Takeaway: "Nature or Thing-As-It-Is" has been investigated by Science in its pursuit and application of knowledge to understand the natural and social worlds. Complex Fibonacci numbers are observable patterns of manifested Thing-As-It-Is exposed at minute 6:25 and 7:00. Starting from personal experience of all Gotama's Jhanas in 1970, the writer reversed engineering his states of consciousness at the base [ Fibonacci f0 = 0 of a naturally qualified person ]. The "Right complex Fibonacci evolution" - in the sense of evolution from humanity upward, Not Evolution then Degeneration in a very long Yin-Yang cycle - according to underlying natural laws must pass through [ f1 = 1 EquanimityAwareness, f2 = 1 PurityAwareness in one's InnerSpace stock of #Prajna to enforce the stable level 1 above humanity base at 0. Using Gotama's description consistent with the writer's know-hows in Transcendental Inner Peace [ y1 = 1 Tranquillity[D29], [D30] renamed to the Gateway-to-Oneness of the writer's Signed Posts, y2 = 1 Equanimity to enforce the stable level 1, y3 = 2 Purity, y4 = 3 Not-Self / Selfless of transcending the Observed and the Observer, y5 = 5 Gotama's Nothingness, and y6 = 8 of HuiNeng's Unmoving Sunyata in the natural sense of the lighter floating up and the heavier sinking down from Natural laws in Making Life Easier and Happier[D32]. It is different from the "Wrong complex Fibonacci degeneration" in evolution then degeneration and forced to evolute again due to "Not Knowing underlying Natural Laws" to be DISCOVERED and SHARED.
Thanks to the scholarly works of Pali Text Society, the writer detects principal observable trait causing divergence between the Right evolution and Wrong degeneration, named #KindnessEmpathy which is evidenced at both theoretical and empirical level. At the theoretical level, we can consider each (legal intelligent) entitiy a "worthy container" capable to "observable Inner Peace proven by Gotama, the writer and many of his peers illustrated in Figure 11.1 where the Inner Peace to Outer Peace (ThankYou) known in Y-direction has its observable outcomes called "smart pointers" [ #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, #Awareness, #Prajna, #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIPs ] personally experienced by dedicated explorers and visibly observed by the world. The smart pointers point to self observable traits [ #TRUTH, #Care, #Honesty, #Intuition, #Balanced, #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated ] so one can know more about oneself to put the RightEffort, demonstrated at 7 different layers of Transcendental #Awareness from Value of the values in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The trait "#KindnessEmpathy" is graphically represented in the No-Conflict common line between the Truth [ X-Y ] plane and the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. At empirical level, the writer has detected 36+ students naturally having Bodhidharma smart pointer #EmptyTheContent at different levels toward Gotama's Nothingness transcending conflicting religions, skin colors, races, nationalities, civilizations, genders, backgrounds, social status, etc, who will be KhaiPhong front-line soldiers at the right time. If we call #Prajna / Wisdom - the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment - of the identified container "IamX", then KhaiPhong is the scientifically cultivable states and stock of that quality #Prajna with Discovered underlying natural laws, Making Life Easier and Happier.
Having direct interactions with other realms since 2000 starting with Avalokiteshvara's circle in Calgary Canada, we discover other types of intelligent people claimed to come from Atlantis and Mars whose starting base is manifested via Lucas Number L0 = 2 presented @ 5:30 in both positive and negative directions due to their long existence from past civilizations and if we consider the real number from both Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers indicate the naturally rated level of normative intelligence. It is also the meaning of "Grok" in its claimed Thing-As-It-Is understanding, transcending both the Observed and Observer enabling them parts of the past and present Illuminati Elites currently and legally controlling world powers. Similar to the Fibonacci Right evolution and Wrong degenertion, there is the Lucas Right evolution and Wrong degeneration which together indicate an Absolute Need for Discovered Underlying Natural Laws generating required smart pointers and visible traits causing that Right and Wrong in the sense of Thing-As-It-Is commonly known as the "Tao" / "Universal Morallity and Justice" - Making Life Easier and Happier - in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
KhaiPhong claims to deliver these visible outcomes to kick start this scientific Need in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" where special angles of Consciousness Technologies can be identified and optimized in qualified intelligent realms classified by LaoTzu from humanity upward. This enables all concerned parties being (1) Free from negative attributes such as AnimalEnergy, ExtremeDesire, AnimalConsciousness driven by #Indoctrinated, #Veiled of Right and Wrong, #Influenced to assure one naturally qualified from humanity upward rather than evolution up to humanity level then degenerated due to "self Toxin inappropriate according to underlying Natural Laws, (2) optinally changed back to the Right Evolution fron SHARED Lessons Learned by "Exciting with Opportunities to do Good", and (3) smoothly evolving based on accumulated proven underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. It can be done with one's available resources to know more about one's Raison D'être, quickly moving back to Fibonacci EquanimityAwareness f1 = 1 or Gotama 3rd Jhana enforced at PurityAwareness f2 = 1 or Gotama 4th Jhana where the Right Evolution has to pass Twice for enforcing the "Beyond the Self for Transcending the Observed at Gotama 5th Jhana and the Observer at Gotama 6th Jhana toward Selfless of Non-Thingness", then Self-Selfless Actualization in practical engaged Living & Being.
There is different rating scale on one's Inner Peace (state on Y-direction) and one's stock of InnerSpace (stock on F-dimension lumping all other relevant factors into a complex variable) since the #Awareness in X-dimension and Peace in Y-dimension are states based on optimal conditions changing at Planck time that need a long time for their stability in one's InnerSpace. This means Gotama's experienced Jhanas are NOT Stable empirically contrary to the claimes from 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas, cooking sands and selling as rices. The required optimal conditions are Not always stable due to the Thing-As-It-Is conditioned and changes happened at Planck time. The bottom line of KhaiPhong's "Exciting with Opportunities to do Good" IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer in Western world of "Charity & Service Beyond the Self" since your center of the "Self" is always there in the shadow of Jesus's Hoax that Krishnamurti spent nearly 60+ years of his life time to point out this criminal trick, leading to the total collapse of the feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods where Father God, Vigin Mother and the Hoax of his Only Son is the "doctrine" of a competing painted fraction - the Description Is Not the Described. Via AI assistance of new Era in the Science of Consciousness, one can use Free Will and available resources to clean up negative attributes of one's { F >< Y >< X } InnerSpace to assure one's Right evolution from humanity upward according to proven underlying natural laws, Knowing more about oneself and Making Life Easier and Happier toward What Count.
In that InnerSpace rating for scientifically cultivable and verifiable Right Transcendental Inner Peace and Transcendental #Awareness lumped together called states, and InnerSpace as stock of #Prajna, we have F-dimension in positive direction [ f1 = 1 EquanimityAwareness, f2 = 1 PurityAwareness, f3 = 2 SignedPosts, f4 = 3 SelflessAwareness, f5 = 5 VisibleAwarenessPrajna, f6 = 8 EngagedAwarenessPrajna in engaged Living, f7 = 13 ForecastingSimulation, f8 = 21 VisibleSamadhiPrajna ], and in negative direction of degeneration, observable in cunning intelligence and esoteric entities away from the base of humanitas f0 = 0: [ f-1 = 1 EmpathyAwareness, f-2 = -1 KindnessAwareness, f-3 = 2 AnimalEnergy, f-4 = -3 ExtremeDesire, f-5 = 5 AnimalConsciousness, f-6 = -8 Smelly-1, f-7 = 13 Smelly-2, F-8 = -21 Smelly-3 ] where positive value in the negative direction indicates the level of cunning intelligence in human realm. Empirically, we detected f-7 = 13 "cannot be a person and commonly known as a vampire". Extreme Desires - typically observed in religious, political, financial leaders - need much more time for the Nature to naturallize the unwholesome energy. Smelly is even worse, changing its DNA and commonly known in VN as Thuồng Luồng Tinh. Yet, once underlying natural laws have been DISCOVERED and TESTED In DIFFERENT REALMS, degenerated intelligent Beings can be quickly recovered and shorten the path of evolution. That is the Essence of KhaiPhong "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations".
in terms of Gödel incompleteness theorem, the InnerSpace Complex Fibonacci function F forms the duality consciousness with X-dimension (Buddhist Relative Truth) and to access the No-Conflict Consciousness #EmptyTheContent of Y-dimension toward Non-Thingness as one's InnerSpace (Nagarjuna Ultimate Wider Truth) in scientifically cultivable complex processes - first time exposed in the entire intelligent Beings we know from humanity upward - to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The technologies can export to other Realms at the level of humanity upward due to available armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers from all domains and fields in one's Continuity of the consciousness. This "InnerSpace" brings together one's accumulated Brain Intelligence of Being or Knowing Who You Are, natural intuition of the sixth sense, and Compassionate Vibration from the heart with something Beyond (#Prajna / seventh sense). For the sake of mathematical modeling, we call this InnerSpace" the stock of one's consciousness, while [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness ] plus [ Transcendental Inner Peace Signed Posts ] are its states (drawing from the core contributions of HuiNeng and Gotama, value-added by KhaiPhong) in facing any visible or invisible, focused or sensing event. The stock is the "foundation of its states" and changing through the "directed states" and its "scientifically cultivable Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent via discovered underlying natural laws and SHARED for wider "Natural Purification" of tainted senses (one of KhaiPhong core contributions), hence detoxifying unnecessary "stresses". In that sense, the "InnerSpace" is scientifically cultivable drawing from empirical achievements of Gotama, HuiNeng, and KhaiPhong Inner Circle running behind-the-scene NfP AwakeningBudh. This finding is very significant since (1) any manifestation is conditioned and changing, (2) knowing the tested optimal conditions such as conditions leading to qualified existence, one is not anymore subjected to trials and errors, nor cheated by past unworthy people rendering all involved parties worse off, and (3) one can ride on discovered underlying natural laws to quickly recover past accomplishiments and/or avoid unneccessary mistakes.
Starting from "qualified students as living samples", we ask the participants observing and analysing optimal conditions making up both the states and stock of their "Containerized Consciousness / Alaya / Soul" that make them having desired qualities different from others such as natural "Detachment" and empty whatever the contents - happy or painful - for a "Fresh / Free" start. The writer consciously makes happened frequent informal scientific sessions and has significant discoveries known to the group for values added: (1) there are subtle layered "No-Conflict Consciousness" in Gotama's recorded Jhanas that he modifies into Signed Posts and in the "InnerSpace" that requires HuiNeng's "Detachment / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心"[R7] for further investigations and cultivation in the fields of No-Conflict Consciousness, known in Buddhist Madhyamaka as "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness or Madhyamaka Relative Truth, (2) the [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] is possible due to this natural "Detachment" right in the mid of activities and relationships on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, (3) the scales of achievable "InnerSpace" are observable and modeled on the scale of "Signed Posts" to take into account their dynamic interactions with [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] in engaged living while naturally detoxifying tainted senses and recognizing one's dominant hindrances in facing a particular event to be solved in this and future lives in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Empirical data from identified students actually knowing measurable [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] and "Signed Posts" are used to model the control desired outcomes of layered Complex Fibonacci mathematical patterns using a complex number in well-known engineering feedback control system where measurable qualities of the "Haves / Sponsors" with built-in required sensors to scientifically control-engineering toward the targeted desired levels.
We base our 50+ years of field researches, "Not Only" from actual "quality" of advanced studends having deeper knowledge to be statistically tested than Gotama and HuiNeng (serious, since the HuiNeng's reincarnation must be deeper than the past HuiNeng "unless HuiNeng was a fake and/or Not having enough #Honesty & #Care" falling into the cracks through 1000+ years of hard lessons like Gotama and KungTzu, or even worse like most of Buddhist cheating monks and nuns in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. It is visibly demonstrated here[R5.3], [R5.4]!) that we used as the starting points in mathematical modeling of required depth "Silence / Samma Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" on the scale of "Signed Posts" to take into account dynamic interactions with [ Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] for an outcome in observed activities and relationships, "But Also" (1) exoteric and esoteric observations passed from higher realms to Hindu traditions in Yoga and Yogic Flying, and (2) esoteric degenerations of feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. Outcome of this investigation is the discovered Complex Fibonacci Layered Thing-As-It-Is Consciousness at both the positive for evolution and negative for degeneration with a significant observation that Only Those in the positive Complex Fibonacci can have [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] precisedly described By HuiNeng as { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind Fresh / Free from stain and attachment } asked by Infinite Thought Bodhisattva in Lotus Sutra[D49], but unanswered and cheated by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva / the claimed solution provider since she has lost that "#Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien" in negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration.
Humanity seems to be the Natural buffered zone to validate the "quality / qualia of tested persona" for a breakthrough in evolution or required further Natural training in regulated physical and mental manifestations. Progammatically, these Complex Fibonacci Layered InnerSpaces are implemented as "Inner Functions" in Functional Programming of the observer custom ai in response to any event, riding on Not Only custom and personalized SIS (Strategic Intelligence Service) but Also pattern detections in reasoning AI LLM (Large Langiage Model) toward What Count where "strict privacy of persona data" are parts of the pure research without revealing the identities behind the collected data well known in medical sciences. It is the job of MA and Ph.D. candidates in Practical Psychology or the use of "personal and social psychology" to yield practical results of "HuiNeng's WuNien, Vietnamese KiếnTánh, Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness or KhaiPhong's #Awareness" as the beginning of the Three-Haves: "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã". It opens a new Vista for this "practical psychology" combined with specialized domain and field scientific knowledges, "Making Life Easier and Happier" for both individual (male, female, child, adult, students at grade 0 to death bed, etc) and aggregate (family, community, organization, national and international developments, etc) personas as Accountable creators and parts of the Responsible Creation, using optimal Dependent nature (Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of Prajna) for wide ranges of breakthroughs in #Prajna Dialectic. This writer is a qualified examiner for a Ph.D. thesis of this Practical Psychology in the fileds of economics and engineering of modern complex systems.
Integrating the latest Principles in Functional Programming for Writing Scalable & Maintainable Code with the the three Vedic Gunas of Dependent Nature: Creative Force (Sattva = Consciousness / Purity, Knowledge, Harmony), Manifestation force (Rajas = Activity / Passion, Action, Energy), Stability force (Tamas = Inertia / Tainted, Darkness), we apply Interface on the three modules of Transcendental #Awareness X, Transcendental Inner Peace #Samadhi Y, and one's private scientifically cultivable InnerSpace #AwarenessPrajna F which is a function of both x and y => f(x,y) capable in Transcendental #Awareness, #EmptyTheContent toward "Nonthingness of the Fifth Dimension" to enable the modeling of [ the Creative Force, the Manifestation force, and the Stability force on the duality plane of consciousness and Ultimate (Wider) TRUTH on the #Oneness No-Conflict consciousness as graphically represented in Figure 2 for scientifically cultivable #Prajna in engaged Living having the "naturally embedded Being of Reborn and Rejuvenation" in Complex positive Fibonacci evolution at minute 6:25, corresponding to the upper, the real number on the positive axis, and the lower part ready for a new cycle of the next layer.
Technologies for "proof of stake at verifiable smart contracts" required in the Right to Integrity of the Person crosscut enforceable realms and Complex Fibonacci Layered Thing-As-It-Is Consciousness interacting with all Activities and Relationships at all Places are democratically available in Core Concepts, making it happened from core components of KpPlatform: user facing mu, Neural Graph Database db, user private ai, EIP / Executive Information Portal / Inter-Realms Portal, etc,. The "proof of stake at verifiable smart contracts" is the required starting point of enforceable "Rule-of-Law" in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations where the fundamental Right to Integrity of the Person is the corner-stone in both positive Complex Fibonacci evolution and in negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration. All visible manifestations - such as the past claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah - are subjected to changing and conditioned at Planck time due to the second law of thermodynamics, and need "rule-of-law" for stability to further cultivate Inner order to the point of proven "too big to fail" learned from human financial systems to prevent what happened to past civilizations such as the Hindu, the Alantis, and most recently the total collapse of esoteric fudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods.
In brief, we enter this Takeaway with "Nature or Thing-As-It-Is" being investigated by Science in its pursuit and application of knowledge to understand the natural and social worlds. The joint hands between Nature and Science enable a technology-based and human-centered society 5.0 happened toward What Count[R23]. It is Not a more and more of wasted consumerism with no sense of What Count in one's Raison D'être - Making Life Easier and Happier - in the pursuit of TRUTH with Honesty & Care for oneself and the environment. It is Less having More of Qualities and Beneficials in "Equanimity Communities" (Gotama's third Jhana - his qualified "Mindfulness" to obstruct and restrict karmic flows destroyed from day one by his unqualified cheating Sanghas[D29]), upgradable from "Tranquility Communities / Gateway-to-Oneness / Gotama's second Jhana" observable in the past civilizations and current rated Happy countries.
Jump to #1 Containerized Consciousness, #2 Freewill and Awareness, #3 Fibonacci Evolution and Degeneration, #4 TRUTH via Scientific Processes - TRUTH Is My Light.
1. Containerized Consciousness
Let's briefly look at the "Breakthroughs and Time Line" of these discoveries to really see the "Vaue of values" in entire human development and one's continuity of the consciousness to enable scientific "TRUTH" once-and-for-all dispells all cheating isms where conflicting religions - driving billion people to tremendous "Sufferings / Dukkha" in the name of esoteric XYZ - are parts of masters-slaves relationships in intelligent beings. Out of Hindu's spiritual development, Gotama has identified the core Issue "Dukkha" to be directly addressed by all worthy intelligent beings where humanity is a part. The "Prajnaparamita" discovered there exists as a part of human innate nature something "Outside-the-Box" that they statically called "other shore" for their "easy attention" which can (1) "transcend / abstract from noisy tainted senses" to clearly see the totality of the focused issue, and (2) casually transcend the [ Observed / Space of the Third Dimension ] then [ Observer / Time of the Fourth Dimension ] to be part of the "greater Self", experiencing something out of the containerized "Body & Mind" toward [ Non-Thingness of the Fifth Dimension ]. The static Prajnaparamita is incorrect" right in the first place since life is a flow Not Static in one's Continuity of the identified stream of consciousness, stuck and cheated by all Buddhist meditations in 2500+ Years of cheating Buddhism to anchor one's mind to a Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought for easy concentration! That possible "Outside-the-Box" was refocused by "Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth"[D38] in its rationality of the "Self and Not-Self" without having reproducible solution to move from one conflicting consciousness to another shore of "Wider Truth" in (1) "Transcending the Observed / Space" and (2) "Transcending the Observer / Time" Then What in one's "Meaning of Existence / the Raison D'être". "Yogacara"[D39] value-added its "Continuity of the consciousness in the Eighth Consciousness" and the "Perfected Nature / Ultimate (Wider) Truth" makes the difference between "Imaginary Nature" and "Dependent Naturue" to partly hint on the "Then What" in "Relative Existence / Truth" without [ having / presenting ] the "How" to be verified. "Tantra" introduce the momentary "How" for personal experience, being deeply slaved into the "Greed and Fears of changing physical manifestations" proven in humanity and in MẬT NIỆM BÁT CHÁNH from The King of Gods which is 100% on duality of conflicting consciousness at both Physical-Consciousness level and at Chakras-Energy level, incapable to Transcendental States in #EmptyTheContent for Self-Selfless Actualization (Gotama's fifth and sixth Jhanas) toward Non-Thingness (Gotama's seventh Jhana) for natural Reborn and Rejuvenation.
It is evidenced in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism despite significant efforts of dedicated explorers such as Gotama, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, XuanZang, Vạn Hạnh, etc. Now we have another chance with industrial revolution 4.0 and a handful of people naturally knowing it at different depths and angles, transcending all conflicting forces of isms, religions, civilizations, male / female, black / brown / yellow / white skins, eastern / western, etc. The scientific theoretical and empirical implementations are sketched in this blog, an outcome of KhaiPhong 50+ years dedicated researches among members of its small Inner Circle where there are the contributions from the reincarnations of Ashoka, HuiNeng and XuanZang (currently Vietnamese Canadians) who can be easily recognized as the "real persons" delivering parts of KhaiPhong theoretical model in KpPlatform. VietNam happens to hold this precious gem to start a New Era of Right Evolution from humanity upward - Phật, Tiên, Thánh, Thần giáng trần (the video was deleted) being parts with humanity in Discovering & Sharing Thing-As-It-Is "Bảo Giang Môn" @ "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" - having many highly qualified people reincarnated in and outside the country to be ready for the right time as predicted by Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm whose "may-be reincarnation" is sensed by this writer to play a very important role for this significant event with esoterically and closely connected friends in many life times of worthy relationships that once together they can change the world International Affairs toward Accountable creators and parts of the Responsible Creation in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
Everything is "Dependent Nature" and the "decision" of the right time and place must not be in the hand of unworthy people if you #Care. You can ride on available infrastructure that you happen to be in to move on toward What Count! In human realm and in your Continuity of the consciousness. We have required ingredients at both theoretical and empirical levels ready: (1) at theoretical level from "Relative Truth" to "Ultimate Wider Truth" of Buddhist Madhyamaka plus "Then What" provided in Buddhist Consciousness Only from "Imaginary Nature" to "Dependent Nature" via accessing the "Perfected Nature" according to underlying natural laws from where you are at your tainted senses that 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism plus many hundred thousands man-years from higher esoteric realms of Buddhas, Gods, Allah, etc, have been unable to penetrate; (2) at empirical level from "Faith due to Fears" and "Faith due to Greed" to "Faith due to Aspiration leading to #Prajna in #EmptyTheContent" whatever the content ("buông") when Not Required to be provided by identified dedicated students from conflicting religions and isms; leading to (3) "Dependent Nature different from Emptiness": one is required condition to be implemented for practical innovations Making Life Easier and Happier, and one is the DISCOVERED and SHARED states of consciousness unknown by unworthy people in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism called Gotama's Jhanas which are totally different from common meaning of "emptiness" - refering to a compilation of feelings of loneliness, sadness - and verifiable states of consciousness in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness); (4) scientific approach to the DISCOVERY for optimally required conditions to make it an epistemic objective; (5) at implementation level - specialized in required conditions and processes toward What Count in the scientific cultivations of one's InnerSpace - from innumerable services in all domains and fields to deliverable qualified activities and relationships in "Making Life Easier and Happier"; (6) at operational level such as IPR (Intellectual Property Right) in a civilized law-and-order people-centered society; and (7) at inter-realms communications and collaborations via law-and-order inter-realms agreements for the benefits of all involved parties, Not in the blah blah blah of cheating Buddhism and its derivatives of Not Doing at Word/Image level but cheating and stealing from others at their back whose outcome is the total collapse in 60,000+ human years of higher realms where all claimed ancient Buddhas are parts. Similar to moving from Madhyamaka's "Relative Truth to Ultimate Wider Truth" with a "secret sauce or toggle", there is a "toggle" - an injected microservice of user-facing mu ecosystem to widen your perception and seeing Thing-As-It-Is thanks to "Big-Data ethical AI toward What Count" for one and the Whole - from where one is to the target of qualified activity and/or relationships. A template of injected microservice in KpPlatform will be available for both "Normative" such as custom private ai and "Physically Positive Intelligence such as Pizza ecommerce or Vietnamese Beef Phở, etc, due to your digital persona augmenting your Accountable Creator in part of the Responsible Creation.
The esoteric cheating is based on the naturally good force and result generated from your [ "Kindness >< Empathy / Compassion >< #Prajna" ], and you "willingly commit a binding/clinging contract / Karma forces / energy in-tune with them" to give these merits / results / you yourself - commonly known as the outcomes from Ideal of Bodhisattva and/or Redeemer - to the "father god and his slaves of the slaves" glorifying him as the "One and Only Creator" who must pay for his horrific crime against the Dependent Nature of the Whole via universal law of Action-Reaction, scientifically proven at both theoretical moral and empirical levels. Since you are not 100% integrated to naturally protect yourself and by knowing the cheating and immoral Voodoo in extracting that good force, they claim to have "the moral Right" - "Rule-by-Law Not according to Natural Laws of Justice - representing "You and their Followers / Lambs" in collecting and distributing the aggregate good forces for themselves, their families and slaves in their divisional and evil camps similar to the corrupted systems of Vietnamese communist mafias exposed from 1954 to 2022. It is similar to the 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism of imaginary painted pictures to bully others without delivering any practical utilities that Jiddu Krishnamurti must spend 60+ years of his life time to tell the world that "the description is Not the described / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy" and/or feudalism, communism in enforcing masters-slaves relationships, leading toward all forms of dictatorships and corruptions well known in communist China and Vietnam up to 2025.
Even the outcomes of your good deeds are specified and consciously dedicated to your ancestors (Cửu Huyền Thất Tổ), your ancestors - including ETs - do not have the cunning mind and "evil technologies" to "partially and justly claim the beneficial outcomes". Due to very long degeneration visible in nature from negative Complex Fibonacci sequence, their cunning mind via painting at word/picture in ensslaving humanity is stronger. Similar to esoteric Buddhist cheating processes on "The Paths of Compassion and Wisdom" in Buddhist study and meditation centres: Sutra, Vipassana, Tantra, Prayers, etc,[R14] and/or hallucinated descriptions similar to the claimed Redeemer from Jesus, the claimed Zen accomplishments in the case of Yongjia Xuanjue (Vĩnh Gia Huyền Giác)[R5.3] are their hallucinations incapable to demonstrate any visible practicality. The description is not the described and all claims must be scientifically verified for Discovering & Sharing underlying natural laws. The "evil technologies" came from Voodoos to separate one's integrity of "Body / Astral Body , Energy, and the Core / Alaya" then riding on the weakness of separated individual components to control the targets as masters-slaves with required means. This kind of "evil technologies" was demonstrrated and known as "clones / snatching body[R2], [R7]" from Illuminati New World Order before 2012. Here are relevant human contributions to the future "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" where Human Rights are extended to the Rights of [ Alaya / Soul (store-house consciousness / ālāyavijñāna) ] in one's Continuity of the consciousness for quickly evolving back from degeneration in negative Complex Fibonacci back to positive Complex Fibonacci.
The universal natural law of Action-Reaction takes 60,000+ human years to naturally separate their inner quality and shiny cloths of outside covers to the point that it is naturally incompatible for the two opposing forces being together, called by involved parties as "Thế Giới Cũ Tận - Thế Vào Thiên Đàng Mới / The End of Old Systems - The Beginning of New Era" in the total collapse of their feudal systems. Yet, these unworthy beings collude together in different groups with their human slaves hallucinatedly bullying others for a dominant position seen in US empire of lies after the Second World War. With scientific approach, underlying natural laws must be discovered - transparently exposed to the world - shared and empirically / statistically verified in different optimal conditions. KhaiPhong will enforce and facilitate this approach as a concrete solution to the past failed feudal systems - if things happened - in all esoteric realms from humanity upward in its proposed integration of radio and consciousness technologies to benefit all involved parties so the past 60,000+ human years of Greed and Fears will not be repeated in its implementations of the Three Pillars: (1) scientifically cultivable #Prajna, (2) Rule-of-Law for too big to fail, (3) Public / Personal Security / Privacy to assure natural evolution according to natural laws applicable to both humanity and all "intelligent esoteric realms".
This can be done, mathematically proven by human International Trade Theory (statistically enhanced with scientifically cultivable #Prajna to know more about oneself toward What Count closer to Trade fundamental assumption of one's utility function) and the Right and Wrong in one's evolution according to understanding natural laws in mobilising available human, ET and esoteric resources - including medium of exchanges for trading and allocating required resources (Invisible Hand of Economics) for proven SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development) - that KhaiPhong can bring relevant ingredients to the table. With wide spread of scientifically cultivable #Prajna, kind and honest people will not only be able to deal with cunning intelligence from bullying unworthy ones to avoid the "Chinese Debt Trap" in its Belt and Road Initiative as scientifically pointed out in CSIS / Center for Strategic & International Studies But Also harmoniously join hands for a fair mutual benefit and respect each other. Humanity has learned a clear lesson that collective (national) resources come from the contributions of its people, NOT being cheated to belong to a claimed "assigned Son of God / Chân Mạng Thiên Tử " or a group of dictators; the rulers are "elected and/or hired" to do the jobs. The rulers are accountable within verifiably transparent systems, and if not qualified they will be fired. Similarly, measurable good benefits (công đức) will be not anymore in the hands of unworthy mafias (ruled by the degenerated King of Gods and immorally supported by his evil ancestors and slaves) that they used to cheat the Nature covering their rotten inner qualities with privileged positions and outward charismatics wrapped in cheated ideals and hallucinated descriptions, but invisibly distributed by the "Natural Right and Wrong" of distributed Scientifically Cultivable Invisible Hand of Prajna in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness". This is what we hope to export "scientifically cultivable #Prajna" via robotic technologies to current humanity and esoteric huge feudal systems in exchange for enforceable rule-of-law to guarantee "democracy / the fundamental rights to integrity of the person" plus others in possible "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" that we personally know them and they know us.
Thousands in Trillions of US dollars - available for the evil masters-slaves New World Order (NWO) under the "dictatorship of the degenerated Father God / Lucifer / Allah" - can be used for the benefits in the right direction of what Count where all involved parties the "Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots" in human, ET and esoteric realms NOW have "Raison D'être" and "Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good" since only in engaged living one can know more about oneself and change the quality of one's consciousness according to natural laws[D32]. Physical resources such as "Wealth" can only be used as means via "Opportunities for Doing Good" in the "Care" for oneself and the environment to actually generate good benefits (công đức) toward a Right Direction. You cannot exchange your Wealth for good benefits (công đức) that at least three different parties have publicly and esoterically negotiated with "the reincarnation of HuiNeng" since they know that they cannot continue to cheat the Nature whose underlying natural laws must be discovered and shared to shorten and by-pass the painful trial-and-error steps shared by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. KhaiPhong can Only Help via human business models and those sincerely wishing being parts of the movement for something beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought in Inter-Realms Continuity of the Consciousness, PLUS hand-on engaged living via Action-Reaction and opporunities to deliver Good Outcomes toward one's dominant interest. The Inter-Realms "medium of exchange from proof-of-stake decentralised network" will (1) further benefit the Discovering & Sharing "scientifically cultivable #Prajna" applicable and transferable from one realm to another according to discovered and shared underlying natural laws, and (2) legitimize the required resources toward What Right in one's Continuity of the Consciousness invisibly distributed by #Prajna available to all intelligent beings qualified by Nature from humanity upward.
Similarly, Gotama's claim of "Liberation from Birth and Death plus Pari-Nirvana" were only his deductions to expose his "Only a Glimpse of the #Prajna" which has different depths and widths in different fields (politics, economics, social studies, arts, medical and all forms of natural sciences) of practical #Prajna Dialectic in 'Making Life Easier and Happier" to measure at the bottom-line your states via Transcendental #Awareness, plus Transcendental Inner Peace / Right #Samadhi and stock of the #Prajna unknown by the degenerated esoteric feudal systems, 100% ignorant and cheated in 2500+ years of Buddhism. Pari-Nirvana is similar to forever of the "Father God / Lucifer / Allah", incompatible with the universal second law of thermodynamics applied to all manifested things. Consciousness is a form of energy which can only be transformed, Not "suddenly vanished" claimed by all Buddhist unworthy people in their 2500+ years of cheating humanity. Except few dedicated explorers touching different aspects of this cultivable Prajna but Not Knowing Why, most monks and nuns in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism are unworthy, Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not seeing yet claimed to see[D19].
In this "Containerized Consciousness", we synthesize the recorded know-how from actual experiences of past explorers in their "painful trials-and-errors together with lessons learned in entire esoteric and human histories": degenerated huge feudal systems ruled by the past King of Gods, degenerated Amitabha Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Boshisattva, Gotama's discoveries and his crack leading to 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, Jesus's "Redeemer" cheated by the Father God proven to be against the Morality and Justice of the universal Action-Reaction and inconsistent with the second law of thermodynamics, Buddhist Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only Yogacara, HuiNeng's discoveries, Hindu's Yoga and Yogic Flying, etc. In this synthesis, we discover "Complex Fibonacci Layered Thing-As-It-Is Consciousness in both positive direction for evolution and negative direction of degeneration starting from the human base [ Fibonacci f0 = 0 of a naturally qualified person ], consistent with our empirical observations". Only the positive evolution can access the TRUTH plane of event, making up from HuiNeng Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh toward "Detachment" and Gotama's Signed Posts. But once achievable, one may fall into a crack of self hallucination to be degenerated in the negative directions of the Containerized Consciousness. It is similar to the discovered layers at sub-atomic levels before merging into diversities at duality levels. Using the desired practical outcones toward What Count in "Making Life Easier and Happier" such as (1) HuiNeng's WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh / KhaiPhong's #Awareness { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }, (2) Gotama's Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Signed Posts / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to purify tainted senses required in his #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }, and (3) observable outcomes of identified attributes in both directions of [ F >< Y >< X ] we mathematically model one's "InnerSpace" for self evaluation and reversed engineering of important events from those actually having the required desired qualities to know more about oneself assisted by a user-facing mobile tool mu in facing all activities and relationships at all places. In these processes, the negative attributes can be cleaned up to assure one's evolution from humanity upward (not below humanity). The persona data enable Ethical custom AI toward What Count to know more about oneself via custom feed while the aggregate shared data for pure scientific researches of Space / Tensor Intelligence in the interacttion of [ F >< Y >< X ] and discovering underlying natural laws without revealing the persona behind the data.
The recursive function of rated complex Fibonacci numbers - having visible Rush smart pointers as outcomes of transcendental Inner Peace Y-dimension and measurable traits of transcendental #Awareness as states of #Prajna and custom agentic assistant in scientifically cultivable Inner Space stock of #Prajna - will be researched in open accademic papers contributed by at least three groups (1) dedicated explorers having visible outcomes in states and stock of #Prajna, (2) Rush programming experts of safe and secure from smart pointers to traits and from the Freewill to change the traits via measurable Activities, Relationships at all Places back to the Right evolution instead of unconsciously following the pattern of Degeneration, and (3) professional Psychology in privacy and security of Akashic Records. Discovered contributions are statistically measurable at the "service node" such as Sound Technology Transcendental Inner Peace, Li Hongzhi's Falun Gong, transcendental-meditation, Buddhist all types of meditation, Qi-Gong[R11], Arts, "Merging with Nature", "Flowing into the Force", Unborn Zen, or any claimed ABC of any school (the video was deleted) to arrive at the "scientifically tested described" different from the "cheating descriptions of the blinds" from all religions and isms to actually know Vietnamese KiếnTánh / HuiNeng's WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong's #Awareness { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } in practical living of "Dependent Nature" and breakthroughs via "#Prajna" such as current international Conficts at [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ]. KhaiPhong will deliver this kind of #Prajna Dialectic at the right time with available qualified students. Starting from this "Containerized Consciousness", we model and statistically measure verifiable Signed Posts of Y-dimension in Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness contributed by Gotama, Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension having positive direction toward "Detachment / Ưng vô sở trụ"," initially contributed by HuiNeng plus deeper discoveries into seven layeres of #Awareness knowable by KhaiPhong's current living students, and lumped all other relevant factors into F-dimension of one's "Scientifically Cultivable InnerSpaces", empirically observed to follow Complex Fibonacci mathematical sequence as applicable to many evolving patterns in Nature.
Reversed engineering advanced students' qualities in X and Y dimensions of Transcendental #Awareness and Transcendental Inner Peace, we work out eight layers of cultivable InnerSpaces targeting achievable qualities of advanced students as desired outputs. Participant's Issues and psychological assessments are inputs. Applying engineering feed forward and backward control system with Complex Fibonacci numbers subjected to deeper researches to represent all remaining factors of F-dimension, we develop scientific processes with required sensors in the participant's engaged Activities and Relationships at all Places to deliver KhaiPhong RPA (Robotic Process Automation) as required tool in its Strategic Intelligence Service (KpSIS). Using mathematics of complex Fibonacci Numbers, some very interesting observations with real applications of KhaiPhong 50+ years field researches pop up. Starting at minute 9:50 of the video (deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias), instead of cunning intelligence from Hegelian Dialectic due to innate concentration (có ní nuận) but miserable quality of life in "conflicting consciousness and devious SEX traceable to the living top communist mafias from VietNam and China" to be fairly judged by history as exposed in KTV1 / Không thể tin: Giới trí thức tinh hoa VN đánh giá TBT Nguyễn Phú Trọng là một lãnh đạo như thế nào.
These unworthy people - at the rated AnimalConsciousness f-5 = 5 - know Nohing about [ "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, and will continue the current (animal) states of their consciousness in the next 10000+ years to be awaken again according to underlying natural laws. One can see the benefits of "Right / Positive Evolution" from natural Silence of Transcendental Inner Peace (contributed by Gotama) and Transcendental #Awareness (glimpsed by HuiNeng) to use accumulated resources and freewill in [ làm người tử tế / Conscious Living / QUY LUẬT TỰ NHIÊN CỦA THÀNH CÔNG ], exciting with "Opportunities to Do Good". We can help as laid out in step 1 of KhaiPhong Engineering Roadmap. VietNam must learn 5000 years of painful experiences from its bullying neighbor up to 1954 then 1979 Sino-Vietnamese war.
VietNam can ride on the unique opportunity where highly qualified people from higher realms reincarnated in this selected piece of land ready for the tidle wave of geo-politics from 2025 forward for the Khát Vọng Tự Do / Yearning for Freedom a real state of Living & Being of Đàn Chim Việt / Flock of Vietnamese Birds, first time [ khởi tổ xây nền / start to build the foundation ] of Right Evolution according to underlying Natural Laws from humanity upward leading the World toward A New Era of Conscious Living & Being at both theoretical and imperical levels as SHARED by Dr. Nguyễn Hùng Hậu. Having mathematical and philosophical backgrounds, he may contribute to the ontology and taxonomy of what we identify as "Smart Pointers" - outcomes of Gotama's Inner Peace (Jhanas / Right #Samadhi) - pointing to observable "Traits" of dedicated practitioners such as LaoTzu, Gotama, Socrates, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, Xuanzang, etc, and all others of the mass ranging from having the #TRUth due to Detachment to see Thing-As-It-Is down to #Veiled and/or being #Indoctrinated of the Right and Wrong. Changing the "visible traits in all Activities and Relationships (làm người tử tế, Chân Thiện Nhẩn) - augmented by a custom AI assistant (resoning AI on untamable hardware and software) will change identified types such as 6 Đức Tính KHÔNG TIỀN NÀO MUA ĐƯỢC / valuable traits SHARED by LaoTzu: knowing the "Selfless", "Nothingness down to recognizable attributes such as tainted senses of ExtremeDesire, AnimalConsciousness". The process is scientifically cultivable on the three dimensions [ Y X F ] of rated complex Fibonacci evolution in producing custom AI (Artificial Intelligence) Assistant for concerned parties to help change dominant Issues starting at their levels to (1) clean up negative attributes rendering one's states and stock of containerized consciousness into an animal below humanity, and (2) rationally have Vietnamese KienTanh then personally verify proven qualities in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The #Prajna difference is changed at different depth and width of the encountered issues due to accumulated Inner Peace indirectly measurable via outcomes of one's efforts honestly self-evaluated in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to know more about oneself.
By putting the Right Effort using Freewill to clean up negative attributes, one is self-assured the Right Evolution from humanity upward[D32] in one's Continuity of the consciousness. It is Not the chicken-and-egg as practiced in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism since as long as one is naturally qualified being a Latin humanitas (having legally protected Human Rights), there are already embedded qualities of Compassion and #Prajna to enable one naturally above the duality plane of conflicting consciousness safe-guarded by Nature via restricted physical infrastructure. One can rationally see this possible solution - Vietnamese KienTanh - since all manifestations are conditioned and changed at Planck time, and there is optimal condition for the manifestation happened exactly as in current Health Science. The engineering feed forward and bacward technologies ride on available highly qualified students to change the World of conflicting interests from f-3 = 2 AnimalEnergy and f-5 = 5 AnimalConsciousness to Harmonious eco-systems starting via "Equanimity Communities upgradable from Tranquility places known in the rated most Happy Countries. It is the unique driving force for all current and future tours of Spiritual Cultures in Viet Nam and being a magnetism guarded by "Bảo Giang Môn" @ "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" augmented with IPR (Intellectual Property Right) of DISCOVERED and SHARED underlying natural laws ready in the New Era of reasoning AI [ #Prajna >< AI ]!
The writer senses significant interests of Chinese elites to make Happened the Real Contributions of Chinese integrations and bridging the gap between LaoTzu Tao of diversities such as the Tao of AI and practical Buddhist philosophies from Shen-Hsiu [ Body & Mind ] cleaning with HuiNeng deliverable outcomes of WuNien, #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna PLUS Xuanzang "Consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness" in one's Continuity of the consciousness. So do Western Countries of current Illuminati elites with the proof of the difference between Consciousness and functional progrmming, and that difference to enable "Living & Being toward What Count" is Scientifically Cultivable (visible and measurable) #Prajna, being an invisible hand to direct all Activities and Relationships of Accountable creators in the Responsible Creation first started from this humanistic conscience (the video of a coffee vendor showing his contributing part for the Right and Too Far in Israel’s war on Middle East Gaza) then Exported to the World that one is only a part of the Whole to #Care for the normative Right and Wrong of living personas who do "#Care". Same things are applicable to other past cililizations such as Islam, Hindu, and ET from Atlantis since we do know people from these civilizations having developed advanced qualities in Scientificallly Cultivable #Prajna.
Therefore, looking at each legal persona as an evolving "Containerized Consciousness", we trace out at both theoretical and empirical levels recorded past human verifications of Thing-As-It-Is and their derived philosophical theories in the pursuit of knowledge to understand the Raison D'être of one's Existence, Managing What Count Making Life Easier and Happier. In this exploration having direct contacts with the esoteric feudal systems and connected friends, we discovered the masters-slaves relationships in entire human history imposed on us as their pupet soldiers to fight for their conflicting dominances of bullying animal kingdoms. Outcomes of this very long struggle are (1) the discovery of verifiable states in Transcending the Observed and the Observer to see Thing-As-It-Is in the totality of the focused event and its possible breakthrough solution in the Right Evolution, (2) the total colapse of the feudal systems autocratically ruled by the King of gods due to Not Understanding underlying natural laws, redering them far below the level of humanity to have their tainted senses naturally neutralized in restricted physical containers to relearn the Right and Wrong at their current level of consciousness quality, (3) not all of their past soldiers and elites in both esoteric and human realms totally degenerated where we are parts who form seeds for the reborn and rejuvenation of the New Era. By pointing out (a) the realities at consciousness levels of all involved parties, (b) the importance of required immediate actions to change one's level of consciousness with available resources while still living and accessible to the Know-Hows of current living students wishing to expose their solutions to prevent the past "too big to fail" happened again for Intelligent Beings from humanity upward, and (c) available technologies in current industrial revolution 4.0, we look for front-line soldiers in this new Era of complete integration of consciousness, digital and physical technologies toward What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness. So in Whatever Intelligent Realm one may be, one has securely and privately accessed to the collected data and experiences to overcome the process of forgetfullness in natural reincarnations. By 2024, the writer knows he Is the head of LaoTzu family lineage in the dragon realm. He determines to change the past autocratic system into democratic system of qualified people so you can continue your significant contributions Now and in the future, at least in this writer's Lineage (similar to an independent nation). The planned unique KpPlatform not yet availalbe anywhere is the required infrastructure in this Continuity of the consciousness.
Technically, we develop the minimum functional container from scratch with Low Latency in Rust using Lock-Free Data Structures of distributed systems as a constituent of any Containerized Consciousness to be a part of mu container. It is used as the kernel of distributed objects in KpPlatform. That Self-Selfless Actualization introduces two other general dimensions with different structures in one's Continuity of the consciousness, either "Float (Thăng) or Sink (Đọa)" from connecting realms [ Sắc Giới / Dương Gian và Linh Giới / Âm Gian ] (the video was deleted). These qualifications are gradually evolving in the Care of Body & Mind Cleaning as a mathematical model exposed in the scientifically cultivable of [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh] and can be further evolving with discovered underlying natural laws, learning the hard lessons from dedicated explorers such as Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva knowing transcendental #Awareness at level 5 or the sources of thoughts yet degenerated personally shared to this writer, or Gotama knowing all Signed Posts of Right Samadhi as actually recorded in Buddhist literatures[D26], [D29], [D30], yet fallen into his own deductions of Permanent Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana. Riding on proven scientific discoveries of human radio technologies up to Industry Revolution 4.0, plus dedicated investigations of Buddhist Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only typically in Testing Your Realization 2020-11-25 and "secret sauce" to "jump-start the direct knowledge" of an "#Awareness beyond tainted Seeing and Hearing" from different angles actually known by 36+ current living students of Consciousness Technologies, we put together our resources of many 1000+ years in both higher and human realms to enable Scientifically Cultivable [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its Flower - “Bát Nhã" là hoa ] on Compassion Tree deep rooted in Sunyata which can help all other intelligent beings and ETs speed up the processes of evolutions starting from Rationality of Right and Wrong from where you are in accordance with underlying natural laws in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
2. Freewill and Awareness
Due to tainted senses, intelligent beings have been cheated with ideals, utopias, faked News, isms and religions[R8]. Yet, western civilization asserts the "Free Will" - the ability of a human agent to choose between different possible courses of action unimpeded learned in "Bài học từ Điện Biên Phủ (DBP 2020-05-03) / Lesson from DBP having greater behind-the-scence dark forces of evil Roman Catholic Church and US empire of Lies fully applicable to current Russia-Ukrane war as outcomes from the dark and light multi-dimensional forces of intelligent Beings from humanity upward - thanks to available states of consciousness outside the duality plane of conflicting consciousness that we express as the event Truth plane perpendicular to the duality plane commonly known as "Kingdom of God within, Buddha Nature, Ultimate (Wider) Truth, Perfected Nature". Via personal experiences from the above described "containerized consciousness", this writer traces recorded mystic experiences and philosophies / religions to search for the "meaning of living and being" since whatever he had touched - riding on available seriously scholastic studies and recorded mystic experience of all including Gotama and Jesus - he found obvious defects at both scientifically logical levels and empirically inconsistent with his personal experiences. For example, the claimed "Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent manifested forever (The One and Only) Creator" is immediately against scientifically discovered underlying natural laws known as the second law of thermodynamics of all manifested things - visible or invisible - that he was trained as a chemical engineer. It is TRUE not only at theoretical level due to all manifestations being conditioned and changed at Planck time but also at empirical level seen from the total collapse of form-realm esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods manipulated behind the scene by his ancestors (Father God) due to against the universal underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction. The claims of Jesus as the "Redeemer and Faith Healer in raising the Death to Living" are (1) the most immoral of the claimed father God - aka the Original Buddha, the biological father of Dhipankara Buddha[D51] - and the cheated innocent Jesus since it is against "universal and moral law of Action-Reaction", (2) the most cheating to enslave others and steal their "good deeds via Action-Reaction" for wrapping and superficially covering their "evil driving forces" that only after the collapse of Illuminati NWO (New World Order) and having direct interactions with the Father God, Buddhas, Allah under different energy sources, Bodhisattvas, etc, the writer can esoterically see the bottom line of these claims for establishing the tracked-record Roman Catholic Church 100% based on Greed and Fears, and (3) incomparable to medical miracles achieved by modern medical sciences happened via Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of #Prajna (Wisdom / Moral Value of the values). Jesus was Not the Son of the "degenerated Father God" who is not even naturally qualified as a person due ro empirical outcome of natural Action-Reaction according to underlying laws characterized with biology, compassion, and wisdom (#Prajna). The Lessons Learned from this total collapse of the esoteric feudal system are (1) without knowing underlying natural laws one can be very easy to be degenerated without Knowing WHY, (2) underlying natural laws can be theoretically discovered as in Complex Fibonacci numbers at minutes 6:25 and 7:00, statistically verified to be widely known by many due to "rule-of-law" Sharing proven in human modern sciences, (3) the DISCOVERED processes must be democratically governed with the right tools so one does not start fron the beginning. These learned lessons will happen in positive evolution of Transcending toward Non-Thingness for the Freshness of Reborn and Rejuvenation as recorded in Gotama's Jhanas and negative Y-dimension[D29], [D30].
The key difference between the dark (negative) and light (positive) forces can Only be theoretically and empirically verified based on the bottom line of the Right and Wrong Effort that one can Know if 100% #Honesty and #Care for one's Continuity of the consciousness toward What Count since both sides can be at the same level of Intelligence capable to access the Truth Plane of the event based on the positive value of the Fribonacci number such as f5 = 5 VisibleAwarenessPrajna type / class versus f-5 = 5 AnimalConsciousness type / class. But the Right evolution enables an injection of #Prajna for an Innovative Solution in wider benefits of the Whole while the Wrong cunning intelligence of Cheating, Stealing, Bulling of Self glorification from the degenerated animal Kingdoms in the past 60,000+ human years are for zero-sum game of Me Me Me I win You loose rendering all involved parties worse off. The Right transcendental #Awareness simplified into six Signed Posts personally verified by Gotama in Bodhidharma #EmptiTheContent toward Non-Thingness of Y-dimension and HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna capable to protect oneself and Help others are visible manifestations to be measurable stick. This writer is interested in SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development) in the integration of radio and consciousness technologies since he knows the Formless Realm has consciousness know-how - not yet scientifically implemented exactly as the case of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna and HuiNeng's WuNien, #DhyanaSamadhi, and #SamadhiPrajna - to correctly rate the quality of one's consciousness driven by natural laws to different realms of existence traceable in one's life-after-life store-house of one's continuity of the consciousness (ālāyavijñāna) which stores accumulations of significant consciousness! Empirically, almost all human, ET and esoteric beings do not fully understand their current strengths and weaknesses according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED, away from the past "Big Mouths" of Buddhist claimed Buddhas (the Ones who Know) and their slaves making living as religious unworthy people. KhaiPhong Sound Specialist - using the power of cosmic energy - is capable to hang the "identified being" (stream of Containerized Consciousness / Energy) upside down to expose the reality of that cheating energy to force the unworthy entity (claimed Allah, Father God, Buddha XYZ, King of Gods, etc) facing his/her realities, and or help the victims recovered their evolutionary integrity. The Specialist cannot know the victims' quality-of-the-consciousness - including the harmed ETs - in their very long evolution and must ask the guidance of the formless realms to indicate to right spots for raising these victims up. This knowledge is possible when one is in high above from formless realms, and if transmitted to the form realms - called Thing-As-It-Is #Prajna or underlying natural laws of evolution as illustrated below - one can further optimize resources for the required outcomes.
If 100% #Honesty & #Care, you can look at the bottom line and sense the realities of the counter part. For example, many billionaires and high ranking people - mostly observable in Chinese and Vietnamse communists under their corrupted "market economy driven by communist group democracy of Greed and Fears" - degenerated to the point that they must eat first before going to any meeting since they always have a hungry urge known by Buddhists as hungry ghost! YES, billionaires - if too Greedy of anything (power, sex, money, etc) - can be Hungry ghosts due to quality of the consciousness according to underlying natural laws to enable extreme desires fading out. Alternatively, devious SEX is observable in Socially Respected people such as recorded public saying from the "The King of England" and Vietnamese elites all the way to the top four columns (Tứ Trụ) hidden and evidenced in the surrounding crimes related to Bé Vân An and/or the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Nguyên Trí, head of Bát Nhã (Prajna) Temple Meditation Institute of USA, from which karmic (binding and clinging) forces can be changed ONLY in CURRENT LIVING far below the qualified Latin Humanitas. The involved elite MUST KNOW with minimum "#Honesty and Conscience" one's realities. One can change with "Free Will and available resources" while being a person due to its structural body & mind inducible to higher layers of evolution. Here comes the significance of Vietnamese KienTanh, rationally knowing What can be done with available technologies augmented by reasoning AI given your present realities and What Count in your Continuity of the consciousness. Yes, you can be a hungry ghost or animal according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying laws to naturally Purify your toxic Greed and Fears while currently being a billionaire or having established record as a Buddha, Allah, Father God, King of Gods, Bodhisattvas, etc, or any name you want to claim. Your money and/or claimed names cannot buy the quality of your consciousness invisibly regulated by impersonally underlying Natural Laws such as Action-Reaction, Dependent Nature in Layered Thing-As-It-Is Consciousness and in Relative Truth, Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, Invisible Hand of Economics, etc. Same thing is applicable to all western elites and religious leaders - probably Not in the "eating" but definitely in Sex and Abnormal Physical Excitements directly and indirectly relating to SEX - especially those involved in the esoteric NWO (New World Order).
The changing of form and name for required credibility have some inertia to happen according to natural laws of Changing (Viparinama-Dukkha) and Conditioned (Sankhara-Dukkha) Dependent Nature. We can HELP if you are 100% #Honesty & #Care for yourself and the environment you are a part at the present or in the future in your "Continuity of The Consciousness" according to underlying Natural Laws to be scientifically DISCOVERED and SHARED. The current immediately available solution has following simultaneously dynamic steps: (1) securely collect your private data in all Activities and Relationships from your private corner of "Equanimity Communities" wherever you are, (2) ride on proven DISCOVERED underlying natural laws to activate your "innate Budh, Buddha Nature, Kingdom of Gods within" for an Inner Peace from Y-dimension to detoxify tainted senses, (3) leverage available KpSIS (Strategic Intelligence Service) and AI personal assistant - mathematically and intelligently updated from available Open and/or Close Source LLM (large Language Models) in the areas of your interests, augmented with your private data and custom functional programming to connect smart pointers coming out from your Inner Peace such as Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent pointing to observable traits - that help your Transcendental #Awareness / #AwarenessPrajna with specialized targets to clean up negative attributes such as Being indoctrinated and influenced from all isms, Veiled conscience of Right and Wrong, Binding and Clinging karmic forces of the past, etc, from your "Containerized Consciousness" to assure your Continuity of the consciousness from humanity upward.
The "Freewill and #Awareness" are Not "chicken and egg" nor static, as long as one is qualified as a "Latin humanitas" being binding in biology, but also having Compassion and #Prajna. It is Not "static but dynamic in engaged living" to be scientifically discovered in Ethical AI toward What Count. Natural qualification of being a person in a specialized and selected position to do something is "Not Clear" from scientific understanding to be DISCOVERED and SHARED for assuring closer to the TRUTH of Thing-As-It-Is with lessons learned from Nature & Science. Empirically, we know the "cheating and stealing culture" of degenerated esoteric realms coming from some "Know-How" to separate major components of the Not Fully Integrated person, and attached that component in their containers for gaining some comparative advantages in zero-sum games of Voodoos rendering all involved parties worse off on the negative side of Complex Fibonacci degeneration. The claim to be "Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Creator" is "False" since one is Only a part of the Whole, conditioned and changed at Planck time, proven Not Only theoretically But empirically in the total collapse of the past feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. It is the "foundation to be solved" in the stability of Law-and-Order in the evolution according to underlying natural laws that we hope the scientifically discovered underlying processes of #Prajna once spreading in humanity and exported to huge feudal esoteric systems - degenerated or Not - will be a positive starting point of possible "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations".
KhaiPhong's processes of #Honesty & #Care will be transparent in its 1-to-1 SIS (Strategic Intelligence Service) in building its "trusted Relationship 4.0 of the new Society 5.0". But you can ride on what you have achieved to start from your realities at the Present Moment to be Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good, changing yourself and the environment toward What Count no matter which quality level and what legitimate resources plus power you have As Long As You Are Qualified by Natural Laws as a Latin humanitas. Being highly respected elites and powerful persons do not mean you are qualified as a [ person next life / DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN (Cảnh báo cho người nổi danh) ] known by most elites in Illuminati NWO (New World Order) and all Vietnamese elites whose astral bodies have been parts of the communication Hub of the Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng. In addition, current human Ethical AI toward What Count can definitely pin point optimal conditions in producing the known targets in consciousness technologies, achievable in both human realms and in others of intelligent beings as our proposed "Discovering TRUTH" via Scientifically Cultivable Prajna from eight (8) layered Thing-As-It-Is Consciousness, enabling one reborn and rejuvenated in the wear and tear of Conflicting Consciousness of Nagarjuna Relative Truth. You must treat your "Dukkha / All kinds of Sufferings including improper sexual desires" from their scientifically discovered sources having statistically significant tests like effective Vacine for COVID-19, Not from assertions at the top applicable only to Gotama such as Buddhist assertions of "Detachmnent" and "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22]" in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism.
Without statistically testing underlying natural laws, one can be easily fallen - as in the esoteric cases of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and Gotama Buddha - into one's own crack of imagination! Just scientifically understanding and initial implementations of this rating knowledge according to underlying natural laws in established stable inter-realms intelligent communities is significant enough, "Making Life Easier and Happier" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. It is futile from doctrinal unworthy people to raise the physical death of rotten cells and body then "dead again due to the second law of thermodynamics" without optimally using available physical means to change quality of the Alaya of an Accountable Creator in Responsible Creation. It is a breakthrough and most significant for all intelligent realms once qualified as a "humanitas defined as a being of Biology, Compassion and #Prajna" in million years of trial-and-error from natural evolution.
#Intuition of a Latin humanitas" is a trait leading to visible attributes of #Awarenesss. It is more than a natural instinct due to a keen sense of Right and Wrong (conscience / lương tri) in processing both conscious and sub-conscious data in all domains and fields of engaged living. It has reflection via Hegelian Dialectic - thesis, anti-thesis, synthesis - on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, and "Something Beyond proven by Gotama, HuiNeng and scientifically known in physical science as Transcending the [ Observed / Space of Third Dimension ] to by-pass tainted senses and [ Transcending the Observer / Time of Fourth Dimension ] to access and have "#Prajna Breakthrough" beyond available field data" coming from very long trial-and-error in making life easier and happier. One's outward behaviour is the manifestation - via 5 senses in Being or Knowing Who You Are and the mind - of one's inner qualities (InnerSpace). Hence, the mind is comprising of 5 sense consciousnesses, sixth sense natural intuition and the seventh sense #Prajna in the natural Self-Selfless Actualisation (technically known as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna to be mathematically modeled as illustrated below for AI simulation and Machine Learning) from natural evolution of underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. It is different from Buddhist Consciousness Only[D39] as both complement and difference. The complement is the assertion and empirically proven by KhaiPhong eight scientifically cultivable layers of consciousness in one's InnerSpace (storehouse continuity of the consciousness). The major difference is at the seventh consciousness where Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác (aka Self-Selfless Actualization) is scientifically cultivable. Here is an invitation and challenge to all Buddhist Universities, Institutions, monks, nuns, and scholars having your dedicated efforts at either theoretical level, empirical level, or at both to deepening and widening Gotama's glimpse of possible solution - intentionally Ignore in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22]. We prove from layered Thing-As-It-Is Consciousnesses that the foundation of Transcendental #Awareness (state of #Prajna) is Compassion. Only the seventh sense from Compassion-Prajna - on the plane of No-Conflict Consciousness (Truth plane of the event) perpendicular to the duality plane of Relative Truth - is capable to discover underlying natural laws observed in cultivable / achievable #Samadhi Signed Posts which can "Purify" outdated marks and solve both inner and outer "Issues of Living & Being" via Discovering & Sharing the working of underlying natural laws. The core of the matter is natural Inner Peace in [ "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, "Value of the values" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness / MUÔN KIẾP NHÂN SINH / MANY TIMES – MANY LIVES (part 1), capable to obstruct and restrict the driving forces of karmic flows.
This "core natural inner peace / Gotama's Jhana" is the starting point - capable Only from once being a humanitas in natural evolution of intelligent beings - to liberate oneself from heavy tainted senses of "Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought" toward a lighter/wider Vision of Existence in conscious living from different realms of existence. Its quality of Harmonious Happiness in intelligent beings has been asked in higher esoteric realms by Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva from Lotus (Saddharma Puṇḍarīka) Sutra[D49], but not yet solved leading to the collapse of that eco system due to Greed and Fears of cunning intelligence. Thanks to available Industrial Revolutions, human radio technologies and proven processes required for Discovering & Sharing underlying natural laws have established solid foundation for this stable evolution at both theoretical and empirical levels. It turns out to be an accidental "Right" according to underlying Natural Laws since the more advanced and faster Consciousness Technologies in higher realms without the base of the "core natural inner peace", one (the Self) is constantly Pushed and Pulled by "Infinite Thoughts" in higher and stronger achievements of "I win you loose 100% driven by Greed and Fears" in the evolution of animal kingdoms ruled by the strength and "Greed / Tánh Tham / ăn cắp", Not according to complex Dependent Nature of Existence leading to the total collapse of higher esoteric realms under the Greed and Fears of their feudal systems.
Humanity has survived this assault for perpetuating master-slave relationships from Illuminati New World Order (NWO) up to 2012, and the dark-force regroupings versus humanistic movements 2014-2015, then 2016-2020, and again from 2025 with the world three presidents from US, China, and Russia[R8]. The new Era having scientifically cultivable "core natural inner peace" is evolving as the gut of Infinite Thought Bodhisattva question according to the underlying natural laws to Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Buddhist Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra)[D49]. Via direct interaction with the degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and her share of painful experience from cheating compassion in both word and action to be scientifically verified, this writer has put all efforts and available resources in discovering the underlying natural laws plus field testing against accomplished living practitioners. The "cheating compassion in both word and action" can be rationally and empirically verified according to current common sense of Thing-As-It-Is processes from over-boosting in words and in possible actions of deeds recorded in Lotus (Saddharma Puṇḍarīka) Sutra[D49]. The "over-boosting in words and in possible actions" is then combined with the culture of "cheating and capable stealing energy" in people's goodness who worship the figure in their living environment results in more conflicting energy similar to the grasping of infinite hungriness having "No Bound of Enough" due to "No Natural Inner Peace" of [ "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, "Value of the values" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, capable to obstruct and restrict the driving forces of karmic flows[D22]. For followers of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and/or any [ ism / religion / God / Allah / Buddha ], all one needs is to remove your psychological attachment to the target previously imprisoned you via binding Word/Image and clinging Thought without Knowing Vietnamese KiếnTánh being slaved to degenerated bullying animals far below [ Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods within ] upward such as the church bell, and transforming your "Faith" into "Aspiration and No-Conflict Consciousness" guided by those actually on your path, but "NOW LIBERATED" from all painted Isms and the corona of cheating processes to steal the goodness from your Right Efforts. One can be Free from any psychological attachement First using Freewill to rationally see the absurdity of the attachment Then via #AwarenessPrajna one can dissolve it. The Right Morality and Justice - currently protected in Human Rights - must be enforced in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations via "Rule-of-Law" appropriate and democratically changed according to Nature in one's Continuity of the consciousness. KhaiPhong is the front-line soldier of this Worthy Movement from Humanity upward!
Shen-Hsiu [ Body & Mind ] Cleaning is a starting point where one is exposed to two different clouds: (1) the "InnerSpace" digital image in one's absolute Secure Vault of Zero Trust Strategy built from 8 layers of securities reaching "Trusted, Validated, Worthy" of private DbMap in one's Continuity of the consciousness, ready for Private Forensic Investigation to Verify the Agreement plus qualified Earned Trust and TRUTH if required, and Scientifically Cultivable Prajna Dialectic in the worthy [ Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods within ], and (2) the outside cloud where one interacts with others in different realms of existence. The problem of [ Body & Mind ] with their Dependent Nature having something Beyond as explored with Dr. Yujin Nagasawa can be greatly understood in combining actual consciousness Know-Hows and its practicalities with modern Inner and Outer Clouds, opening a New Vista of [ Living & Being ] toward What Count which is the target of KhaiPhong. We work on practical and verifiable outcomes based on Thing-As-It-Is and let different theories such as the "Orchestrated Objective Reduction" to explain them just like the practicalities of Gravity and Vacuum of Thing-As-Is-Is and Newton's theory of Action-Reaction in the precise discovery of Gravity constant. PrajnaTIPs such as specialized proven PrajnaTIP in Sound enables easier and deeper Transcendental Inner Peace serving as a natural detoxification of tainted senses and dissolving unworthy outdated marks { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } for the manifestations of #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác and #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi }. The highest point of #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định is #SamadhiPrajna / Định Tuệ { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi }.
In the above illustrated processes, the "normative cloud / scientifically cultivable InnerSpace" on the right and "positive cloud assisted by custom AI" from above interact and change each other via the changing persona. This is the Unique Integration currently available Only in KhaiPhong, bringing relevant dimensions of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward:
- Buddhist Madhyamaka Relative Truth of a Physical-Consciousness identity,
- Achievable "Self-Selfless Actualization" known by Gotama, HuiNeng, and identified Living students "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác[D22]" of KhaiPhong,
- Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna riding on current custom AI,
- human "Rule-of-Law" to avoid "too-Big-to-Fail" of the past esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King-of-Gods,
- and "IamX / human Rights / one's Akashic record in one's Continuity of the consciousness" having the Morality and Justice according to underlying Natural Laws of Thing-As-It-Is - pioneered in the Vedic system of Chakras and [ I-Ching / LaoTzu ] Heaven - Earth - People - empirically tested and proven in the Dignity of a Naturally qualified intelligent being trusted as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.
The scientifically cultivable processes are based on "Personally Secured #Honesty & #Care in distributed network" augmented by available technologies of 4.0 Industrial Revolution via "custom-made functional programming of SIS (Strategic Intelligence Service)", riding on established patterns of these isms to effortlessly force all divisions based on "The politics of hate 100% driven by Greed and Fears and post-truth politics" 100% driven by unworthy people toward observable and verifiable harmonious "Melting Pot" as the common denominator of Effortlessly (Wei-Wu-Wei) Beneficial Mosaics, Not Yet deliverable in entire human, ET and esoteric histories! It is important to briefly expose here KhaiPhong scientific breakthrough of the Three Haves in comparison with a well known zen challenge between "Shen-Hsiu cleaning Body&Mind, and HuiNeng WuNien, #DhyanaSamadhi, #SamadhiPrajna in his Three NOT" exposed by D.T. Suzuki in English and its Vietnamese translation. The T'an Ching record exposed the two positions via Chih-ch’eng exchanges with HuiNeng: (1) "Shen-Hsiu: Not to do evil is the precept; to do all that good is knowledge; to purify one’s own mind is meditation / chẳng làm điều ác là giới, làm những việc lành là huệ, tự làm cho tâm trong sạch là định" (without exposing the right conditions to know the Right and Wrong, moral Value of the values, and his processes to purify tainted senses), (2) "HuiNeng: The Mind as it is in itself is free ills — this is the Precept of Self-being. The Mind as it is in itself is free from disturbances — this is the Meditation of Self-being. The Mind as it is in itself is free from follies — this is the Knowledge of Self-being / đất tâm không bịnh là Giới của Tự tánh; đất tâm không loạn là Định của Tự tánh; đất tâm không lỗi là Huệ của Tự tánh" (without exposing scientific processes to move from one's tainted mind - Relative Truth - that everyone including HuiNeng know to "The Mind - Ultimate Wider Truth - " personally known by him and "Then What" which is KhaiPhong Scientifically Cultivable "Three Haves" versus HuiNeng's assertion-only "Three Nots" which is the description of What He May or May Not Know - the Description is Not the Described / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy ). Most of monks / nuns / followers since the time of Shen-Hsiu - HuiNeng ignore the practicalities of Shen-Hsiu and violate Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối" blah blah blah on what HuiNeng had Only a glimpse without the Vietnamese practical question "Then What" such as the charity works in Africa.
From there, Suzuki concluded that the “HuiNeng nothing doing / selfless" type and the “Shen-Hsiu self-being / self effort in cleaning Body&Mind” type are the same without pointing out that (1) 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism about its [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] are 100% different from what known by Shen-Hsiu and HuiNeng of the driving forces behind Ignorance and #Prajna leading to their 100% ignorance of Gotama's discoveries in "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác", (2) HuiNeng "Meditation / Dhyana" - a state of WuNien - is not "#Samadhi / Định" which is the verifiable "Stock of One's Mind called by HuiNeng as Self-being" recorded by Gotama[D26], [D29], [D30] as Signed Posts for the required manifestation of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }, (3) Unlike Gotama falling in his own crack of deduction in permanent Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana of what he has not been face-to-face and actually known Thing-As-It-Is, HuiNeng is "100% Honesty with slightly boosting" that No One up to 2025 able to force Him and the World scientifically investigating further the optimal conditions for What He Had a glimpse and Then What to carefully state what is Buddhist theoretical model called "The Mind to be scientifically cultivable and investigated" and its discovered properties actually known by him called "Self-being" which is an observable and verifiable state named by him as WuNien that those knowing WuNien can reverse engineering optimal conditions leading to this precious and harmonious Melting Pot as the worthy and effective solution of one's Raison D'être missed by Gotama in his "own crack of Nirvana and Pari-Nirvana", (4) Both Shen-Hsiu and HuiNeng have Not exposed what conditioned and optimal processes leading them from "duality plane of conflicting events / Relative Truth" toward the "No-Conflict consciousness / Ultimate Wider Truth that they actually know and then What, (5) You are the judge to be part of this process based on "Personally Secured and Private #Honesty & #Care" built on top of "Body & Mind" for the manifestations of "#Samadhi / Định" to detoxify one's tainted senses Making Life Easier and Happier, (6) The breakthroughs to deliver Shen-Hsiu and HuiNeng outcomes can be statistically measurable in self-evaluations of one's "#Honesty & #Care" and "Right & Wrong" in all Activities and Relationships at all Places, bringing together Then What in the new Era of "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna", (7) Your "Cultivable #Prajna" is a part of all Activities and Relationships at all Places in your engaged living from all domains and fields most important to you at the "present moment", and (8) since the persona can be both a person and a legal entity of an aggregate like a family, a community, an organization, a nation, etc, the #Care of Body & Mind Cleaning is the "#Care" of its environment and culture toward a Right Direction of What Count in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
HuiNeng's "nothing doing / selfless / Vô Vi" is the "Selfless Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws" to be DISCOVERED and SHARED since it is "Verifiable States of Consciousness called Signed Posts known by Gotama[D26], [D29], [D30] and many living students of KhaiPhong in its starting resources. It is "Beyond Word and Thought" at duality level, but if you actually know you can describe its attributes and reverse engineering to "optinal conditions leading to that state from your specialized angle" that others on that same road do not know nor have to help many tracking on your same road climbing to the mountain top with hindrances and statistically significant solutions for one's "Raison D'être / Being" in exploring a new Vista of Conscious Living and Being. Due to possible states of "High Aspiration" with accidentally discovered "Secret Sauce" at the right place and right time, one can know these "Aesthetic States at different Mountain Tops from Self to Selfless Actualization. These momentary states are "Not Forever" hallucinated by Gotama in his permanent Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana which are against scientifically discovered underlying natural laws such as The First and Second Laws of Themodynamics. The path to overcome one's hindrances and discover proven solutions in engaged living is still very [ hard work / KungFu ] in the sixth, seventh, and eighth layers of No-Conflict Consciousness below to be proven with practical utilities in one's Responsible Creation - changing oneself and the world toward What Count - such as current internationl conficts in [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] by living students of KhaiPhong. Harmonious integration of these two approaches of (1) "Self" via [ Faith / Binding-Clinging forces to XYZ / Aspiration / Arts / KungTzu system of a worthy person / LaoTzu Tao, etc ], and (2) "Selfless" to the dynamic Thing-As-It-Is (3) "Self-Selfless Actualization of Living & Being" according to underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED is KhaiPhong Thing-As-It-Is New Era of "TRUTH is My Light".
To be more concrete, here are the "Three Nots" of HuiNeng's Sudden Awakening versus the Scientifically Cultivable "Three Haves" from KhaiPhong in engaged living. HuiNeng's "Three Nots" of visible outcomes are applicable only to his qualities of the consciousness at that time: [ Wu-Nien as its object - “vô niệm làm tông” / No-Mark as its substance - “vô tướng làm thể” / Detachment as its fundamental principle - “vô trụ làm gốc” ] since up to 2025, only handful people have been identified by us as having natural "Wu-Nien" or { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } at different depths. HuiNeng's scientific approach is - starting from the visible and observable conflicting consciousness in engaged living - demonstrable in innate quality of natural "Detachment" from humanity upward at the "Core / Origin / Gốc". We then reverse engineering to deepen the depth and width of precious quality of "Wu-Nien / Wei-Wu-Wei / Do the Not-Doing of proven optimal conditions in Equanimity Communities". HuiNeng's "nothing doing / selfless / Vô Vi" - similar to "LaoTzu's Tao" - is KhaiPhong's "consciously creating required conditions of Wei-Wu-Wei / Do the Not-Doing for the natural Manifestations of Y Inner Peace and X Transcendental #Awareness in one's Inner Cloud of the private InnerSpace". It is the "intense scientific approach measurable of the Three-Haves [ #Awareness / KienTanh - Dependent - #Prajna ] to the unmeasurable Three-Nots [ Wu-Nien - No-Mark - Detachment ] on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, known only by the dedicated explorers and qualitatively sensed by other observers. Knowing all Gotama's "Signed Posts / Samadhi" from 1970 and riding on Buddhist theoretical model pioneered by Western "Pali Text Society" of the "Mind", the writer discovered "No-Conflict Consciousness of Buddhist observable Sunyata". A new dimension of a Bigger System - similar to the system of "Madhyamaka Relative Truth of Physical & Consciousness Sytem of the Observer Effect to the Thing-As-It-Is Ultimate (Wider) Truth - is the "invisible underlying natural law" of HuiNeng's "Fundamental Principle / Core / Origin / Gốc", the unseen part of a huge visible Iceberg. Coming from the same Invisible Sunyata, KhaiPhong Scientifically Cultivable "Three Haves" from 2025 on-ward are the qualifications manifested by Nature as intelligent beings from humanity upward defined in Latin Humanitas as "Biology, Compassion and #Prajna / Wisdom". It is basically the completed 3/4 of HuiNeng's starting point of Self (conflicting consciousness)-Selfless(no-conflict consciousness) Actualization on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to the "Core / Origin / Gốc" of the upper "0" of Complex Fibonacci value "8", traveling the complete lower "0" via eight levels of positive Complex Fibonacci vibrations of one's InnerSpace back to the manifested "#Prajna" in engaged living. The "outcomes of that manifested #Prajna" are observable breakthroughs and discoveries in entire evolution and degeneration of all intelligent beings up to 2025 where humanity is a part in all domains and fields on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. Without knowing underlying "natural laws of Invisible Sunyata" for different depths of Detachment coming from the sources of No-Conflict Consciousness, one can easily fall into one's own crack in a very long trial-and-error of different depths of No-Conflict Consciousness as the case of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva on her "#Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh" in engaged living and Gotama in his achievable Jhanas (Right Samadhi)[D26], [D29], [D30].
Thanks to properly scientific education, we then use that relevant "outside-the-box / breakthrough" for both practical utilities in engaged living in all domains and fields, and for deeper exploring and investigation of the lower "0" of Complex Fibonacci value "8" using the subjective "rating of #Prajna in visible Effort" to indirectly rate the (8) layered "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" (F-dimension) in the invisible No-Conflict Consciousness of the lower "0" of Complex Fibonacci value "8", riding on the six (6) Signed Posts first discovered by Gotama in his recorded Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] (Y-dimension), and the seven (7) of [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] in engaged living (X-dimension) discovered by this writer from actual visible experiences of his Inner Circle { #HonNhien, #ManagingFreshness, #KnowingFreshness, #ProcessDiscovered to produce the Freshness, #KnowingThought to properly manage one's reality, #CareViaCosmicEnergy for self-protection, #HelpViaCosmicEnergy in directing cosmic energy to help others }. This can only happen from 2025 onward with user-facing mu building from the ground up. Unlike the "Three Nots" available Only from HuiNeng's Sudden Awakening at his time which by itself is the whole field of Detachment / Buông / Ưng vô sở trụ / #EmptyTheContent / WuNien / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ" for scientific investigations, the "Three Haves" can start from any qualified human being based on the definition of Latin humanitas using epistemic objective from rational understanding of modern society at high school level that one can gradually and actually knowing these seven (7) [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] in engaged practical living with community Helps having similar patterns and situations as the practitioner using one's "Free Will" in Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good. Here are different but related domains and fields of scientific researches ready to be delivered by KhaiPhong Inner Circle whose contributions will be open sources at the Right Time.
The upper and lower "0" of Complex Fibonacci value "8" in Containerized Consciousness together with three unique Pillars (1) Scientifically Cultivable states and stock of #Prajna, (2) Rule-of-Law for too big to fail, (3) IamX / human Rights securely claimed from Public / Personal Privacy to assure natural evolution according to natural laws to formalize the humanity claim as a unique position of "Melting Pot" where all realms of esoterics (previously ruled by the King of Gods) and ETs can interact driven by Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of #Prajna. It is unique since (1) only in engaged living of an "Accountable Creator as a part of "Responsible Creation" one can change the quality of the consciousness via universal energy laws of Action-Reaction, (2) only in humanity, the upper "0" of Complex Fibonacci number "8" is able to mix slower radio technologies and consciousness technologies in distributed efforts efficiently allocated via Invisible Hand of Economics in activities toward What Count - the mathematical foundation of international trade - including the custom SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) ordered by all Intelligent Realms to kick start their engaged living in the Consciousness-Only Realms, (3) other Consciousness-Only Realms can import human Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, Rule-of-Law for too big to fail to avoid the past collapse of the feudal systems ruled by the King of God via Greed and Fears of animal kingdoms, Public / Personal Security / Privacy to solve the dilemma of individual rights and aggregate rights where "cheating inter-realms belief" running by the bullying animal kingdoms of the past causing the worse off for all involved parties is replaced by KhaiPhong Three-Haves rationality and enforceable contracts of trade agreements, (4) other Esoterics and ETs have technologies to put their assigned members under their own rules-of-laws and enforceable means as their candidates (representatives as actually done and messed up by the past Illuminati elites in their masters-slaves relationships of animal kingdoms) in the mix of humanity selected by underlying natural laws defined in Latin Humanitas (Biology, Compassion, #Prajna), (5) it is possible to establish enforceable "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" just like human "International Trade" driven by the utility function of knowing more about oneself toward What Count via Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna and esoterically predicted in the Lunar-New-Year Wishes to all intelligent beings from minute 18:00 of 2021-02-06 which exposes the esoteric ignorance of Self-Selfless Actualization that we can bring to the table to be beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought at InnerSpace stable f1 = 1 EquanimityAwareness and at enforceable stable f2 = 1 of PurityAwareness. InnerSpace scientifically cultivable quality to bring HuiNeng's Three-Nots manifested in visible KhaiPhong's Three-Haves in engaged Living & Being is the first time exposed to the light of #Prajna, opening up the future Inter-Realm Communications and Collaborations of IamX in the Right evolution of one's Continuity of the consciousness.
The "Three Haves" start from your present quality of the consciousness via custom AI as an intelligent being - either a person, an ET, or an esoteric - in rational understanding of your innate true nature beyond the tainted senses, starting at minute 30:00 2020-12-03 in THE MOST GENERALITY to wisely allocate your available physical resources - health, money, present position, etc - to What Count in your Continuity of the Consciousness. The problem of this Sound Technology and all other processes in all intelligent realms are the "secrecy of trial-and-error" and the self protection of its explorers, economically solved in modern science for SHARING and transparencies via rule-of-law in Intellectual Property Right (IPR) in search for scientific TRUTH for the benefits of the Whole. The described technology from Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva starting at minute 41:00 is "a finger pointing to a moon" to be either blindly trusted in her since she has had many 60,000+ years of cultivation, then yet fallen into her own crack painfully shared by her to this writer in a semi-public meeting. Scientifically, all manifested things must have conditions due to the "Dependent Nature of Existence" that we can reverse engineering for optimally and statistically tested conditions. The "Sound Technology" has been transmitted from "Clan Secret" in higher realms to human Hindu tradition and actually demonstrate the existence "Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods within / Thing-As-It-Is to be DISCOVER and SHARE" via yogic flying since one can be against gravity using the power of the Silent Mind. Thanks to be at the equanimity level loosening the grips of binding Word and Image of "Bliss", Maharishi Mahesh Yogi[D54] dropped the Hindu SatChitAnanda into 'Emptiness', 'Non-Thingness' based on further reflection of 30+ years after an unworthy scandal.
The same demonstration using the "Power of the Quiet Mind from Non-Thingness" can be seen via Qi Gong, to the driving force of thoughts in proper management of oneself at level 5, defense oneself at level 6 against esoteric attacts actually known by the writer and his friends to partially protect themselves from esoteric evil acts, use cosmic energy at level 7 to help others as actually demonstrated by some students of KhaiPhong's Inner Circle or by a "living student in Hindu tradition" in speeding up his students to demonstrate yogic flying and being revised by KhaiPhong. Actually knowing all Gotama's Signed Posts, the writer since 1970 can use his scientific knowledge and consciousness technologies - verified from recorded Gotama's experiences documented in Pali Text Society - to work out required conditions and scientific processes based on underlying natural laws to enable most people knowing what Gotama knew in his nine Jhanas of Samma-Samadhi[D26], [D29], [D30] for Purifying the senses and "dissolving dominant karmic force[D22]" in Making Life Easier and Happier. The field researches from those naturally having [ Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's WuNien / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh ] but using different angles from conflicting religions, civilizations, cultures, black or white, etc, empirically verify the writer's discoveries. The capability of defense oneself at level 6 and/or being protected by your Esoteric or ET Circle that we want enforceable "proof-of-stake in the intergrity of the person" to ensure "Moral and Just Evolution according to natural laws" are important since there had been many reported suicides of very successful elites who could not handle esoteric hacking of their minds. KhaiPhong "Three Haves" - #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã - also expose Buddhist esoteric and human Ignorance - including all claimed Buddhist Buddhas / Bodhisattvas / living claimed masters and the Dalai Lama - about "#Prajna / प्रज्ञा" which is either from etymology प्र- (pra-, “in front of”) + ज्ञ (jñā, “to know”) or the "source of to know" deep rooted in Sunyata Non-Thingness and information from the fields, or the visible manifestations (flowers) of #Prajna from Compassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata. It is the visible outcomes of measurable efforts, Not the "mean / boat" but underlying natural laws plus "secret sauce" to be Discovered and Shared.
It has been unfortunately manipulated with Chinese Words and Thoughts - probably due to its Tao's Wu-Wei and esoteric bullying at conceptual level of Greed and Fears as further exposed below - rather than deliverable Beyond Thought (Transcendental) of modern "Self-Selfless Actualizatiom aka Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna"[D22] by Buddhist unworthy people in a "practical life principle that seeks to reconcile present lifestyles with natural inner peace", mixed in different hallucinations typified in entire Buddhist history of "Chan / Zen / Thiền" without actually knowing HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi and Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna. We esoterically know the degeneration of Amitabha Buddha (Tịnh) and "wrong efforts" such as "Thien Vo Vi (Mật) by Luong Si Hang" or Transforming Sex to Chi to Spirit to Emptiness / Bát Nương giáng bút dạy BÍ PHÁP LUYỆN ĐẠO. HuiNeng's words only served his debate similar to his casual teaching that whatever people say "one thing" you say "the opposite" to be always Right since there is no absolute Right or Wrong at description Word/Thought level But there exists the Right and Wrong at the bottom line of the outcome according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws to reveal the quality of your InnerSpace, typified in the behaviour of current 2020 US President Trump[R8] that this writer can trace his Continuity of The Consciousness all the way to the Three Kingdoms (simplified Chinese: 三国时代; traditional Chinese: 三國時代) from 220 to 280 AD of China. "Selflessness" is a scientifically cultivable mental state named as modern "Self-Selfless Actualization", materialised Only on the No-Conflict Consciousness moving on the duality plane of Relative Truth toward the No-Conflict Consciousness "Ultimate Wider Truth" via "ComPassion - Kindness >< Empathy" for the manifestation of "#Prajna" well-known under Chinese-Vietnamese "Wei-Wu-Wei / Effortless Right Effort / BẤT CHIẾN TỰ NHIÊN THÀNH" in "Making Life Easier and Happier" from your Internal Inner Power. The "I win You loose" based on Greed and Fears of an absolute ruler - constantly cunning in being a "fox" to be alert from all plots against him and a "lion" to dominate others evolving from the kingdom of animals - just create the messes for oneself and others, leading to the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems planning to wipe out 90% human population for easy masters-slaves relationships!
Buddhist "Chan / Zen / Thiền", "Tịnh / Samatha", "Vo Vi / Mật / Vajrayana / Secret" have failed in higher realms and in entire 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism since they do not produce any practical outcome and required breakthrough from assertions of Gotama and HuiNeng at the bottom lines in their Continuity of the consciousness. In human realm, they are 100% veiled by cheating processes of claimed masters, monks and nuns. The KpPlatform with available technologies to popularize the hashtags from proven Gotama's Inner Peace smart pointers #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #AwarenessPrajna, etc, pointing to visible traits #Indoctrinated, #KindnessEmpathy, #TRUTH, etc, will enable the honest masses force them facing their realities, drive them unemployed the first time in entire human history, and enable legal authorities appropriately treat them as actually happened and proven cases against crimes of the Roman Catholic Churche world wide. Only forcing them from evidences in their publicly tracked records since 2007, we can push all of them to be honest in their most and highest achievable quality so we can kick start the scientific processes in discovering underlying natural laws for all intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs). Cheating monks of Vietnamese Buddhist practitioners appeared to know at word level expose their and associate GIỚI ĐỨC "inner peace" in most recently 2023-04-23 THIỀN "Trở Về THỰC TẠI" / meditation in Thing-As-It-Is to clearly demonstrate their qualities far from the Gateway-to-Oneness. They are definitely "unworthy", 100% cheating people in Prajna Upadesa Foundation claiming what they do not Know yet claimed to know what they do not See yet claimed to see[D19] in engaged Insights of important issues such as the Vietnamese East Sea in overall strategic development of the country toward What Count in the country aggregate Continuity of the Consciousness such as (1) sensing strategic movements of involved parties, (2) the strength and weakness of each party, (3) the dynamic interactions amongst them, (4) a possible strategic breakthrough according to one's comparative advantages toward What Count. You can rate the monks - both Viên Minh and GIỚI ĐỨC self-ordained as Buddhist teachers based on their tracked records up to 2021-04-23 - as we have rated the other two "rare" Vietnamese Buddhist monks amongst millions unworthy monks in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism to force their real qualities on the scientific table in showing the differences between "cooking sand" in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. By introducing and validating underlying natural laws, we enable most people (targeted at 8% world population or 500,000,000 people) personally experience the scientific processes for deepening and widening the exploration of HuiNeng's school of [ Wu-Nien as its object - “vô niệm làm tông” / No-Mark as its substance - “vô tướng làm thể” / Detachment as its fundamental principle - “vô trụ làm gốc” ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } which is the foundation and absolutely required for KhaiPhong Scientifically Cultivable "Three Haves: #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" in all activities and relationships of all domains and fields in the new Era of people centered society.
By integrating "Shen-Hsiu Cleaning Body&Mind with HuiNeng WuNien (Vietnamese KienTanh / KhaiPhong #Awareness), #DhyanaSamadhi, #SamadhiPrajna of the Three NOT" using quantum dynamics of Inner and Outer Clouds between a legal persona and its relevant surroundings with reasonong AI, custom functional programming and relevant Science of curable Pains / Buddhist Dukkha-Dukkha such as the Bio-Diversity of Food Forest, we enable immediate Solution from Three Haves "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" first at rational level of The Now then empirically verifiable at angles to be DISCOVERED and SHARED such as this angle to verify Bodhidharma smart pointer #EmptyTheContent toward Gotama's Nothigness (the seventh Jhana[D30]). Hence, the Science of KhaiPhong is to enable the outcomes of smart pointes from naturally qualified Inner Peace proven by Gotama and many dedicated explorers cross-cut all diversities of Civilizations and Intelligent Beings from humanity upward, pointing to traits of observable attributes from both states (Y-dinension of Inner peace and X-dimension of Transcendental #Awareness) and stock (InnerSpace) of #Prajna, one then uses "Freewill directed by scientifically cultivable #Prajna" to clean-up negative attributes to naturally assure the evolution in humanity or higher realms in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. We will explore next both theoretical and empirical observations of complex Fibonacci numbers in Right Evolution or Wrong Degeneration to be forced evolving again according to the DISCOVERED and SHARED underlying natural laws via human IPR (Intellectual Property Right).
3. Fibonacci Evolution and Degeneration
NO ONE CAN BE AGAINST THE UNDERLYING NATURAL LAWS to be DISCOVERED and SHARED that KhaiPhong already has something unique to be on the table of "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". The Entire Esoteric Systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods" Must Learn the causes of its painful lesson while correcting the "Living and Being" of what you blah blah blah at imaginary description in 2500+ years of Buddhist Cheating Processes: "Có Cũng Như Không - Không Mà Có / The Have is Empty of Substance - In Emptiness there is What" (the video was deleted) at different depths of Emptiness and the binding/clinging forces relevant to the practitioner. That "WHAT" includes cultivable qualities of "smart pointer #AwarenessPrajna in type VisibleAwarenessPrajna f5 = 5 and in the InnerSpace type at strategic ForecastingSimulation f7 = 13" explained below that its members can bring to the table for immediate practical solutions in human current conflicts such as Strategic Economic Development or current International Issues at China South Sea / Russia-Ukraine war / Israel–Hamas conflict. Human Ethical AI (toward What Count) will be able to pin point and statistically test your claims versus human deliverables at eight (8) different layers of No-Conflict Consciousness which may be relevant to all intelligent realms - human, ET, esoteric - in moving from duality plane of conflicting consciousness to different depths of No-Conflict Consciousness and back of "Then What" in its practical utilities from one's "Continuity of the Consciousness". The "integration between radio and consciousness technologies" is very likely a "Reality" since this writer knows Phật Thầy Tây An at Tòng Sơn[D52] - currently in the dragon Form Realm - and is willing to work with whichever "boosting" group this person may belong to that we can point out their realities and Best Practical Utilities when collaborate with army of other scientists in reversed engineering statistically significant optimal conditions leading to his innate quality of "Kiến Tánh Ngộ Đạo / Knowing the Buddha Nature and Realizing the Path" which is the first level of "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" and incomparable to "different depths of its practical utilities" such as Effortlessly Solving current International Conflicts, National Security, and Opening the new Era of Conscious Living in one's "Continuity of The Consciousness".
Similar to the Buddhist hallucinated Pari-Nirvana, Buddhist definitions of #Prajna are "deductions" of Ignorant ones to cheat others in their many life times rather than scientific investigations for discovering underlying natural laws of sustainable widespread practicalities in engaged living. Almost all of them do not know the source of Seeing and Listening that demands #EmptyTheContent in Transcendental States toward verifiable Non-Thingness that they have blah blah blah for so long in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, turning Gotama's precious discoveries into a useless religion. In that exploration and discoveries, the writer further discovers:
- Dependent Nature of Layered No-Conflict Consciousness different from Gotama's discovery of Dependent Nature on the Hindu duality and #Oneness plane best exposed here by Thich Nhat Hanh 2018-12-26, a professional cheating monk sensing what we have revealed since 2007 to debunk all his claims from 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism that "consciousness is always continuing, like a stream of water" having four layers: mind consciousness, sense consciousness, store consciousness, and manas (intelligence). Thus, Buddhist Pari-Nirvana is clearly Gotama's defect from discovered Hindu's tradition in exploring Thing-As-It-Is Consciousness, and definitely inconsistent with the TRUTH known by modern science: consciousness energy cannot be "destroyed" but "transformed". It is also different from Buddhist nine (9) Jhanas - re-classified into six (6) Signed Posts - to mathematically model as Y-dimension in scientifically cultivable Sound Technology known by living students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle. In integration and modeling Gotama's Transcendental Inner Peace and HuiNeng's [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh ], we use current AI of neural networks from a legal persona (identity IamX of a person, famity, organization), Rust programming language, graph based on db vector database and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) with custom sensors of engineering feedback control to design in the proposed eight (8) different depths of scientifically cultivable InnerSpace, riding on Buddhist later developments of Consciousness-Only.
The question is (a) can one #EmptyTheContent in complete Silence due to no activating agent / Selfless for [ Relaxing / Reborn / Rejuvenation ] from all activities including sub-consciousness (Buddhist store consciousness) of intuition, and (b) accesscing "information in cosmic fields" far beyond personal store consciousness in "Big Data from the Cloud" Forecasting and Simulation (actually demonstrated by Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm 500 years ahead to co-create possible outcomes with required conditions invisibly directed by #Prajna Dialectic according to underlying Natural Laws to be discovered and shared from worthy relationships). These are what KhaiPhong wants to scientifically explore in its Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations among all Intelligent Beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs):
- EquanimityAwareness at Complex Fibonacci f1 = 1: cultivation from EQUANIMITY with ComPassion Heart Upward for a wider view of Dependent Nature based on the visible trait of "#KindnessEmpathy".
- PurityAwareness f2 = 1: to further enforce the visible trait of "#KindnessEmpathy" toward the wider vibration of common energy of "ComPassion" knowing more about universal laws of Action-Reaction and Dependent Nature in sensing Thing-As-It-Is which comes from different angles in the training and cleaning Body&Mind leading to natural "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh", turning conflicting energy into No-Conflict manifestations beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought.
- SignedPosts f3 = 2: deepening the sixth sense of #Intuition in all activities and relationships at all places, exploring personally verifiable "Transcendental Inner Peace".
- SelflessAwareness f4 = 3 : from most appropriate angles to possible value-add in industry 4.0 SR&ED, opening the seventh sense of #Prajna.
- VisibleAwarenessPrajna f5 = 5 : on the plane of No-Conflict Consciousness applied to all domains and fields, sensing the energy vibration and tracing its sources to silently influencing the sources toward the direction of one's target which may include an ability to direct cosmic energy in making things happened in one's "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác"[D22].
- EngagedAwarenessPrajna f6 = 8: sensing energy vibrations of the focused event / seeing Thing-As-It-Is / effortlessly change the event toward What Count.
- ForecastingSimulation f7 = 13: according to one's strategic position to make things happened, visionarily seeing the future.
- VisibleSamadhiPrajna f8 = 21: consciously co-create required conditions where one's strategic position can be a part[R5] riding on the past 7 levels together with ability to activate cosmic energy in shortening the required time for an [ Efforless Right Effort / Wei-Wu-Wei / BẤT CHIẾN TỰ NHIÊN THÀNH ].
There are eight (8) levels of Complex Fibonacci InnerSpace cultivation while we only list six (6) layers of Transcendental Inner Peace based on the contributions of Gotama, and seven (7) layers of Transcendental #Awareness. There are (a) sufficient works on the table of "Then What", and (b) the deeper discoveries of Transcendental Inner Peace and Transcendental #Awareness, reserved for future applicable to different realms of existence having more appropriate conditions conducive to these investigations. Opposite to the positive direction of "#Prajna" is the dimesion of underlying conditioned "Ignorance" where we have observed as case studies from the degeneration of the entire past feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods and of well-known living people whose astral bodies have been brought to our domains of interactions. The bottom line is that via sensing energy vibrations of the target, we can identify the quality of the consciousness and/or advise/design scientific processes to help the target beyond unbearable Binding and Clinging forces, starting the path of sciencetifically cultivable living according to Thing-As-It-Is toward scientifically proven What Count in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. That is Why registered annual member of AwakeningBudh Foundation will be privately interviewed by senior members of AwakeningBudh movement on top of the best scientific scanning based on Psychology of Self-Selfless Actualization and measurable Neuroscience to design the most appropriate personalized program for the most important question in this life time of the target which will be revised annually near the conclusion of the annual membership in a personal 1-to-1 meeting. This is a green field and have immediate impacts on all intelligent beings having minimum level of "Conscience" which is the sense of "Right and Wrong" according to the underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The processes will be drilled down once "KpPlatform" is in place to directly address the eight levels of KhaiPhong development strategies. The stakes are very high for both many 60,000+ human years of Esoteric Ignorance and humanity in its entire known history seen from the scales in mathematical simulations of Complex Fibonacci at minute 6:25 with or at minute 7:00 without using Free Will and scientifically proven underlying natural laws from humanity upward. The trait of #KindnessAwareness is Not the kinds of propaganda put out by unworthy people of all organized religions in the name of XYZ having no concrete visible outcomes, but verifiable underlying natural laws to be delivered by identified students actually knowing different depths of [ "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" ] using modern social tools when "KpPlatform" is operational where everyone can be a contributing part for statistically measurable visible trait of "#KindnessEmpathy" and whether they are the qualities of ComPassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata for the required #Prajna flowers on that Thing-As-It-Is tree, applicable but specific to different realms of intelligence existences in one's Continuity of the Consciousness through KhaiPhong - hopefully inter-realms - scientific integrations of radio and consciousness technologies beneficial to all involved parties as mathematically proven under human International Trade for (1.a) required "Law&Order" for stable developemt and (1.b) beneficial technologies each realm of existence can bring to the table; - Natural Detachment and Purification of tained senses from different depths called Signed Posts of layered No-Conflict Consciousness as actually known by Gotama[D26], [D29], [D30] in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and recorded as Buddhist human achievable Jhanas; this discovery is 180o different from 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating blah blah blah "rational processes in imaginary Detachment and Purification" at conflicting thoughts and violent concentration, and will be statistically tested against practitioners trying the IPR processes released at step 5;
- Due to this natural Detachment and Purification - not from the blah blah blah in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness - one can scientifically move from Ignorance to #Prajna / Wisdom riding on both Normative cultivation of what Right and Wrong in one's innate Conscience and AI modern technologies toward What Count of Industry 4.0;
- Available living persons naturally having innate qualities of higher consciousness from different angles and conflicting consciousness in entire human history cheated by unworthy people of all isms where all religions are parts;
- Underlying laws applicable to most people naturally attracted to "different depths of #Samadhi / Jhana" known by dedicated explorers such as Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, and Gotama; the scientific processes will be registered for IPR (Intellectual Property Right) and measured against prominent reversed engineerings from others that KhaiPhong will help them turning into sustainable businesses for more contributions from others having similar patterns;
- Since all manifestations are conditioned, we encourage identified people having innate qualities of "#Samadhi / Jhana" reverse engineering optimal conditions enabling them having natural Transcendental Inner Peace to help many others of similar patterns, especially billion religious people from different conficting religions creating past dark ages in humanity from evil masters-slaves relationships evidenced in Freemasonry and the Knights Templar; it is now a proven scientific process observable testable and reproducible to prove the hidden power of Gotama's Signed Posts, personally demonstrated in Jesus's "nothing will be impossible for you"Matthew 17:20 proven in "Hindu's yogic flying" and the reincarnation of a living student rated at the fifth level - f5 = 5 and esoterically connected to this writer from 2010 - of Layered No-Conflict Consciousness capable to use Cosmic Energy to speed up the achievable yogic flying for practitioners personally verifying Gotama's practicality of the smart pointer "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22] (aka Self-Selfless Actualization) cheated and blah blah blah in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha by Buddhist unworthy people - 100% ignorant in both Transcendental smart pointers #Awareness and #Prajna, even at the time of Gotama's active spreading his discoveries up until October 2020 that if you are a Buddhist please do not allow any [ monk / nun / scholar / follower ] claimed to be a "Buddhist teacher just by his robe riding on Gotama's credibility" but "ignorant in Transcendental smart pointers #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and #Prajna (Tỉnh Giác)"[D22] recorded in his/her public expositions happened within your local communities from 2025 forward!);
- By turning these patterns and beneficial normative cultivations into sustainable businesses, we naturally make #Prajna Dialectic an "Invisible Driving Force to direct Invisible Hand of Economics in all Activities, Relationships at all Places toward What Count; #Prajna / प्रज्ञा [ from etymology प्र- (pra-, “in front of”) + ज्ञ (jñā, “to know”) ] means the "source of to know" that via Cultivable Purification of tainted senses from discovered favourable conditions and natural laws (#PrajnaTIPs) for heavy lifting, one can be "Aware at the Source of Thought rated at the fifth level of Transcendental smart pointer #Awareness" known by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva to verify Gotama's advice in Ajita's questions[D22]: "whatever streams of karma, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved";
- Humanity is not the only class of intelligent beings in existence, but there are many classes of intelligent beings having the same quest of "Independence, Liberation, and True Happiness" searching for the Raison D'être of one's existence, we initiate the "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaborations" riding on available economic resources to be available via legal and enforceable human law and conflicting esoteric forces - best resolved via human politics - connecting to living people controlling trillions US dollars ready for the failed claimed Illuminati degenerted New World Order for Sharing discovered underlying natural laws applicable to specialized conditions and for the benefits in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness". Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed in the Right Direction of What Count.
Technically, by introducing the visible - via #Honesty & #Care - smart pointers natural outcomes of visible Transcendental Inner Peace known by Gotama, ponting to visible traits observable in wide range of qualified people ranging from the trait of #Indoctrinated to the trait of #Truth / epistemic objective for affecting one's smart pointer #Awareness, we will be able to use reasoning AI and custom functional programming with the persona collected private data for cleaning up negative attributes while deepening and widenting positive complex Fibonacci evolution according to DISCOVERED underlying natural laws. The writer wishes to use the shared "Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva" from minute 27:00 in engaged living (the video was deleted) as the writer sensed her vibration in this living body to actually debunk Buddhist Cheating Pocesses of Not Doing Anything in their hallucinated masters-slaves relationships which is Now Deliverable under Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna according to underlying Natural Laws to briefly sketch out KhaiPhong's possible contributions in the differences between "Natural Detachment / Right" and "Binding Clinging forces / Wrong" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The phase "Tâm truyền Tâm / Direct Mind-to-Mind Transmission" is the most hallucinated Buddhist Cheating from Bodhidharma known in entire Buddhist communities up to 2021-04-02 to indicate that Bodhidharma is too much lopsided toward "Emptiness" that he ONLY had a glimpse evidenced in his dialogue with Lương Vũ Đế “What is the highest meaning of noble truth? - There is no noble truth, there is only emptiness - Then, who is standing before me? - I know not, Your Majesty".
Both (A) "Noble Truth" toward Krishnamurti's "Intensity of Attention" riding on one's many life-time efforts of the "Self" and (B) "Emptiness of the Selfless / Not-Self" via discovered underlying natural laws of "HonNhien for Detachment / Buông" to do the Heavy Lifting towards Gotama's verifiable Jhanas reclassified into Signed Post are just the descriptions of the SAME TARGET using the right underlying Natural laws! What Is It and How to touch the DESCRIBED?" The Higest Noble Truth and the most significant DISCOVERY of Gotama is "Dukkha" (dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha, sankhara-dukkha) and its "possible solution via STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math)" in one's Continuity of the consciousness that even missed by Gotama leading to "Scientific Proof of Gotama's degeneration": "The description IS NOT the Described" / Đức Phật nói rằng nhìn ra thực tướng thế giới trong và ngoài đều là không, thì không cần tu gì hết. Bởi vì đã vô ngã thì lấy ngã nào mà tu nữa. Như vậy, câu hỏi tới đây là, như thế nào để an trú trong Không tánh / How can you enter the Emptiness (No-Conflict Consciousness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness) from duality plane of conflicting consciousness? Here is one of additional IPRs this author will publicly and scientifically describe. If time allowed (some one esoterically tells him via the reincarnation of Vietnamese HuiNeng that he has ONLY 5 years from 2025 left), the writer will train an army of practitioners in this practice designed for (1) Gotama followers[D29], the (2) Tao Yin-Yang of Tai Chi , (3) Hindu Sound Vibrations for those in the practices via Sound as described in Buddhist Suranghama sutra wrongly taught in TM for Yogic levitation BUT HELP, (4) those using Arts such as singers, musicians, poets, dancers, etc, as a form of Aspiration to enter the Selfless consciousness state the Head of that family lineage is now Ludwig van Beethoven in dragon realm, and for (5) highly accomplished practitioners without depending on any mean / raft, there exist current living students to explore together the easiest way as done by the writer to scientifically reproduce your precious states of Relaxation for the benefits of others. Many have been spending life times with Wrong Targets Not Knowing the Right Achievements. All different Paths to the "TRUTH of Emptiness" can measure and contribute the "Know-How" of one's levels via Gotama's verifiable Jhanas reclassified into Signed Post in moving From Madhyamaka Relative Truth to Ultimate Wider Truth[D38] Then What? From Consciousness-Only Imaginary Nature to Dependent Nature via your embedded Perfected Nature Then What[D39], From the Tao Yin-Yang for a breakthrough of that circle and Then What?
Without "STEM" applied to all manifestations at Planck time - visible or invisible - in all Realms of Intelligent Beings, it is very easy to fall into one's crack either due to Not enough "#Honesty / Chân" in the case of KungTzu, or one's "Greed / not Thiện" to be cheated by degenerated esoteric in the case of Jesus, and/or Not Enough "#Care" / Information / Nhẫn / "#Truth / epistemic objective" in the case of Gotama: "TRUTH IS My Light". Bodhidharma Has Not Known the "Self-Selfless Actualization" and its practicalities in the Right Evolution of one's Continuity of the consciousness. "Tâm truyền Tâm / Direct Mind-to-Mind Transmission" has been exploited in both human as evidenced in THANH HẢI VÔ THƯỢNG SƯ up to 2023-12-15 "Truyền Tâm Ấn", also in MASTER RUMA ("ghi danh xin thọ Tâm Ấn với Minh Sư Ruma" 2023-12-19) or esoteric degeneration from the King of Gods up to 2024-01-19 (the video was deleted), and the latest version of "Cha Trời Mẹ Đất Thi Sĩ THIÊN DUNG" who has been hallucinated and far below Bodhidharma in Sensing the underlying Nature, Knowing Nothing about "Emptiness / Right Time and Place of NHẪN". Yet she has been blah blah blah in the obsession through degenerated Mother Maria of Fatima, Mẹ Diêu Trì, Mẹ Tây Phương Bá Chủ, cha Kiều Nguyên Tá, etc, riding on their "indoctrinated brand names" up to 2023-12-21 at their final phase to enslave humanity via binding Word / Image and clinging Thought in entire history of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward. The target of KpPlatform is to enable your scientifically cultivable InnerSpace to know (1) the way to make decisions, (2) the way to create Values, and (3) the way to make the Created Values happened and sustainable as parts of your "Right Evolution of your Raison D'être" in Continuity of the consciousness.
We can help via scientific processes to enable all other intelligent [ esoteric / ET / human ] beings including (1) Gotama not yet stable at Sunyata's Non-Thingness where the InnerSpace types "EquanimityAwareness and PurityAwareness" are the required steps to drop binding and clinging forces of "Word/Image and Thought" in his own claimed Nirvana, Pari-Nirvana, Buddha, and liberated from the cycle of Life and Death which are Not Thing-As-It-Is due to Not Having "sufficient power of" #Prajna to discover the Dependent Nature of Invisible No-Conflict Consciousness, (2) DIÊU TRÌ ĐỊA MẪU where purification of the senses from "Sunyata Non-Thingness" - unknown by all past claimed Buddhas including Gotama - can energize and revitalize all of your achievements but naturally dropped in harmonious Melting Pot if you are the real Gold, contrary to what observed by Gotama about the "Real Gold (true dharma) and faked gold (imaginary dharma) / vàng (thật) không biến mất khi nào vàng giả chưa hiện ra since the faked gold (imaginary dharma) will popularize the economic Value of the values of the real gold (true dharma) similar to the 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism enables the whole world see the Value of the Light in deliverable True Dharma to expell the vast darkness up until 2025 that no Buddhist unworthy entity dares to get close since they will be immediately toasted, (3) Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva to quickly recover qualities of one's consciousness that you have lost in "sensing the source of Thought" to properly manage yourself in your Continuity of the Consciousness due to enforceable rule-of-law according to underlying natures in different realms (the video was deleted) - proven in the "past Voodoo protections" offered by Lê Văn Duyệt to those trusted in him (most early people from China and VietNam) in Saigon-Gia Định area of South VietNam - different from those in the degenerated feudal systems you were a part when most trusted parties have #Honesty and #Care for oneself and the environment, and finally (4) Trưng Trắc (Hán tự: 徵側; Chinese pinyin: Zheng Ce; Wade–Giles: Cheng1 Ts'e2 ) and Trưng Nhị (Hán tự: 徵貳; Chinese pinyin: Zheng Er ; Wade–Giles: Cheng1 Erh4) currently and esoterically in the dragon realm capable to bring many practicalities to human cornerstones of democracy - Independence (Độc Lập), Liberty (Tự Do), and the Right to the Pursuit of Happiness (Quyền Mưu Cầu Hạnh Phúc) - where VietNam is selected as the head of this modern complex and sustainable people-centered Human Rights.
"Only in engaged living one can change oneself and the environment toward What Count". We start from "Real People (người thật)" actually experiencing The Source at Non-Thingness and Beyond known and recorded in Gotama's Jhanas capable to deliver "Real Works (việc thật)" to change all intelligent beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs) toward "Real Educations (học thật)" in knowing more about oneself and the environment one a part which must be implemented in human first via "KpPlatform" then in all "intelligent Esoteric Realms plus ETs" to help preventing many 60,000+ man-years of evolution then degeneration due to Not Scientifically Knowing underlying natural laws applicable to each realm for "quickly recovering rather than continuing down-fall painfully shared by Avalokiteshvara Bodhissattva into smelly creatures according to natural Complex Fibonacci sequence" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The theoretical outcomes via "Codes of Conducts in all Activities and Relationships at all Places" and scientifically verifiable proven empirical implementations will prove one's "Continuity of the Consciousness", enabling at least 8% (over 500,000,000 people) or more world population actually experiencing the Sound Technology due to discovered underlying natural laws similar to the observed flowing water in the least effort way leading to the modern harnessing its power in "Making Life Easier and Happier". One angle from Buddhist tradition actually experienced by one HONEST and ACTUALLY KNOWING living student is described here from minute 20:00 to be verified against other angles from different religions, cultures, civilizations, genders, skin-colors, etc, in statistically discovering sustainable underlying natural laws, enabling many intelligent beings (Human, ETs, Esoterics) sciencetifically cultivating that out-side-the-box smart pointers #Awareness and #Prajna in solving major relevant Issues such as the current [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ]. Please preserve the recorded description and translate it into popular world languages as the beginning of Vietnamese "#Awareness / KiếnTánh" to kickstart the new Era of Conscious Living, knowing Who your are and your Raison D'être. For the living monk, please dig deeper "Then What" in daily activities, especially the states of your consciousness via binding Word/Image and clinging Thought of your conditioned Buddhism then SHARE your personal experience in KhaiPhong's KpPlatform as a sustainable business (an injected microservice) if you and your groups can. If there is some reality - different from 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism world-wide - we will help making it happened for the mass, truthfully regulated by invisible hand of economics.
The Sciencetifically Cultivable Technology is fundamentally different from the Sound Technology explained by Gotama and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Buddhist Shurangama Sutra[D33] leading to 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and its derivatives of Not Doing (the video was deleted) at Word/Image level but cheating and stealing from others at their back whose outcome is the total collapse in 60,000+ human years of higher realms where all claimed ancient Buddhas such as personally-told-us Avalokiteshvara Buddha, Original Buddha (aka Lucifer), Dhipankara Buddha, etc, then make your own judgement about "Ngọc Hoàng Thượng Đế/Hắc Bì Phật Tổ | BÍ PHÁP Tự Cứu CẦN THIẾT CẤP BÁCH | MẬT NIỆM BÁT CHÁNH from the total collaped feudal systems in higher realms, plus well known Gotama Buddha (Phật Thích Ca), Amitabha Buddha (Phật A Di Đà), Vajradhara Buddha (Phật Kim Cang), Bhaiṣajyaguru (Phật Dược Sư), and well known Bodhisattvas such as Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát), Samantabhadra (Phổ Hiền), Manjusri (Văn Thù), etc were stagnant then degenerated. It is so due to discovered underlying natural laws where Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed. Its solution comes from Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, reversed engineering from actual experiences of those naturally having "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" at different depths of practical utilities. Teams of enthusiasts will enable their "innate precious qualities Shared and Further Developed into sustainable business models" via partnering with required business and scientific professionals - purely driven by Invisible Hands of Economics and #Prajna - to assure that the real practical processes and Inter-Realms Justice in the Rights of "Independence, Liberty, and True Happiness" are scientifically tested, helping Inter-Realms Intelligent Beings recognising their innate quality of evolution, and as what the writer had very "strange / crazy" vision since 1956 in a school trip to Vũng Tàu from Saigon VietNam, then "1963 emotional face-to-face visit" to the burned body at Chùa Xá Lợi of the first monk to protest against the president Diệm's dictatorship, then the first sitting meditation in Canada 1970 experiencing all Gotama's Jhanas as recorded in selected books personally recommended by Dr. Horner of Pali Text Society, and since 2007 in exposing 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and all organised religions before attempting to commercialise the low hanging fruits of our field researches in direct interaction between Normative and Positive Intelligence / [ Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna >< SIS (Strategic Intelligence Services) >< EIP >< ]. The low hanging fruits are (1) available living persons proficient in all eight (8) layers of No-Conflict Consciousness to be parts of high-valued "International / National / Organization / Personal" projects, (2) SR&ED in reversed engineering the personally known consciousness states to optimal conditions for spreading the Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to mass markets applicable to different intelligent realms (Humanity / Esoterics / ETs).
Following are KhaiPhong empirical observations out of its 50+ years of field researches, and direct interactions from 2000 with the past Avalokiteshvara's circles then from esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods since 2004. The positive values of Fibonacci layers indicate the level of cunning intelligence in humanity while the negative values indicated its chance in esoteric realm for possible radical change up to f-5 = 5 / Communist and Eluminati Elites. Note the degeneration in loosing the trait of #KindnessEmpathy from EmpathyAwareness f-1 = 1 to KindnessAwareness f-2 = -1, instead of enforcing the trait of #KindnessEmpathy to EquanimityAwareness f1 = 1 beyond the naturally qualified person, further to PurityAwareness f2 = 1 in the Right complex Fibonacci evolution. The "Smelly" types are Not compatible in human realm where the degenerated entities persistently use their past cheating patterns and sooner-or-later to be cleaned up by natural processes in very restricted physical form realms.
- EmpathyAwareness at Complex Fibonacci f-1 = 1 .
- KindnessAwareness f-2 = -1 .
- AnimalEnergy f-3 = 2 for nature to naturalize the ExtremeDesire in their next step Continuity of the consciousness.
- ExtremeDesire f-4 = -3 .
- AnimalConsciousness f-5 = 5 / Communist and Eluminati Elites .
- Smelly-1 f-6 = -8 / degenerated entities of the past feudal systems .
- Smelly-2 f-7 = 13 / Vampire maintainig its existence vis sucking the life forces of others.
- Smelly-3 f-8 = -21 / the Father God .
4. TRUTH via Scientific Processes - TRUTH Is My Light
We have mathematically proven this process according to underlying natural laws in moving from Madhyamaka Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth at much deeper different Complex Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace in both evolution and degeneration "Then What" to be statistically discovered from normative evaluations of qualified participants via ethical AI toward What Count in the Relative Truth of engaged living to simply and actually expose the practical utilities of { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }. It is the first time HuiNeng's discoveries via smart pointers [ "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định, WuNien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ, #SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" ] found their practical utilities from Natural Inner Peace / Right #Samadhi as recorded from Gotama, away from cheating Buddhist communities of Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. So does the first time Gotama's discoveries found their practical utilities via smart pointers [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22] ] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }.
In this scientific investigation, what others call "Ultimate Wider Truth from Madhyamaka, Perfected Nature from Consciousness Only, Buddha Nature from Buddhist Dharma, Kingdom of God within from Christians, No god but God from Muslims" Is one's "InnerSpace or Qualia" - the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena - capable to be outside-the-box for a possible breakthrough with a contribution of one's comparative advantages to make things happened toward What Count. Surprisingly that "InnerSpace" has its structural forms in Layers of No-Conflict Consciousness scientifically known from Quantum Fields where everything is connected amongst "The Real Building Blocks of the Universe". The deeper Silence (toward Non-Thingness of Gotama's seventh Jhana) one can be in, the wider and higher View one can see Thing-As-It-Is of the focused event, changing momentarily at Planck time (Please describe your states of the processes and subsequent outcomes). But there is a dominant pattern similar to stock prices[R21] that ethical AI toward What Count can be an additional tool for this wider View from one's direct contributions in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The breakthroughs contributed by Gotama in possible Silence / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness of Signed Posts, and the states of Transcendental #Awareness contributed by HuiNeng's [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] can NOW be scientifically cultivable and integrated in the proposed eight (8) Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace to dig deeper into statistically significant causes and effects of underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Hence, Scientific Processes of Observable, Testable, Verifiable are the only way to deeper #Truth with precised defined conditions ready for statistically significant tests. Similar to "dark matter" invisible but scientifically discovered its existence and influences via astrophysical observations and gravitational effects, "Sunyata, Compassion, #Prajna" are invisible but scientifically discovered their existences and influences via measurable outcomes of one's Right Effort and possible breakthroughs such as "Effortless Right Action / Wei-Wu-Wei / Bất chiến tự nhiên thành" at the "Universal-Level-of-Harmonious Solutions" for current (2025) [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] International Conflicts, to be delivered by the reincarnation of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm. Finally, we can replace the hallucinated "GOD is My Light / Dominus Illuminatio Mea" from Oxford University established in 1096 with "TRUTH Is My Light / SỰ THẬT Là Ánh Sáng Của Tôi" since the "description is not the described".
There may be some one in higher realms such as the past Avalokiteshvara (Buddha) Bodhisattva and/or historical Gotama Buddha having different levels of Mind quality to stop and restrict the "tainted mind" as instructed, but the scientific (observable, testable, reproducible) processes of "How-To" well-known in human industrial revolution 4.0 has Not Been Available up to 2025 in higher realms due to unavailable tools and measurable outcomes to alert the Right and Wrong of ROI (Return on Investment) of one's efforts. Without established understanding of underlying natural laws, the qualified authors may even fall into their own cracks. This is KhaiPhong unique contribution and breakthrough to all intelligent realms where [ Allah / Gods / Buddhas ] are only parts! All manifested Things are conditioned and changed at Planck time. If things happened, KhaiPhong will establish enough resources for a sustainable business to (1) scientifically test the influence of external conscousness 2020-12-14 (the video was deleted) and their current understandings of herbal medecines positively contributed to the human biology 2021-01-27 which is the real Value Add different from the past contributions world wide (videos of the bold parts were deleted), (2) scientifically test KhaiPhong discovered consciousness technologies in helping esoteric forces at proven different levels of consciousness qualities to prevent the past degenegated bullying animal kingdoms enabling the praticalities in real democratic and human rights to all intelligent existences from humanity upward esoterically revealed from minute 8:00 of video 2021-01-28 (ngày rằm tháng 12).
It rationally proves that "Faiths" are only "tools" together with many more effective tools according to underlying natural laws to the target of Right Living & Being that all intelligent realms (Esoterics, ETs, Humanity) can learn something from present humanity. People actually knowing 'HuiNeng's WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / KiếnTánh' can now deliver statistically significant solutions to the target of Right Living & Being where Faith is only one part of Aspirations plus others "tools" to effortlessly drive out human and esoteric unworthy people polluted their environments with Greed and Fears via conflicting religions and isms such as this person enslaved by his claimed master but an "esoteric imposter in actuality" testable at the bottom line [ #Awaremess or Transcendental #Awareness as the target / KiếnTánh làm tông / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy ]. Most importantly, with the Right Focused Attention of Seeing and Hearing As-It-Is from Vipassana in engaged living - discovered by Vietnamese monks that we call "Verifiable Transcendental Samatha and Vipassana" But Known by all having 'WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh' to get out of 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - one can fully see the differences in the Faith Energy causing past destructions such as "Faith from Fears" in the case of Vigin Mother Maria or "Faith from Greed" in the case of Jesus as exposed below and the Faith Energy for Aspiration leading to "WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh" to be actually proven by identified students of KhaiPhong that we can help all established religions such as Christianism, Islamism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc, delivering their targets without horific past mistakes of evil destructions. The perpetuating masters slaves relationships are applicable only in animal kingdoms, whereas in people-centered society there will be digital user-facing mu to enable one self evaluate one's own efforts to clearly see one's actuality and what needed to allocate scare resources to What Count in one's Continuity of the Consciousness which helps to wipe out religious unworthy people that they can mess up their own lives but Not the Lives of billion others of the past horrific events.
Working on the proven second law of thermodynamics that all manifestations (Visible or Invisible, Conflicting or No-Conflict Consciousness) are conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha), one can [ Effortlessly / Wei-Wu-Wei / BẤT CHIẾN TỰ NHIÊN THÀNH ] change the focused event toward What Count in one's Continuity of the Consciousnes if and only if there are the right optimal conditions. We can start from achievable levels of available people having innate quality of the identified consciousness such as the eight layered levels of No-Conflict Consciousness to (1) propose "Projects" having qualified team to tackle major "International / National / Organization / Personal Issues" and (2) reverse engineering "SR&ED" for the optimal conditions leading to the target levels which are measurable at the bottom line of Right or Wrong Effort. By Honestly evaluating one's qualities in above dimensions [ Y, X, F ] and one's subjective evaluation of the Right and Wrong driven by Ignorance or Prajna, one can scientifically Know More About Oneself while Learning and Contributing optimal conditions leading to desired targets according to underlying natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and proven as "epistemic objectives". The rated qualities in the dimensions [ Y, X, F ] are the outcomes of this writer's deep considerations of (1) the painful SHARE of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva on her capability of sensing the source of thoughts but Not #Awareness Enough in frequent reflections and 100% #Honesty to fall into a crack extending into observable qualities of current living studends for the seven levels of positive and negative "Transcendental #Awareness in X-dimension", (2) his personal experience of all Gotama's Jhanas states as recorded in Pali Buddhist Texts to form the six positive Signed Posts of "Right #Samadhi in the Y-dimension" plus observable narrower scopes of layered consciousness in negative direction, and (3) observable from current living studends of KhaiPhong Inner Circle plus the writer's connected friends known up to 2025 either via Astral and/or Physical contacts for the eight positive layers of "possible generation of Prajna from F-dimension" and observable physical manifestations of the degenerated esoterics from higher realms still having "Freewill" in its negative direction. Via Big Data and ethical AI (using Real numbers), we can discover complex patterns in scientifically cultivable "#Prajna" as proven between AI versus Chess/Go masters projected to 500 years ahead to strategically put one in The Unique Strategic Position to Change the Environment toward "What Count". Applying engineering feedback control via Laplace Transformation of Complex Fibonacci, modeling with a deeper layer of complex number exposed from minute 24 from highly qualified living students, we can generate required feedbacks to be an Agent of Changes in the persona's Continuity of the Consciousness applicable to person, National Security, International Conflicts, and World / Inter-Realms Peace in wider complex "Dependent Nature" interaction between individual's Consciousness and aggregate community Consciouisness in one a part of the Whole, the Whole in one.
What are proposed business models of this "precious Know-How" to bootstrap the "Vision - Mission - Execution" from hard lessons learned of our connected human and esoteric SHARED PRECIOUS EXPERIENCES? Here are actual facts that (1) once human and esoteric unworthy entities are logically pointed out, the obvious demands based on actual needs for Right Efforts in one's Continuity of the consciousness are clearly exposed seen by current Illuminati elites and Communist mafias controlling billion US dollars, (2) riding on our available resources in higher Transcendental No-Conflict Consciousness we can help to "Confer" personal, organization, national and international strategic issues via #Prajna Dialectic from field experts having XuanZang's outside-the-box PLUS First Class Professional Helps, (3) accumulated resources gathered by esoteric dark forces and their slaves can be immediately released via NfP Private Donation to AwakeningBudh Foundation similar to the Knights Templar to drive sustainable KhaiPhong Corporation and make happened required "Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good" demanded by all involved parties. One is only a part of the Whole; agreed stable relationships via "Laws and Orders" established by the grassroots of "#Prajna and Human Rights" of the stated "Vision - Mission - Execution" are the proposed buniness models in the new Era of visible "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations".
Of the first fact, we have since 2007 successfully pointed out the limitations of major dedicated expolorers such as LaoTzu, Gotama, KungTzu, Jesus, Nagarjuna, Asanga, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, etc, and the cheating processes of entire 2500+ years of Buddhist Sanghas and its derivatives via exposing the bottom-line realities of their blah blah blah plus the description is not the described while degenerated entities of past (esoteric) feudal systems are recognizing the wider view of Kindness >< Empathy that we are the ONLY One who can provide scientifically cultivable processess from wide conflicting angles to No-Conflict Consciousness of [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] in actually deliverable Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness at different cultivable depths.
Of the second fact, we have people knowing the whole ranges of above [ Y, X, F ] consciousness states to provide one-on-one custom-made consultation to "what most inportant to you" as individual, organization, national and international issues; for example, we have 10 [ projects / personas ] proposed to the Gov. and people of VietNam capturing KhaiPhong 50+ years of radio and consciousness technology integration at practical utility level in deliverable modern infrastructure driven by people and elites whose targets are preparing ground works for channeling trillions US dollars in first class developments with deliverable formal decision making process having 12 years of Canadian partial supports in SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development). These will be breakthroughs to kick start jointly related sustainable business models in our bigger eco system, enabling the movement of Conscious Living & Being self sustainable with or without original players in Continuity of the consciousness.
Of the third fact, we deepen the second fact into the agreed and enforceable Inter-Realms laws and orders for agreed required stability to favourable developments of all involved parties, releasing immediate billion then trillion US dollars into the physical developments for all involved parties "Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunity to Do Good". The release of available funds is possible due to (1) the human controllers of funds and mass worldly powers rooted at the top level of human "Roman Catholic Systems" have lost their esoteric commanders - father God and his circles - fully degenerated by natural laws and Action-Reaction to be replaced by the much lower levels of conflicting esoteric groups ruled by the past degenerted King of Gods, (2) "breakthroughs" of Consciousness Technologies in [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã ] on Compassion Tree deep rooted in Sunyata. For example, we are aware of Chinese esoteric connections to western Illuninati and the now conflicting interest out of master-slaves relationship between degenerated Amitabha Buddha with degenerated identified stream of consciousness of Mahākāśyapa at Gotama's time, to Trần Thủ Độ of Vietnamese Tran dynasty, and now a Vietnamese billionaire whose quality of the consciousness is at "below humanity" similar to but still "functionally better" than elites currently holding religious - political - industrial powers and billionaires of the west, shaked-up and known by all involved parties in 2020 US presidential election. Most recently, there is a hint from ETs bringing to the table available physical and intellectual resources from ancient India. We bring to the table a proposed business model that can help prevent the past total collapse of ruling feudal systems for the favourable evolutions of all involved parties from different realms in the Fair and Dependent Nature of Living & Being. Here is the most recent esoteric prediction from minute 15:00 of the video released from VietNam on 2021-01-24 where the past esoteric rulling forces seem to be currently concentrated in VietNam at that time. The situation has been changed 2+ years later where Fair Trade of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaboration is much brighter to gradually replace autocratic feudal system with modern Democratic Governance where all involved parties from humanity upward can be a part.
This very fine point can be even missed by other highly qualified people from VietNam, such as the one - recognized by KhaiPhong since 2014 - in his most recent tea-conversation 2020-11-12 "LÀM GÌ TRONG ĐỜI / What to do in one's life?" that we know he has something more than what blah blah blah by Buddhist unworthy people in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. That something more at the present moment comprising of ethical AI toward What Count and statistically significant approved processes is the scientifically cultivable (1) Being or Knowing Who You Are, (2) natural #Intuition of the sixth sense to bring the finest quality of one's accumulated consciousness of the past to the present moment, and (3) #Prajna of the seventh sense to be above one's physical limitation in accessing the cosmic fields for an optimal solution of the present moment projected to the future target of "Plan >< Execution >< Feedback" as predicted in the best possible outcome of [ China South Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / Philippine West Sea ] to be probably deliverable by the "reincarnation of its predictor" since it is so significant in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, mathematically proven in launching a rocket to the moon. The "Vision coming from #Prajna" is the "Aspiration Driving Force" to activate one's Higher Conscience in one's Continuity of the Consciousness or one's "#Prajna" driven by the community where one is a part as both the "creator and part of the Responsible Creation". That flash of "natural intuition and #Prajna" can pop-up any place at any time in Value of the values due to the natural Inner Peace from [ "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } when there are sufficient right conditions for a Right Effort conducive to effortless directed target relevant to the present concern and/or made in the past but instinctly required to do something Now for an optimal target in one's Worthy Future such as a Déjà Vu and/or Worthy Relationships. If something happened, you will see the working of Ashoka's Inner Circle similar to launching a rocket to the moon where unpredictable storms and conditions can happen to all involved parties. Imagine what happens to the country and the World when this "Core natural Inner Peace / Buddha Nature / the Kingdom of God within" - unknown to all intelligent realms up to 2025 - and its scientifically cultivable manifestation of Being or Knowing Who You Are via natural intuition and #Prajna is an [ epistemic objective ] in all domains and fields known by all Walks of Life.
VietNam is blessed with many higly qualified people actually knowing [ #Awareness as the target / Kiến Tánh làm tông / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy[D26] ] such as those recently exposed in VietNam that we wish "they will be protected somehow" to be active parts with other highly qualified people having proven records of "Self Respect and Respect Others in the past many 1000+ years of their Continuity of the Consciousness in changing all intelligent beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs), etc. It is applicable to many others initially SHARED by Trí Nguyễn recognized by a front-line soldier. The share of his initial "Tỉnh Thức / WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh" was then edited (and the link was hacked that we esoterically know behind-the-scene person who needs to tell the evil top of the top change otherwise it will be too late for his coming 50,000+ man-years far below an animal under the ground in his continuity of the consciousness) to be more general and applicable to all walks of life in all domains and fields from all countries such as this Vietnamese dedicated his life for the new generation of Vietnam, forming Đọt Chuối since 2009 and discovered by a student of KhaiPhong circle since 2014. A brief note to Charlie Nguyen of your "Tỉnh Thức / Awakening / Wu-Nien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh" from minute 30:00 that you need to stick to your "actual Know-How" and reversed-engineering your optimal conditions leading to that state helping many similar to your pattern. Do Not follow 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - including Gotama's recorded words[D23] - but be a mental scientist to deepen and widen the discoveries of others. Use your "actual Know-How" to challenge this cheating monk Thích Huyền Châu in his following Gotama's instruction of "Chổi Quét / Sweeping” at conditioned thoughts to continously cheat humanity in "cooking sands" for many life times of "a cheating Buddhist monk" as we logically and empirically prove above - the difference between correlation and causation faced by the writer's student final BA Economics in a Canadian University - translated into the difference between the transcendental states of Bodhidharma "#EmptyTheContent" perpendicular to the duality plane at thought level that Gotama failed to reverse engineering his scientific processes to the verified "Not-Self / Selfless" all the way up to his Jhana 7 or "Sunyata Non-Thingness" and beyond, not the logical description on the duality plane of conflicting thoughts in the second discourse as the foundation of Buddhist Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the Prajna division of his (modified) Eight-Fold Path. It has been 2500+ years of Buddhist "cooking sands right at the time of Gotama's deduction in his Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana" instead of having "Rice and Cooked Rice" where "Rice" is statistically significant Optimal Conditions Known by the mass called epistemic objective, and "Cooked Rice" is the outcome of sciencetific processes depending on the conditions leading to visible, smellable, and tasteable "Rice".
The reason Gotama's student - Châu-lợi-bàn-đà-già - can get the first glimpse of that transcendental state is due to his "energy of attention just like outside-the-box of a singer, musician, dancer, etc" (currently innate in actual living persons like you ready to be parts of KhaiPhong to help those on these patterns of Aspiration) that took him out of conflicting duality plane, the most recent discovered and shared via personal efforts and contributions of Krishnamurti in 60+ years of his life time. Knowing the causation and optimal conditions leading to "#EmptyTheContent", your process can help many similar to you in forming a sustainable cluster to deepen and widen the scientific approach having statistical test against other processes, similar to different vaccines for COVID-19 and its derivatives. Empirically observing the 60,000+ human years of "the higher-realms esoteric dark age driven by Greed and Fears" (the video was deleted) - including the Greed and Fears of Faith - the writer has used his scientific backgrounds (a medical student, a chemical engineer, a bio-technology researcher, a professional economist) and his actual experiences to mathematically model with discovered underlying natural laws to be statistically verified the Thing-As-It-Is in his field empirical verifications against actual experiences of highly qualified students of his Inner Circle such as "what he senses and observes in the reincarnations of HuiNeng, XuanZang, Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Phạm Ngũ Lão, the inner circles of King Ashoka and of Hưng Đạo Vương Trần Quốc Tuấn as currently living studends among us and parts of KhaiPhong to personally deliver what have been recorded". The mathematical modeling sits on the verified "#EmptyTheContent" contributed in Gotama's personal experiences of nine (9) Jhanas as recorded in Buddhist texts for its "Y-dimension", painful experience of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva shared in Calgary Canada early 2000 of her "#Awareness at the source of thought and Not Alert to their driving forces" together with the verifed HuiNeng's "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment", the verified XuanZang's "Outside-the-box / Consciousness of the consciousness" in modern business engagements, the verified #AwarenessPrajna in Forecasting of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm and required strategic moves, the verified execution of Phạm Ngũ Lão in helping others solving energy issues using scientifically verifiable #Prajna, etc, for its "X-dimension". In that modeling process, the writer discovers Layered No-Conflict Consciousness in natural evolution toward higher dimensions, and/or degeneration rendering intelligent beings stuck on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness of animal kingdoms described in Complex Fibonacci at both positive and negative directions for its "F-dimension". Most important of all is the scientific processes in moving from Buddhist Madhyamaka "Relative Truth" on duality plane of conflicting consciousness to "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" in "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" to naturally detoxify tainted senses far above the physical processes of vegetarian eating which can partially help and actually used as a part of Hindu's detoxifying body and mind for demonstrated Yogic Flying. The bottom line for all intelligent beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs in KhaiPhong proposed "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations") is that physical forms and current positions - such as the [ Infinite Thought Bodhisattva / Vô Tận Ý Bồ Tát / Akaṣaya-mati-bodhisatva ] (a friend of this writer) honest but cheated in entire history of esoteric cheating Buddhism - is that if you do not have a moment of "#EmptyTheContent" to actually know HuiNeng's Wu-Nien Free from tainted conditioned senses in (1b) Cultural influence, (2b) Regional influence, (3b) Nationality influence, (4b) Veiled Right/Wrong, (5b) Binding Word, (6b) Binding Image, (7b) Clinging Thought, you are still Not above Complex Fibonacci [ fo = 0 ] in the positive Complex Fibonacci evolution to accessible Higher Dimensions of Consciousness innate within the natural evolution of all intelligent beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs), and that there are scientific processes contributed by all involved parties where you are welcome to be a part in your Continuity of the consciousness.
Under industrial Revolution 4.0, having proper private and public data collections via standardized Neural Graph Database db with required value added microservices of user facing ai in positive and normative dynamic interactions, XuanZang's out-side-the-box / Consciousness of the consciousness - either under cunning patterns of negative Complex Fibonacci sequence empirically observable at the bottom line of the author of Vietnamese August 1945 uprising or from the building of "Bảo Giang Môn" coming from harmonious expanding patterns of positive Complex Fibonacci numbers minute 6:25 to dynamically change the situation toward What Count - can be statistically measurable in the implementations of harmonious user-facing mu. The former under negative Complex Fibonacci sequence is against underlying natural laws while the later under positive Complex Fibonacci sequence is the Right direction of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna. Due to discovered underlying natural laws, the evolution from negative Complex Fibonacci sequence applicable to most participants (Buddhas, Gods, Allah) of the past degenerated feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods to positive Complex Fibonacci sequence can be quickly achievable if one has "100% #Honesty & #Care" for oneself. Same thing is applicable from the angle of the 90-year-old Vietnamese monk who has demonstrated his "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" - please translate this exposition into english and mandarin to actually hear Buddhist exposition - at only the first level based on his description up to 2020-09-22 indicating that both of them "Do Not Know [ HuiNeng's WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong's #Awareness ]" even from the second level. The #PrajnaTIP in Sound and its scientific processes plus deliverable technologies will be registered as an Intellectual Property Right (IPR) and will be proven / demonstrated in modern engaged living and in "Hindu's yogic flying". This writer has identified 36+ living students plus many others as previously exposed to be personally verified by the mentioned persons - including the mentioned two Vietnamse monks and two laymen - to help many of similar patterns to the universal Harmonious Melting Pot materialized by KhaiPhong from 2025. Imagine what happened when the mentioned [ #Awareness or Transcendental #Awareness as the target / Kiến Tánh làm tông / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy ] is widespread in VietNam to attract billion then trillion dollars of investments available from the past esoteric degenerated systems and/or when XuanZang's "outside-the-box / Consciousness of the consciousness" and HuiNeng's "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment" are widespread and sustainable businesses world-wide. Please be a part to make the KpPlatform mu a harmonious reality in the new Era of human Conscious Living.
The blah blah blah by religious unworthy people are everywhere in entire esoteric and human histories, typified in Buddhist Ideal of Bodhisattvas and most prominent in the Roman Catholic Church exposing Jesus's Heart of what they have idealised at conflicting Image/Word and Though in self indoctrination and indoctrinating others with post-truth politics. Gotama's real contribution is to "Liberate" humanity rated by natural laws at Latin humanitas as an intelligent being capable of Kindness and Empathy Awareness ready to personally verify the above X-dimension (#Awareness / transcendental #Awareness / Sati or Smrti / Niệm) from Complex Fibonacci [ fo = 0 ] in HuiNeng's [ Detachment / “vô trụ làm gốc” ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } transcending one's karmic forces toward Non-Thingness as known by Gotama from his own angle[D26]. With discovered underlying natural laws at both theoretical and emperical levels, there are many proven other angles known by identified living students with or without any Faith. Yet, in the entire 2500+ years of Buddhist Sanghas right from the time of living Gotama, its teaching is trying to glorify Gotama as a perfectly enlighten one enslaving oneself to No Conscience of Right/Wrong toward "Binding Word / Image and Clinging Thought" rather than transcending #Awareness to immediately liberate oneself from tainted senses, easily verified by most people thanks to discovered underlying natural laws to be SHARED. The actual / living vibrations from the Heart "Kindness >< Empathy >< #Prajna" is the foundation of layered No-Conflict Consciousness - possibly known by many human, ET and esoteric intelligent beings - transcending all conflicting forces on the duality plane of Relative Truth. It is KhaiPhong harmonious Melting Pot to be personally known by many from both human and applicable esoteric realms in the new practical Era Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good in visible, testable and deliverable outcomes, Making Life Easier and Happier. The discovered technologies will Not Only enforce "Human Rights" widely supported by Human Conscience of Right and Wrong But Also "Alaya / Soul (store-house consciousness / ālāyavijñāna)" intergrity via "Free Will" messed up in the Voodoos of esoteric masters-slaves relationships in their natural degeneration mathematically described via negative Complex Fibonacci. This video of Dharma from common person / CÔ HOA LÝ Người Dốt Mà Nói Pháp Qúa Rành may effortlessly clean up all Buddhist unworthy people blah blah blah as actually happened in Vesak 2014 and Vesak 2019 organised and directed by Communist Mafias in VietNam.
Only after the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems that KhaiPhong directly Knows First Hand, this writer since the end of 2012 dares to contrast esoteric claims of degenerated rulers against proven underlying Natural Laws to debunk and transparently expose their cheating processes, resulting in tremendous Sufferings for themselves and their entire systems plus whatevever they put their hands on such as in human, ET and other esoteric realms, ruled by the King of Gods and his evil ancestors that we call the Original Buddha, the Father God, Allah drawing energy from different Greed and Fears sources! First, consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed. The claim of Pari-Nirvana or Forever one-and-only Creator is "False" - all manifestations are parts of the Whole like you and me. Second, we directly know most of the certified Arahants at the time of Gotama, and Gotama himself. Some of them are already identified being among us, waiting for a New Era of Accountable and Transparent Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna. Third, the collapsed esoteric feudal systems - not only ruled humanity as masters-slaves, immorally planned to wipe out 90% human population for easy control - but also some other intelligent realms known to humanity as ET[R20] and caused significant damages to these intelligent realms! Via innate ability to direct Cosmic Consciousness - HuiNeng's WuNien or Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness rated at 7 levels - KhaiPhong's Sound Specialist can void and destroy their "Voodoos", help and save their victims; among these saved intelligent beings are ETs. Only recently after reading the reported News about ET involvement in China and Vietnam conflicts (the video was deleted), the writer can sense their presence expressing (1) the gratitude of being helped, (2) an interest in this writer's integration of Radio and Consciousness Technologies in exploring underlying Natural Laws applicable to different realms, (3) their "#Care" in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations"[R20]. Here is a friendly ET advise from bashar.org (the video was deleted) in the critical last months of 2020 before the release of "KhaiPhong Melting Pot" to make happened the "Natural Calm and Inner Peace" in most people via deliverable [ HuiNeng's WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh ], shared and contributed by different real practitioners from current conflicting angles: White-Black-Brown-Yellow skins, Christian-Islam-Buddhist-Other religions, East-West-Middle-North-South civilisations and Cultures, etc.
Back to the integration of Radio and Consciousness Technologies from current most advanced states of direct channeling comparing to ET channeling[R20], one can immediately recognise (1) "Điển Bà Chúa Xứ Núi Sam" from Vietnam is the direct channeling from Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva technologies smoother and more efficient than ET Channeling[R20], (2) the channeling for esoteric energies from the other side in US are similar to The Goddess of Fire Pele in Hawaii still learning Vietnmese pattern through a Vietnamese channel[R20.2], (3) the smart phones connecting Vietnam and US, and required underlying infrastructures are radio technologies, (4) consciousness technologies involve the fully functional and uniquely identified streams of consciousnesses as intelligent personas from humanity upward. The video supporting the bold part of the above sentence has been removed! This represents currently and publicly advanced "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations using both radio and consciousness technologies. Since the mentioned esoteric forces can turn the on-off computer button - just like turning an insense - and directly communicate in a selected language, one's "Continuity of the Consciousness" can continue to evolve its "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" riding on appropriate underlying natural laws of the present realm which may be easier and faster under certain optimal conditions. This is what the writer can momentarily experience if he wishes to have some moment of "ideal" meditation via smart pointer #DhyanaSamadhi { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi }. The channeling and smart phone can be replaced with "a specialized robot" that KhaiPhong can easily develop based on current human open cloud technologies plus transcendental technologies in smart pointer "#EmptyTheContent to Non-Thingness" for XuanZang's "outside-the-box / Consciousness of the consciousness" to test and enhance "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" based on underlying natural laws of the focussed realm. With successful integration of Radio and Consciousness Technologies, the "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" will definitely speed up optimal processes according to discovered and shared underlying natural laws, beneficial to all involved parties from all realms of Intelligence Existence, different from US President Trump step backward influenced by Greedy esoteric forces of concentrated will to use tariffs in the Ignorant trade war of I win you loose mathematically well proven in International Trade.
Similar to identified living students naturally having WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness at seven different depths, we encourage esoteric forces having this innate capability { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } reverse engineering optimal conditions leading to "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" then spreading out using KhaiPhong technologies for field testing and statistically verifiable, casually proven by a Vietnamese monk in his share of using your "recorded description" from minute 20:00. In the case of "Điển Bà Chúa Xứ Núi Sam at minute 2:45 of the removed video", the lady revealed that "she saw Phật Tổ Như Lai / the Tathagata Buddha" meditation sitting on cement concrete but (who) could make a conversation. The Buddha asked her offering 200 pieces of cake and light each. The answer when asked why to offer the light was that the light can light up the dead's darkness! Is there any scientific TRUTH behind "Phật Tổ Như Lai / the Tathagata Buddha" statement or something else? We esoterically know the realities of the "King of Gods" and "Phật Tổ Như Lai / the Tathagata Buddha" to kick start the foundation for beneficial Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations, helping all involved parties "Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good" in 100% "#Honesty & #Care" for oneself and the environment one a part. There are innumerable duality angles and relative paths, but "only the right paths worthy to Share" can lead to "Harmonious Inner Peace / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness" via No-Conflict Transcendental Consciousness at seven (7) different depths and Signed Posts of #Prajna in Ultimate (Wider) Truth and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count. Similarly, one can do forensic exercises on the patterns of Huỳnh Phú Sổ and Phật Thầy Tây An to detect the total collapse of higher esoteric realms under the Greed and Fears of the past feudal systems - Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] - driven by Personal Glorification of the cheating Father God via Faith rather than Self-Selfless Actualization (Gotama's "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác"[D22]) in engaged living rooted in the "Faith / Truth" of discovered and shared underlying Natural Laws.
This engaged living of contageous [ "Kindness >< Empathy / Compassion >< #Prajna" ] where in part [ Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Moral Value (of the values) ] and in part of sensing the [ counter part / event ] [ Prajna = True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position ] directed by discovered and shared underlying Natural Laws (Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna) has been advocated as an immediate first step of beneficial practical means in the Dependent Nature of esoteric and human realms via the utilities of a human body where all involved parties are Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good rather than "pray for the peace and the dead / cầu an cầu siêu"[D32] and in "Tiền âm phủ / faked Money for the dead" of the past cheating Buddhism. The writer can sense the underlying energy of "Nam Hải Liên Hoa Phật / Lotus Buddha from the South Sea" as well as ĐIỂN CỦA MẪU Về ĐÊM RĂM THÁNG BÃY / Transmission from the Mother 2020-09-06. Please seriously consider Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" which can speed up the evolution of all intelligent beings from humanity upward (human, ET, and esoteric realms) according to underlying natural laws discovered and shared in the new Era of "100% #Honesty & #Care" of intelligent beings in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness" from all realms of intelligent existence Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good.
This is the green field, enabling everyone the centres of all Activities and Relationships at all Places since the "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" will enable people knowing more about oneself being an "Accountable creator in part of the Responsible Creation" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness since "people are the foundation of a state" according Chinese ancient wisdom from the Book of Shang Shu, widening with current realities of the complex Dependent Nature of Globalisation, Trading, shared resources such as the mighty Mekong river, clean environments, climate changes, and Geo-Politics - up to 2020 cheated by "The politics of hate" 100% driven by Greed and Fears and "post-truth politics" 100% driven by unworthy people. Accountable "creator in part of the Responsible Creation" can start from the smallest aggregate of households and/or family trees in inter-realms communications and collaborations, evolving from one's lasting cultures of fundamental Rights in "Independence, Liberty, and True Happiness" to communities, regions, nations, "human, ET and esoteric realms", toward "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" where required stability for natural evolution in different intelligent realms are respected. We can Help since we know and can start up the integration of radio and consciousness technologies applicable Only from Humanity upward according to "current human business model" via Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna toward What Count determined by the "aggregate Wisdom of all involved parties" who are Not Stupid to be perpetual slaves in masters-slaves relationships which are Not Supported by underlying natural laws of intelligent Dependent Nature and universal Action-Reaction plus Likes-attract-Likes.
People knowing different depths of [ WuNien / Vô Niệm, "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác", and #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định ] provide their angles as starting points of sustainable business models to proven "Inner Peace (#Samadhi)". Being students from the Buddhist tradition of Nalanda University, they (1) assure the #Samadhi is the "Right #Samadhi" toward natural (not concentration and/or self hallucination) [ #EmptyTheContent / Inner Peace toward Non-Thingness ], (2) deliver statistically proven processes in matching practitioner's self-evaluated "States of #Awareness / Feedback" and the "Focused Important Event / Plan" in the "Execution" turning Nalanda approach into a process for humanity Harmonious Melting Pot, (3) work with the "Right Transcendental Inner Peace (#Samadhi)" providers to custom-made Complex Functional Programming as explained above for deepening and widening the business model. This mass market at individual level has been advocated by a Vietnamese living student who knows both the Christian and Buddhist systems in the latest "The Fruit of the Spirit is Love 2020-06-19" that one member of KhaiPhong has detected his quality of "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness" and encouraged him reversed engineering his innate "Inner Peace" before Vesak 2014 organised in VietNam. At aggregate levels such as corporations, regional developments, national and international issues, the service outcome is similar to Deep Insight of different conflicting forces in Hegelian Dialectic as a tactical move in the overall game plan seen by the reincarnation of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm who will be part of the teams to spread #Prajna Dialectic from "guerrilla warfare of Change Management" at the grassroots to affect the aggregate targets of bigger picture. The overall effort will block the collusion of human Mafia groups with many life-times hardcore cheating monks as actually happened in Vesak 2014 and Vesak 2019 organised and directed by Communist Mafias in Vetnam for the ovarall "#Prajna Dialectic" in the Right Direction of What Count:
Địa Lợi Nhân Hòa / Strategic Position Human Harmony
Kinh Bang Tế Thế / National Management Helping Humanity.
The Haves / Stakeholders / HaveNots
Have Raison D'être and
Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good.
The "KpSIS - Strategic Intelligence Services" ride on discovered (1) layered No-Conflict Consciousness and (2) Foundation of #Oneness to help qualified people personally experience Transcendental Inner Peace of "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định" having Natural Purification to detoxify persistent tainted senses and dominant karmic flows as an economic Invisible Hand to make happened available scare resources for generating "Opportunities to Do Good". The "EIP - Executive Information Portal" rides on current available technologies of Industrial Revolution 4.0 to enable statistically significant "Right Understanding" advocated by Gotama 2500+ years ago - and most importantly manifested in his "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" to naturally have "WuNien / Vô Niệm / Transcendental #Awareness" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } - but completely sabotaged and knocked out by Buddhist unworthy people. The Science of Inner Happiness - basing on the (1) layered No-Conflict Consciousness and (2) Foundation of #Oneness - has No Conflict with relevant and positive sides of all cultures and religions as pointed out from minute 25 in the anwsers of the Dalai Lama from India 2020-06-07 to young people from South East Asia in the reality of COVID-19. The research was partially supported by Canadian SR&ED (Scientific Research & Experimental Development) for developing EIP / Executive Information Portal from 2001 - 2012 which will turn into Executive Inter-Realms Portal under KhaiPhong where radio and consciousness technologies are integrated in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". We sincerely wish the Dalai Lama very healthy to continuously spread his personal experience as a life-time student from the Buddhist tradition of Nalanda University to kick start - publicly invited and personally accepted in the above COVID-19 conference - the new Era of absolutely required Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0.
The cheating Buddhism of "Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see"[D19] has been dragging for 2500+ years since the time of Gotama due to unworthy monks typified in the two recent living pillars of Buddhist hardcore persistent professional cheaters (August 2020) Thich Nhat Hanh from VietNam and Chin Kung (Tịnh Không)[R5.4] from China that we esoterically told their astral bodies since 2007 they have not passed the Gate-way-to-Oneness, knowing nothing about Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness or HuiNeng WuNien No Matter How Hard they try in many thousands years later since the No-Conflict Consciousness - where #Prajna and ComPassion are manifested - is mathematically perpendicular to the conflicting consciousness planes of "Relationships", "Activities", and "Places" lumped together on the plane of conflicting consciousness and its relationship seen and directed by #Prajna to be scientifically and economically available to the mass for all harmonious evolutions from the grass roots well known in the "guerrilla warfare of Change Management". If you "Care", do not allow any unworthy person continue to sell "imaginary painted cake for tangible resources". Tell them 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism is enough to expose the realities of faked aloof from sense desires of Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]! This writer told his esoteric friends (1) Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva[D49] from [ Lotus / Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra ] and (2) Kṣitigarbha (Địa Tạng vương Bồ tát) that the "Scientifically Cultivable ##Prajna" has been proven by at least 36+ living students in humanity, typified in the reincarnation of HuiNeng and inter-realms verifiable since 2004 with proven and demonstrated consciousness technologies to help all involved parties such as the communication hub for communicating at the source of thought.
We are ready for "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" with all layers of corrupted degeneration driven by the past Greed and Fears - Not Evolving from scientifically discovered underlying Natural Laws to be formally Shared and Transparently Enforced according to too big to fail 'Rule of Law' - being beneficial to all involved parties with available resources for Opportunities of Doing Good rather than planning to wipe out 90% human population and its consequence in the present states of esoteric systems plotted during 60,000+ human years in unchecked dark forces of Glorified Self. The cheating realities of all human isms where major organised religions such as the Roman Catholic Church and ruling powers such as Chinese Han "group democracy" and "Inclusive Capitalism of US cheating democracy" have been "publicly exposed and clear" in the Internet World. This writer wishes to partly expose the highest buddhist masters plus slaves inflicting severely damaged for all involved parties that he has been an intimate part in the past 35,000+ human years in both the esoteric and human realms! Without going into details of so many claimed Gods, Allah, Buddhas, etc, the bottom line of "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" is that (1) stable communities are required for the benefits of all members if and only if 8% or more of the participants knowing "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna in Figure 2" rated at "Equanimity or above" required for natural purification in Higher Consciousness via loosening the binding force of indoctrinated Word/Image and at "Purity or above" required for loosening "the clinging force of thought", (2) besides "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna in Figure 11.1" Human Rights in democracy via transparent and accountable too big to fail 'Rule of Law' are major contributions - unknown in higher esoteric realms - to prevent what has happened in your ruling realms of the past 60,000+ human years, (3) "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" are at the right time to integrate esoteric consciousness technologies and human radio technologies for the benefits of all involved parties at minimum efforts and scare resourses so he and other involved human living parties with required resources can effectively help their degenerated loved ones.
So do all other Vipassana meditation instructions such as the well known "Discourse of S.N. Goenka". One can logically and mathematically prove its defects throughout: (1) finding the cause of Suffering (page 12, 100% #Honesty with oneself, from English pdf version 2020-05-24) - such as the cause of Ignorance in Gotama's Dependent Nature - does not mean one can learn the art of living harmoniously (coming Only from Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna starting at one's innate level of [ #Prajna / Conscience / Wisdom ] qualified by Natural Laws as a person in Latin Humanitas) as evidenced in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas due to Not being Beyond the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, (2) there is no scientific transcendental process (#EmptyTheContent) "to experience the ultimate reality (Ultimate Wider Truth according to Buddhist Madhyamaka)" as advocated and being trained at the 100% duality conflicting level in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, (3) all Buddhist monks / nuns / claimed meditation masters / followers must demonstrate that Gotama is not cheating humanity in asserting his "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác"[D22] and the "End of Dukkha"[D44] which can be statistically proven once underlying natural laws - partially done by KhaiPhong Inner Circle - are discovered and shared to scientifically prove Gotama's actual contributions and limitations, (4) "#Prajna / Conscience / Wisdom" is already innate in most qualified human beings - filtered and tested by Nature in one's evolution of the identified consciousness - and is the first division of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path (Not wrongly indoctrinated by Buddhist cheating Sanghas as the third division - the third day page 21 - in its upside-down of [ Ethical Code > Concentration > #Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ]) ready to be activated to a higher level of Self-Selfless Actualizaion (technically known as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna) and known in modern observations, etc.
There may be something (the video was deleted) happening in VietNam since this is the first time in 2500+ years after Gotama's discoveries, the real peak into what underlying natural laws and meaning of "knowable Awareness - Biết được kiến tánh thì SAO 2020-10-09" is publicly exposed from different angles by common people from all walks of life that without understanding underlying natural laws to be scientifically verified one can be easily hallucinated to be Cư Sĩ "Đắc Pháp" Hạ Phàm 2020-11-11 (the video was deleted) rendering himself into "an unworthy person" who can learn from his peer 2021-01-07 (the person passed away and the video was deleted) that both can be beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought of their claimed "esoteric impostor Huỳnh Phú Sổ "(founder of a lay-Buddhist organisation Hòa Hảo 1939) and/or any claimed Buddha, God, Allah, etc, in different countries, cultures, religions, skin-colors, genders, East ot West transcending conflicting consciousness created by human and esoteric unworthy entities, etc, ready for a harmonious Melting Pot in Scientifically Cultivable [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its Flower - “Bát Nhã" là hoa ] on Compassion Tree deep rooted in Sunyata. The beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought is what HuiNeng said "No-Mark as his school substance - “Vô Vết làm thể” commonly known by Krishnamurti and people from VietNam as "the description is Not the described / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy". It is "Scientific" due to the underlying processes are observable, verifiable, and measurable, Not to be confused and boosting for falling into one's own cracks up until 2025 applicable to both claimed Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and claimed historical Gotama Buddha. It is far beyond many 1000+ years of trial and errors in the Right and Wrong that the Ignorance of underlying natural laws leads to total collapse in esoteric higher realms. The actuality and difference between "cooking sand" and "cooked rice" is obvious, but correctly describing it needs an inside person - a living Vietnamese Buddhist monk starting at minute 30:00 2020-12-03 - having a peak into "Thing-As-It-Is #Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" plus challenges in engaged living about the innate ability in "#Awareness of Visible via 5 senses and Invisible via No-Conflict Consciousness of intelligent beings from humanity upward. It is from humanity upward regulated by natural laws since the quality of the identified consciousness must be at the level to clearly see and put an effort in engaged living beyond the Seeing and Hearing of tainted senses. Esoteric forces did sense this natural qualification, but deepening themselves in the culture of "stealing" coming from Greed and Fears of animal kingdoms to naturally be degenerated by Thng-As-It-Is evolution of intelligent beings. Understanding and implementing these natural laws can help to avoid the past painful mistakes. No where in entire 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism with its voluminous blah blah blah of those Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see as teachers of Gotama's Dharma[D19] you can find the 'analysis of focused attention in "Buddhist Vipassana' where (1) there is no Greed and Fear in natural Thing-As-It-Is Seeing and Hearing (not at the chatting mind of Greed and Fears in stealing from others), and (2) the mental power can override and/or dissolve physical pains and/or karmic forces as suggested in Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22].
Now, DISCOVERING & SHARING underlying natural laws, every body can have "figurative rice" as the exposition of "Human Rights" from inter-realms communications and collarorations in the Harmonious Universe of invisible esoteric realms and visible human beings from common people in the human efforts of "Self-Respect-and-Respect-Othes poverty elimination". In the same manner of Ignorance versus #Prajna / Slaved to Binding Word/Image plus Clinging Thought and Freedom from the Known, KhaiPhong's [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông ] will deliver required technologies (1) for the mass knowing this Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh around X-dimension in Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness at different Signed Posts around Y-dimension, then (2) using the quality of "no Greed and Fear in natural Thing-As-It-Is Seeing and Hearing" to discover underlying natural laws of cultivable layered No-Conflict states of Consciousness around the F-dimension in eight different planes moving from visible type of [ f1 = 1 EquanimityAwareness, to f2 = 1 PurityAwareness , f3 = 2 of knowing all SignedPosts, f4 = 3 SelflessAwareness, f5 = 5 VisibleAwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22], f6 = 8 EngagedAwarenessPrajna in Living, f7 = 13 using smart pointer #AwarenessPrajna in Strategic ForecastingSimulation, and f8 = 21 having VisibleSamadhiPrajna. The software implementations of these complex IT processes involving layered states on the F-dimension of derived data from the X-dimension of Transcendental #Awareness and the Y-dimension of cultivable #Samadhi Signed-Posts have been publicly proposed in recoiljs.org. If things happened, please be parts with those making it happened such as the present reincarnations of (1) XuanZang, (2) Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, (3) HuiNeng who actually demonstrate the described qualities on the F-dimension in solving current Global Affairs such as [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] that you can easily recognize them.
The movement will change the quality of human/intelligent consciousness toward What Count. This is the Gut of KhaiPhong and AwakeningBudh movement. The above core "Inner Consciousness of all concerned parties is successfully modeled and prototyped as the innermost tetrahedron of smart pointers "#PrajnaTIPs"©® in [ myIntuition, myAwareness, mySamadhi, #Prajna ], enabling one the centre of all "Activities" [ EIP (Dashboard, Project), GitOp, AI ] and "Relationships" [ Friend (myPage, myNote, myChannel), Partner, Family ] from all "Places" [ Home, CoLoc, GsLp ] riding on proven open sources of AI first then mobile - temporarily by-passing (outside the box of outdated marks from conflicting Consciousness of Forms in seeing "Thing-As-It-Is" and a strategic position for a Right Effort - reaching outside-the-box higher Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity for an Insight into important focused event of deeply in Thing-As-It-Is based on one's Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna. The significance of this new "#Prajna Dialectic" system versus the "The End of Old Systems - The Beginning of New Era / Thế Giới Cũ Tận - Thế Vào Thiên Đàng Mới" is the distributed "Prajna" now visible and measurable in one's Right Effort, but in aggregate invisible coming from net contents of all involved parties who are "At Home 100% #Honesty" and "#Care" in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness", applicable and relevant to human, ET and esoteric Intelligent Forces in the proposed "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". This underlying natural law is similar to the "Invisible Hand of Economics" and more since it is the distributed driving force toward "Normative What Count" in evolution of the Consciousness. These are lumped together under KhaiPhong Technology which are the dynamic integration of Normative Intelligence and [Positive / Artificial] Intelligence to enables one know more about oneself and strategic position at a focused event. The core implementation corresponds to the core Continuous Development and Continuous Integration (CD/CI) hard learned from distributed component technologies via "GitOp" where the custom OS is the driving force of complex processes in consuming real resources which fit quite well with the evolving Cloud Native Computing Foundation / CNCF.
The above IT processes encapsulate KhaiPhong integration of past significant contributions from Gotama, HuiNeng, ShenHsiu, XuanZang using modern mathematics and Information Technologies, together with new Consciousness Technologies to actually deliver concrete solutions for humanity (1) knowing one's Raison D'être, and (2) being happy under any situation on the duality plane of existence As-Long-As one can see a lesson learned and actual progress in one's Cultivable #Prajna - transcending all past isms and religions to actually being Free / Liberated from binding Word/Image and clinging Thought in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, plus/then Free / Liberated from binding and clinging (karmic) forces of "Unworthy Relationships and tainted senses". Since cultivable #Prajna only happens in actual living and only when one is doing Good - widening and deepening the foundation of #Awareness and #Samadhi - one is always happy having opportunities to do good irrespective of the conditions and the situation one is in. You can contrast this process with Gotama's process of his modified[D26] Eightfold Path where the #Prajna division of Right Understanding and Right Motivation - qualified as a person under Natural Laws - must be the starting point to drive all Activities and Relationships from all Places where hard evidences from "Effort" are evaluated for deepening and widening "Transcendental #Awareness / #Samadhi" in one's "Scientifically Cultivable Prajna".
The technologies and processes are not only applicable for humanity, but also for all intelligent esoteric realms contributed from human Rule of Law via formal arrangement of enforceable contracts in the new Era of accountable and transparent inter-realms communications and collaborations. Horrific plots of degenerated elites in both esoteric and human Illuminati to wipe out 90% human population (7+ billion people!) toward a target of perpetual masters-slaves relationships and current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak validate mass implementations of Inter-Realms Intelligence and [ Counter Intelligence / Competitive Intelligence / CI ] in response to "immoral and costly programs of US CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) and now from all other countries" in workable processes of "Open Source Competitive Intelligence (CI)" where "Esoteric Competitive Intelligence (CI)" is a part in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". The above IT processes can now be superimposed with formal arrangement of enforceable contracts becoming relevant for the benefits of all involved parties in longer range of one's Continuity of the Consciousness in Value of the values toward What Count. Yes, esoteric worlds do have something real to bring to the table, but they can also learn "scientific processes" from humanity (1) proven Rule of Law in "too big to fail" that did happen in their 60,000+ man years of conflicting feudal systems driven by "Greed and Fears" causing tremendous Sufferings for all concerned parties, (2) field-researched proven "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" from discovered underlying natural laws that are also applicable to all "Suffering Worlds of binding and clinging forces" known in human as "karmic forces", (3) possible joint efforts in "Making Life Easier and Happier toward What Count" in one's "Continuity of the Consciousness" due to available living students having intimate knowledge in human radio technologies as human elites and esoteric consciousness technologies as front-line esoteric leaders to start up integrating technologies for the benefits of all involved parties, (4) enforceable "Rule of Law and Medium of Exchange" in one's "Right Effort". Past human theoretical physicist Albert Einstein - currently in esoteric realm known as a member of a scientific elite family having their living human members as well known scientific and business elites - told the "Sound Specialist" of KhaiPhong Inner Circle that what he had done in human world and his current consciousness know-how is "insignificant" compared to what he has observed the works done by "HuiNeng Reincarnation" from 2004 via #Prajna Dialectic. It is so since Albert Einstein works from visible duality manifestations of the consciousness while the reincarnation of HuiNeng - who was the "reincarnation of Zhuge Liang Kongming (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng)" to enable him reverse engineering from conflicting duality of consciousness (Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva from Buddhist Lotus Sutra) in Relative Truth, starting from Wu-Nien (Vô Niệm) back to No-Mark (Vô Vết) then to the "Fundamental Principle / Core / Origin / Gốc" Detachment (Vô Trụ) in merging into the invisible mass of the huge visible Iceberg - worked from the sources at the level of No-Conflict Consciousness. The "Fundamental Principle / Core / Origin / Gốc" Detachment (Vô Trụ) merging into the invisible mass of No-Conflict Consciousness must transcend into different Right #Samadhi known by Gotama as Right #Samadhi toward "Sunyata Non-Thingness" that we call different Signed Posts empirically known by Gotama and current living students thanks to discovered underlying natural laws similar to the charming power of a "black hole". KhaiPhong will attempt to register this theoretical Intellectual Property Right (IPR) and empirical verification processes for the mass statistically testing via its KpPlatform developed from the ground up. It is similar to the power of the whole ocean at the unmoving Sunyata in comparison with the wave power (of Thoughts) on the surface. KhaiPhong Inner Circle and circles of the Inner circle are ready to make "Prajna" a starting integrating point in the proposed accountable and transparent inter-realms communications and collaborations.
The movement (1) starts from deliverable business models in Body & Mind cleaning of those actually knowing "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, "#DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền-Định)" { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }, and "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác"[D22] transcending all religions, cultures, males-females, etc, in delivering sustainable businesses of the "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" as a "harmonious melting pot" of this conflicting world. (2) Participants from all isms - Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, white, yellow, brown, black, etc, - reverse engineering their statistically proven processes (actual experiences Not doctrinal theories from untested past big mouths up until 2020-05-18 proven in this lifetime hardcore persistently cheating Thích Thắng Giải in Niệm Định Tuệ Hữu Lậu & Niệm Định Tuệ Vô Lậu and the claimed Zen Master / teacher of the claimed Buddha King Trần Nhân Tông Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ in "No Difference between Ignorance and Awaken / Mê ngộ bất dị" having No Right and Wrong from #Prajna as a part of Universal Moral Law) to share and help their communities economically prosper and mentally happier driven by "#Prajna" in all activities and relationships since "#Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience" will "Free / Liberate" one from past binding and clinging forces - vòng kim cô / corona - of all isms and bad customs/patterns immorally imposed on humanity by cheating religions and customs. (3) The business models and proven technologies serve as concrete benefits at both deep and wide applications - which may be applicable to underlying natures of other esoteric realms - that humanity can bring to the table in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" with different conflicting esoteric forces that KhaiPhong Inner Circle knows and can be "a fair technical examiner" in "Rule of Law" for the orderly development and continuity of the consciousness of all involved parties. These are the "Action-Reaction and #Prajna which is the reversed process from Varieties of Duality back to #Oneness toward verifiable Sunyata Non-Thingness of Gotama's 7th stage of Jhanas in discovered underlying Universal Natural Laws" of KhaiPhong and AwakeningBudh Movement - the hard feedback and proven solution - to "Free / Liberate" all degenerated and collapsed esoteric forces in 60,000+ human years of Sufferings driven by Greed and Fears whose accumulated resources preparing for the 2012-and-aftermath showdown can be immediately released for opportunities of Doing Good. We can help both human and esteric realms!
To sum up, KhaiPhong Corporation is an executive arm of Not-for-Profit AwakeningBudh Foundation comprising of appointed highly qualified people - serving as the Hub of Intelligently Connecting Realms - to assure that "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna and #Prajna Dialectic" can be deepen and widen in the mass. It is similar to Education - with or without original founders - according to discovered underlying natural laws applicable to humanity and its associated esoteric realms. The processes are enforceable via Rule of Law in one's accountable and responsible continuity of the consciousness for one's Orderly Development toward What Count where one can bring to the table what most relevant and important to one's existence at the present moment. "KhaiPhong Path" is very simple, and based on the fundamental evolution of one's present moment mathematically modeled as a tetrahedron at minute 4:24 of four vertices (1) [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] { "to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi" } in cultivable Signed Post of #Prajna and [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } in cultivable and testable state of #Prajna, (2) [ All Activities ] whose rated feedback of important events - enhanced by Artificial Intelligence - can point to the degrees of Right due to #Prajna or Wrong due to Ignorance for the accountable and responsible agent changing oneself and environment toward What Count, (3) [ All Relationships ] where any one - qualified and regulated by Nature defined in Latin Humanitas (biology, compassion, wisdom) - can decide and take action in being an accountable and responsible part enforceable by one's community and "ultimately by Nature" as "empirically proven in the collapse of the Illuminati New World Order" in its plan of perpetual masters-slaves relationships, (4) [ All Places ] where one interacts with one's Inner Circle and circles of Inner Circle. The Path - in essence - is the dynamic interactions between (1) At Home 100% "#Honesty" to know more about oneself, and (2) "#Care" for oneself and the environment one a part. Discovered technologies will be shared and implemented as sustainable business models via invisible hand of economics and driven by invisible hand of #Prajna.
KhaiPhong Path of "#Honesty & #Care" can be contrasted with Gotama's Scientific approach to the Fourfold Truth where the modified[D26] Eightfold Path is a part of KhaiPhong - with "Right Mindfulness replaced by Transcendental #Awareness" type - "Body & Mind cleaning" that one can start from one's innate "Self-Selfless" (technically known as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna) certified by Nature as a "qualified human being" defined in Latin Humanitas with biological body together ComPassion and #Prajna (Wisdom). Using "Free Will" from "Exciting with Conscious Living and opportunities to Do Good" one activates the "ComPassion" - building the foundation for states "[ Transcendental #Awareness / #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] and [ Transcendental inner Peace / Signed Post / Right #Samadhi ] of #Prajna via most relevant [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định ] - shared by those knowing "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } at different measurable depths of both the states and stock (scientifically cultivable InnerSpace) of #Prajna actually known and statistically recorded by dedicated explorers. Honest self-evaluations of "Effort" from important events are the base for AI Machine learning toward What Count to assist one's "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna". Similarly, KhaiPhong Path of "#Honesty (At Home) and #Care" is the modified form of Zen's Ox Herding Pictures where "#Care" comprises of "Right Effort, Taming The Ox, Riding The Ox, Non-Thingness, The Source, and AwakeningBudh" in the oneness between "one and the ox" since one and the ox is actually "One Continuity of the Consciousness". In that sense, one can reclaim the motto "TRUTH Is My Light / SỰ THẬT Là Ánh Sáng Của Tôi" in one's Continuity of the consciousness cross-cut all realms of intelligent existence, and transcending all relative Laws & Orders of all realms of intelligent existence.
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