Takeaway: Budh Dharma refers to Gotama's discoveries based on the fundamental Issue of Living (Dukkha) whose corollary is the innate Budh - knowing the Right and Wrong in actual living - and its claimed ultimate solution of Not-Self / Selfless. Buddhism is what established by Buddhist cheating Sanghas, riding on the defects of Gotama's design, build, and execution, and his 45+ years of personal efforts to "falsely" spread the precious discoveries and his credibility for the monks' groups of privileged Liars.
We prove 180o divergence between Gotama solution with its descriptions in Words, Images, and Thoughts which must be transcended to experience his Not-Seff / Self-Selfless Actualisation. The divergence leaves holes for cheating monks / nuns sabotaging Gotama discoveries even during his living and active spreading time. The result has been partly due to esoteric interference since his discovery goes against group benefits of masters-slaves relationships. It is the opposite direction between liberation and master-slave - between Budh Dharma and Buddhism - partly due to the defects of Gotama's "Design - Build - Execution" arising from not knowing the "layered No-Conflict Consciousness" to be outside-the-box orthogonal to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. In cleaning up the divergence, we discover empirically building process from Complex Fibonacci numbers to model the necessary and sufficient conditions for Liberating one out of negative Fibonacci degeneration of cunning intelligence (Hegelian Dialectic) from "AnimalEnergy of "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" via "KindnessAwareness" > "EmpathyAwareness", then a breakthrough to positive Fibonacci evolution in Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" having innate (F-dimension) "EquanimityAwareness".
Scientific approach with discovered natural laws for heavy lifting is the solution helping most people from tainted senses such as having ClingingThought, Binding Word/Image, Veiled of Right and Wrong, being Influenced, etc, - statistically tested from the grassroots in Right Understanding and Right Motivation of important events - to effortlessly clean up unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all organised religions where Buddhism is a cheating part of this messy state.
Jump to #1 Budh Dharma and Scientific Solutions, #2 Buddhist tautologies and duality, #3 Buddhist Meditation.
1. Budh Dharma and Scientific Solutions
"The unexamined life is not worth living / Not Concious Living is Unworthy" (Ancient Greek: ὁ ... ἀνεξέταστος βίος οὐ βιωτὸς ἀνθρώπῳ) is a famous dictum apparently uttered by Socrates [470 - 399] at his trial for impiety and corrupting youth, for which he was subsequently sentenced to death, as described in Plato's Apology. Let's start at Gotama's fundamental Issue of Living (Dukkha) (a pivotal point) whose corollary is the innate Budh - knowing the Right and Wrong of western Conscience in actual living - and its claimed ultimate solution of Not-Self / Selfless agreed by all Buddhist sects up until 2025. BUT most Buddhists are unable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness on the way to verify that state of "Selfless" via #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental Inner Peace of Gotama's recorded Jhanas, ignoring Gotama's Charter of Free Inquiry[D23] to be cheated by unworthy monks / nuns / followers who turn his DISCOVERIES into a cheating religion.
But examining life on the duality plane of existence - Relative #Truth / epistemic objective - is conflicting inside due to tainted senses [ a conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see other conflicting duality (darkness) As-It-Is ], and outside due to different viewing angles, interests and opinions, specific to each community where distributed data centre and AI are very different to bring real benefits to the community in a connected World (GsLp - Global service Local presence). Gotama [563 - 483 BC] identified the Issue of Existence - namely Dukkha having three meanings sufferings (dukkha-dukkha), changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha). He claimed to know the solution at "The End of Dukkha[D44]". Since existence is always changing and conditioned due to the second law of thermodynamics, Bodhidharma discovered a state of "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha"[D35] where one can be "Fresh" - dropping whatever happened (success or failure) to past events - for a new start due to Detachment and diectly knowing Thing-As-It-Is. This state of mind was later further value-added with HuiNeng's actual realisation: "Do not attach to anything ( natural detachment in all activities ) then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心". The reality of tainted mind and possibility of reversed-engineering back to No-Conflict untainted mind are proven and known under different names as #Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas.
We call that "wonderful mind" a Higher Consciousness on the transcendental plane of "Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas", perpendicular to the duality plane of events. The underlying natural law in Higher Consciousness is "No-Conflict", different from conflicting polarity on the duality plane of events to inject Normative Intelligence of Right and Wrong advocated by Socrates as one's Soul (Quality of the Consciousness) which determines Value of the values in one's existence. We scientifically prove this assertion is Right according to natural law of the "light floating up", also asserted by Gotama[D32]. We discover, copyright© and have IP protected the underlying process of Oneness in building up cultivable #Prajna with its Signed Posts and Vertical Switches. The globalization and Leadership 4.0 requires that cultivable "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind discovered by Gotama in his "End of Dukkha[D44]", value-added by Bodhidharma as Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35]" capable to have required Intensity of Attention to make Things happened but totally Fresh once done, then HuiNeng "Wu-Nien" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }, and XuanZang "Consciousness of the consciousness" capable to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change one and the environment toward What Count. One is a persona of a person, organization, community, province, country, the world, etc.
We define 'Verifiable Emptiness / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent' - consistent with Gotama's recorded experiences[D26], [D29], [D30] - as the states where gross attributes such as 'light happiness' or meditation subject such as 'earth' or selected 'Sound' based on HonNhien and the charming attraction of Sunyata Non-Thingness naturally dissolved to utter Silence, toward Non-Thingness and Beyond. They are the states of rejuvenation or naturally reborn of visible experiences for a Fresh look at 'Thing-As-It-Is / Actuality'. These meditation stages - having distinct attributes - can be called signed posts of 'Verifiable Emptiness / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent'. It is Empty of contents to Utter Silence toward Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness, Non-Thingness then Unmoving Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha[D44] according to Gotama's recorded personal experiences.
The 'Verifiable Emptiness / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness' covers a set of preliminary signed posts to scientifically discover different trails - verifiable in identified smart pointers pointing to required traits - leading to them. These trails make apparent observable, testable and reproducible practical benefits for a Worthy Existence in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. We dwell deeper into observable attributes, theoretical aspects and learned lessons of the 'How' together with suggestions of the 'What' that you can be a part to make the 'What' a sustainable economic activity, even beyond your current life time to make the trail easier and more enjoyable for others. We package these Right conditions together into Equanimity Communities as services supporting GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) of ThankYou HOC (Home Office Club) that wherever you are, the Right conditions for scientifically cultivable #Prajna are always there.
While the 'Verifiable Emptiness / Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent' with its Signed Posts have been scientifically established, we can statistically measure its "Natural Purification[D27]" and relationships to the discovered seven layers of No-Conflict Consciousness in Gotama's Right Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ], capable to sense the source and driving force of thought to properly manage one's reality, exactly as his advice to Ajita's questions[D22]. Innumerable Engineering Feedback Controls in digital feedback loops can be applied to well-defined consciousness targets and their desired attributes in enforceable patterns and natural #Awareness due to Natural Purification. The underlying private distributed Neural Graph Database db has (1) absolute security under owner control, (2) consensus claims of related activities and relationships, (3) shared intelligent patterns without revealing identities to community research for Right Understanding and Right Motivation in eventually consistent custom ai directed Graph.
The relevance and necessity of well-defined scientific processes - exposed on top of Gotama discovery about fundamental Issue of human existence (Dukkha) and its claimed solution (Not-Self / Self-Selfless Actualisation) - come from (1) the defects of Gotama "Design - Build - Execution" arising from not knowing the "layered No-Conflict Consciousness", leaving holes for unworthy monks sabotaging the precious discovery with Words, Images, and Thoughts which must be transcended to experience his Not-Seff / Self-Selfless Actualisation, (2) the boosting of Hindu's SatChitAnanda that even in knowing the "layered Consciousness" it is still hanging with the "Big Self of permanent Bliss (Ananda)" which is unscientific due to the Dependent Nature of existence proven by the modern second law of thermodynamics to correct SatChiAnanda to SatChitSunyata[D54], (3) the slippery path of logical deduction on the duality plane of relative existence fallen by dedicated explorers such as Gotama, K'ung Tzu, Jesus, warned by Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] on the razor-sharp of [ self / not-self (hữu niệm / vô niệm) ], (4) possible and cultivable Prajna Dialectic for Right Effort on the duality plane of conditioned and changing events rather than narrow Hegelian Dialectic due to tainted senses.
Riding on Open Container where one can take a template image to either add content and/or new services, we provide user-facing Web Templates for both Inner-Space cultivation and Outer-Space of Activities, Relationships and Places that you can add contents, modified, and/or change to generate your own Web Design which is a part of community Cloud Commerce for Sharing, Buying and Selling under Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of Prajna.
Enabling everyone privately explore what most important to know more about oneself via user-facing mu, we make the process measurable against Signed Posts known by other dedicated explorers at Vertical Switches along the dimension of "[ Wisdom / #Prajna / #Oneness / Conscience / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ]" on the plane of event #Truth to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for a Right Effort. The tool has required infrastructures and facilities to enable your "Value-Adds" shared and connected to the world as a part of your contribution to humanity that may be sustainable and last beyond your life time.
The targets of the templates are three folds: (1) popularise Gotama's precious discoveries that enable him honestly answer Ajita's question[D22] about the practicalities of his smart pointer #AwarenessPrajna[D26] - an outcome of his scientifically cultivable Transcendental Inner Peace called Jhanas (Transcendental Inner Peace) since all manifestations are conditioned and there are optimal conditions for that mnifestation to be DISCOVERED and SHARED - which have been sabotaged by persistent unworthy monks / nuns who do not know yet claimed to know do not see yet claim to see[D19], (2) contrast his classification of nine stages of Right Transcendental Inner Peace with six verifiable Signed Posts - namely Gateway-to-Oneness, Equanimity Higher Consciousness, Purity Higher Consciousness, Not-Self, Sunyata Non-Thingness, the End-of-Dukkha (Unmoving Sunyata / Nirvana) - to turn his ontological core subjective (personal opinions) unable to touch by Buddhist cheating Sanghas in 2500+ years of Wrong Effort (Wrong Dependent Nature) into epistemic objectives to widen and deepen the principle of cosmic order (Dharma), (3) enable everyone with Internet Free Tool to honestly know more about oneself, being an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment toward a Right Direction of What Count[R23] in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
In the following - together with #Truth and all Isms where #Truth is verifiable epistemic objective - we prove beyond any reasonable doubt 180o divergence or opposite direction between "liberation" which is different from "Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought" in "The end of Liberalism" coming from "cheated painted cakes" of adjusted religions and all isms, against master-slave between Budh Dharma and Buddhism. We ask all concerned parties in Buddhism and/or any Ism being a part, starting from your present moment of Grand Strategy (as graphically presented on KhaiPhong Logo) riding on what you have been Rightly built in your Continuity of the Consciousness according to Natural Laws in Making Life Easier and Happier transcending all Word/Image and Thought used by all organised religions and isms in their masters-slaves relationships of the past. KhaiPhong mission is to enable you Knowing more about yourself, Thing-As-It-Is and strategic position in your Right Continuity of the Consciousness where all "efforts" are measurable to reflect the cultivable "Right and Wrong / #Prajna / Wisdom" of the "quality" by the persona and its interactions with the environment.
2. Buddhist Tautologies and Duality
Thanks to the power of memory and abstract thinking, humanity has broken the barriers of physical limitations to wider explorations of its environments. Memory and thinking are both conflicting conditioned, and a conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see other conflicting duality (darkness) As-It-Is. To gain a Comparative Advantage in the fitness of survival, all "isms" where religions are parts swinging from one extreme to another of manifested things with brute forces of extreme violence and/or cheating intelligence as evidenced in entire human history of conquering empires and religions. The longer memory carries with it innumerable outdated marks such as phobia, fears, uncontrollable urges, abnormal sex drives, greed and power, etc, to render one unable to use the senses for seeing "Thing-As-It-Is" but distorted and coloured Image / Word / Thought that drive the Volition toward Sufferings due to Wrong Effort. The within-the-box abstract thinking sucks one deeper and deeper into its Abyss of religious and philosophy tautology that only recently we can logically prove their "cul-de-sac" using ontology system of [ assumption > model > taxonomy ].
Gotama's communities of monks / nuns and followers fall into these biological traps of accumulated more and more memory and hallucinated thinking[R14] - rather than #EmptyTheContent for Rejuvenation and Freshness to properly use the senses[D44], memory, and thinking with something Beyond from Consciousness Technologies - to turn his (Gotama's) discoveries completely upside down, messing their own lives and the lives of others in their Greed of master-slaves relationships since most do not have qualified "Transcendental #Awareness" and "#Prajna" in his advice and answer to Ajita's questions[D22], explicitly stated below to spell out the importance and relevance of Gotama's discoveries with personal verification for modern living. We will expose the observable living quality of Gotama smart pointers #AwarenessPrajna, plus their roles in knowing more about oneself which is effortless similar to a light (#Prajna) and darkness (Ignorance) in contrast to conflicting process of duality since a conflicting duality cannot see other conflicting duality As-It-Is.
One is not solely mechanical within-the-box thinking. Limited oneself to this narrow scope, one will soon be successfully challenged by machine-learning Intelligence and very likely surpassed by massive data-processing of computer. Due to the Dependent Nature of existence, and one is Not Alone nor the Only Intelligent being of this universe, one's Consciousness can have a higher Abstraction Level known by past explorers as the #OnenessM/span> / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas or "ET" Higher Self. Discovering and accessing the Source Energy in #Oneness, one can delegate most of mechanical works to machine learning just like the use of washing and drying machines and have more time to self-selfless exploration of the Transcendental Inner Peace from The Source in #Oneness for a Right Effort in many what-if scenarios.
Gotama pegged his qualified "Transcendental #Awareness" at "Equanimity third level" of Transcendental-Inner-Peace[D29] while most monks and followers cannot reach even the Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is Tranquility without Conflict due to the failure of Detachment in Grasping all mundane and non-mundane things such as Nirvana that they do not know nor have, yet cheating others in their utopia of Nirvana and Pari-Nirvana to make very unworthy living as professional Liars. Since most do not have "Transcendental #Awareness" or know "Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha", they rely on Sutra recitation and Praying[R14] for memory accumulation while engaging the thinking in the "cul-de-sac" and tautology of thought process such as "Meditation on Emptiness" at thought level unable to reach Transcendental Inner Peace (TIP) in dissolving the contents, or Vipassana in holding / concentrating the mind on something to destroy unceasing thought of their continuously chatting mind. Please challenge all monks / nuns who have been blah blah blah of "Buddhist Mindfulness / publicly challenged in a Ph.D. Thesis @ University of Copenhagen 2023-08-20" - including the claimed enlighten monk Thich Nhat Hanh, the Dalai Lama XIV, and the claimed Dharma King Gyalwang Drukpa XII - their actual know-how of the process[R2] of dissolving / emptying the gross conflicting duality toward "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflicts / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" and the effect of that process on the way out to conflicting relative existence.
Here is an answer from Bodhidharma[D35] on the Art of No Conflict Inside - No Conflict Outside[D32] and the deadly serious need of accessing the "#Oneness" within the reach of one's innate Buddha Nature to solve the Issue called Dukkha by Gotama who claimed to have the solution[D26]. In that outside-the-box higher mind - the Source of #Oneness - one can (1) Know the unchanged unborn in the changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) existence, (2) See the optimal non-conflicting solution of [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] out of a complicated issue and its strategic position to be in, (3) Create the Right conditions and sense the Right Time and Place for an Effortless Action with maximum results toward the Right Direction, (4) Nullify adverse effects. Few dedicated explorers have touched this #Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas from different angles, known as the Pathless Land by Krishnamurti but later changed his view and suggested Closed-to-Nature - we call "Equanimity Community" - may be a Right solution. We take Gotama's approach, starting from one's present quality of consciousness to scientifically work out optimal conditions for reaching this Source of #Oneness with testable helps of positive and consciousness tools.
2.1 First Tautology:
[ Ignorance >< Not understanding Fourfold Truth ]
The tautology is implied in Buddhist doctrinal "cul-de-sac" of [ Virtue > Concentration > #Prajna ]. It is a tautology because according to them, (1) due to Ignorance one cannot understand the Fourfold Truth, and (2) because of not understanding the Fourfold Truth - inherited by Buddhist Sanghas - one is ignorant. Implicit in that inheritance, Buddhist Sanghas claim their role in maintaining and spreading the Fourfold #Truth which must be an epistemic objective statistically Known by most people according to our definition of #Truth versus Hallucination. Buddhist monks and nuns have failed the assigned job due to "painting Gotama's discoveries" as a Utopia, rather than a scientific "Nature of Things" to be Tested, Verified, and Implemented serving Humanity, Making Life Easier and Happier.
The core reason behind this tautology is the multi-aspects of "Greedy Self" from Buddhist unworthy monks / nuns in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhsm, up until 2025:
- Fallacy of "the Blinds touching Elephant".
- Putting their ignorance into Gotama's mouth to prove their "fallacy" and justify the claim of master-slaves relationships.
- Riding on Gotama's credibility to sell what the cheating monks / nuns do not know nor have.
They know nothing about "#Prajna", outside the box of Ignorance in one's "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" at one's level of HuiNeng smart pointer #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định at different levels { To be free from attachment to outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }, known by many common people for the "Right" and "Wrong" relevant to one's present moment due to the innate Buddha Nature capable of making decision and learning from a mistake.
2.1.1 Fallacy of "the Blinds touching Elephant"
Gotama rejected 'all forms of 'essential self', and emphasized the 'Not Self / Selfless' right from his second sermon in the formation of Buddhist Sangha that has made it a Binding Word, Clinging Thought, and general 'Grasp-er/Grasped' in those Not Knowing the 'Gateway-to-Oneness'. He did not explicitly mention that 'his Word and Thought of Not-Self' has to be dropped since Self/Selfless #Awareness can be Beyond Word and Thought outside all conditioned boxes. Behind any effort is a "Volition / Freewill / Sankhara" of an agent or self. A thought of 'Not-Self' becomes a barrier to keep the practitioner outside the Gateway-to-Oneness (beyond self and not-self at clinging word and thought level), characterised as the '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' pointed out in 'Buddhism implies dualism'[D19] using the picture of a long time and well-known claimed master of Buddhist Samatha and Vipassana since the practitioner is still within the box of Clinging Thought. The clinging 'Not-Self' keeps him from transcending the Observed toward #Oneness! No one in the entire history of Buddhist Sangha talking about Transcendental States / #EmptyTheContent, except Gotama[D29], [D30] and HuiNeng[R5] in his "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ", "#DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định", "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ". Instead of testing and value-add in implementing these states, Buddhist monks and scholars - not even passing the Gateway-to-Oneness knowing nothing about transcending states - produce voluminous treatises and debates about "meditation on emptiness" of the "Blinds touching Elephant".
We logically show that the Clinging Thought of 'Not Self' and 'Emptiness' is the major hurdle in Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D48], [D47] and all those advocating the "Not-Self and Emptiness" from the Heart Sutra[R2] at "Cheating Words / Teachings", being confused philosophers to render Budh Dharma stagnant by grasping the word "Not-Self" in "Relative Truth" rather than the actual dynamic adjustment between "Self / Hữu Niệm" and "Not-Self / Vô Niệm" as a "Self/Selfless Insight / #Awareness" from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]. They are "Cheating Words / Teachings" since the description is Not the described and they pretend to be Buddhist teachers of what they don't know nor have because they have not passed the "Gateway to Oneness", emptying the duality contents toward Non-Thingness and Unity. This stagnancy and competition between Buddhist Madhyamaka[D38] of "Not-Self" and Consciousness-Only[D39] - between dynamic Thing As It Is "Self" and "Not-Self" - lead to static deduction from the Perfected Nature (Parinispanna) to the Dependent Nature (Paratantra) without any insight of underlying natures to enable manifestations of the Perfected Nature and measurable outcomes of Perfected Nature on the Dependent Nature, turning the Three Natures of Consciousness-Only upside down from the Dynamic Infusion of the Perfected Nature to make a difference between Dependent Nature and the Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita).
Due to our exposition since 2012 - after esoterically knowing the collapse of Illuminati and failure of their evil plot against humanity - to sufficiently open the discoveries enabling people see the fallacies of Buddhist unworthy monks / nuns, some hard-core Buddhist scholars - knowing nothing about transcendental states in Perfected Nature - insisting (at the end of 2015 before releasing version 2.1) on the "Ignorant Dependent Nature" of Relative Truth where Dependent Nature leads to Imaginary Nature due to tainted senses, and to Ultimate (Wider) Truth at conceptual level of conflicting consciousness where the Dependent nature leads to the Perfected Nature. This is a new layer of fallacy from persistent "Blinds touching Elephant" since it cannot point out the driving force behind the Dependent Nature and what can purify the tainted senses. It is exactly as the "Cheating Words / Teachings" from the Heart Sutra in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas without delivering the verifiable passing process through "the Gateway to Oneness" qualified by Gotama at the Tranquility[D29] second absorption level to be ready for his qualified Transcendental Awareness[D22] at the Equanimity[D29] third stage of his meditation that Buddhist monks / nuns blah blah blah for so long in 2500+ year of the Buddhist Sanghas up to 2025 of Vietnamese Buddhist Sanghas.
It is understandable since even Gotama did not know the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness underlying his Transcendental #Awareness, leading to the [ defects in his Design - Build - Execution ] of the Buddhist cheating Sanghas. Only recently via mathematics such as Gödel incompleteness theorem proven via Observer Effect in physical science and the patterns of Fibonacci sequence found in growing diversities of Nature, the writer can - after (1) personally experiencing all recorded Gotmama's Jhanas from 1970s, (2) contrasting the personal Know-Hows versus Gotama'recorded expositions in Pali Test Society, (3) doing field researches with those happened to know #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental Inner-Peace that if things happened they will personally help the world as living persons with their unique contributions, (4) having direct connection to esoteric Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and her team in 2000s, and (5) witnessing the collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods before and after 2012 - theoretically form the cycles of all intelligent beings with Complex Fibonacci numbers in both evolution then degeneration due to tainted senses causing cyclic cycles or evolution edge from breakthroughs via positive evolution approaching Golden Ratio shown at 6:25 of the video available from humanity upward capable to Transcend both the Observed personally verifiable by the writer and Gotama at the Expanding (Infinite) Space (scientific curved space) and Observer at Selfless (Not-Self) (scientific curved time) PLUS Higher Consciousness (the end of Dukkha[D44]) of Worthy (Raison D'être) Existence from practical Consciousness States of Self-Selfless Actualization to be scientifically, professionally and personally investigated using engineering proven Feed Forward and Backward Control System to Make Life Easier and Happier in engaged living. The Inter-Realm Communications and collaborations (the video was deleted) have been actually demonstrated with real persons in VietNam - communications in different Realm languages, at the source of thought via communication hub of a living reincarnation of HuiNeng, and telepathy at the sources of thoughts - in one's Continuity of the consciousness under universal natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes.
The persistent fallacy at duality[D19] demonstrates without any doubt that through out 2500+ years of Buddhist Sanghas up until 2025, very few - beside Gotama, HuiNeng, and probably few more such as Jesus in the West - ever know the reversed process from Form to Consciousness to be outside the tainted senses. This process was recorded in Shurangama Sutra[D33], but only at word level from esoteric impostors - similar to human cheaters claiming to Know what they do not know to See what they do not see[D19] - incapable to deliver what they said due to stealing the technologies from others. Through our 50+ years observation of Buddhist Sanghas, we have sensed some qualified at Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness but most do not trust their Insight and personal experience so they depend on "recorded texts" and "loud mouth unworthy monks / nuns" as a guiding light with small twists of their authentic personal experience here and there. The writer lost 20+ years in not having enough trust about his authentic experience in sudden 1970 breakthrough. By pointing out the fallacies of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, we hope to save many unnecessary sufferings in the trap of religious unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] and encourage those dedicated explorers "reversed engineering" their authentic experience as done by this writer for the benefits of many on the same path. We have collected many qualified students in our group - actually knowing [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } - and encourage them dig further to help themselves and humanity at the right time which we think to be very soon[D54] when we are able to convince some sponsors via Private Donations on the viability of NfP SDF (Stakeholders Democratic Foundation) and the Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital KhaiPhong Corporation. By 2023, the writer is sure that his technical roadmap will be sustainable in humanity and other esoteric realms since he IS the Head of a family Lineage and determines to democratize the Executive System enabling qualified people serving the community directed by Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna similar to the organization of KhaiPhong Corporation and AwakeningBudh Foundation in human "Rule-of-Law".
The Ignorance / Fallacy on the Dependent Nature is due to exposing "only half of its story" and "Not-Thing-As-It-Is" of layered No-Conflict Consciousness versus Duality Consciousness when stated that the "conceptual" Dependent Nature leads to the Perfected Nature of Non-Duality without exposing the required conditions and reproducible process discovered from underlying natural laws to move from duality to #Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas. It is the Perfected Nature - Consciousness of the consciousness / outside the box - that infuses "Natural Purification[D27]" to effortlessly transform the Imaginary Nature via tainted senses to the Dependent Nature of Thing-As-It-Is due to natural Detachment from HuiNeng's "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ". The signed post identifies two different forces to push a normative intelligent being toward either degeneration causing sufferings to wake that agent up or higher evolution in "Making Life Easier and Happier" according to natural laws: (1) Ignorance due to tainted senses or (2) Cultivable #Prajna having an innate quality of { [1.a] a penetration of Insight or seeing through a thick wall of mass ignorance, and [2.a] an ability to dissolve karmic force }.
It is the core of Gotama's discoveries - the three poisons to keep the vicious circle of Sufferings moving known as "Ignorance, Attachment, and Aversion" - that 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha unable to break through due to the inability to enter the Gateway-to-Oneness identified by Gotama as his Tranqility transcendental absorption, grasping (Relative Truth / Ultimate Wider Truth, Self / Not-Self, Dependent Nature / Perfected Nature) of what they don't know nor have in the masters-slaves relationships while making noises in their doctrinal [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ], causing 1000+ years of chasm within their own communities and philosophies.
Fortunately, throughout 2500+ years of Buddhist Communities, there have been many dedicated explorers to Value Add with many "Sudden Breakthroughs" to practicalise Gotama's discoveries in "Making Life Easier and Happier" for the "mass / people / citizens". Bodhidharma - the founder of Zen - revealed the practicality of "Detachment / Emptiness" in Gotama's discoveries as natural laws governing one's evolution of Consciousness to Form and possible next level of evolution from Form back to Consciousness (by-passing innumerable outdated marks in one's tainted senses) by describing his solution to humanity [ Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts ] in his Jue Guan Lun / TUYỆT QUÁN LUẬN[D35]. HuiNeng value-added the possible breakthrough of the Vicious Circle in duality of [ Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] - moving from one extreme to another extreme - driven by Ignorance with his personally testified "#SamadhiPrajna" and precisely defined their roles in "#Samadhi - Transcendental-Inner-Peace - is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]". This visibly manifested #Prajna dimension is mathematically perpendicular the cross-cut duality planes of all intelligent realms from humanity upward such as qualified Persons, Gods, Allah, Buddhas lumped together as the middle and higher realms that we can esoterically sense. It - #Prajna - is the manifestation on the foundation of Compassion tree deep rooted in invisible Sunyata that intelligent beings can bypass their tainted senses to reverse the evolution from Form back to Consciousness for exploring their Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace or quality of the consciousness in facing any event.
This "No-Conflict Consciousness" in "Detachment / Emptiness" together with HuiNeng "#SamadhiPrajna" is the deliverable Thing-As-It-Is Actuality in transcending the duality and extremes of [ Attachment >< Aversion ], totally different from Buddhist Middle Path Madhyamaka at conditioned thinking level having no practicality of Actual Living. The degree of "Right" and "Wrong" changes with the situation, with both the depth and the width of Normative Intelligence capable to sense the "Pulse" of the situation / event whose net effect depends on all concerned and active players. The higher/deeper Wisdom / #Prajna along the dimension orthogonal to all observable duality plane can be statistically measurable at different signed posts such as the Not-Self contributed by Gotama or Self-Selfless Actualisation in modern psychology. That is Why the cultivable Normative Intelligence can be augmented with Positive Artificial Intelligence to enable one the centre of all Activities and Relationships at all Places, personally assisted by user-facing mu.
Moving to further South, Vạn Hạnh[R7.1] demonstrated "Thing-As-It-Is" Dukkha - no conflict inside / no conflict outside - from Bodhidharma in his well-known ability to get the "Pulse" of complex military and diplomatic national securities to arise at optimum solutions toward What Count[R2] in his visionary advice to the previous Lê dynasty and the main architect of a bloodless / effortless coup d'etat to change the Lê to Lý dynasty, opening a new Era for Vietnam. Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] was the first one to recognize the dynamic razor-sharp [ thought / #Oneness (hữu niệm / vô niệm) ] in the Right / Wrong Effort pushed forward by Gotama as "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in the #Prajna division of his modified Eightfold Path. Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] materialised Trần Thái Tông Right / Wrong Effort with his three principles: (1) Kindness and Empathy once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties, (2) Continuous Right Effort in Learning and Doing to manifest one's Worthy Existence of the wise[R10], and (3) All Efforts come "From people, By people, and For people". Thanks to these value-adds to the Wise-Dharma, he was able to help Vietnam militarily defeat three times the most violent and fearful Mongol invasions.
Since then, there have been many significant events such as the tidal waves of industrial revolutions bringing humanity closer together in a Global Village and most recently Krishnamurti's discovery a possibility of "outside the tainted senses" - called "Intensity of Attention" that he spent 60+ years of his life time to make known to the world - as postulated by Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D19]. With our 50+ years of discovering and investigating natural laws to enable most normal people passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness", we think it is the Right Time for the Fourth Tidal Wave of industrial revolution where Normative Intelligence and machine-learning Artificial Intelligence can join hands to materialise the three principles of Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4]. The consciousness and positive technologies help one recognising the innate precious quality of Normative Intelligence / #Prajna to know more about oneself, driving all activities and relationships in productions and consumption with that Normative Intelligence rather than Ignorance, proving the possibility of breaking the Suffering Vicious Circle first addressed by Gotama 2500+ years ago as the Three Poisons to one's quality of the Consciousness: [ Ignorance >< Attachment >< Aversion ]
You have not heard this exposition throughout 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, even throughout the life times of Gotama, Bodhidharma, and HuiNeng. Precisely, an [ Ignorance/Darkness ] cannot be broken by another [ Ignorance/Darkness ] on the duality plane of [ Attachment >< Aversion ]. There are hidden attributes in #Prajna and Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định) - innate and accessible by most people - capable to be outside the boxes to drive relative existence toward a Right Direction. The target of KhaiPhong is to make these hidden attributes epistemic objectives and cultivable by discovering underlying natural laws to make them known to most people via modern tools. That is why we says Gotama should expose his inner process in facing the outer conflict generated by others as in the recorded Quarrel At Kosambi[D45] that Bodhidharma partially revealed his solution[D35].
We want to nail down this signed post (at 2015-12-25) - the results of field research similar to Gotama 's signed posts of nine (9) stages of Verifiable Emptiness - to be personally testified by many when Consciousness Technologies are wide spread. It is similar to the two aspects of Dukkha defined as (1) dukkha-dukkha, viaparinama-dukkha, and sankhara-dukkha: exposed by Gotama together with his solution in Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion[D20], (2) "Thing-As-It-Is" dukkha which embraced the three definitions of Dukkha according to Gotama, exposed by Bodhidharma in his Jue Guan Lun / TUYỆT QUÁN LUẬN[D35] to demonstrate and value add the practicality and bottom line of cultivable "Detachment or Verifiable Emptiness". This "Signed Post of No-Conflict Consciousness" on the duality plane of conflicting events for directly experiencing [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] can be statistically measurable thanks to the living people in the writer's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles actually knowing { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } at different angles coming from different religions, cultures, nationalities, skin colors, etc, in their efforts to share "secret sauces" or right conditions to reclaim one's innate [ Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ]. This is "How" discovered underlying natural laws Free people from cheating processes of all isms, trying to enslave humanity at the binding Word/Image and clinging Thought of painted cakes.
Currently there is a huge gap from Sufferings to Right Effort in Making Life Easier and Happier. In modern Maslow's hierarchy of needs, there are ample researched evidences of the Basic needs of Physiology, Safety, Social, Esteem and the happier Being needs of Knowledge, Aesthetics, Transcendence (must be before), the Self-Selfless Actualisation to demonstrate they are not serial nor hierarchy, but dynamic interactions among all needs due to the three Vedic Gunas (Forces) of Dependent Nature. The last two Maslow's layers must be reversed i.e. the transcendental layer must be known first, starting at Detachment due to the depths of required qualities in wider perspective of existence in each cycle of evolution, "Tranquility / Gateway-to-Oneness", "Equanimity for the manifestation of smart pointer #AwarenessPrajna"[D22], "Purity to utter Silence of Transcending the Observed" as known by Gotama and KhaiPhong's Inner Circle, then "Not-Self" to Transcend the Observer toward Non-Thingness. The "Being need" has not been delivered due to unworthy leaders of all isms, moving from one extreme to another extreme incapable to break through the "Three Poisons of Consciousness Quality" driven by "Ignorance", perpetuating in the Inner Conflicts Outer Conflicts of duality. Gotama established Buddhist Sanghas with the task of delivering this "Being Need" to break through the "Self / Selfless Actualisation entering the Gateway-to-Oneness, yet up to 2025 the Buddhist Sanghas have failed! This kind of Sangha - three people or more - organization has been significantly evolving into modern ICA - International Cooperative Alliance that we further generalize into Stakeholders Democratic Systems (SDS) supported by NfP Stakeholders Democratic Foundation (SDF).
His Buddhist communities failed the task due to the egoistic binding / clinging to the duality of "Word and Thought" of the "Middle Path / Madhyamaka", unable to deliver scientific process for themselves and most normal people "Passing the Gateway-to-Oneness" realizing Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness[D26] qualified at his third Transcendental state[D29]. Please Note That the Highest level of modern psychological "Being Need", capable to help other achieving Self-Selfless Actualisation is the "Transcendence" which demands a personal experience of passing the Gateway-to-Oneness, having "Transcendental #Awareness" as qualified by Gotama. But this is only the beginning of Gotama modified Eightfold (dynamic not serial) Path to move deeper through Transcendental Consciousness toward Cosmic Consciousness and Unity for the direct experience of his Not-Self / Selfless and the End-of-Dukkha to actually know "Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha in engaged living of #Prajna underlying natural laws / thuận theo tự nhiên".
It will be straighten out in a technical patented process so no unworthy people dare to get close. The process will be governed by a professional body of those passing their theses in "Taming the Ox", delivering and deepening practical "Being need" of Normative Intelligence - being augmented with positive intelligence from Artificial Intelligence - to know more about oneself, being an agent of changes to change oneself and the environment in all activities and relationships of productions and consumption. There are different depths of that infusion from the Perfected Nature similar to different depths in the Insight of Emptiness in moving from "Relative Truth" to "Ultimate (Wider) Truth" in Madhyamaka. The 'Dynamic Feedback' must also be there to adjust one's 'Reality' to 'Actuality' in dynamic environment of Learning and Doing in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
The dynamic adjustment has not been there up to 2025 in the entire history of Buddhist communities of cheating monks and nuns. They spent their time and effort in logical debates rather than in "Actual Living" of Thing As It Is starting from one's current states and stock of #Prajna manifested through "Right Understanding" and "Right Motivation" in the #Prajna division of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path. The dynamic feedback is a part of planned KhaiPhong AI tool in the process of [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] to raise possible alerts of one's perceived Sweet Spot in important daily activities.
This dynamic feedback and adjustment depends on the "states" and "stock" of #Prajna which comes from the depth and stability of accessing the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma Samadhi) / #EmptyTheContent or "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26] to naturally sense the driving forces behind one's "Volition / Freewill / Sankhara" and the "state of one's Being" to properly manage one's Realities. It does not come from logical understanding - according to Buddhist Sanghas - having no driving force from Intensity of Attention. The logical understanding is a two edged knife:
- The wrong logical understanding - called "half-baked Ignorant Dependent Nature" proven by "logical arguments" from various hard-core persistent unworthy monks / nuns exposed in this book to shut down their "Big Mouths" of 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - to enslave one within the ivory tower of "Self - Owner of the Thought" that most monks and nuns in the entire history of Buddhist Sangha sink themselves in the vicious circle of
[ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ]
- The right logical understanding according to the Nature of Thing-As-It-Is / the "Wise Dependent Nature" leading to (1) [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] first at the rational level that one - qualified by Nature - is more than the manifestations at physical and mental levels under any situations, "Riding The Ox" to know more about oneself, (2) gradually to "actually experience one's dignity as a person" clearly defined in Latin Humanitas and fully protected under current Human Rights, (3) being an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation in one's Continuity of the Consciousness to consciously have "Right Effort" and be an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment toward What Count:
[ Compassion >< #Oneness >< #Prajna ]
Within the conditions of Human realm, the depth of the infusion is scientifically measurable in the 'States' of #Prajna known as the Right Transcendental #Awareness and the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi), plus something more from Sunyata / #Oneness manifested through #Prajna and ComPassion of one's quality of InnerSpace that we mathematically modeled according to positive Complex Fibonacci evolution. That is why we say #Prajna is the flower of ComPassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata / #Oneness. They are the two visible attributes - Compassion and #Prajna - of invisible Sunyata / #Oneness, injecting the wider perspective of 'Being' into 'Doing' in all activities and relationships (Living). The founder of Consciousness-Only[D39] - Asanga - quietly worked on this issue of 'Clinging Thought'. The fruitful result was demonstrated by Krishnamurti of his 60+ years to explore the 'Thinker' and the 'Thought' and tell the world that it is 'the Intensity of Attention' at the relevant point to take one out of the duality of 'Abstractions', closer to Thing As It Is'. He wonder why he has this natural state while most do not have. Krishnamurti did not say in that precise form. It is the discovery of the writer in 1970's with his actual experience in investigating Consciousness-Only, riding on Krishnamurti's personal effort.
This will be changed in KhaiPhong using the participant's Inner Quest (from real Pain - Dukkha, the Right Thing to do, a nagging feeling, a dominant Issue such as Fear, Phobia, Uncontrollable urge, etc) as the natural starting point for Intensity of Attention, plus Sound and Consciousness technologies to enable the mass (most people) directly access at different depths of Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity. Mathematically, the natural "Intensity of Attention" on the duality plane of the event rides on discovered natural laws to either move deeper into various Signed Posts as proven by Gotama and deliverable via #PrajnaTIP in Sound or higher via Aspiration as proven by Jesus using Faith, great artists using music, dancing, painting, calligraphy, and most efficient of all via #PrajnaTIP in Kindness building on accumulated states and stock of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma Samadhi) / #EmptyTheContent via ComPassion / Common Vibration of Energy on the [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom ] plane of the event #Truth.
The layered foundations of moving in both deeper and higher vertical directions on the [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom ] plane of the event #Truth
are the results of our 50+ years of scientific researches based on recorded actual experiences of great explorers such as Gotama, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, etc, - personally tested and verified by current living students in our group - together with precious "Esoteric Sharing[R20.1]" of painful experiences which cost them dearly in their "Continuity of the Consciousness".
Just like an iceberg, the invisible foundations (Compassion >< Detachment) must be bigger and solid to support the manifestation of the visible (Right Transcendental Inner Peace). In the case of Gotama, he lost six years of "purifying body and mind" via physical disciplines and concentrated determinations from the tainted conditioned darkness. All were in vain until he remembered the natural HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) experience from a child sitting in the shade of a tree having tremendous compassion for all beings.
Thanks to that "Sudden Awaken" of "Right Understanding and Right Motivation", he discovered the Fourfold #Truth starting with identified issue of Dukkha and its solution in the modified Eightfold Path where the "entry level" of its "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent" is Detachment[D29]. In the case of Jesus, thanks to the foundation of Compassion and HonNhien from his innate "Good Samaritan", "aspiration via faith" raised him up from conflicting duality plane of events for some extra-ordinary tasks (miracles) due to higher view from the #Truth plane of [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ]. But not having sufficient confidence in his scientific discovery where faith is only one form of aspiration among many to be dropped, he was carrying its burden, esoterically exploited by both Christian and Muslim churches fully exposed with the collapse of Illuminati Elites. In the case of our "esoteric friends[R20.1]", the shiner of achievable extraordinary tasks veiled their "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of their actions and relationships, disconnecting them from the source of #Oneness where [ Compassion >< Detachment ] operate. The Nature will wake them up to be reconnected to the Source.
We see very similar process from "mental / spiritual" discoveries with discoveries in organic chemistry since all must be based on Thing-As-It-Is of underlying natural laws according to the Dependent Nature of Existence, found to be the foundation of Gotama and all other discoveries in physical sciences. The difference is that the "mental / spiritual discoveries" have been wrapped up with imaginary painted utopia and personification by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] - not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] - while scientific discoveries come from people who love the #Truth where ego is only a part of intelligence to be discovered in "Making Life Easier and Happier". The latter part leads to innumerable discoveries in all fields while the former led to divisional conflicts, driving billion lives into unnecessary sufferings. With our discovered verifiable processes we can ride on experiences learned from "Drug Discovery and Evaluation" to speed up the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong and #Prajna Dialectic at the normative side of its integration to enable people the centres of all activities and relationships, "From people, By people, and For people".
The delusion of logic without scientific investigation within the conflicting duality is manifested through out all organised religions such as the concepts of God, Love, Soul / Self, Freewill. Budh dharma - through scientific discoveries of Gotama - has tried to avoid this delusion via Gotama's Charter of Free Inquiry[D23]. Yet, once organised into Buddhist cheating Sanghas, the bigger "Delusion" and "authority" is manifested at all levels as indicated in the Krishnamurti's joke about a devil and Truth of a breakthrough from the vicious circle on duality plane: Buddhist Mindfulness of Breathing[D24], Samatha and Vipassana[D25], static concept of Nirvana to be glorified into PariNirvana, the Self and Not-Self chasm between Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only, and the biggest delusion of all "Destruction of Ignorance at conditioned conceptual level" in [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] to be detailed next. Conflicting consciousness from "ethical code and concentration" cannot lead to outside-the-box No-Conflict Consciousness #Prajna!
Precisely, an [ Ignorance / Darkness / Partial manageable solution ] cannot break the Not-Thing-As-It-Is root of another [ Ignorance / Darkness ] on the duality plane of [ Attachment >< Aversion ]. It is ironic that Chinese communists broke the 1000+ years of Confucius feudal systems to establish a new fallacy of communist utopia, far worse than 5,000+ years of Chinese Civilization. Through Hegelian dialectic between Communism and Capitalism, China has adopted market economy to save the power of communist party. It has spent around 2 billion US dollars a year at the peak of spreading Confucius Institute as a form of Chinese Soft Power, but failed as evidenced from 2017 to be replaced by another vision of "Belt and Road Initiative" in pure materialistic capitalism using Mafia cunning forces - rather than Serving People similar to western Rotary Clubs - having No Wisdom of the harmonious Tao and Chinese practicalities nor the hidden precious gems from HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna or XuanZang Consciousness of the consciousness. Any fundamental change must come from wider scope #Prajna Dialectic for the Right (Hegelian) Dialectic, cultivable via Consciousness Technologies and AI tools toward [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ] which is the scientific implementation of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] to minimize possible conflicts in all activities and relationships in a critical mass of the grassroots. Economics - directed by #Prajna - is the main driving force for the unique solution searched by humanity in past feudal, present neo-feudal, and/or any ism system: (1) diverse and conflicting interests of different cultures, religions, races, languages as attempted at superficial level by Ashoka in his policy of dhamma, (2) moral (leading to #Prajna) and invisible hand of economics in the Right allocation of scare resources to push Things toward a Right Direction of What Count[R23], (3) Effortless Right Action / Wei-Wu-Wei / Bất Chiến Tự Nhiên Thành.
There are hidden attributes in #Prajna and Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định) - innate and accessible by most people - capable to be outside the boxes to drive relative existence toward a Right Direction. It is a breakthrough from Effortless Action - Wei-Wu-Wei / khaiPhong - coming from a higher View of cultivable #Prajna, perpendicular to the plane of conflicting duality to see Thing-As-It-Is complex Issue and one's strategic position to change oneself and the environment one a part. Zen is well-known in its intention to "break the habit of Thinking" at conflicting level; yet without entering the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna, Seung Sahn faked his understanding with the "Don't Know Zen".
Professional unworthy monks / nuns used what "claimed-to-be recorded" at word level of Gotama's experience to prove their hallucinated realities in making a comfortable living. In this tautology, no one in 2500+ years of Buddhist Sanghas dare to directly face the "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in the #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path. Due to not having sufficient "Transcendental #Awareness" - qualified by Gotama at the third absorption stage[D29] - Buddhist Sanghas turn the modified Eightfold Path upside down to fit their within-the-box duality[D19] of [ Virtue > Concentration > Prajna ] to intentionally destroy Gotama's precious gift to humanity, turning outside-the-box #Prajna into an outcome on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness.
HuiNeng tried to reverse this degenerated trend using his personal experience in #SamadhiPrajna[R5]: '#Samadhi - Transcendental Inner Peace - is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]'. It has been 1000+ years. The Bullying from professional cheaters in Buddhist Sanghas is so dominant. This vicious circle has not been broken up until 2025. KhaiPhong wants to take this challenge to theoretically debunk the 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas and deliver verifiable solutions for most people to personally verify Gotama's #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path or HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna at different depths of one's quality of the consciousness in the new Era of Golden Age thanks to the shift in Universe Energy, starting from the end of 2012. The theoretical debunk has three folds (1) based on Buddhist Dependent Nature what are the cause and consequences / effects to enable one moving from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth [ The description of the "blinds touching elephant" is different from the described so what is your actual know-how ], (2) a conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see another conflicting duality As-It-Is whose solution come from newly discovered Dependent Nature of layered No-Conflict Consciousness passing through Transcendental Cosmic and Unity; your philosophy is just another hallucinated opinion, (3) the bottom-line practical and relevant to present living count, show me the bottom line of your Right Effort which is measurable via its consequences.
This new Era will soon be materialized in the fourth wave of industrial revolution where
- It is not only the role of each government to turn GDP (Gross Domestic Pruduct) and GNP (Gross National Product by income) through International Trades of [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] "Fair Trade" of the country "Comparative Advantages" into Gross National Happiness (GNH) in supplying the dynamic "Basic Needs and Being Needs" to its people, enabling all capable citizens equal opportunities being agents of changes to change oneself and the country, but also
- It is the innate needs - beyond the basic needs materialized for many by past industrial revolutions - deep inside each member of humanity, exciting in Conscious Living and opportunity to Do Good. For the needy, there is a better chance to restart where [ Food - Health - Education ] are essential. For the fortunates having ability in Sharing Happiness and Mitigating Sufferings, the "Being Needs" can only be materialized with hand-on personal experience in the Direct Path to Oneness of "Wise Dependent Nature" as exposed above. In that direct path, one will know more about oneself and can sense "the driving force at the source of one's thought" to properly manage one's realities that - up to 2025 - cannot be delivered by Buddhist Madhyamaka Middle Path at the duality of logical thought which is the "Ignorant Dependent Nature".
- We scientifically and theoretically prove that besides the background accumulated economic and inner (military) strength of the country, the cultivable [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness ] in the popular mass of people - capable to benefit both the Haves and HaveNots - is the dynamic deciding factor via Value of the values in Making Life Easier and Happier, naturally turning GNP and GDP into GNH. This theoretical proof is waiting for implementation, meeting the challenge of Soyen Shaku[R6] coming from 1893 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago: "God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality". We implement this prediction via "Equanimity Community" where human experiences in entire history from different Civilizations and Cultures can co-exist to let the #Truth floating up via Invisible Hand of Economics.
Most important of all is the material Wealth one cannot or has Higher Risk to carry on after Death. It is the Quality of one's Consciousness that can be changed at the present moment with whatever available resources at hand to fulfil both Basic and Being Needs in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Both approaches to #Oneness / Sunyata (1) either via Gotama's breaking the cycle of "[Ignorance >< Conflicts ]" in duality via the dynamic parts of his modified Eightfold Path, or (2) Direct Path in "[Compassion >< #Oneness >< #Prajna ]" demand hand-on learning and doing, being an agent of changes to change oneself and the environment, in part discover and in part create the Real You[R10] at the source of one's thought not to be unconsciously Pushed and Pulled by innumerable outdated Marks of the ignorant past. It is now much easier in the "Fourth Industrial Revolution" with Executive Information Portal (EIP) - an implementation of Gotama's First Discourse[D20] to kick-start his discoveries - where you can create different network layers with hand-on experience to assure allocation of scare resources driven by cultivable #Prajna and Economics of what most important to you in your Grand Vision. We can be a part of your team to change yourself and the environment toward What Count.
2.1.2 Putting their ignorance into Gotama's mouth to prove their "fallacy" and justify the claim of master-slaves relationships
To concretely demonstrate a piece of Truth that "a darkness cannot destroy another darkness and there is a Light from Consciousness of the consciousness in #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", let's explore the Buddhist concept in "Destruction of Ignorance". Buddhists use PaticcaSamuppada (12 links of causes and effects in Table 2) to explain the 'Cause and Cessation of Dukkha'. There are evidences that the process was formulated by members of the cheating Sanghas to fill in the gaps left by Gotama based on the 'Binding Word', 'Clinging Thought', and general 'Grasp-er/Grasped' without realizing that 'Word' and 'Thought' even coming from Gotama, God, or Allah can be changed to express the same "Actuality" as pointed out by Vasubandhu in his synthesis about Self #Awareness (Tự Tri)[D40]. Many wrongly quote Gotama explanation out of its context and explain totally within the duality consciousness having no fragrance from something of no-conflict that the cycle will be broken and one is liberated (freedom) from birth and death when one can destroy Ignorance, which does not create Volition, Consciousness, etc, to Age and Death.
Without Volition, one is just like a stone; yet the stone is more concrete than imaginary thoughts. Any conditioned existence is subjected to Change. Where is the Freedom from Sufferings (real deliverable) as asserted in the third Truth (possible Cessation of Dukkha), yet distorted the Gotama's Nirvana into a Utopia at thought level of Parinirvana that monks advocating this Dharma have already committed a serious offence against the fundamental Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối" selling what he/she does not know nor have? The Science of KhaiPhong presents a solid theoretical model based on statistically tested Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] to realise Gotama Fourfold #Truth - that up to 2025 the aggregate understanding of Buddhist cheating Sanghas[R12] is only at speculative logical level - and possible empirical verification for many due to discovered technologies based on natural laws for heavy lifting if and only if there is a "Right Understanding of Enlightenment" to take humanity out of 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating process in destroying Gotama's discoveries riding on his defect in theoretical deduction from Inside-Out. We provide scientific proof at both theoretical level now and statistically significant epistemic objectives at the right time.
Here are the recorded words claimed by Buddhist Sangha from Gotama in Udàna:
“That is with ignorance as condition, volitional activities come to be; with volitional activities as condition, consciousness comes to be; with consciousness as condition, name-and-form comes to be... This is the origin of this whole mass of suffering; [(II) (Ud 1.2)]: This not being, that is not; from the cessation of this, that ceases.
That is from the cessation of ignorance, volitional activities cease; from the cessation of volitional activities, consciousness ceases; from the cessation of consciousness, name-and-form ceases...from the cessation of craving, grasping ceases; from the cessation of grasping, being ceases; from the cessation of being, birth ceases; from the cessation of birth, aging-and-death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair cease. This is the ceasing of this whole mass of suffering; [(III) (Ud 2)]: ...
Putting aside the correct process of 12, 7, 6, 5, 4 or 3 in Table 2 which depends on the objective of the process, the context of logical arguments was Gotama reflection on what he observed in the Transcendental Inner Peace (#Samadhi). In this observation, there are different depths of 'Thing As It Is'. The logical arguments were formulated after the instantaneous moment of Right #Samadhi, and very likely the words put out by Buddhist cheating Sangha since Gotama in these contexts spoke his reflection in verse, not in logical writing and understood by his cheating monks. The description is Not the described, similar to 'the description of Love' is not Love which is an Actuality personally known by most people. The logical argument, after the fact of Actual Experience, 'from the cessation of ignorance, volitional activities (Sankhara) cease; from the cessation of volitional activities, consciousness ceases - do vô minh diệt nên hành diệt; do hành diệt, nên thức diêt' Is Incorrect, out of the context of existence or manifestation. Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed!
Sankhara is always there due to the conditioned existence and is a part of Dukkha (viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha). Even a stone or mountain is subjected to Sankhara due to Conditioned Existence or Dependent Nature either from external, internal and/or both. At the end of 2013 (2013/12/09), a film about the Buddha "Path of Enlightenment - CON ĐƯỜNG GIÁC NGỘ" made by the Vietnamese Buddhist Sanghas and now trying to revitalise again (2019/01/05) by its author hard-core persistent professional cheater Thích Chân Tính evidenced throughout his 10-years tracked-records of running (Chùa) Hoằng Pháp Pagoda, continuing to enforce and insist that Gotama's Path to Enlightenment is through the destruction of Dukkha at conflicting duality level via [ Ethical Code > Concentration > #Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] to move from Dukkha to Nirvana. This shows the nature of all involved parties, not knowing what they are talking about, do not know what they said, and violating Gotama's ethical code in advocating what they do not know nor have according to their own agenda of special interest groups of professional Liars.
They are totally ignorant of the Self/Selfless #Awareness and know nothing[D44] about (1) a complete Silence of outdated Marks for "the seen will be merely what is seen; in the heard will be merely what is heard; ... Just this is the end of suffering" and (2) "that base where no base consisting of neither-perception-nor-non-perception; ... Here, bhikkhus, I say there is no coming, no going, no staying, no deceasing. Not fixed, not movable, it has no support. Just this is the end of suffering. These two statements demonstrate that most monks / nuns in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha up to 2025 do not know (1) the difference between "Suffering Dukkha / Dukkha-Dukkha" driven by Ignorance and (2) "Thing-As-It-is Dukkha" driven by #Prajna, and momentary Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha at the mountain top of "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26], [D35]
The correct opponent (counter-thrust) of momentary Ignorance (Avijja) is #Prajna that leads to Detachment instead of Craving (Tanha) and HonNhien instead of Clinging (Upadana) that drive the present State of Consciousness toward the direction of Purity-Tranquility rather than Sufferings as pointed out in the causes and effects according to KhaiPhong Technology (Table 2). It is HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna where '#Samadhi - Transcendental Inner Peace - is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]' in the #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path. The scientific process has been clearly laid out in the Heart Sutra[R2] and will be implemented in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong. It demands the minimum quality of Equanimity pegged by Gotama as the base of his #Awareness / Mindfulness[D29], or better at "Purity" utter Silence of all internal conflicts for listening in "No Mind Enclosure" the dominant driving forces of the Issue with possible solutions. "Tainted Mind" is Ignorance (Avijja), a result of evolution from Consciousness to Form. "No Mind Enclosure" is #Prajna, cultivable in reversed engineering from Form to Consciousness toward Non-Thingness to complete the cycle from #Oneness to Diversities for reborn and rejuvenation in conscious "Living & Being". Ignorance or #Prajna drives the Volition / Sakhara / Freewill toward Wrong Effort of Sufferings or Right Effort toward What Count[R23]. Both Ignorance and #Prajna can be indirectly measurable as an outcome of an effort. Hence Buddhist monks and nuns must deliver this measurable result, not the blah blah blah in their theoretical framework not relevant to the present and future living in international cheating clubs.
Those advocating the destruction of Dukkha at conflicting duality via [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] to move from Dukkha to Nirvana do not have "Transcendental #Awareness / Chánh Niệm" qualified by Gotama[D29]. That is why they deduct from logical understanding that they can destroy the 'darkness' with their within-the-box conflicting darkness. This is similar to the criticism of Madhyamaka theorists who do not know Verifiable Emptiness about Consciousness-Only that 'a sword - no matter how sharp it is - cannot cut itself'. The darkness is effortlessly replaced by a light of #Prajna which is 'Thing As It Is' or 'Actuality'. From their within-the-box darkness of conditioned thinking, Buddhist Sangha in its entire history up until 2025 has turned Gotama Discovered Process in modified Eightfold Path upside-down to destroy the Ignorance with indoctrinated Virtue > Concentration > Prajna, making #Prajna an outcome of conflicting duality having No Freshness of seeing 'Thing-As-It-Is'.
One must start Right at the Present Moment from whatever level of #Prajna one has in the Right Understanding and Right Motivation to be a Good (kindness) Person (Tu Nhân) then Buddhist Cultivation (Học Phật) of one's InnerSpace or Stock of #Prajna to dynamically change one's States (Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right Transcendental Inner Peace) of the Consciousness toward the Purity of Existence. [ #Prajna - Virtue - Stability ] is the Gotama's Order of the modified Eightfold Path, Not the Buddhist Sanghas [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna ].
The source of #Prajna is Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi - Chánh Định) that will be delivered via #PrajnaTIP in Sound (and Light), #PrajnaTIP in Kindness , Cultivable #Prajna in Activity and Sadhana for a direct taste of the '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna by most people to actually know that one is more than 'a conditioned bag of existence' in One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One. One then 'Transcend Inner Peace'[D26] to directly experience the Essence of The Right Living / Effort, beyond all 'isms'.
The counter thrust of Ignorance (Avijja) is #Prajna, not the imaginary destruction of Ignorance at thought level which is the darkness. #Prajna is the starting division of the modified Eightfold Path for Right Understanding and Right Motivation. It (#Prajna) is the manifestation of something much deeper, lumped together in the word 'Sunyata' that Gotama is fully aware the tendency of the 'self' to idealise something beyond its boundary since 'self' is the owner of the 'Thought'. In this careful scientific classification, he drilled down 'the process of #Prajna' via two major characteristics: Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent in the stability division of the Path for establishing a solid Inside Order (Peace) which affects the Outside Order (Harmonious), Not the other way around of centralised Social Order and/or monotheism centralised Faith.
This means Purification of the Mind[D32] and all the senses must naturally come from outside-the-box #Prajna, empirically verifiable at different depths of Verifiable Emptiness[D26] personally demonstrated by Gotama and will be available to most participants via the Friendly and Compassionate [Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital] Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings. Any description of the Purification without having the fragrance of outside-the-box No-Conflict Consciousness is the imagination of theorists who do not know nor have the required Transcendental Inner Peace. That #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict #Samadhi is qualified by HuiNeng as a required attribute of a Buddhist Counselor - not Buddhist teacher, master, enlighten by boosting monks - known by Asanga as the 'Perfected Nature', exposed by Nagarjuna as the 'Ultimate (Wider) Truth', asserted by Jesus as 'the kingdom of god within you', described at the mountain top by Gotama as Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha, and called Nameless by Lao-Tzu. That fragrance is the necessary and sufficient condition for an Inner Order that leads to Outer Order.
The natural beyond-thought process is painted at duality thought from claimed Buddhist monks / nuns / masters / scholars to describe what most do not know nor have. Destruction of 'Ignorance' at word level without pointing out the underlying process was a possible subtle sabotage from the third esoteric dark force. Logically, Gotama's Wise Attention[D28], Emptiness[D29], [D30], and Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha are beyond thought so his description of 'destruction of Ignorance' could not be at conditioned thought/word without any qualification to reveal something reachable in human potentiality which he personally testified. It is Not at conflicting duality thought as taught in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas up to 2025. Since Wise Attention is claimed as "the internal condition for the modified Eightfold Path"; any of its practical service such as Executive Information Portal / EIP, [Global Service Local Presence / ThankYou Home Office] (HOC) Clubs, and #PrajnaTIP in Sound must span the three orthogonal dimensions of (1) Relative Truth where all are changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukka) in Making Life Easier and Happier fulfilling the Reason of one's Being and Living, (2) Ultimate (Wider) Truth of #Oneness / The Kingdom of God from within / Perfected Nature / There is No god but God / Latin Humanitas / Consciousness of the consciousness to theoretically explain the contribution of Gotama by Madhyamaka, and (3) legal entities where Right Effort must come "From people, By people, and For people" as declared in Latin humanitas and human Rights since one can access Higher Consciousness to see Thing-As-It-Is, and change oneself and the focused event toward a Right Direction.
Wise Attention is not based on solitude (viveka,nissita) as wrongly interpreted by Buddhist monks and nuns that Gotama - due to his selected living pattern which might be appropriate at his time - rendered his Buddhist Sanghas completely useless and slopped sided, incapable of "passing the Gateway-to-Oneness" not even qualified at the Transcendental #Awareness that both Gotama and his Buddhist Sanghas did not recognise (1) a conditioned darkness cannot see other conditioned darkness As-It-Is to be outside of the doldrums, and (2) Gotama personally lost six years of his hard practice not until he remembered his past experience at childhood having tremendous compassion for other beings. The lesson learned is required scientific process to document and validate all claimed assertions. These required conditions are NOW available in KhaiPhong Equanimity Communities Freely organized via ICA (International Cooperative Alliance) fostered by NfP (Not for Profit) GsLp (Global Services Local Presences) ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs).
In Gotama's case what is the secret sauce from Compassion to Higher Consciousness? Similarly, what is Jesus "secret sauce" to move from Aspiration via Faith to Higher Consciousness having visible miracles, then What happened on the Relative #Truth when he is back on the duality plane of consciousness? Thanks to Jesus's observation in the Parable of the Good Samaritan[R16], human relative existence has been significantly improved leading to current human Rights out of the masters-slaves grips of unworthy people from all isms where organised religions are parts. Finally, HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna demonstrate a possibility in each legal entity, measurable in Right Effort with #Prajna Dialectic that we hope to demonstrate its cultivable scientific process as well as practicality in solving complex human focused event such as the current international [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] conflicts. KhaiPhong will shed light on Gotama's contributions to turn them into epistemic objectives (statistically known by most people) - from measurable and deliverable Compassion to Prajna - where many dedicated explorers world wide can dig deeper and expand wider in the scientific integration between Radio and Consciousness Technologies. Similarly, Jesus's real contributions such as "Faith for Aspiration" toward Higher Consciousness and "secret sauce" toward "Beyond Thought", "No-Mark", and "HonNhien" in Making Life Easier and Happier will be parts of KhaiPhong's deliverables.
We have debunked cheating Buddhism since 2007 starting at the claimed enlighten monk Thich Nhat Hanh, exposing the claimed Dharma King Gyalwang Drukpa XII in his collusion with Vietnamese Buddhist professional cheaters to immorally exploit the unfortunate Vietnamese internal conflict in the "Christ's war against the Vietcong and the people of North Vietnam" where millions innocent people Killed and Suffered in the South and many millions others Savagely Destroyed in unprecedented history of human aerial and chemical warfares. Vietnamese people from the North and South were sucked into being front-line defenders for faked democracy of exploiting capitalism and its Hegelian dialectic of faked communism coming from the same source of esoteric cheaters, symbolised in an "All Seeing Eye" on US one dollar bill, representing the bullying power of animal kingdoms enslaving people with mystic physical power of God and money (medium of exchanges) in the culture of "Greed, Fears and Angers". An underlying theory has been pointed out in "Why China Cannot Rise Peacefully" from International Relations driven by Greed and Fear on the duality plane of conflicting events that are driving the world toward another power struggle for regional hegemony among Russia, China, and United States.
There was no coincidence when the same symbol of "All Seeing Eye" appeared in a newly formed Vietnamese religion (Cao Dai 1926) of the "degenerated" King of God. The Eye appeared in 1935 on US one dollar bill. Huỳnh Phú Sổ (Popularly called Phật thầy, "Buddha Master" in Vietnamese) founded a lay-Buddhist organisation Hòa Hảo (1939) which means "Peace and Plenty". All happened just before the Second World War (1939 - 1945). There may be something about this small country (the video was deleted) where Au Viet and Lac Viet esoterically revealed from minute 21:30 are only independent groups of survival Baiyue / Bách Việt at the presence (2025) under the culture of dominant Han who can now learn something precious beyond the Greed and Fears on the duality plane of conflicting events in Higher Consciousness of Chinese Wisdom [ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ], [ Strategic Position / Địa Lợi ], [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ]; all can be generated according to discovered Natural Laws underlying each realm by intelligent beings from humanity upward, beyond the culture of Greed and Fears to prevent the past tremendous sufferings in the total collapse of higher esoteric realms and bullying human realm in the top-down decision of immediate 90% human depopulation:
- There is a unique statue of duality symbolised in the figure of a King (Self) piggyback a Buddha (Not-Self) (Vua Cõng Phật - Chùa Hòe Nhai HaNoi) that only in recognising one's reality of how easy to be hacked[R8] by all isms and ideals, one can Alert and Aware (Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22]) of binding Word/Image and clinging Thought which can be enhanced with modern rationality [ "#Awareness as the target - Kiến Tánh làm tông - Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy" ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } [ "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ] plus custom AI tool of Gotama's first discourse to effectively be a Wise Person changing oneself and the environment toward What Count.
- There is an esoteric token of "Verifiable Emptiness" presented in a private but formal state (not religious!) ceremony from the Dalai-Lama XIV to Vietnamese people that - together with the duality symbol of the King and the Buddha - will be the scientific process of Self-Selfless Actualisation for the whole nation if and only if there are scientific discoveries and value-adds to turn Gotama's #Prajna in its Right Understanding of Enlightenment away from imaginary concept exploited by unworthy people in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. The scientific processes symbolised in the two tokens are now scientifically deliverable to demonstrate both the hacking processes employed by unworthy people to enslave humanity and the "Verifiable Emptiness" personally known by Gotama 2500+ years ago that he himself falls into a crack due to not knowing the Dependent Nature of No Conflict Consciousness, opening doors for global armies of unworthy people to knock out his precious discoveries and 45+ years of personal efforts.
- Four hand written sets of notes were originally intended as gifts to the four Buddhist Institutes of VietNam to enable the entire nation putting an effort in one step ahead others in scientific discoveries and value-adds to different angles and optimal conditions for the verifiable manifestations of #Prajna in all domains and fields of daily activities and relationships: (3.1) Bhavaviveka (Thanh Biện 清辨 490-570) wished to directly learn and experience the actuality from Relative Truth (AI implementation of Gotama's first discourse) to Ultimate (Wider) Truth (Right Understanding of Enlightenment) in Madhyamaka, (3.2) actual quotes from Gotama as recorded in Pali Text Society, personally picked by Dr. Horner - the last President of the Society - for this writer in 1975 that he uses to prove Gotama is not cheating humanity as most monks and nuns in his Buddhist Sangha, (3.3) XuanZang deduction versus direct perception of quoted Dharmapala from [ Thành duy thức luận / Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi Sastra / 成唯識論 Che'ng Wei-shih Lun ] in a copy having hand-correction by the book author Wei Tat 韋達 (please read Wei Tat's introduction of his personal journey to see the precious value of this deep insight), and sent by his son knowing this writer wished to have his own copy after having a privilege to see the gift from the president of HongKong University to the president of Mount Allison University (Canada) in 1975, (3.4) Buddhist Theravada Visuddhimagga / the Path of Purification[D31] and Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw "Knowing and Seeing"[D19] of "not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see" in their "imaginary deduction of Non-Thingness" which expose the Theravada cheating processes right at the time of Gotama's living in exposing and "acid testing" among community activities and relationships (The Quarrel At Kosambi[D45]).
The first set from Bhavaviveka (Thanh Biện 清辨 490-570) is appropriate and a challenge to discover something precious within oneself / the Budh Nature / the Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas beyond conflicting cloud of thinkers on the duality plane of Hegelian dialectic for a breakthrough clearly seen from high above of #Prajna Dialectic, actually demonstrated by Lý Công Uẩn in his vision of moving the capital to HaNoi[R7.1] still practical 1000+ years later, and a part of movers and shakers of the current World Power. The second set is for dedicated [ Buddhist monks / nuns / followers ] to not only verify that Gotama is not cheating humanity like most members in his 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha but also demonstrate the practicality of his discoveries about #Awareness and #Prajna applicable to all tainted karmic flows[D22]. The third set is appropriate for those who are both scholars and dedicated discoverers that even XuanZang still being short of what actually known by the teacher of his teacher that he quoted in [ Thành duy thức luận / Vijñaptimātratāsiddhi Sastra / 成唯識論 Che'ng Wei-shih Lun ]. Please sense his reincarnation as a current (2025) living Vietnamese student who does not need to read any Buddhist text, looks alike XuanZang, actually knows and can apply the innate "#EmptyTheContent" to help many in the new Era of Conscious Living. You may be XuanZang's associate while personally learn the precious quality that he helps - as he did in exposing the degeneration of the Roman Catholic Church via the reincarnation as Martin Luther - to make it happened for the World. If things happened, the reincarnation of XuanZang together with other living students from major religions, cultures, skin-colors will bring "[ Vô Tự Chân Kinh / The Beyond-Word True-Dharma / Wu-Nien Vô Niệm ]" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment"page 126 in The Zen doctrine of no-mind[R5.1] } to enable most people recognize and live with one's "[ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Tao ]" to be "100% #Honesty & #Care" for oneself and the environment one a part.
The fourth set is designed to scientifically challenge Minh Đăng Quang Vietnamese sect of their "actual Self Realisation / Tự Chứng Tự Ngộ của bản thân" claimed by its founder of what is and is not in Gotama's actual discoveries; most importantly is the delivery of the "Natural Silence / Tự Nhiên Yên Lặng" claimed in the sect's blah blah blah of the Dharma before we expose the underlying Natural Laws to scientifically spell out the difference between "the description"[D19] in Buddhist Shurangama[D33] and among students of the "degenerated" Dhipankara Buddha[D51] where Gotama and Subhuti were parts as described in Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita (Diamond) Sutra[R7] versus the statistically significant epistemic objective of the "described". There will be #EmptyTheContent or Transcendental #Awareness / Right #Samadhi for all actually having it - either from their own value-adds and/or from our limited tested technologies in 50+ years of personally verified and refining - to contribute from different angles of diversities. If the Minh Đăng Quang sect has something real then brings it to the table, or get out of the way not violating Gotama's ethical code and being a professional cheater. Esoterically, we know the main cause in degeneration of higher realms - where Dhipankara Buddha was a part - leading to the collapse of Illuminati system is "Not Knowing This State of Consciousness" to enable the dominance of the Grasp-er and the Grasped through Greed and Fears in very stressful environment contrary to the [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ] coming from the scientific implementation of Gotama's first discourse.
These are required ingredients in the Right Understanding of Enlightenment, waiting for personally validating and sharing from all interested parties, taking Gotama's breakthrough discoveries from Transcendental Inner Peace to Outer Peace to change one fundamental assumption of "Why China Cannot Rise Peacefully". It is due to internal politics and cultural differences from the grassroots in forming China in its entire history of Grasper and the Grasped from their appointed political [ representatives / leaders ], besides another fundamental assumption of "Nationalism" where Au Viet and Lac Viet have been successfully applied among the Baiyue / Bách Việt under the culture of dominant (Grasper and the Grasped of I Win You Loose[R8]) Han of Northern people (Huanghe / Yellow River) and Southern people (Yangtze River) making up the entire Chinese history. China's new type of party system is only another form of the Grasper and the Grasped in Hegelian adjustments from failed past feudal systems, to Confucius Institute in covering the dark forces similar to Inclusive Capitalism from GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) of tainted mind. Similarly, the West Empire of Lies have been cheated in the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer by Esoteric Human Slaves - Illuminati Elites - of the dark forces which have been clearly exposed from 2025 in the US hidden cunning Intelligence, threaten in the "Eye" of its One dollar bill hallucinated as the Nature #Oneness. China Cannot Rise Peacefully due to significant differences amongst people who must reside on the cheating Confucius of devine power granted from heaven and the ruling feudal systems using collected power to defend the Emperor and special Interest Groups such as the current 2025 communism and its rhetoric nationalism. The Harmonious Melting Pot never exists in entire history of China. Yet, potent ingredients are already there in its 5000+ cultural history of "Living & Being" where the deepest philosophical "Tao" can combine with practical Dharma from Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna, augmented with Chinese indigenous contributions from XuanZang 's "Consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness" as a recursive function in the Right Complex Fibonacci Evolution, and from Huineng's WuNien, #DhyanaSamadhi, and #SamadhiPrajna using STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math). To accomplish this, Han Buddhism from its dominant cheating force must be debunked as we have debunked Vietnamese cheating Buddhism since 2007 being used as a front-line soft power of the Vietnamese bullying communist mafias against its People of Minh Triết Việt.
That internal politics from the grassroots to enable the possibility of China rising Peacefully is not easy to change and can only be achievable in modern time with three additional tools: (1) optimal invisible hand of economics to enforce the socially desired patterns including democratic pattern of concerned citizens "From people, By people, and For people", (2) sharing the "Right Understanding of Enlightenment" via Executive Information Portal EIP to change oneself and the environment toward What Count via #Prajna Dialectic from grassroots, and (3) the sense of justice enlightened from discovered underlying natural laws of Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa in Higher Consciousness of Chinese Wisdom [ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ], [ Strategic Position / Địa Lợi ], [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ] possibly and scientifically proven to be generated according to discovered Natural Laws underlying each realm by intelligent beings from humanity upward.
We sense the world power will be divided into three competing blocks, similar to the Three Kingdoms (210 - 280) in China where past important players meet again on the strategic discoveries to be further value-added from 5000+ years Chinese Wisdom of [ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ] an independently Value-Added demonstration of a consciousness state capable to merge oneself in the peak of Aspiration which may come from music, dance, Faith, nature, a thought, etc, [ Strategic Position / Địa Lợi ], [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ] (i.e. environments) where you are both accountable creator and part of the Responsible Creation to change yourself and the environments toward What Count. Each one is a human (intelligent) asset in one's Continuity of the identifiable Consciousness, rationally and morally prefers to be Independence, Liberated, and Happiness as guaranteed by human civilized Fundamental Rights rather than destructive World War to wipe out 90% humanity under hallucinated masters-slaves relationships empirically proven to be failed with severed consequences for all involved parties under Natural Laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ] coming from the grassroots - purely driven by Invisible Hands of cultivable #Prajna and Economics - is the common factor to harmonise the geo-political conflicts toward the common target of "Making Life Easier and Happier". Scientific implementation of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] and the "Right Understanding of Enlightenment" will be parts of Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa that we pioneer in Executive Information Portal EIP, serving as the Natural Hub of [ #Prajna >< AI ] to be beyond [ Greed >< Fears ] in the competing implementations of piecemeal solutions based on local Comparative Advantages of the three World Powers. It is focused at each local GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs) to have relevant Issue presented as an Opportunity for the verifiable manifestations of #Prajna where all concerned parties can be parts of stakeholders.
Veiled by unworthy people in his Buddhist Sanghas from all sects in all countries, Gotama's discoveries have been pushed to the back door as a religion - Han Buddhism - similar to Taoism in esoteric cheating processes of mysticism. The collapse of the esoteric realms due to Natural Laws of Thing-As-It-Is under the degenerated Buddhas, Gods, Allah, etc, together with qualified students strategically put at the right places and right times by the Good Forces, these important qualified students have met at the Three Kingdoms (210 - 280) in China, and will be parts of this Change Management that they can instantly sense each other due to past common vibrations. Same thing will happen to their Inner Circles and circles of inner circles to manifest the new Era of Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa of concrete and practical applications in Making Life Easier and Happier according to discovered and verifiable Natural Laws. Please listen to your Intuition, being part of the new Era of Higher Consciousness. The Essence of this Global Movement is (1) pointing out the emergence of this three polar powers amongst China - US - EU/Russia of conflicting Animal Kingdoms below the Dignity of Humanity in "Right Understanding of Enlightment", (2) logically presenting the limitations of all isms leading to cyclic circle due to tainted senses where Hegelian Dialectic of cunning intelligence is the best available tool which will naturally lead the civilization to the end in predicted 90% depopulation (Mười Phần Chết Bảy Còn Ba Chết Hai Còn Một Mới Ra Thái Bình) or a New Era toward the Golden Ratio of Natural Evolution, (3) establishing a New Era of Harmonious Melting Pot (New-World-Order) with delivarable technologies from humanity upward according to underlying natural laws innate in all Intelligent Beings commonly known as [ the Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Absolute (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Latin humanitas, etc ].
Some dedicated Buddhists use logical thinking starting from the core of PaticcaSamuppada 'when this is, that is - iti imasmiṃ sati idaṃ hoti - khi cái này có, cái kia có' together with the inconsistency of different (not just 12) recorded links to show the likelihood that the 12 links of causes and effects were enforced by the Buddhist Sanghas, Not from Gotama, to describe a logical process as they understood, missing something of No-Conflict Consiousness outside the boxes of duality consciousness, and the logical connection between the Fourfold #Truth which must be fact-based epistemic objectives otherwise hallucination with the links of causes and effects to clearly spell out the possibility of Freedom from Sufferings in Actual Living. [ Ignorance >< Not understanding Fourfold #Truth ] tautology and [ Virtue > Concentration > Prajna ] are totally within conflicting boxes to make Buddhist Dharma stagnant in the past 2500+ years. Where is the understanding and verification of the Fourfold #Truth coming from?
The core of PaticcaSamuppada also shows limitation of its static snapshot nature of Black and White 'when this is that is', not a dynamic process of injecting attributes and factors in the Dependent Nature (Paratantra) of 'Thing As It Is' as discovered in quantum effects of the three Vedic Gunas of Dependent Nature nor having the infusion of the Perfected Nature (Parinishpanna) as contributed in Buddhist Consciousness-Only and to be scientifically verified in KhaiPhong Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna. Due to this Dependent Nature, everyone can contribute something in one's 'real-life secret sauce' from different angles of conscious living, found to be more appropriate and appealing to one's pattern, especially through Reflections (Bhavana) that brings something outside the box to the equation, which may be beneficial to many others in actual modern living. The Buddhist Sangha - once pulling out of its current mess tainted by professional cheaters - is only one of innumerable ways of professional lifestyles, appropriate to different time and space.
The reflection (Bhavana) at Beyond Thought (outside the box) to see Thing-As-It-Is due to utter silence of tainted senses with its insight of one's strategic position is called by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna in one's Sudden Awaken. Thanks to that Sudden Awaken recognizing the "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of one's proper cultivation, Gotama discovered the real solution for his identified Issue Dukkha in exploring the meaning (raison d'être) of human existence. There are innumerable events in one's daily activities and relationships so there are innumerable "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" to enable the diversities moving toward What Count[R23]. We call these statistically significant "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of major events - deliverable with current Distributed Graph Technology - the community implementations of Gotama's discovered solution (modified eightfold path) of existence in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
Table 2 tabulates the 12 links of causes and effects as presented by Buddhist Sanghas, and possible causes and effects driven by #Prajna contrasted with Ignorance where Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) of (1) being Aware of something Beyond Thought (Vô Tướng), and (2) Detachment (Vô Trụ) which implies No-Mark (Vô Vết) can add more values. The process can be contributed from different angles by many students in the AwakeningBudh. We need more researched evidences. Recorded Buddhist Text is only one possible theory; there are different theories and processes derived from factual observations to be proven or rejected based on empirical verifications. These are parts of KhaiPhong Engineering Roadmap as we already have a number of professional qualified psychologists plus advanced students actually knowing both Hegelian and #Prajna Dialectics to Not Only used in present International Conflicts for a Harmonious Solution in one's Continuity of the consciousness But Ready to apply scientific Know-Hows of STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, Math) in Human Quest of the #Truth toward What Count.
The Present Living plus Age and Death driven by #Prajna in daily activities of seeing 'Thing As It Is' have different qualities due to Detachment (instead of Craving) and HonNhien (instead of Clinging) of Right Transcendental #Awareness Beyond Thought. Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) together with #Prajna (Bát Nhã), revealing from one's innate Buddha Nature, is the true "Right Understanding of Enlightenment" which is a scientific process of observable, testable and reproducible, Not the blah blah blah in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism up until 2025 of Buddhist cheating sanghas Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seing yet claimed to see[D19] evidenced in all qualified Buddhists coming directly from Gotama in answering Ajita's Questions[D22].
We have abundantly proved that most Buddhist claimed meditation masters / monks / nuns - up to 2025 - do not have "Transcendental #Awareness" qualified by Gotama at the Equanimity level to start up the process of Transcending the Oberved for seeing Thing-As-It-Is, passing the gateway to "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", and #Prajna to properly receive the advice of Gotama to Ajita[D22]. To be qualified at this level capable to understand and accept the advice for further deepening and widening the solutions in all aspects of living to solve the "Real Pains" for oneself and the World, HuiNeng - 1000+ years later using his actual experience - value-added a glimpse to possible solution with his well-known #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền-Định) and #SamadhiPrajna (Định-Tuệ). That is meditation is not there if there is no actual transcendental process of dissolving contents, and to know "#Prajna" one must be able to know that state (#Samadhi / Định) where the invisible consciousness (Sunyata / Self Nature) emits visible #Prajna / Tuệ. This possible glimpse is far beyond all Buddhist scholars and monks.
Now, 1000+ years later - using our actual experience and 100+ years of combined modern researches - we turn zen Koan into actual challenge to discover natural laws and explorable trails to verify the #Truth set out in Gotama's modified Eightfold Path in-union-with the Heart Sutra[R2]: 'in Sunyata there is not ... dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga', just Thing As It Is in actual Living using the system of Fourfold #Truth to personally verify it. Riding on modern scientific proven techniques in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Communication Technology (ICT), together with Big-Data LLM (Large Language Model) Pattern and Issue detection, we materialise Nagarjuna Valuation Function to enable #Samadhi and #Prajna quantitatively measurable via "Detachment" and "Right Effort" of person and/or aggregate [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ]. We enhance and turn HuiNeng unscientific certification process of having actual experience in #SamadhiPrajna into a possible sustainable academia-business joint venture of [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] to govern Clusters of Open Innovations (COINs) from the people, by the people, and for the people.
Finally, in the "Right Understanding of Enlightenment", we provide Scientific Proof of Gotama's Degeneration, contrary to unscientific claim of "enlightenment" as "getting out of this vicious circle of birth and death" since Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed in Buddhist cheating process of Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana, but transformed in Making Life Easier and Happier. It boils down to (1) recognising one's reality and how easy one can be hacked[R8] by all isms and ideals to be a slave to unworthy leaders, (2) being Alert and Aware (Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22]) of all binding Word/Image and clinging Thought which can be enhanced with an custom AI tool of Gotama's first discourse to effectively be a Wise Person changing oneself and the environment toward What Count, (3) applying proven transcendental processes in #EmptyTheContent for a Freshness in rejuvenation and reborn from Natural Purification of current and accumulated stresses (outdated marks), (4) reverse engineering what you naturally have and Share with the World in forming your inner circle and circles of inner circles to deepen and widen your discoveries as sustainable epistemic objectives that we lower their barriers of entries and democratise the Wisdom / #Prajna from everyone in weeding out unworthy people from all isms.
2.1.3 Riding on Gotama's credibility to sell what the cheaters do not know nor have
[ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna / Giới > Định > Tuệ ] - a body of "By-Laws" to help those unable to have "Inner Order" coming from Right Understanding and Right Motivation to maintain "Outer Order". It is later glorified as a hidden process of professional cheaters - those messing up their lives in cheating others for an unworthy living - to destroy Gotama's discoveries which are all about "#Oneness" on the #Truth plane of No-Conflict consciousness, orthogonal to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness blah blah blah by professional Liars amongst Buddhist monks, nuns, followers, making very immoral living in selling what they do not know nor have via cooking sand But selling as rice. Buddhist unworthy monks and nuns have no minimum conscience (lương tri tối thiểu of the Right and Wrong), violating fundamental Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối", Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. It is just like the Vietnamese communist movement prior to 1945 August UpRising and subsequent events with tracked records to be Scientifically Learned from History, leading to the 1954 and 1975 millitary battles for the unification of the country. Its developments from 1975 to 1986 then (KTTT-DHXCN) Market Economy directed by Communism ruled by degenerated animal kingdoms via "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence". As a Buddhist - the one exploring the innate Buddha Nature - 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism is enough just like "The learned lessons of Humanity (Tình Người) from Triết Lý Tinh Hoa / Essence Philosophy" by rigorously applying Scientific approach to the Four Noble Truths which must be a four-fold #Truth. The claimed #Truth is a Buddhist hallucination up to 2025, and can Only be a fact-based epistemic Objective #Truth if and only if it can be statistically proven to be delivered by KhaiPhong at the right time. One is better to honestly and rationally start at one's level of Scientifically Cultivable [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ] of one's (Right Understanding and Right Motivation) to dynamically and actually activate one's "Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" than to wear a Mask of the one who knows via Ethical Codes (not Gotama's Virtue) > Concentration (not Gotama's #Samadhi) > #Prajna (far from and not Gotama's Right Understanding and Right Motivation). Please do not feed these "2500+ years of cheating corona virus" to enslave rather than Liberate Humanity according to "Latin Humanitus / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within" of human dignity protected by modern Human Rights. Please read this public statement of an Illuminati Elite - Prince Philip of England - "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation (1988)".
Observe all religious people in all organized religions - including supreme leaders (Pháp Chủ) - who are addicted to calming beads plus [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] to see the manifestations of their inner conflicts via unceasing movements. If they try to glorify their "messy mind" please help them to know a little about themselves and their "Crutch" by asking why they need and use the calming-bead pacifiers which is the Reality of most priests, monks, and nuns from any organized utopia. One can use whatever crutch most appropriate such as Faith in Xyz (Jesus Christ, Allah, Amitabha, the Pope, the Dalai Lama, a pop star, an actor, an actress, etc), [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna ], Praying, A Utopia, Getting high in Tantric Penetration, or Using a stimulant - ranging from tea, alcohol to destructive substance - to temporarily overcome the present "Pain". By consciously knowing it is a "Crutch" that if possible one is better to be Free from it for a wider and clearer perspective of an explorer, having Right Effort in cultivable "Detachment - Vô Trụ" of the proven process [ Compassion >< Detachment >< No-Mind-Enclosure ] toward the present Worthy Existence. It has been forcefully and challengingly put out by HuiNeng 1000+ years ago as the "Three-Nots" (Wu-Nien, No Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ) in your Complex Fibinacci Layers of InnerSpace for the manifestation of KhaiPhong "Three-Haves" in engaged living: (#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã).
The three divisions of the modified Eightfold Path[D21] precisely starts from [ Prajna >< Virtue >< Stability ] where #Prajna has something outside conflicting duality of existence to be stable and see 'Thing As It Is' for a Right Effort in relative Worthy Existence. Embedded in one's long evolution are efforts to make things better for oneself and others, and degeneration due to Ignorance of the Natural Laws in the Essence of the Right Living. Everyone is unique with one's Instinct, Brain intelligence, vibration from the heart, and something beyond lumped together under the name #Prajna driving a Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort in daily activities. By measuring and evaluating the bottom line of one's "Effort" of Right or Wrong one can Honestly see the quality of one's #Prajna and what needed to cultivate for Right evolution from humanity upward and/or rationally using Freewill and the Right conditions to change from negative traits to positive traits where #KindnessEmpathy is empirically observable as a breakthrough "trait" from animal behavior to humanistic behavior. Mathematically, that 'Right' or 'Actuality' in Figure 4 has different depths of #AwarenessPrajna and one can approach the 'momentary' Right by deeper #Awareness in the difference between the momentary 'Dependent Nature' and the tainted 'Imaginary Nature' to dynamically adjust and manage one's Reality due to the manifestation of #Prajna. Only through the Right Understanding and Right Motivation with a feedback from a "Reflection" of the "Effort / Action" one can dynamically adjust in Learning and Doing of the Wise[R10].
Instead of starting Right from this #Prajna to be "At Home" with one's True Heart as illustrated in the seventh stage of Ox Herding Pictures - Figure 7 - true and authentic - Buddhist path of development according to Buddhist cheating Sanghas is based on [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna ] where their ethical codes are only thick layers of paints to look alike Gotama Virtue that they violate in the first place. It is definitely Not the Living Virtue and Totally inside the Conflicting Box which turns #Prajna into an outcome of conflicting things[D24] that according to Lankavatara[D34], using the Buddha name, whatever conditioned must change (viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha). In advocating [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] they already violate the code of "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối" in saying it is Gotama's Eightfold Path to be its gatekeepers. The modified Eightfold Path is Beyond-Thought - capable to transcend the Observed to utter Silence for transcending the Observer - to actually know Gotama Not-Self while all of their practices in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas are within the conditioned thought of conflicting duality[D19].
Even worse, the Sangha's 'Ethical Codes' with their invented rituals, sutra recitations, and cultivating processes in "phát sớ cúng sao giải hạn" (2021-09-18)[R14] have nothing related to Gotama's Virtue. Their Virtues in "invented rituals", "sutra recitation" and "prayers" to even mask the codes of conduct (Vinaya) in helping their life style are too far away from the core of Gotama's Virtue which is a Good Person of 'Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood' where 'Kindness' (mettā - tâm từ) and 'Empathy' (karuṇā - tâm bi - Good Samaritan) are parts of the 'Right'. Riding on Gotama's credibility, they invented rituals, repeating at word level rather than living in the spirit of the Sutras, marketing of what they do not know, nor have in their own jungle of descriptions - such as meditation (thinking) on Emptiness - and claim their body of conducting codes is Gotama's Virtue to be his Torch Carriers in disguise of Gate Keepers. Their next step of 'Concentration' Is Not the 'Stability' division of 'Right Effort, Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right #Samadhi', but a retarded process to narrow the scope of one's vision via Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts to have an appearance of a calm person. Most do not know Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness in Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right #Samadhi (Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent) since most monks/nuns put their Wrong Effort in wearing the mask - as Buddhist Teacher[R5.3], [R14], [R13.1] / Enlighten Monk - of what they do not know nor have.
For example, part of their fundamental argument for the [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] - according to Nhân duyên học by Thích Thái Hòa (Study in Dependent Origination) released at the end of 2013 - is that Ignorance (Avijja) is caused by Desire, Wrong Understanding, Wrong Motivation. The study argues that when there is "no presence of Darkness (ignorance) the light appears - Vô minh không hiện hữu thì Minh hiện hữu (page 87)". "No!" You cannot destroy your ignorance with other Ignorance in conflicting duality of your Tainted Mind having innumerable Outdated Marks. The Ignorance of darkness is only the absence of the light "#Prajna / Wisdom" and the manifestation of #Prajna Is Conditioned (Sankhara Dukkha) and Changing (Viparinama Dukkha). By Discovering optimal conditions of underlying Natural Laws facilitated by Big Data and AI, #Prajna is scientifically cultivable like any other visible manifestations on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness.
This is Unknown by Gotama since he did not know the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict consciousness. It is also Unknown in entire history of esoteric feudal systems and other past civilizations from Mars. Another DISCOVERY from KhaiPhong is that once naturally qualified as a Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Prajna), one's biological structure has sufficiently developed for an outside-the-box total Silence capable to transcend both the Observed and Observer as demonstrated by (now degenerated) Gotama and Known by current Living students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle. This means even degenerated below the human level by Not Knowing What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness, "containerized AnimalConsciousness and/or natural animals" esoteically and partially revealed by Francis-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận from minute 16:00 happened to many Vietnameses and other nationailties involved in VietNam from 1945 up to 2025, can be rapidly re-evolved back to the Right Fibonacci evolution rather than Ignorantly being subjected to so many uncertainties of the past. This is KhaiPhong's proposed Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations using readily available and future human services. We want to solidly nail this down on a rock of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward.
When there is a light, the darkness is effortlessly disappeared. This proves the False of the entire cheating Buddhism in 2500+ years of its history, even at the time of living Gotama due to "Not Knowing underlying natural laws of No-Conflict Consciousness of Ultimate (Wider) Truth different from Wise Attention[D28] under duality consciousness of Relative #Truth" similar to different mathematics for different layers of abstractions in physical world[R2.1]. Gotama, Shurangama Sutra, and Krishnamurti used the negative side to point out What is Not to highlight "What Is in totality" for one's interest and intensity of attention since all they have is "thought" used in logical thinking to point to something "Beyond-Thought", and [part of What Is] is the #Oneness, Unborn, Unchanged. Similarly, Hegelian dialectic of three [ thesis - antithesis - synthesis ] in the changes and conditioned existence, Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness has something from the "Event Horizon" - outside the box - to expose the depth of "Thing As It Is" which is Beyond Thought since thought is only a snapshot at a particular angle while the "#Oneness, Unchanged, Unborn" is the totality. The three stages dialectic [ affirmative - negative - new level of affirmative ] such as in the Heart Sutra is well known in #Prajna literature (Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā sutra / Kim Cương năng đoạn bát nhã ba la mật): form is Sunyata Sunyata is form; form is not different from Sunyata Sunyata is not different from form; form equals Sunyata Sunyata equals form[R1].
Riding on our group wisdom (#Prajna) where each student brings to the table many thousands years of cultivation of the Right and Wrong (the Conscience and sense of Justice), together with orchestrations from higher realm, putting each student in engaged living where actual Right Effort can be deliverable and explainable as "Right Understanding and Right Motivation", we use modern mathematics and scientifically proven cross-domain underlying natural laws (accepted as epistemic objectives) to dispel Buddhist (1) first tautology with deliverable #Prajna in practical #Prajna Dialectic instead of ignorance so one can have Right Understanding whose majority can be known epistemic objectives proven by humanity, (2) second tautology with deliverable and measurable Right Transcendental Inner Peace / #Samadhi ignored by Buddhist cheating Sanghas in 2500+ years, and (3) concentration in disguise for meditation blah blah blah with unqualified "Mindfulness"[D22] from hardcore professional cheaters via #PrajnaTIP to Transcend Inner Peace or stressful diversities toward Sunyata Non-Thingness for reborn and rejuvenation.
It is the investigation of the #Oneness to discover operating natural laws that make Life Easier and Happier. Something from the "Event Horizon" is concrete practical outcome due to the movement of Internal Consciousness Forces having very specific and emerging attributes that modern AI technologies are trying to detect from "Big Data", a result from Cloud computing, Mobile devices and Internet of things. Knowing these emerging attributes - such as natural comparative advantages for regional and industrial strategic developments - one can enhance the possibility and bigger success due to the Right Effort coming from the Right Understanding and Right Motivation (of the modified Eightfold Path).
According to the study - Nhân duyên học - "to cease Ignorance we have to protect the tainted senses - muốn đoạn trừ chi mạt vô minh, ta phải nhiếp phục ái thủ hữu qua sự phòng hộ sáu căn, khi sáu căn tiếp xúc với các đối tượng tương ứng (page 150)". Your darkness of Concentration to control your "infinite inner conflicts outer conflicts" cannot see your reality "As It Is", cannot catch the sources of your thoughts, do not know the states of your being, and is pulled and pushed by the issue.
You are stuck in your egoistic "self" since your "actual quality of the Consciousness" - no matter what kind of mask you are wearing - is the owner of the thought: 'Cogito Ergo Sum' - 'Je pense donc je suis' - 'I think, therefore I am'. Please challenge with the practicality of "Then What" in helping one another exploring the Essence of the Right Effort, extended to all priests / monks / nuns who claim to "control their unworthy" thoughts / feelings / mental qualities arising from sense signals even in their own environments that they use as their masks in 1000's of years. Help them to see their Realities and be an honest part of the community.
Your protection via Concentration in non-stop dealing with inner conflicts outer conflicts using your messy Quality of the Consciousness tainted with Greed / Ignorance / Pride / Fear Is Not above the Issue reaching a Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort that you and most of your peers are retarded in your concentration of breathing in trying to make a very unworthy living on what you do not know nor have. You wear heavy mask of a religious leader that you do not know your reality, and boosting even more than the monk Shen-Hui[R5.1] page 119, riding on his teacher credibility for a very unworthy living, or surpassing the degeneration of claimed masters in Vajrayana and Tantra in their cheating others to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships. Please look at yourself through this sophisticated claimed meditation master as your Mirror (Kính Chiếu Yêu).
The study concludes that "the tainted senses are controlled by [ Ethical Code > Concentration ] so does Ignorance to be destroyed by it right in the ksatna of the present moment - Ái thủ hữu bị giới, định, tuệ nhiếp phục ngay ở nơi sát-na của tâm hiện tiền, thì chi mạt vô minh cũng sẽ bị giới, định, tuệ nhiếp phục và hủy diệt ngay trong những sát-na tâm tiếp theo (page 150)". Is that your actual experience or you hear from other shamelessly boosting monks - typified by Gyalwang Drukpa XII just like "you" attempting to exploit Vietnamese internal conflicts at national level - knowing nothing about Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", completely ignorant about Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness as the base of Gotama Right Transcendental #Awareness, yet cheating others as Buddhist teachers and enlighten monks to self-ordain as his "gatekeepers and front-line soldiers". These monks and nuns are violating Gotama fundamental ethical code - Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối - that all Good Buddhists try to consciously hold?
Yet, through Gotama's "Verifiable Emptiness" at different depths, the "Natural Purification" infused from Emptiness can naturally enable you to sense the driving force (at level 5) of your Volition / Freewill / Sankhara and the state of your "being" to properly manage your realities such as an uncontrollable urge of a sexual desire, a phobia, etc. It is the real power in deeper layers of Consciousness which are complete strangers to most priests, monks and nuns despite what were actually discovered by Gotama 2500+ years ago, recorded in Buddhist Texts[D26], [D29], [D30], and Jesus 'the kingdom of God is within you'[Luke 17:21]. That power of the consciousness - through what identified as #Prajna - can "dissolve" your thousands years of outdated Marks such as uncontrollable urges, phobia, excessive sex drive, etc, while "Open" your hidden potentiality in Making your life Easier and Happier exactly as the advice from Gotama to Ajita's questions[D22]. That liberating from binding and clinging outdated Marks and Opening hidden potentials is the gut in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong to enable you diving into the Source of Consciousness for a "No Mind Enclosure" on the way out - exactly as the described in the Heart Sutra[R2] - to bring the power of the Whole ocean in daily activities.
That was also the vision of Transcendental Meditation (TM)©®[D54] in 1960 - 1970 when its founder recognised the power of Consciousness from the "Source" in Transcendental Field, to challenge "all government issues" such as current (2025) "Issues in South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea in their "World Government Utopia" to be solved through accessing to this outside-the-box "#Prajna / Wisdom". The vision of a "Harmonious" solution beyond duality plane of conflicting consciousness in Hegelian Dialectic is Now possible. Instead of (1) China "thesis" of "Belt and Road Initiative"[R8], or (2) "anti-thesis" adopted from US-inspired “Build Back Better World” (B3W) from G7 or (3) the IMEEC (India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor) proposed trade route, the #Oneness is toward "Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of Scientificlly Cultivable #Prajna" perpendicular to and high above conflicting forces toward a Harmonious Melting Pot of scientifically cultivable "#Prajna Dialectic" according to underlying natural laws embedded from positive Complex Fibonacci-Layered-Inner-Space in Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0. It is now mathematically proven and will be deliverable in the case of this International conflict. Note that it is also the "Utopia of Illuminati Elites" with One Bank, One Government, One Religion (look at tremendous resources they have planned and already committed to build the "second Rome") and One Military Force via esoteric masters-slaves of secret societies that they have prepared in the past few hundreds years and engineered the last two World Wars to force humanity toward their esoteric dictatorship. Esoterically, they were only few - like bosses of the bosses in Illuminati - at less than 0.01% yet significantly damaged many intelligent Realms, ranging from Humanity to higher than the realms of Buddhas, gods, Allah. This is Not any more applicable due to the reflection point from 2025 driven by (1) "Action-Reaction" to naturally render Boss of the bosses being degenerated animals to be effortlessly regulated by underlying natural laws in lower form realms, (2) Scientifically understanding of Thing-As-It-Is in surviving elites and their enough "Conscience to know the Right and Wrong" in their Continuity of the consciousness, (3) "Available solutions" from qualified living students to drive Value of the values / Thời gian là có hạn - hảy lắng nghe tiếng nói từ trái tim (as shared by a Japanese living in VietNam that we hope to upgrade "Tranquility Community from Japanese Gardens" to "Equanimity Community predicted by Soyen Shaku"[R6]) in one's existence via Invisible Hand of Economics directed by scientifically Cultivale Invisible Hand of #Prajna.
The founder of TM©® knew only the "beginning of Equanimity level of Right Transcendental #Awareness" so he could correct his "Consciousness Bliss" toward "Emptiness and Non-Thingness"[D54] after 30+ years of further reflection. The movement missed the fundamental ingredient of "Detachment" qualified by Gotama and HuiNeng as the sufficient condition for Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace since he has not passed the Purity toward Transcending the Observed then the Observer in Cosmic Consciousness then toward the Sunyata Non-Thingness. His challenge to "all government issues" in their "World Government Utopia" will be done by the popular mass - "From people, By people, and For people"[R7.4] custom to the regional issues of [ conditions / cultures / economics / politics ] - knowing more about oneself capable to work for the benefits of both the Haves and HaveNots bringing all into "Stakeholders of Accountable creators and parts of the Responsible Creation", changing oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. That is the AwakeningBudh Movement behind "GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs)" donated and managed by the Haves to be "Places conducive to Prajna" on the Foundation of Kindness and Empathy to change oneself and the environment one a part via "Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" when the sense of Right and Unworthy - Morality and Justice - have been positively manifested from the grass roots at 100% "#Honesty & #Care" for oneself and the environment one a part in one's "Continuity of the consciousness".
The "Detachment" (upekkhā - tâm xả) - where upekkhā can only be natural when one can transcend the Observer at some stability level - is the "trademark" of Maitreya (the Happy/Friendly Buddha) and the purpose of this sky-view book. Detachment activates the "Practicality and Potentiality" of the Buddha Nature innate in all people, enabling them at the driver seats of their destinies, being Change Agents to change themselves and the environment they are parts. All aggregates will be the outcome of this fundamental change in "Practicality and Potentiality" at the grassroots where all have equal Human Rights and opportunities.
A student in our group - knowing nothing about Budh Dhrama and probable through the orchestration of his esoteric teacher - was introduced to the Transcendendal Meditation[D54] in 1970 while he was a graduate student at a Canadian University. He immediately experienced something far beyond its founder. Only at later investigations, he knew these states have been recorded in Buddhist Texts as Gotama's nine absorption states[D29], [D30] that we use as the Signed Posts of "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26]. Since then, limited field research has been conducted in learning from mistakes of past contributors and connecting the dots for a scientific approach to the precious Consciousness Technologies[D35].
Here is a very brief summary of AtHome[R1]. The process uses "Your Mind" and its interactions in all activities and relationships - including dreaming, socializing, your vision / mission / execution - as the target, having your normative feedback of Right and Unworthy at the bottom line of your Efforts as a target to Knowm your quality and What Need to Cultivate in your worthy Continuity of the consciousness. The dynamic cultivation to enable you in-part discover and in-part create the Real You takes the "Right Transcendental Inner Peace" - measurable via Gotama "Verifiable Emptiness" - as the target where your natural optimal conditions of HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) for higher Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity are consciously generated and/or suggested by Artificial Intelligence. These conditions center around (1) Detachment coming from "Natural Purification" via Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace, (2) Effortless Intensity of Attention, (3) Highest points of Aspiration and Inspiration, (4) Natural conditions for Expanding Consciousness.
At the personal level, the Right Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh enables one sense the source of thoughts (i.e. signals from the senses), know the state of one's being for a Right Effort to properly manage one's Reality that the monk - Nhân duyên học - was too far away, yet shamelessly boosting about ksatna of the present moment that he was worn out by [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] which drives most of his peers to rely on calming beads in keeping them sane from infinite thoughts of Inner Conflicts Outer Conflicts, recognised as a real issue by Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva in Saddharma-pundarika[D49], asking for help from Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva who turns out to be an esoteric degenerated impostor exposed in the collapse of Illuminati elites planning cheating act to enslave humanity.
At any aggregate level - such as in a board meeting, at a national security council, in a trade negotiation - the Right Transcendental #Awareness enables one have correct pulses of the difficult situation, directly get the present core issue and its acceptable position rendering all parties better off in [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] which have been mathematically proven in international trade theory about "Fair Trade" and possible [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] in #Prajna Dialectic (at C instead of A). We see the applications of this Right Transcendental #Awareness in all human activities where contributions from Gotama discoveries bring Highest Potentiality innate in one's Buddha Nature, and value-adds from HuiNeng Maximum Practicality that one can bring to the table based on one's "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi }. We wish all legitimate members of Buddhist communities of monks, nuns and followers can play a key role in the new direction of "Supporting Country Enabling Peace - Hộ Quốc An Dân" that all qualified participants can play for the benefits of One and others. If your foundatuion is based on Cheating and Bulling, you can only be a part of the "Cheating Stealing Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" of animal kingdons in Likes-attract-Likes. It is You - not your Buddhist robe - in qualified HR (Human Resource / Asset) and its bottom-line outcome that KhaiPhong will deliver based on modern neural network of all your Activities, Relationships at all Places will say something about you as an Accountable "IamX" legal entity and a part of the Responsible Creation.
Back to the study of Nhân duyên học, you have not passed the gateway to "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", know nothing about the sources of your thoughts and the state of your being. Without a minimum #Honesty to know Who you are, you can never break the crust of your "Self" to realise your innate Buddha Nature which starts right at the quality of your #Prajna level of Right Understanding and Right Motivation in Gotama modified Eighfold Path [ #Prajna - Virtue - Stability ] for a Right Effort to pass the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", arriving at the Equanimity[D29] of 'Verifiable Emptiness' or the base of Gotama Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) for deeper and wider exploration called #AwarenessPrajna[D22] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } by Gotama and #SamadhiPrajna (Định-Tuệ) { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi } by HuiNeng which is measurable at the bottom line of one's "Efforts".
That philosophy driven by [ Greed - Ignorance - Pride on the supply side / Fears on the demand side ] can cheat the eastern humanity in 2500+ years to feed armies of monks and nuns in their fortresses of unworthy people, similar to their counter parts on the "Hoax of Redeemer and Infallibility" together with "Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge" from the evil Roman Catholic Church to cheat the western humanity in 2000+ years. The darkness cannot destroy other darkness in their infinite "inner conflicts - outer conflicts" of concentration, even worse than the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva in Saddharma-pundarika who - not like these monks deluded with imagination and pride - still has some #Honesty to ask for help. The whole traditions of Buddhist ivory tower - devoid of actual living - on the meditation of Emptiness, Bodhisattva, and Bodhicitta at conditioned thought have successfully diverted Gotama discoveries and gifts to humanity into master-slave relationships via Sutra, Tantra, Prayer[R14] up until 2025.
Those finishing elementary school must know about "stock" or internal energy/quality and "states" or a snapshot of continuous flowing water in and out of a container. Consciousness is like water continuously flowing in and out of the "self container or identifiable stream of consciousness / containerized Alaya to be modeled in user-facing Mu". Yet, Buddhist scholars monks and nuns cannot detect the difference between states - via #Awareness in X-dimension - and and stock - via #Samadhi Transcendental Innert Peace in Y-dimension - of normative Consciousness Quality of one's scientifically cultivable Inner Space F-dimension in their 12 links of causes and effects - illustrated in Table 2 - when they argue that "consciousness is the [sole] outcome of Volition / Freewill / Sankhara - thức lệ thuộc vào hành", hence "the cessation of volitional activities, consciousness ceases - do hành diệt, nên thức diêt", otherwise the conclusion of Nhân duyên học would not hold. If you are conscious enough to "know at the source of your thought" you can see that external "outside" thought from dark forces can influence your thoughts to drive you doing what they wants. Current 2022 - 2025 Russia-Ukraine war is a case study where President Putin may reveal the driving forces of his nostalgia where the western dark forces - named by him as an empire of lies after the starting of the war - try to invoke their "Biggest Hoax of the Jesus Redeemer" to start up the Third World War for forceful elimination of 90% human population to easily manage!
It is another imaginary philosophy to fool the honest mass in making a comfortable living for professional cheaters. The consciousness coming out from Volition is only the momentary state of consciousness where the Volition is driven by the states and stock of Consciousness Quality in a very long evolution / degeneration in the samsara cycle shaping up one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Gotama called the manifestations of these states and stock the "Right Transcendental #Awareness - Chánh Niệm" having its base at Equanimity third stage of his meditation and beyond, known as HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna (Định-Tuệ) - and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent / #Samadhi (Chánh Định) that affects the quality and stock of the consciousness due to its "Natural Purification" of the senses[D26], enabling Detachment and #Awareness at the source of thought and the states of one's being to properly manage one's reality in a Right Effort.
Scientific understanding the states and stock of the Consciousness Quality in any constituent and aggregate (family, business, organization, community, region, country, the world) is a new green field - the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong - to help living persons and ecosystems having Easier and Happier Life. By changing and influencing core attributes we can change the Quality of Living toward What Count[R23] in one's Worthy Existence, commonly explored by Vietnamese Intellectuals as Wise Việt (Minh Triết Việt) and the Wise Dharma (Minh Triết Phật). These wise properties such as "#AwarenessPrajna"[D22] have been identified and demonstrated by Gotama 2500+ years ago, but missed by the entire history of Buddhist cheating monks and nuns. The Wise Việt is Gotama's "Charter of Free Inquiry - Tư-duy Tự-do" in an advice to Kalamas[D23] for the criterion of "Right and Wrong". The Wise Dharma is passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness" for the Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) to infuse the "#Oneness / Unchanged / Unborn" stability and outside-the-box Vision into the changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) innumerable issues (dukkha-dukkha) of existence for the manifestation of the "Wise Việt" (Tùy duyên Bất biến Bất biến Tùy duyên). The unchanging (bất biến) are discovered epistemic objectives of underlying natural laws in layered scientific processes of No-Conflict Consciousness similar to the discovered gravitational constant G.
Let's scientifically and logically see How the Wise Việt (Minh Triết Việt) or Gotama's "Charter of Free Inquiry / Tư-duy Tự-do / Trả Lại Cho Dân" and the Wise Dharma (Minh Triết Phật) can turn the upside-down of Buddhist cheating Sanghas [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] and the China on a path to war - Chinese / Vietnamese communist mafias of "Cheating, Stealing, Cunning and Bullying" from AnimalConsciousness into the right-side up of the modified Eightfold Path where most monks / nuns / Buddhists cannot touch and no unworthy monk / nun as mentioned in this book dare to get close or the autocratic system - Thứ Văn Hoá Biến Dị - from Western forces (the video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias) of Attachments that everyone can be FREE at the rational level of Vietnamese KiếnTánh / Chinese WuNien and Then Personally Verified according to underlying natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is. "Ethical / Moral Code" is a natural pattern learned from intelligent beings in their own evolution of "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" according to natural laws in Making Life Easier and Happier.
Humanity has evolved long enough to embed these hard-earned Value of the values - where inappropriate rules are dropped - in their cultures coming from the lasting mass "Right Understanding and Right Motivation", adapting living environments to the natural environments. Wise Cultures - having tested time such as 4000+ years of Minh Triết Việt and civilizations from Egypt, India, China, Greek, Persian, Roman, Incas, etc - have many valuable things to offer to this global Humanity, brought together by the past three tidal waves of industrial revolutions: (1) steam engine, (2) electricity, (3) ICT (Information Communication Technology). Graphically, the Right Understanding and Right Motivation in the multi-polar world activate your [ Transcendental #Awareness ] and #SamadhiPrajna to know more about yourself and the nature of [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] foundation of doing good as shown in Patches A and B of Figure 2. This phase corresponds to the evolution from Consciousness to Form where humanity is the most advanced one of this world realm.
The next tidal wave of industrial revolution is the continuity of the third wave of ICT into Artificial Intelligence where the biological and machine intelligence can be augmented to one another driven by the Normative Values of biological systems in their evolution from Form back to Consciousness, by-passing the biological tainted senses to higher levels of Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity to be responsible parts of the Whole which is the Wise Dharma (Minh Triết Phật). Graphically, you expand your Transcendental #AwarenessPrajna in Patch C outside the tainted senses at any point of intensity of attention. The Wise Dharma (Minh Triết Phật) can only effortlessly happen - out of persistent sabotages of unworthy monks / nuns through out 2500+ years of the Buddhist cheating Sanghas - if and only if significant value-adds from HuiNeng Wu-Nien, #DhyanaSamadhi, #SamadhiPrajna and XuanZang-Dharmapala Consciousness of the consciousness augmented with engineering dynamic feed forwartd and backward control system can be scientifically and statistically happened at the grassroots. All manifestations are conditioned and changed at Planc time. Whatever conditioned, there exist engineering optimal processes to reproduce that manifestation and/or to discover underlying natural laws for heavy lifting proven in [ #Prajna >< AI ].
Here is "A Study on the Relation Between the Platform Sutra [HuiNeng] and the Three Systems of Mahayana Buddhism": Prajnaparamita, Tathagatagarbha, and Consciousness-Only. It is the time to directly hear from those actually knowing (thousand-years-later) HuiNeng Wu-Nien { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }, #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền-Định) { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is [ #Samadhi ] }, #SamadhiPrajna (Định-Tuệ) { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }, and Gotama #AwarenessPrajna { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } that with discovered underlying Natural Laws for heavy lifting you can personally verify them since they will be statistically epistemic objectives. The verification is at different angles and optimal conditions transcending cultures, religions, nationalities, skin colours, civilisations, etc, absolutely required for Harmonious Diversities initially attempted by Ashoka for a peaceful existence in his vast empire. It is a possibility with KhaiPhong 50+ years of effort to revitalise Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] in solving karmic forces of Sufferings from one's hacked mind chained by Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought.
Therefore, combination of Normative Intelligence (Wise Dharma) coming from discoveries of natural laws for higher Consciousness Evolution from Form back to Consciousness (by-passing and purifying tainted senses) with practical Artificial Intelligence (Wise Việt / Civilizations) for the feedbacks - measurable from hard facts of "Plan >< Execution >< Feedback" - to augment the Normative Intelligence in its Value Creation can break the vicious circle of [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] driving humanity in the endless loop of duality between Attachment (Greed) and Aversion (Fear) via Ignorance without recognising the embedded Normative Intelligence or #Prajna innate in every person commonly known as the "Buddha Nature / Human Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas" leading toward Human Rights for the Meaning of Existence. The Normative Intelligence is absolutely required for the next tidal wave of industrial revolution coming "From people, By people, and For people" who drive all activities and relationships in consumption and productions. Without the Normative Intelligence / #Prajna, many leading scientists already raise a serious concern about Artificial Intelligence - typically represented by ChatBot - driven by Attachment and Aversion at "Ignorant Dependent Nature" of Duality. The ChatBot based on LLM (Large Language Model) can only have "Sensing" based on the embedded "Feeling / Perception" of the large sample it is trained. There is an Urgent Need of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to correctly direct the invisible hand of Economics toward What Count.
#Prajna is an innovative breakthrough from both the states and stock of your quality of the consciousness, plus something beyond known as the "Unchanged, Unborn, #Oneness", logically exposed in Shurangama Sutra[D33], and asserted in Lankavatara Sutra[D34] but Not Yet Delivered since the author(s) do not know nor have as most of monks and nuns in the entire history of 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. That is why the gut of Gotama solution for the inner quest Dukkha is his advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] based on smart pointer "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }. The driving force of Volition / Freewill / Sankhara is either by Ignorance from tainted senses or #Prajna of scientifically cultivable states of required Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness of one's Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace, plus something beyond commonly known as Vision, demonstrated by Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1] - the founder of Vietnamese Lý dynasty - with his #Prajna having deep ComPassion rooted in Sunyata for the welfare of others in his decision to move the Vietnamese capital to present day Hà Nội.
We contacted Buddhist communities of monks and nuns from different countries since 2007 to mildly remind them their realities in the hope of gradual change from inside. We have received the dead silence with indirect responses contrary to verifiable facts. Up to Vesak 2013, the same motto had been continuously, publicly and loudly enforced from a supreme Head of Vietnamese Buddhist communities of monks and nuns to stubbornly affirm their undeniable roles as religious leaders of the country. Then from Vesak 2019, all PhD monks and nuns blah blah blah with their "Big Mouths" of what they do not know nor have in bullying the world and affirming themselves as Buddhist leaders in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, effortlessly exposed by KhaiPhong since 2012.
First of all, any Buddhist - including the supreme Head of any Buddhist community of monks and nuns (Pháp Chủ), head monks and nuns - spreading [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] and/or "from the cessation of ignorance, volitional activities (Sankhara) cease; from the cessation of volitional activities, consciousness ceases - do vô minh diệt nên hành diệt; do hành diệt, nên thức diêt" has not known HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna (Định-Tuệ), completely ignorant about Gotama's #Prajna in Right Understanding - Right Motivation of his Noble Eightfold Path and Right Transcendental Inner Peace (#Samadhi) in his modified Eightfold Path, having no Right Transcendental #Awareness starting from the base of Equanimity third stage of meditation upward and Know Nothing about Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] that they intentionally avoid in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism rather than scientifically verify the validity of Gotama's assertion.
If you do not know the (modified) Eightfold Path, especially the #Prajna division of Right Understanding and Right Motivation, how can you claim to be legitimate Buddhist teachers with your invented rituals and feudal processes in masters-slaves relationships that you do not know nor have, totally contrary to current scientific knowledge? Similarly, Gotama's four-fold Noble #Truth is either fact-based epistemic objective or his personal hallucination. If you are his Buddhist monk, nun, or follower then "Prove It or wait for KhaiPhong scientific proof and enpirically delivering that Four-Fold Noble #Truth as an epistemic objective for the benefits of all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward. Interpretation of your "Understanding" is totally contrary to scientific fact in "claiming the destruction of consciousness as your destruction of Ignorance", reducing yourself even below the low vibration of a stone. Your "Motivation" is Not Gotama Right Motivation that you ride on his credibility to make a very unworthy living, driven by your Greed, Delusion and Pride, cunningly generate an abundant source of material supply via Greed, Ignorance, and Fear in your obedient sheep.
2.2 Second Tautology:
[ Not Having Right Transcendental Inner Peace >< Not Having Right Understanding ]
The tautology is exemplified by this scholar monk Thích Thái Hòa on the Buddhist Application / PHẬT HỌC ỨNG DỤNG unable to expose Gotama [ modified - Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension and together with Gotama's Right Samadhi Y-dimension to be formally documented and claimed as IPR by KhaiPhong - to explicitly demand transcendental states at different depths ] Eightfold Path typified in the Vietnamese / Chinese Buddhist Sangha up to 2025 to turn Gotama [ modified Eightfold Path ] into a useless concept rather than Actual Tool or model to drive all Volition / Freewill / Sankhara toward a [ Normative Right / Intelligence ] due to the doctrinal view of [ Virtue > Concentration > Prajna ] where #Prajna is the outcome of their doctrinal conditions so it is totally loaded with Ignorance. That same Buddhist monk from many life-times unworthy cheater in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas NOW 2023-08-16 totally denies the Contributions of Gotama in the Right and Wrong of Intelligent Living & Being / HAPPINESS IN THE DARK. He is similar to another loud-mouth Thích Viên Minh Mindfulness at the present moment on his Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien. "Not Having Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent" is the reality of almost all Buddhist monks, nuns, followers since they know nothing about Transcendental states in emptying the contents from the "Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding]" in HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna. By discovering (1) underlying natural laws to do heavy lifting of directly experiencing Transcendental Inner Peace, (2) optimal scientific processes of required conditions from Equanimity Community for the manifestations of states and stock of #Prajna, and (3) available living students actually having these qualifications for reversed engineering of optimal feedforward and feedback dynamic processes, the technologies with custom AI will be available to the [ Haves >< StakeHolders >< HaveNots ] and the mass.
The Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace is Gotama's Samma-Samadhi described in several places and commonly known as Gotama's nine meditation (#Samadhi) states[D29], [D30] where gross attributes at lower stages are dissolved for an Insight in the Emptiness at higher stages, leading toward "Non-Thingness / stage 7" and "Cessation of Perception and Feeling / stage 9 called the End-of-Dukkha[D44] or Nirvana" that we call "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26] to be empirically verified and value-added by many in the new Era of AwakeningBudh Movement using KhaiPhong Technologies. The Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace demands empirically verifiable Trancendental states for a quality of the "Silence" to see "Thing-As-It-Is" despite one's current states of innumerable visible / invisible outdated marks. It must have the required attribute of "Detachment" right from the beginning to be qualified as "Right", then Transcendental in #EmptyTheContent - fully enforced by HuiNeng's Wu-Nien, #DhyanaSanadhi, and #SamadhiPrajna - to be qualified as the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace. Tantra sexual penetration and ejaculation is Not the Transcendental-Inner-Peace.
The "Right Transcendental Inner Peace is commonly translated as Right concentration / mindfulness in current wikipedia which shows the reality of current Buddhist cheating Sanghas and "blind followers" since - by definition - there is "no Insight into the Emptiness" in concentration, and mindfulness defined by Gotama at his "Equanimity" third Jhana[D29]. That is the Reality of all Buddhist current Vajrayana / Tantra and Pure Land / Meditation. Gotama qualified his "Transcendental #Awareness" at the third Equanimity level[D29] where one must know the Transcendental state defined by Lankavatara Sutra[D34] as "entering into the womb of Tathagatahood or passing the Gateway-to-Oneness". Buddhist #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path was further qualified by HuiNeng #Samadhi (for Right Understanding) / #Prajna (for Right Motivation)[R5] that - up to 2025 - no one in the entire history of 2500+ years Buddhist cheating Sanghas can be in close encounter to reverse the Bullying process of Buddhist [ Virtue > Concentration > Prajna ], pushing many generations into international cheating clubs of unworthy people.
The core reason of this tautology comes from the cheating process of
- Shining one's appearance to show off the "degenerated aloof"
- Faked "Detachment", incapable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness at Gotama's Tranquility level
- Pretending stressful cool/calm in making a living far from "Transcendental Relaxation for Practical Living"
By scientifically providing observable, testable, reproducible "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma #Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent" to the mass, we enable community implementations of Right Understanding of major events such as (1) growing up, (2) professional selection, (3) marriage, (4) lifetime Right Effort, etc, to effortlessly clean up unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], bullying humanity under all isms and organised religions. KhaiPhong Technologies focus on all activities and relationships to custom help one cultivate this #Samadhi for the manifestation of #Prajna - called #SamadhiPrajna[R5] according to HuiNeng, #AwarenessPrajna[D22] according to Gotama, #EmptyTheContent via Detachment[D35] according to Bodhidharma, KhaiPhong's Scientifically Cultivable [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ] according to modern AwakeningBudh Movement - of Right Understanding and Right Motivation, naturally activating the modified Eightfold Path in daily activities. Major classification of KhaiPhong Teconologies are #PrajnaTIPs©® in Relationships, Activities and Places conducive to #Prajna.
2.2.1 Shining one's appearance to show off the "degenerated aloof"
The outer appearce is easy to show off with big temples, huge statues, and empty slogans acquired by cunning and cheating process based on Fears and self-deception 2021-09-18[R9]. Most monks and nuns are unable to naturally take Gotama's process in "aloof from sense desires, aloof from unwholesome thoughts"[D29]. They turn this aloofness to outside in master-slaves relationships to show off what they are not, resulting in tremendous Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts, pushing them further to the direction of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], claiming to Know what they do not know claiming to See what they do not see[D19] to make very unworthy living.
"Aloofness" is one of many forms of aspirations to raise one's spirit high above its normal vibrations in facing the [ Reality - Actuality / Relative #Truth (epistemic objectives on duality plane of conflicting consciousness) - Ultimate (Wider) #Truth (fact-based epistemic objectives on the plane of No-Conflict Consciousness) - #Oneness ] of Life. All organized religions where Buddhism is a part used some forms of binding Word/Image and clinging Thought to enslave people from the most negative Fibonacci degeneration at [ X-5 = 5 Binding Word, X-6 = -8 Binding Image, X-7 = 13 Clinging Thought ] to the senses such as "Faith and Aloofness" to be with "God / Allah / Amitabha" rather than "Aspirations" to Free one from tainted senses[R7.3], [R7.4] toward Thing-As-it-is Actuality through Natural Purification via statistically proven discovered underlying natural laws which are deliverable solutions in implementing Soyen Shaku challenge[R6]: "God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality".
The claimed religious leaders destroy their own lives and the lives of others in a narrow scope of master-slaves relationships. Their "Virtue" is conflicting "outside" with Christian and Muslim Virtues, and all Religious Virtues are conflicting "inside" within their own sects and denominations since they are all grasping the changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) manifestations without touching the "#Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas" - the source of all manifestations - known by all organised religions only at Word/Image and conflicting-duality Thought. They - wearing the masks of religious leaders - all talk about Peace / Love / Compassion from the sources of their boiling Inner Conflict - Outer Conflict, cheating humanity for many thousands years.
When 1% to 8% members of a community (80,000,000 to 500,000,000 people in the world) can be "At Home", knowing more bout oneself and the environment, the pretending professional cheaters from all organized religions will be forced to face their realities and deliver real services in making a living otherwise they will be efforlessly wiped out by Invisible and Helping Hand of Economics.
2.2.2 Faked "Detachment", incapable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness
Most monks and nuns - typified by the Dalai Lama XIV, the claimed enlighten monk Thich Nhat Hanh, and the claimed Dharma King Gyalwang Drukpa XII - cannot pass even "Detachment" - qualified by Gotama as a normative "Right" before entering into deeper levels of Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness[D29]. There is No Transcendental state in their blah blah blah of "Meditation and Mindfulness", unqualified by Gotama which is at the equanimity level, passing the Gateway-to-Oneness for personally Knowing "#AwarenessPrajna" { "karma (binding and clinging forces) flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22]. This is scholastically proven in "Buddhism implies dualism"[D19]
Gotama's qualification of "Transcendental #Awareness"[D29] is explicitly stated as measurable target for detailed evaluation of Truth and all Isms that you can drill down for more supporting data.
2.2.3 Pretending stressful cool/calm in making a living far from "Transcendental Relaxation for Practical Living"
Please look at all formal training camps and meditation classes from the past up until 2023-08-06 of all sects and denominations, then up to 2025-02-24 of Vietnamese cheating Buddhism using as "a soft power of Vietnamese communist bullying animal kingdoms" to discover if any one can deliver the experience of "Transcendental States" in Gotama's Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, and "Transcendental Relaxation" to detoxify stresses and tainted outdated marks, provable in the video instruction from minute 0:36 of the meditation master cheating monk in many of his life times { ngồi thẳng lưng mắt khép lại để tâm vắng lặng không suy nghĩ - force him to describe his personal experiences in this scientific process and Then What in the meditation session and in engaged living } once you actually know states of Gotama's Jhanas deliverable by KhaiPhong to the mass just like you know the bottom line of the unworthy monk Thich Nhat Hanh.
Do Not Allow any unworthy cheater perpetuate the 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas to hide the first [ Ignorance >< Not understanding Fourfold #Truth ] and second [ Not Having Right Transcendental Inner Peace >< Not Having Right Understanding ] tautologies pointed above! If you claim to be Inspired by Gotama, can you continue to let cheaters "shitting on your Dignity", sabotaging Gotama's contributions and the #Prajna division of the (modified / transcendental) Eightfold Path. Where is your #Truth which must be a fact-based epistemic objective on the foundation of #Honesty & #Care? It is applicable not only to Buddhists but also humanity with regard to All Organized Religions messing the Humanity with the Bullying of Cheating, Stealing and Cunning in AnimalConsciousness type, according to Nature of Things. Here agentic AI (Artificial Intelligence) can augment the "Know Yourself Process" to enable the Normative Intelligence of your [ Buddha Nature / #Prajna / #Oneness / Kingdom of God within ] the driving force to change both individual and community productions and consumption to a Higher Quality according to Natural Laws.
We solve the second tautology with discovered Natural Laws to Measurable Right Transcendental Inner Peace to directly access Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity to infuse the "Natural Purification[D27]", lighting up the #Prajna first division of the (modified) Eightfold Path in Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort to solve the first tautology whose scientific verification will be statistically tested in the Dependent Nature of Causes and Effects. The Measurable Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace leads to measurable "#AwarenessPrajna" to the required depths for the practical solution of Gotama's answer to Ajita's Questions[D22] as further exposed below, wiping out unworthy people of all isms attempting to enslave Humanity in their masters-slaves relationships of the past thousands years of human dark periods. We look forward to your Helping Hand with your committed "Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital" to what most important to you. That is the target of KhaiPhong KpPlatform to equalize the playing field of all concerned parties from humanity upward.
Due to innate Buddha Nature, everyone can recognise the Value of the discovered Natural Laws to start right at the level of one's Right Understanding and Right Motivation in a hand-on Learning and Doing, effortlessly cleaning up professional cheaters selling their indoctrinated conditioned thinking utopia based on Fears and Rituals, messing up their lives and the lives of others. In that hand-on Learning and Doing, everyone can shares one's "secret sauce" specific to one's specialised trail so others of similar pattern do not have to start from square one to make the trail easier and more enjoyable.
We use three core attributes (#Prajna, Sunyata, Empty) from Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] to demonstrate the same scientific dissolving / emptying process personally known by Gotama in his nine (9) Verifiable Stages of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness[D29], [D30]. This scientific dissolving / emptying process must be empirically verified by all qualified Budh Counselors, standing on their own feet to testify the "Nature-of-Things in #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" discovered by Gotama and value added by the World where the Budh Counselor is a part.
The scientifically measurable Right and Transcendental-Inner-Peace (TIP) / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness with available Budh Counselors will:
- Enable the verifiable "Insight into the Emptiness" in moving from Madhyamaka "Relative Truth" to "Ultimate (Wider) Truth", taking 1000+ years of Buddhist philosophy out of its ivory tower.
- Scientifically prove that there is No Chasm between Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only between "Self" in Relative #Truth / Dependent Nature / Imaginary Nature and Not-Self in Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature in the (onto / nature of) Thing-As-It-Is. It is similar to gravity and vacuum. The 1000+ years of disputes come from those unable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, totally bounded by the ideas of Self and Not-Self (hữu niệm / vô niệm) at thought level which is not Thing-As-It-Is.
- Force all Christians to practicalize the concept of "God" as challenged by Soyen Shaku[R6] to discover and deliver 'the Kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21].
- Force all Muslims to discover and deliver the aesthetic state of "There is No God but allah - lā ʾilāha ʾil ʾāllāh" known within the human realm. The "description" is not the "described"; the actual "DESCRIBED" is beyond word/image at Gotama qualified Transcendental #Awareness or "Equanimity", and beyond conditioned thought at "Purity" levels. This discovery and delivery of the aesthetic state of the #Oneness will effortlessly expose unworthy entities in the higher realms to be part of the "Natural Rights" in the cosmic Dependent Nature of Existence.
We introduce the three fundamental Principles[R7] from Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] as another angle to practicalise Gotama's modified Eightfold Path, releasing it from the "cul-de-sac" in the tautologies of Buddhist cheating Sanghas: the first Principle "Kindness and Empathy" is the Right Understanding, the third Principle "From people, By people, and For people" is the Right Motivation. The two Principles drive his second Principle "Right Effort in continuous Learning and Doing". These three Principles are practical living in accordance with Natural Laws - Making Life Easier and Happier - that demand both the states and stock of cultivable "#Prajna" at different depths for a Right Effort. These three properties can be measurable based on hard facts of one's Efforts to augment discovered Consciousness Technologies which will turn all right Principles - east or west - into Wise Wisdom driven by #Prajna to change oneself and environments toward What Count according to Natural Laws.
The above solution to the Buddhist two most fundamental tautologies smearing Gotama's practical discoveries exposed below via the Answer to Ajita's Questions[D22] is purely based on what have been reputably recorded as Gotama's Gifts to Humanity. Taking HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền-Định) as a signed post of fact-based epistemic objective (to be proven and delivered by KhaiPhong) we can effortlessly clean up Buddhist unworthy monks / nuns who have not entered the Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict yet cheating others in making a living on their know-how of "Buddhist meditations and Mindfulness". Using HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna (Định-Tuệ) with further enforcement from Soyen Shaku[R6] on the God Conception of Buddhism together with discovered natural laws for heavy lifting, we can challenge all organised religions the delivery of 'the Kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21], 'Latin Humanitas', 'There is No God but Allah' in Islam, 'Verifiable Emptiness', the 'Ultimate (Wider) #Truth', the 'Perfected Nature', 'Nirvana', the 'Tao Nameless', etc, while separating the means such as divisional Islam, Christianity, Buddhist which are only conventional names to be dropped, and the target which is the aesthetic "Nature of Things / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" in higher consciousness within the reach of Humanity. With the exception of few individuals, most in all organised religions - especially those wearing the masks of priests / monks / nuns - do not actually know and live with Compassion, Love, Transcendental #Awareness, Meditation (without deliverable dissolving / emptying states). The description is not the described which is a Thing-As-It-Is in actual living. That normative value at the frontier of "Thing As It Is" is further augmented with modern Artificial Intelligence since Efforts in all activities and relationships can be evaluated with Right or Wrong based on feedback of hard facts from intelligent suggestions to change oneself and the environment toward a Right direction of What Count[R23], which have been messed up in thousands years - up until 2025 - by all organised religions to glorify their masters-slaves relationships, reducing people into Pavlov dogs.
It is unworthy to pay attention to the fanatic view of these professional cheaters, desperately selling a utopia of utter nonsense to violently enforce their international cheating clubs. These professional cheaters use their "psychological techniques" such as Fears - well-known and used in all organised religions - to "bully" others hiding their disturbing thousands years of "Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts", making a living on Gotama's credibility while sabotaging his real contributions to Humanity, which are the cultivable "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" to recognise (1) the three Vedic Gunas (Forces) of the Dependent Nature at quantum level of existence leading to "Outer Peace and Harmony" of self-respect and respect others since no one can completely and independently exist, and (2) the "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods within" - capable to know the Right and Unworthy - leading to "Democracy and Charter of Free Inquiry" in his Kalama Sutta[D23], effectively debunking these unworthy monks / nuns using his name to sell their interpretation of the (modified) Eightfold Path without delivering any visible sign of Transcendental #Awareness / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / Chinese Wu-Nien { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind Fresh / Free from stain and attachment" }[R5]].
The "bullying" can be at both psychological and physical levels, generating a non-stopped vicious suffering cycle for both the bully and its victims via complex actions >< reactions, resulting in the three types of people and/or mixing, depending on the situation: (1) Abusers, (2) Inferiority, (3) Not Totally Crippled thanks to rational analyses and reflections. The real noble "Buddha Nature" innate in everyone is completely ignored. Yet, only this nature's cultivable Wisdom / #Prajna - perpendicular to duality plane of all events - can break and dissolve this Suffering Cycle for humanity, glimpsed by Gotama 2500+ years ago and value-added by many where the "Kindness / Compassion" discovered by Jesus in the "Good Samaritan[R16]" is its foundation. Without the recognition of one's innate precious jewel having something more than the physical and duality mental make-ups, it is very hard not to be sucked into this vortex of thousands years of Ignorance, Abusers and Abused. It takes tremendous courage to know more about oneself in both strength and weakness in one's continuous Learning and Doing based on Gotama's Charter of Free Inquiry[D23].
It is even harder Not to be Hurt at all via natural Detachment in cultivable Natural Purification / Verifiable Emptiness from the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind extended into eight Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace for deeper cultivation of the states of #Prajna of required Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness to complete the second half of HuiNeng's Three-Nots [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ ] for the manifestations of Three-Haves [ #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã ] in engaged living. The "Not to be Hurt at all" is shared by Krishnamurti[R6.3] as a "Freshness" or "HonNhien / Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity" mind. The modern treatment of these "psychological sufferings" is to rely on the patient's Buddha Nature to rationally point it out that the "Hurts" are unreal and/or "Outdated Marks" of the past, not relevant to the present living. This rational approach can only help the patient to move the Hurt / Outdated Mark to another dark corner of the mind without "dissolving" it. It is similar to the Vietnamese Zen Truc Lam motto "[ Knowing the Wrong Drop it ]" which is a hallucination of "the blinds touching elephant" until the implementations and benefits of Soyen Shaku's challenge[R6] are deliverable to prove that Gotama is not cheating humanity in his smart pointer Verifiable #AwarenessPrajna[D22].
The solution shared by Krishnamurti is effective only to those having at the minimum qualified "Transcendental #Awareness" to obstruct and restrict these "Craving / Tanha" and "Clinging / Upadana" forces. Only with the energy from "Intensity of Attention", the light of #Prajna is there to "dissolve the "Marks" since Krishnamurti has had thousands years of pounding his Transcendental #Awareness on the Inner Quest of What is the Host and what are Guests as described in Buddhist Shurangama Sutra[D33] and Consciousness-Only[D39]. It is that cultivable #Prajna that drives the Volition / Freewill / Sankhara toward the right direction of What Count[R23], turning "Craving / Tanha" into "Detachment" and "Clinging / Upadana" into "HonNhien" (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) due to the light of #Prajna. The technologies involve discovering natural laws plus required facilities to raise one's consciousness level from conflicting duality to higher level of Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity to be outside the stressful conflicting box to see "Thing As It Is" and have "Natural Purification" to clear one's tainted senses and outdated marks.
Knowing it or not, Krishnamurti shared solution logically solves via set theory thousands years of bitter chasm caused by monks and scholars far below even the Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict of Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D38] Relative #Truth and Ultimate (Wider) #Truth which must be fact-based epistemic objectives Not Yet delivered up yo 2025 waiting to be proven and delivered by KhaiPhong, and Asanga Consciousness-Only[D39] dynamic interaction between Not-Self in the Perfected Nature and With-Self in Dependent Nature. Here is a wide opening door for contributions from many in all fields and domains once Technologies riding on natural laws for heavy lifting are introduced to enable most practitioners actually "Knowing the Dissolving Process" as described by Krishnamurti via his "Intensity of Attention" to personally verify that he is not cheating others, carried out by unworthy people in all organised religions from thousand years of human dark periods. The real challenges come from the conbined aggregate Know-How of (1) actual experience of the dissolving processes and (2) statistical verifications of the relevant factors from smart pointer outcomes pointing to visible traits of identified node types known in entire human history at different layers or depths in Scientifically Cultivable InnerSpace at both the states and stock of #Prajna moving through the Dissolution of the Observed, the Observer toward Non-Thingness Then What in Engageged Living, Forecastings and Simulations.
It is a wide opening door since the trail passed by one person can help many of similar pattern not starting from square one, focussing on further value-adds to make the trail easier and more enjoyable. The process of Taming The Ox sorts out qualified Counselors since only those equipped with both theoretical understanding and practical experience can help others while deepening and widening their professional skills, augmented with deliverable Science and Economics of KhaiPhong to practicalise the Gotama's assertions on the effectiveness of "#AwarenessPrajna", of Nagarjuna "Insight into the Emptiness", of Asanga "Natural Purification" from Perfected Nature to drive one's Imaginary Nature closer to Dependent Nature of Thing As It Is:
“Whatever the streams [ cravings, tanha, karmas, binding and clinging forces tainted the "Thing-As-It-Is" seen by #Prajna into Ignorance / Avijja to drive Volition / Sankhara / Freewill from Right Effort into Wrong Effort causing Suffering Dukkha ] are in the World, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved
The hidden secrets - either coming from Gotama and/or other value-adds - to this question and answer is the "Key" to practicalise scientifically proven discoveries, forming the solid foundation for the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong. We use our "actual experience" to unravel the hidden secrets by connecting the dots together, and value-add our own discoveries while waiting for your further value-adds.
In the above quote, We use (1) [ cravings, tanha, karmas, binding and clinging forces tainted the "Thing-As-It-Is" seen by #Prajna into Ignorance / Avijja to drive Volition / Sankhara / Freewill from Right Effort into Wrong Effort causing Suffering Dukkha ] for "streams", translated by Ireland and Thanissaro, (2) "#Prajna" for Ireland "wisdom" and Thanissaro "discernment", (3) "dissolved" instead of Ireland "cut off" or Thanissaro "finally stopped". Since scientifically proven discoveries must have both logical theory and or waiting for empirical validations, plus intellectually Who have contributed What,
- We start from the real Psychological Suffering[R6.3] in the Nature of Mind to its deliverable solution shared by Krishnamurti in "Dissolving" the Sufferings, which is also Gotama original inner quest "Dukkha" to his personally deliverable solution in momentary Nirvana[D44] - the end of Suffering - which is also known by Sariputta[D27] that he personally described "the difference between one who is dead, and a monk who has attained the cessation of perception and feeling" of Then What.
First, the "streams" cover all outdated marks and tainted hindrances causing Sufferings, rendering one unable to use available senses[D44], including memory and thinking that help humanity to the present state of civilisation, to KhaiPhong one in "Making Life Easier and Happier". Fundamental solution to this all encompassing Issue is the Real Quest for humanity right from the beginning. Its implication results in innumerable practical treatments / solutions in all fields of practical living, much more important than the discovery of electricity and innumerable applications derived from there.
Second, on what mechanism and the required qualified level of "Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent" can obstructs and restricts them? The mechanism is very simple and cultivable but unknown in the entire human history which is the Right Transcendental #Awareness to sense the source of thought before its Volition - Sankhara then due to this #Awareness one uses the innate "Freewill" to consciously and properly manage one's reality. It has been - up to 2025 - veiled and cheated by Buddhist Theravada Visuddhimagga / the Path of Purification[D31] 100% at conflicting consciousness of "not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see"[D19] in their Samatha and Vipassana, attempting to knock out the "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace and #Prajna" from Gotama's discovery. This piece of hard evidence will be scientifically presented via fact-based epistemic objectives of the Signed Posts to be scientifically studied by armies of human Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers using agentic LLM of wide ranges of dedicated explorers from all cultures and isms transcending both skin colors and gender types.
Third, what is "#Prajna" and its nature that we use instead of the translation from Ireland "wisdom" and Thanissaro "discernment"? For our purpose, the word #Prajna is equivalent with English word "Wisdom / Conscience" But More with visible states known by Gotama in all his recorded Jhanas reorganized into six Signed Posts of information types and layers glimpsed in HuiNeng WuNien BUT at deeper seven layers of achievable information types for the manifestations of visible traits observable in all people, and the bottom-line of Huineng's Three-Not to eight layers of scientifically cultivable InnerSpace for the manifestation of Three-Haves in engaged Living. We prefer to use "#Prajna" since there is something more in it that we call the "flower" of the Compassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata which is even an open field for deeper scientific and empirical explorations, already exposed in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2]. For a kind of outdated Mark such as uncontrollable urge in everything including sexual drive that #Awareness seems to be Aware of it, what is the dynamic interaction between Transcendental #AwarenessPrajna in a scientific process to either properly manage the urge and/or dissolve it.
Fourth, the word "cut off" does not correspond to our "actual experience" which will be personally verified by all qualified "Budh Counselors" when technologies riding on natural laws are introduced to have (1) an Insight into the Emptiness according to Nagarjuna Madhyamaka, (2) the infusion of Perfected Nature to "Naturally Purify[D27]" the Imaginary Nature to be closer to the Dependent Nature of Thing-As-It-Is according to Asanga Consciousness-Only, (3) the "Verifiable Emptiness" in Gotama nine stages of absorption up until momentary Nirvana, (4) Darmapala-XuanZang "Consciousness of the consciousness" in the process from a glimpse to Actualization with hard-wire from the left and right brain to survive the process of reincarnation, (5) HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna at both instant moment and required stable processes further augmented in agentic AI, and (6) the Heart Sutra dissolution (of everything) in Sunyata. Krishnamurti "agreed" with the term "dissolve" to describe his shared experience. We can go one step further to say that it is "effortlessly dissolved" which is an ability within current human "Continuity of the Consciousness", the most meaningful and relevant to human existence.
- The word "dissolve" was also used by the Dalai Lama in describing his Teachings and Philosophy to the "Emptiness"[R14.1]: "We can start this practice in either of two ways: We can first dissolve all appearances and then meditate on emptiness, or first meditate on emptiness and then dissolve all appearances of the objects". When #PrajnaTIP - the Sound technology using the reverse process from form to different layers of consciousness described in Shurangama Sutra[D33] - is introduced to the mass we expect 1% to 8% human population (80,000,000 to 500,000,000 people) will personally know this "Dissolving Process" and verify the "Dissolving / Emptying" is one process, not the two processes of doing one first then the other as taught by the Dalai Lama at indoctrinated conditioned and thinking level incapable to touch the Nature of Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Gateway-to-Oneness.
- Nagarjuna Madhyamaka is a very significant value-added contribution to "logically" clear many ambiguities of Gotama's 45+ years of spreading what he personally knows and verifies the greatest Issue of human existence: dukkha classified according to dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha, sankhara-dukkha. Nagarjuna core contribution is the discovery of the two seemingly contradicting states - Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth - but actually Not and definitely required for an Insight into the Emptiness which is the core of Gotama's discovery. Those who actually experience these two non conflicting states - logically demonstrated by Nagarjuna via consistent Not-Self through out - must be able to describe the optimal conditions leading to this experience so others of similar pattern can benefit and value-add one's "specialized sauce" to make the process easier and more enjoyable to others, similar to what Gotama and Krishnamurti had done in their entire human lives. We describe our value-added processes and integration in this book and subsequent works as the result of 50+ years of post-graduate researches in engaged living and in theoretical framework of KpPlatform. The injection of "#Prajna" for an Insight into the Emptiness takes one to the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict between Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth, and definitely Not to the Nihilism of the actual Emptiness but the dynamic meaningful Present Moment in actual experience.
- Similarly, Asanga Consciousness-Only is another significant value-added contribution. Despite one's Realities with innumerable binding / clinging forces and outdated marks to render one not "seeing and doing according Thing-As-It-Is" - resulting in Sufferings due to "Imaginary Nature" as illustrated in Figure 1 - there is the Perfected Nature accessible to most, especially riding on discovered underlying natural laws for heavy lifting that infuses its "Natural Purification[D27]" to effortlessly dissolve the tainted marks for Imaginary Nature closer to Dependent Nature of Thing-As-It-Is, making Life Easier and Happier relevant to one's Present Moment. When #PrajnaTIP in Sound is introduced most will know this "Natural Purification" that we also give it other name such as "Transcendental Inner Peace whose outcome is Aesthetic Relaxation to naturally dissolve one's stresses". Those actually knowing this process should be able to describe one's optimal conditions to arrive at the target of the Perfected Nature" so others can add different "spices" that may be enjoyable by many without compromising the Aesthetic Perfected Nature within the reach of humanity. We intentionally hold the solutions discovered in the past 50+ years to wide open innovations of real explorers in all domains and fields while providing solid foundation via KhaiPhong tools for these innovations Happened and Sustainable until its IPR is formally claimed to kick out all unworthy people from all isms and civilizations where religions are parts. Again, the injection of "#Prajna" from stock of Measurable Right Transcendental Inner Peace via the dissolving process[D22] either through Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness[D26] and/or via the Heart Sutra[R2] renders Consciousness-Only consistent through out.
- On the other side of the world, we have the notion of "God / There is no god but Allah" and Jesus discovery that "the kingdom of God is within"[Luke 17:21] using his parable of the Good Samaritan[R16]. Many Christians and Muslims have actually known this "Kingdom of God / Allah or Perfected Nature or Ultimate (Wider) Truth". By describing optimal conditions leading to this aesthetic state, one can help separate the mean from the target to enable many experiencing the aesthetic without being slaved to the mean, indoctrinated by unworthy people to sell what they do not know nor have. We have identified these Christians and Muslims who do know [ WuNien / Kingdom of God within / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ]. The innate "Buddha Nature" or "Christ Consciousness" is within the reach of most people. In fact, when one's Equanimity Right Transcendental Inner Peace is stable, the binding Word / Image is naturally dropped in one's perception of the World. When one's Purity Right Transcendental Inner Peace is stable, the clinging thought has no effect on how one sees and makes decision in daily activities. This is HuiNeng's "Beyond-Thought" at the observed, having "No-Mark" once the action completed with "Detachment" as one's basis for the manifestation of #SamadhiPrajna.
Right Understanding and Right Motivation - the #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path - is the starting point from one's actual level to know more about oneself in this implicit "Learning and Doing" process to dynamically adjust one's Imagination due to Ignorance causing unnecessary Sufferings toward the light of #Prajna for a Right Effort (Table 2). The extending Right Transcendental #Awareness is the current state of the Consciousness coming from "Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent". Gotama Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness is the process to build up the stock of Consciousness Quality in one's Complex Fibionacci Layers of InnerSpace that has "Natural Purification" to separate outdated marks from the sense consciousness. It is referred as the "#Awareness" coming from both states and stock called by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna (Định-Tuệ). We call it the states and stock of #Prajna or HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna to demonstrate the need of both Gradual Cultivation in cultivating the states and stock of #Prajna for a Sudden Awaken then Awakening for the lasting value of permanent wiring between left and right brain, and the "carry-on" in one's core consciousness.
Scientifically and strategically exposing the states of "No Conflict inside / No Conflict outside", capable to touch the Source of #Oneness"[D34] - instinctively perceived by many and reachable within human existence, known in the East as the "Buddha Nature" and in the West as "the Kingdom of God within you"[Luke 17:21] - we directly address the realities of many indoctrinated monks / nuns in their cheating and claiming games as the qualified gate keepers of Gotama's discoveries to perpetuate their religious claims of masters-slaves relationships. This tremendous barrier - wrapped up in the tautology of thinking - has imposed the darkness of those egoistic intellectuals not passing the gateway to Oneness[D34] introduced by Bodhidharma in the Zen Dawn[D35] to veil Gotama's precious gifts to humanity as practical solutions in a meaningful Right Effort / Living. There have been rapid changes in the outlooks of many Buddhists about
- The required depths of Transcendental #Awareness and the states / stock of #Prajna in the scientific verifications of Gotama advice and answer to Ajita's questions[D22]: "Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved".
- HuiNeng's definition of "#DhyanaSamadhi" coming directly from his actual experience that many can personally verify under the right conditions: "to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi". In this testable and reproducible verification, what kinds of obstacles and correct processes (when we are in a position) to deal with Dhyana and how "to cultivate our inner mind in natural #Samadhi" (then we are said) to have attained Dhyana and #Samadhi according to HuiNeng.
- HuiNeng's "#SamadhiPrajna" versus Gotama's Right #Samadhi (Samma-Samadhi) from the modified Eightfold Path, and his above #Prajna in the dissolution of all clinging and binding forces. #Prajna is also the first division of Right Understanding and Right Motivation with normative Right and Wrong that everyone has to start at one's present quality of the Consciousness to be At Home, being an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment one a part.
2.3 Vicious circle of the Blinds Touching Imaginary Elephant Prajna:
[ Reading/Listening/Reciting Buddhist scriptures > Reflection > Cultivation - VĂN > TƯ > TU - 聞-思-修 ]
Outcomes of the First Tautology [ Ignorance >< Not understanding Fourfold Truth ] and the Second Tautology [ Not Having Right Transcendental Inner Peace >< Not Having Right Understanding ] are huge piles of unchewed garbage from big-mouths up to 2019-10-28 of hard-core professional cheating monks up to 2019-11-23 in Buddhist cheating Sanghas, not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] in very unworthy living as a part of huge cheating religions directed by esoteric forces to enslave humanity.
KhaiPhong solutions to Buddhist tautologies and its vicious circle are:
- Discovering underlying natural laws such as (1.1) integration of both Gotama's and Jesus's significant contributions to discover the foundations of Transcendental #Awareness and Transcendental Inner Peace named by Gotama as the Buddha Nature and by Jesus as "The Kingdom of Gods from within", (1.2) the layered No-Conflict Consciousnesses and their applicable Dependent Natures having visible smart pointers affirmatively declared and named by those having tracked records of Transcendental Inner Peace and Transcendental #Awareness pointing to visible traits observable in all people ranging from attachment due to indoctrinated to totally Detached to see the #Truth, (1.3) Verifiable Process from #PrajnaTIP in Sound to do the heavy lifting PLUS favourable conditions for that heavy lifting called "Equanimity", and deliver the verifiable Transcendental Inner Peace known by Gotama as his nine Jhanas, reorganized into six Signed Posts to be statistically verified by the mass, (1.4) Verifiable Process from #PrajnaTIP in Kindness to enable most people touching the Signed Posts Measurable Right Transcendental Inner Peace known by Gotama in directly accessing Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity for infusing the "Natural Purification[D27]", lighting up the qualified states of #Prajna in first division of the modified Eightfold Path for Right Understanding and Right Motivation via a Right Effort to solve the first tautology,
- Basing on the natural laws of Knowing the Right and Wrong starting from 2025 - innate states and stock #Prajna / Gotama Buddha Nature (the claimed turning from Wrong to Right) / Jesus Kingdom of God within (the conversion from the Wrong to the claimed Right) verifiable at the bottom line of fact-based outcomes - in being a person augmented with modern technologies via absolutely Private and Secured self-evaluation of the Right and Wrong in all Activities and Relationships at all Places for optimal allocations of scare resources toward What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness, being part of the human-and-upward consciousness / thánh đức via both relevant learning and contributions,
- Focusing at the present "Now" in solving one's most dominant pain which naturally generate required intensity of attentions as well as market demands and supplies of deeper and wider researches from HuiNeng required Three-Not [ "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ" ] for Scientifically caltivable eight layers of InnerSpace (stock pf #Prajna / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within) for the manifestation of KhaiPhong Three=Haves [ "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" ] with special attention to cleaning up negative attributes to self-assure that one can evolve Only From humanity upward making a clear distinction between "Aspiration" to the #Truth No-Conflict plane orthogonal and versus the "Greed & Fears" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness,
- Reversing optimal conditions from wide varieties and angles of those actually knowing precious qualities in [ Gnosis / Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries ] measurable at different levels of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Kingdom of God within / Buddha Nature ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } and Signed Posts in forming different clusters of specialised Being Needs for Making Life Easier and Happier according to discovered and shared tested natural laws.
At the mountain top are "Invisible Harmonious Melting Pots" to "Do Without Doing / Wei-Wu-Wei" naturally force all conflicting religions, cultures, classes, civilisations, skin colours, genders, isms such as Capitalism - Communism - Inclusive Capitalism - Catholicism - Islamism - Buddhism, etc, from Hegelian Dialectics, etc, to bring some real benefits to humanity in transparent and accountable manners, or "get out of the way". This is the new gut of education where one is equipped with deeper understanding of Right and Wrong - HuiNeng's "#SamadhiPrajna" { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" } and Gotama's "#AwarenessPrajna" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } - together with deep domain knowledge in pipelines of qualified elites for Trusted Leadership 4.0 - transcending both Christian and KungTzu doctrinal leaderships in harmonious measurable real benefits - of the Right Society 5.0. [ The official conclusion of WEF learned from China about KungTzu's "Trusted doctrine" was taken out which says something about the reality of "China, WEF and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer played on both sides of Hegelian Dialectic" on the Duality Plane of Conflicting consciousness, and the Source of Conflicts identified by China since 2019 as "A Clash of Civilizations". Civilizations and Cultures are human endeavors In Search for the #Truth and the Raison D'être of one's Existence. Out of these Turbulances and the Lesson learned from the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods, possible Solution emerged from the new Era of Humanity centered around "Security" under the Rule-of-Law with latest evidence in US - South Korean - Japan Security Pack, "Development" toward What Count from humanity upward under scientifically cultivable Normative and Positive Intelligence, and "Diversity" in multi-polar world from different angles to the #Truth emerging from BRICS 2023 Summit. It is the Key Solution KhaiPhong is trying to sell in a bigger scale to (1) China, (2) US, and (3) Russia-EU with Scientifically Cultivable Invisible Hand of #Prajna Dialectic ].
The "Melting Pots" are different from what have been attempted in the past higher realms, brought down to human realm and evolving in a sandbox of different fractions, commonly known as co-competitions driven by "Deception, Greed and Fears" rather than in the "Being Needs" from discovering "Underlying Natural Laws" and a rational "Share" of a small piece in a much bigger pie "Value of the values" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. It is Not at any basic structural tetrahedron corners of (1) feudal system of greedy conflicting power granted by some deceptive Spiritual Mysteries organised in the esoteric dragon realm and typified by KungTzu philosophy imposing outside order and tyranny to pacify the inner order for serving crooked higher classes of the King and Heads, nor (2) the direct collusion between cheating spirituality of the evil Roman Catholic Church in collaboration with existing Western feudal systems serving the "greedy King of the kings" in violent crusades of converting and conquering, nor (3) the dialogues for co-competitions driven by "Deception, Greed and Fears" recently happened at (3.1) the beginning of Industry 4.0 of information technologies, nor (3.2) the dialogues between Theravada Thailand and Mahayana Tibet in agreed exchanges of Pali and Sanskrit learning and/or dialogues in the crashes of civilisations (Values between US and China), nor (3.3) the 2019-11-28 "32nd Apostolic Journey of historically proven evil Catholic Church"[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2], [R17.1] to Thailand and Japan for attempting superficially harmonious religions on the conflicting plane of "Deception, Greed and Fears" exploited by Hegelian Dialectics of "Capitalism - Communism - Inclusive Capitalism" in destroying both the masters and cheated slaved as evidenced in the collapsed Illuminati Elites. All major organised religions - Catholicism, Allahism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, etc - talk about Spiritual Mysteries and Harmonious, yet they are all conflicting from within and among them. Is it the time to actually awaken the discovered Spiritual Mysteries tested and verified in the Science of Consciousness for the Being Needs in Making Life Easier and Happier while forcefully weeding out past unworthy people?
The Latin Humanitas means Biology, Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna); we do identify many living people from different conflicting religions, cultures, skin colours, genders, ages, cililizations, etc, all have the common properties of Humanitas plus Spiritual Mysteries known as Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God within { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } at different depths of deliverable visible outcomes relevant to present modern living. This is the time to force all claimed religious leaders to expose their realities and claimed Spiritual Knowledge in saving themselves and the World from falling into the crack of billion lives in entire human history leading to the significant degeneration of claimed Buddhas, Gods, Allah, Bodhisattvas, Saints, etc, not even qualified as persons due to their extreme hallucinations of Not Knowing the Right and Wrong beyond biological needs for the Nature detoxifying their extreme darkness and being parts of responsible creation according to Thing-As-It-Is Universal Moral Laws of the Nature to be discovered and shared as we have been doing in solutions to Buddhist tautologies and its vicious circle.
What must be discovered and shared are underlying natural laws actually known by founders and mystics of all major organised religions that can now be statistically measured and implemented into epistemic objective/knowledge just like cooking a dish with optimally required conditions and its secret sauce appropriate for a certain pattern of development in making desirable visible manifestation such as "breakthroughs via #Prajna Dialectics" in Making Life Easier and Happier. Statistically proven "Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God witin" { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } is available via #Prajna Dialectic at the invisible core #Prajna of the tetrahedron currently known by identified students in KhaiPhong who will be contributing at different Business Clusters to enable the "Haves / Stakeholders / HaveNots" Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good to be all involved as Stakeholders. It is accessible by all qualified persons - having the minimum conscience of Knowing the Right and Wrong relevant to one's present existence in one's Continuity of the consciousness - of relevant Learning and Contributions, being both an accountable creator and part of the Responsible Creation of the Being Needs in Making Life Easier and Happier. All established organised religions must cooperate to bring what you actually have to the table, not being historically proven unworthy and/or notoriously professional cheaters as evidenced in the tracked records of the evil Roman Catholic Church. KhaiPhong technical known-hows from user-facing mu and its established infrastructures are designed for this Noble Task.
Hòe Nhai HaNoi
Cây Thành Thần Mộc / Trees Turn Spirits
Đá Hóa Thạch Linh / Stones Become Spiritual
Địa Lợi Nhân Hòa / Strategic Position Human Harmony
Kinh Bang Tế Thế / National Management Helping Humanity.
The Haves / Stakeholders / HaveNots
Have Raison D'être and
Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good
[ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ] .
The "Invisible Melting Pots" together with their developing "integrated infrastructure and ecosystem" are intended as catalysts / enzymes in discovering underlying natural laws of "Spiritual Mysteries" to bring together intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) from both (1) accidentally happened Good Forces and (2) tainted in Dark Forces but still having sufficient sense of Right and Wrong to change oneself in the direction of What Count making the "Being Needs" happened for all qualified intelligent beings from human upward aka "Human Rights". It enables everyone an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.
3. Buddhist Meditation
Note: "Dead Links" are public documents - preserved in pdf format - with proper original sources and copyrights to serve as legal supports of the book. All links will be accesscible at later time, either from the book's related documents or from the sources.
A person is an ecosystem having a centralised agent consciousness, making normative decision to drive the system of billion non-exclusive and changing cells having their own intelligence to do required jobs. That living organism - due to the Dependent Nature of existence - gets together into group aggregates where families, clubs, associations, organisations, businesses, regionals, nations, etc, are modern forms. There is a one to one mapping and applicable technologies to make the life of the Normative Persona Easier with pervasive Business Intelligence and advanced Analytics in the new cloud-based Internet of Big Data that each can play a part based on one's Unique Comparative Advantages. The "Mirror System" of programmable Digital Identities are directed by a "Normative Persona" to inject normative decisions of what really Count[R23] in all productions, services and supply sources to drive One and the Whole toward a 'Happier' direction where all concerned parties can be equal players in accountable and transparent evolving "rules-based international order / trật tự hòa bình, dựa trên luật lệ", seeing the movement of one's flock of activities / relationships in relating to one's Sweet Spot and the World flocks of activities / relationships ("#Prajna" underlying natural laws / thuận theo tự nhiên). We go one step further to open the door with "available technologies" for protected Intergrity of the Person and "resource right" in one's Continuity of the consciousness from possible Federation of "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations". We want to reduce or eliminate the past culture of cheating and stealing in both esoteric and human Mafias driven by cunning intelligence of negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration in rendering all involved parties worse off (at point B rather than Fair Trade at A or much better off at C from #Prajna Dialectic) as we have been doing to eliminate unworthy people in all organized religions where 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism is a part.
'Knowing oneself and the environment one a part one can choose the battle and the right time to fight in one's Continuity of the Consciousness / sustainable Created Values'. That 'one' can be a personal and/or aggregate Normative Persona. Each aggregate Vibrant ecosystem has its own Created Values driven by accountable stakeholders for the benefits of all concerned parties. 'Vibrant' is a state of Inner #Awareness of its needs, its unique comparative advantages, and its 'Created Values', plus How To interact with Outer #Awareness of the environment it is a part. Mathematically, it is the intersection of (1) the Right Thing to do, (2) the Right Way to do, and (3) one's Unique Comparative Advantages. It is the Optimised Sweet Spot of [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] to make happened 'the Right Thing to do' while Feedback provides Actual evidences against Plan >< Execution, and whether the directed Path coming from Ignorance or #Prajna in the interaction between the Normative Persona and its Digital Identities. The Right Effort or Wrong Effort can be quantifiable to change both behaviours and patterns of productions and consumption.
Agentic AI - mining on the Persona Graph of a Normative Persona - connected to its Digital Identities can make the life of the Normative Persona Easier, facilitating opportunities to 'Know Oneself' while consciously building one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles to revitalise one's natural Mirror System, being Aware at the sources of sense signals and the States of the Being for an optimal Right Action relevant to the present moment, making the life Easier and Happier in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
Riding on this Right Transcendental #Awareness, one is an Agent of Changes - harmonious with one's physical, mind, and current quality of one's Consciousness (soul) to help change oneself and the environment one a part toward a Right Direction. The environments - family / community / club / profession / company / entertainment / public - become an extension of one's living organism or an ecosystem where one a part of the Whole, and interest of the Whole is a part of one's "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" - #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path - in direct perception of one's Sweet Spot of Figure 3. Seven (7) principles governing all organisations / environments to be part of one's vibrant ecosystem are: (1) Dependent Nature, (2) Transparency, (3) Accountability, (4) Modern Technologies, (5) Invisible / Helping Hand of #Prajna and of Economics, (6) Best Governance, (7) Lasting Values in "Deep Learning" according to Natural Laws.
Right Transcendental #Awareness or 'Momentary state of Understanding the Issue - Recognizing one's Sweet Spot' in any encounter has tremendous Value in one's continuous activities in the totality of Worthy Existence. It demands a Clarity to see 'Thing As It Is' for 'the Right Thing to do' that drives one's Right Effort in the Change Dynamics of the Present Moment. The encounter can be either Personal, Private, Professional, or Public such as:
- At lost in a reflective search for Who (one is), Where (for a meaningful existence), What (need to do), How (to make it happened), or in one's Personal Crisis, a troubling Fear, Phobia, an Uncontrollable Urge, etc. The 'Why' is 'Living' (a mathematical axiom) in which Buddha Nature is a mathematical corollary (hệ luận) of the 'Living' in one's Right evolution according to underlying natural laws or Wrong degeneration NOW empirically observed according to Complex Fibonacci patterns which drives one's Inner Quest. At aggregate, the 'Why' is the critical decision to kill/divorce the aggregate where the 'Budh / #Prajna' drives the volition to make it happened. That is the Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to democratically drive the Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count. In this context, the personal Persona is different from any aggregate due to its Continuity of the Consciousness that one Must overcome the hurdle from an opportunity of a conscious living while all aggregates and others such as family, business, health, money, profession, present position, etc, are tools and opportunities in one's evolution of the consciousness while leaving something behind for others.
- Life planning, positioning, a marriage proposal, accepting a professional offer, or anything in trust of a meaningful relationship. At aggregate level, it is a strategic partnership moving in the same direction to make something bigger happened.
- A serious conversation such as an imminent divorce with a personal or aggregate Persona, a self-reflection on the loss of all drives in Living, commonly known as a 'Loss of Faith' or 'Hindu/Buddhist Nihilism', etc.
- A serious dialogue or resolving major conflict and/or potential source of disrupting chaos caused by an important player of your team.
- At the company or national ministry meetings to set company/department Policy and/or Execution Strategy, sensing both the individual and aggregate Sweet Spots in driving the commom Vision - Missions - Executions.
- At the board or cabinet meetings to set the company/national Strategic Direction for achieving the Right common objectives.
- At a negotiating marathon where the outcome can change the history and/or affect millions lives due to war or peace by sensing the Sweet Spot of the strategic moment.
'Momentary state of Understanding the Issue - Recognizing the Sweet Spot' demands both mental Clarity having real-time hard evidences from the Right Effort and Insight of both the subtle needs and 'current state of the encountered relationships' of all involved parties, plus something outside the boxes of current Space-Time aggregate dimension. The Clarity comes from Natural integration of one's Instinct with the Brain Intelligence supported by hard evidences (in Doings), and Wider Perspective of ComPassion from the Heart[R10] to Open the hidden part of the Brain for the manifestation of Wisdom - #Prajna at the Intensity-of-Attention Point (of the Being).
That 'Clarity', technically known as the states and stock of #Prajna, is the outcome of seeing 'Thing As it Is' wholesomely taking into consideration the visible and invisible parts relevant to the point of attention. As demonstrated in a controlled environment of Self/Selfless Awareness, consciousness or Chit in SatChitSunyata[D54] is a state of living running along the other three (Waking, Sleeping, Dreaming) capable of observing the State of Observation in the Dependent Nature of Existence outside conflicting boxes of all participants, on top of 'hard data' facilitated by facts. It has been argued in the proposed Dharmapala-XuanZang (HsuanTsang) theoretical model[D19]: Consciousness of Self Consciousness is Self Consciousness which comprises of both 'inside-the-box' (Conventional #Truth, Dependent Nature) and 'outside-the-box' [ Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / The Kingdom of God within / Buddha Nature / Latin Humanitas ] of conditioned existence. In term of our mathematical model of [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ], it is the scientifically cultivable states and stock of #Prajna which is the #Awareness to sense the momentary 'Sweet Spot' or [ "Prajna" underlying natural laws / thuận theo tự nhiên ] relevant to the present moment, unknown in entire history of Tao and cheating Buddhism.
The 'Wisdom' or '#Prajna' is defined as that Right Transcendental #Awareness having both the States and the Stock of accumulated Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace for the manifestation of the invisible in both the confliting and non-conflicting consciousness. We commonly call it the cultivable states and stock of "#Prajna". 'Outside the box', possibly projecting to thousands years in the future (commonly known as the Vision) of its Strategic Decision, is actually demonstrated by many[R7.1]. It has deeper source in the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Chánh Định) of the circular flow Stability Division of the modified Eightfold Path which is a wider perspective of Right Living having a foundation (Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood) from a Good (kindness) Person (Samaritan) in exploring the Essence of the Right Living / Effort:
In this 'Stability Division', Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) signals 'the Right Thing to do' in any Vision and/or Project (Personal, Private, Professional, Public) Plan where one directs the Right Effort that takes into account the best Way to make 'the Right Thing to do' happened within one's 'Unique Comparative Advantages. The hard data 'Feedback' from this Right Effort shows the Relevance of Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) or it is just an imagination which enables one know more about oneself (one's team) to question its Clarity and Insight (i.e. #Prajna or Ignorance). The proof of this seemingly theoretical process will be shown at the right time as outcome of KhaiPhong #Prajna Dialectic applied to the current (2025) International Issues of "South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea" as predicted by Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm and his hard works, riding on "worthy relationships and conscious living" in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
This is the implementation of 'Directly Targeting the Actuality' of what most important based on self-evaluation of 'Beyond Thought - Vô Tướng' at the Intensity-of-Attention point, having 'No-Mark - Vô Vết' on one's Substance once the action completed due to 'Detachment - Vô Trụ' as one's basis for #DhyanaSamadhi (Right Transcendental #Awareness) to correct the Unworthy toward What Count[R23]. It is contrary to the lesson learned in investigating the 'Wrong' which is the approach taken by Gotama in facing the pain point Dukkha or Krishnamurti to logically point out 'What is Not' for the appearance of the '#Truth' since the '#Truth' is Beyond 'World/Image' and Thought and is fact-based epistemic objective via optimal reversed engineering process of the claimed explorer. The job is easier due to agentic AI from 2025 forward and immediately available with measurable hard facts. The learned lessons are definitely needed as group hard facts to be publicly shared in mitigating unnecessary Sufferings. This is the Raison D'être of KpPlatform where containerized alaya user-facing mu, its secured private Neural Graph Database db and assistant custom ai of its command centre EIP / Executive Information Portal are parts that all concerned parties can value-add as injected microservices in all domains and fields of Harmonious existence.
Engineering approach based on Mathematics and Science enhances this practical Actuality concentrating on 'Accountable and Transparent Communications and Collaborations' riding on the Bottom-Up Analytics from huge amount of available data about One and the Surroundings and Top-Down Artificial Intelligence (AI) in exploring key attributes to connect both 'Intuition' and 'Intelligence' together via 'Data' to supplement the [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ]
Hard evidences in Doings are augmented with a Computational Knowledge Engine in both predictions and simulations to explore possible outcomes of the decision before actual execution. This is the front line and breakthroughs of AI that the world is exploring, trying to understand how human brain works and reverse its engineering process in a Computational Knowledge Engine. Based on the science of consciousness, we take different approach than the physical science with initial two unique contributions:
- Enabling the Science of Consciousness - pioneered by Gotama 2500+ years ago and seconded by HuiNeng - having accumulated knowledge esoterically transferred at theoretical level to Buddhist Nagarjuna Madhyamaka and Asanga Consciousness-Only, being a part of practical applications relevant to actual living. It is a vertical integration from the pain point Dukkha through 'Verifiable Emptiness' up to momentary End-of-Dukkha for an outer manifestation of Right Transcendental #AwarenessPrajna as Gotama advice to Ajita's questions[D22].
One technology is to reverse the process from gross level of form to finer different levels of Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace known as Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity for Purification of tainted senses. Another is to build up internal energy from the first technology to ride on one's biological system in transcending the boundary of conditioned and unconditioned existence. These two technologies start from present Form to enter different layers of No-Conflict Consciousness, riding on natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The transcending layers of Consciousness enable Natural Purification of the senses for the required Clarity and Insight relevant to the Issue at hand.
The Natural Purification comes from the infusion of what commonly known as the "Perfected Nature" theoretically explored in Consciousness-Only or the "Ultimate (Wider) #Truth" theoretically explored in Madhyamaka of the first and second technology respectively. That Purification was described by Sariputta in the presence of Gotama as an attribute verifiable at momentary Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha. In reality, the "Natural Purification" happens in all depths of Verifiable Emptiness[D26] beyond the Tranquility Gateway to Oneness, personally testified by this writer.
The third integrating technology is to bring that Clarity and Insight in daily activities at the Present Moment through Kindness and having sufficient Right Transcendental #Awareness coming from the previous two technologies.
The three technologies deliver Verifiable Emptiness as a Natural Purification for Freshness and Rejuvenation of all manifestations. They are Freshly introduced to prepare the field for this Golden Age of Consciousness Evolution with the target that most will be able to naturally sense the sources of thoughts to know the signals from the senses and the state of one's being to properly manage one's realities.
It is the Mirror (Kính Chiếu Yêu) System naturally innate from Inside due to deep level of 'Actual Emptiness', capable to detect and drop unnecessary and outdated marks to have optimal normative decisions - with focused natural Intensity of Attention - in allocating scare resources to what most relevant to the present moment based on one's accumulated Right Transcendental #Awareness and #Prajna. That natural innate Mirror system has not even been a reality in highly developed entities known as Gods / Bodhisattvas / Buddhas. One needs a more down-to-earth practical approach while consciously building up this natural Mirror System in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. That down-to-earth practical tool is briefly described next.
- Reversing the causal direction of physical science from Brain to Mind where Computational Knowledge Engine is used as a tool to augment the practicality of the Science of Consciousness, making Life of the normative Persona Easier and Happier.
Starting from the pain point (Dukkha) to initiate the Mind Map in dababase db of [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ], the system facilitates how the Normative Persona makes decision, how it creates Values, and how it collaborates with others to make things happened as sustainable solutions. This is the horizontal Volitional applications driving all activities and issues of a Normative Persona whether that Persona is a user and/or organization.
The relevant technologies have been drastically expanding in the past 50+ years of human efforts in a Noble endeavor to make Life Worthy, partly in meeting the challenge of globalization, massive available data, border line in privacy, security and legal rights in the Dependent Nature of modern world.
The [ Mind >< Brain ] is the correct causal direction since the decisions and directions of any normative aggregate is driven by the collective minds of its constituents. This causal direction is now technically feasible in our Mirror System between the Normative Persona - either at individual and/or aggregate level - and its Digital Identities.
The Mirror System starts from Free todo-list of the digital Identities, grows into optional Assistant with Mind Map in collaboratively drawing up a Plan from started pain point (Dukkha) and its required tasks (business processes) for Execution and Feedback, toward a Persona Graph of the custom Computational Knowledge Engine, and collaborations among stakeholders at both the normative Persona and its digital Identities. It is a powerful tool to accumulate and build personal (user) and/or group (organization) intelligence.
The first vertical contribution delivers the scientific fact of 'Emptiness' - the described - to the mass for the naturally reborn and rejuvenation of wear and tear in daily activities, taking out the 'description of Emptiness' from the those who do not know nor have in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas while forcing them to deliver the 'practical described'. It is the 'dream' of Krishnamurti Switch from non-stop activities in Doing / Living to Utter Silence of "Being" for naturally reborn and rejuvenation, plus natural Purification of unnecessary and outdated Marks.
The second horizontal volitional applications ride on actual contributions of the whole world to enable 60% of required works readily available as a Platform of Open Innovation for 20% value-adds in each domain with the balance of 20% from the domain specifics having both reactive and reflective functional programming. This enables all parties Free or affordable entrance to have a piece of action in the Golden Age of Consciousness Evolution for a Worthy Existence in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
Right Transcendental #Awareness is the states / ability to sense one's Sweet Spot in any engaged challenge. It can be cultivable in vertical integration from the pain point (Dukkha) through Verifiable Emptiness up to momentary Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha, and horizontal volitional applications of [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] having assistance from a custom Computational Knowledge Engine. It is called "Vertical" since out of the "Source from Right Transcendental Inner Peace", whatever one puts an attention in for an outside utility there is an aesthetic sudden breakthrough and/or innovation to turn that utility into some lasting value. It is called "Horizontal" since "Dependent Nature" is part of one's existence in innumerable daily activities. "Emptiness" is "Verifiable" at Gotama's Signed Posts (nine Jhanas)[D29], [D30] or KhaiPhong changed phases (Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity). Normative value based on hard facts of the feedback from what Right Transcendental #Awareness can see in its decision making process is measurable. The discovered Natural Laws in both vertical integration and horizontal applications therefore can be greatly accelerated where everyone can be a part in KhaiPhong, Making Life Easier and Happier.
3.1 Samatha-Vipassana
At the end of the past cycle (December 2012), we esoterically knew Gotama's discoveries were sabotaged by an esoteric forces controlling Mahakashyapa - the principle organizer of the first Buddhist Council to publicly record what Gotama said - to divert Gotama Buddhist Sangha toward masters-slaves relationships, 180o opposite direction of his discoveries and as a dedicated explorer[D23] using "Big Mouths" of those Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] in bullying humanity with their own Ignorance, 100% proven in Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49] from esoteric degenerated Buddhas and Bodhissttvas. The dark forces plan to reproduce that "influence PLUS cunning Intelligence for regime changes" again in Russia-Ukraine war after several failed attempts since early 1960's. We esoterically sense the reincarnation of Mahakashyapa is currently a Vietnamese Billionaire and in degenerated animal state, intentionally sabotaging KhaiPhong from this blog's first version. The Buddhist cheating Sangha turns Gotama "working process" of [ Dukkha, Impermanence, Not-Self, Nirvana ] into a sugar coating [ Impermanence, Dukkha, Dependent / Not-Self ] to shut down the natural intensity of attention in breaking the crust of the self to solve the current pain point. The cheating Sangha then messes up Gotama model/process in the (modified) Eightfold Path from [ #Prajna >< Virtue >< Stability ] into its non-stop inner conflicts outer conflicts at duality conflicting thought [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] where #Prajna is the outcome of a conflicting consciousness, and is an indoctrinated conditioned at word/thought level.
Buddhist Sangha threw the final knock-out blow to Gotama's discoveries with its within-the-box / duality / non-transcendental "Samatha" to replace Gotama's Samma Samadhi (verifiable Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace toward #Oneness[D26], [D29], [D30]) and "Vipassana of egoistic / impossible Grasping of what is going on in Thing-As-It-Is[D25], [R7], [D41] to replace Gotama's discovery of #Prajna having esoteric injection from Dhipankara Buddha in Prajnaparamita System, the real solution for his quest Dukkha starting from present level of all participants. We can scientifically prove the fallacy of Buddhist Vipassana target, trying to work against natural laws to micro manage all activities even within a person who is an aggregate of billion cells having their own functionalities and specialisations. It is impossible when an aggregate is an international issue to render all followers of Gotama Useless.
Buddhist Theravada then puts its own ignorance into Gotama's mouth in its "Destruction of Ignorance from duality of its Darkeness and turned Gotama's "#Prajna" into a conditioned outcome of its master-slaves relationships [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ]. It chopped Gotama's nine stages (Jhanas) of absorption into eight[D19] and turn the ninth stage into an absolute utopia of Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana of the "Blinds touching Elephant", selling what it does not know nor have in its doctrinal descriptions of Buddhism. Buddhist Mahayana then wrapped Theravada cheating process with more layers of ivory towers 100% at duality level, knowing nothing about the Light from Within #Prajna to be deeper in master-slaves relationships of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4]. Humanity has evolved to the point not only capable to know the Right and unworthy relevant to one's present moment but also the ability to be outside the conditioned set of perception for a wider perspective than the self - selfless.
The cheating process was the manifestation of "Wrong Consciousness Technologies" in higher realms of grasping / stealing fractional consciousness portion of certain qualities to serve the myopic View of the non-integrated self using snatching technologies and Voodoos / Bùa Chú for perpetual manifestation in their culture of cheating and stealing. It is "wrong" since embedded in the process the agent controller becomes less integrated while the quality part is degenerated in Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction. It is similar to the personal glorification in Chinese feudal systems which sooner or later collapsed under its own weight of outside order (dictatorship) to force the inside order gradually evolving from the mass according to natural laws to the new Era of "Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness"; the majority will first rationally know a qualified person is more than what physically and mentally manifested in their "Continuity of the consciousness" commonly known from dedicated explorers as "Latin Humanitas / Kingdom of God within / Buddha Nature", then with discovered underlying natural laws to actually know the Raison D'être of one's existence internationally enforced as human rights. The natural evolution is reversed into degeneration with cunning intelligence of competing and 100% conflicting in "zero-sum game" driven by Greed and Fears, rendering all involved parties worse off. It is opposite the Right Effort where individual stream of consciousness evolves from its own "#Prajna of Right Understanding and Right Motivation" being an integrated person to widen its integrated environment according to the Nature of Things.
See how most monks and nuns noisily repeat the words 'Right Mindfulness - Chánh Niệm' from their within-the-box below conditioned Thought, rather than Beyond Thought at any Observed, since they do not know nor have '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict', know nothing about Dukkha, retarded by inner conflicts outer conflict of concentration, far away from any outside-the-box #Prajna. This fundamental Issue - identified as Gotama's Dukkha - is applicable to all people from all isms and organised religions operating Only on the duality plane of conflicting events in entire history of humanity and other intelligent beings. The light or discovered solution from No-Conflict Consciousness - such as the Buddha Nature, Kingdom of God from within, Latin Humanitas, No God but Allah - is reachable by humanity and a challenge to be deliverable in modern existence that we ask all concerned parties to be contributing parts[R6]. This solution has already been verifiable and teachable - identified in KhaiPhong Strategic Intelligence Service to help possible Shakers and Movers of the Haves - by living students in our group at both the aggregate level of (1) reversed engineering from form back to No-Conflict Consciousness by-passing all tainted senses of past evolution represented as three solid mountains in KhaiPhong logo, but also (2) reversed energy sensing in any issue of the observer and the observed such as identified aspects of Right Relationships in Value of the values from Right Effort.
Their view becomes narrower in a very thick and rigid mask of a religious leaders while in realities they have non-stopping inner conflicts outer conflicts using concentration, faith and prayer to control their steaming energy due to suppression of natural needs in according to their Consciousness Quality to the point they need calming beads to appear cool calm collective, exactly as their counter part cheaters[R18.3] in Roman Catholic priests[R18.4]. Since they know nothing about Gateway-to-Oneness Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, far from Equanimity qualified by Gotama for a Right Transcendental #Awareness, completely ignorant about Gotama #Prajna division of the (modified / transcendental) Eightfold Path of Right Understanding Right Motivation, they not only turn Gotama (modified / transcendental) Eightfold Path upside-down [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] to self-ordain as Gotama gatekeepers but also put their Ignorance in Gotama mouth the Wrongly Claimed destruction of Ignorance in the 12 links of causes and effects at conditioned thought [ from the cessation of ignorance, volitional activities (Sankhara) cease; from the cessation of volitional activities, consciousness ceases, etc. - do vô minh diệt nên hành diệt; do hành diệt, nên thức diêt, v.v. ].
The claim (up to 2025) that the destruction of Ignorance is the destruction of Consciousness is totally ignorant of current scientific knowledge where everything is Consciousness which cannot be destroyed but transformed. See the relevance and importance of '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' at different depths of Transcendental Consciousness (Detachment, Tranquility, Equanimity, Purity), Cosmic Consciousness (Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness) and Unity (Sunyata Non-Thingness, Borderline between conditioned and unconditioned, Unmoving Sunyata) where most monks and nuns are completely ignorant at the present moment. These different depths of Higher Consciousness will be known by most people thanks to KhaiPhong technologies to ride on natural laws for heavy lifting.
HuiNeng qualified Budh Counselor as the one exploring Buddhist Teaching from outside-the-box that he called Self Nature[R5], which is the 'Ultimate (Wider) #Truth' according to Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D38], [D48], the Perfected Nature (Parinispanna) according to Asanga Consciousness-Only[D39], the Consciousness of Self consciousness according to Dharmapala-XuanZang (HsuanTsang) theoretical model[D19], 'the kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21] from Jesus, the end of Suffering Dukkha (momentary Nirvana) from Gotama, the 'Nameless' from Lao Tzu. The bottom line is that one is not qualified as a Budh Counselor - according to HuiNeng - if one does not have direct contact with Transcendental Consciousness at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna, far from Cosmic Consciousness and Unity. Please challenge all claimed Buddhist teachers their qualifications proven in the Four-Fold Noble #Truth having the Eight-Fold Path as its process which must be fact-based epistemic objective, measurable, testable and reproducible.
The 'focused' in MahaSatipatthana Sutta[D25] does not definitely mean 'concentration' commonly known as Buddhist Samatha[D24] / Vipassana[D25] and taught by Buddhist cheating Sanghas in all sects and all countries, and/or using one addicted thought plus faith such as the name of Amitabha or others (Jesus, Maria, Allah) to momentarily dull the mind without recognising its fanatic outlet as divisional religious and hatred wars, and/or unconsciously using the toy of calming beads indoctrinated by all organised religions. Using the release of this "KhaiPhong Book as the base, one - as a #Truth seeker, a scientist - can challenge all of them (Amitabha and/or any claimed Buddhas such as Gotama, God and his son of God such as Jesus, Allah and all prophets / intelligent beings the Know-How of Self-Selfless, Nothingness and Then What of their utilities in the meaning of Living & Being) since all manifestations (visible or invisible) are conditioned and changing at Planck tine; there is an engineering optimal condition to make the manifestations happened according to Underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Those who use the calming beads need to do something with their realities which are boiling inside for a faked mask outside. If you are a Buddhist monk - using the calming beads as seen in the entire history of Mahayana - see your Reality that you even do not have some honesty as the infinite thought Bodhisattva in Saddharma-pundarika asking for help from Avalokiteshvara but cheated[D49] by the claimed Bodhisattva.
The Wrong Focus is due to the lack of natural and effortless Transcendental Inner Peace from HonNhien. A conflicting consciousness (darkness) cannot take one out of the mess of innumerable conflicts (darkness), chaotically spinning within one's conflicting box life-after-life. Please see the relevance of HuiNeng's three Nots [ "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ" ] as the first step of the Observer (self) and the Observed via Wu-Nien and Detachment which is Now More Practical with Vietnamese KienTanh to scientifically and rationally see one's Value in its contribution to the Responsible Creation where all qualified Latin humanitas are parts to clean up unworthy exoteric and estoteric hallucinated dictators (cheating - stealing - bullying criminals) using their degenerated cunning intelligence based on Greed and Fears far from Detachment, Tranquility, Equanimity and Purity to learn their own meaning of degeneration without Knowing WHY questioned by this writer to Avalokiteshvara in a semi-public meeting early 2000 Calgary Canada, being naturally reduced to animals and below according to underlying natural laws[D32] such as the claimed Amitabha Buddha, Phật Hồ Chí Minh, TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng, most of the top Vietnamese communist elites from 1945 - 2025, Avalokiteshvara and the total collapse of feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods, etc, perfectly evidenced in the video content. Personal glorification of cunning criminals - immorally and unjustly taking unchecked dictator - rendering that persona degenerated without Knowing WHY due to against underlying natural laws. The re-election of US President Donald Trump with his tracked records put every persona on equal footing of fallible Intelligent Being and fair opportunities to do something on behalf of the people having visible tracked records at the bottom-line of Then What, forcing all isms and religions delivering their True Value of Services. It has been actually happened from the creation of international Communist movement, engineered by the past Illuminati Elites who are NOW painting another picture whose falseness is easily seen since 2012 due to (1) the degeneration of the "Illuminati" forces as evidenced from Paris 2024 Olympics protested by part of its own dominant Roman Catholic Church from the past 2000+ years of its history and (2) the Awakening of Good Forces pioneered by KhaiPhong since 1970 in its search for the meaning of Living & Being evidenced in this Free Book.
In that #Awareness of [ simultaneously arising signals from the body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities ] of Gotama Right Transcendental #Awareness, there is a foundation of 'Detachment - Putting Away' which is the first required attribute of Right Transcendental Inner Peace. The driving force naturally generating 'Detachment' is ComPassion which can be cultivated as a Good (kindness) Person (Samaritan): [ Kindness >< Empathy >< Signature ]. It is part of the Consciousmness from the high above [ ComPassion >< HonNhien >< #Prajna ] (Table 1.1). Without the foundation of 'Detachment (Vô Trụ)' and '#Awareness Beyond clinging Thought (Vô Tướng)' at the Observed which implies No-Mark (Vô Vết) once the action is completed, there is No Transcendental #Awareness. The scientifically cultivable and achievable attributes on the [ Y X F ] dimensions of a containerized consciousness from humanity upward can transcend the Observed and Observer to see Thing-As-It-Is at the Signed Post Selfless toward the Signed Post Non-Thingness for Reborn and Rejuvenation in this present existence as honestly recorded from Gotama and Personally KNOWN by current living students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle (reincarnations of Bodhidharma and HuiNeng of [ China Chan / Japanese Zen / Vietnamese Thiền ] traditions who have contributed to the base of this Free KhaiPhong Book) since 1997.
It is the Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) if and only if Transcendental #Awareness is the State of accumulated Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace, not as the outcome of concentration forcing the mind staying within a narrow scope of one's imagination. Right from the beginning, concentration is Not 'Detachment', hence not part of the Right Transcendental #Awareness. Detachment also qualifies Transcendental-Inner-Peace as Gotama Right #Samadhi (recorded nine Jhanas), not the Wrong (addicted) Inner Peace such as Tantra Highest Penetration, or Jesus addicted 'Faith that moves the mountain'[Mathew 17:20] which has driven billion lives deep into an Abyss of Sufferings life-after-life.
In the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace as explained by Gotama, the third Equanimity is explicitly called by noble ones the 'dwelling in equanimity, mindfulness[D29], ...'. Hence, Right Transcendental #Awareness of Detachment (Vô Trụ) and Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien (Vô Tướng) takes this Equanimity as its base according to Gotama, and Purity according to our cultivable definition consistent with 'Beyond Thought', utterly silent to be ready for 'No Thought' in Cosmic Consciousness (Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness), plus Unity from Sunyata. This is the essence of "Equanimity Communities" inspired by their front-line soldiers to make happened for themselves and the world, enabling the Dignity of Human Beings protected by Human Rights such as Freedom a Reality of Living & Being from humanity upward in their Continuity of the consciousness.
'Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' is beyond the Tranquility gateway to Oneness. This Right Transcendental #Awareness is measurable via observable traits pointing from smart pointer such as #EmptyTheContent - an outcome of Gotama's Right #Samadhi - ranging from Indoctrinated of the Veiled Rights and Wrongs to #Truth seekers having Detachment for seeing Thing-As-It-Is outside the engaged battles from all intelligent living Beings at humanity upward. It is an integrating factor to help one (1) having Right Effort in engaged Living, and (2) gradually loosening the grips of binding Word/Image and clinging Thought with some Clarity in seeing 'Thing-As-It-Is' of the Right evolution. Using custom Generative AI assistant, one knows more about oneself. With visible fact-based outcomes of all Activities and Relationships at all Places, one can clean up negative attributes according to Vietnamese KienTanh to self-assure one's evolution (làm người tử tế) from humanity upward as well as cultivate What Count. That is scientifically cultivable #Prajna via dynamic engineering feed forward and backward in measurable states and stock along the [ Y X F ] dimensions of one's containerized consciousness. The process is uniquely and currently available only in human realm having available armies of PhD and post-graduate researchers in all relevant domains and fields to start a new Era of Conscious Living Then Export to other Realms on the Fair Trade table to prevent the past Failure of the "Too Big to Fail happened to many past civilizations".
3.2 Lang Mai
This writer has been softly explained since 2007 via email what being WRONG in Buddhism with the well known Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh - back by the writer personal effort since 1978 as a founding member of Vietnamese Buddhist Pagoda / Chùa Bát Nhã in Calgary Canada - then to Vietnam Buddhist Research Institute (Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam). Finally, the dignity of a human humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Prajna) forces him to publicly expose and challenge a typical formal video of International Buddhist Sanghas and their meditation instructions from a claimed master monk starting at minute 0:36 { ngồi thẳng lưng mắt khép lại để tâm vắng lặng không suy nghĩ - force him to describe his personal experiences in this scientific process and Then What in the meditation session and in engaged living } once you actually know states of Gotama's Jhanas deliverable by KhaiPhong to the mass just like you know the bottom line of the monk we hoped (or dreamed on) helping to clean up Buddhist Sanghas from inside. Does the 'upside-down of Buddhist cheating Sanghas' means thousands years of Buddhist texts on the Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm), Clarity and Insight rendered obsolete? Absolutely Not. On the contrary, they are available necessary tools when you scientifically look at What Claimed from Gotama and turns 180o toward the Detachment / Vô Trụ away from binding words and clinging thoughts of 'Buddhist Ethical Codes', a body of "by-laws" designed for those who cannot have Right Understanding and Right Motivation for an Inside Order to keep a decent Outside Order. It is far from Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / Chinese Wu-Nien / Western "Samaritan" rationally knowing one is more than the physical and mental make-ups in the kingdom of bullying animals and below and having Value of the values driven by Morality and Justice for a new Sudden Awaken then Awakening in one's Right Continuity of the consciousness mathematically presented in positive complex Fibonacci evolution.
Be Truthful to yourself and At Home. This is mathematically modeled as positive direction of [ Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ]. To help the Buddhist communities of monks and nuns cleaning up their own mess at the most fundamental level, especially in the claimed "Enlighten Monk" via the Mindfulness of Breathing, the claimed Phật Hoàng Trần Nhân Tông painted by the Vietnamese communist mafias up to 2023-12-29 (the video was deleted), rotten to the core in hallucinated binding Word/Image and clinging Thought as Pavlov dogs, reincarnation of Xyz, and the Highest Masters in Vajrayana, let's takes the case of Thich Nhat Hanh, having 70+ years of annual retreat according to the Sangha's Ethical Codes.
Having known Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva esoteric channel since 2000 in Calgary Canada, and being close to a friend esoterically asked to help degenerated beings the right evolution in tune with underlying natural laws, the writer personally witnessed the realities of many Illuminati Elites and all past Vietnamese communist leaders degenerated to the levels of animals and below, evident in the surrounding crimes related to bé Vân An up to 2022 (the video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias). He MUST SHARE this knowledge with the world since being a qualified person is not easy due to innumerable mistakes in trials-and-errors. The present life is only one dot in a very long stream of one's Continuity of the consciousness. One must be an Accountable creator in a part of the Responsible Creation, impersonally regulated by Invisible Hands of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. To see Value of the values and concretely demonstrate the 'Beyond-Thought' that you can effortlessly know as in the experiment about the Buddha Nature, while thousands years of Buddhist cheating Sangha boosting on the 'Wu-Nien' they do not know nor have[R5], [R5.1], [R5.2], followings are the claimed Buddhist doctrines from a world renown claimed Buddhist meditation master and monk specialising in Right Mindfulness[D25] and Breathing[D24] that any Buddhist - qualified by Gotama as the one having Right Effort to be a Good Person (Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood) in exploring Who One Is and the Essence of the Right Living - can detect their contradictions with what Gotama had actually discovered as recorded in Buddhist Texts.
Without scientific process from Vietnamese KienTanh at theoretical deductions and empirical verifications, ignorant and boosting monks - together with both esoteric and human impostors and saboteurs - have corrupted the Budh Dharma at the time of Gotama[D45] and HuiNeng (Shen-Hui in page 119[R5.1]), rendering the true Dharma ineffective in generating Higher Consciousness Evolution. With verifiable Dharma beneficial to practical living, impostors and saboteurs are effortlessly weeded out, just like a light will dispel thousands years of darkness running up to 2025. Until verifiable scientific facts are established that we hope you can be a part in your daily Right Effort, they are the challenges for all legitimate monks and nuns to clean it up in their dedicated profession and life style. Here they are:
- The Third Truth can be viewed as the 'Bliss Truth - Plum Village 17th of 40 Axioms' (Diệu đế thứ ba có thể được gọi là Lạc đế - Làng Mai).
This indicates that the monk knows nothing about the core essence of 'Verifiable Emptiness' contributed by Nagarjuna Madhyamaka as Insight into the Emptiness[D26], totally ignorant about 'Detachment' first state of Samma-Samadhi[D29], far away from the 'Tranquility' Gateway to Oneness, knowing nothing about 'Equanimity' qualified by Gotama as the base of 'Transcendental #Awareness'[D29] - Chánh Niệm - that the monk has been making a living on, and definitely not the 'Purity' of utter Silence in Gotama fourth stage where 'Transcendental-Inner-Peace' from the first stage is completely dissolved in "Transcending the Observed" of Verifiable Emptiness[R1].
The 'Mindfulness' he is talking about is the hallucination of the conditioned thought within the box of indoctrinated monk, falsely claimed as a Buddhist teacher of what he does not know nor have which is Beyond-Thought (Wu-Nien) at the observed, No-Mark on one's Substance once the action completed, Detachment as one's basis for the manifestation of Right Transcendental #Awareness that he knows nothing about. Where is the 'Verifiable Emptiness' which is '#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness' in his entire 30+ years of selling what he does not know nor have? He is not even qualified as a Buddhist by Gotama defined as a Good Person having Right (truthful) Speech, Righteous (not cunning) Action and Right Livelihood (not cheating others for a living), and far from Budh Counselor qualified by HuiNeng having fragrance of Transcendental Inner Peace and 100% unworthy for a minimum [ conscience / lương tri ] of Right and Wrong naturally qualified as a person!
This case study is a hard evidence to show the monk's 70+ years of his Sangha annual retreats according to the Codes of Vinaya for the monk's life style are only peripheries that may help - according that particular life style - the promotion of Gotama's ethical codes, Not the Virtue at its Core. It is the Virtue in the modified Eightfold Path of being a Good Person that Count[R23]. The Path Virtue is the foundation - driven by "Right Understanding, Right Motivation / Chính kiến, Chính tư duy" of #Prajna division innate in everyone's Buddha Nature - for the stability division of Right Effort, Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samma-Samadhi) that will deepen the #Prajna as asserted by HuiNeng self realisation of #SamadhiPrajna which most monks/nuns do not know or have. He just imitates the evil Roman Catholic counter parts to self-ordain as a gate keeper of what the 'cheating blind' does not See, nor Know, nor Has as actually happened in all organised religions, driving billion lives where they are parts into an Abyss of unnecessary Sufferings in the past dark thousands years of Humanity.
'Bliss and Emptiness' have been used by Buddhist monks who know nothing about 'Bliss' nor 'Verifiable Emptiness'[D26] due to the suppression of sex and/or yearning for but holding back wearing the mask of a religious leader, or addicted to sex wearing the mask of a religious leader in Vajrayana and Tantra[R13.1], [R15], [R14] who know the gross sexual Bliss known by most men and women but most do not know nor have Detachment Right Transcendental Inner Peace - Samma-Samadhi as rigorously defined by Gotama - directly known by all Good (kindness) Persons (Samaritans).
By this time 2025, most do not know the 'Verifiable Emptiness'[D26] and Gotama Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion[D20] which is observable and achievable in its manifested form of the Consciousness Seals (Table 1.1): Impermanence (Anica - Vô Thường) and Not-Self (Emptiness - Vô Ngã) by Gotama - No-Mark (Vô Vết) once the action completed and Detachment (Vô Trụ) as one's basis by HuiNeng; Compassion leading to Detachment (Vô Trụ) and HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) by AwakeningBudh.
- Messing up the Fourfold #Truth with mathematical ignorance (40 Axioms!) of high school mathematical concept (axiom, postulate and theorem) to boost 'The Pure Land of the Present Moment' of what the monk does not know nor have. In reality, he has boiling Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts in wearing the mask from cunning intelligence of an enlighten master like many other 'cool-calm' priests, destroying their lives and the lives of others surrounding them.
In contrasting his understanding of the Buddhist Sutras at word level versus the current expositions in 50+ years of another well-known Buddhist monk Chin Kung[R5.4] (Tịnh Không) advocating Amitabha-Amitayus Pure Land, one can see his understanding is far below the later who has had 1000's years of being Buddhist cheating monk at Word Level[R5.3]. Similarly, we have pointed out since 2007 "Thing-As-It-Is" at the logical level of Dependent Nature of existence where tainted senses are parts of the realities to (1) debunk 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes in all forms of meditations at conceptual levels in Buddhist tautologies, and (2) illustrate the cultivable scientific processes of reclaiming innate "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Human Humanitas" of Higher Consciousness in the Right Understanding of Enlightenment and AwakeningBudh for the manifestation of #Prajna according to "Thing-As-It-Is", totally unknown by most monks / nuns / followers typified in "a persistent professional cheater Thích Viên Minh" up to 2020 changing his claimed teaching from [ "Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ" (the evident video was deleted) ] to Not Doing Anything of the Ignorant Tao due to the Dependent Nature of existence, completely ignorant of "Gotma's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness / Krishnamurti's Blank Mind / KhaiPhong's states and stock of #Prajna".
Similar to Thich Nhat Hanh that we let qualified Budh Counsellors nailing him down by delivering to the world Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness and HuiNeng's Wu-Nien, We squarely say Thích Viên Minh is a "cheating monk" based on his tracked records that he has not passed even the Gateway-to-Oneness, knowing nothing about Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }. Nevertheless, we open the door for him to publicly demonstrate his actual know-how beyond what Gotama, Jesus, Krishnamurti, HuiNeng glimpses of the manifested #Prajna at the third and fourth levels as actually known by KhaiPhong students. They are slaved to the signals of their senses on the duality plane of conflicting events as Buddhist monks, repeating at word / image levels the Truth discovered by Gotama and others without any honesty to their Realities of boiling Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts and/or totally confused philosophers, a typical hallucination in all claimed religious leaders of all organised religions, typified by popes and catholic priests in entire history of the 'bloody' Roman Catholic Church driving billion lives into an Abyss of unnecessary Sufferings.
This is a very subtle part in the Science of Consciousness required to make it perfectly Clear that unless one is Aware of the Issue (that one does not Know), there cannot be any change and the mark stays in one's substance life-after-life. All claimed religious leaders Do Not Know their Realities and Actualities - who they are - that is why they continue to mess up their lives and the lives of others. It is a technique used in the evil Roman Catholic Church to keep all faithfuls happy to be Pavlov's Dogs and the priests to be fanatics in Ignorance veiled by thoughts and descriptions which are Not actuality in living and the described, willing to be Martyrs for the Faith[R17.1] life-after-life until they can personally learn the lesson.
One can be 'virtuous' in a narrow sense due to fear, but No Real Change[R17]. That is why the 'Virtue' advocated and repeated in Buddhist cheating Sanghas - up to 2025 - with their invented rituals and disciplines is different from Gotoma's Virtue in the modified Eightfold Path. If you are a legitimate Buddhist monk/nun, please use your Buddha Nature to challenge this statement to understand why you continue to turn Gotama's process/method in the modified Eightfold Path [ #Prajna - Virtue - Stability ] upside down in your [ Ethical Codes > Concentration > Prajna ] with elaborate rituals and disciplines via inner-conflict-outer-conflict concentration that you have messed up your Virtue, being 'Shaky' inside - Yes, do not wear the mask of what you are Not - having no '#Prajna / Conscience'. Alternatively, 100% useless of Not Doing Anything due to Dependent Nature of existence of the Ignorant [ Dharma / Tao ]. Yes, the water flow by itself, but knowing the underlying natural laws you can "use and manage the water" according to Thing-As-It-Is, Making Life Easier and Happier to know more about Your Raison D'être of existence. Where is the "Buddhist #Prajna" - outside the box of seeing Thing-As-It-Is - unable to practically deliver #Prajna Dialectic in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas up until 2025? The outcome is "being dragged into slaves" by Communist ideology in China and Vietnam using scientific Hegelian Dialectic to falsely advertise "Ignorance Awaken are not different / Mê ngộ bất dị (Mê lầm, giác ngộ không khác nhau)" to equalise (1) the ignorance of causing millions deaths in ideological war and (2) the enlightenment of turning the Dharma Wheel by Dr. Thích Thanh Quyết ( Head of a Vietnamese Buddhist Institute / đại biểu của Quốc hội, viện trưởng một học viện Phật giáo) about “Phật Pháp và Dân Tộc / Dharma and Nationality” at Vesak 2019. Now Hồ Chí Minh is officially elevated to the level of a Buddha from minute 3:25 2024--06-28 / VÌ SAO VIỆT NAM ĐƯỢC CHỌN LÀM TRUNG ƯƠNG LẬP THÁNH ĐỨC ? by the degenerated Amitabha Buddha who as well as other claimed Buddhas - including Buddha Gotama - have been mostly degenerated by underlying Natural Laws to the level of animals and below (Except Gotama to clear the states of Nirvana and Pari-Nirvana) to be regulated in restricted physical forms for Learning the Right Way of Living & Being.
Let's inject a scientific proof known by KhaiPhong students to be statistically verified at Gotama's [ Equanimity or Minimum Qualified Transcendental #Awareness] and Purity Signed Posts. Due to the process of natural purification in Higher Consciousness, the stability at Gotama's Equanimity level (positively affected by the environment of Equanimity Communities upgradable from Tranquility Community) will naturally loosen the binding force of indoctrinated Word/Image - authority figure - observable by you and others in your actions / reactions. If you know Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } and still bounded by Word/Image and Authority Figure, you can speed up the cultivation process by consciously and rationally investigating and cultivating Gotama's actual discoveries presented in six Signed Posts that we have publicly cleared up quite a bit since 2007. Therefore, using [ "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Jesus's Kingdom of God within / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Krishnamurti Blank Mind / Latin Humanitas / KhaiPhong #Awareness / States of #Prajna" ] at the minimum deliverable levels to the mass (at 1% to 8% of the community), millions deaths in ideological wars happened in the past Vietnamese internal conflicts, and/or faked news at Word level such as "Redeemer / Infallibility / Inclusive Capitalism / Inclusive Globalization / Crusade / Jihad" can be avoided and/or eliminated in human conscious living. At the stability of Gotama's Purity, the clinging force of thought (in hearing the church bell, temple drum, call for praying time) or any attached pattern at different depths of the tainted marks in the past is naturally dissolved. This is the "Then What bottom-line of Transcending the Observed" achievable from humanity upward.
The three targets in Higher Conscious Living we have been working in the past 50+ years will be "Visible": (1) conflicting forces of all religions will be effortlessly dissolved - established organised religion must deliver real benefits or get out of the way, (2) democratic processes - no dictatorship and/or the rightly appointed "Son of God / Royal Monarchy" - in outside orders of enforceable laws and international agreements (Rule-of-Law) are the norm, (3) consciousness technologies at verifiable seven levels will be widening and deepening via Direct Participation in Supply&Change Management in all applicable domains of fields in "Making Life Easier and Happier". At the more detailed and specialised case studies, there are wide ranges of bordered lines between naturally relaxations of { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } and the "prison without bars in the invisible cages of conflicting events on the duality plane", as well as the bordered lines at different levels of [ "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Jesus's Kingdom of God within / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Krishnamurti Blank Mind / Latin Humanitas / KhaiPhong #Awareness / States of #Prajna" ]. Here are the green fields in the science of consciousness - applicable to current Think Tanks of all relevant important fields and domains - to direct all activities and relationships in using technologies toward a direction of What Count 100% driven by "Invisible Hands of #Prajna and Economics".
Alternatively, if you are a claimed meditation master, Buddhist monk / nun / explorer from any tradition thinking you actually know [ "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness capable to obstruct and restrict karmic flows[D22] / Jesus's Kingdom of God within / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Krishnamurti Blank Mind / KhaiPhong Scientifically Cultivable #Awareness" ] beyond what Gotama, Jesus, Krishnamurti, HuiNeng glimpses of the manifested #Prajna at the third and fourth levels as actually known by KhaiPhong students, please reverse engineering the optimal conditions leading you to the quality that has been messed up by other Buddhist [ monks / nuns / followers / believers / sympathisers ] in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes. Do not "Steal the word #Prajna" and perpetuate your cheating process of being "Teachers of #Prajna / The Prajna Upadesa Foundation" of what you do not know nor have in 2500+ years of sabotaging Gotama's discoveries. Only in engaged living, the quality of your #Prajna in seeing Thing-As-It-Is in Doing or Not Doing can be indirectly measured. Ask yourself the realities of your Thing-As-It-is in your innate Quality of the Consciousness, and of 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes of Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. By specifying and actually delivering minimum qualification in the new Era of Conscious Living at verifiable different depths to reclaim your innate [ "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" ], verifiable in actual knowing of [ "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Jesus's Kingdom of God within / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Krishnamurti Blank Mind / KhaiPhong States and stock of #Prajna" ], we force all religions and isms - where you are a part - to deliver the same target of "Innate Human Quality" or get out of the way in your many 1000+ years of cheating processes driven by Greed and Fears, rather than Beyond in Higher Consciousness.
The #Awareness of 'not knowing and/or being slaved' is the light. Only the light that can start to dispel thousands years of darkness. Yet, even with a little light, one may be more tempted to the darkness due to habits and the commandments of marks engraved in stone if one does not have Right Transcendental #AwarenessPrajna as advised by Gotama in his answer to Ajita's Questions[D22]. Just look inside to see if you have any unbearable marks - such as sexual desire, greed, anger and ignorance - on your substance with innumerable 'Pushes' and 'Pulled' of unworthy driving forces. Can one be aware of one's Issues and do something about it in one's Continuity of the Consciousness? We say "Yes".
If we take Axiom such as Newton's third law Action-Reaction as something without required proof so some logical proof can be deducted to discover underlying natural laws such as Gravity, then the Only Axiom Gotama used is 'Living'. If the axiom is not applicable - such as a stone - or proved to be either theoretically / empirically wrong then all deductions will be void. From that 'Living' axiom where no proof is required, Gotama logically showed its Corollary 'Innate Budh' or 'Buddha Nature' - an ability of the living organism to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to its present moment. Buddha Nature is the 'Sine Qua Non' of Living, especially from humanity upward since that [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ] can be outside perpendicular to the duality plane of existence to see "Thing-As-It-Is" and one's strategic position to change focused event toward What Count. From there he showed the Fourfold Truth as theorem if you just base on logical deduction (of maths). KhaiPhong IPR (Intellectual Property Right) to be formally claimed has esoteric suggestions and contributions from The Rosicrucian Order and on 2023-12-28 from Isaac Newton, Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi to be the first time beyond symbolism and Idealism of belief to integrate the Eastern contributions [ of (1) three Vedic Gunas / Forces at the quantum level of Dependent Nature, (2) the Transcendental Inner Peace of Self-Selfless Actualization from Gotama, (3) The Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm from HuiNeng ] and Western modern [ STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) via Cognitive AI Agent of Personal Assistant ] to actually deliver visible outcomes thanks to discovered underlying natural laws in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness at Higher Level of "Harmonious Melting Pot" driven by "Invisible Hand of Economics" for Efficiency and directed by "Invisible Hand of Scientitically Cultivable #Prajna" toward What Count for the benefits of one and the Whole.
Gotama first part of the four-fold #Truth is more than a theorem into a 'Thing As It Is' or 'Onto, the being that is', proven as scientific fact of observable and testable - known by any normal sane person - called dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha (Table 1) which is the observable nature of existence of all manifestations, endorsed by generation of Entropy from the second law of Thermodynamics. It has been the Suffering (Dukkha) Dukkha driving Gotama's Inner Quest for the Solution of Worthy Existence to arrive at Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha - partially touched by Bodhidharma[D35] - driven by #Prajna for a Right Effort. His Discoveries for a Right Living / Effort are summarised in the Fourfold #Truth, and the momentary "end of dukkha"[D44] called Nirvana whose practical outcome is the Natural Purification of the senses to live according to 'Thing-As-It-Is'. Dukkha introduces both the positive and the normative sides of 'Thing-As-It-Is' natural phenomena.
The positive side concerns the description and explanation of natural phenomena of living. The normative side is there due to the evolution of the consciousness embedded in the 'Buddha Nature'. On the Positive side, Gotama logically proved the cause of Dukkha which is 'Ignorance' (Table 2) - not seeing Thing As It Is - driving the Volition / Freewill / Sankhara and the process of consciousness in creating Mind-Matter and the quality of existence heading toward Sufferings. That is the second part of the #Truth.
At the Normative side, Gotama - unfortunately - did not explicitly prove the process of the Third part of the #Truth but made an assertion on the cessation of all the unsatisfactory experiences and their causes
“in such a way that they can no longer occur again. The deleted part is the ignorance of most Buddhist monks / nuns - totally inside the conditioned darkness of viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha without recognizing the 'Light - #Prajna' embedded in one's Buddha Nature for the Normative decision of the Right and the Unworthy, boosting under the mask of religious leaders of what they do not know nor have, totally ignorant on the States and Stock of their own streams of consciousness.The Proof of the Third part of the #Truth demands both positive and normative (personally verifiable) proven processes relevant to the beginning Axiom of Intelligent Living.
At the positive side, Gotama indirectly explored the Proven Process and called 'Not-Self' right in the second discourse[D20.1], together with the Fourfold Truth of the First discourse to kick-start the Wheel of Buddhist Dharma. He further explored that proven process of 'Not-Self' with the Discourse on the Accomplishment of Wise Attention[D28] and Discourses on Emptiness[D26].
Unfortunately, the actuality of Not-Self which is beyond the duality of thought whose owner is the "self" to "Transcend the Observed" is Not part of the solution in his Eightfold Path to practically solve the Identified Issue Dukkha. The modified Eightfold Path must explicitly include the Transcendental States at different depths by replacing Right Mindfulness with Transcendental #Awareness type. These discourses use thought to describe the actual Living States of Beyond Thought; his description is Not the described of his actual states "[ Transcendental #Awareness as the target / Kiến Tánh làm tông / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy ]". For example how can you have a "Wise Intensity of Attention" if you cannot even sense the sources of your thought coming from signals of the senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) or from external esoteric force as in the case of President Putin that he may reveal at the right time in the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war. That sensing - or the internal condition for the modified Eightfold Path - has nothing to do with nor based on solitude (viveka, nissita) as wrongly interpreted by Buddhist cheating Sanghas trying to sell what they do not know nor have which is - by definition - a cheater (scam artist) or unworthy if your action intentionally hurt many for your "wrong" benefits. Similarly, the western "Freewill" in scientifically responding to the imposed "Only Faith" from their bloody culture is recently proven "Not Free at all" due to signals from tainted senses and/or the inability to detect the driving source of your thought!
There is a "Natural Purification" discovered by Gotama 2500+ years ago, but messed up by ignorant monks and his cheating Sanghas, esoterically corrupted by a dark force right from Gotama's living time. It is rather based on the foundation of being a Good Person - Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood - in Kindness and Compassion. In fact, wise attention - called Beyond Thought at the observed or Wu-Nien by HuiNeng, or Intensity of Attention by Krishnamurti, or down to the root of reality As It Is - can only be cultivated in daily living regardless of who one is and what life style one currently prefers to know more about oneself at the bottom-line of one's "Effort". This is Why "Equanimity Communities" provide optimal conditions for the manifestations of Transcendental #Awareness peggged by Gotama the required bottom level of his "mindfulness" of his #AwarenessPrajna[D22], [D29]. It is also the target of KhaiPhong GsLp (Global Services Local Presences) ThankYou HOC (Home Office Clubs).
Except few who have consistently been students in the AwakeningBudh (such as Krishnamurti, Asanga, Ajnata Kaundinya - the first recognized monk in Gotama's Buddhist Sangha - which you can trace out the same Inner Quest of What Change and What Un-change to see the signature of that stream of consciousness), most scholastic and claimed 'realizations' of Buddhist monks and enlighten masters are at conditioned thought, within-the-box of their doctrinal thinking to wear the masks of religious leaders trying to sell what they do not know nor have. The description from Gotama is Not the described of what he actually knows. Similarly, the description of Emptiness is not the described Empty State for Rejuvenation and naturally reborn or Transcendental Inner Peace. The issue is even Much Deeper to actually demonstrate the bottom-line in the Wrong Targets of being the gate keepers in the entire history of 2500+ years of the Buddhist cheating Sanghas. That Issue is to know the 'Right' in all components of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path, namely the importance and difference in knowing the driving source of thought and the state of being for an execution of Gotama's 'Right'. If you are a Buddhist monk / nun, see your reality if you know the driving force of your thought and the state of your being.
At the normative side, Gotama personally testified the underlying part in his description of nine (9) stages Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi) and personally verified with his Actual Experience, fully demonstrated the volition driving force in Actual Living of his over 45 years of spreading the Dharma. All Buddhists - monks, nuns, or those inspired by his discoveries - must personally verify and/or partially demonstrate that Gotama is not cheating humanity of what he did not know in his answer to Ajita's questions[D22] as done by most of his monks and by all organised religions up until 2025.
Gotama's positive proof via 'Not-Self' is called the Third Seal of Budh Dharma, to be further deepening and widening from the original touch of 'Emptiness' into a logical system of 'Middle Way' embracing both the Conventional #Truth and the Ultimate (Wider) #Truth in Nagarjuna Madhyamaka. Gotama positive exploration about the Wise Attention was supplemented by Consciousness-Only[D39] of Imaginary Nature, Dependent Nature, and the role of Perfected Nature, transmitted via Asanga to make a distinction between the wise and unwise attention.
In this process of Attention, there is both the aspects of protected 'Self' in the Dependent Nature of existence, and the 'Not-Self' in the wider perspective from the 'Perfected Nature' which infuses its 'outside-the-box' of 'Thing As It Is' natural purification due to Right Transcendental Inner Peace to loosen the Grips (disentangle) of Grasp-er and the Grasped (of entanglements - forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness) from the senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) to enable one staying away from the Imaginary Nature being closer to the dynamic Dependent Nature of Thing As It Is.
Hence the distinction between the wise (Right Effort) and unwise attention (Wrong Effort) is the positive aspect of 'Thing As It Is' according to the Dependent Nature, not to be pulled and pushed by the distorted Imaginary Nature in the entanglements of the senses. It is also the Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] between "Chỉ sai hữu niệm quên vô niệm - Wrongly grasp a conditioned thought and miss the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict". From the positive aspect - having no judgement of Good or Bad or "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" - there is an appropriate Right Effort in the wider perspective of the 'Perfected Nature' where not myopic self is present in One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One.
Thanks to modern Artificial Intelligence, the normative "Effort" of all important activities can be measurable and dynamically adjusted based on hard facts of [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ] from the Social Graph of Values and Relationships to augment discovered technologies in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong. The Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict between 'self' and 'not-self' of Consciousness-Only has been far beyond all Buddhist scholars and actual realisations in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, up to this beginning of the new cycle (24 December 2012). There were bitter conflicts and debates between the two most significant platforms - deepening the positive aspects of Gotama's explorations in the Third part of the #Truth via Emptiness[D26] and Wise Attention[D28].
All Mahayana texts coming from esoteric sources need to be scientifically investigated at both the theoretical and empirical levels since we do know top leaders of the third esoteric dark force such as Amitayus Buddha, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva stole the words of descriptions from others in their higher realms to falsely paint the pictures that they do not know since they have not delivered any actuality and/or real benefit, similar to boosting monks in their master-slave relationships, contrary to Gotama's Right Relationships. All legitimate monks / nuns must deliver real benefits for them and others to contrast the differences between Gotama's contributions to Humanity versus sabotaged claimed rituals[R14] if they do not want to be parts of international cheating clubs of the pre-2012 organised religions.
The chasm within Buddhist two major platforms trying to understand what Gotama has discovered in his 'Emptiness' and 'Wise Attention' was further 'veiled to sabotage' the Impact of Gotama's Discoveries - namely #Awareness and Right Relationships - by an esoteric force trying to divert the Right Relationships back to Masters-Slaves relationships using the overwhelming mystic powers and pieces of #Truth picked up by others in their middle realms to pre-empt (before the emperor Constantine) the move of other opposing force in full controlling power (from middle realms via the King of Gods) as we esoterically reveal in A Light out of Darkness to show wider perspective of Inter-Realms Dependent Nature.
- 'Nirvana is the absence of Ignorance, not the absence of senses, .. (03. Niết Bàn là sự vắng mặt của vô minh và phiền não mà không phải là sự vắng mặt của uẩn, xứ và giới)' - to be totally entangled in the senses especially the entanglements of the conditioned mind. All available senses (eye-ear-nose-tongue-body-mind) are conditioned and tainted with innumerable outdated marks (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulse, consciousness). A Conflicting Consciousness cannot see other Conflicting Consciousness As It Is and Is Suffering Dukkha due to Wrong Effort - not the end of dukkha[D44] or momentary Nirvana - according to Gotama. It is insulting for all Buddhist monks and nuns keeping silent for so long about this distortion on the fundamental discovery of Gotama while claiming to be the dedicated torch carriers of the Buddhist Dharma.
Static interpretation of Buddhist Sangha about Nirvana and its logical deduction Pari-Nirvana that they know Nothing About is illogical and contrary to scientific fact due to the generation of entropy in existence that All manifested things including Nirvana must have the beginning and the end. It is contradictory to viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha, and not in line with the fundamental foundation - Impermanence / Anica - of Budh Dharmas. Gotama's thesis concerns only with manifested Living in all realms of existence. The static claim of manifested Forever God, the One and Only Allah, the primordial Sambhogakaya (Enjoyment body) Buddha are non-scientific, just like the static Nirvana and Pari-Nirvana.
Momentary Nirvana is a scientific fact - a 'Thing As It Is' - and the "end of Dukkha"[D44] as discovered by Gotama, fully demonstrated using Gotama's words recorded in Buddhist texts. It is verifiable by three Vietnamese living students, and possibly many more due to discovered natural laws for heavy lifting. It is a Gift to Humanity in searching for 'Who One Is' and 'The Essence of the Right Living / Effort' in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. That precious gift has not been clearly exposed by Gotama or any monk in the past 2500+ years of stagnant Budh Dharma due to not being a 'Good Person' building the required foundation (Kindness and Empathy [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture manifested in NfP ThankYou Clubs from the Haves) for a wider perspective of Who One Is and the Essence of the Right Living / Effort via Right Transcendental #Awareness (or state of Prajna) and Right Transcendental Inner Peace (or required quality for accumulated stock of one's Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace in Sudden Awaken then Awakening). With current dedicated researches in agentic AI "From People By People and For People" together with living students actually knowing What Known by past dedicated explorers, we think Cognitive Science initially serving custom AI will be formally established for the new Era of human Harmony due to scientifically cultivable #Prajna.
Understanding of the claimed monk as shown above, similar to different understandings of most monks and claimed reincarnation[R13], [R14], [R5.3], [R13.1] of Xyz are based on their imaginations and have no relations whatsoever to Gotama's fundamental thesis about Living, its Sufferings due to ignorance, and its solution via the light of #Prajna, dynamically changing one's momentary state and stock of the quality of the Consciousness toward a right direction of No Conflict Inside - No Conflict Outside. Most monks/nuns do not know 'Verifiable Emptiness'[D26] nor momentary Nirvana. In that Change Dynamics driven by #Prajna, there is a momentary Unmoving state - "the end of Dukkha"[D44] - described by Gotama as 'cessation of perception and feeling'.
After that momentary state - short or long - relative existence Dukkha is kicked in. The key difference is the Natural Purification to purify the senses from their entanglements and the complex entanglements in different specialized regions of the physical brain via forms, feelings, perceptions, impulse, and consciousness to enable one have deeper Right Transcendental #Awareness to see Thing As it Is, Not being a slave to the senses as understood about Nirvana / PariNirvana of the claimed Buddhist master and enlighten monk.
The claimed enlighten monk knows nothing about this "Natural Purification" since he has not touched even the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict at Tranquility level", has the Right Transcendental #Awareness to see at the source of thought to properly manage his Reality with sufficient Clarity and Insight to use the senses as required tools in one's continuous process of Learning and Doing: Beyond Thought at the Observed, No-Mark on one's Substance once the action completed, Detachment as one's basis to enable the manifestation of Right Transcendental #Awareness (Table 1.1).
Knowing the source of thought - ability of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] rated at the fifth level already identified in 5 students (3 people from VietNam, 1 Chinese, 1 Caucasian) of KhaiPhong - is absolutely required to know more about oneself, riding on pieces of Truth discovered by other Explorers to deepen and widen the perspective of one's Worthy Existence as in the Quest of Gotama together with his proven Solution as a Gift to Humanity for further investigations, serving the practical benefits of One and the Whole. In this knowing more about oneself and the environment one a part, one can strategically choose the battle and the timing of the Right Effort in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. It is the hard-earned advice of a highly developed entity - the degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva - that 'One should be vigilant at each pulse of thought; a slightly wrong thought may lead to tremendous sufferings for one and many others'. Empirical evidences of this statement is the suffering realities in 5000+ years of Chinese Confucius and 2000+ years of innumerable lives in the conflicts between cheated Christians and hallucinated Muslims. Knowing at the source of thought, one shall be able to clearly see the driving force of the thought whether (1) the thoughts come from external force that President Putin may reveal as a lesson learned in visibly starting the Russian-Ukraine 2022 - 2025 conflict, (2) from inside due to tainted senses or from Prajna, (3) or from both. Knowing the source of thought, one will be able to (1) properly manage oneself, (2) carefully prepare required conditions to make Things Effortlessly Happened for one and the world, (3) provide a "breakthrough" at the Right Place and Right Time.
Only those having close encounter with the esoteric parts of Illuminati Elites - seeing the degeneration of many highly developed entities forced by natural laws to be animals and/or below for the nature to neutralise their "Intensity of Wrong Efforts" - can recognise the importance of Knowing more about oneself for a Right Effort in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Your beneficial reactions from her final advice will come back to her identified stream of consciousness according to natural law of Action-Reaction. The writer explicitly asks those present in the session when a student in our group asked the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva final advice and her "quoted advice on the impulse of each thought" after actual tears falling down that we use her hard-earned lesson learned in many thousands years of evolution as a precious gift to humanity. Our scientific technologies with Natural Purification[D27] will enable practitioners knowing the driving sources of one's thought to properly manage one's realities with Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22].
- Intentionally sabotaged the Buddhist Heart Sutra by changing the word 'Here Sariputtra' (Iha Sariputra) of 'Thing As It Is' in scientific facts into 'Listen here Sariputtra - Nghe đây Xá Lợi Tử' of the one who claims to know with complete ignorance on the differences between #Prajna, Sunyata and Verifiable Emptiness (or Not - Na). Force all shamelessly boosting monks and nuns to publicly expose what they know about these differences (#Prajna, Sunyata, Verifiable Emptiness), their practical benefits and possible implementations. Then make their positions as written records on the Internet Wall so when 1% - 8% of human population personally know the Gateway-to-Oneness - the Kingdom of God within - the whole world can know the Naked Truth of the cheaters.
The monk turns scientific facts of Budh Dharma into a hallucinated Utopia where he is the head of the gate keepers. We logically prove that realisation of the "tested" Heart Sutra[R2] as scientific fact is the necessary and sufficient condition for the realisation of the 'Right' in all components of the Eightfold Path. Test all Buddhist monks and nuns the role of "Right Understanding" and "Right Motivation" from #Prajna division in cultivating the Noble Path and How the modified Eightfold Path can solve the Issue of Dukkha, identified in the Fourfold #Truth which must be fact-based epistemic objective that even Gotama had defects in his suggested solution due to (1) Not Yet Knowing the Dependent Nature of layered No-Conflict Consciousness which is now mathematically modeled as positive or negative Fibonacci evolution or degeneration, and (2) Not fully explored the Dependent Nature at quantum level of the Three Vedic Gunas (Forces) to actually see all manifestations must be changed at Planck time known by human STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math). How can they claim being Buddhist teachers when they do not know the Fourfold #Truth and the modified Eightfold Path. Hope you can see the dynamic nature of a Right Living / Effort in your continuous Learning and Doing in your Continuity of the Consciousness that Gotama's Buddhist cheating Sangha has tried - up to 2025 - putting its Ignorance to his mouth sabotaging his precious gift to humanity turning him into a professional cheater in its own league.
The third esoteric force - responsible for later contents of Buddhist texts under both Theravada and Mahayana - plotted to divert Gotama's discoveries back to masters-slaves relationships using stolen technologies of Sound / Light and Consciousness from others that they have not delivered nor able to know outside-the-box states of Emptiness, End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana, Beyond Thought in the observed, and the State of one's Being. The presentation would be different if they partially know what they are repeating at Word and Thought level to be slaved to their hallucinated glorification which have been executed by most Buddhists after the life of Gotama. If they do know a portion of what they said at word level, they would not be degenerated according to natural laws as evidenced from channeling for Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and her associates. So do most Buddhist monks and nuns from all countries, not knowing a fraction of what they are boosting at word level.
The practical aspects of this Realisation - necessary and sufficient condition - is to be Aware of the motivation and the sources of one's thought as well as the states of one's being to render one's realities Manageable in one's continuous Learning and Doing. It enables one moving toward an Integrated Person having some access to one's Potentiality of one's Wholesome Mind - Intuition, Brain Intelligence, Compassion and #Prajna - for a Fresh Outlook to 'Know Oneself' and the State of the current situation 'As It Is' to have a bird view about the Gotama's 'Right' where 'Right Transcendental Inner Peace' (Samma-Samadhi) is far beyond all other grasped Inner Peace and Mystic Powers.
If you do not know the source and motivation of your thought together with the state of your being how can you claim to be 'the teacher' leading others on the virtuous path of Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood while your realities are in opposite of 'the Virtues' you are trying to 'sell'. Note that the Sangha's Ethical Codes with all invented rituals and practices have nothing to do with Gotama's Virtues of Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood. Is it a 'cheating blind' leading others still having some minimum Conscience to know what they don't know and ask for help toward what you do not see, nor know, nor have in making a living? Don't self-ordain to what you have no right to join the International Cheating Clubs as done by the entire history of the bloody Roman Catholic Church. That is why HuiNeng set up a minimum qualification of anchoring in one's "Self Nature / Tự Tánh" - beyond thought / wu-nien, an outside the box - to be a Buddhist counselor in facing the realities of later Buddhist institutional developments. If you are a qualified Buddhist monk/nun, ask yourself if you are a qualified Budh counselor that Gotama did not set up the required qualification since it was not a serious issue at his time.
We hope the time is right so you can have the real taste of "Sound Technology" from Shurangama[D33] and Heart[R2] Sutras and those actually know different depths of "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26], [D29], [D30] as well as the Consciousness Technology to reach there in Gotama's described nine (9) stages of Right Transcendental Inner Peace in the Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture. The required Sound / Light and Consciousness technologies will be introduced while the discrepancies between the two most popular versions of the Heart Sutra - in Chinese and Sanskrit - will be logically ironed out with required processes and technologies to personally verify it by others. That is the role of both theoretical foundation and empirical verification required to sustain the Science of Consciousness.
Most will know these Signed Posts as Gotama's described nine stages of Samma-Samadhi (Right Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness) when he was a child to show that one can go beyond one's 'physical and energy body' for a worthy existence similar to going beyond the moon with right technologies. Thanks to this natural experience, Gotama dropped the six years of egoistic approach to formulate the Fourfold #Truth for further contributions from others. Unfortunately, the egoistic pattern and approach are taken by most monks / nuns and Buddhist Sanghas from all countries in all cultures in their master-slave rituals that they know nothing about and have no relationship whatsoever in actual cultivation.
- Attempting to replace Buddhist Vasubandhu's 30 stanzas with the Pure Imagination of a claimed enlighten monk (DUY BIỂU NGŨ THẬP TỤNG).
He knows nothing about
- the #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict and the Perfected Nature (Parinispanna) - KỆ THỨ 31: "Thức luôn luôn bao hàm Chủ thể và đối tượng Tự, tha và trong ngoài Đều chỉ là ý niệm / Consciousness always comprises of the observer and Observed, self not-self, in and out are only Thought". Consciousness is more than the Observer and the Observed, passing the Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict or Gateway to #Oneness toward Equanimity to loosen the Grip of Binding Word/Image, the Purity to loosen the Grip of Clinging Thought to utter Silence ready for Expanding Space of Transcending the Observed and Expanding Consciousness of Transcending the Observer proven in Gotama's Not-Self / Selfless. There exists an #Awareness to Know that Nothingness! There is "No Thought" to enter the Unity of Sunyata Non-Thingness and unmoving momentary Nirvana. Ask yourself if there in no thought, what enables you being Aware of the 7th stage - Sunyata Non-Thingness - of Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness, theoretically explained as the fourth consciousness in Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D19]. Despite all poetic descriptions, the monk had not touched anything [ Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] known by all Kind and Compassionate persons that almost all monks / nuns do not know nor have in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating sanghas.
- the trails leading from Conventional #Truth to the Ultimate (Wider) #Truth - logically pointed out by Nagarjuna - of the Perfected Nature. KỆ THỨ 40: "Biến kế huân vô minh Kéo theo luân hồi khổ Viên thành mở tuệ giác Hiểu lộ cảnh chơn như / Imaginary Nature carries Ignorance, driving birth death and sufferings, the Perfected Nature opens Prajna, exposing Thing-As-It-Is". Throughout his life time, he had not touched any trail coming from Intuition - the sixth sense - and the seventh sense knowing the Pulse of different Vibrational Layers for an Insight beneficial to one and the environment in many generations to come as actually demonstrated by Vạn Hạnh and Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1] to show one's actual experience in accessing the Perfected Nature. His "Viên thành / Perfected Nature" comes from a deduction of the one who does not know nor have via his imagination since he has not passed the gateway to Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict. All the Right Trails must pass the Gateway to Oneness known by Jesus as 'the kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21]. We will introduce the Avalokiteshvara Sound technology to effortlessly enable many (a reasonable target is 1% - 8% of human population) being agents of Changes in the Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture of One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One in one's Continuity of the Consciousness.
- the infusion process from the Perfected Nature in relative existence to see 'Thing As it Is' of the Dependent Nature (Paratantra), dynamically adjusting the Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita) of one's Realities toward Actualities (Figure 1) via Right Transcendental #Awareness. He knows nothing about "Thing-As-It-Is" right in the birth and death where there is a difference between Suffering Dukkha and Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35], between the razor-sharp [ thought / oneness (hữu niệm / vô niệm) ] that may turn the "Right Effort" into "Wrong Effort" known by Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]. This Change Dynamics starts right at the Present Moment to use the quality of one's #Prajna to drive the Volition toward Purity-Tranquility in opposite direction of Sufferings caused by a narrow scope of Ignorance. The dynamic Learning and Doing change both the State and Stock of one's Quality of the Consciousness to directly affect the quality of one's Present Moment and wherever one happens to be now and in the future.
We hope the time is right so that Process of Consciousness will be scholastically and scientifically exposed to unite the two most important and complementary schools of dedicated Buddhists (Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only) via #Prajna, and its implementations in the Consciousness Evolution. It is a part of Engineering Roadmap with interested parties to serve as a theoretical foundation to be continuously updating in the light of empirical verifications (#PrajnaTIP in Sound, Cultivable #Prajna in Activity and Sadhana, and #PrajnaTIP in Kindness), spreading out for the benefits of the Whole.
- Taking the description of Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness that he knows nothing about from Krishnamurti in the mask of an 'enlighten monk' to poetically describe the 'Mindfulness of Breathing and Concentration' ('breathing in I see ... breathing out I ...') that he pretends to 'actually know' he is a part of the Whole - the Whole in him. The Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness is beyond the duality of the Observer and the Observed, beyond Thought. What he describes is within the Conflicting Consciousness on the duality plane, knowing Nothing about the Source of Thought. The description is not the described and he cannot foul the one who knows with his imaginary picture. His teaching of Mindfulness via breathing and concentration is a retarded process of a professional cheater to fool others without a minimum honesty and intellectual integrity to recognise the contribution from the source.
Breathing is a natural process that most participants in KhaiPhong do not even bother with. If the monks have any sense of the Right Transcendental #Awareness - which they do not know nor have - they can actually observe the fading away of normal breath to more subtle breath when one dives deeper into different qualities of Transcendental Consciousness (Detachment, Tranquility, Equanimity, Purity), Cosmic consciousness of Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness where there is no sense of the physical body, toward Unity of Sunyata Non-Thingness and momentary Nirvana where there is no outer breath, described by HuiNeng as Unmoving (Sunyata).
Participants in KhaiPhong will not fall into the trap of binding 'Word/Image' and clinging 'Thought' even from Gotama (or any claimed Omnipotent God or One-and Only Allah) as stuck by the well-known claimed meditation master and Buddhist monk - Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw - illustrated in Buddhism implies Dualism[D19]. They are rated at the most extreme negative away from natural Detachment, verified by Gotama's First Jhana and HuiNeng as the core of his school. At the right time, we will prove that the author of "Visuddhimagga / the (cheating) Path of Purification[D31]" knows nothing about Gotama's 7th Jhana of Non-Thingness that the Buddhist Heart Sutra takes this state to the front line to be the essence of the Budh Dharma. With #PrajnaTIP in Sound, at least 80,000,000 - 500,000,000 people will know the 'Gateway to Oneness' at different depths of Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict Transcendental Inner Peace in Transcendental Consciousness (Detachment, Tranquility, Equanimity, Purity). They will know Beyond Word (Bất Lập Văn Tự) and Thought (Vô Tướng) as originally introduced by Bodhidharma and HuiNeng thousands years ago, but missed by the entire Buddhist zen tradition including the Vietnamese Trúc Lâm Yên Tử in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating sanghas that Vietnamese communist mafias used to cheat the World after failing to immortalize its HCM (the video was deleted). The reincarnations of Bodhidharma and Huineng of Chinese Chan / Japanese Zen / Vietnamese Thiền are currently living Vietnamese students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle.
In that Purification process, one must grasp some air when the force of Transcendental Inner Peace meets strong barriers of stresses and karmic forces to be resisted and pushed up to the surface. It is the process how #Prajna can dissolve the karmic force; one repeats the Purification process with Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi) without any concentration on the breath. The concentration is different from 'Intensity of Attention' picked up by Krishnamurti where concentration keeps the mind within its conditioned darkness where the energy from the Intensity of Attention sheds light to naturally and effortlessly dispel the darkness. One cannot destroy the darkness with another darkness as understood by Buddhist cheating Sanghas in destroying the observable Ignorance of Gotama's Second part of the #Truth with their Imagination at conditioned Thought. One needs the #Prajna coming from Right Transcendental #Awareness and Right Transcendental Inner Peace that the monks know nothing about.
The claimed Buddhist master and enlighten monk knows nothing about the Observer, the Observed, the State of Observation, and something Beyond. His 'DUY BIỂU NGŨ THẬP TỤNG' (50 stanzas) is completely inside the box of Conditioned Thinking and Imagination of a cheating monk, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] violating Gotama's Fundamental Ethic "Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối".
To actually know 'One a part of the Whole - the Whole in One', one needs to 'Transcend Inner Peace' to the utter Silence of Purity, going beyond duality conflicting Thought and Be Aware of 'Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness'. This Cosmic Consciousness where there is No Thought is named Infinite Space and Infinite Consciousness by Gotama. Krishnamurti had the vision of an 'electrical switch' that the 'Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva in Buddhist Saddharma-pundarika' is asking for the technologies to naturally move from chaotic activities to utter Silence of Purity in relative existence for a naturally reborn and rejuvenation in Worthy Existence. Similar issue such as excessive Sex, Fear, Phobia, Uncontrollable Urge of all things, nagging feeling, etc happens to almost everyone to search for possible solutions. We think scientific cultivating processes for the manifestation of this off-on switch and/or proper management to the point of dissolving the issues are known by students in our group via reversed engineering from different civilizations, religions, cultures, nationalities, skin colors, North-South-East-West, etc. They are ready for implementations and scientific testings in clinical environment.
They are the Consciousness-Only and Sound / Light technologies in action. We will first introduce the Sound Technology in the Right Setting of Consciousness which is Detachment to enable accumulated Right Transcendental Inner Peace via Gateway to #Oneness in many as the basic foundation. That basic foundation in "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" or innate Empathy to others will effortlessly generate a new Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture in actual living, going beyond all 'isms' and utopia. That "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" will be further deepen in kindness to assure the lasting value is a part of one's existence [ Kindness >< Empathy >< Signature ] to personally experience all Signed Posts known by Gotama when he was a child. Thanks to this recollection, Gotama abandoned six (6) years of hard practices to discover the Fourfold #Truth as scientific (observable, testable, reproducible) gift to Humanity.
You probably can sense who are behind the scene to deliver these Consciousness-Only and Sound / Light technologies in KhaiPhong that we wish you can be a part to know more about yourself and the environment you are in to be an Agent of Changes to benefit yourself and others, being a Vibrant living organism growing toward an ecosystem with sustainable Created Values that may last even beyond your life time. The necessary and sufficient conditions for this Vibrant environment are the Inner and Outer #Awareness for optimal Right Effort at the present moment.
It is different from the battle of 'Real Love' and 'Lucifer - Manipulator' going on for thousands years driving billion lives toward Sufferings, popularized in the past 300 years leading toward the Tidal Shift of Cosmos from 2012 onward since the one having a nagging feeling of that 'Love' in 'the kingdom of God is within you'[Luke 17:21] was tempted by Lucifer into 'Grasp-er and the Grasped' of the 'Faith that moves the mountain'[Mathew 17:20] to be accepted as 'The Only Son' of God. Hope you can see the Nobleness in this 'Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital' to make these deliveries happened to put an end to thousands years of unnecessary Sufferings, and do something in the Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture for your Continuity of the Consciousness.
- Grasping a piece of Truth - [ Intensity of Attention ] - picked up by Krishnamurti[R6.3] and KhaiPhong - since 2007 to publicly debunk the claim as an enlighten monk for perpetuating 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sangha "[ breaking the crust of sesame seed for its oil ]" by Tilopa[D41] to actually demonstrate from the 1980's as a scientific mechanism to bridge the gap between "Self" in Consciousness-Only and "Not-Self" in Nagarjuna Madhyamaka without recognizing the original sources. The monk painted another picture at conditioned thought by releasing "Breaking the shell of pecans - Đập vỡ vỏ hồ đào" in a game of "no man land". That unworthy monk Is Untrustworthy to be associated with as pointed out and seriously advised by a Harvard expert & Warren Buffett to stay away from this type in one's Worthy relationships of the new people-centered Society 5.0.
The "How" on the optimum reproducible conditions for moving from Nagarjuna Relative Truth at conditioned level to Ultimate (Wider) Truth in "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas" of your selected activity, plus actual experience on the trail, and the path from [ #Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth ] back to Relative Existence together with possible dangerous cracks to be watched out is the final chance for the monk to demonstrate that he is not unworthy person in 70+ years as member of Buddhist cheating Sanghas selling internationally what he does not know nor have. The "How" is one's thesis to stand on one's own feet of Taming The Ox to Share with the World the trail one has personally passed to actually know Gotama Equanimity and Purity signed posts, qualified as a Budh Counselor to help KhaiPhong sustainable
The same "acid test" can be applied to all wearing the mask of a religious leader, especially those addicted to sex wearing the Vajrayana and Tantra masks (including the Dalai Lama XIV, the claimed Dharma King Gyalwang Drukpa XII)[R13.1], [R15], [R14], [R14.1] who know the gross sexual Bliss known by most men and women but most do not know nor have Detachment Right Transcendental Inner Peace - Samma-Samadhi as rigorously defined by Gotama - directly known by all Good (kindness) Persons (Samaritans).
The monk and claimed religious leaders will not be able to break the crust of the "Self" if they do not have a minimum "#Honesty & #Care" since they - like majority of their peers - are no where near the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict at observable Tranquility level".
The purpose is Not to Point the Finger to any named individual, but to use well-known concrete cases as 'Lessons Learned' from observable Grasp-er and the Grasped that drive both the person and others (the mass) toward an Abyss of Sufferings, lasting to many thousands years as in the case of the evil Roman Catholic Church of the 'Grasper and the Grasped in the Faith that moves the mountain'[Mathew 17:20] riding on the claimed 'Redeemer' that we challenge his 'deliverable' to prove against Universal Morality and Justice of natural laws in Action-Reaction or 'correction' so billion Honest People do not fall in his own crack of self-inflicted Suffering / Dukkha raised up by Gotama 1000+ years ago in search for the Raison D'être of one's existence. Similarly, challenge the 'transformed born' in the Pure Land of Buddhist Amitabha/Amitayus Buddha and within-the-box transformation of darkness and sufferings advocated by those wearing the cunning mask of intelligence to the point not even recognizing their own darkness having boiling Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts.
It may be offended by many, attached to 'Word/Image' (of Holy Teacher, Saint, Christ, Bodhisattva, God, Allah, Buddha, etc) and 'Thought' (of Culture, Religion, etc), but necessary to directly face the vulnerability of 'Human Psychology' toward the Actuality or 'Thing As it Is' to wake up one's innate Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within so any dictator and/or a group of intelligent entities (either from Human and/or Esoteric Realms) cannot mess up the Whole to perpetuate the master-slave relationships[R18], [R18.2]. The name has nothing to do with the bottom line actual quality where the Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within is innate in everyone; all have equal opportunity of Learning and Doing at different depths of the Quality of the Consciousness in one's own evolution of the Consciousness.
We ride on 2500+ years of Buddhist investigations, starting at its theoretical foundations with significant contributions from many dedicated explorers, esoterically introduced from higher realms via the Nagarjuna Madhyamaka system of Emptiness and the Asanga Consciousness-Only system of the three Natures. By "connecting relevant dots together and bringing the discovered technologies" to deliver "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26], we correct the chasm and dispute between the two most important Buddhist theoretical platforms. "Possible solutions" are centred around discovered technologies and facilities to enhance and accumulate one's current states and stock of #Prajna on the way of "going in with Detachment" and "going out with No-Mind-Enclosure / Completely Open Mind" to sense relevant vibrations affecting the Issue for a Right Effort. They will be further detailed in Engineering Roadmap, but here are their highlights:
- A solid theoretical framework based on "tested" Buddhist Heart Sutra as a theoretical framework[R2] Then Beyond via scientific processes starting from one's present states and stock of #Prajna to proven and deliverable targets in one's Continuity of the consciousness to correct the upside-down of all organised religions where Buddhism is a part. It is the target of this book.
- Rational "Detachment / Kiến Tánh" in actual Living / Effort, intellectually provided in 2500+ years of dedicated Buddhists that we can call upon the contributions of dedicated explorers, then actually verifying one's personal experience in Riding The Ox.
- MuOmSunyata as augmented AI tool to know more about oneself and surrounding environments, riding on current developments of Information Communication Technology. It is intended as the first and foundation to democratise the "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26] as fact-based epistemic objective and KhaiPhong where everyone can contribute and claim a part of its ownership, especially in specialized domains and fields one spend the entire life time in making a living while contributing something as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.
- Diving in Transcendental Consciousness / Cosmic Consciousness / Unity with #PrajnaTIPs. It is a normative side, introducing the Science of Consciousness based on discovered technologies to personally verify the meaning of Humanity with the innate Buddha Nature in every person, and its Human Rights.
- Certified Budh Counselors for "Equanimity and Purity" Verifiable Emptiness to help KhaiPhong sustainable. These counselors will widen and deepen the (1) Knowing oneself driving forces at the level of Volition / Freewill / Sankhara and the state of one's being to properly manage one's reality, (2) Opening unnecessary barriers due to outdated Marks such as Phobia, Uncontrollable Urges of all desires, (3) Expansion of one's Potentiality, Making Life Easier and Happier for one and others. The widening and deepening are applicable in all fields of human endeavours.
- Creating Areas of Transcendental Inner Peace and #Prajna Cultivation called PrajnaPlace such as NfP ( GsLp / Global Service Local Presence) ThankYou Clubs, permeating all economic activities where all efforts - educations, cultivation, health, works, plays, entertainments, socials - are steps closer to "Knowing More About Oneself in Making Life Easier and Happier for One and the Whole.
- Making Science and Economics of KhaiPhong sustainable.
This democratising KhaiPhong brings together many more qualified persons. Each brings the best of one's unique Comparative Advantages to evolve the Movement and assure its vitality, relevant to most persons. We hope everyone can see and benefit from the Noble Orchestration in preparing the field for the Right Time of Consciousness Evolution in the new 'Golden Era', in line with the Cosmic Tidal Shift to Higher Consciousness from 2012 onward. Together we can be a part to make it happened.
3.3 Seung Sahn
Most Zen monks and nuns advocate "emptying the mind" at conditioned thought; a thought of "Emptying" is not empty and they violate a serious offense against the fundamental Gotama's ethical code of "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối". They yearn for "Nirvana" which is again a conceptual utopia hallucinated by those not even passing the gateway to "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Nameless Tao / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / Perfected Nature / No god but God" as an enlightenment which is claimed to reach PariNirvana at the end of one's lifetime. This claim was done 2500+ years ago by those having no actual experience in Gotama's "Verifiable Emptiness" nor qualified by Gotama as having Transcendental #Awareness[D29].
Using the recorded meaning of #Prajna / Trí Tuệ / Pannà we provide scientific proof of Gotama's degeneration - even if Pari-Nirvana did not come from Gotama's mouth - at both logical level using HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna and the "tested" Heart Sutra[R2], plus empirical level from the writer's actual experience at Gotama's definition of the End of Dukkha[D44] and the tendency of searching for more and/or deduction of Clinging Thought / Sở Tri Chướng. The outcome of this scientific proof is Gotama serious "defects in design-build-execution", opening holes for unworthy people in his Buddhist cheating Sanghas making very unworthy living in cheating humanity for 2500+ years up to 2025. The crack of this scientific proof can be avoided when AI Personalized Recommendation Feed is available to the mass together with its Consciousness Technologies as a part of custom AI.
Another major Issue of claimed Zen masters - just like other claimed Buddhist masters such as those in Samatha and Vipassana Meditation, Vajrayana, Tantra, and Pure Land - is the theoretical understanding of "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / Perfected Nature" at the invisible Sunyata and clinging to that theoretical understanding of "#Oneness" to be useless in the practical Living. Here is a case study of a claimed "Zen Master" from HuiNeng's Tào Khê that they can all learn from the Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng currently a living student of KhaiPhong's Inner Circle if the time is Right:
Seung Sahn in "Wanting Enlightenment Is a Big Mistake" made two fundamental pillars as his "Zen enlightenment teaching"
- HuiNeng[R5.2], page 68 contradicted himself with an assertion that "The self-nature is originally pure / neither produced nor destroyed / complete in itself / without movement - Tự tánh vốn tự thanh tịnh / chẳng sanh diệt / tự đầy đủ / chẳng lay động " then "The self-nature can produce the ten thousands dharmas / tự tánh sanh ra muôn pháp".
- "Don't Know Zen" or "Open your mouth is a mistake / Mở miệng ra là sai lầm".
The first one indicated that Seung Sahn had not passed the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / Perfected Nature", actually knowing the "dissolution of appearances" as described in Gotama second and third jhanas[D29] to be qualified as the one having Transcendental #Awareness according to Gotama[D22]. Even actually experiencing Verifiable Emptiness[D26], [D29], [D30], Gotama still had defects in his Design - Build - Execution due to Not Knowing different Dependent Nature in No-Conflict Consciousness which is a part of Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness[D22], and in the Duality Consciousness. Discovering underlying natural laws behind this "Dependent Nature" are the targets of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna in Evolution at minute 6:25 rather than Degeneration-Evolution at minute 7:00 of Complex Fibonacci numbers. The defects open holes for hardcore professional cheaters[R18.4] - not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19] - in his Buddhist Sanghas such as Seung Sahn and almost all of his peers not passing the Gateway to Oneness logically argued that that the two modes of Dependent Natures are inconsistent! Seung Sahn knows nothing on the path of flowing into the Ultimate (Wider) #Truth of "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" described in the Heart Sutra[R2], incapable to know Gotama's discovery as logically argued by Nagarjuna on the "Emptiness / Transcendental" states[D38]: (1) "Here form is Sunyata, Sunyata is form, form is not different from Sunyata, Sunyata is not different from form, ...", (2) "Here all dharmas indicate Sunyata, not arising not suppressed not tainted not pure not deficient not complete", (3) "Therefore, in Sunyata there is not form not feeling ... not dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga". He knows nothing about the "Natural Purification" on the way out "dwelling in no mind enclosure" to clearly see the "Pulse" of the Issue one has attention upon for a Right Effort.
The second one shows that he cannot stand on his own feet to describe what he actually knows since he is cheating others for a very unworthy living. You can use your innate Buddha Nature to help expose these professional cheaters who have been blah blah blah for so long to create their own international cheating clubs about 2500+ years - up to 2025 - of Buddhist Transcendental #Awareness and #Prajna which - together with proven Virtuous Living according to Moral Value of the values of underlying natural laws - are the three pillars of Gotana' discovered (modified) Eightfold Path!
Only outcomes of one's activities (efforts) which are measurable indicate the states and the stock of one's manifested "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / Perfected Nature". Hence #Prajna is not only cultivable but also measurable to customise one's development this life time based on what most important and relevant to one's Value of the values. Technologies discovered in these projects will be open sources for benefits of the mass. Further more, without hand-on in engaged living one's Quality of the Consciousness cannot be changed, well-known but scientifically unexplained up to 2025 in a dialogue between Bodhidharma and Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty, leaving holes for hardcore professional cheaters like Seung Sahn and almost all Buddhist monks and nuns blah blah blah in their meditation and mindfulness at conflicting duality level. They have claimed their "Mindfulness of Breathing"[D24] and "The Great Frame of Reference"[D25] - Not at any transcendental state of Emptiness in #EmptyingTheContent - as the direct path for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the disappearance of pain and distress, ... having no beneficial impact up to 2025 on "the Quality of the Consciousness"[R7]. It is Not Relevant to talk about our true/ultimate identity which is "Consciousness", the beginning and the ending of everything - a Not-Self - which is only a thought construct having nothing to do with actual living that we - as intelligent living entities - bring to the table. Same thing is applicable to the absolute concept of Buddhist Sunyata, Ultimate (Wider) #Truth, Perfected Nature which no one knows in their painted utopia, making very unworthy living in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas.
Now, we can talk about the states and stock of #Prajna in decision making of "the Right Thing to do" in statistically measurable "Right Understanding and Right motivation" of important events in guiding the Rule of Law in modern complex societies. It is the manifestation of Sunyata in each activity and effort where the feedback from Effort / Activity outcome can be measurable whether it comes from #Prajna or Ignorance sold by unworthy people in all isms where divisional organised religions are parts[R1].
Here we talk about you, an identifiable stream of consciousness, fully responsible for its actions and the environments where it is a part in its continuity and evolution of the Consciousness. There is a normative sense[R23] in this evolution where one is an accountable 'author/creator' to make up the whole or reaping the consequences of its volitional action to wake up its innate Buddha Nature to learn the Essence of the Right Effort. One has the Freewill to choose a lifestyle and fully responsible for one's Right or Wrong Efforts. Therefore, as long as people do not feed these "unworthy entities" according to their claimed gatekeepers, masters, enlighten beings, etc, but ask "Then What", they will be effortlessly regulated by invisible / helping hand of economics and the laws of nature.
What is the significance of this approach versus the commonly known "Thinking Process" when you have an issue to solve? The KhaiPhong let all inner disturbances Silent at its utmost Purity to activate your "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" from the states and stock of your #Prajna to directly sense the core of its Issue and Optimal Strategy (Right Understanding) from the direct perception of "The Right Thing to Do" and your "Unique Comparative Advantages" (Right Motivation), then the Brain Intelligence comes in for the "Right Way to Do" at the present Sweet Spot. The "Then What" of evidenced-based measurable outcomes together with Balanced Scorecard designed for the target can eliminate many unavoidable errors. This "direct perception of the Right Thing to Do" from #AwarenessPrajna / Right Transcendental #Awareness is Gotama's "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" or HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna of the modified Eightfold Path to direct one's efforts towards What Count[R23]. Therefore, faked Zen masters and those advocating the shut down of Thinking Process on the spiritual development Is Deadly Wrong, useless in the present living of their worthy existence. Do not let them messing up their lives and your or other people's lives.
Similarly, Reflections - Bhavana - from Other Institutional Religions such as Christians, Muslims can be evaluated based on whether the outcome can reach Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity as illustrated in Figure 1 while clearly making a separation from the mean and the target using modern tools such as Ontological Systems. The mean for Aspiration including Faith can be dropped, not committing the same mistake of religious violence of the past. The target can be enhanced and/or combined in open sources for higher and/or more efficient level of Consciousness.
The outcome of Reflections can only reach Transcendental Consciousness and Beyond if and only if "the Intensity of Attention" can break the "Self" boundary to merge into the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" to be Dhyana / Thiền qualified by both Gotama at the Equanimity (passing the gateway to Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is)[D29] and HuiNeng rated at different depths of Right Transcendental Inner Peace (#Samadhi). That "intensity of attention" can come from different No-Conflict Consciousness such as (1) Compassion, (2) Faith as an Aspiration, (3) Compassion and Faith, (4) Highest Tantric Penetration, (5) innate state and stock of #Prajna, (6) #PrajnaTIPs. They are all measurable at different scales of Fibonacci sequence to deduct via Big Data AI optimal scientifically cultivable paths for different issues and targets most significant to the client's present living.
Looking at these discovered processes one can see how precious and difficult it is to reach "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / Perfected Nature" and why (1) Kindness & Empathy are the layered foundation and the lasting value of higher evolution[R7], (2) visible trait #KindnessEmpathy once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause[R7.4]; it is also the trait enabling one transcending existing negative traits such as #Indoctrinated or #Veied of Right and Wrong and #Influenced by race, nationality, culture as emperically demonstrated in Jesus story of the Good Samaritan[R16]. The "Highest Tantric Penetration" should be used with "extreme caution" since it enters the #Oneness from a very difficult angle of "Detachment" to fall in the crack of sex addict. "Faith that can move the mountain[Matthew 17:20]" can only achieved by Jesus due to his innate ability of many thousands years. Please look at Martin Luther and his extreme personal endeavours before giving up the required personal Faith to reach 'the kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21] and dedicated his effort to expose the corruption of the evil Roman Catholic Church to sabotage Jesus discoveries. Similarly, the entire Buddhist communities of monks and nuns - up to 2025 typified by Yongjia Xuanjue (Vĩnh Gia Huyền Giác)[R5.3] and Chin Kung (Tịnh Không)[R5.4] - has gone astray due to two subtly abused concepts driven by "logical" self: (1) Owner of the Thought versus Not-Self and (2) Destruction of Ignorance at conditioned conceptual level. The solution boils down to the "Right Transcendental Inner Peace / Samma #Samadhi", accessible through signed posts of Gotama's "Verifiable Emptiness".
Possible solution has been logically pointed out in "Breakthrough of the Vicious Circle: (1) directly diving into Verifiable Emptiness[R1] at different depths for rejuvenation, and dissolution of stresses and outdated Marks having Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh of "Thing-As-It-Is" augmented with hard data and discrepancy between one's Reality versus Actuality, (2) accessing infinite power of cosmic consciousness with either one's own effort and/or external assistance from an advanced counselor to overcome negative forces. These two mechanisms are parts of the tools to manage one's Realities. Only one's own #Prajna can dissolved / naturally drop the karmic forces.
KhaiPhong facilitates these remedies using the combination of advanced technologies in [ Intuition - Data - Intelligence ] with Science of Consciousness. It enables the power of Consciousness easily accessible by most people: Transcendental Consciousness of Equanimity to naturally loosen the grips of 'Binding Word/Image', of Purity to loosen the grips of 'Clinging Thought', Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness to loosen the general Grasp-er and the Grasped of all kinds. Experiencing the Transcendental and Cosmic Consciousness will naturally purify the senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body. mind), separating their consciousnesses from the entanglements (form, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness) to properly see 'Thing As It Is'.
One uses personal experience in #Prajna to shed light and deepen the experience of the razor-sharp "Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort - HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna as the foundation to be an integrated Person in one's continuous Learning and Doing in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Madhyamaka school calls itself the 'Middle Path', using logic to expose the unconditioned (Not-Self) called Ultimate (Wider) #Truth and the manifestation of the unconditioned (Not-Self) in the conditioned existence is conditioned. Nagarjuna and probably few others have this once-and-a-while actual experience due to the Intensity-of-Attention at the focused point. Most are completely within the box, knowing nothing about this '#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' which is the attribute of Gotama's Transcendental Inner Peace at different depths once one passes the Tranquillity gateway to #Oneness, deeper into Equanimity, Purity and beyond. Here is Nagarjuna's Two #Truths that most will be able to personally experience and verify in KhaiPhong Technology:
“The Buddha's teaching of the Dharma is based entirely on the two truths - the truth of worldly convention and the ultimate (wider) truth.
Those who do not understand the distinction between the two truths do not understand the Buddha's profound teaching.
Without a basis in the conventional truth the truth of the ultimate cannot be taught [at logical word level]; without understanding the ultimate (wider) truth, [actual] nirvana will not be attained.
Please carefully read the last verse and contrast it with the first part of Trúc Lâm motto that we aspire to make it into a Guiding Light for Humanity in the new Budh Era:
Without Actual Living, there cannot be Right Cultivation and without Buddhist Cultivation based on the innate Buddha Nature the Living may go astray;
The Buddha Nature is innate in everyone.
The scientific process to turn the Trúc Lâm motto into an Actuality comprises of:
- Directly targeting the True Heart of one's Buddha Nature to be 'At Home' - Figure 7 - as represented in the Ox-Herding Pictures.
- Directly experiencing different depths of Right Transcendental Inner Peace to naturally Purify one's senses and the entanglements to start activating the Right #AwarenessPrajna[D22] for proper management of daily activities. This is the exploration of 'Verifiable Emptiness' - Figure 8 - as represented in state 8 of the Ox-Herding Pictures.
- Being a more integrated person in one's continuous Learning and Doing to unite Buddhist Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only into a sustainable Science of Consciousness, assuring deeper and constant flow from the invisible Source - Sunyata - to the visible manifestations of ComPassion and #Prajna. This is the exploration in synchronization of Left and Right Brain of a wholesome existence, directly accessing the Source of Living - invisible Sunyata - as represented in Figure 9 of the Ox-Herding Pictures.
- Making happened the Right Relationships driven and measurable by the seven (7) principles governing all organizations / environments to be part of one's extended vibrant Living Organism: (1) Dependent Nature, (2) Transparency, (3) Accountability, (4) Modern Technology, (5) Invisible / Helping Hands of #Prajna and Economics, (6) Best Governance, (7) Lasting Values according to Natural Laws. It is the Friendly and Compassionate [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ] Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings, represented in Figure 10 of the Ox-Herding Pictures.
The Science of Consciousness in expanding human potential outside its confined and conditioned box is definitely the next evolutionary wave in "Making Life Easier and Happier". It will naturally have its own Space and sustainable when it delivers the Transcendental Inner Peace to the mass, enabling most normal persons having personal experience of Right Transcendental Inner Peace as actually known by Gotama when he was a child: Detachment for the Right #Samadhi, Tranquility gateway to #Oneness, Equanimity to loosen the grips of binding 'Word/Image', and Purity of utter Silence to loosen the Grips of Clinging Thought ready to 'Transcend Inner Peace'[D29] to actually have a bird view about the Essence of the Right Living / Effort in moving into Cosmic Consciousness (Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness) and Unity (Sunyata Non-Thingness, Borderline between conditioned and unconditioned, momentary Nirvana)[D30].
The side effects of this delivery are
- Helping many having actual experience on different trails of Transcendental Inner Peace (#Samadhi) due to their long past accumulated efforts recognize the same signed posts and the danger of the Grasp-er and the Grasped of the left brain to have a wider view of Right Living / Effort, not falling into the hallucination of the Chosen One to drive oneself and many others to further sufferings due to the selected techniques of Fear and Greed,
- Facilitating the process of more understanding oneself, fully responsible for one's actions and the environment one a part no matter what current situation, and seeing the dignity of one and other existences having some worthy contribution to the Whole in "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings",
- Weeding out opportunists enslaving humanity in master-slave relationships using the binding 'Word/Image' and clinging 'Thought' in the name of Social Order, organised religions, and 'isms' of utopia to crush and prevent the Self-Selfless #Awareness for a revolutionary change of Transcendental Inner Peace to Outer Peace, innate in intelligent beings.
3.4 Others
Without the Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness from Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness and Unity, Buddhist 2500+ years in Mindfulness of Breathing - Anapanasati[D24] - cannot deliver the Right Transcendental #Awareness as a 'State' of #Prajna to see 'Thing-As-It-Is'. One cannot take a conditioned darkness (concentration) to clearly see or destroy another conditioned darkness (infinite thought). One needs an outside-the-box of Right Transcendental Inner Peace to naturally and effortlessly disentangle one's conditioned entanglements[D26]. Transcendental #Awareness is actually pegged by Gotama at the Equanimity third jhana[D29] upward. Therefore without Detachment and passing the Gateway-to-Oneness Tranquillity level, there is no Transcendental #Awareness. Similarly, visible states and stock of manifested #Prajna have the thresholds at Gotama qualified Transcendental #Awareness[D22] which is at Y2 = 1 Equanimity, having X2 = 1 Proper Management of that [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] "Freshness" with scientifically cultivable Layers of InnerSpace at F2 = 1 "Purity Awareness" since inner quality must be at higher quality for lower outside manifestations.
The 'Transcendental #Awareness' - sati in Pali and smriti in Sanskrit - means 'retention', 'recollection' plus "Transcendental / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" which is absent in entire history of Gotama's community even at the time of Gotama personally spreading his precious discoveries. We use '#Awareness' for this complete context. It is the whole-body-and-mind #Awareness of the Present Moment that we graphically represent as ComPassion (common vibration of energy) circles around the visible [ #Prajna ] and invisible [ Sunyata ] encountered points of 'Self-Selfless Actualization / #Awareness' shown in Figure 2. Mindfulness training at the Observer and Observed level such as "Concentration on Breathing"[D24] is Not the Right #Awareness. It destroys the integrating factor of the Mind (Intuition, Brain Intelligence, ComPassion, #Prajna) by narrowing the scope to the breath without providing the transcendental state for gross attributes naturally dissolved in the Emptiness as actually described by Gotama in his Verifiable Emptiness in the nine (9) signed posts of Right Transcendental Inner Peace to naturally Purify the senses[D26], [D29], [D30]. See for yourself what kinds of Right Mindfulness (Chánh Niệm) taught by Buddhist communities of monks and nuns from all sects in all countries in the past 2500+ years up to 2025, not having "Detachment" in the preparation first stage, nor the Gateway-to-Oneness tranquillity stage, and definitely not the "Equanimity" stage to naturally loosen the grips of binding Word/Image, rendering practitioner's mind retarded due to linear concentration and cheating others of its claimed "Noble" from Gotama's credibility, unfit to daily engaged living.
Via KhaiPhong Technology, one can personally verify that the 'Equanimity' Right Transcendental Inner Peace loosens the Grips of 'Binding Word', contrary to the assertion in the bible[John 1:1] 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God'. The 'Purity' Right Transcendental Inner Peace loosens the Grips of 'Clinging Thought', contrary to the well-known 'Cogito ergo sum' (French: 'Je pense donc je suis'; English: 'I think, therefore I am'). Word and Thought are used for expression; the 'description' is not 'the described' just like 'Love', 'Emptiness', 'ComPassion', '#Prajna', 'Sunyata'. To see 'Thing As It Is' one needs naturally beyond 'Word' and 'Thought', not being a 'Pavlov dog' as roughly touched thousands years ago in Self Awareness by Vasubandhu[D40], Awareness of Self Awareness (Consciousness of the consciousness)[D19] by Dharmapala-XuanZang, and making clear that the description is not the described by Krishnamurti.
Here is a quote from a qualified manual of 'Mindfulness of Breathing'[D24]:
“The term anapanasati does not mean, as is general interpreted, mindfulness established on in and out breathing. Actually it means mindfulness established on an object all the time with each in and out breath: initially one establishes mindfulness on the breathing itself, then on different kinds of feeling, different states of mind, then the characteristic of impermanence ... and finally on relinquishment, which is the ultimate objective of the practice.
The conclusion 'Actually it means mindfulness established on an object all the time with each in and out breath' is the main culprit of the defect to render the Buddhist Dharma stagnant pointed out by HuiNeng thousands years ago that no one up to 2025 is able to revitalize its right-side-up. The road-map of proven scientific solutions is in KhaiPhong Technology that everyone can be a part in Learning and Doing where we will deliver appropriate technologies for heavy lifting to actually verify Gotama's Four Noble Truths modified into KhaiPhong fact-based epistemic objective Fourfold Noble #Truth in his first discourse and "Emptiness" in his second discourse which are applicable to all life styles and in all realms of existence via wider views from HuiNeng and from the "tested" Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2].
Samatha means concentration, the Buddhist practice in calming the mind, most commonly through mindfulness of breathing[D24]. Therefore, the ultimate objective of Samatha is the dissolution of the appearances (breathing, feeling, states of mind, etc). That is why "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" is completely stranger to most monks and nuns. Technologies from #PrajnaTIPs naturally and effortlessly deliver "calming the mind" that we call "Transcendental Inner Peace" to reach Gotama Purity stage then "Transcend Inner Peace (TIP)" to personally know Gotama's Not-Self / Selfless all the way up to momentary End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana. This can be done riding on the natural laws and optimum conditions for heavy lifting. "Transcendental Inner Peace" delivers the ultimate objective of Buddhist Samatha right from starting point to deepen required "Detachment" on the way of diving in to naturally Purify accumulated stresses. It is qualified by HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi (thiền định / meditation). We use "#Awareness" instead of meditation to firstly avoid the word heavily corrupted by Buddhist cheating monks and meditation masters not passing even the Gateway-to-Oneness, and secondly indicate that "Natural #Awareness" is the beginning of "Natural Purification" in different depths of dissolution of appearances (or Insight into the Emptiness) toward "Sunyata Non-Thingness".
Satipaṭṭhana is the Pali word for the Buddhist concept of the foundations of mindfulness[D25] which are fundamental techniques in Buddhist Vipassana or Insight Meditation:
- There is the case where a monk remains focused on the body in and of itself - ardent, aware, and mindful - putting away greed and distress with reference to the world.
- He remains focused on feelings in and of themselves - ardent, aware, and mindful - putting away greed and distress with reference to the world.
- He remains focused on the mind in and of itself - ardent, aware, and mindful - putting away greed and distress with reference to the world.
- He remains focused on mental qualities in and of themselves - ardent, aware, and mindful - putting away greed and distress with reference to the world.
Similar to Mindfulness of breathing, the word "focused, ardent, alert, and mindful" lead practitioner toward "binding the mind to the presence" which is "Very Painful and Impossible" since at any moment there are interactions of innumerable signals SIMULTANEOUSLY arising from [the body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities] but also from [the Dependent Nature of One and the Whole 'As It Is']. This "binding the mind to the presence" is obviously a hallucination from those not passing even the Gateway-to-Oneness when the Observer and Observed viewed from wider perspective of KhaiPhong as two aggregates: (1) ministry of foreign affairs (Observer) and (2) its on-going national security (Observed). The Vipassana practice renders one useless in modern living and in the market place where outcome of any issue is affected by intentional efforts of all involved parties in complex and dynamic interactions among "moves" and "counter-moves" of involved parties. It is Impossible to precisely know all minute influences, exactly as the dialogue between Gotama and Subhuti in The Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra - Diamond Sutra that "the past mind cannot be grasped, neither can the present mind or the future mind (Section 18)".
The statement is a challenge to all claimed Buddhist meditation masters teaching 'Mindfulness of Breathing, Samatha and Vipassana' to prove otherwise. Concentration - especially "those going against natural flow of Thing As It Is such as breathing, drinking, eating, walking advocated by many professional cheaters knowing nothing about Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict having no transcendental states as their Mindfulness - is "Not #Awareness" which is Natural Intensity-of-Attention, easily generated in solving one's Real Inner Quest as the case of Gotama 2500+ years ago. Concentration generates Inner Conflicts in using one conditioned thought violently suppressing other conditioned thoughts, feelings, mind and mental qualities. The Inner Conflicts project themselves into Outer Conflicts that demand more concentrations and suppressions to make the Mind Worn-Out, Retarded, having faster destruction of religious fanatics rather than Detachment (Vô Trụ) and HonNhien of Rejuvenation for the manifestation of the Natural Attention.
Concentration CANNOT be a part of Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định) which must have Detachment (Vô Trụ) and guidance from #Prajna (Bát Nhã). Right Transcendental Inner Peace translated as 'Right Concentration' points to the upside-down of Buddhist Dharma executed by Buddhist communities of cheating monks and nuns, totally inside the box of binding Word and clinging Thought of the past 2500+ years. Concerned Buddhists need to take action to educate the mass about Buddhist Dharma, totally messed up by Buddhist cheating Sanghas.
HuiNeng[R5], [R5.2] agreed with this assertion: 'Learned Audience, some teachers of meditation instruct their disciples to keep a watch on their mind for tranquillity [ retarded Being ], so that it will cease from activity. Henceforth the disciples give up all exertion of mind. Ignorant persons become insane from having too much confidence in such instruction. Such cases are not rare, and it is a great mistake to teach others to do this'. He offered a different approach based on his innate #SamadhiPrajna, called Wu-Nien[R5] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }, but not yet delivered a reproducible process for others to Verify his assertion. This will be changed via KhaiPhong [ Design ] to start from a formal scientific research investigating conditions leading to [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] from different angles cross-cut cultures, religions, nationalities, skin colours, etc with the author contributed "secret sauce" to be statistically tested, verified and modified. KhaiPhong [ Build and Execution ] enables Distributed Data Centres specific and relevant to local community benefits and participation to globally scale for changing one and the environment toward What Count.
Similarly, Tilopa in his Mahamudra-Upadesa[D41] - "When trees grow leaves and branches, If you cut the roots, the many leaves and branches wither. Likewise, if you cut the root of mind ("by naturally let it completely Silence at the Source of Thought"), The various mental activities will subside" - debunks Buddhist training based on "Mindfulness of breathing - Anapanasati "[D24] and "The Great Frames of Reference - MahaSatipatthana Sutta"[D25], but in agreement with the "Diamond Sutra - Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra"[R7] and zen's "Riding The Ox" - Figure 6 - where one can let the mind running out most of its "steam" in opposite direction then effortlessly guide it back to the Right Effort. Again, a "correct natural process" has not been developed as we prove in Vajrayana and Tantra, that the "claimed consciousness technologies" in highest Tantra[R14], [R14.1] are false, opposite to the fundamental "Detachment" and "No Mind Enclosure" discovered by Gotama, seconded by HuiNeng and asserted in the "tested" Heart Sutra[R2], leading to master-slave relationship exploited by claimed Highest Buddhist Masters[R13.1] and professional cheaters[R15] that Buddhist communities of monks and nuns need to tidy up in their dedicated life styles.
Tranquillity is defined in Lankavatara Sutra[D34] as the 'Gateway-to-Oneness'. Most students of KhaiPhong Technology can personally testify that it is the 'Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict', a slight happiness easily solidified from acts of 'Kindness' and 'Empathy' to solidify the trait #KindnessEmpathy of the Good Samaritan[R16]. Once passing the 'Gateway to Oneness' to Equanimity, the binding Word/Image loosens its grip while the Purity will loosen the grip of clinging Thought. We say 'Mindfulness of breathing - Anapanasati'[D24] is the "Build Issue" to search for a neutral easiest method, enabling everyone knowing more about oneself. Gotama lost 6 years of tremendous 'determination and concentration' (Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts) in different forms of 'Concentration'. Thanks to a recall of Natural Effortless experience of the nine observable attributes of Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định) when he was a child, he dropped the hard practices and discovered the modified KhaiPhong Fourfold Noble #Truth as Scientific Fact. This "Natural Effortless Experience" is the "Transcendental Inner Peace", an outcomes of different discovered technologies to ride on natural laws for heavy lifting and scientific reproducibility.
The "Transcendental Inner Peace" has been missed even by Gotama that he deducted as "middle path" heavily influenced by his six years of useless forceful meditation and personal efforts since he has not discovered the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict-Consciousness and its outcome of Natural Purification. The entire history of his Buddhist Sangha - except few dedicated explorers up to 2025 - has gone astray, knowing nothing about Transcendental Inner Peace. That quality - having Transcendental Inner Peace from #EmptyTheContent towad Non-Thingness or an Insight into the Emptiness - is absolutely required to direct NfP (GsLp / Global Service Local Presence) ThankYou Clubs where the donors can have direct hand-on experience to change themselves and the environments toward What Count, most dominant and relevant to their quality of the consciousness. Only those having "Transcendental Inner Peace" can see a right breakthrough for required verifiable manifestations of #Prajna.
There is No Concentration in Anapanasati if one already has the mind of Naturally Effortless Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định). In this case #Awareness of 'Detachment - Vô Trụ' and 'Beyond Thought - Vô Niệm' is natural and there is no need for the 'Mindfulness of breathing - Anapanasati' since breathing is a natural process. One may need only 1 or 2 deep breaths for the 'Intensity-of-Attention' Point to direct the 'mind' to both the visible and invisible encounters as shown in FIGURE 2. Any monk having some success with Anapanasati must stress the Detachment, not Concentration. This is the Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the modified Eightfold Path. Ask yourself what is the driving force for this "Right"; is it the "No Mind Enclosure" as instructed in the Heart Sutra[R2]?
You do not need voluminous Buddhist "meditation on emptiness" at conditioned thought to have this "Transcendental #Awareness" if you already have thousands of years on the Right Path. That is why Gotama had it when he was a child but did not trust his reality. Thanks to the natural early experience when he was a child under the shade of a tree, he changed his course and discovered the Fourfold Truth. HuiNeng had it, but still needed 15+ years for deeper actual experience before the Right Time to appear. Yongjia Xuanjue (Vĩnh Gia Huyền Giác)[R5.3] can only "smell it" - discover the footprints - but due to esoteric indoctrinated mark of a "Buddhist Monk" totally miss the "Right trail of Fourfold Noble Truth" and "Emptiness". Many even worse, after thousands more years of persistent search under conditioned thoughts of "blah blah blah" in being Buddhist teachers, totally abandon the modified Eightfold Path and Emptiness to join the esoteric cheaters[R5.4]. Krishnamurti had it under the young pepper tree, and thanks to that natural experience he courageously said "No" to master-slaves relationships without any concern of how he would make a "Living" after the official announcement.
Hope you can see the lasting Value of the pieces of Truth in your Continuity of the Consciousness, exploited so long by esoteric dark forces in human history, drummed up by entire 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas. We esoterically know these leaders under Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, etc - after learning their hard lessons in thousands years of degeneration - determined to change the course for the benefits of one and others. That is how we are so confident that the New Era has been started where everyone can play a role most relevant to one's dominant interest via STEM fact-based epistemic objectives. With hard works from previous real explorers such as Gotama, Jesus, Nagarjuna, Asanga, Bodhidharma, XuanZang, HuiNeng, etc, we can benefit from their "trials and errors" and start from where they left. What they have not done and delivered is the "How" to access this "Verifiable Emptiness" (Kingdom of God from within, Latin Humanitas, Ultimate (Wider) #Truth, Perfected Nature, Consciousness of the consciousness, #SamadhiPrajna) or an on/off switch from activities to utter Silence as envisioned by Krishnamurti via natural laws for heavy lifting. Most people cannot "#EmptyThe Content" and know nothing about gateway to "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", including most claimed meditation masters of Samatha and Vipassana such as the well-known one pictured in the reference[D19] or the claimed enlighten monk.
Applying the definition of 'Tranquillity'(page 85)[D34] in Lankavatara Sutra as the 'Gateway-to-Oneness', we define Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) as the outcome "state" of Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Samma-Samadhi - Chánh Định) for an #Awareness of [ simultaneously arising signals from the body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities ] extended to the [ Dependent Nature of the present states of one's Relationships with the World 'As It Is' ]. It is a state of being Aware of the momentary 'Sweet Spot' shown in Figure 3, or states of #Prajna in engaged living. Scientifically, it is the state of accumulated stock from "Right Transcendental Inner Peace" that Gotama used his "Right Transcendental #Awareness" to observe and describe what he actually knew in "Cula-suññata Sutta: The Lesser Discourse on Emptiness" (MN 121)[D26]. It is what HuiNeng call #SanadhiPrajna (Định-Tuệ) { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }. It is easier NOW with discovered layered No-Conflict Consciousness having available digital technologies of "anchored Hooks" on these Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace in engaged living of facing concrete event having concrete subjective evaluations of the end results. The Big Data AI of these outcomes can detect optimal patterns to help all involved parties on the direction of conscious living in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
Discovering natural laws for Heavy Lifting in the Right Transcendental Inner Peace - known by Gotama as "Verifiable Emptiness"[R1] - is a scientific approach to deliver what great explorers assert based on their accumulated "states" and "stock" of #Prajna. #PrajnaTIPs are the answers to ride on Natural Laws for accessing different depths of "Right Transcendental Inner Peace" in Transcendental Consciousness, then "Transcend Inner Peace (TIP)" to Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity that Buddhist Samatha cannot touch. On the way out of this "Insight into the Emptiness / Dissolution of appearances" the "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" as outcomes of its "Natural Purification" clearly see "Thing As It Is" (the target of Buddhist Vipassana) the "Process of Inner Transformation (PIT) or Prajna Cultivation" via "No Mind Enclosure" from the "tested" Heart Sutra[R2] - far beyond Buddhist Vipassana - coming from the utter Silence, capable to sense the core Issue and possible solution of the "Observed" one has attention upon. Therefore, "Process of Inner Transformation (PIT) or Prajna Cultivation" is the replacement of Buddhist Vipassana for required innate power from "Transcendental Inner Peace" in wider and direct sense of energy layers and energy connections in complex issue[R1]. Thus, #PrajnaTIPs - the science behind both Transcendental Inner Peace and #Prajna Cultivation - are easier ways riding on natural laws for Heavy Lifting to break out the stagnant Buddhist Samatha and Vipassana, reaching their theoretical targets.
Implementing HuiNeng correction to the snapshot nature of Budh Dharma, one evaluates the Actual Outcome against the targeted signed posts [ Beyond Thought / Wu-Nien (Vô Niệm), No-Mark (Vô Vết), Detachment (Vô Trụ), #SamadhiPrajna (Right Transcendental #Awareness) ] with or without hard data in the feedback of the Plan and Execution of the target directed by Transcendental #Awareness. In that evaluation, one can tell whether one's action is driven by #Prajna, the manifestation of Transcendental Inner Peace via the "tested" Heart Sutra[R2] "No Mind Enclosure / Tâm Không Chướng Ngai", or by Ignorance driven by "Tainted Mind / Tâm Chướng Ngai", and adjust accordingly. ICT (Information Communication Technology) can facilitate this reflective evaluation process in Making Life Easier and Happier.
Even the Inner Peace is there, Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) alerts one whether it is a Right Inner Peace having embedded Detachment (Vô Trụ) or an addicted #Samadhi of Clinging and Craving. Having sufficient Right Transcendental #Awareness, Holy and Dirty Tricks will be effortlessly washed out. Clarity from Transcendental Inner Peace alone is not enough, Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) also alerts whether there is any Insight outside the box to assure the Right Inner Peace (Chánh Định) is relevant in the Right Direction. Many logically think 'Inner Peace' is just any inner peace which is Not the case due to its condition. This 'Inner Peace' - Transcendental Inner Peace (TIP) - is deepening its fine experience toward 'Non-Thingness' having 'No-Mark - Vô Vết' on one's substance once the action is completed to rejuvenate the wear and tear of relative existence, different from 'Bliss/Trance' in sexual bliss and directional 'Faith' driving toward Sufferings and Addictions.
Many ride on the word 'Bliss' used by few qualified know-ers of this 'Transcendental Inner Peace'[D54], including Buddhist monks on 'Bliss and Emptiness' or 'the Third Truth can be viewed as the 'Bliss Truth' (Diệu đế thứ ba có thể được gọi là Lạc đế - Làng Mai). Similarly, many see 'Faith' as 'The Root of All Evils or The God Delusion' delivered by divisional organised religions, intolerable within the same sect and fanatically eliminate other sects (over 300) in the name of Peace and Harmony. The required Right conditions must have 'Detachment (Vô Trụ)' and directed by '#Prajna / Bát Nhã'. Practically, one can check whether the Vision or Plan is in the Right Direction according to one's #Prajna which is the beginning and the Ultimate (Perfection / Paramita) driving force of one's activities.
Using graphical representation via Set Theory of the #Awareness in the 'Transcendental Mind' (Figure 2), #Prajna is precisely defined as the driving force (Table 2) of Volition (Sankhara) for a Right Effort / Action, or immediate outcome, of 'Clarity' from all involved attributes at the encountered point plus the 'Insight' from beyond to see 'Thing As It Is' in a wider perspective of Worthy Existence. The Right Effort / Action driven by #Prajna available in each person to do something for the 'real Pain', not sitting there to philosophize whether it can overcome all Sufferings of confused philosophers causing Inner Conflicts and Outer Conflicts due to the divergence between what one sees (Reality) against one's Actuality (Thing As It is).
The KhaiPhong "#Awareness" coming from stable wired stability of the Mind making the "sixth - seventh senses / Instinct - #Prajna" cultivable, and "#Awareness" coming from the "stock" of #Prajna influenced via momentary "Kindness and Empathy" (for increasing) or "hallucinated self" (to cause reducing) are very much different from cultivation in Buddhist Vipassana. It is the scientific process clearly described in the Heart Sutra[R2] that requires an utter Silence from Purity stage for a "No Mind Enclosure" to sense relevant vibrations of influences on the Issue one directs the attention upon, capable to catch the "Pulse" of the Issue and the possible best solution at the right time and right place. It first upgrades one's "states and stock" of #Prajna to the level of #Awareness as required at Equanimity level by Gotama to personally verify the "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" - not at the conceptual level as taught in all organised religions yet killing one another within and outside the same religion - then deepen one's experiences in advanced techniques on the solid "Foundation of Kindness and Empathy" in "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings"
You do/see "Thing-As-It-Is" (Insight Meditation) at different depths of #SamadhiPrajna / Right Transcendental #Awareness in daily activities to "Know More About Yourself" from the innate power of your "Transcendental #Awareness" and "#Prajna" to (1) clear out dominant outdated Marks of the senses, (2) Recognize the driving force of your Volition / Freewill / Sankhara to properly manage your Realities, (3) further Expand your Consciousness of the consciousness, and sharpening whatever the Sixth - Seventh Senses you have in your Continuity of the Consciousness. You deepen your "states" and "stock" of #Prajna based on whatever most relevant at the present moment. It is exactly as Gotama's advice from Ajita's questions[D22].
“Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved
Due to ineffective methods of delivering the implementations of Gotama's discoveries, his picked-up Truths value-added by few dedicated and persistent explorers are veiled for completely opposite master-slaves relationships taking place. Let's glance through other alternatives hopping in the darkness of conditioned existence without any transcendental outcome to dissolve the appearances in "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict". We specifically talk about "#Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is" from "No Mind Enclosure" at different depths of the state and stock of #Prajna in contrast with "Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts" to No Exit outlet in the narrow scope of "Self" no matter how large one wants to expand the boundary of "Self" since it always has a centre.
Loving-Kindness is commonly talking about, but mostly from an angle of creating one image / utopia to be against other considered as negative attributes. A conditioned darkness cannot destroy and/or see other conditioned darkness As It Is. There must be a Light from outside both conditioned darknesses. Almost all "Loving-Kindness" meditation up to 2025 start from conditioned thought of the "Blind teaching the Blinds". That "Light" is an ability to flow into the state created by genuine Kindness and Empathy. That Light is #PrajnaTIP in Kindness. It requires a certain level of being able to dissolve appearances to utter Silence of Purity for a "No Mind Enclosure" as described in the "tested" Heat Sutra[R2] to sense and be with the vibrations at the moment of Kindness and Empathy. Most of Buddhist teachers of "Loving Kindness" cannot even pass the gateway to #Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without conflict / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness nor having Transcendental #Awareness qualified by Gotama[D29]
Walking meditation is another technique advocated by those knowing nothing about Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) #Truth / Perfected Nature / Consciousness of the consciousness, not qualified by Gotama as having Transcendental #Awareness. Yet spreading their "conditioned level of retarding and binding the mind" either to a breath[D24] and/or feeling[D25]. It is still a conflicting conditioned within conflicting conditioned existence. A deep walking #Awareness can be achieved via activating one's wholesome energy (Mind, Body, Aspiration) to a higher level and/or effortlessly merging into the environment. Again, it requires a very high level of one's cultivable states and stock of #Prajna which all boil down to "Verifiable Emptiness" at different depths of Transcendental #AwarenessPrajna.
How is the Buddhist Zen Koan whose target is to let one realize the futility in the duality of conditioned become useless in life - in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha up to 2025 - and in other organised religions via their "theologies". Our suggested "Zen Koan" - a new practical approach leading to possible scientific discoveries - is using Gotama's discoveries in his Fourfold Truth as the testing ground that uses his model in the modified Eightfold Path as the driving force to "Personally Verify" the four seals in all daily activities: Dukkha - Impermanence - Not-Self - Nirvana. In this verification you actually know face-to-face the Sunyata and verify the Koan "Therefore, in Sunyata there is not ... dukkha-sammudaya-nirodha-marga / Cho nên, trong Sunyata ... không khổ tập diệt đạo".
You do not see - up to 2025 - any explanation of "Koan" in this way, so does the explanation of the Heart Sutra[R2] from a verifiable angle, outside the conditioned box, to rub its "elbow" with Gotama's recorded "Verifiable Emptiness"[R1]. You will be a driving force to turn zen / meditation masters and hallucinated Buddhist monks unemployed. The zen "koan" is Not for stopping the thinking nor for anything "Absolutely Useless" such as "the clap of one hand" proudly advocated by those not even passing the "Detachment from binding Image / Word and/or clinging Thought", but for rational thinking / reflecting / observing from what going on in the Nature of Thing-As-It-Is to discover Natural Laws for heavy lifting.
That is the "Koan" from Gotama's modified Fourfold Noble #Truth and his driving model in the modified Eightfold Path that most of his monks / nuns cannot even touch. The rational thinking can possibly reach the pinnacle of Beyond Thought - known by Krishnamurti as "Intensity of Attention" - actually demonstrated by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] and one of his generals helping to defeat the Mongol invasions in the 13th century. With discovered natural laws for heavy lifting, the trails will be much smoother, enjoyable and applicable to more people where Faith to reach 'the kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21] can be personally used as "Aspiration" and dropped to get out the messy states of all divisional organised religions up until 2025.
Similarly, you can immediately see the defects in Zen's most popular 'Ten Ox-herding Pictures'[R1] - graphical representations of a cultivating process according to Buddhist Zen tradition. As proven above, it is very hard for a conflicting darkness with innumerable "Inner Conflict - Outer Conflicts" see the duality darkness of Buddhist monks making a living on what he does not know nor have in (1) Searching for the Ox, (2) Seeing the Traces, (3) Seeing the Ox, (4) Catching the Ox, (5) Taming the Ox, (6) Riding the Ox, (7) At Home - Ox Forgotten. That is why up to 2025, very few (including Buddhist monks and nuns) can experience (8) Non-Thingness - Transcending both Ox and Man, (9) The Source - Returning to the Origin, (10) AwakeningBudh - pointing out the Right Effort / Optimum Solution right in the mid of Issue / Conflict / Dukkha: (1) [ "Dependent Nature traceable to #Oneness #Oneness in the Dependent Nature / Tùy duyên Bất biến Bất biến Tùy duyên" ], (2) Nirvana in the mid of Dukkha. It is the secret of the first king of Trần dynasty "Chỉ sai hữu niệm quên vô niệm - Wrongly grasp a conditioned thought and miss the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, the "Right Effort" turns into "Wrong Effort".
We correct the 'Ten Ox-herding Pictures' into the seven-fold dynamic process of "Learning and Doing" according to Gotama's modified Eightfold Path: (1) At Home on the foundation of Kindness and Empathy, (2) Right Effort, (3) Taming The Ox, (4) Riding The Ox, (5) Non-Thingness, (6) The Source, (7) AwakeningBudh. Since the Buddha Nature - an ability to know what is most appropriate and unworthy relevant to one's present moment - is innate in everyone, the "Learning and Doing" must come from the "Light" at current Right Understanding and Right Motivation (the #Prajna division of the Eightfold Path) of one's cultivable states and stock of #Prajna. By looking at the end result, one can know more about oneself - true to one's Heart - in both strength and weakness, then share the trail one has passed with the community as well as learning from others. The process will be much easier and enhanced with discovered natural laws for heavy lifting to different depths of Gotama's Verifiable Emptiness[R1] and Artificial Intelligence for feedback and recommendations what most relevant at one's Present Moment. This is the culture of "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings" to effortlessly wipe out religious unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4].
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