Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Light out of Darkness

Takeaway: Contrary to the West [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ] where "Mind" is only the physical "Brain" with its functionality and "Soul" is the qualia of the persona, "Mind" in the East comprises of the "Brain" and the "Heart Centre" making up the "Soul" of the persona. The East [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] enables fact-based measurable qualia of the persona at any instant moment of "IamX / Right to Integrity of the Person" in one's Continuity of the consciousness. It is different from the Western hallucination of the claimed degenerated Father God whose bottom-line qualia is currently a degenerated animal according to underlying natural laws for the Nature purifying the God's Soul / Qualia like any other normative Intelligent Being in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

Using evidence-based measurable yardsticks of Right or Wrong Effort - self-evaluated toward What Count - from the re-evaluation at the bottom-line outcomes of the work done, each persona - due to innate "Budh-Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" - can play an Accountable part / creator to make up an aggregate "Responsible Creation" (family, community, regional, country, the world, and inter-realms) where one is a part in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

Since all manifestations are conditioned and changing at Planck time, whatever manifested - visible or claimed invisible - there is an engineering optimal process to make the manifested happened as proven in current agentic LLM (Large Language Model) AI such as texts, graphics, etc moving toward multidimensional interactions such as Space / Tensor Intelligence applicable to both Inner Cloud and Outer Cloud. A piece of '#Truth' is a scientific fact-based epistemic objective. Given recorded qualia of dedicated explorers such as LaoTzu, Gotama, KungTzu, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, XuanZang, etc, and observable degenerations of other Intelligent Beings such as the claimed Father God, Allah, Buddhas, Religious - Political - Financial Leaders, etc, we can ride on Intelligent Beings from humanity upward - having innate capability to be outside the duality plane of conflicting consciousness for seeing the focused event As-It-Is in Making Right Effort toward What Count as illustrated in Figure 11.1.

The process is drilling down (1) Breakthroughs of the Vicious Circle in Duality Consciousness to enable Science revitalise Gotama's target in "Freedom / Liberated" from the "Known / physical and mental manifestations of tainted senses" via his suggested solution in the "Four Noble Truths" and the right-side-up of the "modified[D26] Eightfold Path", having (2) Beyond Non-Dualism / Vertical Switches from Duality Consciousness to No-Conflict Consciousness with measurable Signed Posts that enable (3) Technical Singularity in both positive and normative Intelligence on the right direction of Making Life Easier and Happier "From people, By people, and For people on Morality and Justice" which is the outcomes of a very long (4) Inter-Realms Competitions and Influences, proving (5) Continuity of The AwakeningBudh Movement in human realm to signify one's Raison D'être Life-after-Life Realm-after-Realm at the Right Times and Places, leading to logical and evolving toward #Truth via DISCOVERED Underlying Natural Laws to do the heavy lifting in (6) Ontological System and Projection of a Golden Era.

Wow! The process is so complicated and long which is the reality of the "Blind touching parts of an elephant" to explain why it is very precious to be a naturally qualified persona having innate / embeded infrastructure to be outside-the-box of conflicting consciousness. Yet, the "Light out of Darkness in 100,000+ human years of the totally degenerated esoteric feudal systems without Knowing Why" is Now Awailable from humanity upward thanks to (1) available past circles of Inner Circles of [ Ashoka / Trần Quốc Tuấn ], (2) the closed connections of dedicated explorers [ Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, XuanZang, etc ] in the Budh Dharma, and the (3) tremendous efforts of past dedicated explorers at least 60,000+ human years from Dragon Realm reincarnated in human realm as LaoTzu, Gotama, KungTzu, SunTzu, Socrates, Ashoka, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, XuanZang, etc, up to present STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) time of Agentic LLM (Large Language Model) of [ #Prajna >< AI ] in [ SDS / Stakeholders Democratic Systems ] of multipolar geopolitics.

The outcome is a #FourFoldTruth from modified Gotama's Four Noble Truths which are Only Assertions and his modified Eightfold Path to expose Buddhist cheating Sanghas - Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19], enabling the #Truth as fact-based epistemic objective - measurable, testable, and reproducible - so people Efforts can build on top of others already proven #Truths. Buddhist Four Noble TRUTHs are (1) Dukkha, (2) Dukkha caused by Ignorance leading to Sufferings (Dukkha-Dukkha / Suffering Dukkha), (3) Dukkha can be ended or the Cessation of Dukkha / End-of-Dukkha which is to "be directly experienced"[D20], and (4) (modified) Eightfold Path[D21] is the process or model to the cessation (end) of Dukkha. To simplify the discussion, we use the #FourFoldTruth as a fact-based epistemic objective instead of "Four Noble Truths". We use the term "first part", "second part", "third part" and the "fourth part" in any context related to Gotama's "Four Noble Truths" leading to fact-based #FourFoldTruth where modified Eightfold Path is the measurable fact-based scientific part.

The required infrastructure is deliverable and sustainable KpPLatform using combination of hardware "Chiplet" and the most [ efficient / safe ] Rust programming language from scratch of chiplets to custom OS (Operating Systems) of IoT (Internet of Things) and in Distributed Data Centres at custom multi-layered security levels to guarantee the integrity of "IamX" in one's Continuity of the consciousness for continuous Integrations and Cultivations in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles. Our implementations - based on the past 50+ years of field researches - mirror the working of biological processes of human neural networks from InMemmory-Computing to distributed and Akashic Record, rather than stochastic processes currently used in some LLM models. It is Not "random from wellknown Butterfly Effects in Dependent Nature", but Intelligently Designed optimal conditions of Equanimity Communities" conducive to the developments and interactions of three complex Fibonacci evolutions [ Y, X, F ] whose persona container is very likely following another Fibonacci evolution as explored in XuanZang's [ Consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness / recursive function ] in GsLp (Global Services Local presences) of ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs).

This is the place where we expose the latest and available full integrations between Radio and Consciousness Technologies, starting from human realm to other Realms - such as the current Dragon Realm where four Heads of the total 12 family Lineages are living persons - having enforceable trade agreement with humanity.

Jump to #1.1 A conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see another conflicting duality (darkness) As-It-Is, #1.2 Scientific approach to the Four Noble Truths, #1.3 Right-Side-Up of the modified Eightfold Path, #2.1 Yearning for Freedom from prison without bars, #2.2 Vertical Switches / Quantum Consciousness, #2.3 Golden Mean in Value of the values from Right Effort, (4.1) Chanelling and Extra Terrestrial, (5.1) Four conducive Activities to Oneness.

Due to innumerable visible and invisible outdated marks of tainted senses, whatever we know (form, feeling, perception, impulse, consciousness) using the senses (eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-mind) are filtered through these outdated marks. Entrapped in the "Duality-Consciousness" of conflicting forces on the duality plane of focused event, the most one can achieve is logically via epistemic objectives and group effort, commonly known as Hegelian Dialectic, not to swing too far from [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] . This "prison without bars" has been exploited by all isms having armies of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] for 100,000+ man-years in higher realms and in entire human history, culminating to the period before 2012 but Failed then recouped up to 2017 in a plot to eliminate more than 90% human population (7+ billion people!), with their final attempt to create the third world war via the esoteic evil Mother Maria 2022 from Russia-Ukraine conflict in the greatest Hoax of Jesus Redeemer from the past 2000+ years of religious wars. The plots planned by esoteric and human dark forces were failed, thanks to Moral Value of the values embedded in Thing-As-It-Is Mother Nature and the Good Forces far beyond any Message from the cheating Heaven in entire history of humanity! There will be No Third World War nor "World-Wide Famine / NẠN ĐÓI" since human Conscience has enough maturity to Know The Right different from the Unworthy 2023-04-12 in Engaged Living to challenge another dark force from cheating Confucius system in entire 5000+ years of Chinese history up to 2024-08-09.

Using AI with advanced digital and quantum computers capable to process vast amounts to collected data and discover underlying patterns from simply unpredictable patterns of individual units, the Cabal - secret political fraction being puppets of esoteric dark forces - of degenerated elites has used upper hand in Hegelian Dialectic via manipulation of public opinions and AI to drive their agenda of enslaving humanity. It has been stopped around the end of (2012 - 2017) by natural laws of "No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]" and the Good Forces knowing the "[ Moral Value / Value of the values ]" in manifested #Oneness from We Are All One in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, high above the "Duality Consciousness" to see Thing-As-It-Is - including Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes operating on the degenerated elites in human and other higher realms of existence - for the right place and right times to effortlessly speed up the energy cycles to the right direction according to natural laws.

The Breakthroughs via innate [ Conscience / No-Conflict Consciousness ] from entrapped vicious circle of all activities and relationships in Duality Consciousness - called conflicting duality or darkness - on the duality plane of changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) existence have happened thanks to dedicated Explorers to expose characteristics of one's innate [ "Budh Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas" ] in all naturally qualified persons. The accumulating epistemic objectives and group efforts require significant allocated resources which cannot be carried on in one's continuity of the consciousness. Here are the meeting points of the Haves with minimum Conscience in knowing Value of the values using available resources for generating required opportunities to Awaken one's Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness, and the mass recognising one's innate Budh, changing oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. [ Economics >< Technical Singularity >< KhaiPhong ] will be driving forces pushing Education toward its True Purpose - based on the innate [ "Budh Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas / #Prajna / No-Conflict Consciousness" ] - to enable Global Coordination and Responses "From people, By people, and For people" (instead of dictatorships) via democracy and human rights, directing Technical Singularity in both Positive and Normative Intelligence.

The stresses of modern living is exponentially increasing, threaten to be replaced by Artificial Intelligence (AI) reducing humanity to a biological thing (con vật) without other two attributes of Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) in "Latin humanitas". This Issue is even more urgent, adding on top of the pain from "Infinite Thought Bodhisattva" in Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49] asking required technologies - an off-on switch or quantum consciousness of #SamadhiPrajna - for a moment of complete Silence in conscious living. Are many of us in this situation, unable to have a silent moment for rejuvenation and reborn in 100% Freshness of HonNhien mind[D22], an innate [ "Budh Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas" ] available to all naturally qualified persons. The solution is now readily deliverable, making happened by living students actually knowing "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" at seven (7) different depths of Consciousness from Relative #Truth on the duality plane of conflicting events to Ultimate (Wider) #Truth of Cosmic Consciousness and Beyond viewed from humanity personal and group efforts in the community right direction according to Natural Laws for Value of the values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

1. Breakthrough of the Vicious Circle in Duality Consciousness

Let's look at the core reasons behind Buddhist Tautologies and Duality - contrary to its claim of touching "#Oneness / the Source of all Diversities / Buddhist Cosmic Unity", then (1) the breakthrough of this Vicious Circle, and (2) possible technical advancements according to human nature. In the breakthrough, we start from the modern context of Psychological Suffering[R6.3] and its modern treatments in Krishnamurti's dialogue with his offered solution in the "Intensity of Attention", a piece of #Truth picked up by him and personally made known to the World in 60+ years of his life time.

Here is the well-known Krishnamurti's reason in 'the dissolution of the Order of the Star':

You may remember the story of how the devil and a friend of his were walking down the street, when they saw ahead of them a man stoop down and pick up something from the ground, look at it, and put it away in his pocket. The friend said to the devil, “What did that man pick up?” “He picked up a piece of #Truth,” said the devil. “That is a very bad business for you, then,” said his friend. “Oh, not at all,” the devil replied, “I am going to let him organize it.

A piece of '#Truth' is a scientific fact to be empirically verified, lived and shared with others for wider and deeper practical applications relevant to Actual Living since all manifestations are conditioned and changing at Planck time and there is an engineering optimal control set of conditions to make it happened. Discovering underlying natural laws behind these conditions is the target of KhaiPhong. When a piece of #Truth such as '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict', 'Love', 'Verifiable Emptiness', 'End-of-Dukkha' is given to an organised monopoly group (religion), the scientific fact of the #Truth will be dressed up with rituals and marketing gimmicks to totally veil the #Truth. Under fair/healthy competition and the embedded Buddha Nature in Living, everyone can be a part Relevant to one's present unique pattern in Learning and Doing that may leave something more enjoyable for others about to enter the Trail in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

Let's explore why the 'Right' in the Wrong Hands turn into something devastating 'Wrongs' and Lessons Learned from an Intelligent Ecosystem of a Living Whole, recorded in human Body of Knowledge at least 2500+ years of up to 2025 cheating Buddhist Sanghas. In this exploration, we identify the 'Right' and the 'Mechanisms of the Unworthy' plus their consequences for 'An Engineering Roadmap' that everyone can be a part.

Krishnamurti's story is a very profound Parable to show Intelligent Living Being the 'Right Way' to ride on the Tidal Shift in Evolution of Higher Consciousness. There is no absolute Right and absolute Wrong but there is fact-based epistemic #Truth observable, testable and reproducuble such as the universal Action-Reaction: the Right may needs the Unworthy such as "conflicting and divisional Faiths" to keep it focused and continuously innovative in practical living to discover the underlying natural law for logically and statistically exposing unworthy people in one's "#Care environment" such as the 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and/or 2000+ years in the "Hoax of Jesus Redeemer"; the Wrong needs the Right to force it continuously evolving due to the qualified human nature having innate Buddha Nature or Kingdom of Gods within, not repeating mistakes of the past "ELSE" (1) continuously Awaken by its peers and "Conscience - beyond Kindness and Empathy - at Detachment ready for "Gateway-to-Oneness" qualified as a human being" or (2) degenerated to be totally regulated by Nature from animals downward shown at minute 7:00 to insects, trees and stones for the Nature to neutralize its extreme desires unfit in a Harmonious and Responsible Creation. A balance between two opposites in duality will be driven by Cultivable #Prajna to expand Tao yin yang with breakthroughs in higher consciousness from #Prajna Dialectic instead of [ grasper-the grasped ] of bullying and cunning Hegelian Dialectic, Making Life Easier and Happier.

The key and observable difference between naturally qualified person as defined in Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion, #Prajna / Wisdom) and soon-to-be bullying animals and/or below down to a living stone as we esoterically KNOW the reality of the claimed "Christian Father God, Muslim Allah, and other claimed Buddhas, Bdhisattvas, etc," is the ability to transcend the duality #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness known in reported Gotama's Jhanas [D26], [D29], [D30] to see Thing-As-It-Is while learning the underlying processes of the Universe to Transcend Duality, Find Freedom due to one's innate "Buddha Nature known by Gotama / Kingdom of Gods within known by Jesus" as a qualified person versus always in conflicting consciousness from extreme desires of cunning intelligence as happened to the "Grand Inquisitor" from ninute 44:00 on the importance of ethical. The outcomes of "No Transcendental Inner-Peace / Incapable to #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness known by Gotama[D30] / Transcendental #Awareness known by HuiNeng in his description of Wu-Nien[R5]" are 100% STRESSES identified by Gotama as "Dukkha and his proposed solution" BUT rendered useless in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism as predicted by Krishnamurti in the above quote to make both Gotama and Jesus victims of their own DISCOVERIES. The "Stress / Dukkha" is more prominent in modern living of Global Village with The United States, China, the Future of the Global Order and whether "Did the West Provoke Russia in Ukraine?" in its driving forces toward the third World War to wipe out 90% human population. The dark forces have been wiped out at both esoteric and human levels from the top levels in the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods by underlying Natural Laws and front-line soldiers of the Good Forces who #Care for the [ Right and Wrong / Morality and Justice ] of Intelligent Existence, ready for the New Era "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaboration" from 2025.

#Truth is not a Pathless Land but scientific discovery of Natural Laws in Making Life Easier and Happier, sharing these discoveries so others on the same path and/or of similar pattern do not have to start from square one but build on top of proven technologies known to humanity. Krishnamurti said it is a Pathless Land since up to his generation (1895 - 1986), major pieces of Truths are picked up "accidentally" by dedicated explorers either by themselves and/or by assistance and synthesis from available recorded sources: (1) Gotama nine signed posts of Verifiable Emptiness whose scientifically modified Eightfold Path was sabotaged to be useless for the mass[D29], [D30], (2) Jesus universal value of "Kindness >< Empathy" in Parable of the Good Samaritan[R16] sabotaged by the evil Roman Catholic Church and Islam, (3) Nagarjuna "Ultimate (Wider) #Truth"[D38] for an Insight into the Emptiness sabotaged by claimed monks and egoistic scholars, (4) Asanga "Perfected Nature"[D39] for the infusion of "Natural Purification[D27]" to drive one's "Imaginary Nature" due to outdated Marks closer to the "Dependent Nature" of Thing As It Is for a "Right Effort" - not sustainable due to defensive position in the shadows of Gotama and Nagarjuna, (5) XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness[D19] to demonstrate the states and stock of cultivable #Prajna / Wisdom at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna - value added as a theoretical insight, (6) HuiNeng Wu-Nien / Self Nature[R5] to direct one's focus to What Count[R23] - sabotaged by his student monks, (7) Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] "Chỉ sai hữu niệm quên vô niệm - Wrongly grasp a conditioned thought and miss the #Oneness, having no sustainable infrastructure to further explore, (8) Soyen Shaku[R6] "God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality" starting to layout the road map for implementation, (9) Krishnamurti[R6.1] "Intensity of Attention" to theoretically bridge the gap between Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only, and (10) KhaiPhong Phase Changes in Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity corresponding to Gotama nine stages of meditation to scientifically connect the above dots at both theoretical and empirical levels, then beyond for further scientific researches. Only at present modern time and the change in natural cycle starting from the end of 2012 - together with orchestration of Higher Esoteric Circles - there are sufficient highly developed students in both human and middle realms to make things happened. The technologies and required conditions are ready at a "reflection point" that at the end of Krishnamurti life time, he suggested In-Tune and Take Care the Natural Surroundings may be a solution, poetically exposed by a Vietnamese scholar 2023-08-20 at #6 and #7. We wish many can be parts of this new cycle via Equanimity Communities in their Continuity of the consciousness. Finally, recent breakthroughs from agentic reasoning LLM (Large Language Models) enable the reproducible manifestations in optimum engineering feedforward and feedbackward control system of visible and/or invisible conditioned existence.

The "Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity" are empirically verifiable through the Scientific Process as a Guiding Light from the Heart Sutra[R2]. They are discovered technologies to Transcend-Inner-Peace (#PrajnaTIPs) on the way of "moving in" and knowing the "Process of Inner Transformation (PIT)" on the way out with "No Mind Enclosure"[R2] in the Utter Silence of "Inner Conflicts" for an outside "Clarity of Thing As It Is" and possible solution in a "Right Effort", capable to get the "Pulse" of the Issue, knowing its fundamental obstacles and what need to do pushing the solution toward a Right Direction of What Count[R23]. It is a dynamic interactions between "The Invisible / Not-Self / God / Allah / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / Self Nature / Kiến Tánh" and "The Visible / Self / The World / Relative Truth / Dependent Nature / Hữu Niệm" of a Right Effort.

Without an ability to recall his past lives, Krishnamurti wondered why he had the required "Intensity of Attention" to break the crust of "Self" for accessing into the "#Oneness / Not-Self" that he called "Freshness / Unconditioned" while others do not have. Due to complex "Dependent Nature", everything comes into existence due to conditions. His "Intensity of Attention" also came from directed conditions that - knowing it or not - his picked-up #Truth also solves thousands years of "Chasm" between Buddhist Madhyamaka[D38] and Consciousness-Only[D39], between "Self" and "Not-Self" generated by Buddhist unworthy people not-yet passing the Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict and unqualified by Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness that they have been blah blah blah in 2500+ years up to 2025. Thanks to this picked-up #Truth, one living student immediately recognised what he knew in exploring #PrajnaTIP in Sound is identical to what Gotama knew in his nine signed posts of meditation when Gotama was a child under the shade of a tree, driven by HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) and tremendous Compassion for all living beings. The Only remaining Issues is to theoretically and empirically DISCOVERED underlying natural laws for heavy lifting from duality plane of conflicting consciousness to No-Conflict plane at verifiable depths personally Known and recorded from Gotama and what outcomes can be observable and refifiable from #Oneness back to duality plane of conflicting consciousness. This has been done from limited field researches of KhaiPhong past 50+ years and is ready to expose any claimed #Truth to be provable as a fact-based epistemic objective or a "hallucination" of a Cheater / Liar who is Accountable for one's exposition in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

Present situation is much better since besides the tested "Secret Sauce based on underlying Natural Laws" in his 50+ years of field researches, this writer has identified many people from different religions, nationalities, cultures, skin colours, male and female, etc, all having common threads of "Kindness >< Empathy", actually knowing [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } at different angles and conditions to #EmptyTheContent to that natural state. Most can only realise that precious state only when the writer pointed out why he/she has it in natural relaxation and dissolving stresses while millions others - no matter how much money and resources under their control - are "addicted" to all kinds of thoughts well known in the question of an infinite-thought Bodhisattva in Lotus Sutra[D49]. The writer explicitly asks all these identified persons reverse engineering optimal conditions and the "secret sauce" to enable them #EmptyTheContent for the verifiable aesthetic state, just like the right conditions and secret sauce of a dish. If "things happened" they will be parts of formal scientific studies and may help millions others of similar pattern to reclaim their innate [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas ], veiled by all kinds of fake News from all religions and isms in entire human history.

Yet, the student took more than 20 years to overcome tremendous barriers created by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] under the masks of Buddhist communities of monks and nuns who have not passed even the Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, yet blah blah blah with their "concentration via different forms of meditation" which is not natural "Intensity of Attention" nor Gotama's Stability (#Samadhi) nor qualified by HuiNeng as "meditation" since there is "no transcendental process" to be out of one's conditioned box of Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts. Connecting the dots, together with other friends in his Inner Circle who happened to have many thousands years of dedicated efforts to explore and actually have a glimpse / know the Emptiness as described in the Heart Sutra[R2], we think there are sufficient scientific discoveries to kick-start KhaiPhong Technology for the benefits of many, either like us, Krishnamurti, or at different levels such as the following two persons in Vietnamese history who actually demonstrated the power of "Intensity of Attention".

The "Intensity of Attention" was actually demonstrated by Phạm Ngũ Lão that piercing into his thigh having running blood could not even bother him while he was contemplating military strategy that might help his country to fight against the most violent and fierce Mongolian conquerors. Or even more proficient by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] that poking and causing blood running from his head would - while not in a trance but carrying a normal diplomatic conversation - not even change his appearance due to tremendous "Intensity of Attention" in a diplomatic / spy engagement to have a hand-on "Pulse" of the enemy before actual battle with the most violent force in the world - the Mongol invasions - that he helped to militarily defeat them three times in the 13th century. Reincarnations of these two - one Vietnamse and one Caucasian - are current living students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle. Hưng Đạo Vương Trần Quốc Tuấn[R7.4] was the first one we are Aware of, capable to bring his "Inner Depth" coming from "dwelling in no mind enclosure"[R2] as described in the Heart Sutra to be in Utter Inner Silence for sensing the counterpart vibrations before critical engagements.

That (1) "Intensity of Attention" may come from different sources such as (2) "Compassion" as in the case of young Gotama under the shade of a tree, (3) "Faith" to move the mountain in the case of Jesus, (4) "Faith and Compassion" in the case of Asanga[D39] to break the crust of "Self" for experiencing the "Perfected Nature / Oneness / Not-Self". The Sudden Awaken to break the crust of the "Self" may also come from different sources such as (5) a pointer to "Detachment / Vô Trụ" as in the case of HuiNeng, or (6) riding on discovered natural laws and processes for heavy lifting such as the Technologies to Transcend the Inner Peace (#PrajnaTIPs), etc. It is one of four (4) conducive activities easily leading to the actual experience of #Oneness: (1) #DhyanaSamadhi, (2) Highest Tantra, (3) Aspiration, (4) Merging with Nature. These conducive activities can combine with six (6) Vertical Switches passing though six (6) Signed Posts in six (6) possible event outcomes for a measurable Right Effort in all Activities and Relationships where Artificial Intelligence can be a part of your cultivable Normative Intelligence.

Since all manifested "things / feelings / observable consciousness states" are conditioned driven by "Dependent Nature" of Thing As It Is, the manifestations of "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / God / Ultimate (Wider) Truth, ..." are observable and describable by those knowing the transcendental process of "moving in" and its effects in "moving out" of the "Then What" at the bottom line of practical and actual Living / Effort. The movement will help many having thousands years hopping in the dark with real possibilities of falling into some cracks[R5.3], [R5.4], [R15], [R17.1], [R17]

Under the new Science of Consciousness, those having "outside-the-box" experience (as mentioned) can describe (1) the optimal conditions for them to make that "Consciousness of the consciousness" happened, and (2) the bottom-line "Then What" of that extraordinary experiences in daily activities and efforts. Gotama has done the first part[D26] describing his personal experience from relative #Truth (wilderness in a village with community of monks) to different depths of Insight into the Emptiness (ultimate wider #Truth - nine stages of his Samma-Samadhi)[D30]. The second part has fact-based outcomes of scientific process. It must be done by all scientists to effortlessly clean up unworthy people exploiting and perpetuating humanity darkness of tainted senses. Their "Sharing" may help many others either on or will be entering the similar pattern so they can further explore and value-add to the community from their own perspective in Making Life Easier and Happier. Your Path will be clearer and enjoyable to you and the World that may be sustainable even beyond your life time.

To effortlessly drive out Buddhist unworthy people in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha, and all blah blah blah theorists at conditioned levels of Hegelian dialectics we start from HuiNeng and Gotama personal opinions to be scientifically proven and implemented as the actualities that can be cultivable and statistically epistemic objectives:

  1. "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } at seven (7) different depths of #AwarenessPrajna - from Madhyamaka Relative #Truth to Ultimate (Wider) #Truth then back, or from Dependent Nature to Perfected Nature then back to naturally purifying tainted Imaginary Nature closer to the Dependent Nature of Thing-As-It-Is - knowable by living students of KhaiPhong.

  2. #DhyanaSamadhi { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is [ #Samadhi ] }.

  3. #SamadhiPrajna { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }.

  4. #AwarenessPrajna { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }.

We say the above quotes from HuiNeng and Gotama are actualities and cultivable as statistically epistemic objectives since they are personally known in currently limited circles of KhaiPhong to be widely open via scientific processes under the best humanistic know-hows of all relevant and beneficial fields driven by invisible hands of Empathy (leading to #Prajna) and Economics. Please:

  1. Challenge and/or force all claimed Buddhist enlighten monks/nuns, meditation/zen masters, teachers, instructors, etc, publicly describe their experience and/or theoretical understanding of the above actualities on the Internet wall that they have been "too noisy for so long about all forms of meditations" and painted cakes! Their realities will be permanently recorded to be compared against the statistical significance of the above epistemic objectives.

  2. Challenge and/or force all qualified Buddhist PhDs - especially those cheating humanity under a religious robe attempting to enslave people in their own cages - expose what they know of the above epistemic objectives (especially about Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22]) that the entire 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas intentionally ignore in their attempts to knock out Gotama's discoveries and turn them into a mass religion of masters-slaves relationships.

  3. Help specialised teams of professionals and those personally know the seven (7) different depths of "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" such as this young Vietnamese girl 2023-08-23 (the video is deleted since it was Not Her) quickly consolidate their scientific investigations to Free one's mind from all isms, ideals, religions, faked news, and outdated marks whose divisions and violent competitions are of the past since the description is not the described. We NOW know her "dark side", stealing the quality of a qualified student (the enclosed picture) whose later reincarnation might be the well-known in Vietnamese history "Trưng Trắc" and currently in the dragon realm.

  4. Be part of the areas of your most dominant interest via [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] to enable the above Gotama and HuiNeng personal assertions into statistically epistemic objectives whose outcomes are the green fields of the Why, the How, and the What that may last beyond your life time.

People knowing the above epistemic objectives at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna - now under different synchronised angles which may be appropriate to more people - from those actually having them can:

  1. Explain what are going on under Natural Laws just like HuiNeng without spending time in voluminous arguments mostly from the "blinds touching elephant" of deductions and imaginations.

  2. Have the "Right Understanding of Enlightenment" not falling into a crack life-after-life like Gotama.

  3. Personally debunk evil esoteric claimed Buddhas and Bodhisattvas incapable to provide any answer to the quest of the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva in cheating Lotus Sutra[D49] while shutting down "Big Mouths" of their 1000+ years human slaves to enslave humanity in their masters-slaves relationships and Ignorance that they have been badly degenerated for the Nature to neutralise their unwholesome energy. The outcome of the scientific investigations is the opening one's obstructions and Free one's mind to higher / grandeur Vision (KhaiPhong) having tested conditions and optimal solutions just like the outcomes of modern medicines having significant contributions from many specialised fields.

  4. Know more about oneself - the mind weak points easily hacked[R8] by unworthy people in entire human history, and its potentiality via Higher Consciousness beyond Greed and Fears of the self in one's Continuity of the Consciousness - being both an accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.

The devil in Krishnamurti story is the 'Grasp-er' manifested through the left brain required for the 'self' stability (current life continuity) in the scientifically cultivable States and Stock of one's Consciousness whose Quality is momentarily manifested in #Prajna or Ignorance affected by one's Volition / Freewill / Sankhara based on how one sees oneself and the World. A friend of the devil is one's right brain capable to receive wider perspective of signals based on one's long evolution from the Wholesome Mind (Intuition, Brain Intelligence, ComPassion, #Prajna) via [ Consciousness to Sound to Forms ] back to a Higher level of Consciousness [ Forms to Consciousness ].

A wider perspective will rationally convince the left brain that it is in its interest to be in the Friendly and Compassionate [Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital] Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings since one will have a smaller share but in much bigger pie of the Present Moment, and will be karmic-ally connected to that culture in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. One can ride on what one and others have been contributed. The model expands to group dynamics where one is fully responsible for one's action and the environment one a part: from Inner Order to Outer Order in a new Consciousness Evolution.

The devil and friend can work side-by-side together with #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience according to 'Thing-As-It-Is' Dependent Nature in the razor-sharp Integrated Culture of #Oneness from Right Understanding and Right Motivation of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path or HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna. It is a collaborative #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict in the Changing Dynamics that will be deeply explored in the Signed Posts of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace from 'Emptiness'. There are different scales of greys in relative existence, and one always needs the guidance of #Prajna / Wisdom for the Right Understanding and Right Motivation in all activities and relationships.

The left brain and the right brain are only the physical manifestation of subtler energy that are there in one's astral body and in-between realms (i.e. not even required physical body to manifest). Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D39] calls the functions associated with the left brain the seventh consciousness. We call the functions associated with the right brain part of #Prajna / Conscience, comprising of accumulated Stock of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) and States to see 'Thing As It Is at one's depth' or one's Reality, known by Buddhist as Right Transcendental #Awareness whose foundations have been missed by Gotama and 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, plus Compassion and something beyond. This shows the continuity and interaction of #Awareness of X-dimension or Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace of Y-dimension which are the two chapters to drill in the nuts and bold to affect the Quality of one's Consciousness in Present Living, transcending the individual realm and life in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

KhaiPhong is the Science and Economics of technologies to Transcend Inner Peace (#PrajnaTIPs) taking Krishnamurti and other great explorers Pathless Lands into green fields of fertile researches and practical applications, directly accessing the #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict to (1) dissolve dominant outdated Marks such as Fears, excessive sex drive for quality of the present living, (2) know the driving force behind the Volition / Freewill / Sankhara and the state of one's being to properly manage one's Realities, and (3) open the dormant Potentiality within one's long evolution of the consciousness. We apply mathematical patterns of [ Axiom > Model > Taxonomy ] of modern Ontological System of identify types to force all conflicting isms into a Unified System of #Truth to clearly separate the mean from the target in community of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings, Making Life Easier and Happier. In that separation - with the help of mathematical formulation via specified Ontological System - it is clear that (1) Humanist system is the common sense out of the lessons learned from master-slave relationships imposed on humanity via Catholic, Islam, and attempted by Illuminati NWO, (2) Buddhist - at its core Values - is a scientific process to deepen the Humanist approach, (3) KhaiPhong is the practical implementation of Buddhist approach since (3.1) Buddha Nature is the corollary of Living, (3.2) #PrajnaTIPs are verifiable technologies to enable modified Eightfold Path scientifically cultivable, (3.3) Making Life Easier and Happier is the manifestation of the four Buddhist Seals (Dukkha / Impermanence / Not-Self / End-of-Dukkha) that we lump together and modify it into a fact-based epistemic objective #FourFoldTruth to be statistically verifiable by most people.

In our formulation of the Catholic System, its assumption of Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent (manifested and forever) God is false according the to second law of Thermodynamics and all - visible or invisible - must be changed at Planck time for any manifested element. Its model/process of the Infallible Pope is undeniably a cheating process based on tracked records[R18.2], [R18.1], [R18]. Similarly, the Islam manifested and forever "Allah" is unfounded as the manifested Forever God. If "Allah (God)" is conceived as "#Oneness / All things return to 'One' and 'One' operates in all things" then the scientific process of moving from the duality in "Muslims (Faithfuls) and Infidels" to #Oneness must be exposed which is clearly different from what currently practised by Islam (fanatics) in either conversion or elimination. Within the same Muslims (fanatics), there exists duality and Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts. The process moving from duality "Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts" to the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" as well as the Natural Purification from the #Oneness to dissolve "conflicts" or "Making Life Easier and Happier" are scientifically explorable. For Illuminati Elites and ETs, we esoterically know their complete "Nazi Fascism" plan has been foiled. Any future "close encounter" should be based on scientific dialogue at both theoretical level and empirical verification. That is what Humanity can bring to the table under #Oneness. It is basically a modern challenge for Christianity, Islam, and ET in this Open and Transparent multi-polar World of Communications and Collaborations.

From brief analysis of the above "#Truth" as a "pathless land" to well-known documented discoveries of great explorers, we see (1) our existence - Relative #Truth - is conditioned and changing, (2) there is the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", (3) there are discovered processes to move from the conditioned changing existence to the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / God / Allah / Consciousness of the consciousness / Wu-Nien". The discovered processes must be outside the box of conflicting existence - patch C in Figure 2 - seen from the deepest part of one's Cultivable Silence (Y-dimension verified by Gotama) or high above in positive Fibonacci evolution on the plane of [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ] perpendicular to the duality plane of focused event where changing forces can come from all involved parties and natural phenomena. A conditioned from the known on the duality plane of events cannot see and change another conditioned As It Is for a breakthrough due to complex Dependent Nature. It must come from "A Light" through "energy in intensity of attention" which can be (1) Compassion as the case of Gotama when he was a child, (2) Faith as the case of Jesus, (3) Faith and Compassion as the case of Asanga under the "orchestration of Maitreya" as told in Tibetan tradition, (4) Faith and tools surrounding sex in the Highest Tantric Sexual Penetration, (5) innate Intensity of Attention due to many thousands years of correct training as the case of Krishnamurti and few students in AwakeningBudh Movement. (6) "Charming Attraction" of Sunyata Non-Thingness as #PrajnaTIP in Sound, (7) Common Vibration of Energy as #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, (8) Riding on physical and consciousness natural laws as Cultivable #Prajna in Activity, (9) Natural Levitation as in Cultivable #Prajna in Sadhana. All possible lights have common attribute of No-Conflict and be parts of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] on the plane of [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom ] perpendicular to the duality plane of focused event. The last four will be discussed and implemented at the Right Time.

Using this observation, we formally prove and correct the Wrong Processes with the Right Ones, at logical level while waiting for the Right Time for their implementations. The Right Processes are known by living students to re-establish the scientific Values of teachable [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom ] in cultivable "states" and "stock" for the "Stability Division" of Gotama modified Eightfold Path which is different from what the communities of Buddhists monks and nuns spreading in 2500+ years up to 2025 of their claimed front-line soldiers and Dharma protectors of Gotama's discoveries.

  1. A darkness (conflicting duality / duality consciousness) cannot clearly see another darkness (conflicting duality / duality consciousness) As-It-Is. There is a "Light" outside the conflicting boundary accessible by both simulation and Consciousness of the consciousness. The precious Value of the values can be observable in qualities of accomplished leaders while their personal issues can be solved by Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] to change fact-based Wrong Efforts due to tainted senses into Right Efforts augmented with fact-based LLM custom ai model.

  2. Scientific approach to the #FourFoldTruth on the Nature of Mind versus the Zen Contest between Shen-Hsiu and HuiNeng. The outcome is deliverable crossbreed between Effortless Action (Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei) and Indian Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) in #Oneness.

  3. Without "Detachment / Ability to see the Right amd Wrong / Conscience / Lương Tri" there is no States and Stock to accumulate "Gradual Cultivation" for "Sudden Awakening". Please turn the Right-Side-Up of the modified Eightfold Path driven by Right Understanding and Right Motivation from the #Prajna division to clean up professional cheaters from Buddhist Sanghas.

[1.1] A conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see another conflicting duality (darkness) As-It-Is

Let's glance through following current Issues before using mathematics and logic drawn from observable developments up to 2025 to prove this statement:

  1. Buddhists have talked about "Right Transcendental #Awareness" and "#Oneness / Emptiness"[D34], [D26] at the level of 'within-the-box' of conditioned in 'Binding Word', 'Clinging Thought', and general 'Grasper / Grasped' of their collective darkness in duality of conflicts to basically turn scientific facts (fact-based epistemic objectives) which are "Lights" in the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas" discovered by Gotama upside down. There is no connection in their "Mindfulness" and "Verifiable Emptiness / #Oneness" as actually recorded from Gotama[D29], [D30]. Most monks and nuns in the past 2500+ years do not recognise the foundation of Right Transcendental #Awareness is the '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict', coming from "Verifiable Emptiness[D26]" with discovered Vertical Switches for 'Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace/ Samma Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent' toward Non-Thingness at six measurable Signed Posts. They put their efforts in shining the 'leaf of one's Mask' (Doing as Professional cheaters[R18.4]) without nourishing the root (Being). When there is no sap flowing from the root, the leaf (manifestation) of Transcendental #Awareness is 'dying' or a 'fake'. Like 'Love', a thought and/or description of 'Emptiness' is not 'Empty'. But there is the 'Love' and 'Emptiness' flowing from the source of 'Being' in actual living, observable and cultivable. 'Emptiness' is manifested in all signed posts - Table 1.1 - inspired by HuiNeng Three Nots (Wu-Nien / Beyond-Thought, No-Mark, Detachment) for the manifestation of KhaiPhong Three Haves (#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna) and AwakeningBudh Movement (ComPassion, HonNhien, #Prajna).

  2. The missing Link is the Direct Access to the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) to activate the 'sense purification[D27]' out of tainted / outdated marks and naturally manifest Right Transcendental #Awareness in daily activities, seeing 'Thing As It Is' for a Right Effort / Action. That Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness has different depths of #AwarenessPrajna, recorded in Buddhist Texts as nine observable attributes of Knowable #Samadhis. Beyond the Purity state, one can 'Transcend-Inner-Peace'[D30], going beyond thought (no thought) in Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness, and Unity to directly experience the 'Essence of the Right Effort / Living' which deeply registers itself in one's storehouse Consciousness to keep one on the Right Track of Consciousness Evolution. One's Noble Inner Circle and circles of inner circles may significantly help this Noble Aspiration coming from actual experience, not a utopia of Bodhisattva or Bodhicitta at conditioned thought in thousands years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas. This is like the 'actuality of Emptiness' versus 'meditation on Emptiness' which is only a game at conditioned thinking[R14], [R14.1].

  3. Even 'the #Truth of the cessation of dukkha' - Gotama third part of the #FourFoldTruth - is also at the assertion of thought by most members of Buddhist Sanghas, not beyond thought at both positive and normative statistical significance outside the thinking box into the Actuality of Living as recorded from Gotama[D44]. Even worse, the third part of the #FourFoldTruth is totally corrupted by a world claimed enlighten monk that the sangha in cleaning its mess needs to tidy up. A thought of 'cessation', 'emptiness', etc, is 'not cessation', 'not empty' / "The Description is NOT the Described" as personally verified by Krishnamurti. The third part of the #FourFoldTruth in the entire history of Buddhist Sanghas up to 2025 does not have logical explanation, either at theoretical or empirically verifiable level. Its mechanism will be theoretically and empirically proven in 'Sudden Awaken then Awakening' at the 'Intensity of Attention' and delivered by KhaiPhong for all dedicated seekers. When the system was expanded to turn Dukkha into an Actuality of Relative Existence 'viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha' (of Changed and Conditioned), the solution from cheating Buddhist Sanghas to dukkha either idealized into an imaginary "Nirvana and Parinirvana" with the "How" in total darkness of duality[D24], [D25] from many life-times cheating monks. The "Cessation of Suffering Dukkha" discovered by Gotama[D44] has been completely ignored. Assuming assertion of Gotama in the cessation of Dukkha is "right", the 'How' from current 'Dukkha' to this momentary 'End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana' is explored, Then What? for the practical relationship between Dukkha and momentary "Nirvana" in Actual Living / Effort.

This "Cessation of Suffering Dukkha" in Actual living is within a conditioned set of Human Realm, bordered line with higher consciousness on the No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] plane of [ #Oneness / #Prajna ] and accessible via Right Transcendental #Awareness qualified by Gotama, but unknown and cheated by most monks and nuns in the 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas. The discovery of this layered No-Conflict Consciousness that any [ duality consciousness / tool ] not being beyond the observer effect is the wrong tool such as Buddhist mindfulness of breathing[D24], the Great Frames of Reference (Tứ niệm xứ)[D25], all Christian and Muslim reflections at the binding Word/Image and clinging Thought. It proves that human current problems created by infinite thoughts known and explicitly asked for help from "Infinite Thought Bodhisattva" in Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49] - unknown by esoteric unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in the middle realms of Buddhas, Gods, Allah leading to the collapse of Illuminati Elites attempting to enslave humanity with Greed and Fears in one's own prison without bars - cannot be solved by Duality Consciousness which is the creator of the problem. It must use another tool [known / glimpsed] by founders and mystics of all major organised religions and philosophies, but not yet deliverable to the mass to meet Soyen Shaku's challenge[R6].

KhaiPhong can Help at both theoretical level using set theory and empirical levels in providing the fact-based epistemic objective #FourFoldTruth - modified from Gotama's "Four Noble Truths (which are Not fact-based epistemic objectives) - where voluminous Buddhist doctrines and philosophies must go through to verify [ the possibility of Diversities >< #Oneness / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ]. It is also the fact-based epistemic objective #Truth where religious such as [ #GodKingdom within ], the aesthetic state of [ "There is No God but allah - lā ʾilāha ʾil ʾāllāh" ] and/or philosophical treatises such as [ Heaven Earth People / Thiên Địa Nhân ] in I-Ching or LaoTzu Tao, ideal man (choon dzuh - quân tử) in Confucius system of of [ Nhân ( Humanity / benevolence / ren 仁 ), Nghĩa ( Righteousness / yi 义 ), Lể ( Rites / propriety / li 理 ), Trí ( Intelligence / zhi 智 ) and Tín ( Trust / fidelity / xin 信 ) ], Falun Gong to scientitically (observable, testable, reproducible) of [ Chân-Thiện-Nhẫn / Honesty-Morality-Patience ], etc. YES, it is available from 2025 forward via moderm tools of people Mindmap from Graph Technologies with Socratic Agent in Reasoning and Deep Seach.

That is why in the above issues, a duality consciousness (darkness) cannot reach something outside its rigid self container of tainted senses to actually know Gotama's Not-Self at deeper state of "Right Transcendental #Awareness / Chánh niệm" that Buddhist monks and nuns blah blah blah for so long in their cheating Buddhism and cheating Path of Purification to cheat the world. Same thing is applied to beyond-thought "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict"[D34], "Love"[R16] (that catholic priests idealised it as an exclusive domain in their "Hoax of Redeemer" so they can make a living as his gatekeepers), "Emptiness"[D26], "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace", "Cessation of Dukkha / Nirvana"[D44].

Mathematically, we can represent all manifested events on the duality plane of (Madhyamaka) Relative #Truth. The six possible outcomes of any event can be measurable with self-evaluation of Right Effort. Since there is no conflict in "#Oneness, Love, Compassion, Emptiness, #Prajna, Wisdom, Detachment, Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace, #Samadhi", they can be represented on the plane of [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ] perpendicular to the duality plane of Relative #Truth. From this mathematical representation, we can logically see that any decision viewed from this conflicting duality plane at most can use (1) proven epistemic objectives and (2) group effort via Hegelian Dialectic. It cannot sense both the visible and invisible influencing forces on the event As-It-Is nor its strategic position to push the event toward What Count as actually demonstrated here. The event must be viewed from [ deep Silence of #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom ] or high above due to cunning intelligence of concentration to directly perceive one's strategic position at that instant moment.

This vertical Moral Value of the values has been actually observed As-It-Is by a living student in our group that many realms where humanity is a part are layered, connected together by a cross-cut column of energy with lay-lines of energy moving out of this cosmic energy column. The Moral Value of the values must flow according to natural laws to be discovered in the Dependent Nature between this vertical cross-cut energy column and the relative event on the layered duality plane of each realm. We call the plane formed by this energy column and the event, the event #Truth Plane toward What Count of the Whole to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Parts of it have been discovered and SHARED as Vertical Switches to six Signed Posts originally known as Gotama's nine #Samadhi stages, and as "Wu-Nien" by HuiNeng in his three Nots: [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết (empirically verifiable in Transcending the Observed), Vô Trụ ]. Hence, the natural Nature of Existence goes beyond the human realm such as climate changes to Inter-Realms Dependent Nature that the esoteric dark forces - planning to create masters-slaves relationships in destroying 90% human population - reap their consequences without any central agent to punish them. We call this the invisible Moral hand of the Nature, currently discovered as the Invisible Hand of Economics for allocating scare resources and the Invisible Hand of #Prajna for normative decisions toward What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness. No one is there to judge you! It is You who are responsible for your "Quality of the Consciousness and the environment you are a part where you are judged by your peers in the Responsible Creation where all involved parties are parts and ultimately by underlying Universal Moral Value of the values Action-Reaction empirically found in mathematical expression of Complex Fibonacci numbers. Humanity has gone beyond animal kingdoms. Integrity of a qualified human being - "IamX" - has been protected by Internationally accepted Human Rights. It is the interest of all involved parties to have that protection in Inter-Realms for stable and orderly development. This is the essence of the writer "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" that he publicly invites qualified Intelligent Beings a part on a Fair-Trade table that all involved parties will be better off, mathematically proven in human realm and later Inter-Realms in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

Using set theory to draw a circle embracing both the Observer and the Observed in Figure 11.1, patch C represents "something outside its rigid self container perceived by the observer and the observed". The 'Then What' even after momentary Nirvana logically shows not only the practicality of Gotama momentary End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana or 'inspired by HuiNeng' Unmoving Sunyata but also the momentary state of Prajna-Paramita described in the Heart Sutra[R2]: 'in Sunyata there is not ... dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga', just Thing As It Is (Transcending the Observed and the Observer) in actual Living which is our suggested Inner Quest (zen Koan if you do not have any) using the system of FourFoldTruth to personally verify it. Without personally verifying this statement as an epistemic objective - Thing-As-It-Is literal Fact - one does not know anything about Gotama's seventh stage Non-Thingness which is the case applied to the author of [ Visuddhimagga[D31] / the Buddhist cheating Path of Purification ] and Theravada imaginary Nibbana-Parinibbana of cheating monks.

All Buddhists need to "Personally Testify" this "Koan" which is the focused concrete beneficial targets discovered by Gotama, using his "modified Eightfold Path as the model driving toward the four Seals of the Dharma in all activities and relationships: Dukkha / Impermanence / Not-Self / Nirvana or End-of-Dukkha. "Koan" is one of many techniques to generate required "Intensity of Attention" to be beyond conditioned - especially Thought - at conflicting duality level. Different from other Zen Koans designed to "break your habit of Thinking" at conflicting level without offering any practical and scientific process since the claimed masters do not have sufficient depths to the point of teachable and reproducible trail they have actually passed, this "Koan" (1) uses modern technique to rationally show you "A darkness (duality consciousness) cannot clearly see another darkness" As-It-Is and required strategic position to push the focused event toward a right direction for one and the environment, (2) raises your "Trust" in Gotama's discoveries, "putting fire on his modified Eightfold Path" as you put fire on gold to make sure that it is "real gold", (3) uses your real "Pain / Dukkha" to actually solve the real issue in daily activities which naturally generate the required "Intensity of Attention" in Making Life Easier and Happier, (4) opens "Your Mind" to acquire other discovered technologies such as the Sound technology from Shurangama[D33] to speed up the process of dissolving all manifestations in "Verifiable Emptiness" for "reborn / rejuvenation" from "No Mind Enclosure" as his description in Cula-Sunnata Sutta[D26] or in the Heart Sutra[R2], then "The Heart" to Share your actual experience on the trail so others can value-add to make the discovered trail Easier and Happier for others exactly as what Gotama did in 45+ years to leave something beneficial for Humanity. Unfortunately, his real contributions have been sabotaged by unworthy people inside his Sangha in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, blah blah blah with "Mindfulness" at their conflicting duality consciousness in binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, not qualified by Gotama[D29]. Please help to clean up these unworthy people in your worthy "Equanimity Communities".

Let's be concrete from what Buddhists call "darkness" or from "the Known" at any event and the practicality of something "Beyond" for a breakthrough or sustainable solution. The "term darkness" indicates something "conflicting / viparinama-dukkha" in "Relative #Truth" to point to some lasting Value in "Ultimate (Wider) #Truth" since all conditioned are changing (viparinama-dukkha) according to modern second law of thermodynamics. Due to continuous changing, the "Known of Thing-As-It-Is" was already in the past dynamic multi-polar world. Based on six possible outcomes from any event we see modern approach already incorporates as its based knowledge (epistemic objectives) or the crossbreed of Chinese practicality in "Effortless Action / Wei-Wu-Wei" with "Beyond the Known" (detailed in the next Scientific #FourFoldTruth) in specialised fields demonstrated and deliverable as an Art by "Elites" who must have some accumulated wiring between the right and left brains.

What needed are:

  1. Revitalisation of the Wise Attention - Yoniso Sutta[D28] - also known as “wise reflection, reasoned attention, methodical consideration, directing the attention to the roots of things” using proven scientific approach of effective treatments[R6.3] in conscious living at both mental and physical levels, riding on both the [ Known / Epistemic Objectives ] and something Beyond in cultivable #Awareness and #Prajna with measurable Signed Posts to make happened Gotama's advice to Ajita's Questions[D22]: "whatever streams (of karmic forces), it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved".

    This revitalisation must be scientific and concrete from the three orthogonal dimensions of (1) duality plane of conflicting events driven by invisible hand of Economics measurable in the X-dimension of [ Gotama Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng Wu-Nien / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh ], (2) No-Conflict plane of #Oneness in the Y-dimension of [ Gotama's #EmptyTheContent Transcendental Inner Peace toward Non-Thingness / Gotama's Not-Self and seventh Jhana for re-born and rejuvenation ], (3) legal entities via all activities and relationships in the [ Complex Fibonacci F-dimension stock of #Prajna from scientifically cultivable InnerSpace ] that no hardcore professional cheater dares to get close. For example, in Vietnamese Buddhist ritual for marriage [ Lễ Hằng Thuận / Ritual for Forever Harmony ] which is useless and totally contradicted with (1) Buddhist Impermanence / Anicca, and (2) the lasting change coming only from inside of two committing parties, not from outside as discovered and contributed by Gotama. The ritual is invented by many life-time unworthy people[R18.4] in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, bullying people with their earned "Ph.D. in Buddhist studies" making very unworthy living with invented rituals and entertainments to intentionally sabotage Gotama's discoveries. The relatives and closed friends in the parties' circles may solemnly witness their exchanged vows to better help the newly wedded couple. With our implementation of graph technologies, the involved parties can (1) share their most secret and private information to see How Much of their compatibitity for a possble meaningful relationship, and (2) in their daily activities and relationships have instant and private feedback against original vows with epistemic objectives from community Right and Wrong in Gotama's Right Understanding and Right Motivation in the #Prajna division of his modified Eightfold Path. This is the best relevant reflection that no organised religion can provide in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The required tools are Not Available but required technologies and ingredients are available to be implemented in KhaiPhong user-facing mu at the right time. Spirituality has nothing to do with divisional religions in enslaving humanity!

    To make this happened, a formal ontology of clearly defined issues and its suggested solution (s) according to Wise Attention - Yoniso Sutta[D28] must be available for consistent communications among people and machines that statistically significant solution will stand up. Your Ph.D. qualifications are better to use in this project, rather than in all kinds of imaginary rituals painted with cultures and the country histories that you claim to be a supporting part. Since "Wise Attention" claimed to be an internal condition for the modified eightfold path, an ontology of visible attributes in knowing the "source of thoughts" before its manifestation into unconscious "Volition / Sankhara" from "Ignorance / Avijja" or "Freewill" from #Prajna to properly manage one's reality. We assert and you can check that all claimed Buddhist Meditation masters, scholars, monks, nuns in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas who did not know the driving force behind their thoughts - such as the monk Shen-Hui[R5.1] page 119 riding on his teacher credibility for a very unworthy living - are provable professional cheaters, violating Gotama's fundamental ethical code.

    Implementation of the Wise Attention on both duality plane of Conflicting Consciousness and #Oneness of No-Conflict Consciousness driven by activities and relationships, legal entities can learn quite a lot from container technologies derived from custom OS (Operating System) of orthogonal Namespaces (#Oneness in Empathy leading to #Prajna, duality in Economics, and each legal entity driving force), and resource allocation in control groups (Cgroups) with immutable information from cryptographic systems in balancing between individual and state rights where Invisible Market Values according to natural laws such as #Prajna and Economics operate. Containerized user-facing mu acting as one's command centre and personal assistant having optional Executive Information Portal (eip) to enable One interacting with others on the User Namespace to directly affecting Empathy on the No-Conflict Consciousness plane which raises the community sense of Justice and Moral Value while keeping unworthy people in checked, and Economics on the duality plane of Conflicting Events toward What Count.

    The conscious living augmented by PrajnaTool of Artificial Intelligence at both discovered general patterns from the mass and specialized persona strength/weakness will effortlessly clean up unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all isms where organised religions are parts. This can be done with current Psychology specializing in [ Emotion / Cảm Xúc, Behavior / Hành Vi , transcendental #Awareness / Nhận Thức ] augmented in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) for [ Description / Mô Tả, Explanation / Lý Giải, Prediction / Tiên Đoán, Intervention / Can Thiệp ] from AI Reinforced Learning derived with verifiable experts and required custom services to solve specialized case study. Here is a simple observable case study to show the difference between the natural "Effortless Action / Wei-Wu-Wei" and Buddhist concentration in daily activities: the "effortless" is deepening the "No Conflict Chi demonstrated at physical level BUT being used by KhaiPhong Inner circle and Protect oneself and Help others" in natural Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi) while the concentration must overcome both inner conflict and outer conflict from fact-based reality of Buddhism in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas.

  2. Making known proven Right Effort, possible solutions of all dominant binding and clinging forces in Gotama's advice to Ajita's Questions[D22], and Only in Present Living one can change Quality of the Consciousness according to natural law of whatever light will float up[D32] in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

    Playing a very small part in the new Era, we see unique comparative advantages of involved Elites in all fields of modern living together with their tremendous dominant Issues[R20.3], [R20.4] to be exploited by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], or falling into a crack due to not knowing the proven underlying natural laws[R17], [R17.1].

    If you are one of these Elites we ask you being a part of the new Era of Conscious Living of what most important to you where we can be a part that may last beyond your life time from humanity upward in your Continuity of the consciousness, self-assuring that you are always evolving in the Right positive Fibonacci evolution from humanity upward. Please privately contact Dr. Duong BaTien phone 1-403-547-1287 or email any time.

  3. Full integration between proven Artificial Intelligence and lasting Value of the values in cultivable Normative Intelligence discovered by dedicated explorers as precious gifts to humanity, sabotaged by unworthy people to perpetuate their exploitation and masters-slaves relationships against the human nature, known as Latin Humanitas (biology, compassion, wisdom) leading to human rights to enable all worthy activities and relationships coming "From people, By people, and For people".

By supplying the foundation to activate the hidden qualities of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma-Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and #Prajna - enabling most people accessible to the plane of [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] perpendicular to the duality plane of focused event - to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position, we facilitate the process of knowing more about oneself to change one and the environment toward What Count. The Sound technology from Shurangama[D33] will be properly implemented at the Right Time that we expect 80,000,000 to 500,000,000 people or 1% to 8% human population will actually know the "#Oneness / Non-Duality" at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna, cleaning up unworthy people blah blah blah for so long in all organised religions and not-transcendental meditations. The observable outcomes for you to share your exploration are:

  1. The Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace from your fire to put on the modified Eightfold Path whose fragrances to outer manifestations of Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood are visible as [ Conscience, Kindness (mettā - tâm từ), Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi), #Prajna, Morality, Justice, Joy (muditā - tâm hỷ), Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả) ] of the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind for the Happiness of One and the Whole; it is also the Foundations of #Awareness that can filter all noises of a complex event for a direct perception of the situation (HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna) where Gotama had not been exposed to build his Buddhist Sanghas with wrong tools on Duality Consciousness[D24], [D25], then

  2. 'Transcend Inner Peace'[D26] for Direct Perception of 'the Essence of the Right Living / Effort' in transcending the Observer (Gotama's Not-Self), actually knowing the core doctrine of his discoveries far beyond the blah blah blah of "not-self" at thought level in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas up to 2025, then

  3. 'Beyond via #Prajna' deep in the invisible Sunyata as described by the Heart Sutra[R2] toward unmoving Sunyata or momentary End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana as described by Gotama[D44].

The Share of your experiences from "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent" together with your right condition and background for the manifestation of the experience - being part of the community implementations of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path - helps many (1) knowing the meaning of Right Understanding and Right Motivation of major events such as a Growing Child, Right Effort in growing up, Marriage, Parenting, etc, (2) identifying observable attributes of Right Transcendental Inner Peace to be statistically tested, augmented and professionally certified in "Equanimity Communities" where right conditions are there for specialized targets. They are different from the expositions of many hallucinated monks to effortlessly wipe out professional cheaters who are consciously or unconsciously saboteurs of Gotama's discoveries.

We can strengthen the logical proof of the statement via combining both mathematics and Buddhist Consciousness-Only under what known as Dharmapala-XuanZang "Consciousness of the consciousness"[D19] theory plus deeper exploration via modern science as briefly touched below. The cited paper concluded that Buddhism implies dualism using the picture of a well-known Samatha-Vipassana claimed meditation master to demonstrate the binding / clinging duality of "Self" and theoretical "Not-Self" in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas up to 2025 with unreconcilable "Chasm" between two most significant contributions of dedicated explorers Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only from those (monks and scholars) unable to enter the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict". They are not qualified by Gotama as having Transcendental #Awareness[D29] due to the lack of "Detachment / Vô Trụ" and the actual experience in entering the Gateway-to-Oneness, reaching the Equanimity to naturally have the binding Word / Image dissolved in its level of Verifiable Emptiness. All qualified "Budh Counsellor" must be able to iron out this "Chasm" for deeper exploration in the Science of the Consciousness as detailed in "Taming The Ox".

One can first rationally know "[ Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness ]" then through scientifical cultivation using modern user-facing tool mu for frequent reflection in all activities and relationships, one can actually know that one's InnerSpace of "Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" is more than all visibly physical and mental manifestations in "Riding The Ox". That "Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace or Stock of #Prajna" is scientifically cultivable based on Gotama's precious discoveries of Signed Posts as Fibonacci layeres around Y-dimension, together with your actualities in States of #Prajna as Fibonacci layers around X-dimension and Y-dimension. It is the deeper inner cultivations of eight (8) actually known layers by current living studends of KhaiPhong Inner Circle and circle of inner circles in Pushing HuiNeng's Three Nots (Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachmnet) of "Vietnamese Then What" in "positive Fibonacci evolution" for the practical manifestations of KhaiPhong Three Haves [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, #Prajna / Bát Nhã ]. We invite you being a part to deepen and enable Gotama's precious gifts to humanity sustainable that your contributions may last beyond your life time.

With or without Buddhist [ consciousness-only / consciousness of the consciousness[D19] ] to be exposed next, we have sufficient technologies via statistical and mathematical optimisations, Distributed Graph and Artificial Intelligence to implement and accumulate related nodes of major events such as a Growing Child, Right Effort in growing up, Marriage, Parenting, etc, - lumped together as community implementations of Right Understanding and Right Motivation - using both the Wise Attention[D28] ] (the internal condition for Gotama's modified eightfold path) and "#Prajna Dialectic" in "Taming The Ox". The ecosystem is MuOmSunyata, ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in full integration between radio and consciousness technologies, enabling Accountable creators in the Responsible Creation toward What Count where Normative Intelligence from "#Prajna Dialectic" directs Artificial Intelligence which helps to make any Breakthrough such as identified Signed Posts into fact-based epistemic objectives. The technologies enable most people transcending tainted senses - knowing more about Thing-As-It-Is and possible breakthrough solutions - making all involved parties much better off.

In this consciousness-only model, the above statement is proven at different layers of established / stable consciousness. The Issue comes from completely ignoring the potentiality in Consciousness of the consciousness, commonly known as the sixth and seven senses or Budh Mind which is "cultivable" based on the "states" and "stock" of your #Prajna. There are four types of consciousness[D19] - page 7: (1) the first type of consciousness - the observed-part, (2) the second one - sense organ-consciousness which can only experience the first one, i.e. the observed-consciousness, (3) the third one - the self-consciousness which can experience the second one, that is sense-organ (including mind of the sixth sense) consciousness and also experiencing (4) the fourth one - the Consciousness of self-consciousness. That is, the consciousness that reflects self-consciousness. Empirically - via cultivable Signed Posts in transcending the Observed and the Observer - one's contemplating Complex Issue which is a consciousness state can effortlessly have a breakthrough for an outside the box graphically demonstrated at point C of the #Prajna Dialectic. The fourth one, the consciousness of self-consciousness, can only experience the third one, self-consciousness, but has no relation to the second one that is the tainted senses of the second one must be absolutely Silent for a clear and visible manifestation of the fourth type. The model argues that the four parts can be understood as three, because the fourth one, the consciousness of self-consciousness is included in the third part already. But then it can be understood as two parts, because the last three parts constitute one experiencing part of consciousness, that is the subject (the Observer), and the other one is just the object (the Observed). That is the outcome of the Self(third type) - Selfless(fourth type) Actualization. Finally, this can be understood as one single unit because all types of consciousness have the same nature: everything is mind or consciousness-only. This definition is consistent with modern definition of "Consciousness" - the ground of all being, the nature of all things vibrating at the fundamental level. The classifications of the four types of consciousness may be also a proposed roadmap for deeper researches of required properties to move from wrong [ yin-yang / Fibonacci evolution - degeneration ] to the Right positive Fibonacci evolution.

Under KhaiPhong, the "Observed" is not an object-consciousness but an aggregate consciousness of the "Issue" such as an issue in national security, a trade negotiation, a diplomatic maneuver, an organisation strategy, a strategic plan, a career choice, a marriage proposal, etc. The Observer is not only one individual but an aggregate such as family, business, organisation, community, region, country. Interactions between "Observer and the Observed" are dynamics and there is the state of Observation where both the Observer and the Observed are momentarily changed. Here you see the role and importance of the "sixth and seventh senses" or Budh Mind which can be significantly augmented by modern Artificial Intelligence to make Life Easier and Happier, capable to get the "Pulse" and optimal "Solution" of difficult and complex Issue. The Consciousness-Only is [ #Oneness = duality Consciousness + no-conflict Consciousness ] to value-add functional attributes in the Science and Economics of Oneness.

This theoretical model needs more researches, but it does consistent with Gotama experience and our explorations up to the present time with innumerable applications at both micro and macro levels just like economics where the invisible / helping hand (working of underlying natural laws to be discovered) shapes its outcome. Both modern Science and the Science of Consciousness in their continuous discoveries can help to shape the outcome more closely to the efficiency of the Nature according to Natural Laws. Nevertheless, the model does present some tentative conclusions for significant practical applications.

  1. The sense consciousness - including mind - can only experience the observed (object) consciousness or "Thing As it Is". In most cases this sense consciousness is mixed with the third type of self-consciousness via tainted senses driven by "Imaginary Nature" to turn "Actuality" into "Reality" as illustrated in Figure 1. Only when the self is utterly Silence, then[D44]

    Herein, Bahiya, In the seen will be merely what is seen; in the heard will be merely what is heard; ... Just this is the end of suffering.

    Này Bàhiya, Trong cái thấy sẽ chỉ là cái thấy. Trong cái nghe, sẽ chỉ là cái nghe... Như vậy là đoạn tận khổ đau.

    Ud 1.10 PTS Ud 1.6 - Kinh I, 10

    The silence of the the tainted senses is a consciousness state of Natural Relaxation, enabling you { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }, known by Gotama, HuiNeng and KhaiPhong as [ Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ]. It is known by many in KhaiPhong Inner Circle and circle of the circles from different angles and conditions irrespective of their cultures, nationalities, religions, skin colours, male or female at seven different depths. This means there are underlying natural laws to be discovered from a formal scientific research looking for optimal conditions known by these subjects. The thesis that [ Kindness >< Empathy ] are required attributes under different preferences can be easily documented and tested by the live subjects (people / community Mind Map) and their supported circles having similar patterns and most benefits from the study.

    Since a duality consciousness cannot see other duality consciousness As-It-Is (proven above), and all senses (eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-mind) are conditioned in duality consciousness at birth in one's evolution from Consciousness to Form, the only way to be outside the box is an evolution from "Form back to Consciousness" by-passing all within-the-box conditioned. This is within the ability of the Buddha Nature innate (#GodKingdom within) in each person. Discovering natural laws for heavy lifting kick-starts the Science and Economics of #Oneness in KhaiPhong.

  2. The self-consciousness can experience the sense consciousness and the fourth type, the Consciousness of the self-consciousness. Statistically proven this assertion is the proof of its - #SelfSelfless Actualization - fact-based epistemic objective. So does the KhaiPhong #FourFoldTruth, modified from Gotama's Four Noble Truths to revitalize his precious DISCOVERY from personal opinion into a measurable, testable and reproducible scientific fact. This is where we make our contributions called Duality Consciousness and No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] together with scientific tools and measurable attributes for deepening and widening the researches. Related to Figure 2, the patch C is a part of outside-the-box consciousness whose perspective (area) has different depths of #AwarenessPrajna perpendicular to the focused conflicting event. The stable consciousness part for seeing patch C can be considered as one's Intuition or the aggregate knowledge-base issue simulation which are based on known patterns, plus unique "Awareness" having stable wiring between left-brain and right-brain of its members.

    The tested thesis here is whether [ Kindness >< Empathy ] lead to observable [ #Prajna ] and whether characteristics of #Praja are in part [ #Prajna = Conscience >< Morality >< Justice ] and in part of sensing the [ counter part / event ] [ #Prajna = True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position ]. This kind of "Scientific Design" can be easily and thoroughly carried out with cloud-based technologies under the fourth industrial revolution. So do required scientific researches to make alive Gotama's advise to Ajita's Questions[D22] "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is (Transcendental) #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved". This is in essence "KhaiPhong Design" to bring discovered consciousness technologies to scientifically solve current people "Mind Issue" including persistent outdated marks such as "excessive sex drive", "shopping to death", "phobia", "addiction", etc, and effectively debunk the cheating of Buddhist Lotus Sutra [D49] which we sense the works of degenerated claimed Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in negative Fibonacci degeneration having cunning intelligence of Hegelian Dialectic But Not XuanZang's outside-the-box to sense Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event - such as the current South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea - toward What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

  3. The "Consciousness of the consciousness" is cultivable to change the quality of one's consciousness and make it persistent in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. So does that of the aggregate in its specialised domain from its accumulated knowledge base. At any present moment, besides the stable conditioned parts of Intuition and Brain Intelligence, there is a wider perspective of ComPassion from the Heart for 'the Right Thing to do' from #Prajna (Wisdom) which embraces relevant involved parties in the Totality of Existence to inject the 'Being' into the 'Doing'. The sense of this wider perspective requires "No Mind Enclosure" as pointed out in the Heart Sutra[R2] for deeper cultivation of ComPassion and #Prajna in sensing the "Pulse" of the matter one has attention upon.

    The tested theses of "KhaiPhong Design" to scientifically solve current people "Mind Issue / tainted senses" are parts of KhaiPhong KpPlatform to revitalise and value-add Consciousness Technologies veiled by armies of past unworthy people up to 2025 in reclaiming one's [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ], enabling people the centres of all activities and relationships of the "Right Society 5.0" driven by invisible hands of #Prajna and Economics, not by the GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) of current "tainted senses" in facing all kinds of faked News from all religions and isms up to 2025. The "KhaiPhong Build" involves modern infrastructures called Body & Mind, GsLp (Global Services Local Presences) ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs), etc, to enable dynamic interactions between [ #Prajna >< Economics ] driven by all concerned parties. Finally, "KhaiPhong Execution" brings to the table modern [ Supply & Change Management ], speeding up the process of changing oneself and the environment toward What Count.

  4. That deeper cultivation is the essence of #PrajnaTIP in Kindness where the Kindness and Empathy provide optimal conditions for Transcendental #Awareness that one can expand one's Consciousness of the consciousness to Higher levels in activities. The deeper cultivation is possible and verifiable as recorded from Gotama[D30], [D44]. Therefore, Kindness and Empathy are not only beneficial in Action-Reaction / Likes-attract-Likes, in Making Life Easier and Happier for One and the Intelligent Community as proven by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7], [R7.4] but also an optimal condition in enhancing one's Quality of the Consciousness on the direction most relevant to one's Present Moment. The most important is our discovered layered foundations in the [ Dependent Nature of #Oneness ] where there is no conflicting duality but conditioned layers [ Compassion >< Detachment >< Right Transcendental Inner Peace ]: without Compassion there is no natural Detachment, and without Detachment there is no Right Transcendental Inner Peace. But there is a reverse direction from Right Transcendental Inner Peace for transcendental Relaxation and Purification to Detachment to Compassion as long as it is qualified Right Transcendental Inner Peace, not Wrong inner peace of grasped Hindu's "Siddhi" or monotheism "Faith".

The discoveries and verifiable implementations according to the nature of things in "Evolution from Consciousness to Form and from Form back to Consciousness" have not been - up to 2025 - fully explained and integrated. Following eight points are observable facts waiting from an Engineering Roadmap to properly implement Gotama's signed posts from his well-known "Cula-suññata Sutta: The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness"[D26] ignored by Buddhist Sangha in the past 2500+ years. The first three points - covering Theravada, Mahayana, and Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna - are evolution from Consciousness to Form where duality and time lapse are dominant. HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna is rated at the border line between Consciousness to Form and from Form back to Consciousness since it has no significant time lapse. The last four signed posts - Gotama's Right Understanding and Right Motivation, Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent due to Detachment in Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha, Teleportation and Visible Consciousness - require deeper states of mind from Form back to Consciousness to show the practicality of the invisible Emptiness / Sunyata.

Challenging and Implementation of these signed posts - as detailed in Taming The Ox - will (1) effortlessly clean up unworthy people selling what they do not know nor have in sabotaging Gotama's discoveries to perpetuate their masters-slaves relationships, (2) widely open entrances into innumerable contributions applicable to one's pattern which may be useful and practical to millions others along the same pattern/trail in Making Life Easier and Happier:

  1. Theravada Abhidhamma: a detailed scholastic reworking of Sutras to the maximum logical extends using human structural forms of the mind. Since it is conditioned within the senses and their duality, there is a tendency of the "Blinds touching Elephants" without any "freshness / HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity)" personally known by Krishnamurti in his "Intensity of Attention". Typical example is in "the Buddhist cheating Path of Purification / Visuddhimagga"[D31].

    Verifiable signed posts were already established by Gotama in his "Cula-suññata Sutta: The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness" (MN 121)[D26] using the "Wilderness" environment and "Earth" as a starting "Point / Form" to "Purity" moving toward "An Awareness of Non-Thingness" then "Unmoving Sunyata / Momentary Nirvana". He (1) first described the "optimal" conditions - the singleness based on the perception of wilderness - moving from "relative #Truth / the village and community of monks" to "ultimate (wider) #Truth / Outside-the-Box No-Conflict consciousness in different depths of Right Transcendental Inner Peace" with his actual experience on the "trail"; (2) since all manifestations are condirioned such as "The Quarrel At Kosambi"[D45], he "should" describe his experience from that "Outside-the-Box No-Conflict consciousness / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth" back to "relative #Truth of outer conflicts - inner conflicts" as described by Bodhidharma[D35], together with observable cracks and possible hazards - not yet exposed by both Gotama and Bodhidharma - to be watched out.

    That is what #TamingTheOx is all about where all qualified Budh Counsellors must stand on their own feet in their dedicated professions and lives. The first requirement is the "necessary condition" to Open one's knots of outdated Marks such as excessive sex drive, Fear, Phobia and Expanding one's Potentiality in Higher Consciousness. The second requirement is the "sufficient condition" for sustainable Conscious Living while testing one and the aggregate the Essence of the Right Effort in What Count[R23], relevant and applicable to present living of 2025 onward.

    Let's use these measurable hard facts to challenge all cultivation processes of claimed meditation masters and Buddhist teachers - whether they are the "Blinds touching Elephant / Professional cheaters" selling what they do not know nor have - as we scientifically challenge in Taming The Ox to detect the depth of Dissolving the contents. Typical examples are Thich Nhat Hanh, Minh Đức Triều Tâm Ảnh (MDTTA)[D20] in their "formal meditation postures", and an internationally well-known Samatha-Vipassana meditation master Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw[D19].

    We publicly state and open the door for them to prove otherwise that they have not passed the "Gateway-to-Oneness" before reaching the Equanimity qualified by Gotama as minimum level of his Transcendental #Awareness[D29] in Ajita's Questions[D22]. Passing the Equanimity #Awareness, one then reaches the Purity and deeper states of [ Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma-Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent ] toward Non-Thingness as actually described by Gotama the meaning in "dwelling of emptiness" asked by Ananda and reaffirmed by Gotama with his detailed description from Equanimity to Purity and Beyond.

    "The Path of Purification"[D31]described many meditation subjects, besides "earth". It is the challenge for all Buddhist monks and nuns to take one subject such as "earth / breath" and environment such as "wilderness / your meditation postures" as the case of Gotama / your 2500+ years of cheating meditations in the affirmation of his / your actual meaning in "dwelling of emptiness" to augment and value-add Gotama's descriptions in "The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness" (MN 121)[D26]. For example, using the "brown color" of the monk's robe, a student knowing nothing about Buddhism and/or meditation described to this writer in 1978 how she used the color - similar to "earth" used by Gotama - to cool the mind for a good sleep since the teen ages (50+ years ago from 2022) to instantly enter "Infinite Space, Infinite Consciousness, and Non-Thingness" exactly as described by Gotama using "earth" in the environment of village and community of monks. This demonstrates the powers and applications of "Emptiness" irrespective of environment, yet optimal conditions do count for individual patterns. We specifically challenge the mentioned claimed (named) meditation masters and all claimed Buddhist teachers exposed as unworthy people to demonstrate they are qualified by Gotama as Budh Counsellors worthy of being a member in his Buddhist Sangha. Have your mouths SHUT if you are NOT Qualified.

    Once you actually have experience - either now due to your past cultivation or waiting for the #PrajnaTIP in Sound using HonNhien and the Law of Nature for heavy lifting - as described in "The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness" (MN 121)[D26] by Gotama you will personally verify for yourself that 2500+ years of cheating meditations in Buddhist Theravada - typically described in "The Path of Purification" - is turning upside down Gotama's dwelling in Emptiness since "concentration" cannot lead to transcending the self and "is not Gotama's Samma #Samadhi". It is opposite to the "Detachment" right from the first Gotama's Absorption state[D29] and the fundamental end-point of Huineng's Three Nots (Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ) which is the "base / foundation" for further scientific cultivation in positive Fibonacci evolution to visibly manifest KhaiPhong Three-Haves: #Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, #Prajna / Bát Nhã. At the right time we will prove that the author of "The Path of Purification"[D31] knows nothing about Gotama's 7th state of "Non-Thingness" which is taken to the front line by Buddhist Heart Sutra as the core of Buddhist #Oneness for rejuvenation and reborn in duality. It was stated in Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra from Gotama / Subhuti dialogue[R7]: "Do not attach to anything ( detachment in all activities ) then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心". HuiNeng immediately recognised that innate "Wonderful Mind" in every person and warned 1000+ years ago the danger of "Mindfulness of Breathing"[D24] as instructed by Buddhist cheating Sanghas. Its conclusion: 'Actually it means mindfulness established on an object all the time with each in and out breath' is the main culprit of the defect to render the Buddhist Dharma stagnant pointed out by HuiNeng thousands years ago that no one up to 2025 is able to revitalise its right-side-up.

    In KhaiPhong, we take this challenge to the next level when the #PrajnaTIP in Sound from Shurangama Sutra[D33] is introduced where we expect 1% to 8% human population will have actual experience in all appropriate environments - such as "Wilderness" known by Gotama or "Expanding Space for Merging in Nature" appropriate to people from VietNam in the Sounthern tip introduced by the Buddhist Teacher (Phật Thầy) at Tây An[D52] - to experience exactly as what described by Gotama in his "Lesser Discourse on Emptiness"[D26]. We call the appropriate environment PrajnaPlace at the minimum level of Equanimity (the place appropriate for cultivating #Prajna starting at concrete and beneficial conditions of knowable Body-Mind Cleaning) - having required supports and personally taking care of by qualified Budh Counsellors - which covers all human activities, ranging from home, schools, working places, communities, hotels, entertainments, leisure centres, tourist attractions, wilderness, etc.

    In this "Dwelling of the Emptiness" one will know natural "Transcendental Relaxation" without Drug, personally experience the "Natural Purification" dreamed but untouchable by most Buddhist monks and nuns selling what they do not know nor have in "meditation on emptiness" at duality / rational levels of the darkness. This transcendental relaxation is called by Krishnamurti the "Freshness / HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity)". That is what this writer told the friend in 1978 that her experience is unreacheable by all claimed Buddhist meditation masters he knew. She was also the one who - without reading any Buddhist text - told the writer that Thich Nhat Hanh mindfulness of breathing is a "retarded process" when we formed the Prajna Pagoda in Calgary Canada at the end of 1978.

  2. Mahayana gradual cultivation: extending Abhidhamma to include other factors of possible influencing the quality of the mind such as aspiration in Bodhicitta and Bodhisattva, energy chakras, inner circle of spiritual beings, etc. Its tools are still dominant in duality, relying on claimed masters for the normative Right. Typical examples are Shantideva Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra and other systems of Tibetan gradual training. It is still dominant in duality with a rational effort to understand "Emptiness" at duality verbal level of Relative #Truth and Ultimate (Wider) #Truth and/or "first dissolve all appearances and then meditate on emptiness, or first meditate on emptiness and then dissolve all appearances of the objects"[R14.1]. There is still No Transcendental states toward [ Non-Thingness and Unmoving Sunyata / Momentary End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana ]. Similar to Theravada Abhidhamma, there is a tendency of the "Blinds touching Elephants" without any freshness from outside-the-box.

    Typical cases are the Dalai Lama XIV, Gyalwang Drukpa XII, the reincarnation of the founder of Khyentse lineage (Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche)[R13], and Chögyam Trungpa[R15], Pure Land theorist Chin Kung (Tịnh Không)[R5.4] , claimed zen master Seung Sahn that they too have not passed the "Gateway-to-Oneness" qualified by Gotama as the minimum level of his "Mindfulness". One advanced student in our group knowing "Insight into the Emptiness" - when forced to the situation to dissolve latent sexual drive since the worthy relationships were not there - tried all duality techniques described by Shantideva and others. It was in vain. He has had some success only with transcendental techniques where evolution from Form to Consciousness is absolutely required.

    This case study affirms the situation of a darkness (duality consciousness in conditioned / tainted senses) cannot see other darkness As-It-Is. It needs a Light - #Prajna - to effortlessly dispel the darkness. When #PrajnaTIP in Sound is introduced, we expect - using current Cloud Technology as a spreading vehicle - most will be able to personally verify Gotama's description of his "dwelling of emptiness - Gotama Lesser Discourse on Emptiness" (MN 121)[D26], knowing the fallacy of the Blinds touching Elephant" of the Dalai Lama XIV[R14.1] who is a typical Buddhist monk in 2500+ years of Buddhist Cheating Sanghas. While waiting for the right time and proper conditions, please use your logical intelligence to contrast Gotama descriptions in affirming his actual experience in Emptiness where Dissolution and Emptiness is One Process, not in the duality of one first then the other as understood up to 2025.

  3. Gotama #AwarenessPrajna, documented in Ajita's Questions[D22]. #Awareness is qualified by Gotama at the minimum state of passing "Detachment" and "Gateway-to-Oneness"[D29], knowing the dissolution / emptying the contents in transcendental states to see Thing-As-It-Is for proper management of one's realities. Very few monks can actually know this transcendental state. Deeper than #Awareness, it is the stock of #Prajna in positive Fibonacci evolution to dissolve the outdated mark as in the case of the above student, trying to dissolve the outdated mark of sexual drive. There is still time lapse in cultivable states and stock of #Prajna in Gotama's advice that we call "Off/On" at Vertical Switches having measurable Signed Posts in Conducive Activities. This functionality is very important in one's continuity of the consciousness that professional cheaters[R18.4] in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas have successfully deprived humanity - up to 2025 - the precious gift in their blah blah blah "authorised description of #Awareness and #Prajna" to render them and the discovery useless in practical living.

    Let's touch a use-case of a psychiatric disorder - e.g. paedophilia well-known issue of Illuminati elites and/or the case of Bé Vân An 2022 (the video was deleted) esoterically and politically connected to the top Vietnamese communist mafias up to 2023-05-26 (the video was deleted) - to (1) explore another significant discovery named Dependent Nature of all manifestations backed up by scientific second law of thermodynamics, (2) recognise the importance of underlying operating natural laws in testing, verifying for deeper and wider exploration of the discovery, (3) expose bags of tricks at Word/Image and Thought levels of all isms where Buddhism is a part, (4) ride on modern technologies to revitalise the discovery for the benefits of the mass, which (5) will be implemented at both normative and positive Intelligence toward What Count via injecting Being into Living by KhaiPhong user-facing mu. Due to the esoteric collapse of the Illuminati, many Illuminati and communist elites do recognise that innate issue in their consciousness and seek help using current scientific understanding such as experimental removing a part of physical brain to erase the uncontrollable sexual desire whose root causes are always there life-after-life including being animals to let underlying natural laws manifested their wonders.

    Ask yourself why the issue is in you and not in many others, commonly identified as outdated marks. As an elite, you must be a part of the privilege circle having the "outdated mark" coming from well-known exploitation of sucking youthful energy in prepubescent children, seeing others as dispensable things for your pleasure. Physical appearances in either the brain and/or biological manifestations are only the visible of the underlying invisible consciousness. Gotama's qualified Transcendental #Awareness enables one sense the driving force of one's entanglements (form, feeling, perception, impulse, consciousness) to properly manage one's realities. It is the Dependent Nature of Thing-As-It-Is in all manifestations.

    Knowing underlying operating natural laws - lumped together as Gotama's #Prajna - in generating and dissolution of the issue, we can generate favourable conditions to [ permanently dissolve / empty ] the [ Issue / Content ] in Making Life Easier and Happier. The discovery was sabotaged by Buddhist cheating Sanghas throughout 2500+ years - up to 2025 - in its unauthorised claims as the front-line torch carrier of Gotama's discoveries, bullying others for their group benefits that most of them are not qualified in passing the Gateway-to-Oneness. Without scientifically testing and verifying for deeper and wider exploration of the discovery, no one up to 1970 had discovered Gotama's defects in his tools [ mindfulness of breathing[D24] and the Great Frames of Reference (Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] ] to open holes in his significant discovery #AwarenessPrajna enabling hard-core professional cheaters making it useless. Here is an evidence-based proof of esoteric and exoteic sabotage of Gotama's discoveries to lure him into his own crack of hallicination / HỌC THUYẾT “THƯỜNG, LẠC, NGÃ, TỊNH 2023-05-30 similar to esoteric nostalgia to lure President Putin into the Russia-Ukraine war. The defect comes from not knowing the layered No-Conflict Consciousness of what he called #AwarenessPrajna:

    [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< { #Prajna = Conscience >< Morality >< Justice } >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ]

    Now, recognising that outdated mark - which is innumerable such as excessive sex drive, uncontrollable urge of many things - in your consciousness but you cannot [ dissolve / emptying ] it, you are now facing bags of tricks at Word/Image and Thought levels of all isms and limitation of modern psychotherapy. For example a well-known process in Vietnamese Zen is [ Biết Vọng Không Theo / Knowing the Unworthy Drop it ] to blah blah blah the power of Buddhist Sanghas rendering most of Buddhist monks and nuns hard-core professional cheaters in 2500+ years - up to 2025 - of their history that we point out scientific causes in Buddhist tautologies and possible solution to be implemented at the right time and places.

    Without having Gotama's qualified Transcendental #Awareness[D29] to know the driving force behind one's entanglements (form, feeling, perception, impulse, consciousness), it is very hard to even recognise your current Issue, enabling professional cheaters and you yourself messing up the current present living. Instead of discovering the underlying process and required conditions for the manifestation of required level of #Prajna in dissolving different grades of outdated marks, you are victims of these hard-core professional cheaters for an easy outlet of Ignorance at Word/Image and Thought conflicting duality consciousness life after life!

    Modern psychotherapy rides on one's innate Buddha Nature - knowing the unworthy relevant to present living which is much more practical than Gotama's defective non-transcendental tools in emptying the contents[D24], [D25] - to bring the issue to the rational mind and uses the power of freewill to consciously push the issue aside to a corner for current practical living. The outdated mark is not naturally [ dissolved / empty ] for a new measurable Freshness of seeing Thing-As-It-Is in engaged living. We knew a case study of a Canadian student learning Transcendental Meditation[D54] in 1970's capable to enter transcendental states. But his "can of worms" of past psychotherapy opened up to signify the time for dissolving them with cultivable #Prajna. They made him more miserable than before the practice of Transcendental Meditation. That is a reason why a deeper transcendental meditation moving into Cosmic Consciousness of Gotama's Not-Self and Unity in Sunyata Non-Thingness and Nirvana will not be introduced until proper supporting infrastructures are in place to handle the edge cases. It must be safe for all concerned parties! For that reason, it starts at top level for those having resources to finance required projects to first benefit them. Tested technologies with approved reasonable safeguards are open sources for wider investigations, value-adds, and efficient economic forces for the wide-spread to the grassroots which help validate any DISCOVERED underlying natural law.

    Once this happened, modern technologies of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Modeling and Simulation are ready for a new Golden Era where #Prajna Normative Intelligence is the driving force. This can be done when there are sufficient numbers of people actually knowing different states of #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and report their required conditions and outcomes from Diversities to #Oneness and from #Oneness back to Diversities with measurable Right or Wrong Effort at the bottom-line outcomes. The required infrastructure for this social media and networks is absolutely PRIVATE and SECURE KpPlatform to be created. Once proper collected data are available, Socratic Agent in LLM (Large Language Model) Reasoning and Deep Search can be agumented with private data in custom services while the required infrastructure and technologies are open sources to lower the cost at entry level for the mass, while meeting the required Accountability and Transparency regulated toward What Count. AI can process more Data and faster than human being but it is just GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) since Cosmic Consciousness and Unity is Beyond AI similar to Transcendental is beyond sense entanglements in human outdated marks. The citizenship of Humanoid Sophia is just a trick of cabal trying to reduce humanity to biological "Thing" via Greed without the discovered innate Compassion #Prajna in Latin humanitas.

    As a selected Elite being in controlling power to change the World, you are definitely much more than the above Average in [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] of your specialised domain. Ask yourself why you cannot use that [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] to properly manage your dominant Issue if you have any. If you look at the Thing-As-It-Is layered No-Conflict Consciousness in Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< { #Prajna = Conscience >< Morality >< Justice } >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] you will understand the reason why when you loose the foundation of [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) ] you loose the sense of Conscience (Right and Wrong), Morality, and Justice coming from #Prajna that you are trying to play the role who has the right to live in 90% human depopulation and/or riding on your cunning intelligence to use whatever means for achieving your "I win you loose in geo-politics and world power competition of a well-known politician 2023-05-29", being slaves for esoteric degenerated forces. You still have above average "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" in your specialised domain due to inertia of physical manifestations as represented in KhaiPhong logo. The fact that you are still living and still in controlling power means that there is still a chance to change the quality of your identified stream of consciousness using available resources that you cannot carry with you in your continuity of the Consciousness. We can help in "Strategic Intelligence Service" to work with you in what most relevant and important such as a NfP "GsLp (Global Services Local Presences) ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs)" that may last beyond your life time. The NfP AwakeningBudh Movement invests in both normative and positive researches from #PrajnaTIPs in all Relationships, Activities, and Places of [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] KhaiPhong Technologies to take humanity to the next level of Golden Era where everyone - the [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] - can be a part.

    The case study of precious Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] demonstrates the importance of discovering underlying Natural laws that even Gotama - knowing [ Biết Vọng Không Theo / Knowing the Unworthy Drop it ] - yet having defects in his tools[D24], [D25] to open doors for professional cheaters introducing their tautologies in 2500+ Years up until 2025 of bullying humanity: (1) [ Ignorance >< Not understanding the #FourFoldTruth ] due to past outdated marks in tainted senses, (2) [ Not Having Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace >< Not Having Right Understanding ] to be led by their cheating process of not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. Where is the measurable "Freshness" coming from [ Biết Vọng Không Theo / Knowing the Unworthy Drop it ] of qualified #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác in all relevant domains of present living that being sabotaged up to 2025 with "The Path of Compassion and Wisdom" in Sutra, Tantra, Prayers of Modern Buddhism[R14]. Is it time to scientifically document and revitalise [ Biết Vọng Không Theo / Knowing the Unworthy Drop it ] in all important domains such as (1) a grow-up, (2) education, (3) selecting a profession, (4) marriage, (5) raising a family, (6) knowing your Raison D'être, etc. We can help!

    To put this Signed Post on the ground, here is a written "Tùy duyên nhi bất biến, ... Bất biến nhi tùy duyên" / [ #Oneness / Unchanging in the Changing (viparinama-dukkha) and Conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) Existence (Dukkha) ] publicly delivered in USA 2000 of the claimed zen master/monk Thích Thanh Từ. We let qualified Budh Counselors, knowing Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] at Equanimity and Purity levels to verify that the claimed Zen master/monk is only at the Gateway to Oneness in his deduction "Chỉ khi nào niệm thiện, niệm ác hay nói chung là những niệm đối đãi đều lặng hết thì chừng đó tâm chân thật bất sanh bất diệt mới hiển bày. Tâm đó mới không dẫn chúng ta đi trong các đường, chừng đó mới giải thoát sanh tử... / Only when good thought, evil thought or any duality thought in general completely silent then the true Mind of no birth no death appears . That mind will not lead us in different paths, then you are liberated from birth-death".

    All Vietnamese Buddhist communities in and outside the country up to 2025 and the world need to get out of 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and ask this young Vietnamese girl 2021-08-24 and/or a typical Vietnamese [ Ông Lão (Chèo Đò) 2021-09-09 ] (the video was deleted) their recipes of "natural Detachment" in [ Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / KhaiPhong's #Awareness ] to be scientifically tested, enabling VietNam and the world having natural HuiNeng's [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ ] to be ready for KhaiPhong's practicalities in [ #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã ] of #Prajna Dialectic in all domains and fields of practical living. It is naturally "Effortless Outcomes (Wei-Wu-Wei) transcending all conficting consciousness from all isms and religions" far beyond all visible physical and energy manifestations of "leaves and branches from different types of trees" (2021-09-12) of all isms when you take care of the "root in #Oneness (Sunyata Non-Thingness)" where visble Compassion-Prajna are naturally manifested in your Activities and Relationships at all Places wherever you are in your Continuity of the consciousness to answer the "Then What" of Vietnamese Wisdom embedded in "practicality of engaged living" from Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0. The dark periods have been with humanity from the beginning under the yoke of masters-slaves relationships coming directly from tremendous Sufferings in higher esoteric realms of feudal systems driven by Greed and Fears of animal kingdoms, far below the qualities reacheable by humanity personally confirmed in "Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within".

    Out of this very very long struggles and evolutions, not all intelligent beings are 100% degenerated. They choose humanity - away from river of bloods in their realms - as the strategic battle ground of the "Good" in terms of "Moral Value of the values" according to underlying natural laws visible via "Justice and Dignity" in the Raison D'être of one's existence versus the "Dark Forces" in their toxic bullying rulers. In that visible "Justice and Dignity of Fundamenttal Human Rights"", everyone can be an "Accountable" creator and a part of the "Responsible Creation" - opposite the the claimed XYZ who are just like all other intelligent beings - where underlying natural laws are to be DISCOVERED and SHARED, Making Life easier and Happier. Surviving Elites before the end of 2012 personally knew many incidences far more horrific than "Thiên Tâm Đạo / Heaven Heart Path" as a new religion trying to perpetuate the masters-slaves relationships via the most extreme of negative Fibonacci degeneration of Awareness away from Natural Detachment in binding Word/Image and clinging Thought [ Sở Tri Chướng ]". Here is its debunk from another Vietnamese source 2021-09-09 / deleted whose story is honestly told here 2021-09-10 / deleted which is incomparable to what known by many Illuninati Elites - having billion US dollars - and still survived after 2012, then after 2017 in their persistent fights against underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction. The solution to harmonious "Melting Pot of #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" for "reborn and rejuvenation no matter how terrible mistakes you made" is now available due to discovered underlying natural laws, opening to all intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) including degenerated Buddhas, Gods, Allah in 100,000+ man-years of degenerations due to "Ignorance". The "Light of "#Prajna>" is shining amongst many living students" - strategically assigned around the world - who can reverse engineer optimal conditions of their "natural Detachment" as the two people from VietNam quoted above. The switch of a "Light and its intensity" will dispell "the darkness conditioned on the depth of one's tainted sense" since the darkness is not really exist. It exists only in the absence of "Light: Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men? It is the music of the people Who will not be slaves again!", and here is the well-known "BẠN CÓ NGHE DÂN TA HÁT - [ triệu triệu người / millions millions people from 2021-09-06 ] (the video was deleted) "deliverable" in engaged living and "measurable" from all Activities and Relationships at all Places in all specialized domains and fields where user-facing mu is your personal assistant to know more about yourself and your Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna? / LA LIBERTÉ GUIDANT LE PEUPLE – EUGÈNE DELACROIX".

    Gotama spent 45+ years to spread his discovery of modified Eightfold Path as a gift to humanity. He had not been dead so the claim of liberation from Birth and Death was his illusion and deduction if coming from Gotama ... ". Then What? You - the claimed zen master/monk Thích Thanh Từ - are just a professional cheater like most of your peers, not yet at Gotama's qualified Transcendental #Awareness naturally detached that you must describe your detachment state (as part of your thesis standing on your own feet as part of your Value-Adds). You are still binding by Word/Image [ Sở Tri Chướng ] plus clinging conditioned Thought manifested in your whole life as evidenced in your explanation of the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2]. That is what we call "evidenced-based hardcore professional cheater", not knowing yet claimed to Know not seeing yet claimed to See as evidenced in another well-known claimed Samatha and Vipassana meditation master[D19] - Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw - to be publicly exposed by common practitioners when our #PrajnaTIP in Sound is introduced.

    Let's contrast Thích-Thanh-Từ's deduction from his understanding of "good thought, evil thought or any duality thought in general completely silent" with KhaiPhong seven (7) depths of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] or #AwarenessPrajna far beyond his conflicting realities. Thought is always at duality of conditioned and changing. You have to be Beyond Thought [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ], knowing the driving force behind your thought to properly manage yourself. You are Not At this level! You know nothing about the Right and Unworthy coming from #Prajna commonly known as your Conscience as the foundation of your motto [ Biết Vọng Không Theo / Knowing the Unworthy Drop it ]. That is why we say the above quotes from HuiNeng and Gotama [ "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] - unknown by most monks / nuns / followers in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas up until 2025 - are actualities and cultivable as statistically epistemic objectives to effortlessly weed out Buddhist unworthy people, not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19].

    Here is the description of "Discourse on the Absolute Truth / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Paramatthaka Sutta" that we say the claim of Satipatthana / Tứ niệm xứ[D25] as the Unique (direct) path for the purification of beings is Gotama's illusion if the claim came from Gotama. It shows the importance and relevance of scientifically cultivable #Prajna and Then What that we prove beyond any reasonable doubt Gotama's defects in his Design - Build - Execution due to not knowing deep enough the layered No-Conflict Consciousness: [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] where in part [ #Prajna >< Justice >< Morality >< Conscience] and in part [ #Prajna >< True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position ] to enable one an Accountable Creator and a part of the Responsible Creation. Similar to esoteric indoctrination of Buddhism toward masters-slaves relationships via Illusion and Greed/Fear leading to Prayer about (1) Kinh Địa Tạng / Sutra of The Past Vows of Earth Store degenerated Bodhisattva, (2) Vajrayana from degenerated Vajradhara Buddha (Phật Kim Cang Tát Đoả)[R13.1], (3) Pureland from degenerated Amitabha Buddha (Phật A Di Đà)[R5.4], (4) painted Compassion-Wisdom from degenerated Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri Bodhisattvas, one can logically deduct "Tùy duyên nhi bất biến, ... Bất biến nhi tùy duyên" / [ Oneness / Unchanging in the Changing and Conditioned Existence ] of the Oneness / Unchanging in degenerated Father God for Christians and degenerated Allah for Muslims. They are degenerated according to natural laws[D32] to be discovered and statistically verified where everyone can be a part. They have been [ bulling / cheating others ] based on Greed and Fears for the glorification of their confined self on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness without putting the Right Effort in beyond self innate in every being - from human upward - being victims of their own illusions! The manifested "Unchanging" - such as Action-Reaction, Dependent Nature in Conflicting Counsciousness and in No-Conflict Consciousness - is there when it is a part of discovered Universal Laws.

    The [ #Oneness / Unchanging in the Changing and Conditioned Existence ] is a binocular view of both Hindu and Buddhist traditions - consistent with curent scientific understanding of Thing-As-It-Is nature of all visible (Hữu Vi) and invisible (Vô Vi) manifestations via Non-Thingness. By connecting the discovered dots (up until 2025) from humanity - together with AI and industrial revolution 4.0 - we are able to lay out Fibonacci Layered scientific processes F for discovering and statistically verifying these practical epistemic objectives: F1 = 1 Equanimity Awareness, F2 = 1 Purity Awareness to further enforce the stability of evolution Not falling into the Ignorance of Evolution then Degeneration of cunning intelligence due to ability of concentration, F3 = 2 #Samadhi Signed Posts of Transcendental-Inner-Peace, F4 = 3 Selfless #Awareness, F5 = 5 Visible #AwarenessPrajna, F6 = 8 #AwarenessPrajna in engaged Living, F7 = 13 #AwarenessPrajna in Forecasting and Simulation, F8 = 21 #SamadhiPrajna.

    In introducing #PrajnaTIP in Sound, we scientifically expose the esoteric cheating process in the Buddhist's Shurangama Sutra[D33] with its latest interpretation from a Vietnamese scholar Dr. Bhikkhunī Giới Hương - an evidenced-based hard core professional cheater - in English (COMMENTARY ON AVALOKITEŚVARA BODHISATTVA 26/03/2019) and in Vietnamese (QUAN ÂM QUẢNG TRẦN Thích Nữ Giới Hương 26/03/2019) that (1) the claimed Buddha (esoterically imposed on Gotama just like the imposition of Father God to appeal on Jesus Greed as the Only Son of God, but known as the degenerated Original Buddha, the Father God, the Lucifer well known in the collapse of Illuminati Elites) knows nothing about scientific process to awaken the "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods from within / Latin Humanitas / There is No gods but God / #Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / #AwarenessPrajna / #SamadhiPrajna / Compassion-Prajna / Consciousness of the consciousness" out of the conflicting (saṃsāra) events on the duality plane of consciousness, (2) the Sound technology coming from degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is a cheating process of an impostor Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see as many human slaves[D19] of the "Blinds touching Elephant" from all organised religions, (3) there is a discovered scientific process at both theoretical and empirical level to enable most people bypassing their tainted senses to personally verify Higher States of No-Conflict Consciousness to Awaken one's [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas / There is no god but God ].

    While waiting for the full exposition to debunk the "greatest esoteric professional cheater" who had been the front line agent of a deeper dark force to plan and control the three major organised religious followers - Buddhists, Christians, Muslims - please use the following three keys to shut down the "evil plots" of his armies of professional cheaters: (1) the "description" is Not the "described" (up to 2025, all of their descriptions are either scientifically false and/or painted cakes including the mysterious stories of Buddhist Meditation Lineage from India, China, Vietnam), (2) the quality of inner humanitas Compassion and Wisdom is measurable via manifested efforts which expose the realities of the Illuminati Elites having all forms of secret societies such as the Black Jesuits, Knights Templar, various Monarchs, family Lineages, etc, (3) Then What to see one step ahead of What Count, driven by Empathy and Economics toward Value of the values. For those belonging in whatever form with Illuminati elites, we are happy to say that you are Free from esoteric Mind Control and can live with your Conscience, fully responsible to what you are doing. Only through engaged living in what most important to you you can change yourself and the environment toward What Count. We use the challenge from Soyen Shaku[R6] "God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality" together with deliverable #Oneness as an epistemic objective to kick-start the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong via NfP ThankYou Clubs driven by Invisible Hand of #Prajna and Economics.

    This brings us to all Buddhist explanations of the Heart Sutra[R2] - 100% of the "Blinds touching Imaginary Elephant" - in their confused word "Atakkàvacara / Chân Như" in facing the "Koan" using Gotama's discoveries in his #FourfoldTruth as the testing ground to "Personally Verify" the four seals in all daily activities: Dukkha - Impermanence - Not-Self - End-of-Dukkha (Nirvana), then actually knowing face-to-face the Sunyata Non-Thingness "in Sunyata there is not ... dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga / Cho nên, trong Sunyata ... không khổ tập diệt đạo" which is the seventh stage "Non-Thingness" of Gotama "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma-Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent"[D30]. The rejuvenation / reborn is possible in this Emptiness. Same thing happened to the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas from all sects and cultures that most are stuck at the "Blinds touching Elephant" in their own fallacies at conditioned thoughts and doctrines. Since the description is not the described and if you can actually experience "Atakkàvacara / Chân Như" you should be able to describe your state of mind from relative truth in dissolving the content in this new state, then what happens to your quality of mind after you know "Atakkàvacara / Chân Như". Here is Gotama's verifiable process in moving from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth[D26], [D29], [D30] toward the Sunyata / #Oneness to personally verify Gotama's third Truth[D20], the Truth he called the "End of Dukkha"[D44]. We see the role of Science to effortlessly clean up professional cheaters cheating others for unworthy living.

  4. HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna: #Samadhi - Transcendental-Inner-Peace - is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]. This state becomes one's embedded quality of the consciousness once Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna is reasonably stable. This commonly known as the #Intuition / sixth sense when you naturally sense something. It is known by many advanced people, mostly in the position of leaderships. Many - especially in an indoctrinated environment of Obeying - have this innate ability but do not have sufficient confidence in their intuition. It is time to listen to our inner voice / conscience / #Prajna where modern normative and positive tools can help to detect the precious innate quality, Making Life Easier and Happier. If the time is right, a living student in our group can actually deliver HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna to many to further enforce the practicality of consciousness technologies[D39].

  5. Gotama Right Understanding and Right Motivation in complex issues such as (1) national and international problems, (2) large scale social and economic strategies, (3) individual and organisation strategic move, etc. The ability to see dominant pattern of a complex issue and strategic point to change its direction is called the Seventh Sense, deepen by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna for Right Understanding and Right Motivation towards What Count[R23]. It was proven by Vạn Hạnh's ability to get the "Pulse[R1]" of complex military and diplomatic national securities[R7.1].

    This shows the practicality of "Insight into the Emptiness" cultivable in the evolution of "Form to Consciousness". Since all manifestations are "Dependent Nature and Conditioned", those having comparative advantages in the Arts - of all kinds such as politics, diplomacy, military, educations, businesses, living, entertainments, etc - can trace out what conditions and passing trails to make them standing out of the crowd. Sharing these TIPs can open a "new vista" of their comparative advantages while helping others either already on the trail and/or planning to enter riding on the master experience to turn the Art into a Science that may be sustainable beyond one's life time.

    The application has been used thousands years ago, commonly known as "Oracle", riding on specialised ability of some fragmented dedicated explorers. It is fragmented - since due to the Dependent Nature of existence - the seventh sense capable to see the dominant pattern of the "Issue / Observed" is not easy to come in one's evolution from Form to Consciousness. Yet having that "comparative advantage" one still do not see the role of the discovery in the totality of existence. It was exploited in the past for many mundane targets and/or enforcing the ruling power in master-slave relationships unless one has the quality of Vạn Hạnh[R7.1]. The difference now is to turn useful and practical Arts - having available additional tools of Artificial Intelligence (AI) - into Science by observing and testing their underlying natural laws, integrating both normative and positive values toward What Count coming "From people, By people, and For people" in one's Right Effort for the meaning of one's Existence. Thanks to AI and Big-Data, accumulated wisdom in any matter specialised by the organisation is not lost.

    Recent observable outcomes of degenerated esoteric forces - commonly known as the Illuminati Elites - show the importance of Right Effort and relevant of one's Inner Circle and circle of inner circles to prevent one from accidental cracks driven by Greed and Ignorance and/or provide whatever necessary help to quickly recover from past mistakes. The outcome was known in "Paul the Octopus" that we esoterically knew this entity from the long past and its ability. We sensed its reincarnation and look for the right time to bring together old acquainted resources similar to what Trần Quốc Tuấn did with his family's collected Generals, ready for an actionable and challenging period. Only under democratic process - having the majority knowing more about themselves and Human Rights - the age of enlightenment is sustainable to avoid past mistakes in the divine right of master-slaves.

    The whole history of Buddhist Sangha - up to 2025 - missed the practicality of Gotama's "Right Understanding and Right Motivation - the #Prajna division of his modified Eightfold Path due to its fallacy in the "destruction of ignorance and consciousness" which is unnatural and impossible since consciousness cannot be destroyed and a darkness of ignorance cannot see and destroy another darkness. Their darkness of [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] turns Gotama #Samadhi into within-the-box Concentration and #Prajna into an outcome of their darkness. That is the hard fact about voluminous treatises and cultivation from both Theravada and Mahayana, digging their own graves in duality far more inferior than Hegelian Dialectic, incapable to touch the #Oneness of the "Blind touching Elephant" proven in a scientific paper "Buddhism implies dualism"[D19]

  6. Bodhidharma Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha via #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness: a treatise on the Ceasing of Notions[D35] discovered in Tun-Huang cave to reveal the Source of #Oneness, the Common Denominator of all manifestations facing directly to Thing-As-It-Is (Actuality). From this "#Oneness" - within the reach of one's innate Buddha Nature - one can (1) Know the unchanged unborn in the changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) existence, (2) See the optimal non-conflicting solution out of a complicated issue and its strategic position to be in, (3) Create the Right conditions and sense the Right Time and Place for an Effortless Action with maximum results toward the Right Direction, (4) Nullify adverse effects. Once the action is complete, there is No-Mark thanks to the cultivable ability of Transcending the Observed [ Beyond-Thought - Vô Niệm, No-Mark - Vô Vết, Detachment - Vô Trụ, #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna - Bát Nhã ]. The recorded dialogue between Bodhidharma and Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty affirms the power and practicality of "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha" and the actual Value of existence in one's continuity of the consciousness where Kindness and Empathy are the foundation for a wider view of existence and that one's Right Effort is naturally Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good.

  7. Teleportation: an additional technology using "generated wormhole", cultivable and trainable to avoid possible conflict in "encountering someone (esoteric force) intent on killing oneself"[D35] when the right time and right place is not there. The technology is known as "Verifiable Process from #PrajnaTIP in Kindness", the best optimal conditions for #Awareness and #SamadhiPrajna training in evolution from Form to Consciousness, outside the box of duality yearned by all organised religions only at theoretical level.

    The real possibility of esoteric harming was well documented in Internet about the demonic works done by Illuminati Elites against those considered road-blocks to their targets[R20.3], [R20.4]. Thanks to this technology - actually known by some living students in our group - many unnecessary sufferings have been avoided to carry the esoteric battle while many others have done tremendous jobs to stop their plots.

    This technology must be built upon the accumulated state and stocks of #Prajna coming from Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity[R1] in one's evolution from Form back to Consciousness, by-passing the duality of tainted senses and persistent outdated marks. Once it is known by many due to the presence of qualified Budh Counsellors and available facilities of PrajnaPlace, many will naturally be exciting with the opportunities to Do Good in "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings" according to wider view of one's continuity of the consciousness.

  8. Visible Consciousness: different from human radio technology and actually demonstrated by ET commonly known as spacecrafts and UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects)[R20], [R20.4]. Part of this visible consciousness is "Free Energy / New Innovative System Can Turn Seawater Into Fuel" coming from the same space we are living and/or operating at different level for its manifestations, based on consciousness discoveries of Natural Laws. All manifestations must happen according to the laws of nature, irrespective of its normative outcomes. The Illuminati dark forces came from Wrong Efforts in their degenerated continuity of the consciousness where Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes impersonally operate. The techniques of Bullying others based on Fears and short-term masters-slaves relationships are well documented in all organised religions with their Gods, Allah, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas, etc. In reality, all intelligent beings are only parts of the Whole fully subjected to the laws of nature according to Thing-As-it-Is.

    Just like any other external force generated by Volition / Sankhara, its momentum must come to the end, either by a counter-action and/or the end of its life cycle. Since it is only a part of the Whole, it is impossible for the collective dark forces to be against the Cosmic Consciousness of the Whole. By knowing the law of Nature in activating the force of the Whole, one can be a facilitator to be part of the solution in one's continuous Learning and Doing in the continuity of the consciousness. This is actually the case in foiling the plots of Illuminati Elites at a very top level using the innate ability of living students and effortless orchestration without undue interference to the working of the nature. There is no one to punish the degenerated esoteric entities. Via self-defence, the living students selected by the teacher(s) can do the job while in hand-on Learning and Doing at the Right Time and Right Place contributed by many others. The esoteric plots could not happen in 2012, then 2014 - 2017, and finally in Russia-Ukraine war plus the learned Lesson and its influence by esoteric dark forces due to the aggregate consciousness of the mass with minimum interference from high above.

    Due to available snatching technology, the degenerated dark forces - knowing nothing about human military strategies - took controls of their followers in war crimes, reported ethnic cleansing, terrors, etc, on a "historic scale". We are happy to report that the esoteric possessions have also been foiled just as the destroy of the commanding Owl and contracts signed in blood or esoteric agreements. With humanity concerted effort, we think the Islamic State will soon come to an end. We wish the time will come when most people are Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good in one's normative evolution of the consciousness where Happiness and Sufferings are actually experiencing by intelligent beings.

Applying modern science in individual and aggregate streams of consciousness where each stream is a container and container of containers, there are innumerable practical applications, "Making Life Easier and Happier" at both individual and aggregate levels so everyone - individual and aggregate - can be an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment one a part. The knowledge base is accumulated with or without the presence of the dominant mover. The technologies[R21], [R21.1], [R21.2] are already there and used in espionage tactics, stock prices, movie scripts, and architecture. The difference in the Science of #Oneness is the injection of normative decision of What Count[R23] driven by people capable to change both the directions and patterns of productions and consumption.

[1.2] Scientific approach to the Four Noble Truths

The Four Noble Truths form the foundation of Buddhist Dharma as formulated by Gotama first sermon[D20] in forming the Buddhist Sangha. The communities of monks, nuns, all Buddhist Universities, institutions and claimed Buddhists have the responsibility to put forward its accepted Understanding and empirically verifiable Four Noble Truths as Scientific Facts (observable, testable and reproducible) on the new consistent framework between Buddhist modified[D26] Eightfold Path where "Right Mindfulness" must have the "Transcendental state called [ HuiNeng Wu-Nien / Gotama Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh ] and [ End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana ], asserted by the third Truth[D44]. It is the connection between the Fourth Truth (modified Eightfold Path) with the Fourth Seal [ End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana ] for other members at least having a logical road-map to know they are on the right track in a dedicated career, not to be a part of proven horrible crime against humanity leading by claimed infallible popes in the past 1700 years of the evil Roman Catholic Church and/or 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism blah blah blah by unworthy professional cheaters Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. Yes, 1700 years of humanity dark period with billion lives heading toward an Abyss of unnecessary Sufferings that No One having a minimum Conscience can tolerate as a part of one's Worthy Existence. Similarly, 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism is more than enough for those capable to scientifically test and verify Gotama's DISCOVERIES Not to #Care the "TRUTHs contributed by Gotama" to all intelligent "Living & Being" in one's Continuity of the consciousness. In our context, '#Truth' is the 'Thing As It Is' and pieces of #Truth are scientific facts - fact-based epistemic objectives - in different conditions to be deliverable in modern living, Making Life Easier and Happier toward What Count.

First, Dukkha - having its taxonomy (classification) as dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha, sankhara-dukkha - is "Thing As It Is" for any manifestation since all manifestations are conditioned (sankhara-dukkha), continuously changed (viparinama-dukkha) and impermanence scientifically measurable at Planck time. No manifested thing can be "Forever" scientifically proven in the second law of thermodynamics. Buddhist Four Noble TRUTHs are (1) Dukkha, (2) Dukkha caused by Ignorance leading to Sufferings (Dukkha-Dukkha / Suffering Dukkha) commonly explained in the links of causes and effects Table 2, (3) Dukkha can be ended or the Cessation of Dukkha / End-of-Dukkha which is to "be directly experienced"[D20], and (4) (modified) Eightfold Path[D21] is the process or model to the cessation (end) of Dukkha. Let's put the "#Truth" as claimed in the "Gotama's Four Noble TRUTHs" side-by-side against a Buddhist Ph.D. thesis about The Development of Prajna From Early Buddhism to the Prajnaparamita where Buddhist #Prajna / Panna[D46] is closely associated with Buddhist ethical Codes to contrast with a Ph.D. thesis of a Vietnamese Buddhist monk THÍCH CHÂN QUANG under Vietnamese Autocratic Communist Government up to 2025. Since all manifestations are Dukkha which Thanissaro Bhikkhu translated as "stress", "Transcendental-Inner-Peace" or "Aesthetic / Transcendental Relaxation" from #PrajnaTIP in Sound (and Light) is the direct antidote to this "dukkha / stress".

  1. What does it mean "Cessation (End) of Dukkha" in the Third Truth?

  2. How the process / model of the modified Eightfold Path can drive "Suffering Dukkha" into "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha" leading toward What Count[R23]?

  3. Does "Cessation / End-of-Dukkha" mean Nirvana or it is Học Thuyết Thường, Lạc, Ngã, Tịnh 2023-05-30 / theory of Permanence, Bliss, Self, Purity? Is the Nirvana empirically verifiable and describable in the Continuity of the Consciousness?

Out of these questions and based on Gotama's "Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta - Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion"[D20] - we connect the dots value added by other dedicated explorers together with discovered technologies to Transcend Inner Peace and beyond to fill the Gaps that Gotama and the 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha have not theoretically explained and empirically verified. We value-add:

  1. The razor-sharp Guiding Light required qualities of "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in the "#Prajna" division of the modified Eightfold Path for a "Right Effort", especially in a complex International Issue such as current Russia-Ukraine war and/or China-US competing forces wnere there are many hidden moves from all involved parties.

  2. The developed technologies leading to this #Prajna - called #PrajnaTIPs - in "the practice leading to the cessation (end) of dukkha" or cultivating "the states" and "stock" of #Prajna" for any possible solution out of the conflicts.

  3. The states and stock of #Prajna right in the first absorption (detachment jhana) of Samma-Samadhi has been deepen with scientific attributes by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, leading to different signed posts of practical living via qualified Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent via Detachment - Jue Guan Lun (TUYỆT QUÁN LUẬN)[D35] - in "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha with no Conflict"; hence Free of stresses for an optimal next moves.

  4. The dynamic interaction[R1] between the states and stock of #Prajna with explored trails leading to the signed posts and from these signed posts to other discovered trails in Kindness and Empathy[R16], enabling all involved parties beneficial and Happy. With actual Compassion, transcendental Morality and Meditation (Dhyana) can be scientifically and deeply cultivable (#PrajnaTIP in Kindness) since (1) #Prajna is the flower of Compassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata / #Oneness and (2) A darkness (duality consciousness) cannot see another darkness As-It-Is, there is a "Light" outside the conditioned boundary.

The innate Buddha Nature will wake one up to correct the "Suffering Dukkha" via #Prajna in "Making Life Easier and Happier". These questions - up to 2025 - have not been satisfactory answered at both theoretical and empirically verifiable levels. They are different ways to the questions about (1) the meaning in the Cessation (End) of Dukkha, (2) the difference between "Suffering Dukkha" driven by Ignorance and "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha" driven by #Prajna, and (3) the verifiable meaning of Buddhist End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana.

The most recent attempt (uploaded to Internet on 15 December 2011) to partially address this core framework came from the Dalai Lama 14th to explore the third Truth 'Cessation of Dukkha' in his 'Four Noble Truths', a synthesis of entire Buddhist technical understanding together with the speaker life time and many years of publicly world-wide delivering the Gotama's #FourFoldTruth - the modified and generalized version of Gotama's Four Noble Truths into fact-based epistemic objective as proven below - signifying a new beginning of Buddhist scientific approach[R12] which is, according to the speaker, logically possible based on three arguments (words in the brackets are added to prove the Dalai Lama 14th is a cheating monk, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]):

  1. Frequent Reflections (Bhavana) on daily activities based on one's innate Buddha Nature capable to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment for appropriate 'Counter-Thrust' against negative Thrusts presented as relevant Issues (digital tool such as user-facing mu is most appropriate) where,

  2. Being a conduit to leverage the Infinite Power of the Whole (such as cosmic energy via VisibleSamadhiPrajna f8 = 21 as done by the reincarnation of HuiNeng and Help other Vietnamese communist elites out of the cheating grip of the degenerated Amitabha and TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng 2024-06-28) to overcome other negative forces, and

  3. Basing on Nagarjuna's assertion (at thought level) the Purity of the Mind[D48] that nothing can contaminate it (which must be tested and proven, Not blah blah blah from any cheating monk). By Purifying the Mind, we can achieve the Cessation of Dukkha as asserted in the third Truth to verify Nirvana where all karmic forces are eliminated (which has Not been Tested and proven; what can be tested and proven is the momentay Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha[D44] and Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22]). That state of mind is Dharmakaya (Pháp-Thân / manifested God or Allah) and one is a Buddha (proven to be degenerated as in the case of Amitabha Buddha).

The Four Noble Truths have not yet at the solid theoretical consistent framework agreeable by all Buddhist sects in all countries, nor at the level of Personal Verification and Implementations. Together with the above three questions - (1) the meaning in the Cessation (End) of Dukkha, (2) the difference between "Suffering Dukkha" and "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha", (3) the state of possible End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana - the Science and Economics of #Oneness in KhaiPhong with understanding and personal experiences from available living students can bring something to the table, providing the answers at scientifically consistent theoretical level, and technologies to empirically verify the answers at the Right Time so "Everyone can be a part of the Solutions".

After four years (2013 - 2016) of publicly poking around to demonstrate the fallacies in masters-slaves relationships of all organised religions where Buddhism is a part, there is a "new interpretation at the End-of-Dukkha" based on Nagarjuna's Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth. We see the right time to scholastically present recorded Gotama's process of actual experience[D20], to be delivered at the right place and time with proven technologies from the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong. With available planned KpPlatform to collect required quality data of properties and relationships in the LLM (Large Language Model) of people and communities Mind Map, we will scientifically prove Gotama's processes of actual experiences from the first[D20] and second[D20.1] Discourses are required components of the fact-based epistemic objective #FourFoldTruth where qualified connections from [ Diversities >< Oneness ] of all religions, civilizations, philosophies, etc, must pass through.

The Dalai Lama first argument is based on Gotama's implicit Axiom 'Living' where the innate 'Buddha Nature' - capable to know the Right and Unworthy relevant to one's Present Moment - is its corollary. Reflection or Bhavana, being Aware of precious Qualities veiled by Ignorance and Imagination, is considered as the direct approach to Dhyana [ Thiền (Vietnamese), Zen (Japanese), Chan (Chinese) ] anywhere any time when there is sufficient intensity of attention for an #Awareness to be outside one's conflicting box. It is the Intensity of Attention to enable one directly see the Issue in a wider scope from different depths of #AwarenessPrajna at patch C in Figure 2 due to the angle of deeper from Transcendental Inner Peace or higher from natural concentration on the plane of [ #Oneness / ##Prajna / #Truth / Wisdom ] perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting events.

HuiNeng specifically defined that reflection can only be a Dhyana if and only if one can transcend the conflicting boundary to directly contact #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict Transcendental-Inner-Peace. In our term and a challenge to entire 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas from all sects in all countries is a "transcendental movement from duality consciousness to No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1], then back" or "from Madhyamaka Relative #Truth to Ultimate (Wider) #Truth then back to actually know the meaning and effect of "Dhyana / Chan (Chinese) / Zen (Japanese) / Thiền (Vietnamese)" that they have been blah blah blah for so long. This transcending the boundary is called breaking the crust of sesame seed for its oil by Tilopa[D41], and available to only few having thousands years of pounding the Right Transcendental #Awareness on the changing Duality and the non-conflicting #Oneness as the story told by Ajnatakaundinya (Kiều Trần Như) in Shurangana Sutra[D33] about the guests coming and leaving but the host remaining. The question is what does it take for that right Intensity of Attention to materialise? The Vietnamese Zen Trúc Lâm takes this active "Reflection" as its fundamental principle, yet up to 2025 Not Having scientific solution for the mass to pass Relative Truth at thinking level into the Ultimate (Wider) #Truth of #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict for an Insight into the Emptiness. Hence, the most it can touch is at the thinking level of the Dalai Lama about the Four Noble Truths, far below the [ HuiNeng Wu-Nien / Gotama Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh ]. The Science and Economics of #Oneness will materialise its motto.

Reflection has been part of all organised religions and mostly implemented in indoctrinated environment to be a good 'Christian, Muslim, Buddhist' which is the source of religious divisions and enslave one within a comfort zone of conditioned container. The Observer is binding to the Observed, rather than the one with "completely open mind", capable to know 'the Observer', 'the Observed', the 'State of Observation', and something beyond as illustrated in Figure 2 and in the scientific experiment to directly access something 'Unconditioned' and 'Unborn' from the Self/Selfless Actualization. There are two factors in the answer of the question: (1) the tainted mind has to be Free from internal disturbances, (2) the #Awareness must be deep enough for an effortless Intensity of Attention. One can visualise the solution as an empty container where "energy" is directed by the Attention to fill the container in the reverse process from Form to Consciousness, transcending the form boundary of self into selfless.

At the personal level, the container is the "self" and the tainted mind comprises of noises from six senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) wherever the senses are directed so what it sees is its Reality different from Actuality of Thing As It Is (Figure 1). The Intensity of Attention or energy may come from one's concentration and/or from cosmic. At the aggregate level, the noises are always there due to Actions / Reactions - Moves / Counter-Moves of all involved parties. The solution - at personal level - of how to empty the container's content for a "Completely Open Mind or No Mind Enclosure" is explicitly and scientifically described in the Heart Sutra[R2].

We can use the Heart Sutra as a theoretical model to be personally verified according to scientific processes. Personal verification boils down to reproducible technologies to Verify Gotama signed posts of nine Jhanas - plus possible value-adds on the phase changes known by living students - as we show the corresponding descriptions between the Heart Sutra and Gotama's absorption states up to Purity.

Similarly, if one uses the Sound Technology as described in Shurangama Sutra[D33], each one will have different descriptions of the trail moving through the four signed posts described by Gotama if one has actually passed the signed posts. We will provide the description, based on actual description of the Sound Technology as recorded in the Sutra as we did with the Heart Sutra against Gotama's descriptions[R2]. The scientific process sets up barrier to effortlessly clean up professional cheaters and faked meditation masters entering the game at Word / Image / blah-blah-blah level since their descriptions will be scrutinised by the World. One must stand on one's own feet as what Gotama had done. Here is a concrete theoretical solution with scientifically measurable Tests in "Taming The Ox" where one's personal experiences are presented as a thesis contributing to the community knowledge base that the Dalai Lama can only touch at logical level of brain intelligence - far below the Gotama qualified Transcendental #Awareness and HuiNeng Transcendental state of #SamadhiPrajna at positive Fibonacci F8 = 21 - which is only a part of the Budh Mind or the sixth (Brain and Intuition) sense, far below the seventh (Vibration) sense capable to get the Pulse and possible optimal solution relevant to the present moment of a complex issue.

At the aggregate level such as an international conflict - involving many countries - the conflicting consciousness is even more complicated involving continuously changing swarms of activities and relationships. AI from Big Data may help. But the seventh sense of vibrations and one's Strategic Intelligence to anticipate the relevant pattern of the Big Picture relevant to one's strategic position to change the event toward What Counts is the most dominant force. The seventh (Vibration) sense comes Only from #Prajna and is cultivable in Self-Selfless Actualisation on evolutionary continuity Path of one's Consciousness.

The second argument from the Dalai Lama can be consciously executed by not many who must have thousands years of cultivation of that speciality in their streams of consciousness. Out of these selected few, we have identified at least five (5) living students having this capability for their own benefits, plus being conduits to direct cosmic energy for the benefits of others. The Cosmic Consciousness is available to all at different degrees of accessibility since each has within oneself some degree of [ ComPassion - Prajna ]. Compassion is the foundation and connecting point of one's self consciousness to the cosmic consciousness while #Prajna is a flower of the Compassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata. Its practicality is immense for individual practitioner riding on the Inner Power available in one's Buddha Nature intimately connected to the Whole, and to the Whole if it can actually raise the mass/environment consciousness level using each practitioner as a Centralized Conduit for targeted energy vibrations. It is observable, testable and achievable as Scientific Fact based on actual experiences of living students.

To add some credibility to the Dalai Lama second argument and the practicality of the "Emptiness" in one's continuity of the consciousness, we describe here how a living student - known as a Sound Specialist - foiled the esoteric dark forces behind Illuminati Elites. How much of this description you want to take is up to you, but those actually controlled under the esoteric forces can personally know it and have Good News that you are all Free from their direct controls. From now on, you are fully responsible for your Action and the Environment you are a part based on your "Conscience / #Prajna / Wisdom". We have touched in Channelling and Extra Terrestrial (ET) that the external agent can use consciousness technologies through their Volition to (1) perform voodoo[R8] causing physical pain, (2) artificially snatch multiple souls on one physical body commonly known as clone under ET technologies, (3) remotely control your mind and sensations, etc. The scientific process behind this phenomenon is that your "Mind" is binding to these forces - as Realities generated by Imagination from your senses and the dark forces - while in Actualities the past deeds (either Right or Wrong) were done.

If one has "No-Mark" once the action is completed, the binding/clinging force is not there. The dark force cannot exert any control on You since you are not part of it. It is similar to the binding force of Allah in Muslim, Infallible priests in evil Roman Catholic Church, Guru / Master / Bodhisattva / Buddha in Buddhist and Hindu which are only Names to be dropped, unless you are driven by Fears and Greed voluntarily entrapped yourself with Word/Image and Thought in their prisons without bars. What that student has done is to use cosmic force to destroy the exerting forces from the other sides to help them not committing further bad deeds that they must be fully responsible for due to the natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. The best defending effort is "to Know oneself at the driving forces behind the Volition / Freewill / Sankhara and to Dissolve appearances in Emptiness". It is the principle behind Gotama's advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] about "#Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved". The process will be materialised and popularised in #Oneness thanks to discovered natural laws to do the heavy lifting.

The absence of Light (Darkness) and Light are natural phenomena and through the innate "Buddha Nature" everyone can be a part to make happened "Light" for easier and happier life or "Darkness" of Sufferings. Once knowing more about oneself - consciously Doing and Learning from "Right Understanding and Right Motivation / #Prajna / the Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" - one is an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. Hope you can see this simple scientific process of Thing-As-It-Is that most Sufferings in humanity in many thousand years are not necessary and the importance of discovering Natural Laws in Making Life Easier and Happier that unworthy people trying to enslave humanity in masters-slaves relationships.

Those controlled by the image of an "Owl" and/or written contract(s) signed with one's "own blood" personally know the esoteric effects. We can view / model each identifiable stream of consciousness as a container of consciousness having various fragments due to not yet fully integrated person.

By burning the "Owl" image (similar to Christian Cross or Muslim Allah, Buddhist/Hindu Buddha/God and/or musics / drums / bells) in your consciousness and/or binding part of your consciousness to your signed contract they can enforce their power and/or the signed contract on you. They thought that they are going to control the whole universe since only parts of their consciousness are degenerated by natural laws while the others are still intact to manipulate streams of consciousness toward their targets. This kind of double / triple personalities is well-known and common in religious and political leaders since they must keep their appearances of painted pictures different from their true selves in Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts. These unworthy people cannot cheat other knowing the vibrations of energy, and definitely cannot cheat Natural Laws forever due to the heaviness in the quality of their consciousness, effectively carrying out by Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. All hardcore persistent professional cheaters of all religions must take this seriously thanks to the "hard lesson" and painfully shared by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva from 60,000+ human years of evolution then badly degenerated.

Driven by the Compassion Energy from the Heart centre, the student is able to direct cosmic energy via intensity of attention toward a target such as (1) separating binding consciousness together into individual streams, (2) destroying their controlling centre through an Owl, (3) burning signed contracts under their possessions.

Their personal and group power cannot match with the cosmic consciousness while they were rapidly degenerated in that tug of war due to natural laws since manifestations are only parts of the Whole. The same intensity of attention is used to direct energy flowing to and from different targets.

The above statement is an "Observable Fact based on Natural Laws" that requires some elaborations so sensitive / practical people can have a wider view of "Right Effort" in Continuity of the consciousness. They can be agents of Changes and seeds in Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good. The past threats of dominant Illuminati Elites made happened researches connecting 5,000 years of human history to financially dominant secret groups and societies so the most skeptics would not think this happened by pure chance. Esoterically, the 5,000 years of human Sufferings under the yokes of masters-slaves relationships are incomparable to over 60,000+ man-years of "terrors and sufferings" caused by dark forces in higher realms. Without the Right Time (beginning of the new Era) and Right Place (existing in different realms having different applicable natural laws, and ability of inter-realms learning and doing) - together with the orchestration of even Higher Realms - living students would be harmed long time ago, and humanity would not be able to avoid the planned events where over 90% human population would be wiped out.

A Break-Through of the Vicious Circle will not be a possibility and/or take a much longer time even with more discovered Natural Laws in Making Life Easier and Happier because not many among us have sufficient Confidence in their Conscience / #Prajna / Buddha Nature when there still exist behind the scene esoteric dark forces. The orchestration has been done in higher realms in a very short period of time. It is now the time for changes in human realm where each one of us can be a part that most people can see the speed of changes beyond their imaginations. The changes will be sustainable since there are sufficient number of qualified students strategically put in different realms who will naturally work together at the Right Time due to the effortless orchestrations.

Entities in the dark forces missed an important part of the Natural Laws that the "Quality of the Consciousness" determined its evolution as theorised in Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D39]. The natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes - blah blah blah at thought level of "Not-Self" as shared in this video - are universal, just like the Dependent Nature. Within human realm, many highly respected in the most powerful positions of religions, politics, military, finances are unqualified to be "persons", even at the time of their still living due to inertia of forms / manifestations. They are the ones who know their qualities and can change the Qualities of the consciousness by changing "Wrong Effort" due to tainted senses to "Right Effort" with available resources.

Finally, here is an important scientific observation based on our actual experiences for those having the capability to use cosmic energy. First of all, due to long evolution from Consciousness to Form, there are innumerable visible and invisible tainted marks in your stream of consciousness. This is also applicable to historical Gotama and Jesus as we esoterically know their reincarnations and their hurdles due to tremendous barriers set up - with collaborating assistance from dark forces - by their followers in the organised religions under their names. Secondly, due to the innate Budh - Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas - in most people, one can evolve from Form back to Consciousness, by-passing tainted marks in the six senses. Due to your unexpected correct processes of many thousands years, you can naturally direct cosmic consciousness toward certain targets. That capability can be used for Good or Bad targets with their consequences, well documented in Hindu and Buddhist recorded documents. Even with Good Target, one has to be very careful since mass followers with their Grasping in Greed and Hallucination, you can very easily loose your HonNhien and Selfless to be replaced by a Self, enslaving you to their binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought that ultimately destroy you.

Since natural laws are to be discovered, it is best to "reversed engineer" your unique Comparative Advantage into a scientific process to help and train qualified people in making the process sustainable for the benefits of others and your Continuity of the Consciousness, not always starting from square one, yet cheated by unworthy people setting up organised religions under your shadow to destroy yourself and the World. Another fruitful observation is that you can direct Cosmic Energy not only to help others but also to Help Yourself in rejuvenation and reborn from "stress / dukkha" caused by tainted senses, exactly as Gotama's advice about his qualified #AwarenessPrajna[D22]. This will make you a valuable part of the Whole toward a Right Direction of What Count[R23] where everyone can be an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment.

On the Dalai Lama third argument about 'Purity of the mind' asserted by Nagarjuna[D38], we had at later time a controversial contest between Shen-Hsiu and HuiNeng to represent the unbroken lineage from Gotama, shown in Table 3 - the Zen Contest[R5.1] on the Nature of Mind. The interpretations from the Dalai Lama 14 seem to be a general accepted view from many Mahayanists. Assuming what we listened are Correct, we are going to explore that assertion and interpretations versus this Zen Contest.

According to a translation of Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka from Sankrit to Chinese then Vietnamese, there are three (3) essential features of Madhyamaka (Nhửng đặc sắc của Trung Luận). We first briefly comment them:

  1. No obstruction from Manifestation and Emptiness (Hửu Không vô ngại): (a) It uses the Dependent Nature (nương vào duyên khởi), to explain the duality (giảng nói pháp nhị đế), (b) It explores the duality (nói pháp nhị đế) to clearly point to the Emptiness (để chỉ rõ Thắng Nghĩa Không), (c) It uses the clear understanding of Emptiness (hiểu rõ Thắng Nghĩa Không) to see the meaning of the Middle Path (thấy ý nghĩa Trung Đạo).

    Let's scientifically expose "big mouths" hardcore professional cheaters[R18.4] in entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas from all countries starting in India, to Tibet, to China by forcing them to deliver concrete beneficial outcomes from the statement. Almost all of them - in entire history of Buddhist Sanghas up to 2025 - have not passed Gateway-to-Oneness (1) not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19], (2) unable to cross the bridge from relative duality existence of self to No-Conflict Consciousness / Oneness / #Prajna / Conscience / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / Ultimate (Wider) Truth for their claimed Insight of the Emptiness of the blinds touching elephants, (3) causing 1,000+ years of debates with other blinds touching elephant exactly as Conflicted Grasping pushed by unworthy people from all organised religions.

    (1.1) The first required outcome is being aware the manifestation at the source of thought in Relative #Truth to properly manage one's reality according to Wise Attention[D28] that via Graph technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, we can trace out statistically significant "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in #Prajna division of the (modified) Eightfold Path from both individually committed constraints and community implementations under different cultures, languages and environment conditions, as previously explored in a typical Vietnamese marriage event.

    (1.2) The second required outcome is "no obstruction from Relative Truth (Manifestation) and Ultimate Wider Truth (Emptiness)" demonstrated by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna that no one in Madhyamaka[D38] - including Nagarjuna and his students - can actually deliver. The description is not the described. Most of them - monks, nuns, scholars - cannot even pass the Gateway-to-Oneness to be qualified in Transcendental #Awareness according to Gotama[D22].

    (1.3) Since all manifestations are subjected to conditioned, the third required outcome is the reversed engineering of statistically significant tested processes to discover underlying natural laws to turn these processes into epistemic objectives in the Science and Economics of #Oneness, exactly as proven in other natural (medical and pharmaceutical) and social sciences (economics, politics).

    These required outcomes will be scientifically proven and practically delivered at the right time and right place. Emptiness is where duality is dissolved to actually experience that state of consciousness at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna. Once knowing the Emptiness, one can describe the experience from one's angle as in the recorded "Lesser Discourse on Emptiness" (MN 121)[D26]. Without delivering transcendental states of consciousness, this feature is only a "finger pointing to a painted moon" and not practical.

  2. Uphold both Mahayana and Theravada (Xiển dương cả Đại Thừa lẩn Tiểu Thừa). Please see the upside-down of 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha.

  3. Skillfully establish True Dharma (Khéo léo trong việc lập chính nghĩa). Scientific approach is the only and modern way to establish "True Dharma" or discovered Natural Laws in making life easier and happier.

Using current scientific knowledge - supplement with our actual understanding - we can logically prove that:

  1. HuiNeng had actual experience on What He Said. His description is consistent with Gotama's description of the ninth stage of absorption in the "cessation of perception and feeling", and consistent with accepted Mahayana literature. His specialities of "Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm", #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna[R5.1] are practically beyond recorded esoteric Mahayana to scientifically debunk the cheating Lotus Sutra[D49]. Together with Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna in Ajita's Questions[D22], HuiNeng's independent contributions add required attributes for KhaiPhong discovered and cultivable states and stock of #Prajna, making a new Science of Consciousness deliverable to each [ person / human being ] a Grand Vision of existence - Your Raison D'être - as both an accountable creator and part of Responsible Creation in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

  2. The assertion at thought level on 'Purity of the Mind' and interpretations were at logical deduction, Not at Actual Experience which is accessing the Higher Consciousness in living, fully alert to dynamically adjust one's Reality to Actuality of 'Thing As It Is' (Figure 1). One cannot use a darkness of purification at thought level to actually purify other darkness-es that drive the volition and thoughts. By 'Purifying the Mind' to achieve the cessation of Dukkha - as argued by the Dalai Lama - or 'Take heed to keep it always clean' - as supposedly posted by Shen-Hsiu without further qualifications to demonstrate one's ability to know #Oneness - are their logical deductions at conditioned thoughts. There are no transcendental states at both the Observed and the Observer in the two arguments. This logical criticism can be easily understood - using mathematical set theory - and is similar to the criticism of Madhyamaka theorists that a sword (no matter how sharp it is) cannot cut itself. More concretely, it is our discoveries from duality consciousness on the duality plane of events and No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] on the plane of [ #Oneness / Conscience / #Prajna ] (invisible moral Value of the values) forming from cross-cut column of energy through the realms and the event.

  3. Nagarjuna philosophy of [ 'Emptiness', 'Dependent Nature' and 'Madhyamaka' ][D38] as presented in searching for the 'Continuity of the Consciousness' enforces the conceptual level of the possible 'Cessation of Ignorance' which are all within the thinking box (the darkness) of the thinker, Not Beyond Thought (the light) at the Observed which is a scientific fact explained by Krishnamurti in 60+ years about the 'Intensity of Attention'. The description of 'Beyond Word / Thought' in the philosophy of Madhyamaka is not Beyond Word / Thought. It must be outside-the-box 'right in the mess of ignorance' in one's Continuity of the Consciousness ('Thing As It Is'). 'Emptiness' is a significant signed post to know one's Reality and do something about it. It is the confused philosopher in an Abyss of Thinking 'all Dharmas neither exist nor non exist' - Then What - not out of it in the Actuality of Unity (Oneness / No-Conflict) transcending all duality of 'Forms' and 'Abstractions' at the 'Intensity of Attention' point.

  4. The argument that 'By Purifying the Mind, one can have the Cessation of Dukkha to achieve Nirvana where all karmic forces are eliminated' Is Illogical since duality consciousness from "tainted mind" of Purifying has its own Issues within the duality consciousness of No Freshness. It is the same pattern as in (1) the destruction of ignorance by another ignorance, (2) [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ]. It is inconsistent proven by set theory and Consciousness of the consciousness model.

  5. Contrasting Gotama's "The End-of-Dukkha"[D44]:

    There is, bhikkhus, that base where there is no earth, no water, no fire, no air; no base consisting of the infinity of space, no base consisting of the infinity of consciousness, no base consisting of Non-Thingness, no base consisting of neither-perception-nor-non-perception; ... Here, bhikkhus, I say there is no coming, no going, no staying, no deceasing. Not fixed, not movable, it has no support. Just this is the End-of-Dukkha

    Này các tỷ kheo, có xứ này, tại đấy không có đất, không có nước, không có lửa, không có gió; không có hư không vô biên xứ; không có thức vô biên xứ; không có vô sở hữu xứ; không có phi tưởng phi phi tưởng xứ... Do vậy, này các tỷ kheo, Ta tuyên bố không có đến, không có đi, không có trú, không có diệt, không có sanh, không có an trú, không có chuyển vận, không có sở duyên. Đây là sự đoạn tận khổ đau.

    VIII (I) Ud 80 - VIII, 1

    with HuiNeng question 'which moves: the flag, the wind or your mind', plus "the Essence of Mind is intrinsically pure / free from becoming or annihilation / self-sufficient / free from change"[R5] Chapter I we can conclude that the third Truth - Cessation of Dukkha - is personally Verified by Gotama's "Cessation of Perception and Feeling" or momentary Nirvana, seconded by HuiNeng's "Unmoving Sunyata" that will be available to most persons via KhaiPhong Sound and Consciousness technologies to directly testify the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2].

  6. That definition of the "End-of-Dukkha" as quoted directly from Gotama plus his statement on the "End-of-Dukkha to be directly experienced" in his "Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion"[D20] debunks the common understanding in the communities of monks and nuns that "Nirvana is the place where all karmic forces are eliminated" as explained by the Dalai Lama "that state of mind is Dharmakaya (Pháp-Thân / manifested God or Allah) and one is a Buddha from his pure imagination since he has not passed even The Gateway-to-Oneness qualified by Gotama as Right Transcendental #Awareness.

  7. Binding on the "Utopia of Nirvana" then "PariNirvana" at the end of life cycle, the Dalai Lama falls into the same issue faced by Soyen Shaku who could not directly answer on the "Compassion of an Enlighten One" in a "Reply to a Christian Critic"[R6]. Momentary Nirvana - not Buddhist Nirvana then PariNirvana - is the correct answer.

  8. Whether Nirvana attainable and describable in the Continuity of the Consciousness which is a form of energy and cannot be destroyed ("Suddendly Died Out / Vụt Tắt") is an open topic for further researches and contributions from the World since all manifestations must be conditioned - hence existing an engineering optimal control process for its manifestation - and changing at Planck time. We casually touch on this topic in the next section to prove the scientific way of "Gradual Cultivation" for accumulating required states and stock of #Prajna leading toward "Sudden Awaken then Awakening" to finer levels as described in Complex Fibonacci Evolution at minute 6:25 in approaching Thing-As-It-Is of Fibonacci Spiral (Golden Ratio) Phi Φ. It is based on our actual experience and quoted texts from Lankavatara Sutra[D34], the only text handed down by the "Father of Zen" Bodhidharma.

  9. In that actual experience, we rediscover and confirm the Normative Intelligence of Gotama's fifth and sixth Jhanas[D30] are the Normative counter parts of (1) Transcending the Obseved, and (2) Transcending the Observer toward an (3) Utter Silence of the seventh Jhana "Nothingness" for Reborn and Rejuvenation available Only from Humanity upward. It is visioned in xAI Grok, meaning to understand Thing-As-It-Is transcending both the observed and the observer, But there is a consciousness state #Awareness to be Aware of that Non-Thingness, called by Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22] and its practicality in HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi } as actually demonstrated using cosmic energy to strategically interfere in the cheating plot of the degenerated Amitabha Buddha and TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng 2024-06-28. It is theorized as the fourth type of consciousness in Buddhist Consciousness-Only doctrine to be aware of the third type of Self, visibly clearer when the second type of consciousness of the senses is absolutely Silent at the state of Non-Thingness and beyond which is the border-line of Living where the outer breath of the first Observed type is stopped. It is named by this writer as fact-based epistemic objective Self-Selfless Actualization.

This shows there exists not only verifiable solution for "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha" right at the Present Moment of each unique individual if one can personally verify Gotama and HuiNeng "Unmoving Sunyata", but also verifiable momentary Nirvana in relative existence and something Beyond - not yet discovered as a human being - in the Essence of the Right Living / Effort. There is No Contradiction - similar to self and not-self, ultimate (wider) #Truth and relative #Truth, activity and silence, right brain and left brain - in opposing properties of the nature of a Wholesome Mind. There is only the Right Effort / Action driven by #Prajna - capable of sensing both the signals from the senses and one's states of being for an optimal action relevant to the present moment - or Suffering driven by Ignorance in different conditions along one's evolution of the Consciousness. Buddhist "Ignorance" renders the cheated negative side of Living making both "Living & Being" sloped sided instead of positive way of "Not Yet Understood" to be DISCOVERED abd SHARED. Hence the second fold of the #FourFoldTruth is "Not (Thuận Theo Tự Nhiên) according to the Tao underlying natural laws which include both physical and mental Health". With this modification of the second fold, the first fold Dukkha becomed Bodhidharma's "Thing-As-It Is Dukkha" that one may be graceful to take it as a Learned Lesson for possible solution to be SHARED in "Making Life Easier and Happier". Via Honestly and Privately self-evaluation of one's Effort and its Outcomes one can know the quality of oneself and what needed to cultivate, given the present conditions and limited available resources.

Hence, KhaiPhong #FourFoldTruth - a fact-based measurable, testable and reproducible of an epistemic objective - is:

  1. "Thing-As-It Is Dukkha"; it is a Suffering / Stressed Dukkha (dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha) due to
  2. "Not [ According to the Tao / Thuận Theo Tự Nhiên ] underlying natural laws which include both physical and mental Health";
  3. There exists scientifically cultivable solutions of Suffering Dukkha from humanity upward
  4. To be Discovered and Shared in the processes of the modified Eightfold Path.
KhaiPhong digital tools uniquely available from the ground up in the past 50+ years in its Vision of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and GNP (Gross National Product) toward What Count of GNH (Gross National Happiness) in people-based society will enable this #FourFoldTruth and equalize the playing fields to widen and deepen one's Value of the values in one's Continuity of the consciousness Life-after-Life and Realm-after-Realm, at the minimum to be happened in this writer's LaoTzu Lineage.

There is just Consciousness and its normative Living Manifestations due to the Buddha Nature in different streams of the Consciousness along the Essence of the Right Living / Effort at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna according to Natural Law of 'Thing As It Is'. 'Emptiness' - visible via HonNhien - is there for rejuvenation / naturally reborn having different degrees of Unattached / Detached at less Sufferings or higher - lighter - expanding Space and Consciousness for required "Freshness" to go on.

The Purification has to be from the Inner Peace of "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" where Nirvana / The End of Dukkha is at the mountain top - in human existence according to the know-how up until 2025 - as described by Gotama and personally known by some of us. The process in knowing that Inner Peace must be Transcendental - hence Transcendental-Inner-Peace (TIP) - to personally verify Gotama's Not-Self (Transcending the Observed and the Observer) toward Non-Thingness in his seventh stage of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace before reaching momentary End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana. That is why we ask you in the above supreme "koan" to put fire on Gotama's modified Eightfold Path to know it is the "real gold" in solving your actual most dominent pain and personally verify the Heart Sutra[R2] that "in Sunyata there is not ... dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga / Cho nên, trong Sunyata ... không khổ tập diệt đạo"

Contrary to all explanations of Buddhist monks/nuns and scholars that the Heart Sutra may contradict itself in turning all manifestations into emptiness, and/or repeating itself in form and emptiness, it is the affirmation of a scientific process that all practitioners must go through because that is the Nature of Things according to Natural Laws. Knowing that Gateway to Oneness at different depths of Right / Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi), one has Clarity and Insight to dynamically adjust one's Realities veiled by Imagination to Actualities (Figure 1), closing the gaps causing Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts in one's continuous Learning and Doing to deepen the ability to see Thing As It Is from Right #Awareness (state of #Prajna) fortified with accumulated Right Transcendental Inner Peace in one's scientifically cultivable InnerSpace (stock of #Prajna).

On 'Purity of the Original Mind' where 'No Dust Can Be Collected' in the Zen contest, one can personally testify and verify this "Verifiable Emptiness", known as the seventh observable attribute of Right #Samadhi or (Sunyata) Non-Thingness (but Wonderful) where all manifestations including feelings, perceptions, impulses, and six sense consciousnesses are attracted by its charming power for rejuvenation. It is a scientific fact, an Actuality like Love and Emptiness, far beyond thought where there in no thought right from Cosmic Consciousness (Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness) before entering Unity. So instead of assertion, the approach must have theoretical foundation to scientifically prove and empirical process to verify it. No cheater dares to get closed since they will be immediately toasted.

The force (Inner Peace) of Purification[D26] comes from outside-the-box known as 'Ultimate (Wider) #Truth' by Nagarjuna, 'Perfected Nature' by Asanga, 'Wu-Nien / Self Nature' by HuiNeng, '#Awareness of Self #Awareness' by XuanZang, the 'kingdom of God within you' by Jesus, 'Nirvana' by Gotama, the 'Nameless' by Lao Tzu. It is called #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict in modern Activities as illustrated in Figure 10 of the Ox Herding Pictures or the utility / purpose of the real Substance of Existence - the Emptiness from returning to the Source - as illustrated in Figures 8 and Figure 9. All we need is to turn the right-side up to revitalize Gotama's precious discoveries, together with breakthroughs in Consciousness and Compassionate technologies we will be in tune with the new Era of Consciousness revolution.

Back to the controversial Zen event - whether there was the actual contest or not - between Shen-Hsiu and HuiNeng, we said without further qualifications to demonstrate one's ability to know the state of "#Oneness" such as the verifiable and observable quality of the Right (#Prajna) and Wrong (Ignorance) in his teaching: "Not to do evil is the precept; to do all that good is knowledge; to purify one’s own mind is meditation / chẳng làm điều ác là giới, làm những việc lành là huệ, tự làm cho tâm trong sạch là định" - Shen-Hsiu did not pass the Gateway to Oneness. His statement is "logical" and far above the current Dalai Lama XIV "teaching and spreading" Buddhism due to the innate "Detachment" from the first stage of Gotama's Right Transcendental Inner Peace and the natural "Intensity of Attention" coming from observations and investigations versus the Dalai Lama XIV "doctrinal intelligence" coming from Buddhist texts: "This body is the Bodhi-tree, The mind is like a mirror bright; Take heed to keep it always clean And let not dust collect upon it". Here is an interesting observation: Shen-Hsiu was focussing at the target '#Oneness - Atakkàvacara / Chân Như' in the Changing (viparinama-dukkha) and Conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) Existence (Dukkha) / Tùy duyên Bất biến Bất biến Tùy duyên' in Lankavatara Sutra[D34]. Yet, he started from the actualities of this body with mind tainted by the senses to put a Right Effort in keeping it clean having detachment from open-mind outside all Buddhist doctrines which is advocated by Bodhidharma to be consistent with #Prajna from the Heart Sutra. This means only in actual living one can change the quality of one's consciousness. But without outside-the-box #Prajna, this process will take a long time until the "intensity of attention" is strong enough for a natural lift-up from the plane of duality. Now with DISCOVERED underlying natural laws to do the heavy lifting, almost everyone can take a gradual Path of Shen-Hsiu with #Honesty & #Care in one's absolutely private corner of one's InnerSpace as shown next to Know More About oneself with appropriate physical and mental conditions via [ Body & Mind Cleaning ] for the manifestations of Transcendental #Awareness and Transcendental Inner Peace in engaged Living & Being.

PrajnaTIPs such as specialized proven #PrajnaTIP in Sound enables easier and deeper Transcendental Inner Peace serving as a natural detoxification of tainted senses and dissolving unworthy outdated marks { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } for the manifestations of #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác and #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi }.

It seems to oppose to "There is no Bodhi-tree, Nor stand of mirror bright. Since all is void, Where can the dust alight?". HuiNeng 's assertion is the same as Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness at the seventh Jhana in "Non-Thingness", and explicitly described in the Heart Sutra[R2] "in Sunyata there is not form not feeling ... not dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga". This is a Thing-As-It-Is achievable consciousness state according to underlying natural law to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. In the right conditions one should be able to verify this "#Oneness". HuiNeng 's Sudden Awaken via Diamond Sutra (Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra)[R7] personally demonstrated another fact of "Breakthrough" coming from #SamadhiPrajna (Định-Tuệ) to strategically issue a directed action to change the event (mass consciousness) toward a Right Effort for the benefits of One and the Environment. It spells out the dynamic interactions according to Natural Laws between Utter Silence and the chaos of changing and conditioned activities, between Nargarjuna Ultimate (Wider) #Truth and Relative #Truth[D34] , between Asanga "Perfected Nature" and "Imaginary Nature"[D35] that HuiNeng called the Self-Nature. But without scientifically deliverable transcendental technologies, the assertion is only a "personal opinion / ontological subjective" of Gotama, HuiNeng, Nagarjuna, Asanga. Now, combining both Shen-Hsiu [ Body & Mind Cleaning ] with [ #Honesty & #Care ] PLUS DISCOVERED underlying natural laws to do the heavy lifting, one can go BEYOND what KNOWN by Gotama, HuiNeng, Nagarjuna, Asanga in Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna without trial-and-error of a Fresh Start.

Therefore, Nagarjuna's "No obstruction from Manifestation and Emptiness / Hửu Không vô ngại" is materialized if and only if there are scientific processes at the actualities of [ Body >< Mind >< Right Effort ] and deliverable technologies to transcend duality toward Non-Thingness. In other word, there must be a complete and measurable integration of the Shen-Hsiu approach based on the Lankavatara Sutra[D34] and HuiNeng approach based on the Diamond Sutra (Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra)[R7]. The first approach forces all monks and Buddhist scholars getting out of their professional cheating processes to systematically classify the Issue and verifiable proven effective methods for that Issue, abundantly available in 2500+ years of their claims and counter claims" in different practices. The second approach with deliverable transcendental technologies enables outside-the-box Natural Purification to purify the mind from its tainted outdated marks for clearer "Right Understanding and Right motivation" of efforts in all activities and relationships. Since manifestations are visible on the duality plane driven by efforts in changing and conditioned existence, the first approach delivers measurable evidenced-based reality of the second approach, turning an Art into a Science that No Organised Religions and Isms can touch up to 2025 since they are all driven by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all cultures and religions.

Finally, here is a quote from "Right Understanding / Chánh Tri Kiến – Kinh Trung Bộ" delivered by Sariputta / Xá Lợi Phất and how it was esoterically and exoterically distorted 2024-01-12 (TUỆ TRI BA THỜI TRONG MỘT NIỆM) by those Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19], bullying Gotama and the World in their cheating and stealing Kingdom of animals leading to the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods colluded with other Vietnamese communist elites out of the latest cheating grip of the degenerated Amitabha and TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng 2024-06-28 in their realities of many thousands years of animal Kingdoms for underlying natural laws to purify their "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying, and Cunning Intelligence".

We want to nail this down into the ground of verifications at both scientifically theoretical and empirical levels to once and for all spell out the 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and Open a New Era of complete integration of Science and Consciousness Technology where all cheating religions are out at the bottom line of "Living & Being" as current strategic direction of the newly formed Dragon Realm: (1) "đoạn trừ vô minh, khiến minh khởi lên, diệt tận khổ đau ngay trong hiện tại / elimination of Ignorance to cause the manifestations of Prajna, destroying Duddha right at this moment", (2) upside down the process of Ignorance and Right Understanding in Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna / Tuệ Tri blah blah blah from the Souce of Thought rated at the fifth level of HuiNeng Transcendental #Awareness of esoteric and exoteric professional cheaters - those Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]- from minute 23:00 in the video (TUỆ TRI BA THỜI TRONG MỘT NIỆM), (3) real "practicalities" pioneered by Gotama and value added by dedicated explorers to be delivered from 2025. The first "one / "elimination of Ignorance to cause the manifestations of #Prajna" is scientifically False since Ignorance is a form of Energy; it cannot be destroyed But Transformed via "Detachment" in Gotama's first Jhana[D29], naturally qualified in Latin humanitas from humanity upward. The second "one / Tuệ Tri of an event" such as an "incidence" IS NOT "Thing-As-Is" from the BLIND in imaginary deductions of its "infinite causes / tập khởi của ý niệm" from the cheater's claimed "Vượt Rồi / Already Passed up to 2023-09-15", BUT to be SHARED by those actually knowing at the source of thought via KhaiPhong Technologies in "#Honesty & #Care to Know More About Oneself". The monk Thích Tuệ Hải Knows Nothing about "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, far below Thích Thanh Từ and Thích Nhất Hạnh with a "Big Mouth" from Vietnamese communist mafias of cunning intelligence that can do everything against underlying natural laws of Morality and Justice.

To know Souce of Thought rated at the fifth level, one must pass the first level of "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh", the second level in "Proper Management of that Freshness", the third level Knowing conditions to make up that Freshness via #Prajna perpendicular to the duality plane seen from your "Layered-No-Conflict-Consciousness" of #Prajna or from "cunning intelligence" to squeeze other party to "unfair trade", and to naturally produce the Freshness of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna / Tuệ Tri to be claimed by KhaiPhong IPR. The third "nail / practicalities to be deliverable from 2025" are roughly sketched here at a very high level: (3.1) Knowing "Tuệ Tri of an event / tập khởi của ý niệm / the source of thought" you can know the driving forces of your thought - either from YOU and Your Team or from esoteric influences to possibly avoid a serious mistake in President Putin decision to start Russia-Ukraine war in 2022 (same thing applicable to any International Issue such as South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea to be ironed out by the reincarnation of Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm - the video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias), (3.2) via scientifically identifying specialized Issues in negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration and required scientifically cultivable attributes of positive Complex Fibonaaci evolution as shown at minute 7:35 we can help many "living billionaires from Illuminati NWO and communist elites to change themselves while living" otherwise it may be too late DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN (Cảnh báo cho người nổi danh) / Successful - Disturbed Mind, (3.3) knowing the source of your Thought you must pass the fourth level in Discovering scientific process as we have done and will claim its IPR, etc. We want to reveal this esoteric information that HT TUỆ SỸ was one of the Arahats at the time of Gotama. This writer is looking for the complete integration of Science and Consciousness Technology in human realm first to prepare pipelines of qualified people for his group to be futher refined in the Dragon Realm.

Here is a real challenge for all Ph.D. in Buddhist studies to put your efforts, rather than being hardcore unworthy and professional cheaters in inventing all kinds of rituals and imaginations of What You Do Not Know nor Have evidenced from 1:25:00 of the video - cooking "sand" but sell as "rice" in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - evidenced in the Vietnamese organisation of UN Vesak 2014 in Bai Dinh Temple, Ninh Binh, Vietnam, further enforcing up until 2025 and personally directed by the head - Thích Trí Quảng - of Vietnam Buddhist Institute. All organised religions where Buddhist cheating processes are intimate parts are trying to enslave humanity in perpetual masters-slaves relationships; they must be fully and globally exposed via Internet. The second law of thermodynamics scientifically proves and exposes the unworthy manifested forever in all monotheism where Buddhist more cunning concept of pari-nirvana is a part. It will soon come to an end when hard esoteric evidences from Buddhist documents such as the Shurangama Sutra[D33] will be set side-by-side with deliverable scientific theoretical exposition and empirical verification of the underlying processes known and recorded by Gotama and HuiNeng to enable their experiences epistemic objectives and prove that they are not cheating humanity as most of their followers in 2500+ years of esoteric degeneration back up by armies of professional cheaters in human world.

Similar to Social Psychology / Psychotherapy focusing in Implicit-association test (IAT) on the conflicting plane of Relative Truth, we encourage these dedicated professionals and their sponsors that we know focusing on rationally cultivable and measurable aspects of No-Conflict Consciousness that we discovered as well as the threshold from one layer to the next and their feedback in raising not only individual ability of detachment to render faked propaganda useless from binding Word/Image and clinging Thought but also community level of seeing the Right and Wrong / sense of Justice / and Moral Value of the values: [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] where in part [ #Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Morality ] and in part of sensing the [ counter part / event ] [ #Prajna = True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic position ] to solve the fundamental [ contradictions / conflicts ] due to tainted senses. The current process of How To Develop A Mind That Clings To Nothing from - as outcome of our exposition to expose the cited Buddhist hard-core professional cheaters - falls into the same crack of Chandrakirti[D27] in "Introduction to The Middle Way" (the video was deleted) and explained by the Dalai Lama in 2017 due to the lack of Transcendental Technologies for Natural Purification of the tainted senses. Please have "#Honesty & #Care" for yourself and the environment you are a part by looking at the bottom line of your realities and the realities of all cheating monks and nuns in their "MỘT NGÀY SỐNG THIỀN / One Day of Living Meditation" up until 2024-3-22, Not Falling into their "Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought" via indoctrinations that they try to perpetuate their communist mafias amongst the degenerated bullying animals in Illuninati and communist Elites who have been "Being Aware and Known their Actualities since 2012 via KhaiPhong communication hub of a Vietnamese advanced student. We want to nail down the "teaching of Thích Pháp Nhật in "Tâm Không / Emptiness / Sunyata: (from minute 54:00) nguyện rời nhị nguyên / vow to leave duality" which is impossible in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, cooking sand but claimed and selling as rice" since you cannot Transcend Duality from your Vow deeply sunk in Duality mathematically proven in Figure 2. Once the Transcendental Technologies on the plane of #Prajna perpendicular to the conflicting plane of duality is introduced, together with orthogonal Namespaces of People (PrajnaTools), ComPassion (PrajnaTIPs) in all Relationships, Activities, and Places having modern technologies such as Neural Graph Database db and custom ai, cultivable and measurable aspects of No-Conflict Consciousness can scientifically gauge the impact of these Transcendental Technologies unknown in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism.

The two approaches - one at theoretical level having concrete measurable metrics of tested processes and the other as proposed tested processes to be statistically evaluated underlying natural laws - are mathematically synthesised on the plane of #Truth of any event (perpendicular to the plane of duality) based on the quality of the practitioner, either (1) at the event to its #Oneness then high above on the dimension of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ], or (2) from the event instantaneously to the non-duality of #Oneness then diagonal to the stable highest #Prajna, (3) or from the event instantaneously jumping to one's highest non-duality point of one's #SamadhiPrajna. Only at deep Silence and/or high above on the plane of #Truth one can see the event "Thing-As-It-Is" and directly perceive strategic point to change the event toward a right direction of What Count at one's "Intensity-of-Attention" which affects one's quality of the consciousness and the environment one a part.

We bring to the table (1) transcendental technologies (#PrajnaTIPs) to enable most people personally experiencing Gotama's required Transcendental #Awareness - passing the gateway to Oneness - missed by most Buddhist followers in 2500+ years of Buddhism due to its armies of professional cheaters in all (2) Activities to enable everyone an effective producer and consumer having concrete positive contributions to the Right and Wrong in Making Life Easier and Happier toward What Count, and (3) Relationships of Trust Worthy, from (4) Places such as NfP ThankYou clubs where people having innate qualities of [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] can come together using behavioural economics to enable their contagious Empathy manifested in community Right and Wrong. The [ GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) ThankYou HOC (Home office Clubs) ] are testing grounds where people from (1) all organised religions / cultures, (2) specialised domains, and (3) sciences can use behavioural economics to make happened their Cultivable and Measurable Right Efforts for the concrete benefits of their own and the communities. It is similar to the playing fields in Vietnamese highlands of 450,000 hectares for coffee production facing issues due to the ageing of coffee trees on over-used lands where three concerned groups of (1) growers, (2) traders and (3) related scientists are interacting and searching for a solution. Similarly, there are optimal needs in enhancing proven 1000+ years of natural remedies with modern sciences in Making Life Easier and Happier (the video is now private) for facing expensive and/or untreated cancers! Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna - through discovered and verifiable underlying technologies according to Natural Laws - speeds up one's innate "Inner Peace / #Samadhi", "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness", and Normative and Positive Intelligence / [ Compassion >< #Prajna >< SIS (Strategic Intelligence Services) >< EIP ] via statistically verifiable "Truth" in Making Life Easier and Happier. It injects #Prajna Dialectic in all "Activities" and "Relationships" from all "Places" driven by each intelligent tetrahedron at minute 4:24 in the Dependent Nature of the Totality.

We are developing "fair" community consensus based on gossip of the Gossip protocol in Free user-facing mu Command Centre and Personal Assistant to expose the effective processes for the Issue - claimed and counter-claimed in different conflicting sects of organised religions and among religions where Buddhism is a part - verifiable by all participants to turn "personal opinion / ontological subjective" into epistemic objective. Scientific processes at the actualities of [ Body >< Mind >< Right Effort ] are accumulated and statistically rated just like measurable effectiveness of a cure for specified disease. Right or Wrong effort is definitely measurable at the bottom line of [ Todos >< Executes >< Feedbacks ] in any Plan to directly connect to "Normative Intelligence" coming from the stability division of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path - Right Effort, Right Transcendental #Awareness, Right #Samadhi (Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness) - using Natural Purification[D26] from Normative Intelligence to purify the tainted senses for the manifestation of #Prajna in Right Understanding and Right Motivation. It is a proven process moving from measurable hard facts in any domain - widely used in sports - to an Art of clearly defined rules of the games and its normalised accepted behaviours. The aesthetic part is to democratise discovered favourable conditions and cultivable processes to turn consciousness in knowing more about oneself - making life easier and happier - into a science like any other sciences.

The 2500+ years of Buddhism have missed the discovered natural laws between "Self / Selfless", between "Duality / #Oneness" in changing and conditioned existence discovered by Gotama and value added by many dedicated explorers - rekindled again by the first King of Vietnamese Tran Dynasty[R7.3] militarily defeating three major Mongol invasions in the 13th century - embedded in the stability division of the modified Eightfold Path to serve as the foundation of #Prajna division in Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort. This will be changed to a touchable fruit in the new Era with discovered scientific processes at the actualities of [ Body >< Mind >< Right Effort ] / Normative Intelligence that are assisted via statistical significance / Artificial Intelligence from signed posts of identified transcendental states toward Non-Thingness in activating the natural "Detachment" of Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35].

Similar to supply-demand and behaviour patterns lumped together as utility function in economics, we use modern functional programming to model "User/Service" normative behaviour as the driving force of demand-supply in forecasting and simulation where function is an attribute of the User/Service data structures in generating activities and relationships to theorise, empirically verify, model and simulate the complex interactions to include people in wider perspectives than just physical and economic manifestations. Using embedded tetrahedron as a starting simplest structure of a directed graph in which every pair of distinct vertices (activities) is connected by a pair of unique edges of relationships to enable infinite evolution inside and outside of a persona (User/Service). Artificial Intelligence with available custom AI can be used to derive "Value" of the values for User/Service to be part of proven "Consciousness Technologies", helping people as a Personal Assistant. The bottom line is to help one know more about oneself and favourable conditions / environments moving from present condition to a measurable target having a clear cultivable path as an educational program.

No one in entire 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha ever touches this possibility of transcendental states at different depths known by Gotama as #AwarenessPrajna[D22], by HuiNeng as #SamadhiPrajna[R5], and by qualified Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detachment[D35]. In delivering transcendental technologies, we use well-known processes implemented in sports for moving from measurable hard facts to consistent normalised performance of a flowing Art in any domain at different measurable notches of signed posts. We classify six (6) signed posts derived from Gotama's nine (9) jhanas to be statistically correlated with Shen-Hsiu measurable [ Body >< Mind >< Right Effort ] at Boby & Mind having identified seven depths of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } in reclaiming one's innate [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas ]. This is the target to be delivered in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.

The process from measurable hard facts to consistent normalised performance of a flowing Art is well understood in modern time. But the reversed engineering from an Art back to the roadmap and favourable conditions, making the Art cultivable for those exploring the trail has not been touched due to the wrong assumption that the Art is a Pathless land and/or given by some external agent(s). It is from duality consciousness to no-conflict consciousness then from no-conflict consciousness back to duality consciousness - theoretically exposed in Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only - which was personally demonstrated by HuiNeng[R5] in his #SamadhiPrajna to actually know the Beyond-Thought at the observed, No-Mark once the action completed, and Detachment as his fundamental principle. Bodhidharma's value-add plus cross-breed between the Art of Action and Non-Action in Right Effort from Shen-Hsiu process are extremely important to turn Gotama's discoveries Right-side-Up which have been polluted by Gotama's Sanghas even during his life time and later in both Theravada and Mahayana divisions. In China, the discoveries from Bodhidharma and HuiNeng were overwhelmed by the dominant Wu-Wei of Not-Doing-Anything since everything will come and go according to the Dependent Nature. Instead of integration between Indian #Samadhi and Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei, hard core Buddhist professional cheaters[R18.4] enforce their cheating process with a mystic veil of Tao Wu-Wei (Vô Vi). Due to the defect - undetected by Gotama of stressing the Not-Self rather than the solution for Dukkha to naturally Experience Not-Self in the order of Gotama's first and second discourses - monk/nuns and followers waste their efforts Grasping the Beyond Duality from their duality plane, including theorising and debating rather than Living to Actually Know Dukkha and its possible solutions. Through this cultivable and measurable contribution, it may be a reason why Bodhidharma is legendarily considered as the founder of Shaolin Kung Fu.

Similarly, the Art of Action and Non-Action in the Right Effort from Shen-Hsiu process makes known the importance of Detachment - required and qualified attribute in Gotama's first Jhana - to clearly recognise the binding and clinging forces of one's tainted senses in the dynamic interaction of body-mind for a Right Effort. It were the contributions of Bodhidharma about the states of being in Action but there is "No one / Not-Self" behind the action due to Detachment, plus HuiNeng identified attributes of that #SamadhiPrajna, observable, testable and measurable in Beyond-Thought (Vô Niệm), No-Mark (Vô Vết), Detachment (Vô Trụ) that makes the "Art of Action in Detachment" being a scientifically measurable Art, raising it up to different normalised higher notches for wide-spread Sharing via cultivable Consciousness of the consciousness in discovering underlying natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is.

These two significant value-adds have not been clearly exposed up to 2025 to help almost all Gotama's monks/nuns and followers from the drown state of inner conflicts - outer conflicts perpetuated by unworthy people. Thanks to many dedicated explorers looking at the "#Oneness" from angles different to that known by Gotama, KhaiPhong can apply modern technologies to point out Gotama's "undetected defects" in his Design, Build, and Execution while spreading his discoveries in 50+ years, together with deliverable Transcendental Technologies to actually demonstrate real contributions in Purifying the tainted senses via Detachment by Bodhidharma, via Ultimate (Wider) #Truth coming from Relative #Truth by Nagarjuna, via Perfected Nature to be closer to Dependent Nature by Asanga. Finally, another unique Value-Add in Insight into the Sunyata and #Prajna coming from Compassion well-known in the Buddhist Heart Sutra is deliverable to be Free from the Issues of tainted senses. The process is via logical connection of significant value-added "dots" in moving from the reality of inner conflicts - outer conflicts Dukkha in all individuals and their community aggregates toward the Right Living of Worthy Human Existence. The possibility can happen if and only if there exists required proper infrastructures for deliverable Transcendental states to enable "fair community consensus", turning Gotama's personal opinions into epistemic objectives.

The required proper infrastructures are now formally available via implemented IT processes of Transcendental-Inner-Peace of Fibonacci sequence around Y-dimension, [ Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] states of #Prajna around X-dimension, and Fibonacci Layered stock of #Prajna around F-dimension , after 50+ years of the writer efforts. In contrasting "KhaiPhong Path" of (1) "At Home" 100% honesty with oneself and (2) "#Care" for oneself and the environment as an "accountable creator in responsible Surroundings" with Gotama modified Eightfold Path, we can immediately see that (1) Gotama modified Eightfold Path is a part of KhaiPhong "Body & Mind cleaning"; (2) one can start from one's innate "Self-Selfless" that Nature certifies one as a "qualified human being" defined in Latin Humanitas with biological body together ComPassion and #Prajna (Wisdom); (3) using Freewill from "Exciting in opportunities for Doing Good" one activates the "ComPassion" - building the foundation for states of "[ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] and stock of #Prajna via most relevant [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định ] - shared by those knowing "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } at different measurable depths of both the states and stock of #Prajna actually known and statistically recorded by dedicated explorers. Honest self-evaluations of "Effort" from important events are the base for AI Machine learning to assist one's "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna".

To further appreciate the power of Detachment which is a unique contribution of Gotama and HuiNeng - missed in 2500+ years of Buddhist communities up until 2025 - that as long as one is qualified by Nature as a person (Latin humanitas) one's Conscience / Lương Tri of Right and Wrong is the base to access "Detachment State" for deeper cultivation of Transcendental Inner Peace rated at Gotama first Jhana[D29], through which HuiNeng's accumulated cultivation suddenly "Awoken" without any need of "Buddhist" documents and/or duality tools. What both Gotama and HuiNeng did not know are (1) the achievable different depths of Inner Peace are the natural mechanisms to detoxify one's tainted senses required from Deeper Detachment / #EmptyTheContent from deeper binding and clinging forces at different cycles of evolutions, (2) the states of verifiable consciousness known in their Samadhis are layers of No-Conflict consciousness perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness and that their instructions "aloof from sense desires, aloof from unwholesome thoughts" and/or other tools is Aspiration to be out of the conflicting consciousness similar to Faith used by Jesus, Compassion used by Asanga and by Gotama at the young age, etc; (3) there are different cycles of evolution rated at different positive Fibonacci numbers approacing the Golden Ratio at minute 6:25 DISCOVERED in humanity. The Detachment can now be statistically measurable at different depths of (1) six signed posts recorded from Gotama in his nine Jhanas (achievable meditation states of cultivable Inner Peace), (2) Transcendental #Awareness at seven achievable levels first contributed by HuiNeng as Wu-Nien then by KhaiPhong, and (3) Scientifically Cultivable InnerSpace at eight rated levels personally known in KhaiPhong Inner Circle.

Let's touch the subtle causes of masters-slaves relationships driven by binding Word/Image (as done in Christianity) and clinging Thought (as done in Muslim) employed by all organised religions and isms where Buddhism is a part trying to imitate these flashy instances.

  1. The description is not the described! It is obvious that binding Word/Image and clinging Thought are not actualities, yet past crusades were historical facts causing violent deaths of innumerable lives and unnecessary Sufferings. It is a proof of tainted senses successfully exploited by unworthy people. Vietnamese communists were able to ride on the painted cake of Roman Catholic Church - wearing the black robe - to serve their Intelligence in wining the wars against both French and US armies. If 1% to 8% world population have some degree of Detachment / Vô Trụ / Xả humanity would not go through these dark periods.

  2. Within our group, there is a very advanced student capable to be aware the source of her thoughts and rational enough not to let the Church's "rule of marriage" - which has no moral nor legal right - interfere and destroy her life. Yet, after the marriage - duly performed by a Catholic priest - she felt missing something whenever she heard the church bell calling the faithful to the Mass. Thanks to their open mind - not imposing personal opinions on the other - she had sufficient time to shed the "Light" on the darkness that many may innocently take for granted. Only the Light can expel the darkness, not the darkness of imposing force on another cheated darkness. This student has natural Detachment of "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha" then go on to search for effective solutions Helping others that we say most Buddhist monks / nuns / followers do not understand nor have! The outcome is current version of KhaiPlong debunking all organized religions and their cheating professionals, being slaves to esoteric degenerated animals to be "FREE from Binding Word / Image and Clinging Thought" in moving toward fact-based epistemec objective #Truth! Therefore, only at the bottom line of the Effort one can say it is a Right or Wrong Effort of an epistemic objective #Truth driven by #Prajna or Ignorance. Typical examples are (1) the CEO of JP Morgan Bank Jamie Dimon in his public statement of the Russia-Ukraine War, and/or (2) the visible traits exposed by the Presidents of Ukraine and US who has been the real driving force at the source and Now changing their hegemony direction behind the "Russia-Ukraine war". Please reflect all of your Efforts up to now to honestly see where you stand.

  3. Thanks to the exposure of Illuminati Elites and its esoteric collapse, many involved parties do know the esoteric influences which are external forces intentionally pushing one's mind toward a direction with or without direct impacts on the astral and physical bodies. The mentioned student is able to discern which coming from her own mind and which coming from external agent(s) to directly confront it with her mind power. Yet, through organised religions, unworthy people can fool humanity and make unworthy living in 1000+ years of human ignorance.

  4. Having a Good Heart in Sharing Happiness Mitigating Sufferings are the moral lasting values according to natural laws of Dependent Nature. Yet, can one's effort be Fresh and totally Free from all binding and clinging forces, especially social binding and clinging forces imposed from outside via culture, nationality, social norm? We say Yes. Krishnamurti said Yes when not-for-profit social works imposed their values on him. Gotama said Yes in his Free Inquiry Kalama Sutta[D22] to know more about one's #Prajna / Conscience - a faculty to know the Right and Unworthy - which is cultivable horizontally in daily activities and vertically in diving from within, drawing deeper power of the whole ocean (cosmic consciousness) where all disturbances at the surface are completely Empty (Absent).

It is Not Easy! All reflection / claimed meditation techniques, isms, etc, driven by unworthy people where claimed Buddhist teachers and meditation masters are parts, sabotaging and selling painted pictures of true discoveries - from dedicated explorers such as Gotama, Jesus, Nagarjuna, Asanga, Bodhidharma, Shen-Hsiu, Xuan-Zang, Hui-Neng, Krishnamurti, etc, - to fool humanity have been failed since they are all at duality conflicting consciousness without deliverable concrete solutions from no-conflict consciousness to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position in actual discoveries! A duality consciousness from tainted senses cannot see other duality consciousness As-It-Is for a Right Effort! One needs to be outside-the-box high from duality plane of conflicting forces of changes (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha). Only science - via discovering natural laws - can make life easier and reducing part of Sufferings. By discovering natural laws to dissolve all contents / stresses for rejuvenation and reborn, one can access to higher consciousness with measurable Detachment at different signed posts of manifested #Prajna and be Happier due to innate Buddha Nature in all persons. That is why (1) Binding Word/Image perfected by Roman Catholic Church, and (2) Clinging Thought perfected by Muslim are two concrete Issues being solved by Detachment where you can contribute based on your actual Right Effort in using the Light of Emptiness to dissolve the unreal painted cakes.

Past qualities if there were must be visibly manifested and relevant to the present living. What important are (1) how to present discovered #Truths as the working of natural laws, (2) reproducible process and appropriate conditions for others to verify them so they can value-add their "secret sauces" to make the trail easier and more enjoyable in reaching verifiable signed posts, and from one signed post to another. It is not a Pathless Land as stated by Krishnamurti in observing many unsuccessful attempts from past explorers: Gotama, Nagarjuna, Asanga, HuiNeng, Krishnamurti himself. Here is a brief description - a modified form of Zen's Ox Herding Pictures - taken from detailed scientific proof to be presented with #PrajnaTIP in Sound having deeply and widely explored Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna and a practical tool in the lumped-together F-dimension of practical nodes in one's private and public Mind Map:

  1. AtHome or 100% "#Honesty" with oneself on the foundation of Kindness and Empathy

  2. "#Care" for oneself and environment where one is an Accountable creator and a part of Responsible Creation as exposed in I-Ching or by LaoTzu Tao via

    (2.1) RightEffort augmented by custom AI, an integration of graph technologies in Knowledge Graph

    (2.2) TamingTheOx - KhaiPhong in honest evaluation of one's Efforts to measure the bottom-line of one's quality through scientifically cultivable #Prajna.

    (2.3 RidingTheOx - Places for direct interactions of actual Learning and Doing

    (2.4) NoThingness - #EmptyTheContent for reborn and rejuvenation in

    )2.5) TheSource - Favourable conditions such as Equanimity Communities from GsLp (Global Services Local Presences) ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs) of vibrant living organisms of

    (2.6) AwakeningBudh - Science of Consciousness at both micro and macro levels.

The process via Ontology types and Taxonomy of smart pointers pointing to essential traits to change the type is based on (1) the Buddha Nature - a corollary of Gotama Living axiom - innately exists in most people, capable to know the right and unworthy relevant to present moment, and (2) one's Quality of the Consciousness can only be changed via Doing and Learning in present living. The first part steps out of 1000's years of Buddhist Sangha upside-down, starting right from one's level of Right Understanding and Right Motivation in the #Prajna division of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path. It turns every moment and activity into a moment of active Reflection, and Meditation according to HuiNeng when Inner Peace / #Samadhi / Intensity of Attention becomes innate in one's activities. The second part turns Gotama's snap shot approach into the dynamic states and stock of the driving forces behind one's Volition / Freewill / Sankhara in consciously applying Gotama's [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ][D22] throughout actual living. In that sense, KhaiPhong Path of "At #Honesty & #Care" is the modified domain of Zen's Ox Herding Pictures where "#Care" comprises of "Right Effort, Taming The Ox, Riding The Ox, Non-Thingness, The Source, and AwakeningBudh" in the #Oneness / Tao between "one and the ox" which is Not Two But One from [ Duality >< #Oneness ].

Applying modern Grapph technologies of relevant nodes in most appropriate key-value db database to all all other claimed processes of specialized domains in [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] such as KhaiPhong #FourFoldTruth, Buddhist Wise Attention - Yoniso Sutta[D28], religions #GodKingdom, and philosophies (I-Ching, LaoTzu Tao which is equated to #Oneness / "TRUTH" in captial letter based on Gödel’s Imcompleteness theorem, KungTzu, Falun Gong, etc), we open the door for all claims to be statistically proven as epistemic objectives or hallucinations of personal assertions of Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. This will shut down Big Mouths from Vietnamese communist mafias, Buddhist Sanghas, Falun Gong, etc, in their communities of animal Kingdoms as evidenced in their videos for many 1000+ years of Right Living & Being. While waiting for the "Heavy Lifting of #Samadhi" via discovered natural laws, one can start right from the states and stock of one's #Prajna - capable to know the Right and Unworthy relevant to one's present moment, exactly as the order of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path and/or his "Charter of Free Inquiry - Tư-duy Tự-do" in the Kalamas Sutta[D22] for the criterion of "Right and Wrong", exposing the upside-down in 2500+ years - up to 2025 - of unworthy people in Buddhist cheating Sanghas attempting to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships. "Morality and Justice" are two observable qualities leading further to "Joy and Detachment" at deeper subtle layers of dynamic Evolution, Not at static levels of Nibbana and Parinirvana as self-hallucinated by Gotama and blah blah blah in his cheating Sanghas, Not Passing Equanimity level we are targeting for Intelligent Beings from humanity upward.

Best Governance and Transparent Management on behalf of communities and the mass can become more Realities under scientific evidenced-based measurable results rather than cheating intelligence based on "bullying and sticks" of all isms. At the micro level, Normative Intelligence and Machine Learning enable one know more about oneself not only from past behaviours exploited by all slavery systems including "spiritual slavery" but also the KhaiPhong in accumulated Normative Value called the states and stock of one's #Prajna. You in-part Discover and in-part Create the Real You, being the driving force to change both production and consumption in your Value of the Values according to the Essence of the Right Effort in your Continuity of the Consciousness where your Inner Circle and circle of inner circles are active parts in discovering natural laws, Making Life Easier and Happier.

At macro level, major patterns can be detected, simulated and managed toward the national strategic direction in Change Management which has been pioneered in the Vietnamese 1945 August Uprising. The Change Management can be scientifically stated that "In any situation / condition / manifestation", things As-It-Is according to Dependent Nature - good or bad including "God Willing" - are changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha), definitely not forever. In that changing and conditioned existence, there are Always factors being changed according to one's influences and/or by consciously directed actions. Strategically knowing these factors one can change oneself due to natural laws of Action-Reaction and the environment one a part, being an active member toward a "Right Effort" according to "Human Nature" to democratise the "Human Rights" from the Unity of #Oneness, not the indoctrinated conflicting duality levels imposed by all isms in thousands years of dark human periods experiencing extreme sufferings in billion lives known by modern people.

The ability to identify and make happened these strategic long and short term factors depends on the aggregate normative wisdom (#Prajna) of the core management team, augmented with available tools in machine-learning coming from Big Data in its modeling, simulations, and what-if policy analyses. Technologies in measurable economic hard facts and machine learning have been evolving for more than 50 years and mostly open sources while each organization concentrates/bets on what most important to its relevant concerns. When these technologies together with "Normative Intelligence" are available to the mass, people will not be easily cheated by "cunning intelligence" from unworthy people for their "Personal Glorifications", messing up their own lives and the lives of others as evidenced in the 75+ years aftermath of the "The Vietnamese August Uprising for Independence, Freedom and Happiness" that the Vietnamese people are still yearning for BUT Not There Yet! These simple targets, currently protected by International Human Rights has never been truly achieved up to 2025 under the ruling of the communist party up until 2021-09-01, next to the bullying bigger Chinese Communist Party which will soon be broken up by civilized Chinese people (the video was deleted) of 5000+ years of civilization! As a smaller country, it is easier for VietNam to get out of this yoke of autocracy for one's and other's "Independence, Freedom and Happiness" in the Dependence Nature of Existence.

The normative intelligence required for sudden "breakthrough" and/or "innovation" such as the breakthrough of Lý Công Uẩn and the Zen monk Vạn Hạnh[R7.1] in an effortless "coup d'état" and moving the Vietnamese capital to present-day Hanoi to benefit many generations to come is not any more the "Pathless Land" but "scientifically cultivable". Vietnam may have a unique opportunity and one step ahead in synthesising the thesis of "Capitalism" driven by Grasping both material and spiritual dominance, versus the anti-thesis of "Communism" driven by a "painted utopia" and exploited by "cunning intelligence" on the same foundation of "Greed" - serving masters-slaves relationships - into a sustainable higher playground since most of its citizens personally have direct experience with these two extremes. They solidly stand on 4000+ years of cultural aspects about What Count[R23] in "Making Life Easier and Happier". With the "Right Understanding" and "Right Motivation" driven by "#Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience" innate in everyone's Buddha Nature and known by the mass where the means can be changed and/or modified, but the deliverable target (whatever the target that counts) will effortlessly weed out religious unworthy people, messing up Humanity with billion lives in unnecessary Sufferings as evidenced in human dark eras of the past.

Two most important factors in this Science of the Consciousness are (1) measurable wisdoms of the leaders relevant to the organization targets (Vision - Mission - Execution) are not lost but accumulated in machine-learning to be used by the company new management, (2) the KhaiPhong Consciousness Technologies - once introduced to the mass - enable everyone an Agent of Changes via measurable normative and positive values of relationships to make happened the "Unity Process" of living and development "From people, By people, and For people" to practicalize the three principles of Trần Quốc Tuấn[R7.4] in Right Effort and Wrong Effort or Trần Thái Tông "hữu niệm / vô niệm - thought / wu-nien"[R7.3]. The technologies are applicable to all individuals, organizations, communities, industries, regional and national strategic developments.

These technologies will turn all aspects of Normative Intelligence from the "Pathless Land of an Art" to prevent dictatorship / corruption / cheating into scientific processes where evidenced-based and measurable hard facts are the foundation for Accountability and Transparency - thanks to the injection of Normative Value into Artificial Intelligence - in discovering natural laws, Making Life Easier and Happier. It is similar to but far above "political economy / économie politique" first appeared in France in 1615 with the well-known book by Antoine de Montchrétien, Traité de l’economie politique. Since then, scientific economic management plays a dominant role in all political platforms. Similarly, scientific approach in Consciousness will effortlessly clean up the "spiritual bullying" based on Fear exploited by unworthy people who destroy their lives and others based on Greed and Ignorance.

The Normative Playground built from required security to drill down existing relationships and Big Data available from any person, organisation with current and existing activities and relationships is a possible Reality. Moving along the eastward then southward shifting demand curve of knowing more about oneself and organisation in all strategic close encounters, the consciousness technologies in Open Innovations can drive down the high cost of custom development into a low or zero cost supply curve due to no barrier of entries available to the mass to democratise the "Buddha Nature" toward Right Living / Effort "From people, By people, and For people". The new Era of the KhaiPhong may soon be a Reality with deliverable crossbreed between Effortless Action (Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei) and Indian Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi).

[1.3] Right-Side-Up of the modified Eightfold Path

The word 'Mind' has been used in the entire Buddhist history up to 2025 to mean different things at different places - contradicting one another in the well-known theory of Mind[R10], No-Mind[R5.1], Consciousness-Only[D39] - since the author / user does not explore deep enough, still at patch works to know what he/she talks. In formal ontology for unambiguous communication between human and machines, we need precised definitions and their possible interconnected via defined "smart pointers pointing to the inner working (memory parts) of visible traits making up these ontological types" which will be formally academic contributions to force all philosophies, religions and isms bringing what they claim to modern Harmonious Communities. Using scientific approach, we define Mind based on the attributes influencing the Consciousness of 'Thing-As-It-Is' at the Present Moment, comprising of Brain Intelligence, Intuition (the sixth sense) and wider perspective of ComPassion Vibration from the Heart for 'the Right Thing to do' from "#Prajna (Wisdom) the seventh sense" which embraces relevant involved parties in the Totality of Existence, capable to get the "Pulse" and optimal "Solution" of a very complex issue whose outcome is the result of multi-parties strategies from conflicting negotiable Thing-As-It-Is. It is now further refined with scientific attributes - Duality Consciousness and No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] - for exploration at both Normative and Positive Intelligence from both people and machines to enable KhaiPhong "From people, By people, and For people".

In investigation of the Mind, we can scientifically investigate its components and their interactions (the video was deleted). It has been proved that the Mind (Brain Intelligence, Intuition, ComPassion Vibration, #Prajna / Duality Consciousness, No-Conflict Consciousness) uses the physical neurons to partially create itself[R10]. "Reincarnation" is that recreation process according to Likes-attract-Likes and Actions-Reactions with possible external influence - one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles - for a new utility vessel in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The "Right to integrity of the person" is much more complex in this "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". In that way, the new Science of Mind is the investigations of natural laws governing Intuition, Brain Intelligence, ComPassion, #Prajna lumped together as Duality Consciousness and No-Conflict Consciousness to serve a wider perspective theoretical foundation in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

O Mahamati, my doctrine of no-birth and no-annihilation is not the same as that held by the philosophers, nor as the doctrine of birth and permanence ... But mine is that is neither born nor transformed. Mine is above the category of being and non-being, and abandoning [the notion of] birth and destruction. I talk of that which is neither existence nor non-existence,

— Reference[D34]: page 265

The 'Buddha argument' (obviously not at the time of Gotama being with his Sangha) - presented in Lankavatara[D34] - is consistent with set and Consciousness of the consciousness[D19] theory as presented in patch C of Figure 2. We reveal 'below' esoteric influences of the three dark forces and an orchestration of the higher Esoretic Circle. The Buddhist Mahayana texts - appearing several hundreds years after historical Gotama that no one knows their origins - may come from both esoteric saboteurs and students in the AwakeningBudh Movement, choosing Humanity as a strategic battle ground between positive Fibonacci evolution (Good Force according to underlying natural laws) in #Prajna Dialectic versus negative Fibonacci degeneration in cunning intelligence of Hegelian Dialectic on duality plane of conflicting consciousness.

Lankavatara was the only text personally handed down by Bodhidharma[D35], the 28th Patriarch of Indian Buddhism and first Chinese Patriarch to signify the unbroken Lineage from Gotama to HuiNeng, the sixth Patriarch. Yet, the Zen tradition is based on direct access to #Prajna based on Diamond Sutra and further developed into the Heart Sutra[R2]. XuanZang (HsuanTsang) popularized the #Prajna and Consciousness-Only systems with his tremendous Personal Effort relying on the Prajna Paramita Hridaya (Heart Sutra) for the Noble Quest of the Dharma Worthy Living and Sharing. Current states and stock of #Prajna innate in each naturally qualified individual - commonly known as Conscience of knowing the Right and Wrong - is also the starting point of Gotama model to drive his Inner Quest from "Suffering Dukkha" to "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha" under the modified Eightfold Path: Right Understanding and Right Motivation - of the #Prajna division of the Path - in one's dynamic Learning and Doing in the Continuity of the Consciousness.

Yet, hardcore professional cheaters[R18.4] put their Ignorance in the mouth of Gotama changing the order of his modified Eightfold Path and now used by degenerated cheating Amitabha Buddha without knowing WHY the cause of his degeneration blah blah blah into [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] turning Gotama #Samadhi into within-the-box Concentration and #Prajna into an outcome of their darkness. Please do not tolerate any [ monk / nun / meditation master / Buddhist teacher in both exoteric and esoteric Realms ] having "No Conscience of knowing the Right and Wrong" from their innate [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ] yet claiming to know what they do not know to see what they do not see[D19] cheating humanity in 2500+ years of their Buddhist Sangha in selling painted cakes to enslave followers in their prisons without bars. Typical names of these professional cheaters are explicitly used in this publication to present evidenced-based realities of Buddhist cheating Sanghas from all sects in all countries and cultures up to 2025 and the total collapse of the past esoteric feudal systems. You - as a member of conscious living community - can help rehabilitate those still having minimum "Conscience of knowing the Right and Wrong" otherwise let the mother nature teach them a lesson!

The Right Understanding and Right Motivation based on protective self of Right Effort in engaged living (Madhyamaka Relative #Truth) to change one's quality of the consciousness according to natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes, and in wider perspective selfless from No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] (Madhyamaka Ultimate Wider #Truth) to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position in making the effort. Outcome of the Effort is measurable on its degree of fact-based Right and Wrong feedback in cultivable processes of discovered layers to widen and deepen Gotama #AwarenessPrajna, qualified Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detachment, HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, and KhaiPhong Compassion #Prajna. This scientifically discovered process is the latest outcome from costly lesson learned in the degeneration of both esoteric and human elites. The writer challenges and asks all esoteric and human involved parties to deepen and widen this integrated and scientific process, reverse engineering what they have actually achieved to scientifically deliver the claims and make it happened to the mass. For example, in the following identified Off-On Vertical Switches, Faith is a tool of Aspiration. How can one use Faith to move from Duality Consciousness to No-Conflict Consciousness (The Kingdom of God from Within / Latin Humanitas) and its outcome in measurable Efforts[R6].

This "Faith" is applicable to all claims from all organised religions which will be represented as a branch from "Aspiration Node" in our AI Graph. Similar to Faith (known by Jesus), how can one use Compassion (known by Gotama), #EmptyTheContent (known by Bodhidharma), Tantra and #PrajnaTIPs to deliver the Right Effort. The Off-On Vertical Switches are contributed by Gotama, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, Krishnamurti, and absolutely required for [ Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } to reclaim one's Natural States of [ Silence / Freshness ] of the qualified [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas ] being the base of an intelligent asset having [ compassion and wisdom ] of the defined humanitas. This writer has met two Canadians personally knowing this { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } with their "secret sauces" built on "Faith" for a female and "Music" for a male. He explained to them that all manifestations must come from conditions. Jesus used "Faith" for some extra-ordinary tasks. Without any discovered "secret sauce", billion faithfuls may have some quiet moments, but No [ Transcendental / #EmptyTheContent ] of Beyond Thought, No Mark once action completed, and No Detachment coming from Natural Purification of the senses they actually know. Worse, many have been violating others' Human Rights in violent crusades generated by unworthy people of past human dark periods. It is their responsibility to help billion others in discovering optimal conditions as we have done, enabling a verifiable higher state of consciousness which will be scientifically implemented to turn the secret sauce into an epistemic objective.

Spirituality and Orderly Development from "Equanimity" in both Duality Consciousness and No-Conflict Consciousness is very different from all divisional and violent isms with Thing-As-It-Is according to natural laws. They are distorted and cheated by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], bullying entire human history up until 2025. The "Equanimity" embedded in compassion and wisdom of humanitas - leading to human rights - starts at "Equanimity"- mental calmness of temper, especially in a difficult situation - a minimum required quality of Gotama #AwarenessPrajna, Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detahment, HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, and is a very long and Right Effort in one's long evolution. Reconnecting #Prajna back to the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" in Lankavatara[D34] handed down by Bodhidharma with Gotama's signed posts of "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26] we basically investigate the mechanism and process where #Prajna - of Right Understanding (state of #Samadhi) and Right Motivation (#Prajna / stock of #Samadhi) in the first division of the modified Eightfold Path - can manifest from "Transcendental #Awareness" via the "Signed Posts" of "Verifiable Emptiness" discovered by Gotama[D22]. This may be the whole practical picture in its Totality.

The Gateway to "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" - beyond conflicting forces of conditioned relative existence - is the base for our definition of Right Transcendental #Awareness which is the extension of deliverable Buddhist Right Mindfulness (Chánh Niệm) to the Dependent Nature having the Infusion of the Perfected Nature outside conditioned boxes to see Thing As It Is. Buddhist claimed foundations of mindfulness[D25] is Not the Foundations which they do not know (including Gotama) nor have (except Gotama). That definition is beyond what HuiNeng described as Wu-Nien (which is a moment of utter silence Beyond-Thought then sharp Fresh and Functional thought) and the state of #SamadhiPrajna toward a Vibrant living organism in an ecosystem. It is an aggregate such as family, business, association, community, country and the World having sustainable Created Values. Right Transcendental #Awareness is a natural extension of Gotama's Mindfulness on the "mental qualities"[D25] of an aggregate where one is a part or interested in.

Knowing oneself and being "AtHome" is the authentic Zen tradition advocated by Bodhidharma (Directly targeted the True Heart - Chân Tâm Trực Chỉ) and HuiNeng (Beyond Thought, No Mark, Detachment, #Prajna - Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ, Bát Nhã), but messed up by the entire zen tradition within the game of conditioned Word and clinging Thought, rather than beyond 'Binding Word' if one knows the Equanimity of Verifiable Emptiness pegged by Gotama as the base of his Mindfulness[D29], and beyond 'Clinging Thought' if one knows the Purity of Verifiable Emptiness, accessing the Expanding Space where the boundary of one's physical body disappeared and Expanding Consciousness to actually know One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One, reaching the Sunyata Non-Thingness as illustrated in the eighth stage of Ox Herding Pictures (Figure 8) and Beyond (Figure 9 and Figure 10).

In this wider perspective, one knows more about oneself and the Essence of the Right Living / Effort to be practical in daily activities at the Present Moment. One becomes an Agent of Changes, dynamically adjusting the Realities caused by imagination toward Actualities (Figure 1) to Change oneself and the environment one a part toward What Count[R23]. The Buddhist Sangha path of development has indoctrinated its followers in the narrow box of its Ethical Code and Concentration, no difference from indoctrination claimed by Infallible popes of the Roman Catholic Church to reduce human Conscience into Pavlov dog and obeying lamb. Worse is that these conditioned frameworks of Virtue and Stability are contradicting one another in divisional organised religions to create more unnecessary sufferings rather than Actual Virtue and Stability coming directly from #Prajna of Right Understanding and Right Motivation to dynamically support Actual Living beyond Word/Image and Thought, commonly known as Conscience.

Scientific investigations at both theoretical and empirical verifications are the way to weed out attempted sabotages at the bottom line. It is the essence of Ontological Systems under Clusters of Open Innovation Network (COIN) to turn Gotama's model/process in the 'modified Eightfold Path' into [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] applicable to all human Activities and Issues - ranging from a simple shopping list to strategic National Security that requires group Intelligence - driven by rule-based assumptions coming from the Buddha Nature capable to know the Right and Unworthy relevant to one's present moment. We can learn quite a lot from modern Science - especially in rapid innovations via Artificial Intelligence AI - when separation of concerns such as content creations, distributions, and the processes of "Know-How" are empowered via Transparent Open Sources at the grassroots, returning the driving forces back to individual personal level. The processes of "Know-How" are unique Value-Adds from AwakeningBudh Movement to know more about oneself in Making Life Easier and Happier, materializing Trần Quốc Tuấn (1228–1300)[R7.4] Principle of Right Effort according to Human Nature: All Efforts come "From people, By people, and For people" to serve the practicality at the bottom line of Right Effort.

Back to the connection between #Prajna and the #Oneness via signed posts of Gotama Verifiable Emptiness[D29], we have connected the Heart Sutra with Gotama's descriptions of his signed posts[R2]. In that connection, one can start from any sense (ear, mind, eye, nose, tongue, body) or entanglement (form, feeling, perception, impulse, consciousness) with "Detachment", entering the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" signed by Gotama as "Tranquillity", deepening into Mindfulness signed by Gotama as "Equanimity" into utter Silence called "Purity" by Gotama, etc. In the diving-in process, Natural Purification infused from the depths of "Verifiable Emptiness" purify one's senses[D27] from outdated Marks / Stresses to enable a "No-Mind-Enclosure / Completely Open Mind" to sense the vibrations of whatever one has an attention on. The power and effectiveness of the manifestation is proportional to the degree of Silence coming from the Purity of the Mind. Therefore "Purity of the Mind" is the foundation and correct driving force of Right Effort.

Gotama qualifies his mindfulness as the "Right Mindfulness" in the Eightfold Path if there is "Detachment" before entering the #Oneness[D29]. One can enter different depths of Transcendental-Inner-Peace (#Samadhi) / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness without passing the required "Detachment" such as Tantric Penetration via the lump of all entanglements together in "sex for required energy" or Faith via Aspiration in some external factor much larger than the "self". Without "Detachment", the left brain is already there to claim its aesthetic Transcendental Inner Peace. The effortless experience is lost. One has to assert "more concentration / effort" to overcome this barrier to move into a sex addict and/or religious fanatic.

Here we look at both the states around "the X-dimension", "the Y-dimension", and "stock around the F-dimension" of #EmptyTheContent, acting as "cultivating soil / base" naturally evolving according to Fibonacci sequence at facing any visible or invisible, focused or sensing event. The Fibonacci sequence is our preliminary observation and assumption to be scientifically verified where #Prajna is the flower of Compassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata. We can talk about states and stock of #Prajna to be side-by-side with the "Right" in Gotama's #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path - Right Understanding and Right Motivation - innately available at different depths of "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác" suggested by Gotama[D22] inside each person. Therefore, without "Detachment" there is not sufficient condition for a Right Transcendental #Awareness, qualified by Gotama, nor the "stock" accumulated from this "Gradual Cultivation" for a "Sudden Awaken then Awakening" that may happen any time any place since the process starts at what most relevant and important to you at the present moment to clearly see As It Is in everything, and consciously act according to What Count relevant to one's present moment. Via Big Data of ethical AI contributed from your custom AI, the system can generate relevant and intelligent custom feed for your Normative Intelligence in facing important Activities and Relationships at the Right Place and Time.

This is in essence "the Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort" in the modified Eightfold Path applicable in all activities and relationships of all life styles under all ages, transcending all differences, languages, and nationalities. The core issues of most meditations from all organised religions where Buddhism is a part are (1) lack of solid understanding and importance of "Detachment - Vô Trụ" in a true spiritual path, (2) not properly prepared of inner power (states and stock of #Prajna) for required "Transcendental #Awareness" qualified by Gotama at Equanimity state. The right solution - provided by the Science of KhaiPhong - must obviously address these two issues. Everything runs according to natural laws based on the states and stock of #Prajna to be further DISCOVERED and SHARED.

Back to the questions about the Third Truth "Cessation of Dukkha" and Buddhist Verifiable "End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana", we know at least three living students who actually know the state Gotama described as "the end of dukkha" where there is naturally / effortlessly "no outer breath" which is different from some forceful techniques to hold the breath via concentration, effort, and/or other external "mean". This personal verification supports the argument that momentary Nirvana is possible in the Right Conditions. It is momentary because the breath has to come back to support the on-going processes of living. Gotama definitely knew this state of "Thing-As-It-Is in #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at the highest point of "Unmoving Sunyata" as described by HuiNeng. The "no outer breath" is the description of additional attribute of that state on top of what Gotama and HuiNeng had described to be there for public scrutinization.

The difference between "Suffering Dukkha" and "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha" - manifested via "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" at seven (7) different depths of Consciousness from Relative #Truth on the duality plane of conflicting events to Ultimate (Wider) #Truth of Cosmic Consciousness and Beyond viewed from humanity personal and group efforts - is actually measurable as the outcomes of "Wrong Effort" or "Right Effort" to measure both the depths and the breaths of one's Prajna in one's continuous Leaning and Doing. The statistically measurable Right or Wrong effort rides on Nagarjuna contribution - modernly expressed in set theory - to subjectively evaluate the degree of [Right / Wrong / both Right-Wrong / Not-Applicable] from evidenced-based feedback of each effort to timely change one's [ Plan >< Execution ]. Here AI can help as the feedback from one's decision Sweet Spot since the outcome of any event has a certain probability, exactly as described in Diamond Sutra about the mind[R7]. So Ignorance or #Prajna is evidenced-based measurable in the outcome of an effort. This measurable pattern is a planned KhaiPhong AI tool to supplement #PrajnaTIPs technologies in enabling one direct access to different depths of "Verifiable Emptiness" for required power to see Thing As It Is in different specialised domains for deeper cultivation.

At these angles, the Totality can be seen from [ ComPassion - Từ Bi, Detachment - Vô Trụ, HonNhien, #Prajna ] well-known in pre and post Buddhism in contrast to Gotama's angle [ Dukkha - Khổ, Impermanence - Vô Thường, Not-Self - Vô Ngã, Nirvana - Niết Bàn ] to represent the two routes of development: the [ Heart >< Mind >< Sweat/Capital ] of modern-day living and [ the right side up of Buddhist Sanghas ]. The KhaiPhong's measurable tools based on [ Wu-Nien - Vô Niệm, No-Mark - Vô Vết, Detachment - Vô Trụ, #Prajna - Bát Nhã ], inspired by HuiNeng, is applicable to both routes, assisting practitioner clearly see the quality of one's consciousness and what needs to put a Right Effort on.

The path of Learning and Doing is still very long and hard. But we are lucky to have correct Path shared and contributed by many dedicated explorers. This correct Path is made known by Gotama having "Detachment" in "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" from the Right Side of the Eightfold Path - not the current [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] of cheating Buddhist Sanghas up to 2025 - as pre-requisite, then discovered natural laws for heavy lifting to enable one accessing the source of the Consciousness at different depths of Natural Purification for "qualified Transcendental #Awareness" to properly manage one's "karmic / binding / clinging" forces and "#Prajna" to clean up dominant outdated Marks in Making Life Easier and Happier. The scientific process is described in the Heart Sutra[R2] on the way diving in "Verifiable Emptiness" for "No-Mind-Enclosure / Completely Open Mind" with both cultivable states and stock of #Prajna to see and act according to "Thing As it Is" in daily activities, applicable in all life styles.

2. Vertical Switches from Duality Consciousness to No-Conflict Consciousness

By discovering and applying natural laws underlying the manifestations of #Oneness / Tao - such as Compassion #Prajna - in diversities of duality, and the reborn-rejuvenation outside conditioned existence of conflicting duality for a Fresh Existence (Being) in a Living, we optimally complete our evolution from consciousness to form (of present quality of the senses and consciousness) and from form back to consciousness (by-passing and emptying outdated marks from duality components) to be at "No-Conflict Consciousness" in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position directly perceived by #Prajna Dialectic for a breakthrough of any Issue. The process will be Making Life Easier and Happier in "Value of the values" of the identifiable Consciousness.

This discovery and concretely deliverable scientific integration of all dedicated contributions from the East to the West up until 2025 is most relevant to the present world situation. After the collapse of esoteric dark forces influencing humanity, the most advanced Hegelian Dialectic of individual and communities are still on the conflicting forces of events based on opposing directed Value of the values: (1) the Confucius top down approach of the known from selected elites in protecting their private power of the "self" typified in Chinese communist ideology moving toward market economy with Chinese characteristics of the Chinese Confucius using autocratic outside bullying power to pacify the Inner Morallity and Justice via failed Confucius Institute then, "Belt and Road Initiative", then most recently China's new type of party system of the "Greed and Fears" blinds touching elephant as opposed to (2) the US cheating democratic human rights revealed only from 2025-03-03 after World war II riding on its cunning manipulations of human minds through its esoteric evil Lucifer / aka the Father God with his HOAX of Jesus Redeemer rather than real "Equality" of human beings from Latin humanitas having identified properties as Biology, Compassion, Prajna (Wisdom) qualified by underlying Natural Laws of Nature. The cheating elites from past Illuminati after failing to enslave humanity in binding people to conflicting senses from pure "Problem-Reaction" of material world drugged in painted cakes of all isms where organised religions are parts continue their degenerated paths of GiGo (Garbage in Garbage out). It is "not a verbal attack", but statement of Fact verifiable in scientic methods for the Dignity of humanity!

In demonstrating scientific continuity of the consciousness and Value of the values missed by the Emperor Wu of Liang, this discovery delivers cultivable inner power of "Quality of the Consciousness" via proven Transcendental #Awareness missed by entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas up until 2025, and only through engaged living one can change oneself and the environment toward What Count. This is the first time humanity can bring together conflicting Haves and HaveNots both working toward common target of mutual benefits, together in the common field of economic prosperity and trades in [1 + 1 >> 2 ] from #Prajna Dialectic of modern human centric society. By proving that the real "Equality" can be an actuality if and only if one's Quality of the Consciousness is at rated and measurable "Equanimity", passing the Gateway-to-Oneness and loosening the binding Word/Image which is due to evolution from consciousness to form commonly known as self-deception[R9] and perfectly exploited in 2000+ years of the evil Roman Catholic Church. The discovery raises the aspiration from current quality of the consciousness of all people to higher level of knowable true "Equality" in one's Reason of Existence (Raison D'être). Hence, "Equanimity" - the consciousness qualified for Gotama #AwarenessPrajna, qualified in Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detachment, HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, KhaiPhong ComPassion #Prajna - is the target for all (Haves or HaveNots, males or females) using available legitimate resources as facilities for higher consciousness cultivation that 2500+ years of Buddhist communities from all countries and cultures up to 2025 cannot touch due to armies of unworthy people.

In the "Nature of Things" we theoretically show (1) how conflicting duality and utopia of all isms where organised religions are parts can be absorbed into "#Oneness / Non-Thingness / Sunyata", having statistically measurable Effort in the Right or Wrong direction of Wisdom / #Prajna of the Right Understanding and Right Motivation in the modified Eightfold Path, and (2) the cultivable #Prajna / Conscience is mathematically perpendicular to the cross-cut duality planes of all intelligent realms such as humanity, Gods, Allah, Buddhas lumped together as the middle and higher realms that we can esoterically sense. The deeper / higher one can switch from conflicting duality to the #Prajna / Cunning (Ignorance) dimension, the wider one can see "Thing-As-It-Is" and the strategic position relevant to one's "Intensity-of-Attention" for an Effortless Action (Wei-Wu-Wei) to make things happened toward a Right Direction of What Count[R23] for measurable difference between Cunning of degeneration or #Prajna of evolution. The word "deeper / higher" is used to indicate the "No-Conflict Consciousness plane" perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. Using naturally qualified humanitas as the base, the positive Y-dimension is the direction of [ Transcendental Inner Peace / Right #Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Evolution for manifestation of #Prajna / Deeper of clockwise direction ] and the negative Y-dimension is the direction of [ Cunning Intelligence / Wrong #Samadhi due to innate quality of concentration / DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN (Cảnh báo cho người nổi danh) / Successful - Disturbed Mind / Degeneration in counter clockwise direction of the self ]. Using Complex Fibonacci mathematical simulation either in evolution then degeneration @ minute 7:00 or Freewill with "R & D" to optimally stayed at higher consciousness but efficiently move @ minute 6:25 to positive Fibonacci evolution for both "DANH THÀNH - TÂM ĐỊNH / Successful - Quite Mind". This is the essence of KhaiPhong Harmonious Melting Pot efforlessly moving all Concerned / Care parties together - [ the Haves >< the Stakeholders >< the HaveNots ] - in Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good. The theoretical solution and implementation will be delivered as epistemic objectives at the right place and right time by currently identified living students.

To nail down the ending of professional cheaters[R18.4] in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha in their claimed "Sila > Samadhi > Panna / [ Giới (Sila) from Thích Viên Minh ] là nền móng vững chắc để ngôi nhà thiền định (samadhi) và trí tuệ (panna) được xây dựng hoàn mỹ / [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna ] (a body of By-Laws in Buddhist Sangha)", we first trace out the yearning for Freedom from prison without bars in Duality Consciousness in both human and higher realms of [ Buddhas / Gods / Allah / Bodhisattva / Saints ] then touch possible solution from six (6) transcendental switches together with achievable Quantum Consciousness from HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, precisely describing verifiable qualities of the transcendental [ Inner Peace / #Samadhi ] in each switch that we encourage qualified dedicated explorers joining KhaiPhong to deepen and widen practical applications for humanity while waiting for further scientific researches that no [ monks / priests / nuns ] in their claimed religious leaders can touch. Finally, living students actually knowing "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" at seven (7) different depths of Consciousness from Relative #Truth on the duality plane of conflicting events to Ultimate (Wider) #Truth of Cosmic Consciousness and Beyond viewed from humanity personal and group efforts will not only debunk cheating Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49] but also facilitate the community right direction according to Natural Laws for Value of the values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

All organisations need a body of by-laws to orderly operate on the duality plane of conflicting events. Buddhist cunning intelligence in using binding word and clinging thought - rather than liberating them for humanity as personally known and deliverable by Gotama - will not be able to compete with the Roman Catholic Church and Islam, and definitely be outrun by Communist in their enforcing Confucius Institute with Rule of Law and Rule by Law cheating game. Once "rules of the game" have been established and people are wise enough, those joining the community for mutual benefits must pay a heavy price in both materials and trust if found breaking the agreed rules for egoistic "I win you loose" gain of the past feudal and modern mafia systems that "I make up the rules everyone must follow except Me clearly observable in evidenced-based tracked records of the currently ruling Vietnamese and Chinese Communist Parties!". By delivering practical solution toward measurable "Equanimity" qualified in Gotama #AwarenessPrajna, qualified Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detachment, HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, and modern Compassion #Prajna we can effortlessly dissolve conflicting forces enforced by all isms on the "Duality plane of Consciousness" of conflicting events to verifiable "No-Conflict Consciousness" in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change oneself and the environment one a part.

[2.1] Yearning for Freedom from prison without bars

As shown in Figure 1, what we see are filtered by tainted senses to distort Actuality of Thing-As-It-Is into our reality. Buddhist [ monks / nuns / scholars ] in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas enforce their prison without bars in their own "by laws" as the universal community "Sila > Samadhi > Panna / Giới (Sila) là nền móng vững chắc để ngôi nhà thiền định (dhyana-samadhi) và trí tuệ (prajna / panna) được xây dựng hoàn mỹ / [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna ] that most - including the Vietnamese head monk Viên Minh "a persistent unworthy and professional cheater Thích Viên Minh" up to "2021" changing his claimed teaching - have not passed the Gateway-to-Oneness, not qualified by Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness, knowing nothing about #DhyanaSamadhi (thiền định) and the innate #Prajna (trí tuệ) in all naturally qualified persons having No minimum Honesty (Chân Thật) and Conscience (Lương Tri) of knowing the Right and Wrong.

The 2500+ years of Buddhist Sanghas, bullying and cheating humanity - not Knowing yet claimed to know, not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] - ignores the "Inner Peace at the "The End of Dukkha" of Unmoving[D44]" demonstrated by Gotama in his claimed solution of the raised issue Dukkha. The "unmoving consciousness state" will be verifiable by many as an epistemic objective when KhaiPhong technology is introduced. The Buddhist Sangha has idealised - up to 2025 - the recorded "unmoving consciousness state / The End of Dukkha" into a concept of Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana, totally contrary to the fundamental Dependent Nature of existence first discovered by Gotama and contrary to modern scientific knowledge that consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed. KhaiPhong uses Web Platform for horizontal implementations of Right Transcendental #Awareness and vertical integration of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) whose states are momentarily changed due to Volition, driven by either #Prajna or Ignorance.

This is the tragedy in entire human history up to 2025, being exploited by all isms via indoctrinated self-deception[R9] which is totally contrary to Gotama's Not-Self in his second discourse to kick-start the Buddhist Sanghas. See for yourself the damage of these unworthy people in his Buddhist Sanghas, having "big mouths" of not knowing yet claimed to know[D19]. By delivering the Gateway-to-Oneness as an epistemic objective to the mass to personally experience the "Natural Relaxation in Dissolution of the Contents" we will effortlessly clean up painted cakes of Buddhist "samatha / thiền định (samatha is not #Samadhi!) and vipassana / trí tuệ (vipassana is not #Prajna!)" built on the foundation of their cheating [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna ]. Out of this 2500+ years of tainted mud, the Lotus from Gotama's modified Eighfold Path will rise up with full fragrance of qualified thiền định / #DhyanaSamadhi { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental-Inner-Peace is #Samadhi" } from Gotama #AwarenessPrajna, qualified Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detachment, HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, and KhaiPhong Compassion #Prajna.

The outcome of this tragedy is that most do not have a moment of Complete Silence - fresh with rejuvenation and reborn as a child - due to innate [ Buddha Nature or Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ]. The stresses are very dominant in modern living, being pulled and pushed in all directions without any Free InnerSpace to know the meaning of one's existence. Those - not fully indoctrinated into robots - yearn for a moment of freedom from unnecessary chatting noises but do not know "How", being cheated by hard-core professional cheaters[R18.4] who have even more problems than you that they need pacifying calming beads to wear the mask of [ cool - calm - collective ]. The unceasing chatting mind also exists in higher realms such as "Infinite Thought Bodhisattva" in Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49]. Instead of delivering scientific solution of observable, testable and reproducible outcome, the sutra - coming from hard-core professional cheaters - boosts the power of degenerated impostor Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva to bully the honest one, having minimum conscience to know what he/she does not know!

It is now the right time to debunk "esoteric cheating process" as humanity in its joint efforts debunked horrific plots of degenerated elites in Illuminati to wipe out 90% human population toward a target of perpetual masters-slaves relationships. The time is right since technical advancements in Artificial Intelligence are at the crossroad to be required tools for delivering statistically significant "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of all significant events where Normative Intelligence can inject the (Moral) Value of the values from No-Conflict consciousness [ #Oneness / #Prajna (Wisdom) / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ] according to natural laws in all decision-makings about economic productions and consumption arising from the mass, Making Life Easier and Happier in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Integration between Normative Intelligence and Positive Intelligence has been started 50+ years ago, starting at the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH)[R2]. The mass implementations of Intelligence and [ Counter Intelligence / Competitive Intelligence / CI ] in response to "immoral and costly programs of US CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)" has begun 25+ years ago in workable processes of "Open Source Competitive Intelligence (CI)" where "Esoteric Competitive Intelligence (CI)" is a part in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". Integration of these two efforts is now concrete in KhaiPhong SIS (Strategic Intelligence Service - Transcendental Intelligence Strategy), and GsLp (Global service Local presence - Engagement in Normative and Positive CI) to enable people the main driving forces behind all productions and consumption to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. It is effortless, based on Invisible Hand of Economics in allocation of scare resources in one's Continuity of the Consciousness driven by Invisible Hand of cultivable #Prajna (Moral Universal Natural Laws).

To appreciate the economics of deep and wide applications of 'the Essence of the Right Effort / Living', here is Gotama's advice at different cultivable depths of 'Knowing Oneself' in managing one's realities. Let's repeat the required "Equanimity" qualified for Gotama #AwarenessPrajna, qualified Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detachment, HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, KhaiPhong ComPassion-Prajna to see the honest Gotama's description, missed by the entire history of his Buddhist communities up to 2025 which is very relevant to humanity after the collapse of esoteric dark forces whose slaved elites change their tactics to public perceptions and selective manipulations using modern technologies:

Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is Teanscendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved

— Answer to Ajita's Questions[D22]

let's look at everyone, from newly born to death bed. One is pulled and pushed by incessant activities whose driving forces one may be aware of only at the gross sense level, completely in the dark of the actual driving motives: phobia, fear, sex appeal, hoarding, fame, money, power, excessive addiction in almost everything including sex, politics, sports, gossips, etc. That is to be a slave to the senses - that almost all religious leaders are the slaves to grandeur of the self, without knowing their state of beings - using the senses to understand more about oneself and the meaning of one's existence. Rather than flowing with the Living / Effort, using whatever available such as money, power, charming, sex appeal, entertainments, etc, as tools to accomplish 'the Right Thing to do' from one's 'True Heart', one is addicted and/or slaved to these tools that one cannot carry on and loose sign of a Worthy Existence of Real Merits and Lasting Values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The burdens of tools and emotions are hanging long after their actions completed, not only with the pains but also with successes and happiness.  

Talking about the Essence of the Right Living / Effort we touch right at the core of human endeavour exploring in all cultures, religions, social orders, political and economic theories that make up the current social fabrics. Here is the revolutionary role of an Integrated Education of Middle Path driven by #Prajna of the "Right Thing to do" toward an Integrated Person being able to look at the current situation from outside-the-box to have a wider perspective of lasting Values in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, and use whatever available tools and resources at one's disposal for 'the Right Thing to do' relevant to one's Present Moment.

The Change in Consciousness of the Cosmos in its new Era will enable easier access to Higher Consciousness for many to Understand and Act according to the Essence of the Right Living / Effort with Clarity and Insight without the need of thousands years of pounding on the same Intensity of Attention to be outside the box. We propose the Lasting Values of the Consciousness (Budh Dharma) or the Tao (Table 1.1) depending on what angle one is looking at the Totality: [ ComPassion, HonNhien, #Prajna ] from AwakeningBudh Movement and [ #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna ] from KhaiPhong Technology. The technologies for experiencing outside-the-box in Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness and Unity are in #PrajnaTIPs in all Relationships, Activities, and Places.

To share this common understanding of the Lasting Values and the deliverable technologies for personal verifications of these described concepts, we ride on modern approach in large scale AI using evolving ontologies to be communicated across people and computers making happened Intelligence Integration in multi-agent ecosystem from human (Normative Persona with its Persona Graph) and computer (Digital Identities) perspective. It is a system of evolving technologies since there have been many ontological systems developed and standardised since 1970's. We only need to add in this specialised domain which is a part of our custom Computational Knowledge Engine to make life of the user and/or organisation Easier and Happier.

'Right Living / Effort' as proposed by Gotama is deepening the modified Eightfold Path[D21], making "#Prajna" a starting and the ultimate Perfection in all living activities. #Prajna is technically  the Wholesome Integration of Intuition, Intelligence, and wider perspective of ComPassion from the Heart for 'the Right Thing to do' which embraces involved parties in the Totality of Existence, outside the boxes of all local involved parties. Without ComPassion there cannot be #Prajna. ComPassion, on the other hand, is sustainable by Ethics according to natural Laws. It is the manifestation from Dhyana (Thiền, Zen, Chan) through frequent Reflections (Bhavana) in transcending contents, Clarity and Insight enforced at different depths with Effortless Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định) to deepen the seeing 'Thing As It Is' moving through different depths of #Prajna to its Perfection (Paramita) which can Only be approaching according to Complex Fibonacci Evolution and Then What along the way for Discovering practical outcomes at different layers of visible qualities. Without "Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness©®" in dissolution of the appearances, the Effort and Living are crowded with tainted senses and unnecessary burdens of outdated Marks to have sufficient Clarity and Insight in seeing "Thing-As-It-Is" for a Right Effort.

Stated differently, without directly experiencing transcendental dissolution for Natural Purification[D27] and Emptying Unnecessary Contents as personally confirmed by Gotama[D26], Buddhist Samatha[D24] and Vipassana[D25] are deducted means of the "Blinds touching Elephant", having No Transcendental Absorption explicitly described in Gotama nine stages of Samadhi[D29], [D30]. Samatha is not Samadhi and Vipassana is not #Prajna - an innate quality of { [1.a] a penetration of Insight or seeing through a thick wall of mass ignorance, and [2.a] an ability to dissolve karmic force } - due to inability to deliver required "emptying the contents / Emptiness" observable, testable and verifiable in Gotama #AwarenessPrajna, qualified Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detachment, HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, and KhaiPhong ComPassion #Prajna.

Using HuiNeng definition of [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] - "to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Inner Peace is #Samadhi", an ability to be with Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict[D35] - we prove all saboteurs riding on Gotama's credibility to cheat the world for a very unworthy living do not know nor have "#EmptyTheContent / Natural Purification"[D27], failed by both HuiNeng and Gotama as Buddhists. Mathematically, one has to be out of the duality plane of conflicting events in Duality Consciousness where all of their blah blah blah on "chánh niệm (right mindfulness), giới (sila), thiền định (samadhi), trí tuệ (panna) are deductions of the blinds touching elephant in their inner conflicts outer conflicts, unable to produce the aesthetic transcendental state of consciousness in their 2500+ years of international cheating. By delivering Gotama's real Transcendental #Awareness[D22], #Samadhi[D29], [D30], and #Prajna / panna[D28] we will effortlessly clean up those sabotaging his discoveries in the past 2500+ years, and prove that he is not cheating humanity as done by his Buddhist cheating Sanghas. Please force all monks/nuns claiming to know Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness, #Samadhi, and #Prajna expose their understanding on the Internet wall so they must stand on their own feet that they are not unworthy people[R18.4] as we actually debunk the Vietnamese head monk Thích Viên Minh.

[2.2] Vertical Switches / Quantum Consciousness

Out of the yearning for a Silent Moment in Freshness / Rejuvenation / Reborn, organised religions use "Faith" from dominant "Image / Word / Thought" assisted by tools like calming beads to subjugate the "self". But behind the praying moment and "meditation / reflection / calming the mind" which is not the #DhyanaSamadhi (thiền định) defined by HuiNeng since they are all bounded on conflicting duality plane, the self is strongly enforced in a narrower scope ready to spring out extremely violent and cruel religious acts where human "Conscience / Compassion / Wisdom" are totally wiped out, evidenced in entire human history up until 2025. It is understandable since the "prison" is now enforced with selected "bars of Image / Word / Thought" then imposed by identified tools and rituals at extreme negative Fibonacci degeneration around the X-dimension far away from [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ].

The balance between dominant emotion driven by limited indoctrinated information of all isms to enslave humanity in a specialised masters-slaves relationships and the on-off switches observed even in wild animals fully alert to an imminent danger in wider perspective from higher consciousness called "Conscience / Compassion / Wisdom" is an actuality and known in "wise" elites throughout human history. Its scientific mechanism has not been known in the mass to enable humanity - democratically contributed by all concerned parties known as Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) parts of Latin Humanitas - reaching higher and wider parts of available information actually demonstrated in the definition of HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi (thiền định). In theoretically and practically delivering measurable Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity, we think this balance is a reality when there are sufficient people capable to be beyond indoctrinated binding Image/Word perfected by Roman Catholic Church and clinging Thought perfected by Muslim.

Gotama attempted a breakthrough in his first discourseD20] to identify the Issue (Dukkha) and claimed solution (modified Eightfold Path). Unfortunately, without scientifically knowing different processes in Duality Consciousness and No-Conflict Consciousness, he designed wrong tools[D24], [D25] completely on the conflicting duality plane to build his Sanghas - without requiring minimum qualified state of Transcendental #AwarenessD22], passing the Gateway-to-Oneness at the Equanimity level required to know both Transcendental #Awareness and (natural) Detachment - for spreading his discoveries. The wrong tools have been further enforced by "the blinds touching elephant" with logical deductions to turn his modified Eightfold Path upside down, making No-Conflict Consciousness of #Samadhi and #Prajna into the outcomes of his by-laws on the plane of conflicting events! "Sila > Samadhi > Panna / Giới (Sila) là nền móng vững chắc để ngôi nhà thiền định (dhyana-samadhi) và trí tuệ (prajna / panna) được xây dựng hoàn mỹ / [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna ].

The question is why Gotama used his very honest tools[D24], [D25] but could actually demonstrate the transcendental states of Emptying the contents[D26], [D29], [D30] while most [ monks / nuns / followers ] - whose names are explicitly stated in this book in exposing 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes - cannot even pass the Gateway-to-Oneness nor qualified for Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness[D22]. Here is another most recent case study. Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986) wondered why he can effortlessly turn his mind into a "blank state of [ #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh in Gotama #AwarenessPrajna[D22]" for a focused event from casual normal and light-hearted operations of the mind! At the beginning, he thought it is a Pathless Land since up to his life time no dedicated explorer - such as Gotama, Socrates, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng - could reverse engineer to enable others verify their personal opinions as epistemic objectives. Toward the end of his life, he thought an off-on switch - similar to on-off digital switch - may be possible. We will scientifically prove this possibility - via transcendental technologies to meet minimum required level (Third Jhana / Equanimity) of "Practical / Right Transcendental #Awareness[D22]" by Gotama and "#EmptyTheContent" by Bodhidharma and HuiNeng - at the right time and place via KhaiPhong #Prajna Dialectic.

In connecting the dots discovered by past dedicated explorers, we use our actual experiences to reverse engineer these exclusive states within human innate [ Buddha nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ]. It is well-known in Western concept as Conscience or Compassion-Wisdom from Latin humanitas, and in Eastern as Madhyamaka Relative #Truth and Ultimate (Wider) #Truth. Besides the off-on switches - coming from others or from us with concrete deliverable technologies - there is also instantaneous state between normal operations of the mind and its No-Conflict Consciousness well-known in HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna. We call this instantaneous state "Quantum Consciousness" currently known and actually deliverable by a living student in our group.

To do it properly at the right conditions, right time and right place, we roughly touch the two vertical switches - #PrajnaTIP in Sound and #PrajnaTIP in Kindness[R1] - with scientific explanations of the processes while the "secret sauce" is waiting to the time of their implementations having required infrastructures to actually measure statistical significance of different conditions as epistemic objectives in medical and pharmaceutical sciences. The "secret sauce" missed by Gotama and entire history of Buddhist Sanghas up until 2025 is how to switch or jump from conflicting duality plane of Relative #Truth (Existence) to No-Conflict Consciousness at different Signed Posts. Gotama tools[D24], [D25] are the outcomes of his qualified #AwarenessPrajna[D22] while the Foundation of #Awareness is:

[ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ]

The reason why Gotama in using his tools[D24], [D25] can actually experience transcendental consciousness, cosmic consciousness, and unity is due to his accumulated states and stock of #Prajna coming from the Foundations [ Kindness >< Empathy >< #Prajna >< Joy >< Detachment ] of Transcendental #Awareness that most [ monks / nuns / followers ] failed. In our case, #PrajnaTIP in Sound must be first implemented to build required states and stocks of #Prajna in the mass before the introduction of #PrajnaTIP in Kindness. The AwakeningBudh movement will fail if the reverse order is shown to only push up the "ego" of the achiever! Similarly, the secret sauce of "Faith in Jesus Christ, Allah, Amitabha" is the "Aspiration". At the peak of Aspiration, Highest Tantra, ComPassion, Detachment there is a "secret sauce" to enter "[ Consciousness / #Awareness ] Beyond the senses". This "secret sauce" is an evolution from form to Emptiness - bypassing outdated tainted marks in past evolution - to be discovered and shared. Conducive activities coming to "Oneness / #Prajna / Conscience / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth" from our two Vertical Switches is #DhyanaSamadhi - 'to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain inner peace is #Samadhi'[R5] - that practitioners will be able know the meaning of HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền Định) as the base plus something more contributed by actual experiences to be shared as the community knowledge base.

In nailing down this completely scientific process of measurable state (Right Transcendental #Awareness) and required cultivable conditions (Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace) of manifested #Prajna to actually know the glimpses known as personal opinions of HuiNeng's [ "Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm", "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định", and "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ"[R5] ] and Gotama's [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác[D22] ] for the practicalities of Higher Consciousness in current complex living, we need to squarely face the diverse realities of practitioners - male-female, young-old, conflicting Values due to past cultures, skin colors, class systems, isms and religions, positive evolition and negative degeneration mathematically modeled using naturally observed Fibonacci sequence - and the process right conditions of states and stock of #Prajna applicable to all intelligent entities (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) in all Activities and Relationships at all Places, and intelligent realms due to "discovered universal underlying natural laws" similar to "Action-Reaction", "Likes-attract-Likes", etc, to turn the glimpses having high prabability as breakthroughs into the "statistically significant epistemic objectives" applicable to concrete case studies being shared by communities and detectable by Ethical AI. This can be done if and only if past well-accepted discovered "contributions" can be proven and turned into "epistemic objectives to specialized solutions for the identified Issue of Living, Dukkha stated by Gotama 2500+ years ago; the process of which involves four (4) possibilities of building required states and stock of #Prajna, immediately targetted at 1% (80,000,000 people) to 8% (500,000,000 people) as the foundation of the new Era:

  1. Right conditions shared and further researched by dedicated practitioners on our asserted "Foundations of #Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" from Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace, built up from [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna ] , plus living students who actually know "Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna and from different views of the past long developments.

  2. Patented #PrajnaTIP in Sound riding on "Thing-As-It-Is" natural laws of HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) to enable most people having direct access to "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace" - qualified by Gotama as the minimum level of Right Transcendental #Awareness - in accumulating required stock of #Prajna to naturally purify the tainted senses.

  3. Exploring one's own energy flows with directed "Beyond Thought #Awareness or Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm" and its interaction with a spiritually committed intimate (very close friend) beyond the physical biological needs of now and future worthy relationships in the Highest Tantra (as explained next) to deepen the manifestation of State and Stock of #Prajna.

  4. Deepening the manifestation of State and Stock of Prajna with #PrajnaTIP in Kindness toward all living beings in daily activities and relationships once there is sufficient stock of #Prajna.

Gotama missed this "Right Understanding of Enlightenment" of conditioned existence in [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ] or [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] to fall into a crack that we can learn his lesson by scientifically sharing so we do not have to start from square one of the beginning. Jesus did not know this secret sauce! Even capable to use Faith as a form of Aspiration for demonstrating extra-ordinary tasks - called miracles to be discovered for any practical utility - he violently attacked money changers in a temple, not belonging to him in the first place. His achievement was esoterically exploited by what he called the "father", and mundanely exploited in the entire history of the evil Roman Catholic Church by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4]. Similarly and esoterically, Amitabha, the Original Buddha, and Allah do not know this secret sauce and are degenerated in using their cunning intelligence from their current realities in negative Fibonacci degenetation - scientifically measurable in the negative and positive direction of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] - while depleting the above Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness in the well-known degeneration of their elites in Illuminati, living against the Moral Value of the values embedded in Natural Laws.

This will be changed in "Right Society 5.0" driven by invisible hands of #Prajna and Economics. There are more than one living student(s) actually knowing [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } having the "secret sauce" based on Faith, not yet deliverable by Jesus to bring all religious people from all sects into KhaiPhong "Melting Pot driven in invisible hand of economics drirected by invisible hand of scientifically cultivable #Prajna", as well as from different angles where Faith is only one "unnecessary aspect so if you are "hooked" you can "unhooked" it" and learn the [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] from your peers being parts of that religion in the new Era of Harmonious MeltingPot of the living diversities of intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) in major domains such as Arts (singers, dancers, musicians, etc), Sciences, Mystics, etc, in different realms of intelligent existence. You can Help others the best you know How in your angle with your "specialized sauce".

Here is outline of the "dynamic simultaneous process" most appropriately served with modern digital user facing tool mu from actually knowing [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] shared by a Vietnamese girl 2021-08-23 to personally verify HuiNeng's "Three Nots" of visible outcomes which were applicable only to his qualities of the consciousness at that time: { Wu-Nien as its object - “vô niệm làm tông” / No-Mark as its substance - “vô tướng làm thể” / Detachment as its fundamental principle - “vô trụ làm gốc” }. We now know esoteric dark sides of this lady, and wish to ride on this available living person in KhaiPhong's team of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations for the benefits of all involved parties. Sitting on the solid foundation of HuiNeng's fundamental principle "Detachment - vô trụ làm gốc” which is also required quality of Gotama's first Jhana[D29] cheating in entire 2500+ years of Buddhism, you simultaneously acquire precious Transcendental-Inner-peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness discovered in Gotama's Signed Posts thanks to KhaiPhong patented processes according to discovered underlying natural laws to enable 1% to 8% or 80,000,000 to 500,000,000 people knowing what Gotama knew[D26], [D29], [D30], partially proven in Hindu Yogic Flying and Chinese Buddhist Qi Gong. Riding on both [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] measurable as Fibonacci layers of both positive and negative direction starting at the base of Latin humanitas qualified by Nature around X-dimension and Gotama's Signed Posts as measurable Fibonacci layers around Y-dimension, you scientifically cultivate, discover and share the eight Fibonacci layers of your InnerSpace in facing any visible or invisible, focused or sensing event: Equanimity#Awareness, PurityAwareness, #Samadhi Signed Posts of Transcendental-Inner-Peace, SelflessAwareness, VisibleAwarenessPrajna, #AwarenessPrajna in engaged Living, #AwarenessPrajna in Forecasting and Simulation, #SamadhiPrajna known by current 2025 living students. Exporting this scientific process to Esoterics and ETs, all intelligent beings where humanitas is a part can "scientifically cultivate, discover and share precised qualities in negative Fibonacci degeneration and How to get out of that slump identified by Gotama as "Dukkha" in the new Era of Conscious Living in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

In delivering aesthetic transcendental states of consciousness briefly touched below, we introduce the innate quality of humanitas Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) to solidify the human rights since a person / persona is more than a biological thing. Implementations of these technical switches from stressful confusing events of Relative Truth on the duality plane will raise the mass consciousness up where #Prajna Dialectic from utter Silence to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for a Right Effort will effortlessly clean up not only religious unworthy people but also cunning elites attempting to cheat people. Due to long evolution, modern psychology has identified different types of people who may be more appropriate to different branches of following vertical switches. The practical technologies coming from following discovered switches with different "specialised sauces" for different branches are possible if and only if we have required infrastructures claimed by those advocating Open Source for Transparency and Accountability as Google and Facebook Killers. Changes will be inevitable for a new Golden Era of humanity.

  1. #PrajnaTIP in Sound is a technical switch riding on the charming power of verifiable "Sunyata Non-Thingness" - similar to a physical black hole - naturally dissolving all contents of a chatting mind to different depths of transcendental consciousness, actually experiencing Gotama's Not-Self in cosmic consciousness moving toward the unity of Unmoving Sunyata known by Gotama, Sariputta, and HuiNeng. It will be known by many as an epistemic objective. The practical aspects of this switch are (1) enabling most people know the "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma #Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent" refined from Hindu's Samadhi (Inner Peace) to the "Right" of "Detachment", (2) activating the Natural Purification[D27] of the senses to verify Gotama's advice to Ajita's Questions[D22], (3) helping people going through and shorten Gotama's six years of hard learning to actually know the Hindu's #Samadhi of #Oneness for further discovery of #FourFoldTruth and (modified) Eightfold Path via HonNhien mind so they have sufficient states and stock of #Prajna to explore other switches based on their innate comparative advantages.

    In that vertical experience of the consciousness switch - having sufficient states and stock of #Prajna - one will have sufficient foundation to deepen and widen specialised domain one is interested in. The "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" - implementations of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path - of major well-defined events such as as a Growing Child, Right Effort in growing up, Marriage, Parenting, etc, are relevant tasks faced by most people and societies. The author is amazing with invisible orchestration from [ #Oneness / Unchanged in the Changing (viparinama-dukkha) and Conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) Existence (Dukkha) / Tùy duyên Bất biến Bất biến Tùy duyên ]. For example, via a casual conversation with a lady in our health club, the writer learned that she was preparing a very serious dialogue about parenting to a large audience from an angle of a retired teacher. Within few minutes, we come to the need of higher vertical consciousness - out of the stressful and conflicting events on the duality plane - to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to push the relevant event toward a right direction. Similarly, via the page views we know many elites from different countries interested in the book contents. This puts KhaiPhong right in the centre of international conflicting forces of both cooperating and competing values. KhaiPhong brings in another dimension in Moral Values of the values based on invisible hands of Empathy (leading to #Prajna) and Economics. We look for strategic partners to Make Things Happened within our life times in sustainable ecosystem with or without original founders.

  2. Tantra is an esoteric practice or religious ritual, merging the duality of male and female in biological need into Oneness beyond the senses of observer effect on conflicting duality plane of the self. The term is based on the metaphor of weaving, where the Sanskrit root "tan" means the warping of threads on a loom. It implies "interweaving of [ right conditions / traditions and teachings ] as threads" into a text, technique or practice. In KhaiPhong scientific approach, it also means (1) being aware of one's flowing energy, (2) sensing the energy of the intimate partner, (3) merging these patterns of energy together for a spiritually committed intimate (very close friend) beyond the physical biological needs of now and future worthy relationships the two wish to share. Due to this "merging and deep sensing", one can recognise each other from the distant 1000+ years past and/or life-after-life to reduce unworthy chance driven by biological needs that all honestly and maturely #Careing people know. It is personally known by the writer and two of his friends.

    First of all, "self" is a barrier to orgasm. The fact that many ordinary people can actually experience orgasm mean they do know an "Awareness Beyond the self"! Similar to and much easier than "Faith", sex can bring to the table some natural relaxation that hard to find in modern living. But without proper "weaving" of biological need and spiritual exploration of arousing in feelings and sensations in the "art of copulation", it is very easy to be just a "mean of releasing sexual stresses". The proper "weaving" includes the use of thought to direct the flow of sexual energy around the body without ejaculation for an expanding bliss. Due to the first law of thermodynamic that one cannot have a perpetual machine, this transformation can never be 100% as falsely claimed by all tantric masters! Sooner or later an ejaculation is required, contrary to the boosting claims of Tibet monks.

    It is mostly for "self exploration" and the Best Art of Courtship if one can not only use thought to direct sexual energy but also merging with the energy of the partner in an intimate relationship while solving biological needs, helping each other knowing more about oneself and the energy field of the other. Tantra is Not "Equality but Complement" between male and female via Caring and Sharing; one can achieve "Expanding Space of Transcendental Inner Peace" which is similar to the expanding space in other encounters via #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, similar but not yet arriving at Gotama's fifth Jhana of Infinite (Expanding) Space[D30] that we lump together with Gotama's sixth Jhana of Infinite (Expanding) Consciousness as Not-Self Signed Post, since the sense of body boundary is not there! This "Transcendence" is much deeper than "Equanimity" state of consciousness, qualified for both #Awareness[D29] and Detachment.

    Yet, tantra is a very effective way to solve a social problem of "Unfaithful Marriage" via introducing a spiritual dimension for Knowing more about oneself in both biological need and higher aspiration, plus merging into the energy field of the partner for the foundation of family stability. It enables one passing the Gateway-to-Oneness that no Buddhist Samatha and Vipassana[D19] nor mindfulness of breathing (Anapanasati)[D24] and The Great Frames of Reference(MahaSatipatthana / Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] blah blah blah by hard-core professional cheaters can touch, but practised by Tibet monks.

    Similar to #PrajnaTIP in Sound and #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, Tantra must be properly and legally introduced to clean up many 1000+ years of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in both human and esoteric realms, not knowing yet claim to know not seeing yet claim to see[D19]. A counsellor must (1) pass the Gateway-to-Oneness at the minimum Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness or Bodhidharma's Detachment[D35] (Equanimity third Jhana), (2) be trained in the Art of Tantra capable to observe and direct energy flows for consciousness exploration, and (3) be legally binding in high professional standards similar to a medical profession. Participants must pass the Gateway-to-Oneness having transcendental experience in Emptiness and legally binding.

    Since Tantra of Caring and Sharing can achieve "Expanding Space of Transcendental-Inner-Peace", it is very worthy for partners loving each other and wishing to reduce the probability of "having the wrong one" driven by sex appeal and/or whatever reason to explore this Spiritual Art with qualified counsellors. The "Deep Caring and Sharing" is actually beyond sex at gross sense desires and can use any form in intimate relationships such as Dance Me to the End of Love. This writer met a very rare person who can sense his presence and immediately look for him. We felt some energy connection and secretly observe each other for quite a while. In a very casual conversation - asking what the person doing at home - she described her joy of gardening. But immediately both could sense deep vibrations that we look in the eyes of each other! There is No sexual feeling whatsoever at that time but something very strange happened, commonly known as "Deja Vue"! We have not talked much nor had a coffee together, but we have been astrally connected since 2017 in a very intimate ways, concerning and helping each other in the real battle against the dark forces, sensing exactly our connections even before the Inner circle of Ashoka in India, then helping each other in the Chinese Three Kingdoms Period and Vietnamese Trần dynasty, etc. If something happened, we will work together again in the new Era of KhaiPhong that both have been prepared many life times for the right conditions to make Things Happened; the writer will definitely invite that person being a "friend of KhaiPhong" since he senses Not Only intimate and worthy relationships tracing back to many 1000+ years but Also in what life time the incidence about her "joy of gardening" we met that her rare talent can help KhaiPhong be quickly adapted world wide, transcending conflicting differences in the scientifically cultivable #Prajna.

  3. Aspiration via different means such as faith, music, dancing, painting, calligraphy, etc, is well-known to humanity with its own evolution in "Making Life Easier and Happier". Faith is known by Jesus and many mystics as a mechanism according to natural law to raise one up above the stressful and conflicting events on the duality plane for a natural aesthetic state with possibility in performing extra-ordinary tasks, commonly known as miracles. This surge of energy such as natural levitation is well-known in Hindu's siddhi. The bottom line is "Then What?"

    Similar to Gotama's aesthetic experience when he was a child sitting under the shade of a tree with a HonNhien mind of tremendous compassion for all struggling beings as the condition of underlying natural laws, the extra-ordinary experience just happened and quickly disappeared until (1) a wiring has established as an innate quality which takes a very long time in life after life - as the case of Krishnamurti - with high probability of fallen in the crack that we esoterically know from the esoteric collapse of Illuminati Elites, or (2) a scientific discovery with sufficient tools to unravel the underlying natural law as in Gotama's discovery of the "Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path".

    With a technical switch from #PrajnaTIP in Sound, one's states and stock of #Prajna will be the base to reverse engineer the aesthetic experience via aspiration with whatever mean for discovering underlying natural laws to produce the highly elevated experience and their practical result. Scientific investigation will prevent honest one being exploited as in the case of Jesus, and/or egoistic imagination by many claimed masters[D54] of the craft.

    Again from a health club, the writer knows a French Canadian who is recovering using Tai-Chi and Qi Gong while teaching others Qi Gong and Tai-Chi in a Chinese Buddhist temple. He was naturally attracted to the writer with attention to whatever the writer said. In observing his lotus cross-leg sitting in a hot tub and steam room, we started a friendly conversation. He said he is learning Buddhist meditation with a Buddhist monk and nun in the temple. The writer asked him observing both the monk and nun and see if they can quietly sit in a serene mode as he does from any place at any time. He said "you are right and I know it", yet I like to be in the temple and do whatever I can since I already retire and have sufficient fund for a decent living. At one time, in a change room with only two he asked if the writer care to listen to a mix of classical and modern music. He took out his harmonica - longer than the usual with more range of notes - and play. Listening to his beautiful symphony the writer said the instrument and his musical techniques are only tools for expressing what actually flowing from the heart as he completely looses himself in the music. "He said he knows that merging process". We agreed that he needs to bring that kind of symphony flowing directly from the heart to his Buddhist Temple.

    Only recently the writer discovers we might be connected in the past, and that he does know "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" { similar to the video shared by a young Vietnamese girl }. The writer encourages him to work out different depths of "Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" with one of his Vietnamese student as a tester while waiting for the right time to implement his actual experience by qualified professionals for the benefit of humanity. If things happen he will be a part of KhaiPhong.

  4. ComPassion is Beyond-Thought and the Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness qualified by Gotama. Please force those teaching meditation on Emptiness, Bodhisattva, Bodhicitta or Love describe their "actual" experiences from the words "Emptiness, Bodhisattva, Bodhicitta, Love" to the "actual state of Emptiness, Bodhisattva, Bodhicitta, Love". These actual states of ComPassion have different depths of [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác[D22] ] and widths.

    Again, the technical switch from #PrajnaTIP in Sound provides the base of Transcendental #Awareness to the point of knowing the driving force behind each thought that no Buddhist Vipassana can touch so one can properly manage one's realities exactly as advised by Gotama in Ajita's Questions[D22], knowing whether the driving force comes from you or from esoteric external forces to teach them a lesson of "Self Respect and Respect Others".

    With this clear observation of one's thoughts right in activities and relationships, one may discover something of underlying natural law to enable the process cultivable. For example, from #PrajnaTIP in Kindness we will demonstrate it is the best training of "Transcendental #Awareness" that the entire history of Buddhist Sangha in 2500+ years missed due to the "big mouths" of so many professional cheaters in its cheating Buddhist Sangha, not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19].

    If Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] was a living student, we would ask him to Identify the optimal [ condition(s) / process(es) ] enabling him moving from tainted [ Body >< Mind ] to his necessary and sufficient condition of "Inner Clear Sky". Similarly, if Gautama was a living student, we would ask him reverse engineer the compassionate state leading to all nine jhana levels when he was a child, and "Then What" to not falling in the crack of hallucinated self. Since everything happens according to Dependent Nature, by recreating required conditions others should be able to verify his personal experiences and turn them into epistemic objectives for the benefit of the mass conscious living.

    Also in a health club, the writer meets another kind and energetic lady who naturally helps others. In observing her sitting position at the pool side in very serene mode among noisy school kids, the writer started conversation when we were together in a hot tub: you do any form of meditation in your sitting position? No, I just sit and let my mind "blank" for relaxation after swimming. Knowing that she is also a trained psychologist, the writer encourages her reversed engineering the conditions leading to this "blank state of natural transcendental relaxation" to verify the solution of Gotama #AwarenessPrajna: "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them and by [#Prajna / Wisdom], they are dissolved".

  5. Detachment and Emptiness are actual states of consciousness, different from the concept or thought behind these words. Since all manifestations are conditioned (sankhara-dukkha), one should be able to describe if one actually knows them. So what is the associated attribute and underlying process of "Detachment" to enable that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm" discovered by HuiNeng. "Equanimity" is the starting qualified state of both #Awareness and Detachment. Knowing the underlying process we can make it cultivable for an outcome of the required Detachment associated with different binding and clinging forces.

    The practical aspects of "Detachment / Emptiness" are the freshness for concentrated power in action, and rejuvenation once the action is completed, observable in daily activities and relationships. Please insist the deliverable "Detachment / Emptiness", not the description (from the blinds touching elephant) of 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes bullying humanity by armies of professional cheaters[R18.4], not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. That "Detachment" has different depths of #AwarenessPrajna and widths. It has been polluted by cheating Buddhist Sanghas in 2500+ years of the "blinds touching elephant". There must be "Beyond Thought" of no-conflict Thing-As-It-Is dukkha[D35] at the state of inner peace and after for Natural Purification[D27] due to Detachment. When the time is right, you can actually observe "Detachment / Emptiness" in a number of living students among us; The writer hopes the time is right for the appearance of a student known among us as the reincarnation of HuiNeng!

  6. #PrajnaTIP in Kindness is a tested powerful vertical switch due to the fact that it does not need required 'Intensity of Attention' and Transcendental #Awareness to make that precious #Awareness recognised for deeper cultivable #Awareness Beyond the senses. It is built on top of accumulated power from the above vertical switches which provide the required inner power coming from the Foundations [ Conscience >< Kindness >< Empathy >< #Prajna >< Joy >< Detachment ] of Transcendental #Awareness. The reason why many sincere people having Kindness / Empathy from all religions and cultures cannot recognise that precious moment is the lack of scientific process in conscious living. This vertical switch and its associated technologies will enable [ Kindness >< Empathy ] underlying all activities and relationships in everyone (Moral) Value of the values from invisible hands of Empathy (leading to #Prajna) and Economics.

    At the instant of "Kindness >< Empathy", one's common vibration of energy create the direct links of energy similar to physical worm-holes for direct feedback among all involved individual containers of Consciousness. There is a Transcendental #Awareness which is co-created within all involved parties. The practicality of this "Transcendental #Awareness" is the foundation for one's [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ] of the driving force behind each thought to properly manage one's reality, exactly as Gotama's advice in Ajita's Questions[D22]. It is also a soft power to naturally draw one's counter parts to one's righteous and wider perspective side with minimum effort. It is implied in Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei and make happened the concept due to accessible wider information from #Prajna Dialectic instead of incomplete and cunning information of Hegelian Dialectic.

    The common vibration of energy being Aware of what going on, and ability of direct links of energy similar to physical worm-holes are Thing-As-It-Is Actualities known and being exploring by more than five living students in our group to prepare their Inner Circles for the Right Place and Right Time of the new Golden Era in humanity. This ability enables conscious living person to sense what the counter part actually needs and/or faces possible dangers to either neutralise the adverse effects and/or help him/her further developed in the right direction according to natural laws. We look for many more people capable to help one and the surroundings toward a conscious living according to natural laws, transcending all conflicting events of all isms on the duality plane of existence in Making Life Easier and Happier.

The qualities of one's inner consciousness via the above vertical switches manifest themselves through one's outside activities and relationships whose hard facts of their consequences are measurable for one's normative judgement in four different sets {R} {W}, {R,W} {} where R = right, W = wrong and {} = empty set of subjective value of the Effort to dynamically adjust one's effort and allocation of required resources under any instant moment. Once the understanding of other vertical switches is complete we can model their processes specialised for different types of actor with measurable hard facts of the actor's plans of activities, and possible relevant suggestions from machine learning trained with the actor actual data in contrast to the "Big Data" shared by others in the community shared resources. Thus Right Effort is measurable outcomes of solutions to enable one combine both normative and artificial intelligence in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position of Prajna Dialectic in a conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) world (dukkha-dukkha).

We see these vertical switches are necessary tools - self sustainable by their very strategic positions - and required infrastructures of the new Era of Consciousness evolution. The above vertical switches with their appropriate "secret sauces" statistically significant in moving from [ Duality Consciousness / Relative #Truth ] on duality plane of conflicting events to [ No-Conflict Consciousness / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth ] for wider perspective with deeper and wider relevant information to the focused event are gradual processes to instantaneously switch to high state of Transcendental #Awareness of some invisible but very real [ danger / opportunity ] relevant to the present moment and one's comparative advantage to push the event toward What Count[R23]. #PrajnaTIP in Kindness is current top-rated notch to prepare for an instantaneous "Quantum Consciousness", commonly known as "Consciousness of the Awaken". It is scientifically a continuous flowing of the [ No-Conflict Consciousness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] in all states of consciousness to properly insert indications and/or solutions of the focused event.

This "Thing-As-It-Is" has actually been demonstrated by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna - currently known by students in our group for defending themselves and/or Help others against the dark forces - specialised in Strategic Intelligence Service. The writer can unequivocally say that KhaiPhong - though conceptually perceived since early 1970's - will not be able to materialised if there is no esoteric works performed by the student known in our group as a Sound specialist who has been esoterically selected as a front soldier in foiling the degenerated dark forces and helping establish a new order of inter-realms consciousness whose foundation is Empathy or ability to feel the sufferings of others as your own to do something about it toward [ No-Conflict Consciousness / Ultimate (wider) #Truth ] of What Count[R23]. If things happens - the Right Dependent Nature is there - the writer suggests the mass aspiring for the actuality of #SamadhiPrajna to encourage that student reverse engineer the "#SamadhiPrajna" to make [ Detachment / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm ] as an epistemic objective.

It is Not the kind of Detachment / Emptiness blah blah blah in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas!

[2.3] Golden Mean in Value of the values from Right Effort

In the distribution of Wealth and Power, humanity driven by the innate Buddha Nature has moved from feudal systems of centralised both Power and Wealth having the claimed divine power (in the Chinese Confucius 'Son of God') of the King, to the recognition of the ugliness in the Grasp-er and the Grasped of the king to shift the divinity to some recognised explorer who happened to pick up some pieces of #Truth, having lasting Value perceived by the mass as "King of the kings". That is just shifting personal glorification destroying both masters and followers, different from Aspiration in recognising the Dependent Nature of existence and one's uniqueness as a part of the Whole. The issue of the Grasp-er and the Grasped is there in the mass and in the accomplished explorer(s) at different degrees in the cheating game of Power and Wealth driven by hallucination (ignorance) of the Worthy Living to veil the original Insight into the natural law of happier and higher/wider perception of realities.

Typical example is the case of Jesus in his very short time of spreading the 'Wrong Inner Peace' of the subtler and more binding master-slave relationships to destroy both the slaves and the master in thousands years of clinging (karmic) forces. Impostors and saboteurs[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2] are more than ready to twist whatever pieces of #Truth - empirically defined as fact-based epistemic objective - into centralised organised religions to perpetuate the master-slave relationships to justify their roles of leaderships. One can trace out the history of [ Christianity > Islam > Knights Templar Banking (from both exoteric and esoteric teaching) > Secret Societies > the Illuminati Elites ] to see the struggling power among the 'right and wrong' disputes of involved parties serving the master-slave relationships driving billion lives into an Abyss of Sufferings for all involved parties in their realities of [ Cunning Intelligence / DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN / Successful - Disturbed Mind ] rather than "DANH THÀNH - TÂM ĐỊNH / Successful - Quite Mind", Making Life Easier and Happier for all concerned and CARE participants. In addition, look at the life of Jesus as recorded in the Christian Bible and the Muslim Koran to see how the fanatic mistake of one-way 'Faith that moves the mountain'[Mathew 17:20] to be exploited by esoteric and exoteric forces for their own agendas. There is something beyond both Right and Wrong leading to the Nature of Thing As It Is that one can discover driving forces according to natural laws in "Making Life Easier and Happier".

Due to the Dependent Nature beyond human realm, there are external esoteric influences with competing agendas to further direct the secret societies to subtler controls in Wealth and Power via Finance, Military, Politics, Food Productions, etc. The same Inner Quests and Driving Forces in the esoteric realms are manifested in human realm where most involved parties have not recognised the fundamental process of the creator and the Created starting right at the Volition (Sankhara / Freewill), driven either by Ignorance or #Prajna in the mid of conditioned living to more understand oneself and the Essence of the Right Living / Effort for some Clarity and Insight of Worthy Existence.

Riding on the centralised power, the first few top layers of the esoteric slaves amass their wealth through various means such as legal factional reserve of the banking system, manipulating the world events through Fear and Response to drive their master-slave agenda. But the innate Buddha Nature is within everyone from the mass, having the sense of Rightness and Unworthiness in one's action and consequence. The democratic process of Right Relationships has been evolving, together with personal endeavours riding on unique Comparative Advantages to personally and legitimately earn their real Wealth. The fact is that Wealth can create Wealth for sustainable benefits of the Whole, raising the living standard for the poor and with an Integrated Education where "Knowing Oneself" is at the core, not indoctrinated Education of the past organised religions and/or attempted by the 'Illuminati' of just technical knowledge serving as 'smart slaves', more and more people will have a sense of Worthy Existence - fully responsible for one's actions and the environments one a part - contributing to the Lasting Values for the benefits of One and Others in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

With a flick of KhaiPhong, the light of #Awareness starts to shine and dispel the darkness of master-slave relationships. Among privileges in the groups of Ethical Wealth having more than what they can comfortably live for their current and many generations to come, there are few consciously living persons reflecting on the Essence of the Right Living / Effort and the current distribution of Wealth where one percent (1%) can control more than fifty percent (50%) of the World Wealth. Out of those in that one percent fraction, there are few assisted by esoteric forces with or without Secret Societies control even a higher portion of World Wealth preparing for the battle of ideologies, disregarding tremendous Sufferings as in the Crusaders and Jihads. The sense of responsibility whether from one's Real Conscience among The One Percent and/or Ignorance is to make their Wealth perpetuated either in the control of their families of many generations to come and/or in a Transparent Management and Accountable Finance directed to certain targets of Lasting Values and/or both.

Looking at a deeper layer of one's Action and Reaction, one realizes the sticky clinging and binding forces that drive one away from knowing more about oneself. Would it be possible to empty 'unnecessary contents' in thousands other things not Relevant to the Present Moment? Would it be nice if one can do whatever one interests in - including entertainments - while making a required legitimate living / effort and a difference for oneself and others in a Right Direction and What Count[R23] that one wants to be a part? For those having more than what physically needed, one can use the extra surplus that one cannot carry on beyond a life time for generating the Lasting Values as Signatures in one's Quality of the Consciousness wherever one happens to be, and helping the Inner Circle and circles of inner circles that will be part of one's existence via Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction.

For those whose wealth either coming from illegitimate sources of mafia and gang tactics, or from cunning manipulations of World Affairs in 100+ years preparation of esoteric "show-down", you can be assured that you are Now Free from these dark esoteric forces, trying to control humanity under masters-slaves relationships. It is better to be Good Samaritans - creating sustainable solutions via "Food - Health - Education" to enable everyone in the driver seat of their destiny, fully responsible for their actions and the environments they are parts. Good Deeds will balance past karmic forces via Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes to smooth your evolution path along with your Inner Circle and circles of inner circles that you help to generate based on your most dominant interest and/or issue. We can be your strategic partners to make the solution for your interest/issue happened. Besides specialised mundane ComParative Advantages, we can bring to the table those having outside-the-box Right Transcendental #Awareness of HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna to partially help the Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort in your dominant interest and/or issue.

That Signature is the ComPassion together with Wisdom to generate sustainable opportunities and potentialities for others moving in the Right direction that one wishes to be a part. The extra capital - together with one's expertise - can be a seed to enable the committed [Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital] sustain the opportunity and potentiality for more surplus value (measurable in sustainable business units) in creating other opportunities relevant to the Present Living far beyond one's life time cycle. That is the financial and management model we use to kick-start KhaiPhong where stakeholders of [Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital] can generate attractive return on 60% capital to drive the opportunity, and 40% in [ sustainable business units for further opportunities and potentialities ]. It is similar to the financial model of 1/3 for the cost, 1/3 for consumption, and 1/3 for the [ new sustainable opportunities ] as proposed by Gotama 2500+ years ago.

The model is based on committed Hearts of stakeholders, strongly believed in the viability and sustainability of the project, committed 100% of their efforts (Mind) as a team to engage in the project selected battle to achieve the target as a mean for more meaningful opportunities where personal reward is based on both personal and group performance, directed by positive and normative Invisible and Helping Hands of #Prajna and Economics. This is basically an extension of individual Inner Order to a Group vibrant Living Organism or an ecosystem with sustainable Created Values, trying to model as closely as a vibrant ecosystem in the wild approaching the Golden Mean of Divine Ratio.

Both Gotama ratio ( 2 ) and the well-known Chinese 60%/40% ratio ( 1.5 ) are parts of Golden Mean Ratio from Fibonacci sequence of the current (driving force) to the previous (intended surplus value for generating sustainable business units), approaching the Phi Golden Mean of Divine proportion according to Natural Laws. If the activity represents real efforts of stakeholders to create Surplus Value for the conceivable target / vision / mission, the ratio is the organisation structure to bring relevant components together, making things happened. Our proposed ratio of stakeholders moves from 1.5 toward 1.61803399 of Φ (Phi) via donors and volunteers as parts of GsLp (Global services Local presences) facilities and projects to enable ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs) relevant to its community where "GsLp" are meeting places for cultural and economic Sharing Happiness Mitigating Sufferings. "GsLp Donors and Volunteers" are invisible adjusting factors to spell out the relevance of the driving forces.

Golden Mean Ratio and Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...

... Φ (Phi)
... 1.61803399

Since people are the driving forces to create the World and - in aggregate - shape up the environment leading either toward Sufferings or 'Easier and Happier Life' where they are parts in their Continuity of the Consciousness, it is absolutely necessary to explore both the similarities and differences of 'Thing As It Is' in physical manifestations and their driving forces. Applying these understandings, it is possible to logically prove and empirically verify that the 'As It Is' - under modern Clusters of Open Innovation - can naturally ride on scientific facts discovered in Learning and Doing from both Physical World such as the dynamic adjustments toward the Golden Mean Ratio, and Consciousness Realm such as the injection of 'Being' - from wider perspective of Compassion and #Prajna - into 'Living' or 'Doing', driven by Intuition and Brain Intelligence toward The Essence of the Right Living / Effort. This possibility is commonly known as the Invisible / Helping Hands of #Prajna and Economics.

Applying the qualities (Table 1.1) at different angles of the Consciousness as the targets similar to the Golden Mean Ratio, we can extend the Computational Knowledge Engine - the cloud version of feedback and analysis to assist [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] of Right Effort or Wrong Effort - to 'Know Oneself', consciously moving toward the targets to align one's Quality of the Consciousness toward the Natural Laws of 'Thing As It Is', similar to the graphing of Fibonacci sequence ratios. The application is even wider and deeper in all field of human efforts if we take a new approach in learning Math where complex mathematical formulation and simulation is the job of cloud computing while (1) problem identification, (2) a proposed solution, and (3) interpretation of the proposed solution and simulations are the human job, directed by the normative sense of What Count[R23].

Once you have your 'Heart' and 'Mind' settled on the potentiality of this 'Soft Power', you can make a good living based on your [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] to facilitate others achieving their potentialities as you know 'How' that your 'Soft Power' Vision may last even beyond your life time. Here Cluster of Open Innovation (COIN) plays a role in recognising the need of equal opportunity and transparency versus the need of orderly development and major risky-investments required in a wider Vision.

The spread of that 'Soft Power' or to 'Know Oneself' extends to community, country, the World and Beyond to change oneself and the surroundings in the Normative Economics of [ Inner Order >< Outer Order ] in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The driving force of [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] naturally solve both the efficient and ethical questions of macro economics where resources naturally flow to the most productive driving forces to generate Wealth and Happiness for others while the 'Hearts' of stakeholders (investors, employees, friends and supporters) automatically direct them toward the Friendly and Compassionate Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings.

Under the aggregate demand and supply curve, there exists a Surplus Value from production to consumption. Distribution of this Aggregate Surplus Value has been struggled throughout the entire human history, trying different 'isms' inside the conditioned box of thinking for the optimisation of both individual and the Whole as a community vibrant Living Organism of opportunities and happiness, in wider perspective of one's Continuity of the Consciousness. There is no utopia in the proposed model, just 'Thing As It Is' - dynamically adjusting the Imagination into the optimal "Dependent Nature" of existence. We will scientifically prove that the Solution is in deepening and widening the reversed order of 'The Art of War' by "Having No War / Wei-Wu-Wei / Bất Chiến Tự Nhiên Thành", based on lasting values in pieces of #Truth picked by great explorers to enable one know more about oneself and the environment one a part to choose the battle in one's wider perspective of existence:

  1. Feudal system in the hand of one person or a controlling family, plus power sharing with the privileges to lead others. This model failed due to the Grasp-er and the Grasped of the nick name 'self' as the head of absolute power.

  2. Claimed divinity power in the 'King of the Kings - the Redeemer' within the box of conceptual thinking of the cheaters to market what they do not know nor have as executed in the entire history of the evil Roman Catholic Church having divisional esoteric assistance to amass its wealth.

  3. Capitalism driven in a Myopic View of one life time existence from the indoctrination of the above cheaters and cunning intelligence of master-slave relationships. Esoteric assistance and manipulations enforce the masters-slaves relationships with Greed and Fears in different secret societies where selected few are recruited.

  4. Communism to redistribute the Wealth and Power back to the people who actually provide sweat (human resources), but in the control of a violent dictator or a few having all kinds of Grasp-er and Grasped, eloquent in the art of rhetoric having nothing to do with actual Living while engaging in cunning intelligence and violence of black societies. People have no concrete incentive in personal efforts and aspirations from innovative human capital.

  5. Ethical distribution of Wealth and Power in the cheating game of Divinity and higher Laws, having esoteric influence and organization who have the same issues of Not Knowing Oneself and the Essence of the Right Living as many others.

  6. The new World Order (NWO) of legal laws and resources controlled by a few and enforced by one World government to hide the ignorance of master-slave relationships that destroy both the slaves and the masters having esoteric influences with different agendas.

  7. Neo-communism with or without esoteric agendas in the form of black societies attracted people through Utopia/Greed and Violence as forms of enforcing control and/or family lineage having master-slave esoteric support to carry out their divisional myopic agenda. There is no outside-the-box in the Change Dynamics of the 'Thing As it Is'.

The Numbers 4, 5 and 7 to ethically redistribute the wealth and power back to the people are very significant to former communist countries such as Vietnam, China, former part of the Soviet Union, and Islam countries practically exploring the 'Beyond-Thought' substance of Being, moving from the dictatorship and feudal systems to market economy in the Normative Social Direction where bribery and official corruptions are major issues to destroy what are actually owned by the country without any sustainable value-add to opportunities and potentialities in the actual living of the people.

The number 6 from selected groups driven by the three esoteric forces is also significant since the selected persons - despite past esoteric influences - still have their own Conscience and Not 100% controlled by the collapsed dark forces. We think they all know the responsibility of one's action and its consequences in thousands years of Consciousness-Evolution to have appropriate action in the distributions of Wealth.

That appropriate action boils down to two simple things based on the natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes:

  1. the Quality of one's Consciousness, and

  2. the Inner Circle and circles of inner circles one wishes to be a part now and in the future in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

Applying the above proposed financial and management model, one rides on natural laws in the Invisible / Helping Hand of Positive and Normative Economics with tremendous power to mobilise human/capital resources, and distributed diversities to make things happened. It is for the benefits of One and the Whole to optimise the resources one cannot carry on in longer views of one's Continuity of the Consciousness in the Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings .

It is applicable to both Individual and Group structures ranging from personal microeconomics to national macroeconomics to Global economy within one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles where one's priority and comparative advantages change with time to fit into appropriate level of one's Actuality, to be useful and productive at any one's instant Present Moment. In that sense, the same model and pattern are applicable where individual Living Organism is extended to be responsible and part of a community vibrant ecosystems with sustainable Created Values, whether that community is a family, a [ GsLp (Global service Local presence) / ThankYou ] club, a work group, a professional association, a region, a country, or the World.

Sweat and Capital are human and capital resources to make things concretely happened for the benefits of One and the Whole riding on proven process of Inner Order to Outer Order of a vibrant Living Organism due to Right Relationships in one's Continuity of the Consciousness: Dependent Nature, Transparency, Accountability, Modern Technologies, Invisible / Helping Hands of #Prajna and Economics, Best Governance, Lasting Values according to Natural Laws. That 'Right Relationship' is based on the two fundamental laws of 'Thing As It Is': (1) Dependent Nature where one is only a part of the Whole and the Whole in One manifested via visible ComPassion, and (2) Reflection to #PrajnaTIP to actually know the first part far beyond thought to inject the #Prajna (Wisdom) of 'Being' into the 'Doing' of all activities. In that way, capital is an accepted mean of Exchange between parties, whether that accepted mean of exchange is US dollar, Euro, gold, etc.

Many have looked at 'In God We Trust' on US dollar as a form of deceit that may result in military action to wipe out the debts of actual hard-earned resources. In the Right Relationship, intelligence - for Transparency, Accountability, Modern Technology, Invisible / Helping Hand of Economics, Best Governance - is a part of one's Awareness to know more about oneself and the environment one a part to be fully responsible for the 'ethical' community living organism. Thousands years of imposter / saboteur / cheater darkness is effortlessly cleaned up under the light of #Awareness from Compassion and #Prajna. There is no blind and binding/clinging 'Faith that moves the mountain'[Mathew 17:20] but "Trust" at the bottom-line actual deliverability of worthy Right Relationships in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles.

It is an Actual Possibility when one realizes that every Effort which is cultivable is a step either closer to the 'Right Living / Effort' driven by '#Prajna' or 'Sufferings' driven by 'Ignorance / Not according to underlying natural laws'(Table 2). This revolutionary solution is based on outside-the-box deep #Awareness of accountability in one's action and the environment one a part at the lowest factor of individual Volition / Freewill that drives one's actions whose aggregates make up the aggregate accountable and transparent culture on top of legal and social aspects to externally enforce the transparency and accountability in the functional system.

The possible outcome is in Higher Consciousness having wider perspective of a Worthy Existence embedded in all involved parties to be fully responsible for one's action and the environment one a part. There are innumerable activities and innumerable personal patterns, so there are innumerable deep and wide applications that may be sustainable even beyond one's life time once the process of being outside the boxes, freely accessing Higher Consciousness, is available and easily reproducible by most persons, similar to applications of electricity once electricity is affordable and readily available.

To 'Know Oneself' involves the scientific 'How' and the reproducible 'What' equipped with 'Consciousness Switches' to directly access higher "Transcendental Consciousness" (Detachment, Tranquility, Equanimity, Purity), "Cosmic Consciousness" (Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness) and "Unity" (Sunyata Non-Thingness, Border line of conditioned and unconditioned, momentary End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana) as shown in Table 4: Achievable Attributes in daily Activities with (1) #PrajnaTIP in Sound and Aspiration, (2) #PrajnaTIP in Kindness and deeper Stability in Sunyata, (3) Cultivable #Prajna in Activity of Expanding Space beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought.

3. Technical Singularity

Due to innate "[ Freewill / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God from Within / Latin Humanitas ]" of a naturally qualified person you can change the quality of your consciousness and the environment you are a part. Due to tainted senses and "Who you are" in human [ IamX / Charter of Fundamental Rights - Article 3 - Right to integrity of the person ] to be enforcreable in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations via "Rule of Law" is more than a Simulation since (1) the environment of your present reality is the result of your "Quality of (the identified / your) Consciousness" via Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction, and also evolving according to natural laws, (2) Your "Vision" and present attitude can be changed by Freewill in "Change Management" toward What most Relevant and Count[R23]. The "Simulation" and 100% predetermined by a "Higher Mind" as exposed next in Inter-Reamls Competitions and Influences is an esogteric cheating process created by the most evil Father God / original Buddha causing tremendous Sufferings in 100,000+ man-years and total collapse of their feudal systems according to underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes whose specific details have been sufficiently DISCOVERED and SHARED pioneered by dedicated explorers such as Gotama, HuiNeng, etc, to open a new Era of Conscious Living where all intelligent beings are "Accountable creators" and parts of the "Responsible Creation".

There are underlying Natural Laws that we call "Moral" Value of the values to be discovered and shared in Making Life Easier and Happier due to the Dependent Nature of Existence. You are the creator, in part discover and in part create the Real You and the environment you are a part[R10]. The fourth industrial revolution with its Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computer pushes the need of higher consciousness whose Foundation is Empathy, via the above "off-on switches" innate within all naturally qualified people, distant away from duality conflicting events to high above on the plane of "#Oneness /# Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" for a wider perspective of Right Effort. Technical Singularity is possible in both Normative Intelligence and directed Positive Intelligence toward the Right Direction of What Count[R23].

The Right Understanding and Right Motivation at deeper level come directly from a hidden Buddhist contribution, called Detachment. What we need are: (1) theoretical foundation of Detachment which is the first Gotama's Jhana[D29], and achievable via the [ four Boundless Qualities of the Mind / Brahmavihara / TỨ VÔ LƯỢNG TÂM ] at the highest level (upekkhā - tâm xả) for the next cycle of Complex Fibonacci Evolution graphically presented at minute 6:25, (2) other stages of meditation[D30] up to the mountain-top momentary End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana achievable within a human body, (3) no chasm between Buddhist Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only since there is a "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" Awareness within the duality existence such as Kindness / Empathy, (4) realisation of the Heart Sutra[R2] at different depths of [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác ] to understand the "Right" at different levels of the modified Eightfold Path.

"Right Understanding (due to utter Silence from #Samadhi or states of #Prajna) and Right Motivation (due to stock of #Prajna or the utility of #Samadhi)" for a "Right Effort"

in all human activities covers both (1) inner cultivation for deeper state via HuiNeng [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] { "to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental-Inner-Peace is #Samadhi } or Gotama [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22] from Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace of "Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" deepen with "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent at different Signed Posts", and (2) outer manifestations of Right Speech, Rich Action, Right Livelihood having higher quality of inner Consciousness such as the [ Conscience >< Kindness >< Empathy >< #Prajna >< Joy >< Detachment ] where "cultivable #Prajna" empowers people on the right footing of human rights to direct duality existence toward What Count at the bottom line of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes from the true explorers / practitioners in all activities and relationships.

That "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" are correct / appropriate driving forces in all activities and aspects of all life styles - ranging from the life of a grown-up at all school grades to Ph.D. student, a recluse, a factory worker, a small merchant, a business / community leader, an intellectual, a diplomat, a political leader, etc. It is a sine qua non of Conscious Living, an outcome of "Detachment" having natural Intensity-of-Attention to enable an Insight from "the Source, the nameless Tao, the Self Nature, the Perfected Nature, the Ultimate (Wider) #Truth, the Kingdom of God from Within, Latin Humanitas" floating up which can happen in any incidence or activity where consciousness is a part. That conscious dynamic living is totally different from a narrow scope of "retarded living" based on concentration to narrow and keep the "infinite thoughts" in checked, advocated in Buddhist blah blah blah meditations, riding on the word "Right Mindfulness" known by Gotana at transcendental levels[D26] that most monks/nuns do not know nor have since they cannot even pass the second stage of Gotama's "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict".

Being a person, one's stream of consciousness is already equipped with sufficient "#Prajna" for Right Understanding and Right Motivation. Esoterically, it is also influenced by entities in higher realms who must work according to natural laws just like "man" and the environment. Man has proven processes in "enforceable impersonal "self" regulations of the diversities where democratic processes are enforceable by the mass wisdom of Accountable Creators and a part of the Responsible Creation" which affect all participants. The past middle realms of Buddhas, Gods, Allah, and their family lineages - driven by Greed, Anger, Ignorance - used their known Consciousness Technologies in "Wrong Efforts", causing unnecessary Sufferings in their own realms and humanity, leading to the master-slave cheating game of Greed implemented by Fear of one life time in monotheism. Many have been degenerated to the point of below human level for the mother nature to neutralize their steaming forces. It is now their time to (1) learn something from humanity for preventing the past horrible mistake of 60,000+ man-years in tremendous Sufferings for all involved parties, and (2) collaborate with human radio technologies on the statistically significant technical processes to be "out of the doldrum of unneccessary Dukkha" according to underlying natural laws raised by Gotama and integrated by KhaiPhong opeing a new vista of DISCOVERING and SHARING where one "Right Effort" can be built on the communities' "statistically significant Right Effort". The chance of a New Era in Harmonious Living is approaching reality for the benefits of all involved parties [ the Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] since (1) once the Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna is well established at more than 8% of the population, the Responsible Creation will be sustainable in Rule-of-Law from "#Honesty & #Care Accountable creators" forming an "Invisible Hand of #Prajna Dialectic" to guide the community developoments toward What Count, (2) this writer IS the Head of a family lineage (the LaoTzu Lineage similar to The Duong, The Morgan) of the New Dragon Realm - he determines to change the past autocratic feudal system into a stable self-sustainable StakeHolders Democratic System where fundamental Right from humanity upward will be adapted according to underlying natural laws of that esoteric environment, (3) the new King of the Dragon realm and some Heads of other Family Lineages are closely associated and known by the writer who will convince them to do likewise since one is ONLY a part of the WHOLE, and [ Together / Bình Đẳng ] we will establish a stable "Law & Order" on Fair-Trade table from humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness of the claimed "IamX using quantum-bit cryptography" on secret key according to underlying natural laws set up at the best environment optimal for evolution from Diversities >< #Oneness. Since there are wide ranges of evolutions, so do the patterns of fact-based epistemic objectives from [ Diversities >< #Oneness ]. Under the natural influences of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes, the family Lineage may be the first staring point for protecting and nurturing those connected together of similar patterns. The security system and "rule-of-law" for "protecting and nurturing" its members go to different levels transcending Realms of Existence, starting at human level of SoC (System on Chips).

That is why Gotama started from everyone's quality of the consciousness - a minimum axiom of Worthy Living - in his modified Eightfold Path for further evolution that most monks / nuns are failed due to their "Pride" and "Delusion" of religious leaders having No real contribution at the bottom line, being slaved to their esoteric self-hallucinated masters (Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats or whatever the name you want to invent), falling far below current scientific quests of Human Nature and its Relations to Human Rights. The quests have significant implications on both legal and Natural Sciences at international and inter-realms levels where the Science of the Consciousness - built on top of precious discoveries from past dedicated explorers mostly contributed from Buddhist hidden treasures - can significantly contribute in Making Life Easier and Happier. We implement the can-do positive side of #Prajna, illustrated at minute 6:25 and the engineering feed forward and feed backward control system from KhaiPhong for a breakthrough in Ignorance of Cunning Intelligence at minute 7:00 of the video to positive Fibonacci evolution. It has been corrupted to below the negative side of humanity tainted senses driven by monk / nun opportunists who dare not go beyond their confined suffering box while boosting their "blah blah blah unique way to liberation in binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought", putting their own garbage in Gotama's mouth.

The Latin "humanitas" has three meanings: the biological existence of the species, the broader sense of the various moral concepts of Enlightenment humanism, and the idea of humans’ inherent ability to have compassion for other humans. It implies that human beings function under the law and have Rights as humans or Human Rights. In our proposed Science of the Consciousness with deliverable technologies for heavy-lifting, the "broader sense of the various moral concepts of Enlightenment humanism" is Not any more a concept at thought level of divisional conflicting moral values enforced by all organised religions and "isms", but an Actuality - beyond Word / Image / Thought - that can be observable, testable and achievable. Thought is a mean to point to something precious within the reach of humanity. It opens up a new vista of Kindness (Samaritan) and Empathy (Love) which is beyond thought but framed by the evil Roman Catholic Church for its doctrine to violently execute all those who dare to go beyond its hearsay which had generated counter actions in both forms of "religions" and "isms".

The underlying natural laws shed much meaning on the way to Selfless from the Self to beyond the Self blah blah blah by most Intelligent Beings from humanity upward that force them always on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, ignorant about the No-Conflict Consciousness innately available from inside their Beings. Here is a brief outline to be deeply and widely exposed at the right time together with fact-based epistemic objective #FourFoldTruth. From within the Self, the rational "Inspiration" of Doing Good in the habit of Kindness and Empathy will trigger the Higher "Aspiration" where the "Self - No Effort / Effortless - is Silent / Detached" to enable the disturbance of vibration dying down to its source transcending both the vibration of the Observed and the Observer toward Nothingness. That outside-the-box beyond conditioned thoughts toward "Thing As It Is" is Only the beginning due to stagnation caused by the current Buddhism in its 2500+ years of turning upside-down Gotama discoveries. Under the "Science of the Consciousness" - initially contributed if the time is Right by identified living students - the KhaiPhong with its specialisations under #PrajnaTIPs of deliverable technologies to Transcend both Observed and the Observer of sustainable innumerable activities of What Count[R23]. There are enough qualified living students making up a quorum to train the trainers in certified Equanimity Mind and Purity Mind for sustainable resources in widening and deepening the Science of the Consciousness with or without the initial qualified Counselors.

#Prajna is a light and Ignorance is a darkness which does not actually exist. Ignorance (Avijja) is only a veil tainted by your outdated marks and unwholesome desires leading toward unnecessary sufferings. You cannot destroy the darkness with another darkness of your current "conditioned mess", no matter who you are. But with a light from your innate [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Humanitas ] at the lowest level of Conscience in the Right and Unworthy, the darkness will be effortlessly disappeared. This is a wide opening door - from current darkness to accessible light - waiting for those who have the courage to change themselves, or impersonally wiped out in the degeneration according to natural law as fully explained by Gotama in terms of light oil floating up at the surface of water or heavy rock sinking to the bottom where no rituals from degenerated monks / priests / nuns can make a difference even for themselves[D32]. If there is a difference, then there is an external force to be scrutinized for its underlying motives and possible dark forces to teach them a lesson of Self Respect and Respect Others.

In Agent of Changes we prove that [ Kindness and Empathy ] form a solid foundation for one's Right Effort - driven by Right Understanding and Right Motivation - in all activities. It (1) provides favourable environment for one and the surrounding community evolution as one vibrant intelligent living organism, (2) enables hand-on opportunities for one's cultivation in sensing complex interactions between one and the environment at any moment, (3) assure supporting and sustainable communities wherever one happens to be. Mathematically, we show [ Kindness and Empathy ] naturally enable one on the common line between duality plane of conflicting consciousness and the No-Conflict consciousness plane required for seeing Thing-As-It-Is as illustrated in Figure 2. It is the required trait [ #KindnessEmpathy ] to enable one transcending the #Indoctrination, #Veiled, #Influenced of all isms to be a natural #Balanced person for required higher traits via #Intuition. The #Awareness of these types is also a breakthrough in evolution of below humanity to humanity level capable to be Aware of Tranquility, Equanimity and Purity states known by Gotama in his first four Jhanas[D29].

[ Kindness and Empathy ] is in the foundation for the manifestations of the above described aesthetic processes such as (1) dissolving the contents, (2) breaking the Relative #Truth to the Ultimate (Wider) #Truth, (3) accessing the source of Perfected Nature / Latin Humanitas / the kingdom of God - Allah in Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness for rejuvenation and reborn from stressful activities

Those having the opportunities to know more about themselves in "[ Kindness and Empathy ]" - just like the Good Samaritan[R16] mentioned in only one of the Canonical gospels, but the most significant factor accepted by almost all Christians or None-Christians - need to appreciate the position they are in since they cannot carry the material wealth beyond current life time. What will stay with them is the Quality of the Consciousness that can be changed only at the Presence via the impact of Living and Doing which impresses on the seventh (equivalent to CPU) and eighth Consciousness (equivalent to data storage) layers according to Buddhist Consciousness-Only in exposing the Nature of Thing-As-It-Is according to the working of Natural laws. It is "Not the Grace" exposed in masters-slaves relationships to inflate one's ego - including God's Ego since all manifestations must be changed at Planck time proven by the second law of thermodynamics - that causes significant degeneration of many highly evolved beings we esoterically know in the Illuminati Elites and their esoteric bosses of the boss all the way to the top degenerated level duly treated according to underlying natural laws.

Once the inner "[ Kindness and Empathy ]" is conjoined with the "Righteousness or #Prajna which induces Morality and Justice according to underlying natural laws in the direction of What Count" one's decisions are mostly "Right" driven by Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path. Only when members of any community reaching a critical mass of 1% to 8% (Fibonacci F6 = 8 @ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác in engaged Living) have this "Cultural Right" - capable to sense the driving force behind one's Volition to properly manage one's Realities - the "Human Rights according to Natural Laws" can be sustainable as stated in the first Fundamental Principle[R7] from Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4]: "Kindness and Empathy once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties". It is the realisation of "the Good Samaritan"[R16] first suggested by Jesus without depending on any external force since each intelligent being is only one part of the whole.

In fact, this is an integrating technology to be introduced from #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, using favourable conditions of "[ Kindness and Empathy ]" to generate infinite "wormholes" to short cut the routes to different levels of higher consciousness[R1]. It is different from the serial process personally verified by Gotama's in his nine stages of absorption, and does not require any formal environment for meditation, practical in daily activities for both normative and positive outcomes of What Count[R23]. Even the "Effort" may not be quite Right, the Right Motivation is there to timely and dynamically adjust the process due to Right Understanding and the #Prajna guiding light.

In the reversed evolution from form to consciousness, one will find out that one is more than just observable manifestations - beyond all observed such as Health, Wealth, Power, Abundance, Sickness, Unfortunate, Misfortune - commonly known as the "Soul" or the unique bundle of consciousness, responsible for the quality of one's existence and the environment one a part due to the Dependent Nature of existence. In this discovery on the nature of Mind one can unravel the hidden potentialities commonly known as the sixth sense - a part of one's Intuition - and seventh sense via #Prajna, capable to get the "Pulse" of complex situation and possible optimal outcome to be influenced in "Making Life Easier and Happier" for one and the environment with lasting value for many generations to come as actually demonstrated by Vạn Hạnh and Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1]. These are the frontier in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.

The "Natural Purification" must come from 'Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness' having "Detachment" before entering the Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict to make sure that past mistakes of grasping the aesthetic state either via Faith or Miracle / Siddhi from the left brain will not happen. It is HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna having "No-Mark" once the action is completed whether its outcome is happy, miserable, or neutral. It is also the quality of "Dissolving" shared by Krishnamurti[R6.3] via Intensity of Attention. It is different from ET[R20] technology of "Choosing Realities" or from Infinite Though Bodhisattva[D49] of never ending chatting mind. The Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace moves toward Sunyata Non-Thingness, making happened the "rejuvenation and reborn of all things", enabling "Life Easier and Happier" wherever one happens to be.

"Technical Singularity in Right Understanding and Right Motivation" can grow very fast to catch up with "Technical Singularity in Artificial Intelligence (AI)" by riding on well-established scientific processes from physical sciences in the Wholesome Change Management to direct AI toward What Count[R23] "From people, By people, and For people". It is possible thanks to digital technologies such as user-facing mu, Neural Graph Database db, custom ai, custom EIP (Executive Information Portal), and innumerable injected microservices from communities in DISCOVERING and SHARING what actually experienced and worked for oneself. The project starts at well established pharmaceutical and medical processes to statistically test significant contributions of discovered "secret sauces" in above Vertical Switches in different environments of selected activities for different types of people, etc. The secret sauces - via #PrajnaTIP in Sound, Tantra, Aspiration, Compassion, Detachment, #PrajnaTIP in Kindness - are innate in qualified persons defined in Latin humanitas. They have been poked into or will be discovered by dedicated explorers at different angles of cultures, philosophies, religions and sciences in Making Life Easier and Happier.

It is now bearing fruits in discovering the Plane of #Truth connecting any particular event to the cross-cut column of energy of [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Humanitas ] accessible by all qualified living persons leading to the enforceable meaning of Human Rights. The outcome of this accessibility to the Universal "Moral" Value of the value is measurable at the bottom line of Right or Wrong Effort. It is Universal since it is based on discovered natural laws operating in Duality Consciousness (Relative Truth) and in No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] or Ultimate (Wider) #Truth. It is "Moral" due to the normative Right or Wrong in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The recorded side effects and their proper treatments are integrated parts of the studies. Our technical tools are intended to make these processes economically sustainable and growing where humanity does not have to start from square one.

4. Inter-Realms Competitions and Influences

Mankind has walked and evolved on this Earth for many humdreds thousands of years, learning and doing through observations, testing and implementing to make life Easier and Happier. In this Quest, one has matured from a 'slave' for different forms of Natural Forces, Centralized Totalitarian Power and Personal Glorification to understand scientific facts operating behind natural forces, and the Dependent Nature of Existence to the current form of fundamental Human Rights to be protected as defined in Latin Humanitas (Biology having Compassion and #Prajna). Long before mankind on this Earth, intelligent beings from other planets such as Mars have evolved into different realms, lumped as Esoterics (the video was deleted) since the core of their technologies is consciousneous. Due to a very long degeneration - many 100,000+ man years - in negative Fibonacci of cheating, stealing and cunning intelligence from the culture of Gread and Fears of bullying animal kingdoms, the feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods was totally collapsed by the end of 2012 up to 2025 in their failed attempts to create the Third World War to destroy 90% human population and enslave humanity. The remaining parts of these collapsed systems have been separated into the (1) Esoterics controlling (2) human past isms and religions, and (3) different ET groups having their representatives in current humanity such as Elon Musk (the quoted video was removed) and Bill Gates thanks to their comparative advantages in Technical Singularity.

The practical understanding of underlying natural laws behind consciousness technologies has moved from higher realms to humanity, first scientifically explored [ "Born" ] by Gotama of India, moved to practical China [ "Germinated" ] but facing the centralized power of Confucius in its cheating [ "Mandated from Heaven Son of God" ] rather than the Dignity of Humanity where each one can be a unique creator and a part of the Responsible Creation in the mass consciousness of the Whole. Integrating Buddhist consciousness technologies with Chinese innate Culture spreaded to other countries such as VietNam, Korea, and Japan, etc. There, the consciousness technologies were [ "Grown" ] distintively in Japan while mixing with distinct traits from Korea and VietNam to be ready in mixing with Western modern sciences to be [ "Maturated" ] in the World. Hopefully, VietNam can be the driving force - of this New Era of Universal Morality (Kỷ Nguyên Thánh Đức) according to underlying Natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED - due to (1) VN unique strength of Intuition and Rationality located at a very strategic geo-political area capable to balance international conflicting forces in a Harmonious Melting Pot of Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, and (2) the reincarnations of many highly qualified unique streams of consciousness as Vietnameses spreading all over the World bringing conflicting forces on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to the Higher Level of No-Conflict consciousness from Humanity upward, (3) the ready Integration with KhaiPhong 50+ years of field researches as uniquely demonstrated in this book starting from a small Vietnamese-Canadian Inner Circle in one's Continuity of the consciousness life-after-life, realm-after-realm to self-assure that one can always be evolving from humanity upward.

Elites of the three groups have ONLY a glimpse of something - naturally available from humanity upward - beyond conflicting duality consciousness where they are competing within themselves and exploiting others. Within humanity, that something beyond from consciousness technologies has been handed down from past civilizations and Christian mystics modernly known as Vertical Causation by Dr. Wolfgang Smith and Not-Self from Gotama with its well-known Search for the Emptiness / Tâm Không touched by dedicated explorers BUT blah blah blah in entire 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism to sabotage Gotama's DISCOVERIES, and Finally the degenerated past feudal systems physically manifested in humanity (the video was deleted), Shamelessly Boosting / the Desctiption IS NOT the Described / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy even more than 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] - from many life-times unworthy people that "Inter-Realms Cultures of Cheating and Stealing" are exposing themselves in (1) Russia-Ukraine war, (2) an Empire of Lies from Feudalism to Capitalism and Communism, (3) and up to 2025 100% evidenced in VietNam with the Realities of Vạn Thịnh Phát, Việt Á, Chuyến bay giải cứu and recently Vinfast, etc, from 100+ years Chinese and 75+ years Vietnamese communist mafias bullying and cheating Vietnamese people But the World will Not Be Stupid to buy their painted cakes, just like buying 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and the latest blah blah blah of esoteric cheaters rendered by Natural Laws to far below human standards of Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Prajna). There is No scientifically proven theoretical framework nor scientific implementations to make that "Emptiness / Tâm Không" a "#Truth or fact-based epistemic objective" in Making Life Easier and Happier for all intelligent beings from humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness, making happened the Vision of being the "Campus of the World #Prajna / Vườn Ươm của Trí Huệ Thế Giới" .

Please force them to expose What They Know about "Chánh Nguyên Dương Chánh Nguyên Âm / Right Original Yang Right Original Yin" / KHAI NGAI MẸ NGỰ (the video was deleted) and bring their deliverable practical outcomes of "Không / Non-Thingness / Gotama's 7th Jhana"[D30] to the "Right and Wrong / Thế Nào Là (Biết / Scientific Process) Làm Chân Chánh từ cái Không" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness that we will statistically prove in Figure 2. It is exactly as we publicly challenge all of "claimed Buddhas / Gods / Allah" including Thái Thượng Lão Quân (Tai Shang Laojun / 太上老君) from 2022-01-18 minute 2:41. Responding against the evil acts of Roman Catholic Church, sciences have been explored in the past few hundred years the inner most core of physical world and detect another dimension known as the "Observer Effect" to nail down the dynamic interactions of the "Observed and Observer / Yin and Yang / Âm Dương" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness that the entire form-realms from the level of Dragons down to Humanity and below are continuously circulating in the vicious circle of evolution then degeneration mathematically shown in Complex Fibonacci sequence at minute 7:00 without Knowing WHY according to Underlying natural laws called "Natural Laws / Qui Luật" / 2022-02-12 PHÁP GIỚI BIỂU ĐỒ TỔNG QUÁT (the video was deleted) as evidenced in the total collapse of the past feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods without Knowing WHY. The event must be learned by the New Responsible Groups from humanity upward that this writer publicly challenges the revealed "#Truth" behind the "Chinese Confucius" and the "Hoax of Jesus Redeemer" still blah blah blah with the philosophies of the two Clashed Civilizations from the the Inter-Realm degenerated animals manifested in humanity (the video was deleted). It must not happen again in a Lesson Learned from Too Big to Fail!

Personally knowing all Gotama's DISCOVERIES, augmented with deeper Vertical Causation than Jesus and HuiNeng's [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ ], plus modern scientific knowledge at post-doctoral level, living students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle (1) put up a theoretical framework for later investigations and empirical verifications consistent with advanced knowledge of known Intelligent Beings from humanity upward via (1.1) nine reported Gotama's Jhanas / Emptiness / Samadhis[D26], [D29], [D30] rearranged into six Signed Posts as the deepest parts of meditations known up to 2025 in positive "Vertical Causation", (1.2) together with the negative "Vertical Causation" from cunning intelligence of degenerated beings (without Knowing WHY due to tainted senses) representing in the Y-dimension, (1.3) deeper than Jesus Know-How by breaking the driving forces of Faith into the Right of Aspiration and the Wrong of Greed and Fears to Harmoniously Unite all organized religions into the Science of KhaiPhong, (1.4) deeper than HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm having DISCOVERED scientific process to naturally #EmptyTheContent for detoxifying tainted senses and verifying the positive Vertical Signed Posts PLUS seven Layered No-Conflict consciousness in X-dimension orthogonal to the duality Plane of conflicting consciousness, (1.5) two different cycles of [ evolution then degeneration Not Knowing WHY and How to Transcend the duality Plane of Conflicting consciousness of Yin-Yang ] or [ Right Evoluion ] according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED from Complex Fibonacci Numbers, (1.6) lumping all other relevant attributes into eight layers of scientifically cultivable InnerSpace for the manifestation of KhaiPhong three Haves [ #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã ] versus Huineng's Three Nots, (1.7) possible Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations of all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward in #Prajna Dialectic [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ], (2) can reverse engineering their actual Know-Hows with the Help from armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers from relevant fields in the new Science of normative intelligence to direct the positive intelligence of custom AI toward What Count in the people-centered Society, (3) kick start the New Era of scientifically cultivable #Prajna / Bát Nhã to enable breakthroughts in all domains and fields "From people, By people, and For people".

We observe Not all members of the degenerated systems are 100% corrupted and will scientifically work with those claimed to know "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định" { "to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana (Thiền), and to attain Transcendental-Inner-Peace is #Samadhi" } via "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" toward Non-Thingness, "Then What" to collaborate in the integration of both radio and consciousness technologies beneficial to all involved parties. That Dependent Nature is not only among themselves but with the entire World and the Cosmos in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations. One sees the same Inner Quest for Worthy Existence and Greed / Ignorance from other intelligent Realms. Some have used Humanity as a playground[R13.1], [R20] (as men have used animals for all kinds of unnecessary Sufferings) for their experiments, competitions and influences through the 'first layer of their slaves' appointed to key positions for maintaining their Centralised Power in all forms of organised religions and 'isms' that have nothing to do with Actual Living which is 'Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings'.

In this struggling, one has regained the "Dignity of Worthy Existence" with discovered Unique Ingredients of the Right Living / Effort to show the masters the solution for their Painful Pattern (Dukkha) based on Greed and Fears directed by Ignorance that they themselves reap the ethical consequences of the Action according to Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction. These ingredients are (1) the innate [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ] in intelligent being capable to know the Right and Unworthy / Conscience expanding beyond Empathy for a breakthrough in Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh relevant to the present moment, (2) the invisible / helping hand of normative economics and accountable democratic process to avoid abused power imposed on the mass from one dictator or a group of selected leaders, (3) sound / light and consciousness technologies to directly access Fresh No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] from conflicting existence. It is the individual Volition / Freewill / Sankhara either driven by Ignorance or #Prajna that in aggregate make up the Living Ecosystem, not the centralised Social Order and/or doctrinal Faith imposed on the individual in 'one size fits all'.

One is entangled in the entanglements (unnecessary and outdated Marks) of [ forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness ] that drive one's Volition / Freewill into Action, either toward a higher ground due to #Prajna (Freewill and Compassion) to sense signals from the senses and the state of one's Being in one's optimal conditions (Figure 3) or more into Sufferings due to Cunning or Ignorance (Table 2 of Causes and Effects). Knowing more about oneself from the [ source / driving force ] of thought with an honest aspiration being a Good (kindness) Person (Samaritan) transcending all 'isms', one can use Right Transcendental #Awareness in Consciousness Simulation to see 'Thing As It Is' one's Realities such as excessive sex, uncontrollable urges, fears, phobia, undesirable patterns, etc, to enable the Realities manageable, and pounding the Right Transcendental #Awareness on the dominant issue to enable #Prajna 'dissolve it', exactly as the Gotama's answer to Ajita's Questions[D22]:

Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent (toward Non-Thingness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved
— Answer to Ajita's Questions

There are proven scientific processes rapidly changing for most to personally verify the statement from 2025 onward due to Consciousness Evolution. Let's assume (1) you can clearly sense and know the driving forces behind the signals - such as a sexual drive, an urge to commit a crime, a fear, etc - from the senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) including feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness, you then (2) clearly know the States and Stock of your Being / Consciousness so you can rationally know the Right and Unworthy act - satisfying the unworthy desire or managing the signals - to properly allocate your Normative Resources at the present moment. This "Awakening / Tỉnh Thức" is known as [ "Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / Chinese Wu-Nien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong #Awareness" ]. Past unworthy people painted these assumptions and utopia of their religions / isms to be masters of what they don't know nor have that through scientific cultivation, you (among 8% human population) will know first hand. Combining the two assumptions together you can optimally choose 'the battle / activities and relationships' - career development, business / marriage proposal, entertainments, travellings, etc - in this present Worthy Existence.

The above two assumptions (1) knowing the driving force - the source of your thought - behind the Volition / Freewill, and (2) knowing the "states" and "stock" of your being, plus (3) opening your potentiality are deliverable targets of KhaiPhong in Making Life Easier and Happier by combining both Consciousness and AI (Artificial Intelligence). Once you have your 'Heart' and 'Mind' settled on the potentiality of this 'Soft Power', you can make a good living based on your [Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital] to facilitate others achieving their potentialities as you know How that your 'Soft Power' Vision may last even beyond present life time. The spread of that 'Soft Power' or to 'Know Oneself' extends to community, country, the World and Beyond to change oneself and the surroundings in the Normative Economics of [ Inner Order >< Outer Order ] in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The driving force of [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] naturally solves both the efficient and ethical questions of macro economics where resources naturally flow to the most productive driving forces to generate Wealth and Happiness for others while the 'Hearts' of main stakeholders automatically direct them toward the Friendly and Compassionate Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings, directing GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and GNP (Gross National Product based on National Income) toward GNH (Gross National Happiness) in changing "both the patterns and behaviours of productions and consumption" toward What Count[R23].

In the evolution from Consciousness to Forms and back to Higher Consciousness of Worthy Existence, there are two major hurdle one has to overcome: duality in Forms (represented by male/female) and in Abstraction (represented in Binding Word/Image, Clinging Thought, and general Grasper / Grasped) in one's entanglements preventing Right Transcendental #Awareness to see 'Thing As It Is' for a possible Right Action. Techniques to move from Forms back to Higher Consciousness that transcend duality to reach the 'Unity' of Consciousness have been developed, riding on six identified levels / ontological types (Signed Posts) verified by Gotama and current KhaiPhong living students scientifically proven to produce the cultivable "#Prajna" leading to ability of having (1) [ Conscience >< Justice >< Morality ] and (2) capable of sensing the [ counter part / event ] [ #Prajna >< True Intention >< Strategic Position ] for one's Right Effort. The technologies will be released at the right time and place with custom EIP / Executive Information Portal to manage Open-Resource Innovations of custom AI tool, a scientific implementation of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] and the "Right Understanding of Enlightenment" via connecting the dots from other value-added Prajnaparamita as the second, Madhyamaka as the third, Yogacara as the fourth, Tantra as the fifth, and this sixth turning wheel of dharma that brings together the Eastern Invisible Hand of #Prajna and Western Invisible Hand of Economics for current Challenges of the Right Society 5.0. In this process, you are both an accountable creator and part of the Responsible Creation in generating [ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ], [ Strategic Position / Địa Lợi ], [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa where you are a human (intelligent) asset in your Continuity of the identifiable Consciousness.

Referring to partial solutions such as Yoga and Qi Gong[R11], Tantra is one of these techniques using the most dominant force of this duality - sex - to partially solve the innate biological pattern. But Tantra - due to its physical union and/or thought projection - cannot arrive at Purity of Utter Silence preparing for No Thought in Expanding Space unless going through a special training - actually known by KhaiPhong living students - and applicable only to few selected people already advanced in energy sensing[R8]! It is best used to release sexual pressure as an Art while learning the mutual benefits of self-respect and respect others. We will have more to say about this below on the claimed 'Ultimate (Wider) #Truth' and Emptiness reached in the Highest Tantra[R14] Tantra: page 176, plus something more based on actual experience of a living student, knowing both the transformation of sexual juice to Chi with a human and esoteric partner in both physical reality and astral form, and the simulation technology to go beyond the clinging karmic force with an intimate partner then beyond sex. No Tibetan and Vajrayana monk can know this secret while most are addicted and cheat others for very unworthy living. If you are a monk wishing to challenge this statement, see if you can have No-Mark (Transcending the Observed) of both sexual and painful pleasure due to natural "Detachment" so you are not slaved to the senses and the self due to [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, #Prajna / Bát Nhã ].

Here is the Greatest Secret of Buddhist Tantra to manage one's sex drive, if it is correctly cultivated. It is a highly developed Art of Worthy Conditioned Existence, evolving from the principle of Self Respect and Respect Others (Dependent Nature) far beyond the Art of Courtship, Intimate Entertainment, and Actual Sex to the level of helping each others knowing more about one's six senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) and five entanglements (form, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness) to be beyond dominant karmic forces in one's Evolution of the Consciousness. The Art of Tantra has been tainted due to the practitioner's incapability of knowing the source of thought, Not Mindful enough to be Aware of the Grasper and the Grasped in using Sex as a tool for power struggle, then totally corrupted when passed to Vajrayana[R13.1] of required stronger sensations in the Grasper and the Grasped. It is important to have Right Relationships in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles since the 'Buddha Nature' is Innate in every person and intelligent beings.

Without being fully Aware of the Grasper and the Grasped via Right Transcendental #Awareness to make one's Reality manageable and overcome the Dominant Issue with #Prajna at the Intensity of Attention point, Tantra - intended to solve a Natural Need of evolution through species - has been further degenerated due to the Grasper and the Grasped from Ignorance and Greed to stronger form of sensations. It then rides on Gotama's defects in Design - Build - Execution for personal gratifications, being unworthy people according to modern norms. Under KhaiPhong, Tantra rides on biological need in evolution from Consciousness to Form, exploring one's energy and consciousness in interaction with another intimate partner in the Dependent Nature of raising both parties' energy and consciousness to higher levels of aesthetic states for passing the Gateway-to-Oneness reaching Equanimity level in enforcing Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness[D22]. It must be properly done Only After the evolution from Form back to Consciousness, passing the Gateway-to-Oneness and qualified by Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness, Not before as done by Buddhist Vajrayana and Tantra!

There is no difference whatsoever between sexual (most dominant) force and other dominant karmic forces such as Fears, Uncontrollable Urges, etc. The Consciousness Simulation applies this technique using the power of Right Transcendental #Awareness to disentangle the entanglement of one's dominant issue (Sex Addiction, Fear, Phobia, Uncontrollable Urge, etc) and #Prajna to dissolve them. Tantra is there because sexual karmic force is so deep just like a big rock barrier on one's stream of consciousness toward Freedom. From the four conducive activities leading to higher consciousness, Tantra must be at lower priority than [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định ]. Tantra can be used in conjunction of [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định ] to either Dissolve unworthy relationships and/or Cultivate the Worthy One for future close encounter of karmic forces since one's life can make or break due to the right or wrong intimate partner. The flow of one's consciousness needs to be like water, looking for the least resistant way toward its natural target of Innate Buddha Nature, while solving other more pressing issues in leveraging the Right Transcendental #Awareness and #Prajna to disentangle the five entanglements (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness).

The Zen Koan in Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace [ Everything I know is conditioned on duality plane of conflicting forces. A conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality As-It-Is. How can I See and Live 'Thing-As-It-Is' in a Worthy conditioned existence? ] is very important since it demands a Right Transcendental #Awareness to see through Not Only heavy mask of the Observed but also the veils of binding forces on oneself that may lead to the state of even not recognising one's true self. The solution of that "Koan" - serving as the guiding light for "Right Effort" is scientifically provided in the Heart Sutra[R2] that all practitioners can stand on their own feet to contribute and value add to the community knowledge base since they are observable, testable and reproducible at the known conditions, value added by the contributors which has not been happening up until 2025. We are intended to break this vicious circle of Buddhist tautologies and duality in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism.

Constant Right Trandcendental #Awareness from Detachment and Beyond Thought together with frequent Reflection (Bhavana) are important to keep one on the Right Track. The Wise tame themselves (Dhammapala verse 80 - attanam damayanti pandita): you are in part discover and in part create the Real You[R10]. This observation puts people the centres of all activities and relationships. The KhaiPhong KpPlatform having tools in both positive [ Neural Graph Database db, custom ai, etc, ] and normative [ #PrajnaTIPs ] intelligence together with NfP (Not-for-Profit) [ GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs) ] from AwakeningBudh Foundation are ready to turn this observation into reality, Making Life Easier and Happier - Knowing Your Raison D'être. That is why even before experiencing the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Kingdom of God within" through the Gateway-to-Oneness, the Right Transcendental #Awareness - qualified by Gotama as Equanimity from Detachment and concretely described by HuiNeng as #DhyanaSamadhi - to clearly know the signals from one's senses and the state of one's being for an optimal action relevant to one's present moment is the most practical. It is the process to activate one's Awakening Right Now in all daily activities, far beyond what known by most members of Buddhist monks and nuns, blah blah blah in non-transcendental Gotama's defective tools of "Mindfulness of breathing / Anapanasati"[D24] and "Satipatthana / Tứ niệm xứ"[D25] on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. Here comes the digital tool user-facing mu as your personal assistant in its two-way bulletin board between you and Internet of relevant and intelligent information to enable you as an accountable Creator in a part of Responsible Creation where you are the centre of all activities and relationships.

That constant Right [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ] can be easier once one has direct Experience of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent - the Inner Peace coming from #EmptyTheContent or Insight into the Emptiness - at different depths. Once the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace is known with a natural Guard against the Grasp-er and the Grasped, one can extend that direct experience in all activities as long as the basis of "Detachment" (Vô Trụ) has been mastered. It is deeper than 'chicken and egg' missed by most members of Buddhist communities in the past 2500+ years since:

  • we prove that one can start from the present moment of one's #Prajna (Right understanding and Right Motivation) - first at the rational level of "Kiến Tánh" epistemically known as "Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" then actually know it via Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien - and dig deeper into the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace and Right Transcendental #Awareness,

  • the modified Eightfold Path starts from #Prajna; do not turn it upside-down and falsely claim to be the gate keepers of the Buddhist Dharma which is Not a 'Right Livelihood' (You do not have #Prajna because you do not have enough the innate trait of #KindnessEmpathy for a breakthrough into a qualified persona capable to distinguish the moral Right and Wrong being #Balanced from the cheating, stealing, cunning and bullying degenerated entities of AnimalConsciousness exploiting you such as in all cheating isms and organized religions up to 2025; the description is Not the Described),

  • Gotama's 'Charter of Free Inquiry'[D22] and western 'Freewill / Conscience' start with #Prajna / Conscience to drive one's Volition (Sankhara).

This dynamic nature between "Right Effort" having "Self" and the "Not-Self" in "Oneness / God / Dharmakaya / Consciousness of the consciousness / Self Nature / Perfected Nature / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Verifiable Emptiness / Nameless Tao" has been summarized in the Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]

Chỉ sai hữu niệm quên vô niệm - Wrongly grasp a conditioned thought and miss the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict

In the wake of different esoteric religious movements, together with conspiracy theories leading to possible Consciousness Revolution, there have been tremendous efforts in the past 300 years toward a predicted reflection point at the end of 2012[R20] and onward. Parts of these connections have been exposed by others based on their deductions such as connecting the exoteric and esoteric dots in the Islamic Connection, searching for some meaning of the 'Redeemer' trap in the wake of irrefutable past acts against Humanity by the entire history of the Roman Catholic Church[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2]. Despite esoteric comparative advantages, we take scientific approach in observable, testable and reproducible of what beneficial and relevant to the present living, plus wider perspective of inter-realms relationships in one's continuity of the consciousness while "Making Life Easier and Happier". We use modern Ontology to clearly separate the "Truth" having some scientific value from false assumptions and models to cheat others toward the unworthy agenda.

In the followings, we try to connect esoteric dots as a possible angle of what may be significant to 'Know Oneself' in wider perspective. How much you accept the esoteric story does not matter. What does matter is to be beyond word / story / thought and used them as only tools for logical presentations until other more plausible explanation is available to enable explorer change oneself and help change the environment one a part. We try to present as closely as possible what we witnessed which could be very subjective. The story is quite a drama, beyond 'Journey to the West'[R4] talking about higher ruling classes and their competitions[D50], [D51], [R13.1], far more real than different series of science friction due to actual demonstrations and explanation directly from Extra Terrestrials (ET)[R20] and something far beyond that we do know[R20.1], while having more details about possible higher consciousness in both human and other intelligent realms.

Even more important than the dramatic events necessary for a wider perspective in the Essence of the Right Living / Effort is not only at the lesson learned, but also the significance at different depths of 'outside-the-box #Prajna simply and commonly known as (1) Beyond the Observed to have some upper hand in practical living and 'successful' in relative manifested existence, with (2) Beyond the Observer to apply that 'comparative advantage' of beyond the observed to all activities of existence to know its Dependent Nature and the Essence of the Right Living / Effort. Related to Figure 2, the comparative advantages of beyond the observed are noticeable in successful people from all fields of endeavour, including in higher God / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms of existence. But without 'Right Understanding' and 'Right Motivation' of Beyond the Observer in the Dependent Nature as the Essence of the Right Living / Effort, one may be very easily destroyed by one's own success, creating unnecessary Sufferings for one and all involved parties as we can commonly observe in most successful people, and esoterically in the leaders of the three degenerated esoteric forces that drove Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists. This Reality of Successful but Inner Disturbance / DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN and its breakthrough Solution in scientifically cultivable natural Inner Peace available from humanity upward open a New Door for creating "Equanimity Communities" by the "Haves and HaveNots" co-operative Efforts into "Stakeholders" having natural trait of "#KindnessEmpathy" as opportunities to upgrade their "Honesty & Care to a higher level of "TRUTH" for wider and deeper DISCOVERED underlying natural laws in one's Right Evolution Life-after-Life and Realm-after-Realm to self-assure one's quality of the consciousness from humanity upward.

There were two different opposing forces, riding on the 'Grasped' of the Jesus - tempted to be the Only Son of God - rewrote his life story differently in the Bible and Koran to serve their agendas[D8] based on their own assumptions: [Allah - The one and only God] versus [God or Yehowah / Yahweb]. Using formal Ontological System we show how "Allah" can pick up the weak points of "Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent God" to make the chain stronger to enslave others in their traps by eliminating the weak points of 'Redeemer' and 'Infallibility' that only in the last council to elect the present Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) on 13 March 2013, one Archbishop said the Almighty God should tell Jesus that Infallibility can only give to Angle(s), not man [ so the Hoax can last a little longer ]. From here one can see the differences between Islam and Christianity in the story of Jesus:

  1. While Christianity asserts that Jesus is both human and divine, Islam does not accept the belief in Jesus' divinity. Hence, while Christians worship Jesus, Muslims instead revere Jesus and believe in him as a prophet, using the Qur'an (not the Bible) as a reliable record of knowledge about Jesus;

  2. Although Christians believe that Jesus is the son of God, Muslims assert that God does not give birth and therefore has no son or children. God is not physical for Muslims; and hence for Muslims God cannot be a father.

  3. On the one hand, Christianity declares that Jesus was crucified. On the other hand, Islam asserts that it only seemed like Jesus was crucified, and that God miraculously "took him up to God, Himself."

  4. While Christianity asserts that Jesus died in order to redeem the original sin of mankind or human sins as a whole, Muslims do not believe in Jesus as a redeemer and saviour, since they do not believe in original sin and since they do believe God's grace, guidance (in the form of prophetic revelation--the word of God), and human effort are sufficient for redemption and salvation.

These esoteric forces created the Christian movement - after the early Christianity - and the Islam driving the Whole toward masters-slaves relationships according to their different views of divisional ethics. It was similar to Capitalism and Communism, driven by the same Greed and Fears due to Ignorance to control the World, against the natural law of One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One.

Behind these two esoteric forces, there was the third one - even more cunning than the dark forces driving humanity through Chirstian and Islam movements - first trying to sabotage Gotama's discoveries and driving it toward masters-slaves relationships of faith and mystic powers, then plotting to take over both Christian and [ Communism / Islam ] under the same masters-slaves relationships familiar to most Christians and Muslims, but well-hidden under the conflicting within-the-box superficially rational explanations to hide the deep contradictions painted as mystic powers and Extra Terrestrials (ET)[R20]. Here is an attempt of impostors to revitalize Master-Slave relationships in Vajrayana[R13.1] esoteric circle, using the same technique in writing the Bible to write their own story based on frictional and factual events. Involved parties behind these forces in both the middle and human realms - Christian, Islam, Vajrayana, Pure Land - were significantly degenerated with fact-based evidences in VietNam according to underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. The higher realms of Esoteric Circles are reorganizing with the King of Dragons and twelve family lineages according to the past esoteric feudal systems to be in sync with the new Cosmic shift toward Higher Consciousness and layers of realm consciousnesses. This writer and KhaiPhong attempt to spread Scientifically Cultivable Prajna to seed at least 1% - 8% human population knowing more about oneself beyond faked News of Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought for sustainable democratic processes of "Honesty & Care" from Accountable creators and parts of the Responsible Creation where one is a part in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The outcomes will demonstrate to all intelligent beings from humanity upward the "Morality and Justice" - outcomes or manifestations of Scientifically Cultivable Prajna - "From people, By people, and For people" to change the past autocratic Feudal Systems (Nhất hậu duệ, Nhì quan hệ, Ba tiền tệ, Tư trí tuệ of Vietnamese autocratic communist government up to 2023) into sustainable democratic systems according to underlying natural laws peculiar to each esoteric realm.

These observable facts are irrefutable evidences on "the mess-up of Humanity in Inter-Realms Competitions and Influences" from different centralised powers, driven by Greed and Ignorance toward Master-Slave relationships against the Natural evolution in wider perspective of ComPassion, "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings". This time is different since the behind-the-scene leaders, their teams and competitors of the claimed original 'Omnipotent and Omnipresent Forever Creator', 'The One and Only Allah', and Vajradhara Buddha, Amitabha-Amitayus Buddha, together with hidden Saboteurs having the 'snatching technology' - changing the "soul" and sharing a physical body - are effectively 'Out', cannot be in the position to command their 'impostors / saboteurs' to relearn the Essence of the Right Living according to Natural Laws.

Brief note on the collapse of the God / Bodhisattva / Buddha Feudal System is an important event in this very special Space/Time, relevant to the Continuity of the Consciousness that one can draw a precious lesson for one's Evolution in a Worthy Existence. It can be either verified and/or corrected according to Scientific method to be a part of the Science of Consciousness[R1]. The writer tries to be as closely as what he esoterically knows without injecting his own opinion, despite many roles he had played in this long drama. Sharing this story, the writer hopes others can learn a very precious lesson as he did that

  1. There is the Continuity of the Consciousness,

  2. The Quality of the Consciousness - manifested through observable ComPassion, HonNhien, Prajna - has a one-to-one relationship with the Quality of one's Existence wherever one happens to be, and

  3. Relationships are what one is and will be connected through Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction hence be wise in building up one's Worthy Inner Circle and circles of inner circles.

This section was originally removed from Version 1.0 (24-12-2012). After its release, we came across Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations[R20], [R20.1] that we personally knew and directly interacted through a Vietnamese channel 'Xuân Mai' seen from 1975 to 2007 in Vietnam, US, Japan, Canada for Avalokitesrvara Bodhisattva and her associates. This together with other widely documented 'ET channeling' events are what we need to expose the story, even though some one had told us - and we did check - that the Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations have already been exposed in Buddhist texts such as in Saddharma-pundarika (Kinh Pháp Hoa)[D49] and Shurangama (Kinh Lăng Nghiêm)[D33] Sutras. By 2020, the Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations[R20], [R20.1] are epistemic Thing-As-It-Is realities that we know much more than what esoteric forces try to sell.

Having successfully gone through the esoteric saga and being an active part of "the Good Force" plus capable to teach them a lesson - via [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { rated at level 6 capable to partially protect oneself in "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } - of not messing around with the Universal Moral Value, we may have solutions for the "Present Issues" struggled in still-living elites in the hacking and actualities of their [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ] from western civilization or [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] from eastern civilization. Since many Buddhist texts appeared at much later time than the Gotama time, and No one knows their origins, the need of Science of Consciousness[R1] is even more prominent as in the Engineering Roadmap to separate facts and frictions. It is the first step to kick start an "Ontological System" - already being established in many fields - to communicate the classifications discovered by Gotama and other great explorers such as Nagarjuna, Asanga, HuiNeng toward the target of combining the new Science of Consciousness with evolving Information and AI Technologies (ICT). We start with the types personally known by Gotama in his recorded Jhanas re-organized into six Sighned Posts on the Y-dimension perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. A focused event - such as an International Conflict on South China Sea - on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness has X-dimension pointing its positive direction toward the cross-cut energy column having "Detachment attribute of HonNhien type known by HuiNeng as WuNien at different depths toward Knowing(the source of)Thought and capable to use cosmic energy to Care for oneself and Help othes". The [ X-Y ] dimensions form the Truth Plan of one's focused event where all other factors are lumped together into F-dimension where one's scientifically cultivable InnerSpace resides as illustrated in Fighre 11.1.

This "Ontological System" on a formal Knowledge Grapth for communications and collaborations between human and machines will force all isms, religions and philosohies on the same scientific table to expose the TRUTH they can bring to the table or get out of the way. This is How KhaiPhong can bring all conflicting isms into a Harmonious Melting Pot of efficiently allocating scare resources via Invisible Hand of Economics, normally directed by Invisible Hand of scientifically cultivable #Prajna in one's Continuity of the consciousness from humanity upward. It is scientifically cultivable since all manifestations are conditioned and changing at Planck time, and there is an engineering optimal control process to make happened via feed forward and backward for normative Intelligence to dynamically adjust itself toward What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness according to DISCOVERED and SHARED underlying natural laws. The adjustments come from "smart pointers from all [ X Y F ] dimensions of one's containerized consciousness" - outcomes of Gotama, HuiNeng and KhaiPhong verifiable types - pointing to observable "traits" of identified "types" to consciously clean up negative "animal attributes" tainted one's senses from past evolution to self-assure one's Right Evolution from humanity upward, and cultivate Value of the values in scientifically proven Noble qualities from Life-after-Life, Realm-after-Realm in one's Continuity of the consciousness.

Science of Consciousness - riding on the new cycle of Consciousness evolution - is an attempt to expand the scope of physical science (discovering physical laws) in Making Life Easier into the Normative Science of What Count[R23] to further explore natural laws governing the Mind and Human Nature in Making Life Happier as a part of the Whole in wider perspective within the Dependent Nature of Worthy Existence in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. It turns out that most human scientific discoveries in social and psychology are also applicable to other higher realms. We are ready to bring something to the table, especially in democracy, individual rights, invisible hand of economics in allocating scare resources toward What Count and Value of the values from Oneness / #Prajna / No-Conflict Consciousness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position in "Invisible Hand of Empathy leading to manifested Prajna" to change all conflicting events toward What Count that the feudal systems in higher realms can learn from in their 60,000+ human years of Grasp-er and Grasped to be degenerated by Natural Laws.

We identified the third esoteric dark force trying to sabotage Gotama's discoveries since day 1, pulling the Right Relationships back to masters-slaves relationships, enforced by Fear and veiled using the cheating, stealing, cunning and bullying powers in animal kingdoms, exploiting those who do not know that they are the slaves to the higher organisational structure[R13.1] of the degenerated ones proven ONLY after 2012 to start a New Era of conscious Living & Being from humanity upward. The outcome of this subtle sabotage is to turn upside down what Gotama has discovered to trap 2500+ years of Buddhist communities of monks and nuns[R14], [R5.3] into an ivory tower of confused egoistic philosophers confined within the 'Brick Walls' of below conditioned thought since self is owner of the thought. Very few in the entire history of Buddhist Sangha know the Transcendental states, recorded from Gotama's actual experience in Samma-Samadhi[D29], [D30].

The Sound technology was mentioned by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Shurangama Sutra[D33], known as the easiest and safest method in accessing Transcendental Consciousness without revealing the scientific process of moving from Thought to beyond Thought since a thought cannot go beyond thought in its within-the-box thinking process; hence there is no Transcendental States. Most people have infinite unnecessary Thought while recognising the need to be calm of a vibrant alert and living organism without falling into the trap of retarded and addicted religious faith using calming beads to suppress the infinite Thought in turmoil of inner conflicts - outer conflicts. The Infinite Thought Bodhisattva in Saddharma-pundarika asked for possible solution from Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. What he got from the 'claimed' Buddha Gotama - a blah blah blah advertiser of what he does not know nor have but the stolen image from others to glorify his masters-slaves relationships contrary to the Buddha Nature discovered by Gotama in all Intelligent Beings - was not a hint of actual solution, but a boosting story to subtly hide the hidden agendas when the 'trade secret' is slightly opened. From 2025 onward, it is clear that they are "cunning intelligence" in negative Fibonacci degeneration. Via statistically significant scientific processes, the degenerated entities can be quickly recovered their past advanced levels according to underlying natural laws to positively contribute to the law-and-order of required stability for the whole evolution in a "Fair Trade" at point A or C of Figure 2 Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations.

The 'claimed Buddha' is just an Impostor, putting ignorance in Gotama's mouth scholastically evidenced from additional materials added to original Lotus Sutra[D49] exactly as the impostor degenerated Avalokiteshvara-Bodhisattva and her leader Amitabha Buddha. Driven by Greed, Ignorance and Pride, many fall into the trap of mental construct Dharmakāya - not Actuality - that all of them do not know nor have and definitely Irrelevant to the Present Moment. It is exactly as what Soyen Shaku[R6] described: "God [Dharmakaya / Oneness] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Oneness] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Oneness] is unreality". The grasping of power in special interest groups is quite clear and those involved in this power grasping have been significantly degenerated to relearn the Essence of the Right Living / Effort. Note that behind "Word" is infinite thought, and behind each thought are innumerable hidden forces. But there is something Beyond-Thought that the claimed Buddha has not touched.

Contrary to the Chinese claim in Mahayana texts that Shurangama Sutra will be the first one to be disappeared in the Dharma ending age, it will be the first one to be exposed to show the realities of these esoteric professional cheaters attempting to perpetuate the masters-slaves relationships. In delivering "Verifiable Emptiness" via Sound Technology, many will be able to detect the cheating process behind Saddharma-pundarika (Kinh Pháp Hoa)[D49] when they can personally know the off-switch between Infinite Thought to possibly Utter Silence of Gotama Purity before entering the process of transcending the Observer, not known by esoteric impostors who can only blah blah blah at their imaginary Words. Similar to "Right Understanding of Enlightenment" where we provide "Scientific Proof of Gotama's Degeneration", we will enable the mass in their contributions at different angles to #EmptyTheContent, enabling epistemic objectives under statistically significant optimal conditions to have "Natural Relaxation" asked by the Infinite Thought Bodhisattva but unknown by both "claimed Gotama" and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Saddharma-pundarika (Kinh Pháp Hoa). This is what humanity of "Higher Consciousness" embedded in "Inclusive Society" from a belief of [ Respect / Relationships / Trust / Human Rights ] for all can bring to the table of "Inter-Realms Dependent Nature" of Thing-As-It-Is. It is a modern humanistic reality where [ Information >< Consciousness >< Mathematics ] can interact in Making Life Easier and Happier / EIP.

This will be the case - whether it is the right time for us or not - since there is a change in Cosmic Consciousness visibly from 2025 onward, together with the scientific processes to be fully exposed having required infrastructure and professional services in Clusters of Open Innovation Network (COIN). All participants in Conscious Living - once directly knowing different depths of "Verifiable Emptiness" can dig into Mahayana texts to contribute their "secret sauces" in making their trails easier which may be helpful to many others of similar patterns that esoteric claimed Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have not known. That is the democratic Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings starting from the grassroots, rather than masters-slaves relationships guarded by armies of unworthy monks / priests / nuns. Each one is unique, so there are innumerable patterns to be value-added, similar to different secret sauces of the main recipe. Potentiality and appropriate conditions are there; it will be easier and faster if you can be a part for the benefits of One and the Whole, having immediate impact on the quality of your present living and the environment.

The has publicised a series of tangible events - exposed world-wide over the Internet and actual seminars / workshops - making up sufficient Actualities for us to expose possible dark forces, preparing full speed ahead on 'The Path of the True Heart', a part in an esoteric prediction of [ Spreading the Dharma from the Cloud, and In large scale, Thundering the Dharma from Beyond Thought, Lightning the Dharma from inter-realms Communications and Collaborations[D42], [D43] - Pháp Vân and Pháp Vũ, Pháp Lôi, Pháp Điện ]. It is just a simple Truth between Light and Darkness that just a flick of Awaken Light, many thousands years of Darkness in master-slave relationships with billion lives thrown into an Abyss of Extreme Violence and Sufferings will be effortlessly transformed. That flick of Awaken Light is discovered underlying natural law of cultivable [ transcendental "#Prajna / Wisdom" ] injected in all activities and relationships in all fields and domains of engaged Agents of Changes.

The Righteous Heart for Worthy Relationship is very important for the evolution of one's and others' Continuity of the Consciousness. Since each has different pattern and no one is identical to others, there are different Esoteric Teacher(s) who have actually passed the trails one is exploring with one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles. The selected esoteric teacher while helping you can also help others having common vibrations of the pattern making no difference whether you are the Only student or Only Son so there is no need to compete for a position in the middle, left or right side as the recorded bargain from Saint Peter of the Catholic Church.

It is Idol-Free ComPassion - called by others as Unconditioned Love - based on Actuality that everyone can come to Share Happiness - Mitigate Sufferings. The Unconditioned Love is an actuality if and only if there is Beyond-Thought at the observed, No-Mark of one's Substance when the action completed, having Detachment-Born as one's basis to see and act according to 'Thing As It Is' due to Right Transcendental #Awareness. It is cultivable since we have identified its essential attributes from different angles of the Totality (Table 1.1); by cultivating the required ingredients, its outcome is a natural process just like a proven recipe. Applying statistical analyses to Big Data of rated attributes that produce the cultivable "#Prajna" (1) Detachment , (2) #DhyanaSamadhi, (3) #SamadhiPrajna, (4) Layered No-Conflict Consciousness, (5) Natural Purification, and (6.1) Conscience, and (6.2) Right Effort to two groups of people, one before and after trying versus one not trying Verifiable Processes, we can draw up an efficient scientific process and optimal environments leading to verifiable manifestations of #Prajna proven in Making Life Easier and Happier.

Witnessing the collapse of higher-realm feudal systems, we explore the mechanics and processes why many advanced entities, including recent well-known names in politics, finances, religions, etc, can be degenerated to even below human level for the nature to neutralise part of their steaming energy in violence, sex, power, money, etc. It is one's Continuity of the Consciousness, and how to have this knowledge stuck (a layer lighter than Word and Thought) as one moves through different realms of existence according to natural laws. In the present sane state, one can apply the optimisation theory in the Present Moment according to natural laws of Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction, while consciously build one's network of trusted Relationships that one is more than ready to give a hand wherever and whenever one can, and rely on that trusted network in critical time. It is a Friendly and Compassionate Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings. The Culture is [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital in CoOp Equanimity ] to concretely generate harmonious Vibrant Living Organisms at aggregates such as family, club / professional, community, region, country, the World, etc, in one's Doing and Learning according to real Values each one brings to the table of one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles.

4.1 Channeling and Extra-Terrestrial (ET)

By contrasting the channeling via Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva that we knew before the collapse in the Feudal Systems of the King of Gods with the ET channeling via Bashar[R20], [R20.1], [R20.2], and by directly counter-acting top leaders, we know the Bodhisattva's ancestors learned and modified "the technology in higher realm to snatch the soul - current quality of the stream of consciousness - of one or many to other physical bodies". It is similar but much more sophisticated than physical organ transfers (1) to raise the ethical question of 'Who I Am' and the "degenerated Feudal Systems of the King of Gods with the ET channeling via Bashar legal Accountable entity of an Action", (2) the importance of 'Knowing Oneself' in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, (3) the relevance of fact-based performance in Transparent and Accountable governments, not in personal glorification and/or Anointed / Christ / Messiah coming from some claimed authority, enforced by Nazi Fascism. Due to energy of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes, the "principle of Morality and Justice is naturally uphold" but take a much longer time. That is the "Care" of an "Accountable creator (IamX)" and part of the Responsible Creation playing an important role of self-adjusted macro unit!

We later found out that the Lineage of the claimed One-and-Only Allah (driving the Islam movement) have successfully duplicated that technology while quietly staying behind the scene to manipulate the Illuminati Elites - connected to the Lineage of US president George Washington / the last Russian Tsar - toward their purpose of One Religion. The lineage of Amitabha-Amitayus Buddha in higher realms knows not only the snatching technology, but also (1) the simultaneously Appearing technology, (2) the Disappearing technology, and (3) the Swirling technology. They were the behind-the-scene driving force to manipulate the other two: the Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent God and the The one and only God Allah. Top leaders - Amitayus Buddha, claimed Allah and claimed Forever God / King of Gods - were out and evolved according to their Action-Reaction. The Islam Swirling is only the imitation of the outer appearance or the Swirling technology without knowing the scientific process to make the technology potent. It is similar to the case of Transcendental Meditation[D54] in the 1960's - 1970's period versus the Sound technology described in Buddhist Shurangama Sutra[D33] to be introduced via #PrajnaTIP in Sound at the right time.

The bottom line of this Lesson Learned is the lasting power of Kindness and Empathy (Compassion) from the Heart versus its manifestation in some form of Comparative Advantages, then wrongly manipulated by brain intelligence in any form of master-slave relationship. "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself". The "Praying for Peace and Praying for the Deceased" from all organised religions are not any more "effective" if there is any claim since the dark forces of master-slave relationships have been cleaned up. Do not waste your resources to feed "religious unworthy[R18.3] cheaters[R18.4]", playing on your Fear, Uncertainty, and Distress / Doubt (FUD), but consciously build your worthy "Inner Circle and circles of inner circles" since they will be with you in your Evolution of the Consciousness via Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction, at least from humanity upward in the agreed and enforceable "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". We will facilitate this "Private Networking Communications and Collaboration as parts of KhaiPhong PrajnaTool and Infrastructure to enable "Change Management" from the grassroots where everyone can be a part of an Accountable creator and a part of The Responsible Creation.

In our email with Bashar Communications, we receive two aspects needed to be clear to our readers: (1) 'we refer to the ET entity I [Mr. Darryl Anka] channel simply as Bashar, not Mr. Bashar, because it's not really his name. It's an Arabic word that means "messenger"', and (2) 'your statement regarding technology that "snatches the soul" is not consistent with the type if [of] information that Bashar would agree with, not has he really spoken about this. Therefore, please do not use Bashar as a reference for this concept as it does not match his philosophy'. 

We hope this is the case. That 'messenger' was known via the Vietnamese channel as 'Trạng' or the title for top of the graduated Ph.D. class under the Vietnamese  Lý, Trần, Lê, Mạc dynasties. It is equivalent to 'angels' in western monotheism religions. Nevertheless, we wish to make sure that the hidden 'masters-slaves' relationships and the 'evil technologies' will not happen to humanity as past events of divisional organised religions by exposing what we esoterically know with indirect evidences and logical deductions from known events for the new era of Right Relationships. The foundation of this new Science of Consciousness which is empirically verifiable - is initially contributed from Sound / Light and Consciousness Technologies known by living students - to materialise actual discoveries of great past explorers as their gifts to humanity that everyone can add on their 'secret sauce' for innumerable patterns.

'Who I Am' is a complex question to normatively 'Know Oneself' in a wider perspective of Evolution of Consciousness to explore the Essence of the Right Living / Effort and the dominant issue to be addressed with current available resources. They are the 'Learning and Doing' trails that all intelligent beings having a sense of an agent must go through to discover the 'Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas', of 'Living and Being', of 'Conventional Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth', of 'Dependent Nature and Perfected Nature' to avoid the hazardous cracks of Imaginary Nature. It is more complex in the light of 'snatching technology' we touch below - used by esoteric entities to mess up their own lives and the environments in the past thousands man-years - and the achievable vision shared by the Buddhist teacher (Phật Thầy) at Tây An[D52]. Here comes a need of Fair-Trade table where human entity needs the protection of integrity from illegal intrusion by other entities from different realms. It is more efficient for the protection provided by others in the identified realms in exchange for resources of specialized post-graduate researchers to study what most important to the concerned realms in their Continuity of the consciousness. Same protections of legal resources are needed in one's Continuity of the consciousness so the immoral stealing and cheating can be reasonably avoided. KhaiPhong can provide these strategic services similar to the past Knights Templar banking systems in our proposed "Inter-Realm Communications and Collaboration©".

  1. There are evidences that the Heart recipients carry some patterns and behaviours of the donors. The cause of that external influence is debatable whether it comes from cell memory ingrained in the heart or from the clinging/attached force of the donor - fact but not yet fully recognized in physical science - or both. If we look at the Heart transplant as an external factor to influence one's entanglements (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness) due to whatever external causes we have more appreciation on the urgency to be outside-the-box to see 'Thing As It Is' to manage our Realities which have direct impacts on the Quality of our own lives and the surroundings we are in.

  2. Within one's carry-on Consciousness there are innumerable conflicting issues through millions years of evolution that may lead to multiple behaviour patterns and personalities. These ingrained issues in one's consciousness are further entangled with the above external influences plus indoctrinated organised 'faith that can move the mountain'[Matthew 17:20], culture, society, family heritage, etc. Just to have some Clarity (via Right Transcendental #Awareness) to see 'Thing As It Is' and Insight (#Prajna) for a Right Action is tough enough, Not to be Pulled and Pushed by trivial things of conditioned patterns in a Conscious Living.

  3. Through the Science of Consciousness including voodoo[R8], external agent can make the seed(s) such as sexual desire, greed, fears, etc, multiplied by thousands times in the target's sense (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) perceptions and entanglements, well-known in Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D39]. This shows the importance of Right Transcendental #Awareness to know the source of 'thought' and its driving forces for effective management of our realities.

  4. We can be subjected to the technology to artificially snatch multiple souls on one physical body - as we personally and esoterically know in being a part to break this many thousands years of degeneration - to carry out the pre-programmed commands from the 'greedy and cunning masters'. It is important to be an "Integrated Person" via "Emptiness" since all manifested technologies are dissolved in the Emptiness. The more integrated one is the more difficult for an external force to separate its parts.

If we consider each "identity" as a stream of flowing consciousness, we can logically explain the processes of snatching, and different depths of the mentioned Appearing, Disappearing, and Swirling processes. The "snatching" may happen because most are not wholesomely integrated and do not know the driving forces of their Volition / Freewill. If an external force can remove one fragment of the consciousness having distinct characteristics and snatch it to another stream of consciousness to manipulate and command the host, the snatching process is happened. If the host is wholesomely integrated, influences of external factors can be managed. Similarly, the Appearing and Disappearing processes can be fragmented in a sense of fragmented personalities in different forms, or integrated that the separating forms may be different, but having the totality in the state and stock of that stream. The Swirling technology - as we theoretically understand - has three levels: (1) the Trance level as known in current Sufi, (2) the level of combining the natural Centrifuge force from Swirling with one's power of #Awareness (coming from states and stock of #Prajna) to separate the heaviness of the consciousness from lighter higher consciousness[D32] using #Prajna to dissolve and/or reduce the effectiveness of an unnecessary outdated Mark (such as excessive sex drive, phobia, etc) exactly as asserted by Gotama[D22], (3) the level of using the vortex from Swirling together with one's #Awareness to pull consciousness fragments in the vicinity of the vortex to absorb "selective quality" of energy for some intended purpose. Note: the counter-clockwise or the clockwise swirling direction make big difference to the technology target as we imperically observe Thing-As-It-Is in separating different patterns of degeneration from evolution.

The snatching issue can be separated either by external cosmic force as actually done by a living student to help others in breaking the darkness from hundreds thousands man years, or 'personally with the power of 'Verifiable Emptiness', one's innate states and stock of #Prajna, since the 'foreign entity' or implanted 'Bundles of Marks' has not been deeply rooted in the core of one's Consciousness. Esoterically we know this is the case to those having "written contract" with Lucifer, binding by their own blood that many in this present time may personally know, or even any esoteric promise in the past higher realm with people in the dark forces. We are happy to say that these "written contracts sealed by blood and/or esoteric promises" have been destroyed by the "Sound Specialist" so the signed person would not be any more under their esoteric controls. It also proves the real power of verifiable emptiness where one can empty all the contents - bad or good - for a new reborn and/or rejuvenation according to Thing-As-It-Is Natural Laws. You can now live with your Conscience and fully responsible for the consequences of your "Activities". The "written contracts sealed by blood and/or esoteric promises" is enforced via "Snatching" technology that many in the Illuninati Elites actually know, either through the image of an "Owl" and/or Sound / Consciousness technologies. Similarly, the Appearing and Disappearing processes can be fragmented or integrated. The Swirling technology together with Awareness can be Rightly done driven by Prajna or Wrongly carried out by Ignorance driven by the "Glorious Self" as what have been executed by the Lineage of Amitabha-Amitayus Buddha.

That same 'Verifiable Emptiness' with its '#Awareness' from Right Transcendental #Awareness to manage one's Realities and #Prajna to "dissolve / empty" it is the Only Way - as we currently understand - to handle the deep rooted issues such as Phobia, Fears, etc, and/or external environmental influences. We hope all can see the importance of Verifiable Emptiness to manage and take out unnecessary and outdated Marks as advised by Gotama[D22] that 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha unable to touch due to "Big Mouths" of hardcore professional cheaters, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. If possible, one can have 'No-Mark' once the action completed as suggested by HuiNeng (Table 1.1) and asserted in Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] as an invitation for all to experience in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The Issues are the real pains to drive one doing something, since they directly affect the Quality of one's Existence and the Environments. We see a potentiality of that snatching technology if properly and ethically used, similar to the science of organ (heart) transplants. Modern science fully recognizes the deeper effect of core energy to the outer energy and physical form. Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D39] talks about the carry-on (eighth) consciousness - through natural law of Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction - combines with grosser energy for its manifestation in one's reincarnation.

There are innumerable issues and hurdles in one's Evolution of the Consciousness toward Purity-Tranquility of Worthy Existence. HuiNeng's Sudden Awaken then Awakening is a technology to identify the dominant need of the target stream of consciousness, creating an optimum environment of conditions for that Sudden Awaken to overcome the dominant Issue, and the external force at the right place and right time to make the Sudden Awaken happened to have a significant change in one's stream of Consciousness. Similarly, the Simulation Technology will be our specific technique to help  overcome selected dominant issue such as Fears, Phobia, Uncontrollable Urges, etc, using Right Transcendental #Awareness and #Prajna, or the Healing using the blue light and cosmic energy to open the crown and heart chakras for a wider perspective of existence having the manifestation of ComPassion and #Prajna

In the same token, instead of sucking and replacing the whole 'soul' - present quality of the core consciousness - to be an impostor wearing the mask of the snatched target in illegitimate activities, one can externally manipulate certain part of that 'soul' for eliminating the cause(s) of incurable diseases, just like adjusting the physical Heart Valves. They are parts of the benefit(s) of the Science of KhaiPhong that we hope to kick-start to effortlessly wipe out tremendous Sufferings to past billion lives caused by divisional organised religions, executed by those selling what they do not know nor have in their 'Brick Walls' of divisional faiths, enslaving humanity to the lower level of Instinct and Fears.

This possibility demonstrates the need of democracy to transparently check the trusted quality of accountable agent - contrary to the claimed infallible pope and the entire history of the evil Roman Catholic Church, the son-of-god king of the kings of feudal systems, the dictator - to perform the job on behalf of other stakeholders with no transparency and accountability. God is only one party in this complex Dependent Nature of Responsible and Worthy Existence. The Value of each person comes from the actual quality of one's Consciousness, not from the born caste and/or social structure as initially stated by Gotama 2500+ years ago since you cannot carry these tools and available resources to your next existence. Esoterically, those coming from degenerated feudal systems in higher enforceable realms such as "The King of Gods" must know your degenerated realities and stop bullying humanity as you did in "God willing" to support your human slaves via all isms since through hard time humanity has discovered some Thing-As-It-Is Value of the values in humanitas (biology, compassion, wisdom), democracy due to innate Buddha Nature in all naturally qualified persons, and human rights that [ you / gods / buddhas / bodhisattvas / saints ] need to learn from these discoveries.

Through this Vietnamese channel (Xuân Mai), intelligent beings - presented themselves as Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Inner-Circle members of the King of Gods, and peripheral Gods/Goddesses, etc - open their eyes and fully functional as normal human persons (indistinguishable by people not knowing them) but recognizable as different entities and names with distinct behaviors, voices, and personas. The 'messengers', 'angels' were called 'Trạng' or the title for top of the graduated Ph.D. classes. Their appearances through the channel were instantaneous and effortless which demonstrate the Channel Synchronization between Bashar and Darryl Anka can be significantly improved which means their snatching technology has not been perfected. This perfection may be even a bad idea due to the degree of embedded DNA required by the channels who are slaves to those capable of using their body and mind without the consent.

It took few seconds as seen in 'Bashar' if they have to search for requested ones in different realms and/or places on earth such as from Canada to Vietnam and back which demonstrate the actuality of Teleportation. Through the 'Disappearing Technology' described below, we discover the 'teleportation' depends on the operating environments and has its practical applications in both the human and esoteric environments. The observable activities - with possible public endorsements from others involved in these events - of these Esoteric Entities / ETs include shopping to personally select flowers for offerings, going picnics in group through one biological channel with other human friends, invisibly pushing the car stuck in the snow, demonstrating their Kung-Fu, etc.

If you have a capability of distant Hearing and Seeing - as the case of a Living Student - you can listen to their conversations on earth and what they are doing. That student can scan the environment and tune her attention to the targets. More students we know already have the ability of distant seeing in their mind eyes and limited distant hearing that demands two ways conscious communications for the signals to be strong enough to be manifested i.e. limited only to their circles of inner circles. Due to this distant hearing and sensing from number of living students, we can catch their "dirty hands" with all kinds of issues known by humanity and/or force them to an agreeable "truce" since we know that they are only slaves to behind-the-scene entities. If you are one of their human slaves[R20.3] we can help!

Few cautious words - based on our 40+ years of esoteric assistances and 12+ years of direct interacting and dealing with these forces - are necessary for those in direct contact with Esoteric and Consciousness technologies. 

  1. The Path of True or Righteous Heart is absolutely required to Honestly and Actually 'Know Oneself' since there is a natural 'Freewill' / 'Volition' innate in one's Buddha Nature (Table 2) that can be a significant barrier against all artificial dark forces.

  2. The claimed Forever God, One-and-Only Allah, the third esoteric force, and silent ones driving secret and esoteric societies, together with their associates are very skillful in the Art of Deception using Binding Word/Image, Clinging Thought, and fearful techniques of coercion. The effective solution against this thousands years-old technique is to be an Integrated Person’, accessing one's full potentiality via Instinct, Brain Intelligence having the connection to and injection of Compassion and #Prajna (Wisdom) from ‘Being’ of its potentiality. These attributes are cultivable right from the Present Moment and measurable as your Key Performance Indicator in your KhaiPhong (Table 1.1): Beyond-Thought at the Observed, No-Mark on one's Substance once the action completed, Detachment-Born as one's basis to have Right Transcendental #Awareness of seeing 'Thing As it Is'.

  3. The esoteric forces driving [Christianity, Islam, Vajrayana, secret societies] can use their knowledge in the Science of Consciousness to influence and change your feelings, perceptions, impulses such as Fears, Sexual and All other Desires to unbearable points. This scenario may not be happened for a long time since these degenerated cunning entities are reincarnated according to natural laws to appropriate environment according to the quality of their Consciousness to learn the Essence of the Right Living. Nevertheless, the effective solution to counter-act this technique is the core element of Consciousness - the Emptiness to have all good and bad manifestations rejuvenated and naturally reborn, asserted at the mountain-top level in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] which are scientific facts, explored in the Engineering Roadmap to be continuously updated.

  4. 'Know Oneself' to consciously appreciate and build Worthy Relationships in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles, being fully responsible for one's actions to change oneself and the environment one a part in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

We explored contents of the site Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations[R20] with interest and sensed the energy of Bashar in the field of our specialized Communication Hub - thanks to the Sound Technology of a living student - where involved entities of different realms - including astral bodies of living persons and spirits (known dead persons) - can interact, transcending languages, realms, space and time. In further investigation, we detected the supreme and key leaders behind Bashar, coming from the Esoteric Circle - higher realms than those under the King of Gods and different from Bashar's description of his living realm. We traced out the source of the Technology and the family lineage of the key leaders who were the ancestors in extended family of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. 

The whole saga of significant events happened in the Esoteric Circle, the feudal systems of the King of Gods and related realms in the past 60,000+ man-years, key players in human history of the past few hundred years, etc, are all fitted together. Those who knew Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva through the Vietnamese Channel 'Xuân Mai' from 1975 to 2007 can immediately recognise the underlying technology used via Bashar. Please make your known witnesses public to be a part of your contribution to the new Era of Open Innovation, not of the past 'trade secrets' and/or 'International Cheating Clubs' that required an army of gate keepers and violent crusaders 'to defend the faith'. We do our parts to reveal what we esoterically know in this 'chapter'.

Since most contents from Bashar Communications are publicly known - same as recorded Mahayana texts such as Saddharma-pundarika[D49] and Shurangama sutras[D33] - we have less reservation to reveal some materials that will 'Shock' the World, but necessary to revitalise the Right Relationships toward lasting Values of True Human Nature, effortlessly wiping out masters-slaves relationships dragging billion lives into an Abyss of Sufferings caused by all major past organised divisional religions.

Taking the 'No Fear' approach as advocated by Bashar with full recognition of possible danger, the writer stands on the 'Right Relationship' between humanity in inter-realms co-creation as invited by Bashar since it is 'The Right Thing to do'. We revise the book into Version 1.1 to open a scientific dialogue under the Science of Consciousness which has been exploited for so long by esoteric realms, messing up their own realms and enslaving Humanity through major organised religions, secret societies, Illuminati Elites driven by Greed, Ignorance and Cunning Mind. This dialogue shows the importance of the Engineering Roadmap to be continuously updated with verifiable empirical evidences coming from Clusters of Open Innovation Network (COIN) to be implemented right on this Earth at the Right Time.

Bashar's presentations are - in essence - taking the evangelical technique with a touch of scientific approach without a rigorous theoretical foundation and empirical verification. We value-add the followings in Version 2.0 for possible incremental works and collaborations to assure that after breaking 'the Brick Walls of Belief' - a starting point of significant contributions from Bashar Communications to help billion people out of the yoke of divisional organised religions - one will not fall into another one to really 'Know Oneself' and take the 'Path of the True Heart', fully responsible for one's actions and the environment one a part where one can be a driving force in the new humanistic economic / political / social structures in the Friendly and Compassionate [Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital] Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings.

Do not underestimate 'The Brick Walls of Belief' where belief can be one's culture, customs, addicted patterns, etc, and its significant damages on one's Quality of the Consciousness, keeping one slaved to its patterns of Word/Image and Thought rather than beyond binding Word/Image in Equanimity and clinging Thought in the Purification of the 'Verifiable Emptiness'. Bashar's engineering process to expose how the brick walls of faith was constructed - based on Fears and Greed - is correct. But his solution is a hidden dark force to 'burn another Mark' - just like the Ten Commandments - in the core stream of one's Consciousness. It is not the solution nor the right way to manage one's realities. It should be the empty of the content for a Fresh Rejuvenation as pointed out in the Heart Sutra[R2]. Beside enabling the normative process of Emptying the Contents from Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas, the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong employ modern technologies of conversational UI in user-facing mu and Artificial Intelligence to augment Gotama normative #AwarenessPrajna in his advice to Ajita's Questions[D22]. Here is Hooked / Unhooked technologies based on modern psychology and business processes employed in custom ai besides Natural Purification from higher consciousness.

The whole foundation of modern Mental Health is also based on either (1) pushing unbearable 'Mark' aside and/or (2) pushing it further down in one's stream of the consciousness so one can be 'normal' again. There is No Real Solution in this approach since a 'darkness' cannot be destroyed / seen As It Is by another conditioned 'darkness'. This is the issue of the whole human evolution in philosophies, cultures, organised religions, typified by 'Buddhist meditation on Emptiness', Nagarjuna 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth' and 'Conventional Truth', Asanga 'Dependent Nature - Imaginary Nature - Perfected Nature', Jesus 'kingdom of God from within', Socrates 'Latin Humanitas', Gotama 'Dukkha' and momentary 'Nirvana', Lao Tzu Nameless Tao. The "Light" from [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] is now available to most people and exactly as an advice from Gotama to Ajita's questions[D22].

We restate HuiNeng's assertion on meditation (dhyana) [ 'To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Right Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi. When we are in a position to deal with Dhyana and to keep our inner mind in Samadhi, then we are said to have attained Dhyana and Samadhi' ] into a mathematical statement to rate all actual discoveries and hearsay from all organised religions and cultures from a scientifically verifiable scale: [ Transcendental or "Empty of the Contents" is the necessary and sufficient condition for a meditation ]. We then dig deeper with HuiNeng's generalised #SamadhiPrajna [ 'Samadhi - called 'Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace' - is the Quintessence of Prajna, while Prajna is the activity of Samadhi' ] to contrast against Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness [ Detachment is the necessary and sufficient condition for different depths of the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace for the manifestation of Prajna ] to clearly point out this fundamental Issue and its possible solution from Consciousness and Sound / Light technologies. The fundamental issue is a set of tautologies coming from the evolution of Consciousness to Form and the reverse evolution from Form to Consciousness, by-passing conditioned existence in Forms. The possible solution is riding on natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is for heavy lifting, upgrading one's quality of the consciousness to the minimum Equanimity pegged by Gotama based on his investigations using his own consciousness as a lab.

In our weekly casual conversations, the spirit of one well-known technology entrepreneur expressed an interest to know the simulation technology to take out parts of his dominant marks. Later, a well-known and father of psychotherapist and psychiatrist also expressed an interest in this technology after hearing that one student has used the simulation technology to clean up embedded marks of unworthy past male-female relationships that these images never appeared in his dreams and/or thought. That student - after deep reflection on the need of being beyond the duality of form attraction - has decided to use the technology for this target which he is fully aware its deepest mark in millions years of form evolution, ingrained in the core of the consciousness to the energy level of likes and dislikes patterns, to the cell level of physical body. We wish him success and tell the world the simulation technology at the Right Time.

The essence of the Simulation Technology is based on Gotama's advice, repeated again to mark its practical aspects in all activities - "Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved[D22]" - that uses the accumulated power of Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace to manage and solve one's dominant Issue. For the deepest marks such as the male/female form duality of sex or highest Vajrayana Marks (spells) / Voodoo[R8] implanted in the astral body via the 'snatching technology', one needs to use the power of Samadhi-Prajna to empty the mark off the astral body. You cannot forbid others's volition not attached to you since only natural laws are enforceable according to Thing-As-It-Is. But you can raise the quality of your consciousness up in your continuity of the consciousness. The heavier will be naturally dropped from your higher quality. "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself" since Action-Reaction is a part of Universal laws.

This is a 'Good News' for those holding significant positions in affecting the World Affairs who may be the victims - exploited and remotely/directly controlled by mental binding Word/Image/Thought (such as image of an Owl for Buddhists and Christians or white light for Muslims) for a Utopia and/or New World Order - of hallucinated esoteric forces driving Islam, Christianity, Esoteric Buddhism and secret societies since there is an effective Counter-Thrust to these outdated Marks and Patterns via cultivable #Prajna and Freewill (Volition - Sankhara) of one's innate Buddha Nature, capable to know the Rightness from the Wrongness relevant to one's Present Moment in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Be serious with your recognised binding and clinging forces since they will be part of your continuity of the consciousness until you can "Empty" them. Even having the direct experience in Verifiable Emptiness as described by Gotama and esoteric assistance in Learning and Doing, it took the writer 10 years to be Free from the Sound Technology Mantra, and 10 more years in investigating the Buddhist Heart Sutra, not to be fooled by 2500+ years of Buddhist traditions which have been falling into the trap of Sutra, Tantra, and Prayer[R14], repeating almost every day in the monk's life without having an actual experience of the Emptiness. Yet, most monks - like their counter parts Catholic priests - are trying to sell what they do not know nor have. They are not even qualified by Gotama as a Buddhist having Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood, cheating others for a very unworthy living.

  1. Bashar presented himself as an Extra-Terrestrial (ET) being in his tetrahedron spacecraft. He explained what perceived by human as ETs and spacecraft are in fact intelligent beings from different realms in parallel universes, and 'manifestation of concentrated energy' in different forms perceived by human as spacecraft. This description is "consistent" with what we esoterically know.

    Those who interacted with the Vietnamese channel knew that the appeared entities were highly intelligent beings such as 'Bạch Y Quán Thế Âm' personally promised to help some asking in her 'channeling appearance' - as seen in the appearance of Bashar but in a more private meetings. Similar to the appearance of a spacecraft, there was the appearance in the form of concentrated drifting cloud of 'Bạch Y Quán Thế Âm' in 1 hr+ over US sky, seen and recorded by many without any detected radio signal[R22], [R22.1].

    Behind the degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva were many Virtuous Lives of others having distinct characteristics and personas, all taking the name after the Noble Avalokiteshvara who was the teacher of Sariputtra and others in the middle realms. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva was not a student of this teacher as recorded in Buddhist Shurangama[D33] and Heart Sutra[R2]. She took the name of the teacher and glorified herself as a Bodhisattva. You can find this out in checking all the Avalokiteshvaras with different distinct characters and patterns to know that they are different distinct streams of consciousness.

    Esoterically, the known realms of Intelligent Beings - including animals and spirits in both human and the system of the King of Gods - are fully organised and manageable via the known Technologies in Science of Consciousness where the higher realms are responsible for the well-being of lower realms, having determining factors based on Natural Laws of the realms and required interference of higher realms to assure Harmonious developments and evolution of the One and the Whole. In that sense, there is external interference through Volition of intelligent beings - known by Muslim as Allah's willing - responsible for their own actions and the environments they are parts. The outcome is the aggregate net effects of Volition from all relevant parties. This is similar to man in the issue of national economy / security and living environment where men - in the aggregate - do make mistakes.

    The animal and spirit in both human and middle realms are used as required natural tools for the nature to neutralise steaming energy of degenerated intelligent beings. They are different from other animals and spirits in a sense that they are guided not only by natural laws according to evolution of species but also by intelligent beings to either learn a lesson and/or quickly recover the universal qualities according to natural laws which are cultivable and observable, known as Kindness (mettā - tâm từ) / Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi) / #Prajna (wisdom). That is why we can see some characteristics of lasting values from animals that many persons can learn from. We esoterically know many highly evolved entities driving the evolution of humanity and behind major organised religions must go through this process to neutralise the steaming energy of their dark corners.

    This shows practical applications in the Science of Consciousness to ride on natural evolution of species in the compatibility between the core layer of consciousness with the outer layers of energy and physical forms to enable degenerated beings guided instructions for faster Learning and Doings to neutralise the destructive energy for faster evolution in the Quality of the Consciousness, yet fully consistent with the ethical natural laws at any instant moment. It also shows the importance to 'Know Oneself' so the driving force behind one's Volition / Freewill / Sankhara (Table 2) comes from #Prajna toward the Purity-Tranquillity of Existence, not from Ignorance toward Sufferings.

    If we translate these lasting values into comparable human beings having the same qualities, we can see how easy it is to be degenerated via Ignorance if one cannot sense the driving forces behind thoughts and the state of one's being. There are innumerable hard evidences - west and east in all cultures / religions - of many super rich and powerful great philanthropists / kings / queens / politicians with steaming energy of some dark corners which need to be manageable and neutralised either consciously with the person's Freewill and Inner Circle supporting environment or naturally having consequences through Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction.

    Is it wise and rational to do something for the quality of one's Consciousness in the normative allocation of scare resources in what count such as Health, Time, Money that one cannot carry on in a wider perspective of Worthy Existence? We can further assert that without being Aware of the driving forces or the sources of Thoughts, it is very hard to manage one's realities and know one's 'state of being'. Stop here and see your reality No Matter who you are and/or claim to be. Do Not Wear the Masks of What You Are Not. Similarly, one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles are the second most important when one needs help.

    Be appreciate what the love ones and others (friends, associates, communities, country and the world) do for you in this Dependent Nature. One can only be psychologically independent to consciously drive the Volition / Freewill / Sankhara toward the Right or Unworthy direction. One can never be alone in Making Life Easier and Happier again due to the Dependent Nature. Through the Science of Consciousness, we know the highly developed entities have the technology to recognise the individual stream of consciousness, similar to the gross technology of proposed implanted electronic chip, just by looking at the commonly known-as the third eye to see the target's core signature deep in one's stream of the Consciousness. The positive / negative applicable aspects of this technology is the ingrained lasting signature in one's carry-on Consciousness.

  2. On top of what presented by Bashar, we add in this context the causes of degeneration in the God / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms, its effects on human realm, and most important of all is the re-organisation of all realms known by the 'Esoteric Circle' to assure the operation of natural 'Ethics' in individual evolution - fully responsible for one's actions and the environments one a part. A vibrant Living Organism can start at an individual stream of consciousness having a sense of an agent, extended to aggregates at all levels to assure the aggregate ecosystem with sustainable Created Values at each level: family, friends, associates, partners, the World, Inter-Realms Inner Circle and circles of inner circles. There will be No Short Cut and Cheating of the past thousands human years, introduced by different utopia and organised religions, failed due to not going according to Natural Laws.

    It is along the line of Trúc Lâm motto: (1) Without Actual Living, there cannot be Right Cultivation and without Buddhist Cultivation based on the innate Buddha Nature the Living may go astray, (2) The Buddha Nature is innate in everyone. The motto has been prototyped and proven by the Buddhist Teacher (Phật Thầy) at Tây An[D52] in the implementation of the Buddhist (modified) Eightfold Path: being a Good Person (Tu Nhân) then Buddhist Cultivation (Học Phật). We can replace the word 'Buddhist' with 'Know Oneself' or 'Consciousness'.

  3. Bashar's spreading of the 'Unconditioned Love' - without detailing what it is, its characteristics and verifiable manifestation - is an obsolete utopia of the 'self' grasping anything beyond its realm since self is the owner of the thought, then degrade further to 'Word was God'[John 1:1], binding themselves and others to Word/Image and Thought to be distorted in their Realities. 

    From an objective observation based on hard facts, most of those involved in the entire history of the Roman Catholic Church do not know 'Love' as in the Parable of the Good Samaritan[R16] since Love is beyond Word and Thought of the physical brain. When you speak about and/or show off 'Love' in exposing your physical heart, the 'Love' is 'Not There'. Period. Next is the 'Unconditioned' where the manifestation - including manifestation of the unconditioned - is conditioned having its own life cycle due to the generation of entropy of the manifestation. 

    The 'Unconditioned Love' only is an Actuality and has a meaning if and only if there is a 'Beyond Thought' at the observed, 'No-Mark' on one's Substance when the action completed, 'Detachment' as a basis for the manifestation of #Prajna to see and act according to 'Thing As It Is'. It is similar to momentary Nirvana, due to expanding Consciousness consistent with relative existence. Otherwise, it is only a concept, not an Actuality. This is an invitation toward a scholastic dialogue and scientific investigation to Bashar and all ET realms as in what we have learned in the collapse of the God / Allah / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms, carrying with it the degeneration of many highly developed entities where the supreme and top leaders of Bashar groups have been intimately involved.

  4. It is beneficial to share at high level our discussion and conclusion after breaking the behind-the-scene agenda of the supreme and top leaders of the 'Snatching Technology' - from both Amitayus Buddha and its duplicator by the claimed Allah that through the mind-eye of a living student we may have a glimpse of where the soul is located in the body. 

    First, the Teleportation and Channeling are known by many entities, including those at lower organizational structure of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva if taught. This can be testified by many who personally knew the Vietnamese channel from 1975 to 2007, especially the appearance of the Goddess of Fire Pele[R20.2] from Hawaii who just learned the Technologies trying to communicate through Vietnamese channel using Vietnamese patterns. The degree of smoothness from the appearing entity in the human channel can be observed to vary from Goddess Pele to Bashar to other intelligent entities in Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Associates and to claimed Buddhas.

    The writer requests - for the sake of the Science of Consciousness in all intelligent realms of existence where humanity is a part - those who knew 'Xuân Mai' and the Channeling for Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and her Associates make public what you witnessed and think about Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations without touching small insignificant nuisances in human relationships. It is very important to sort out the Actualities of Inter-Realms Dependent Nature in the Essence of Right Living and the past masters-slaves relationships executed by major organized religions typified by the evil Roman Catholic Church[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2]

    The trade secret is in (1) the preparation of the accepted channel and (2) the Snatching Technology to separate and mixing Consciousness of (a) the physical and energy body from (b) the storehouse carry-on consciousness commonly known as the 'soul'. The trade secret has been closely kept and known by only selected few, together with the technology to Disappear from the Esoteric (Spirit) World without any traceable energy. 

    Energy having one's unique signature is generated whenever one manifests to the gross level such as speaking, acting, having strong emotions and feelings, etc. By locating the energy source, a person/entity can direct the cosmic energy either to help such as healing, mitigating the boiling energy of sexual drive, opening the Heart and Crown Chakras so one is not too myopic to commit unthinkable mistake and has wider perspective to realize the consequence of one's action according to natural laws, or teach the entity a personal lesson in direct Learning and Doing. A living student known amongst us as a Sound Specialist has this capability.

    Due to the degeneration of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva associates and lower infrastructures - loosing their effective power - top leaders of the Snatching Technology lost the front-line army and made their desperate move to snatch the bodies and 'souls' of highly developed and good entities from other tribes with the lower quality 'souls' of their army to carry out their agendas. The Sound Specialist could not understand this since she did channel the cosmic energy to open the Heart and Crown Chakras to raise them up but why the highly evolved entities - known in human realm as Buddhas - quickly degenerated to very unworthy behaviors. By accident, the specialist direct the cosmic energy to separate individual streams of consciousness and discovered the subtle plot. Top leaders of the 'Snatching Technology' appeared and was caught in her cosmic net.

    They probably have done it in many thousands of years to 'occupy' the bodies in privileged positions to quench part of their burning desires of destructive behaviors and messing up the environment wherever they are. The hard evidences are everywhere in the entire human history of religions[R18.2], [R18.1], [R18], , politics, east and west. By natural laws of Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction, their core qualities are further degenerated to the point where the power is only at the physical level to the most at the energy level, but definitely Not at the subtle level of 'Love', 'Emptiness' for natural reborn and rejuvenation, of 'Dependent Nature' of Friendly and Compassionate Worthy Existence.

    That is where they are and their Secrets have been entirely foiled by 'Good Forces' in living students with esoteric Noble Assistance of Higher Realms called the Esoteric Circle. The 'victims' - who are many among us - have their own learning with many 'battle scars' to the point that the 'Truth' must be exposed to effortlessly clean up the Darkness in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles. We are some pioneers among many facilitators of [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] that we ask you to be a part.

    By instinct, the Sound Specialist raised all up - including astral bodies of known living people - to separate them from furious leaders of the Snatching Technology'. One living person - competing with the specialist in all aspects of present life - voiced up the not required help from the specialist and fall down. This demonstrates the power of Volition or Freewill - driven by Ignorance or Prajna - embedded in one's Buddha Nature and why one is fully responsible for one's actions and the environments one a part.

    Another key attribute is 'Emptiness' as asserted in the Buddhist Heart Sutra that if you have true 'Emptiness' in any domain, no artificial trick can leave any mark on your Substance of the related domain. We use the word domain and there are innumerable domains in one's stream of consciousness. The toughest domain to be free from its burden is the sexual drive and its seeds. Once you have the seed, external agents can 'blow it up' to thousands times of what it is, well-known in Buddhist Consciousness-Only theory.

    One furious leader of the Snatching Technology - in his extreme anger - took out the 'soul' of the person to harm it. In the mind-eye, the Sound Specialist saw what he took out is the Heart and the Brain connected together with a cord. The specialist wraps that damaged 'soul' in the 'blue light' globe - all created by thought and used natural cosmic energy - to raise it up. Witnesses of this esoteric event asked the person what was going on. The 'victim' said she did not know, just passed into a sleep and woke up, feeling very cool and soothing inside the blue light. The supreme leader said 'you also know the healing technology using blue light?'. Thus, the connected Heart and Brain can be considered as the "soul / essence" of a person - an identifiable stream of consciousness - having three or four layers depending on your classifications: physical layer, energy / astral layer, the core consciousness. The most significant we learn from our esoteric experience and wish to share is that the deeper one can "empty the contents" - as exposed in the Buddhist Heart Sutra - the more integrated these layers / components can solidify into a solid unit which has its own self-defendant system impenetrable by external dark forces / environments.

    In our daily dialogue, the Sound Specialist also discovered that these leaders could not use their disappearing technique under water so the sound specialist could force them to appear by throwing the catching net into the sea. This is different from Disappearing Technology via Emptiness and Worm Holes known by another living student. Since they can hear what we discussed through the Sound Specialist acting as the broadcasting station that transcends languages and realms, we said that the leaders of 'Snatching Technology' do not know nor have the 'Unconditioned Love' as they have advocated through Bashar and that there is an action beyond the pleasure and pain driven by Kindness, Empathy and Prajna that they do not know nor have in Bashar analysis of the driving force behind what they call 'belief' and 'choice'. They are constantly active in making choices and do not have a moment of Utter Silence as the case of Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva (Akshayamati). They do not know the 'Purity' of Utter Silence to be ready for No Thought in Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness to actually know one a part of the Whole - the Whole in One, revealed by Krishnamurti[R6.1] in his 60+ years of Sharing the precious discovery.

    In one occasion, the astral body of one student - different from the Sound Specialist - in our Inner Circle was taken out and 'crucified' for the 'crime' of not having sufficient respect by those following Dhipankara Buddha[D51]. In the critical moment of trying to escape from a horrible violent act, the living student reactivated his dormant ability to effortlessly disappear without any trace from the Esoteric World. In actuality he did not physically go anywhere. That is why Buddhists say miracles and mysterious powers are just like magician's tricks. The real thing is in the Essence of the Right Living manifested through Compassion and Prajna.

    Later, the student demonstrated this same ability when Dhipankara tried to grasp him in a sleep. He can be Aware - beyond thought - signals from the senses to know his Realities and the State of his Being to effectively manage the Realities and - at will - escape from all spiritual disturbances, and in a minor cases of psychological and physical discomfort of present life, to a very expanding and beautiful place of his Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace environment recalled by him many years ago in a meditation session. All can happen at the #Awareness beyond Thought (the Source of Thought) called by Bashar as the Teleportation. This teleportation is an important tool to have "Detachment / Vô Trụ" in the process of "Thing-As-It-Is" Dukkha of Bodhidharma[D35].

    In further exploration - which is very interesting and practical - we have found out that the whole person may comprise of three or four interconnecting layers of energy since everything is some form of energy: the physical form energy, the energy / astral body and the carry-on core energy of the 'soul'. Interaction and dependency of these forms of energy are worthy to be scientifically explored. It has been fully demonstrated that by regulating the inner layer of energy, the abnormality of the outer energy - incurable and/or imminent disease - be wholesomely normalized. The disappearing technology seems to be a teleportation technique relative to the esoteric world, similar to the teleportation of ET relative to human world.

    The practical aspect of the 'disappearing technology' is to prevent unforeseen external factors - commonly known by Muslim as Allah's Willing - to limit the uncontrollable conditions in critical operations such as in internal organ examinations and/or operations. We consider this is an extra tool in implementing Bodhidharma[D35] "No Conflict Inside - No Conflict Outside". Yes, with appropriate technology one can be outside the influence of the claimed Allah and the claimed Forever Christian God. We have personally witnessed the 'external esoteric' force causing an expert - having over 25 years of doing this work - "mistake" in a very common operation such as colonoscopy that caused further complications and death to the patient. Physical science has reluctantly recognised the possible esoteric external influences. But more and more hard evidences are demonstrating the existence of the external forces - from either good or bad motivations - according to conditioned existence.

    Similarly, a student being a frequent blood donor has no issue whatsoever with his veins to have a needle inserted in by a trained Health worker. In a sedation preparation process before entering the operating room, a health worker doing this operation made a comment that the student has nice visible vein, so there would be no problem, just a little feel of a needle poke. He couldn't make it and called the head nurse. The nurse saw no issue, but again failed in the second attempt at different arm. They were so sorry and asked for another attempt before calling for an expert. Luckily, the student knows the 'Disappearing Technology' and assured the Health workers that there would be no problem. But this time 'I will close my eyes and not answer you until it is done'. Within one second, the third attempt on the same spot of previously failed attempt was so easily done that they happily exclaimed 'Success!', despite each did many times this routine operation in their daily jobs in a big University Hospital. All the student did was a flick of his thought.

    When contrasted with limited ability of 'Emptiness' especially the Emptiness in loosening the grips of binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, the student discovers / recalls an extra powerful attribute that is probably unknown by Bashar's Inner Circle despise it is the message originally coming from Bashar, namely the 'signal' from factor influencing your Volition (called belief by Bashar or Sankhara by Buddhist) does not matter [since it may be conditioned/veiled by your conditioned existence], only the state of your being is matter

    First, recognizing the 'signal' from one's Volition and the 'state of one's being' is not trivial. See for yourself - no matter who you are such as pope, supreme religious leaders, enlighten monks - if you actually know the 'signal' and driving force behind your Volition, known as the sources of your thought. The writer rates it at the 5th level of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] in { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }. He has been physically connected to a Chinese student - probably at even above this level - that he senses their past and very rare "good and intimate" connections, and that the student may be part of the team to help China rediscovering hidden precious gems contributed by HuiNeng and XuanZang, leading Canadian belief of Inclusive Society to Society 5.0 suggested by Japan as a technology-based and human-centered society. Deliverable consciousness technologies - where tested "Secret Sauces" under their optimal conditions for producing verifiable "Higher Consciousness in one's Continuity of the Consciousness" are continuously enhancing by all concerned parties in Big Data analytics - will enable most people reclaim their innate quality of "Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas", changing themselves and the environment towards What Count in accordance with underlying Natural Laws in Making Life Easier and Happier. Next, see if you know the 'states and stock of your Being' to select the battle you want to put an effort in with your available resources for this present life of Worthy Existence as explored by the young Siddhartha Gotama. 

    Yes I do mean all Popes and spiritual Supreme Leaders (Dalai Lama / Pháp Chủ / etc) or Dharma King (Pháp Vương). That knowing is an #Awareness Beyond Thought - not at the image of Thought level as the awareness mentioned by most Buddhist monks/nuns or love advocated by Christian priests. If you do not know the source of your thoughts and the states and stock of your 'Being' how can you claim to be spiritual and/or bless/teach others! Please see the definition of a Scam Artist and hope one still has a minimum Honesty and Conscience to Know Oneself so we can all be a part of Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture in Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings in our Continuity of the Consciousness. 

    But the "the states and stock of your being" comprises different layers of consciousness where the "disappearing technology" is only the technology to protect the core consciousness, not the outer physical part which can be damaged by external forces. That is why in reality, the shells of body and astral containers are still there, not going anywhere and are subjected to intentional harms. Contrary to what Buddhists view that miracles and mysterious powers are just like magician's tricks due to their incapable ability of beyond the Gateway-to-Oneness to be qualified by Gotama in Transcendental #Awareness, discovering and applying natural laws in the consciousness field are actualities, having practical and lasting benefits. That is how a living student - unlike many well-known esoteric victims[R20.3], [R20.4] in human realm - capable to direct cosmic consciousness via the innate Compassion of HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna to fight against the dark forces behind Illuminati Elites for the benefits of One and the Whole. Here are demonstrations to direct energy via Qi Gong to naturally protect one's body's shell[R11].

    This kind of #Awareness is so important if we look at actual facts behind the dead who not even recognizes his/her dead and/or binding to the past traumas/conditions at the moment of dead that they are stuck, sometime hundreds or thousands of years. At the point of trauma/fear, one may be psychologically and/or conscientiously Frozen to leave a deep mark on one's Substance until it can be taken out by pounding #Awareness (#Prajna). Hard evidences of these binding forces and the Inability to Be Aware of one's Being in intelligent persons exist in all cultures, religions, east and west. See yourself - all elites controlling world Financial Powers, Politics, Millitary Powers, Religions, etc - if you have any Mark Carved In Stone, and why many others do not have the same Mark to show the irrefutable Continuity of your Consciousness besides a scientific fact that Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed, different from other streams of Consciousness. Is that a scientific fact and Worthy of our efforts to have the solution for Yourselves and the Loved ones in a wider perspective of Worthy Existence?

    That is a part of the driving force behind the AwakeningBudh to enable most people fully responsible for one's actions and the environment one is in by sensing the sources of thought and the state of one's being. The #Awareness must be Beyond Thought that no present organised religion - including Buddhism - has touched. All organised religions are international cheating clubs, coming from the esoteric realms competing with one another in enforcing the divisional masters-slaves relationships that destroyed both the slaves and masters due to Natural Laws of Thing As It Is. 

    Worse is that they created a tremendous barrier in Consciousness Evolution of the Whole. The majority of slaves and their outer circles of masters are slaves to the inner most circle as well-known in Secret Societies. All are stuck in the dormant states of confusions in the dead process. One's #Awareness - and hence higher evolution in Consciousness - can only be materialised in conscious Living and actual interactions. Most are in the confused state if there is no external assistance - not from priests and monks knowing nothing from the Science of Consciousness, nor from gods / angels / bodhisattvas who are enforcing the masters-slave relationships that they are unknowingly parts of the corrupted system - but from one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles in Inter-Realms Dependent Nature of Worthy Existence. The upper layers of past esoteric world were too selfish to take care only of their inner most circles of their family lineages in competing with others to perpetuate their platform of master-slaves. This is similar to the confined feudal/religious systems compared to the open-system of international trades and collaborations where "Fair Trade" dynamically driven by all involved parties is a "Norm".

    The Beyond-Thought #Awareness must be deep enough to the natural separation of Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought, otherwise one's belief/culture will pull and push one toward the conflicting box of belief and culture, unable to recognize one's State of Being and the relevant present condition in one's dynamic Learning and Doing wherever one happens to be. That is the Relevance and Importance of 'Beyond Thought' at the observed, No-Mark on one's Substance once the action completed, Detachment as one's basis for the manifestation of Right Transcendental #Awareness and #Prajna to see Thing-As-It-Is.

    Very few people are still fooled by the doctrine of the evil Roman Catholic one life, then either going to the Heaven or eternal Hell or waiting for the Judgement Day since we all know that no manifested thing is Forever due to the generation of entropy of existence. Consciousness is a form of energy; it cannot be destroyed but transformed since Change is a natural law scientifically proven at Planck time, in either toward Sufferings driven by Ignorance or Happier more expanding space due to #Prajna invisibly manifested according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED by all accountable "Creators" as a part of the "Responsible Creation". Their angels, claimed Redeemer / Virgin Mary and Absolute Forever God, or their opposing force One-and-Only Allah are all subjected to Changes. Most - including top leaders - are significantly degenerated due to Greed and Fears driven by Ignorance in enforcing the masters-slaves relationships, rather than the Right Relationships in the Dependent Nature of the Evolution of the Consciousness. None of them know the "Verifiable Emptiness" for the natural reborn and regeneration in one's evolution of the Consciousness - probably due to a long process of degeneration but at higher speed than evolution - beyond the evolution of the species.

    For Hindu and Buddhism, there is an understanding of karma clinging forces and continuity of the consciousness. But the Essence of the Right Living / Effort and Right Relationships have been turned upside down in making very unworthy living on the claimed rituals and offerings. When not officially given the role of gatekeepers as in the Roman Catholic pope and priests, they self-ordain of what they do not know nor have. That is the reality of professional cheaters[R18.4] and the unworthy[R18.3] in all Buddhist communities from all countries. All evidences are contrary to their 49 days of rituals for the dead to be reincarnated, since most - including lamas, monks, nuns, sannyasins - do not have Detachment of No-Mark once the action completed, and far away from sufficient #Awareness to know the states of their beings. Similar to Christian and Islam counterparts, their Gods / Bodhisattvas such as Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát), Samantabhadra (Phổ Hiền), Manjusri (Văn Thù), etc, or Buddhas such as Vajradhara Buddha (Phật Kim Cang Tát Đoả), Amitabha Buddha (Phật A Di Đà), Bhaiṣajyaguru (Phật Dược Sư), etc, are significantly degenerated according to natural laws that we esoterically know in our personal encounters with them.

    Most recently - starting from 2022-03-10 - we discover the underlying processes of reincarnation according to observable universal Action-Reaction based on the quality of one's InnerSpace, one's family and spiritual relationships, and Likes-attract-Likes that the astral body of the Dalai Lama XIV came to ask for further clarifications. It is part of the successfully dealing that we want via mu to enable most people have to know more about oneself with the "claimed Lucifer and his dark forces rated at negative F-6 = -8" ruling (via heartless Hegelian Dialectic intelligence) both esoteric claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah and human F-5 = 5 known in Illuminati elites controlling world religious-financial-industrial-political-military powers where "A Sense of Justice and Moral Value of the values" at the grass roots count on top of "too slow" underlying natural laws to breakup that 60,000+ man-years of the esoteric dark forces causing total collapse of feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods to be replaced by "Too Big To Fail" learned from humanity at "individual and business levels of democracy" since:

    (1) one's "thought / desire" is a form of energy which cannot stay on that state when it reaches to a certain level and must find its outlet for manifestations. That is why natural "Detachment" is the positive direction of #Awareness, and "Empathy" is a kindness that drives you do something for the situation as it is your own pain. Same thing happens to sexual energy, and it is very easy to fall into an unworthy trap and/or crack if one's conscience and the sense of Right and Wrong is not strong enough to know the driving force of one's thought at level 5 of [ WuNien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] to properly manage one's realities as illustrated in "Riding the Ox". This discovery alone debunks "all rituals and cheatings of religious unworthy and professional cheaters" since their esoteric claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah do not know and were overpowered by the claimed Lucifer in their past 60,000+ man-years of Greed and Terrors!

    (2) only in engaged living with "Honesty & Care" one can know more about oneself and change toward What Count most relevant to one's present living and one's Continuity of the Consciousness. For example, via the Highest Tantra and ability to recover significant incidences of past lives, one may have a chance to recognize the "Deja Vue" of past worthy relationships. It is worthy to futher cultivate that relationship as "partner / friend" even the need of having children has completely "evaporated / empty" because if the sexual drive is still there it will find the outlet until it is naturally and completely dissolved by #Prajna. The mu is user-facing tool to the scientific entrance to Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana, turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] in an orderly evolution having Protected Rights of a qualified Latin humanitas with innate Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods within via Graph Analytics filtered by Activities, Relationships, and Places.

    (3) one can even sense the future reincarnation based on current dominant Likes-attract-Likes which can only be changed in engaged living. For example, if one is fancy and satistied only in group sex, it is very likely one will be "snake" widely applicable to current elites controlling industrial-religious-military-political established powers.

    (4) in the confused states of consciousness, one's "family and spiritual relationships" may be there to guide one moving upward according the natural laws of the light floating up as sketched-out in the SHARED video of this rare Vietnamese lady 2022-02-12 (the video was deleted), but one still needs to be Alert due to tracked records of cheating and stealing of the past esoteric feudal systems. We now Know your very "old background" of evolution then NOT totally degenerated as the "claimed Lucifer rated at negative F-6 = -8". You will be an "invaluable participant" if you want to SHARE your hard-earned experiences just like you SHARE in the Video that this writer publicly Asks Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and Phật Thầy Tây An being parts of Inter-Realms scientific investigation team having armies of human PhD and post-graduate researchers from all scientific domains known by humanity ready to provide their services in DISCOVERING and SHARING the "Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good that via Action-Reaction all living beings can benefits.

    (5) there is an absolute requirement of "orderly evolution and scientific understanding of underlying natural laws" to optimize one's continuity of the Consciousness toward What Count. One thing we want to stress for the benefits of past degenerated feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods is that "No One can cheat the Nature in the long run". The cheating and stealing of animal kingdoms ruled by the King of Gods just darken your quality of the consciousness! There are many different scenarios of esoteric manipulations of rebirths (sổ bộ) and arrangements (bảng phong thần) according to "protected or stealed merits", "sooning time", "spirit to guard past chinese treasures", "voodoo", etc, of binding and clinging forces in the moral and justice manner that can be scientifically worked out with joint statistical researches in the new "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". We can HELP and BRING consciousness technologies to the integration with modern radio technologies having armies of qualified Ph.D. and post graduate researchers in verifiable "Rules of Laws" via balance and counter-balance. We have power of the brute-force since directed cosmic energy from "Empty-The-Contetnt to Non-Thingness" can dissolve all forms of manifestations for Reborn and Rejuvenation.

    Evidences from semi-official program of the Vietnamese government to help and alleviate parts of the psychological burdens for their soldiers and the soldiers' families indicate that many soldiers on both sides still thought the battles where they died are still going on and dared not cross the fighting line of their engagements. Buddhist rituals from either invited Vajrayana monks and/or claimed meditation master(s) / Buddhist Sangha are in vain, having no scientific evidences to back up their claims nor can they deliver what they are trying to sell since they are more vulnerable than others who are just being 'good' persons. Only Conscious Living in 1% to 8% of constituents of any aggregate can stop this International Cheating Club since the degenerated monks and nuns having no minimum Conscience in violating their own Ethical Codes are still dominant in all Buddhist communities from all countries. The tremendous costs/resources spent in the religious rituals and images due to Fear and Indoctrination can be better spent to mitigate Sufferings for the Poor and the Needy and/or to create opportunities for others to help themselves and their communities in sustainable [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Friendly and Compassionate Culture of creating Surplus Value of a Worthy Existence.

    Most importantly the ritual performers do not have #Awareness to know the states of their own beings and driving forces of their senses, how can they dare to claim of what they do not know nor have - no matter what academic degrees they have since they have no conscience (lương tri) and intellectual integrity (của người có học / Latin humanitas) to know who they are - as what happened in the entire history of the evil Roman Catholic Church[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2], driving billion lives into an Abyss of unnecessary Sufferings.

    Thanks to the power of the Sound Specialist living student - after helping the disentanglement in many thousands years of highly evolved entities of the past feudal system in the middle God / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms - astral bodies of some political and religious leaders - having witnessed what the student can do - have asked Help for the slaves in American history and dead monks fighting for Tibet cause in 1959 period which are close to their hearts since most of them are still not Aware of the States of their beings. This shows the Importance of #Awareness while still being in Conscious Living so one can manage one's Realities and optimally allocate available resources to What Count.

    The need of #Awareness is relevant to all - pope, high priests, lamas, monks, nuns, sannyasins - who are entangled in the senses and their entanglements such as feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness, not yet knowing the "states" and "stock" of being and the source of one's thoughts. Please use your [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin humanitas ] to challenge the statement if you do not concur and Do Something for your own life and your surrounding Communities so we can be all 'Agents of Changes' for our own benefits and the benefits of the environments we are a part. 

    If you are a Buddhist monk/nun or Christian priest/nun ask yourself what is the target of your dedication/profession and where are you on the road toward your signed post of this present Worthy Existence? There are probably two types of legitimate monks, priests and nuns: (1) the ones coming to follow the footsteps of and/or challenge (a) Gotama the recorded 'Verifiable Emptiness up to Nirvana sign posts' / (b) Socrtes 'Latin Humanitas' / (c) Jesus the recorded 'kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21], and (2) the ones coming to make known the discoveries and actual contributions of Gotama and Jesus to Humanity. We are not monks / priests / nuns, but of type 2 making known the actual discoveries of Gotama and Jesus to be scientifically verifiable as the starting scientific foundation of some lasting values that everyone can have some value-add from one's 'secret sauce' helpful to many others of similar pattern, including the further real contributions of Gotama and Jesus either as esoteric entities or a humanitas in new Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations. We will deliver this scientific foundation to be scholastically and scientifically scrutinised for the benefits of most people. We wish to collaborate with these legitimate professionals who need to do something for their dedicated professions, sabotaged by unworthy peers in thousands years of their traditions.

    For that reason, we hope the Right Time will be soon to work on the target that 1%  to 8% (80,000,000 to 500,000,000) from Human population can know the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God from within / Compassion from Latin humanitas" as known by Jesus without the required mistake of addicted divisional 'faith that can move the mountain'[Matthew 17:20]. This will naturally Purify the senses so they can be more Aware of the driving forces behind the senses and the States of their Beings.

    We ask those - whose astral bodies were witnesses of this Unique Environment - and can still remember something please let the World Know 'Your Experience' so we all can have a wider perspective of Inter-Realms Dependent Nature of Worthy Existence. Those who are in the positions - economically, politically, religiously - to create Major Impacts for Humanity in this new Golden Era, please remember what you have esoterically witnessed in your astral bodies which is very Unique thanks to the Noble Interference of the Esoteric Circle, and Do Something according to your Conscience starting from your Inner Circle and circles of inner circles. We will sooner or later meet since we are going in the same direction.

    That wider perspective of existence pushes right to the Front Line of one's priority to 'Know Oneself' which is cultivable toward the target of Wu-Nien Beyond-Thought at the observed, No-Mark on one's Substance once the action completed, Detachment as one's basis for the manifestation of Prajna to see Thing-As-It-Is. The "manifestation of Prajna" can be deepending and widenting in scientifically DISCOVERING and SHARING the eight (8) Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space based on Gotama's first glimpses of Buddhist recorded Jhanas[D29], [D30], [D26] to complete HuiNeng's Three-Nots cycle with KhaiPhong Three-Haves in the engaged living of [ Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn ] @ "#Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, #Prajna / Bát Nhã". The 'Know Oneself' is sustainable by stakeholders in Clusters of Open Innovation Network (COIN) which may last beyond the life times of original contributors who ride on the modern business model in Ethical Distribution of the Surplus Values for more opportunity and/or kindness according to positive Fibonacci sequence approaching the Golden Mean Ratio (Phi - Φ).

    It is the scientific mechanism behind the assertion of Gotama: 'Karma flows as a stream. Whatever the streams are in the World, it is #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved'. The 'How' and the 'process to apply it' to either properly manage one's reality and/or major hurdle for realizing one's full potentiality are very practical. To 'Know Oneself', one needs to challenge Gotama and/or Jesus about the Right Transcendental Inner Peace. Scientific approach to the 'How' and required infrastructure of the 'What' from the potent processes will be available to the mass under AwakeningBudh.

    Next is the technology and that extra attribute to move from Conventional Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth and let the infusion of the Perfected Nature does the heavy lifting. It is a part of Cultivable Prajna in Activity and Sadhana. That extra attribute is basically a Consciousness Switch to harness sufficient energy from Conventional Truth to flow into the Ultimate (Wider) Truth gateway-to-oneness of the nature, then being Aware of the effect of that infusion working on the natural Purification and explore one's new State of the Being. 

    The disappearing technique is probably the outcome of the 'Emptiness' described as 'Not - Na' in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2]. The technology by itself is a very effective non-violent way to avoid unnecessary confrontations with the Esoteric World. Those knowing the disappearing technology may even try the 'brute force' - discovered by accident - to scare away the not-welcomed disturbances by commanding 'Reaction' at 10, 100, or 1000 times to whatever done by them. For example, those who want to beat you will beat themselves with the same, 10, 100, or 1000 times of the force before the action even touch you. Similarly, knowing the source of thought, you will be able to identify the game of thought forms imposed from outside with intention to hack your mind. You can easily "burn" the thought forms with cosmic energy. The sheer power of consciousness can make it happened.

    The bottom line of this section is that one's 'soul or carry-on Consciousness' may be located in the Heart connected to the physical brain where Compassion in the Heart Chakra and #Prajna (Wisdom) in the Crown Chakra are intimately connected that we use set theory to logically present based on our subjective experience that Compassion and #Prajna are visible manifestations of the invisible Sunyata, and that #Prajna is the flower of Compassion tree deep rooted (from the Heart Chakra) in Sunyata. 

    If you suddenly feel 'heat' raising up at the heart to your head and draining your living force, your 'soul' may be involuntarily and forcefully taken out. Be conscious of this process so your 'Freewill - Volition - Sankhara' can naturally prevent dark forces violating your integrity as a vibrant Living Organism of the Whole. This may not be happened for a very long time since top leaders of this technology are significantly degenerated, to be reincarnated to relearn the Essence of the Right Living / Effort according to Natural Laws. Their thousands years plot was completely foiled by the Sound Specialist living student that we hope you can be a part to Change Yourself and the environment you are in toward a Right Direction. Their plot to drag Vajrayana toward Greed for mystic powers and sabotage Gotama discoveries to revert Right Relationships toward masters-slaves relationships will be scholastically and scientifically challenged, and effortlessly cleaned up when more people actually know the Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness.

    By injecting your 'Freewill / Volition / Sankhara' at that moment, you can stop it. Note that the 'soul' or quality of one's Consciousness is momentarily affected by one's Volition as analysed in the States and Stock of one's Consciousness. It is the quality of the Consciousness that directly affect the quality of one's Present and Future existence as analysed in Self/Selfless #Awareness wherever one happens to be. If you know the 'disappearing technology', just a flick of faster-than-thought, you are out of the unnecessary confrontation. There are two living students - possibly three more (already identified as advanced students that you can immediately recognize, far beyond religious leaders from all organised religions) or many not yet qualified - currently know this 'disappearing technology'. The behind-the-scene scientific process is still needed to work out for the mass.

    Finally, having an #Awareness Beyond Thought and a Worthy Inner Circle and circles of inner circles are most important in your Continuity of the Consciousness. All others such as education, good profession in making a decent living, successful businesses, high power position, super rich, etc, are only tools to enable your most important targets happened if you know How. You cannot carry the tools at the end of your life cycle, and definitely cannot buy a place in heaven to be a Slave for others who are even not Aware that they are also Slaves for those in the higher organization chart[R13.1] which was totally collapsed according to Natural Laws. Since it is more efficient to morally enforcible Justice to protect oneself from unauthorized intruders from esoteric realms similar to what General Lê Văn Duyệt offered to people in Saigon-Gia Định area of South VietNam while concerned esoteric realms are also interested in the "Law & Order" stable environment for DISCOVERING and SHARING underlying natural laws in the Right Evolution of positive Complex Fibonacci numbers, here comes mathematically proven International Trade where all involved parties are better off.

  5. We facilitate the manifestation of 'Unconditioned Love BUT Not Stupid' with a required level of Right Transcendental #Awareness embedded in #PrajnaTIP in Kindness. Note that 'Kindness' is only a start to actually experience the common vibration (Com) of Energy (Passion) called ComPassion. 

    Bashar's promotion of one life to live in shifting the prearranged realities is an attempt to cleverly disguise the core concept of monotheism in the Bible and Koran into the new wrap of masters-slaves relationships of one religion by conditioning the listeners only to their physical mind, rather than liberating others as an integrated person simultaneously using both physical mind and higher mind (left and right brain plus their synchronisation) Then Beyond in Transcending the Observed and Observer verifiable by Gotama and this writer toward the Non-Thingness as "Not-Self in Self-Selfless Actualization". Bashar contractual agreement can be a psychological yoke to condition the followers after breaking out the brick walls of addicted faiths in divisional organised religions. 

    The 'threshold of believability' - defined as optimal factors for the manifestation of what you prefer and/or desire to make it manifested - is the finest scheme of addicted faith if there is no explicit infusion of the Higher Mind (outside-the-box) and a Silence State not to be constantly pulled and pushes by infinite thoughts and activities. It is designed to bind one within the thinking process, similar but in more subtle process than the technique used by the claimed Absolute Forever God of Christians to (1) assert 'Word was God', (2) impose the forbidden fruit of knowledge, (3) then self-claim to be Absolute and Forever. The technique locks one inside the conditioned mind, never to be 'Beyond-Thought' at the Observed to see Thing As It Is. It is similar to Buddhist 'meditation on emptiness' at thought level or 'Reflection' counting on the Grace of Christian God or Muslim Allah. 

    When there is an infusion of #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas (Higher Mind), one can have a clarity of the required solution, not the choice of a confused philosopher within the conflicting box. The Heart vibration of Kindness needs a complete Silence or Right Transcendental Inner Peace in Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict deep rooted in invisible Sunyata, not infinitely momentary choices of noisy marketing gimmicks at the functional brain level for a manifested flower - called #Prajna - in the Crown Chakra. It must be the Right Transcendental Inner Peace so No-Mark on one's substance when the action completed, otherwise the Grasp-er (self) is already there to claim its trophy of pleasure and pain seen by Bashar as the only driving force of Volition called by Bashar belief. #Prajna can drive the Volition (Freewill - Sankhara) from something beyond pleasure and pain, commonly known as Conscience - the Right Thing to do - actually and personally known by many Good Persons that we call Silent Avalokiteshvara or Good Samaritans. Observe Bashar and challenge his top leaders - if there is any sign of claiming authority of what they do not know nor have as done by the entire evil Roman Catholic Church and other organised religions - as we have counter-acted their plots that they do not have a moment of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward verifiable Non-Thingness of Gotama's seventh Jhana[D30].

  6. Bashar description of 'Parallel Realities' of one particular Stream of Consciousness intentionally mixes it with Parallel Realities of multiple distinct streams of consciousness to promote the forever pre-arrangement of a cheating "Over Mind" trying to duplicate the evil Father God and original Buddha - fully degenerated and personally witnessed by KhaiPhong Inner Circle - impersonally performed via the universal natural law of "Action-Reaction" viewed from the proven evil Roman Catholic Church and the cheating Buddhism in their entire history of existence, creating tremendous sufferings in the Evolution of Species and the conditioned Dependent Nature of dynamic complex Existence. It is a contradiction with his mission of co-creating which implies the possibility of Changing one's Quality of the Consciousness or one's "States" and "Stock" of Being and the environment one a part. His "scientifically proven cheating process" is in fact the realities of competing Gods, Allah, Buddhas, etc, driven by Greed and Powers without realising the underlying foundation for their evolution from Consciousness to powerful Forms and Intelligence accidentally coming from compassion (Kindness and Empathy) for the flowering of Beyond-Thought #Prajna.

    Without compassion verifiable in Vietnamese KienTanh , Huineng Wu-Nien { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, and Gotama #AwarenessPrajna[D22] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by Prajna they are dissolved" }, their manifestations either starting from Fibonacci F0 = 0 of Latim Humanitas or Lucas Number L0 = 2 of ET / Atlantis presented @ 4:10 in both positive and negative directions are degenerated at the end of their life cycles in accordance with the quality of the core consciousness, exactly as the degeneration of many human elites, being slaved to the degenerated esoteric forces. Bashar cheating process is intended to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships as done by all organised religions, stealing accidentally discovered qualities of dedicated explorers such as Gotama, Jesus, the Buddhist teacher at Tay An, etc. No one dares to steal the Thing-As-It-Is contributions of HuiNeng except the "Biggest Mouths" of the most unworthy and cheating monks, Not knowing yet claimed to know, Not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] since No One upto 2025 can use cheating words to describe what they do not know nor have unless they want make that "barbarious southern uneducated person" from "Lĩnh Nam chích quái" into a Buddha like Gotama that they have been blah blah blah with Gotama's "Not-Self and Non-Thingness and Then What" at the bottom line of "Living & Being" in one's Continuity of the consciousness. You can force all Buddhist monks, nuns, followers, Dalai Lama, Dharma King, masters to be "Honest" by quietly asking them to expose what they actually know about Gotama's "Not-Self and Non-Thingness" and tell them it will be a public record to be scientifically verified against the descriptions of living students under KhaiPhong whose target is to enable 500,000,000 people or more actually knowing HuiNeng's Wu-Nien then Gotama's "Not-Self and Non-Thingness" for the visible manifestations of KhaiPhong's Three Haves from its [ Precious Gateway / Bảo Giang Môn ] @ "#Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, #Prajna / Bát Nhã". Here the latest (1) either a cheating process from estoreic degenerated realms or (2) an opportunity for scientific investigations of the "mentioned attracting force 2022-01-09 similar to a black hole for reborn and rejuvenation of all manifestations known by living studends of KhaiPhong Inner Circle who have actual experiences in both esoteric and human realms.

    With orchestrated reincarnations of other dedicated explorers such as reincarnations of Ashoka, HuiNeng, XuanZang, and Ashoka's Inner Circle following him in many Worthy reincarnations (the video was deleted), etc, as living students, they can pull their scientific processes together to wake up other dedicated explorers and teach the higher realms of Buddhas, Gods, Allah, etc, precious Value of the values discovered by humanity, namely (1) Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) as part of humanitas, (2) democracy since all qualified persons have innate Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin humanitas, (3) human rights, (4) discovered underlying natural laws, and (5) Rule-of-Law to prevent "too big to fail" already happened from the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods. Most important of all is the discovered reversed processes from current Form back to No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1], bypassing all tainted senses having innumerable outdated marks to enable [ Prajna / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature ] naturally dissolve dominant outdated marks in Making Life Easier and Happier according to Natural Laws.

    One is more than just a radio to tune in the 'realities' created by the Overlord in the past cheated masters-slaves relationships, but a creator knowing the difference between Ignorance and Prajna in its own right - thanks to the Buddha Nature innate in One and all other living beings - to make up part of available realities at the aggregate[R10]. Due to Volition / Freewill / Sankhara driven either by Ignorance toward Sufferings or #Prajna toward the Purity-Tranquility of existence - one is fully responsible for one's actions and the environment of aggregate realities such as [ national economy, security, green environment, etc ] where one is a part. The inability to tune in 'outside-the-box' Nameless according to Tao, 'Nirvana' according to Gotama, 'the kingdom of God [is] within you'[Luke 17:21] according to Jesus, the 'Ultimate Truth' according to Nagarjuna, the 'Perfected Nature' according to Asanga, the 'Self Nature' according to HuiNeng, the #Awareness of the self-awareness in the Dharmapala-XuanZang (HsuanTsang) theoretical model, or the Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict shows the need of cultivable processes to unravel the potentialities of our 'Wholesome Mind' in the Dignity of Worthy Existence.

    His conclusion that one can only 'Shift' the predetermined realities and cannot change oneself and the surrounding implies an overall regulating agent that he himself denies, and is the 'aged-old' ignorance of the claimed degenerated Omnipotent / Omnipresent / Forever God and the One-and-Only Allah through Action-Reaction that he (and the team leaders) personally know through the Compassionate Help of the Sound Technology specialist. Where is the natural law of Action-Reaction - Bashar's third law - in the pre-selecting Choice before incarnation (his own word to avoid the proper 'reincarnation' to make happened the manifestation) in one's Continuity of the Consciousness? 

    In Bashar thesis, where is the difference between one's momentary Reality and Actuality (which is the aggregate of all relevant realities) that causes unnecessary Sufferings as analysed in 60+ years by Krishnamurti? That gap from 'Thing As It Is' can be dynamically changed in one's Volition, driven by Wisdom (#Prajna) of seeing 'Thing As It Is' via Right Transcendental #Awareness and the Insight of the solution - instead of Ignorance causing Sufferings. Bashar's 'choice' implies a confused conditioned selector selecting equally confusing alternatives already filtered by the selector's conditions. 

    A conflicting consciousness cannot see other conflicting consciousness (duality existence) 'As It Is'. Where is the role of the Higher Mind at one's instant moment of one's sweet spot (Figure 3) defined as the intersection of (1) the Right Thing to do coming from seeing 'Thing As it Is having the injection of Prajna Moral Value of the values, (2) the Right Way to do coming from one's Intuition and brain intelligence, and (3) one's unique comparative advantages. While putting out an effective tool to help 'Break the Brick Walls of (thousands year) Belief', Bashar's process of [ Beliefs > Perception > Interpretation > Emotional reaction > Thoughts > Action ] contradicts himself to enslave one totally inside the conditioned box of existence, shutting out the possibility of being an Integrated Person. To 'Know Oneself' - Not Belief under binding Word/Image and clinging Thought - is the real driving force of momentary Volition (Table 2) to dynamically adjust and optimize one's Sweet Spot (Figure 3) in one's evolution of Consciousness according to the Essence of the Right Living

    If there exists 'Freewill' as accepted by Bashar then there is a normative condition that one can cultivate according to 'Thing As It Is - Actuality'. That normative condition is called 'Conscience' in western concept that we make it as a pre-condition to actuality of Kindness and Empathy, leading to #Prajna. Bashar's belief to Volition may lead to a deeper analysis that a volition can be driven by Ignorance leading to Sufferings or #Prajna toward the Purity-Tranquility of existence, which Bashar and his group do not know nor have. The dynamic adjustment from one's 'Reality' to 'Actuality' comes from Right Transcendental #Awareness - states of Prajna - to see 'Thing As It Is' beyond binding Word/Image of Christian movement and clinging Thought of Islam world. This training 'Right Transcendental #Awareness' can be augmented in #PrajnaTIP in Kindness and modern technologies of [ Instinct - Data - Intelligence ] via Business Intelligence (BI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

    Bashar 's [ Follow your excitement - Finding your Purpose in Life ] is just like a blind running around and beating the bushes without knowing what one is doing. This happens to most successful people, totally missing the Essence of the Right Living / Effort, ending up with empty hand of some concrete lasting value while creating more unnecessary burdens to blindly achieve the Purpose at all costs. To 'Know Oneself', one can dynamically change one's Sweet Spot to strategically choose the 'battle' of Worthy Existence in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

  7. Bashar's Over Mind and 'One is All, All is One' - his second law of Existence - is the game of using Word (not Actuality) to confuse people in the old bag of Creative Intelligence. One can never be the all as admitted by Bashar, even one can be expanded to all, the experience is one's uniqueness. In other word, one can only look at the totality - the Tao's Nameless - from different angles. 'All is One' is the disguise of an Omnipotent Omnipresent regulating agent (God / Allah) that Bashar rejected. But All can be reflected in One due to (1) the evolution from Form back to Consciousness, outside all conditioned existence of One, (2) Consciousness is One in the totality of Thing-As-It-Is. This is how Prajna can takes one high above the duality plane of conflicting events to see Thing-As-It-Is transcending realms of existences from microscopic to macroscopic and one's present moment to change existence in a wider and wider perspective. We challenge the Transparency and Accountability of any dictatorship since one is only a part of the Whole.

    One can be a part of the Whole since one's action changes the environment whose aggregate outcome is the momentary State of the Whole. The Whole interest can be a part of one's Volition driven by Prajna, Not Ignorance since the environment affects one's well-being. Due to Volition, one is a creator of its own right either driven by Ignorance toward Sufferings or Purity-Tranquility of Existence toward happiness. Bashar's 'belief' is technically this 'Volition - Freewill - Sankhara' which can be driven by Ignorance or Prajna (Wisdom). 

    The #Prajna has embedded Verifiable Emptiness[D26] - like moving closer to a black hole - to rejuvenate all wears and tears of manifestations. Where is this Emptiness and Natural Purification as described by Gotama, hinted by Conventional Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth of Buddhist Madhyamaka, the infusion of the Perfected Nature to turn the Imaginary Nature (or one's ignorant realities) into the Dependent Nature of Thing As It Is in the momentary state of existence? 

    Buddhist Ultimate (Wider) Truth or Perfected Nature is called by Bashar 'Higher Mind' at different depths. The Higher Mind is not a slave to the Over Mind that Bashar conceptually theorizes at Word level to probably hide the hidden master-slave relationships between the Over Mind and the Higher Mind as we demonstrated in the next item. This Right Relationship is embedded in the natural law of the Buddha Nature that each person's Living Organism depends on and has effect to the ecosystem having sustainable Created Values at the aggregate level such as family, community, region, nation, the world and Cosmos. 

    The 'Over Mind', 'Higher Mind', 'Self Nature', 'Consciousness of Self Consciousness Self/Selfless Consciousness', 'Perfected Nature', 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth', 'Kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21], 'Latin Humanitas' are conceptual words whose contents are relevant. The contents have been identified as 'Verifiable Emptiness' which is defined and personally verified as states (signed posts in Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict) where gross attributes are naturally dissolved to utter Silence of No Thought toward Non-Thingness and Beyond. These states or signed posts are called nine knowable meditation states by Gotama and classified into three categories according to changed phases: Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity.

  8. Bashar talks about the nine (9) levels of Consciousness without detailing the attributes and characteristics of these nine levels. It is probably the nine Signed Posts mentioned by Gotama that Bashar and his leaders may over-hear from our discussion, without having any clue about them and/or without tracing out what trails leading to each signed post and from one signed post to the next. They are similar to many Buddhist monks/nuns - knowing nothing about these Verifiable Emptiness up to Nirvana - yet pretending to be Buddhist enlighten teachers, cheating themselves and others in making very unworthy living. The trails have not even identified by Gotama who only provided a binocular view and assertion in the modified EightFold Path[D21]. We can sense it since most people use the word 'Mindfulness' to sell what they do not know nor have which is "#EmptyTheContents / Insight into the Emptiness' or 'Samadhi' instead of 'Right Transcendental Inner peace' and the qualification of 'Right Transcendental Inner Peace' that we show how Jesus tempted by the cunning mind of the God. We have used the word 'Right Transcendental Inner Peace' since 2007 in preparing this book.

    Bashar and his leaders may know the presence of the physical mind and higher mind, but where is the Purity level of Utter Silence, ready for No Thought at Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness, reaching the Unity of Non-Thingness and the Mountain Top Nirvana of momentary Unmoving Sunyata - Gotama's discovered solution for his Inner Quest Dukkha (dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha) where everything is changing (viparinama-dukkha) due to its conditioned (sankhara-dukkha). 

    Hence Freewill - Volition - Sankhara introduces a notion of Normative Intelligence or something outside the box that one can consciously inject in to change the pattern of Sufferings and/or Unsatisfied. That something outside the box is called by Bashar the Higher Mind, identified by us as the visible Kindness, Empathy, and #Prajna from the invisible Sunyata and are cultivable in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Viparinama-dukkha is Bashar's fourth law of existence.


It is very beneficial to open a scientific dialogue at both theoretical level and empirical verification so that one can build on the learned lessons from others and contribute one's secret sauce appropriate to one's pattern that may be useful to others of similar pattern. We generalise this "Channeling and Extra-Terrestrial (ET)" section with an Ontological System for those wishing to (1) further explore the Illuminati New World Order, (2) force all isms where conflicting religions are parts verify their stated TRUTH on the trading table or Get out of the Way since all manifestations are conditioned and there is an optimal engineering process to make that manifestation happened. "Their complete "Nazi Fascism" plan has been foiled at esoteric level and will probably soon be at human economnic level. It is worthy to document as a case study: (1) taxonomy: Teleportation / Parallel Realities / 'One is All, All is One'; (2) model: Freewill / Unconditioned Love; (3) axiom: Lucifer / ET.

Modern Artificial Intelligence for pattern recognition, Modeling for unravelling underlying causes and effects, and Simulation for what-if analyses can detect statistically significant epistemic objectives based on the innate Budh (Buddha Nature) of the democratic mass that we call community implementations of the Right Understanding and Right Motivation of all important issues. Similar to other social science - such as economics - if you do not understand and actually know "Emptiness / No-Conflict Consciousness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Prajna" you cannot just copy words from others and blah blah blah with what you do not know nor have as done by unworthy people in all religions and isms[D19] in the human realm and/or in the esoteric "Buddhas, Gods, Allah, Lucifer" realms. This shows how precious the cultivable "Emptiness / No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Prajna" is and why we have to wait at the right time and place when both esoteric and religious cheating processes have been scientifically debunked!

Community implementation is only an aggregation in truly democratic society of individual inner quality of Right Understanding and Right Motivation which determine that individual current and future existence according to natural laws of Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Since each individual has been evolving for a long time with many "unexpected cracks" to fall into an Abyss of Sufferings - as the case studies of many claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah leading to the downfalls of human Illuminati Elites - there are embedded innumerable [ intuition / wisdom ] and outdated marks. Riding on one's comparative advantages of intuition while recognising present hurdles of "outdated marks" one can use the present quality of one's consciousness as inner lab of modern discovered scientific tools in (1) pattern recognition[R9], (2) modeling of causes and effects, and (3) simulation to properly manage one's present realities.

Gotama has personally discovered this "normative tool" in his advice to Ajita's questions[D22]: [ Karma flows as streams. Whatever streams are in the World, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by Wisdom / #Prajna, they are dissolved ]. Unfortunately, the discovery (1) has been sabotaged by professional artists in 2500+ years of his cheating Buddhist Sangha up until 2025 in turning his "modified Eightfold Path" upside down into [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] reducing prajna[D46] as an outcome of conflicting consciousness to sell their "painted cakes", (2) putting a "stupid head" full of tainted senses on top of another "stupid head" in its blah blah blah about Buddhist Ethical Code while almost all monks, nuns and followers committed the fundamental Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối", and (3) is not deliverable due to Gotama's defective tools in "Mindfulness of Breathing"[D24] and "Four Foundations of Mindfulness"(MahaSatipatthana)[D25] on the duality plane of conflicting events, incapable to produce required Transcendental #Awareness in passing the Gateway-to-Oneness reaching Equanimity[D29] state for possibly sensing the driving force behind thought to properly manage one's realities.

This situation will be changed in human realm then exported to other realms via enforceable rule-of-law "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" due to new discovery - unknown in esoteric higher realms of Buddhas, Gods, Allah, the King of Gods, etc - of a living student thanks to an inspired situation he was forced in where he could (1) personally observe actual works and the "Right Understanding and Right Motivation of HuiNeng reincarnation" in helping to foil esoteric plots of Illuminati Elites, (2) see his persistent "outdated marks" similar to those highly evolved but significantly degenerated despise his personal experience of Buddhist recorded Gotama's nine Jhanas[D29], [D30], [D26], and (3) no longer have normal sexual activities and worthy relationship at early 50+. Thanks to 30+ years of accumulated transcendental #Awareness (state around X-dimension) and discovered cultivable No-Conflict Consciousness (stock via positive Fibonacci evolution around F-dimension) built on verifiable Gotama's Signed Posts around Y-dimension for the manifestations of #Prajna[D26], he can actually see "Thing-As-It-Is" Right Efforts and dynamically required adjustments from HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna whose outcomes on the duality plane of conflicting events are Prajna Dialectic instead of Hegelian Dialectic. Using his [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác ] as an inner lab to explore Gotama's advice[D22] to properly manage his realities, he was able to:

  1. Dissolve unworthy outdated marks, including sexual esoteric and human marks in either known or unknown situations to the point of no more appearance in his thought or dream.

  2. Sense energy vibrations of past connected people - students, associates, friends, sexual partners, etc - and past events while other parties only vaguely sense his natural attraction from Kindness.

  3. Cultivate required conditions without going beyond effortlessly ethical norms for the Right Things to happen.

5. Continuity of the AwakeningBudh Movement - One's Raison D'être

The "Oneness" beyond conflicts in duality of self and not-self as described in Lankavatara Sutra[D34] or the "Unchanged / Unborn" logically explained its existence in Shurangama Sutra[D33] has been a mysterious experience in both higher and human realms due to Not-Yet discovered No-Conflict Consciousness and its evolution / degeneration: (from Lankavatara Sutra) "People grasping their own shadows of discrimination, uphold the discrimination of dharma and adharma, and failing to carry out the abandonment of the dualism, they go on discriminating and never attain tranquility[D34]. By Tranquility is mean oneness, and oneness gives birth to the highest Samadhi, which is gained by entering into the womb of Tathagatahood, which is the realm of supreme wisdom realised in one's inmost self".

This "Oneness / Unchanged / Unborn" in the mid of changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) existence can be actually known by many via "Kindness" (mettā - tâm từ) and "Empathy" (karuṇā - tâm bi) to have Right Understanding and Right Motivation for Right Effort in all activities in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. When you describe your "Kindness" or "Empathy" the compassion (kindness / empathy) are not there. But many actually know the "Kindness" that makes you Share your Happiness with others and the "Empathy" that enables your feeling the pains of others and drives you to do something very practical just like you do something for your own physical and mental pains (dukkha-dukkha).

You cannot say your "Kindness" and "Empathy" - which have different depths from the qualities of your Heart, not the amount you spend - different from your opponents' Kindness and Empathy. Minimum "Food - Health - Education" are what we together can do to manifest the universal values of "Kindness" and "Empathy" to enable everyone in the driver seat, changing oneself and the environment one a part. The "Have" in sharing part of their surplus not only generate positive action and reaction but also a rare opportunity to know more about themselves and the vibration / sensitivity innate in their heart with the environment supporting them. The "Needy" can temporarily pass the "crack / hurdle" so they have opportunities to do something for themselves and others. In that sense "Food - Heath - Education" is not a serial but dynamic simultaneous process where all involved parties - the Haves and the HaveNots - can learn something from the generated activities of participating Stakeholders. The core of "Education" is "To Know Oneself" which is very precious, aesthetic and beyond Image/Word and Thought that only Practical Living and Personal Experience can open the precious quality hidden within everyone.

Since that precious quality - Oneness / #Prajna / Self Nature / Perfected Nature / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / The kingdom of God within you / Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Nameless Tao / There is no god but God - is beyond Image / Word / Thought and must be personally experienced to make its manifestations in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, "Kindness and Empathy" are culrivable and the Right mediums for Learning and Doing to a breakthrough in Y-dimension to be Aware of Gotama's Tranquility / Kp Gateway-to-Oneness and Equanimity / Gotama qualified Mindfulness[D29]. They are two of the achievable manifestations of the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind and the foundations of newly discovered layered No-Conflict Consciousness of Gotama's "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác"[D22], the core solution of his identified Dukkha: in part [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] and in part [ #Prajna >< True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Right Effort >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ]. The highest level of Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả) is achievable when one can transcend the "Observed and Observer" with some stability in cosmic Consciousness (Gotama verifiable Infinite Space and Infinite Consciousness). This is the KhaiPhong implementation via ThankYou / GsLp (Global service Local presence) Club, naturally driven by Invisible Hands of "#Prajna and Economics"

It is complete upside down in the entire history of Buddhist communities of cheating monks and nuns in its assertion of [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna ], and its hallucination to equate ethical codes designed for a monk's life style to the Virtue that they even do not know due to indulgence in the cheating game to achieve social respect and easy living. That indulgence in the cheating game can be seen in wider case studies of organised religions in the entire history of humanity where conflicting esoteric forces having mostly cunning intelligence in innumerable tactics of different sects within one religion and among crossed religions with destructive Wrong Efforts for upper hand in competing religions, serving different aspects of the hallucinated ego 180o in different direction of Gotama's discoveries.

Emptiness and #Awareness are not two separate processes but dynamically affect each other. That is why HuiNeng talks about #Samadhi (coming from Emptiness) / #Prajna (coming from #Awareness for the manifestation of #Prajna stakes and stock). That manifestation of both states and stock of #Prajna - named #SamadhiPrajna (Định Tuệ) by HuiNeng - is Gotama Right Transcendental #Awareness at different depths of [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác ] in his description of Verifiable Emptiness. The union of [ Emptiness / #Awareness ] is the bottom line of realising one's Potentialities and Knowing the Essence of the Right Living / Effort. One can be Happy and Successful life-after-life, fully responsible for one's action and the environment one is in.

Identified Vertical Switches at right conducive activities and secret sauce of switching from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth will effortlessly clean up current messy states from past "Wrong Efforts" - causing inner conflicts outer conflicts - switching from the darkness of Ignorance to the light of Prajna. Mathematically, we can state that without transcendental - #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace - there is no meditation. #EmptyTheContent is the necessary and sufficient condition for meditation. Without "detachment" (starting the HonNhien, naturally detoxifying and purifying tainted senses), there is no Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace for the manifestation of #Prajna. Detachment is the necessary and sufficient condition at different depths of the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace for the manifestation of Prajna. The mathematical proof can be barely seen from the intersection of duality plane of conflicting events and its perpendicular Truth plane of [ Oneness / No-Conflict Consciousness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ].

To move from any conflicting event to its Truth plane in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position, one has to move to this No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] inter-section line - that we call conducive activities - on the duality plane and uses the trained Vertical Switch with its secret sauce from duality plane to different transcendental states identified as Signed Posts. It is applicable to any event - visible or invisible, focused or sensing - where one's "InnerSpace" if [ sufficiently developed / Awaken / Tỉnh Thức ] can mobilize not only the physical and mental make-up of one's "Containerized Consciousness / Alaya / Soul" commonly known in "Reincarnation" but also its finer sixth sense of "Intuition" and/or the seventh sense of "complete silence" to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count, called "#Prajna". The ability to instantly silence the mind from conflicting spot of the event to the No-Conflicting Consciousness then high above on the event TRUTH plane depends on the power and depth of Detachment called #Samadhi by HuiNeng, then high above on the event TRUTH plane due to one's Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's "strategic position" to direct the event toward What Count based on the depth (stock) of one's #Awareness (state), called #Prajna by HuiNeng in his #SanadhiPrajna. This is the scientific processes to enable cultivation of Gotama's [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác ][D22] in all activities and relationships embedded in four conducive activities to Oneness: (1) #DhyanaSamadhi realisable with transcendental technologies, enabling Natural Purification emitted from all #Samadhi Signed Posts purifying one's tainted senses, (2) Highest Tantra and (3) Aspiration with "secret sauces" from those actually knowing them to expose cheating processes of past organised religions, and (4) Merging into the Oneness of Huineng's #SamadhiPrajna[R5], seeing one's strategic position to change oneself and the environment toward What Count via Prajna Dialectic instead of conflicting and cheating Hegelian Dialectic.

Hence, to show any meditation, you need to deliver '#EmptyTheContent' which is the question of the 'Infinite Thought Bodhisattava' in Saddharma Pundarika[D49] unknown by those in negative Fibonacci degeneration. See if you - no matter who you are including degenerated claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah - or any monk has ever delivered that "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace in their innumerable forms of 'meditations' as described in the Heart Sutra[R2]. Note that 'transcendental' is only the 'dissolved Observed' or naturally #EmptyTheContent, not yet dissolving the Observer having tainted senses with innumerable outdated marks which will be delivered by Gotama's Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) as he actually described[D26] in Buddhist recorded "Cula-suññata Sutta: The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness" (MN 121). Here is the fundamental difference from Hindu Transcendental-Inner-Peace (#Samadhi) of "self-achievement" versus Buddhist Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (#Samadhi) moving toward Sunyata Non-Thingness in Self-Selfless Actualization. Esoterically, it is the fundamental difference between the realm of [ Mãng Xà Tinh / Huge Snake ] with its Voodoo power versus [ Dragon ] realm in "Kindness and Empathy". Spiritually, it is the difference between SatChitAnanda (Bliss) versus SatChiSunyata (Non-Thingness) corrected by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi[D54] of Transcendental Meditation based on further reflection of 30+ years after an unworthy scandal. It is also the cause for the degeneration and total collapse of the feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods in 100,000+ man-years culture of Greed and Fears in animal kingdoms bullying others from their cunning intelligence of negative Fibonacci degeneration, using physical power to violently control the more advanced dragon realm in the Right positive Fibonacci evolution according to underlying natural laws.

To reach a #SamadhiPrajna you must have "Detachment[R7]" as well known from Huineng [ "Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心" ] to be first transcendental to the Utter Silence of Purity, then Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien to transcend the Observer. Those who have a glimpse into the difference as mentioned above between Wrong Efforts driven by conflicts and comparisons versus the 'Right Effort' from Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict may know the Utter Silence of this Purity where light Happiness has been completely dissolved. That is Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness. Hence, any value-added to make things clearer and scientifically reproducible is the "Continuity of the AwakeningBudh Movement" starting from Gotama, value-added by HuiNeng but stagnant up until 2025 when someone can see the limitations of both Gotama and HuiNeng, and brings their contributions into proper perspective.

The limitations of Gotama are (1) Not knowing the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness, (2) Not knowing the difference between the states and stock of his consciousness, and (3) Degenerated due to the blah blah blah of his "Permanent Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana", incapable in HuiNeng's Signed Post of "No Mark and Detachment once the work done" described in the Heart Sutra[R2]. The limitations of HuiNeng are (1) His three Nots (Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment) are applicable only to him since almost all people starting from the Haves with innumerable binding and clinging forces from tainted senses, (2) He has no scientific process to start from the Have in "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" to his Nots since the thoughts of "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment" are Not "HuiNeng's Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment"! KhaiPhong discovers (1) Layered No-Conflict Consciousness in Gotama's recorded Jhanas and in evolution or degeneration according to natural Fibonacci sequence, (2) scientific processes - including proven precious processes - such as Yogic Flying, Qi-Gong[R11], Merging to Aspirtion, etc, to "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace in detoxifying one's tainted senses and actually knowing one's precious qualities of [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ] beyond all physical and mental manifestations for instant "reborn and rejuvenation" as briefly explained by this young Vietnamese girl at initial levels 2021-08-23 (the video was deleted and Not Yet at Gotama's Sunyata Non-Thingness and beyond), (3) technical implementations in the integrations of radio and consciousness technologies to enable all involved parties - the Haves, Stakeholders, HaveNots - parts of the solution, completely driven by invisible Hands of Prajna and Economics. It completes HuiNeng's second half having scientific processes in deepening and widening "#EmptyTheContent" with the three visible Haves in the process outcomes - first rationally via "Riding the Ox" to properly manage one's realities then actually - @ "#Awareness / Kiến Tánh, Dependent / Duyên Khởi, #Prajna / Bát Nhã". We think this is the right time to bring everything together in a sound scientific foundation with empirically verifiable Right Effort in all important domains of activities and relationships according to statistically significant epistemic objectives of community Right Understanding and Right Motivation.

The present reincarnation of HuiNeng is a Vietnamese. The writer - since 2004 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada - is an "intimate friend of this precious diamond", esoterically revealed when "the entity" was "esoterically asked" to help the "esoteric degenerated feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods" understanding their actual realities of "Things-As-It-Is". The sixth and seventh levels beyond knowing the source of one's thought were discovered in our close encounters at battle level against the Voodoos from claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah, but absolutely required to be deepening and widening via SR&ED (Sientific Research and Experimental Design) due to its potentialities. Just like HuiNeng from Southern part of China "Lĩnh Nam chích quái", no one can recognize this "diamond" if not at the right time, and even so the person will "not accept nor deny" since what can be done at the presence is important. This is a real person with real "ability to direct cosmic energy in making happened What Count". The suggestion of using "cosmic energy" to revitalize the "damaged neurons" in the treatment of Alzheimer in addition to the claim at minute 27 the treatments of human cancer came from this living person who was esoterically sensed by the writer the Vietnamese Lady (Mẹ) at La Vang to transparently put "actual things on the table" subjected to modern SR&ED. Here is an exciting time of "Inter-Realms Fair Trade" mathematically proven beneficial to all involved parties in human International Trade Theory.

The tool to bring everything together - EIP (Executive Information Portal) - is the scientific implementation of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] and the "Right Understanding of Enlightenment", enabling Trusted Leadership 4.0 - transcending both Christian and KungTzu doctrinal leaderships in harmonious measurable real benefits - of current Globalization which are measurable and deliverable with Prajna Dialectic. It is designed to (1) know more about yourself, (2) change yourself and environment in Change Management toward What Count, (3) cultivate [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ]. The implementation rides on (1) measurable Consciousness Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness to gauge one's #Awareness similar to measurable Right Effort, (2) achievable Signed Posts in #EmptyTheContent from Gateway-to-Oneness to Unmoving Sunyata via statistically significant discovered technologies conducive to Oneness, (3) the target of "What" optimal No-Conflict Consciousness appropriate to one's Persona and "How" in one's "secret sauce" to sense "Thing-As-It-Is", leading toward (4) one's strategic position and its measurable Right Effort.

The mathematical proof - using actual arguments of the claimed masters in Madhyamaka[D38] and Consciousness-Only[D39] - also demonstrates as its by-products the real hurdles from duality existence of How to move from:

  1. Current present moment of relative existence to the Perfected Nature, personally experience the infusion of the Natural Purification to loosen the Grips of binding and clinging forces of Imaginary Nature moving toward the Dependent Nature closer to 'Thing As It Is',

  2. Conventional Truth of duality existence to Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth in Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, having an Insight into the Emptiness,

and possible trails to overcome the hurdles right at the present relative existence. Trails of empirical verification must deliver the solution for these hurdles which can be described as Transcendental or '#EmptyTheContent / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace' for whatever the gross contents they are as actually described in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] to effortlessly wipe out unworthy people, selling at word level of what they do not know nor have of human dark periods in the 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism.

The same thing is applicable to Buddhist Heart Sutra that we pointed out - at the time of forming the Prajna Pagoda[R2] in Calgary Canada - the different versions (the Chinese and Sanskrit version) to be logically and scientifically ironed out by global communities of Buddhist Counselors since actual realisation at different depths of the Heart Sutra is the necessary and sufficient condition for knowing the 'Right' at similar depths in all components of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path.

From this AwakeningBudh environment, one is driven by what most relevant to the present moment - as we are currently witnessing and commonly known as the People Power - fully responsible for one's actions and dynamically drop whatever not relevant such as the sectarian Wrong Faiths from past organised religions. Moving from thousand years in darkness of "Binding Words and Clinging Thoughts" bullied by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in all isms to the light of [ Wisdom / #Prajna / Oneness / No-Conflict Consciousness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas ] demand (1) scientific processes to ignite the light so everyone can be a part to change oneself and the environment, (2) the mean of spreading world wide for both widening and deepening the understanding of underlying Natural Laws in Making Life Easier and Happier. Both conditions are ready now to wake up human social beings to the next level of evolution.

That Gateway to Oneness or Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict has been poked into by great explorers known in humanity as the Tao 'Nameless', Gotama 'End-of-Dukkha[D44]', 'the kingdom of God within', 'Latin Humanitas', 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth' in Buddhist Madhyamaka, 'Perfected Nature' in Buddhist Consciousness-Only, 'Awareness of Self Awareness' in Dharmapala-XuanZang theoretical model, 'Self Nature' by HuiNeng. Discovering the "How" riding on natural laws for heavy lifting is just a "Continuity of the AwakeningBudh" to fast track the process with scientific processes and modern technologies. We call that 'outside-the-box' the 'Oneness / Universal Moral Value of the values / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' at different depths of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent. It is different from containerized consciousness in parallel universe that one can access through 'wormhole' as logically understood from theoretical physics[R22.1] and/or separating one's physical body and astral / energy body to simultaneously do different works in different realms. We expose these conducive activities below at vertical switches, plus "secret sauce" of the "How" in each switch for accessing the Oneness to be statistically tested and verified as epistemic objectives.

5.1 Four conducive Activities to Oneness

On the duality plane (Relative Truth), we have identified known common four conducive activities, easily leading to this Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict that have covered the entire human significantly discovered pieces of truths toward this 'Gateway to Oneness' of our deeper Signed Posts. Scientific approach in 'Gateway to Oneness' forces all religions putting Right Effort to deliver real contributions to drive the human development while eliminating addicted and divisional imaginary faiths (deep rooted Marks like other binding and clinging Marks such as abnormal sex, fear, phobia) enforced by professional cheaters, causing unnecessary sufferings for billion lives in the past. This scientific force not only effortlessly wipes out past religious unworthy people but also scientifically exposes past dedicated explorers' discoveries as precious gifts to humanity which can teach esoteric unworthy and professional cheaters a lesson of 60,000+ man years of degenerated masters-slaves relationships from Invisible Hands of "Empathy (leading to Prajna) and Economics".

For the gateway-to-oneness to simulate outdated Marks, wiping out dominant karmic forces in managing an Easier and Happier present life, we know it exists but needs more researches and tool creations. We make these happened via "Strategic Intelligence Service" at both personal and aggregate national / international levels where the Haves from specialised needs will sponsor the projects to first benefit them then open source, being parts in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong. It is a part of the Simulation Technology to use #Prajna 'dissolving / emptying' unnecessary and outdated Marks[D22]. Using the gateway-to-oneness to predict the future may have already been exploited long time ago - commonly known as oracle - by Intelligent Beings using Consciousness technologies to affect the Event Outcome. It is similar to using algorithm patterns[R21], [R21.1], [R21.2] to predict and simulate espionage tactics and strategic decisions. The normative Right decisions are relevant and important than ever since the world becomes more complex and inter-connected having more sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) capable to detect conflicting algorithms in the mathematical universe for momentary optimization.

  1. Dhyana (Thiền, Zen, Chan)-Samadhi (Định): "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace is [ Samadhi ]. When we are in a position to deal with Dhyana and to keep our inner mind in Samadhi, then we are said to have attained #DhyanaSamadhi". This HuiNeng's precised definition[R5] clearly debunk all binding word/image, clinging thought and personal glorification erected by all isms where Buddhism - going against Gotama's identified issue of Dukkha and its Ultimate (Wider) Solution in Not-Self - is a part, intentionally enslaving humanity on the negative direction of natural evolution mathematically rated around the X-dimension of Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness which demands a breakthrough cultivated from #Awareness in Kindness and Empathy around the F-dimension for emerging out-of-the-mud of animal kingdoms into the positive Fibonacci evolution of "Latin Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within". The precised definition of HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna can be observable, testable, and verifiable in the scientific implementation to be released at the right place and time of Buddhist's Shurangama Sutra[D33] with its latest interpretation from a Vietnamese scholar in English (2018) and in Vietnamese by Dr. Bhikkhunī Giới Hương. Her latest works in English (26/03/2019) (Chapter II: Hearing and Reflecting Method) and in Vietnamese (26/03/2019) (Chương II: Tiến Trình Tu Chứng Của Pháp Môn Phản Văn) render her an evidenced-based hardcore professional cheater as first touched in Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna and then fully exposed by general public when the technology - #PrajnaTIP in Sound - is implemented. Testing and contributing to the exposed scientific process using undeniable community consensus smart contract technology, one will pass through the Signed Posts actually recorded from Gotama's personal experiences[D29], [D30], [D26], summarised in Buddhist's Heart Sutra[R2].

    Hindu Siddhi via Transcendental Meditation (TM) introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi[D54] - supported from his teacher Guru Dev Shankaracharya - can meet part of this definition. The TM introduced the beginning level of Sound Technology to the World without knowing the fundamental scientific process of the technology, the HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) Mind. We feel - due to strong patterns in the Continuity of the Consciousness - that they might be the reincarnations of Tilopa and Naropa who had actually demonstrated[D41] their ability to know the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict. It explained why Mahesh also wants to set up his University. The technology has enabled many thousands people from different cultures and religions directly experiencing the Purification Process via the Gateway-to-Oneness and Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, reactivating their dormant Inner Power with / without required thousands years of Intensity of Attention.

    Without the HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) Mind, the experience is lost due to the Grasp-er and the Grasped of the precious experience. The wrong "HonNhien Mind" can play an initial trick of a special process to forget whatever one knows about meditation or techniques of having "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent" for this special process takes over. It - wrong "HonNhien Mind" - is just like addicted faith binding and clinging to the desription that one has to be totally in. When you are attached, your natural "HonNhien Mind" disappears. Once you know some level of "Verifiable Emptiness" via the HonNhien Mind, your mind - driven by left brain - becomes attached to the technique and/or its "holy" sound; the natural HonNhien Mind is lost. That is the time the technique must be "Dropped / Detached" to stabilise your quality of "Detachment" as a basis for the manifestation of HuiNeng's generalised #SamadhiPrajna or Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness from "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định " { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi } for further accumulating the "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent" and Fibonacci stock, deepening the quality of Right Transcendental #Awareness. This correct process was not known by the founder of TM (Transcendental Meditation) since he was far from Being Aware the sources of his thoughts.

    The TM technique was first marketed as 'Bliss' in 'SatChitAnanada' that raised the level of Grasping in all participants and enthusiasts while the founder himself did not have sufficient [ Right Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ] to sense the sources of the signals from his senses and the state of his being to properly manage his realities for a very unworthy scandal. Thanks to his deeper level than the Tranquility gateway-to-oneness to reach Equanimity - qualified by Gotama as the base of his Right Transcendental #Awareness - Mahesh corrected the past marketing 'Bliss' into 'Emptiness', 'Non-Thingness' before he left the World[D54]. This is the "Then What" from [ Minh Triết Việt / Vietnamese Widom ] to search for observable attributes of the signed post Equanimity (Free from binding Word/Image) perfected by the Roman Catholic Church. It is also the minimum level qualified as a Budh Counselor or knowing Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness[D29], [D22].

    With sufficient infrastructure to protect and support participants whose unnecessary and outdated marks may be arisen to the surface due to the Natural Purification of Verifiable Emptiness, and proper preparations having professional qualified supports, the technology can be re-introduced to reactivate the Awakening process and re-vitalise the HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) Mind. Let's take a close look at the qualified "#DhyanaSamadhi" and use current scientific understanding (1) to debunk hard-core professional cheaters - typified by claimed Zen Master and Buddha King Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ and Trần Nhân Tông - and (2) theoretically and empirically implement the Right Understanding and Right Motivation of #DhyanaSamadhi.

    In the case of Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ on the "No Difference between Ignorance and Awaken", it is very easy to scientifically prove that the person knew nothing about the Right (Prajna) and Wrong (Ignorance) coming from his Conscience or innate Buddha Nature to be in part discover and in part create the Real You[R10]. In the case of Trần Nhân Tông, one's practicality of "Then What" sheds "the devils in details" to search for a concrete unique contribution of this claimed Buddha King which has not been there that Vietnamese Buddhist Sangha attempted to personally glorify him after failing to glorify Hồ Chí Minh systematic thoughts in an attempt to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships contrary to Gotama discovered possibility to be Freedom from the Known of all conditioned claims on the Duality Plane of conflicting Existence capable to sense Liberation in Compassion and Wisdom implied from Socrates Humanitas. The unique contribution first touches the discovered [ attributes / principles ] underlying natural laws of Things-As-It-Is and its derived guidelines for manifestations of the principles. This scientific process has been attempted by Ashoka's policy of Dhamma, and presently applicable to all democratic National Constitution and Legislation.

    Gateway-to-Oneness / Gotama 's Tranquillity second stage of Right #Samadhi meets this "#DhyanaSamadhi" definition since it is based on the Detachment right in the first stage[D29] - at the time of momentary action, not at theoretical conditioned thought as taught by Buddhist cheating Sangha up to 2025 to enter the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict. It forces participant's experience to actually deliver the described beyond all word descriptions of identified Vertical Switches in moving from duality consciousness to No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] with measurable Signed Posts. It will be delivered to the mass when the time is right: Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity. This is the Only One which can pass the Utter Silence of Purity to Transcend the Observer or Gotama Not-Self toward Non-Thingness and beyond to momentary Nirvana.

    Applying the [ Minh Triết Việt / Vietnamese Widom ] to search for observable attributes of the Purity Signed Post (Free from clinging Thought) perfected by Muslim we quote from "the descriptions of Gotama and the Heart Sutra" to (1) explicitly force all dedicated explorers to precisely define the meaning of Purity Higher Consciousness which can be personally verifiable with KhaiPhong Transcendental technologies to be released at the right place and time, (2) explicitly challenge Buddhist Guru Yoga (the DalaiLamaEnglish/vietnam-2018/videos/175227171 was deleted) and to prove the degeneration of Manjushri - not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see - in leading armies of professional cheaters similar to that of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in the "The Great Compassion Mantra / Chú Đại Bi".

    While waiting for deliverable transcendental technologies in cultivating Value of the values in Higher Consciousness right at this present life time in one's Continuity of the consciousness - Making Life Easier and Happier - now and many thousands years to come turning Gotama's qualified Transcendental #Awareness in Equanimity and the Purity[D29] as epistemic objectives in qualified Budh Counsellors, here is a logical argument for those who cannot wait to debunk Buddhist concept of Compassion and Prajna coming from Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and Manjushri Bodhisattva. First, #DhyanaSamadhi is the dissolution of whatever contents toward Sumyata Non-Thingness[D30] for Natural Purification to purify tainted senses, enabling one's effortless Detachment. At the Purity state, Gotama described it as "by the disappearance of joy and sorrow, he attains to the 'neither suffering nor bliss', which is the Purity" while the Heart Sutra dwells deeper with more precised details to be verified "therefore Sariputra, in Sunyata there is not form not feeling not perception not impulse not consciousness not eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-mind not form-sound-smell-taste-touch-thought not eye consciousness up to not mind consciousness not ignorance not destruction of ignorance not decay-death not destruction of decay-death not dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga not knowledge not attainment not non-attainment". This transcendental consciousness state is far beyond duality plane of conflicting thought. Ask yourself how can you have this Purity consciousness at your thinking level on the duality plane?

    Yet, in Buddhist Guru Yoga (the DalaiLamaEnglish/vietnam-2018/videos/175227171 was deleted) you are asked to "meditate on Emptiness" then imagine yourself transforming into Manjushri Bodhisattva who according to what presented in Buddhist Guru Yoga does not know anything about Emptiness as precisely defined in #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna to be implemented by Community Right Understanding and Right Meditation as epistemic objectives. You see the process in Guru Yoga is a subtle form of indoctrination veiled by mystery. Through Sound Technology, we had some dialogue with Manjushri over 10+ years ago (from 2020). Only viewing the transmission of Guru Yoga, the writer knows Manjushri actual level and tell other friend to confirm Manjushri degenerated state as a part on the collapse of Illuminati elites. The Dalai Lama XIV explicitly violates Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối" in teaching people "meditating the Non-Thingness", exactly as the author of [ Visuddhimagga / the Path of Purification ][D31]. You can only Be Aware Non-Thingness at the right conditions once proficient in Purity state, having natural Detachment to drop all Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought. Let's roughly touch the working of Prajna and Compassion in an effort to make Compassion-Prajna a reality in most people and an epistemic objective so no Buddhist unworthy and professional cheaters to get closed since they will be immediately toasted!

    From Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22], the utility of #Prajna is in part activating [ Conscience >< Justice >< Moral Value ] and in part enabling [ True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Right Effort ]. It makes happened Prajna Dialectic to enable one directly perceive the focused event according to Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change oneself and the event toward What Count. After the direct perception commonly known as an Intuition, one can use both Brain Intelligence for "top down" and Artificial Intelligence for "bottom up" to put it into a [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] in one's conscious living of all important activities and relationships. It is a part of Executive Information Portal (eip) together with well-known Balanced Scorecard to measure executive performance based on both Normative and Positive Intelligence that we were contracted to create from 2000 to 2002 for Northstar Energy Resources and Devon Canada Corporation in Calgary Canada. The project had been partly supported by Canadian Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) from 2001 to 2012 to explore technical parts of microservices and the feasibility to enable each person being both producer and consumer assisted by Artificial Intelligence in all activities and relationships to change oneself and the environment toward What Count. This custom EIP / Executive Information Portal will turn into Executive Inter-Realms Portal under KhaiPhong where radio and consciousness technologies are integrated in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations".

    Conceptually, this eip turns "Top Down, Bottom Up, Inside Out, and Outside In" from "Big Data Strategic Planning" into a three-dimension 360o view of complex Dependent Nature in whatever domain one or organisation focusing on. Examples of the "Top Down" are national territorial ownership and securities; examples of the "Bottom Up" are optimal invisible hand of economics to change social patterns of the mass toward the desired quality of Justice and Moral Value; examples of "Inside Out" are "No Mind Enclosure" at personal level to avoid Gotama's defects or optimal impacts of national strategies to be parts of favourable international environments; examples of "Outside In" are personal #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna or national strategies to maximise legitimate Patriot of the country's expats and International support for a "Just Cause and/or Value of the values". It then can be used in the fourth time dimension via what-if simulations and forecasting. Since then, open sources and Artificial Intelligence have been significantly advanced to widen and deepen the implementations of eip at significantly reduced costs having proven technologies of No Technical Risk for possible mass markets with innumerable Value Ads contributed by all concerned parties via invisible hands of Prajna (the Right and Wrong) and Economics. With Cloud technologies and Social Psychology / Psychotherapy focusing in Implicit-association test (IAT) on the conflicting plane of Relative Truth, the breakthroughs of this book measurable at Signed Posts and qualified Equanimity and Purity Higher Consciousness in Transcendental #Awareness of transcending Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought enslaving people by all isms - esoterically imposed up to 2025 from higher realms - are ready for implementations "From people, By people, and For people" to drive the fourth Industrial Revolution via the Invisible Hand of Empathy (Moral Value leading to Prajna) and Economics.

    More specifically, modern Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods, particularly when based on regular personal interaction, to help a person change behaviour and overcome problems in desired ways. If the therapy is ineffective in rational way, it then uses "drug" to dull the physical mind. The problem is still there and "not dissolved !" Similarly, Social Psychology is the study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviours - psychological variables measurable in humans - are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. One has been in the "prison without bar" using Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought. See for yourself the importance of this breakthroughs to render almost all Buddhist claimed meditation masters and teachers unworthy and professional cheaters. Then see the relevance of #DhyanaSamadhi { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Right Transcendental Inner Peace is [ Samadhi ] }, #SamadhiPrajna { "Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna [for Right Understanding], while Prajna is the activity of Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }, and #AwarenessPrajna { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by Prajna they are dissolved" } as practical solutions in the new Conscious Living Era.

    The "Top Down" comes from the Instinct on the focused event for investigations; the "Bottom Up" is discovered from AI on the focused event; the "Inside Out" is the circular process of "Plan >< Execution >< Feedback" measurable via Balanced Scorecards; the "Outside In" comes from selected microservices of Machine Learning and Smart Contracts. We intent to make "EIP" - value added by custom AI - an affordable tool that everyone can be both a producer and consumer to change oneself and the environment toward What Count. This is how #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna are applied in practical living to answer the Then What of [ Minh Triết Việt / Vietnamese Widom ] about one's quality of Compassion-Prajna, statistically measurable as graphically illustrated.

    In #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna, one starts to Be Aware face-to-face the inner driving forces of moral values (conscience) and finer ability to sense the environment and counter parts as well as one's strategic position in all activities and relationships, known as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22]. Here is "Why" Empathy is the foundation of layered No-Conflict Consciousness needed in all activities and relationships, and can be measurable via Information Technology in a Natural Equilibrium state of [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] made happened via states and stock of #Prajna[D22] in Behaviour Economics of [ ThankYou / Global Service Local Presence ] Clubs. "Big Data Strategic Planning" and its implementations via focused Artificial Intelligence promise significant benefits for the "Haves' in most dominant issues" that we know innately known by many living students in our group. The discoveries from interactions of states and stock of #Prajna and its solutions in outer manifestations to solve tangible issues will be open sources for others's validations and value-adds in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.

    On Compassion via Bodhicitta advocated by those not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] leading by two Buddhist degenerated Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri Bodhisattvas, it is good to have a strong determination at conditioned conflicting duality. Whether one can do it throughout this life and life after life due to Natural Detachment coming from cultivable states and stock of #Prajna is another matter since the "thought of Bodhicitta" is superficial, not strong enough to put a signed post on one's core quality of the consciousness well-known in Buddhist eighth Consciousness[D39]. It is similar to a divorce and a determination to make it happened in the second, third, fourth, etc solemn marriages without knowing (1) your and the partner true intention, (2) Thing-As-It-Is focused event, and (3) your strategic position to make a Right Effort.

    Degeneration of both Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri Bodhisattvas are known in the collapse of Illuminati elites personally experienced by those having direct interactions with them using their direct Conscience or state and stock of one's Prajna. We hope to duly stress this Learned Lession since (1) one can be both an accountable Creator and part of responsible Human Creation changing one and the environment toward What Count based on the rated quality of being a person, (2) both Avalokiteshvara and Manjushri Bodhisattvas were only "soldiers" of many more layers of degenerated systems, making happened by Good Forces preparing orchestrating and riding on Natural Laws to be in action at the right place and right time for the new Golden Era. It is the manifestation and verification of Chinese theoretical concept of Wei-Wu-Wei (Not Wu-Wei blah blah blah by unworthy people nor the cheating game in "rule of the laws" of Confucianism and other organised religions where the laws do not applied to their creators, the god or son of god).

    It is more relevant in modern time due to (1) theoretical claiming of soft power - such as The Architecture of Fazang’s Six Characteristics - of all isms on duality plane without touching the TRUTH Plane / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Kingdom of God within / No god but God of the event perpendicular to the duality plane, (2) the Cultivable Prajna augmented by Artificial Intelligence (AI) statistically testable, verifiable, and reproducible into epistemic objectives via Then What[R6] of practical [ Minh Triết Việt / Vietnamese Wisdom ]. Finally, all "claimed processes can be statistically tested from KpPlatform under "Big Data" AI for deepening and widening their SHARED utilities 2021-08-28 such as claimed #DhyanaSamadhi about recorded Gotama's Non-Thingness (7th Jhana) 2021-08-23 (the video was deleted) from esoteric realms to open a new Era in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" that we ask those knowing reversed engineering their precious qualities for optimal conditions then SHARED in forming an Inner Circle and circles of inner circles for deepening and widening discovered underlying natural law and make it sustainable with or without the original contributor since all visible manifestations are conditioned and changed at Planck time (10-43 seconds).

    For example, responding to our challenge in once-and-for-all cleaning up 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism by asking them to expose what they actually know about Gotama's "Not-Self and Non-Thingness", here is the most recent response from "em gái tiếng thiên chia sẽ tâm không / Mind of Non-Thingness actually known from a young Vietnamese girl by 2021-08-23 (the video was deleted). If you - people from VietNam and the world - actually know Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness capable to obstruct karmic forces / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / KhaiPhong #Awareness / Kingdom of God within / Latin humanitas, you personally know her description[D22] and can value-add your "personal spice" to help all those similar to you in the harmonious "Melting Pot" from all conflicting Values, Religions, Isms, etc to start up your inner circle and circle of inner circles of sustainable businesses with or without your presence. The platform will facilitate your real dedicated efforts. This task will be done by 36+ identified students when KpPlatform is available to change the World that the "pretty girl from the higher realm" can be a part.

    Please reverse your "engineering process" - just like you actually cook a "real delicious and precious dish" - you must know its ingredients (the What) and its preparation ("the How") - then SHARE your recipe for 1% - 8% world population (80,000,000 - 500,000,000 people) having it with the help from armies of Ph.D. dedicated researchers in all human domains and fields to start a "new digital era of industrial revolution 4.0 for VietNam starting from 2021-08-24, dreamed by the doctrinal communist cheaters in following the Chinese totalitarian feudal and neo-feudal (communist) systems and personal glorifications applicable to their entire history which will be their "death point / tử huyệt" in modern time and animal realm for Vietnamese communist mafias in their Continuity of the consciousness of Cheating, Stealing, Cunning and Bullying in AnimalEnergy. This is the "Raison D'être" of KpPlatform, riding on its Inner Circle and circle of inner circles of those actually knowing "HuiNeng's Wu-Nien" initially in four specialized domains guided by fully qualified Directors of (1) Technologies to build KpPlatform from the ground up, (2) Human Resources to kick start Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations, (3) Foreign Affairs to turn the World toward the Right direction of human centric communities, and (4) Acamedia to pull resources from existing three universities into the Vision of Prajna University. Its execution is to turn the world from cunning Hegelian Dialectic into the "Harmonious Melting Pot" of Prajna Dialectic to solve current International Issues at [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] in Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0. [ The official conclusion of WEF learned from China about KungTzu's "Trusted doctrine" was taken out which says something about the reality of "China, WEF and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer played on both sides of Hegelian Dialectic" on the Duality Plane of Conflicting consciousness, and the Source of Conflicts identified by China since 2019 as "A Clash of Civilizations".

    Civilizations and Cultures are human endeavors In Search for the TRUTH and the Raison D'être of one's Existence. Out of these Turbulances and the Lesson learned from the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods, possible Solution emerged from the new Era of Humanity centered around "Security" under the Rule-of-Law with latest evidence in US - South Korean - Japan Security Pack, "Development" toward What Count from humanity upward under scientifically cultivable Normative and Positive Intelligence, and "Diversity" in multi-polar world from different angles to the TRUTH emerging from BRICS 2023 Summit. It is the Key Solution KhaiPhong is trying to sell in a bigger scale to (1) China, (2) US/EU, and (3) Russia with Scientifically Cultivable Invisible Hand of Prajna Dialectic ].

    From minute 12 of your deleted video, why do you still "pray to your Buddha" and where is your State of Non-Thingness (tâm không) in your praying? Do Not fall into the "crack" from 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and all its blah blah blah about meditations since a thought cannot go out of the thought on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness and Now rationally But Not Yet at Vietnamese KienTanh in Beyond Thoughts. We forcefully show and will expose the logical TRUTH for your Personal Verification As-A-Service SIS at the right time, But Do Not intentionally commit the fundamental Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối" sabotaging his precious Discoveries from the time of his spreading the Dharma. "Honesty" is far beyond both Cheating and Stupid due to its "Care" for oneself and others in the Self and Selfless Actualization! If you - or your teacher or teacher of the teacher - do experience the "state of Non-Thingness", please describe that state and "Then What according to Vietnamese Wisdom" to expose its practical utility. Your description Is Not Gotama's (Sunyata) Non-Thingness whose limitations and Huineng's limitations are pointed out in KhaiPhong integration of radio and consciousness technologies for all intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) to be parts of the Big-Data in KpPlatform to econometrically and statistically test and verify underlying theoretical foundations of Thing-As-It-Is in Making-Life-Easier-and-Happier as proven in human Economic and Health Sciences. It will provide "too big to fail" in avoiding the total collapse of the esoteic systems ruled by the King of Gods in their 100,000+ man-years of negative Fibonacci degeneration. We can export human works having armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate scientists in the new Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations.

    We think the "Cultivable Prajna and Then What" is now readily available for everyone (1) Taking Refuge in one's Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / No god but God / Good Forces according to underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED since there are cultivable Vertical Switches in Conducive Activities with measurable Signed Posts to transcend one's solid tainted sense as illustrated in symbolic square of KhaiPhong Logo coming and residing from Emptiness, (2) Seeing one's Grand Strategy having measurable square of one's "quality of mind" coming from top down big data exploration in AI, (3) Taking bottom up epistemic objectives in measurable ethical persona implemented and open source of KhaiPhong Neural Graph Database db and custom ai via its Strategic Intelligence Service, and (4) Having Prajna Dialectic of inside out to direct one's Right Effort invisibly driven by Empathy and Economics. "Equanimity Communities" are upgradable environments from "Tranquility" level provided by Nature / Environment with human Right Efforts for outside-the-box "Veritical Switch" to personally know the plane of No-Conflict consciousness [ #PrajnaTIP in Sound, #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, Compassion, Detachment, Aspiration, private Tantra ] for conducive activities [ Dhyana, Aspiration, Merging with Nature, Tantra ]. The Right Environment when combined with formal "Ontology to separate the Discovered "TRUTH" from "hallucination at Word and Thought levels in entire human history of isms and religions via scientific Classifications (Taxonomy) of identified Smart Pointes pointing to Visible Traits of the Ontological Types to real changes such as cleaning up negative traits of "AnimalConsciousness" for assuring one's evolution from humanity upward. Technically, the #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định and #SamadhiPrajna / Định Tuệ are embedded as "event triggers to Serverless Cloud Functions of db" ready for custom data mining, exploration, modeling and forecasting of Persona AI in custom "Executive Information Portal (EIP)". Common findings and tools will be open sources for the benefit of the mass.

    We are now ready to implement scientific breakthroughs of this book via (1) technologies to Empty the contents whatever the content it is toward Non-Thingness to enable Gotama's third Truth - the TRUTH of Verifiable Emptiness (Not-Self) - an epistemic objective as the solution of his raised Issue "Dukkha in duality existence", and (2) Global Service Local Presence ThankYou Club where stakeholders make it a global network of the consciously-living Haves and HaveNots in Making Life Easier and Happier, driven by invisible Hand of Empathy (leading to Prajna) and Economics. Do not let armies of professional cheaters continue bullying humanity since we are a part of the Whole, being influenced and can change ourselves and the environment toward What Count. The fact that they are still living means there still be chances to change if appropriate help is available at the right time and place. It is not easy to be a living person; they can decide either to change Now or forced by Nature according to the quality of their consciousness. You will be able to observe the manifestations of actual Compassion and Prajna from few living students. The discovery of Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace and KhaiPhong initial explorations from Prajna Dialectic are now confirmed due to interactions of different intelligent species on this planet earth and higher to open a new vista of green fields in higher consciousness where humanity can bring to the table the layered No-Conflict Consciousness in the Dependent Nature of scientifically cultivable Prajna that many highly developed species missed.

    It has been proven and explicitly described by Gotama[D29], [D30], [D26] 2500+ years ago. It was seconded By HuiNeng in his generalised #SamadhiPrajna and Unmoving Sunyata of which moves: the flag, the wind or your mind. It has been tested and personally known by at least four (5) identified living students; each brings to the table thousands years of their specialisations that you will treasure your close-encounters if you are on the same direction of Conscious Living, fully responsible for your actions and the environment you are part helping to shape the Right Direction wherever you happen to be.

    In our case, the discovered principles in layered No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] of Right Transcendental #Awareness [ Compassion = Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) ] and [ Compassion >< Oneness / Detachment >< Prajna ] are still too vague. They needs concrete scientific processes to make these principles manifested in every concerned party, knowing the Wrong (Ignorance) and Right (#Prajna) - the Raison D'être - of one's existence. The processes are rooted in "Rational" from "#PrajnaTIP in Sound and in Kindness" to practical utilities such as "Normative Intelligence Tools" augmented by Artificial Intelligence for pattern recognition, modeling and simulation, and "International Trade" generated by activities in [ ThankYou / Global Service Local Presence ] clubs. The gut of "#DhyanaSamadhi" is the movement from conflicting consciousness to No-Conflict Consciousness on the duality plane due to natural "Detachment", instantly raising the "No-Conflict Consciousness" to its peak of aesthetic state, then a "secret sauce" to lift one out of the duality plane to the highest Signed Posts, being reversed-engineered and shared to enable these discoveries epistemic objectives according to community implementations which are statistically measurable and testable at the bottom line of Right Effort. It is similar to consistent modern process from Constitution to Legislation where Constitution is based on lasting Value of the values perpendicular or cross-cut the Rights and Wrongs in changing Legislation.

    The meaning together with scientifically qualified attributes of Meditation (Dhyana / Thiền) and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samadhi / Định) - such as [ Beyond-Thought (Vô Niệm), No-Mark (Vô Vết), Detachment (Vô Trụ) ] >< [ Awareness (Kiến Tánh), Dependent (Duyên Khởi), Prajna (Bát Nhã) ] - have been strategically exposed since 2007 to gradually force all Buddhist communities in all cultures and traditions expose their actual understanding of meditations and (Transcendental) mindfulness that they have been blah blah blah in 2500+ Years of international cheating clubs, not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see up until 2025[D19]. Please check their latest "The Heart of Meditation: Discovering Innermost Awareness" from the Dalai Lama XIV that we prove beyond any reasonable doubt that (1) the Dalai Lama XIV has not passed the Gateway-to-Oneness[R14.1], and (2) he has persistently claimed the "cheating truth[R18.3]" behind Vajrayana-Tantra. Your investigation according to a famous dictum uttered by Socrates [470 - 399 BC] "The unexamined life is not worth living" (Ancient Greek: ὁ ... ἀνεξέταστος βίος οὐ βιωτὸς ἀνθρώπῳ) at his trial for which he was subsequently sentenced to death will be properly awarded in your Continuity of the consciousness due to your inner preparation at the right place and time to properly implement the precious technologies.

    We expect #PrajnaTIP in Sound can enable at least 1% to 8% human population in a short period have lasting-valued experiences built on the foundation of Kindness in the new Friendly and Compassionate Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings in a wider perspective of the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind together with observable quality of Right and Wrong coming from manifestation of #Prajna - proven by Western Cultures - for the Happiness of One and the Whole in any level of aggregates: Conscience, Kindness (mettā - tâm từ), Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi), #Prajna, Justice, Moral Value, Joy (muditā - tâm hỷ), Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả). The experiences will not be lost, but accumulated due to the correct patented processes, required supporting infrastructures, and varieties of other Consciousness Technologies #PrajnaTIP in Kindness , Cultivable #Prajna in conducive Activities and in Sadhana, deepening the experiences to possibly know all nine stages of Gotama's Jhanas[D29], [D30], [D26] up to momentary The-End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana.

  2. Private Tantra: sex has been an embedded 'Mark' in one's millions years in form evolution where all senses (eye. ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) and entanglements (form, feeling, perception, impulse, consciousness) mixed together in one's natural need, just like eating and sleeping. In many cultures and religions, sex has been elevated into a high art of cultural celebrations, singing, dancing, courtship and holy inter-connected. Tantra[R14] is the highest form of learning this Dependent Nature, recognising the needs of the two polarities in Union to learn the Essence of the Right Living / Effort. The highest bliss come only when the two are at the highest point together [1 + 1 is much more than 2] where one looses the self, flowing deep into the intertwining energy of the two. It is a gateway to oneness to properly remind one that beside specialisation for practical living, one can never be completely independent but a part of the living Whole.

    But without Detachment having mutual respects and recognition of what other party brings to the table, selfishness / manipulation / imagination leak in to destroy one's natural ability to flow deep into the intertwining energy of the two and/or that intertwining energy - deep chemistry - is not there anymore, replaced by more Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts on top of innumerable Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts within oneself.

    There are significant differences in details and roles of different chakras in Hindu Ayurveda, Chinese Qi Gong / medicine, Tibetan Tantra / medicine, and Vietnamese Qi Gong / Medicine (Thuốc Nam) that scientific researches may bring together the cream of the creams from these ancient systems for real benefits to humanity. Here we are interested in the trail of the highest tantra claimed as gateway-to-oneness at different depths.

    "(From Tantra: Page 176)[R14] ... Through the force of meditation, however, these winds can be brought into the central channel, where they are no longer able to support the development of gross conceptions of dualistic appearance. With a mind free from dualistic appearances, we shall be able to gain a direct realization of ultimate (wider) truth, emptiness", plus the description in page 205 "As the drop ... finally flows down to the tip of the sex organ, the practitioner experiences spontaneous great bliss – the great bliss of completion stage. Because the downward voiding wind is reversed, the drop is not released at this point but flows up again through the central channel, causing the practitioner to experience even greater bliss. For such a practitioner, the drops are never released and so they flow up and down the central channel for a very long time, giving rise to unceasing bliss ...".

    First applying HuiNeng qualification of 'meditation - dhyana' the highest tantra meditation at what it claims as 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth' has only one attribute of knowing a 'light happiness' in circulation of the sexual juice and a 'Bliss' of ejaculation. It lacks the 'No-Mark' on one's Substance once the action completed - 'To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Right Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi. It does not have the Detachment right in the action as qualified by Gotama for a Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) / Empty-The-Content.

    Second, the 'free from dualistic appearances' is only a gateway to oneness, but coming from the wrong trail of complex entanglements, far more inferior than the other trails while the practitioner hallucinated with oneself as a designated guru and enlighten monk.

    Third, the transformation of sexual juice will never be 100% as proven by the first law of thermodynamics so the claimed 100% transformation of sexual juice in Tibetan Kalachakra (Thời Luân) and the addicted unceasing bliss is "False" in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism!

    We are now at a modern time to rigorously investigate all the 'described' and 'challenge all descriptions' for practical benefits relevant to the present living, weeding out religious cheaters selling what they do not know nor have to destroy themselves and others attracted to their deception. Esoterically, we know this is the case for many gurus - claimed Buddhist meditation masters and titles[R15] or Highest Buddhist Masters[R13.1] - ended as sex addicts but still glorified by their followers to cheat others in selling what they do not know nor have as seen in all organised religions up to 2025.

    In Tantra Vertical Switch, we prove that it is a useful tool for "self exploration" and the "Best Art of Courtship" if one can not only use thought to direct sexual energy but also merging with the energy of the partner in an intimate relationship while solving biological needs, helping each other knowing more about oneself and the energy field of the other. It is a very effective way to solve a social problem of "Unfaithful Marriage" via introducing an energy and spiritual dimension for Knowing more about oneself in both biological need and higher aspiration, plus merging into the energy field of the partner for the foundation of family stability and knowing morfe about one's Raison D'être. Besides "Kindness and Empathy", tantra is the best and quickest scientific process to explore (1) the energy vibrations between one and the intimate partner, (2) how the "Harmonious Melting Pot" can bring [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] which will be practically demonstrated in Prajna Dialectic different from Hegelian Dialectic of cunning intelligence in wider scale of positive Fibonacci evolution, (3) "energy merging process" - the second most significant discovery next to PrajnaTIP in Sound / Light - to be in complete aesthetic "Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space" from different activities and vertical switches in natural Purifications of the senses of wider Fibonacci evolution, (4) worthy relationships in more than one life time due to "Having both Love and Responsibility / Có Tình Có Nghĩa" such as the Inner Circle of Ashoka and Trần Quốc Tuấn which may play a very important role in the new Era of Conscious Living, (5) a wider connection in helping one another since no one is completely independent in this complex Dependent Nature of Existence in one's Continuity of the Consciousness, personally known and verified by this writer and his advisors.

    Tantra must be properly and legally introduced to wipe out many 1000+ years of Vajrayana unworthy and professional cheaters not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. We challenge the esoteric conflicting forces and at the right time will force all Tantric Monastic Schools laying out their actualities versus actual experience of a living student to enable Tantra a valid Vertical Switch - statistically tested and validated as an epistemic objective - in biological evolution.

    Through Aspiration and Community Sharing - Figure 1 - one has discovered many other gateways to oneness that can lift one's quality of the consciousness beyond the evolution of forms to the evolution of consciousness without having the pulls and pushes of the form constraints leading toward sufferings of Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts. With natural technology from PrajnaTIP in Sound - dissolving stressing and conflicting events for Natural Purification[D27] of the senses - one can know more about oneself at the source of thought to help oneself and the other in the true Dependent Nature of existence. Sex is then elevated to more than the physical biology, but a tool for learning how to direct energy using thought, merging one's directed consciousness to other consciousness, expanding Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna).

  3. Aspiration: is a form of energy to raise one's spirit to the peak of an aesthetic state that can transcend all duality contents toward Cosmic Consciousness and Unity. Mathematically, one can move from any stressful conflicting event to the line of No-Conflict Consciousness - an on-off switch - then high above to different stages of Right (#Samadhi) Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent for Reborn and Rejuvenation to Freshly see the focused event As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count. The process can be used for both natural relaxation or sensing the event according to underlying Natural Laws. It is achievable with different means such as (1) compassion to the sufferings of living beings as done by Gotama when he was a child, (2) faith on the Righteousness as proven by Jesus and many people of conscience to change one and environment towards What Count[R23], (3) serious matter such as national security demonstrated by General Trần Quốc Tuấn[R7.4], (4) aloofness from sense desires and unwholesome thoughts as instruction from Gotama to his monks, (5) music, dancing, painting, calligraphy, etc, to transcendental arts from the peak of aesthetic to ethereal states, (6) combination of faith, music, swirling done by Islamic mystics, (7) pure and effortless "Intensity of Attention" due to many lives being a dedicated explorer proven by Krishnamurti. These have been well-known to humanity with one's own evolution in "Making Life Easier and Happier".

    Faith is an energy, embedded in one's Instinct as a 'belief engine' and served one well in millions years of form evolution[R9]. It is the second strongest driving force next to sex that can inspire one to high Arts and/or leading to mass destruction, more devastating than the deviant destruction of sex since it raises the abstraction level to the mountain top of thought construction. Only at the Purity Utter Silence, loosening the grips of clinging thought - ready to the cosmic consciousness of Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness - one can naturally 'Drop' the brick walls of all faiths. The 'how to break the brick walls of faith' talked by an 'ET'[R20] is just like a modern therapy imposing one dark layer on top of another dark layer, not the #Prajna / Conscience / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas to naturally Drop what is not relevant to the present moment for a Freshness and Rejuvenation of Thing-As-It-Is. The process is now easier with frequent reflections and rationally separating the driving forces behind "Faith" from Greed as the case of Jesus and Fears as the case of Mother Maria out of the "Aspiration" to drive on it in cultivable [ Kiến Tánh / #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness ] which will be practically delivered from user-facing mu in different branches of the hashtag #EmptyTheContent at different angles of "conflicting religions" of KhaiPhong "Melting Pot".

    Through Faith, especially 'the kingdom of God [is] within you'[Luke 17:21] and the message of a 'Good Samaritan'[R16], many have a natural embedded Kindness such as Mother Teresa[R17] that is a Lasting Value in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. But that 'Kindness' beyond word and thought may be soon disappeared in the brick walls of faith, enslaved one in its own narrow scope of actual living. Esoterically she was the reincarnation of Saint Teresa of Ávila and had not been out of the Binding Word / Clinging Thought up to 2010 as we esoterically know. You can look at the two pictures and have your own conclusion. See how powerful it is in modern rational approach via mathematics to show the binding Word/Image and clinging Thought in enslaving people of past religions and isms, versus the "Liberation of oneself" in cultivable [ Kiến Tánh / #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness ] from positive Fibonacci evolution.

    Knowing the "Equanimity Verifiable Emptiness"[D29], the natural Purification will loosen the grips of binding Word/Image in one's core consciousness. Only at "Purity Verifiable Emptiness", the clinging thought will be disentangled and one can gradually be out of the conditioned brick walls of faith. This means one has to pass the Buddhist Gateway to Oneness - second stage of Gotama meditation - to be beyond the Equanimity third stage of meditation and familiar with the Purity fourth stage of Jhana, one can naturally drop all faiths. This process has been explicitly described in Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] that most Buddhists cannot touch due to 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism from unworthy and professional cheating monks, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] in selling Gotama's credibility based on his fundamental limitations of claimed "Permanent Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana" as scientifically pointed out above. The situation will soon be changed via the Science and Economics of "KhaiPhong" to democratise the "Practicality of the Emptiness toward verifiable Non-Thingness of the "Melting Pot"". Having this Engineering road map, one does not need to spend many life times to discover via trial-and-error this trail, "self-imposed one in invisible prison without bar".

    That is why all popes do not know 'Love' when they continue to claim their appointed infallibility of what they do not know nor have, and/or wearing big crosses and exposing the heart of the 'redeemer' to show the love at below conditioned word / image / thought. At the Right Time, we together will be able to enable the mass know 'the kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21] without the destructive and addicted 'faith that can move the mountain'[Matthew 17:20]. The solution is in Verifiable Emptiness Freely deliverable to 80,000,000 to 500,000,000 people in past conflicting Values, Forces, Religions, skin colors, cast systems, etc when all - the Haves, Stakeholders, HaveNots - are Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good in wider perspective of one's Continuity of the Consciousness.

    Applying modern ontological system - that you can challenge different systems to prove otherwise - to the Roman Catholic Church, we have: (1) taxonomy/classification: Priests, Faithfuls, Infidels; (2) model/process to deliver its pieces of Truth: Redeemer, Infallible Pope as Gatekeeper and Faith (obedience); (3) axiom/assumption: Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent God. It is the wrong assumption either coming from the most hallucinated person[R18.3] and/or greatest cheater[R18.4] to drive the 'infallibility plot' proven with tracked records[R18.2], [R18.1], [R18] under the divisional classifications to have an army of addicted priests in messing up humanity. The wrong assumption / axiom comes from complex "Dependent Nature" of existence[R7] that at any moment there can only a probability of the outcome, not the deterministic claim of Omnipotence Omniscience Omnipresence.

    Another possible ontological system - called Humanist, completely divorced from the Roman Catholic Church of organised religion - is based on Jesus: (1) taxonomy: Good Samaritan; (2) model: 'Faith in people'; (3) axiom: Aspiration innate in human nature. To achieve the kindness Good Samaritan[R16], one may use Faith as one form of Aspiration to do Good.

    Similar to the claimed Buddha King Trần Nhân Tông that we esoterically know his reincarnation, we also know the reincarnation - a current (2020) living person - of Saint Francis of Assisi who turned from the zeal of violent crusader to a spiritual explorer due to his innate conscience. The fact that many are current living persons - in the East and the West - and are in very strategic positions to do something means that you still have some chances to change yourselves and the World - Not to be Too Late as this highly evolving being of the past degenerated feudal system leading plots of Illuminati Elites to planned 90% human population deduction - toward What Count[R23]. Please follow your intuition - no matter who you are in political or spiritual leaders of billion people - and just honestly look in the deepest part of your hearts.

    For the one in the West, ask yourself whether the core doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church about the Redeemer and Infallibility of the Pope have any grain of Truth in the faith on the Righteousness. Ask yourself where is the newly identified Transcendental #Awareness whose layers discovered as [ Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Moral Value (of the values) ] pioneered by the West which can exist (being a flower) only on the foundation of [ Compassion = Kindness >< Empathy ] found in a Chirstian Good Samaritan[R16]. You can know more about yourself with statistically significant discoveries of Natural Laws for the manifestation of Compassion-Prajna that everyone - the Haves, Stakeholders and HaveNots - can be parts in visible Modern Inclusive Capitalism where "Right Effort" can be measurable with "scientific square and compass" but they are now rooted in cultivable and measurable quality of the consciousness in "Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas". We can help you personally and your 2000+ years of solid hard works starting at current state of Grand Strategy as depicted in KhaiPhong logo.

    Driven by another esoteric force, fully aware of the master-slave technique used by its opponent and also riding on the story of Jesus, Islam implements both Faith and the Swirling technology to use the vortex energy of swirling to 'break the crust of sesame seed for its oil'[D41] which applies the same principle as the highest tantra using thought to transform sexual juice, creating a physical 'wormhole (gateway-to-oneness)' to dissolve manifested appearances[R14.1] in current layer of consciousness for realisation of the emptiness in the gateway-to-oneness. Note the direction of Islam swirling - counter clockwise - which is the process of expanding without the actuality of condensed energy of deep Right Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness of Gotama's Right Samadhi. It is the destructive degenerated forces of all claimed religious teachers.

    The life of Jesus is rewritten to serve the Islam whose ontological system may be as follows (1) taxonomy: Muslims and Infidels; (2) model: 'Messiah / Faith / Swirling'; (3) axiom: Allah - The one and only God. The definition of 'Allah' means "Oneness" while Muslims and Infidels are duality of opposing forces. The effective "Truth" comes out from Faith / Swirling must produce the dissolution of appearances in opposing forces to be in contacts with the Oneness. Islam has not produced this outcome due to addiction in the model / process. In this addiction, the direct contact with Oneness / Allah is lost to leave behind fanatic violence in its place. This shows the importance of "Detachment" even before entering the Gateway to Oneness.

    Applying the swirling and/or other appropriate technologies in the correct Detachment as one's basis for Beyond-Thought at the observed and No-Mark once the action completed, we will introduce the cultivable #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas in Activity to actually pass the Gateway to Oneness toward different depths of the Verifiable Emptiness as actually described by Gotama[D29] 2500+ years ago. Different subjects or conditions leading to Verifiable Emptiness for Natural Purification of the senses to see and act according to 'Thing As It Is' are practical applications worthy to scientifically explore since 'the gateways-to-oneness' - 'the kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21] - have been sabotaged by unworthy people of all divisional organised religions.

    Before moving deeper to these IPR (Intellectual Property Right) Secrete Sauces in scientific implementations for benefits of humanity, let's see what the Aspiration is Not and its scientifically Right process according to natural laws, veiled and exploited by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in all isms where religions are parts.

    Followings are seven (7) observable and testable attributes not being parts of "Aspiration" but used by unworthy people in their international cheating clubs:

    (3.1) Aspiration is not attachment. Buddhism talks about Detachment at conceptual level while all their activities and organisations are in the binding Word/Image and clinging Thought.

    (3.2) Aspiration is beyond the Right and Wrong on the duality plane. The Right and Wrong is directed by beyond-thought #Prajna relevant to the present moment from the angle of one's comparative advantages. Christian churches have used music and faith as a form of aspiration in doctrinal enforcement of divisional Right and Wrong. Thanks to the parable of a Good Samaritan and Socrates dictum of justice, western communities are civilised. There is a Canadian student knowing Qi Gong, Yoga, and playing his composed music that he is able to "transcend the music in expanding space". We encourage him to reverse engineering and see if he can teach others in his circle to verify the consciousness state he once-and-a-while comes to. Aspiration is good, but what count is the transcending into different state of Emptiness in deeper Natural Purification of the senses.

    (3.3) Aspiration is beyond Discipline. The Disciplines come from Right Understanding and Right Motivation directed by #Prajna as discovered 2500+ years ago in Gotama's Eightfold Path. Buddhist Sangha failed Gotama's discoveries in its tautologies of confused philosophers. Muslims drives their discipline on the foundation of Faith, Fears and Greed.

    (3.4) Aspiration is emptying the self toward Thing-As-It-Is, beyond Confucius feudal system moving toward the border of selflessness of Not-Self. The "after" responsibility and moral value of the self come from the Right and Wrong directed by Beyond-Thought #Prajna coming from scientifically cultivable stock of #Prajna in positive Fibonacci evolution when facing any visible or invisible, focused or sensing event.

    (3.5) Aspiration is beyond Greed of achievement (self), motivated in Capitalism coming from industrial revolution in newly discovered financial power and stresses of measurable and achievable metrics.

    (3.6) Aspiration is not enslaved in any frame of isms such as the utopia of socialism and/or communism to cunningly and violently cheat the mass for personal corruption, dictatorship and violence in a neo-feudal system, resulting in consciousness degeneration against harmonious evolution of natural laws in both masters and slaves in their qualities of identified consciousnesses.

    (3.7) Aspiration is not independent from dynamic self-balancing of all involved parties from the Haves, Stakeholders, HaveNots where Knowing more about oneself and the pulses of the present situations are interrelated and dynamically affected one another. Inclusive Capitalism is not Aspiration but a Hegelian Dialectic having nothing to do with the quality of one and aggregate Consciousness.

    And here are four (4) scientifically Right processes discovered in the layered No-Conflict Consciousness Conscience, Kindness (mettā - tâm từ), Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi), #Prajna, Justice, Moral Value, Joy (muditā - tâm hỷ), Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả), unknown by past dedicated explorers and being the causes - due to Not Knowing the underlying natural laws - for degeneration of highly developed elites in 100,000+ years of intelligent evolution:

    (3.a) Right Aspiration is a Freshness of Detachment transcending from Relative Truth to [ Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Oneness / Perfected Nature / #Prajna / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / Consciousness of the consciousness ]. Its scientific technology - commonly known as secret sauce - can be discovered and shared due to Dependent Nature of Existence.

    (3.b) Right Aspiration infuses its Natural Purification as personally testable and observable attributes. It is this "Natural Purification" one can dissolve binding and clinging forces from one's quality of the consciousness[D22].

    (3.c) Right Aspiration expand its Grand Strategy beyond what obvious in current limited resources that only the outcome can measure its Right or Wrong. This expanding vision has been attempted in humanity initially as oracle then concretely as solid visions of good leaders[R7.1].

    (3.d) Right Aspiration is a necessary and sufficient condition in one's optimum Continuity of the consciousness. Knowing more about oneself and actuality of Thing-As-It-Is are ultimate targets to get the pulse of the situation from one's angle of comparative advantages.

    The bottom line of "Aspiration" is observable [ Dhyana(Thiền)-Samadhi (Định) ] { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi } directed by #Prajna via [ Effortless / Natural Awareness ] in daily activities that most Buddhist monks and nuns cannot touch in 2500+ years of cheating processes on conflicting duality plane of existence due to Wrong Dependent Nature of Not Knowing the layered No-Conflict Consciousness. It is graphically represented at dynamically adjusted Grand Strategy in KhaiPhong logo to be built and constructed at cultivable utter Silence of verifiable Emptiness[D29], [D30], [Signed Posts] from new square and visioned compass directed by Prajna Dialectic.

  4. Merging with Nature: Chi / #Prana training can be considered as bordered line between Aspiration in hard works and something mystically Beyond. Here is the correct application of this technology[R11] toward the Verifiable Emptiness as already described in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2], waiting for serious explorers to verify in daily activities since in the flowing depth of the Wisdom - gambhiram Prajnaparamitacaryam - one can transcend both the Observed and the Observer[R14.1].

    Similar to the trail via personal effort in 'Intensity of Attention' of Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only, the process will take thousands years of consistent and continuous effort to move through Purity Verifiable Emptiness, reaching Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness of Cosmic Consciousness, toward the Unity of Sunyata Non-Thingness and reaching Gotama momentary End-of-Dukkha[D44] or HuiNeng Unmoving Sunyata. But once scientific processes have been established, the PATH will be much shorter and more varieties for enjoyments due to contributions from the grassroots of all domains and fields, especially riding on observable patterns on physical and biological worlds using both discovers in mathematics and engineering systems.

    In all activities conducive to Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas, the missing link up to 2025 to kick start verifiable processes in the mass is a scientific process of passing the Gateway-to-Oneness which can be an epistemic objective to effortlessly clean up professional cheaters in all organised religions[R18.4]. This can be changed due to #PrajnaTIP in Sound which is a "Nature of Thing" just like the use of water power to make the life of human being Easier and Happier.

    The scientific process is then the base for sufficient detachment due to accumulated Natural Purification[D27] at different depths of Signed Posts. Having sufficient detachment - exactly as stated by HuiNeng [ Do not attach to anything then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心" ][R7] - one can effortlessly passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness", being a part (merging) with Nature as known by (1) Gotama under the bodhi tree, (2) Jesus in the desert, (3) Krishnamurti under a pepper tree, (4) this writer under an apple tree in the 1970's, (5) a young living student in a hiking and trekking trip, (6) any living person in "natural relaxation" after cleaning "Body & Mind" via conducive environment of a Japanese garden, etc together with a tested "secret sauce".

    The tested "secret sauce" comes from formal scientific researches in discovering underlying natural laws and processes directly known by people identified as actually knowing [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } at different depths. #DhyanaSamadhi - a tested secret sauce - coming from #PrajnaTIP in Sound will be formally introduced to enable 1% to 8% human population actually know "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace" at different depths of verifiable Emptiness[D29], [D30], plus Natural Purification of tainted senses emitted from these "Verifiable Emptiness" to enhance the success of both Tantra and Aspiration in Merging with the Oneness / Nature in all activities and relationships.

Exploring past Transcendental States, we can see the danger of Grasp-er and the Grasped if one does not have a wider perspective of Dependent Nature plus the 'Right Understanding' and 'Right Motivation' in transcending the observer. The same [ Inner Conflicts / Outer Conflicts ] also happened in Buddhism between Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only that so much efforts and resources have been devoted to irrelevant things, not to the extends of violent and bloody events as in Christians and Muslims. At the practical level, ask yourself why you are miserable and unhappy even with your success / DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN / Successful - Disturbed Mind.

If you are a smart and successful person you know that you have some comparative advantage and uniqueness in your own endeavor. Can you ride on that smartness and uniqueness to be successful in all activities to be an Integrated Person, making your life and the lives of others Easier and Happier? If the "Why-Not" happens to you - who is currently in important position to affect others - be Aware of being a victim to be remotely controlled and slaved to the three hallucinated esoteric forces driving Christian, Muslim, and Vajrayana / Pure Land movements as described above to exploit your Unique Comparative Advantages while not enabling a moment of Complete Silence for your 'Real' Reflection to directly access the full potentialities of your Quality of the Consciousness. Please see your reality!

This phenomenon is not any more an issue due to the end of esoteric dark forces manifested through known documented past Illuminati. Can you now do something for your Realities and reverse the degenerated direction from negative Fibonacci degeneration having no moment of Inner Peace in cunning intelligence of Hegelian Dialectic to positive Fibonacci evolution in Prajna Dialectic, reactivating your Freewill / Volition / Sankhara and Conscience / #Prajna / No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas to clean up outdated Marks on your Substance? We say Yes when:

  1. One has a wider perspective Dependent Nature of existence in recognizing that Kindness of a Good (Samaritan) Person is the foundation of all Goodness of lasting Values. That Kindness or common vibration of energy (Compassion) encompasses two sides of Consciousness: Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction (toward Right Effort versus Wrong Effort, Right Transcendental Inner Peace versus Wrong Inner Peace).

  2. Available technologies for heavy lifting directly entering different depths of Verifiable Emptiness as actually experienced by Gotama. That different depths of Verifiable Emptiness will naturally Awaken the #Awareness from one's innate Buddha Nature to enable one seeing Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict and one's state of being to properly manage one's Reality for a Right Action in daily activities.

  3. At the Right Time and Right Place of optimum conditions for the Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness and Unity happened. That optimum condition is the manifestation of HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna (Định Tuệ) that most monks - up to 2025 - have not touched at different depths. It is the Verifiable Emptiness that produces #Samadhi. It is #Awareness in Sudden Awaken then Awakening that enables the manifestation of #Prajna or Insight for a Right Action, commonly known as a "Vision" then continuous Right Effort.

The Right Time is Now to ride on the cosmic changes where Natural Purification has an extra natural Push from the new cycle of the Nature that otherwise very 'tough' as evidenced from 100,000+ years in evolution of the middle realms, higher than human realm. The Natural Purification - not the wrong Buddhist meditation on Emptiness and Purification via Imagination at conditioned thought - comes from different factors according the Dependent Nature of Existence. The factors to positively affect Natural Purification are:

  1. Open space of natural environment to neutralize one's psychological and physical stresses,

  2. Harmonious and healthy living plus working environment where one is in and can consciously create wherever one happens to be that we call Private Hub of your Inner Circle and circle of inner circles via user-facing mu which is a PrajnaPlace in all activities and relationships where you are inspired in your responsible contributions (beyond monetary market values),

  3. Channeling Cosmic Consciousness to elevate one's Quality of the Consciousness to a higher level for wider perspective of Dependent Nature to Awaken one's #Awareness or Conscience,

  4. Using Cosmic Consciousness to neutralize heavy driving force while elevating one's spirit to higher aspiration level such as opening one's Heart and Crown Chakras,

  5. Using Cosmic Consciousness together with other physical means such as prana yoga and eating regimes to enable one's personal experience of natural levitation,

  6. Using Cosmic Consciousness to remotely neutralize karmic forces plus enhanced energy to overcome physical illness,

  7. #PrajnaTIPs and cultivable #Prajna in activity and sadhana with innumerable applications.

The first two factors can be implemented right at the present moment by almost all people, inspired in a Conscious Living. The next four factors using Cosmic Consciousness can only be implemented by advanced students having many thousands years in consciousness evolution; within that group we are aware of only two students, capable to channel cosmic energy to help others: one in Buddhist/Christian traditions of Sudden Awakening and Samaritan, and one in Hindu tradition of physical and mental Siddhis. These two will be parts of the #PrajnaTIPs. Whether they can train the trainers to do their jobs is still a question. But even so, many can ride on their unique comparative advantages to directly know different flavors of Verifiable Emptiness rooted in the correct Detachment. The #PrajnaTIPs are scientifically designed for the mass to start from one's actual 'Quality of the Consciousness', moving together through different depths of 'Verifiable Emptiness' and responsible for the wide and deep implementations of these precious technologies in all human activities.

Mathematically, "empty of the contents" via Emptiness / #Awareness to directly perceive the present situation are the necessary and sufficient conditions for Natural Purification. This mathematical formulation sheds significant light in many issues of human evolution concerning the Essence of the Right Living / Effort and the meaning of Worthy Existence.

Emptiness (commonly known as naturally unworried) gives you wider perspective of the situation - a rejuvenation from unnecessary stresses - plus "#Awareness" of both possible opportunities and dangers related to current Issue, and to a certain extend a better way to cope with unbearable psychological and physical pains to the untrained. That means a feeling of light happiness and more efficient in working and dealing with daily activities. But without clear "#Awareness", emptiness and/or more efficient state - the foundation for specialized Unique Comparative Advantages - will lead to addiction and/or hallucination of the self, driving for more under the self ownership and control of master-slave. The Union of Emptiness (stock of Prajna) around Y-dimension and #Awareness (states of Prajna) around X-dimension in measurable Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace around F-dimension leads to the "Right Effort" rather than destructive "Wrong Effort", the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Empty-The-Content rather than addicted Wrong Inner Peace, the aspiration in Faith going beyond thought rather than indoctrinated and addicted Prayers in all organised religions where Buddhism organised by Buddhist communities of monks and nuns up to 2025 is a part. The purification via imagination and/or praying may temporarily help, but is only a technique of shifting from one image to another deeply burned and/or addicted image. It is an outdated mark whether that is a mark from religion and/or utopia. There is no '#EmptyTheContent', hence no purification whatsoever.

Secondly, Clear #Awareness - such as knowing what Right or Wrong relevant to one's present moment - is usually very superficial since there are innumerable pulls and pushes, rendering one incapable of knowing one's present conditions. Without the depth of Verifiable Emptiness, the #Awareness cannot directly perceive dominant factors relevant to the present moment for a Right Action. It is the Emptiness that enables one sensing the sources of thoughts, knowing with clarity signals from the senses and the state of one's being to manage one's Reality in an optimal Right Action. In that superficial #Awareness without the states and stock of Emptiness (#Samadhi / #Prajna), it is completely veiled by linear logic of the left brain.

6. Ontological System and Projection of a Golden Era

After a broad layout in observable movement from inter-realms masters-slaves relationships toward communications and collaborations where humanity can bring some real value to the table, together with initial discovered Consciousness Technologies, this book - An Engineering Roadmap - is an initial outcome of the AwakeningBudh to sketch possible Sound / Light and Consciousness technologies, enabling optimization of one's activities in a Right Effort, diving deep within one's Buddha Nature for the stability that changes both the States and Stock of one's Consciousness / #Prajna. In doing so one helps to drive the environment toward a Right Direction that humanity has attempted but failed in all organised religions and 'isms' to impose the outside order crushing individual Inner Evolution in one-size-fit-all of outdated masters-slaves, going against Natural laws of Diversities that only recently Canada is the first country to advocate its Grand Strategy of Inclusive Society which will be a reality when the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong are exposed to enable everyone both an accountable Creator and part of responsible Creation according to Natural Laws driven by invisible hands of the Right and Wrong directed by #Prajna / Conscience, and of Economics in allocating scare resources toward What Count. Deliverable consciousness technologies - having tested "Secret Sauces" under their optimal conditions - provide the most important missing piece of Making Life Happier of Society 5.0 suggested by Japan as a technology-based and human-centered society.

Given the established Taxonomy / Classification from major "isms" and their assumptions as well as model / process to turn the classifications into realities, we use its (proposed) "Axiom / Assumption" and "Model / Tool" in making the Taxonomy a Reality to expose the false in thousands years of past human dark periods. It is contrasted with the new Science and Economics of KhaiPhong, also known as the Science and Economics of [ Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ]. There are scientific processes[R2] to move from the Quality of present "Relative Existence / Conventional Truth" to the "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" for an Insight into the Emptiness[D38], then infusing the "Perfected Nature" to loosen the grips of outdated Marks for Right Effort closer to the "Dependent Nature[D39].

This is "How" we can democratise the "Practicalities of the Emptiness" since everyone can "Share" a "special sauce" in "Axiom / Model / Taxonomy", personally experienced and beneficial for one's pattern which may be appropriate to others on the same trail. The "comparative advantages" learned from long trails of trials and errors embedded in one's Instinct and Brain Intelligence can follow this mathematical pattern of "Axiom > Model > Taxonomy" to make their invisible talent teachable in their "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings". The task is now easier with LLM (Large Language Model) in formal ontology for unambiguous communication between human and machines; we need precised definitions and their possible interconnected via defined "smart pointers pointing to the inner working (memory parts) of visible traits making up these ontological types" which will be formally academic contributions to force all philosophies, religions and isms bringing what they claim to modern Harmonious Communities since all manifestations are conditioned and there is an engineering optimal dynamic control process to make that manifestation happened.

For example, "Change Management" - to our knowledge - was first systematically applied to manage and lead to a "Breakthrough / Đột Phá" in the Vietnamese 1945 August Uprising whose published recorded document was used in Harvard MBA program as a case study. It is formally stated that in any situation (family, community, industry, organisation, region, country, politics, negotiation, human issue, wealth creation, Gross National Happiness, leadership) there are certain factors one can strategically influence and/or change to drive the outcomes toward the direction of our favourable position. This "Change Management" recently becomes prominent due to available web technologies mu plus required "Transparency and Accountability" under Open Government and Open Data (OpenGov). It is a valuable tool for all parties that we aspire to make it happened in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong, hampered by past organised religions and isms to enslave humanity in master-slave relationships. A full featured Free and/or Cost-Effective professional supports if needed Neural Graph Database db is intended to minimise cost-of-entry where everyone can be both a consumer and producer of secure and private data where custom ai of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can be optionally added, Making Life Easier and Happier in Societhy 5.0 via custom Executive Information Portal (EIP).

Here is a summary of significant systems where others can use the same pattern to put out their processes. This mathematical formulation helps not only expose the "false" but also what required as measurable metrics to properly (1) manage the "Model", (2) enable efficient manifestation of the "Taxonomy", and (3) sharpen the Value of the "Axiom" if it is a valuable "Actuality".

Ontological System of ( X Y F ) dimensions: Axiom / Assumption using Model / Process to make happened the Taxonomy / Classifications forced toward Verifiable TRUTH

Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent God
Redeemer / Infallible Pope / Faith
Priests / Faithfuls / Infidels
Allah: The one and only God
Messiah / Faith / Swirling
Muslims / Infidels
Illuminati, NWO
Lucifer / ET
Freewill / Unconditioned Love
Teleportation / Parallel Realities / 'One is All, All is One'
Faith in People
Good Person/Samaritan
Buddha Nature
Eightfold Path
Dukkha / Impermanence / Not-Self / Nirvana
Nat. qualified Person
Making Life Easier and Happier

It is the Scientific approach in 'Gateway to Oneness' using Ontological system - to lay out (1) the taxonomy to communicate a concept, (2) the model / process to make a piece of Truth or 'Thing As It Is' happened, and (3) the axiom / assumption to drive the model. The process forces all organized religions / isms delivering their real contributions as part of human efforts to understand the Essence of the Right Living / Effort in normative decisions to drive the development.

Everyone - including Bashar - talks about a cosmic shift in Consciousness Evolution that all can ride on this Tidal Wave to be an Integrated Person, fully using one's potentiality for the benefits of one and the environment one a part in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. We agree and logically put out the following predictions together with an Ontological System as the base to explore its Science and Economics based on observable facts at both the esoteric level and hard evidences.

Due to the degeneration of the God / Bodhisattva / Buddha realms ruled by the King of Gods @ 2021-08-28 (the video was deleted) and the re-organization of the Esoteric Circle, many highly developed entities must be reincarnated as human beings to relearn the Essence of Right Living / Effort in One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One. This means all three phases of the AwakeningBudh - Spreading the Dharma in large scale, Thundering the Dharma from Beyond Thought, Lightning the Dharma from Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations[D42], [D43] - can happen very quickly after this initial phase of clearing and preparing the field.

Back to the Relevant Present Now, take care of the Quality of your Consciousness and do not wear the holy/dirty masks of the gate keepers. It is Not the Real You from your True Heart worthy of your present existence[R18.3], [R18.4]. No entity having a sense of an agent (intelligent being) can be above the Scientific Facts of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes in the Science of Consciousness, evolving according to 'the Essence of the Right Living / Effort' which is One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One. The moral view of all organised religions, including Buddhism, has been greatly distorted and tilted toward a utopia and master-slave relationship, not according to momentary Thing-As-It-Is in the Essence of the Right Living.

Conspiracy or not, there is Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes that one is fully responsible for one's action and the environment one is in. The more available resources and powers to affect the surrounding, the more responsibility one needs to be. Even one is conditionally programmed to be a part of the group, one's Conscience can shed enough light on the Right and the Unworthy of the action that may have tremendous adverse effect beyond one's imagination or Significant Impact on the Lasting Values directly affecting one's and the surrounding Quality of Living in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Is it wise to use whatever resources available to you that you cannot carry on in the next reincarnation as useful means to cultivate and generate what will be parts of you at the present moment and in the future - including Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations - relevant and "proof-of-stake" Continuity of the consciousness?

What will be parts of You whether you want it or not according to 'Thing As They Are' are (1) the Quality 'As It Is' of your Consciousness and (2) what most important to you at the present moment through Relationships in your Inner Circle and circles of inner circles. Both of these parts can be momentarily changed to change yourself and the environment you are a part now and in the future in your Continuity of the Consciousness.

For example, on what ground one has the Right to decide the Unworthy Existence (especially with the population issue) of the mass as done by the Nazi. By equating Conscience as required attribute of #Prajna, we show there exists a proven process to cultivate Conscience (of Right and Unworthy) in its 'States' to see 'Thing As It Is' and in its 'Stock' to have an Insight of 'the Right Thing to do'.

The realm of Humanity is only one in innumerable realms of living organisms having a sense of an agent, not only in the physical forms of C,H,O,N as observable in living organisms in this World but also in different physical forms of energy having similar attributes of the consciousness, and in formless realms. It is the Quality of the carry-on Consciousness determining its next abode according to Natural Laws of 'Thing As It Is'. It is wise to do what is right at the Present Moment for the Quality of one's Consciousness and the environment one a part, using available resources as tools to cultivate and make sustainable the Lasting Values for One and Others.

It is Idol-Free ComPassion based on Actuality that everyone can come to Share Happiness (Com - Từ) - Mitigate Sufferings (Passion - Bi) in 'the Right Thing to do'. Be Aware of all hallucinated Chosen Ones, not meeting the acid tests of Beyond-Thought at the Observed, No-Mark once the action completed, Detachment as one's basis for the manifestation of Right Transcendental #Awareness (states of Prajna) for a Right Understanding and Right Motivation according to 'Thing-As-It-Is'.

It is illogical to wait to the time of death and totally rely on claimed religious rituals to 'fish the souls' and exploit others while they themselves do not actually know, and are more confused than others due to heavy masks they must wear as religious leaders[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2]. The other extreme is believing there is no continuity of the consciousness. Yet, one's consciousness having a sense of an agent does wish for some Happiness and mitigating unnecessary Sufferings. That consciousness is a form of energy; it cannot be destroyed but transformed. It is not accidental that you are in a certain conditions, having available resources including your health and natural talent plus relationships. Work with your Inner Circle (such as family) and circles of inner circles to change yourself and the environment you are a part toward the Right direction of What Count in your continuous learning the Right and Wrong according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED.

The actuality is the 'States' and 'Stock' one's #Prajna / Consciousness, and there are cultivable processes to change these States and Stock, either to be lighter in a wider scope via #Prajna, or heavier narrower scope of Ignorance. The main thesis of this book is that everyone can start from one's own level of #Prajna (Conscience) which can be further cultivated in Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace flowering from the ComPassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata to consciously make happened the two visible attributes of 'Being' - Compassion and #Prajna - being injected in 'Living' ('Doing' in all activities) to be an Integrated Person moving toward the Essence of the Right Living.

The Innate Buddha Nature (embracing both the visible ComPassion-Prajna and invisible Sunyata) - a Corollary of Living - is within every person which is the foundation of modern Human Rights. Our Axiom / Assumption is this "Buddha Nature". There are driving forces behind all "Living Activities". This driving force can come from Ignorance causing Sufferings ("Wrong Effort") or #Prajna - illustrated in Table 2 - to guide the "Right Effort" in Making Life Easier and Happier. The model comes from proven technologies to move from Relative Existence having "Self" with Conflict to "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" of "Not-Self" for an Insight into the Emptiness and "Natural Purification" to build the state and stock of Prajna, shifting "Imaginary Nature" toward "Dependent Nature" of a Right Effort. Democratising the AwakeningBudh means enabling the "Practicalities of Emptiness" available to and being further contributed by most people. The master-slave relationships are No Longer Valid. One is fully responsible for one's destiny in the Ecosystem of One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One.

This scientific fact of 'Impermanence' in all manifestations (physical, energy, or consciousness forms) logically proves the existence of the storehouse (eighth) consciousness, responsible for the Continuity of the Consciousness having a sense of an agent whose States and Stock of the Quality of the Consciousness are momentarily changed either driven by #Prajna or Ignorance. This unequivocally proves the relevance and importance of "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of the Prajna division from the modified Eightfold Path. It is the driving force to be a Good Person in the virtuous behaviours (Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood) that facilitate the Stability (Right Effort, Right Transcendental #Awareness, Right Transcendental Inner Peace) required for a Happy Life.

The lesson learned from this Inter-Realms Competitions and Influences is that one can be a part of Consciousness Revolution in wider perspective of ComPassion and Prajna. This Consciousness Revolution is from Inner Order to Outer Order, not the other way around from external Social Order and centralized Faith for the Inner Peace. For Buddhists - including monks and nuns - advocating the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace to Outer Peace, see your Realities and if possible contribute your 'secret sauce' as a part of Conscious Living Community no matter which profession you are taking. When 1% to 8% of human population know the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict as known by Jesus without the mistake of addicted divisional and religious fanatic, religious Word/Image and Thought level will be effortlessly disappeared.

The revolution starts right at the Present Moment to do something with current 'Pain' and/or 'Inner Quest' (of the Right Thing to do), not from any speculation on the Consciousness while the real 'Unsatisfied' directly relevant to the Present and Future Quality of Living is ignored. With concentrated Right Transcendental-Awareness, one can sense to be a part of Consciousness Revolution riding on the (1) the Natural Change of the Cosmos as well known in a Tidal Shift starting from 2012 onward, (2) the proven Engineering Roadmap to Higher Consciousness: Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity, and (3) the availability of Cosmic Energy directed by advanced student(s) for a speed-up in 'Sudden Awakening' and/or 'Natural Levitation'.

Knowing Oneself according to accumulated discovered natural laws to be an Integrated Person of a vibrant Living Organism, one can extend that personal vibrant Pesona to the surrounding at different aggregate levels - family, club/professional, friends/community, region, nation, the world and beyond - to assure vibrant ecosystems with sustainable Created Values at all levels. It is the Friendly and Compassionate Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings. The Culture is [Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital] to concretely generate harmonious Vibrant Normative Personas according to actual Values each one brings to the table of one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles.

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