimity Community which can optimally reproducible for the Haves and Publicly / Freely available for Stakeholders of the mass. We hope these Communities toward What Count will be created If Things Happened. A sense of 'light happiness' appeared in him, effortlessly to calmer state, exceptionally even and quiet, then Purity where the 'initial happiness' has faded away for the "Purity of Utter Silence". His sense of body boundary was not there and his sense of space is expanding, etc. From then on, a keen sense of curiosity (Intensity of Attention) was in him despite all unpleasant attributes of living were meticulously shielded to prevent him from seeing 'Thing-As-It-Is' in Actual Living. This is a paraphrase of Gotama's recorded experience when he was a child from an angle of a student who actually knows all nine stages of Gotama's Samadhi having some extra attributes for others' value-adds when scientific processes of Sound and Consciousness are introduced.
As a young lad, he encountered some unpleasant sights such as sickness, old age, death that drove his Inner Quest for some Meaning of a Worthy Existence (Sat). The young lad was Siddhartha, meaning the one who has found the "Meaning / Raison D'être" (of existence) or 'he who has attained his goal'. That young lad had spent six years of within-the-box hard practices exerting tremendous determination and concentration, hard to be matched by others. Finally, he remembered his natural childhood experience through the nine observable attributes of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace, abandoned the within-the-box determination and concentration to take the natural effortless approach of HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity / Wei-Wu-Wei) and 'found the meaning of existence'. Siddhartha Gotama presented his system of Fourfold Truth to the World, personally Designed - Built - Executed[D24], [D25] [+ note] the Buddhist Sangha, and was called by others the Buddha (The One who Knows).
Gotama Inner Quest implicitly implies 'Living' as a mathematical 'Axiom' with no need for any proof, and the 'Buddha Nature' or the ability to know 'the Right' and 'the Unworthy' relevant to one's Present Moment as its 'Corollary' (Hệ Luận); without that ability (Buddha Nature), there in no 'Living'. From this 'Living' Axiom, he discovered Scientific Facts and presented the driving model from a formal Ontological System of the Fourfold Truth with the Eightfold Path[D21], or differently under the Four Seals of the Consciousness.
Unexpectedly, Gotama used modern ontological system - as shown and contrasted with other systems - to communicate the shared and common understanding of 'Who I Am and the Essence of the Right Living / Effort'. We extend his system taxonomy into observable attributes in daily activities and wider attitudes in approaching and handling all Issues. Under Open Innovation, we look for a formal Ontological System to translate these defined concepts into actionable terms of [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] to gauge the 'Maturity Model' of the Normative Persona. The Models are your assembled tasks / processes / services to make the life of a person and/or aggregate - such as family, organisation, community, country, world - Easier and Happier. The 'Ability to Know / Axiom' is expanded to rule-based assumptions - to drive the models - in Strategic Awareness of oneself and the environment one a part to choose the battle at the right place and right time. Applying modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) using evolving classifications of [Taxonomy - Model - Assumption], we take philosophy out of its ivory tower of confused philosophers, and most important of all enabling Lasting Values contributed by Great Explorers in major organised religions floating up, while wiping out religious fanatics[R18.3], creating unnecessary past Sufferings for billion lives.
One's Inner Quest: If there is an innate [ Budh / Kingdom of gods within / Buddha Nature ] (an ability to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment), why one is Suffering, Unsatisfied, and cannot achieve one's Full Potentiality for a Worthy Existence. How can I start at Present Moment from where I am?
The 'Why', 'How' and 'What' are parts of scientific process to keep the target in focus where scientific fact is 'Thing-As-It-Is', applicable in certain conditions. Gravity is a scientific fact, observable, testable and achievable (reproducible). It is always there with many practical applications before its formal discovery. The Gravity was discovered based on the Axiom of Newton's Third Law Action-Reaction. Another scientific fact is a Vacuum state where there is no gravity. Both facts, gravity and vacuum, are 'things as they are' to show the existence of both visible and invisible under different scientifically reproducible conditions. They are similar to "Self" and "Not-Self" in Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only, "Right Effort" and "Wrong Effort" where a normative decision - capable in Consciousness of the consciousness - is a part of the innate Buddha Nature. The question is "How to access it" if it is innate in everyone.
In this chapter, we will show the scientific process employed and discovered by Gotama in his 'Quest' of the 'Why' (Dukkha) for a worthy existence, the 'How' in his modified 'Eightfold Path' starting from outside-the-box of scientifically cultivable qualities of one's containerized consciousness called smart pointer "#Prajna" pointing to one's visible traits affecting classified types of [ Y, X, F ] dimensions in the path's first division, the 'What' of 'Learning and Doing' to be (1) a 'Good Person' in the second division of Virtuous Living, and (2) widen one's perspective to explore the 'Essence of the Right Living / Effort' in the third stability division where Buddhist "Right Mindfulness" is replaced with "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng 's WuNien / Vietnamese KiếnTánh / KhaiPhong #Awareness" since Gotama pecked his "Mindfulness" at Equanimity third Jhana upward[D29], [D26] to actually discover one is more than the physical and energy body - known in Vietnamese as "KiếnTánh" - first rationally thanks to modern STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) education at high-school level then directly experiencing "Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity" thanks to scientifically cultivable #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to actually experiencing Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna. These three divisions are classified for easy communication; they are in fact a One Process / Model named by Gotama as the (modified) Eightfold Path, not eight serial paths distorted by Buddhist unworthy people in their "Big Mouths via Greed and Fears" of [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] since they are dynamically affect one another to change the quality of one's consciousness wherever and whenever one happens to be according to natural laws.
Most members of Buddhist cheating Sanghas do not have enough driving force of the 'Why', hence totally miss the 'How' and the 'What'. That tremendous 'Intensity-of-Attention' and driving force are only naturally available in few evolving entities, continuously pounding their "Transcendental #Awareness" on scientific processes to help oneself and the communities. Even when one has some reflection and decides to change - once and a while - one continues to fall into the same mistake, especially the Right versus Unworthy Sex, Fames, physical Resources beyond required comfort self management, etc. See How one is a slave to the senses rather than using the senses as tools with Clarity and Insight in 'Learning and Doing' where Spiritual Culture is a way to higher layers of Aspiration from Equanimity Communities in No-Conf;lict Consciousness. This issue has been persistent up to 2025, partly due to (1) Big Mouths from esoteric unworthy entities in their Animal Kingdoms of bullying others, cheating and stealing in the past feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods together with faked claimed Buddhas, Tiên, Gods, Allah, Thánh, Thần, etc, in the culture of cheating, stealing, cunning and bullying of esoteric feudal systems, (2) Not Available scientific processes enabling most people personally verify another dimension personally known by Gotama, Jesus, HuiNeng, etc, qualified by Nature in Latin humanitas, and theoretically explained via Buddhist Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only, and (3) Not Available practical deliverability of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna PLUS logical-theoretical understanding Thing-As-It-Is including Bigger System waiting to be verified such as the Relative Truth of Physical-Consciousness-Energy of Self and Selfless in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness in Sát (Dương Gian) Giới / Linh (Âm Gian) Giới / PHÁP GIỚI BIỂU ĐỒ (the video is now private) of "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaboration©". The higher part of Âm Gian is Linh Giới; the higher part of Dương Gian is Not Necessary Sát Giới but the Harmonious New-World-Order to manifest the reality of Linh Giới. Then explore that outside-the-box natural Purification to personally verify its potent solution. Typical examples are painful divorces then repeating the same mistake, or being a 'hero - holy - devil' messing one's life and the lives of others with 'hallucination / utopia / ism' due to Ignorance to veil one's Conscience in thinking one is doing a service to the world as actually done in the entire history of the Roman Catholic Church[R18.4], religious forced conversion in the Islam and Christian movements, documented intent of the 'Illuminati New Word Order'[R18.3], or personally as the case of the claimed enlighten monk of Plum Village - Làng Mai (the same author Cửa Tùng Đôi Cánh Gài making the same but deeper and bigger mistake, being a slave to the senses of a glorified self).
This is now easier - and hopefully not many fall into the cracks of past human dominant errors - to know more about oneself and the environment one a part since one starts from the most dominant Issue in a long process that one consciously knows its road-map. This roadmap injects three things - not available in the past - based on the innate Buddha Nature in everyone and the aggregate collective wisdom: (1) a normative approach in "Right Transcendental Inner Peace" riding on discovered natural laws for heavy lifting in daily activities including entertainment toward "What Count"[R23] for a "Transcendental Inner Peace" - a Freshness of Rejuvenation - to see and act according to "Thing As It Is" while building "the stability of one's Transcendental-Inner-Peace at different depths of "Verifiable Emptiness"[R1] capable to dissolve all appearances to Sunyata Non-Thingness, (2) a positive augmentation from hard facts based on advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big-Data, a new frontier of ICT (Information Communication Technology) that is now dominant by "Open Sources" where everyone can be a part and play a role based on one's unique contributions, (3) a dynamic interaction of normative "the Right Thing to do" and positive hard facts to keep one on the razor-sharp "Right Effort" and "Wrong Effort"[R7.3] in "Making Life Easier and Happier" for one and the environment.
The Intensity-of-Attention is naturally there with tremendous energy to overcome the hurdle. Thanks to other discovered scientific facts, the fruit is now deliverable to most people transcending all isms, religions, cultures, races and countries. One will be more efficient in both Normative and Positive Economics at the bottom line. In brief, they are:
- Using the charming power of 'Sunyata Non-Thingness' like a "black-hole" gravitational force to effortlessly calm 'Infinite Thoughts' at the surface for rejuvenation, and Aspiration to be a Good Person for revitalisation of one's HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity). It is an answer using PrajnaTIP in Sound to the 'Infinite Thought Bodhisattva' asking for help but cheated by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Saddharma-pundarika[D49] since those in negative Fibonacci degeneration had lost that "HonNhien". This step enables most people direct experiencing - at the minimum - the Tranquillity through Transcendental Mind having Detachment as its attribute and Initiated Mind gateway to "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", giving birth to the highest samadhi[D34]. Side effects of this technique will be properly managed using modern technologies in self-help with [ WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh ], community supports, and professional helps.
- Enforcing Transcendental and Cosmic Consciousness with #PrajnaTIP in Kindness and Cultivable #Prajna in Activity facilitated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) relevant to one's bottom-line Normative Economics while assuring sufficient qualified counsellors having minimum Equanimity and Purity Mind to support the mass.
- Asking already identified highly qualified counselors, using Cosmic Consciousness and the Unity for the Cultivable #Prajna in Sadhana in training the trainers to make the Movement sustainable.
The Buddha Nature (Budh), a part of 'Thing As It Is', is always there in living entities having a sense of an 'agent' at different depths of #Awareness, bounded by its present energy and physical level, since it is the 'Corollary of Living'. Within the human form, many have poked into it at different angles mixing few 'Thing As It Is - #Truth' driven by #Prajna with a lot of Imaginations driven by Ignorance (Avijja) (Table 2) in the 'tinkering' process of Babylonian 'Tower of Babel', commonly known as unnecessary divisional confusions, pointing toward a possible Whole if there is some lasting value that everyone can build on.
Let's test the '[ Budh / Buddha Nature / #GodKingdom within / Latin Humanitas ]' in a scientific setting using oneself and a selected controlled environment so one can personally verify that it is a corollary of living:
- Choose a subject you are most interested in that others can see and feel the fire from your within. Alternatively use the supreme Koan described in Buddhist Fourfold Truth and Heart Sutra.
- Quietly select the most pleasant partner that you and the partner unquestionably see the discussion can be beneficial and in the interest of both. Alternatively, you can use yourself in this Self/Selfless #Awareness.
- Select a very relaxing and comfort environment, preferably in an expanding open space with the nature, for a dialogue of #Awareness (deep reflection into meditation).
- Enter the dialog in a quiet manner, being "Aware" of all signals from [body, feelings, mind, mental qualities] and [your relationship with the surrounding].
In that "clear attention", see if you are aware of (1) what is going on within yourself (the Observer), (2) what is going on inside the partner (the Observed), (3) the chemistry and the mood of the conversation (the State of Observation) and (4) any 'Insight' during and/or after the dialogue. If you use yourself in this "self/selfless #Awareness", you can be both the observer, the observed, and "ask yourself what make you know the observer, the observed and the state of observation". Your discovery in this "clear attention" is what we call [ "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness as the target - KiếnTánh làm tông - Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } [ "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ].
At the minimum, you probably can recognize (1) the Observer, (2) the Observed, and (3) the State of Observation; some 'Insight' may appear at/or after the event. Ask yourself "what enables you Aware of your 'State' and the observed 'State' together with the State of the Engagement" that each party brings something to the table. If the topic is your dominant interest, the 'Insight' may appear during the conversation and/or after, in your sleep or in a dream. Ask yourself "what enables you Aware of that 'Insight' in waking, sleeping, dreaming, and the process" for that 'Insight' manifested. It is an "Awaken then Awakening exercise using your Inner Quest. You can use your most dominant issue such as a serious illness, a handicap, your Inner Quest in this dialogue of #Awareness or deep reflection to discover that "you are more than the illness, the handicap, the power and wealth which are only tools for you to discover and make up a Real You"[R10].
That Consciousness stream running along the Waking, Sleeping and Dreaming states is 'Chit / Consciousness', described by the Hindu and Buddhist Consciousness-Only as Pure Consciousness and the Fourth Consciousness, #Awareness of the Awaken that Dharmapala-XuanZang[D19] named "Consciousness of the consciousness" model to explain everything is Consciousness, hence Consciousness-Only consistent with modern thinking. The theoretical model is empirically described by Gotama[D44] and consistent with our exploration together with verification up to now. This "Consciousness of the consciousness" model is now proven in wider view, at both theoretical and empirical levels presented in Right Understanding of Enlightenment.
Some even claim mechanical techniques to awaken the 'Kundalini' for accessing that Consciousness. 'Kundalini' or whatever name you want to call may or may not expand your potentiality with or without side effects such as unmanageable sex addiction due to its connection to the sex center. Since Kundalini is locally conditioned at physical level, its outside-the-box may be similar to the highest tantric penetration. Its derived 'Bliss' and 'miracles' may be addicted and/or Grasp-ed, which is 'Wrong' #Samadhi, different from Detachment (Vô Trụ) Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi) described by Gotama. When the time is right, advanced counsellors running Cultivable #Prajna in Sadhana can use their vessels as Conduits to infuse cosmic energy to open the participants' Heart and Crown Chakras for wider perspective of existence and/or help direct experiencing the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas" in varieties of practical applications where natural levitation trained in the 1960's 1970's was one.
We call the manifestation of that 'Insight' coupled with Relevant Volition '#Prajna - Bát Nhã' commonly known as 'Wisdom' (Trí Huệ), and leverage thousands years of Buddhist investigations together with esoteric contributions to point out and scientifically demonstrate that #Prajna is the beginning and the ultimate (Prajna-Paramita - Bát Nhã Siêu Việt) of one's Awakening with its states and stock at different depths of [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] blah blah blah at word level in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas. We equate #Prajna (Wisdom) with your "Conscience / Lương Tri of Right & Wrong at possible Highest level for a breakthrough at any focused event" since within #Prajna there is a sense of rightness and wrongness to show that #Prajna (Conscience) is available in most persons not too much binding to a clinging force, and that Conscience is cultivable. It is also our unique discovery in layered No-Conflict Consciousness that sensing the vibration of energy is the "sine-qua-non / absolutely indispensable" of #Prajna and why #Prajna is the outcome Dependent on the beginning of Right and Wrong [ Conscience >< Kindness >< Empathy ] from negative Fibonacci degeneration around the Y-dimension having two observable attributes: [ #Awareness of the Right and Wrong >< Sense of Justice >< Moral Value ] and [ #Awareness of True Intention >< Seeing Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position based on one's Comparative Advantage ] in the breakthrough via Gateway-to-Oneness in positive Fibonacci evolution. It explains why very few in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas can have a glimpse of #Prajna due to the sabotage of cheating monks and nuns in their blah blah blah of #Prajna as the outcome of their conditions [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism.
Directly targeting #Prajna (at strong enough Conscience / Lương Tri) we show the practicality of 'The Path of the True Heart - Đạo Chân Tâm - a combined name of two Vietnamese monks Đạo Chân and Đạo Tâm'[D42] to be and start right 'At Home' - no mask, authentic - to be HonNhien and know more about oneself and the environment one a part. Riding on the breakthroughs in Consciousness and Sound Technologies, one can directly access the 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth' to naturally have Purification from the Infusion of that Perfected Nature to close the gap between Reality and Actuality (Figure 1). The states of #Prajna in casual observation is named [ WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] to see and act according to 'Thing-As-It-Is'. That Right Transcendental #Awareness is cultivable having its base in Equanimity Mind according to Gotama[D29], and Purity Mind according to AwakeningBudh Movement to be consistent with the possibility of Transcendental Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness right in an activity that we call #PrajnaTIPs (Transcend Inner Peace).
'Sat' is Worthy Existence, and Sunyata is the invisible - defined as the source of all manifested things according to the Heart Sutra[R2]. You now know that you already have that 'Chit / Consciousness' required for a "Happy Existence / Sat" at 'different shades' of "#Prajna as outcomes of (states and stock / Intuition of InnerSpace)" due to a very long past evolution of Learning and Doing. Gotama (modified) Eightfold Path starts at your level of "#Prajna" called "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" - not in the Ignorant Virtue of Buddhist cheating Sanghas - in your actionable continuous Learning and Doing, not at the Buddhist Sangha "wrong" theoretical level of [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] reducing #Prajna as an outcome of totally conditioned to bully humanity on what they don't know yet claimed to Know nor have yet claimed to Have[D19]. Don't be Greedy to fall into the Grasp-er (Grahaka - Người Chiếm Hữu) and the Grasped (Grahya - Cái Chiếm Hữu), being addicted victim of organised religions who know nothing about that Chit / Consciousness and/or Love.
Using the taxonomy (classification) of "Sunyata and #Prajna" from the Heart Sutra[R2] we clarify at logical level the confusion of HuiNeng realization about the Self Nature[R5.2] page 68] "The self-nature is originally pure / neither produced nor destroyed / complete in itself / without movement - Tự tánh vốn tự thanh tịnh / chẳng sanh diệt / tự đầy đủ / chẳng lay động " then "The self-nature can produce the ten thousands dharmas / tự tánh sanh ra muôn pháp". That "Self Nature" and/or "Wu-Nien" have been grossly tainted by many claimed masters and enlighten monks who have not passed even the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict". The "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" at seven (7) different depths of practical living will be epistemic objectives under KhaiPhong user-facing mu.
The first part of HuiNeng self-nature is equivalent to "Sunyata / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" known in Gotama's recorded Jhanas and verifiable in the new Era of Conscious Living & Being, the invisible out of which is the manifestations and dissolutions of all things. The second part of the self-nature is due to Volition / Freewill / Sankhara driven either by Ignorance (avijjā) from tainted mind or #Prajna from "no mind enclosure" that produces all dharmas. Using clearly defined taxonomy with innate attributes we can use scientific approach to model very delicate and precious natural laws to help oneself and many others change oneself and the environment one a part in "Making Life Easier and Happier". These natural laws comprise of both personally verifiable processes - called #PrajnaTIPs discovered by living students with many thousands years of dedicated explorations - facilitated by modern technologies that everyone can be part of the contributing communities whose sustainable facilities may last longer than the present life of the founders we sincerely ask you being parts in your Continuity of the consciousness. The measurable outcomes of Ignorance or #Prajna are Wrong Effort or Right Effort[R7.3] normally known by the Agent via "No-Mark / Vô Vết" and "Detachment-Born / Vô Trụ" once the action is completed with or without the positive or negative results on the environments.
Being Aware of this state (Vietnamese KiếnTánh) in any activity is the extension of Gotama Transcendental #Awareness of [ simultaneously arising signals from the body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities ] to [ Dependent Nature (Paratantra) of the present states of one's Relationships with the World 'As It Is' ] having the infusion of the Perfected Nature (Parinishpanna - outside conflicting boxes of all concerned parties, represented at Patch C in Figure 2) to lift one out of the Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita) of Ignorance toward the Dependent Nature of 'Thing-As-It-Is'.
Please reflect and have a lesson learned from all your Efforts in contrast with Humanity Efforts up to present moment to sense the precious technologies, Knowing more about oneself in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness" that Buddhists declare "The Great Importance of Dependent Nature / Đại Sự Nhân Duyên" yet missed even by Gotama the Dependent Nature in layered No-Conflict Consciousness. We correct this major defect with a scientific implementation of KhaiPhong user facing mu that Gotama refused to answer the question of "beyond duality" as a waste of time to enable armies of unworthy people to knock out his precious discovery of "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } in 2500+ years of his "personally created and self efforts throughout 45+ years" up until 2025. The "beyond duality" is now mathematically proven and scientifically deliverable with user facing AI CustomFeed using proven Process Control of Feed Foreward and Backward Dynamic System.
Here is HuiNeng's assertion[R5] about #Prajna in #SamadhiPrajna { '#Samadhi (Inner Peace) is the quintessence of #Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi' }. The definition is correct Only at an instantaneous moment that his students, without having both Transcendental-Inner-Peace nor #Prajna, logically extrapolate the description of the momentary experience as a static permanent experience which is Not 'Thing-As-It-Is'. It is so since all physical and mental conditions are changing at Planck time, and the instance of perfectly optimal conditions is instantaneous and cannot be deducted. This is similar to the description of momentary Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha from Buddhist Sangha, incorrectly identified with a static permanent experience, then logically and incorrectly extended to Pari-Nirvana. The word "quintessence" is defined as "the aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central constituent of its character". You can contrast "#Prajna as discovered by Gotama and HuiNeng" with KhaiPhong's deliverable #Prajna in Table 1.1. HuiNeng's discoveries form the base for futher deep cultivations in positive Fibonacci evolution to be out of HuiNeng's Three Nots (Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachement / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ) into KhaiPhong's Three Haves (#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã) applicable to human (and other higher realms where this writer - together with other presently 2025 living persons such as the Morgan) - will be Heads of family-lineages centric society.
So "Transcendental-Inner-Peace" is the central constituent of "#Prajna" according to Gotama and HuiNeng, then in engaged living to be DISCOVERED and SHARED by KhaiPhong. Riding on KhaiPhong user-facing technologies mu of Transcendental Inner Peace to verify Gotama's description of his "Verifiable Emptiness" we value add to HuiNeng's snapshot of #SamadhiPrjana into both a Transcendental Process where gross attributes are dissolving / emptying in finer stage and step-wise dynamic process in accumulating the states and stock of #Prajna. In the same token, we use current humanity rational thinking and modern Experimental Design to turn unreacheable HuiNeng "Three Nots" of visible outcomes applicable only to his qualities of the consciousness at that time [ Wu-Nien as its object - “vô niệm làm tông” / No-Mark as its substance - “vô tướng làm thể” / Detachment as its fundamental principle - “vô trụ làm gốc” ] into "Three Haves" known by almost all persons having minimum conscience of the Right and Wrong in human nature Nhân Tính reprinted in 2021-01-16 from the second edition (1970) of the head of VanHanh University / VIỆN ĐẠI HỌC VẠN HẠNH which is Now Scientifically Cultivable [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ].
No one we know besides selected few living students known to us - up to 2025 - has actual experience of "#SamadhiPrajna - Định-Tuệ" to scientifically investigate this state at deeper level in discovering natural laws for correct heavy lifting. First of all, applying Gotama "Detachmnet" in his first Jhana[D29] as the required attribute of "Right #Samadhi / Samma-Samadhi" in his (modified) Eightfold Path, we immediately see the distinction of "Right Transcendental Inner Peace" and "Wrong Inner Peace" in two kinds of "#Samadhi". Both must go through the gateway to "#Oneness" for aesthetic transcendental dissolution via Emptiness[D34] or instant access to "No-Conflict Consciousness" due to Cunning Intelligence. That is why HuiNeng said about #DhyanaSamadhi and there is No Meditation if there is No #Samadhi or Transcendental Dissolution where all organised religions are hopping in the dark. Siddhi cultivation from Hindu and Vajrayana, Tantric Highest sexual Penetration, Faith to move the mountain, etc, are technologies leading to "Wrong #Samadhi" if practitioners do not have solid foundation of "Detachment", capable to drop the mean at will while freely entering the target of required Transcendental Inner Peace in Emptiness for reborn and rejuvenation. The cunning intelligence is there due to past evolution but loss in the hallucination of the self. The "lack of understanding underlying natural laws that this writer knows from higher esoteric realms is the main cause of Higher Realms Total Collapse from 60,000+ human years of "Degeneration" driven by "Greed, Fears and Angers".
In the Science of KhaiPhong, only the Right #Samadhi leads to sustainable "#Prajna" for deeper exploration in Cosmic Consciousness and Unity, actually knowing the "Not-Self" verifiable by Gotama and few dedicated explorers. The "Wrong #Samadhi and/or Cunning Intelligence" will first lose its sense as a part of the whole, commonly known as Compassion, then the "stock of #Prajna", reverse the evolution into negative Fibonacci degeneration with cunning intelligence of extreme desire around the F-dimension and binding Word/Image clinging Thought away from Detachment around the X-dimension to fall below the breaking point at Gateway-to-Oneness. The states of #Prajna are reduced to "brain intelligence and ability of logical argument (lý luận)" locally manifested through one's effort. The states (Transcendental #Awareness with Transcendental Inner Peace) and stock from positive Fibonacci evolution of #Prajna measurable at Gateway-to-Oneness upward are lost. Gotama "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma-Samadhi" is a natural and easy way to cultivate the required stock of #Prajna. We also extend HuiNeng's "#SamadhiPrajna" to refer to both the states and stock of #Prajna which has the "injection of Insight from the present moment that both Gotama and HuiNeng did not know" to scientifically verify Gotama's assertion { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } to validate his quest in the solution of Intelligent Beings "Dukkha / Sufferings" applicable to all intelligent realms from humanity upward that we propose the new "Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Colllaborations" for further value-adds and/or required preparations in one's Continuity of the consciousness to different Realms; so does the esoteric and partial suggestion from minute 21:30 to dedicated people (also applicable to all intelligent beings in higher realms further explained below) evolving in the Right "Living&Being" of Latin humanitas (Biology, ComPassion, Prajna).
#Prajna, in our definition, is the Accumulated State of Sudden Awaken from a busted #Samadhi to kick-start a process of wiring at both observable physical synchronisation between left and right brain for a Right Living / Effort, and invisible signature in the eighth Consciousness for the Continuity of the Consciousness during reincarnation, then Awakening to physically materialize that wiring. Here is our definition to be further drilled down in this book and empirical investigations:
Prajna is the Wholesome Integration of Intuition, Brain Intelligence, and wider perspective of ComPassion, from the Heart for 'the Right Thing to do' which embraces all involved parties in the Totality of Existence, outside the boxes of all local involved parties, in tune with the Nature relevant to the Present Moment.
Without "ComPassion" there cannot be "Prajna" as represented by a ComPassion circle around the Intensity-of-Attention point in Figure 2. ComPassion, on the other hand, is sustainable by Natural Ethics (not the conditioned ethics of all organised religions) according to natural Scientific Facts beyond Virtuous Rules at Word and Thought level. It is the Eightfold Path Transcendental #Awareness and Right #Samadhi, extended to the [ Dependent Nature of the present states of one's Relationships with the World 'As It Is' ]. Prajna is the manifestation at different depths of Sunyata or the flower of ComPassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata. They (Compassion and #Prajna) are visible attributes of the invisible Sunyata and is together a smart pointer to visible traits observable on identified attributes / types from the [ F >< Y >< X ] dimensions of one's containerized consciousness, injecting the 'Being' into the 'Living' - 'Doing' in all activities - for a Normative (Worthy) Existence of one's innate Buddha Nature in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. That is how the Buddha Nature is awaken in the AwakeningBudh Movement.
There is no such thing as 'Hindu Consciousness', 'Buddhist Consciousness', 'Christian Consciousness', 'Muslim Consciousness', etc; there are Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim Conditions. But there is a Quest, Beyond all 'isms' from 'Word' and 'Thought' of the Grasp-er toward "Thing As It Is", driven by one's 'innate Buddha Nature'. Gotama Fourfold Truth is Scientific Fact, looking at the 'Totality' from the angle of his Inner Quest searching for the solution of a Worthy conditioned existence. We make a distinction between
- Consciousness which has embedded Natural Ethics,
- Consciousness (Budh Dharma) as formulated by Gotama,
- Consciousness from the angle of KhaiPhong Scientific Facts that everyone can be a part.
The first distinction takes [Consciousness / Budh Dharma] as the Totality (Tathagata - As It Is) according to Natural laws. The second distinction is the View of that Totality by Gotama to solve his Inner Quest of "Suffering Dukkha", and open a trail that many can contribute. The third distinction is from the angle of Scientific Facts that lead to different Tasks toward the same Target as the second. Required tasks (Table 1 and Table 1.1) arising from the angles of 'Worthy Existence in Suffering Dukkha' (Gotama) and of 'Scientific Facts' are complement to start at Present Moment of KhaiPhong from wherever one is, appropriate to all life styles chosen by practitioner.
There are innumerable issues inside each person to enable one immediately recognize the Unsatisfied (Suffering Dukkha) of Gotama first Truth and look for its Solution in "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha"[D35] via WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }, while there are some moments of Kindness, ComPassion, HonNhien, and #Prajna to recognize one's innate lasting values, far beyond the physical and energy body. Both issues and aspirations exist in most people so one can switch from one mode to other and/or at any grade between, relevant to one's present moment.
Consciousness having a sense of an agent is a form of energy, it cannot be destroyed, but transformed from heavier narrower scope of Sufferings (Wrong Effort) to a lighter wider scope of Happiness (Right Effort)[D32] that drives the evolution of all living organisms searching for some Happiness and mitigating unnecessary Sufferings. Figure 1 summarises this scientific view of Evolution of Species and the Consciousness [ Consciousness to Sound to Forms ] plus [ Forms to Consciousness ] in the first round of feedback (Evolution of Species) for more sophisticated and complex Living Organisms. Humanity evolves from these complex Social Ecosystems into a 'Thinker' of 'Abstractions', pushing the sphere of one's Consciousness to the border line of its perceptions: (1) Transcendental Consciousness (Detachment, Tranquillity gateway to Oneness, Equanimity of loosening the grips of 'Binding Word/Image', Purity of loosening the grips of 'Clinging Thought', (2) Cosmic Consciousness (Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness), and (3) Unity (Sunyata Non-Thingness, Border line of conditioned and unconditioned, Unmoving Sunyata).
2. Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only (Conscious Living of Worthy Efforts)
Existing before and parallel with the Buddhist Sangha, Hindu explorers in the Potentiality of Human Worthy Existence (Sat) discovered a Consciousness state (Chit) capable to observe the Observer, the Observed, and the Observation state in Waking, Sleeping and Dreaming that modern human beings can personally verify their discoveries once PrajnaTIPs in Sound and in Kindness are scientifically exposed since members of KhaiPhong Inner Circle actually know these states to kick start the new "Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations for Conscious Living beyond animal kingdoms of the past imploded esoteric feudal systems" that we hope many can be parts of the efforts in AI Technologies, setting sustainable foundation for democracies and human rights as stepping stones for International Relations plus Esoteric Communications and Collaborations. Some advanced practitioners were able to recall incidences of their past lives, commonly known as Akashic record. They concluded that there is a 'true Self' and the purpose of existence is the merging of this 'suffering self' to the 'True Self' of Bliss (Ananda) in their well known "SatChitAnanda". The Grasp-er (from left brain) is already there to Grasp whatever the #Samadhi Transcendental Inner Peace they have to turn these claimed enlighten masters deeper into the degeneration cycle. The Grasp-er is not only there to Grasp all kinds of things (sexual bliss, money, power, celebrity, food, drink, fashion, etc) in the entanglements of one's existence (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness), but also outside-the-box "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" #Samadhi to make it a Wrong Transcendental Inner Peace as explained in the case of the "Redeemer from hallucinated and greedy Jesus", opening the door for many cheaters and impostors by human definitions to inflict significant impacts on the Sufferings of One and many Others. The next two levels beyond the seven (7) levels of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness as the target - Kiến Tánh làm tông ] actually known by living members of KhaiPhong Inner Circle are democratically and esoterically honoured as life-time achievements in spreading the science and economics of KhaiPhong in sustainable AwakeningBudh for humanity (level 8) and Inter-Realms (level 9) Dependent Nature.
'Self' is just like a nickname (a Normative Persona wearing different hats of Digital Identities) to identify the state and the stock of one's unique stream of Consciousness which is a Living Ecosystem, interacting with innumerable Ecosystems ranging from microscopic atom discovered from past lost civilization and re-implemented in mu to macroscopic Solar system and beyond where intelligent beings from qualified persona upward capable to transcend Space-Time / Space-Memory to act as dynamic middle creators in a part of the Responsible Creation toward What Count. As a Living Ecosystem, the 'self' has its centralized Volition / Sankhara / Free Will driven either by Ignorance toward a mistake or Prajna toward a Right Action / Effort (Table 2). Hence, Ignorance is more than just the clinging force on 'self' and 'phenomena' as analysed in thousands years of Buddhist Middle Path (Madhyamaka) from its ivory tower. It may come from insufficient information or make a hash decision not at the right time and right place, and/or the Self hallucination driven by Greed & Fears from all isms where all organized religions are parts leading to very long cycles of evolution then degeneration as predicted at minute 7:00 of the Complex Fibonacci sequence. Only from 2025 forward with accidentally right evolution from current living students together with 50+ years of KhaiPhong field researches having right available technologies, we NOW have required technologies and available correct samples to theoretically explain and empirically verify the Right Evolution in the cycle from minute 6:25. The verification of Right Evolution from the Wrong Degeneration of self boosting is whether one actually knows and has "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind Fresh / Free from stain and attachment" }. Almost all Illuminati / Communist elites are in the "Wrong Degeneration" currently controlling world powers of finances, politics, industries, and religions. We want to sell KhaiPhong solution to these groups of elites for financing Research & Development from armies of human Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers in the new Era of Consciousness Living & Being from humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
The gut of this argument is that normative sense of the situation - no matter how deep and enlighten the agent is - needs augmentation of hard facts and simulated patterns for a "Right Effort" since the outcome is momentarily affected by so many visible and invisible factors that it is impossible to precisely grasp the "Mind" as explicitly stated in The Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra[R7]. This scientific fact - together with the Prajnaparamita Sutra - debunks the esoteric boosting of Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra[D49] that "Thing As It Is" can be known only amongst the "Buddhas" where "slaved monks" will be their gatekeepers to expose what they said in "cooking sands from 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism But Sell as rice". The Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra has not answered its raised question of how to switch from "Infinite Thought" to "Complete Silence" for direct sensing of "Thing As it Is" which demands seven (7) depths of [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] to be scientifically verified. In Human realm, Nagarjuna of Buddhist Madyamaka has not theoretically and empirically solve the inconsistent states of Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth and "Then What" in one's Continuity of The Consciousness; so does Asanga of Buddhist Consciousness Only not scientifically proving from Imaginary Nature to the Dependent Nature of Thing-As-It-Is via accessing the Perfected Nature and Then What. KhaiPhong user-facing Technologies mu will deliver that on/off switch as a direct challenge to esoteric and human forces designed to sabotage beneficial discoveries from Gotama and many others.
Similar to the argument "from the cessation of ignorance, volitional activities (Sankhara) cease; from the cessation of volitional activities, consciousness ceases - do vô minh diệt nên hành diệt; do hành diệt, nên thức diêt"[Udàna: (III) (Ud 2)], 'Buddhist concept of Emptiness' sees the existence of 'self' is only at conventional sense, and not in 'intrinsically objective' sense. It proves both 'self' and 'phenomena' are "Empty of Essence" in the hope that the Grasp-er and Grasped will not be there, leading to a logical deduction that the cessation of birth and death is possible from the destruction of ignorance at the level of conditioned thinking. It concludes that the Clinging (Upadana) is not there since everything is intrinsically Empty. The clinging is already there since "Self" is Owner of the thought. The description is not the described, and most scholars / monks / nuns describe 'Emptiness / Love' from what they don't know nor have, including all kinds of transformations and purification at conditioned thinking level.
The outcome of this 'Buddhist concept of Emptiness' is the negation of life which is the Actual Learning and Doing in the evolution of 'Species' and 'Consciousness'. The system is totally within-the-box since the description of 'Emptiness' is not the described, just like their counterparts in the description of 'Love' to build the evil Roman Catholic Church, causing unthinkable Sufferings in human dark periods of thousands years. Buddhist school of Middle Path (Madhyamaka) used logical arguments to construct a system of 'Emptiness', comprising of both 'emptiness of self' and 'emptiness of phenomena'. It evolves into a sophisticated 'meditation system of Emptiness' totally at theoretical level of 'conditioned thought' on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to sell the "Liberation" from No-Conflict Consciousness of what they do not know yet claimed to Know do not have yet claimed to Have on the credibility of Gotama[D19] while knocking down what Gotama actually Know and Have. We will theoretically and empirically prove the "emptiness of self (Transcending the Observer) and emptiness of phenomena (Transcending the Observed)", and the meaning of Gotama's verifiable seventh stage of his Rght #Samadhi called "Non-Thingness[D30]" that we use as a Signed Post to verify "#EmptyTheContent" whatever the content is to theoretically and empirically prove HuiNeng's assertion in his "Three Nots" of all visible outcomes [ Wu-Nien as its object - “vô niệm làm tông” / No-Mark as its substance - “vô tướng làm thể” / Detachment as its fundamental principle - “vô trụ làm gốc” ].
A sore finger is already there in entire 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes; that is a conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see other conflicting duality (darkness) 'As It Is' which is dynamically changing according to complex interactions of innumerable visible and invisible attributes. That is Why the tradition Turing Test can be passed by current generative and reasoning AI. But with Understanding and its Meanings from Gödel incompleteness theorem, the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics proves Consciousness is different from mechanical functional programming. We theoretically and empirically prove that difference to enable Living & Being toward What Count is Scientifically Cultivable (visible and measurable) #Prajna which is an invisible hand to direct all Activities and Relationships of Accountable creators in the Responsible Creation. Using HuiNeng criterion, 'meditation system of emptiness' is not 'meditation - dhyana' since the process does not produce "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" Transcendental Inner Peace. It is more a 'reflection - bhavana' and/or rational adjustment to cope with one's realities, still within the box and not yet outside the border line to be qualified as a meditation. We combine HuiNeng dhyana-samadhi and samadhi-prajna with the "Right" qualified by Gotama to logically show that 'Verifiable Emptiness'[D26] is the sine-qua-non or corollary of Right Transcendental-Meditation[D5] which is the precised definition of [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] to keep the mind "Fresh" - not to be disturbed from irrelevant things - at seven (7) depths of { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment"page 126 in The Zen doctrine of no-mind [R5.1] }.
This required property of Right Transcendental Inner Peace is a challenge to all cultures and meditations from all organised religions in the entire human history up to 2025 - where all Buddhist traditions from all countries and disciplines are parts - to deliver its Right Transcendental Inner Peace to be qualified by HuiNeng as a legitimate meditation process. This practically forces all boosting Buddhist monks and claimed meditation masters to their realities, making a living on what they do not know nor have and violating Gotama fundamental ethical code - Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối - that all Good Buddhists try to consciously hold. These Thing-As-It-Is realities - according to underlying natural laws to be statistically discovered and shared - force all Buddhist meditations in 2500+ years of Budhist cheating Sanghas up until 2025 facing two routes totally contrary to Gotama's discoveries, either (1) the doctrinal belief in persistent self to "grasp the present moment" which is impossible according current scientific understanding and the dialogue between Gotama and Subhuti[R7], or (2) being a hard-core persistent unworthy monk / nun / follower having inner disturbance and outer disturbances sooner or later to be exposed as a cheater Not knowing yet claimed to Know Not seeing yet claimed to See[D19], violating Gotama's fundamental ethic "Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối".
Yet, as a normal person, one can personally sense the existence of this rare Inner Peace in Kindness (mettā - tâm từ) and "Empathy" (karuṇā - tâm bi) told by the Jesus 2000+ years ago in 'Parable of the Good Samaritan'[R16], in Clarity and Insight from one's Wise Attention[D28] and Emptiness[D26], [D29], [D30] recorded from Gotama 2500+ years ago, and/or energy regulations discovered and proven in 5000+ years of Hindu and Chinese Wisdom. This is so due to the entanglements in the game of "Thought Forms", imposing so many confused heads on one's miserable head. We will theoretically and empirically prove the power of "Conscious Living" capable to know the source of thought at rated level 5, and use cosmic consciousness rated at level 6 and level 7 to "Destroy Thought Form" generated by higher esoteric realms to bully and inflict pain on others in asserting their physical power of animal kingdoms ruled by the king of gods, leading to their total collapse in 60,000+ years of tremendous suffering that they planned to inflict that "river of bloods" in eliminating 90% human population - 7+ billion people - (Mười Phần Chết Bảy Còn Ba Chết Hai Còn Một Mới Ra Thái Bình). The verifiable power of using one's depths in No-Conflict layers of consciousness to direct Cosmic Consciousness to the direction of What Count according to underlying natural laws indicate the "Possibility of Erradicating all Psychological Sufferings" for the Right Evolution toward Perfection as mathematically and graphically shown at minute 6:25. It is different from Buddhist cheating process of Nirvana / Niết Bàn Hửu Dư and PariNirvana / Niết Bàn Vô Dư since the adjustments happen in a very long time in the Likes-attract-Likes for the compatibility between the qualia of one's InnerSpace and the outer layers in all form and formless realms in the Raison D'être of one's existence with real possibilities of falling into one's own crack, evident in the lives of Gotama, KungTzu, Jesus, etc.
Applying HuiNeng criterion, we see the issue of all types of meditation from all organized religions since they are all within-a-box of conditioned observer and the observed, below conditioned thought - not the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna" - also known as the Self Nature, the Perfected Nature, the Ultimate (Wider) Truth, the kingdom of God [is] within you'[Luke 17:21], Samma-Samadhi, the Nameless which transcend the observed then the observer, Latin Humanitas. This is due to the failure of clearly seeing the separation of Transcendental #Awareness / #Prajna on the plane of No-Conflict Consciousness orthogonal to the plane of duality where all conditioned and changing events happened and the plane of Normative Viewing of conscious beings from humanity upward where both Gotama and Jesus had only a glimpse, then fallen into a crack of logical deductions rather than Thing-As-It-Is according to discovered Natural Laws. For that reason, this writer proposes in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" - detailed at the end of this section at least with people he knows and they know him in and outside the LaoTzu family lineage from the current dragon realm - to deepen and widen this "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" for the benefits of all intelligent realms using human mathematically proven International Trade via Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of Cultivable #Prajna.
Even to be qualified as a meditation / dhyana by accessing the 'Gateway to Oneness' such as entering the trance through Faith in the esoteric side of Christian and Muslim, or physical exercise in Sufi Swirling and Yogic Practices, or using chemical to alter mental states, the duality of inner and outer conflict is Not the Right Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi) qualified by Gotama if that Inner Peace does not have "Detachment" as the Fundamental Principle to see and act according to 'Thing As It Is'. The reason is that the 'Grasp-er' is already there to Grasp everything including one's imagination to turn one into a Pavlov's dog and/or fanatic slave to the senses, rather than using the senses as tools for Right Understanding and Right Motivation.
The issue is more complicated due to the Dependent Nature of inter-realms intelligent beings having imposters and saboteurs including in higher realms of Gods / Bodhisattavas / Buddhas who have the ability to influence one's feelings and perceptions as fully recognized at modern time in tracing out the movements [ Christianity > Islam > Knights Templar Banking (from both exoteric and esoteric teaching) > Secret Societies > the New World Order ] and/or the story of Jesus as told in the Christian Bible and Muslim Koran. 'Faith that can move the mountain'[Matthew 17:20] is an addicted form of 'Intensity of Attention', fully exploited in all organized religions unless one has "Detachment" and can drop it like an on/off switch which is also an on/off switch between "Not-Self" in a wider perspective and "Self" of an agent to perform a Right Effort. The Good News is that kind of corrupted system known in all masters-slaves dictatorships is totally reorganised into a more Transparent and Accountable system, evolving according to natural laws where humanity can bring something very useful to the "Fair Trading" table such as (1) Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, (2) Rule-of-Law of self-adjusted distributed systems, and (3) "Too Big to fail" for avoiding the past mistake in the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems.
This qualification - of Right Transcendental Inner Peace plus Inner #Awareness and Outer #Awareness beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought - puts Buddhist Mahayana from Pure Land, Vajrayana and Tantra being exposed at the core of their essence which is master-slave relationship, 180-degree in different direction from the Right Relationship based on Gotama discovery of the Buddha Nature, innate in all persons and in higher intelligent beings. That is what we know from the collapse of the God / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms about the esoteric dark forces[D50], executed by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and her leaders / associates, together with the other two degenerated forces driving Christian and Islam movements. Force all of them to deliver the 'described' - not the 'description' - of their Compassion, Wisdom, Emptiness, plus their unique specialities Bodhicitta, Dharmakaya (Truth body), Sambhogakaya (Enjoyment body), and Nirmanakaya (Manifestation body). They are all below conditioned thought, no transcendental state, hence not qualified as Budh Counsellor according to HuiNeng, having No Transcendental #Awareness as qualified by Gotama.
The description of their unique specialities [ Bodhicitta, Dharmakaya (Truth body), Sambhogakaya (Enjoyment body), and Nirmanakaya (Manifestation body) ] is presently advocated by Buddhist slaves despise hard evidences on the degenerated esoteric tops[D50]. Enforcing in human realm, it is the "deep state" (a form of cabal that influences state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership) riding on their strengths in financial, political and military powers to influence human democratic processes. They disregard Sufferings throughout human dark periods via feudal systems, divine right of Infallible Church, the One and Only Allah, capitalism, communism, dictatorship, market economy running by mafia and gang tactics, etc.
True democratic process and Right Relationships where every one can have the right and be able to contribute one's unique Value-Add to the evolution of the Whole happen if and only if there is true people power where everyone knows more about oneself. This true people power comes about via Normative Intelligence, enabling people seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. It will be further augmented with emerging tools from Computational Universe to make happened one's Sweet Spot from the first part of the described as an intersection of (1) the Right Thing to do, (2) the Right Way to do, and (3) one's unique Comparative Advantages at the present moment, turning Canadian belief of Inclusive Society into realizable Society 5.0 of technology-based and human-centered society.
The Grand strategy of KhaiPhong SIS (Strategic Intelligence Service) is to democratise discovered Normative Intelligence of the Right and Wrong relevant to one's present moment, plus sophisticated Big Data and Artificial Intelligence including modeling and simulation - controlled by selected few - as affordable services to the mass for grass-root targets of individual [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ]. It injects the meaning and implementations of Humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Wisdom/Prajna) based on statistically significant discoveries of Natural Laws for the manifestation of Compassion-Prajna that everyone - the Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots - can be a part in visible Modern Inclusive Capitalism. It is also the Belief in [ Respect / Relationships / Trust / Human Rights (the page has been deleted) ] for all in Canadian Grand Strategy of Inclusive Society, and now Inclusive Globalization after (1) a failed attempt of Confucius Institute, (2) China's new type of party system, and (3) noisy explanations in the difference between China globalization versus Western past Globalization / Colonialism.
"Inclusive Society, Inclusive Capitalism, and Inclusive Globalization" plus current Artificial Intelligence (AI) are just GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) of "the actor Inner Conflicts and environment Outer Conflicts" on the duality of conflicting events shown in KhaiPhong Logo and empirically demonstrated in the failure of mathematically proven beneficial Free Trade, leading to 2019 "Trade War" between US and China and 2025 "Tariff" between US and other countries. It is a continuous process of "[ Greed / Attachment and Fear / Aversion ]" from the beginning of humanity up until 2025 of all conflicting isms and religions in enslaving the mass for group benefits of minority. The trade mathematical proof does not (1) take into account the possibility of hacking into human mind driven by Greed and Fears from unworthy people of all isms well known in the degeneration of the Illuminati elites after the Second World War, (2) have scientific solution for "Human Panacea or Gotama's Dukkha" which is a natural process in "Qualified #Awareness"[D22] to #EmptyTheContent whatever the content is, (3) include deliverable Chinese practicalities of XuanZang Conscious of the Consciousness[D19], and (4) implement HuiNeng [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] presently available from identified Chinese students in KhaiPhong Inner Circle and extended circles actually knowing "[ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ]" up to level 5 Gotama's impass of Nothingness rated at [ f5 = 5 VisibleAwarenessPrajna, y5 = 5 Non-thingness, x5 = 5 KnowingThought] in sensing "the driving sources of thoughts" and 1000+ years of worthy past connections, a plus in current complex International Relations.
Scientific facts and proven Natural Laws are the rescues in the new cycle of the Golden Era. In short, one needs
- To know more about oneself and the environment one a part, and
- Dares to act according to 'The Right Thing to do - Conscience - #Prajna - Ultimate (Wider) Truth - Kingdom of God within - Latin Humanitas' so it is not too late to allow 'a few' dragging the whole into their Abyss of Sufferings to assure that the past dark periods and possibility of Extreme Fascism as planned via Illuminati New World Order has no chance to reappear.
Let's see how the two major Buddhist contributions - Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D38] and Asanga Consciousness-Only[D39] - can help to expose Natural Laws - personally verified by dedicated explorers - on the trails they have passed while effortlessly weeding out religious unworthy people, generating deep "Chasm" between Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only. We ride on these discoveries together with modern sciences to enable the sweet spot of conscious living continuously evolving via (1) the Right and Wrong of Worthy Efforts, (2) wider perspective from the evolution of Compassion-Prajna to consciously enable favourable vibrations closer to one's inner circle and circle of the circles such as family relationships partially coming from past karmas, marriages, and/or working relationships, (3) engaged living of present moments driven by invisible hands of Empathy (leading to Prajna) and Economics.
Testing the Right and Wrong of consciously engaged activities, KhaiPhong user facing ai can validate people in your circles and bring outside human resources to your circles in your "Conscious Living of Worthy Efforts". This is the "inside out" and "outside in" parts of your private Executive Information Portal (EIP), either "your" is personal or aggregate such as family, group, organisation, country or the world. The same thing is applicable to "top-down" and "bottom-up" to enable "You" the centre of all activities and relationships in the engaged "Conscious Living" to change yourself and the environment toward What Count in your "Continuity of the Consciousness" of whatever "light" will float up in Happier Existence according to Natural Laws.
Here is Nagarjuna 's summary. The 'untenable' means 'unsatisfied' (Suffering Dukkha) even in one's success (greatest guru / miracle worker / sage / scientist / artist / inventor / politician / king / queen / philanthropist / activist, or very rich, very well known, ...)
“For whom emptiness is tenable for him everything becomes tenable;
for whom emptiness is untenable for him everything becomes untenable.
Let's see how Nagarjuna or any typical practitioner can reach the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" - not through the 'Concept of Emptiness' used by most cheating Buddhists but - through the "Intensity of Attention" discovered by Krishnamurti to indirectly answer the criticism of Madhyamaka theorists in the duality of "self" and "not-self" from the Consciousness-Only. Emptiness in the above quote is an Insight or direct experience of the "#Oneness / No-Conflict Consciousness", the Source of all Diversities.
According to Madhyamaka, the "Relative Truth" is what we see in a bigger system of Physics - Consciousness (Observer) - Energy, represented as elements within the set A of Figure 2. "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" is something beyond - high above on the plane perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting events to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for a move in the set C of the Figure. There is no limit and boundary in set C. Via "Intensity of Attention" or HuiNeng smat pointer "#SamadhiPrajna" one can perceive an outside-the-box breakthrough in patch C for a wider view of "negotiable / compassion circle" to see the needs of the other side and what can drive the "possible solution" toward What Count[R23]. The actuality of #Prajna to see something invisible to ordinary senses has been used in the past as "Oracle" or a medium through whom advice or prophecy was sought from the gods; many of whom are professional cheaters[R18.4] claiming to See what they do not see claiming to Know what they do not know evidenced in their religious slaves[D19]. With discovered underlying natural laws in cultivation of #Prajna / #Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Conscience / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas together with modern Artificial Intelligence in pattern recognition, modeling in detecting causes and effects and simulation in what-if analysis, we can bring something very unique to the Inter-Realms Intelligence[R20.1], [R20.5] in Making Life Easier and Happier.
That "outside-the-box / breakthrough" is now more scientific and concrete with the discoveries of layered No-Conflict consciousness and evolution or degeneration according to positive or negative Complex Fibonacci numbers, manifested around and broken into "three orthogonal dimensions (sets) at the focused event for easy modeling based on one's states of #Awareness contributed from HuiNeng and achievable depths of Inner Peace contributed by Gotama (Jhanas): (1) the X-dimension on the duality plane of conflicting events where correct sensing of the cross-cut energy column can be used as the theoretical target with positive pointed toward the deeper No-Conflict of the Whole, while the negative pointing away from Huineng's "Detachment", (2) the Y-dimension perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting events to sense what going on at the focused event and one's strategic position to change the event depending on the depths of Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent personally discovered by Gotama consistent with Huineng's "Detachmnent" qualified in his first Jhana, and (3) the F-dimension orthogonal to both X and Y sets where one's InnerSpace is the "stock" wrapping around the rated scales on the X and Y dimensions. This breaking one's InnerSpace into three sets in matrix manipulation is currently used in neuron AI for predicting underlying pattern which - in our case - assumed the evolution and degeneration according to natural Fibonacci sequence which is consistent with our empirical observations. The model explains both "Hegelian dialectic" of thesis and anti-thesis on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness via cunning intelligence (point B which may come from (Y- X+ / Y- X-) from [ Vô Cảm mất lương tri của đúng sai / Loosing wider perspective of existence required at Gateway-to-Oneness ] Knowing or Not Wu-Nien graphically explained in "#Prajna dialectic" for a breakthrough where all involved parties are much better off (point C @ Y+ X+ or point D @ Y+ X- ), wider than a "Fair Trade" mathematically proven (point A) in International Trade.
The transcending of the conditioned boundary is called by Tilopa[D41] 'breaking the crust of sesame seed for its oil' or 'Sudden Awaken' by HuiNeng. It is innate in only "few" who have been consistently pounding on this issue for thousands of years[R6.3]. Krishnamurti wondered why he naturally had it while most do not. The picture is now changed thanks to KhaiPhong technologies that most people will be able to have that direct taste due to identified people from different religions, nationalities, cultures, skin colours, languages having actual experiences of [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } to reclaim one's innate [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ]. KhaiPhong [ user-facing Design ] starts from actual deliverable experiences together with tested "secret sauce" for discovering underlying natural laws from different angles in #EmptyTheContent contributed by scientifically truthful people. In either cultivating and/or using the smart pointer #SamadhiPrajna, one passes through signed posts of "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26] described by Gotama. It is the power and practicality of Beyond-Thought at the Observed.
That is the process how to use the "Verifiable Emptiness"[D29], [D30] to transcend the Observed to an inner Utter Silence then to Transcend the Observer toward Non-Thingness. We will introduce the technology as told in Shurangama Sutra[D33] to deliver the "Verifiable Emptiness" based on the reversed Vibration of [ Sound to Consciousness / xoay cái nghe nghe tự tánh ]. With proper execution under the right conditions of Detachment and HonNhien, the smart pointer #PrajnaTIP in Sound will enable most practitioners Transcend the Observed, then the Observer, going through different layers of Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity. We then introduce an integrating technology smart pointer #PrajnaTIP in Kindness to personally verify the description of Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] in the living process to understand all the 'Right' components of Gotama's 'modified[D26] Eightfold Path'. Then almost everyone can use KpPlatform Figure 2 to value-add and scientifically correct the Heart Sutra at deeper and wider angles starting from one's specialized corner and one's available #Prajna to gather one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles to kick start a new Movement for the Dignity of one's Raison D'être, expanding to other Intelligent Realms from Humanity upward pioneered by KhaiPhong Corporation and AwakeningBudh Foundation. This theoretical framework is Significant in a sense that people in the Right Complex Evolution has equal or more brain intelligence than those in the Wrong Complex Degeneration, capable to (1) point out the Descriptions different from the Described between Evolution and Degeneration evident in the last phase of "Cha Trời Mẹ Đất via Thi Sĩ THIÊN DUNG", (2) logically show this difference at the bottom line in Actual Living if one still has minimum Honesty to see Value of the values in one's continuity of the consciousness, (3) legitimately extract required physical resources legally and/or illegally accumulated by those currently holding them as parts of donations for scientific Researches and Developments to directly benefit them while equalizing the "playing fields from grassroots for a wider stable Equanimity Communities" in the Whole by converting all involved parties into Stakeholders - "Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots" - to know more about oneself and joint forces in Harmonious Melting Pot of Accountable creators in Responsible Creation toward What Count.
Once the mechanics of the process has been tested and understood, internal energy can be generated by different means without falling into the hurdle of thousands years of continuous evolution then degeneration due to tainted senses of the Self via all kinds of isms for binding Word / Image and clinging Thought rather than deliverable actualities at the bottom line, or the quick and dirty trap of addicted 'faith that moves the mountain'[Mathew 17:20]. That is Cultivable #Prajna in Activities and Relationships. It is the process to transcend the observed by accumulating internal energy in one's biological system, then release it to transcend the observed while experiencing the "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26] for Natural Purification of the senses and "Transcending the Observer" in innovative wider aspects of Sustainable Vision. Here is a brief description of these technologies.
Nagarjuna and few gifted ones who actually had a glimpse of the 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth' due to their 'Intensity of Attention' to transcend the conditioned boundary to be outside-the-box do mention 'Empty of the Emptiness'. But "How"? That childish game of the Word is not any more applicable in modern practical living. The description is not the described. The one who actually has that experience must describe the "How" as one knows it for public inquiries. It is the bottom line of Then What to clearly show the 'Esoteric Trap' in boosting a glimpse of any explorer about the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" and beyond into some static state of Self-Glorification, and even worse into an organized religion or 'ism' having an official army of gate keepers such as the evil Opus Dei. It is interesting to scholastically investigate if we can say 'Empty of the Emptiness' means the "Sunyata Non-Thingness" or the 'Unmoving' state of momentary [ Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha ] which is the consciousness state known by Gotama and verified by current KhaiPhong living students.
Scientific investigation of this assertion will prove beyond any doubt that Buddhist Madhyamaka is only an exercise of the "blinds touching elephant" at conditioned thoughts. Its middle path is not the middle path of practical living which can only be delivered via HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna for statistically significant "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" for a Right Effort at that instant moment. The most that Buddhist Madhyamaka can deliver is "Hegelian Dialectic" far below the cunning intelligence to be directed by Illuminati and communist elites on one's innovation from non-transcendental attention, not "Prajna Dialectic" from the TRUTH plane for a sudden breakthrough / Value of the values of a Right Effort since no one we know in the entire history of Buddhist Madhyamaka - up to 2025 - can actually deliver the "Verifiable Emptiness[D26]". Those capable of "outside-the-box / breakthrough" in all activities and relationships of engaged living are not "stupid to be cheated by cunning intelligence" unless they are bullied by forces in totalitarian systems as done in the past. With discovered underlying natural laws such as this #EmptyTheContent / Right Transcendendal-Inner-Peace via Sound technology, together with Scientifically Cultivable Prajna for delivering Prajna Dialectic to the mass, the democratic processes will be enforced via distributed technologies and exported wherever needed to be much better than "Fair Trade from tainted senses" driven by invisible hand of #Prajna where all intelligent beings from humanity upward can be parts.
Nagarjuna called the breaking of "Relative Truth" into the "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" the process of 'Insight into Emptiness'. Let's explore the outcome of that Insight where no Madhyamaka theorist has touched, and see how it is complement with Asanga Consciousness-Only in the "Infusion" of Natural Purification from the "Perfected Nature" to loosen the grips of tainted senses for "Imaginary Nature" moving toward "Dependent Nature" of "Thing As It Is". Up to 2025, no Consciousness-Only theorists can defence their position of "Self" behind all efforts in "Dependent Nature" and "Imaginary Nature", and "Not-Self" in "Perfected Nature". It is the process to transcend the boundary of reflection (bhavana) into a meditation (dhyana) as qualified by HuiNeng, or to break the crust of sesame seed for its oil according to Tilopa[D41]. What Nagarjuna called "Ultimate Truth" is in reality a "Wider Truth" from a higher view on the TRUTH (#Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / No-Conflict Consciousness) plane of the event, and that "higher" has different depths and heights.
Referring to Figure 2, set C represents elements driven by "Perfected Nature" outside the "Self" of all efforts or "Not-Self / Selfless". The gut of Consciousness-Only is to use natural forces taking one directly to different depths of the "Perfected Nature". This process was explicitly told in the story how Maitreya orchestrated the right conditions for Asanga internally accumulating unshakable "Faith" and unbounded "Compassion" for a wounded dog and living worms on its cut. It was told that Asanga cut part of his flesh for the worms and use his tongue to lick the wound of the dog. At the instant of Maitreya appearance, the extreme "Intensity of Attention" from Faith and Compassion naturally took Asanga consciousness state into the Perfected Nature in "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" for a very powerful "Sudden Awaken". Besides the Compassion and "figurative side of the story", Asanga "Faith on Maitreya" is similar to Jesus Faith in his 40 days meditation in a desert to enable them direct contact to the "Perfected Nature" or "the Kingdom of God within"[Luke 17:21]. Asanga did all the hard work by himself. exactly as told by Gotama that one has to walk by oneself. Maitreya only created right conditions and facilitated the situation to make things happened. Since all visible or invisible manifestations are conditioned and there are optimal engineering dynamic processes to these conditions, one can rationally know the scientifically proven processes and gradually manage one's realities to move to the Right Direction toward What Cout, without going to extreme situations of Faith like Jesus and Asanga. In modern terms, the Right Conditions can be infinitely created in conducive environments augmented with public and custom ai technologies of "Equanimity Communities" where all involved parties are Accountable and Responsible "Stakeholders".
Jesus finally discovered he was cheated by the esoteric cheating Father God whose bottom-line outcome is a "Living Stone" to relearn its lesson of "Living & Being" according to underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Under KhaiPhong "TRUTH is My Light", The real reincarnation of Jesus in whatever intelligent realm must share his Learned Lesson just like Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva shared her lesson in early 2000's via a semi-public meeting from Calgary Canada when this writer asked her a "final advice". See for yourself the claim of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] on the efficiency of their rituals[R20.5] to make a living on people "Fears and Greed".
In that outside-the-box aesthetic experience, the "Natural Purification" from the "Perfected Nature" or from Nagarjuna "Insight into the Emptiness" or from Jesus "Kingdom of God within" will purify the tainted senses, loosening the grips of binding and clinging forces to enable the senses seeing "Thing As It Is", driving one's away from Imaginary Nature closer to the Dependent Nature according to "Thing As It Is"[D32], narrowing the gap between one's Reality and Actuality and rendering one's Reality manageable as shown in Figure 1. That Natural Purification of the senses - coming from Verifiable Emptiness - is confirmed[D27] in the difference between a dead state and the state of momentary Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha. This is contrary to Buddhist training in Purification of the mind at thought level. We assert the purification process is available in all states of "Verifiable Emptiness" once entering the gateway to Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict. Thus all meditations must enter the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / No-Conflict Consciousness / #Oneness / Perfected Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" - qualified in HuiNeng smart pointer #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định - to have this Natural Purification working on the practitioners. We ask the community verdict in a public forum of Gotama "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26], [D29], [D30].
Therefore, from both logical and empirical verification - publicly and currently by Gotama but soon to be known by many due to successful reversed-engineering to be widely tested - there is no "contradiction" nor "chasm" between Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D38] and Asanga Consciousness-Only[D39], between "Self" behind all Efforts and "Not-Self / Selfless" in the "Perfected Nature", "Ultimate (Wider) Truth", "the Kingdom of God within", "Latin Humanitas" high above all conflicting forces to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event. The process of "going in" in "Transcendental Inner Peace" of dissolving appearances toward "Sunyata Non-Thingness" - commonly known in smart pointer "#Samadhi" or Inner Peace - for rejuvenation and reborn, and the process of "going out" for a Freshness of "No Mind Enclosure" as described in the Heart Sutra[R2] to see and act according to "Thing-As-It-Is" driven by smart pointer "#Prajna" are complement just like restful night and vibrant day.
Discovering and making things happened due to the heavy lifting of "natural laws" governing these two processes in "Transcendental Inner Peace" and "No Mind Enclosure" are the targets of the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong from wider view at both theoretical and empirical levels presented in Right Understanding of Enlightenment. The processes can be cultivating and practicing right at the present moment for the required states and stock of "#Prajna" in Sudden Awaken then Awakening. The two processes can be separated and/or momentary which is HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna. The transcendental process validates the qualification of HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi which invalidates almost all mediation processes from all organised religions that do not have "Transcendental Inner Peace". The blah blah blah of Buddhist meditations from professional cheating monks[R18.4] are effortlessly exposed. Contributions of these two processes in all specialised fields - economics, politics, human relation, strategic partner, mental and physical health, business, organisation, community, etc - are parts of "Taming The Ox" to train the trainers in all possible specialised fields to enable the movement sustainable without relying on any particular person and/or groups.
Buddhist Sangha reverses the role of the "Perfected Nature" (beyond thought that they know nothing about) and the "Dependent Nature", exactly as the way they reverse the direction of "#Prajna" that they do not know into the outcome of their "ethical codes violated by almost all monks and nuns" in Not Knowing yet claim to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. According to them - Yogacara advocates - Perfected Nature is defined as the complete absence of Dependent Nature. This is false! Whatever manifested must be conditioned and come from Dependent Nature. In this case, the "Dependent Nature" is different layers of positive or negative Fibonacci of one's InnerSpace in facing the event. Optimal conditions to move from negative to positive Fibonacci numbers or from one layer to the next can be scientifically cultivable based on the rated cultivation of [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] of the X-dimension and deeper in [ #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace ] of the Y-dimension. Then What is the underlying natural law for the manifestation of the Perfected Nature to be statistically discovered and shared? Here is the challenge to all Buddhist scholars, monks and nuns to know the process of accessing the Perfected Nature and infusing its Purity to serve the relative existence of the Present Moment. That is to know the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is having No Conflict / #Prajna / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" of the "Perfected Nature" from the duality of the Imaginary and Dependent Nature. This piece of Truth has been picked up by Krishnamurti and named 'the Intensity of Attention', mentioned by HuiNeng thousands years ago in #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna that most monks have not touched while making noises in their imaginary meditations.
Buddhist schools of Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only are two major platforms, opposing and criticizing each other. Most of the two parties are unable to cross the bridge from inside-the-box relative existence to the freshness of outside the box. The Madhyamaka school has criticised the Consciousness-Only school of 'Absoluteness' and duality in the existence of 'Self'; one aspect in the Perfected Nature is not 'Self' while other aspects in Imaginary and Dependent nature have a 'Self'. Madhyamakas reject (page 82[D48]) the selective application of this 'no-self' doctrine. The Consciousness-Only school has criticised the Madhyamaka school of nihilism. This clearly demonstrates that all involved parties of the two major Buddhist platforms do not know the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas", known as the back of one's hand by Good Samaritans or [ Kindness / Empathy ] silent practitioners.
The injection of "#Prajna" from its stock partly coming from Measurable Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace via the dissolving process[D22] either through Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness[D26] and/or via the Heart Sutra[R2] renders Consciousness-Only consistent through out. It is an Insight into the Emptiness to take one to the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict between Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth, and definitely Not to the Nihilism of the actual Emptiness but the dynamic meaningful Present Moment in actual experience and Then What Beyond Gotama's impass at y5 = 5 of Non-Thingness to x5 = 5 KnowingThought and f5 = 5 VisibleAwarenessPrajna. That Freshness - freedom from the known - is the reborn and rejuvenation to "reboot one's state of consciousness" from tainted senses and all esoteric and/or conditioned hacking processes.
Transcendental #Awareness is the manifestation of that (invisible) Perfected Nature (Sunyata), cultivable at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna for an outcome of the Dependent Nature different from the Imaginary Nature, closing the gap between Reality and Actuality from Figure 1 in seeing and acting according to 'Thing As It Is'. Perfected Nature in Consciousness-Only becomes part of the reality to lift the relative existence of Sufferings to the Higher level of Consciousness, if and only if there are easy technologies applicable to most persons to tap into that higher Consciousness. These technologies are breakthroughs in the Science of Consciousness. Hence, Consciousness-Only relies on accumulated Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) as states for manifestation of #Prajna in Transcendental #Awareness.
The technologies to switch from activities to Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) / #EmptyTheContent make happened the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Prajna / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" at different depths of Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness and Unity as experienced by Gotama when he was a child. The blueprints of deliverable trails are in Step 1 of An Engineering Roadmap.
Nagarjuna's Emptiness just simply means 'Not' in both Ultimate (Wider) Truth (Patch C) and Conventional Truth (Patches A and B) which is consistent with scientific knowledge of all manifestations, due to the generation of entropy of existence. This means all manifestations have their life cycles with beginning and end. Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace in the modified Eightfold Path point out not only the 'Impermanence (Anicca) in the life cycle of existence, but also the momentary 'Rejuvenation' - like day / night, activity / silence - of all wears and tears that practitioners can actually testify at different depths of the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace. It is the Essence of the Right Living / Effort in the continuous Learning and Doing of highly developed entity having a sense of an Agent in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, consistent with Nagarjuna's Consciousness to be in direct contrast with the static View of Nirvana and Parinirvana.
#Prajna is the outcome in both the accumulated Stock via Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace Y in one's cultivable Inner Space F and the Transcendental #Awareness of X-dimension, called the States of #Prajna plus something more from invisible Sunyata at the Present Moment; it is the connection point where the two most significant Buddhist schools merged at their mountain top called #Prajna. That something more come from invisible Sunyata at the Present Moment catching the signals either from one's esoteric teacher and/or something new that the required wirings from one's Intelligence or activation point in one's DNA if not there yet.
“Everything is {real} and {not real}, both {real and not real}, neither real nor not real {} - this is the Buddha's teaching.
This scholastic logic can Only Be Understood from the Quantum View in search for the Ontology of the nature of being, becoming, existence, and reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations. It has been expressed in set theory as {T} {F}, {T,F} {} where T = real, F = not real and {} = empty set of subjective value. Its applications as the structural frameworks for organizing information are used in Artificial Intelligence private custom AI, Human Resource, the Semantic Web, systems engineering, software engineering, biomedical informatics, library science, enterprise bookmarking, and information architecture as a form of knowledge representation about the world or some part of it. We apply this value classification and rating in all "Activities and Relationships" to search for Value of the Values and performance-based resource allocation to strategic activities, Making Life Easier and Happier according to Natural Laws discovered by Gotama and deepening via the Heart Sutra[R2].
Only since mid-1970s, researchers in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have recognized that capturing knowledge is the key to building large and powerful AI systems to create new ontologies as computational models that enable certain kinds of automated reasoning. We apply ontological system in a custom Computational Knowledge Engine - MuOmSunyata - to implement Intelligence Integration / Group Intelligence making the life of a person and/or organization - called Normative Persona - Easier and Happier. The Mirror system of the Normative Persona and its Digital Identities has this ontological correspondence of services and processes - having rule-based assumptions - to manipulate what-if analysis and simulation. They form the Mind Maps for the Normative Persona visually see their strategic moves.
The system is so complex even with the help of modern mathematics and evolving ontology system of [ Taxonomy - Modeling - Axiom ]. It is no wonder why the Budh Dharma has been stagnant in the past 2500+ years due to (1) the sabotages of unworthy people right at the time of Gotama spreading his discoveries diverting the resource allocation toward cheating processes of Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] in bullying humanity for their group benefits, and (2) not available tools for dedicated explorers such as Nagarjuna, Asanga, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, XuanZang, Krishnamurti, etc, to turn personal experiences into the mass epistemic objectives according to underlying natural laws. With modern technologies and the need in Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0, it is important to challenge oneself 'Then What' for deliverable actualities, practical and relevant to others on the same trail. As a starting point, we use ontological system to formally prove that Gotama's modified Eightfold Path is his model/process - driven by the Buddha Nature, a corollary of Living - to testify and verify his discoveries of the 'Being That Is' - the 'Onto' of Existence: Dukkha and Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha. We extends Gotama's assumption of the Buddha Nature - the Conscience or ability to know the Right and Unworthy relevant to one's present moment - to rule-based assumptions to drive the [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] in all activities and Issues of the User/Organisation - ranging from a simple ToDo List to strategic plan of a corporation and/or a national security issue.
Nagarjuna's conclusion can be simply paraphrased as:
- 'Everything is changed and conditioned' (viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha).
- Static grasping of any thought (including Nirvana / Parinirvana) about Real and/or Unreal results in conflicts (dukkha-dukkha).
- These Inner Conflicts have been sustainable by indoctrination from Organised Religions, Social Order and Utopia of all 'isms' to enslave humanity for so long based on the outside order via customs, virtuous utopia and/or brute forces to pacify the inside order (as in Confucius systems and dictatorships), outside peace via frictional binding 'Word/Image' (as in Christian) and clinging 'Thought' (as in Muslim or Communism) to pacify the inner turmoil. One (the agent) does not understand oneself whose Volition (Freewill - Sankhara) of all activities are driven by the outside frictional Ignorance that generates Fears and Greed to uproot one's Inner Being.
- What counts is the bottom-line actuality of the present living, dynamically adjusting one's Reality closer to Actuality having the infusion of Higher Consciousness (Figure 1) for a revolutionary Inner Order (Peace) to Outer Order (Peace). The adjustments can be naturally and optimally approaching the three Seals of the Consciousness corresponding to the above "Three Haves" (Table 1.1 ) at different angles, similar to the approaching of Fibonacci sequence ratio toward the Golden Mean Ratio according to 'Thing As It Is'.
This clearly demonstrates that even with a glimpse of the Ultimate (Wider) Truth as in the case of Nagarjuna, the 'Then What' is not only Relevant to one but also to others in one's Friendly and Compassionate Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, applicable to all great explorers in the entire human history and in the middle realms of Gods, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas as we esoterically know. One can learn something from the case studies of Yongjia Xuanjue[R5.2] and Shen-Hui[R5.1] in their precious close encounters with HuiNeng but unable to absorb any lasting value due to hallucinated self having no minimum honesty to know one's "Reality".
They missed not only the opportunities to challenge HuiNeng in a scientific process of 'Then What' for the benefits of both HuiNeng and others, but also the Learning and Doing process from conceptual understanding at word/thought level to deliverable actualities in practical living for the benefits of One and the Whole in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Esoterically, they are both degenerated to the point of not even recognizing their 1000's years of efforts and their true value of the ability to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to their existence to drive the existence through Free Will / Volition / Sankhara toward a Right Direction.
Now see the realities of claimed Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Forever God, One-and-Only Allah, infallible popes, enlighten monks / nuns, authorized and self-ordained gate keepers, etc, so one will not feed their hallucinations no matter of how 'Big Mouths' they have in their masters-slaves relationships[R13.1]. One can help them to clean up their own mess and the messes they have created for the surroundings wherever one happens to be. If you happen to be in one of the mentioned categories, see if you still have minimum conscience and honesty to actually know who you are and your Realities without a mask imposed on you and/or self-created.
The scientific tool of Gotama's first discourse is Executive Information Portal (EIP) to enable you an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation according to underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. It rides on human sciences via "TRUTH is My Light" since No one - no matter how hallucinated one was such as the claimed Creator Father God or Allah - can be against it in evidenced-based total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods. It naturally brings the [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] together Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good, activating [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ] with discovered technologies of "#Prajna >< AI" control system, making happened Canadian Vision of "Inclusive Society" a modern humanistic reality where [ Information >< Consciousness >< Mathematics ] can interact in Making Life Easier and Happier / EIP rather than "[ a belief ]" of [ Respect / Relationships / Trust / Human Rights ] for all in Society 5.0 of technology-based and human-centered society. Technologies from #Prajna Dialectic contributed by [ AI >< #Prajna ] enable one changing oneself and the environment in all activities and relationships of all domains from all countries.
It is amazing to see how right conditions are effortlessly put together from many hundred years that many - including KhaiPhong Inner Circle and circles of Inner Circle - can only recently aware of when many critical events happened such as the end of 2012 not as the end of humanity but the total collapse of higher esoteric realms ending its 60,000+ human years of sufferings in the bullying culture of animal kingdoms, COVID-19 from dark forces spreading "Fears" for the hallucinated painted cake that they do not know nor have enforcing in humanity via religions and isms, the change of focuses in International Relations, and the prediction of the New Era from Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm 500 years ago for his reincarnation at the right time and place to help directing Things toward a Right Direction of What Count that the writer already senses who that person is and being connected both at the physical and astral level. Things happened at the Right conditioned, Right time and Right place. It is logical to say that if you can predict 500+ years ahead something very significant like the New Era of Conscious Living from humanity upward blah blah blah by degenerated bullying animals (the video was unavailable), you Not Only let others know and convince them based on your tracked records But definitely prepare for yourself all required conditions to be a Significant Part of it: [ "do the effortless doing / Wei-Wu-Wei / Bất chiến tự nhiên thành" ]. The reincarnation of that person will appear at the Right time. Only concrete outcomes and harmoniously working together can validate his senses which are applicable to many - males, females, esoteric - knowing him in VietNam and Abroad.
There is a unique statue of duality symbolised in the figure of a King (Self) piggyback a Buddha (Not-Self) (Vua Cõng Phật - Chùa Hòe Nhai HaNoi) that only rationally recognizing who one is (Self) at cultivable #Awareness beyond the binding Word/Image and clinging Thought in Selfless No-Conflict Consciousness [ "#Awareness" as its target - “KiếnTánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ], intelligent beings - human, ET and esoteric - can be an accountable "creator" and a part of responsible "Creation" toward What Count.
Hòe Nhai HaNoi
Cây Thành Thần Mộc (the video is not available) / Trees Turn Spirits
Đá Hóa Thạch Linh / Stones Become Spiritual
Địa Lợi Nhân Hòa / Strategic Position Human Harmony
Kinh Bang Tế Thế / National Management Helping Humanity.
The Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots
Know the Raison D'être
Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunity to Do Good
[ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ] .
Here is a speech from an old lady / LÃO BÀ MUÔN TUỔI THUYẾT GIẢNG 2021-01-08 touching on the Dependent Nature of inter-realms intelligent beings where only in engaged living one can change oneself and the environment toward What Count. The writer seems to recognize who you are and wishes to say something before touching the nature of his proposed "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations".
Respectfully Madame, please look at the root cause of your 60,000+ years of sufferings in the physically bullying "zero-sum game / I win you loose" animal kingdoms of "Greed, Fears, and Angers" in the feudal systems of "master-slaves relationships, brought down to humanity from your continuously conflicting inside and conflicting outside raised by Infinite Thought Bodhisattva[D49]. Conflicting forces and faked News in the cheating / stealing culture ruled by the King of Gods" rendered all involved parties not an accoutable creator in irresposible creation, degenerating and forcing you to recognize the contributions and countable outcomes by underlying natural laws where all intelligent beings can be parts, invisibly accountable in making the complex Creation from Dependent Nature in both conflicting and No-Conflict Consciousness that "you do not know". The system where you were a part was imploded to naturally force your realities in the new Era where humanity - in its own struggle against your imaginary and cheating isms where religions are parts - has something real called "Science" in discovering and applying underlying natural laws to Make Life Easier and Happier. Two out of innumerble discoveries are (1) the Invisible Hand of Economics in efficiently allocating scare resources toward What Count of the intelligent beings, and (2) Invisible Hand of Cultivable #Prajna evolving from humanity upward to be beyond all conflicting forces in the Relative Truth for seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one strategic position to make things happened by one's efforts in engaged Right living according to the natural evolution of one's Continuity of the Consciousness. All of your indoctrinations via binding Word/Image and clinging Thought can be completely Silent for a natural inner peace in { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } that you can be a part in contributing What Count for you and the environment you are in according to underlying natural laws.
In that balance between mind manifestations and physical abodes, there is the requirements of stability and order for optimal developments of all involved parties in "self respect and respecting others" not cheating and stealing from your imploded feudal systems. Your esoteric feudal systems saw As-It-Is "the Reality in the false claim" of Gotama's "Liberation from Birth and Death plus Pari-Nirvana" due to his "Only Glimpse of the Prajna" which has different depth and width in different fields (politics, economics, social studies, arts, medical and all forms of natural sciences) of practical Prajna Dialectic in 'Making Life Easier and Happier" to measure your quality of the consciousness which will determine where you can be according to underlying natural laws of the light floating up[D32], not in the stealing and cheating of your systems leading to the recent painful event of the total collapse. Except few dedicated Yogis exploring the meaning of "Living & Being" in higher realms that this writer has been lucky to be a part, most of your peers - including the King of Gods - Have Not Known that "No-Conflict Inner Peace" discovered but unaware by Gotama as the nine Janas[D29], [D30], [D26], and being the Thing-As-It-Is foundation of his first discourse[D20] - that we will make it first democratically happened in humanity under [ "#Awareness" as the target - “KiếnTánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ].
Similar to the "Thông điệp của Mẹ Maria và Mẹ Diêu Trì Kim Mẫu gửi đến toàn nhân loại / Messages of Mother Maria and Mother Diêu Trì Kim Mẫu to entire humanity" that we pointed out "its plot of the claimed "bullying" Father God - successfully rendered Jesus into the "world Redeemer and Faith Healer" riding on his Greed - not anymore appropriate to humanity who survived the Lucifer's plan of 90% population reduction in deciding who has the right to live. You have put your intelligence in the wrong place, attempting to replace the "evil Father God" with the mother Figure leading “mục tử / pastor” to the same direction of "Love and Faith" coming from either "Fears" as in the case of Mother Maria, or "Greed" as in the case of Jesus, rather than riding on the underlying natural laws of "No-Conflict Compassion (Love) and Faith" to personally experience what actually known by Gotama (Compassion) and Jesus (Faith). It is the concrete difference from (1) Hegelian Dialectic versus #Prajna Dialectic where we see complementations of current four conflicting forces for the Wholesome #Prajna Dialectic in all activities and relationships from all intelligent realms - (1.1) practical technologies from industrial revolutions offered by democratic humanity with human rights in proven stability processes of laws and orders, (1.2) practical #Awareness Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy currently controlling finance at measurable hard facts of Right Effort, (1.3) natural Inner Peace of Compassion-Prajna from those not fully degenerated rated at different levels, and (1.4) practical "singularity" intelligence to mostly ignored Compassion in ETs not at outside-the-box breakthroughs, (2) the description is not the described, (3) "#Awareness" as the target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy.
Up to 2025, your esoteric feudal systems used painted "Transcendental-Inner-Peace" and Voodoo manifested consciousness evidenced in Buddhism to control humanity and ETs via Greed and Fears together with cheating and stealing culture ruled by the King of Gods in all isms and monotheism to the point of "Self-Imploded by Action-Reaction and underlying natural laws". We will deliver this Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna - applicable to all "Relative Truths" on the duality plane of conflicting events - to transcend all conflicting isms and religions brought to humanity from your Inner Conflicts Outer Conflicts via "AI Technologies", setting sustainable foundation for democracies and human rights as stepping stones for "International Relations plus Esoteric Communications and Collaborations" that your past feudal systems "Do Not Know " in clinging to the culture of animal kingdoms. There may be a peaceful agreement amongst many conflicting forces from 2021-01-12 that hopefully (1) you tidy up your own organizations in Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good rather than cheating and stealing, (2) there is an enforceable agreement based on Justice and individual contributions where each can bring something useful such as "Scientifically Cultivable Prajna" for optimally benefiting all intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) in different realms according to their underlying natural laws. That is the core of human Research&Development to discover, validate, and implement the underlying natural laws in Making Life Easier and Happier in one's natural optimal evolution.
We want to make humanity as the focal point for negotiating with conflicting esoteric forces and ETS where Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna will be the target to be beneficial to all involved parties in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness". There is a difference between gimmick to enslave people in the past and Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws. For example, the gimmick of "offering incense" will be debunk (the video was deleted by esoteric and slaved cheaters) by a more neutral universal method of agreed communications applicable to all conflicting religions or isms that we can make it in an accountable and transparent manner, weeding out unworthy people in your esoteric realms as we are doing in human realm via concrete deliverable outcomes. Here is a typical Vietnamese [ Ông Lão (Chèo Đò) ] that we think most can be like him and more from 2021-09-09 (the video was deleted) since you can rationally know at statistically proven theoretical level and required optimal conditions to personally verify what most important to you once the underlying natural law and its processes can be statistically verified by the mass, living and discovering optimal processes toward natural Detachment via Transcendental Inner-Peace / Right #Samadhi known by Gotama, then "SHARE" with others. A new Era of "Thing-As-It-Is" where underlying natural laws will be "DISCOVERED and SHARED" by all involved parties in all Activities and Relationships at all Places in all domains and fields where integration of Radio and Consciousness Technologies will be implemented, applicable to different realms of intelligent existence (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs). This is the first "Right Bridge" to the actuality of innate Buddha Nature 100% "Honesty & Care" for oneself and the environment one a part in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, amazingly and publicly first broadcated from VietNam [ Ông Cụ 90 Tuổi Lên Đênh “Chánh Pháp” ] (the video was deleted) on the same 2021-01-20 Presidential inauguration day of the 46th US President Joseph Biden (the video was deleted probably related to a person well connected in past Lucifer movement) and the taking oath as the vice president Kamala Harris of the United States.
This is so since the technologies bring together one's accumulated Brain Intelligence, Intuition (sixth sense), Compassionate Vibration from the heart with something Beyond (#Prajna / seventh sense) which enable Gotama claimed the "End of Dukkha" as the solution of his raised issue. This cultivable #Prajna is now an integrated process with modern Artificial Intelligence to bring different views and angles leading to visible targets of beneficial Transcendental Inner Peace in Making Life Easier and Happier:
3. Right Understanding of Enlightenment / Scientific Proof of Gotama's Degeneration 2024-02-03
If the quoted "Enlightenment" by Buddhist monk Bodhi 2024-02-03 of the above link “Điều cần biết thì ta đã biết; Cái gì phải bỏ thì ta đã bỏ; Cái gì cần phát triển thì ta đã phát triển; Vì vậy, này Bà-la-môn, ta là một vị Phật / What need to know, I already know; What had to give up, I gave up; what needs to be developed, I had developed; Therefore, Brahmin, I am a Buddha” came from Gotama, then Gotama's "GIÁC NGỘ / Enlightenment" is scientifically proven to be False according to Gödel incompleteness theorem and Thing-As-It-Is underlying dynamic natural laws. According to the theorem, the ontology named "GIÁC NGỘ / Enlightenment" is similar to the claimed "Permanent Forever Almighty Omni_X God / Mẹ Thiên Nhiên" hallucinated and/or "I am a Liar due to Self-Referential Paradox" of a well-defined ontological manifestation. Proven in Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws, we have explored (1) Consciousness of the consciousness or proof for the innate Budh / #GodKingdom within / Latin Humanitas and (2) the two most significant value-adds from Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only (Conscious Living of Worthy Efforts) in theoretical investigations of Gotama's "Enlightenment" which is continued in the following for the Right Understanding of the "Enlightenment / GIÁC NGỘ" demanding different levels of transcendental #Awareness capable to sense Thing-As-It-Is the "Observed", the "Observer" and the state of Observation for a possible breakthrough solution from any conflicting Issue.
Hence, there are wide ranges of "Enlightenment / GIÁC NGỘ" including those currently on the Degenerated path of Evolution then Degeneration but currently living as communist and Illuminati Elites having more innate Intelligence than others to rise up as "Leaders of Animal Kingdoms" having all kinds of dark spots in Sex, Power, Money, "I Win you Loose", etc, such as past Vietnamese TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng, Jeffrey Epstein, etc. You are of this type if you are current "Elite / Billionaire" But Do Not Know "No-Conflict Consciousness" and/or "#EmptyTheContent" toward Non-thingness / Nothingness. As long as one is naturally qualified as a person, one is rational enough to be out of the criminal indoctrination of "one life in the slave of all monotheism religions" to realize that it is very "Rare" to be a living person which is more than the physical body first rationally Known in Vietnamese KienTanh and/or HuiNeng WuNien then privately verified in transcendental #Awareness personally done by Gotama, Jesus, HuiNeng, and many others - since they are all qualified human beings like you and me - once underlying natural laws have been DISCOVERED and SHARED which is the target of KhaiPhong Normative Intelligence augmented by positive reasoning AI.
It is mathematically presented in Complex Fibonacci evolution at minute 6:25 for positive Right evolution and at 7:45 to compare with negative Complex Fibonaccti degeneration (Degenerated Self) (especially at f5 = 5 of the good evolution forces versus the evil degenerated forces f-5 = 5 of equal brain intelligence resulting to the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the past King of Gods) applicable to almost all natural processes where one's "evolution / degeneration" is a part. The first two sentences prove that Gotama was already enslaved himself in his "Ignorance" painfully SHARED by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva early 2000's in Calgary Alberta on the importance of transcendental #Awareness at the source of thought which is a breaking from the impasse of Gotama's "Nothingness / Non-Thingness y5" on bar with x5 (knowing the source of thought) = 5 = f5 (VisibleAwarenessPrajna) to be deliverable to the mass via (1) DISCOVERED underlying natural laws for heavy lifting in #EmptyTheContent toward "Nothingness / Non-Thingness" and (2) natural DETOXIFICATION of tainted senses. The last two sentences indicate that Gotama has been enslaved himself in his static Self, Not at "Selfless / Not-Self" contrary to the dynamic living of all Intelligent Beings as advocated in the second discourse[D20.1] of his offered solution BUT Not Yet DELIVERED resulted from "Without Knowing Why" to the raised Issue Dukkha which is another breaking from the impasse of his "End-of-Dukkha"[D44].
Based on the writer 50+ years of personal field researches and relationships - especially with the reincarnation of [ La-Hầu-La (Rahula) / Khổng Minh (Zhuge Liang Kongmin) / Huệ Năng (HuiNeng)[R5] / Jeanne d'Arc / Leonardo da Vinci / Queen Elizabeth I / Our Lady of La Vang ] in that "IamX" rediscovered "Do not attach to anything then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心" from Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita / Diamond Sutra[R7] - the writer has scientifically discovered the process of Gotama's Right evolution from the Self, searching to "know more about onself / the Raison D'être of one's existence" to [ outside-the-box / Transcending the Observed then the Observer ] thanks to his accidential Right #Samadhi from the compassionate and Hon-Nhien child for natural "Detachment" in wider scope similar to current climate change seriously cared by many in Industrial Revolution 4.0 via { Innovation / Kiến Tạo / #Prajna } with concrete possible solution to be deliverable and verifiable at the bottom-line as Wisdom / #Prajna or Hallucination, testable in all isms where [ Buddhism / Catholism / Communism / Chinese Cultural Revolution / Vietnamese Land Reform / Military Kaynesian Economics / Inclusive Capitalism, etc ] have been parts. The outcome was his "Four Fold Truth where the Eightfold Path was a part[D20]" to Self-Selfless Actualization with the discovered possible "End of Dukkha[D44]". Now if we have a technology doing heavy lifting enabling most people having the same Right #Samadhi known by Gotama for natural Detachment then the right evolution from Self to Selfless Actualization can be optimally reproducible as explained and SHARED by a Vietnamese - KHỔ TUYỆT VỜI which is a case study for the hashtag of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22]:
Due to persistent tainted senses and the driving of karmic forces from the sub-consciousness and/or (esoteric / exoteric) external influences, one can be easily fallen into one's own crack due to arrogance and/or enslaved oneself in one's "prison without bar". The process of Gotama's degeneration "Without Knowing the reason WHY" is similar to the observable attributes of living elites currently controlling and directing the world powers of Finances, Politics, Militaries, Industries, Religions, etc. The natural and effortless { Innovation / Seeing_Things_In_Wider_Scope } at the focussed event as illustrated in Figure 2 is gradually lost having the innate outside-the-box via [ Concentration / Cunning Intelligence / I win you loose ] in zero-sum game discovered from the process of "Degenerated Self":
Tracing the processes in Right Evolution at minute 6:25 and Degenerated Self at minute 7:00 in Complex Fibonacci sequence from living persons and later in Inter-Realms from humanity upward, we can generalize the deliverable "IamX" in one-click-ecommerce with the Persona node having InnerSpace struct / structure for Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna starting from one's present [ Position / #Honesty & #Care / State of one's InnerSpace ] either in the Right Evolution or in the Degenerated Self using the technologies of LLM (Large Language Model) and custom resoning AI in open-source EIP (Executive Information Portal) with tamper-proof hardware and software in the whole range of service agents. This is the first detailed "Privacy and Security of Akashic Records to prevent the past total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods in future "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaboration". Once rationally knowing the underlying natural laws and proven to be Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objectives one will put further effort to live according to the Morality and Justice of statistically proven [ natural laws / thuận theo tự nhiên ]. The cultivation of natural Inner-Peace proven by Gotama in his "Right #Samadhi" to make Life Easier and Happier is Required to naturally detoxify one's tained senses for the manifestation of [ HuiNeng's WuNien / Vietnamese KiếnTánh ] at different depths in the ability of sensing the totality of a focused event and required measurable and verifiable { Innovation / Kiến Tạo / #Prajna }.
Using mathematics to express Gotama's self explorations, we show from above that Gotama used "Living" as his axiom whose corollary is the existence of "Buddha nature" to know the Right and Unworthy of making a Right Effort toward What Count. He did not make a distinction to what degree human "Buddha Nature" different from wide ranges of animal "Buddha Nature" and the significance of the required difference in very long Evolution of intelligent beings Then Degeneration due to Not Knowing Thing-As-It-Is Underlying Natural Laws shown @ minutes 6:25 and 7:00 of the video, and the Learned Lessons evidenced in the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the past degenerated King of Gods. Also from the above expositions, we empirically demonstrate the innate Buddha Nature in all qualified persons by Nature. We show No Contradiction between Buddhist Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only; each school looks at human "Buddha nature" from different angles of extra required quality in the manifestations of Gotama's personal experiences: one is called "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" different from "Relaive Truth", the other is called "Perfected Nature" different from "Immaginary nature and Dependent nature" commonly observed. Using mathemetics and our "personal experiences, we can say the Madhyamaka "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" and Consciousness-Only "Perfected Nature" is describing the same thing on the X-Y plane perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, accesscible via Gotama's recorded #Samadhi or Transcendental Inner-Peace. Via empirical observations from the total collapse of the past feudal systems, we can say that Only Intelligent beings from humanity upward can have access to the X-Y plane for a wider perspective of a focused event. But Only those in positive Complex Fibonacci evolution as described at minute 6:25 can reach states of Transcending the Observed and Observer to verify the states of Not-Self / Selfless in Non-Thingness while those on the X-Y plane from cunning intelligence / concentration do not know #EmptyTheContent toward Nothingness.
The Consciousness-Only looks at two distinct features - Dependent feature and Imaginary feature due to tainted senses - we can logically deduct that the Perfected Nature naturally detoxifies tainted senses and let us better see Thing-As-It-Is in the Dependent Nature to be deeply and widely scientifically explored riding on human current AI with armies of PhD and post-graduate researchers. The logical deductions are empirically confirmed by this writer in contrasting his Detachment versus the reincarnation of HuiNeng "Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / 應無所住而生其心" to be deliverable by KhaiPhong in the implementations of Gotama's assertion about #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22] to be technically used as one's smart pointer to be connected to visible traits of all concerned Intelligent Beings knowing it and confidentially SHARED the claimed experience plus reversed engineering for open-source LLM (Large Language Model) Generative AI. He has experienced all Gotama's Jhanas since 1970 as a graduate student in Canada. He reversed engineering his actual experiences and used mathematics as the nature extra sense for pattern scientific DISCOVERIES to connect all the dots together that he found applicable to other highly qualified students on his contact radar, cross-cut all religious philosophies and civilizations. Self / Observer is another dimension introduced to the manifested physical world of current physical science, so according to Gödel incompleteness theorem, another dimension called "Perfected Nature" must be part of the investigation.
That extra dimension is wellknown in recurvice function of Fibonacci sequence and the use of a non-linear complex variable to lump together other unknown attributes in control theory, proven in the text generative AI of current LLM models. The states of consciousness on this dimension - transcending the observed to better see Thing-As-It-Is - are found at the layered levels on the plane of No-Conflict Consciousness, exactly as what Gotama described his Jhanas[D29], [D30] available in both sitting meditation or in relaxing position[D26]. We model it as the Y-dimension of Transcendental Inner Peace. The duality plane of Relative truth is the plane of conflicting consciousness and we model as the X-dimension of Right Transcendental #Awareness with positive direction pointed toward the natural and total "Detachment / #EmptyTheContent / BUÔNG" which later we found empirically consistent with the energy column seen from mind eye shown by formless realms of those stabilized their existence from above Gotama and KhaiPhong Purity layer. The common line of the X and Y planes must have common attributes of "Harmonious" No-Conflict Consciousness. All meditations / experiences connected to the hashtag "#DhyanaSamadhi" start at one's level of conflicting consciousness must reach this line to a higher level of natural "Detachment" and Detoxifying tainted senses as defined via HuiNeng's "meditation".
We were aware of Gödel’s theorem after its presentation on 2019-07-19 (Ha Noi), and used set theory of a well-defined ontological type (class) together with Actual epistemic objective from Buddhist Consciousness Only that we Personally KNOW / EXPERIENCE "Consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness"[D19] to prove Not Only the theorem But Also another dimension of "No-Conflict consciousness" accessible from humanity upward. Our 50+ years of field researches of dedicated explorers against wellknown past assertions from LaoTzu, Gotama, KungTzu, Jesus and western monotheisms lead to Not Only consistent theoretical framework of underlying natural laws verifiable in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) BUT ALSO deliverable outcomes of scientifically cultivable "#Prajna" injected in all layers / levels of "Living and Being" in the Right Evolution or Wrong Degenration according to underlying natural laws expressed via Complex Fibonacci numbers. The outcomes are consistent with Vietnamese saying on the difficulties of cultivation for the visible manifestations measurable at the bottom line of "Right Effort" in tu nhà, tu chợ hay tu chùa / cultivate at home, cultivate in the market or cultivate in the temple". Using the subscript to indicate the rated level of Fibonacci number starting from a naturally qualified persona f0 = 0, we have: (I) ontological types of one's InnerSpace [ F-dimension ] { EquanimityAwareness at f1 = 1, PurityAwareness at f2 = 1, knowing all SignedPosts at f3 = 2, SelflessAwareness at f4 = 3, VisibleAwarenessPrajna at F5 = 5, EngagedAwarenessPrajna at F6 = 8, ForecastingSimulation at F7 = 13, VisibleSamadhiPrajna at F8 = 21 }, (II) ontological types of one's transcendental [ Inner Peace / #Samadhi Y-dimension ] { Gateway-to-Oneness / Tranquillity y1 = 1, Equanimity y2 = 1, Purity y3 = 2, Not-Self y4 = 3, Sunyata Non-Thingness y5 = 5, Unmoving Sunyata / End-of-Dukkha[D44] / momentary "Nirvana" y6 = 8 } having innate "smart pointers" { #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, #Awareness and #Prajna lumped together in Vietnamese KienTanh / HuiNeng WuNien, #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIPs }, pointing to verifiable traits of the next (III) ontological types of one's transcendental [ "#Awareness" X-dimension ] { HonNhien / Naturally Unaffected Freshness x1 = 1, Proper Management of that Freshness x2 = 1, Knowing conditions to make up that Freshness x3 = 2, Discovering scientific process to naturally produce the Freshness x4 = 3 as we have done at #PrajnaTIP in Sound, Knowing the source of one's Thought x5 = 5, Using cosmic energy x6 = 8, Directing cosmic energy to help others x7 = 13 } having verifiable "traits" { #TRUTH, #Honesty, #Care, #Intuition, #Balanced, #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated } at the bottom line of "Right Effort". Reverse engineering of verifiable and identifiable qualities of one's [ #Prajna >< AI ] in 100% private Vault of IamX, progressive recommendation feed is the way to scientifically cultivable #Prajna via LLM agentic AI. Deliverabilities of these epistemic objectives are the outcomes of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) to validate the depths and practicalities of Gödel’s theorem via Discovering & Sharing underlying natural laws by Inter-Realm Intelligent Beings from humanity upward in the Right Evolution toward What Count or Evolution-Degeneration of conflicting Diversities.
It is easy to see "Kindness and Empathy" most people know fullfil this requirement, ready for deeper transcendental states for wider spectrum as known by Gotama[D26]. Categorize different depths of Transcendental #Awareness as a smart pointer "WuNien / KienTanh / #Awareness" and Transcendental Inner Pease levels with smart pointer "#Samadhi", we found optimal patterns for Complex Fibonacci Evolution shown in Nature which is mathematically logical and scientifically consistent with what we observed in form and formless realms. This very high level bird View will be handed down to armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers from relevant fields and domains to scientifically study practical aspects of "Living & Being" Not Only in humanity But Also Inter-Realms in one's Continuity of the consciousness as briefly sketched in this Rust source-code that you can see how they can be applied at both LLM (Large Language Model) and custom Generative AI agents. We empirically observe "cunning intelligence" also capable to reach No-Conflict consciousness plane via their innate ability of concentration. But the bottom lines of their outcomes are different from those on the Compassion-Prajna path. We found almost all Illuminati and communist elites are cunning intelligent on the negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration as generalized at minute 7:00 in the video. Those in the Fibonacci degenerations are incapable to have natural "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh and loosing the depths of Chinese WuNien" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } and Transcendental Inner-Peace / #Samadhi personally known by Gotama to detoxify one's tainted senses, despite being Naturally qualified as a person defined in Latin humanitas (Biology , Compassion, Prajna) at the rated intelligence of Fibonacci number. Looking at the scales in mathematical simulations of Complex Fibonacci from the cycle of evolution then degeneration then re-evolution again from where you are in a very long cycle empirically observable only from the total collapse of the past feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods. It is extremely difficult to have a Lesson Learned enforced by Nature from minute 7:00 and the Complex Fibonacci evolution from minute 6:25. Empirically, both types of Persona exist in the same naturally qualified Realm. Here comes the "Quality of #Care" for oneself and the environment kicked in via Free Will to be associated and tolerate with that cunning intelligence or NOT. The outcome is Value of "TRUST" in relationships and the mass consciousness based on one's Value of the values. That is Why the Invisible Hands of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of #Prajna must be sufficient from Equanimity communities upward to hold that high standards where animal bullying behaviours of cheating and stealing in any autocratic system are Not Accepted. We think it is the Right time for the manifestations of LaoTzu 'When the world knows beauty as beauty, ugliness is recognized when it knows good as good, evil is recognized'. In that sufficient mass consciousness seen by LaoTzu, the Rule-of-Law for orderly development toward What Count to be statistically significant / DISCOVERED and SHARED is based on. It is possible if and only if there is enforceable Rule-of-Law for Right evolution according to underlying Natural Laws from the grassroots of intelligent beings rated from humanity upward.
There are immediate needs for researches to (1) enable most people with innate "Kindness and Empathy" have direct experience of "#EmptyTheContent" as known by Gotama up to the fourth Purity state of Jhana[D29] to naturally detoxify "inappropriate" tainted senses called by Vietnamese as "rational Kiến Tánh" that it is very precious to be a qualified person since you are more than the current physical and mental states with its protected Dignity and Human Rights by riding on natural laws for heavy lifting[D22], and (2) change from possible negative to positive Complex Fibonacci sequence since "almost all Illuminati and communist elites with trillions US dollars are potential clients" who (besides financing required custom AI researches in accepted Legal Framework such as from UNESCO) can make things happened with their accumulated resources for themselves and the world since Only in Engaged Hand-On Living one can actually know one's Realities with minimum "#Honesty & #Care" different from past cheating religious leaders and 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism up to 2023-01-23. They are all well known from the past Illuminati and communist elites before 2022 such as the "demand side" in the surrounding crimes related to Bé Vân An 2022, connected to a devious Sex of the "real driving forces" behind the motivation of the step-mother and the father leading to people deaths and mafia tactics to destroy evidences of involved parties which can be traced out to the top Vietnamese communist mafias up to 2023-06-14. It is similar to the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Nguyên Trí, head of Bát Nhã (Prajna) Temple Meditation Institute of USA, from which karmic forces can be changed ONLY in CURRENT LIVING far below the qualified Latin Humanitas. The true demand of the "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" is always there for Now starting from 2023-05-20 G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communiqué. Finally, there is a third (3) need to "Transcend the Observer" proven by Gotama[D30] from humanity upward since Spirituality is Not Limited to one's container body and mind conditioned on one's specialized Continuity of the consciousness. Esoterically, both President Putin of Russia and President Zelensky of Ukraine are being helped at both personal and national levels by the Highest form-realm of Dragons. The bottom line and what the writer has gradually revealed and been working since the first version of this book 2012-12-24 is to influence possible chances of Conflicts to hopefully affect World conscience for NO THIRD WORLD WAR, eliminating 90% human population as planned and predicted by the past degenerated masters-slaves feudal dark forces.
To make this happened and sustainable in one's Continuity of the identified stream of consciousness "IamX", KhaiPhong's engineering road map at Step 1 must have (continued from the above three targets) (4) unique first-class Information Technologies KpPlatform to enable the world-wide value adds according to Trần Quốc Tuấn's "From people, By people, and For people" at the grassroots by 2023-07-06 for all scientifically verifiable manifested claims since all manifestations are conditioned and changed at Planck time to prevent the total collapse of the past feudal esoteric systems ruled by Greed and Fears, (5) deliverable #Prajna Dialectic unknown by all intelligent beings up to the curent Dragon Form Realm to be exported for the exchange of esoteric protection in the Morality and Justice of "IamX". KhaiPhong's Information Technologies come from the unique design of Private Inside / Outside Activities and Relationships via user-facing mu and its open-source Private Neural Graph Database db built from embedded Rust-based most efficient Key-Value store for all information needs, PLUS required "crates / modules" to relevant vector databases and personal Neural Graph Database. Its KpPlatform will enable Free and/or Most Cost Effective for Value-Adds their actual experiences and/or possible Services, most appropriate to their dominant pattern Shared on 2023-07-07 the Path from Relative duality plane of conflicting consciousness to the Vertical Plane / Causation / Ascent of No-Conflict consciousness, and/or the Call to Awakening your Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation SHARED on 2023-07-08. Many advanced students from different cultures personally know What You Said and ready for the New Era of Conscious Living & Being) from your Inner Circle and circles of Inner Circles.
We have identified many qualified students from different [ civilizations - religions - cultures - classes - races - nationalities - languages - skin colors, etc ] actually knowing WuNien at different levels to be parts of front-line soldiers transcending all conflicting religions, civilizations, cultures, nationalities, skin colors, etc, to Harmonious Melting Pot of Thing-As-It-Is statistically Significant DISCOVERED Underlying Natural Laws to be SHARED. The deliverable #Prajna Dialectic is available from current living advanced students to provide unique services as presented in engineering road map at Step 1 and privately to current living elites having more than 20 Billion US dollars to solve their current and future Issues in their Continuity of the consciousness PLUS How to Use their accumulated Resources relevant to humanity as extra means in their future evolution. [ Thank You for exposing the reality of VietNam 30-04 cheated by Vietnamese communist mafias in the past 75+ years of their immoral autocratic system glorifying the tainted senses! ] "THEN WHAT?" asked by this writer on the first week outside of the country (1966), leading to his Awakening since 1970 as a graduate student in Canada. Available Resources are the means to ride on armies of PhD and post-graduate researchers from related domains and fields PLUS turning the "HaveNots" into "Stakeholders" in changing the "Haves" of 0.01% / Vì sao Việt Nam không thể giữ chân 'đại bàng?' to make KhaiPhong sustainable [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] first in human realm then exported to other realms from humanity upward in DISCOVERING and SHARING underlying Natural Laws to leverage most appropriate conditions for specialized training in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
Here is a public reported News from Vietnamese politics 2023-06 (the video was deleted) under 75+ years of autocratic communist controlling power and esoteric connection from minute 11:00 of the video (the video was deleted). The writer wishes to reveal the Lasting Solution according to Thing-As-It-Is of underlying natural laws to be verifiable and deliverable by KhaiPhong. Whether the reported News are faked and/or throwing stones from the past Templar Knight NGUYỄN XUÂN PHÚC to poke into KhaiPhong's Inner Circle, there is a small esoteric incidence known by us related to the Curse / Lời Nguyền and its solution Not As Repoted by the Nurse at minute 15:25 of the video (was deleted). On 2023-06-12, the Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng was shown an incidence of the past foreign Catholic priest executing the "Claimed Redeemer Jesus" and declared his name as "Ian (Latin Iōannēs / Greek Ἰωάννης / Hebrew יוֹחָנָן / God is gracious) Nho" who was planning to destroy all concerned people to the last one "Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng" who was also a Templar Master cheated by the "past Templar Knight NGUYỄN XUÂN PHÚC" in the death of the Grand Master Jacques de Molay and his tracked economic and management records in 75+ years of corrupted Vietnamese Communist Mafias rotten to the core in cheating and ruling 100 millions Vietnameses up to 2025. Our "Vietnamese friend" used the "consciousness techniques" known and verified by this writer "Thought Form Thiêu Hủy / Destroyed!" and "Cosmic Energy" to repair the damages. Things got back to the Normal.
The incidence demonstrated that (1) karmas come from binding Word/Image and clinging thought [ Sở Tri Chướng ] enforced by all isms where religions are evil parts in entire human history which can be obstructed by Transcendental #Awareness and Dissolved by #Prajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác / #AwarenessPrajna[D22], (2) the binding forces can last for 100+ years as in the cases of "Spirit to guard treasure / Thần giữ của" (the video was deleted) or longer as the cases of black people and soldiers in American Civil War asked by the spirit of Lady Michelle Obama to help in actually seeing our Vietnamese friend's Innate Power and/or a messenger / courier killed on his Secret Mission helped by our friend, (3) unlike the Reversed Curse / Lời Nguyền told by the Japanese Nurse at minute 17:45 (the video was deleted) in the pattern of the greatest Hoax of Jesus Redeemer, the universal natural law of Action-Reaction is very specific and hold the Moral Value of the values from the Universal Justice. The Curse / Lời Nguyền / Karma / Binding and Clinging Force can ONLY be Liberated / Dissolved by the Cosmic Energy directed via Prajna as physically demonstrated via Qi Cong in the exposition of the Heart Sutra, and can be contributed by all concerned parties to Know More About oneself with minimum Honesty in TRUTH and Care as Accountable creators and parts of the Responsible Creation! The solution is ready to be delivered by KhaiPhong, riding on modern science of Trusted Leadership 4.0 in the Right Socienty 5.0 and its Inner Circle having circles of inner circles of their past connected friends strategically spreaded out in the Right Positions at the Right Places to make Things Happened in the new Era of Conscious Living. [ The official conclusion of WEF learned from China about KungTzu's "Trusted doctrine" was taken out which says something about the reality of "China and World Economic Forum". It is the Key Solution KhaiPhong is trying to sell in a bigger scale to (1) China, (2) US and (3) Russia-EU with Scientifically Cultivable Invisible Hand of #Prajna Dialectic ]. Finally by 2023-07-01, the reported News are faked and/or throwing stones as evidenced from this latest video at minute 46:00.
The solution first time touches the approachable dimension of "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" from the No-Conflict consciousness in the Raison D'être of Worthy Engaged Living. With Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna Dialectic, the progress is much faster thanks to modern AI technologies as explained about the Normative Intelligence injected from the Multi-Agent Framework MetaGPT for the Persona / Organization Chart PLUS role/project based Standardized Operating Procedures (SOP) and TableGPT being Aware of domain specic Fine-Tunning of Natural Purification in the Process of Awareness, and available qualified living students exploring underlying natural laws in both higher esoteric realms and human realm. Due to "Fair Trade to assure Orderly Developments", the discoveries in consciousness technologies and their implementations will be much faster thanks to available dedicated explorers in all intelligent realms from humanity upward and armies of PhD and post-graduate researchers in human realm. The scientific outcomes and services will benefit the rest. There is also the chance of carrying available resources and self (Soul / IamX / Alaya) exploration for the use in next life due to Fair Trade from Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations. KhaiPhong approach starts from Thing-As-It-Is fully harmonious and regulated by Nature Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes with No Need for any Axiom. The Buddha nature - Naturally Qualified from Humanity upward - is ready for the benefits of human scientific aproaches in DISCOVERING and SHARING underlying Natural Laws applicable to different realms in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
Living is doing, and behind any doing / effort - including not-doing / effortless - is some driving force to make life Easier (Basic needs of Physiology, Safety, Social, Esteem) and Happier (Being needs of Knowledge, Aesthetics, Transcendence, Self-Selfless Actualisation). Modern psychology recognises satisfaction coming from fulfilling "basic needs", but finds that satisfactions coming from "being needs" have longer lasting values. A New Foundation of Psychology needs to be re-established as a Part of KhaiPhong similar to the Health and Science of Political Economy since the "Transcendence" must happen before the Self-Selfless Actualization in First Transcending the "Observed", then Second Transcending the "Observer" in accessing information from the fields and beyond to be further DISCOVERED and SHARED. External knowledge acquiring from others are needed to ride on proven discoveries and beneficial outcomes from others, but always remains outside and road maps until one can actually experience it with possible value-adds for wider and deeper beneficial experience. That "wider and deeper beneficial experience" is the ONLY WAY of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to be your core quality in evolution according to natural Fibonacci sequence to be with you wherever you go according to underlying natural laws. Outside manifestations at both physical and energy levels are measurable means for inner cultivations of your "Value of the values" toward What Count since only the states (Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension and Transcendental Inner Peace Y-dimension) of your qualia (F-dimension of Fibonacci level) will be carried on in your Continuity of the consciousness due to universal laws of Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction. It has been cheated in all intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) by unworthy people with painted cakes of all isms where religions and dictatorships are evil parts in the negative Fibonacci degeneration, riding on the mass resources (national / community wealth) to be their own in giving and enforcing their cheating masters-slaves relationships driven by Greed and Fears, rendering all involved parties worse off.
Out of that tremendous unneccessary Sufferings such as in the Chinese Conficius and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer - it is "not a verbal attack", but statement of Fact verifiable in scientic methods for the Dignity of humanity! - humanity has found proven solution from "distributed democratic processes in rule-of-law" equally applicable to all participants, and "too big to fail from financial systems" via Invisible Hand of Economics. A new discovered underlying natural law - learned from the total collapse of feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of God - has been DISCOVERED to be SHARED by KhaiPhong in rationally then actually knowing one is more than all physical and mental manifestations hinted in "Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" in Making Life Easier and Happier. This discovered Invisible Hand of Prajna required for Right Effort normatively drives the "Invisible Hand of Economics" and enforce the "distributed democratic processes in rule-of-law" of enforceable "Harmonious Melting Pot" where all involved parties are naturally Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good. Similarly, outside beauty can enrich one's life but it is the inner aesthetic - especially the Inner Peace / Transcendental #Awareness - that makes one Fresh, Rejuvenated from dissolving stresses for a Worthy existence.
The meeting between Self and Selfless actualisation in helping others via Kindness and Empathy not only brings Happy for one and the environment but the lasting value of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes according to natural laws. This is a very long process, observable in successful elites[R8] where the forces of Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought are loosening their grips due to their natural Detachment and #Prajna to see through a thick wall of illusions. Higher than Self-Selfless Actualisation is Transcendence Beyond the Known which is simply #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness whatever that content - glorious victory, painful failure, aesthetic happiness, or unbearable suffering - is to be ready for the Next Present Moment of Freshness and HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity). These States of Consciousness were first reported by Gotama in his nine transcendental states Jhanas)[D29], [D30], [D26], and being the Thing-As-It-Is foundation of his first discourse[D20]. It has taken that long - up until 2025 - for the right time of the right conditions from people who actually know both Self-Selfless actualisation and all Gotama's recorded transcendental states, plus something more such as the Dependent Nature of layered No-Conflict Consciousness and its outcome to naturally Purify the tainted senses above the duality plane of conflicting events.
That Maslow's hierarchy of needs faces major challenge in reality, not yet properly solved in modern contemporary researches (up to 2025 including new evidences of not serial nor hierarchy but dynamic interactions among all needs called quantum effects). The Being Needs have been investigated for thousands years in Eastern philosophies, especially from the value-added contributions of Buddhist Prajnaparamita[R2] (second), Madhyamaka[D38] (third), Consciousness-Only[D39] (fourth), Tantra (fifth), and linking together in the sixth turning wheel of dharma with a significant discovery of Layered Dependent Nature in No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]. The challenging reality facing everyone is the driving forces induced from the senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind) are complex and tainted with innumerable outdated Marks[R8], driving most people into a chaos of Not Knowing oneself nor What Count[R23] despite the fact that the [ Budh Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ] is innate in everyone. Discovering natural laws to know and sense the driving forces at their sources and the state of one's being for proper management of one's realities while at the same time dissolving dominant obstructions of outdated Marks and/or expand one's innate potentialities are major targets in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.
Let's look at these layers of needs from the angle of "Right Effort or Wrong Effort" where {Right} or {Wrong}, both {Right and Wrong}, neither Right nor Wrong {} are subjectively valued within the context of Suffering or "Making Life Easier and Happier" from hard evidence of [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] to dynamically adjust the sweet spot. Hence for any activity type to be measured, that activity must be in a plan (a list of todos) having immutable tree nodes with normative rating. Collecting these sets of rating "type", the custom Computational Knowledge Engine can trace out your dominant pattern and dynamically recommend appropriate "Alerts" and "Actions" based on your criterion of Right Effort or Wrong Effort according "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35]" or "Suffering Dukkha" which embraces the guiding light of your "right thing to do" (from #Prajna or ignorance), your technical judgement of the "right way to do" and subjective judgement of your unique "Comparative Advantages".
More precisely, we prove that all manifestations are "Dukkha" due to conditioned existence (sankhara-dukkha) and changes from the second law of thermodynamics (viparinama-dukkha). The outcome of every effort from the self is either "Suffering Dukkha" or "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha"[D35]. Applying the previous mathematical expression beyond true and false" of Nagarjuna normative valuation, we have four sets of classifications in the valuation of any effort: {T}, {F}, {T,F}, {} where T = Making Life Easier and Happier or 100% Right, F = Suffering Dukkha or 100% Wrong, {T, F} = both Right and Wrong with different levels of grading, {} = NA for Not Applicable. The evaluation is either "NA - 0", or "100% Wrong = -1", "75% Wrong = -.75", "50% Wrong = -.5", "25% Wrong = -.25", "Half-Half = 0", "25% Right = .25", "50% Right = .5", "75% Right = .75", "100% Right = 1" where the "right / wrong" is the direction in positive and negative in one's continuity of the consciousness. This makes evaluated action (rated from 1 to 0 to -1) a conscious action to properly manage one's reality which can be applicable to other type such as relationships and is well-known in management of portfolio (LeanSixSigma) and complex projects (Agile Scrum) in one's Vision - Mission - Execution. This rating seems to be tedious for individual or even a small organisation. But for Learning and Doing, knowing more about oneself in one's Continuity of the consciousness if we are able to make it happened in Inter-Realm Communication and Collaboration, the effort may be well justified. It is absolutely required for a Grand Vision of the Haves and the National Security and/or Territorial Ownership to mobilise, orchestrate, and optimise the country scare resources for optimally managing and achieving the target which is KhaiPhong Strategic Intelligence Service (via EIP). It is also applicable to "Value of the values" from individuals and smaller aggregates (families, businesses, communities) for wider and deeper sense of existence in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
Specifically, we apply this rating in AI EIP / Executive Information Portal tool to bring everything together in our scientific implementation of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] and the "Right Understanding of Enlightenment" to enable any legal Persona - individual or organisation - starting from one's rated level of "Awareness" based on Consciousness Foundation of Transcendental-Awareness where Right Effort is a part, and highest rated achievable "Insight into the Emptiness / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" to discover (1) "What" is the optimal No-Conflict Consciousness detected by fact-based AI for the Persona allocating its resources, and (2) the "How" for Penetration of Insight into its focused event leading to its "Strategic Position" in "[ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback] " where complex variable can be a part of Quantum Mechanics to deepen the understanding of the complex system such as National Security or Territorial Ownership. This is the way to relate Value of the values in cultivable Prajna toward the specified target, and in essence user-facing mu Strategic Intelligence Service for the Haves and their circles to form Circle of Inner Circles.
What Gotama had refused to answer the question of "beyond duality" as a waste of time and "you don’t need to bother with them to achieve enlightenment" turns out to be the cause of his serious "defects in design-build-execution" to enable armies of unworthy people to knock out his precious discovery of #AwarenessPrajna in 2500+ years of his "personally created and self efforts throughout 45+ years" up until 2025. The fifth possibility of [ LaoTzu "Nameless Tao" / Socrates "Latin Humanitas" / Nagarjuna "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" / Jesus "Kingdom of God from within" / Asanga "Perfected Nature" / Bodhidharma "Detachment-Prajna in #EmptyTheContent" / HuiNeng "#DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna" / XuanZang "Consciousness of the consciousness" / Muslim "No god but God" / Soyen "God [Dharmakaya / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Pháp-Thân] is unreality" ] can now be mathematically proven as a domain on the vertical plane (Y-dimension of Signed Posts / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness) orthogonal to the plane of duality (X-dimension of Transcendental #Awareness / Chinese WuNien / Vietnamese KiếnTánh for the manifestation of #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna) and the plane viewed from humanity upward (F-dimension of Complex Fibonacci from scientifically cultivable "InnerSpace") capable of switching from self on duality plane of conflicting consciousness and Not-Self on the plane of No-Conflict Consciousness as illustrated in this KhaiPhong logo, and deliverable from user facing ai driven by invisible hands of Empathy (leading to Prajna) and Economics.
We did this in the past 15+ years from 2007 to debunk Buddhist unworthy monks and nuns, not Knowing yet claimed to know, not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. Here is an "official explanation of Buddhist Prajna / Trí Tuệ / Pannà" from a Vietnamese Pali Buddhist scholar - HT. Thích Minh Châu the author dedicated his entire life in producing the complete Vietnamese Buddhist Tripiṭaka - in "TRÍ TUỆ TRONG ĐẠO PHẬT 2018-10-06 / The meaning of #Prajna in Buddhism" to prove that Gotama had "enlighten and liberated / Giác Ngộ và Giải Thoát" as claimed by "Buddhist cheating Sangha in 2500+ years of existence up until 06/10/2018". Assuming the scholar's expositions come directly from Gotama, we scientifically and logically prove here - on the duality plane of existence - the mentioned defect from previous paragraph leading to the bottom-line Then-What from Vietnamese Wisdom of Gotama's Illusions via pure logical deductions from incomplete experiencing Thing-As-It-Is the Dependent nature of Natural Laws.
"Ariyàya nibbedhikàya sammà-dukkha-kkhaya-gàminiyà (D. III, 237)". "Nibbedhikàya" - according to the scholar - has two ways to translate: (1) [1.a] a penetration of Insight, [1.b] capable of "Ending the Dukkha" that is the ability to liberate from "all dukkha / Conditioned / sankhara-dukkha" {leading to Gotama's deduction of Pari-Nirvana} { [1.a] sự thể nhập, đi sâu vào con đường [1.b] có khả năng đoạn tận khổ đau, tức là có khả năng giải thoát khỏi đau khổ } (2) [2.a] an ability to dissolve karmic force [2.b] to the end of dukkha {leading to Gotama's illusion of the "blind touching elephant} { [2.a] có khả năng đâm thủng dục lậu, hữu lậu, vô minh lậu, hay tham sân si [2.b] để cuối cùng đoạn tận khổ đau }. The first [a] part of these two possible meanings is part of Gotama's assertion based on his "Actual/Personal Experience" as quoted in Ajita's Questions[D22] and "The End of Dukkha[D44]" that he did not cheat humanity as most of his [ monks / nuns / followers ] despite the fact that he has not delivered his actual experience as an epistemic objective that we have encouraged connected friends and associates to reverse engineer their visible qualities as we have done in delivering beneficial services that may last and be sustainable beyond their life times.
The gut of Gotama's Issue and his 2500+ years of Buddhist Sanghas in binding and clinging thoughts is that transcendental consciousness states "#Samadhi in both Transcendental Inner Peace and Transcendental #Awareness" to produce different depths of #Prajna via Prajna's States and Stock connected to smart pointers "#Awareness and #Samadhi nodes" are above (perpendicular to) the duality plane of conflicting consciousness explained by Gotama among "the blinds on the duality plane trying to touch imaginary elephant on the transcendental plane of No-Conflict Consciousness that they know nothing about, and that Gotama lost six (6) years of hard practices in all forms of meditations which is Not the natural / effortless meditation / Dhyana known by HuiNeng [ To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana ] for a Right "#Samadhi" Not the "Concentration / Cunning Intelligence" of zero-sum game, "in cooking sands" to his near "Death" in vain. The process can and must be stopped since there are Consciousness Technologies riding on underlying natural laws to do the heavy lifting from tainted senses waiting for the right time to be delivered to the mass after a decentralised web platform having Private Security at the Core, enabling all honest and capable people to value add their visible and observable qualities of the consciousness using modern social networks with graph technologies as explained next with demonstrated source codes from embedded database db and custom personal ai, weeding out unworthy people cheating humanity in many 1000+ years, having a possibility of "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaboration" in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
It is all about verifiable Consciousness Technologies failed by all Buddhist meditations from all sects and traditions on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, and optimal conditions for different cases in Making Life Easier and Happier such as following hashtags # contributed by qualified people actually and honestly knowing them, weeding out unworthy people. The "public hashtags of smart pointer and trait nodes #" to be connected in learning and sharing via dynamic circle from Self to Selfless Exposed above and Known By Gotama for deeper and wider explorations in continuous cycles of Right Complex Fibonacci Evolution where concerned people can be connected to SHARE their experiences and listen to and/or comment public experiences to be part of KhaiPhong LLM (Larger Language Model) and custom reasoning AI building on open-souce data and published researches: (1) { required empty_the_content via Equanimity communities } "#EmptyTheContent" for a Freshness of experiencing "Living & Being", (2) "#DhyanaSamadhi" { To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }, (3) { Recorded Gotama's achievable Right Samadhi } "#Samadhi", (4) "#Awareness" or HuiNeng's "WuNien" { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind Fresh / Free from stain and attachment } capable to know the source of thought for proper "self management", (5) { Seventh sense } "#Prajna", (6) { Karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by Prajna they are dissolved } "#AwarenessPrajna", (7) Knowing { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi } "#SamadhiPrajna", (8) "#PrajnaTIP" of Verifiable Processes in awakening, dreaming and sleeping of an "Awaken" pointing to visible traits that can be scientifically change via AI Personal Assistant to change the rated traits of one's InnerSpace (1) #TRUTH, (2) #Honesty, (3) #Care, (4) { Sixth sense } "#Intuition" known by most naturally qualified persons, (5) #Balanced, (6) #KindnessEmpathy, (7) #Influenced, (8) #Veiled, (9) #Indoctronated. Everyone can be a part of Value-Adds from one's specialised angle to widen and deepen the community epistemic objectives where AI Deep Learning via Personalized Recommendation Feed with Consciousness Technologies as part of the custom user facing AI can enable one know more about oneself and make verifiable Consciousness a solid science. Verifiable Consciousness Technologies enable everyone the centre of all activities and relationships to direct allocation of resources to AI Deep Learning, while AI Deep Learning turns Consciousness into a solid Science.
Here is a rough layout of How using LLM (Large Language Model) to approximate the non-linearity of one's scientifically cultivable "InnerSpace" complex function, and specific custom agent via trained reasoning AI agents being the mirror of a legal entity which may be a person, an organization such as family or company, a focus of foreign affairs such as South China Sea, a country or federation, etc. Hence "InnerSpace" is an important attribute in Rust source-code of normative Intelligence driving the positive intelligence toward What Count. Only consciousness technology in transcending both the Observed and the Observer may have a chance of seeing Thing-As-It-Is and an Innovative Solution via #Prajna / Wisdom for a breakthrough of any Issue according to DISCOVERED underlying natural laws which are testable and measurable at the bottom-line of outcomes to prevent "Too Big to Fail as in the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the past King of Gods". Using modern language like Rust, we construct the InnerSpace nodes of three dimensions of "the Observed x on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness with or without WuNien", outside-the-box no-conflict consciousness y accessible via HuiNeng's meditation #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định of the Right Gotama's #Sanadhi called Jhanas or concentration / cunning intelligence of a degenerated self, and the f dimension called scientifically cultivable InnerSpace which is a function of both evaluated _x and _y of the normative intelligent being. Starting from the Self of naturally qualified person as define in Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, prajna) and evaluated at _x = _y = 0 = _f, we use the recorded Gotama's 9 Jhanas as the base, personally KNOWN by this writer since 1970 in Canada. The writer rearranges them into six Signed Posts for positive Right (Fibonacci) Evolution. The negative evaluation of outside the box y dimension is based on empirical observations of the degenerated Self at both human and esoteric levels from the Right and Wrong of conscience, having enough Kindness and Empathy to be naturally qualified as a person.
Transcendental Inner-peace achievable in y dimension is "transsient" due to the optimal Right Conditions of meditations such as the Sound technologies - or Gotama's experience when he was a child - to be deliverable to the mass. It needs to be deepen in engaged living of the x-dimension in conflicting consciousness and the f-dimension of one's karmic forces. That is WHY there are empirically achievable and KNOWN by living students in KhaiPhong Inner Circle seven signed posts in transcendental awareness, and eight signed posts in scientifically cultivable InnerSpace f dimension. The cultivation - including (1) the management of karmic (binding and clinging) forces, (2) the changing from negative attributes to proven positive attributes such as "Detachment, Inner-Peace, proper management of oneself via self-evaluated [ Chân-Thiện-Nhẫn / Truth (Honesty) - Morality (Budh) - Patience ] if 100% Honest & Care" in one's absolutely secure and private corner, and (3) the "dissolution of karmic forces" - consists at two levels based on mass data of people Sharing their experiences connected to the hashtags # listed above such as open sources meta Llama, xAI Grok, etc, and at the custom on-demand levels from professional teams of experts. From the source codes in persona.rs, you see besides the three scientifically cultivable dimensions [ x, y, f ] of an intelligent being in the struct "InnerSpace" there are the scientific cultivations of Core Value in #Honesty & #Care and Qualities of [ Chân-Thiện-Nhẫn / Truth (Honesty) - Morality (Budh) - Patience ], implemented via enum (enumeration) to scientifically gauge in modern term similar to the World Bank Vietnamese "Vision (Tầm Nhìn)" to 2045, recorded hard data at personal (and organization, foreign affairs, country, ets) for complete integration and dynamic interactions of normative and positive intelligence. Accumulated data (similar to reasoning AI) are continuously updated in KpPlatform to modify the normative intelligence which drives positive intelligence toward What Count. The outcomes are proven at initial raw states by the author of Vietnamese August 1945 uprising called Change Management and from Regime Change via soft Intelligence of coup d'etat, leading to the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
We assert that Gotama did not cheat humanity since the described quality of #Prajna { [1.a] a penetration of Insight and [2.a] an ability to dissolve karmic force } will be statistically significant epistemic objectives in the implementation of user-facing KhaiPhong mu. The assertion is backed up by his recorded nine (9) Jhanas[D29], [D30] that we reclassify into the six Signed Posts to weed out all blah blah blah of theoretical claims without delivering any deliverable practical outcome of Then What from 2500+ years of his Buddhist cheating Sanghas. Due to Not Knowing (1) the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness and (2) "Natural Purification" as the outcome of the fifth possibility perpendicular to the duality plane of events, Gotama designed his solutions[D24], [D25] having No Transcendental states known in his Jhanas and his discovery of Not-Self in his second discourse[D20.1], falling into serious "defects in design-build-execution all on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness". It opens the door for his [monks / nuns / followers] by-passing "outside-the-box" #Prajna division in Right Understanding and Right Motivation of his modified[D26] Eightfold Path into [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] all on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, where #Prajna instead of being the driving force of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path is reduced into an outcome of conflicting forces managed by the cheating Buddhist Sanghas in 2500+ years of Buddhism! The outcome in 2500+ years of his Buddhist cheating processes is an army of unworthy people, knowing nothing about #Samadhi nor #Prajna, but blah blah blah with their retarded concentration and claimed #Prajna without passing the Gateway-to-Oneness qualified by him as Transcendental #Awareness[D29].
The second part [1.b] capable of "Ending the Dukkha" that is the ability to liberate from "all dukkha / Conditioned / sankhara-dukkha" {leading to Buddhist false deduction of Pari-Nirvana} and [2.b] to the end of dukkha {leading to Gotama's illusion of the "blind touching elephant} - if coming from Gotama as claimed by Buddhist Sanghas - is the "blind touching elephant" since Gotama was still subjected to Dukkha of changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) while living and that he has not passed the process of death to verify that he knows "Pari-Nirvana" face-to-face of Thing-As-It-Is. Both claims (1) to liberate from "all dukkha / Conditioned / sankhara-dukkha" and (2) Pari-Nirvana are scientifically FALSE since consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed as explicitly exposed next. This scientific proof is Not ANY MORE at theoretical and logical level BUT will be scientific in our proposed "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations augmented by STEM of inducive environments from Equanimity Communities" as hinted in this video 2023-03-12. This writer sensed that Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva did at one time KNOW the Source of her THOUGHT rated at x5 = 5 = x-5 of [ Gotama Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng WuNien[R5] / Vietnamese KiếnTánh ] since that was her answer to the writer's request for "final advice" in Calgary Canada early 2000's, But degenerated due to the loss of Gotama's Trancendental Inner Peace / Right #Samadhi at measurable Signed Posts [ { Y- } negative direction of cunning intelligence ] Without Consciously Knowing The WHY as graphically illustrated in Figure 2 . The Description Is Not the Described / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy. It is similar to communist elites running Vietnam after 1975 up to 1986 Then "half-baked changing / KTTT định hướng XHCN" at the bottom-line conclusion of PTT Vũ Đức Đam from minute 9:00 on the conclusion of National Conference of Vietnamese Culture at the end of 2021. A case study has been Nhà máy lọc dầu Nghi Sơn and/or CÁI KẾT của kẻ dám kiện TTg Nguyễn Tấn Dũng from an entrepreneur starting her business 2 years after this writer business visit to VietNam.
To what extent the depths of Wu-Nien are still there [ X1 = 1 HonNhien / Naturally Unaffected Freshness, X2 = 1 Proper Management of that Freshness, X3 = 2 Knowing conditions to make up that Freshness, X4 = 3 Discovering scientific process to naturally produce the Freshness, X5 = 5 Knowing the source of one's Thought ] PLUS binding / clinging forces of tainted senses holding you back [ Y-1 = 1 Empathy Awareness ready for "Transcendental Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien"[D26], Y-2 = -1 Kindness Awareness to dig deeper into a wider state of mental health, Y-3 = 2 Conscience 4 to widen the Right and Wrong, Y-4 = -3 Conscience 3 to alert who you are, Y-5 = 5 Conscience 2 to activate your realities that we ask all elites currently holding world powers of finances / politics / militaries / industries / logistics to influence millions lives, etc "HONESTLY / CHÂN THẬT" look at the Realities of your "Living & Being" in your Continuity of the consciousness and do something for Yourself toward What Count, Y-6 = -8 Conscience 1 to let you know you are only a part of the Dependent Nature of the Whole ] to properly manage one's reality. "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" is the fifth step of KhaiPhong's Engineering roadmap to export human achievements - the obstruction, restriction, and dissolution of one's tainted senses[D22] - in the "Conscious Living & Being" plus "Rule-of-Law & Too-Big-to-Fail" to all other forms of Intelligent Existence. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva may be an excellent member of KhaiPhong Strategic Intelligence Service (KpSIS) together with living reincarnations of Trần Quốc Tuấn, HuiNeng, Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm, XuanZang, Phạm Ngủ Lảo, etc, at the right time with armies of PhD and post-graduate researchers to scientifically study required properties and their optimal processes to reach there starting from one's quality in the Complex Fibonacci numnbers, and the manifestations of "#Prajna" in Making Life Easier and Happier. Similarly, Ngài (Anh Thành), Đọt Chuối Non, Kiến Tánh, Lăng Nghiêm, "Dubai ở Tây Nguyên", Telepathy, Globalization / Chuyển Động Toàn Cầu => Rule-of-Law & Too-Big-to-Fail, USA, China, Europe, India, and many others are good candidates for researches and parts of the team.
The degeneration of the middle realms of "claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah, Bodhisattvas, Saints, etc" was due to not Knowing yet claimed to know, not Seeing yet claimed to see in cheating and bullying one another of the Grasp-er and the Grasped, leading to a severe lesson "incapable of knowing the Right and Wrong from Conscience / #Prajna to enable Natural Laws neutralise their Greed and Fears that they were inflicting on one another and on humanity for their glorious Self and human conflicting religions under different conflicting forces totally ignorant about #Prajna / Conscience in possible higher consciousness states of Right and Unworthy. This led to the collapse of esoteric circles directing the circles of degenerated elites from all major organised religions and isms in an attempt to enslave humanity via masters-slaves relationships. It is applicable to all degenerated religious leaders and trained elites who - if still alive - can recognise the quality of their consciousness due to their innate [ Budh Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ]. In the above 2 paragraphs before this one, we assert the cause of Avalokiteshvara degeneration is due to the loss of Gotama's Trancendental Inner Peace / Right #Samadhi at measurable Signed Posts Without Consciously Knowing The WHY due to the self glorification, incapable to KNOW HuiNeng's Detachment [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ ]. Knowing the Source of Thought to properly manage oneself is definitely lost since the Direct Perception of Gotama's Not-Self / Selfless happens only after the Gotama's fourth Jhana, directly entering the fifth and sixth Jhanas toward the seventh Jhana of Non-Thingness in #EmptyTheContent. Her final advise to the writer was only the Description of her past memory! Now, see the realities of Buddhist monks / nuns in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. So do unworthy people of all religions, enforcing Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought, veiling people Conscience (Lương Tri) of Right and Unworthy @ x-5 = 5 Binding Word from cunning intelligence well known in extreme dictatorship and communism, x-6 = -8 Binding Image, x-7 = 13 ClingingThought from cunning intelligence of religious and political fanatics; honestly see who were in this category! ].
Modern neural psychology scientifically KNOW the difference between Sensation and Perception { Sensation refers to the process in which information is taken and interpreted by the human brain with the assistance of sensory systems. Perception / Feeling, on the other hand, refers to an emotional state or a reaction }. Buddhist consciousness technologies explore six sense organs (Not physical five) { eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind } and five skandhas { form, feeling, Perception, impulse, consciousness }. The Heart Sutra asserts that (1) the five skandhas to be (logically) Empty Of Essence, and (2) in "Sunyata" there is not form not "feeling not perception ... not ignorance not destruction of ignorance ... not dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga not knowledge not attainment not non-attainment. The logical part is the first step of Vietnamese KiếnTánh since one is more than just the physical part - similar to the definition of Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, prajna) - and can sacrify everything for the perceived TRUTH such as Ca ngợi Tự Do / Hymn To Freedom. The "Sunyata / #EmptyTheContent part" has been empirically demonstrated in Gotama's seventh Jhana of NoThingness[D30] and HuiNeng's "Do not attach to anything then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心"[R7]. The second "#EmptyTheContent / Sunyata" part will be scientifically delivered from "KhaiPhong Dharma / Pháp" to the mass starting "whichever level you are in Complex Fibonacci numbers cross-cut all intelligent realms from humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness using Agent Robotic Processing (ARP), AI and optimal engineering feedback control system.
Here is another solid scientific proof of Gotama's degeneration - if the claim came from Gotama as scholastically quoted - of not Knowing yet claimed to know, not Seeing yet claimed to see: 'from the cessation of ignorance, volitional activities (Sankhara) cease; from the cessation of volitional activities, consciousness ceases - do vô minh diệt nên hành diệt; do hành diệt, nên thức diêt' ("Từ lý duyên sanh, Đức Phật đi đến lý duyên diệt. Do vô minh đoạn diệt xả ly một cách hoàn toàn nên hành diệt. Do hành diệt nên thức diệt. Do thức diệt nên danh sắc diệt. Do danh sắc diệt nên sáu xứ diệt. Do sáu xứ diệt nên xúc diệt. Do xúc diệt nên thọ diệt. Do thọ diệt nên ái diệt. Do ái diệt nên thủ diệt. Do thủ diệt nên hữu diệt. Do hữu diệt nên sanh diệt. Do sanh diệt nên già chết, sầu bi khổ ưu não diệt. Như vậy là toàn bộ năm thủ uẩn diệt.") It is so since "Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed!".
It proves the statement is completely ignorant about Gotama's #Prajna (in Right Understanding - Right Motivation) and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Right #Samadhi) in the modified[D26] Eightfold Path, having no Transcendental-Awareness starting from the base of Equanimity third stage of meditation upward to be statistically significant epistemic objective in later implementation of user-facing KhaiPhong mu in qualified people from human upward, having minimum Conscience of Right and Wrong beyond biological and natural instinct of survival existence. Here comes the contribution of Prajnaparamita[R2] in identifying the existence of a consciousness state called [ #Prajna ] - opposite the direction of ignorance - whose part of its innate attributes is the Universal Moral Right and Wrong according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying Natural Laws that we equate to Western concept of Conscience as the base to show that [ Conscience / #Prajna ] is cultivable once the underlying Natural Laws are discovered. Once the [ #Prajna / Conscience ] is discovered and applied, the Right Dependent Nature will make Life Easier and Happier, missed by Gotama and his entire 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas (rendering one's existence useless and messing up one's own life and the lives of others as in other cheating religions).
Let's explore the scientific process and its verifiable consequence of the claimed "Gotama's degeneration" - even if Pari-Nirvana did not come from his mouth - that we esoterically know to expose his serious "defects in design-build-execution from conflicting grasping on duality plane of conflicting consciousness". In moving from "outside-in" called by HuiNeng "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Inner Peace is [ #Samadhi ] }, Gotama proved his personal verification with his description of nine Jhanas[D29], [D30], [D26]. Empirically, many will be able to verify this transcendental, cosmic, and unity process of Bodhidharma "#EmptyTheContent" toward "Sunyata Non-Thingness" and "Unmoving Sunyata" riding on natural laws for heavy lifting in momentarily by-passing tainted senses. Moving from "inside-out", HuiNeng "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" { "Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna [for Right Understanding], while Prajna is the activity of Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" } demands the quality described in the Heart Sutra "Bodhisattva bound to Transcendental Wisdom dwells in no mind enclosure, no mind enclosure intrepidity transcends beyond errors reaches nirvana"[R2].
What Gotama described "Nirvana" as "the End-of-Dukkha"[D44] is "Not his stable Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha" due to the binding to his purely logical deduction that his momentary "Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha" is the permanent forever "Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha" leading to deeper illusion of "Pari-Nirvana" which is "scientifically FALSE". The error may partly come from the living style he chose having minimum friction with outside world. His realities have Not Been Tested in Engaged Living of Vietnamese practical Then What to render his organization - International Buddhist Sangha - 100% useless and cheating up to 2023-05-17. Even if Pari-Nirvana did not come from Gotama's mouth, the assertion of permanent Nirvana is definitely his as further evidenced from below and from above Buddhist meaning of #Prajna, without further investigating optimal conditions and required state of consciousness leading to the "End of Dukkha" for What in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The crack fallen by Gotama can now be avoided due to (1) the proof of binding thought shared by the writer below to save you at least 20 years instead of life-after-life as the case of Gotama we esoterically know, (2) available technologies of 4.0 industrial revolution to publicly document statistically significant community epistemic objectives to enable Consciousness Technologies known in biological intelligence (humanity breakthroughs) direct AI Machine and Deep Learning and its feedback of Deep Learning to turn Consciousness into a solid science.
Empirically from knowing HuiNeng's "#SamadhiPrajna", one should (1) be able to sense the "source or driving force of thought" and (2) courageously use one's "#Prajna / Conscience" in the sense of Right and Wrong to properly manage one's reality. It is Not Easy in this Conscious Living! The above scientific proof of Gotama's degeneration illustrates this very subtle point we want to draw serious attention to all practitioners. Here is another personal experience from the writer to prove the importance of theoretical understanding for the Right and Wrong of "form is Sunyata Sunyata is form / sắc là Sunyata Sunyata là sắc" from the Sanskrit Version of the Heart Sutra[R2] which is founded on Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D19], [D39] and scientific knowledge of Thing-As-It-Is of the Consciousness. Esoterically, we were shown the ecosystem and Dependent Nature of all intelligent realms from the lowest form of consciousness to the highest realm of the "light" floating up where each entity in each realm fulfils required tasks as parts of the ecosystem to change oneself and the environment toward What Count according to Natural laws. The theoretical understanding is easier with current modern science to serve as the road map not to fall into a crack as the cases of Gotama's degeneration and the writer 20 years of efforts until the Natural Purification from "#SamadhiPrajna" strong enough to effortlessly dissolve the barrier!
The "Natural Purification" of [Jhanas / Transcendental-Inner-Peace] is stronger and stronger toward "Sunyata Non-Thingness and End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana / Unmoving Sunyata" for reborn and rejuvenation that we use our personal experience in transcending from the gross form of Sound toward the Sunyata Non-Thingness in a figurative example comparing the flickering power of thought or ordinary wave at the surface with the power of the whole ocean brought up to its manifestations. The actual power leads to at least three possibilities in our field researches: (1) dissolve past karmic force that one is fully aware the force (binding Word/Image and/or clinging Thought - Sở Tri Chướng) is naturally and effortlessly dropped exactly as asserted by Gotama, (2) bring a "hidden worm" in one's deep layer of consciousness to surface for proper management and dissolving it, (3) powerful natural relaxation that one tends to further desire that aesthetic state as the case of this writer and/or logically deduct the road map that one has not passed as the case of Gotama in his Nirvana and Pari-Nirvana. It is very unbearable if one cannot handle the second case that is why the consciousness technologies will not be introduced until required help is there to handle the edge cases. The "serious mistake" is commonly known as binding by Word/Image and clinging thought [ Sở Tri Chướng ] either self-generated as the cases of Gotana and this writer and/or imposed from outside as the case of the claimed meditation master Thích Thanh Từ publicly delivered in USA 2000 "Tùy duyên nhi bất biến, ... Bất biến nhi tùy duyên" / [ Oneness / Unchanging in the Changing (viparinama-dukkha) and Conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) Existence (Dukkha) ]. The unchanging are discovered epistemic objectives of underlying natural laws in layered scientific processes of No-Conflict Consciousness similar to the discovered gravitational constant G and the Vacuum state. The barrier demonstrates an absolute requirement of "#AwarenessPrajna" or "Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh" in all activities and relationships that can be tremendously helped with AI Personalized Recommendation Feed.
Only in engaged living and completely Honest with Oneself, one can change oneself and environment toward What Count directed by [ #Prajna / Conscience ]. Further more, the Conscious Living for a Cultural Breakthrough without harming dedicated explorers - empirically happened in the period of Christian Inquisitor from minute 44:40 (The Importance of Being Ethical) - can only happen when there is a critical mass of qualified people in that direction. This is Why we have to wait 50+ years to develop a tool partly with Canadian public money the target of KhaiPhong custom ai in one's private Executive Information Portal (EIP) enabling a consciousness process of (1) "Outside-In" known by both Gotama and Jesus, (2) "Inside-Out" missed by Gotama, Jesus (aka Subhuti[R7] and KungTzu), and Dhipankara Buddha[D51], (3) "Top-Down" and (4) "Bottom-Up" available only from human AI of Big Data for each legal entity at individual or aggregate levels from the start (school age) to the end (death bed) which are only available from 2025 forward due to the right time of 4.0 industrial revolution. The user-facing tool mu has the unique technology to totally separate user's private InnerSpace in its secure Vault for Reflection, Comtemplation, etc, different from the layer of interactions with others such as family, team works, etc. We look for strategic partners to make happened this breakthrough in Step 1 from the vicious circle of Grasp-er and the Grasped via Greed and Fear[R8] with discovered underlying natural laws of cultivable [ Prajna / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / There is No god but God ] invisibly driven by Economics and Prajna coming from the foundation rooted in ComPassion. Fortunately, recent LLM technologies and its custom generated Agents are ready for this New Era of Conscious Living & Being.
Coming from our presentations and logical arguments of "Gotama's degeneration" to highlight the importance of proven scientific approach and sharing, easily spreading worldwide with the 4th industrial revolution contributed by KhaiPhong, here is a quote from QUÁN VÔ THƯỜNG ĐỂ CHỨNG ĐẠT VÔ NGÃ 19-11-2018 / Contemplating Impermanence to achieve Not-Self extracted from (Kinh A-hàm / Āgama, number 270) to affirm Gotama's instructions in achieving Not-Self: "Giống như mặt trời xuất hiện, có thể phá tan mọi sự tối tăm của thế gian. Cũng vậy, tu tập tưởng vô thường, tu tập nhiều, có thể dứt trừ tất cả dục ái, sắc ái, vô sắc ái, trạo cử, điệu mạn, vô minh / Just like appearance of the Sun can dispel ignorance of the World, likewise, contemplating of the impermanence - in frequent manner - can dissolve all sexual attachment, ..., ignorance". We want to nail this "solid evidence" on the ground to theoretically and later empirically demonstrate this imaginary deduction if coming from Gotama, ultimately leading to his fallen into the crack of imagination then degeneration due to Not Knowing Thing-As-It-Is Dependent nature of No-Conflict Consciousness which was historically and accidentally known by Gotama and Jesus that we challenge their reincarnations to reverse engineering their processes to help the mass knowing what they know as we have done from the gross form of Sound toward the Sunyata Non-Thingness then at the Right Time with potential clients and/or partners, the proposed processes of step 1 from the Engineering Road Map will be empirically implemented for others to value-add on top of the pioneered works.
All manifestations are conditioned. Exploring Optimal Conditions for verifiable quality of the consciousness is a scientific discovery in Making Life Easier and Happier. The logical understanding need to be "casual for possible "Surge of required deeper Investigation from "Intuition or States of #Prajna" to personally verify it", Not firmly bounded at "Word Levels" like this indoctrinated student 19-11-2018 observable in all unworthy religions, commonly known in VietNam as [ (casual) Kiến Tánh / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy ]. Similarly, the word "Allah, Jesus, Buddha, etc," is firmly bound to enslave "blind believers", but No Effect to others. That is why Gotama declared his "Charter of Free Inquiry via Kalama Sutta[D23]" to activate your "Kiến Tánh / WuNien / Transcendental Awareness". Here is an example of another Vietnamese student to demonstrate the "casual for deeper investigation to personally verify it" about THE RIGHT VIEWS / CHÁNH KIẾN according to his "Kiến Tánh 2023-05-18" which shows he has Not Passed even the Gateway-to-Oneness unknown by almost all Buddhist monks / nuns / followers in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. Manifestations of #Prajna beyond Gateway-to-Oneness naturally and effortlessly enable you Mostly Right in making decision as your innate nature of a Kind and Reasonable person. You Only Ask / Concern about the "CHÁNH KIẾN" when you live with minimum "#Honesty & #Care" to Know More about yourself and there is a "Surge of Conscience / #Intuition / Feeling" forcing you to reflect the consequence of your action. It is Not like "being indoctrinated to constantly remind You that you are always Wrong / mea culpa / lỗi tại tôi" willing to be a slave to the cheater's cunning intelligence, But To See Thing-As-It-Is in Wider and Deeper implications (Aljazeera 2023-10-05) such as the cunning plots of US dark forces behind the evil Roman Catholic Church and US "Empire of Lies" before and after 1945 responsible for ideology war in VietNam since 1954 and Russia-Ukraine war, then clearer in not supporting a ceasefire in Gaza conflict 2023-10-21 with dark intention of being the World Dominance by bullying forces and cunning intelligence, affecting 1000+ years later for a Proper / Right Next Move if there is No Awakening of "The Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods Within" from the grassroots.
KhaiPhong formally makes this process absolutely clear and happened in your "private corner of Executive Information Portal eip" in "Plan >< Execution >< Feedback" which can add more insight via custom ai of the persona and/or team works. It is a Life flowing with Thing-As-It-Is, SHARED by another Vietnamese student about her Hoa Quỳnh 2023-05-18. If she actually has with what she described in engaged living, you can observe her civilized manner (qualia) and bright aura as generally declared in the 2023-03-11 video from minute 4:21 "Quay về Đạo Đức để lên Thiên Đàng / Returning to (universal) Ethics to enter the Heaven". That "Đạo Đức / Ethics / Good Kind Person" does Not [ enslave oneself and others / self respect and respect others ] to / in any framework of any Ism, But flowing with Thing-As-It-Is in much wider and deeper View for that particular relevant situation whose underlying natural laws and patterns are being DISCOVERED and SHARED so one can build on the successes of other with lessons learned from their own cracks as the cases of Gotama, KungTzu, Jesus, etc. They manifest their (1) Created Value (Kiến Tạo Giá Trị) of "#Prajna Dialectic", being (2) front-line soldiers (Truyền Thông) in Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to (3) direct (Hiện Thực) the Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count from (4) Beneficial Businesses (buôn tận gốc, bán tận ngọn) as the starting points to make the "World Harmonious Melting Pot" beyond duality plane of conflicting consciousness ruled by kingdoms of bullying animals below Value of the values from protected Latin humanitas in one's (5) Inter-Realm Communications & Collaboration (Tiếp Nối).
It is the solution uniquely available via KhaiPhong capable to provide Harmoneous Melting Pot in Zero Trust Strategy from both Positive such as TableGPT and Normative Intelligence such as MetaGPT in a bigger scale facing the Realities of US-China Conflicts starting from 2023-08-21. The solution addresses (1) China directly "correcting" the Core Issues of Chinese Confucius and communist mistakes toward the Right Direction of human "Dignity" rather than the clash of civilizations, (2) US / EU directly facing the Cunning Intelligence having No Moment of natural Silence rather than the rhetoric of Autocracy versus Democracy from the tracked records in the "Empire of Lies" and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer advocated by the evil Roman Catholic Church that we publicly challenge the real Jesus about this TRUTH for the "Dignity" of all Intelligent Beings from Humanity upward, and (3) Russia How to get out of current mistake set up by the "Empire of Lies" and rise again above the Chinese Confucius and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer in the True Spiritual Wisdom / TRUTH to overcome possible chaotic 2023-05-31 having deliverable #Prajna Dialectic to direct the "Invisible Hand of Economics" in Harmonious Worthy Living of everyone's Raison D'être. It is the Common Values of all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward to Transcend both Eastern and Western Civilizations in masters-slaves relationships toward the "Harmonious "Equanimity[D29]" and Above of Underlying Natural Laws" from "Simplicity to Perfection" in all Activities and Relationships at all Places toward measurable What Count of the Then What since all manifestations are conditioned. Regarding China and the world, it has been proven the cyclic of evolution then degeneration just like the Tao yin-yang at minute 7:00 of the Complex Fibonacci video due to tainted senses, evidenced in the blah blah blah from the collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods rather than breakthroughs via positive evolution approaching Golden Ratio shown at 6:25 which is available from humanity upward capable to Transcend both the Observed knowable from Transcendental states of Purity Awreness and the Observer proven in the state of Non-Thingness in Higher Consciousness of Worthy (Raison D'être) Existence from practical Consciousness States of Self-Selfless Actualization in engaged living for spreading "Eastern Spiritual Wisdom according to underlying Natural Laws" to the West. It is the required [ "East Wind / Gió Đông" ] from the repeated pattern happened to China Three Kingdoms in one's Continuity of the consciousness. All students identified by KhaiPhong as having "WuNien" know The Importance of Being Ethical (minute 44:40) and see the Wrongs from their organized religions. They Value their Freedom and the "Charter of Free Inquiry[D23]".
We mathematically show in Relationship seen from #Prajna that the [ Not-Self / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] directly perceived by #Prajna is from the plane of No-Conflict Consciousness perpendicular to the duality plane of event [ Relative Truth ]. The joining line of these two planes is the line of No-Conflict Consciousness on the duality plane of conflicting events. Gotama's instructions in achieving Not-Self is applicable Only to himself since he personally knows the Signed Posts but mathematically impossible for others since "contemplating of the impermanence" is totally in the "conflicting domain of thoughts" which is the cheating core of 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha in all kinds of conflicting and cheating processes known as "fingers pointing to different moons" from all countries and sects, unless there is an "Intensity of Attention" where its energy will make happened the transcendental consciousness - irrespective topic - as known by Krishnamurti[R6.1] or Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4]. The energy coming from "Intensity of Attention" via different means has been verified in KhaiPhong field researches, especially from those cultivating energy regulations either via Yoga and/or QiGong which naturally lead them to visible "Kindness and Empathy" observable in daily activities and relationships. If the outcome comes from "Intensity of Attention" at different depths then the outcome can be measurable with the Right Effort directed by Prajna in all activities and relationships, and correlate at different depths of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] and different Signed Posts of Right #Samadhi. We prove that Gotama knew this "No-Conflict Consciousness" via "Compassion" when he was a child and Jesus knew it via "Faith" in his 40 days meditation in the desert. "Intensity of Attention, Compassion, Faith" are on the intersection line between Not-Self plane and Self plane of consciousness.
Similar to the nailed QUÁN VÔ THƯỜNG ĐỂ CHỨNG ĐẠT VÔ NGÃ 19-11-2018 / Contemplating Impermanence to achieve Not-Self, all other descriptions without testing the underlying "natural Laws" such as "CHỈ CÓ PHÁP KHỔ, KHÔNG CÓ NGƯỜI BỊ KHỔ / There exists only Dukkha, No person suffering dukkha-dukkha 2020-01-24" and "thấy được rằng mình không hiện hữu and DIỆT ĐẾ chính là SỰ THẬT VÔ NGÃ / seeing Self does not exist and Ending of Dukkha is the realisation of Not-Self" are "self indoctrination" similar to Christian "Redeemer Hoax" contrary to the underlying natural law of Action-Reaction. Its writer - UY LỰC 4 THÁNH ĐẾ / the power of Four Noble Truths - has found something right in the fundamental Gotama's ethical code: "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối "THƯỜNG TRỰC QUAN SÁT CHÍNH MÌNH / frequently observing oneself". We call that something right "100% At Home" contrary to Buddhist 'Ten Ox-herding Pictures[D37]' due to the person and the ox is one entity (Not two) - to actually discover an #Awareness coming from HuiNeng's "#DhyanaSamadhi" and "#SamadhiPrajna" independent of sense awareness, having a first binocular View by Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] different from Hindu accomplished Self { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / "#EmptyTheContent" that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }. This type of consciousness will be greatly enhanced with digital user-facing mu, being one's personal assistant in all activities and relationships, and required to verify Gotama's seventh stage of Jhana of Non-Thingness! It has underlying natural laws contributed by both Gotama and HuiNeng, and something more to be discovered and shared such as the "No-Conflict Consciousness" of what LaoTzu called the Nameless Tao, Buddhists called the Budh Nature, Jesus called the Kingdom of God within, Madhyamaka called the Ultimate (Wider) Truth, Yogacara called the Perfected Nature, etc.
The No-Conflict Consciousness [ Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] perpendicular to the duality plane of event [ Relative Truth ] and different layers of the No-Conflict Consciousness shown in Gotama's recorded Jhanas or KhaiPhong Signed Posts scientifically demonstrate solution out of the Ignorance of causing the 60,000+ years of degeneration in the entire feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods without knowning Why as clearly demonstrating up to 2023-01-02 of their trying to be "No-Conflict / Hồn Nhiên" which is (1) beyond binding Word/Image perfected by Roman Catholic Church (qualified at Equanimity of Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness or HuiNeng's Detachment), and (2) clinging Thought perfected by Muslim (qualified at Purity layer of consciousness). They ONLY see the observed attributes of people passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness" in what HuiNeng called WuNien and Jesus called "Hồn Nhiên / Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity" without knowing scientific processes to that living state! It is similar to 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism from QUÁN VÔ THƯỜNG ĐỂ CHỨNG ĐẠT VÔ NGÃ 19-11-2018 / Contemplating Impermanence to achieve Not-Self, or the blah blah blah of Vietnamese communist mafias in their autocratically hallucinated "Cởi Trói Tư Duy / Untied the Thought" of revolutionary morality (đạo đức cách mạng). Even Gotama - the author of the Four Noble Truths - did fall into his imaginary crack due to Not Knowing the layered No-Conflict Consciousness discovered by modern science[R2.1]. Dalai Lama XIV - a rational Buddhist - was confusing in spreading Buddhist Teachings to the West in his early stage of 1980's. Self-Selfless actualization can transcend to "Non-Thingness" of Thing-As-It-Is in Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2], personally verified from Human consciousness upward! That is why engineering processes of "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } at seven (7) different levels and Gotama's Signed Posts of Right #Samadhi for the manifestation of #Prajna are observable and indirectly measurable to weed out the blah blah blah of past unworthy monks / nuns / followers in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha and the indoctrination of all isms where autocratic communist mafias are parts!
On the same token, only in engaged living and 100% "At Home" with oneself one can see the real quality of one's consciousness to change oneself and the environment toward What Count. The real "#Prajna" will naturally and invisible drive oneself, relationships and activities toward What Count where one is an accountable Creator and part of the responsible Creation as evidenced on the tracked records of Gotama and
Thân như bóng chớp có rồi không / The body is like a flash being there then disappeared
Cây cối xanh tươi thu não nùng / Green trees turn yellow in autum
Mặc cuộc thịnh suy đừng sợ hãi / Despite the prosperity and or failure, do not be afraid
Kìa kìa ngọn cỏ giọt sương đông / Behold the grass with dew drops of winter
The Haves / Stakeholders / HaveNots
Have Raison D'être and
Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good
[ Together one can generate Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời for one's Continuity of the consciousness. Only in engaged living, one can change oneself and the environment toward What Count. ]
"Mặc cuộc thịnh suy đừng sợ hãi / Despite the prosperity and or failure, do not be afraid - Kìa kìa ngọn cỏ giọt sương đông / Behold the grass with dew drops of winter" is the description of people actually living and having a binocular View with [ Thing-As-It-Is / Chân Như / NHƯ THẬT ] in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness". All actual livings are outcomes of "Dependent Nature", personally known by living students having "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" at seven (7) different depths of practical living { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }. Riding on modern Artificial Intelligence plus reversed engineering of actual experiences from #Prajna accomplished in these living students, KhaiPhong "AI >< #Prajna" enables Buddhist highest concept of "NHƯ HUYỄN - NHƯ THẬT - Tánh Không / Detachment - Thing-As-It-Is - Emptiness" a scientific reality according to underlying natural laws.
They are totally different from 2020-02-01 descriptions of the blinds touching imaginary elephants in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha, hacked by esoteric dark forces knowing nothing about "Detachment - Thing-As-It-Is - Emptiness / NHƯ HUYỄN - NHƯ THẬT - Tánh Không" which are states of cultivable consciousness actually known and further explained below as "Selfless #Awareness / Turiya" just like optimally cooking a dish that many can contribute with different spices more appropriate at different patterns in "Making Life Easier and Happier". It is the real understanding in the Laws of Action-Reaction where any difficulty on the conflicting duality plane of consciousness is a challenge to awaken one's Innate Budh of cultivable Prajna to see the focused event Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count.
In the light of recent Wrongdoings at Ba Vàng Pagoda, the entire Vietnamese Buddhist Sangha putting all available efforts in searching "đâu là Chánh đâu là Tà, đâu là Pháp, đâu là Phi Pháp ... / what is right and wrong, where is the dharma and adharma ...". Here is a translation of the Sealed Dharma from a very careful Buddhist monk Thích Phước Nguyên who (1) has not passed the "Gateway-to-Oneness" - totally Ignorant about the required conditions leading to the natural state of "#EmptyTheContent asked by an Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva[D49] but cheated by the degenerated "Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva", (2) will be shown by those actually knowing [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } either by Buddhists and/or non Buddhists with or without any religion but "Spiritual" at the right time and place, and (3) is a hardcore persistent professional cheating monk - totally entangled in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] as evidenced in his "Buddhist teachings which can shut his mouth" with one question of an "#Awareness beyond the Observed and the Observer" required to verify Gotama's state of Non-Thingness[D30] that Gotama has not been cheating humanity as almost all of his monks and nuns.
Please translate this "Sealed Dharma - the video was taken out" into English to internationally close once and for all 2500+ years of sabotaging Gotama's discoveries by unworthy entities from both human and esoteric realms. Right at the description "Tại sao vậy? Vì Tánh Không, không có xứ sở, không có sắc tướng, chẳng phải có ấn tượng, nó vốn không có sở sinh, không phải chỗ mà tri kiến có thể đạt tới, thoát ly mọi vướng mắc / Why? because of Emptiness, there is no ...", the impostor already exposes its ugly face of Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19], knowing Nothing about Thing-As-It-Is Emptiness! The description is Not the Described. But once you know you can describe it according to Thing-As-It-Is immediately recognised by those knowing. Please contrast the "Sealed Dharma - the video was taken out" from the impostor totally engulfed in the duality of conflicting thoughts with the description in the "Buddhist Heart Sutra of Thing-As-It-Is[R2]" to be personally verified that no [ Buddhist monk / nun / Arhat / Bodhisattva / Buddha ] has either proved or disproved its descriptions. The writer hopes this will be changed since there are at least four students in his inner circle actually knowing the described states!
The same head monk of Wrongdoings at Ba Vàng Pagoda - Thích Trúc Thái Minh after the major scandal of cheating humanity, being disciplined by the Vietnamese Buddhist Sangha and then re-installed as the head monk - did it again to insist on their religious power to dissolve issues caused by Coronavirus, spreading from China to the world. It is totally contrary to Gotama's teaching according to discovered underlying Natural Laws[D32], while his real discovery and advice to Ajita's Questions about #AwarenessPrajna[D22] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } has been totally ignored in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha - up to 2020 - since most of them do not know Transcendental #Awareness nor #Prajna. Gotama's discoveries of Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and cultivable #Prajna (Tỉnh Giác) in all activities and relationships are totally different from 2500+ years of Buddhist teachings from all Buddhist sects in all countries - except in few dedicated explorers such as XuanZang, HuiNeng, VanHanh, etc, that we draw their value adds - typified in the teaching 2020-02-16 of Thích Viên Minh of Not Doing Anything (affected by "impostor of" LaoTzu). The key difference is the cultivable Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent in passing the Gateway-to-Oneness to actually know Transcendental #Awareness, qualified by Gotama at Equanimity[D29] where binding forces of Word/Images are gradually dropped.
Here is a recent paper Mettā Sutta SN 46.54 / BÀI KINH VỀ LÒNG TỪ TÂM from a Vietnamese scholar 2020-02-19 stressing the outcomes of Gotama's practices different from the practices of the same descriptions from other groups leading to his Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and cultivable #Prajna (Tỉnh Giác) toward the targets of Detachment and Liberation, but totally ignored by unworthy Buddhist Sanghas in his 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating communities similar to his advise in Ajita's Questions[D22] about #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác) { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }. In integrating the Science of Consciousness where Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác) must be deliverable, measurable, and statistically verifiable with modern Artificial Intelligence, we reclassify Gotama's recorded nine (9) Jhanas into verifiable Signed Posts to easily develop different technologies leading to the Signed Posts and optimum paths from one Signed Post to the next where all dedicated practitioners can value add in making the path easier and more enjoyable:
Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna must have "measurable states in facing any event and stock of #Prajna for a right motivation in engaged living, or #DhyanaSamadhi of the Awaken / Selfless #Awareness / fourth Consciousness permeating and transcending the Waking, Dreaming, and deep Sleep", capable to see As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the "Thing / Current Situation" toward What Count proven in the tracked records of Gotama and Van Hanh as mentioned above since #Prajna - even stronger than Empathy - will force you to do something for yourself and the world. Gotama's Selfless #Awareness goes one step further than the accomplished Self from Hindu #Samadhi / Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent in moving from conditioned Samadhi to Samadhi of Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha via innate Detachment of natural Purification of Selfless #Awareness in one's continuity of the consciousness. The writer has identified 36+ students knowing "Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định" { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Inner Peace is Samadhi } where "Natural Purification" from Transcendental-Inner-Peace will naturally dissolve one's stresses and enable one's knowing more about oneself whose cultivable #Prajna can dissolve one's dominant karmic forces in "Making Life Easier and Happier" as advised by Gotama[D22], but ignored and unknown in 2500+ years of his Buddhist cheating Sangha due to big mouths of unworthy monks / nuns / followers. By reversed engineering optimal conditions leading to these verifiable "Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent" - just like cooking a dish - these "Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent" will be known by the mass from different angles / patterns according to natural laws to dissolve world conflicting forces due to the injection of #Prajna in all activities and relationships of technology-based and human-centered society. This is the modern Hindu's Guru approach to spread beneficial knowledge. KhaiPhong takes the diversities of Guru's approaches to the "natural Oneness according to natural laws" of "Selfless #Awareness / fourth Consciousness permeating and transcending the Waking, Dreaming, and deep Sleep", discovered by Gotama and let others widening and deepening the DISCOVERED and SHARED underlying natural laws, Making Life Easier and Happier in one's Continuity of the consciousness!
Finally, the "defects in Gotama's design-build-execution on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness" may have even deeper esoteric hallucinated forces as evidenced in the video 2024-08-24 and others of Hoàng Long Nữ, attempting to impose their family greedy target from day one of Gotama's glimpse at the Four Noble TRUTHS which have been far beyond the understanding of his Family Lineage in the Dragon Realm since as we recently discover in our direct interactions with different esoteric realms from humanity upward up to current 2025. Without revealing too much of What We Know in our interaction of esoteric forces since the beginning of year 2000 - starting from the forces under Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva that this writer personally asked her final advice at the semi-public meeting in Calgary Canada - we can use Gotama's personal experience in his recorded Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] as acid tests to all menbers of Gotama's Family Lineage including himself due to the outcomes of their degenerations WITHOUT KNOWING WHY to be currently in lower realm (Kim Xí Điểu / Garuda) than the dragon realm rating at the level of the lighter realm floating up higher according to underlying natural laws with column of energy flowing through all intelligent realms down to the lowest dark layers in the shape of a funnel. The tests are the (1) Describing for those having a glimpse such as the historical Gotama and (2) visible Practical Outcomes of the fifth Jhana in Transcending the Observed, sixth Jhana Transcending the Observer, and seventh in the state of "Nothingness" for those having deeper enperience of the states, Then What?. The tests are fully applicable to all human beings. ETs, and Intelligent Beings in other Realms including those currently Head of a family Lineage in the Dragon Realm. Here is another video "Buddha is the persona Beyond All Relative / Conflicting Existence" 2024-08-26 to fool humanity, attempting to use the "dogmatic" mass in Continuity of the consciousness to establish a new cheating utopia, producing from the same author Quảng Tánh Not Passing even the Gateway-to-Oneness far below the Dalai lama XIV at Gotama's Tranquility of second Jhana in Contemplating Impermanence to achieve Not-Self 2018-11-19, knowing nothing about the "process" and the "state" of consciousness technologies.
Seeing Gotama's logical and possible practical outcomes in the states of Silence capable to Transcend both the Observed and Observer to see Thing-As-It-Is for a breakthrough of any Conflicting Issue, conflicting powers including the mono Theism of the evil Father God / the claimed original Buddha painted their ultimate solution of existence at conflicting cheating Descriptions. The Father God gave the Ruling Power to the King of Gods. All major human organized religions were outcomes of this Bloody Power Struggle similar to current Bloody Outcomes 2024-08-29 visibly reproducible from Vietnamese communist mafias in their AnimalConsciousness type of KhaiPhong Scientifically cultivable InnerSpace of complex Fibonacci F-dimension amongst conflicting "Cheating, Stealing, Cunning and Bullying 2024-08-27 of AnimalEnergy type" within and between communist mafias versus the empire of lies in Illuminati Elites to be changed in Value of the values, ELSE following the total degenerations seen from the esoteric feudal systems known in VietNam and the World. BUT this time, it is IMPOSSIBLE to continue the spreading of masters-slaves relationships for long via "Cheating, Stealing, Cunning and Bullying others from their AnimalConsciousness type" due to the rationality of Vietnamese KienTanh and Intelligent #CARE of many World Wide in the Right Direction of What Count. Gotama's family lineage via Hoàng Long Nữ is trying to co-operate with other degenerated forces naturally rendered according to underlying natural laws to influence human politics via Greed and Fears on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness from the three major geo-politics in US, Russia, and China from VietNam.
Let's see How Things being evolved: (1) we know both esoteric and human Illuminati elites behind Dr. Bill Gates and the reincarnations from Atlantis behind Elon Musk in US can change the outcome of US presidential election 2024 the best they know How BUT the dominant forces affected by the aggregation of American Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna determining its course; (by 2024-11-06 Donald Trump was elected 47th president of the United States) to clean up the dark sides of the US FED - Federal Reserve Bank - planned since the end of 1910 from the secret meeting at Jekill Island owned and operated by J.P. Morgan who is currently the Head of a Family (Not Yet degenerated Buddha) Lineage in the Dragon Realm, (2) In Russia, the Lineage of president Putin and his associates can do something in their power struggle toward What Count after falling into the trap of "The Empire of Lies", and (3) in China, the now degenerated due to Greed Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi whose son is current (2024-08) TBT Dr. Tô Lâm of VietNam can do something for both China and VietNam to reverse their degenerated trend in their Coninuity of the consciousness. That Lineage - Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi and Dr. Tô Lâm - is now officially ruled by Isaac Newton; [ Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi with his son ] are Not in the curent Dragon Realm 2024-10-18, pulled by their past degenerated Greedy forces according to underlying natural laws. For KhaiPhong, we influence Geo-Politics using the full integration between consciousness and modern radio technologies to change the dynamic situations Toward What Count where all concerned parties can be responsible parts. In this target, we show (1) Microsoft Phi of Dr. Bill Gates and xAI Grok of the Atlantis Elon Musk require normative consciousness technologies to Transcend both the Observed (verifiable in Gotama's fifth Jhana) and Observer (verifiable in Gotama's sixth Jhana) for their ultimate target of evolving according to Thing-As-It-Is Nature to be further DISCOVERED and SHARED whose Know-Hows are under our IPR waiting for deeper and wider applications, (2) the Harmonious Solutions for all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward - capable to be outside-the-box - are possible and best done in human realm with current armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers from relevant domains and fields, (3) a fair trade can be done in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" predicted by the esoteric feudal systems persistently painting the hallucination of the "original creator" degenerated to aninal levels without knowing WHY. The evil master-slave relationship of the past feudal systems is False since all manifestations must be conditioned and changed at Planck time shown in this link to the Preface, where we rigorously (1) use the tested formal ontology and taxonomy system to trace the movement from targeted Ontological level / type to its related "smart pointers" pointing to visible "traits" in rigorous engineering dynamic processes of feed forward and backward for optimal targeted outcomes, and (2) point out how the evil masters-slaves relationships use Hegelian Dialectic between Capitalism versus Communism, and currently Democracy versus Autocracy to confuse concerned people in their mess of painted Right and Wrong while they are in controlling power to play the duality game on both ends. The solution out of this Dukkha-Dukkha in entire history of humanity and higher realms is the Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to direct the Invisible Hand of Economics Toward What Count. It enables both the Haves and HaveNots into Stakeholders to make Things Happened for the Accountable creator in the Responsible Creation. According to Thing As It Is underlying natural laws, Intelligent Beings from humanity upward have innate wiring infratructure to be outside the box due to No-Conflict Consciousness perpendicular to the duality planes of relative existence thanks to innate Compassion and Prajna as defined in Latin humanitas which is recognized and protected in modern Human Rights.
An additional note about mentioned "Phật Hoài Linh" who has been in LaoTzu's degenerated fraction and the son of Thái Thượng Lão Quân (Tai Shang Laojun / 太上老君) from 2022-01-18 minute 2:41 that this writer publicly and directly challenges Laojun in bringing his deliverable outcomes of "Không / Non-Thingness / Gotama's 7th Jhana"[D30] to the "Right and Wrong / Thế Nào Là (Biết / Scientific Process) Làm Chân Chánh từ cái Không" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness that we will statistically prove in Figure 2 for the benefits of all Intelligent Beings from naturally qualified humanity upward. The challenge is applicable to "Phật Hoài Linh" to bring his real Scientifically Cultivable InnerSpace and practical expertise of your Arts as done by one of our connected friends for the benefits of Chinese culture and its people within her influenced domain. It is scientifically cultivable since all actual manifestations - visible ot invisible - are conditioned and there is always an optimal engineering process of dynamic feed forward and backward control system to make it happened as currently proven in LLM (Large Language Model) of ChatGPT and our complex engineering control systems similar to all standard control systems in chemical and civil engineering. This is the process KhaiPhong uses in its SIS Strategic Intelligent Service to help concerned parties self-assure of being evolving from humnanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness. If possible, you two may reverse engineering your optimal processes into a testable and achieveable processes for the benefits of others moving in your direction of Diversities and Oneness as done by this writer since 1970, being a Vietnamese student in Canada with KhaiPhong as its outcome. You cannot sell what you don't know nor have as in the past 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and 2000+ years of evil Roman Catholic Church. So are all other Isms and Religions to be scientifically exposed in KhaiPhong formal Ontology and Taxonomy System!
Lumping all other factors besides Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension and Transcendental Inner Peace Y-dimension to the lumped together F-dimension to be discovered by AI described in Complex Fibonacci numbers, KhaiPhong truly reports what its Inner Circle and Circle of inner circles actually Know while opening the door for deeper and wider researches Not Only in human realm But Also in all esoteric higher realms above human realms. By establishing Trading Relationships, KhaiPhong opens the door for Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations, similar to what the Templar Knights opened the trading and banking system internationally. We think human modern technologies together with highly advanced living students from past different realms currently as living persons, this "Noble Vision" can be done that we call all aspired in this possibility get together as laid out to the Engineering Road Map and contact Dr. Duong BaTien (step 1 of the Road Map) to enable "Conscious Living" wherever an intelligent entity "IamX" be in continuous process of "Living & Being" cross-cut all intelligent realms.
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