Takeaway: Kindness (mettā - tâm từ) and Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi) form a solid and deeper foundation for one's [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ], having wider perspective of events since only through No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] one can deepen and widen the view of seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for a Right Effort in any event, especially in complex event where many opposing forces continuously and dynamically influencing one another such as a global international conflict, a long-term territorial ownership, a vision, etc. With Prajna Dialectic from scientifically cultivable Prajna, one can solve many complex Issues such as the current (2024) [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] with "Harmonious Melting Pot" of conflicting forces from thesis in "Belt and Road Initiative"[R8] versus anti-thesis of US-inspired “Build Back Better World” (B3W) project from G7 leaders through Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of cultivable Prajna.
Equipped with new technologies riding on Natural Laws for heavy lifting in Freedom from the [ Known / Binding Word-Image and Clinging Thought / Sở Tri Chướng ] and being "At Home" in all activities, one acquires deeper understanding and integration between the "Right effort" and the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict. Further augmented with Tools in Change Management - AI technical contributions from KhaiPhong - one is an Agent of Changes, to change oneself and the surroundings toward What Count[R23] in [ The Connected Universe where Everything is Connected ].
The gut of KhaiPhong Technology comes from discovered underlying natural laws to enable most people passing the Gateway-to-Oneness and beyond, riding on Natural Purification[D26] from Gotama's "Right Transcendental Inner Peace / Samma Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and beyond" to naturally purify tainted senses and clear "one's inner sky[R7.3]" or Complex Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace for a sudden manifestation due to Detachment of HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna[R5] of seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for the "Right Understanding and Right Motivation (Prajna division of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path)" of any event, statistically significant in "Making Life Easier and Happier". One can reclaim human innate ability of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }.
The reclaim of human innate ability (to know more about oneself) of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] - the quality of one's scientifically cultivable InnerSpace mathematically described via Complex Fiboncci Layered No-Conflict Consciousness - needs to be stabilized in one's Continuity of the consciousness, NOT ONLY in this life BUt life-after-life and realm-after-realm. It is possible thanks to a New Era starting from 2012, causing (1) the total collapse - driven by underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes - of the past esoteric feudal systems and Not All involved parties are totally degenerated, (2) those currently holding human and esoteric powers of manifested intelligent realms facing their realities (in negative Fibonacci degeneration or slightly above) of (2.1) not having a moment of complete "Silence / Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and beyond" to be naturally Happy in Harmonious environment of the Whole, (2.2) their loss of wider vision and guilding light of Prajna Dialectic to the heavier darkness of consciousness manifested only in "I Win You Loose" of Hegelian Dialectic driven by deeper Greed and Fears, (3) the breakthroughs in KhaiPhong's integration of human radio and esoteric consciousness technologies via discovering underlying natural laws, plus "Inter-realms and Inter-nations Communication Hub" available from a KhaiPhong living student enabling Communications and Collaborations at the sources of thoughts.
(1) A solid foundation of Right Effort: Cultivable #Prajna, (2) Guiding Light of the Right Effort: #Prajna, (3) Charter of Free Inquiry.
Implementing this Agent of Changes is the strategy of KhaiPhong to override myopic Wrong Efforts via knowing more about oneself coming from the grass roots of all involved parties to peacefully solve intelligent being conflicts and challenges with win-win innovations beyond mathematically proven Fair Trade.
Jump to #1.1 Worship the mean and forget the target, #1.2 Grasp available changing components and ignore the lasting values in Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, #1.3 A switch between the darkness of Ignorance to the light of [ Wisdom / #Prajna / Oneness ], #1.4 Being "At Home" in all activities.
#2.1 Transcendental #Awareness is equivalent to #Awareness to sustain the "Right Effort", #2.2 "Right Effort" demands "Verifiable Emptiness" in transcending the "Observer", #2.3 Applications of cultivable "Transcendental #Awareness", #2.4 Freshness from deeper layers of Consciousness.
#3.1 Not doing anything, #3.2 Action based on personal experience, #3.3 Action based on proven accumulated logic underlying epistemic objectives, #3.4 Action based on group non-transcendental attention / Crushing the water / Đập nát nước, #3.5 Action based on wider perspective from the TRUTH plane perpendicular to the duality plane of the event for a sudden breakthrough / Value of the values, #3.6 Sustainable breakthroughs / Tùy duyên Bất biến, Bất biến Tùy duyên.
“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted
The statement points out two sides of an Intelligent Existence: the normative (subjective) side having an ability to know the "Right" and "Unworthy" relevant to one's present moment and the positive side with measurable metrics. The normative side can also be rated from [-1, 0, 1] for normative evaluation of person / organization "Effort" as driven by "Not Applicable (0)", "Ignorance (-1)" or "Prajna (1)" based on measurable hard facts of Wrong or Right Effort from manifested Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and beyond to see "Thing-As-It-Is", relevant only to the persona (person / organisation) knowing more about oneself. Using Artificial Intelligence from Machine Learning and Smart Contracts with measurable Values and Relationships from all activities, the person / organisation can know more about oneself to change both behaviour and pattern in productions and consumption. Besides epistemic objectives in discovering causes and effects from social sciences, modeling and simulation of nationally important issues can be further enhanced with complex number in Laplace Transformation of control theory to know more about the system. The technology will revolutionise human activities in all fields to enable people the driving force toward Wholesome Goodness "From people, By people, and For people".
1. A solid foundation of Right Effort: Cultivable #Prajna
Man has evolved from social animals - Figure 1 - capable of abstract thinking. The earliest evidence was around 35,000 BC of cave painting recording the first known narrative stories in Indonesia and Western Europe. The written language for a systematic way to record knowledge was around 3500 BC. The printing press - Gutenberg 1453 - took around 400 years to reach mass audience. The telephone needed 50 years to reach 25% of US population. The cell phone achieved that target in seven years. Social networks of wikis and blogs took about three years. Man versus machine in reversed engineering of the brain cortex in day-to-day logical operations comes to the front line with the upper hand of 'Deep Blue' versus Chess Champion Kasparov, and 'Watson' versus two best candidates in Jeopardy. Both 'Deep Blue' and 'Watson' were designed and modeled for their special purposes. Proven technologies of "ChatBots" push AI and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to the front line, enabling Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to know more about oneself directing available resources toward What Count an absolutely necessary condition - sine qua non - of modern "Living & Being" in one's Continuity of the consciousness. This proves that for well-established system operating in "Rule-of-Law" for accountable and transparencies, digital robots will outperform the best human in the assigned field to FREE one mundane tasks for breakthrough innovations Making Life Easier and Happier. We scientifically prove in this book and captured again from above "Takeaway" that once qualified by nature as a human defined in "Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within", one can access higher consciousness described in positive Complex Fibonacci evolution from minute 6:25 via Prajna Dialectic from scientifically cultivable #Prajna. One can solve many complex Issues such as the current (2024) [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] far beyond any "slaved robot" that the totally collapsed degenerated feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods - through their human slaves in Illuminati Elites (NWO) - tried to perpetuate that bullying systems driven by Greed and Fears of animal kingdoms in entire human history up until 2012 when top leaders of that huge esoteric Mafia systems causing 100,000+ man-years of tremendous Sufferings for all intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs).
From these cases, we can generalise that (1) machine modeling and simulation can augment and sometime outperform the most capable human being in some specialised domains of the known, (2) breakthrough technologies via accessible Beyond the Known should be democratised to enable the mass equal access in Making Life Easier and Happier fully responsible for one's action in changing oneself and the environment one a part toward a "Right" direction which comes from the grass roots where each is only a part of the Whole, (3) Custom Agents via RPA (Robotic Process Automation) extend one's operations such as secured end-to-end containerized Communications and Collaborations mu with mathematical proof of "Confidentiality" (only You can read data), "Integrity" (only You can modify data), "Attestation" (You can prove it in Zero Trust strategy which will be the foundation in the new Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations), ready to export one's Intellectual Property Rights to other Intelligent Realms on the Principles of Morality and Justice that with "Freewill and Aspiration" in the Good Forces, you are Not a slave and Pavlov dog based on Greed and Fears as shown up to 2022-11-13 of cunning esoteric cheaters". The second generalisation is in accordance with Human Rights naturally qualified by underlying natural laws and formally materialized in humanity. Our target to democratise the 'Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / There is No God but Allah' by introducing scientific approach to enable most people directly experiencing and utilising exotic attributes - Transcendental Inner Peace (TIP) and Transcendental #Awareness at different depths - known under different religions and philosophies, guiding their Activities toward a "Right Effort" rather than "Wrong Effort". It is a dynamic interaction between "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" from patch C of Figure 2 due to accessible Consciousness of the consciousness bypassing all available outdated marks of the senses, and "Thing-As-It-Is with Conflicts" in the area of 1 + 1 > 2 (Patch A) at any contact. Through scientific process, the different means to reach the target are separated from the target of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / There is No God but Allah" so both explorers and providers can bring something valuable to the table while effortlessly wipe out fanatic unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], hiding under all "isms".
The strength of human brain in comparison with machine massive processing of data and pattern recognition is not in logical thinking due to entanglements in the senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind) and in its own entanglements (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness) which are necessary for its fitness in survival existence[R9]. Human strength is rather in accumulated long experiences in Learning and Doing via Instinct/Intuition capable of jumping into a clear and right solution in new environment where there are rapid structural changes and/or not sufficient patterns for prediction, plus something more. This "something more" is the ability in complete Silence of the self from No-Conflict plane for higher consciousness known as [ Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna ] in sensing the vibration pattern of the focused event and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count.
That "something more" is due to the complex Dependent Nature of Existence where one's feeling, thinking, intensity of attention from all efforts dynamically changing the environment and its involved parties which provides feedback to one's Volition / Freewill. In the Essence of a Right Effort, we define "Consciousness" as the ground of all being, the nature of all things vibrating at the fundamental level. Soul / Agent is an identifiable bundle of unique Consciousness having Intelligence which is an ability to make decision and ability to learn. Freewill is the Directed Force of an Agent / Soul to shape its unique quality of the Consciousness and the Environment. There are scientific evidences that "Freewill" is not actually "Volitionally Free" since there are driving forces behind the Volition that all organised religions and isms have been conditioning faithful followers into slaved Pavlov dogs fighting for their hallucinated doctrines. Yet, innate within every person - via the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong - one can be aware of the driving force behind the "Volition / Sankhara / Freewill" known in 2500+ years of Buddhists as Ignorance leading toward sufferings versus cultivable #Prajna to dispel the darkness for one's Right Effort.
The interaction between an Observer (agent/soul) and the Observed in and along "flocks of streams of consciousness" is complex (Figure 2). Buddhist "mindfulness of breathing"[D24] and "the Great Frames of Reference - MahaSatipatthana Sutta"[D25] attempt to capture the present moment by focusing on the body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities that it claims as the (unique) direct path for the purification of beings, for the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the disappearance of pain and distress, for the attainment of the right method, and for the realisation of Unbinding. It is so because Gotama did not scientifically know the "Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]" that costed him six years of hard practices. The claims have definitely come from the blinds touching elephant - the professional cheaters[R18.4] - in his Buddhist cheating Sangha, intentionally sabotaging his discoveries up to 2024. The practice is "Very Painful and Impossible" since at any moment there are interactions of innumerable signals SIMULTANEOUSLY arising from [the body, feelings, mind, and mental qualities] but also from [the Dependent Nature of One and the Whole 'As It Is']. It renders one useless in modern living and in the market place where outcome of any issue is affected by intentional efforts of all involved parties.
It is Impossible to precisely know all minute influences, exactly as the dialogue between Gotama and Subhuti[R7] in The Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita / Diamond Sutra that
“Subhuti, the past mind cannot be grasped, neither can the present mind or the future mind.
There is only a probability in the outcome of any event or effort, consistent with modern science. If we define individual mind as (1) Intuition and Brain Intelligence that drive the 'Doing' in all activities, and (2) wider perspective of ComPassion from the Heart for "the Right Thing to do" viewed from one's angle of [ Wisdom / #Prajna ] which embraces relevant involved parties in the Totality of Existence, the aggregate mind - of a business, organisation, community, region, country, the World - is basically the accumulation of its decision making processes ready for the Present and its Vision of "the Right Thing to do" under its aggregate persona. Hence individual and aggregate mind can be treated as an Observer where Artificial Intelligence (AI) via Machine Learning and Smart Contracts can augment its decision making processes to change both patterns and behaviours toward What Count[R23]. The question is whether the "mind" capable to discern major patterns coming out from the event and dominant attributes to be influenced, capable to drive the outcome toward the Right Effort. If YES, then how can one cultivate that kind of [ Wisdom / #Prajna / Oneness ] at both individual and aggregate levels as presented in all important events and international conflicts?
Among all organised religions and serious philosophies, Buddhist traditions are well-known as front-line explorers of human consciousness and its cosmology. Using scientific processes in precise definitions of individual and aggregate mind, we can make Life not only Easier through efficient conflict resolution in patch A (Fair Trade / Thing-As-It-Is with Conflicts) of [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] but also Happier in to be proven in "Prajna Dialectic" of [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea of 1 + 1 >> 2 ] via the guiding light from cultivable [ Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict ] of patch C in Figure 2. The Easier and Happier naturally enforce "stability in both individual and aggregate mind", invisibly driving measurable metrics of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP) toward Gross National Happiness (GNH) which can also be measurable via a basket of types of people in each community, the aggregation of which is GNH. They are indexes in quality of living whose simulations can reveal strategic strengths to allocate economic resources as well as impacts of major projects to be technically monitored and managed by stakeholders of the Haves and HaveNots. It is a fundamental change to live in accordance with the Laws of Nature - Prajna Way of "thuận theo tự nhiên" where everyone is an Agent of Changes - to change oneself and the environment one a part.
As a social living organism, evolving for a long time, characteristics of leaders and what make strong communities have been emerged. Two dominant forces are universally recognised: Kindness or the driving force to Share one's happiness with others, and Empathy or an ability to feel other pains to practically do something about it. These two attributes are universally recognised since it is a natural law to build one's "states" and "stock" of the "#Prajna" to be more sensible to what most important and the underlying "#Awareness" of what really going on behind the scene. Due to the complexity of interactions - especially in difficult issues such as national security, trade negotiation, diplomatic maneuver, strategic partnership - the ability to read the pulse of the issue and what dominant factors needed to be influenced in driving the negotiation toward one's Right Effort is a "Plus". The writer feels that we have such living students in KhaiPhong inner Circle rated of [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness ] at Fibonacci X5 Knowing the source of one's Thought, X6 Using cosmic energy for self-protection, and X7 Directing cosmic energy to help others.
Exploration of that ability has been with humanity for a long time, and can be summarized up in Figure 2 as an interaction (collision) between Observer (or aggregate of observers) and the Observed (or all directly and indirectly involved counter-parts). In that interaction, besides concrete manifestations from patch A and hidden reservations / chemistry in patch B, there is something in patch C commonly known as "outside-the-box" seen from high above on the event TRUTH (perpendicular) plane "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Intuition" - at different depths of cultivable consciousness that can shed light / insight into difficult issue for a breakthrough solution acceptable by all involved parties. In connecting the "dots" of discoveries from dedicated explorers, we can mathematically model that [ Oneness / Wisdom / Prajna ] as the event's plane of TRUTH perpendicular to the duality plane whose dominant patterns of critical events are statistically measurable "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path. Normative evaluation from feedback of one's efforts, we can indirectly measure the degree of [ Right and Wrong of the Understanding and Motivation ] or [ Prajna ] for AI custom recommendation feeds to change behaviour and operations in all activities and relationships in adjusting oneself and the environment toward What Count.
Buddhist Shurangama[D33] logically explained the existence of that something stable Beyond-Thought - Unchanged and Unborn - called by HuiNeng[R5] "Wu-Nien", by XuanZang[D19] "Consciousness of the consciousness", by Consciousness-Only[D39] the Perfected Nature, by Madhyamaka[D38] the Ultimate (Wider) Truth, by the Heart Sutra[R2] the #Prajna and Sunyata / Emptiness (Na), by Christian "the kingdom of God within you"[Luke 17:21] or "there is No God but God" in Islam. The "description" is not the "described"; the actual "DESCRIBED" is beyond word/image at Gotama qualified Transcendental #Awareness[D22], [D29] or "Equanimity", and beyond conditioned thought at "Purity" level. It recorded possible trails personally experienced by 25 Bodhisattvas and Arhats from tainted senses to the Perfected Nature to be stable within the ever changing and conditioned existence for a "Right Effort". Esoterically, these trails are technology updates of explorers in the higher middle realms of Gods, Allah, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas where the two most prominent technologies comes from Sound / Light and Consciousness that we will introduce to the human mass when the time is Right.
Similarly, the 'Oneness' beyond conflicts in duality of "Self" and "Not-Self" is described in Lankavatara Sutra[D34]
“People grasping their own shadows of discrimination, uphold the discrimination of dharma and adharma, and failing to carry out the abandonment of the dualism, they go on discriminating and never attain tranquillity. By Tranquillity is mean oneness, and oneness gives birth to the highest samadhi, which is gained by entering into the womb of Tathagatahood, which is the realm of supreme wisdom realized in one's inmost self;
O Mahamati, my doctrine of no-birth and no-annihilation is not the same as that held by the philosophers, nor as the doctrine of birth and permanence ... But mine is that is neither born nor transformed. Mine is above the category of being and non-being, and abandoning [the notion of] birth and destruction. I talk of that which is neither existence nor non-existence, that which has no more existence than the multitudinousness of things that appear like maya or in a dream.
This "Oneness / Unchanged / Unborn" in the mid of changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) existence can be actually known - without scholastic complex arguments from both Shurangama[D33] and Lankavatara[D34] - by many via "Kindness" (mettā) and "Empathy" (karuṇā) to have Right Understanding and Right Motivation for Right Effort in all activities in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. When you describe your "Kindness" or "Empathy" the kindness or empathy are not there. But many actually know the "Kindness" that makes you Share your Happiness with others and the "Empathy" that enables your feeling the pains of others and drives you to do something very practical just like you do something for your own pains (dukkha-dukkha). KindnessEmpathy - a visible trait - is Beyond-Thought that many can actually be Aware of. This scientific observation is drawn from Christian "Parable of the Good Samaritan"[R16] - mentioned in only one of the Canonical gospels, but the most significant factor accepted by almost all Christians or None-Christians. Thanks to this parable, many Good Christians have their innate Good Hearts in what they call the "Moral Value" despite all kinds of immoral things performed in entire history of the evil Roman Catholic Church, exposed by Martin Luther (1483–1546).
Yet, many hundreds millions suffering lives were directly and/or indirectly related to Christian Crusades and Colonialism to spread the Good News from the esoteric evil Father God aka the Original Buddha / Phật Nguyên Thủy. Out of many claimed "Good Christians" dedicated their lives as crusaders, there were few who could question something such as the "Faith" against their Conscience and sort out the Right versus the Unworthy in present living. Saint Francis of Assisi (Italian: San Francesco d'Assisi) was a typical one among them. We esoterically know this identified stream of consciousness, and his current reincarnation among us in the West that he can speed up the process of changes for billions Christians if he dares to use his Conscience in current present living and acts accordingly in his present job description, No More No Less in making a Right Living. It is even better if he can remember his astral experience and tell the World in his own words the "direct contacts" with a Sound Specialist in our group. The reason why many "Good Samaritans" cannot recognise the event TRUTH plane since no one has ever discovered and revealed - up until 2024 - the layered No-Conflict Consciousnesses and their roles in direct perception of a focused complex event such as the current [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] international conflicts involving many aspects and participants in modern geopolitics.
Let's scientifically explain the discovered process and "limited-field-testing among known people in our group" while waiting for the right time and right place to deliver the implementations of [Transcendental / Transcending] Inner peace (#PrajnaTIP) in passing the Gateway-to-Oneness, and possibly verifying Gotama's description of his recorded nine Jhanas[D29], [D30] that unworthy people in his Buddhist cheating Sangha claim to see what they do not See, claim to know what they do not Know[D19]. Our exposition will effectively shut down the esoteric "Big Mouth" of the Original Buddha through Gotama in Buddhist Shurangama Sutra[D33] and through Jesus as the Only Son of the evil Father God and the Redeemer of your original Sin against universal natural law of Action-Reaction of the Whole Nature to be further DISCOVERED and SHARED. Based on Shurangama, we prove (1) the claimed Buddha knows nothing about scientific process to awaken the Buddha Nature out of the conflicting (saṃsāra) events on the duality plane of consciousness, (2) the Sound technology coming from degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is a cheating process of an impostor, (3) there is a discovered scientific process at both theoretical and empirical level to enable most people bypassing their tainted senses to personally verify Higher States of No-Conflict Consciousness to Awaken one's [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas / There is no god but God ].
From Figure 2 at the focused event seen from #Prajna high above on the event TRUTH plane perpendicular to duality plane of manifestations, there is a line of No-Conflict Consciousness on the duality plane. Kindness and Empathy are "No-Conflict consciousnesses". You cannot have "Kindness" and/or "Empathy" if you are angry and/or hate your counter part. So do (1) HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi that very few monks and nuns can touch, (2) Aspiration where Faith may be a part used by Jesus, (3) Compassion known by Gotama when he was a child, (4) Detachment (demonstrated in HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna) and Merging with Nature both personally known by many students from our group. To get to the critical point of highest aesthetic states on the TRUTH plane of the focused event, one must be along this No-Conflict Consciousness line. Then with a statistically significant "secret sauce" - easily tested by modern community consensus from Cardano (third generation Block Chain) - custom to practitioner in KhaiPhong Strategic Intelligence Service (SIS), augmented with both modern Machine Learning and Smart Contracts, one transcends the contents passing different Signed Posts as graphically illustrated via #PrajnaTIP in Sound that we will empirically debunk both the claimed Buddha and the Sound Technology as described by the impostor in Shurangama Sutra.
In modern terms, the "Kindness" (mettā) and "Empathy" (karuṇā) provide a wider perspective of the situation for your Right Understanding and Right Motivation in a win-win situation and worthy relationship building. It is different from the myopic zero-sum game of "I win You loose". The fragrance of "Kindness" and "Empathy" naturally leads to Joy (muditā - tâm hỷ) and Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả) of the living in the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind (TỨ VÔ LƯỢNG TÂM) for the Happiness of One and the Whole. That "Happiness" in the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind from the Normative level of What Count[R23] is cultivable in daily activities, but Not at conditioned thought of all philosophies including cheating Buddhism - up until 2024 - which cannot deliver Transcendental Inner Peace of Dissolving / Emptying contents as described in Gotama's nine stages of Verifiable Emptiness.
Searching for scientific explanations of what went wrong with Gotama leading to his wrong tools totally on the duality plane[D24], [D25], with KungTzu in his imagination about the "Son of God" and very oppressive system of ruling and social order, and with Jesus's hallucination of being the "Only Son of the esoteric evil God and the Redeemer of human Original Sin", we discover the layered No-Conflict Consciousness according to the Dependent Nature to explain the esoteric collapse of Illuminati Elites (New World Order), opening the new Era of Higher Consciousness in human and higher realms: [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] where in part [ Prajna = Conscience >< Morakity >< Justice ] and in part of sensing the [ counter part / event ] [ Prajna = True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position ] for a breakthrough outside all conflicting events. Once the Illuminati elites loose the layers of Kindness and Empathy, they do not have the sense of Justice and Moral Value readily to eliminate by all means 90% of human population to serve their evil God in the negative Fibonacci degeneration according to underlying natural laws.
Outside Buddhist Dharma, the "Oneness / Unchanged / Unborn / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" is known as the Tao "Nameless", Christian "the Kingdom of God within you"[Luke 17:21], "there is No God but God" in Islam. Similar to "Kindness, Empathy", "God" is beyond Image/Word and Thought. Everyone knows the existence of Kindness and Empathy, but when you describe your "state of kindness and empathy" in helping others, the "Kindness" or "Empathy" is not there. Similarly, the experience of "God"[R6] is different from its description in Word / Image / Thought enforced in all organised religions that a concerned Buddhist summarised his reflection over 100 years ago:
“All things return to "One" and "One" operates in all things.
God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality (mathematically proven in modern Gödel Incompleteness theorem).
Soyen Shaku defined "God" as Buddhist "Dharmakaya / Pháp Thân"; his second sentence is a challenge to all religions - including all Buddhist masters and enlighten monks - the practicality of "Oneness / God / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" for a worthy existence of the agent and the environments one a part. His prediction 'Budh Dharma was born from India, germinates in China, grows in Japan, and will maturate throughout the world' becomes a Reality when the World can meet his challenge in the second sentence. We think this is the case in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong, enabling that "Oneness / God / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at different depths of the Consciousness accessible to all practitioners.
The four Boundless Qualities of the Mind are [ Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Transcendental #Awareness ], outside the set of conflicting duality. They cannot be touched by within-the-box conditioned thoughts of cheating Buddhism in their binding Word/Image and clinging Thought of Bodhisattva and Bodhicitta, or the blah blah blah of love in spreading their marketing message of "Good News" from Christian priests. It is exactly as "Emptiness" which cannot be touched by elaborate meditation on emptiness at thought level of those haven't passed the Gateway-to-Oneness. In fact, Gotama's nine stages of "Verifiable Emptiness[D29], [D30]" are different depths of Inner Cultivation via "Right Transcendental #Awareness" and "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / Samma-Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and beyond" for the Manifestations of the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind or visible fragrances in "Right Speech", "Right Action" and "Right Livelihood", coming from "Right Understanding" and "Right Motivation" for "Right Effort" in daily activities. The bold items are eight parts of the modified Eightfold Path that Buddhist unworthy people[R18.4] cannot touch. Please force all claimed Buddhist cheating teachers, meditation masters, monks, nuns expose their actual experience of their "Verifiable Emptiness".
The "Boundless Qualities of the Mind" demand "Natural Purification[D27]" coming from "Verifiable Emptiness[D26]" in transcending the Observed to loosen the grips of Binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, having a wider perspective of seeing Thing As It Is for a sprouting of "Kindness" (mettā - tâm từ) and "Empathy" (karuṇā - tâm bi), leading to Joy (muditā - tâm hỷ) and Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả). The natural state of "Joy" come from releasing modern stressful living via transcending and dissolving the Observed and Issues with possible "No-Mark" once the action is completed, exactly as an assertion from HuiNeng:
“Since all is void, Where can the dust alight?
The dynamic process of "Boundless Qualities of the Mind" is proven to bring required nutrients for the flowering of #Prajna in Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the modified Eightfold Path since #Prajna is the flower of ComPassion tree deep rooted in invisible Sunyata. It is measurable in Right Understanding and Right Motivation of one's activities in whatever one pays attention to. It is so since Kindness, Empathy, Joy are the outcomes of Transcendental Inner Peace due to "Natural Purification" infused from the first three Gotama's meditation stages into the Imaginary Nature of tainted senses to enable one's Right Understanding and Right Motivation closer to the Dependent Nature of "Thing As It Is" for a "Right Effort".
Claimed Buddhist meditations without delivering Transcendental Consciousness (Transcendental Inner Peace) - or dissolving the Observed - is Not #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền Định). The last one - "Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả)" - can only be stable when one passes the utter silence of "Purity" to transcend the Observer, actually knowing Buddhist "Not-Self / Selfless" in Expanding Space, Expanding Consciousness toward the Sunyata Non-Thingness and momentary Nirvana as actually exposed by Gotama[D29], [D30], [D26] in his nine stages of meditation and Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] in its stable "dwelling in no mind enclosure / trú nơi tâm không chướng ngại". It is a scientific process that one needs to (1) pass the transcendental state of dissolving form, feeling, perception, impulse, consciousness, (2) entering "Equanimity" where no arising of conflicting dualism "not arising not suppressed not tainted not pure not deficient not complete", (3) reaching the utter Silence of "Purity".
Here is a key difference between Buddhist Right Transcendental Inner Peace and "Wrong" Transcendental inner peace via sex, energy transformation, addicted prayers, etc, since "Detachment" is the observable quality and specified right in the Gotama first stage of meditation for correct path leading toward deeper natural Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả) with some stabilisation when one can transcend the Observer where the sense of body boundary dissolved. That is why we ask for a theoretical foundation of Detachment based on Buddhist contributions as a graduate course to enable one well rationally equipped (Kiến Tánh) on the trail of exploring and contributing the Science of the Consciousness.
The universal Kindness and Empathy had been applied by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] in his Military Treatise as the corner stone, once favourably developed in any community, will enable that community act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties. It turns out that this principle is the realisation of "the Good Samaritan"[R16] first suggested by Jesus without depending on any external force since each intelligent being is only one part of the whole as asserted in the dialogue between Gotama and Subhuti[R7], and internationally endorsed as Human Nature, recognising the differences among people but there is no difference in having the Right and Aspiration for some happiness, avoiding unnecessary sufferings.
It is easily understood since Kindness and Empathy provide natural bonding between one with one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles for favourable evolution of both one and the aggregate such as family, community, business, organisation, region, country, the World. The one having Kindness and Empathy has been cultivating and naturally sensing its vibrations in other aspects including [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ] of the dangers and opportunities to emerge as a natural leader. Knowing its mechanism, one can actually cultivate it, especially with the augmentation of Machine Learning and Smart Contracts. Therefore, under scientific process, natural leaders can also be trained, enhanced, augmented and accumulated in aggregate wisdom.
Due to Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes, the one who is able to Share and Mitigate sufferings for others has opportunities to grow to higher quality of the consciousness that has a one-to-one mapping to higher quality of existence according to natural laws and as the advice from Gotama that "whatever light" will float up and "whatever heavy" will sink according to natural laws that no ritual and praying[D32] can change the outcome. It is a scientific Truth that man has been cheated so long by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4], riding on Fear and Uncertainty under the shadow of all "isms" where organized religions are parts. Similarly, those in the position of accepting help also like to get out of the doldrums - knowing more about oneself and the Right Effort - and whenever possible do likewise for others which is an innate attribute of the human nature, internationally recognised and accepted as parts of Human Rights.
Therefore, Kindness and Empathy form a solid foundation for one's Right Effort in all activities. It (1) provides favourable environment for one and the surrounding community evolution as one vibrant intelligent living organism, (2) enables hand-on opportunities for one's cultivation in sensing complex interactions between one and the environment at any moment, (3) assure supporting and sustainable communities wherever one happens to be.
As illustrated in Figure 2, without a wider perspective of Kindness and Empathy for common vibration of energy in wider perspective of existence in conflict resolving, the zero-sum game - boiled down only to the contact point having no flexibility - will always rendered all involved parties losers. It is the case of fair trade versus (colonial) exploitation. On the other hand, a wider set of patch A - Thing-As-It-Is with conflicts - for flexible and higher probability of accepted agreement, the better it would be. The right perception or seeing the "pie" of that set to "be Shared" with required conditions to be influenced / changed in making it happened at the right place and right time comes from the "intuition" or "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" from patch C which can be mathematically represented as a wider View of the event seen from high above along the dimension of [ Oneness / Wisdom / #Prajna ] and strategic position to make happened the deal. The ability to get the "Pulse" of the complex Dependent Nature of the existence is "Cultivable" to make appearance the hidden potentiality or precious diamond innate in every person, commonly known as the "Buddha Nature", "Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas", "Oneness", "Ultimate (Wider) Truth", "Perfected Nature", "Self Nature", "Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", "outside the box". The interaction between patch A of a "Right Effort" and patch C of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" is dynamic at both individual and aggregate wisdom / #Prajna. It is the Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]. The "Mission" in Science and Economics of KhaiPhong is to enable that "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at different depths of the Consciousness accessible to all practitioners, and its "Execution" is "Making Life Easier and Happier". The "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" is the "Guiding Light" of the "Right Effort".
If Kindness and Empathy are cornerstones of all "isms", why up to 2024 most "Right Efforts" turn into "Wrong Efforts" creating our current messy states? What is the switch - if innate in every one - to change the darkness of ignorance to the light of wisdom?
"God / Oneness" as a guiding light - so "Help me God" - is not any more mysterious. It can be scientific in "Making Life Easier and Happier". All efforts - including intentionally wrong effort as a decoy - are initially designed according to our best "Right Efforts", but why they mostly turn sour, creating unnecessary sufferings for one and others. Behind any effort is a Volition / Freewill of an agent. Seeing the driving forces - or sense signals from all directions including the faked signals from opponent forces - behind the Freewill / Volition and the state of one's being, one can properly manage the situation as shown in Figure 3. That kind of management is naturally and effortlessly happening driven by one's level of cultivable Prajna, not the crooked cunning intelligence to harm all involved parties in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. By directly interacting with those at and/or proven tracked records in deliverables of "Then What" from deeper/higher Insights, we can democratically and scientifically discover and implement underlying natural forces, Making Life Easier and Happier in our Continuity of the Consciousness.
The situation is in reality much more complex since the sense signals are mostly tainted by innumerable outdated Marks which are barriers to distort one's view from "Thing As It Is". What we need are: (1) technologies to open the knots of past outdated marks, (2) ability to sense the driving forces of the sense signals and a state of one's being to properly manage one's realities, (3) materialisation of our hidden Potentiality. These technologies and their infrastructures are required to implement the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.
While waiting for the materialization and maturity of this Science due to required conditions to make it properly happened for the benefits of the mass that naturally and effortlessly drive out unworthy people, following are most common mistakes to turn whatever one tries into "Wrong Effort", pushed by all "isms" at conditioned Word/Image and Thought to glorify the nickname "Self" and the Solutions for Right Effort based on one's innate capability in Learning and Doing what most appropriate at the present moment:
- Worship the mean and forget the target
- Grasp available changing components and ignore the lasting values in "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict"
- A switch between the darkness of Ignorance and the light of [ Wisdom / #Prajna / Oneness ]
- Being "At Home" in all activities
1.1 Worship the mean and forget the target
Despite recognizable universal values, advocating in all "isms" where organized religions are parts, the target of reaching the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" or common vibration of energy outside the conflicting self (known under many different names) is messed up with the mean as logically proven in the Preface. We provide a checked point for this issue by (1) separating the means from the target of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", and (2) providing more potent means riding on natural laws for heavy lifting, rather than dogmatically binding oneself to the mean such as "exclusive faith under exclusive Word / Image / Thought". In an "Open World", one can selectively choose the least effort mean to the target, and drop the mean - such as a conflicting and divisional religion - as an old clothe when not required since one can have Faith / Higher Aspiration without religion. The opposite is true up to 2024 where one can have dogmatic religion without "faith and/or higher aspiration". This Right Understanding will drive all religious unworthy people[R18.4] unemployed.
While waiting for potent technologies to be introduced at the right time, and recognising that there is a wide range in sensing the vibration of Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh in innumerable aspects of daily activities, it is not any more "chicken and eggs" of which come first. Through a very long evolution, everyone is equipped with certain Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh, together with different set of challenges, most relevant to one's present moment. Just directing one's attention to the Practicalities of the present challenges, and knowing that Kindness (mettā - tâm từ) and Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi) are solid foundation of Lasting Values, one is heading toward a direction of Right Effort, avoiding many unexpected "cracks" and unnecessary sufferings on the way.
Starting from wherever one is, one can know more about oneself - what most needed to cultivate - relevant to one's present challenges and the direction one is heading in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. The preference will decide the content of one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles, and shape one's Efforts while providing a sense of a meaningful life that all organized religions and "isms" are trying to convince people in their directions without raising the flag of "watch out" in the difference between the mean and the target, the complex Dependent Nature of the sense signals, the state of one's being and a dedicated proper management of one's reality which is dynamically changing that absolutely requires knowing more about oneself. It is not one size fit all imposed from outside by all "isms" to enslave one in their yokes.
Talking is easy! Armies of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] - especially in all organised religions and communism - are everywhere to protect their territories and grasp followers as their Pavlov's dogs. Even with Gotama's Charter of Free Inquiry in Kalama Sutta[D23], many dedicated Buddhists are still stuck in the binding and clinging forces of Words/Images and Thoughts, rather than putting Right Effort for a breakthrough from "logic of the blinds touching elephant, Not Knowing Gotama Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng Wu-Nien / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh" as an innate part of a qualified Latin Humanitas.
Since our public exposition of the Heart Sutra[R2] - privately circulating to friends serving as the theoretical foundation in community understanding and motivation for legally forming Prajna Pagoda in Calgary Canada - and publicly debunking Buddhist professional cheaters since 2007, many Buddhists can see the correctness of Thing-As-It-Is of Gotama's Not-Self and Self (or the Fourfold Truth in his first discourse about Self and second discourse of Not-Self), of Nagarjuna's Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth, etc, without putting Right Effort to personally and actually verify Thing-As-It-Is and its practicality in Making Life Easier and Happier, being an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment toward What Count.
For example, in the latest (31-12-2017) "BÁT NHÃ TÂM KINH: MÊ NGỘ BẤT DỊ / Prajna Heart Sutra : No Difference between Ignorance and Awaken" the author hopes to [ "shed light (from his own deduction/imagination!) on the heart sutra as the Path of Zen Buddhism where form and sunyata appear in each thought, so does the Fourfold Truth in each "mind thought" a practical aspect of being away from attachment aversion and ignorance, that everyone can actually observe / sáng tỏ bài kinh cốt tủy này như một lối đi của Thiền Tông, nơi đây sẽ thấy Sắc và Không hiện ra trong từng niệm tâm, và như thế Tứ Thánh Đế hiển lộ trong từng niệm tâm – một cách thực dụng để xa lìa tham sân si, và ai cũng có thể tự quan sát được" ].
Wow! Here is an entry of a claimed Buddhist in his many life times as unworthy and professional cheater supporting the 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - violating Gotama "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối" to defend the "cheating process" of the Vietnamese Zen via the poem of Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ, a claimed Zen Master and teacher of the claimed Buddha King Trần Nhân Tông, the founder of Trúc Lâm - the only indigenous Zen Buddhist sect in Vietnam. You and almost all monks and nuns in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha do not know [ the driving force of each thought / the source of thought ] to properly manage yourself via Gotama qualified Transcendental #Awareness[D22], how can you dare to claim "form and sunyata appear in each thought / nơi đây sẽ thấy Sắc và Không hiện ra trong từng niệm tâm và ai cũng có thể tự quan sát được". When there is a "duality/conflicting thought" there is "No Emptiness toward Non-Thingness / what knowing that thought" and there is an #Awareness beyond Seeing and Hearing of Thought / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh. There is an #Awareness Beyond Thought - passing Purity Samadhi - to actually know Gotama's Not-Self / Selfless called Wu-Nien by HuiNeng and further described by KhaiPhong as Expanding Space (Gotama's Infinite Space) and Expanding Consciousness (Gotama's Infinite Consciousness) toward Non-Thingness and Beyond. Do not be part of hard-core persistent professional cheaters, not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] sooner or later to be toasted by epistemic objectives from KhaiPhong to turn many of Gotama anf others discoveries into objective knowledge in Making Life Easier and Happier.
- Mê ngộ bất dị (Mê lầm, giác ngộ không khác nhau)
- Mê khứ sinh không sắc (Khi mê, sinh ra Không và Sắc)
- Ngộ lai vô sắc không (Khi ngộ, không hề có chuyện Sắc và Không)
- Sắc không mê ngộ giả (Sắc và Không, cũng như Mê và Giác Ngộ)
- Nhất lý cổ kim đồng. (Từ xưa tới nay cũng là một lẽ).
- Ignorance Awaken are not different
- When ignorant, there are Sunyata and Form
- When awaken, there is no Form and Sunyata
- Form and Sunyata are just like Ignorant and Awaken
- From the beginning up to now, they are the same.
This proves beyond any doubt that claimed zen master Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ has not passed the Gateway-to-Oneness, knowing nothing about conflicting Duality Consciousness (Relative Truth) and No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] [ Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ], not seeing yet claimed to see not knowing yet claimed to know like many in entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha[D19].
At the right time we - KhaiPhong - will prove that same thing happened to the author of [ Visuddhimagga - the Path of Purification ][D31], pure imagination of the blind touching elephant about Gotama's seventh Jhana Non-Thingness[D30] that the Heart Sutra brings it to the front line to verify the interaction between Gotama Self in the first discourse and Not-Self / Selfless in the second discourse, THEN Transcending both the Observed (Object) and the Observer (Self / Subject) at the ultimate Silence of Non-Thingness.
Due to the conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) of Thing-As-It-Is proven by the second law of thermodynamics, everything - Ignorance-Awaken, Wrong-Right, Bad-Good, etc - is changing measurable at Planck time in the system of natural units known as Planck units. Planck unit is the time required for light to travel in a vacuum a distance of 1 Planck length, which is approximately 5.39 × 10−44 second. But due to the Dependent Nature of existence - discovered by Gotama - there is the [ Wrong and Right / Ignorance and Awaken / Sufferings and Happiness ] Dependent Nature that drive Gotama first discourse about the normative Self[D20] (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta: Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion) in his Four Noble Truths, starting at the identified Issue Dukkha-Dukkha (Sufferings), and the verifiable ultimate solution Not-Self in the second discourse. The entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha up to 2024 has missed his solution for the [ Self / Relative Truth / Meaning of Existence / Raison D'être ] in the first discourse, and know nothing about actuality of [ Not-Self / Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] in the second discourse[D20.1]. They blah blah blah in their ivory tower as evidenced from the above poem, or using [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ] as measurable sticks of the complex Right and Wrong according to Natural Laws of Thing-As-It-Is.
Similarly, Trần Nhân Tông had a well-known "Đối cảnh vô tâm mạc vấn Thiền / No need to talk about meditation when you have No-Mind in facing outer objects", having no further qualification about his actual know-how of the No-Mind in his life time which is only a copy of binding and indoctrinated "No-Mind[R5.1], [R7]" from Buddhist esoteric cheating process in Mahayana texts. Then What (?) in actual living blah blah blah by professional cheaters using defective concept of [ Wu-Wei / Not doing anything ] that Gotama concretely identified the Issue in the first discourse and his ultimate solution in the second discourse. Please force all claimed Buddhist meditation masters / monks / nuns in all Buddhist countries and sects - exposed their blah blah blah as in the above reference written by Ban Biên Tập (writing staff of) TVHS or ĐỐI THOẠI THIỀN 7 - publicly describe (1) the state of consciousness in No-Mind that they claim to know and/or understand as documented in the quoted sources (to be toasted by those who actually know and can stand on their own feet in life time as actually done by Gotama), then (2) what happen in their actual living and being. KhaiPhong Budh Counsellors at qualified Transcendental Awareness and Purity levels will deliver statistically epistemic objectives to effortlessly clean up all exposed professional cheaters, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see in the blah blah blah 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha[D19] for most reclaim their innate [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } at seven different depths for proper management of their mind in all activities and relationships.
Be serious about your "Quality of the Consciousness / qualia of your InnerSpace / States (in the X Y dimensions) and required measurable Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness for cultivable Stock / Complex Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace of #Prajna" since it directly affects your well-being according to natural laws[D32] now and future in your continuity of the Consciousness. The scientific process in cultivation of that quality has been well-defined just like being at University you must pass elementary and high school, (1) starting at HuiNeng [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định / 'To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi'[R5] ] that you can contribute from your actual experience "what it means free from attachment to all outer objects 2023-06-01 that Trần Nhân Tông did not know, and what Transcendental Inner Peace[D29], [D30] you actually attain that Trần Nhân Tông did not have, (2) the off-on switches in the interaction between [ Self / Relative Truth ] and [ Not-Self / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] Gotama put out in his first and second discourses to build the organisation for spreading his discoveries, and (3) the Quantum Consciousness in #SamadhiPrajna that you can bring to the table from your specialised domain to iron out unnecessary conflicts for this vibrant living world.
To help you being a human (intelligent) asset in realising your [ Strategic Position / Địa Lợi ] in Continuity of the identifiable Consciousness, and also serve as a humanistic breakthrough of a new Era in turning entire humanity Right Efforts, well known in 5000+ years of Chinese practical observation about [ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ], [ Strategic Position / Địa Lợi ], and [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ], we have been working on the scientific implementation of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] for 50+ years a scientific tool called Executive Information Portal (EIP) to integrate discovered technologies of "Prajna >< AI" control system. The [ Dharma Opportunity / Thiên Thời ] has been empirically proven by the Republic of Singapore in its strategic implementations of invisible hand of economics and the sense of justice which is now much easier due to proven mathematical proof of consistent input-output and time series data for structural modeling and simulations and AI to enable quantum consciousness to any complex system. The [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ] naturally makes happened Canadian Vision of "Inclusive Society" and turns "[ Canadiam belief of Respect / Relationships / Trust / Human Rights ] for all into a modern humanistic reality where [ Information >< Consciousness >< Mathematics ] can interact in Making Life Easier and Happier / EIP, recently visioned as the Right Society 5.0.
You cannot jump the grades like these hard-core professional cheaters. With the release of PrajnaTIP in Sound, we expect 8% human population - 500,000,000 people - can actually know and pass the Gateway-to-Oneness. Your investigations and contributions will enable Artificial Intelligence (AI) detect both the causes and correlations between the Natural Purification from the Right Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness with Detachment in actual living - far beyond the blah blah blah at thinking level of 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha - that HuiNeng can say [ Do not attach to anything then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心 ][R7]
We esoterically know the reincarnations of Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ and many others as elites in the esoteric dark forces. The first one has been degenerated to the level below human being! The others still have chances. What to do with current states and stock of #Prajna is up to them. They were those directly communicated via the image of an Owl in Illuminati New Word Order. Their controls of available resources are hidden - just like their peers of the dark forces - in that league. They are in right positions to be bridges to other high-power elites who can change themselves - reversing the degenerated courses - toward a right direction according to Natural Laws with their controlled finances and powers. It has been 60,000+ human years of degeneration and only cream of the creams being appointed elites. It is not easy to be qualified as a human being (and above) of knowing the normative Right and Unworthy. We are in the new Golden Era!
The ultimate solution via [ Not-Self / Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] comes from Thing-As-It-Is according to Natural Laws to drive the Wrong and Right according to changing conditions such as Race Assimilation, Nationalism, Religions, Cultures, Political and Economics systems, etc, continuously generating conflicts and wars. Gotama's precious gift to humanity - concretely called Prajna-Dialectic - has been at cul-de-sac sabotaged by professional cheaters in 2500+ years of his Buddhist cheating Sangha "worshipping the mean and forgetting the target". It needs to be revitalised for the new Era - knowing more about oneself - where people are the centres of all activities and relationships.
1.2 Grasp available changing components and ignore the
lasting values in "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict"
In this Dependent Nature, the ability to sense the common vibration from wider perspective - cultivable via Kindness and Empathy - is required to sense a "Right Thing to do" (Figure 3). This is the starting manifestation of [ Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Morality ] from the foundation of Transcendental #Awareness missed up to 2024 by the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha, but pioneered in the West via "The unexamined life is not worth living" (Ancient Greek: ὁ ... ἀνεξέταστος βίος οὐ βιωτὸς ἀνθρώπῳ) - a famous dictum apparently uttered by Socrates [470 - 399 BC]. The frontier of Computational Universe is also exploring this outside the box by looking at the patterns of emergent properties from the mass data at the market reactive level. No matter how much data one can collect, the human pattern recognition - with sufficient training - is far more superior[R1] since the pattern can come from (1) both reactive and reflective natures for structural changes and/or (2) sudden Breakthrough to open up a new innovation. Common vibration of energy via Kindness and Empathy facilitates a strong community one can lean on, through which the Wholesome Integration of Intuition, Brain Intelligence, and wider perspective of ComPassion from the Heart for 'the Right Thing to do' - called #Prajna - is capable to be outside the boxes of all involved parties for required innovations in all issues on the plane of duality seen and affected by different angles of involved parties.
Man is unique due to the ability to Know the Right and Unworthy relevant to one's present moment and the Freewill / Volition / Sankhara to change oneself and the environment one a part at individual and aggregate (group-intelligence) Reflective level of "What Count"[R23]. In that sense, one (individual/aggregate) is an active driving force to make something happened. Rather than man versus machine to compete at just physical level, one can use machine to augment one's ability to Know Oneself and Group Intelligence at higher level of Consciousness in normative economics of allocating resources. Individuals and aggregates become Agents of Changes to change themselves and the environment they are parts. The key attribute is (1) being Aware of driving forces behind Volition / Freewill / Sankhara of the sense signals and (2) the state of one's being to properly manage one's Realities which have both normative and positive sides.
Applicable to both individuals and aggregates, the "#Awareness" of driving force behind the " sense / monitoring" signals direct the perception on the intersection between "the Right Thing to do" and the "the Right Way to do" in Figure 3. The correct assessment in the state of one's being or one's "Unique Comparative Advantages" is required for an optimised "Sweet Spot" in [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ]. Plan and Execution are parts of the "Right Effort" to generate Values for a bigger pie in patch A at any contact point in Figure 11.1 directed from patch C in [ Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict ]. The "Right Effort" turns into "Wrong Effort" due to grasping / worshipping the "fruit" from changing components of Plan and Execution, and forgetting the Guiding Light from the Oneness to drive one's efforts. It is a breakthrough insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3].
This normative side to drive one's effort is usually referred to as the moral value and influences which are conditioned and divisional at binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, commonly known and enforced / indoctrinated in "all isms" where organised religions are parts. The techniques become more and more sophisticated toward mind control - especially under esoteric influences to drive Islam, Christian and Buddhist movements toward their competing masters-slaves relationships where secret societies, communism and fascism are their outcomes - to enslave people within their conditioned boxes to grasp and exploit others in whatever available in patch B of zero-sum game (I win you loose). These "isms" have been tried through out human history, but failed due to narrow static scope confined within their own enslaved binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, while all things are changed (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha), creating Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts despite their rational adjustments as actually demonstrated by the evil Roman Catholic Church[R18.3] in their entire history under the control of an esoteric dark force. The adjustments are commonly known as Hegelian Dialectic.
The outcomes are current status of conflicting worlds within each one of us and in surrounding aggregates such as families, organizations, communities, industries, countries, environments and the World due to narrow scope of the "Grasp-er" and the "Grasped", rather than Integrated approach of a Wholesome Mind, capable to know the sources of its driving forces, the state of its being and a "Right Effort" - Figure 4 - relevant to the present moment as discovered by Gotama 2500+ years ago, but currently dormant and not yet implemented.
The solution for this thousands years of mistake has been laid out by Gotama 2500+ years ago, commonly known as the Charter of Free Inquiry in Kalama Sutta[D23] to know more about one's #Prajna / Oneness - a faculty to know the Right and Unworthy - which is cultivable horizontally in daily activities and vertically in diving from within in patch C of Figure 2, drawing deeper power of the whole ocean (cosmic consciousness) where all disturbances at the surface are completely Silence (Empty of noises) to be a Guiding Light sustaining our "Right Effort" in the "Sweet Spot" of [ Plan >< Execution >< Feedback ]. It needs to be revitalised since it is now internationally accepted as Human Rights.
Unfortunately, the discovered solution missed (1) Qualified Level of Transcendental #Awareness in his advice to Ajita's questions[D29], [D22] leading to defects in Design-Build-Execution having (1.1) wrong tools[D24], [D25] - totally on the plane of [ Relative Truth / Duality Consciousness ] for the Right Job[D22] - and (1.2) wrong reasoning in the destruction of Ignorance due to Not Scientifically Knowing the Dependent Nature of [ Ultimate (Wider) Truth / No-Conflict Consciousness / Oneness / Prajna ], PLUS (2) No Practicality relevant to advanced and complex societies of interdependent activities and relationships.
The practicality was independently value-added in Kung-Tzu Main Concepts as a Possible Insight who had the same mistake as Gotama in reasoning deduction from a moment of breakthrough via "cheating Confucius Mandate of Heaven / Thiên Mệnh" on the plane of [ Ultimate (Wider) Truth / No-Conflict Consciousness / Oneness / #Prajna / Copnscience ]. These mistakes are now avoidable via statistically measurable outcomes of a breakthrough or false deductions. The qualified Transcendental #Awareness was further value added by (1) Jesus on the Foundation of #Awareness with his own Aspiration using Faith, (2) Bodhidharma with possible Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35] in #EmptyTheContent, and (3) HuiNeng's [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định / 'To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi' ][R5]
Technical Singularity - driven by myopic Greed and cunning intelligence in masters-slaves relationships - from higher realms filtered down to human realm via all organised religions and isms has exposed its dark side of Self glorification in addiction on the [ Relative Truth / Duality Consciousness ], causing significant degeneration of both masters and slaves naturally regulated by natural laws and internationally known in the collapse of the Illuminati New World Order. The human slaves of the slaves who still have a chance to reverse the degeneration of their quality of the consciousness are currently controlling [ financial / political / military ] powers of the world. It is up to them to do something with their own Value of the values from transient controlled resources that they cannot carry on in their Continuity of the Consciousness as in the reincarnations of many elites that we esoterically know.
Current Artificial Intelligence pushes their agenda in Technical Singularity via the integration of digital, biological and physical aspects, totally of the blinds touching elephants with the bottom line we heard from US Singularity University as [ 己所不欲,勿施於人。 What you do not want others to do to you, do not do unto others ] which is filtered by tainted senses. It has been fully exploited by all isms where organised religions are parts, and currently by Google and Facebook in mining data and hooking people to greed or from natural release of dopamine in addiction. A better bottom line coming from Canadian Singularity University is the export of financial resources and public policy know-how in Transparency and Accountability.
The real solution is now deliverable in the implementation of HuiNeng [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định / 'To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi' ]! The key questions are (1) how and what extent one can be free from attachment to outer objects, (2) what level of Right Transcendental Inner Peace one can attain, and (3) the underlying natural laws corresponding between the outer Detachment with inner attainment in Right Transcendental Inner Peace? We prove beyond any doubt that Natural Purification[D27] is the underlying natural laws and more researches are required for the integration of Normative Intelligence in [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định / 'To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi' ] of the Universal Moral Value of the values and Artificial Intelligence manifested on the plane of [ Duality Consciousness / Relative Truth ] turning Hegelian Dialectic into Prajna Dialectic, enabling people the driving forces of all activities and relationships.
Nevertheless, few key discoveries - based on the consciousness evolution of humanity up to 2024 and its Universal Network Phenomenon in the Dependent Nature of Existence - and field tested solutions personally known by current living students have been collected in the past 50+ years. It is ready for the implementation of HuiNeng [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định / 'To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi' ]! Here they are:
The first Vertical Switch - PrajnaTIP in Sound - is ready for the verifiable manifestation of HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi. [ #DhyanaSamadhi (#PrajnaTIP in Sound) ] is KhaiPhong foundation to enable practitioners personally (1) experience the meaning of #DhyanaSamadhi, (2) know different possible phases of #Samadhi such as Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity accidentally known by dedicated explorers, (3) build up required states and stock of #Prajna coming from Right #Samadhi Natural Purification. The Vertical Switch - #PrajnaTIP in Kindness - is also cultivable #DhyanaSamadhi in daily activities of Kindness, but built on accumulated states and stock of one's cultivable Prajna in other consciousness technologies underlying identified Vertical Switches: Compassion, Detachment. These vertical switches ride on Natural Laws of Thing-As-It-Is Nature which requires minimum level of (states and stock) of #Prajna coming from Buddhist traditions. That is why up to 2024, you do not see anyone in entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha - including Gotama via Compassion and HuiNeng via Detachment - can reverse engineering to work out scientific processes of their reproducible experiences to turn their personal opinions into epistemic objectives. We can lump them together into [ Merging with Nature (PrajnaTIP in Kindness, Compassion, Detachment) ]. The Vertical Switches in Tantra and Aspiration needs to be scientifically proven to be beyond addictions of sex and aspiration tools such as faith due to natural release of dopamine. They have been exploited by Vajrayana Tantra and organised religions as "opium of the mass": [ Sexual Orgasm (Tantra) ]. The attachment to natural release of dopamine is also used to hook people to digital activities and Technical Singularity, without the inclusion and integration of Normative Intelligence coming from #Prajna: in part [ Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Morality ] and in part of sensing the event (counter part) [ Prajna = True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position ]!
To our knowledge, Vertical Switch via Aspiration in Faith has been actually known and deliverable by Jesus that we esoterically know he is currently in higher realm, and part of the re-organisation according to Thing-As-It-Is of natural laws. We need to challenge him scientifically reverse engineering his know-how for deliverable solution to the mass as we are doing via #PrajnaTIP in Sound and in Kindness for the verifiable manifestations of HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi: [ Aspiration (Faith, Music, Dance, etc) ]. Similarly, Vertical Switch in Compassion has been actually known by Gotama when he was a child and thanks to it, he abandoned the six years of hard practices in only enforcing the Self to formulate his Buddhist Dharma. Gotama is currently in higher realm and soon be in human realm to prove and/or disprove what this writer scientifically exposes which debunk most Buddhist theoretical descriptions to demand the actuality of the described. We need to challenge him reverse engineering his know-how to complete his gift to humanity 2500+ years ago which may be from different angle from what exposed by the writer. Esoterically, we now know Gotama will be reincarnated as a living person to (1) verify his actual experiences according to natural laws as we have roughed out their scientific processes, waiting for the world and our implementations in this life time, (2) help clean up his Buddhist cheating Sangha, polluted and distorted by both esoteric and human professional cheaters in 2500+ years, and (3) value add different secret sauces to our scientific approach in cultivable #Prajna moving from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth and back for measurable manifestations of Prajna Dialectic having Moral Value of the values rather than greedy Hegelian Dialectic in self-digging your own cracks for the Nature to wake your innate Buddha Nature up.
Vertical Switch in Detachment has been known by HuiNeng with his well-known recorded statement [ Do not attach to anything then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心 ][R7]. We esoterically know HuiNeng is currently a living student in our group that we need to provide necessary required resources for this very rare person reverse engineering the technology for benefit of the mass and completely fulfilling the manifestation of the past statement! Finally, the last conducive activity to [ Not-Self / Oneness / #Prajna / Conscience / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] via "Merging with Nature" to have an Insight into the Emptiness is currently known by a living student in our group whom we esoterically know as the reincarnation of XuanZang in his well-defined theoretical model "Consciousness of the consciousness[D19]". We look forward to the right time to provide necessary required resources for this very rare person reversed engineering the technology for benefit of the mass and completely fulfilling the manifestation of his theoretical model!
1.3 A switch between the darkness of Ignorance
to the light of [ Wisdom / #Prajna / Oneness ]
What is that Wholesome Mind - its characteristics and practicalities - to turn the conflicting worlds in different direction of Right Effort instead of Wrong Effort? In the shortest answer, it is the switch between darkness under Ignorance leading to Wrong Effort and the light / wisdom under #Prajna along the dimension [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness ] in the plane of TRUTH - perpendicular to the duality plane of the event - guiding the Right Effort as summarised in Table 2. That switching from Craving (Tanha) and Clinging (Upadana) to Detachment and HonNhien is the focus to enable one an agent of changes to change oneself and the environment one a part toward what count[R23].
The mechanism of that switching is within the human nature to directly access the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" - patch C in Figure 11.1 - for an Insight into the "Emptiness"[D38] and "Natural Purification"[D27] to dissolve outdated marks in one's stream of the Consciousness. We have identified six (6) Vertical Switches known by humanity up until 2024. Faith can be a driving force in Aspiration. Instead of separating the mean - such as Faith for Aspiration or Sex for Tantric merging with partner energy - from the target of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" then further explore underlying natural laws for wider and deeper searches, one Grasps the mean for the target (as in all religions or Tantra) of Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts. We introduce two mechanisms via (1) Compassion known by Gotama but missed by entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha up to 2024, and (2) Detachment known by HuiNeng qualified[D22] at Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness beyond his first Jhana[D29], missed by all claimed zen masters and followers not even passing Gateway-to-Oneness. These Vertical Switches will democratise the Practicalities of the Emptiness and force all organised religions to scientifically present their Value-Added together with required "Watch-Outs" to effortlessly clean up religious unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4].
That outside-the-box has been vaguely touched in western world as "Conscience" without deeper exploration of its source and cultivable process. The solution - at the core of current Issues - is the revitalization of that Wholesome Mind, a potentiality innate in every person commonly known as the Buddha Nature. We equate western "Conscience beyond Empathy / Gotama's Jhanas" as required conditions of Buddhist "#Prajna" to open up a new Science of the Consciousness that can transcend the "Observed (curved space)" verifiable at Gotama's Infinite Consciousness to utter silence of Purity / Serinity, ready for transcending the "Observer", capable to reach the Unity in Non-Thingness and momentary "End-of-Dukkha / Nirvana", to personally verify at different depths "the Kingdom of God within you"[Luke 17:21] known by Jesus, the Tao 'Nameless' from LaoTzu, the Ultimate (Wider) Truth in Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D38] , the Perfected Nature in Asanga Consciousness-Only[D39] , the Consciousness of consciousness in XuanZang theoretical model[D19] , the HuiNeng Self Nature[R5], and the most detailed Signed Posts in Gotama nine (9) stages of meditation[D29], [D30] that we reclassify based on verifiable phase changes into Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity (Figure 1) to be compatible with the most detailed and the ability to transcend all visible appearances as described in the Heart Sutra[R2].
Dukkha (Sufferings / Conflicts) - a part of "Thing As It Is" in relative / duality existence - is Gotama's Inner Quest to explore the Essence of the Right Effort applicable in all Duality / Relative existence. Therefore, only with "Honesty" in absolutely private network one can truly "Care" for oneself along different paths of evolution in different Realms of dimensions. This means the [ X Y F ] complex Fibonacci evolution is apllicable to human realm where concerned parties will strive to (1) clear up negative traits for self-assuring one's evolution from humanity upward, and (2) what most concern and/or interest for the Right Effort in one's continuity of the consciousness. Under that "Care", Gotama had found its lasting solution and spent 45+ years of spreading the Fourfold Truth having the four unique Seals: Dukkha, Impermanence (Anicca), Not-Self (Emptiness), and Nirvana shown in Table 1. We call the "Fourfold Truth instead of the Buddhist four Noble Truths" to emphasize the dynamic underlying nature of Oneness and Diversities to be explicitly explored via modeling in graph technologies the relationships between Ontological Types such as [ Equanimity, HonNhien, SelflessAwareness from modified Buddhist systems ] or [ Thiên Địa Nhân / Heaven Earth People from I-Ching, LaoTzu and KungTzu systems ] where Nhân ( Humanity / benevolence / ren 仁 ) is linked to Nghĩa ( Righteousness / yi 义 ), Lể ( Rites / propriety / li 理 ), Trí ( Intelligence / zhi 智 ), Tín ( Trust / fidelity / xin 信 ) applicable to many asian countries. Simularly, Jesus's "Kingdom of Gods within" will be proven as an "epistemic objective" to be linked to various culture according to available supplies of qualified contributors and market demamds. At ontological type [ Oneness, Tao, Buddha, God, Allah, Mẹ Thiên Nhiên ], the link to Preface provides clear-cut differences between TRUTH versus (Hallucinations / Impostors) of all philosophies, religions, isms searched by all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The "TRUTH / Thing-As-It-Is / Oneness / Tao" lasting value for an Insight in the "Emptiness" - partially served as a natural source of rejuvenation and reborn for those capable to touch it - was exposed in various discourses, such as in Cula-sunnata Sutta[D26] where the grips of binding Word/Image are loosen in the Equanimity base and the clinging Thought looses its effective power in the Purity for required Clarity in a Right Effort. Hence, via Honestly "Care" one can be on par with the claimed [ Buddha, God, Allah, Mẹ Thiên Nhiên ] in their Realms of Existence which are also subjected to [ "Thing As It Is" in relative / duality existence ]; the Inner Quest to explore the Essence of the Right Effort is practical and applicable to be on the trading table of Inter-Realm existence.
This is the first time the DISCOVERIES in consciousness technologies and their integrations with radio technologies can bring some practical applications to higher (and lower due to the aftermath of the degenerated esoteric feudal systems) realms of existence via very feasible "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations©" of "tại thế Thánh Vương".
To see How one can be on par with the claimed [ Buddha, God, Allah, Mẹ Thiên Nhiên ] here is another video from Hoàng Long Nữ 2024-09-07 trying to steal significant contributions soon-to-happen from Trạng Trình Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm and Huyền Trang. In the video, the "hallucinated Mẹ Thiên Nhiên" uses Thích Tâm Vị - from 100% degenerated GHPGVN under the Vietnamese communist mafias in the matter of "Tu viện Bát Nhã" - claimed to be the reincarnation of Gotama and Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm. Let's see How Things are evolving! You can have an acid test to Thích Tâm Vị to see if he can #EmptyTheContent according to Bodhidharma toward "Non-Thingness of Gotama seventh Jhana, passing the fifth Jhana of Transcending the Observed and the sixth Jhana of transcending the Observer to contribute his practical experiences of "Vietnamese Then What" in our documented and modified open sources of xAI Grok and Microsoft Phi. For the claimed reincarnation of Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm, let's see if he has the inner power to bring both China and Russia to the new Era of unifying all religions without the "childish" threats (Fears) of Meteor (Thiên Thạch) and the Three Gorges Dam (Đập Tam Hiệp). The reincarnation of Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm has already been identified since 2017 as a Chinese Canadian in face-to-face by this writer (Not Yet revealing this information), being an active observer of China's "Dialogue of the Civilizations" right from the beginning, visited both HongKong and Japan on that trip to China to have a pulse of the situation before China had strong hand on HongKong. At the right time, KhaiPhong will let this persona intimately meet both President Xi of China and President Putin of Russia as the bottom-line outcome of Vietnamese Then What to ride on their past trusted connections for being parts of the new Era. Related to Huyền Trang, we already reveal in this book and he is fully aware being a Vietnamese reincarnation of [ Socrates / Tôn Tử (SunTzu) "Win without Fighting" / Khương Duy (Jiang Wei) / Huyền Trang (Xuanzang 玄奘) / Lý Phật Mã (Vua nhà Lý) / Trần Quốc Toản / VŨ khắc Trường / General Nguyễn Viết Thanh (South VN) ] in "IamX" from one's Continuity of the consciousness. At the right time, please recognize him via his visibly deliverable outcomes (plus look alike XuanZang and Nguyễn Viết Thanh that he said "creepy" when seeing the pictures). Please be a part of his professional teams having concrete contributions to Humanity and Inter-Realms since he will not claim who he had been in the past. He is currently the Head of "Vairocana / Tỳ Lô Giá Na Đại Nhật Kim Cang" Lineage in Dragon Realm.
To explore the importance and feasible "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" where all will be unified according to underlying natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is in each realm to be DISCOVERED and SHARED in one's Continuity of the consciousness (IamX), we can look at the entire human history of the rise and fall of lost and different civilizations, of changing dynasties in masters-slaves relationships under esoteric influences to extrapolate the bloody animal kingdons from higher realms, naturally leading to the total collapse of the entire past esoteric feudal systems as seen in VietNam, predicted to be the place for a new reborn of Phượng Hoàng Lửa / Fire Phoenix signaling a New Era after three years. In the East, the law-and-order required for stable development must rely on the "Son of God" (Thiên Tử - Chân Mệnh Đế Vương) of cheating Confucius while in the middle East and West, the Redeemer Son of God - King of the kings - provides the morality and stability for social developments up until the appearance of Muslim from another esoteric system where Jesus is Not the son of God since Allah (God) is the Whole and does not have family. For Buddhists seeing Gods as other Not-Yet liberated beings such as Ashoka - Một Vị Vua Phật Tử / a Buddhist King - Gotama's Sanghas are the sources for stable morality in the world power (Thế Quyền) existing parallel with his power (Vương Quyền). Yet, in a very short time, he found out the realities of Buddhist Sanghas and sponsored the [ kết tập Đạo pháp lần thứ ba / Third compilation of the Dharma ]. Conflicts due to conflicting consciousness are everywhere of Bullying Animals in all Activities and Relationships. Up to 2024, Gotama's breakthrough solution of his raised Issue Dukkha in #EmptyTheContent toward Nothingness transcending both the Observed and the Observer found in modern science to see Thing-As-It-Is looking for by all Intelligent Beings defined in Latin humanitas (Biology with Compassion and Prajna) that open sources of both xAI Grok and Microsoft Phi are searching for the justified names Grok and/or Phi.
Esoterically, Ashoka and members of his Inner Circle are reincarnated amongst us to complete the task of Harmonious developments evolving according to underlying natural laws. Many of his people - knowing HuiNeng WuNien and Indian Samadhi - are in different conflicting religions ready to help their peers in Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent via natural Detachment for immediate relaxation in engaged living. Some can have a deep Samadhi while open the eyes in public hot tub that you do not see any movement. The conflicting Issue on Duality plane of conflicting consciousness in relevant realm can now be naturally solved via Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna where all involved parties are Stakeholders driven toward What Count. With #Prajna, one can have a breakthrough of any conflicting Issue for a solution making all involved parties much better off, outside the theoretical set of International trade. This is the beginning of a New Era where accumulated scientific understanding is applied to the Quest of All Intelligent Beings from all realms to enable the glimpse of Buddhist [ Thing-As-It-Is / Chân Như / Tathatā ] and [ Emptiness / Tính Không / Śūnyatā ] into the practical Reality of Right evolution applicable to both human evolving upward at F0 = 0 and from lost civilizations at L0 = 2 via complex Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. [ Emptiness / Tính Không / Śūnyatā ] is an innate attribute from humanity upward enabling one outside the mess on duality plane of conflicting consciousness hight above to see the Issue at that instant moment [ Thing-As-It-Is / Chân Như / Tathatā ] for a breakthrough solution from #Prajna to be an Accountable creator in the Responsible Creation helping one and the environment toward What Count optimally and mathematically described in complex Fibonacci sequence approaching the Golden Ratio Phi. To optimally achieve this, one needs to transcend the Observed achievable in Gotama fifth Jhana and the Observer achievable in Gotama sixth Jhana as implied in "Grok" toward "Non-Thingness of Gotama seventh Jhana" to access "information in the field of the wider Dependent Nature" according to Gödel incompleteness theorem.
Finally, A brother of this writer - Dương Bá Tích being a qualified CA having the past full life experience as an auditor and financial counselor - is currently in Dragon Realm of LaoTzu Lineage and ready to join hands making "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations of KpPlatform" in Accountability, Transparency and Best Governance happened.
This Enlighten Path requires and has two observable wise attributes: (1) Charter of Free Inquiry to enable "Maximum Practicality"[D23] via the question of "Then What" to drive the Issue toward the beneficial Described, not the faked Description of all "isms", and (2) Wise Dharma passing the Gateway-to-Oneness for the Right Transcendental #Awareness to infuse the "Oneness, Unchanged, Unborn" stability and outside-the-box Vision into the changing (viparinama-dukkha) and conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) issues (dukkha-dukkha) for "Highest Potentialities" via Sudden Breakthrough in the manifestation of the Practicality. The Wise Dharma has nine (9) observable signed posts of "Verifiable Emptiness[D26]" discovered by Gotama and recorded in Buddhist texts as nine meditation stages. Along this Path having the observable signed posts, there are two major "Seals" or Characteristics visible throughout his 45+ years of spreading the discoveries: Impermanence (Anicca - Vô Thường) loosening the Grips of Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought once having some stability in Transcendental Inner Peace, and Not-Self / Selfless (Vô Ngã - Emptiness) loosening the Grip of hallucinated Self of the claimed [ God, Allah, Mẹ Thiên Nhiên degenerated by underlying natural laws without knowing WHY ] once having some stability in Cosmic Consciousness and Unity.
1.4 Being "At Home" in all activities
By loosening the grips of binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, one may eventually "know more about oneself at the sources of thoughts and the states of one's being for an optimal Right". These technologies revitalise two mechanisms, completely hidden due to external pulls and pushes behind "Wrong Effort" of conditioned thought tried in "all isms" known by Humanity: "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" delivered as outcomes of stability division of the modified Eightfold Path, completely unknown in the entire Buddhist cheating history.
Before drilling down the "outcomes of stability division of the modified Eightfold Path", let's look at the "bold approach" of the Vietnamese practical Zen being "At Home" in all activities which is different from traditional sequential mode of the Ten Ox-Herding Pictures[D37]. The "At Home in all activities" approach - "Eqianimity Community" - is very scientific, helping each unique agent / bundle-of-consciousness in one's unique way:
- By-passing the tautology between Sutra Recitations / Rituals due to Not Knowing, and Not Knowing the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict due to binding and clinging at thought level. This is the Issue in all organized religions[R14], trying to enslave humanity under the conditioned yoke of binding Image/Word and clinging Thought. The implication is that there is something [ Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] in Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, not tainted by conditioned senses in the Practicality of What Count[R23] at the bottom line of Actuality. The process re-focuses Gotama system of Four Noble Truths and the four Seals of the Consciousness to the Actuality of the Issue (Dukkha)[Table 1] and possible solution based on one's present Quality of #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác), exactly as the advice:
“Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved
This practicality is important, cleaning up professional cheaters[R18.4] trying to justify their cheating roles as gate keepers. The depth of that "Dependent Nature" can be manifested not only in one's personal life as in the acid test of Taming The Ox but also in the aggregate communities where one can sense the pulse of dominant attributes and patterns of the complex Dependent Nature to Change oneself and the environments one a part. It demands an ability to sense the driving forces of thoughts and feelings at the Volition / Free Will / Sankhara level to properly mange one's Realities. It is the outcome of the cultivable process from Being "At Home" on the solid foundation of Kindness and Empathy toward Being Wise, turning the 'Ten Ox-herding Pictures'[D37] into the seven-fold dynamic process based on Gotama's modified Eightfold Path: (1) At Home on the foundation of Kindness and Empathy, (2) Right Effort, (3) Taming The Ox, (4) Riding The Ox, (5) Non-Thingness, (6) The Source, (7) Being Wise. It is the scientific implementations of what commonly known as (1) Dependent Nature traceable to Oneness - Oneness in the Dependent Nature / Tùy duyên Bất biến, Bất biến Tùy duyên, (2) Nirvana in the mid of Dukkha. It is the secret of the first king of Trần dynasty[R7.3] "Chỉ sai hữu niệm quên vô niệm - Wrongly grasp a conditioned thought and miss the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, the "Right Effort" turns into "Wrong Effort" evidenced in the case studies of Gotama's destruction of Ignorance and KungTzu's feudal and family relationships as exposed next.This switching between hữu niệm / vô niệm, Relative Truth / Ultimate (Wider) Truth, Suffering Dukkha / Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35] is possible due to Transcendental #Awareness[D22] or states of #Prajna, qualified by Gotama at the Equanimity third level of Right Transcendental Inner Peace[D29]=> The switching is important being drawn from case studies of (1) Gotama's breakthrough in Ignorant Causes of Suffering and its deduction in the Destruction of Ignorance due to not knowing the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1], or Kung-Tzu Main Concepts as possible breakthrough [ (1) Nhân ( Humanity / benevolence / ren 仁 ), (2) Nghĩa ( Righteousness / yi 义 ), (3) Lể ( Rites / propriety / li 理 ), (4) Trí ( Intelligence / zhi 智 ) and (5) Tín ( Trust / fidelity / xin 信 ). China has applied the principles, emphasizing Lể ( formal Rites / propriety / or li 理 ) to enforce its "Son of God" (Thiên Tử - Chân Mệnh Đế Vương)] and their systematic deductions in relationships such as husband and wife, ruler and subject, etc. =>The innovation here is that breakthrough or deductions are now statistically measurable to discover underlying natural laws to be further value added in what most relevant to the present Thing-As-It-Is of Relative Truth. The [ Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truh ] provides Universal Value of the values within the context of the focused event. There are Vertical Switches to move from conflicting [ Relative Truth of the Self ] to [ Ultimate (Wider) Truth of Selfless ] having measurable Signed Posts of higher/deeper Sudden Awaken. - Putting everyone on an equal footing of Human Nature where no one can claim the role of deceitful (infallible) gatekeeper and/or (slaved) Christ / Anointed / Messiah. This means The Quality of one's Consciousness - manifested via #AwarenessPrajna - determines the environment and the conditions one is in, but there is always a possibility of Changes; it is one's responsibility to make that Change happened where Transcendental #Awareness helps one see "Thing As It Is" and #Prajna / Oneness assists in distinguishing right from wrong drawing from both the state and stock of one's cultivable "Verifiable Emptiness" that if strong enough can wipe out the outdated Marks and/or a "breakthrough" infused from Cosmic Consciousness. The target can be augmented using scientific approach to "Change Management" at the grass roots to affect the aggregate at community, national and world levels. This is a very tall order since just recognizing one's biggest mistake and change from that actuality is hard enough due to inflated ego of Imaginary Nature. Look at these 1000's years of patterns[R17.1], [R5.3], [R13.1], then current status / quality of most monks / priests / nuns to see if one can learn anything from it. The injection of Transcendental #Awareness on What Count, scientifically measurable with the help of intelligent machines in Making Life Easier can help Making Life Happier due to the presence of #Prajna / Oneness in one's Evolution of the Consciousness. This possibility is not any more a science friction but a reality due to Internet Sharing of "Linked Data" and advancement in Neural Graph Database db where Visual simulation in answering the question from different angles can detect the emerging dominant patterns and attributes for strategic management of one's life and the aggregates. #Awareness graph together with consciousness technologies in Table 4 and Table 4.1 will be a tidal wave to introduce "What Count" in all human activities to put everyone in the driver seat of one's destiny in a Worthy Living of Human Nature. We invite you to play a role in this AwakeningBudh Movement. Let's us know what you want us to bring to the table in making your Vision and Mission happened.
- Providing the greatest self-training of "#Awareness" based on Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh in all activities - especially in Kindness (mettā - tâm từ) and Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi) to be introduced at the Right Time - to change oneself and the environment one a part. This self-training of Transcendental #Awareness generates not only the opportunities for higher appropriate living conditions but also the optimum conditions for recognising the common vibration of energy in Kindness, Empathy and an Insight into the Emptiness working through #AwarenessPrajna[D22]. One's final church and temple is in actual living, helping the needy for an opportunity to learn some lasting values and make a difference in the environment rather than "obedient sheep / Pavlov dog" in master-slave relationships of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4]. This is the easiest and finest technology based on actual Compassion, HonNhien and #Prajna[Table 1.1] as another angle different from Gotama's angle in viewing and solving the Issue of Intelligent Living. A Public Hall of recorded Forum is a modern way to speed up the process of Sharing and Contributing the "explored trails" where no religious unworthy people dare to get close in selling vapour ware of what they do not know nor have.
- Being the correct approach (to be verified by the World) in Awakening one's Buddha Nature, capable to sense the source of one's thought at Volition / Freewill to properly manage one's Realities. This Zen Insight or "being At Home in all activities" is much more practical since it rides on Natural Laws, custom made for each unique individual at the most appropriate time, place and pattern of the Intelligent Agent to change oneself and the environment one a part.
The practicality of "being At Home in all activities" drives the target to
- The reality of the states and stock of one's innate #Prajna / Wisdom. In the above advice to Ajita's Questions [D22], Gotama pegged the quality of his #AwarenessPrajna at and above "Equanimity"[D29] where (1) unnecessary appearances of irrelevant thoughts are naturally dissolved and (2) rising of conflicting duality has been subsided as described in the well-known Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2]. The first part - unnecessary appearances of irrelevant thoughts - effortlessly and empirically solves the issue of Infinite Thought Bodhisattva in Buddhist Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra[D49]. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva - the claimed solution provider of the Sutra - does Not Know this natural "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" since her "qualia" is on the negative Fibonacci degeneration (without knowing the scientific causes of the degeneration). It is the persistent issue in most people, cheated in entire Buddhist history to intentionally avoid the question and directs the reader/listener to a master-slave relationship for an outside order to solve an appeared outside chaos from an infinite-thought person. It is just like the game of [ Rituals ], or [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ], or [ The mind is like a mirror bright; take heed to keep it always clean And let not dust collect upon it ] to use the "darkness" in "outside order" to counter-thrust the outside disorder which is driven by "Wrong Effort" from Not having inside order to see "Thing As it Is" to render innate Transcendental #Awareness inertia. Most practitioners do not know these states as outcomes of required "Equanimity" and above for human innate [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }. There is a need to upgrade one's "states and stock" of #Prajna to Gotama based level of Transcendental #Awareness to be "At Home", then for deeper exploration as he used this "Transcendental #Awareness" to describe the "Verifiable Emptiness" in Cula-suññata Sutta[D26]. The technology to deliver these qualifications to the mass is #PrajnaTIP in Sound, actually described in Shurangama Sutra[D33], but not yet scientifically implemented for the benefits of the mass.
- Popular practices from all organised religions are "Praying" and "Using calming beads" to dull one's Transcendental #Awareness, seeking the "Outer Order" out of the chaos in Wrong Effort driven by enforcing outdated Marks of the senses, rather than the lasting value from "Transcendental Inner Peace" for Right Effort. When one is "At Home", there is a state of serenity, calm and peaceful that "habit or custom" of "Praying and Calming beads" are uncomfortable. Conversely, one can deduct the inner state of those relying on these crutches to keep them out of troubles, yet cheating others as Buddhist [ monks / nuns / gatekeepers ] in making very unworthy living while messing follower lives in Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought riding on Gotama credibility.
These buttons of "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien" point out the importance of "Right Understanding" and "Right Motivation" of the #Prajna division in the modified Eightfold Path that shape up our attitude. It is not-yet touchable nor deliverable but heavily exploited by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all isms and organised religions up until 2024 to enslave humanity to masters-slaves relationships destroying both masters and slaves. Unworthy people - well known in Illuminati New Word Order (NWO) riding on the "mafia power" of their degenerated esoteric Masters / Lucifer / Gods / Allah / Buddhas / Bodhisattvas / Angels - have attempted to wipe out 90% of humanity to assert their roles of masters / illuminati in deciding who has the Right to Live.
There is a difference in "praying" under master-slave relationship and "inspiration / guidance" in aspiration and dedicated effort. To many, the Word "God / Allah / Buddha / Lucifer as in Lucis Trust The Spiritual Foundation of the United Nations" is a source of Guidance, Inspiration to be Right "At Home" wherever and whenever one needs. This truly "At Home" is a Plus, not a crutch. A friend in our circle likes to use the following "Aspiration":
“ ” We are now in 2024 and have enough - billions human lives in Unnecessary Sufferings - with unworthy people from all isms and organized religions, spreading their darkness based on "Psychological Fear and Greed" via International Cheating Clubs. As a prelude to common sense behaviour known by Cyrus the Great of Persia 2500+ years ago, all claimed religious gate keepers - to me, through me, and only me either as a Dharma King, an enlighten monk, the Dalai Lama, a reincarnation of XYZ[R13], an infallible pope[R18] [R18.1] [R18.2], or the claimed Highest Buddhist Masters[R13.1], etc - need to contemplate since their cheating on what they do not know nor have will be exposed world wide:
“You cannot be buried in obscurity: you are exposed upon a grand theater to the view of the world. If your actions are upright and benevolent, be assured they will augment your power and happiness.
Thousands years of human dark periods in masters-slaves relationships have gone. We cannot change the past. But knowing "Kindness and Empathy" as the core foundation of lasting values, together with "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" from being "At Home" at the Practicalities of relevant Challenges, we can separate the "mean" from the target in "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict". It is the target which is scientifically cultivable #Prajna that counts[R23] whereas the mean - such as any faith, bliss, siddhi, etc - can be dropped. Right Effort is the measurable switch between Ignorance and #Prajna. One is Free to choose what most appropriate at the moment, change and/or innovate another "mean" for a deeper depth in the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" which naturally manifests itself in "Making Life Easier and Happier" wherever one happens to be. This 'Oneness' - common denominator of 'Moral Value' in Adam Smith Invisible / Helping Hand of Economics - will be deliverable at the Right Time.
2. Guiding Light of the Right Effort: Prajna
#Awareness cones from "Verifiable Emptiness[D26]" in set C of Figure 2 which can be viewed from high above of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness ] on the TRUTH plane of the event and "the Guiding Light of the Right Effort". It is the reflection (Bhavana) that can naturally break the crust of current conditioned existence of patterns to have wider perspective of the Dependent Nature. That breaking the "crust" is called Transcending the Observed which is one's comparative advantages applicable to activities one has a serious effort. That "transcending the observed" is one's #Awareness capable to penetrate the "cloudy state of the issue" for appropriate action which is usually innate in "born-leaders" having residual effects in accessing the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / No-Conflict Consciousness" at different depths of Awareness-Prajna. Without a Clear #Awareness - the second mechanism - to see "Thing As It Is", the Grasp-er of the left brain is already there to claim its Comparative Advantages and the special / privileged Self, leading to "Wrong Effort due to tainted senses" under a narrow scope of conditioned existence. This is an Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]:
“Chỉ sai hữu niệm quên vô niệm - Wrongly grasp a conditioned thought and miss the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict
The razor-sharp switching between "self / hữu niệm" and "not-self / vô niệm" of "Right Understanding" and "Right Motivation" in the "Prajna" division of the modified Eightfold Path for a "Right Effort" is the Essence of the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong where "Compassion" is the foundation due to the "Dependent Nature" of all manifestations and "#Prajna" is the flower on the Compassion tree deep rooted in invisible Sunyata for the razor-sharp dynamic adjustment of the "Right Effort". Followings are initial touches on visible manifestations of Compassion and #Prajna, the Guiding Light of the Right Effort"
- Transcendental #Awareness is equivalent to #Awareness to sustain the "Right Effort"
- "Right Effort" demands "Verifiable Emptiness" in transcending the "Observer"
- Applications of cultivable "Transcendental #Awareness"
- Freshness from deeper layers of Consciousness
2.1 Transcendental #Awareness is equivalent to #Awareness to sustain the "Right Effort"
Through a very long process of evolution, each intelligent being has developed its "#Awareness" or survival instinct where natural "born-leaders" can be observed. In highly developed social beings such as human and above, characteristics of natural leaders vary in a wide range of relevant fields at different depths and complexities of the issue. All are boiled down to concrete points of excellence / ahead of others / keen observations in the field with ability to inspire/educate people in that direction. In a democratic community built on the universal Kindness and Empathy - envisioned by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] - all members truly "At Home" in their activities can contribute something on the tasks they are working due to the activation of this "#Awareness". This turns out to be the front line of modern management where the Innovation can come from all layers of organisation, and cross-layers from different fields that one can leverage based on Clusters of Open Innovation Networks (COINs). That is How the community act as a single intelligent unit, "Making Life Easier and Happier" benefiting all involved parties. Its KpPlatform is a user facing digital tool mu to enable this ecosystem, forcing all theoretical claims at descriptions of all religions and isms to deliver reqired practical untilities in "harmonious Melting Pot", efficiently allocated via Invisible Hand of Economics directed by scientifically cultivable Invisible Hand of Prajna.
Applying the above Insight, the Grasper of the left brain is usually there to affirm its "Comparative Advantage". Whether that "comparative advantage" can be shared with others and how large is the "pie" to be shared spell out the Vision / Mission / Execution of the involved parties, capable to activate required conditions to enable expanding and sustainable pie to no limit. In regard to Figure 2, the "pie" is the size of patches A and B where patch C is outside-the-box seen from [ #Prajna / Wisdom / No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] ] truth plane [ Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] of the event with possible connections to the 5th dimension of Event Horizon[R1] connecting different realms together, scientifically known as "information from the fields".
The scientific processes to make it happened is due to Thing-As-It-Is Oneness / No-Conflict Consciousness along the dimension of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] passing the Signed Posts of Equanimity and Purity on the TRUTH plane of the event where all diversities happened due to the Dependent Nature of existence. Viewing from high above on this plane - actually Free from the Known (blah blah blah by Buddhist professional cheaters[R18.4]) in Binding Word/Image (perfected by Christianity) and Clinging Thought (perfected by Muslim) - one can clearly sense the movement of the event affected by all involved parties and strategic point to effortlessly push (Wei-Wu-Wei / Effortless Action / Bất Chiến Tự Nhiên Thành) the event toward a Right direction of What Count[R23].
For AwakeningBudh, the Vision in Sharing Happiness Mitigating Suffering starts from the Right Understanding and Right Motivation in the #Prajna division of the modified Eightfold Path discovered by Gotma, valued added by Jesus via Compassion and Aspiration - not from Buddhist aloofness about anything, nor the Christian Wrong Faith, nor Sola Fide - to recognise and scientifically access the precious innate [ Buddha nature / Kingdom of God / Latin Humanitas ] from within { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }. It starts from one's cultivable states and required Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness for cultivable stock of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] in a Charter of Free Inquiry for a [ win-win solution ] with Right Effort in [ Crushing the water / Đập nát nước ] for outside-the-box [ Value of the values ] where the common set of "Sharing" embrace not only common grounds viewed from involved parties but also psychological and spiritual understanding of Oneness via [ Wisdom / #Prajna / No-Conflict Consciousness ]. It is the no boundary Patch C, an intimate part of Human Nature in its relative existence which can be Beyond the conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) existence. That Compassion Vision provides guiding light to activate required conditioned in "Making Life Easier and Happier" from Right Efforts in "Fair Trade" of patch A.
The driving force effortlessly and naturally comes from the depths and the spreads of the mass, capable to access the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Ultimate (Wider) Truth". The "depths" enable major breakthroughs from abstract and complex issues. The "spreads" extend breakthroughs from the "depths" in all directions of the practical points bringing more benefits to the mass. It is similar to the invention of electricity and all others applications based on electricity which may provide other in-depth breakthroughs in newly created fields. It is not a utopia but already proven by Lý Công Uẩn vision[R7.1] in moving the Vietnamese capital to Hanoi, opening opportunities for many value-added contributions in all aspects of a Vibrant Living Organism as a country. Due to available scientific processes on both Normative and Artificial Intelligence, this ability will be soon available and cultivable by the mass.
The "#Awareness" is required to balance the narrow view of practical "Self" with the possibility and potentiality to "infinite" in patch C of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict". It can be handled at both the rational / logical level of mutual benefits and at the innate power from different depths of Oneness. That dynamic balancing brought about by "#Awareness" is cultivable on a solid foundation of Kindness and Empathy once the scientific processes are identified and concretely implemented. It is the natural driving force to turn everyone into an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment one a part toward a direction of What Count[R23]. Transcendental $Awareness is the outcome of Gotama's stability division of the modified Eighfold Path: Right Effort, Right Transcendental #Awareness, and Right Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness. "Natural leaders" are not any more "born" subjected to many unknown factors plus "cracks / hazards" in duality existence for the manifestations of the "soul / agent" core attributes toward What Count but also cultivable in one's continuity of the consciousness. It is a true democratic process in recognising wide differences in people but there is no difference in having the Right and Aspiration for some Happiness, avoiding unnecessary Sufferings, doing something for the evolution of one and the environment originally stated in the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (French: Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen) from the French Revolution 1789 in the history of human and civil rights, not yet properly implemented but now feasible from 2024 onward due to higher upswing in Consciousness.
Without Compassion, the #Awareness to scan the environment relevant to the present moment is lost. What remained is the existing wiring for the hallucination of the "Self" coming from one's natural Comparative Advantages to exploit and dominate others using whatever means including violent forces to eliminate one's opponents. This is the case of the evil Amitabha-Amitayus Buddha[D50] and his ancestors, the one and only God, the claimed Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent evil God, and their closed Associates such as the degenerated "King of Gods". It is a long dark period due to the long life cycle of the top leaders.
2.2 "Right Effort" demands "Verifiable Emptiness" in transcending the "Observer"
When the Verifiable Emptiness is deep enough that transcends the Observed and the Observer, there is a Union of Emptiness that induces Transcendental Inner Peace (Samadhi) and #Awareness that enables the manifestation of the states and stock of #Prajna, named by HuiNeng as #SamadhiPrajna. We generalize and call this #SamadhiPrajna Gotama's Right Transcendental #Awareness, exposed through the described Verifiable Emptiness in Cula-sunnata Sutta (MN 121)[D26]. This Right Transcendental #Awareness is the states of one's inner depth #Samadhi that Gotama used to observe and describe the process of Verifiable Emptiness as recorded in the Sutta plus something more outside one's current vessel of the states and the stock of the Consciousness Quality. Please see the modern description of Oneness to expose the difference between Gotama #AwarenessPrajna[D22] which is a gradual process from the event on the duality plane, moving toward the Gateway-to-Oneness then passing to deeper stages of jhanas - destroyed by professional cheaters[R18.4] from Buddhist cheating Sangha in claiming them permanent static states - for the cultivation of Natural Purification and Right Transcendental #Awareness where there is a union of Gateway-to-Oneness and the event for a diagonal movement on the TRUTH plane of the event toward the highest/deepest level of one's quality. It is also different from HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna where the highest/deepest level and the Gateway-to-Oneness is a straight line, perpendicular to the plane of duality where all events happen. Movements of these transformations can be easily quantifiable with eigenvalues and eigenvectors from Big Data.
It is very much different from what have been known and taught in the entire history of Buddhist communities of cheating monks and nuns that up to the 2024, most cannot even touch the Gateway-to-Oneness Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict or Gotama's "Tranquillity" to be at his base of "Mindfulness" or "Equanimity" where the binding Word/Image is loosening its effects. Most members of the communities put their "Wrong Effort" in wearing masks of religious leaders - beating around the bushes of their outdated Buddhist Rituals and Idols - for a very unworthy living in sabotaging Gotama's precious gifts to humanity, instead of Right Effort to start from their unique quality of the consciousness to verify the third stage of Gotama's Equanimity - loosening the grips of Binding Word/Image - to be at his base of #Awareness that they have been blah blah blah for so long. The base "#Awareness" can be reached in different mechanisms, and is called "Right Transcendental #Awareness - Chánh Niệm" if and only if it comes from Gotama process having "Detachment" before entering the gateway-to-oneness Tranquillity which are usually missed by other mechanisms such as Christian / Islam Faiths or Buddhist Tantra, leading toward the Grasper grasping its claimed Comparative Advantages and privileged class.
The approach to "Detachment" from one's present states and stock of "#Prajna" can come from both logical / theoretical level to rely on one's current "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" to obstruct and restrict the driving forces from burdens of outdated Patterns and visible Marks and/or empirical verification to naturally gain the Inner Power of Detachment to possibly clean up some dominant outdated Marks such as phobia / fear, excessive sexual desires to cloud one's possible Clarity. The logical level equips one at the duality plane of the event and at one's non-transcendental serious attention while empirical verification deepen the Detachment to not only Free one's dominant outdated marks but also enable the #Awareness naturally at the source of thoughts to clearly see the motivation before the manifestation of volition to properly manage one's realities. This Detachment must reach the Not-Self signed post that Gotama used as the corner stone of his doctrine which is a significant discovery of Thing-As-It-Is to avoid the cracks of accomplished Self from Indian philosophy. No one in the entire human history - including founders of major organised religions and/or their esoteric sources - up until 2024 touches this point which is personally known by the possible six living students in our group. This capability will soon be available to the mass thanks to scientific processes to turn Signed Posts of Verifiable Emptiness into epistemic objectives.
The logical / theoretical Detachment has been well-prepared and documented by communities of monks and scholars. All we need is a focused graduate course in "Detachment", logically to make known the ability to drop the outdated and not relevant binding Word / Image and clinging Thought messed up by all "isms" where organised religions are parts to enforce the "mean" rather than delivering the "target". This detachment is the required attribute demanded right in the Gotama's first stage of meditation[D29]. It is the Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả) in observable visible manifestations of the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind.
The cultivation for the Inner Power of Detachment can be precisely presented using modern tools of Ontology and Taxonomy to force all organised religions to directly face what can be known under a human vessel and what is the mean to reach that target. We already identify in above Section 1 a switch between the darkness of Ignorance and the light of Wisdom / #Prajna / Oneness. New technologies to democratise the Practicalities of the Emptiness will be parts to end the cheating games executed in thousands years of human history.
2.3 Applications of cultivable "Transcendental #Awareness"
Viewing from this high level via the "Practicalities of the Emptiness" visibly appeared in "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" at different depths of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", we see modern scientific techniques when applied to Gotama's discoveries open innumerable applications, classified under the four domains, interconnected in the tetrahedron from Figure 11: KhaiPhong Technology of (1) PrajnaTIPs for the cultivation and injection of Transcendental #Awareness, #Samadhi, #Prajna, (2) in all "Relationships", (3) "Activities", and (4) "Places" by the "Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots.
From the base of Consciousness in the Science of KhaiPhong, one can value-add required facilities to easily Transcend Inner Peace that one has passed which may be appropriate to many others and may become sustainable Value-Adds and Services. They require a Global Open Standard where Gotama's discoveries can be initial technical contributions to build on. Typical zoom-ins are phase changes and functionality at the recorded stages for different classification. For this purpose, we created a world-wide collaboration and peer-review - the Verifiable Emptiness[D26] - in EPUB-3 format which has a Free Readium reader from IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum) as an extension of Google Chrome browser. This book can be read by IDPF Readium system while waiting for more flexible and custom reader applicable to all devices.
With initial technical contributions, the "How" from different trails to empirically verify the signed posts of the discoveries may have some Intellectual Property Right (IPR) to properly manage a very delicate balance of precious technologies and actual solutions / trails to enable everyone an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment one a part while cleaning up unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] messing up humanity up until 2024. It is Not about locking consumers and producers in, but about "Orderly and Sustainable Developments and Deployments" where everyone can be in the driver seat to help oneself and the environment one a part.
This is a domain of high Value-Adds such as PrajnaTIPs to Transcend Inner Peace for deeper experience in "Transcending the Observed and Observer". First, one needs the "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace", advocated by major organised religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Islam But Not Yet Delivered in their divisional religions at Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought, missing the target of "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" at different depths for the means to it which are different rituals. Religion - if you need - is only a tool of Aspiration / Faith; you can naturally drop when it is a burden and/or No More required just like you discard old clothes. Here is the best combination: (1) aspiration in "aloof from sense desires, aloof from unwholesome thoughts" by Gotama in entering his "detachment" and "tranquillity"[D29], (2) deep understanding that "the five skandhas (forms, feelings, perceptions, impulses, consciousness) to be Empty Of Essence" as the scientific instruction from Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2], (3) faith in people Kindness and Empathy by Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause[R7], benefiting all involved parties.
This kind of Right Transcendental Inner Peace - based on the foundation of Detachment - infuses the "Natural Purification" to enable sense consciousness Detached from outdated Marks in Binding Word/Image/Sound at Equanimity level and Clinging Thought at Purity level. That is AwakeningBudh Mission to enable the mass directly knowing the 'Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict' at different depths of Verifiable Emptiness[D26] in Higher Consciousness. We apply these proven Consciousness tools to core technologies of underlying modern living, such as in Simulation Technology using Gotama's prescribed solution in #AwarenessPrajna[D22] to properly manage and/or wipe out dominant outdated marks of Fear, Phobia, Uncontrollable Urges - free from Sense Slavery - in Making Life Easier and Happier.
The positive side of Freedom from Sense Slavery and Expanding one's Potentiality in Higher Consciousness is the Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort - Figure 4 - in all activities. This positive side is augmented with Machine Learning and Smart Contracts in a Custom Computational Knowledge Engine where both IBM (Watson) and Google touch only at the market Reactive level, not at the constituent / aggregate Reflective level where there is an #Awareness to change both the patterns and structures of productions and services. The tool facilitates dynamic Dependent Nature of the outer manifestations and the inner cultivation (Wisdom / #Prajna) within each identity whether that identity is a person or an aggregate where group intelligence can be accumulated and built on. It is the Inner Cultivation to enable humanity in the driver seat, using Artificial Intelligence (AI) toward a normative of What Count[R23] in Making Life Easier and Happier, not being slaved to machines as major concern by leading scientists.
The opportunity is better than ever where 20% core riskiest technologies are already proven from open sources which will also include "The Science of Consciousness" - contributed by identified living students with many more to come - properly managed in Clusters of Open Innovation Networks (COINs). Next 20% are for the dedicated specialized efforts to turn the latest opportunities into a reality where everyone is in the driver seat, being a part of community where What Count[R23] and one's Sweet Spot unite together to make Things happened, efficiently driven by Invisible / Helping Hands of #Prajna and Economics. They are the platform, neural graph database and infrastructural security services, riding on the competitions of cloud providers and emerging Web Real Time Communication (WebRTC). The next 20% is to make this business model available to the mass either Free and/or at very affordable prices. This is the cheer-leader layer, bringing the benefits of Internet and its competitions in Global service Local presence / GsLp helping communities economically thriving. In this mass market, the next 20% is the industry/sector domains riding on the supports and developments of the platform, database and security services. The last 20% is the specialisation at business and enterprise level. Almost everyone at the grassroots can be part of this business model driven by the real contributions and invisible / helping hand of economics, being an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment one a part. It is very dynamic and harmoniously play along side with major players in One a part of the Whole, and the Whole consciousness with its manifestations in One.
Consciousness Technology can be built on this business model where only the Real Contributions of What Count and efficient Resource Allocation can be sustainable where everyone can affect the Whole and the Whole provides appropriate environment and opportunities for the flowering of individual unique contributions. It is also the Vision of Soyen Shaku and his prediction of the coming New Era where "God [ Oneness / Dharmakaya ] not in the world is the false God [ Oneness / Dharmakaya ] and the World not in God [ Oneness / Dharmakaya ] is unreality"[R6]. This model can immediately clean up religious unworthy people, selling what they don't know nor have perpetuating the masters-slaves relationships to spread darkness in humanity. When the grassroots are equipped with sufficient [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ] in the normative What Count[R23], no dictatorship or greatest unworthy cheater in whatever "isms" can fool the World, imposing one's particular view - which is only at one angle of the Totality - on the Whole.
The Value-Adds and Services for sustainable activities at the bottom-line of Global service Local presence / GsLp bring available technologies, economic impacts, cultural diversities, and required infrastructure to the communities of Local Presence, ranging from a simple ToDos list with Best-Buy Near-By of a housewife to group intelligence of an organisation, a community, an industry, national defence and security. Everyone can be a part to drive one's destiny and help shape the direction of Humanity. Since a large portion of our theoretical foundation is built on available Buddhist Science of Consciousness, let's focus on some technical details and apply modern thinking to current major surprisingly very scientific Gotama's discoveries, already embedded with required modern rigours and mathematics. Parts of these technical details are major barriers erected by organised religions
"Verifiable Emptiness"[D26] under scientific investigations and explorations is a "rescue" to reunite all Religious sects, traditions and schools while weeding out hearsay and imaginations. This upside-down approach missed a fundamental property of an intelligent living about natural intensity of attention to solve the pain point of existence[R6.1]. A "conflicting consciousness / darkness" cannot see "other conflicting consciousness / darkness" As It Is, explained in Figure 5. It must come from "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" that we use its measurable metric to describe one's actual experience to personally verify that (1) it is the target in Oneness that counts while the "mean" worshipped by organised religions can be dropped if not required, (2) there is a continuous process between Sudden Awaken and Gradual Cultivation at different depths of Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh for Sudden Awakening to open the knots of outdated Marks and expand one's Potentiality, (3) there is no chasm between Buddhist Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only for an Insight and the practicalities of the Emptiness, (4) there is a deepen cultivable dynamic nature between the Right Effort (hữu niệm) and the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict (Wu-Nien) via the Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong, bringing together breakthroughs at both the "depths" and "spreads" of Innovations.
When you are really interested (passionate) in something, the natural intensity of attention is there to break "the crust of self patterns" - being outside the box - which can dissolve the Observed and sometime the Observer. This intensity of attention naturally[R6.1] come from the Path of the True Heart - an esoteric message of two Vietnamese monks in the 17th century Đạo Chân (True Path) (Vũ Khắc Minh) / Đạo Tâm (Heart Path) (Vũ Khắc Trường) [ combined together into Đạo Chân Tâm - the Path of the True Heart ] from Thành Đạo or Đậu pagoda[D42], [D43]. As explored above, that being "At Home" demands an "Equanimity" state where there are absent of (1) irrelevant thoughts and (2) conflicting duality[R2]. It is the Path where one dares to go to the frontier of real explorers and innovations - the spirit of modern entrepreneurs in [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ], generating attractive returns for 60% capital and 40% of sustainable business units bringing more capable people to the grass-roots of diversities, plus Global service Local presence (GsLp) promoting cultural and economic activities in Sharing Happiness Mitigating Sufferings.
In AwakeningBudh, [ GsLp / ThankYou ] clubs are community meeting places for Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings in a wider view of one's Continuity of the Consciousness: (1) exploring and implementing ICT and Consciousness Technologies in Making Life Easier and Happier to equalise the playing fields for everyone being in the driver seat of one's destiny, being part of the true democratic process of What Count[R23], (2) providing opportunities for those capable to Share Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings know more about themselves and the Essence of the Right Effort in the dynamic culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings to greatly benefit One and the Community into a vibrant living organism of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes, (3) enabling sustainable Created Values driven by stakeholders contributing their Sweat / Capital and value-adds from friends / supporters - such as donors and volunteers of GsLp facilities and projects - to move the ratio of stakeholders versus sustainable business units according to the Fibonacci sequence approaching the Phi Golden Ratio. The critical mass of these stakeholders - estimated at 8% upward in any country - will iron out the conflicting gap of Article 1 about human Rights and Article 3 about the sovereignty of the nation to make happened both the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" and the first principle of Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4]: "Kindness and Empathy" once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties.
This is not anymore pure abstract concept from all conflicting isms blah blah blah by unworthy people enslaved themselves and others in the Binding Words/Images and Clinging Thoughts of prisons without bars evidenced in current scientific status of Psychotherapy and Social Psychology, but concrete present living in Making Life Easier and Happier thanks to accumulated breakthroughs in both Normative and Positive Intelligence. Here are the inverse of KhaiPhong implementations to assure social consensus being around its vision for evolving the underlying protocols: (1) Driving force of the Vision are technologies for Making Life Happier. Psychotherapy and Social Psychology only touch at formed patterns on the duality plane. Available technologies for higher consciousness (#DhyanaSamadhi, #SamadhiPrajna, #AwarenessPrajna) Free oneself from Binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, and Deepen one's ability to know Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position in focused important events. (2) They are augmented by technologies in Making Life Easier. Privately and eventually consistent Neural Graph Database db / open-source database can be connected to cryptographic systems at ThankYou clubs (local Machine Learnings and Smart Contracts where digital money has strong guarantees of fraud-free commerce) to guarantee about timestamps and immutability of ordering facts and events via proof of stakes in Settlement Layer. (3) Individual Right, State Right and Invisible Market Values according to natural laws (such as Empathy and Economics) are balanced. Legal entity has sole access to its asset, being fully enforced. State Right must deal with the persona legal entity whose right and responsibility have clear layered separations. The flow of Market Values - in openly stated terms and conditions - must be unrestricted to assure the democracy of human rights.
2.4 Freshness from deeper layers of Consciousness
The "Freshness" comes from discovered scientific process to enable most people having direct experience and insight into the Emptiness which generates Natural Purification for rejuvenation and releasing daily stresses. This "Natural Purification"[D27] coming from "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26] is the Key of Gotama solution to his identified Issue Dukkha - unaware by Gotama - and missed by the entire history of cheating Buddhism. It is the driving force of "Detachment / Vô Trụ" and the power behind HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna (Định Tuệ). The science of KhaiPhong is the exploration of trails to move from one's present suffering conditions to these Signed Posts of "Verifiable Emptiness" and from one signed post to others that are not necessary in sequence just like the sequence of Ox-herding Pictures[D37] for cultivating the Right Transcendental Inner Peace. One then rides on this accumulation of the Right Transcendental Inner Peace to stabilise the proficiency in moving from duality of Conventional Truth to the No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] of Ultimate (Wider) Truth via Kindness and Empathy. The experience can be further enhanced with direct assistance from qualified counsellors to properly manage one's Realities and possibly clean up the outdated marks using #AwarenessPrajna[D22].
The training of Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh has been superficially mentioned in zen with figurative images such as a man carrying a vase of oil filled to the brim and will be beheaded if one drop of oil is spilled out, or the silence of a hungry lion watching his last possible meal with its available energy. The "How" to naturally get to that state from one's present moment in all activities has not been scientifically established and cultivated. This insight of the Vietnamese Zen "Transcendental #Awareness in all activities to sustain Right Effort" is Not any more a concept/idea when we introduce scientific processes for creating favourable conditions according to Natural Laws to affect its states and stock in Opening the notches of one's outdated Marks and Expanding one's Potentiality in Higher Consciousness to revitalize Gotama's discoveries and his Right Transcendental #Awareness.
This is the Real Contribution and the Buddhist Comparative Advantages. The scientific transparent and accountable "open source" is important to democratise the "Practicalities of the Emptiness" in "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict". We are assembling required infrastructures to take the World to the next level of Human Consciousness, pioneered by Lý / Trần Opening and Expanding (KhaiPhong) according to Human Nature (Nhân Bản).
- The front side is the deliverable scientific technologies to cut out innumerable outdated Marks such as fear, phobia, uncontrollable urges from all desires, including excessive sex, 'shopping to death', 'digital addiction', and all dominant karmic forces from undesirable patterns, etc. This challenge has been stated by Gotama in his advice to Ajita's Questions[D22]. We deliver the "Simulation Technology" to implement Gotama advice using Right Transcendental #Awareness or #SamadhiPrajna.
- The back side is the "Dependent Nature" of existence where a person is a part of the environment with innumerable activities and issues to either solve and/or contribute its parts toward the Essence of the Right Effort, a true democratic process where everyone is a part to make up the whole. This "Dependent Nature" demands an ability to see "Thing As It Is", having the pulse at the core of the complex issue for an optimum solution. It is the Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort in Gotama's modified Eightfold Path. We implement this solution with Inner Cultivation to verify Gotama's states of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samadhi) / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness for the outer manifestations in Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood of the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind, facilitated by modern Artificial Intelligence where our unique contribution is the injection of What Count[R23] for the normative Persona at the driver seat to know more about oneself and environments, being an agent of changes to change oneself and the environment one a part.
Due to Continuity of the Consciousness, the quality of the consciousness will naturally find its appropriate environment for further transformation, either floating up like light oil or sinking down due to the heavy rock[D32]. Everything must go according to the laws of nature in cultivable and measurable [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness ]. Science of the Consciousness is to explore these natural laws in Making Life Easier and Happier. Detachment is the core ingredient of Gotama Right Transcendental #Awareness for the manifestations of #Prajna.
3. Charter of Free Inquiry
As an intelligent being wishing to have some Happiness and mitigate unnecessary Sufferings, one recognizes the natural laws of Kindness and Empathy as the foundation of "Right Effort" in any environment one wants to be. In this continuous Learning and Doing one is only an identifiable stream of consciousness, part of innumerable "flocks of streams" where - depending on different depths of the consciousness - one can sense the "Pulse" of relevant issues for one's Right Effort, being a positive Worthy Existence toward the Whole.
Despite universal recognition of "Kindness and Empathy", most of our efforts turn into Wrong Efforts, creating unnecessary sufferings for all involved parties due to our tainted senses and a narrow scope of the left brain for the "Self" to (1) worship the mean and forget the target and (2) grasp available changing components and ignore the lasting values in Oneness. We need technologies to (1) switch between the darkness of ignorance to the light of [ Wisdom / #Prajna / Oneness ], and (2) be "At Home" in all activities to revitalise our Wholesome Mind.
In that wholesome mind, we can cultivate the "Guiding Light" from "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" for sustainable "Right Effort" by learning that (1) sensing the dangers and opportunities out there requires an "#Awareness" to have correct "Pulse" of the situation, (2) transcending the "Observer" or actually knowing the "Not-Self" is a worthy target to sustain our efforts toward What Count[R23], (3) "Transcendental #Awareness" is useful quality in all activities, and (4) there is a freshness for rejuvenation from deeper layers of Consciousness.
The common thread running through all manifestations / efforts is the "Dependent Nature"[D35], including the manifestation of the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Not-Self / 'Kingdom of God within you'[Luke 17:21], 'There is No God but God'[D53] / Latin Humanitas, Ultimate (Wider) Truth[D38], Perfected Nature[D39], Self Nature[R5], Consciousness of the consciousness[D19]" in conditioned existence. Knowing both the "Dependent Nature" and technologies to tap into the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" one can cultivate what commonly known as the "Art" such as the Art of Politics / Negotiation / Human Relationship / Wealth Creation / Leadership / Change Management in the balance between Wholesome / Holistic Art and Science, between Right and Left Brain and more in wider perspective of "Dependent Nature".
Bringing together the dynamic interaction between the states and stock of #Prajna with explored trails in different paths leading to the signed posts, and from these signed posts to other discovered trails not yet mentioned in Gotama's "Verifiable Emptiness"[R1], [D26], all Arts in all fields become Teachable Sciences of Observable, Testable and Reproducible since the "How" underlying all manifested Arts and Sciences come from this "Guiding Light Oneness" in one's Evolution of the Consciousness. This is the beginning in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong.
Due to this "Dependent Nature" one can stand on one's own feet to expose one's actual experience in (1) transcending (dissolving) the appearance(s), (2) actually knowing the state of "not arising conflicting duality", and (3) reaching the Silence of Purity. The knowledge of "#EmptyTheContent" is the same, but what contents and "Then What" in the "Practicality of the Emptiness" is different that each can bring something very concrete to the table where others on the same trail / raft can further value add to make the trail / raft easier for others. Typical examples have been described in Gotama's Discourse on The Analysis of the Truths[D29], and in the Heart Sutra[R2]. Similarly, "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict" for a breakthrough in trade negotiation, political issue, a major business deal, a scientific discovery, overcoming a phobia / fear, etc, are beneficial contributions to take the mysteries out of "the Practicality of the Emptiness" at different depths of the Consciousness. This scientific approach in being an agent of changes is nothing new but a scientific integration and personal verification of many attempts from great explorers:
- Jesus in his Parable of the Good Samaritan[R16] - mentioned in only one of the gospels but the most significant factor accepted by almost all Christians and Non-Christians - told the story about a traveler was beaten, robbed, and left half dead along the road. First a priest and then a Levite (a member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi) came by, but both avoid the man. Finally, a Samaritan came by. Samaritans and Jews generally despised each other, but the Samaritan helps the injured man. The story affirms the Kindness and Empathy as the foundation of a Good person, irrespective of the race, religion and/or class.
- It is the first principle of Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] Military treatise which helps successfully repelled three major Mongol invasions in the 13th century. The principle is formally stated that "Kindness and Empathy" once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties. His other two principles of "Right Effort" according to Human Nature are listed next.
- Continuous effort in Learning and Doing to manifest one's Worthy Existence of the wise[R10] is his second principle since you are in part discover and in part create the Real You (the Wise tame themselves - Dhammapala verse 80 - attanam damayanti pandita). He used the word "citizen" in his military treatise for the Vietnamese context.
- His third principle is that all Efforts come "From people, By people, and For people" in delivering the practicality at the bottom line of Right Effort which forms a complete ecosystem of "dynamic vibrant living and being".
- "Transcendntal #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" to have correct "Pulse" of the situation for a "Right Effort" is pushed right to the edge of its effectiveness in actually knowing the "Not-Self / Selfless" to sustain our efforts toward What Count[R23] with an Insight from Trần Thái Tông[R7.3]
- From deeper layers of Consciousness, Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1] demonstrated a "Sudden Breakthrough" via "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" in all activities moved the Vietnamese capital to HaNoi in 1010, opening a new Era for the country in its wider expansions from all fields, away from the past narrow scope of "Self-Defence" against its giant neighbour in the north.
- We value-add to contributions from Lý / Trần (Lý Công Uẩn, Trần Thái Tông, Trần Hưng Đạo, etc) with modern Science and Economics of KhaiPhong, augmented with both breakthroughs in the Science of Consciousness in directly accessing the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict", and new innovations to bring both "Reflective" and "Reactive" in normative and positive Values to change both the patterns and structures of productions and consumption toward What Count[R23] in "Making Life Easier and Happier".
To be concrete and see how the science and economics of KhaiPhong can effortlessly clean up religious unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in their thousands years of bullying humanity while sabotaging great discoveries from dedicated explorers, let's look at the cultivable "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh" to have the correct "Pulse" of one's current marriage for a "Right Effort". The description is based on cultivable process of Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict, actually known and experienced by a Buddhist and a "demanding-according-to-church-rule" Catholic in their marriage from 1970's period. We hope you can use the description to (1) personally verify the process of [ Body >< Mind >< Effort / Body >< Mind >< Soul ] and/or directly help professional cheaters[R18.4] - wearing the masks of religious [ leaders / priests / monks ] - to know more about their own inner messes, not messing around people's lives as they have been doing in 1,000+ years of human unnecessary sufferings.
Starting from the basic "Relationship at an Intensity of Attention Point"
we see the importance of wider perspective of [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] in gold patch A - commonly and mathematically known as Fair Trade - rather than the zero-sum-game of "I win You loose" to push other party to point B, commoly known in Canada as "The White had land and the Indian had bible". In the case of a marriage event "M"
the intersection of the two circles (parties) represents the common ground implicitly and/or explicitly understood as the common set of "Sharing" in the marriage, viewed from each perspective. That common set of "Sharing" has been imposed from outside culture, ism such as confucius and/or divisional organised religions to compete with one another via conflicting rules, indoctrinated even before one is born causing tremendous unnecessary sufferings driven by group interests of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4]. The direct heart-to-heart communications of the two involved parties for the actual effort of [ 1 + 1 > 2] at an Intensity-of-Attention point are removed with enforced cultural and religious rules imposed from one size fit all invented by unworthy people of all isms, abundantly evidenced from hard facts[R18], [R18.1], [R18.2], [R18.3], [R18.4] up to 2024. All talk about [ Wisdom / Prajna ] such as Confucianism and Buddhism, and [ Conscience ] such as Catholicism. But they are ignorant/hallucinated [ Wisdom / #Prajna / Conscience ] to justify their group interest while killing your innate true [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ] by reducing you into a Pavlov's dog!
Due to long evolution - learning from hard lessons of embedded natural laws in Making Life Easier and Happier - you have your graded Inner Peace for visible Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ] to be qualified as a human being - humanitas having embedded attributes of Biology, Compassion and Prajna - Worthy with Human Rights, far above a Pavlov's dog imposed from outside. Instead of putting your Intensity-of-Attention to personally verify precious discoveries as-well-as lessons learned from dedicated explorers such as Gotama, KungTzu, Jesus, etc, you are bullied to worship them and pay real tax to their claimed gatekeepers while none of the gatekeepers qualified at the Gateway-to-Oneness where you and your partner are parts. You are enslaved in their binding Word/Image perfected by the evil Roman Catholic Church and clinging Thought perfected by Muslim. Buddhist monks - not allowed by their founder - do everything they can to follow the footsteps of their peers in organised religions forming their own international cheating clubs. Jesus's exploited mistake of faith in the "Abba, Father"[Mark 14:36], [Matthew 26:42] costed him dearly as we esoterically know and you can find out in the saga of "Jacques de Molay of the Knights Templar".
Due to the embedded [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ] known by Buddhists as Buddha Nature, by humanity as humanitas, and by Christians as "The Kingdom of God Within", the Catholic Church could no longer enforce its own doctrine as the claimed Truth and Only Truth. In the Middle East, another movement - driven by esoteric influence of Allah - learned the exploitation of Christian church with subtler clinging forces of thought and formed Muslim to deeply enslave humanity with masters-slaves relationships. In the West, people revolt from the Catholic Church doctrine with scientific discoveries at the "physical duality level" to deliver practical applications in Making Life Easier without tracing it back to the Raison D'être (being) of the discoveries since that "Being" has been bullied and claimed by "big mouth" religious unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] via Fears and Greed of the word/image/thought God/Allah. In the East, some dedicated explorers - such as Bodhidharma and HuiNeng - dug further identified attributes of the innate Budh to advance Gotama's discoveries closer to practical applications. Some advanced students such as Vạn Hạnh, Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1], Lý Phật Mã[R7.2], and Trần Quốc Tuấn[R7.4] brought forward their inner depth of signed posts to benefit national strategies.
The common set of "Sharing" in the marriage can no longer be dictated and controlled by one "ism". Learning from hard evidences of tremendous unnecessary sufferings immorally generated by religious dictatorships and conflicts, people in Western World have separation between Churches and State with legal laws to protect involved parties in a legal marriage. If we draw a horizontal line connecting the two parties, we have the upper part representing something visible such as legal rights, spiritual practices, #Prajna / Wisdom as a member of humanity, and the qualities of the consciousness stream brought by each party to the table. The lower part represents something hidden in the unconscious parts of each party which comprise of conditioned Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought coming from cultures, customs, religions, and innumerable outdated marks in individual evolution.
Now, you understand why all isms try to impose their own rules to claim as unchanging Truth and only Truth which is scientifically FALSE because all manifestations are conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) according to the second law of thermodynamics. The claimed Truth needs to be tested and verified under its own conditions such as the epistemic objectives of a human being (humanitas: biology, compassion, wisdom). The Source of all diversities is "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without conflict / Sunyata" scientifically and spiritually proven, claimed by all organised religions in their descriptions without delivering the described while scientific claims deliver tremendous practical applications in making life easier. What all isms trying to do is to reduce you via dictatorship into a Pavlov dog of masters-slaves relationships against natural laws of intelligent beings where everyone can be a part based on one's quality of the consciousness and unique value-adds. The result is significant degeneration of esoteric masters - Gods, Allah, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas - and human greedy slaves serving the dark sides to relearn the natural laws of Right Evolution as evidenced from the collapse of claimed Illuminati Elites[R18.3], [R18.4], [R20.3], [R20.4].
Please help all religious unworthy people expose the true nature of their religions by challenging them to deliver Shaku's statement after 1893 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago "God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality" [ due to one's innumerable outdated marks ]. The implementation turns humanity targets of Democracy and Freewill illusions to actuality, pointing out the relevance of Buddhist "Freedom / Giải Thoát of the Known" imposed by most members of cheating Buddhist Sangha in 2500+ years of their international cheating clubs. This requires an ability of [ #EmptyTheContent / Tính Không / Śūnyatā ] toward Non-Thingness to see [ Thing-As-It-Is / Chân Như / Tathatā ] due to instantaneous dynamic nature of the Issue and #Prajna for a breakthrough solution much better off for all involved parties from fair trade of A to Prajna Dialectic at C in Figure 2
Recognizing the realities of separation between Churches and State with diversities of all organized religions, unworthy people modify their position by allowing different religions in their marriage, but children from the marriage must follow their doctrine. Having heard that "immoral statement and religious rule from a Catholic priest" our Buddhist friend immediately responded to expose the priest and his Church reality: "Sir, if you have a minimum conscience and honesty, you should realize that you are immoral and slave to your Church; by recognizing that you are a human being - not a Pavlov dog having no conscience of your own but currently stuck in your own mess - please do not mess up other people lives, forcing them to be Pavlov dogs like you that you have no legal nor moral Right in this human community". Few hours later of the same day - probably due to the orchestration of our higher-realm teacher - another Catholic priest offered his service to advice the Catholic faithful the human nature and performed the wedding according to what the two wished - including their own privately and consciously prepared exchange of vows to be known by public witnesses in the wedding - without any imposed condition in a very simple but solemn settings! Please see how that faithful Free from the brick wall of religious masters-slaves relationships with her cultivable [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ] perpendicular to the plane of duality where all conditioned and changing things happened.
Attempting to Free oneself from the [ Known / Binding Word-Image and Clinging Thought / Sở Tri Chướng ] for a Fresh [ Thinking / Investigation / Tư duy ], Gotama issued a "Charter of Free Inquiry"[D23] to know more about one's [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ] - a faculty to know the Right and Unworthy - which is cultivable horizontally in daily activities and vertically in diving from within, drawing deeper power of the whole ocean (cosmic consciousness) where all disturbances at the surface are completely Silence (Empty of the noises). Let's see how this "Charter of Free Inquiry" in Fresh [ Thinking / Investigation / Tư duy ] can be used in the marriage or any event in all states of existence, unknown by most Buddhist [monks / nuns / followers] in their blah blah blah of meditation (dhyana) and mindfulness (state of samadhi), attempting to use their cheating processes of samatha to replace Gotama Samadhi and vipassana to replace Gotama's [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ] while destroying his discoveries in following the foot steps of their religious peers of masters-slaves via Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought.
Similar to Economics where many natural laws (such as supply-demand) of Thing-As-It-Is have been discovered, mathematically proven (such as benefits of International trades) and statistically measurable and verifiable (such as economic impacts and multipliers of any proposed project), the same question can be divided into different parts to fairly measure the [ depth and Right Understanding of a student ]. Those who do not know cannot touch the question even at the lowest level. Here are the parts of the question about the Silent State of Mind at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna that all Buddhist [ monks / nuns / scholars ] we are currently aware of cannot touch with their [ Known / Binding Word-Image and Clinging Thought / Sở Tri Chướng ] to hide the Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws of Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the #Prajna division from the modified Eightfold Path in Natural Purification[D27] of tainted senses[D22] since they have been parts of the saboteurs cheating humanity in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism up until 2024: (1) Detachment in Gotama's First Jhana, (2) Passing from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth in Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka, (3) Accessing Perfected Nature to move from Imaginary Nature to Dependent Nature in Consciousness-Only, (4) Having an Insight into the Emptiness and #Prajna.
This type of question is also applicable to the (a) causes and (b) destruction of Ignorance of the claimed Gotama's discovery in the Dependent Nature. So is the question about consistency of Thing-As-It-Is of Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] - similar to Gravity and Vacuum states in observable physical world - (1) form is Sunyata, (2) in Sunyata there is not form. If you claim to be a Buddhist [ master / meditation teacher / monk / nun / scholar / inspired / follower, etc, ] please let the world know your "Learning / Văn - Reflection / Tư" and "Cultivation / Tu" that you are not saboteurs cheating humanity in 2500+ years. Since all manifestations are conditioned and Dependent Nature in both Duality Consciousness and No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1], your actual know-how can be reversed engineering into a scientific process of observable, testable and cultivable. The beneficial quality of the process outcome can benefit you and many others who will be naturally parts of the community to deepen and widen the process functionality that no unworthy and professional cheater in many 1,000+ years of human history dare to be closed since he/she will be immediately toasted with his/her "big mouth" as we have been publicly doing since 2007.
We partially expose typical names of known professional "cheaters-by-definition"[R18.4]. The Right solutions will be parts of epistemic objectives in the science of Consciousness, just like the science of economics. We have encouraged many having observable qualities from "Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness" [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Equanimity (XẢ) ] reversed engineering their observable and desirable living qualities toward the Right Effort of What Count[R23]. If our 50+ years of tenacious efforts in collecting those actually knowing Wu-Nien { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment"page 126 in The Zen doctrine of no-mind [R5.1] } empirically verifiable at seven (7) depths of the Consciousness mean something, AwakeningBudh and KhaiPhong will be parts to equalise the playing fields for all concerned parties making happened Kindness and Empathy the foundation of human nature worthy of "human rights".
By observing conditions underlying deliverable practical results from highly qualified practitioners, modern psychology and management discover a possible road map of Fresh [ Thinking / Investigation / Tư duy ] and the role of Self/Selfless Actualisation without tested technologies to make this road map happened as [epistemic objectives / signed posts], while Buddhism - partly due to the defects of Gotama's Design, Build, Execution - is drown itself in the cheating processes of Buddhist Sangha, violating Gotama ethical code "Not Lying - Musà vàdà veramanì - Tránh xa sự nói dối". Applying "Charter of Free Inquiry / Thinking / Tư duy" for modern management to change oneself and the environment one a part, we can look at any event on the duality plane and discovered possible outcomes from this Freshness in handling the issue/event or Right Understanding and Right Motivation for a Right Effort in facing the situation.
There are six possible outcomes ranging from primitive intelligence to the possibility of total Freshness to see Thing-As-It-Is: (1) Not doing anything applicable when there are abundant resources having no need of any effort or useless not-doing-anything monks polluted by Tao [Wu-Wei / Vô Vi] of LaoTzu impostor, (2) Action based on personal experience, (3) Action based on proven accumulated logic underlying epistemic objectives, (4) Action based on one's innovation from non-transcendental attention / Crushing the water / Đập nát nước, (5) Action based on wider perspective from the TRUTH plane perpendicular to the duality plane of the event for a sudden breakthrough / Value of the values, (6) "KhaiPhong" on high above along the dimension of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] on the TRUTH plane of the event for sustainable breakthroughs / Tùy duyên Bất biến, Bất biến Tùy duyên.
We prove that the science and economics of "KhaiPhong" can use the clearly defined Good Person provided by observable outcomes of [ Conscience Kindness Empathy Prajna Joy Detachment / Từ Bi Prajna Hỷ Xả ] as "traffic rules" in Artificial Intelligence to assist [ user / organisation / persona ] navigate daily roads of activities and relationships where there exists "reckless drivers". The differences with "self-driving car technologies" are that the more one can access wider perspective from the TRUTH plane through the normative science of consciousness in [3.5] and [3.6] below as advised by Gotama[D22], the more [ Effortless Right Action / Wei Wu Wei ] due to Natural Purification of the senses one can have, the more one can change oneself and the environment (of the "reckless drivers") toward the foundation of [ Conscience Kindness Empathy Prajna Joy Detachment / Từ Bi Prajna Hỷ Xả ] via Politics (normative economics) and (positive) Economics to enable true democracy and human rights where everyone can be a part.
We use current "marriage" and "job" to illustrate how the above six outcomes are generated and cultivated. Most are capable to use their intelligence to handle their current marriage and job. The "Charter of Free Inquiry / Thinking / Tư duy"[D23] applied to current "marriage" and "job" - as examples - has its generated outcomes
=> from the "Known"
3.1 Not doing anything
In the case of "not-doing-anything" of first possible outcome, all isms are trying to reduce one into a Pavlov dog of primitive intelligence. Thanks to a piece of Truth behind frequent Karl Marx quote “religion is the sign of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, the soul of soulless conditions”, not many people are now totally under the yoke of organised religions and/or ism.
3.2 Action based on personal experience
The personal experience is in fact the specilized way how that person handles the event. It may be the accumulated knowledge of one's inner circle. The question is why someone has more aptitudes than others toward a certain event such as in teaching, in sales, in entertainment, etc. This difference is due to the carry-on in one's continuity of the consciousness as explained in Buddhist Consciousness-Only. That is why the carry-on Value of the values in sudden breakthrough is important. It includes not only one's capability to recognise the opportunity at the right place and time but also the required conditions of the market/environment and qualified relationships for the outcome. Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1] would not be able to have his vision of moving the Vietnamese capital to HaNoi in 1010 effortlessly happened if he was not raised by Vạn Hạnh (938 - 1025) and had required conditions engineered by his teacher. Similarly, AwakeningBudh and KhaiPhong will not come to this current status if there is no orchestration of our friends / teachers 60+ years ago from 2024, tremendous material sacrifices of involved parties, and most importantly the esoteric staged events done by the three most important students to clear the darkness of 60,000+ human years in the higher realms affecting the human realm.
Due to personally involved in the event, each party in the marriage sees a wider perspective than just not-to-do-anything "M" event - at the M+ in deeper sharing from the partners - drawing by straight lines from each party and outside the two circles of containers. It can be from outside the boxes due to possible transcendental Consciousness of the consciousness[D19]. The space of [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] of patch A and sensible patch B of psychological and spiritual Sharing are naturally generated based on the depths and qualities of the two consciousness streams.
If the two parties in the marriage are able to sense the sources of their thoughts and feelings - the required condition to take the advice of Gotama to Ajita "whatever the stream of karmic forces, it is Transcendental-Awareness that obstructs and restricts them" to properly manage the urges - as in the case of our Buddhist and Catholic friends, they will be able to sense their energy interactions in the early state of meetings, commonly known as déjà vu. Alternatively, newly wed lovers can cultivate this "déjà vu" for stable marriage and future relationship via highest Tantra.
The courtship does not stop at the zero-sum game of the marriage event "M", imposed in one-size-fit-all from all isms to reduce humanity into Pavlov dogs and being their slaves. Advanced Tantra enables each helping oneself while intimately helping the other to deepen one's cultivation of [ Body >< Mind >< Effort / Body >< Mind >< Soul ] in the true meaning of [ Caring and Sharing / Self-Respect and Respect Other ] which will be naturally extended to Kindness and Empathy for the world beyond utopia at thought level of Bodhisattva and Bodhicitta since they are completely based on energy of actual experience.
Buddhist monks - explicitly not allowed by their founder - follow the foot steps of their religious counter-parts to invent all kind of rituals in attempting to enforce Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought which - according to Gotama - must be Free due to "Detachment" for the qualified Transcendental #Awareness happened. For example, [ Lễ Hằng Thuận / Ritual for Forever Harmony ] is the Vietnamese Buddhist ritual for marriage. Instead of scientific investigations of the six possible outcomes from Gotama's Charter of Free Inquiry at both the Known and Beyond which requires passing through recorded Gotama's Signed Posts, their ritual is just an imitation of Tibetian Kalachakra together with the spice "forever" totally against Gotama's Dependent Nature and Free Investigation of Thing-As-It-Is. That is why all monks/nuns in both Theravada and Mahayana from all countries we are currently aware do not know qualified Transcendental #Awareness[D29] nor Meditation (dhyana) of natural detachment from all outer objects to be outside the box. They know nothing about Emptiness / Oneness and have no actual experience whatsoever about the state of "content dissolution", yet continue to cheat others about the logical meaning of emptiness based on our exposition of the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2].
Therefore, after internal clean up of Buddhist Sangha via dedicated specialisation according to Gotama's "specialized scope" in his last advice [ All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation ], all personal or aggregate Buddhist events can be deliverable in the Right Conditions - PrajnaPlace - to transcend the Known into something Beyond for "Value of the values [3.5] and sustainable Breadkthrough [3.6]" of any relevant Issue. "Equanimity Community" of events is a starting point upgradable from past (observable in China and Japan) and present (observable in Switzerland) "Tranquility Communities" to make Things Happened Toward Whar Count. The process is very simple and practical according to the Buddhist Teacher at Tay An[D52]: (1) be a Good Person, (2) then do Buddhist study. Being a good person is similar to a Good Samaritan[R16], be happy and love your family, be kind and useful to others, conduct legal business with morality of your conscience. Then be Truthful - "Not Lying / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối" - to start the process of knowing more about yourself in the second step which is failed by most Buddhists [ monks / nuns / followers ].
See for yourself how this "PrajnaPlace" can be more efficient, having better conducive required business conditions for solving any issue and/or making a deal than "luxury sense gratification driven by bribery". HOClub (Home Office Club) - a part of KhaiPhong GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) / ThankYou Club - bring required comforts and conducive conditions to this "Equanimity Community". Please force all Buddhist monks to tell their actual experience of the "Oneness / Emptiness / Thing-As-It-Is / Ultimate (Wider) Truth" and its practical benefits in daily activities that they must deliver if they have[R6]. They replace Transcendental #Awareness[D29] with concentration and meditation - [ dhyana / naturally free from all outer objects ] - with tainted reflection on the duality plane. They pretend to be Free via the cheating aloofness of Buddhist monks taught by Gotama as a mean to actually know the quality of one's Buddha Nature from a Transcendental Inner Peace to Outer Peace. In reality they have tremendous Inner Conflicts Outer Conflicts due to cheating humanity for thousand years. See for yourself How Buddhism and Catholicism intentionally destroy their founder's precious gifts to humanity for their group benefits of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4].
For the "job" event, one's formal education and training only help to provide proper solution once the problem has been clearly defined. The purpose of education is to teach one how to learn, not What to learn. What to learn can always be acquired from the latest knowledge and/or hire a team of experts in the area. The special way to make things happened is currently an Art until there is sufficient critical mass facilitated by KhaiPhong Technologies of Scientifically Cultivable Prajna for all human domains embedded in one's quality of the consciousness. That is why one can have lower education - or no education at all - but can deliver an innovative and/or breakthrough solution. This is Value of the values and can be scientifically cultivable for required nutrients of diversities as shown in possible outcomes of [3.5] and [3.6] below.
3.3 Action based on proven accumulated logic underlying epistemic objectives
This is what make up the modern society with transparent and accountable scientific processes where one does not need to always start from square 1 and can ride on already established proven technologies. It is a protest against the secrecy of the dominant Catholic Church in enforcing their masters-slaves relationships[R18.3], [R18.4]. Thanks to this Openness and Transparency - together with Internet - a useful technology will be quickly known and value added by the mass which is also a measurable yard stick of the technology success.
The Science and Economics of KhaiPhong will enable underlying processes of all "breakthroughs and sustainable breakthroughs" discussed in outcomes of [3.5] and [3.6] below, being bodies of proven technologies of all human domains to be teachable for deeper and wider applications that their original explorers do not have to start from square one in their continuity of the consciousness. This is the case of three students in our group, and esoterically the case of many, typified by Gotama and Jesus. It is the significance of AwakeningBudh and KhaiPhong that we have to wait for the Right time and Right place which has already been 50+ years in hatching - since 1970 to start the effortless process of cleaning up unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] bullying humanity for many 1,000+ years to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships - when one student in our group knows all Gotama's 9 stages of Samadhi[D29], [D30] and in search for a reproducible scientific process in reversed engineering.
The time is now since (1) the unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] of Christianity have been sufficiently exposed, (2) the collapse of Illuminati Elites together with extreme parts of Islam have awaken many to use their rational and logic as part and basic of Faith, (3) Our exposure of Buddhist core doctrines claimed by Buddhist Sangha since the end of 2012 up to 2017 shed sufficient light on its 2500+ years of cheating and mystic processes in sabotaging Gotama's precious discoveries and gifts to humanity, (4) Our deliverable solutions of #PrajnaTIPs have sufficient limited field research to back it up, (5) Open sources and Internet technologies are readily available to make the solution self-sustained and significant contribution to humanity, benefiting the Haves, Stakeholders and HaveNots; the Haves get opportunity of hand-on to know more about oneself being a Change Agent to change oneself and the environment one a part in one's continuity of the consciousness; the Stakeholders make things happened in a Right Direction towards What Count; the HaveNots are lucky to be at the Right Place and Right Time to actually do something significant for oneself and the environment, (6) The breakthrough Value of the values and sustainable breakthroughs exposed here, together with concrete and logical Signed Posts demonstrate the feasibility of the available technologies and itself "high above along the dimension of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] on the TRUTH plane of the event for sustainable breakthroughs, (7) The technologies are in significant demand to solve immediate human needs from the grass roots of religious, regional, and international conflicts with peaceful win-win situation according to the dignity of Human Rights for all involved parties.
We synthesise proven accumulated logic underlying epistemic objectives of dedicated explorers in religions and philosophies to (1) debunk 1,000+ years of human dark periods, causing billion human lives destroyed in unnecessary sufferings by unworthy people, (2) lay out the road map of verifiable signed posts claimed by Gotama, seconded by HuiNeng, and verifiable by at least three living students in our group. The synthesis is backed up with our actual experiences and limited field researches since 1970 to be scientifically deliverable at the Right Place and Right Time according to [ Dependent Nature traceable to Oneness in the Dependent Nature / Tùy duyên Bất biến, Bất biến Tùy duyên, ].
In terms of technologies, we have worked out Functional Decomposition with minimum required restrictions (for "lego" standards) of container-based ecosystem and user interface to achieve (1) data level inter-operability, (2) pluggable part of Open Connectivity Foundation, and (3) Open Artificial Intelligence where human and technologies are inter-operative "From people, By people, and For people". Human is the center of all activities and relationships, achieving Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] principle to serve humanity as a single intelligent unit, coming from the grassroots of intelligent constituents.
The open source of Google machine learning makes spreading cultivable [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] more efficient and economically possible. The learning is augmented by dynamic visualisation upon the swarm of activities and relationships surrounding any event to augment one's Value of the values in seeing one's strategic position toward the direction of What Count[R23]. It is relevant to any issue - such as current International claims of [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] and/or faked news - to detect the evidenced-based TRUTH plane for one's focused Intensity-of-Attention which changes the event while the event itself statistically tests one's level of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ]. It is appropriate for the Haves and HaveNots. The Haves have required tools to further research what [ attributes / qualities ] most relevant to their dominant concerns. The lessons learned from these researches are contributed back for the benefits of the HaveNots of similar patterns, reducing the service costs to be Free for the users and paid by related service providers. Once the technologies are available to the mass, the long term acceptable solution will and must be driven by people who are not easily being cheated by unworthy people from any ism, bullying and messing humanity for so long.
Due to the ecosystem of Functional Decomposition and Functional Programming, most common tools to know more about oneself will be Free. In the job or marriage event, all useful tips related to the marriage and job can be Freely Shared and/or economically developed to professionally provide functional services while raising the mass level of Transcendental Awareness to the point that no [ priests / monks / nuns ] from any organised religions can effectively fool people who will be lawfully protected due to Human Rights and being a member of humanity. Understanding of available proven tools is not trivial and may require an army of Ph.D. scientists. We believe the first 20% highest risk of both normative and positive intelligent tools have been accomplished by humanity. The next 40% required infrastructure of the new significant value-added ecosystem have been logically and successfully prototyped to be implemented and deliverable at affordable entry costs based on our 50+ years of "connecting the dots" and applying required technologies underlying this ecosystem where everyone can be a part. The last 40% is the applications in widening the ecosystem in all relevant human domains.
3.4 Action based on group non-transcendental attention / Crushing the water / Đập nát nước
For any event on the duality plane, the net effect is an aggregate of many visible and invisible influencing factors. The higher stakes from the interactions of conflicting factors, the less resources available to involved parties making the Risk and Value of the values for [changing / influencing] the event bigger, the more difficult is faced by all parties in making a move which will generate series of different moves. Typical examples are (1) the current conflicting claims in the [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ], (2) the changing realities of geopolitical positions and priorities in North America, China, Europe Russia, (3) the practicalities and conflicting interests of Arab fractions, the Middle East, and North-South dynamics.
Yet, the spending of 2 billion US dollars a year in spreading Confucius Institute as a form of Chinese Soft Power to be replaced by another vision of "Belt and Road Initiative is the human reality moving from Attachment to Aversion in [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] whose issue and cultivable solution has been pointed out 2500+ years ago. The possible solution is a precious gift to humanity but currently dormant and sabotaged by Buddhist professional cheaters not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. This is why we have to wait for the right time and place, and what we have done in 50+ years since 1970 for normative and positive Intelligence. The breakthrough Value of the values solution and KhaiPhong demands something Beyond, viewed from the TRUTH plane of the event along the dimension of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] perpendicular to the duality plane where all events and manifestations happened. It is known as Prajna Dialectic instead of Hegelian Dialectic of GIGO (Garbage in Garbage out) typified in China's new type of party system, Inclusive Capitalism, and its US-inspired anti-thesis “Build Back Better World” (B3W) from G7 leaders in addressing “Strategic competition with China".
Painted cakes from "big mouths driven by Greed and Fears in faked News to hack human mind are gradually and globally exposed. The Trusted Leadership 4.0 - transcending both Christian and KungTzu doctrinal leaderships in harmonious measurable real benefits - of current Globalization are measurable and deliverable with Prajna Dialectic in the Right Society 5.0. [ The official conclusion of WEF learned from China about KungTzu's "Trusted doctrine" was taken out which says something about the reality of "China, WEF and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer played on both sides of Hegelian Dialectic" on the Duality Plane of Conflicting consciousness, and the Source of Conflicts identified by China since 2019 as "A Clash of Civilizations". Civilizations and Cultures are human endeavors In Search for the TRUTH and the Raison D'être of one's Existence. Out of these Turbulances and the Lesson learned from the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods, possible Solution emerged from the new Era of Humanity centered around "Security" under the Rule-of-Law with latest evidence in US - South Korean - Japan Security Pack, "Development" toward What Count from humanity upward under scientifically cultivable Normative and Positive Intelligence, and "Diversity" in multi-polar world from different angles to the TRUTH emerging from BRICS 2023 Summit. It is the Key Solution KhaiPhong is trying to sell in a bigger scale to (1) China, (2) US/EU, and (3) Russia with Scientifically Cultivable Invisible Hand of Prajna Dialectic ].
It is applicable for a job event of any size, either in what to learn for a professional career to current job accomplished by a team and/or specialized teams. For a marriage event, Transparency and Accountability of all involved parties are required for Trusting and Sharing. Organized religions have no transparency in their own networks, nor accountability for one's marriage. Yet they have bullied and imposed their immoral Value - such as in family planning - on humanity, causing unnecessary conflicts and divisions among their followers, having no conscience of their own in knowing what is Right and Unworthy. Please expose these professional cheaters[R18.4] so they cannot mess up other people's lives, spreading the pattern of Fears and Greed having no conscience of Pavlov dogs, being slaves to their immoral churches[R18.3].
Innovation can happen if and only if there is full accountability and responsibility with appropriate Rewards and Consequences from one's action. Here is a natural law regulated by Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes that make capitalism more dynamic than communism, discovered by Adam Smith in Invisible Hand of Economics. With open-source scientifically cultivable Prajna Dialectic, the Invisible Hand of Economics is further directed by Invisible Hand of Prajna moving in the direction of Oneness and distributed self adjustments in DISCOVERING and SHARING underlying natural laws in a breakthrough of consciousness technologies, fully integrated with radio technologies. The central planning economy has its theoretical strength in influencing and detecting long-term structural changes of the macro economics working system such as modernization of traditional (agriculture) sector in the national strategy of [ Famine elimination Poverty reduction / Xóa đói Giảm nghèo ]. This theoretical strength is not materialised in the past due to (1) not having accurate recorded data (hard facts) in making the input-output tables, (2) the far lagging behind available hard data and practical tools for detecting and influencing these changes, (3) the structural changes in relationships of economic agents not part of the economic system. These short falls are now solved with modern Machine Learning and Smart Contracts, together with Government Open Data for transparencies and accountability. That is why 40% of required infrastructures and services where interoperability of data and functional decomposition of AI are critical in mining Big Data of modern system to take advantages of both micro economics coming from economic agents and influencing macro economics from understanding and detecting changes in the system.
=> and "Beyond"
3.5 Action based on wider perspective from the TRUTH plane perpendicular to the duality plane of the event for a sudden breakthrough / Value of the values
TRUTH plane is the plane where one can be high above the duality plane of conflicting consciousness via noises and all sort of information trying to affect one's decision. Mathematically, it is the [ X-Y ] plane perpendicular to the plane of conflicting Issue as shown in Figure 2 where one can see the Issue [ Thing-As-It-Is / Chân Như / Tathatā ] due to [ Detachment / Tính Không / Śūnyatā ] and a possible breakthrough [ #Prajna ] solution acceptable by all involved parties at point C much better than a fair trade at point A or a cunning I-Win-You-Loose using all dirty and bullying tricks of negotiation at point B. The solution is Prajna Dialectic rather than Hegelian Dialectic where all involved parties are bounded on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. All manifestations at focused point are conditioned and changing at Planck time. There is always an engineering optimal dynamic feed forward and backward control system to have the right conditions for the manifestation of the target as prooven in ChatGPT. Personally knowing all Gotama's Jhanas in the vertical Y-dimension and deeper than HuiNeng WuNien in X-dimension due to practically applying the [ Detachment / Tính Không / Śūnyatā ] in engaged living and scientifically cultivable one's InnerSpace for the visible manifestation of KhaiPhong Three-Haves [ #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã ] after Huineng Three-Nots [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachement / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ ]. Reversing this engineering process, we (1) discover underlying natural laws at the right conditions can enable most people personally experience Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent to know Gotama's Jhana states in Emptiness, (2) work out scientifically cultivable #Prajna for a breakthrough of any complex Issue, and most important of all (3) to clean up negative attributes for sel-assuring one is always evolving from humanity upward which has required infratructure for Freedom from the Known, and/or (4) contribute one's optimal solution according to underlying natural laws expressed in Complex Fibonacci Numbers for real scientific advancements of consciousness technologies where (5) all involved parties - the Haves and HaveNots - are Stakeholders driven by scientifically cultivable #Prajna to efficiently direct allocation of scare resources according to Invisible Hand of Economics.
With inter-operability of data and functional decomposition and functional programming from microservices in a generalised but secure network (circle) of the networks (inner circles), activity nodes and relationship edges can be independently developed by economic agents according to the Right Effort (efficient economics having moral value motive according to natural laws) discovered by Adam Smith, yet readily available for transparent and accountable further mining from statistical data for any [ private / public ] required targets where government strategic plannings and national strategies are parts of the complex Dependent Nature of existence discovered by Gotama 2500+ years ago but veiled and sabotaged by Buddhist cheating Sangha in their painted cakes of what not to Know yet claimed to know, not to See yet claimed to see[D19]. The government strategic plannings and national strategies interact (1) among themselves, (2) with other governments' strategies within and/or without agreed trade pacts to be ready for unexpected and/or changing national and international conditions, and (3) with its constituents' perceived value of creations and Value of the values. This shows the relevant and soft power of AwakeningBudh and KhaiPhong to people - transcending all isms, religions, cultures, nationalities, locations, and ages.
There is an optimal division of labour between public and private sectors where government defences its constituents' interests and makes happened required conditions for thriving and fair-play communities. One part of required conditions for thriving healthy communities is public works and Open Government Data for accountability and transparency. The required conditions for fair play among constituents are well-known scientific studies in established Industrial Orgnizations and International Trades. The required conditions for thriving communities are supplemented with technologies in cultivable normative intelligence at the grassroots, making happened the required critical mass for the operation of democracy and Human Rights. It is augmented by the three principles of Trần Quốc Tuấn[R7.4] where "Kindness and Empathy" once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties.
Having that ecosystem and Free modern functional tools driving the [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] cross-bred between Indian Samadhi and Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei - made happened by Bodhidharma[D35] 1500+ years ago - Gotama's discovery of the Four Noble Truths becomes more concrete and his solution in the modified Eightfold Path is readily implemented along the footsteps of Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] to make happened the three principles of Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] where everyone - the Haves >< Stakesolders >< HaveNots - can be Agent of Changes to change oneself and environment toward What Count.
Mathematically, one can be outside the box - due to innate Buddha Nature or Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas - on duality plane of the "Known", high above in "Beyond" along the dimension of "#Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth" thanks to discovered natural laws from trekking along Thái Tông three-leg donkey (Gotama right-side-up order of his Eightfold Path)[R7.3] for heavy lifting. Due to a [darkness / duality consciousness] cannot see another [darkness / duality consciousness] As-It-Is there is a significant difference between the knowledge (Kiến Thức) learned by many - epistemic objectives - and Prajna scientifically documented (Tri-Thức) in a statistically known Issue. The second (Tri-Thức) can happen if and only if there exists manifested #Prajna from an expert of the issue which is well-known as a scientific discovery.
By discovering natural laws underlying the foundation of cultivable #Prajna, we enable everyone unraveling human innate potentiality to see Thing-As-it-Is in all manifested events on the duality plane (Relative Truth) and one's strategic position - scientifically feasible, subjectively verifiable, actually measurable as Right/Wrong effort, psychologically known as Self/Selfless Actualisation, and mathematically as a view high above on the plane of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] perpendicular to the duality plane of the event. One can change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23], Making Life Easier and Happier.
That [Tri-Thức / #Awareness] can be reversed engineering to find out the right and optimal conditions for the "event", turning an Art into a science with smaller share of much Bigger Pie while solving the Moral issue in the case of George Soros. Therefore, [#Awareness / Tri-Thức] can become [epistemic objective / knowledge], but Not Reversed as done by Buddhist Sangha in 2500+ years of sabotaging Gotama's discoveries, turning his modified Eightfold Path from outside-the-box #Prajna for Right Understanding and Right Motivation into a conditioned indoctrinated [ Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ ]. Same thing is applicable to voluminous Buddhist [ Learning > Reflection > Cultivation / Văn > Tư > Tu ] hoping to jump outside the box with binding Word/Image and clinging Thought while the scientific mechanism is in opposite direction of Emptying the contents from binding Word/Image and clinging Thought (Sở Tri Chướng). This includes the [debunk and debunk of the debunks] of faked dharma such as Shurangama Sutra[D33]. By providing scientific process as PrajnaTIP in Sound to actually demonstrate the Sound Technology in Shurangama Sutra, we debunk all descriptions - including esoteric description of claimed Bodhisattva or Buddha - on the duality plane without any deliverable Insight from Emptiness on the [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) ] TRUTH plane of the event.
In that sense, Gotama is a scientist in his Quest for an answer of his identified Issue Dukkha defined as dukkha-dukkha, viparinama-dukkha and sankhara-dukkha. To properly appreciate the importance and Value of this "outside-the-box" where everyone can be a part - the Wise tame themselves (Dhammapala verse 80[R10]: you are in part discover and in part create the Real You) - let's objectively look at entire human developments and advancements up until 2024 on the duality plane. For the clarity of accidentally discovered processes of distinct "dots", we present them together as different "dots" in the scientific picture and our understanding the scientific processes underlying these "discoveries".
The objective is to theoretically integrate all recognisable "out-side-the-box discoveries" to form solid foundation for laying out a scientific contribution in Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh which is equivalent to Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna in Ajita's Questions[D22] while challenging all isms - where organised religions are parts - to meet Soyen Shaku challenge[R6] in cleaning up their thousands years of cheating humanity. We therefore use "#Awareness" for common communication and "#Prajna" as a technical term to stress the essential conditions absolutely necessary (sine-qua-non) of knowing beyond the source of thought in its Layered Dependent Nature for discovering scientific processes in No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1].
This approach demonstrates possibilities of scientific processes that need more research helping humanity becoming an integrated whole of Normative and Positive Intelligence to be the driving forces in all activities and relationships. You can use chronological order of identified persons to see Value of the values in this scientific approach:
- [Psychologically / Spiritually] Self and Selfless Actualization from Being Need is a scientific deduction from field observations of recognizable elites, capable to diagnose a complex event and one's strategic position to change and/or ride on the situation toward one's intended direction. It is the same as Chinese philosophical integration of Lao Tzu's [Wu-Wei / Non-Action] with K'ung Tzu's [Social (Outside) Order] for the benefits of One and the Communities into [ Wei-Wu-Wei / Effortless Action / Action in Non-Action / Bất Chiến Tự Nhiên Thành ], enhanced and verifiable with Bodhidharma/HuiNeng [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ('To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi'[R5]) ] manifested via Qi-Gong[R11]. Despite deliverable and current international rating of Chinese martial arts, it is still a Pathless Land in philosophical and psychological issues. By discovering underlying natural laws to turn philosophical and psychological issues into identifiable [subjects / nodes] with statistically deliverable solutions of epistemic objectives, we start the new Era of KhaiPhong to enable people the centres of all activities and relationships "From people, By people, and For people".
- Gotama's scientific process to unravel Value of the Values in [ (1) ComPassion to be part of the natural Dependent Nature (Bất biến Tùy duyên), (2) [ Detachment / HonNhien ] to flow with current natural forces (Tùy duyên Bất biến), (3) Right Transcendental Inner peace (samma-samadhi) to enable natural purification purifying outdated marks of tainted senses ] is the starting point to discover underlying natural laws to be statistically measurable of identifiable Issues and their solutions as epistemic objectives using modern technologies of Artificial Intelligence. #Prajna is the flower of ComPassion tree deep rooted in Sunyata. ComPassion - common vibration of energy - is a mean for one experiencing Oneness from the Dependent Nature of existence. Thanks to this tremendous compassion for all living beings, Gotama had an effortless HonNhien [ Dhyana-Samadhi / Thiền Định ], being free from attachment to all outer objects (emptying the contents) while experiencing and deepening Transcendental Inner Peace[R5] of 'Right Samadhi'[D29], [D30] through the Gateway-to-Oneness and Beyond in trekking of Thái Tông "Ai hay mây cuốn trời quang tạnh, Hiện rõ bên trời dáng núi cao / Suddenly the veiled cloud gone and the sky clear, The high mountain is clearly seen". Thanks to recalling this effortless HonNhien [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ], Gotama abandoned his six years of extreme efforts to adopt the middle path of natural HonNhien way. But this natural [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] would not be able to scientifically recognise if he did not personally pass the Hindu Non-Thingness of Oneness, reaching the unmoving Sunyata called by him as [ The End of Dukkha / Nirvana ][D44]. Hence, Gotama's scientific process starts with ComPassion, passing the Gateway-to-Oneness all the way to [ Unmoving Sunyata / Nirvana / End-of-Dukkha ] to enable the depths of Right Transcendental Inner Peace to naturally purify the tainted senses, clearing the inner sky of one's consciousness via Detachment / HonNhien. Gotama starting point is now feasible with enhancements from Bodhidharma's Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha and HuiNeng's Sudden Awaken then Awakening that everyone can be a part, contrary to the processes of his students and the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha up until 2024, switching their positions from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth in meditation on emptiness at thought level to pounding their thought of Compassion in the utopia Bodhisattva and Buddha on the duality plane. Both Emptiness and ComPassion is beyond the Known on the plane of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] perpendicular to the duality plane of events!. Bodhidharma [Jue Guan Lun / A Treatise on the Ceasing of Notions][D35] takes to the utmost of what one can do in seeing the event according to Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to rationally change the event according to Wise Attention[D28], the internal condition for the modified eightfold path. By formally identifying major issues such as excessive sex drive, fear, uncontrollable urges of anything, etc, and their statistically significant solutions we have a wealth of verifiable processes in Making Life Easier and Happier. But once the action is completed - either success or failure - one can drop all binding and clinging forces due to Detachment for other [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ], relevant to the present moment. HuiNeng defined #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation] in applying the modified Eightfold Path. Based on the [ Detachment then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm ] HuiNeng's Sudden Awaken via [ #SamadhiPrajna / Định Tuệ ] is a direct technique to access knowledge commonly known as Intuition accumulated in one and communities found in modern Self-Selfless Actualisation. Since a [darkness / duality consciousness] cannot see another [darkness / duality consciousness] As-It-Is, Detachment is the mechanism to temporarily by-pass all tainted senses for seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count[R23]. Many have experienced this "Sudden Awaken" about something! Let's look at sudden-awakens shared by a student in our group that we think most practical to many in Making Life Easier and Happier. First, some background: the student came from a small business family, having minimum required economic comfort. His mother could not read nor write. His father could barely read and write to do his self business book-keeping that he learned from a family who hired him as a servant to take care of a boy. He learned read-and-write with the boy. The father had no day of formal (school) education. In public elementary school, the student had 2 friends - probably his two protectors - "absolutely loyal" to him, keeping all "bad elements" away. Reflection about his human protectors and learning a poem "Con nhà khó nhiều khi vất vả, Ngoài học đường thư thả được đâu, Khi thời quẩy nước tưới rau Chợ tan đón gánh theo sau mẹ già / Being from a poor family is hard, Besides school, there no leisure time, Sometimes needs to water vegetables, When the market closes, follows and help the mother", the student "suddenly realized" - from the deepest part of the heart that [Sudden Awaken #1] parents love and try the best they can afford for their children. From then on, his need is very simple. He has naturally appreciated what come either from the family and/or outside, more than what he needed for reflecting and exploring some lasting Value of the values. Here are few "sudden awakens" waiting for more value-added from community: [Sudden Awaken #2] Right Effort is known and measurable for accomplishing something important far beyond any condition not within the reach of one's hand such as reading all Nobel prize winners are Doctors in grade 6, he also wanted to be a doctor without knowing different kinds of doctors and definitely far beyond widest dreams of his parents [from then on efforts naturally be there for whatever his mind is directed to with no hanging carrot and/or something for motivation], [Sudden Awaken #3] Marriage is a coming together of two parties different in many aspects and backgrounds but need each other so Understanding and Respecting the other while continuing one's Conscious Living to further explore the common grounds for helping and benefiting the two [from then on understanding of the Dependent Nature is deepen and the moral aspect of the marriage is naturally there even with one's sensing the common vibrations of energy with other parties - male or female - from past karmic forces that one always sowing the good seeds of worthy relationships), [Sudden Awaken #4] one's child has his/her own way of development so providing help and protection if needed / afforded and let the child know that he/she can make mistakes but parents are always the last resources he/she can fall back no matter what the child is [from then on the relationship is mostly two-way street of self respect and respect other]. Thus, sudden awaken is the state of mind to realize Thing-As-It-Is (due to #Samadhi) to fundamentally change one's behavior (due to #Prajna) toward something. This state of mind has different depths of #AwarenessPrajna due to different quality of Right Transcendental Inner Peace (samma-samadhi) and different heights due to different levels of #Prajna for a wider vision of the event at the right place and right time. There are many different events, and there are many different Sudden Awakens grounded on one's states and stock of cultivable #Prajna. It is subjective, but through aggregate of measurable data of clearly defined event such as "Marriage or Uncontrollable Urge of Anything", one can deduct Right Understanding and Right Motivation for the defined event. Therefore, sudden awaken at any event is statistically significant Right Understanding and Right Motivation at the event which is the community implementation of Gotama modified Eightfold Path, incapable to touch through out 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha for practical conscious living and missed by the entire history of cheating Buddhism up until 2024. The Right Understanding and Right Motivation of Gotama modified Eightfold Path about any event can be statistically tested at different angles shared and contributed by all concerned parties from all isms where all organised religions are parts. This Sudden Awaken and its reversed engineering to discover underlying natural laws as scientific (testable, verifiable, reproducible) processes will be first applied in human realm pioneered by KhaiPhong and its identified 36+ students - transcending all cheating organized religions, cultures, male-female, skin colors, classes, rich-poor - on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, actually knowing Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng's Wu-Nien { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } at 7 different [ depths / heights ]. With established Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations and successful implementation of unique identity in one's continuity of the consciousness, one can ride on both consciousness / spiritual technologies and current custom ai to know more about oneself as an Accountable Creator in contributing to Responsible Creation via allocations of scare resources from Invisible Hand of Economics - specific to each realm - driven by Invisible Hand of cultivable Prajna, cross-cut all duality planes of existence. To appreciate the importance and relevance of KhaiPhong Technology where normative and positive intelligence are intertwined and integrated, let's look at the four shared Sudden Awakens about the events (1) As a growing child, (2) Right Effort in one's growing up, (3) Marriage, (4) Parenting which are applicable to most people. These events are all changing and conditioned at different times, places to different people. Here are the challenges for all concerned parties: => 2.1 What are the Right Understanding and Right Motivation of the above events as the community implementations of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path to actually verify his assertion "karmas flow as streams; whatever the streams it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them and by [#Prajna / Wisdom], they are dissolved"[D22]. => 2.2 How does one move from conflicting views (Relative Truth / Imaginary Nature) of the events to high above on [ Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature ] from Nagarjuna Madhyamaka[D38] and Consciousness-Only[D39] to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change one and the events toward What Count[R23]. => 2.3 How do 'the kingdom of God from within'[Luke 17:21] and 'the Good Samaritan'[R16] play a role in these relevant and practical events in "Making Life Easier and Happier". => 2.4 For all organised religions where 'Faith / Sola Fide / Justification by Faith' is important, what is the unified field to transcend all Faiths. and how does it plays a role to meet Soyen Shaku' s challenge "God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality"[R6]. In this searching for Value of the Values, let's switch to technologies and see how Artificial Intelligence can help to bring together precisely defined higher qualities of consciousness - [ Kindness Empathy #Prajna Joy Detachment / Từ Bi Prajna Hỷ Xả ] - in making life easier and happier of Self-Selfless Actualisation, transcending all conflicts generated by all isms up until 2024. In personal "Marriage / Uncontrollable Urge of Anything" or aggregate "International Trade/Territory Issues", existing and proposed solutions are conflicting since they are all rooted in self interests with cunning intelligence for gaining upper hand. By providing scientific processes in cultivable #Prajna, we enable all concerned parties in all types of events see the complex events not only in their Thing-As-It-Is but also one's strategic position to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. Via Distributed Graph and Machine Learning, each persona - either person or aggregate - looks at community implementation in Right Understanding and Right Motivation of any "Event/Issue" to consciously put up Right Efforts in all activities and relationships. The feedback from measurable "Efforts" help the persona change its activities and relationships, while dynamically being parts from Big-Data analytics of precisely defined the targets [ Kindness Empathy #Prajna Joy Detachment / Từ Bi Prajna Hỷ Xả ] in "#SamadhiPrajna / Sudden Awaken" about the "Event/Issue". In the above shared "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of such event as "Marriage", each deepening the understanding of "Dependent Nature" is different and an Actuality. Please make it as a case study and write "some note/book" about it. The book/note can be totally private, semi-public or public at the right place and right time as this "KhaiPhong Technology" you are reading which has zero cost to its author besides personal effort. We will ease this process and make your Right Effort worthwhile. Your "case study" is a living document to value add a [branch or leaf] to the event node as part of your contribution to the community implementation of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path which is real that no Buddhist professional cheater[R18.4] with painted cakes of what not to Know yet claimed to know, not to See yet claimed to see[D19] dare to get close. Once #PrajnaTIP in Sound to actually demonstrate and deliver the Sound Technology is available, we invite those having a glimpse of Sunyata Non-Thingness debunk the author of Visuddhimagga[D31] - the Buddhist Path of cheating Purification - serving as a compass for Theravada cheating processes up until 2024 similar to Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw's "Knowing and Seeing" book. From then on, no unworthy[R18.3] or professional cheater[R18.4] dares to bully humanity in the name of organised religion. We now know the key to make it happened, namely Detachment, not at Word/Thought but naturally / effortlessly transcending all binding Word/Image and clinging Thought to reclaim one's innate "Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" capable of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } to actually know more about oneself. The Detachment comes from different depths of Right Transcendental Inner Peace, passing the Gateway-to-Oneness to [ Unmoving Sunyata / End of Dukkha / Nirvana ]. There are different discovered processes to experience different depths of Right Transcendental Inner Peace. Compassion was accidentally found by Gotama when he was a child sitting under the shade of a tree. With the exposure of KhaiPhong Technology and AwakeningBudh Movement, scholastic explorations of Gotama's basic discoveries - succintly translated into Vietnamese found both [ Compassion and Prajna ] mentioned in Gotama's first discourse to kick-start his Buddhist Sangha but missed by most [ monks / nuns / followers ]. By connecting the "dots" of different discovered trails, we show that HuiNeng "Sudden Awaken" - #SamadhiPrajna - is the community implementation of the modified Eightfold Path of the first discourse, directly perceived Not-Self in the second discourse, and [ Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent / HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna / KhaiPhong #Awareness ] coming from the foundation of [ Compassion >< Detachment >< Right Transcendental Inner Peace ]. Similar to Emptiness, ComPassion is Beyond Thought and a [darkness / duality consciousness] cannot see another [darkness / duality consciousness] As-It-Is. Please force all Buddhist professional cheaters - including the Dalai Lama XIV, the Dharma King Gyalwang Drukpa XII , and the claimed enlighten monk - describe their actual experience from a thought of compassion (or any dot) on the plane of duality (whether the dot is compassion, relative truth, faith, or breathing exercise) to Actual Compassion or Beyond the Known / Point / Conflict and Then What to help cleaning up unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] bullying humanity in the past thousands years with binding word/image and clinging thought.
- Jesus - after 40 days and nights in cultivation of #DhyanaSamadhi ('to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi'[R5]) - found Aspiration (via Faith) and [ Kindness / Empathy ] via "Parable of the Good Samaritan"[R16] ] are required attributes to know 'the Kingdom of God within'[Luke 17:21] or experience of Transcendental Inner Peace. There are different aspirations and there is Right/Wrong Transcendental Inner Peace. The Right Transcendental Inner Peace must have embedded Detachment as discovered by Gotama and HuiNeng. The version of Aspiration and Right Transcendental Inner peace are further improved by the [ Buddhist Teacher at TayAn / Phật Thầy Tây An ][D52] with his "natural open space" for #DhyanaSamadhi and being a "Good person" for natural Right Transcendental Inner Peace. Aspiration is a mean to Krishnamurti's Intensity of Attention that can transcend conflicting forces on the duality plane of the event, by-passing tainted senses to see Thing-As-it-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count.
- In connecting the "discovered dots" of something beyond the plane of duality (Relative Truth) we [ scientifically / subjectively / psychologically / and mathematically ] prove a [darkness / duality consciousness] cannot see another [darkness / duality consciousness] As-It-Is. The means must come from something beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought such as Compassion similar to a physical "worm hole", Detachment, Aspiration, Intensity of Attention, Charming force of Sunyata Non-Thingness similar to a physical "black hole", Natural Open Space, etc. The [ #Awareness / Tri-Thức ] coming from a "breakthrough" injection of #Prajna on the complex Issue / Event can become [epistemic objective / knowledge], but not reversed. This [ Issue / Event ] can also be one's dominant Issue such as uncontrollable urge, sex drive, fear, etc as a Gotama's advice to Ajita [D22] and personally verifiable by this writer on the power of [ Sunyata / Emptiness ] described in Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2].
Starting from a scratch with significant dedications from involved parties in the past 50+ years, we see a huge task and its Nobleness, especially in a complete integration between Physical Sciences (Positive Intelligence) and Mental Sciences (Normative Intelligence) to deliverable Right Effort in all human activities and relationships since there is a direct and measurable quality of [ Body >< Mind >< Effort / Body >< Mind >< Soul ] in Making Life Easier and Happier. This integration from Oneness to diversities and back for the "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of any [ event / manifestation ] in the complex Dependent nature of existence. It has been sabotaged in thousands years by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] to enslave humanity in masters-slaves relationships, contrary to observable human nature or humanitas comprising of biology, compassion and wisdom (prajna).
Only recently available PrajnaTool / Pháp Vân coming from Artificial Intelligence is a possibility to bring together (1) scientific knowledge in pharmaceutical testing from hard data, (2) directed (wise) attention[D28] of formally identified Issue and its statistically significant solution exposing all "possible claims" to the scientific light, (3) change management in all fields relevant to human present moment at both micro and macro levels. This kind of PrajnaTool can be both sustainable economic tool and required infrastructure for something even bigger via integration of both Normative Intelligence and Positive Intelligence to guide (self-driving) one's daily activities and relationships toward a Right Direction [ Kindness Empathy #Prajna Joy Detachment / Từ Bi #Prajna Hỷ Xả ] of What Count[R23]. We think the Right Time is Now in 2024 and have been working on the seven (7) steps to make the Right Conditions happened for the manifestation of Pháp Vân - PrajnaTool.
Just a bare-bone PrajnaTool is sufficient to enable this book a forum for contribution of all interested parties, together with #PrajnaTIP in Sound where conflicting forces generated by indoctrinated Conflicted Grasping / Wrong Faiths, causing unnecessary sufferings for billions lives can be dissolved into "Aspiration" together with many other forms of aspirations as - ComPassion, Aloof from sense desires, Open spaces, Garden centres, etc - a mean to uplift the [mind / heart] while riding on the charming power of Sunjata Non-Thingness similar to a "physical black-hole gravity force". The technology was personally experienced by the writer since 1970 with limited field research for required conditions to make it happened as well as its cracks since the "Purification" power can open a hidden stress (a can of worms) to be properly dissolved and the "self-driving" participant may not be properly handled. Qualified Budh Counselors are required to properly help these cases, dedicating to scientifically deepen and widen this scientific field.
Since all manifestations are conditioned, properly required environments are necessary to maximize the probabilities and benefits of cultivable #Prajna. This is how PrajnaPlace / Equanimity Community coming in, operated / run-by and supported by Qualified Budh Counsellors using both face-to-face consultations and sophisticated PrajnaTools. Our "#Awareness" is equivalent to Gotama "Transcendental #Awareness" which is the state of "#Prajna" stretching to both "Instinct" and HuiNeng "Sudden Awaken" tapping into the cosmic knowledge. Global service Local presence [GsLp / ThankYou] clubs are not only meeting places of spreading economic benefits but also cultural exchanges and Normative Intelligence of the Right and Wrong on the Solid Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Equanimity (XẢ) ] "From people, By people, and For people".
Once there is sufficient depth of "Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace" from the mass, a more advanced technique - #PrajnaTIP in Kindness - will be introduced. The technology is known by this writer to ride on ComPassion for practicality of deepening [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ] that one can sense the source of thought to verify Gotama's advice[D22]. Maturing of this technique is an ability to sense the pulse of one's counter part on his/her inner power and depth to sense if the claim can happen, well-known in elites from different fields. The bridge between experiencing "Right Transcendental Inner Peace" in activating the Natural Purification of the senses, and the sensing of energy exchanging between one and the environment via #PrajnaTIP in Kindness can be the Highest Tantra in experiencing one's and other's energy flows with directed Transcendental #Awareness in different depths of Wu-Nien.
The foundation of [ Compassion >< Detachment >< Right Transcendental Inner Peace ] - a beyond-thought Pyramid - is on the plane of [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] perpendicular to the duality event of (conditioned) thought. The tools to this are all beyond thought at the conflicting forces about any event on the duality plane: HuiNeng Sudden Awaken then Awakening, Kindness (mettā - từ), Empathy (karuṇā - bi), #Prajna, Joy (muditā - hỷ), Detachment (upekkhā - xả) from the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind (TỨ VÔ LƯỢNG TÂM), Gotama Awareness-Prajna[D22], KhaiPhong Scientifically Cultivable [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ]. Touching and experiencing this beyond-thought Pyramid is commonly known as modern Self-Selfless Actualisation, Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei, and Soyen Shaku[R6] "God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality".
Scientifically and mathematically, the common line between No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] and Duality Consciousness embraces the same attributes on both planes. All Buddhist meditation techniques - except highest Tantra - blah blah blah by professional cheaters violating Gotama's ethical codes of Not-Lying[D19] do not have the required attributes of No-Conflict Consciousness, including Gotama's wrong tools[D24], [D25] to kick-start his Buddhist Sangha. Thanks to Jesus's "Parable of the Good Samaritan[R16]" - mentioned in only one of the Canonical gospels, but the most significant factor accepted by almost all Christians or None-Christians - many naturally have Kindness and Empathy in their many-lives evolution accidentally toward a right direction, having natural consequences of observable "Good Lives". Knowing scientific process in the Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness - different from [ Buddhist MahaSatipatthana / the Great Frames of Reference / Tứ niệm xứ[D25] ] - everyone can speed up the cultivation process, changing one and the environment toward Universal Moral Value of Kindness and Empathy, transcending all conflicts generated by past isms.
The cultivable "Normative Intelligence[R1]" helps one know more about oneself, plus "Artificial Intelligence" to augment one's "Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh", enabling one the center of all activities and relationships in productions and consumption toward What Count[R23]. The wholesome Integration is feasible and available now to start the fourth Industrial Revolution in opening a new Era for humanity.
This outside the box can be gradual from Relative Truth traceable to Oneness (Dependent Nature traceable to Oneness / Tùy duyên Bất biến) then high above reaching verifiable Signed Posts, or from [ Relative Truth / Gateway-to-Oneness ] diagonally traceable to one's highest level of Ultimate (Wider) Truth discovered by Bodhidharma in Thing-As-It-Is dukkha, or suddenly from Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth then gradually at higher level for clearer and wider perspective of Thing-As-It-Is focused event (Oneness in Dependent Nature / Bất biến Tùy duyên) required for a Right Effort according to one's strategic comparative advantage to push the event toward What Count[R23]. In trekking [ Thái Tông / Gotama ] path to the ultimate top - passing different Signed Posts - there are not only shared discovered proven natural laws for heavy lifting but also cracks and abyss to be watched out as evidenced in entire human history via organised religions, and 60,000+ human years of dark forces in higher realms of Gods / Allah / Buddhas as we esoterically know in the collapse of Illuminati Elites.
In this picture, the common sharing of Patch A and B are expanding to almost all consciousness fields of the two partners, joining forces to not only understanding oneself via the Highest Tantra but also the Right Efforts in "Making Life Easier and Happier". Vietnamese has a saying "thuận vợ thuận chồng, tát bể đông cũng cạn / as long as wife and husband are along, they can splash dry the east sea / a harmonious married couple can achieve pretty much anything". In this hand-on experiences of sensing common vibrations of energy, one is more sensible to the needs of other. With solid training in Detachment via Transcendental Emptiness of the verifiable Signed Posts, one can easily expand the training to a powerful #AwarenessPrajna[D22] to Higher Consciousness Quality via Verifiable Process from #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, unknown in the entire human history and in higher realms but actually known and personally explored by this writer.
In terms of marriage or job event, the sharing of [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] covers all common ground implicitly and/or explicitly understood as the common set of "Sharing" plus something more - as illustrated in the above graph - via synchronous psychological and spiritual interactions of the involved parties. A breakthrough and Value of the values can be effortlessly and easily reached. These are practical aspects of cultivable normative intelligence in all human domains, augmented by functional decomposition of AI where people are at the driving seats of all activities and relationships.
3.6 Sustainable breakthroughs / Tùy duyên Bất biến, Bất biến Tùy duyên
We now logically see - thanks to our connecting the dots and prototypes of scientific solutions - the possibility and practicality of outside-the-box (selfless transcending the Observed and the Observer) perceiving "self" in daily activities that humanity and higher manifested intelligent beings can technically reach as actually demonstrated by Gotama and HuiNeng, fully supported by modern acience 2023-06-09. If you know nothing about this self-selfless actualization ranging from all (religious) leaders - including the Pope, Dalai Lama, Dharma King, the claimed Original and all other Buddhas, the claimed Father God and Lucifer, the King of Gods, Amitabha Buddha, the claimed XYZ, members of the dragon realm and its rulers, ETs and down to other manifested realms of intelligent beings known to this writer up to 2024 - you need to stop stealing and cheating driven by survival of the fitnesses in animal kingdoms with your cunning intelligence / quay về đạo đức để (làm người hay) lên thiên đàng as suggested at minute 4:30 of the video. It is naturally regulated by underlying natural laws such as Action-Reaction, Likes-attract-Likes, etc, to be DISCOVERED and SHARED, far above Christian serving others beyond the self such as exposing the "heart" to show your "dogmatic love" since no matter how you try it (làm từ thiện), the self center is always there as argued by Krishnamurti. We empirically observe and mathematically prove with complex positive evolution as recorded at minute 6:25. The possibility opens up the new Vista with Formless realms and optimal engineering processes to quickly recover from negative Transcendental inner Peace to positive Right Samadhi / Transcendental Inner Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness. Let's briefly touch this fact-based evolution and the precious contribution of Gotama 2500+ years ago, but veiled and sabotaged by Buddhist Sangha to be part of International cheating clubs of masters-slaves relationships, perpetuating humanity on the duality plane with binding Word/Image and clinging Thought in their painted utopia of [ Oneness / Nirnava then Parinirvana / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature / Gods / Allah / Dharmakaya / Pháp-Thân ] plus divisional and conflicting rituals invented by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all isms and religions.
Thanks to industrial revolutions to bring the World closer together for direct exchanges and dialogues we have Soyen Shaku[R6] concrete challenge as the result of 1893 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago organized by John Henry Barrows and Paul Carus: "God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] not in the world is the false God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] and the World not in God [Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân] is unreality [ due to our tainted senses in activities and relationships ]". Solving this challenge is the target of KhaiPhong to actualise the democracy and human Rights coming from Latin humanitas [ biology, compassion, wisdom ].
It began in the East with the Indian assertion that at some deep fundamental level, everything is unified while the surface level is diverse which is an Actuality discovered and proven by current sciences. It was recorded that Gotama in his Quest to find the meaning of existence - that he perceived as Dukkha - had first learned from his two teachers and personally verified the highest Indian #Samadhi, beyond Sanyata Non-Thingness to affirm the meaning of Oneness in the diversities of duality. He found it was still not the answer for his Quest. Only when he came to the ultimate top - called by him "the End of Dukkha / Nirvana[D44]" - he proclaimed this discovery and designed his unique system in the first discourse to start the Buddhist Sangha for the purpose to maintain and spread his discovery: the Four Noble Truths (Fourfold Truth) and (modified) Eightfold Path as the directed solution of the Self Issue known as Dukkha. He used "Not-Self" - his second discourse - as the corner stone and ultimate solution of self-selfless interactions in his system.
In the West and middle East - like anywhere else - "self" is the driver of all activities and relationships. Each person has minimum quality of "humanitas" having three core qualities [biology, compassion, wisdom]. Instead of exploring these innate qualities in [ Making Life Easier and Happier ], all mystic experiences are dedicated to some external forces called [ Gods / Allah ]. Facing the reality that one's senses are tainted with innumerable outdated marks - prone to wrong efforts - how can some aesthetic feelings and/or extraordinary tasks come from that lump of mud? Yet, it is part of Wonderful Natural Laws shaping all existence, discovered by Gotama as Dependent Nature, proven in nature via the life cycle of lotus and by science via the first and second law of thermodynamics.
In Vietnamese, there exist meanings of "học giả / false learning / scholar / kiến thức" or learning from others' knowledge (as in [3.3] and [3.4] and "học thật / real learning / Thing-As-It-Is explorer / tri thức" or learning directly from one's dedicated scientific investigation (as in [3.5] and [3.6] outside the box of event duality plane which is based on accumulated proven knowledge in [3.3] and [3.4], but high above on the TRUTH plane of the event, perpendicular to the duality plane where personal experience in [3.2] is a part. This proves that personal experience is practically valued more than scholastic knowledge of who says what without any empirical validation as done in all organised religions where Buddhism is a part to bully and cheat humanity.
Professional cheaters[R18.4] in Buddhist cheating Sangha imitate their counter-parts from evil Roman Catholic Church[R18.3] in International cheating clubs try to use binding Words/Images and clinging Thoughts to keep the mass at the level of doing nothing via Faith as in [3.1] or claimed cheating Buddhist meditation masters (thiền sư) and enlighten monk(s), not passing even the Gateway-to-Oneness qualified by Gotama and HuiNeng. In terms of the "life cycle of lotus", the "Thing-As-It-Is explorer" has hand-on experience, personally involved at the lotus root in the mud, growing all the way up to a lotus flower beyond the water level to actually absorb and experience the power of the [ Sun / Cosmo ]. That is why he/she can pose questions and graded levels of Signed Posts that no Buddhist scholar and/or professional cheater can touch.
Even Jesus who proclaimed "the kingdom of God within you"[Luke 17:21] based on his personal meditation (40 days and nights in the desert / #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định qualified by HuiNeng but untouched by most Christians and Buddhists) was yet bullied, cheated and subjected by an external agent: "Abba, Father," he said, "all things are possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will"[Mark 14:36] or "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done"[Matthew 26:42]. Only after 2012, the evil Father God and Lucifer was naturally rendered by the universal Law of Action-Reaction into a "very heavy dark" realm of existence even below the degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva this writer personally knows. His cunning intelligence cannot match living persons and intelligent beings Not Yet fully degenerated from positive Fibonacci evolution. People and intelligent beings having innate Compassion-Prajna and/or Not Fully Degenerated are Not Stupid and will not be cheated anymore by his family lineages typified by the evil Amitabha Buddha and the degenerated King of Gods. Same thing is applicable to evil Vietnamese communist mafias who implement the "Unethical / Immoral & Unjust pioneered by the Grand Inquisitor (@ minute 44:55 of the video) from the evil Roman Catholic Church to collect precious resources from people in their Utopia. They are the Ones to distribute the collected resources to people, their peers, and their families (Nhất hậu duệ, Nhì quan hệ, Ba tiền tệ, Tư trí tuệ / Ai nói Chúng ta có quyền sống (độc lập tự do), quyền được mưu cầu hạnh phúc). The Description Must be the Described - Not to be further cheated in 2500+ years of Buddhism riding on their cheating Heaven thanks to Thing-As-It-Is Mother Nature and the Good Forces nor 75+ years of Communism up to 2023-04-10. There will be No Third World War nor "World-Wide Famine / NẠN ĐÓI" since human Conscience has enough maturity to Know The Right different from the Wrong 2023-04-12 in Engaged Living. The "Description from Verifiable Described" in the Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0 is a Reality if and only if more than 8% of people in the community know more about themselves in Moral Value of the values. Is it the time for Vietnamese people Not being Stupid to demand their moral Rights of Freedom?
Riding on the honesty of most people and explorers, unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] use their privileged positions and controlled resources perceived from tainted senses to enforce masters-slaves in all visible (human realm) and invisible (inter realms) myopic relationships. The bottom line of this Wrong Effort is the destruction of both masters and slaves according to (longer) natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. Thanks to industrial revolutions and modern sciences, most people can logically see and understand this very complex Dependent Nature via environmental issues and climate changes, plus the role of science in understanding the working conditions of natural laws for Right Efforts in Making Life Easier and Happier.
It is a very long struggle in one's Continuity of the consciousness if our esoteric knowledge has some grain of TRUTH that Shennong (神農) / Thần Nông a "Divine Farmer" and a mythological deity, Subhuti[R7], Kung-Tzu, Jesus, Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1], Jacques de Molay, Phật Thầy Tây An[D52] came from one (soul) identifiable stream of consciousness, commonly known as reincarnations. Any rational person can scientifically understand and see the "Continuity of the Consciousness" as an actual fact according to natural laws. Consciousness is a form of energy which cannot be destroyed but transformed according to scientifically proven "conservation of energy and mass". It is not "forever" sitting on the left or right hand side of the father God indoctrinated by the evil Catholic Church[R18.3], nor suddenly disappeared in Nirvana then Parinirvana as cheated by professional cheaters[R18.4] in Buddhist Sangha from those not Seeing yet claimed to see, not Knowing yet claimed to know[D19].
We like to reveal this amazing orchestration from the Good Force - before sketching out the continuity of Jesus stream of consciousness - far beyond the masters-slaves relationships of dark forces, planning for the World War III at the end of 2012, foiled but regrouped again in 2014 and 2017 until the invisible moral hand of nature complete its Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes where many [ Gods / Allah / Buddhas / The King of Gods, etc ] are not even qualified to be human beings due to not having sufficient quality of Compassion and Wisdom as conceived in [ human nature / humanitas ] to enjoy community human rights. Those being slaves to these dark forces - currently holding key positions of World Finance, Military and Politics - especially those controlled by image of an Owl or contracts signed in blood (the Haves) must do something according to their own conscience for the quality of their consciousness. No one can escape the moral laws of nature!
While the dark forces were busy in executing the World War I and II, there were number of things happened having the right people in the right places at the right time to sow the seeds of required changes: (1) [ Đoàn Minh Huyên / Phật Thầy Tây An ] (1807 - 1856) was in VietNam with similar pattern - including performing miracles to attract followers - like Jesus to establish the foundation of first being a Good Person like the Good Samaritan[R16], then doing Buddhist study, (2) Soyen Shaku[R6] (1860 – 1919) rationally explained from the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago 1893 "God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality, (3) There were revitalisation of scholastic Buddhism and its discoveries: Japanese Buddhist missionaries, China Buddhist studies spreading to VietNam to ride on current Internet scholastically establishing who said what, (4) Caodaism monotheistic religion coming from automatic writing was officially established in the city of Tây Ninh, southern Vietnam in 1926, (5) Hoa Hao - Phat Giao Hoa Hao - Vietnamese Buddhist was formed in 1939, (6) Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986) discovering "Intensity of Attention" moving from duality of conflicting events to "No-Conflict Consciousness" unexpectedly bridging the gap and division between Buddhist two "turnings of understanding" Madhyamaka and Yogacara, (7) Thing-As-It-Is living explorers are ready to bring the unification of Good people and Buddhist scholastic knowledge to deliver scientific KhaiPhong via epistemic objectives like [ Gateway-to-Oneness, Equanimity, Purity, Not-Self, Non-Thingness, End-of-Dukkha ]. Accomplished Thing-As-It-Is explorers such as Phật Thầy Tây An, Gotama, Krishnamurti, currently living advanced students, etc, are ready to replace the collapsed and degenerated Systems of Gods assisting and helping intelligent realms such as humanity moving toward What Count[R23] according to natural laws.
Caodaism is a monotheistic religion to worship the King of Gods ready to rule the world after the planned World War III - destroying 90% human population or more than six billions people (Mười Phần Chết Bảy Còn Ba Chết Hai Còn Một Mới Ra Thái Bình) - in masters-slaves relationships of degenerated Illuminati New World Order. They use the symbol of all-seeing eye as printed on the US one dollar bill. US President Obama - in his Visit to Vietnam - did not pay any visit to established Buddhist Temple, but Ngoc Hoang (The King of God) Pagoda 24 May 2016. The technology for communicating and broadcasting among realms has been improved from automatic writing to direct communication via channeling[R20], [R20.1], and now via Sound Broadcasting Technology transcending languages in human and other realms using as a tool currently executing by a Sound Specialist in our group. Hoa Hao was introduced to steal the Đoàn Minh Huyên breakthrough process of cultivating the foundation in Kindness and Empathy as the base for accessing Natural Purification as the necessary and sufficient condition to personally verify the Buddhist epistemic objectives [ Gateway-to-Oneness, Equanimity, Purity, Not-Self, Non-Thingness, Nirvana ]. These Signed Posts were discovered by Gotama. They cannot be understood from scholastic Buddhist study but cultivable and absolutely required for modern living toward What Count[R23] via Right Efforts for Value of the values 3.5 and sustainable breakthroughs 3.6 in Making Life Easier and Happier. If Li Hongzhi's Falun Gong could deliver the harmonious Melting Pot riding on both Gotama and HuiNeng contributions as deliverable parts of the state and stock of Prajna in an integration of KhaiPhong radio and consciousness technologies, the movement might avoid the 20-July-1999 Chinese Communist Party nationwide crackdown directed against the practice.
Huỳnh Phú Sổ - the founder of Hoa Hao - claimed to be the reincarnation of Phật Thầy Tây An is "false" as we esoterically know him as a son of the degenerated King of God (Cao Dai). You can verify this fact by doing forensic investigation based on scholastic Buddhist study to see the differences in qualities and patterns of these two separate streams of the consciousness. It was a repeat of stealing Jesus life to write their own stories in making up Christianity and Muslim. This shows the importance of Integrity of the Person as a Fundamental Right, cross-cut realms of intelligent existence and the power of "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" for a "Fresh / Liberated start" in one's Continuity of the consciousness. That esoteric cheating cannot be repeated due to advancement of scientific tools. But their works turn out to be required preparation of HonNhien Good people for our PrajnaTIP in Sound to quickly produce a mass number of people actually knowing and passing the Gateway-to-Oneness and beyond that we exposed from 2012 - 2024 the reality of Buddhist cheating Sangha whose world renowned monks cannot touch.
Natural purification coming from Transcendental states of dissolving contents toward Non-Thingness and End-of-Dukkha will naturally dissolve the indoctrinated binding Word/Image and clinging Though in Amitabha due to Prajna in Ajita's Questions and Answers[D22]. Riding on the Charming attraction of "Non-Thingness" at the right conditions of PrajnaPlace, PrajnaTIP in Sound enables HonNhien people personally experience the process from the lotus root in the mud - by passing tainted senses - to naturally purify outdated marks in knowing more about oneself, possibly reaching "The End of Dukkha[D44]". It is just like a lotus root going through the reversed process of actually knowing that it is also the flower in the whole life cycle of Dukkha-Nirvana to bring the Natural Purification from the Perfected Nature to change the Imaginary Nature to Dependent Nature of Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha discovered by Bodhidharma[D35].
Among Thing-As-It-Is living explorers are the reincarnation of Soyen Shaku[R6] to implement his challenge in completing the Noble Task and the reincarnation of HuiNeng[R5] to actually demonstrate the #SamadhiPrajna as a precious cultivable practical tool for modern living. Similarly, reincarnation of Ashoka may be a student among us to correct and make happened his "policy of dhamma" for harmonious evolution of conflicting consciousness to no-conflict consciousness. They will not reveal who they were but you can easily recognise via forensic investigation of the patterns, and/or in comparing recorded pictures as we did in the case of Yongjia Xuanjue (Vĩnh Gia Huyền Giác)[R5.3] and Chin Kung[R5.4] - (Tịnh Không). Please do this to recognize the reincarnation of XuanZang as a Vietnamese, and being parts of his teams to change the modern world. We sincerely hope you can be a part of the teams to know more about the Real You[R10] in your Continuity of the consciousness; [ the Wise tame themselves (Dhammapala verse 80 - attanam damayanti pandita): you are in part discover and in part create the Real You ].
This, together with accomplished Thing-As-It-Is explorers - now managing the middle realm in guiding the human realm - we are in the Golden Era of Higher Consciousness due to the upper cycle of cosmic energy where most can easily evolve from Form back to the Source of Oneness, the [ sine qua non / necessary and sufficient condition ] to know more about oneself and one's cultivable Compassion and #Prajna. The higher quality of the consciousness will naturally lead to easier and happier lives in one's Continuity of the consciousness according to natural laws, not anymore messed up by dark forces. This is Value of all values that one should not miss for unnecessary material gains that one cannot carry after this life cycle. It is even more emergent with degenerated quality of the consciousness since only in actual living driven by Ignorance or #Prajna that quality of the consciousness can be changed.
Back to the forensic investigation of Jesus identifiable stream of consciousness, Subhuti is well known in his recorded dialogue[R7] with Gotama about the state of "Emptiness" and its verifiable outcome "Detachment" in actual living. Since only in living, one can know the quality of one's consciousness - statistically measurable in Right (driven by #Prajna) or Wrong (driven by Ignorance) Efforts - to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23], his tested ground was the life of Kung-Tzu who advocated an active life in serving the man in power (Son of god / Thiên tử) which was a reduction in present duality consciousness. It was grasped by professional cheaters[R18.4] from the top down to local "father-mother of common people" to enforce the feudal system. The TRUTH is that the country wealth comes from people but the king takes "public wealth" as "private wealth" and indulges in sense gratifications whatever way he pleases. The end result is the degeneration of the leaders while the mass suffers unnecessary hardships.
By (1) providing statistically significant normative technologies such as vertical switches, (2) positive user facing tool mu to enable one in part discover and in part create the Real You[R10], and (3) local required infrastructure - [ GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) / ThankYou ] clubs - both the Haves (from one legitimate resources) and the HaveNots join efforts as Stakeholders to change oneself and the environment toward What Count[R23]. The extreme capitalism of inequality and human rights are convergent in the local middle ground of qualified foundation of Transcendental #Awareness via Kindness and Empathy.
Reincarnated as Jesus of Nazareth, that "identifiable stream of consciousness" was "called" to the Desert in 40 days and nights for Natural Purification via [ Meditation / Thiền Định / #DhyanaSamadhi ] to activate his innate "transcendental states" high above the Relative Truth of any event on the duality plane. Faith was a mean used by Jesus as an Intensity-of-Attention at any event to move from Relative Truth to highest Ultimate (Wider) Truth achievable by him that he stated: "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you"Matthew 17:20. That is how he used the power of the whole ocean - rather than flickering waves at the surface of thoughts - to perform extraordinary tasks as demonstrated in Qi-Gong[R11].
It is the same mechanism as the Sound technology introduced in Shurangama Sutra[D33], implemented in our #PrajnaTIP in Sound where faith is only one aspect of Aspiration applicable to all people in all isms. Before you follow the footstep of Jesus to carry out your "Need of an Integral Aspect of True Spirituality" called on you, please read the recorded life of Martin Luther who had tried to the extreme but failed. The key ingredient - missed by the entire Christian/Muslim traditions and lip-serviced in Buddhism - not yet precisely stated by Jesus is the "Detachment" mentioned in Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] that Jesus had acquired in his previous life as Subhuti. Aspiration is one out of six identifiable Vertical Switches. Since all manifestations are conditioned and Dependent Nature - in both Duality Consciousness and No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] - we can challenge Jesus to reverse his process from Duality Consciousness (self) to No-Conflict Consciousness (selfless) like what we are doing in other vertical switches and other forms of Aspiration for the benefits of one and others, not being bullied by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] throughout the entire history of the evil Roman Catholic Church. In knowing underlying natural laws of duality consciousness and no-conflict consciousness, we can work out other conditions leading to the same and/or different and beyond Jesus's achievement to benefit the whole. For example, Right Transcendental Inner Peace can be activated by #PrajnaTIP in Sound to qualify most people passing the gateway-to-oneness so diversities relevant to present living can be contributed by many based on their specialised developments, different from Jesus's path.
Back to the "Then What" practicality of [ Jesus Kingdom of God from within / Socrates Latin Humanitas / Gotama #AwarenessPrajna / Bodhidharma Thing-As-It-Is dukkha / XuanZang Consciousness of the consciousness / HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna / Soyen Shaku God not in the world (is) the false God / KhaiPhong Scientifically Cultivable [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "#Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ] ], Jesus identifiable stream of consciousness was reincarnated as Lý Công Uẩn to move the Vietnamese capital from defensive position to expanding trade and commerce position of current day HaNoi in 1010 that has proven to be beneficial 1000's years later for the benefits of many generations to come. We sincerely hope Vietnamese people see and put Right Effort in another 1000+ years of KhaiPhong. By scientifically connecting the dots with required technologies and facilities, we equalise the playing fields for concerned parties in both the Haves where financial resource is Only one part of the mean and HaveNots of what you need coming together in the middle ground of your local community, making many relevant breakthroughs sustainable.
Not having sufficient [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ] of esoteric exploitation and what he called "Abba, Father", that stream of consciousness hit the crack of being a part in the Knight Templar who - with sufficient evidences - abused the duties of large-scale charity and hospitality started with the Knights of St. John (Knights Hospitalers), using illegal means to acquire property and increase their wealth leading to Illuminati New World Order[R18.3]. This bottom-line hard facts of the Right (driven by #Prajna) or Wrong (driven by Ignorance) Efforts on the quality of one's consciousness show the importance of "Detachment" Free from "Binding Word/Image" perfected by the evil Roman Catholic Church and "Clinging Thought" perfected by Muslims in seeing "Thing-As-It-Is" events from high above the TRUTH plane of the event along the dimension of "#Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth".
Esoteric influences unveiled and now publicly exposed (since 2016) from "Illuminati New World Order[R18.3]" by many involved parties world wide to prevent horrible crimes against humanity make it clear the No Difference in the types of worthy or unworthy relationships of inter-realms (Gods / Allah / Buddhas / ET) and of [individual / aggregate] parties in human realm. Thanks to be a small part of the "Good Force" to foil "Illuminati New World Order[R18.4]" we are happy to say that those selected by them in human realm - currently in very important positions to control world finance, military and politic powers - are now Free from their mind control via the image of an Owl for Buddhists and Christians or white light for Muslims and/or known contracts signed in blood.
For many advanced "soul / identifiable stream of consciousness" there is a hanging question of Who I Am, What is the purpose of this existence, why most of my efforts - from personal to family and profession - turn sour, etc. Life must have something more than the biology part of [ human nature / humanitas ], comprising also compassion and wisdom. Yet, objectively looking around including claimed [ Gods / Allah / Buddhas ] and all isms I only see Inner Conflicts Outer Conflicts, unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4]. Is there any cultivable state of "No Conflict / Bất biến" - I actually experience in Kindness and Empathy known as the Good Samaritan[R16] - within the changing and conditioned existence which already implies the [ Changes / Tùy duyên ] for a Right Effort, Making Life Easier and Happier?
The questions have already been part of humanity for a long time. The East offers verifiable solution via Oneness with an accomplished Self in Indian philosophy and Not-Self / Selfless in Buddhism leading toward modern Self-Selfless Actualization at conceptual level rather than at concrete actualities. The accomplished "Self" already has some separation from others in master-slaves relationships hence logically it is not Oneness. Buddhist "Oneness having detailed Signed Posts" with Not-Self / Selfless based on recorded Gotama's personal experience at one step of Samadhi deeper than the Indian Samadhis. Yet one does not see Gotama description of his "No Conflict / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth" in the recorded incidence at Kosambi[D45] with his Buddhist Sangha so one can temporarily accept his logical solution for an openly and scientifically contributed effort to verify it. At the moment, most of claimed Buddhist teachers and enlighten monks cannot pass even the "Gateway-to-Oneness" to be qualified by Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác) { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcenndental Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22]; they are all professional cheaters[R18.4] cheating others for very unworthy living. Just review their recorded "TỨ THÁNH QUẢ QUA KINH TẠNG PĀLI / Four Signed Posts according to Pali literature" - Sotāpanna, Sakadāgāmi, Anāgami, Arahant - of their claimed static "forever achievements" totally contrary to the dynamic nature of Thing-As-It-Is. We esoterically know the Reincarnations and Issues of both Gotama and Sariputta to demonstrate the relevance of scientifically and statistically significant Signed Posts so the dedicated explorers will not be bullied by professional cheaters to continue their Noble Path in Continuity of the consciousness. A light at the end of the tunnel is Now available from 2024 with KhaiPhong Prajna Dialectic to actually deliver the practicality of Self-Selfless Actualization.
The Middle East and West offer their theoretical solution in the concept of "Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent" personal God / Allah. But facing scientific hard evidence of conditioned and changing manifestations based on the second law of thermodynamics, the concept of [ God / Allah ] is changing into some "kind of Oneness" in the diversities. Soyen Shaku put up a challenge: "God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality". Driven by some binding Word/Image and clinging Thought and facing the reality that material wealth cannot be carried on after death, the "Have" in 1% or 0.01% offer tainted/directed charity[R17] of "beyond self" so they can sit somewhere on the right or left of the evil cheating God. Krishnamurti logically proved that "beyond self" is still part of the self due to the existence of the centre no matter how large the radius from the centre is. The "Not-Self discovered by Gotama" is now scientifically proven and enpirically verified as a consciousness state achievable from qualified Latin humanitas upward - called Self-Selfless Actualization and mathematically described as positive Fibonacci evolution empirically known fron 2024 forward by current living students beyond Jhana states known by Gotama in his Right Samadhis. This writer is a part of KhaiPhong Inner Circle to testify the known Intelligent Existences in the Form then Formless Realms according to underlying natural laws, first observable by Gotama that the light floating up and the heavy sinking down[D32].
The bottom line of this scientifically cultivable road map of Fresh [ Thinking / Investigation / Tư duy ] forcefully put out by Gotama in his Charter of Free Inquiry[D22] to know more about one's [#Prajna / Oneness / Selfless / Ultimate (Wider) Truth] and the role of Self-Selfless Actualisation is that (1) Despite current tainted senses one can ride on discovered natural laws to actually know the complete cycle of [ Dukkha >< Nirvana ] and its Natural Purification which is operational when one can pass the Gateway-to-Oneness similar to the life cycle of lotus; (2) Due to long existence of the dark forces in the middle realm of [ Gods / Allah / Buddhas ] very few can see Things-As-it-Is such as the belief in cheating Amitabha Pure Land suggested by Phật Thầy Tây An since he was cheated by Words and consciousness signals just as he was cheated by the evil Father God that we sense when he was Jesus helping to fool humanity in Jesus Redeemer against his Will, failed in KhaiPhong's minimum "Honesty & Care" required in humanity universally accepted "TỰ DO VÀ BÌNH ĐẲNG / Freedom and Equality" viewed from a Vietnamese mind!
The effective solution lies at the exposition of the dark forces and applying modern scientific processes. The scientific process is absolutely required to enable one not always started from square 1 and/or learn from others' mistakes such as Buddhist clutch of calming and praying beats. The crime in distorting Gotama's precious gift to humanity is unpardonable Not Only for humanity But Also for the original explorer such as Gotama. There is some grain of TRUTH in our esoteric knowledge that Gotama's has reincarnated as Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] then in Thích Quảng Đức incapable to recover one's innate experience and the conscience of an awaken even at the critical time of life and death. Parts of KhaiPhong are discovering Natural laws for heavy lifting one's current quality of the consciousness drown in the Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts on the duality plane symbolised in Thái Tông three-leg donkey[R7.3] and possible [ cracks / abyss ] to be watched out on the climbing path from present moment to the ultimate top known by Gotama and many others for effective Natural Purification of innumerable outdated marks.
World Peace can only happen when the number of people capable to pass the "Gateway-to-Oneness" - actually knowing the common denominator of all manifestations at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna, naturally being Good People - can reach a critical mass of 1% to 8% (80,000,000 to 500,000,000 people) to know more about oneself, not being fooled by all isms in the entire human history up until 2024. The actuality of Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth is different from any utopia of God Love in "Beyond Self" of Christianity, Peace at Word/Image or Thought in cheating Buddhism and Communism that we logically prove beyond any doubt the cheating processes of unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all organised religions and isms. None of them is capable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness.
It is known only since 2019 that World Solutions provided by dark forces after the World War II via organisations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to help humanity according to human rights based on the dignity of human nature (humanitas: biology, compassion and wisdom) are pretexts to masters-slaves relationships driven by Illuminati New World Order. After the World War II, Keynesian economics learn how to manage the Great Depression (1929-1939) by managing aggregate demands and supplies. World Bank and IMF were formed for that purpose to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships on the duality plane of events between the Haves and HaveNots. So does the US Democracy as evidenced from its NATO Alliance and its Country Turkey’s BRICS Application. Professional economists argued that they are scientists to deal only with positive economics, while the normative economics is the domain of Political Science to be determined by democratic voting process.
Present economics does not solve the issue raised by the Communist Manifesto that [ Capitalism creates an inherently corrupt class system that thrives off the exploitation of the working class by the upper and middles classes. As Capitalism is both an economic and political system, this exploitation inevitably creates economic and political conflicts that the natural evolution of human kind would then be to have a bourgeoisie revolution first, then to have a working class revolution to over throw their oppressors ]. The results of communist dictatorships are well-known with hundreds millions lives destroyed in Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc, together with current corruptions and myopic group benefits of communist systems in China and Vietnam, using the efficiency of market economy where economic agents know what they need in making life easier and happier to falsely justify for their dictatorship in neo-feudal systems.
Using fact-based evaluation of present economics and physical sciences, we see tremendous damages - crimes against humanity - caused by all organised religions where Buddhism is an active part in cheating esoteric masters-slaves relationships to dichotomize objective science from the [ #Prajna / Moral Value / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] where unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] have bullied others, reserving their exclusively cheating rights in protecting their myopic group benefits moving around on the duality plane of Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts.
The crime then uses dictatorship in outer order via Greed and Fears to perpetuate the "slavery" in managing inner conflicts against natural laws of [ Inner Order (Tâm bình) to Outer Order (Thế giới bình) ]. Once the objective notion can be logically extended to epistemic objectives[R1] in discovering the underlying natural laws to be statistically proven, both economics and physical sciences can trace the "raison d'etre" of their efforts to human nature (humanitas: biology, compassion and wisdom) which is a part of harmonious Oneness / Conscience / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth due to the Dependent Nature of existence.
It is then scientifically deliverable with discovered natural laws to enable most people personally verify the Gateway-to-Oneness, unknown by all religious professional cheaters[R18.4]. Part of the science of KhaiPhong is an extension of economics, embracing the strength of both capitalism and central planning economy together with modern AI to enable people the driving forces of all activities and relationships with cultivable normative intelligence high above on the TRUTH plane of the event to directly see the complexity of the event As-It-Is and strategic position according to one's comparative advantages to push the event toward What Count. The Government is responsible for compiling fact-based data about the country, protects its constituent benefits, and assures "fair-play" among all agents affecting the system. People - knowing more about themselves in wider perspectives according to natural laws once passing the Gateway-to-Oneness - operate fairly within the legal and moral value of the system to change themselves and the environment toward What Count, touching the Value of values in one's and community's Continuity of the consciousness.
Once cultivable [ Oneness / Wisdom / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] can be empirically verified by most people via professionally sustainable activities similar to specialised medical and research services and/or strategic Think Tank, the driving forces behind any event or development projects will be in balance toward a sustainable right direction via the Invisible / Helping Hands of #Prajna and Economics. Development projects from World Bank and/or IMF sometimes create more imbalanced effects than sustainable balanced growths due development for its own sake without measurable normative values and the corruptions of local political systems. It is similar to the failures and (Japanese) success of early Green Revolution where the key difference between success and failure is the harmonious community spirit of Sharing.
The latest modern practices of management such as Balanced Scorecard and Portfolio Performance are augmented with fact-based KPI (Key Performance Indicators), traceable from activities and relationships coming from normative decisions in both productions and consumption which have not been parts of the system due to the dichotomy of moral values and activities cheated by esoteric dark forces via organised religions and isms, rather than the totality of all relevant attributes toward What Count[R23]. Knowing more about oneself in a wider perspective of Dependent Nature and cultivable trail one is currently engaging and heading to change one's quality of the consciousness, myopic grasping of unnecessary material gains will not be the dominant factor in one's conscious decisions. The aggregate right decision has its effective solution from the grassroots of true democracy, checked and balanced with the invisible "thousands eyes and hands" Avalokiteshvara[D20] via "Transparency and Accountability".
Please look at the dialogue between Bodhidharma and Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty together with its aftermath in one's Continuity of the consciousness for Value of the values in one's quality of the consciousness to appreciate the Nobleness of logically Right and empirically verifiable solution for these questions which will be delivered in KhaiPhong, beneficial for both the Haves and HaveNots. The Haves have opportunities to do what most important for one's and community's quality of the consciousness. The HaveNots have opportunities to make a difference for oneself and others in one's comparative advantages to float up as the "Haves" in changing the environment where they were parts toward What Count with sustainable activities. The Wrong Effort driven by Greed and Fear from the esoteric dark forces in their snatching technology come to the end in the collapse of Illuminati new World Order. To sum up, sustainable breakthroughs are now possible in both positive and normative intelligence, cleaning up unworthy people in their exclusively claims in the Moral Values destroying both dedicated explorers with conflicting binding and clinging [ images / word / thought ] generating unnecessary sufferings for billions lives of humanity.
We now see how six possible outcomes can be applied to (1) the "marriage" event - making the beginning of serious commitments in knowing more about oneself and the other - to change oneself and the environment towards What Count with innumerable unknown factors but exciting ahead in the totality of existence that no unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] can sell "painted opium" to perpetuate International cheating clubs, and (2) the "job" event - making the beginning of personal and professional developments - in interacting with many other parties moving in the same and/or different directions to change oneself and the environment toward What Count with economically sustainable activities and relationships. They can be generalized to any event (node) and relationships (edges) with relevant value-adds on the duality plane such as personal (user, head ache, hurt feeling, anger, sexual desire, intention of cheating/killing, fear, phobia) or aggregate (organization, the South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea, international crisis, country strategy, community development, company marketing, family/team/personal project) to demonstrate the practicalities of accessible plane of TRUTH, measurable along the dimension of "[ #Prajna / Wisdom / Oneness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ]" and perpendicular to the duality plane where all possible events happened.
Using "Marriage" as a typical example, we demonstrate HuiNeng's Sudden Awaken (#SamadhiPrajna) - shared by a living student in our group - is the community implementation of Gotama's modified Eightfold Path represented as a node in swarms of activities, carrying the up-to-date "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of one important aspect of humanity, messed up by all organised religions bullying humanity up until 2024. The deepening understanding of Dependent Nature of humanitas (biology, compassion, wisdom) is an aggregate of actual living case-studies (represented as leaves or branches coming out from the event) to deepen and widen the understanding of the event in different conditioned settings of cultures, religions, places and their cross-breeds in the "fourth industrial revolution" of both Normative and Artificial Intelligence "From people, By people, and For people" that can effortlessly clean up the messes of past ignorance, narrowing the gaps between individual Rights and aggregate (state) Rights declared in French 1789 Revolution.
All concerned Buddhists - monks, nuns, followers and sympathisers - please do not allow professional cheaters[R18.4] spreading their ignorance to prevent Gotama and HuiNeng precious gifts to humanity materialized. Their 2500+ years of sabotaging in the name of Gotama and cheating Buddhism is enough! Your real strength from Budh Dharma is the Right Understanding and Right Motivation of all activities and relationships. Please start to make that "Right" happened to partly know more about yourself and the environment you are a part[R10] - the Wise tame themselves (Dhammapala verse 80 - attanam damayanti pandita) - you are in part discover and in part create the Real You.
It is now the time for precised definitions and internationally accepted understanding of important events for both human and machine communications via the integrated Normative and Artificial Intelligence, making people the centers of all activities and relationships. That precised definition for unobstructed human and machine communications is now part of schema.org vocabularies developed by an open community process that all concerned Buddhists can contribute to the internationally accepted meaning of "Nirvana", called by Gotama the "End of Dukkha[D44]" which has been known by many - such as Sariputta, publicly stated in the presence of Gotama at Savatthi Anathapindika Monastery[D27] - but polluted up until 2024 by "Big Mouths of the Blinds touching Elephant" in his Buddhist cheating Sangha, knowing nothing about the driving force behind Volition (Sankhara) totally emerged in the darkness of Ignorance[D19]. Only in present living - engaging in activities and relationships - one can change the quality of one's consciousness and see the reality of who one is, personally responsible for one's life and the environment one a part. It is not a "Dream / Huyển" at conditioned Word/Image and Thought level, blah blah blah in 2500+ years by shamelessly professional cheaters[R18.4] of Buddhist cheating Sangha, but now challenged by Soyen Shaku[R6] from the first World Parliament of Religions 1893.
[ User / Organization / Persona ] wears different hats (email / identities) in daily activities and relationships. Since [ User / Organization / Persona ] is also a node interacting with other nodes via events, hard data feedback from [ Plan >< Execution ] can be measured as Right or Wrong Efforts with clearly defined observable attributes of "Good Persona" provided by observable outcomes of [ Kindness Empathy #Prajna Joy Detachment / Từ Bi #Prajna Hỷ Xả ]. The functional node can be modeled and dynamically changed to assist the "Good Persona" cultivating required quality of the consciousness given limited available resources similar to current self-diving-car technologies using machine learning. The Haves - besides the normative learning from qualified consultants - finance researches and developments, targeted what most important to them. The fruits of these researches and proven processes will be donated to Open Sources to lower the entry costs to all parties, enabling three principles of Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] with observable attributes of "Good Persona" provided by observable outcomes of [ Kindness Empathy #Prajna Joy Detachment / Từ Bi #Prajna Hỷ Xả ] happened to assure sustainable true democracy and human rights. It is beneficial for both the Haves and HaveNots orchestrated by invisible [ Hand / Moral Values ] of Natural Laws in one's Continuity of the consciousness. This is the relevance of knowing more about oneself coming from the grass roots of all involved parties to peacefully solve human major conflicts and challenges with win-win innovations.
With the release of #PrajnaTIP in Sound / Light using the charming power of Sunyata Non-Thingness for heavy lifting, we expect 1% - 8% human population (80,000,000 - 500,000,000 people) will know the gateway to "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Oneness / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth" that most Christian priests and Buddhist monks do not know what many Good Samaritan and Kind people know as the back of their hands, but still being cheated by shamelessly cheating priests and monks. The scientific technology will tip the scale with the spread and popular in IoT (Internet of Things), clearly make the difference between the [ mean and the description of the target from saboteurs ] versus achievable target in [ Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict ].
Out of this flock who know the "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / Oneness / Conscience / Ultimate (Wider) Truth" at different depths of #AwarenessPrajna, the creams among them can ride on the solid "Detachment" theoretical foundation of 2500+ years of Buddhist history with Lý Công Uẩn[R7.1] Sudden-Breakthrough (Đột Phá), Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] insight between Right Effort and the Oneness Wu-Nien, Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] Kindness and Empathy community helping / protecting its members and acting as one Intelligent Unit for a common cause. They explore other scientific tools such as #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, Cultivable #Prajna in Activity and in Sadhana to be stabilised in Equanimity state where the Binding Word/Image is loosening its Grips that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi[D54] needed 30+ years of further reflection after an unworthy scandal.
We raise that level rated by Gotama at the base of Buddhist Right Transcendental #Awareness one notch up to Purity to be consistent with Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh in HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna. When there are sufficient qualified counsellors at [ Equanimity Higher Consciousness ] and [ Purity Higher Consciousness ], this transparent Body of Counsellors will enable AwakeningBudh sustainable in training of the trainers and deeper / wider explorations in the Science of the Consciousness, applicable to all domains and life styles. We will set up required facilities to publicly expose the solutions of the above challenges as Clusters of Open Innovation Networks (COINs) where everyone can start and contribute back to the community what have been personally proven and verified. We invite you to be a part. You will treasure this close encounter of Freshness with identified living students and many more to come in the near future.
Both human parties and the esoteric forces[R20], [R20.1] know that Actual Worthy Relationships can only come from the true Heart that drives the Mind and Actions of all involved parties. The blah blah at lip services that religions / isms enforce through repetition does not lead to any real quality of the living [ Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital ]. Your time in daily recitations / propaganda can be better used in (PrajnaTIPs) Transcendental Inner Peace, Learning and Doing that activates the Natural Purification via Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness and Unity to release stresses, providing wider perspective in Right Understanding and Right Motivation, and true Worthy Relationships in both human and esoteric realms in your Continuity of the Consciousness. Your economic resources and wrong efforts in preparing elaborate cheating rituals for impressing your "obedient sheep" is better allocated in Conscious Living to improve the quality of your Consciousness and the environments you are a part, making the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind for the Happiness of One and the Whole into Actualities: Kindness (mettā - tâm từ), Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi), #Prajna, Joy (muditā - tâm hỷ), Detachment (upekkhā - tâm xả).
You can measure the quality of your consciousness via reflection of your Right Understanding and Right Motivation in daily activities of your KhaiPhong to see the quality of your [ Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] at the observed, No-Mark once the action completed, Detachment as a basis for the manifestation of Right Transcendental #Awareness. In that complete Silence and Detachment, you DISCOVER and SHARE your actual know-how in Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace for the manifestation of KhaiPhong Three Haves in engaged practical living: [ #Awareness (Kiến Tánh), Dependent (Duyên Khởi), #Prajna (Bát Nhã) ]. This is a hand-on Learning and Doing in daily activities, applying the switching from Ignorance causing unnecessary sufferings toward the light of #Prajna (Conscience - Wisdom) - Table 2 - via cultivating the four Boundless Qualities of the Mind, far from complex theoretical levels of those haven't passed the "Gateway-to-Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict".
The "How" in Verifiable Emptiness[D26] is beyond thought; the professional cheater will be immediately exposed since he/she cannot pass even the Tranquillity gateway to Oneness. You can use this book as a road map to start from your level of Prajna (Right Understanding and Right Motivation), not from the monk's ethical codes to partially help him staying on a high aspiration of "aloof from sense desires and unwholesome thoughts". It is better to be your "High Aspiration" more appropriate to your present moment while waiting for "proper timing" of the "Technologies Releases" under proper management at both Normative side of the Consciousness and Sound / Light technologies, and Positive side of modern physical science for Actual / Real Contributions in Making Life Easier and Happier.
No matter who one is - Buddhist or non Buddhist - please reflect "Wrong Efforts" out of "all isms" known by Humanity and its alternative solution of "What Count" in the "Right Action" where everyone can be in the driver seat of one's destiny via "Right Efforts". The bottom line is that Gotama's discoveries go beyond logical understanding which is only a finger pointing to some thing Real and beneficial to present living. One needs to actually experience and directly in-touch with these states normally hidden at superficial level to actualize human potentials. They are now ready to be materialized with HuiNeng's Sudden Awaken (#SamadhiPrajna) and KhaiPhong's #PrajnaTIPs to ride on natural laws accessing beyond the Gateway-to-Oneness for natural Purification of one's tainted senses, making happened the "clear sky" in trekking Trần Thái Tông[R7.3] climbing trail via "the donkey (modified Eightfold Path) of three legs (Prajna - Virtue - Stability divisions)". These are far beyond conditioned words and thoughts in voluminous descriptions of those not even passing the Gateway-to-Oneness Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict through out 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism.
To further widen practical applications in Making Life Easier and Happier, two other angles - Table 1.1 via #PrajnaTIP in Sound and #PrajnaTIP in Kindness - have already been known and ready to be implemented for the benefits of the Whole. One is inspired by HuiNeng, applicable to one's activities in one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles: Beyond-Thought / Wu-Nien at the observed, No-Mark once action completed, Detachment as a basis for the manifestation of #SamadhiPrajna (Right Transcendental #Awareness). This angle opens the same door via the same "Verifiable Emptiness"[D26] of possible Opening and Expanding (KhaiPhong) in all possible living conditions applicable to all places and times. The other angle at higher level for a wider view - also appropriate to all living environments and realms of existence - is from the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2]: ComPassion, HonNhien, and #Prajna. ComPassion - a common vibration of energy - is the Integrated Foundation due to the "Dependent Nature" in existence.
The more one can be beneficial to others, the higher and deeper one can be among the Noble Ones where a supporting hand is unconditionally given for another opportunity to make it up. We hope and ask the same opportunity can be extended by those capable of kindness in Sharing Happiness and Mitigating Sufferings for others via "Food - Health - Education" so everyone can have an opportunity in the driver seat, being an agent of changes to change oneself and the environment one a part toward a Right Direction according to Natural Laws. This "Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings" is different from all existing charities driven by "faked carrot and stick" at utopia binding Word/Image and clinging Thought from all organised religions toward higher Greed either in heaven as in monotheism and/or Pure Land as in Buddhist doctrine.
It is a natural force in Dependent Nature - far beyond thought - coming directly from your True Heart that enables maximum benefits due to no resistance at thought level for one and the Whole, manifested as natural laws via Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. It is the true manifestation of "Emptiness" pointed out in Buddhist texts about Prajnaparamita, but not yet delivered as actuality for the mass. In that Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings (Chia Vui - Cứu Khổ) you will have personal direct experience of that momentary "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth" that most priests / monks / nuns "Yearning for but Not Yet Known". This is the simple target of "KhaiPhong Technology" that many around us have consistently put their efforts in.
HuiNeng[R5] / Trần Hưng Đạo[R7.4] implementation when combined with deliverable Consciousness Technologies to personally experience "Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Conscience" or on/off switch between activities and utter Silence of "Verifiable Emptiness[D26]" will make the Life Happier for all life styles due to the applications of natural laws for heavy lifting. It is like the applications of physical laws to make Life Easier and more comfortable of modern living. The Word/Image and Thought - used in the art of communication and persuasion - will not be able to fool one's [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ]. The [ ComPassion, Detachment, HonNhien, and #Prajna ] coming from the implementation of the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] is an integrated technology without any "required clutch" as further detailed in the book, plus some more coming out at the right time.
The wider views inject "Consciousness" attributes of Verifiable Emptiness in daily activities of all participants, driving the employed modern technologies and processes toward "What Count"[R23] relevant to the present moment while adjusting the past "Wrong Efforts" toward a "Right" direction where everyone is fully responsible for one's actions and the environment one a part. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Custom Computational Knowledge Engine augment and enable the process effortlessly happened.
In this perspective of one's continuity of the consciousness, each life style according to one's true heart can be considered as an opportunity to learn what most dominant to one's "Quality of the Consciousness". Hence "Learning and Doing" the most out of that opportunity, riding on whatever available resources that one cannot carry on for whatever the lasting Quality one aspires are the relevant actions of a wise[R10]. It is opposite to established "Views" in organized religions messing up humanity in thousands years: to serve "God / Allha" in monotheism, or to be like a "Dream / Huyển / Empty" at conditioned Word/Image and Thought level of cheating Buddhism. Please challenge these professional cheaters who know nothing about "God / Allha / Empty / Huyển" without actually standing on their own feet to contribute their "Verifiable Emptiness / God / Allah / Huyển" to the community at large so others can value add their own specialized experience. The experience demands the quality of "no mind enclosure" as actually described in the Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] since "the past mind cannot be grasped, neither can the present mind or the future mind"[R7].
Global Open Standard is important so real explorer does not have to start from square One where Gotama's discoveries are firmly set so No Impostor - human or esoteric - can mess around with hearsay and exploitation. All current World Issues come from "Wrong Effort" - driven by all forms of "isms" at conditioned / conflicting thought that may be appropriate at one time but Not any more Relevant - while actual living is dynamic and directly affect the welfare of all aggregates and their constituents. Word/Image and Thought are necessary and tools to point to something Real and Deliverables. As a Buddhist - a person exploring one's innate Buddha Nature - one needs to be fully Aware of Word/Image and Thought as thought constructs and Not Real to consciously focus on concrete reality, being an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environment one a part.
One observable outcome in the Union of Emptiness (Sunyata) and #Awareness (#Prajna) is "Natural Purification"[D26], [D27] where the grips of binding Word/Image and clinging Thought are loosen when there is some stability in Equanimity and Purity, Gotama third and fourth stages of meditation. This Natural Purification is due to the infusion of Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth, Not at the duality of purification using imagination, conflicting concentration, meditation on emptiness taught in all cheating traditions up to 2024, and/or choosing from conflicting choices at conditioned thoughts advertised by ET meditation. The Natural Purification demands the "Transcending Inner Peace / #EmptyThe-Content toward Non-Thingness and beyond", not the switching of Manifested Realities, ended at the gross "senses slavery" where abnormal sexes are observable phenomena. KhaiPhong digital tools - user facing mu, Neural Graph Database db, custom ai, EIP Executive Information Portal - in its KpPlatform are intended to be Free and/or Affordable ways based on your needs to enable this ecosystem effortlessly happened.
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