Takeaway: Living beings must be aware of itself and the environment. The more that "#Awareness" is in tune with Thing-As-It-Is Nature, the more "Freedom" it has in the evolution of that "Containerized Consciousness / Alaya / Soul / Core" commonly known in "Reincarnation" and/or Akashic Record in one's Continuity of the consciousness toward WHAT COUNT in the Right Evolution according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The evolution and degeneration have been very very long Not Only on this planet Earth but Also Elsewhere resulted in well organized large intelligent communities we are aware of such as current and past conflicting nations and people, Esoterics, ETs, etc.
Knowing underlying natural laws best applicable in each realm, one can shorten the Path of Evolution optimized for different Realms in one's Continuity of the consciousness and/or quickly evolving from negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration in cunning intelligence shown at minute 4:40 back to the recovered positive Complex Fibonacci evolution of Thing-As-It-Is #Prajna / Wisdom to be theoretically exposed and empirically delivered in KhaiPhong, and/or prevent the past total collapse of the feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods in "too Big to Fail" (the video was deleted) due to against underlying natural laws making a Wrong Effort without Knowing WHY to be exploited by esoteric dark forces such as the Chinese Confucius and the Western Jesus Redeemer in current human "Clash of Civilizations" between US and China.
#Awareness is an observable smart pointer coming out from verifiable Gotama's recorded Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] pointing to observable traits such as #TRUTH, #Honesty, #Care, etc, in Trusted Relationships personally known by dedicated explorers such as Gotama in his advise about karmic (binding clinging) forces and its possible solution from smart pointer hashtag "#AwarenessPrajna[D22]" in KpSocial for concerned people connected to in community learning and sharing { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }. Hence, Buddhist "Mindfulness" is qualified by Gotama at the equanimity level of third Jhana[D29] unknown by most monks, nuns, and followers in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. It is similar to the questions submitted to Gyalwang Drukpa XII, 12 hours before the direct questions-answers period in 2014-04-14 at 9.45 GMT+7. The questions were not posted nor answered but we did hear in this period the statement from Gyalwang Drukpa XII "Buddhism is Not a religion, but the Management of Life" which is the gut of KhaiPhong Technology to scientifically value-add on the 2500+ years of Buddhist actual discoveries, plus proven "technologies" from other organized religions in "cream of the creams" to start the Science of Consciousness in "Making Life Easier and Happier".
The Rust (programming language) Smart Pointer #Awareness also enables the recognitions of observable negative traits such as #Indoctrinated, #Veiled, #Influenced imposed on humanity by all isms and religions in their Prison without Bars to rationally see and personally verify the trait #KindnessEmpathy leading to #Balanced life and higher traits from human Dignity, empirically known and verifiable by other human beings. It is the required functionality of Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness as the meaningful state of Gotama's description of the third jhana (which the noble ones call "dwelling in Equanimity, Mindfulness, and bliss")[D29]. The required state is actually known and glimpsed by few Vietnamese monks and lay persons such as the one quoted here currently (2025) living in VietNam. This qualification has being destroyed by tainted and unworthy monks, nuns, followers world wide in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas that you can challenge the "#Honesty" of all Buddhist Universities, Institutions and Meditation Centers forcing them Not to Violate Gotama's fundamental ethic "Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối". This is "not a verbal attack", but statement of Fact verifiable in scientific methods for the Dignity of humanity!
Publicly up to 2025, No Buddhist can demonstrate the state of Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent except HuiNeng who clarified the required "#EmptyTheContent" and called it "WuNien", But Not Yet empirically verifiable in seven grades from both positive and negative directions - taking complex Fibonacci number x0 = 0 as the base of "#Awareness" in a naturally qualified persona - known by KhaiPhong Inner Circle to be reversed engineering for mass implementation according to discovered Underlying Natural Laws and their optimal engineering controls to be DISCOVERED and SHARED: [ x-1 = 1 Cultural Influenced, x-2 = -1 Regional Influenced, x-3 = 2 National Influenced, x-4 = -3 Veiled Right and Wrong, x-5 = 5 Binding Word, x-6 = -8 Binding Image, x-7 = 13 Clinging Thought ] and [ x1 = 1 HonNhien, x2 = 1 ManagingFreshness, x3 = 2 KnowingFreshness, x4 = 3 ProcessDiscovered such as scientific process to naturally produce the Freshness, x5 = 5 KnowingThought to properly manage one's reality, x6 = 8 CareViaCosmicEnergy for self-protection, x7 = 13 HelpViaCosmicEnergy in directing cosmic energy to help others ]. Taking positive values of complex Fibonacci numbers as observable cunning intelligent people, we see at the same level of intelligence, there is the Right evolution and the wrong evolution then degeneration due to cunning intelligence against the Morality and Justice of underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The testable and verifiable dufference between these two states is the Inner Peace known by Gotama and the miserable states of conflicting consciousness in the negative traits enslaved humanity in all isms and religions up to 2025.
From 2025 onward any Vietnamese monk, nun, follower blah blah blah about "Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác / #AwarenessPrajna", please force him/her having "#Honesty / Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối" to describe what he/she actually know "Có mà Không Không mà Có / Have But Not, Not but Have from minute 3:40 2020-08-25" to find out "Có là có cái gì và Không là không cái gì / Have is to have What but Not is the not of What") and Then What to work out scientific processes as observable testable and reproducible solution of Gotama's useful advice { "karma (binding and clinging forces) flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22]. Rated by Nature as a person - defined in Latin humanitas as having Biology, Compassion, #Prajna - one can not only "Live" (biology) but also "Be" in "Making Life Easier and Happier" with "Freewill" to scientifically cultivable wider space of Consciousness of the Whole, commonly named "Cosmic Consciousness / #Oneness" helping to enforce the "Harmonious Nature of One and Diversities" where one is an "Accountable Creator" and a part of the "Responsible Creation".
KhaiPhong is all bout DISCOVERING and SHARING TRUTH; "TRUTH is My Light". In our own evolution and interactions with the totally collapsed degenerated feudal systems, ruled by the King of Gods, we integrate human radio technologies with the consciousness technologies actually known in our Inner Circle and like to Share, together with scientific explanation of the esoteric degeneration with possible solutions for all involved parties - Humanitas / Esoterics / ETs - to quickly get out of the current doldrums and Be on the foundation of scientifically verifiable TRUTH that one can build on the success of others.
In that process - continuously dedicated in 50+ years of the writer plus combined many 100,000+ man-years of involved parties in the esoteric realms of his currently living and esoteric friends - we personally know and capable to integrate (1) Gotama's "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" on the Y-dimension as the Source of Natural Purification of tained senses or the Nature Tao in KhaiPhong mathematical model, (2) HuiNeng's "WuNien, No-Mark, Detachment" - the Nature state of one's quality of the consciousness - where this chapter "#Awareness" is also the exposition of Gotama Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng WuNien / Vietnamese KiếnTánh in proper scientific implementation as explained in this video for the beginning of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to manifest its required base of "Transcendental #Awareness" in solving current world affairs: (1.a) China's "A Clash of Civilizations" (1.b) Russia-Ukraine Conflicts Harmoniously Solved by all involved parties starting from 2023-05-03, (1.c) Personal Issues of Elites, (1.d) Ism to bring its #Prajna Dialectic to the table, (1.e) unfinished proposed projects to the Gov. of VietNam, and making this "Transcendental #Awareness" available to the mass! }. "Transcendental #Awareness" is scientifically cultivable and measurable qualities of one's "thinking and intuition on the X-dimension" leading to one's Right or Wrong Effort in one's Continuity of the consciousness, (3) Discovered "Layered-No-Conflict-Consciousness" around the F-dimension as the scientifically cultivable "InnerSpace" representing the stock of one's consciousness quality - evolving either in positive Fibonacci evolution according to Nature or in negative Fibonacci degeneration to be naturally corrected to wake up one's innate Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within - at facing the event in all "Activities" and "Relationships" at all "Places" for visible manifestations of KhaiPhong three-have versus HuiNeng three-not (WuNien, NoMark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ): #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã. Riding on human accountable and transparent rating management learned from sports and arts together with open-source proven processes using modern tools to be available in KpPlatform via ethical AI toward What Count, each Fibonacci layer of evolution or degeneration may have different statistically significant [ steps / hurdles ] to be passed or failed based on that very long evolution or degeneration of intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs). That is what we want to achieve in this new Era of "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" for the benefits of all involved parties "Not To Let The Past Mistake" - driven by extreme totalitarian systems and Mafia groups - happened again in all intelligent realms from humanity upward!
"Vietnamese KiếnTánh / Transcendental #Awareness / HuiNeng WuNien" is the starting point of a "humanitas" first as a "rational person" that one is "more than" the visibly physical and mental manifestions then as a direct experiencer to personally know identified cultivable and measurable scales starting from a qualified "humanitas / person" at the base x0 = 0 of the X-dimension, y0 = 0 of the Y-dimension, and Fibonacci f0 = 0 around F-dimension serving as the base for possible breakthroughs from Diversities to higher Evolutions of Accountable creators and parts of Responsible Creations. Starting from the base at Nature f0 = 0 of qualified Latin humanitas (Biology having Compassion & #Prajna), we scientifically work out attributes, characteristics and processes on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness in positive Fibonacci evolution moving toward the Nature Energy Column (Thuận Thiên) [ x1 = 1 HonNhien / Naturally Unaffected Freshness versus x-1 = 1 of Cultural Influenced which is the tested rating of one's glimpse of the "Kiến Tánh" to see through the THREE LAYERS - Core, Energy, Manifestation - of the "related distributed (CORE) for further specializations" qualified by Nature as a Latin humanitas ("IamX") upward whose integrity is legally protected in Human Rights, and negative Fibonacci degeneration moving away from natural "Detachment" in seeing Thing-As-It-Is . Please see why there have been "so many wars" driven by isms and religions in entire human and esoteric histories with possible "future interplanetary battles" if intelligent beings (Humanitas, Esoterics, ETs) do not learn their "slavery to all physical and mental manifestations" plus scientific solutions applicable to their realms of existence via "Riding The Ox", rationally then actually knowing "KiếnTánh" which can ride on the conditioned such as "Faith" to raise one's energy level up as "Aspiration" in #Prajna Dialectic which will be delivered by KhaiPhong circles of Inner Circle from current conflicting religions, skin colors, civilizations, nationalities, etc.
To dwelve deeper and explore wider aspects of the smart pointer #Awareness, let's jump to #1 Awareness / X-dimension, #2 Awareness related to Buddhist Mindfulness / HuiNeng WuNien / Vietnamese KiếnTánh, #3 Foundation of Awareness / Layered-No-Conflict-Consciousness, #4 Process of Awareness / Natural Purification, #5 Sine-Qua-Non of Conscious Living.
1. Awareness / X-dimension
As stated at the "Takeaway", intelligent "Living & Being" striving in "Making Life Easier and Happier" has been evolving from very very long time, resulted at current empirically observable conflicting intelligent beings in nations and people, totally collapsed degenerated Esoterics, verifiable ETs, etc. There is a natural correlation between "#Awareness & Freedom" including "Freedom from the Known / Knowledge / Content" in "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and Beyond".
From Figure 2, proven #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace of the "Melting Pot" according to underlying natural laws from Yogic Flying and "A Demonstration of the Heart sutra" moved from higher realms to India and the Budh Dharma, then moved from India to China as a part of human evolution. Its foundation is the Buddhist modern "Dependent Nature". There is a defect in explanation of Dalai Lama XIV about the Dependent Nature 2016-04-11 since he has not passed the Gateway-to-Oneness knowing nothing about the process of "Dissolution and/or #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness", verifiable by those knowing Gotama's Emptiness[D26], [D29], [D30]. Via KhaiPhong public exposition, Vietnamese Buddhist communities presented another authority in Dependent Nature / Pratītyasamutpāda (Pāli paṭiccasamuppāda; Tib. rten cing ’brel ’byung རྟེན་ཅིང་འབྲེལ་འབྱུང་; Ch. yuán qǐ 縁起; Jpn. engi; Kor. yeon-gi; Viet. Duyên khởi latest at 2017-10-15). Again, We publicly show the accepted Buddhist statement of the principle renders entire Buddhist communities going astray: “Because this exists, that arises; because this does not exist, that does not arise; from the cessation of that, this ceases / Cái này có thì cái kia có; cái này không có thì cái kia không có; cái này diệt thì cái kia diệt”. The third component [ from the cessation of that, this ceases / cái này diệt thì cái kia diệt ] is incorrect in the selfless visible [ Oneness / Kingdom of God within / Latin humanitas ]. Ignorance is a form of energy; it can only be effortlessly transformed in the light of Prajna. The defect comes from Thing-As-It-Is TRUTH that duality tools such as meditation on Emptiness and or cultivation of six perfections within the observer effect from Madhyamaka Relative Truth cannot lead to no-conflict selfless plane of [ Oneness / Prajna / Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth / No-Conflict Consciousness ] from We Are All One.
Again, Vietnamese Buddhists searched through "the blinds touching elephant" via theories of Dependent Nature (DN) 2017-11-04 in different aspects: (a) Nghiệp cảm duyên khởi (Karmic DN), (b) A-lại-da duyên khởi (Alaya-vijñāna DN), (c) Chân như duyên khởi (Tathātā DN) that Gotama claimed to be a Buddha because he has direct knowledge of this Dependent Nature, (d) Pháp giới duyên khởi (Dharmadhātu DN). These theoretical aspects of Dependent Nature can be classified into Madhyamaka Relative Truth (a, b, d) and Ultimate (Wider) Truth (c or Tathātā DN - Chân như duyên khởi) or Consciousness-Only Dependent Nature (a, b, d - Paratantra) having Natural Purification from Perfected Nature which is [ Tathātā DN - Chân như duyên khởi - Parinispanna ]. Gotama called this highest state of [ Tathātā DN - Chân như duyên khởi ] "The End of Dukkha"[D44] or his claimed solution of the identified issue and solution: Dukkha to be known and Free from the vicious circle of [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ]. From the described difference[D27] between one who is dead and one who knows the cessation of perception and feeling[D30], we can logically say Sariputta also knew the ninth samadhi. Nagarjuna[D38] used Emptiness as identified state [ Tathātā - Chân như duyên khởi ] that he named Ultimate (Wider) Truth. Consciousness-Only[D39] deals at theoretical levels of the three Natures Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita), Dependent Nature, Perfected Nature, but not-yet has required technologies for switching Consciousness from Ignorance to #Prajna to see 'Thing As It Is' in the Dependent Nature of existence having an infusion of something from the Perfected Nature.
The entire understanding and contribution of Buddhist communities - starting from Gotama up to 2025 - rests on the Ultimate (Wider) Truth or Perfected Nature or Tathātā DN - Chân như duyên khởi in Thing-As-It-Is personal opinion from authoritative Gotama. No one - including Gotama, Sariputta, Nagarjuna or Asangha - has ever described (1) The Dependent Nature from conflicting duality in Relative Truth to no-conflict Ultimate (Wider) Truth [ or Perfected Nature ], and what happened from Ultimate (Wider) Truth [ or Perfected Nature ] back to the Relative Truth [ or Dependent Nature ] which is a Vast Area for Scientific Explorations opened up by KhaiPhong from 2025 based on limited 50+ years of private field reasearches and empirically proven outcomes that (1.1) both Aspiration and Right Transcendental #Awareness can take one out of the continuous chatting mind hence Relaxation (which is the answer for the question of Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva asked but "blah blah blah by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas" in scientifically proven cheating Buddist "Lotus Sutra / Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra"[D49]), (1.2) "Transcendental #Awareness" via Gotama's verifiable Signed Posts of Transcendental Inner-Peace toward Non-Thingness has much deeper effects to detoxify tainted senses and provide natural "Detachment" when moving from Perfected Nature back to Relative Truth to naturally transform Imaginary Nature to Dependent Nature of Thing-As-It-Is, (1.3) combing both natural Detachment and Aspiration (on the noble Discovery and Contribution one can bring to the table as an Accountable creator and a part of mass movement toward the Responsible Creation of What Count) one can privately expose a dominant Issue deeply engraved in one's "Soul / Alaya" such as "Abnormal Sex" evidenced in this typical crime of a very high "esoteric and exoteric elite" committed in VietNam 2021 - 2022 against humanity to the Light of #Prajna to dissolve the Issue and personally verify Gotama's assertion on the obstruction and dissolution of Karmic Forces[D22], (1.4) Transcendental Yogic Processes handed down from Hindu tradition can be combined with Buddhist Madhyamaka[D38] and Consciousness-Only[D39] theoretical analyses to open a Green Area of injecting "Being" into "Living" in the Conscious Universe toward What Count, (1.5) "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" combining both proven normative and positive AI intelligence via user-facing tool mu will activate a "Conscious Living" in all Activities and Relationships at all Places. (2) The Dependent Nature of “because this exists, that arises; because this does not exist, that does not arise" in the no-conflict Ultimate (Wider) Truth [ or Perfected Nature ] or [ Tathātā DN - Chân như duyên khởi ] is "false", currently theorized and observable as layers of consciousness Diversities from Oneness. It is "false" due to multiple available different engineering optimal conditions (Paths) at different layers from different conditioned streams of consciousness (such Aspiration from Faiths is different from a Singer Aspiration, a Meditator Aspiration, a Mystic Aspiration, etc) to be statistically verified, But Empirically Found to have the same patterns from both negative and positive Fibonacci sequence. We prove that the ninth [ jhana / samadhi ] recorded by HuiNeng as Unmoving Sunyata or total Detachment[R5] is a momentary state.
Starting from a legal user node there exist an embedded state and stock of three (3) links to the "Being (Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension, Transcendental Inner Peace via #DhyanaSamadhi Y-dimension, scientifically cultivable #Prajna from F-dimension using complex variable to lump all unknown incomplete information together)" as the foundation of three (3) links to the "Living (Activities, Relationships, Places)" from the new born to the death bed in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) via modern LLM (large Language Model) of academia researches from qualified students to the interactions of normative and positive intelligence, measurable at the outcomes of one's Efforts and self-evaluation of recognized advanced students such as Gotama, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, etc, and front-line soldiers of KpPlatform, we opens up a new Science to integrate consciousness digital technologies - reasoning AI - in mirroring and augmenting recorded normative Intelligence to human radio positive technologies. Buddhist communities from Gotama claim it (his experience) as a permanent Nibbana then Pari-Nibbana which is scientifically illogical and false. While waiting for KhaiPhong IP (Intellectual Property) to be theoretically and statistically presented, it is part of KhaiPhong scientific hint for all Buddhist scholars that Gotama did not know the difference between "states" (aka Gotama's Right #Samadhis or Transcendental Inner Peace in Y-dimension and X-dimension of Transcendental #Awareness[D22] / HuiNeng's WuNien / Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh[D26]) and "stock" (aka Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace - TRUTH is My Light) of his consciousness when facing diversities of focused events" in his logical deduction at few-time-known-states - mathematically described in Y-dimension - that he called "the end of dukkha[D44]" different from his blah blah blah of permanent Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana in "14. Giác ngộ và kết quả 2021-04-18 from minute 1:00" headed by LÊ MẠNH THÁT - TUỆ SỸ which is scientifically proven to be False, mathemtically described around complex F-dimension conceptualized as "Campus of the World Prajna / Vườn Ươm của Trí Huệ Thế Giới" manifested according to Complex Fibonacci Numbers of what Gotama described as the Past Communities of Recognized Buddhas / Thế Giới Cổ Đại của các vị Phật "14: from minute 18:00" (the link was deleted as an evidence of Vietnamese communist and Buddhist mafias in their master game of Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence) to be revitalized into distributed "Equanimity Community and more toward Transcending the Observed then the Observer" of Home Office Club (HOC) wherever you are upgradable from Tranqility to "natural processes of #EmptyTheContent". The Y-dimension represents returning to the Source of Tao, #EmptyTheContent / Natural-Inner-Peace toward Non-Thingness and beyond for reborn and rejuvenation. The focused events change not only in one life but life-after-life of "IamX" in one's Continuity of the consciousness to be DISCOVERED and SHARED in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations".
But there are "appropriate conditions and no-conflict tools" to be registered under human IPR (Intellectual Property Right) to naturally raise one from Madhyamaka Relative Truth to Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth, and there are "Scientifically Cultivable Dependent Layers" in the Foundation of #Awareness / Layered-No-Conflict-Consciousness for the manifestation of #Prajna having Right Understanding and Right Motivation together with Natural Purification of the senses. In the light of HuiNeng's discovery: "Do not attach to anything then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心" [R7], we should ask how Gotama's (smart pointers) [ Transcendental Inner-Peace / Right #Samadhi and Transcendental #Awareness / verifiable States of #Prajna ] can lead to (observable traits) "detachment from dominant binding and clinging forces or empty of messy contents" at the present moment to actually see Thing-As-It-Is that Only Few monks we know up to 2025 can pass the Gateway-to-Oneness, called in Vietnamese as "Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / #EmptyTheContent" toward Non-Thingness. The "Then What" naturally leads to what karmic forces and "What" level of Transcendental #Awareness can obstruct and restrict the karmic forces, and "How" #Prajna can dissolve them[D22]. That "What" and How" clearly demand a mathematical model for empirical verifications of the claimed outcomes and their utilities as done in the Health, Engineering, and Social Sciences which are the targets of KhaiPhong to enable the invisible hand of "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" direct the "invisible hand of economics" in all Activities and Relationships at all Places.
Most recently 2023-01-09, HuiNeng's consciousness state verbalized as "Vô Sở Trụ / 應無所住而生其心 / Wonderful-Fresh-HonNhien Mind" has been contrasted with modern Physics and Mathematics to hint that it may be Thing-As-It-Is of underlying Natural Laws (the link was deleted) knowable by a "qualified person" logically explained as "Ruliad / Theology" to link the Discovered Physical World descriable in Math @ minute 16:00. We scientifically and empirically prove that all isms where religions, theologies, civilizations up to 2025, etc, are "The Blinds touching Elephant" due to tainted senses on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, Not Worthy as a Naturally Qualified Latin humnitas (Biology, Compassion, #Prajna). There is an optimal engineering control process to make it happened for most people, since all manifestations such as "HuiNeng's consciousness states" are conditioned. This will be the case, especially with the known reincarnation of HuiNeng at present time for reversed engineering and statistically tested outcomes. Same precious things will happen for DISCOVERING and SHARING if there are - among many - known reincarnations of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, XuanZang, and Trần Quốc Tuấn's [ lấy dân làm gốc / democracy ] fundamentally synthesized by a retired Vietnamese lawyer 2023-02-07" ]. KhaiPhong user-facing mu technology facilitates "From people, By people, and For people" Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good by (1) separating the Securely Persona environment from Securely Team environment with different Knowledge Graph of the Persona and of the Team neural networks to record fact-based contributions of the person and the team to the organization Vison, Mission and Execution, (2) on the person Knowledge Graph of neural network, there are both SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat) and Benefit-Cost for self-evaluations to expose the personal Views including any "breakthrough" idea that by-pass all management levels to have attention at the top, (3) on the team Knowledge Graph of neural network - linked to the organization Neural Network for higher strategic and efficient managements, there are also SWOT and Benefit-Cost for democratic processes and growth management of people in the organization, PLUS Normative Evaluations to raise required internal Human Resources for the deliverable "Vision - Mission - Execution" of the organization. The technologies take the trained and researched public tools, etc, as the first round of relevant searches toward the Harmonious Melting Pot of WWW Intuition and Logic participated by all concerned people to be augmented with KpPlatform opinionated-trained data coming from ComPassion and #Prajna securely investigated and donated by its users similar to a hashtag (#) from the past Twitter (now xAI) clone for contributions of others, PLUS the neural-network data professionally trained and researched by qualified staff with or without KpSIS (KhaiPhong Strategic Intelligence Service) to be a part of your IoE (Internet of Everything). They use the latest Transformer and Translation technologies to synchronize the outcomes of search results and the platform unique contributions of its front-line soldiers of ComPassion and #Prajna; the user can have both the chat's answer and its back-up data for verifications and normative Intelligence from [ "Right transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent / #Prajna Dialectic" ].
Its practical aspects is #EmptyTheContent for a "Silent Mind" to see Thing-As-It-Is and outside-the-box breakthrough solution of a major Issue such as Russia-Ukraine conflict with many hidden players behind the scene in their Continuity of the consciousness. The practical aspects are spread to all Activities and Relationships at all Places to make happened the "Moral Principle" invisibly driven by Economics directed by Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, effortlessly and gradually wiping out "killers (sát thủ) from Mafia Groups in negative Fibonacci degeneration" (the evident video was deleted) first Morally Declared by Trần Quốc Tuấn. Our approach comes from practical aspects in enganged Living & Being. Starting from that (1) required "Wonderful-Fresh-HonNhien Mind" of Happy State to move from Fair Trade of point A to point C of [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] for a long-term benefits of all involved parties in Harmonious Melting Pot via Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to direct the Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count, having (2) available living students at different depths of "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" to solve major International Issues of World Peace while reversed engineering their "Know-Hows" for the benefits of the "Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots" Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good in all domains and fields, we extend and integrate discovered Consciousness Technologies from (3) HuiNeng cultivable (Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ) and Gotama verifiable (Not-Self from his recorded Jhanas simplified into Signed Posts) with Industrial Revolution 4.0 radio technologies plus modern Management to introduce a scientific entrance to Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana, turning the Dharma Wheel[D20] in an orderly evolution having Protected Rights of a qualified Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, #Prajna) with innate Buddha Nature / Kingdom of Gods within. These fundamental Protected Rights of verifiable "IamX" will be further expanded to "Inter-Realms" for the integrity of the identified "Soul / Continuity of the consciousness" in discovering underlying natural laws of MORAL & JUST TRUTH.
In this mathematical model of "matrix manipulations of tensor database db" (TensorFlow) where one dimension is a lump of different vectors on an abstract plan for easy explanation such as X-dimension is a vector on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness from the focused event toward the (abstrract but visibly shown through the mind eye of a living student) Nature Energy Column (Thuận Thiên) starting at the focused event as the origin in the positive direction toward the "Light" of the "Oneness Energy Column" and negative direction away from the Light. Others representative dimensions are Gotama's "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" on the Y-dimension as the foundation of Natural Purification of tained senses, and KhaiPhong discovered Complex Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace" around the F-dimension as the scientifically cultivable "InnerSpace" statistically verified in the cultivable X and Y dimensions at facing the focused event, rated at different ranges described in Fibonacci positive for evolution and negative for degeneration. Due to wide varieties of optimal conditions and very wide ranges of past evolutions, Fibonacci mathematical layers are clearly measurable stable targets for achievements of Gotama's Signed Posts and HuiNeng's Wu-Nien described in this chapter. The visible differences in positive evolution and negative degeneration are (1) the observable difference between #Prajna and cunning intelligence rendering all involved parties worse off in making decisions and their outcomes, and (2) the available of [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness ] in positive evolution versus the "mind having no minute of complete serene silence" in natural "#EmptyTheContent" if you are in negative Fibonacci degeneration, (3) natural Harmonious versus Always-In-Conflict with oneself and others proven in Canadian history as "The Whites had Land and the Indians had Bible". It is so due to diversities of intelligent beings and underlying natural laws governing different realms of intelligent existences. But there is a possibility to quickly regain one's achieved evolution due to discoverd underlying natural laws proven in modern human Sciences. Here is the new Vista never existing before in the benefits of "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" since each realm may be easy and appropriate for different developments whose underlying natural laws may help innumerable others in their "Continuity of the Consciousness". Facing a focused event, one's InnerSpace F-dimension - representing one's "stock of the consciousness relative to the event" - can be outside-the-box in either positive evolution for a "breakthrough at point C" in [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] or in negative evolution from "cunning intelligence at point B" in negotiable outcome of Figure 2.
Back to accumulated "Know-How" up to 2025 in KhaiPhong theoretical and empirical verifications, here is one of the few identified monks passing the "Gateway to Oneness" evidenced in his exposition of 'the sound technology of Shurangama sutra / pháp tu lăng nghiêm with "Honesty" 2018-07-27' accidentally discovered back from "HonNhien": Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity 2018-08-01) and "#Care" for oneself and others in Human, Esoterics and ETs. We will scientifically challenge this Vietnamese monk Thiền sư An Lạc Hạnh 2020-07-31 seeming to have a first glimpse of [ HuiNeng's WuNien / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / KhaiPhong's #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh ] that we encourage those having this natural inner peace reverse engineering the optimal conditions to be part of the new Era. The monk's description up to 2020-08-25 from minute 3:40 "Có mà Không Không mà Có / Have But Not, Not but Have" (the video was deleted) indicates that "he does not Know [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / #Awareness / KiếnTánh ]" even from the second level (How to properly manage that Freshness HonNhien mind when you are really disturbed in engaged living), the third level (Clearly see the conditions making up an effortless natural detachment in daily life), the fourth level (Work out a scientific process as we have done for optimal cultivation of Effortless Natural Detachment - "Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sanh kỳ tâm" that you do not know nor have based on your imagination of không trụ tâm vào đâu tất cả mà trụ Then What blah blah blah in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, definitely Not the fifth level ("knowing the source of your thought and its driving force" known by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva but fallen into a crack personally shared by her due to Not Knowing the discovered underlying natural laws), etc.
Mathematically, it is from your "InnerSpace" for Hegelian Dialectic via "cunning intelligence" in negative Fibonacci degeneration or "#Prajna Dialectic" in positive Fibonacci evolution for you to know more about yourself in your "Continuity of the consciousness. The "Transcendental #Awareness" is { X-dimension ranging from "self-enslavement toward Freedom" via natural "Detachment" blah blah blah in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism and entire history of Communism extracting their evil technologies from Empire-of-Lies monotheism in enslaving people to their Binding Word / Image and Clinging Thought that through which the dark sides of their esoterics under totally collapsed feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods immorally used against underlying natural laws to unjustly affect other intelligent beings from humanity upward. The solution for this very long path of evolution then degeneration is to be "#Honesty & #Care" based of proven "#TRUTH" statistically verifiable in the mass. The "#Samadhi is { Y-dimension }", known by many but only publicly recorded as Jhana states personally testified by Gotama and unknown by most of his monks and nuns in entire history of the cheating Buddhism. The "scientifically cultivable #Prajna" accessible via the "end of HuiNeng's Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachement" to start diving into { the layered No-Conflict consciousness around complex F-dimension having observable manifestations from [ fo = 0 ] according to underlying "Natural laws in Making Life Easier and Happier"[D32] for "visible and measurable KhaiPhong's #Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna".
Programmatically at client side for visible displays, we can express the required general structure of a normative persona as followings:
- Function component map(function(event)) as the input and/or suggested; any custom modeling can be generated such as the Mind Map which is integrated with reasoning AI to connect chains of thoughts with their evaluation in one's custom AI.
- X myAwareness => ( map(function(event)) ) measurable Detachment / binding & clinging forces at rated 7 levels toward sensing the driving forces of one's thoughts and using cosmic energy to make things happened.
- Y mySamadhi => ( map(function(event)) ) cultivable with [ #PrajnaTIP in Sound, PrajnaTIP in engaged living, #PrajnaTIP in Kindness ] + [ Yogic flying, Qi-Gong, Prana Yoga ] measurable at 6 Signed Posts in positive evolution or 6 levels of Right-Wrong awareness in negative degeneration.
- F InnerSpace => (mySamadhi, myAwareness) cultivable in 8 visibly classified Layers of InnerSpace from both positive and negative Fibonacci sequence whose source-codes of graph with prototypes are reported waiting for proper implementations. Outcome of self-evaluated event is a part of custom data-mining for scientifically cultivable one's InnerSpace.
Our position to be statistically tested is that the containerized Alaya / Soul (store-house consciousness) / ālāyavijñāna / Akashic Field is huge, specific to one's continuity of the consciousness and characterized in one's country wisdom and inter-realm relationships[R20], regulated by impersonal natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes via energy vibration. Through the Silence of Transcendental #Awareness and #Samadhi, one can access at deeper and wider levels of the Alaya not only in its containerized self but also from communities, inter-realms, and cosmic. Based on tested discovered underlying natural laws, "WuNien / KiếnTánh / Transcendental #Awareness" and "#Samadhi" - managing and detoxifying tainted senses[D22] - are scientifically cultivable. So do the "Natural Intuition / Trực Nhận" and #Prajna depending on specialized situation and one's state and stock of the "consciousness qualia". Hence, one important area is to know one's strength and weakness to be partner with those of like and complement manner including intimate friends and sex partner, formally known in business SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and parts of the entities's properties and relationships in modern Knowledge / Property Graph of Graph Analytics. In the "Not", the "Have from #Prajna and breakthrough" is the "Not and Have" in the starting point of EIP processes of "Plan >< Execution >< Feedback" applicable to relevant domains and fileds, which are possible ONLY from 2025 forward due to the complexity of the dynamic situations and AI - modeling a moving target via a complex number and the engineering control system applicable to specialized cases - and the availability of Ethical AI toward What Count studied and contributed by armies of Ph.D. researchers world wide. With the "Big Data" and empirical observations from those naturally having "Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh", available mathematics and modeling technologies of physical sciences can now apply to the green field of mental sciences to further expand one's horizon of intellectual ability via KhaiPhong "#Awareness - Dependent - #Prajna" according to underlying natural laws applicable to different realms, Making Life Easier and Happier in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
Many can "personally and intutively know" what we talk about since they have to certain extend "[ Transcendental #Awareness as the target / Kiến Tánh làm tông / Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy ]" based on their personal experience similar to the three world powerful leaders from 2016 - 2020: President Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Xi Jinping of China, and President Donald Trump of USA[R8]. But these persons - similar to the 36+ students identified by the writer - "may not know" why they have that unique capability while others do not have until we pointed out and suggest them reversed engineering their processes firstly as a positive contribution to all intelligent beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs) and secondly not to fall into the cracks of Greed and Fears evidenced in "the life-after-life claimed redeemer - Jesus - until some conscience can wake him up" and the total collapse of the feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods yet persistent on their blah blah blah processes of 60,000+ human years of degeneration up until 2022-12-19 known in humanity as the Illuminati and their slaves. Since all manifestations are conditioned and changing at Planck time as initially discovered by Gotama and scientifically proven in the second law of thermodynamics, we can scientifically use Engineering optimal control, feed back for you knowing more about yourself and feed forward to change from proven Fibonacci degeneration patterns to Fibonacci evolution via Machine Learning from proven qualified people. Most recently 2022-02-28 was the crack fallen by president Putin in the Russia-Ukraine war where his "mystic power" was manipulated by the dark force to possibly initiate the third world war. Everything on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness must be concrete and deliverable for evidence-based and scientific verifications, including the past blah blah blah of consciousness technologies called "miracles by unworthy religions" that KhaiPhong's Inner Circle now have living students to directly challenge all of "claimed Buddhas / Gods / Allah" including Thái Thượng Lão Quân (Tai Shang Laojun / 太上老君) from 2022-01-18 minute 2:41 bringing their deliverable practical outcomes of "Không / Non-Thingness / Gotama's 7th Jhana"[D30] to the "Right and Wrong / Thế Nào Là (Biết / Scientific Process) Làm Chân Chánh từ cái Không" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness that we will statistically prove in Figure 2.
The degenerated violent communist autocratic system is evidenced in the Vạn Thịnh Phát and Gia Tộc Hoa (the video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias), Viet A’s COVID-19 Test Kits, AIC Nguyễn Thị Thanh Nhàn, Rescue flight / Chuyến bay giải cứu exposing the deeper corrupted communist system in 75+ years / tại sao đạo lý suy đồi ruling the country via mafia tactics, heroically defended by many past generations of Quan Vương Nước Việt with their "NHẮN NHỦ" from "QUÂN ĐỘI SIÊU HÌNH" 2023-07-27. It is BEST for ALL CHANGE using available resources - including personal Health - riding on both human physical achievements and powerful many 1000+ years of esoteric intelligence, being parts of KhaiPhong to scientifically study optimal conditions for the change from negative Fibonacci degeneration to positive Fibonacci evolution, visibly manifested as "Smelly Creatures / Rotten and Immoral Quality / Qualia of present living personally known by survived Illuminati Elites" to the Pure Energy of the "Light" Floating Up personally demonstrated in Gotama's Jhanas. You and your master may avoid human Justice from unwholesome acts up to 2023-07-27, but the universal law of Action-Reaction is still there. You and your master can mitigate bad karmic forces while still living by changing yourself and the country where Education plays an important part toward What Count (the video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias; we replace it with the World Bank special study). Here is at a very high level you and your master can be true leaders to substantially generate benefits for the country based on your current positions and relevant opportunities, and a Vietnamese description on 2022-01-26 at the surface of HuiNeng's Wu-Nien / Awareness / Kiến Tánh[D26] that you and your master together with many current Vietnamese elites had direct interactions with the living Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng. You can ride on your esoteric invisible first strikes which will be protected by your peers in the New Era of Conscious Living for those who want to change according to DISCOVERED and SHARED underlying natural laws and/or the communist mafia bullying laws to protect your group privileges. We can defend ourselves with Energy Reflection x6 = 8, and "your physical power is incomparable to the Cosmic Energy" from Non-Thingness using cosmic directing energy at x7 = 13 in tracing the source of energy and beat you in your own game as physically demonstrating here. For "basic needs / cơm áo gạo tiền", your master cannot use the communist tactics to control physical needs of people and your dangling Wealth to buy a place in human and/or higher realms without any Right Effort according to underlying natural laws. Finally, you know we have "protections" unconditionally given by the Good Forces where ETs are parts, evidenced from "your strike to the writer's right eye" on 2022-01-24. Many possibilities can happen, including the change of the [ Core / Soul / Hồn ] in the same body container by higher realm to give a hand in changing current humanity in the new Era of Conscious Living & Being as we recently heard. Let's see how things are folding and one's specialized contribution.
It is more important than ever the role of "scientifically cultivable #Prajna and natural Intuition in strategically solving complex conflicts such as [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ], marking 100-years celebrations of Chinese Communist Party July 1, 2021 a part of the Harmonious Humanity, BUT Not the bullying Chinese Han Qin Shi Huang / Tần Thủy Hoàng. China has been building its society based on 100% duality of "the Confucius devine feudal Rights (cheating Mandate of Heaven / Thiên Mệnh - Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19])" wrapped in the new totalitarian system via communist ideology with modified party democratic system and nationalism to achieve substantial economic growth in raising its people standards of living beyond the physical subsistence of bullying animals. But embedded in naturally qualified person (Biology, Compassion, #Prajna), there exists Mechanism of Consciousness Transformation / Cơ chế Chuyển Hóa Tâm Thức to higher Value of the values in one's Continuity of the consciousness. It is much much more complcated than what you learned from 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism which will be scientifically explored at both theoretical and empirical levels from 2025 forward using STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math). The success will also be a force leading to "sooner-or-later break up China" to a more manageable Harmonious Units beyond the Bullying animals typified in Chinese Han Qin Shi Huang / Tần Thủy Hoàng, enumerated next:
(1) widening the conflicting differences between the rich and poor, the Han and other ethnic groups in entire 5,000+ years of Chinese history whose Issues were solved in the past by the "Confucius Mandate of Heaven / Thiên Mệnh" (it is Not Applicable any more in modern time to enslave more than 1 billions people in the party's totalitarian system and nationalism), (2) deepening the division of bullying and cheating dominant Han on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness against Chinese traditional harmonious Order and Culture, (3) raising people's #Awareness of their Rights as human beings beyond the Animal instinct of Greed and Fears which (4) are far below HuiNeng Chinese indigenous discovery of Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness in [ Wu-Nien as its object - “vô niệm làm tông” / No-Mark as its substance - “vô tướng làm thể” / Detachment as its fundamental principle - “vô trụ làm gốc” ][R5] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } and XuanZang practical solution in "Outside the Box / Consciousness of the consciousness"[R3] in the Wei-Wu-Wei solution of complex issue such as the South China Sea, and (5) starting grassroots movement to render Chinese Communist Party (CCP) imploded from inside driven by the practicality of Wealth creation and Higher Aspiration of Human Dignity via scientifically cultivable #Prajna (the document was deleted) in harder and larger scale than the Vietnamese communist mafias.
Esoterically, we like to reveal another hidden exoteric to be Discovered and esoteric SECRET as a Learned Lesson in the Right Evolution of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward about Han Qin Shi Huang / Tần Thủy Hoàng / The Original Buddha / The Father God / Emperor Constantine of IamX in one's Continuity of the consciousness - Cunning and Degeneration without Knowing Why about the DISCOVERED Underlying Natural Laws to be SHARED. In the esoteric battle between KP front-line soldier - [ La-Hầu-La (Rahula) / Khổng Minh (Zhuge Liang Kongmin) / Huệ Năng (HuiNeng) / Jeanne d'Arc / Leonardo da Vinci / Queen Elizabeth I / Our Lady of La Vang ] - and other living students with the degenerated esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods, the front-line soldier was told by many including the [ The Original Buddha / The Father God ] that if they knew the potential danger of HuiNeng detected since early age as a common child and a very common 1975 Vietnamese refugee, the situations approaching 2012 and after would Happen as predicted. Only from May 2024, the front-line soldier discovered the Chinese dark forces headed by [ Qin Shi Huang / Tần Thủy Hoàng ] who was actually an "Esoteric Vampire" residing in a chamber below his "Mausoleum and Terracotta Army". Our front-line soldier used cosmic energy rated at x7 = 13 of HuiNeng #SanadhiPrajna to destroy the Vampire who will continue his qualities of the consciousness in other form - probably in a stone, tree, or an insect - for the nature to naturally detoxify the consciousness unfit for the whole evolution to re-earn its responsible evolution again. It is interesting to further explore what underneath the Terracotta Army layer of the Mausoleum to scientifically prove the work of our front-line soldier for Intelligent Beings from humanity upward.
US - built its young society on the foundation of "In God We Trust" - failed in its dominance in achieving evil Illuminati Elites directed by the tracked records Roman Catholic Church since the second World War. It broke up whatever US and the World stand for human Rights in "I win You loose with President Trump's post-truth politics". But mamy people from US and the West have high standards of civilization - thanks to the Aspiration in their Faith and not fallen in the crack of Jesus's Greed and Maria's Fears - explicitly defined in Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion, #Prajna/Wisdom) while China practical wisdom came to the peak but not yet seriously explored in XuanZang [ Outside the Box / Consciousness of the consciousness ] and HuiNeng's [ Wu-Nien - No-Mark - Detachment ] can harmoniously join forces via invisible hand of economics driven by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, being "outside-the-box" of lasting Vision in " 1 + 1 >> 2" far beyond mathematically proven in International fair trade as illusted in Figure 2. This is the "Melting Pot" for "Nobler World Order" to direct custom AI toward What Count rather than being slaved to AI and exploited by mafias rooted from people-centered society glimpsed by President Putin in his comment about current strategies between US and China by June 30, 2021 (one day before 100 years Celebration of Chinese Communist Party (the video was deleted) with continuous internal conflicting forces between the current 2021-11-17 regime and the past proven evil forces against humanity of harvesting human organs / Tập, Giang Và Cuộc Chiến 10 Năm Chưa Hồi Kết), far beyond the duality plane of always-on conflicting consciousness of the degenerated forces.
Here are outcomes of 75+ years of Vietnamese communist culture from negative Fibonacci degeneration / Thứ Văn Hoá Biến Dị 2021-12-05 (the video was deleted) and 100 years of Chinese communist culture from cunning intelligence in extreme desire based on the tracked records of their signatures right from the beginning all the way up to the top 2022-02-08 Vụ Việt Á and clearly up to 2023-02-16 of Vietnamese communist mafias (the video was deleted) about Nhà máy lọc dầu Nghi Sơn. [ The video "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19VRqsu1fRM" of PTT Vũ Đức Đam ] on the conclusion of National Conference of Vietnamese Culture at the end of 2021 was immediately and programmatically deleted when we add to "(extreme desire) based on the tracked records of their signatures all the way up to the top". It is Now 2022-03-04 reappeared with edited modifications and obviously incapable to touch to the strategic CORE of Vietnamese Culture which is "People / Lấy Dân Làm Gốc" where we will deliver Free Tool mu to enable almost all Intelligent Beings Knowing more about oneself that "You" - PTT Vũ Đức Đam - cannot continue to cheat others just like unworthy monks / nuns to use stolen Descriptions from others for the "DESCRIBED" that you have not known nor had raised from KhaiPhong 5 questions in "#TamingTheOx" as an epistemic objective in scientifically cultivable #Prajna that all concerned Buddhists must contribute via consciousness technologies widely Known by the mass, defined in Latin humanitas as "Biology having Compassion and #Prajna" commonly and practically known among Vietnamese mass as "nói vậy mà không phải vậy / the description is Not the Described" KNOWN ONLY AFTER the life-time 60+ years contributions of Krishnamurti. The Vietnamese Culture cannot be and will not be "[ Molded and Directed / Định Hướng ] by Extreme Communist Mafias rotten to the Core" as addressed from minute 10.00 at the point of "Chú ý đúng mực / Right Awareness" unknown in entire 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness directed by cunning intelligence of Confucius, then Greatest Hoax of Jesus Redeemer, and Now called by President Putin an "Empire of Lies 2022-02-28" from the dark forces riding on its holding of physical financial-political-military powers exactly as in cheating Communist autocracy, first taking the nation Wealth into people's ownership, then transfering that ownership into private wealth of ruling families using bullying forces and cunning intelligence of violent communist doctrine. "Vũ Đức Đam is Only at the breaking point"; if you have then "reverse enineering to SHARE with others" for statistical verification process of your Inner Circle and circles of inner circles that you cannot find among hardcore communists like your grand masters to waste your productive life serving these "degenerated animals" where you and these hard-core communists still can have opportunities to change if still being alive. All of them - including the current top Vietnamese leaders up until 2023-07-25 - cannot escape the underlying natural laws in 10,000 - 50,000 man years of "karmic forces" since their "[ inner quality / qualia / Innerspace ]" are currently animals as many western Illuminati elites such as Jeffrey Epstein sex crimes in parts of the Lucifer"; so was the surrounding crimes on "the demand side" related to Bé Vân An 2022 (the video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias) and/or the Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Nguyên Trí, head of Bát Nhã (Prajna) Temple Meditation Institute of USA, from which karmic forces can be changed ONLY in CURRENT LIVING via Accountable creator and Transparency as a part of the Responsible Creation. We can Help!
The top Vietnamese communist mafias thought they can be even "above the laws created by them" to rule the ignorant mass from their "rotten" powers / nếu là hoa ... "nếu là người phải là người cộng sản". No one can be above the Natural Law of Morality - the surrounding crimes related to Bé Vân An 2022 without knowing the "real driving forces" behind the motivation of the step-mother and the father - and Justice in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The crime against the Health of Vietnamese people directed from the official Minister level of Health and the corruptions of the entire communist structures in its absolute totalitarian system to mold Health, Science, Culture, Nationality, etc, to its "Lies". It is No Difference from the "Lies of Illuminati Elites" called by President Putin as "Empire of Lies 2022-02-28", serving the degenerated-by-Natural-Laws "Lucifer" to the lowest and smellest creatures underground who is still Persistent up to 2025 riding on its established esoteric and humanistic physical infrastructures.
If top Vietnamese communist mafias have minimum "Honesty & Care" for themselves and the country where they are Responsible parts of the Creation, they know that immoral acts done by them and their family / groups cannot hide KhaiPhong's Inner Cirle. Their astral bodies together with other Western Elites are parts of the Accountable and Transparent Communication Hub facilitated by the Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng to solve World Issues based on present states of human and esoteric rationality of the Right and Wrong in human Accountable and Transparent Efforts according to universal underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction such as the West creation of World Payment System and the De-Dollarization of the BRICS BLOCKCHAIN & Digital Payment Sytem. KhaiPhong will be a part of true Democratization Processes based on Thing-As-It-Is Actualities beyond conflicting Views of all involved parties as in the Russia-Ukraine war first time revealed in Tucker Carlson - Vladimir Putin Interview. The "dark force" is below bullying animal energy of the Right and Wrong in the world inevitable industrial revolution 4.0 / cách mạng công nghiệp 4.0. The Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna is now available from KhaiPhong that we hope VietNam may be the "cradle and starting point in the new Era of Conscious Living". There are many highly qualified people - being Vietnameses and relevant nationalities - ready for real contributions in and outside the country to change the World in current 2025 five major conflicts: Russia-Ukraine war, South China sea, US-EU-Canada, Middle East, and Africa. We sincerely hope the two "pretty" ladies are typical Vietnamese New Generations, intolerable with the persistent dark sides in our "Living & Being" (the video was deleted). As a human - regulated by Thing-As-It-Is nature - one has innate "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Compassion-Prajna" to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The connecting line between the Relative Truth on the duality plane of conflicting forces and the Ultimate (wider) Truth of "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Compassion-#Prajna" has the properties of No-Conflict Consciousness known on both planes as "Kindness and Empathy required for a scientifically cultivable breakthrough at higher seven (7) levels of #Awareness toward the sensing of one's driving sources of thoughts to properly manage oneself, known by most people as "Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh[D26]".
To be more concrete about "Hegelian Dialectic" from cunning intelligence in moving the fair trade deal at point "A" in Figure 2 to point "B", one can look at how President Xi Jinping's thesis, changed from cheating "Confucius Institute" to "Belt and Road Initiative"[R8] and recently the adoption of US-inspired anti-thesis “Build Back Better World” project from G7 leaders in addressing “Strategic competition with China", and now China "Digital Silk Road (DSR) 2022-01-21" via Information and Artifical Intelligence (AI) which is NOT intelligence at all but pattern recognitions, not even at causes and effects in discovering underlying natural laws (Making Life Easier and Happier) to further "Hook" humanity to its "prison without bars" rather than Free / Liberate humanity and intelligent beings from binding and clinging forces of animal kingdoms. It is different from "#Prajna Dialectic" moving from point "A" to point "C" via KhaiPhong "Harmonious Melting Pot" - not a synthesis on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness - but a complete new Era of Conscious Living in "Knowing More About Oneself" in one's Continuity of the consciousness from all intelligent beings (Human, Esoterics, ETs) where all physical and mental manifestations in one's containerized "Continuity of the consciousness / Alaya / Soul / Akashic Field " are only tools / means in "Making Life Easier and Happier" according to underlying natural laws embedded in positive complex Fibonacci evolution.
The solution must be at the discoveries of underlying natural laws for evolution from form back to consciousness, by-passing innumerable tainted senses. In that evolution, there is Natural Purification to Awaken one's [ #Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience / #Oneness ]. This is a patented discovered process - glimpsed at the surface by few dedicated explorers and mystics such as Gotama and Jesus which is also the current state of understanding in higher realms in the entire human history - together with the "How" to enable most people from all traditions know more about themselves beyond conflicting forces on the duality plane of diversities, and the underlying natural "Moral Laws and Justice" that no one can be against since one is only a part of the whole. The DISCOVERY will be augmented with STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) coming from armies of human Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers from all relevant domains and fields, PLUS value-adds from many cross-cut all conflicting Isms in deepening and widening KP initial Discoveries and Sharing in our 50+ years of field researches [ #Prajna >< AI ]. One can ride on the power of the Whole to know the meaning of one's existence. Via four (4) conducive activities [ (1) #DhyanaSamadhi, (2) Highest Tantra, (3) Aspiration, (4) Merging in Nature ] with six (6) vertical Switches [ (1) #PrajnaTIP in Sound, (2) Tantra, (3) Aspiration, (4) Compassion, (5) Detachment, (6) #PrajnaTIP in Kindness ] and six (6) measurable Signed Posts to be personally directed - if required - by people actually knowing "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" in using these processes that you can help making it sustainable with or without the original contributor, we enable most people knowing something more than the zero-sum game of "I win You loose" and its benefit in mathematically proven better-off for all involved parties [ 1 + 1 > 2 ] where everyone can be a part to make happened the challenge of Soyen Shaku[R6]:
“All things return to "One" and "One" operates in all things.God [ TRUTH / Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân ] not in the world is the false God [ TRUTH ] and the World not in God [ TRUTH / Dharmakaya / Allah / Pháp-Thân ] is unreality.
God in this sense - via Jesus's #GodKingdom within an epistemic objective to be proven by many concerned Christians - is visibly sensible and accessible in the light of Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and in Gödel Incompleteness Theorem. Finally, we declare from July 2020 "The End of Old Systems - The Beginning of New Era / Thế Giới Cũ Tận - Thế Vào Thiên Đàng Mới", consequences of all human "blah blah blah as exposed here 2015-05-04 from the blinds and unworthy people" touching elephants" of "Định / #Samadhi", "Niệm / #Awareness", and "Tuệ / #Prajna" 2020-06-07 - Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] - and esoteric degeneration from Self Glorification of claimed masters as exposed here 2020-05-30. The Beginning of New Era is discovered solutions of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to be publicly implemented in the proposed "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" beneficial to all involved parties evidenced in the collapse of degenerated esoteric / human Illuminati Elites due to underlying Natural Laws of the Consciousness. Identified students of KhaiPhong will theoretically and empirically verify the real discoveries of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác) { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } and of HuiNeng's #SanadhiPrajna { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" } via [ #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định ] { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi } enabling "identified qualities" statistically significant epistemic objectives in the new Science of Consciousness.
There are more than 36+ living students knowing this [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ] that some do not even recognise the precious quality and thought it is natural in all people up until 2022-01-26 by a Vietnamese in honestly exploring HuiNeng's VÔ NIỆM / Wu-Nien and/or being abnormal while most do not even have a moment of no thought [ Gotama's Jhanas of Selfless / Not-Self (infinite space, infinite consciousness) and Non-Thingness[D26] that no monk / nun / follower - except HuiNeng - has ever touched in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism right from the time of Gotama spreading his discoveries ] to waste more than 50% of their brain power in chatting mind and major portion of the rest via indoctrinated faked news leading to Wrong Efforts on unnecessary Sufferings (dukkha-dukkha), just like an infinite-thought Bodhisattva asking for help but cheated by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Lotus Sutra[D49]. This number of qualified people is growing as we publicise the precious quality to be ready for sharing crosscut all isms, religions, cultures, civilizations, nationalities, skin colors, male/female, etc. While waiting for the right time and place to scientifically work with other professionals in proper scientific environments of "Testable Moons", this writer personally points out and asks them (you who actually know) the following seven (7) depths of [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ] aka (also-known-as) #AwarenessPrajna (Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác) as explained in the next section the relationship of this #Awareness with Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness. Due to its "Consciousness of the consciousness / Outside-The-Box" functionality and practical outcomes actually known in KhaiPhong Inner Circle, we will scientifically deliver this "Harmonious Melting Pot" impersonally priotized via Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna in KpPlatform to serve as the verifiable manifested utilities of Gotama's achievable Signed Posts. We will prove in the next section Gotama's #Awareness / Mindfulness must be [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh ] capable in "Riding The Ox" or above all your physical and mental manifestations since you are qualified by Mother Nature as a person, even if you are in negative Fibonacci degeneration that you can honestly test yourself in your "Extreme Desire" since you still have a chance to change yourself and the environment toward What Count. Please Help Stop all the blah blah blah of "cheating Buddhist Mindfulness / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" - especially from the monks and nuns knowing nothing about this Gotama's advice[D22] having No Minute of #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / No-Thingness asked by the Infinite Thought Bodhisattva in Lotus Sutra[D49] - having no moment of natural Detachment and Relaxation, then Have #Honesty & #Care. The first five (5) verifiable depths of transcendental [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien / Vô Niệm ] up until the fifth level of Awaring "the source of one's thought and its driving force" effectively serve being At Home or 100% "#Honesty" to properly manage oneself; the last two provide power to "#Care" for oneself and the environment toward What Count:
- HonNhien / Naturally Unaffected Freshness x1 = 1. Reverse engineering the conditions that naturally lead to the [ HonNhien / Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity ] state from as early as you can remember; your pattern at the right conditions can help many of similar patterns and can be detected by AI to enable your discovery likely be an epistemic objective. Your approved process - evaluated by a qualified Budh counsellor with or without financial supports - starts from the required conditions of "Body-Mind Cleaning appropriate to modern time from 2025 forward thanks to LLM model of AI advocated by ShenHsiu" that others may explore for your feedback and help. Hence, just with right conditions - very popular in current Health Clubs with Yoga, Qi Gong, steam room, hot tub, #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền Định) at simple Japanese garden rendering practical aspiration with whatever mean most natural to you { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi }, etc - together with the process "secret sauce" led by people "actually knowing WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / #Awareness / KiếnTánh", many can cluster together to jointly develop with measurable scientific results the initial process to reclaim one's "Buddha Nature / #GodKingdom within / Latin Humanitas" of Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds. PrajnaTIPs from your "Reversed-Engineering Specialized Sauce" such as this proven #PrajnaTIP in Sound enables easier and deeper #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental Inner Peace serving as a natural detoxification of tainted senses and dissolving unworthy outdated marks { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } for the manifestations of #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác and #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi }. Thus, with appropriate conditions of "Body & Mind Cleaning", #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền-Định and #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác can happen and manifest at any place and time. Riding on advanced reasoning AI, there are two specialized custom agents, Free for each registered user at entry level in exchange for securely accessing your private data in scientific researches just like current Health Research which are under your control including the default Free Agents: one for interaction with the outside world (agent1) for measurenents of the community norm PLUS your digital extension to the outside world 24-hour-a-day, and one for improvements of its internal power (agent2) for cultivation of the InnerSpace with visible outcomes of Transcendental Inner-Peace Right #Samadhi Y, Transcendental #Awareness X, and complex Fibonacci evaluation F(Y, X) such as Qi in this demonstration of your Inner Cloud and Outer Cloud. Based on our discovered layered No-Conflict Consciousness expressed as your private "InnerSpace" around F-dimension of the mathematical model, the foundation of this "#Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien" as explained below is [ #KindnessEmpathy >< ComPassion ]. Almost all Buddhist monks / nuns / followers, Christian priests, meditation centre, or religious monastery cannot deliver this "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" where "Faith / Aloof from Sense Desire" can be a part of the secret sauce. The observation is based on painful lessons from esoteric higher realms of Buddhas, Gods, Allah, etc, and entire human history on duality efforts based on Greed and Fears of "I win You loose" that generates tremendous stresses and crimes driven by masters of Pavlov slaves / dogs to ultimately destroy both masters - typically known as a shared experience of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva - and slaves. Thanks to being at the right conditions and time, the underlying technologies to scientifically deliver and test HuiNeng Wu-Nien and Gotama Transcendental #Awareness are discovered and actually known by living students in KhaiPhong to properly train and produce pipe lines of elites so they can be "seeds due to manifestations of #Prajna / Wisdom" in all relevant fields to change humanity and intelligent realms. Remember what you actually know about "#Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien" having naturally "Free / Fresh Mind" as the outcome, making you more calm and relax yearned by most people such as the Infinite Thought Bodhisattva and religious leaders but cheated by Buddhist Lotus Sutra (Saddharma Puṇḍarīka[D49]). What we ask is the "reversed engineering" of optimal conditions and secret sauce to make the pattern of outcome happened to many others. See below the same things happened to Gotama and HuiNeng discoveries about #AwarenessPrajna, #DhyanaSamadhi and #SamadhiPrajna that they have not yet discovered optimal conditions leading to their precious and visible outcomes in Making Life Easier and Happier, so millions others would have the same precious qualities.
- Proper Management of that Freshness x2 = 1. How to properly manage that Freshness HonNhien mind when you are really disturbed, exposed in Buddhist Wise Attention[D28] and "Riding The Ox" to be contributed by world-wide concern Buddhists - which can still be on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, not yet in Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness - as the internal condition for the modified[D26] eightfold path. When scientifically cultivable "#Prajna" is wide spread in many elites of specialized domains and fields, the consciousness technologies will enable all agents of changes required ingredients to turn wherever they are the "Wise Attention" of Hegelian Dialectics such as the changing from Capitalism to Communism and then Inclusive Capitalism without changing the behind-the-scene fundamental driving forces of all concerned parties in Greed and Fears, Making Life Easier and Happier in one's Continuity of the Consciousness via #Prajna Dialectic and making happened
From Hegelian to Prajna Dialectic
Địa Lợi Nhân Hòa / Strategic Position Human Harmony
Kinh Bang Tế Thế / National Management Helping Humanity.The Haves / Stakeholders / HaveNots
Have Raison D'être and
Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good. - Knowing conditions to make up that Freshness x3 = 2. Clearly see the conditions making up (a) an effortless natural detachment, or (b1) your own ways of effort, (b2) Buddhist Wise Attention[D28], (b3) Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei[R11] then contact us, exploring how we together can properly expose your precious qualities for the benefits of humanity as suggested in above step 1 and 2 using KhaiPhong PWA (Progressive Web App) user-facing mu. Working at this level, you scientifically explore a precious process that both Gotama and Jesus had only a glimpse in the innate "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" that there exists an "#Awareness" separating from a manifestation such as "your breath or prayer" called your "InnerSpace" in facing the focused event that we represent as a #Prajna perpendicular to the duality plane seen from your "Layered-No-Conflict-Consciousness" of #Prajna or from "cunning intelligence" to squeeze other party to "unfair trade" where "your breath, prayer, and duality happen". Within the manifestation, you can sense the true energy vibrations behind the superficial gestures so behind-the-scene real motivations that many 1000+ years of all isms and organised religions - performed by unworthy people - can be sensed, clearly visible, and publicly exposed as we have been doing since 2007. It is how "Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness" can Be Aware different higher Jhanas from Purity to Non-Thingness to Unmoving Sunyata[D29], [D30] - since a [ thought / idea / concept ] of Non-Thingness is "Not Non-Thingness according to Thing-As-It-Is", exposing the author of Buddhist Visuddhimagga[D31] (the Path of Purification) - that 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes in all forms of meditations cannot deliver due to not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. So do the people using Faith but not bounded by any name and/or image to be in the Freshness of { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }. It is the "Secret Sauce" - beside the technology using the charming force of Sunyata Non-Thingness on top of all forms of Aspirations such as the Buddhist "Aloof from Sense Desires" taught by Gotama to his monks - that we will work with identified students to make it happened for billions other faithfuls that Gotma, Jesus, Muhammad have not known due to Not Knowing the Dependent Nature of layered No-Conflict Consciousness - in facing the focused event - naturally evolving according to positive Fibonacci sequence to see the #Prajna plane, perpendicular to the duality plane for a #Prajna Dialectic riding on one's Comparative Advantages applicable to all activities and relationships in the new Era of human Higher Consciousness, or naturally degenerated according to negative Fibonacci sequence to use Hegelian Dialectic of cunning intelligence observable in top religious and political (communist autocracy and/or US President Trump 2.0 from 2025 in the group yearning for Self Power) leaders rendering all involved parties worse-off. Just see conflicting evolution of humanity with local and world wars, changing from Feudalism to Capitalism, Communism, Inclusive Captalism, etc, of Hegelian Dialectic versus a possible New Era of #Prajna Dialectic in Harmonious Melting Pot of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna to drive the Invisible Hand of Economics. This is the precised definition of "Transcendental #Awareness[D26]", an ability to see a separation of #Awareness high above all conditioned manifestations plus the true energy vibrations from intentions behind the visible manifestations. Only at this level, one can see how vulnerable one's mind being hacked plus "detachment from faked News" bombarded by idealism using Word/Image and binding Thoughts in praying and the prayers, further enhanced by communism driven by their extreme Greed and Fears. This "Transcendental #Awareness" has different depths or heights recorded as different Signed Posts having different penetrations into conditioned manifestations according to Thing-As-It-Is. The deeper/higher one can actually have the separation of this #Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness from the changing and conditioned and/or hacked manifestations, the more natural "Detachment and HonNhien" (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity) one can be that entire 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism missed due to the blah blah blah of unworthy people in Gotama's Buddhist communities right from the beginning he was trying to spread his precious discoveries[D45]. This is the level we encourage those knowing Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness and HuiNeng's WuNien setting up a "Public Node" in KhaiPhong infrastructure to get deeper inputs from higher qualified students while generating a movement actually and personally known by the identified student to empirically challenge - once and for all at world scale - claimed Buddhist meditation masters, teachers and dedicated explorers spending many of their life times either to search for deliverable and measurable solutions or "get out of the way" in their cheating processes.
- Discovering scientific process to naturally produce the Freshness x4 = 3. Work out scientific processes as we have done for optimal cultivation of Effortless Natural Detachment suggested by (1) KhaiPhong as Compassion-Prajna { "[ Compassion = Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) ] and [ #Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Morality ] plus [ #Prajna = True Intention >< Thing-As-It-Is >< Strategic Position ] in [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] " }, (2) HuiNeng as #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền Định) { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Dhyana ], and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is [ #Samadhi ] } and #SamadhiPrajna { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }, or (3) Gotama as #AwarenessPrajna { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }.
The outcome of which is our sponsored deliverable technologies of Verifiable Emptiness to detoxify one's tainted mind from all isms, religions, customs, and outdated marks including faked News, unworthy déjà vu and/or worthy déjà vu but at wrong tainted perception typified in "Lucky" Trần Quốc Tuấn or XYZ, etc, for a Freshness in Engaged Living. This is a New Era of AwakeningBudh where normative but measurable and verifiable discoveries are parts of the rigorous science, deliverable due to discovered consciousness technologies known by actual living students and custom AI in 5G / 6G Open RAN (Radio Access Network) and Cognitive Agents technologies where a legal entity is both a consumer and producer in the life time as both an accountable creator and part of the responsible Human Creation.
It is not easy to have a scientific process as we have done that we know not even available in higher realms. The writer wishes to have it - together if possible with PrajnaTIP in Kindness plus Others - scientifically exposed and statistically measured before he leaves the present life to enable humanity as the first realm this knowledge seed is growing to effortlessly wipe out " cheating processes of the past degenerated Elites up to 2025 from all isms and religions (the cited video was deleted) trying to enslave humanity into their "conflicting spots of consciousness" via binding World/Image and clinging Thought to glorify their degenerated self Not Fit to be naturally qualified as a humanitas (Biology, Compassion, #Prajna). It is a dedicated research with esoteric suggestions from many connected friends in 50+ years. He wishes to briefly report his journey in these connecting points since one cannot know what will happen tomorrow due to the existence of both Good and Dark forces, but all must go according to underlying natural laws to be discovered and Shared to Free everyone from "Prisons Without Bars" in masters-slaves relationships of these unworthy people.
By 2023, the writer knows that he "IS the Head of a Family Leanage" in the dragon realm. He determines to change the current autocratic feudal system - Phật Vương - to "Democracy" where all qualified members [ the Haves >< the Stakeholdes >< the HaveNots ] Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good have [ Equal Opportunities / Bình Đẳng ] to contribute the testable "Right" and "Unworthy" according to underlying natural laws clearly evidenced in the case of Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ, a claimed Zen Master and teacher of the claimed Buddha King Trần Nhân Tông directed by Invisible Hand of Scientifically Cultivable Prajna via Invisible Hand of Economics to "#Care" for oneself and the environments the welfare of the Community / THẾ GIỚI ĐẠI ĐỒNG from 2023-05-03 / Inner Peace >< Outer peace / Chiến Tranh Vụt Biến Đại Đồng Hiện Ra due to #Honesty & #Care / Being Oneself / Hảy là Chính Mình actually knowing Scientifically Cultivable Prajna transcending all conflicting Thoughts / Isms / Civilizations / Religions, value-adding to Scientific Discoveries of verifiable and testable actual Outcomes of [ Real Persons / Hưởng (Ăn, Cơ Hội) Thật and Real Works / Làm Thật ] via the newly established "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" using human RPA (Robotic Process Automation) cognitive technologies in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The persona "Digital Cognitive Assistant" applicable to most persona / person-group-organization up to elites who can [ Clone Outer Body / Phân Thân ] in different realms. There is a consciousness technology this writer is practicing to be fully TRANSPARENT between realms without being hindered by different structures of outer bodies. Nevertheless, secure RPA persistent data operated and accumulated from different realms is the down-to-earth most practical solution for the Best money can buy.
The "Democracy" can be sustainable if and only if there is a sufficient base at the grassroots to personally know #Prajna Dialectic for implementing the Culture of #Honesty & #Care in many important domains and fields, Making Life Easier and Happier. His efforts together with KhaiPhong Inner Circle - an extension of Ashoka's Inner Circle to complete their Right Effort in the human realm - will be the preparation steps and definitely continued similar to what he currently plans for human realm with KhaiPhong Corporation as an executive arm to make happened strategic vision and taget of the invited-only AwakeningBudh NfP Council to assure Scientific Researches of underlying natural laws - "#TRUTH" - sustainable and the [ Source of Wisdom / "Campus of the World #Prajna / Vườn Ươm của Trí Tuệ Thế Giới" to direct Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count for evolution according to Thing-As-It-IS to be DISCOVERED and SHARED with or without the founder.
Let's start from Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }. All manifestations are conditioned including the continuity of Gotama, Jesus, and higher beings in higher realms due to the second law of thermodynamics. Scientifically identified right conditions, one can have Right Living according to Natural Laws to be discovered and shared that we have discussed in our inner and extended circles. The breakthrough of Gotama's discoveries contains in his first[D20] and second[D20.1] discourse of Not-Self or Selfless where he rationally explained the changing and conditions of all manifestations to prove they are not permanent Self to be grasped. He did expose the (modified) Eightfold Path with smart pointer "#Prajna" as the first division for RightUnderstanding and RightMotivation while recognizing the reality of tainted senses, but not the scientifically required conditions via smart pointer #Awareness of Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness type instead of "Right Mindfulness" leading to what he actually knew of Thing-As-It-Is from reality of tainted senses.
"Emptiness Is Not the Dependent Nature" that unworthy people - not knowing yet claimed to Know not seeing yet claimed to See[D19] - have fooled and bullied humanity in the name of Buddhist Sanghas for 2500+ years up to 2023! One - "Emptiness to Non-Thingness and Beyond" - is an actual consciousness verifiable state under the right conditions to be discovered and shared for reborn and rejuvenation of the wear and tear from conditioned existence. That verifiable state of consciousness at different depths is Dependent on its foundation which is "Body & Mind" to be taken care of for the manifestation of Higher Consciousness to direct present existence via "#Prajna Dialectic", riding on one's unique Comparative Advantages toward What Count. "Cleaning" or taking care of "Body & Mind" is always the first and starting point that real benefits are observable, testable, and cultivable. The other - "Dependent Nature on both duality plane of conflicting event and in No-Conflict consciousness of #Prajna (outside-the-box) plane" orthogonal to the duality plane - is an underlying natural law to be discovered and scientifically verified. There is "wrong Dependent Nature" employed by Buddhist monks and nuns to perpetuate their claimed "masters-slaves" relationships, and "right Dependent Nature" according to discovered natural laws in "Making Life Easier and Happier" actively contributed by many dedicated explorers where both Gotama and Jesus were among them. The result are Buddhist tautologies only recently exposed by this writer (1) [ Ignorance >< Not understanding Fourfold Truth ] and (2) [ Not Having Right Transcendental Inner Peace >< Not Having Right Understanding ]. The outcomes are cheating processes of #AwarenessPrajna in 2500+ years of his Buddhist Sanghas.
The key point is to discover underlying natural laws of #Prajna that Gotama only had a glimpse, similar to "The Kingdom of God from within" that Jesus had a glimpse but cheated by the esoteric Father in his dark force of masters-slaves relationships that the dark forces have successfully knocked out Gotama's discoveries in Buddhist Sanghas right at the time of Gotama active spreading the Dharma[D45]. Yet, dedicated explorers have continued to push on with scholastic studies at Nalanda University in India and from China HuiNeng's value added attributes in WuNien, #DhyanaSamadhi, #SamadhiPrajna. Thanks to these value-added attributes - plus actually knowing all recorded Gotama's known consciousness states[D29], [D30] - the writer sees entire cheating processes of Buddhism to scientifically point out that "Buddhist Samatha is Not #Samadhi and Buddhist Vipassana is Not #Prajna" which is another way to say Gotama's instructions of "#Awareness of breathing Anapanasati[D24] and "the Great Frames of Reference" MahaSatipatthana Sutta (Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] applicable only to him at his "##AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" to validate his advice to Ajita's Questions { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22].
This is so due to three major reasons to be later statistically verified at KhaiPhong implementations of Gotama's modified eight-fold path where "Right Mindfulness is qualified and replaced by Transcendental #Awareness type" personally testified by HuiNeng: (1) Gotama's Anapanasati[D24] and MahaSatipatthana Sutta (Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] demand as a priority actual experiences of "No Conflict Consciousness" known by Gotama when he was a child i.e. personally tasting different consciousness states of his recorded Jhanas[D29], [D30] that he lost six years of hard works in all duality techniques of conflicting consciousness, (2) Anapanasati and MahaSatipatthana Sutta are at conflicting consciousness and the conflicting consciousness cannnot reach No-Conflict consciousness as illustrated in Figure 2 unless they arrive at the common line of [ X - Y ] plane perpendicular to the plane of conflicting consciousness which is easier and natural via [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ], (3) one can reach the [ X - Y ] plane via concentration and cunning intelligence but that only lead to glorification of the Self, impossible to verify the Sunyata Nothingness (Gotama's senventh Jhana) to actually know Thing-As-It-Is Notself / Selfless. That Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objective was personally known by Gotama from his two Hindu teachers which is the portal to the Self-Selfless Actualizaton in transcending both the Observed and the Observer toward Non-Thingness for reborn and rejuvenation. Another key difference between Gotama's Right #Samadhis or Transcendental Inner-Peace versus the concentration from cunning intelligence - mathematically represented at minute 6:25 and minute 7:00 of Complex Fibonacci Number - is the concentration can ride ONLY on one's personal experience in one's store-house of the consciousness which will be at some point surpassed by modern AI, while Gotama's Transcendental Inner Peace can enable the third consciousness of the self[D19] completely SILENT in "Transcending the Observed and Observer" to access information from the field generated by all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward. But from the time of trying to the time becoming state of #Prajna then from the state of #Prajna to stock of #Prajna for immediate action visible in the case of Gotama and Jesus take a very long time. This has been an empirical observation when we sense the interference of Good Forces before 2012 to protect the Vietnamese reinmcarnation of HuiNeng as a front-line soldier since 2004.
Without passing the third Jhana[D29] pegged by Gotama as the required level of his "Right Mindfulness" toward the seventh Jhana of Nothingness, almost all monks / nuns right at the time Gotama spreading his Discoveries cheat themselves up to 2025 with Mindfulness as the claimed enlighten monk Thich Nhat Hanh and/or blah blah blah at "Emptiness and NotSelf / Tính Không và Vô Ngã" as this Thích Lệ Minh 2023-12-07 teaching the world Buddhist Vô Ngã / Not-Self[D30] from a newly formed Vietnamese Buddhist University in USA (the video was deleted).
The description Is Not the Described of your Realities, just like the blah blah of Thich Nhat Hanh cheating himself and others for a living with a "smile" in the morning then all your burdens and sufferings will go away. The monk and all Buddhist monks / nuns / followers / Universities / Institutions from the time of Nalanda University up to 2025 know nothing about Dependent Nature from [ conflicting consciousness / Relative Truth ] to [ No-Conflict consciousness / Ultimate (Wider) Truth[D38] / Perfected Nature[D39] ] in #EmptyTheContent (Tính Không), far from Not-Self / Selfless rendering Gotama's teaching to Spread his Discoveries into a cheating religion and/or inappropriate in engaged living. Then What? "Dependent Nature" is a process due to conditioned existence while "Emptiness and Not-Self / Vô Ngã" is a state of consciousness to be scientifically verifiable for discovering underlying natural laws in Intelligent Beings' Right evolution. There are many scientifically cultivable processes to reach "these states of Emptiness[D29], [D30] incapable to deliver in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas - cooking sands to sell as rice - Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seing yet claimed to see[D19], violating Gotama's fundamantal ethic "Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối". They will be deliverable in KhaiPhong as Signed Posts. This is "not a verbal attack", but statement of Fact verifiable in scientific methods for the Dignity of humanity!
Yet the writer formed the Prajna Pagoda in Calgary Canada at the end of 1978 since #Prajna is scientifically cultivable to reclaim one's "The Kingdom of God within / The Buddha Nature / Latin Humanitas" - having public support of Vietnamese Buddhist Community - and legally incorporated it in 1979 with his own money to avoid the religious conversions and social pressures for early Vietnamese refugees. There were at least four (4) attempts by professional and legitimate Vietnamese Buddhist monks - including the current head monk - to change the incorporated "Prajna Pagoda / Chùa Bát Nhã" into different names and/or take over the credits of the Vietnamese Buddhist Community in Calgary Canada legally formed since 1979. Many came to alert this writer about internal conflicting plots to gain total control of the organisation. But he did not do anything nor express any opinion to test an esoteric vision if Gotama's discoveries about #Prajna and Transcendental #Awareness[D26] worthy to revitalise and scientifically deliver since up to 2025 only few monks / nuns / followers in and outside VietNam know this Transcendental #Awareness { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" with or without possible #Samadhis as described by Gotama[D26] }; yet any signal and/or vibration unknown by others/messengers but relevant to one's current intensity-of-attention is immediately recognised and connected. If you are a Buddhist monk, nun, follower, sympathiser, etc, and know this Transcendental #Awareness at different depths, please follow your intuition - including active participation in creating and/or running ThankYou / GsLp Clubs - to be invisibly connected to your esoteric circles, changing yourself and the environment towards What Count that you have dedicated many of your life times in the Right Dharma. The corrupted Vietnamese monks were far below the claimed enlighten monk, insignificant to a much bigger task of delivering #Prajna and Transcendental #Awareness helping humanity regaining the innate "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas". All of them do not know the danger of being religious mafias - not even qualified to be persons waiting for them according to Natural Laws coming from painful lesson and personally shared by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva - sabotaging Gotama's discoveries for many lives, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. The astral body of a monk in the esoteric dark force - attempting to drive the country toward masters-slaves cheating rituals at national scale, Thích Trí Quảng head of Vietnam Buddhist Research Institute (Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam) at that time - was led to dialogue with this writer astral body after the writer contacted via email the institute about the very early draft of this book. Before that - after contacting the claimed enlighten monk via email of what the writer would publicly expose him - the astral body of Thích Nhất Hạnh was let to a formal "special human meeting" with the writer physical presence together with the "esoteric participation of Nagarjuna and the claimed zen master Tuệ Trung Thượng Sĩ (teacher of claimed Buddha King Trần Nhân Tông) using the broadcasting mind of the living "reincarnation of HuiNeng" that all can directly communicate in their own language having no need of translators. (The astral bodies of the Dalai Lama XIV and many elites of different countries possibly affecting humanity also had this unique experience that the writer ask if you still remember something, please Share from your own perspective). If both of you - Dr. Thích Nhất Hạnh and Dr. Thích Trí Quảng - still remember anything (like a dream) you must do something for the quality of your consciousness that Only You Can Know, otherwise it will be too late for many 1000+ years later shared by the degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva! According to Dr. Thích Trí Quảng "cuối đời, 8 năm, Phật nói kinh Pháp hoa, nhưng nghiên cứu theo lịch sử thì cuối đời Phật không nói Pháp hoa / at the end of Gomama's life, Gotama discoursed Lotus Sutra, but according to historical evidences, Gotama did not discourse the Lotus Sutra[D49]". This proved the esoteric interference to humanity similar to "the biblical narrative of God asking Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac". One Canadian student - actually knowing "#Awareness / Kiến Tánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness"[D26] and likely coming from a family whose three members all know this consciousness state - told the writer that he had troubled with this incidence for a long time until he met the writer. This writer wishes to reveal personally known esoteric stories and to initially report scientific evidences in his 50+ years of field researches. About the question "Về lịch sử không có Phật A Di Đà. Vậy các anh em nói có Phật A Di Đà hay không / According to historical evidence, there is no Amitabha Buddha. So, would you say there is no "Amitabha - Infinite Light" Buddha"? Yes, there was claimed Amitabha - "Infinite Light" Buddha - but already degenerated according to natural laws due to Not-Knowing the "Foundation of Awareness / Layered-No-Conflict-Consciousness" whose layered Dependent Nature is briefly revealed here while waiting for AI to statistically prove the discovered process. The process rooted in "#Prajna Normative Intelligence" - comprising of (1) #Awareness / KiếnTánh / Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien whose qualities are presented in this section, (2) #Awareness of the Awaken separated from the manifestations of both focused event and No-Conflict Consciousness at different Signed Posts, and (3) the Layered InnerSpace rated at positive Fibonacci evolution, leading to the manifestation of #Prajna and its utility in facing the focused event at measurable Right Effort - will be parts of theoretical foundation of KpPlatform to be empirically verified as statistically significant epistemic objectives. Empirical evidences from all those actually knowing "#Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness" indicate that they all have [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] at different depths. The layer starts at "Kindness (TỪ)" observable in daily activities and relationships. The innate quality of "Kindness" deepens into "Empathy (BI)" that makes you help others like your own pains which widen / deepen your perspective in seeing Thing-As-It-Is in applying your unique comparative advantages. Your "#Prajna / Wisdom" is indirectly measurable at the bottom line of your efforts which say something about your positive and normative needs in allocating your scare resources. The collapse of esoteric circle - evidenced in the time lines of its activities and predictions - is well known from Internet. The fact that "Prajna Pagoda / Chùa Bát Nhã" is still there gave this writer incentive to expose 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes, starting from 2007 with "the claimed enlighten monk Thích Nhất Hạnh". Yet, the cheating processes continue up to Vesak 2019 in VietNam since it has been the National Strategic Policy with huge investments in and outside the country directed by the Vietnamese Communist Mafias that the writer must ask concerned parties to directly challenge all Buddhist monks / nuns / followers / scholars / Universities & Institutions / dedicated explorers / philosophers / scientists / engineers, etc, their actual understanding - not from any XYZ - and the bottom-line scientifically observable and proven deliverable processes of "Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác"[D22] partially exposed here by a Not-Yet finishing grade-1 Vietnamese. The Buddhist cheating process must be stoped and the real "Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" will be scienfifically tested and deliverable by KhaiPhong at the Right time. Once KpPlatform is available, one's private InnerSpace of "IamX" is securely guarded at Free and/or very Affordable price for you to know more about yourself and be an "Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation" in all your Activities and Relationships at all Places. You are both a consumer and a producer where measurable outcomes are parts of your Right Evolution or Wrong Degeneration determined by Invisible Hands of scientifically caltivable Prajna and Economics in your very long Continuity of the consciousness. We seriously warn unworthy people that you cannot cheat Natural Laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes coming from the darkness in your quality of the identified consciousness that Only You can determine the Continuity of your Consciousness either floating up or sinking down according to Natural Law[D32]: (1) RIGHT CONCENTRATION AND MENTAL WELL BEING by Bkhikkhuni Dr. Hue Lien, (2) FIVE PRINCIPLES OF GLOBAL LEADERSHIP by Most Ven. Thich Nhat Tu, (3) MOMENTS TO MIND: PRINCIPLES OF BUDDHIST LEADERSHIP AND THE PROCESS OF COGNITION IN THE SAUTRĀNTIKA SCHOOL by Benjamin Joseph Goldstein, (4) TO ACHIEVE MINDFUL LEADERSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE PEACE: SUGGESTING A BUDDHIST WAY OF JOSASEON (PATRIARCHAL ZEN) PRACTICE by Ven. Dr. Jinwol Dowon, etc. Cultural and National Identity must stand on the true contributions to humanity - Making Life Easier and Happier - as actually done by LaoTzu, Gotama, Socrates, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, XuanZang, etc, where faked news and propaganda from all isms and religions trying to enslave humanity on the duality plane of conflicting events based on Greed and Fears are incompatible with the innate "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas". Everything must come from "The Heart" in Actual Living of Compassion-Prajna that may be invisibly manifested in many 1000+ years of human new Era of Conscious Living - Making Life Easier and Happier. It is now impossible to continue the faked news and cheating rituals in today Global Village due to scientifically discovered underlying Natural Laws and availability of many living students, ready to bring some Freshness based on their many thousand years of trial and error to the table purely driven by Invisible Hands of #Prajna and Economics. Similarly, once cultivable "#Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience" is scientifically deliverable, the time for billions Christians to personally discover "Kingdom of God within / Consciousness of the Awaken / Latin Humanitas / #EmptyingTheContent / Buddha Nature" and actually knowing the "Empty State / HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity)" described by Jesus as "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven"Matthew 18:3. This is so since this writer has identified two living Christians actually knowing [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness ] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } using their aspiration tools as "Faith and Music". He told them that Jesus knew this state via Faith as an aspiration tool, but has not yet discovered the "secret sauce" for switching the high Aspiration using Faith to the transcendental aesthetic state known to him as "the kingdom of God is within you”Luke 17:20-21. Knowing this state you can see "Thing-As-It-Is" on the duality plane of conflicting event, and your strategic position to change the event toward What Count - #Prajna Dialectic - irrespective of the event you have your focused attention. The writer is only a front-line soldier for his Inner Circle and circles of inner circle where many can scientifically contribute as what exposed in this book from different angles of actual living that all Buddhist and Christian unworthy people - no matter what positions they are holding - are effortlessly out. The issue here is that the core discoveries require you to experience non-conceptual (transcendental) meditation scientifically contributed by HuiNeng as #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền Định) { "To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi } and #SamadhiPrajna { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }. If you do not have actual experience, your description is just like a "blind touching imaginary elephant" blah blah blah in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating processes described in "so many fingers pointing to different painted moons". Even if you repeat exact "word by word" of the one who knows, you - the cheater - are easily debunked by the one who knows in few more steps of explorations such as the meaning and proven deliverable processes of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22]. it is the challenge to all papers presented at Vesak 2019 and a serious warning to their authors such as the claimed Most Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu, a hardcore cunning Buddhist monk evidenced and based on his tracked records from the beginning of his professional career as a Vietnamese legitimate Buddhist monk up until 2025. The minimum qualification in the new Era of Conscious Living is the reclaim of your innate [ "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" ], verifiable in actual knowing of [ Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness / Jesus's Kingdom of God within / HuiNeng's WuNien / Krishnamurti Blank Mind / KhaiPhong's #Awareness as the target - Kiến Tánh làm tông ] at different cultivable depths. This Thing-As-It-Is forces all religions and isms to deliver the same target of "Innate Human Quality" or get out of the way in their 1000+ years of cheating processes driven by Greed and Fears, rather than Beyond in Higher Consciousness. You definitely cannot hide from those who can sense energy vibrations! The bottom line of all isms - where religions and Buddhism are parts - in masters-slaves relationships to enslave humanity and intelligent beings on the duality plane of conflicting events via Greed and Fears is that the controlling power came from "esoteric entities having their armies of human slaves in controlling positions". These behind-the-scene controlling "handlers" have other layers of "hardcore mafias" to run their "directed shows". The esoteric feudal systems were totally collapsed under "Natural Laws" of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes, starting from the end of 2012 up to 2025. Only then significant things can happen in intelligent realms of existence from humanity upward since the surviving members have their own "Conscience" of Right and Wrong to determine the courses of their "Continuity of the Consciousness / MUÔN KIẾP NHÂN SINH" of the light or heavy of their present qualities of the consciousness. They are "No Longer slaves to esoteric bullies". By pointing out "The Truth" and having discovered technologies - together with available qualified people actually knowing these technologies due to their accidentally right in very painful evolution of engaged doing and living - to enable most people reclaiming their innate "qualities" being parts of intelligent assets, we together can start a new Era of Conscious Living toward What Count. It is transcending religions, nationalities, civilisations, skin colours, languages, etc, purely driven by Invisible Hands of Prajna and Economics to be discovered and shared for a smaller part of bigger and expanding pie in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Gotama, HuiNeng, (Jesus for western civilisation), and many mystics from other traditions have not discovered optimal conditions and scientific processes to move from Relative Truth on duality plane of conflicting consciousness to [ Ultimate (Wider) Truth / the Buddha Nature / the Kingdom of God within / there is no god but God ] orthogonal to the duality plane and the plane of directed consciousness from humanity upward that they actually know. Since all manifestations are conditioned according to the second law of thermodynamics, discovering scientific processes for these manifestations to be "Shared" will enable most people reclaim their innate [ "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" ]. Quality descriptions known by these dedicated explorers such as "#Awareness, Detachment, Kindness, Empathy, Love, etc," cannot be directly measurable at different heights/depths, but the quality of #Prajna can be indirectly measurable due to the outcomes of one's efforts in actual engaged living which can be related back to one's self-rated quality and current major targets of AI custom feeds to honestly know more about oneself. It signifies one's quality of the consciousness and the need of further cultivation to help one and the environment "Making Life Easier and Happier". This will be the first time Dharmapala-XuanZang's Consciousness of the consciousness can be statistically rated, measurable, and proven to answer the question we ask what wrong with Chinese Wisdom and Practicalities that XuanZang had to risk his life in search for the Raison D'être of Humanity. This "Raison D'être" is basically a discovered manifested "#Prajna / #Awareness / Gnosis / Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Ultimate (Wider) Existence / Perfected Nature / Self Nature" that we mathematically represent as a plane of No-Conflict Consciousness perpendicular to the duality plane of conflicting events. The "Gnosis / Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries" is cultivable via discovering underlying natural laws and processes of manifested precious qualities actually known and discovered by Gotama's Signed Posts (his recorded 9 Jhanas) and by identified living students to kick-start KhaiPhong (7 levels of manifested WuNien). The theoretical proven "#Prajna / #Awareness / Gnosis / Humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Ultimate (Wider) Existence / Perfected Nature / Self Nature" is also known as ‘the object of stainless gnosis is stainless gnosis itself because of it being aware of itself’. This is also the first time the "Gnosis / Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries" can be scientific and deliverable via reversed engineering the manifested Spiritual Mysteries from identified living students at different angles of the past claimed "Gnossis" such as religions, cultures, civilisations, philosophies, languages, skin colours, classes, etc. That "Gnosis / Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries" is basically a "No-Conflict #Awareness / #Prajna" outside the tainted intelligence from the layers of one's duality consciousness "physical layer, energy / astral layer, carry-on consciousness layer" to look at the focused event As-It-Is and one's strategic position with required conditions to change the event according to discovered underlying Natural Laws, and statistically significant proven processes to be shared as a part of the movement toward What Count. It is so, since only in engaged living one can change oneself and the environment where one will be a part. The quality of one's consciousness dictates the environment one is a part due to natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. Once the "Gnosis / Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries" are wide spread via science and proven knowledge to Free oneself from binding Words/Images and clinging Thoughts - measurable at more than 1% of any community knowing [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } - there are "Invisible Harmonious Melting Pots" to "Do Without Doing / Wei-Wu-Wei" naturally force all conflicting religions, cultures, classes, civilisations, skin colours, genders, isms such as Capitalism - Communism - Inclusive Capitalism from Hegelian Dialectics, etc, to bring some real benefits to humanity in transparent and accountable manners, or "get out of the way". The cunning intelligence driven by Greed and Fears can be easily detected and exposed since the "Right and Wrong" come from the grassroots. It is the first time the "Haves / Stakeholders / HaveNots" are Exciting with Conscious Living and Opportunities to Do Good, invisibly driven by economics and directed by #Prajna of the Right and Wrong most relevant to one's present moments. Human Rights will be natural outcomes from self-respect and respect-others since everyone can change oneself and the environment toward What Count. The population and all other conflicting issues will be the first time solved by humanity having embedded quality of Gnosis under the lights of Sciences from all domains and fields of existence. Thanks to available living students actually knowing these consciousness states - including Chinese students rated at beyond the 5th level of WuNien - KhaiPhong will scientifically deliver the statistically proven processes to enable these precious discoveries being epistemic objectives known by humanity in enabling people the driving forces of [ technologies + processes + engineering ] in Making Life Easier and Happier, taking different angles "Trading - Technology - Finance" and/or "Industry - Infrastructure - Innovation" from 'Dialogue of Civilizations' and 'Clash of Civilizations' to be harmonized via Invisible Hands of #Prajna and Economics towards What Count. The upper hand is 'Not in the Dialogue according to China nor Clash according to US of Civilizations, Not in the egoistic hallucinations of either Christian Leadership in the name of God nor of KungTzu Leadership given by Heaven' but in human assets knowing more about themselves via Invisible Hands of Economics directed by cultivable #Prajna toward a Right Direction of What Count in all domains and fields of relative existence from the Trusted Leadership 4.0 of the Right Society 5.0. [ The official conclusion of WEF learned from China about KungTzu's "Trusted doctrine" was taken out which says something about the reality of "China, WEF and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer played on both sides of Hegelian Dialectic" on the Duality Plane of Conflicting consciousness, and the Source of Conflicts identified by China since 2019 as "A Clash of Civilizations". Civilizations and Cultures are human endeavors In Search for the TRUTH and the Raison D'être of one's Existence. Out of these Turbulances and the Lesson learned from the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods, possible Solution emerged from the new Era of Humanity centered around "Security" under the Rule-of-Law with latest evidence in US - South Korean - Japan Security Pack, "Development" toward What Count from humanity upward under scientifically cultivable Normative and Positive Intelligence, and "Diversity" in multi-polar world from different angles to the TRUTH emerging from BRICS 2023 Summit. It is the Key Solution KhaiPhong is trying to sell in a bigger scale to (1) China, (2) US/EU, and (3) Russia with Scientifically Cultivable Invisible Hand of #Prajna Dialectic ]. Here is the fundamental difference between Hegelian Dialectic in the vicious circle of action-reaction at macro levels such as Capitalism versus Communism, and then Inclusive Capitalism on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness wasting tremendous mind power in chatting consciousness having no moment of "Freshness / Freedom from the Known" and #Prajna Dialectic from the plane of No Conflict Consciousness knowing Thing-As-It-Is at different cultivable depths of #Prajna and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count - starting from 2025 onward in the new Era of Conscious Living - to be deliverable in KhaiPhong KpPlatform cultivable technologies. It starts at one's level of Transcendental #Awareness and #Prajna of knowing what most relevant to the present moment in one's Continuity of the Consciousness as an intelligent asset of a qualified human being. The evaluated feedback of one's effort - an indirect measurement of one's #Prajna and what needed to cultivate most relevant to the present moment - is an evidenced-based measurement of one's quality of the consciousness in the natural process of being an accountable Creator and a part of the responsible Human Creation, purely driven by Invisible Hand of Prajna and Economics transcending all isms where all conflicting organised religions are parts of wrong processes generating by unworthy people enslaving humanity on the conflicting plane driven by Greed and Fears. It is the True Meaning of Freedom (from the Known for a Freshness required in a Breakthrough) - reclaiming one's innate [ "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" ] - being in the Relative world (of biology) yet high above at different depths of [ "#AwarenessPrajna / #SamadhiPrajna / Compassion-Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth" ] to see Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count measurable at the bottom line of "Right Effort" in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. Many words had been spreading around that "who are you to form a Buddhist Pagoda", and that "your Buddhism is Not Vietnamese Buddhism". Recently, some even said "you formed Buddhist Pagoda to be against the established Roman Catholic Church, and strategically wipe out both at the right time!" "I am here Not to destroy anything but help Making Life Easier and Happier, Knowing Your Raison D'être. The outcome depends on aggregate efforts of all concerned parties." Back to the target of Right Living according to Natural Laws, value added attributes of HuiNeng have not led to tangible results but more cheating processes of claimed meditation masters. The writer must sense the Right Time for further exposing the "Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness" as exposed below and putting further efforts in expanding his circles of those who actually know these precious qualities but not fully being aware and/or being bullied by others Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. His inner circle and circles of inner circles are ready to help humanity regaining the innate "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God from within / Latin Humanitas" according to Natural Laws to direct modern Artificial Intelligence toward a Right Direction of What Count beyond the Greed and Fears of the collapsed dark forces. - Knowing the source of one's Thought x5 = 5. See if you are able to know "the source of your thought and its driving force" to effectively manage your reality and keep out both esoteric and human hacking in your mind - including Voodoo and signed contracts with blood coming from Buddhist Vajrayana - on equal ground of self respect and respect others according to the sense of Justice and Moral Value of the values as evidenced from painful lessons known by Illuminati elites and shared by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. Sensing "the source of your thought and its driving force" is the mechanism for Gotama's assertion that "[ #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental #Awareness ] can obstruct and restrict karmic flows[D22]" that 2500+ years of Buddhism cannot deliver, and is the gut of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva "final advice" in the question of "Thiên Y / Holding the Higher-Realm Orders and Tasks" to avoid the 60,000+ years past degeneration in higher realms. There are at least thirty-six (36) living students in KhaiPhong having the [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness ] capability to know the source of their thoughts and partly sense others' intentions. Producing pipelines of "qualified elites" via the implementation of Gotama's first discourse via EIP (Executive Information Portal) at sufficient critical mass will assure the tragedy of "masters-slaves" relationships driven by Greed and Fears will not happen wherever there are sufficient number of these elites since "Invisible Hand of Prajna" will naturally drive them doing something for the environment they are parts. Working at this level you will be amazed in the wonder of Nature where you are both an accountable creator and a part of the responsible Human Creation making happened the practicalities of Conscious Living in "Making Life Easier and Happier - Knowing Your Raison D'être". The separation of "#Awareness" as a state on the #Prajna (outside-the-box) plane of No-Conflict Consciousness perpendicular to the duality plane of all manifestations enables many possibilities that we lump together named "#Prajna Dialectic" actually known in KhaiPhong inner circle: (1) you actually know the separation of appearance (such as your breath in #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền Định) or a counter part in important event) and the energy vibration that Gotama did not know in his defects of [ Design-Build-Execution ] in teaching the "Buddhist Mindfulness of Breathing" (Anapanasati)[D24] and Vipassana (MahaSatipatthana)[D25] binding practitioner's mind with Self to outside manifestations rather than going to the core and quality of vibrations via #Awareness on the #Prajna (outside-the-box) plane of Ultimate (Wider) Truth which is Not-Self to be aware of your breath to the point of No-Outer-Breath in #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền Định), (2) knowing the core vibrations together with visible appearance, you can trace back the source of commanding vibrations to avoid "faked News[R8]" for current practical living and from conditioned cages imposing on humanity right from the beginning up until 2025 in masters-slaves relationships falsely claimed by esoteric and human unworthy people, (3) since everything is consciousness of vibrations, you can use your innate quality to spread the right conditions of [ Kindness >< Empathy ] and Sharing for everybody being a part. A student in our group is using this "intensity of attention" and detected by a Ukrainian-German friend who privately told him "your energy is very amazing and infectious since some greets me that I sense he/she was directed by your energy, you have to be careful and must do Good! If something happened, the writer will further explore with this friend about the energy sensing - actually knowing and actively exploring among members of the writer's inner circle - that the friend seems to have precious quality to change the world. We are now amazingly connected, just waiting for the right time and right place to make Things happened!
- Using cosmic energy x6 = 8 for self-protection. See if you can use cosmic energy to fight against dark forces and teach them a lesson of not messing around the discovered natural laws as physically and visibly demonstrated here[R11]. Up until 2018, there had been many reported suicides of very successful elites who could not handle esoteric hacking of their minds. Even within our Inner Circle, there have been many physical damages caused by esoteric external forces. It is not easy for them to accept the actuality of their degeneration due to "Wrong Effort" against Natural Laws whose underlying "Dependent Nature" is discovered and shared so others can ride on our dedicated efforts. So do unworthy people being their favoured slaves of many past generations in human realm. Discovered consciousness technologies and modern communications having KhaiPhong unique inputs of evaluated Right and Wrong Efforts together with discovered Consciousness Technologies in cultivable #Prajna - driven by invisible hands of #Prajna and Economics - will effortlessly render them unemployed! It is well known in the East (and different cultures) about Vajrayana Voodoo Spells and "Spirit to guard treasure / Thần giữ của" (the video was deleted) that use immoral "consciousness technologies" to control based on hacking other intelligent assets against underlying natural laws. The spell is effective if and only if (1) there exists a tainted sense of that type unconsciously embedded in one's mind, (2) one does not know the "#Awareness" separating from a manifestation rated from [ KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness ] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } at level 3 or above, (3) One's Natural Purification from HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna has not reached the state of #Awareness of the Awaken in all states of the consciousness (especially in sleeping and dreaming). See why there are so many Voodoo Spells and their popularity driven by Greed and Fears. It is the mind's binding and clinging forces - vòng kim cô / corona - to enable Voodoo Spells effective which are the driving forces (Greed and Fears) causing the degeneration of higher realms. Due to the changing underlying natural law (viparinama-dukkha) the intensity of binding and clinging forces is gradually fading away, so do the Spells including "Spirit to guard treasure / Thần giữ của" due to Natural Purification of the Whole according to underlying natural laws to be discovered and shared, unknown even in esoteric higher realms. Same scenario is applicable to accumulated resources directed by esoteric force and carried out by real people prepared for a co-competition after 2012, but failed due to the working of natural laws and involvements of both Good and dark forces. All involved parties claimed their major shares but there is no enforceable "Rules of Law" transparently known from underlying discovered Natural Laws in inter-realms relationships leading to the degeneration and tremendous sufferings in 60,000+ human years in higher realms and the past 5000+ years of humanity that they still persistently claim the legitimate of their degenerated systems of accomplished self with some modifications just like unworthy people in their major slaved religions. Surprisingly, the degeneration of accomplished self in Greed and Fears is very similar to the current events of Coronavirus and biological weapon of Agent Orange used in the past Vietnam war to gain an upper hand in ideological war between Capitalism and Communism, then its attempt to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships via Hegelian Dialectic to Inclusive Capitalism and/or Judea / Christian / Islamic ideals of the laws by the degenerated claimed masters[R20.5], rather than the cultivable #Prajna innate in one's Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God Within / Humanitas actually known by the Good Forces and circles of inner circles of KhaiPhong. Not Many of them know the Self-Selfless Actualization according to underlying Natural Laws to be discovered and Shared that why many have been degenerated, not even qualified as human beings having minimum qualified ComPassion-Prajna according to Natural Laws of "the light floating up"[D32] as defined in Latin Humanitas, Budh Nature, Kingdom of God within. Esoteric forces always claim their master position dedicated to their selected human beneficiary, and enforced according to their "Ruled by Law" where the Law is not applicable to them since they are masters! This is Not the case anymore due to the degeneration of the dark forces, and/or our "destruction of contracts signed in blood / thought-form matrix / snatching technologies / etc". Once all involved parties realise what most important to their quality of the consciousness, and their accumulated resources can be used to pay for the help of immediate benefits plus Value of the values to what most relevant to their Needs, we can help in both available and dedicated researches beneficial to all involved parties from related realms to humanity and their inter-realms communications and collaborations - whose fruits will be open sources - of normative and positive technologies according to the laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes! Two things need to be mentioned: (1) inner power to protect oneself is necessary condition to survive "hacking of the mind" for spreading discovered underlying technologies to attract more concerned people in the form of Justice for sustainable environment of "Making Life Easier and Happier - Knowing Your Raison D'être ", (2) outside order discovered in human evolution is required for cultivating and developing inner power which is the legitimate claim of intelligent being from humanity upward commonly known as "the Buddha Nature by Gotama or the Kingdom of God within by Jesus" that up to 2025 almost all Buddhist monks, nuns, followers and Christian priests do not know nor have. Since everything is consciousness[D19] / energy vibration, and [ Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh ] can only be effective with directed Attention called by Krishnamurti as "Intensity of Attention", past esoteric dark forces can still harm concerned parties if they still have power. This will be naturally ended soon due to their degeneration - significantly manifested from 2012 to 2025 - according to natural laws. But with this power of "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" at this level, immediately detected as being offended due to Transcendental #Awareness, one can use cosmic power to command the reflection of directed energy exactly as actually demonstrated in the discourse of the Heart Sutra to teach them a lesson of "self respect and respect others". There are generally three forms of esoteric destruction based on the quality of the operators: (1) physical harming by manipulating energy using a consciousness intelligent asset(s) commonly known as Voodoo Spells similar to "Spirit to guard treasure / Thần giữ của" (the video was deleted), (2) directly physical harming by manipulating energy to change the physical makeup of the target, and (3) hacking one's mind into the game (matrix) of thought forms and directing the thought forms toward their desired targets. The more they intend to hurt you the more they are hurt by their own energy due to Action-Reaction if your inner power of [ Transcendental #Awareness / Wu-Nien / Kiến Tánh / Inner Chi ] naturally protecting you exactly as physically demonstrated here. With directed Attention, you can "command the reflection energy" 10, 100, or 1000 times more than the original force to show them who is the real master! It is even better to Harmoniously Dissolving the offending forces - just recently discovered by the reincarnation of HuiNeng 2023-02-22 and starting to be used in KhaiPhong Inner Circle for self-protection - with "directed Attention to command" the blue light of cosmic enegy flowing into your body! We are looking for the time "Conscious Living / Lối Sống Tỉnh Thúc" from the mass can harmoniously solve major international conflicts such as the current Russia-Ukraine war. With the "power of cultivable #Prajna" and the directed Attention, all past higher-realm Voodoos - including the spell of the Original Buddha to violently control the monkey in Journey to the West[R4] and the "circle immorally put on the monkey head / vòng kim cô / corona" via a cheating process by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva to steal XuanZang real Effort[R3] are destroyed and be reversed back to the offenders. This is different from "Not Doing Anything" in Tao, or "Praying in all Religions" because of the "esoteric [father / god / allah] will". One is Not only accountable creator and a part of the responsible Human Creation in Making Life Easier and Happier for one and the environment. The technology was accidentally discovered by a young lad who can see the offended energy, and use his trained Chi-Kung with his favourite weapon to "fight armies of the dark force". Having heard this story, a more advanced student - known in our circle as the reincarnation of HuiNeng - tried to activate cosmic energy to "teach all Buddhist Voodoos" a hard lesson of not messing around. Finally, a third living student also successfully used this power of the mind to defend himself after being harmed in internally and externally bleeding with no medical physical causes. Due to the ability of knowing the sources of one's thought from level 5, the game of though forms in the matrix of unworthy people and their victims in entire human history up to 2025 can be easily detected. One can use the power of cosmic energy to destroy the thought forms for other victims to be drawn into the matrix of clinging thought well known in all cheating religions. The solution was accidentally discovered and applied when the present living reincarnation of HuiNeng saw the confusion and mess-up of higher realm esoteric beings. Once knowing the employed technique and its author, the student just use cosmic energy to "beat" that entity and destroy the "play / thought forms" drawing the mass into their cheating game. It is similar to the cheating game of the "head of a Vietnamese Buddhist Institute - Dr. Thích Thanh Quyết - about “Phật Pháp và Dân Tộc / Dharma and Nationality” at Vesak 2019. Chasing unworthy people and destroying the thought-forms to clean up the environment also depend on the binding forces attached by the victims. The thought-forms - such as redeemer, sin, Pure Land, "I win you loose", etc, - need to be separated from their bound victims. That is why we need the right time and place to debunk harmful plots from all organised religions. The slaves - still living - from the dark forces may have chances to reverse the darkness of your consciousness qualities that you can recognise if you are absolutely Honest and Care for yourself. KhaiPhong Chatham-House-Rule Strategic AEsthetic Intelligence Service can help both supreme leaders and established organized religions transforming themselves, being parts of the new Era of Conscious Living! On the second cause of "outside order", besides the three orthogonal dimensions discovered in KhaiPhong - namely (1) #Prajna dimension seen from "Inner-Space" of No-Conflict Consciousness, (2) underlying natural laws manifested through PrajnaTools, and (3) duality plane of conflicting consciousness - there is the fourth orthogonal dimension known by humanity as the esoteric realms. On the duality plane, there are four other orthogonal dimensions discovered by humanity to assure balanced accountable and transparent responsibilities of all involved parties in distributed democratic system: three pillars (Legislature, Executive and Judiciary) of democracy and consistent statistics for making sound decisions. We think the New Era will soon happen due to natural laws and tremendous efforts of all involved parties that without their interference, it is very hard for humanity to avoid "tremendous sufferings" in 90% human population forcefully wiped out ended in 2022-07-26 (the video was deleted) which did actually happen in higher realms driven by Greed and Fears up until 2025 due to the invisible hand of #Prajna accidentally known in the Good Forces and the natural New Era. We wish you can be a part in this enforceable Right and Wrong, together with Fairness agreeable by intelligent involved parties just like the Right and Wrong of Climate Changes and the distinction of wild species.
- Directing cosmic energy to help others x7 = 13. Give others a boost in their natural evolution with your directed cosmic energy. This is How the Sound Specialist is currently doing as a part of stabilisation process for Higher Realm and dissolving Vajrayana Voodoo Spells. An implementation of [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ] innate in a creator and a part of the Creation is now possible, starting from Body & Mind©® Cleaning as visually illustrated above in the Foundation of #Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness to know more about oneself and one's reality either in positive Fibonacci evolution having natural #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace or in negative Fibonacci degeneration with Infinite-Thought unceasing chatting mind to rationally allocate available resources to What Count toward beneficial and deliverable [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ] at minimum qualified target. As a creator, what you can do at the present depend on the quality of your Consciousness. Being able to be outside the box - #Prajna Dialectic - via #Prajna you can access to the field of aggregate Consciousness where your Vision is a part to help that aggregate field moving toward a Right Direction of Making Life Easier and Happier. That is what we are doing in the past 50+ years of dedicated researches and discoveries. Another living student in our group intentionally uses his internal energy to (1) regather his connected people in the past who are willing to share, and (2) direct his mind power - including telepathy - to induce these committed people doing something for themselves and the environment they are parts.
- Be democratically honoured as life-time achievements in spreading the science and economics of KhaiPhong in sustainable AwakeningBudh for humanity. If things happened, KhaiPhong encourages each significant contributor takes the "Ownership" of his/her project.
- Be esoterically honoured as multi life-time achievements in spreading the science and economics of KhaiPhong in sustainable AwakeningBudh for Inter-Realms Dependent Nature. There is no tolerance of cheating and stealing games from the past degenerated feudal systems via "enforeceable rule-of-law" in too big to fail!
The reversed engineering leads to the [ HonNhien / Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity ] state at different depths of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] - passing through the verifiable Signed Posts - is empirically discovered by this writer in late 1970 while being a graduate student in a Canadian University. It is further esoterically verified in the period from 2012 - 2025 as a natural law accidentally discovered to inter-realms evolution and degeneration of highly evolved beings - known as "degenerated" Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Gods, Allah, King of Gods, etc, - when the living student used the "Blue Light" and Cosmic Energy rated at level 6 of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] to separate the "Voodoos" of their tainted energy and the purity of their good victims. What the student has observed in the separation is that the tainted energy is moving in a counter clockwise direction of evolution from the centre similar to the evolution from #Oneness / Emptiness / Non-Thingness of the Big Bang to expanding (duality manifestations of Diversities / Self) while the Purity state of their victims is moving in the clockwise direction from conflicting energy (Self) to the deeper direction of Selfless toward the direction of Non-Thingness. The clockwise is also the direction of "turning the dharma wheel" in Tibetan tradition. The deeper they can move in is the higher Purity of their energy, and the higher realms they are floating upward. Combining these two empirical observations together, we represent the inner evolution as a reverse triangle from outer [ THÂN / Body - KHẨU / Speech - Ý / Thought ] of self to Selfless of [ Body >< Mind ] interactions at three cultivable levels { level 1 of [ Wu-Nien / #AwarenessPrajna ] to fully recognise faked News from binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, level 4 at scientific processes leading to the source of thought to properly manage one's reality, and level 7 of using cosmic energy to help others } leading to Right Effort or Wrong Effort driven by cultivable #Prajna or Ignorance with the inner moving circle in the interaction of Self and Selfless.
Referring to Figure 2 at the focused event or the base Fibonacci [ fo = 0 ], the seven levels of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] in positive Fibonacci evolution are [ x1 = 1 HonNhien / Naturally Unaffected Freshness, x2 = 1 Proper Management of that Freshness for enforcing the Naturally Unaffected Freshness, x3 = 2 Knowing conditions to make up that Freshness, x4 = 3 Discovering scientific process to naturally produce the Freshness, x5 = 5 Knowing the source of one's Thought, x6 = 8 Using cosmic energy for self-protection, x7 = 13 Directing cosmic energy to help others ]. They are actually observed in current living students serving as the optimal measurements toward the Nature Energy Column (Thuận Thiên). The fact that no one knows the exact position of that Energy Column (Thuận Thiên), so at the same focused event, different advanced students may see the focused event at different angles and dynamically change the event based on one's comparative advantages relative to current positions. Therefore, 360o around the focused event on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, there are ranges of custom X-dimension, specific to involved parties who are mostly on the negtive side of X-dimension of negative Fibonacci degeneration moving away from natural "Detachment" in seeing Thing-As-It-Is [ x-1 = 1 Cultural Influenced, x-2 = -1 Regional Influenced, x-3 = 2 National Influenced, x-4 = -3 Veiled Right and Wrong, x-5 = 5 Binding Word, x-6 = -8 Binding Image, x-7 = 13 Clinging Thought ]. Here we see the binding Word/Image and clinging Thought are the strongest forces to veil one's intelligent qualities of a qualified person employed in all organized religions to enslave one away from the person normative Intelligence. See for yourself how Buddhist unworthy monks and nuns have destroyed Gotama's discoveries and used his self-created cracks from permanent Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana in his over-claim of Permanent Liberation and Freedom to cheat humanity in 2500+ years of his Buddhist communities.
The binding and clinging forces in negative X-direction are observed in most people. Their negative trates are also seen in advanced students capable to use cosmic energy to "#Care" for themselves and others. Observing highly successful people like Bill Gates (Microsoft Phi) and Elon Musk (xAI Grok), the trates of both negative and positive directions on X-dimension are visibly there. This indicates that the Right and Wrong of important focused event such as the Russia-Ukraine war is very complex due to underlying conflicting forces - visible and invisible - of the Issue and its evolvement. A possible solution may come at the Right time and overall View of Not Only at the focused Event But Also the Bigger and Wider forces where relevant people - capable to sense behind-the-scene dynamic forces - join hands and parts of their "#Care" for themselves and the environment. As seen from the Complex Fibonacci Numbers and Lucas Numbers at 4:40 and 5:30, the real number 1 is passed through by both series and the Right complex Fibonacci evolution starting from fo = 0 must pass through 1 twice f1 = 1 called EquanimityAwareness and f2 = 1 called PurityAwareness based on Gotama's third and fourth Jhana to enforce its stability Not Only in #DhyanaSamadhi but also in engaged Living & Being. Similarly, those starting at Lucus Number L0 = 2 due to their "Alien" nature (publicly claimed by Elon Musk) of past long civilizations (such as from Mars) must pass L1 = 1 and "Truly Test Yourself" whether you are at "EquanimityAwareness and PurityAwareness" described in Gotama's third and fourth Jhanas[D29] and by Bodhidharma as #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness for your stable Inner Peace. If Not, you can join KhaiPhong to enable Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna happened, helping you evolving according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED of the Right Fibonacci evolution as shown by Dr. Carl Jung and Steve Jobs. Referring back to Russia-Ukraine war, the writer feels he has the Right enzymes in short time from currently known and past connected people to make the conflict harmoniously ironed-out and "Equanimity Communites" as the mean to stable "EquanimityAwareness f1 = 1 and PurityAwareness f2 = 1" in medium terms.
The theoretical and mathematical expositions in previous paragraph - to be implemented and deliverable by KhaiPhong at the right time - also explain the reason behind Gotama's crack and his hallucination. The fact that you had a glimpse of selfless y4 = 3 verifiable in Gotama's fifth and sixth Jhanas[D30] does not mean your InnerSpace is stable at that state of selfless and Nothingness (the seventh Jhana) y5 = 5. The state needs to be enforced in engaged living with many disturbances partially known by HuiNeng. The InnerSpace with dynamic interactions between "Body & Mind" as advocated by ShenHsiu is Not Always at optimal state of once-and-a-while #Samadhi that why HuiNeng used the word "#DhyanaSamadhi". The hallucination led Gotama to a cul-de-sac in "What need to know, I already know" leading to the claimed Nirvana then PariNirvana, and the impass of "Nothingness" that current living students have passed with cosmic energy to #Care for oneself and Help Others PLUS practically Enable Gotama's smart pointer #AwarenessPrajna[D22] in engaged living, forecastings and simulations, functioning in both Relative Truth (duality plane of conflicting consciousness) and Ultimate (Wider) Truth or plane of no-conflict consciousness. Gotama missed the Right evolution according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws described in Fibonacci sequence "approaching but never be there" the real number Φ (Phi) in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
Different from artifificially created Faith and isms such as feudalism, capitalism, communism, etc, one can ride on natural binding forces of Cultural, Regional, and National Influences as "Aspiration / Merging in" from Community Heritage in Sharing and Enriching human diversities while relaxing and merging - a universal tool discovered by the writer into "Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh", similar to "aloof from sense desire" taught by Gotama to his monks and nuns. Since one is only a part of the Whole and only the bottom-line outcomes - dependent on the erisen occation - can say something about one's quality (which is insignificant to these dedicated explorers), the eighth and nineth levels are what the human communities and inter-realm communities confer to very special contributions to the lasting dedicated explorers. On the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, the basic difference between positive Fibonacci evolution in [ Awareness / Kiến Tánh / Wu-Nien ] and negative Fibonacci degeneration moving away from natural "Detachment" is "Not at the level of Intelligence and Ability to Learn what already there" indicated by the same Fibonacci values of "1, 2, 5, 13", But at the wider and deeper in penetrating complex focused event and one's comparative advantages in possible solution to make all involved parties much better-off. This is also the key differences from Normative Intelligence of positive Fibonacci evolution and AI coming from its trained data. It is commonly known as the difference between Hegelian Dialectic (of thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis) versus #Prajna Dialectic, which will be delivered by KhaiPhong circle of Inner Circles from current conflicting religions, skin colors, civilizations, nationalities, etc.
Concentrated energy in moving clockwise direction of evolution (deeper #Samadhi) for separation and purification of tainted Binding Word/Image plus Clinging Thought, and its wider vision "#Prajna" in expanding view of Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count is another discovered Natural Law - similar to natural forces of a spring or shooting an arrow - in potential energy coming from #Prajna stated by HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna { "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation]" }. It is different from Sufi whirling, just like Action (#Samadhi) and Reaction (#Prajna) in mental merging to be SHARED at the right time. The discovery of this Natural Law is combined with rated [ Wu-Nien / #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] at different levels due to its functionality known in KhaiPhong Inner Circle, cross-cut the multi-dimensional existence to answer the "Then What" of Wise Viet. Similar to the Quantum Fields where everything is connected, "#Prajna / Wisdom" is first time cultivable in the right conditions to be discovered, and statistically measurable as outcomes of subjectively self rated achievable "Signed Posts" and depth of [ WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] at the bottom line of "Then What".
Similar to the "Quantum Fields" in searching for the Fundamental Building Block of Existence and its mathematic Standard Model - the Greatest theory of Human Civilization @ minute 41:45, KhaiPhong's Consciousness Technologies find its fundamental Building Blocks in "the Observer and the Observed", and that from Naturally Qualified Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion, #Prajna) upward, one can pass the conflicting consciousness on the duality plane of existence to the Plane of No-Conlict Consciousness known by many dedicated explorers of the past, aka Gotama's Buddha Nature or Jesus's Kingdom of God within. Going one step further, one can deepen the exploration to discover underlying natural laws for "heavy lifting" out of the "observer at duality level" toward the "Not-Self / Selfless" in expanding space and expanding consciousness (aka Gotama's Infinite Space and Infinite Consciousness) toward Non-Thingness (Gotama Nothingness of sevemth Jhana) known by Gotama 2500+ years ago and this writer since Fall 1970 as a graduate student in Canada. Similar to the finding of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) after two years of working to find if there is something beyond Higgs Boson, it found Nothing from minute 54:27 of the video, this writer confirms there exists an #Awareness to know that Non-Thingness similar to an #Awareness of Gotama's fifth and sixth Jhanas that he lumps them together into a Signed Post of Not-Self from actually known Expanding Space and Expanding Consciousness! The existence of this consciousness named by Buddhist Consciousness-Only as the "fourth consciousness[D19]" or the consciousness of self-consciousness. It can only experience the third self-consciousness, but has no relation to the second one sense organ-consciousness. So when the sense-consciousness is completely #EmptyTheContent to Nothingness of Jhana 7, there is something being Aware of that Nothingness. This kind of #Awareness is "Transcendental #Awareness" and can happen ONLY on the No-Conflict Consciousness plane [ X-Y ] orthogonal to the duality plane in Figure 2 of conflicting consciousness, and to the plane representing one's scientifically cultivable Inner-Space as represented in Figure 11.1. The "Vietnamese Then What" does produce an actual and practical outcome that most people can KNOW: the detoxification of tainted senses; it is the mechanism underlying Gotama's assertion that #Prajna can dissolve the Binding and Clinging Karmic Forces. For mathematical modeling and AI investigations, we use Complex Fibonacci numbers as described from minute 6:25 and 7:00 of the video for rating based on pattern matching of properties measurable in engaged living and observable in qualified students demonstrating these properties plus their optimal reversed engineering the "path" they empirically found for themselves to be tested and statistically validated by others in engineering feedforward and feedback control systems.
The outcomes are significant discoveries measurable for custom feeds from Big Data Machine Learning when combined with evolution or degeneration via Fibonacci sequence, unknown even in higher realms: (1) seven observable manifestations of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] of the X-dimension for measurable outcomes of Detachment, (2) #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness of the Y-dimension for reborn and rejuvenation, and (3) Layered InnerSpace around F-dimension according to Fibonacci sequence leading to "Cultivable #Prajna in facing the focused event" that no Buddhist master, monk, nun, explorer from the beginning up until 2025 has been able to know. The technical process will be protected under legal IPR (Intellectual Property Right) to prevent both esoteric and human sabotages until it is an "epistemic objective". Measurable "Detachment" { Do not attach to anything then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心 }[R7] in correlations between the "Signed Posts known by Gotama plus Then What" in agreed key words [ Case-UUID / Issue / Solution ] at each rated level of "Detachment" to properly know your personal progress in Cultivable #Prajna privately documented in your custom ai which is your own "Knowledge Graph" built on the most efficient key-value store and interacted with your custom Neural Graph Database where the best parts of community RobotGPT (“Generative Pre-trained Transformer”) are parts. It is safely shared for community researches without revealing the identity for an effective feedback to your normative advancement.
"Detachment" is the core of Gotama's contribution based on the keen observation of his "Right #Samadhi" which is the outcome according to natural laws - different from "wrong #Samadhi of Hindu accomplished Self" - observable right from his first Jhana [D29]. It is represented in smart pointers connected to and influence observable types on both duality plane of consciousness and on no-conflict X-Y planes. Except HuiNeng and Bodhidharma plus few others due to their innate quality, no one in entire 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha recognises Gotama's core contribution - being professional cheater and violating Gotama's core ethics - since "Detachment" is a state of consciousness similar to [ Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien ] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }. "Detachment" - similar to Gotama's verifiable "Non-Thingness" - is beyond thought, a thought of "detachment" or "Non-Thingness" is not "Detachment" or "Non-Thingness". Yet, both Gotama and HuiNeng could Not recognise the "Dependent Nature of Detachment" and its underlying natural laws to be documented and publicly availalbe under KhaiPhong IPR in constructing the KpPlatform, leading to the outcomes proving they do not cheat humanity as most [ monks / nuns / followers ] in entire 2500+ years of Buddhism. This is the core contribution of KhaiPhong with three more fundamental discoveries: "(1) Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace, (2) Natural Purification of tainted senses, (3) Scientifically Cultivable state and stock of #Prajna" and their scientific processes to actually deliver these statistically significant epistemic objectives.
Both Gotama[D26] and Jesus[R16] did not clearly see the layered Dependent Nature in [ Oneness / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas ] to work out an effective Self/Selfless Duality/Oneness tool for others to verify their discoveries and/or further value-adds. Esoterically, this also happened in the middle realms of [ Buddhas / Gods / Allah / King of Gods / Bodhisattvas / Saints ] being the cause of their degeneration in 60,000+ human years manifested in the collapse of Illuminati elites who must know the quality of their consciousness, measurable via the quality of Transcendental-Awareness through actual Efforts in Living known in Eastern concept of [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ] or western concept of [ Body >< Mind >< Soul ]. Among well-known people, Jesus and Gotama may be the least broken to spell out the relevant of KhaiPhong scientific approach in discovering and sharing underlying natural laws. Modern technologies with measurable efforts Beyond True and False [ {T} {F}, {T,F} {} where T = true, F = flase and {} = empty set ] of rated "Right Effort" can make recommendation feeds for constant [ #Awareness / Transcendental #Awareness ] and deepening cultivable [ #Awareness ] in this rated [ KhaiPhong #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh / HuiNeng WuNien / Gotama #AwarenessPrajna ] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } i.e the degree and power of dropping burdens once actions - either success or failure - completed to continuously put Right Effort in #Prajna for heavy lifting out of the duality plane of conflicting events.
Many elites and religious leaders - currently in controlling positions of powers and financial resources - are even not naturally qualified persons, but still living due to the inertness of physical forms and/or there is still a chance of change management due to their innate of [ #Prajna / Conscience ] knowing the Right and Wrong of their continuity of the consciousness. Esoterically, we know two physical bodies having significant financial power to change human world either in the Right or Wrong direction of What Count. In the past up to 2016, these bodies were controlled by the "souls" from dark forces. In the reorganisation of Higher Consciousness, the impostors were separated to follow their own courses of evolution according to Thing-As-It-Is to be replaced by the legitimate owners of the bodies according to natural laws. This signifies the contribution and importance of "Human Rights" to be enforceable in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations via "Rule of Law". We are watching the efforts of these two persons. Similarly, we know the reincarnation of [ Mahākāśyapa ] - a not yet too late degenerated entity of a dark force - planning to be a part of Illuminati elites to govern the World (New Word Order) in VietNam, planned for the end of 2012 but failed. The esoteric influences of the dark forces and their "organized Religions plus Voodoos strategies" were exposed and destroyed! It is up to the conscience of the identified stream of consciousness to determine his future Path according to Thing-As-It-Is of whatever light floating up whatever heavy sinking down in many 60,000+ man-years of Sufferings. If you knew and was afraid of the image of an Owl for Buddhists and Christians or white light for Muslims, you know who we are talking about. You cannot cheat the mother Nature nor can you use your accumulated wealth serving the dark forces of Greed >< Fears! Period!
Similarly, the determination to implement EIP pipelines of qualified elites capable to (1) properly manage one's mind, (2) knowing the sources of one's thoughts and (3) having "breakthroughs" in one's directed attentions as one's unique contribution Now from human realm and then as a seed of Change Management to assure corrupted dictatorships of past era will not happen in human and higher realms since the Harmony can only happen from Inner Peace to Outer Peace according to Natural Laws, Not the other way from past dictators and feudal systems of cunning outside order to pacify individual order with religions, all isms and customs, etc.
Throughout 50+ years of field research, this writer has identified (1) how easy it is for humanity being slaved to unworthy people of all isms and organised religions[R8] that only when 90% of humanity - Mười Phần Chết Bảy Còn Ba Chết Hai Còn Một Mới Ra Thái Bình - publicly threaten to be eliminated, conscience of few elites has awaken to join other higher realms in foiling this planned prediction, (2) the process has been taken so long in higher realms and probably from the beginning of humanity after so much sufferings - of blood running like a river - that only through science with testing and spreading discovered underlying natural laws, one can make Life easier for oneself and others through Invisible Hand of Economics in allocating scare resources toward What Count[R23] directed by Invisible Hand of Prajna in Making Life Happier.
These unworthy people do not give up their cunning intelligence in zero-sum game of "I win You loose", and in that process they self-exposed the planned "faked News" in banking, tradings, human rights, environmental protections, etc, of the (New World Order) Illuminati Elites. Only highly qualified elites have had a glimpse of human innate nature capable to by-pass outdated marks in tainted senses, and called it different names such as the "Tao", the "Buddha Nature", the "Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas", etc. Yet, around 50% of human brain power is wasted in the chatting mind, and most of one's decisions are generating regrets, creating sufferings for one and others since one has not a moment of Silence to clearly see Thing-As-It-Is as desperately asked by the Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva in Lotus Sutra[D49]. The impostor Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva continued and insisted in that cheating process, leading to an advanced student FREE from the degenerated feudal system on the path of Freshness and Beyond the Known directly asking her "final advice" learned in 60,000+ years of evolution then degeneration. Since that time, the student has gone beyond his inner circle who all have the identified attributes in EIP pipelines of qualified elites to search among others directly or indirectly connected to him in the past. The results are more than 36+ students of different cultures and backgrounds knowing this [ KhaiPhong #Awareness / Vietnamese KiếnTánh / HuiNeng WuNien / Gotama #AwarenessPrajna[D22] ] at the mentioned seven different depths of consciousness at different depths of his recorded Jhanas that we reclassify them into Signed Posts. There must be many more out there that we cannot reach with our current limited resources.
2. Awareness related to Buddhist Mindfulness / HuiNeng WuNien / Vietnamese KiếnTánh
Back to [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] and "Buddhist Mindfulness" explicitly recorded from Gotama's advice in Ajita's Questions: { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is "Mindfulness" (Right Transcendental #Awareness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22]. We logically prove in the previous section that most are on the negative scale of Fibonacci degeneration far away from "Detachment and #Oneness" toward the Nature Energy Column (Thuận Thiên) with all types of tainted senses due to past processes in one's Continuity of the consciousness, ranging from Clinging Thought, Binding Word/Image, veiled Right and Wrong from conscience (lương tri), National, Regional, and Cultural Influences from present and past lives. On the Y-axis of #EmptyTheContent from naturally qualified person at yo = 0, EmpathyAwareness (y-1 = 1) ready for "#Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien and KindnessAwareness (y-2 = -1) to dig deeper into a wider state of mental health on top of the Conscience of the Right and Wrong are the "qualia of a Latin humanitas". Even at the positive Fibonacci evolution - knowing [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] - the hanging of tainted senses are still there partly driven by the present biological realm underlying natural laws waiting to be naturally Purified and Dissolved on one's Continuity of the consciousness in engaged living. It is Not like what blah blah blah in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, carrying the Ignorant Burdens of esoterics in negative Fibonacci degeneration, bullying others by their slaves in Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19].
From Figure 2, we logically and mathematically prove that conflicting consciousness on the duality plane cannot see the focused event in Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count. It logically and mathematically proves Buddhist Anapanasati - mindfulness of breathing[D24], and MahaSatipatthana Sutta - The Great Frames of Reference (Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] are "Useless and Impossible" to deliver required "Transcendental #Awareness[D26]" in obstructing and restricting karmic flows through tainted senses, cheating humanity in entire history of Buddhism from Gotama's time. The karmic flow must be trancended toward Non-Thingness known by Gotama from his own angle[D26]. Working on the assumption that Gotama had 100% "#Honesty & #Care", Nagarjuna and entire Madhyamaka school pushed on to logically explained what Gotama actually meant in his Relative Truth on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness, and Ultimate (Wider) Truth mathematically perpendicular to the duality plane[D38] without scientifically explored and delivered "How" Gotama or any person moving from conflicting forces toward the #Oneness of No-Conflict consciousness and then "What" happening to the explorer on the duality plane of existence. The writer adds (Wider) to show it is a gradual process and take a very long time that his Inner Circle actually knows. Once the underlying conditions and processes have known, everyone can be a part due to embedded [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / qualified humanitas ]. Asanga and Consciousness-Only (Yogacara) school[D39] later value-added the visible attributes of Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita), Dependent Nature (Paratantra) on the duality plane with the Perfected Nature (Parinispanna) on the mathematically perpendicular to the duality plane, implicitly hinting that it is the Perfected Nature purifying the tained senses in a gradual process to change from Imaginary Nature toward Dependent Nature according to underlying natural laws. Again, there were No "How and What" in delivering the practicalities of Budh Dharma in engaged living. Another new discovery in KhaiPhong Scietifically Cultivable #Prajna is "outside-the-box from negative Fibonacci degeneration on the Y-axis" due to innate ability of concentration. With its heartless cunning intelligence from concentration, the person is capable ONLY in Hegelian Dialectic of thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis rendering all involved parties worse off, far below the mathematically proven "Fair Trade" where all involved parties are better off.
Riding on modern scientific trainings and mathematics from medical and engineering schools together with actually experiencing all recorded Gotama's Jhanas (found in Pali Texrs)[D26], [D29], [D30] in Canada 1970, the writer reversed engineering his processes and found that Gotama had "#Honesty & %Care" in his advice to Ajita's Questions[D22] and what Gotama meant "Mindfulness" is an #Awareness in verifiable "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" pecked at his third Jhana Equanimity[D29], named "Transcendental #Awareness" which has been further explored to deepen and widen the "Vietnamese KiếnTánh". It is further thanks to his close encounters with Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva via the Vietnamese channel Xuân Mai, and other people from VietNam found later as the living reincarnations of HuiNeng and XuanZang whose patterns and appearances can be easily recognized by serious Buddhists. The "Vietnmese KiếnTánh" is much more expressive than Gotama's "Transcendental #Awareness" or HuiNeng's "WuNien" since it can start from everyone's rational level on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness in "Riding-The-Ox" to "rationally know epistemic TRUTH such as Action-Reaction" and use one's Free Will to properly manage one's realities, then deepening and widening with diversities of proven processes in personal exercises and transcendental relaxations from those actually knowing "#Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien" such as Qi, Yoga, all forms of Aspirations via faiths, dance, music, camping, etc, #DhyanaSamadhi any where any place, tantra for happy relationships, compassion, detachment, etc.
Since all manifestations must be conditioned, we can start from knowable conditions leading to deliverable [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness[D26] ], to (1) debunk the cheating process of Lotus Sutra[D49], (2) expose from 2007 - as a responsible constituent in the Wholesome Responsible Creation - unworthy people in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating communities starting at the claimed enlighten monk Thich Nhat Hanh who knows nothing about Transcendental #Awareness[D26] that he and his peers have made a living on a cheating process of Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19], (3) challenge all claimed Buddhist monks/nuns, meditation/zen masters, teachers, instructors, PhDs, etc, publicly announce their experience and/or theoretical understanding of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness[D26] ] capable to obstruct and restrict karmic flows[D22] since the most they can blah blah blah is at Thich Nhat Hanh poetic level and the description is NOT the described, (4) prevent another cheating saga of the true Gotama to value add the Science and Economics of cultivable #Prajna since how can you claim to [Free / Liberate] people from the [ Known / Duality / Birth and Death / Dukkha ] if you cannot help you and others Making Life Easier and Happier, (5) block another possible esoteric cheating process of what Jesus called Faith to access different depths of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness[D26] ] since how can you save the World if you cannot save yourself from outdated marks of your tainted senses, (6) prepare pipelines of qualified elites capable to properly manage one's mind, knowing the sources of one's thoughts and having "breakthroughs" in one's directed attentions known in our inner circle to assure 60,000+ years of cheating process in masters-slaves relationships experienced by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva will not happen for humanity upward.
Combining HuiNeng [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness ] from Chinese practicality recorded 1300+ years ago, together with open-source internet technologies and our 50+ years of field researches up until 2025 to identify more than 36+ living students actually knowing this Silence to know more about oneself in properly managing one's realities at different depths of the above deliverable depths, Equanimity Community - the playground where #Prajna can be cultivable and explored in "Conscious Living" - is a reality, starting from world-wide facilities of Body &Mind Cleaning having on-demand and personal consultation of "qualified Counsellors from different angles leading to verifiable #Prajna, not painted cakes in 2500+ years of Buddhism cheated by unworthy people Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. The qualified counsellors are professionals, rigorously tested and rated at both theoretical and empirical levels of "Detachment", "Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth", "Perfected Nature to move from Imaginary Nature to Dependent Nature", an "Insight into the Emptiness and #Prajna" at rated Signed Posts known by Gotama 2500+ years ago but completely knocked out by unworthy monks and nuns in his 45+ years dedicated personal efforts.
These professionals include elites in important fields of current Think Tanks, qualified psychologists and medical specialists to take the initial Body-Mind Cleaning to the next level of Strategic Intelligence Service (SIS) and specialised treatments, having supported scientific researches from all relevant fields of modern society to the next level of patented #PrajnaTIP©® in Sound and #PrajnaTIP©® in Kindness in opening New Era of AwakeningBudh that no unworthy people dare to get close including "Faith" as an Aspiration to the Silence state of Gotama's "Transcendental #Awareness" that we prove not the kind of "Mindfulness" blah blah blah by Buddhist monks and nuns in their 2500+ years of cheating processes and/or Silence from "the Kingdom of God within" leading to verifiable [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness ] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } to be Alert and Aware of what most important at the present moment that the "Roman Catholic Church" cannot deliver in 2000 years of its existence with faked Redeemer and infallible Pope.
Having these required infrastructure and "Sharing" from those actually knowing different states of higher consciousness, we can logically say that (1) KhaiPhong will speed up many thousands years of Right Developments in different fields from human upward of many elites and dedicated explorers - including Gotama, Jesus and many other reincarnations besides presently available qualified reincarnations of Ashoka, Zhuge Liang / HuiNeng, XuanZang / Lý Phật Mã, etc - capable to ride on scientific discoveries in reversed engineering their innate qualities or secret sauces, (2) any claimed reincarnation of either Gotama or Jesus is bogus/faked if the claimed one does not know [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] to be known by the mass as epistemic objectives, (3) a Harmonious and Innovative Environment Beyond Greed and Fears in private Executive Information Portal (EIP) is universally available to everyone having equal Human Rights to invisibly sustain the environment driven by Invisible Hands of #Prajna and Economics. This grassroots revolution is now possible due to international laws and enforceable orders for outside stability of proven tested top-down technologies, plus available technologies and favourable conditions to regain one's innate quality of "Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" from bottom-up breakthroughs in diversities.
The bottom line of previous and this section are that "Body & Mind©®" will practically reactivate the Zen Contest between Shen-Hsiu and HuiNeng in the right meaning of "cleaning Body and Mind" which is more than the visible manifestations but also the core energy vibrations in one's continuity of the Consciousness. If your quality of the consciousness is heavy and dark such as envious, hateful, burden with sex and eating, having pleasure with violence and killing that only You can actually and honestly know, you are better cleaning up your mind since the heaviness and darkness will naturally pull you down according to Thing-As-It-Is that you may be no longer fit to be a person or in higher realms. It may be "Beyond possible Insights" leading to green fields for elites of relevant Think Tanks and modern medical treatments, plus accessible "Cosmic Consciousness" with scientific deepening and widening implementations from all relevant fields to rigorously deliver the benefits at the above seven (7) depths of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness ] having visible Signed Posts first discovered by Gotama but sabotaged up until 2025 by unworthy people in his Buddhist communities, not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. Let's see what are Not Transcendental #Awareness as claimed in 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha, then how the required "quality of Transcendental #Awareness" can make Gotama's advice "Karmas flow as streams; Whatever the streams [binding clinging forces] are in the World, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna, they are dissolved" a reality. Be sure that no human being is Free of Issue - including historical Gotama and HuiNeng - due to the natural laws of Dukkha, defined as sufferings (dukkha-dukkha), conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha).
Being naturally qualified as a person - defined in Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, wisdom) - leading to human rights, one has the innate [ Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God from within ] to know the Right and Wrong, relevant to one's present existence. The claim of being "spiritual father / teacher / master / guru / enlighten or reincarnation of xyz" - using past indoctrinated Word/Image and Thought - needs to be qualified, helping to wipe out unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in all legitimate and transparent organisations. Next, we can esoterically confirm and you can logically see the evidenced-based realities of degenerated [ Buddhas / Gods / Allah ] in their cheating processes to enslave humanity leading to the degeneration of both masters and slaves that all involved parties can learn this hard lesson of self-respect and respect others while sharing personal discoveries in accessing the [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Conscience / Ultimate (Wider) Truth ] right at the ksana of HonNhien (present moment). This is what the writer is doing, identifying recognisable "long past" connected people and encouraging them not being bullied by Buddhist cheating processes, reverse-engineering their actual experiences while waiting for the right place and right time of our Engineering Roadmap that we together can serve as a catalyst to kick start a New Era of Higher Consciousness according to Thing-As-It-Is Natural Laws.
- At any moment there are interactions of innumerable signals SIMULTANEOUSLY arising from [the body, feeling, mind, and mental qualities] - many of which are invisible happening at the cells and chemical levels - but also from [the Dependent Nature of One and the Whole 'As It Is']. In the body, there are many invisible activities such as the opening and closing heart valves naturally and effortlessly happened, relevant to the present moment; one does not need to have focused (ardent, alert, and mindful) on it. The focus using this macro tool - such as fakir cultivation to show off one's power against nature - is generating more harm that Gotama lost six years before recalling his natural HonNhien experience when he was a child with tremendous compassion for all beings. Here comes the defect of MahaSatipatthana Sutta - The Great Frames of Reference Digha Nikaya 22 (Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] in using concentration rather than Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness. It uses the wrong tool for the wrong job, trying to micro manage with a macro tool concentration known only by Gotama at the visible level without deep understanding the Dependent Nature of this visible tool. It is not the "foundation of Mindfulness as known in the entire history of Buddhist cheating Sangha" up until 2025.
One rather uses the innate scientifically cultivable [ #Prajna / Conscience / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Perfected Nature ] to be Naturally Mindful / Highly Alert on what most relevant to the present moment: body, feeling, mind, and mental qualities plus Aware what most relevant to one's present existence. This is basically [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness ] as discussed above in our circles of Inner Circle. The secret sauce - discovered from this scientifically cultivable process via 50+ years in field research and personal testing - is Natural Purification[D27] in all verifiable states of Emptiness[D29], [D30], starting from Gotama's qualified equanimity level. In that sense, #Awareness is the state of #Prajna cultivable via Right Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent and Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna is a macro tool at personal level, an off-on mechanism of six identified vertical switches to sense complex issue of existence for proper management according to Thing-As-It-Is of What Count. Here is a description of "Transcendental #Awareness" from the angle of Gotama's Signed Posts or Jhanas / Absorption:
“As "mindfulness" is internally present, one is aware: “Mindfulness is internally present in me.” As "mindfulness" is not internally present, one is aware: “Mindfulness is not internally present in me.” As the arising of unarisen mindfulness occurs, one is aware of that. As the arisen mindfulness is developed and brought to fulfillment, one is aware of that. (Majjhima Nikaya 10:42)
- Since Transcendental #Awareness is a state of #Prajna, and with the right cultivation we can direct the mind with Transcendental #Awareness - [ HuiNeng's meditation / Dhyana ] having achievable Stock of #Prajna mathematically modeled as one's InnerSpace cultivable in positive Fibonacci evolution - toward whatever important and relevant event we wish, and/or generating required conditions for the presence of Transcendental #Awareness to sense Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to push the event toward What Count. Using HuiNeng's description of meditation, we can scientifically see the process of this directed "#AwarenessPrajna". This description of meditation is practical to all relevant activities and relationships, but unreachable by almost all [ monks / nuns / followers of all organised religions ] due to "Not Knowing the Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness" and its scientifically cultivable processes to effortlessly pass through the Gateway-to-Oneness. That is why Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] or HuiNeng's Wu-Nien[R5.1] is an on-off switch to be high above conflicting forces on the duality plane of focused event for sensing Thing-As-It-Is, naturally detached and effortlessly ignored irrelevant stuff keeping the mind Fresh and not worn out in Buddhist concentrations and cheating processes. The on-off mechanism of Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna is appropriate and optimal at different focused events for different targets. Here are six identified vertical switches to be revealed and implemented as root nodes by community of interested agents when the infrastructure of Engineering Roadmap is available: (1) #PrajnaTIP in Sound, (2) Tantra, (3) Aspiration via different means where Jesus Faith or Gotma's aloof from unwholesome thoughts are only two of many practical tools, (4) ComPassion, (5) Detachment, (6) #PrajnaTIP in Kindness. We have used this directed Transcendental #Awareness - #EmptyTheContent with achievable stock of #Prajna - to see Thing-As-It-Is and strategic position to push focused event (named #Prajna Dialectic) toward What Count for many purposes while encouraging other "connected people" to reverse engineering what they have been actually applying in their natural and effortless activities. Imagine when both normative intelligence - cultivable via scientifically significant right #AwarenessPrajna contributed by community elites in innumerable aspects of practical living - combines and directed AI to ride on discovered underlying natural laws operating between #Oneness and Dualities [ The Connected Universe where Everything is Connected ] in all visible manifestations, everyone can know more about oneself being part of the communities - using both normative and AI technologies - in Making Life Easier and Happier through all worthy activities and relationships!
- Applying "Change Management" of complex issues, accidentally discovered in Vietnamese August 1945 Uprising for Independence and Freedom in the right of one's existence (one's Raison D'être), the directed #AwarenessPrajna injects strategic positions and directs Hegelian Dialectic toward a right direction of What Count[R23] in Value of the values of sustainable communities. Open sources of AI technologies are at the point of deliverable practical and useful applications. Normative intelligence of the Right and Wrong has been embedded in all naturally qualified persons with different shades of Compassion and Wisdom (#Prajna) specialised in innumerable aspects of activities and relationships, and systematically contributed by many dedicated explorers willing to dedicate and sacrifice their lives in spreading the "[ TRUTH of Dependent Existence / The Connected Universe ]". We are in a new golden Era when Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna (normative intelligence) and reasoning AI are completely integrated in humanity Wholesome Living & Being to be uniquely implemented and deliverable from humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
The Quality of Transcendental #Awareness is significant Not Only in personal Change Management via #AwarenessPrajna to properly manage one's realities[D22], but Also in the Right and Wrong - a sense of Justice coming from #Prajna - where Fairness and better off in International Relations among nations plus "Inter-Realms Relationships" which have been the targets of all organised religions and philosophies, but failed due to faked News[R8] from esoteric and human unworthy people, bullying humanity based on Greed and Fears, not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. But being naturally qualified as a human being, one has innate Right Understanding and Right Motivation - #Prajna / Wisdom - to know more about oneself in cultivable state and stock of #Prajna.
In the Change Management, discovering underlying natural laws of this cultivation process is possible due to the Dependent Nature of existence that all manifestations are conditioned (sankhara-dukkha). We can assemble right conditions, #Prajna places such as GsLp / ThankYou Club or places conducive to cultivation of #Prajna. The conditions help deliver desired results as further exploring below the pipelines of producing qualified elites in their continuity of the consciousness. Participants experiencing the results according to one's own pattern can value add and make the process easier and more enjoyable for many. That is how we can start from state of one's consciousness and the conditions known by those actually having seven (7) depths of [ WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh ] aka #AwarenessPrajna where visible state of #Prajna / Wisdom is practically available but also required conditions for stock of #Prajna in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Artificial Intelligence poking into this set of conditions together with discovered consciousness technologies has rated evaluations of participants in their engaged living of all activities and relationships will deliver a group of elites capable to properly manage one's mind, knowing the sources of one's thoughts and having "breakthroughs" in one's directed attentions. Executive Information Portal / EIP is a part of PrajnaTool©® to bring the right conditions and proven technologies to appropriate groups of people having required qualified Transcendental #Awareness for deepening and widening underlying natural laws of discovered Right Living and Being.
In International Relations, proper designed of Executive Information Portal / EIP for different purposes such as identifiable National Security and/or territorial ownership will help (1) both the Haves and HaveNots into responsible stakeholders of the naturally qualified groups of elites in deepening and widening the Right Living and Being, and (2) the allocation of scare resources such as national Budgets optimally flowing into the projects for achieving the identified targets. "Professional Insights" into the problems are major factors, but proven technologies can enable the Insight sharpen its decisions in this complex world. Correlations are Not Causations, but once the causation has been statistically and logically proven, technologies can bring the discovered causation into simultaneously optimised correlations. Here the whole esperiences of Keynesian economics will be a part of the reserach where normative intelligence can be accumulated over time with or without original contributors. Concrete example of this complex issue is consistent integration of time-series and input-output data in producing national/regional forecasting and simulations which are inputs into the Executive Information Portal EIP for decision making, policy analysis, and accumulation of the [ groups / regions / ministries / nation ] cultures in well-defined ontology and taxonomy where wisdom of the past is scientifically accumulated.
At smaller scale, This eip makes happened the process of [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] into "the naturally qualified groups of elites" in the pipelines of higher qualified elites. For example, the incidence of (1) Formosa Environmental Disaster (2016) and (2) Corruption cases of PetroVietnam (PVN) (from 2009) really hurt this Vietnamese writer when technical solutions are within his hands but the right conditions are not there, and one can be only a part of the creation! For the first case of Environmental Disaster, the writer can deliver a solution at less than 0.1% of the fine in KpEngineering to not only prevent the disaster but also bring together the stakeholders, management, and governance together as a tested concrete process of harmoniously bringing people, processes, and technologies together. This is the best and Free Public Relationship (PR) for the businesses and governments since they can be parts - "Agents of Change Management in one's Continuity of the consciousness" - of the new breeds of "exporting / advocating possible #Prajna Dialectic from social gathering such as GsLp / ThankYou Club" in "Making Life Easier and Happier".
Inter-Realms Relationships are similar to International Relations but at wider macro level using consciousness technologies of intelligent beings - similar to man versus environments - due to universal Dependent Nature of existence. Recent collapse of the Illuminati elites in its plot to enslave humanity, and re-organisation in higher realms may promise a new Era of Higher Consciousness. The same principle from Inner Peace to Outer Peace - different from the past collapsed feudal systems enforced by imposing laws of orders and hierarchies - is applied where changes in the grassroots (democracy and human rights) will happen when there is sufficient critical mass of people having (1) some considerations - [ Kindness >< Empathy ] - for others, and (2) desire to change oneself and the environment toward [ What Count / Value of the values ] according to proven underlying natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is. The eip preparing "pipelines of qualified elites" is applied whichever realm the elite goes where seven principles governing all organisations / environments to be part of one's vibrant ecosystem are: (1) Dependent Nature, (2) Transparency, (3) Accountability, (4) Modern Technologies, (5) Invisible / Helping Hand of #Prajna and of Economics, (6) Best Governance, (7) Lasting Values in "Deep Learning" according to Natural Laws. This is what we can bring to the table Now and in our continuity of the consciousness.
3. Foundation of Awareness / Layered-No-Conflict-Consciousness
Since the directed "Transcendental #Awareness" (whose qualities are expressed on the X-dimension of Figure 2 with qualified humanitas as the base and positive direction toward "Detachment" Energy column) is the "measurable state of cultivable #Prajna", the foundation of "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" is discovered conscious layers represented in the Y-dimension on the no-conflict plane in the Figure of [ No-Conflict Consciousness / #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom / Kingdom of God within[Luke 17:21] / Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth[D38] / Consciousness-Only Perfected Nature[D39] / Latin Humanitas ] perpendicular to the duality plane of Buddhist false claim in [ The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Tứ niệm xứ) ][D25] where conflicting events happened with positive direction of deeper layers moving toward Non-Thingness known in Gotama's Jhanas. The negative direction of X-dimension is attachment Binding and Clinging Forces created by all isms, whereas the negative direction of Y-dimension is [ concentration / cunning intelligence ] rendering all involved parties worse-off. Modern science has built the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to empirically discover "What we are made of" beyond the inner-most layer Higgs Boson. After two years of working, it found Nothing from minute 54:27 of the video. At the Observer-Observed level which is another much more abstract dimension called Consciousness, Gotama started from "Relative Truth" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness found different layers of consciousness in his recorded nine Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] that we recategorize into six Signed Posts. It is similar to the Observer Effect of the physical world when we tie physical world to the consciousness world. Here Gotama tied Relative Truth on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to a different dimension from Not-Self toward Non-Thingness without explicitly identifying required conditions from duality to the new dimension which is later theoretically called as "Ultimate (Wider) Truth by Madhyamaka[D38]" or "Perfected Nature by Consciousness-Only[D39]". Given the fact of innumerable Binding and Clinging forces on one's tained senses and HuiNeng's empirical verification of possible consciousness states of Wu-Nien (Vô Niệm), No-Mark (Vô Vết)), Detachment (Vô Trụ) { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }, we (1) ride on Gotama's specialized contributions as Signed Posts Y-dimension - recorded in his "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-peace" Jhanas toward "Non-Thingness" (the seventh Jhana / KhaiPhong 5th Signed Post) to the borderline of existence-non-existence - for the manifestation of "#Prajna" in his advice to Ajita's questions[D22] PLUS (2) Value-Add the discovered properties No-Conflict consciousness perpendicular to the duality plane. Thus, the perpendicular plane to the duality plane of Relative Truth is made up of this X-Y plane at the focused event on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. Gotama's "Transcendental-Inner-Peace / #EmptyTheContent" is consistent with modern Physics in the evolution of One and Diversities where everything can be reborn and rejuvenated in Oneness toward Non-Thingness to complete the cycle of [ #Oneness >< Diversities >< #Oneness ] for reborn and rejuvenation to see Thing-As-It-Is and a possible Harmoniously breakthrough solution.
Gotama's discovery is empirically very significant where qualified "Humanitas" by Nature can "#EmptyTheContent" toward "Non-Thingness" in deeper / higher layers of "No-Conflict Consciousness" from Quantum fields and there is an "#Awareness" at the Core of "Nothingness" outside-the-box perpendicular to the "senses #Awareness" where the senses are completely Silent in the Self-Selfless Actualization of fourth Signed Post toward the Core deepest layer. KhaiPhong rides on this DISCOVERY to theoretically and empirically prove that via Scientific Cultivations from eight (8) Layers of InnerSpace repersented in Figure 11.1, one can access that "Untained #Awareness" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness that HuiNeng called { Do not attach to anything then that "Wonderful / Fresh / HonNhien / Untainted" Mind will appear / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / Chỉ nên phát tâm trong tinh thần vô trụ / 應無所住而生其心 }[R7]. Mathemetically, one can instantaneously moves from the focused event on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to the No-Conflict plane of consciousness - unattached to anything - to see Thing-As-It-Is and its optimal harmonious solution from point A of Fair Trade to point C of #Prajna Dialectic in Figure 11.1. Sciencetific researches of these eight (8) layers of InnerSpace from the not-shown F-dimension in Figure 2 orthogonal to the shown X-Y plane as in Figure 11.1 based on (1) available living students having empirical glimpses of these states and (2) armies of PhD plus post-graduate researchers from many different domains and fields relevant to present living can produce visible outcomes targeted by sponsors, immediately related to the focussed interests having contributed parts donated to Open Sources for the benefits of cross-cut intelligent beings.
Related to past Buddhist documentations, especially in "Bahiya[D44]: In the seen will be merely what is seen; in the heard will be merely what is heard; ... Just this is the End of Dukkha / TRONG CÁI THẤY CHỈ LÀ CÁI THẤY 2023-05-06, we
- theoretically explain the Thing-As-It-Is required qualities for the "#Awareness at the Core of Non-Thingness"; what enable you know that state of Gotama's seventh Jhana "Nothingness" / "describe it if you know" to be passed by this writer and other living students in KP Inner Circle; the "Transcendental #Awareness" can be empirically verifiable by some and have been theoretically proposed in Buddhist Consciousness-Only as the fourth consciousness being aware of the third self consciousness[D19] on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness which is fully apllicable and required enzymes (innovative solutions) in complex International Issues such as the Russia-Ukraine war or South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea,
- enable empirical verifications of the required conditions since there are at least 5 students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle able to use the technology to deliver human practical solutions called "#Prajna Dialectic" different from Hegelian Dialectic on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness used by Illuminati Elites to manipute the world politics in their dark efforts to enslave humanity in Finance and other powers, etc, as presented in Figure 2 from different fields at different angles,
- apply the "practical Then What" to enable Scientifically Cultivable eight layers of InnerSpace of Complex Fibonacci F-dimension to use that "#Awareness at the Core of Non-Thingness" in engaged living, observing the observed and the observer / oneself in one's Continuity of the consciousness, cross-cut all intelligent realms from humanity upward.
So, "What is the Foundation of this Transcendental #AwarenessM.span>", even missed by Gotama otherwise he should be able to foresee the issue at Kosambi[D45] ("#AwarenessPrajna" in Forecasting and Simulation) and if already happened then how to weed out unworthy people with or without his presence ("#AwarenessPrajna" in engaged living), very relevant and applicable to all intelligent beings. This is the "Then What" measurable utility of "Manifested (scientifically cultivable state and stock of) #Prajna" universally required by all people from all walks of life to take cultivable "#Prajna / Conscience / Value of the values / normative Right & Wrong" out of painted cakes of unworthy people from all isms where religions are parts of indoctrinated "binding Word/Image and clinging Thought" in hacking and bullying humanity up until 2025[R8]. Thanks to close encounters with degenerated esoteric feudal systems and living studends - due to their long evolution in higher realms - capable to have "Manifested (state and stock of) #Prajna" logically seen from different layers of No-Conflict Consciousness such as visible "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác": "#AwarenessPrajna" in engaged living, "#AwarenessPrajna" in Forecasting and Simulation, "#VisibleSamadhiPrajna". The writer constructs a mathematical model consistent with Quantum Mechanics but measurable and testable from living students to be later statistically verifiable processes via AI LLM (Large Language Model). This new discovery in Layered InnerSpace from positive Fibonacci evolution around F-dimension is based on empirical observations actually known by current living students at different layers deeper than what are known by Gotama's 2500+ years ago to enable deeper experience practical pay-off such as solving current International conflicts in [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ], democratizing "Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna" as an invisible hand to drive invisible hand of economics in making democracy a reality out of tainted senses driven by Greed and Fears implemented by past unworthy people from all isms and religions. In this construction of the mathematical model, the writer discovers both positive Fibonacci evolution according to Nature based on observable accidentally "Right in the sense of the "light" floating up Making Life Easier and Happier" from some advanced living students and negative Fibonacci degenetation due to extreme desires of tainted senses from success of past evolution due to concentration - no matter what that desire (sex, power, money, etc) is - rendering one below animal energy of physical manifestations "I win You loose evidenced from 2025 US President Trump 2.0". This further proves Gotama's deduction of his Nirvana then Pari-Nirvana blah blah blah by Buddhist unworthy people in sabotaging Gotama's discoveries even at his living time. The solution applicable to all intelligent realms (Human, Esoterics, ETs) to quickly regain one's loss of the natural Right and Wrong is theoretically there, waiting for statistically empirical verifications.
This fact-based bottom-line measurement of Right Effort is an indirect measurement of one's manifestation of #Prajna or Insight into the Emptiness relevant to all complex Issues faced by individual persona and/or [ humanity / community / organization ] in one's "Raison D'être" as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation due to universal natural laws of Action-Reactions and Likes-attract-Likes in one's Continuity of the identified Consciousness. It is an effective measure to see Thing-As-It-Is against the Bullying and Cunning Intelligence of the degenerated in animal kingdoms as the driving force and the real plot behind Covid-19 to intentionally create a chaos for exploiting it as a Good partner of Humanity, clearly evidenced in US since The Meeting at Jekyll Island and its intension on 'permanently' displacing Palestinians to take over Gaza. Similarly, the real driving force and the secret plot behind LM HOÀNG QUỲNH plus something Not Yet Revealed KNOWN ONLY from esoteric realm that we hope the Vietnamese communist party will declassify the TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS to prove that HOÀNG QUỲNH was a Vietnamese communist secret agent. There exist universal Moral Laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes that No one can be above as intelligently analyzed in current geopolitics of the dark forces Building on your own internal Comparative Advantages. The Universal Moral Values of underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED drive the 60,000+ human years of esoteric feudal systems to total collapse. Under modern Executive Information Portal / EIP, one's important projects are under "Plan >< Execution >< Feedback" with well-defined execution steps working around the clock by custom agentic AI of HOC (Home office Club) and their measurable outcomes to rigorously define the ranges of successes and lessons learned, together with normative "self evaluations" at each small step to dynamically change the plans and executions in responses to the changes in collected information. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be able to pick up from LLM (Large Language Model) AI the patterns and custom feeds to be closed to the pulses of the focused strategies.
The evidenced-based "Right Effort" is measurable in all activities and relationships of one's " Plan >< Execution >< Feedback" to reflect one's Quality of the Consciousness in scientifically cultivable state and stock of #Prajna from Thing-As-It-Is according to discovered natural laws. One should be able to (1) properly manage oneself against this hacking process from all isms, religions, ideals, customs, cultures, faked news, etc, in discovered "KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness" at seven (7) different depths of Transcendental #Awareness as exposed in X-dimension, then (2) have Right Understanding of Enlightenment, being a part of the Conscious Living Community of human nature. We are going to prove that without knowing this "Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness", Gotama had defects in his built-process[D24], [D25] to make his discovery just personal opinion (ontological subjective) like any other opinions. By discovering underlying natural laws of "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác" and technology know-hows riding on these natural non-conflicting consciousness, we gradually enable Gotama's discovery statistically significant epistemic objective in [ The Connected Universe where Everything is Connected ].
Before stating our discovered process to unite all scattered discoveries of dedicated explorers such as Gotama, Socrates, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, etc, we see recent scholastic paper [ Is "Illusion" a Prajñāpāramitā Creation? The Birth and Death of a Buddhist Cognitive Metaphor ]. Parts of esoteric indoctrination of humanity via organised religions have been "Illusion" and "Greed" enforced by "Fears", bound on the conflicting duality plane of existence leading to "Prayer" in perpetuating masters-slaves relationships where their armies of unworthy people are the gatekeepers. By logically showing [ #Prajna / Conscience / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / The Perfected Nature / Kingdom of God Within / Latin Humanitas ] are innate within all people and practical technologies to actually deliver them as epistemic objectives, we can say "Verifiable #Prajna" is the beginning, the middle, and the end of Buddhist cultivation. It is the first division in Right Understanding and Right Motivation of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path using both Scientifically Cultivable States and Stock of #Prajna. We also need to raise an alert of Not grasping the visible benefits of HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna - "#Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna [for Right Understanding], while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi [for Right Motivation][R5]" - not to be bound and clung to the end results on the duality plane but discovering underlying natural laws to enable beneficial results known and sustainable as epistemic objective that we name "VisibleSamadhiPrajna" as an ontological type of one's InnerSpace scientific cultivation. Typical example is the dopamine using modern devices such as PET (Positron Emission Tomography), MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to locate the D-Spot which are only physical manifestations of accomplished consciousness technologies.
Back to the Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness which must pass through the Gateway-to-Oneness via #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness on the no-conflict plane of consciousness commonly known as [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Wisdom ] we logically and mathematically prove that Buddhist mindfulness of breathing (Anapanasati)[D24] and the Great Frames of Reference (MahaSatipatthana Sutta - Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] are completely nested in conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) conflicting events. The "self" is totally entangled in its own conditioned and changing mess; there is no way for the "self" to touch its "outside the box" selfless. That may be the reason why the role of #AwarenessPrajna[D22] is completely ignored and dormant in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas since most of the monks / nuns / followers cannot pass the Gateway-to-Oneness. A new Vista is open for scientific investigations in "Fibonacci Layered InnerSpace" around the F-dimension orthogonal to both "duality plane" and the "outside-the-box plane" at the end point of HuiNeng's [ Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment types ]: EquanimityAwareness at Fibonacci f1 = 1, PurityAwareness at f2 = 1, knowing all SignedPosts at f3 = 2, (4) SelflessAwareness at f4 = 3, VisibleAwarenessPrajna at F5 = 5, EngagedAwarenessPrajna at F6 = 8, ForecastingSimulation at F7 = 13, VisibleSamadhiPrajna at F8 = 21.
Without going into the details of "Why" and measurable technologies of "How" - where their theoretical explanations and empirical verification being presented as a part of patented and transparently available document to public - in moving from one layer to the next and/or being alert of each layer depletion plus what to do about it, we can assert at theoretical level for statistically significant data mining that the Dependent Nature on the plane of #Oneness is:
The most noticeable attribute in these layers is "No-Conflict / Hồn Nhiên" as actually demonstrated by this Vietnamese grade-1 Lady which is (1) beyond binding Word/Image perfected by Roman Catholic Church (qualified at Equanimity of Gotama's Transcendental-Awareness or HuiNeng's Detachment), and (2) clinging Thought perfected by Muslim (qualified at Purity layer of consciousness). This means the layers must be one's realities in actual living such as [ Conscience >< Justice >< Moral Value ] which demand the inner power in the states and stock of #Prajna. #Oneness means No-Conflict-Consciousness[R2.1] on both the "duality plane" and the event perpendicular "outside-the-box plane" of Selfless / #Prajna / Ultimate (Wider) Truth / The Perfected Nature / Kingdom of God within. Detachment means no binding/clinging forces of image/word and thought. These are observable attributes / traits, having characteristic of particularity coming from invisible Sunyata in dynamic layered Dependent Nature in the sense that Compassion - which can be classified for cultivation as layers of Kindness and Empathy evidenced from limited field research - is the foundation of #Prajna; they all have the characteristics of Oneness and Detachment.
The means to them must be "No-Conflict on the duality plane" mathematically represented as a cross line between duality plan and its perpendicular no-conflict plane, then transcendental on deeper / higher from the No-Conflict plane. Recognisable thought is always in duality and conflict, scientifically proven by observer effect from We Are All One. Those Christians and Muslims - enslaved themselves in binding Word/Image and clinging Thought - cannot touch the state of #Oneness, commonly known as the Kingdom of God within. Almost all Buddhists - cheated by unworthy people in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas - cannot touch this state of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]. People are pulled and pushed by "Inner Conflict and Outer Conflict" in the vicious circle of [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] of commonly known as "prison without bars" employed by unworthy people in all isms.
Eastern pre and post Gotama literature has mentioned cultivation of Brahmavihara / TỨ VÔ LƯỢNG TÂM or the four boundless qualities, claimed to cause the practitioner to be reborn into a "Brahmā / Gods / Buddhas realm":
Again, there is "No-Conflict" in these four layers. But Buddhist cultivation is only at Thought level of duality, unable to pass the Gateway-to-Oneness to the actuality of No-Conflict inside and No-Conflict outside. The bottom line of this observation is that unworthy people in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas have successfully locked most dedicated explorers into their "cul-de-sac Buddhist Tautologies and Duality". Similar to Gotama's core contribution of "(1) Detachment", and HuNeng's Value-Added "(2) #DhyanaSamadhi and (3) #SamadhiPrajna" being Thing-As-It-Is observable attributes of "No-Conflict Consciousness", [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) ] naturally leading to [ states and stock of #Prajna ] according to underlying Natural Laws - Making Life Easier and Happier - as logically presented next for the visible manifestations of [ Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] are all visible attributes of "No-Conflict Consciousness". They are all beyond conflicting thoughts and consistent with "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh" { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } unknown by Infinite-Thought Bodhisattva cheated in Buddhist Lotus (Saddharma Puṇḍarīka) Sutra[D49] of the ones do not know yet claimed to Know do not see yet claimed to See[D19]. Entire 2500+ years of Buddhist [Reading/Listening/Reciting scriptures > Reflection > Cultivation - VĂN > TƯ > TU - 聞-思-修], [Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ], and Bodhisattva's ideal in Shantideva Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra "A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life" or "Entering the Path of Enlightenment" are all wrong conflicting processes of the blinds touching imaginary elephants, incapable to move from Relative Truth to "Ultimate (Wider) Truth and cheating humanity in their self-claimed Buddhist Teachers, being unworthy people required to be weeded out from Gotama's Noble Sanghas.
In the collapse of Illuminati Elites that few human students have had opportunities to be part of the "Good Force" - directly interacting with degenerated esoteric entities - we theorise (1) the Brahmavihara / TỨ VÔ LƯỢNG TÂM have been lost in higher realms otherwise they would not have been created rivers of bloods and tremendous sufferings - much more than human World Wars I and II - with the plan to eliminate 90% human population to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships officially ended from 2022-07-26 (the video was deleted); they have indoctrinated humanity with "Illusion" for upper classes having the quest in the meaning of living, and "Greed/Fear" for the mass leading all people on the path of Prayer where they are Gods, Buddhas, Allah, Bodhisattvas, Saints, etc, (2) the statement may be a general observation of past good entities having these qualities as appeared in the "The Great Compassion Mantra / Chú Đại Bi" from the badly degenerated Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva coming from natural laws of Action-Reaction and the quality of the consciousness, (3) no one has discovered its underlying natural laws of right conditions and processes, nor had actual experience in battle tested of economics or allocation of scare resources since there were abundant resources and one did not need to do anything, (4) #Prajna is the further consciousness evolution to measure different levels in actual living and being according to Not-Self Natural Laws, (5) all human isms leading to human rights are the nature battle grounds for further consciousness evolution while the higher realms' feudal systems have been static to expose all individual intelligent beings in a very long trial and errors of their dynamic balance of self preservation to wider vista in higher consciousness of selfless, (6) a new golden Era coincides with new cycle of cosmic consciousness has arrived to enable fluid and dynamic interactions between self-selfless, duality-oneness, individual-wholesome, disintegration-integration, etc, (7) AwakeningBudh and KhaiPhong may be the beginning of this new Era to enable all realms evolving to higher consciousness with the implementations of these conflicting forces as epistemic objectives.
Without scientific process known by the mass as epistemic objectives, beneficial knowledge in understanding natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is in "Making Life Easier and Happier" will be lost. Using our many thousands years of accumulated Right Explorations having tremendous costs of trials and errors paid by real lives - and there are many like this among us - we reverse engineering our actual experiences. All visible manifestations Making Life Easier and Happier must come from Right Conditions which are cultivable and measurable with scientific processes of optimal conditions in making up the desired visible plus "enzyme / secret sauce" in scientific cooking processes. Back to the "No-Conflict" layers of consciousness, Krishnamurti used the etymology of ComPassion where "Com" is common, and "Passion" is vibration to describe Thing-As-It-Is process of this layer. Hence, we have:
which can lump together according to our 50+ years of field researches as No-Conflict Consciousness from #Oneness. Similarly, we can logically derive from Soyen Shaku Oneness or HuiNeng Detachment to enable "Being into the Living / #Oneness in Duality" where #Prajna Dialectic drives the Right Effort in all activities and relationships in the direction of:
There, we have identified layers of "No-Conflict" consciousness with well-defined attributes to be measurable as explained in "The Birth and Death of a Buddhist Cognitive Metaphor" where the four boundless qualities of life are actually manifested. All we need to weed out unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, and 1000+ years of other organised religions is the discovery of "No-Conflict" technologies, enabling most people from all organised religions, different/conflicting cultures, customs, languages having direct access to the Dependent Nature of "No-Conflict" layers of consciousness, actually known by Gotama and Jesus to turn their personal experiences into epistemic objectives. Since all manifestations are conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) due to the second laws of thermodynamics, and there are known dedicated explorers actually knowing the state of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] and their reversed engineering of optimal conditions leading to the above seven depths of Gotama Transcendental #Awareness passing through Gotama's Signed Posts of verifiable Thing-As-It-Is to be statistically measurable via AI technologies, all we need is world-wide proven facilities of "Body & Mind©®" having digital and personal supports of qualified counsellors from proven and custom Executive Information Portal (EIP).
These layers of "No-Conflict" consciousness - unknown by all dedicated explorers up until 2025 - comes into existence according to the Dependent Nature that “Because this exists, that arises; because this does not exist, that does not arise" in the natural evolution, corresponding to the evolution of intelligent beings starting from biology to different shades of [ Compassion >< #Oneness / Detachment >< #Prajna ] corresponding to different realms of Happiness. Without Compassion, there cannot be [ #Oneness / Detachment] nor #Prajna. But due to [ Volition / Freewill ], the Detachment and/or #Prajna further enhance and enrich Compassion due to knowing underlying scientific processes which is a breakthrough in combining required conditions at the right place and time of (1) qualified students actually knowing [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ], (2) further scientific discoveries of layered No-Conflict Consciousness in precised presentation via mathematics unknown in both human and higher realms, (3) modern AI in statistically measuring epistemic objectives of Thing-As-It-Is, (4) invisible hand of #Prajna and Economics in one's Raison D'être from the grassroots to teach past elites a dear lesson in dialogue between Bodhidharma and Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty in one's Continuity of the Consciousness according to natural laws which is beyond Greed and Fears.
When "Compassion" is lost (or depleted) due to Greed and wrong claim of self in the technical excellence of achievers - as esoterically and fact-based known in middle realms of [ Buddhas / Gods / Allah ] - leading to the degeneration and collapse of Illuminati elites in human realm, the cunning intelligence of [ "I win You loose" in zero-sum game ] is still there due to the inertness of energy and physical layers of existence. But once the physical layer comes to the end of its life cycle, the quality of the consciousness - measurable to the quality of [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] - must conform to Thing-As-It-Is natural laws of whatever heavy sinking down and whatever light floating up to easier and happier existence[D32].
It is interesting to note that Equanimity is identified as the starting required attribute for Detachment, so is the starting required attribute for Transcendental #Awareness qualified by Gotama 2500+ years ago. This means that one must pass Gateway-to-Oneness - emptying/transcending whatever contents at the present moment - activating the natural "Detachment" to make happened the directed "#AwarenessPrajna" at the focused event. Laying it side-by-side with Signed Posts or Gotama's Jhanas[D29], the scientific process is the evolution from duality of form (Madhyamaka Relative Truth) back to layers of Consciousness in "No-Conflict" #Oneness ( Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Kingdom of God within / #Prajna / Latin Humanitas ) for a wider view of Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position in a focused complex event, while letting Natural Purification[D27] of accomplished Right Inner Peace effortlessly doing its work.
To sum up, the "Foundation of Transcendental #Awareness is: "
in actual daily engaged living to be aware of the Transcendental consciousness outside the Observed and Observer verifiable at the Buddhist state of Not-Self that most Buddhists only vaguely see in theory, entangled themselves in conflicting duality at thought level of [Ethical Code > Concentration > Prajna - Giới > Định > Tuệ] and [Reading/Listening/Reciting Buddhist scriptures > Reflection > Cultivation - VĂN > TƯ > TU - 聞-思-修] having no practical utility of actual living; Christians and Muslims - thanks to Jesus's "Parable of the Good Samaritan[R16]" - have engaged in actual [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) ] to accidentally benefit both themselves and communities according to Thing-As-It-Is continuity of identifiable streams of consciousness. It is the manifestation of states and stock of #Prajna which is measurable at different outcomes of one's or aggregate's effort to gauge the shades of the four boundless qualities of mind which is applicable to both individual and the aggregate mathematically modeled as a persona. Internally, these qualities build up in its "Containerized Consciousness / Alaya / Soul" the natural process in the pattern of positive Fibonacci evolution called one's "InnerSpace" in facing a focused event via Right Effort of an accountable Creator where manifested "#Prajna" is a smart pointer [ #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, #Awareness, #Prajna, #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIPs ] to one's visible trait of [ #TRUTH, #Honesty, #Care, #Intuition, #Balanced, #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated ]. Dynamic interactions of these functional smart pointers and traits on different layered No-Conflict Consciousness of [ F >< Y >< X ] dimensions preliminarily form scientifically cultivable states and stock of #Prajna. Custom functional programming of these interactions are designed and targeted to expose negative attributes from the three dimensions into rational conscious Living & Being out of the automatic Action-Response of the [X-Y] Truth plane to Help All Concerned Parties optimally moving toward the direction of Right Evolution from humanity upward according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Via Big Data of ethical AI, underlying natural laws of the right evolution can be DISCOVERED and SHARED for both biological and organizational "Containerized Consciousness / Alaya / Soul".
Having these cultivable and deliverable scientifically visible layers of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1], dedicated Buddhists can effortlessly drive unworthy people steering Buddhism Ontology to Hauntology unemployed! Christians, Muslims, and followers of monotheisms can naturally drop the pattern of [ "blind" followers / faithful lambs ] manipulated by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in the name of any Creator to be one's own "creator", in part discover and in part create the Real You[R10]. For those looking for the solution to the [ "fundamental conflicts / contradictions" ] of human beings in diverse cultures, languages, patterns, regional histories such as in China and many other countries, the changes must come from grassroots that one can [ "do the effortless doing / Wei-Wu-Wei / Bất chiến tự nhiên thành" ] driving on the underlying natural laws of the seven visible attributes where everyone - the [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] - can bring something in innate human being to the table. We are here to be parts of these Efforts via Executive Information Portal EIP of cultivable [ Human Harmony / Nhân Hòa ] which is the scientific implementation of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20], value added by five other Turnings of Understanding (Prajnaparamita, Madhyamaka, Yogacara, Tantra, plus this sixth current Understanding of Trusted Leadership 4.0 - transcending both Christian and KungTzu doctrinal leaderships in harmonious measurable real benefits - of the Right Society 5.0) and minimising possible conflicts in all activities and relationships.
4. Process of Awareness / Natural Purification
"Buddhist Mindfulness" is known from all Buddhist sects and traditions in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, blah blah blah in all kinds of "meditations" at duality conflicting levels of "the blinds touching elephant" bullying humanity by unworthy monks and nuns[R18.4] not knowing yet claimed to know not seeing yet claimed to see[D19]. Here is a typical scholastic compilation of [ ZEN IN BUDDHISM / THIỀN TRONG ĐẠO PHẬT VOL I, II, III ]. You cannot find anywhere in Buddhist and other meditations "proven process of #EmptyTheContent whatever the content it is" toward and beyond the observer effect of Not-Self discovered by Gotama from We Are All One, except in Gotama's descriptions of his actual experiences[D26], [D29], [D30], #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace to the seventh Jhana "Non-Thingness" and beyond. This logically and scientifically shows the relevant Science and Economics of #Oneness in KhaiPhong, starting from the scientific researches in sharing of those actually knowing [ KiếnTánh / WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness> ] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }. Please expose all claimed [ meditation masters / Buddhist teachers ] their realities about meditation (dhyana), precisely defined by HuiNeng for the process of this directed "#AwarenessPrajna: (which is) to be free from attachment to all outer objects is [ Meditation / Dhyana ].
Most importantly the role of Transcendental #Awareness in Gotama's advise to Ajita's Questions[D22] that Gotama knew the process of Transcendental #Awareness, not cheating humanity like most of his monks and nuns: { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is "#EmptyTheContent / Transcendental #Awareness" to clearly see Thing-As-It-Is that obstructs and restricts them, and by "#Prajna" they are dissolved" }. It is definitely NOT (1) [ Anapanasati - mindfulness of breathing[D24] ] in concentration to dull the mind from 50% wasting of brain power in a "chatting mind of the infinite-thought Bodhisattava" from cheating Lotus Sutra[D49], not Knowing yet claimed to know not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19] NOR (2) [ MahaSatipatthana - The Great Frames of Reference (Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] ] in dulling the mind from irrelevant things, rendering one useless in modern living since not all coming from the senses are relevant and some invisible signal from the intuition and seventh sense may demand an immediate Intensity of Attention that one has worn-out concentration incapable to clearly see What Thing-As-It-Is. Transcendental #Awareness is [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] at different depth of cultivable #Prajna to be scientifically verified in KhaiPhong { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment"page 126 in The Zen doctrine of no-mind [R5.1] }.
In the light of how easy it is to hack one's mind by unworthy people from all isms, religions, binding Word/Image and clinging Thought with faked News[R8] and there exists scientific discoveries of consciousness technologies Not to be Hacked while Liberating the mind of its past tainted senses to Higher Consciousness in Making Life Easier and Happier, let's explore three underlying natural laws discovered in Gotama's qualified #Awareness from "Equanimity" upward[D29]:
- Transcendental #Awareness is a natural state of SatChitSunyata (an improved version of Indian SatChitAnada) that 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism missed (including all technologies delivered by Gotama, Nagarjuna Madhyamaka, and voluminous literature beating around the bushes of the blinds touching imaginary elephant) It is so since most of the contributions are at the common "rational / right or wrong" conflicting levels on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness with few glimpses outside the box based on Chinese practicality such as Bodhidharma Detachment-Prajna[D35] via #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, XuanZang Consciousness of the consciousness[D19], and HuiNeng[R5.1] WuNien, #DhyanaSamadhi (Thiền Định), and #SamadhiPrajna. Combining these glimpses together with contributions from other civilisations in "Indian #Oneness / Christian Kingdom of God within / Muslim There is No god but God" in reversed-engineering of our actual know-how of Gotama recorded nine (9) stages of Jhanas throughout 50+ years in field research, we discovered the Dependent Nature of No-Conflict Consciousness whose evolution follows the pattern of Fibonacci sequence, and its common line of "No-Conflict on the duality plane of Relative Truth". Mathematically, one has to be on this common line which is Wu-Nien of { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" } to personally experience from Madhyamaka Relative Truth to Ultimate (Wider) Truth and verify its functionality which is absolutely required in a Conscious Living and Being of SatChitSunyata.
- Transcendental #Awareness is far beyond current Psychotherapy in not only to properly manage one's realities but also dissolve dominant karmic force due to #AwarenessPrajna. Buddhist Wise Attention[D28] without transcendental states in Riding The Ox passing Gateway-to-Oneness in its entire 2500+ years of unworthy people in cheating humanity has no deliverable benefits and why it has not been popular. Chinese Wei-Wu-Wei from Tao delivers some verifiable beneficial results to actual living via hard work which is the meaning of Qi Gong[R11]. Modern psychotherapy applies human innate "epistemic objectives of actuality" versus imaginary yokes of binding Word/Image and clinging Thought either internally generated and/or externally imposed to properly manage one's reality in the practical present living. The tainted "scar" has not been dissolved and be ready to be hacked at any time! Buddhist unworthy people from Vajrayana-Tantra are willing to be slaves - due to Greed and Fears - to Voodoos of physically implanting energy connection via binding Word/Image and clinging Thought to perpetuate the masters-slaves relationships of Greed and Power, well known as "contracts signed in blood" and the owl image in the collapse of Illuminati elites. These Voodoos cannot match against cosmic energy of No-Conflict Consciousness at the sixth and seventh depths of [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ] using light technologies of a living student being a part in foiling their plots in inter-realms dominance! Natural Purification must come from No-Conflict Consciousness where Sunyata Non-Thingness is a visible attribute in the manifestation of #Prajna and [ #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ]. That is why 2500+ years of Buddhist rational purification at conflicting thoughts - including the claimed Gotama's instruction in achieving Selflessness - are in vain! The situation has been changed due to scientific approach to cultivable #Prajna and [ Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien ].
- Transcendental #Awareness is founded on the discovered layered No-Conflict Consciousness whose Dependent Nature in both evolution and degeneration follow Fibonacci sequence. Without understanding underlying natural laws, all degenerated intelligent beings of the past feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods - such as the infinite-Thought Bodhisattva and Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49] - do not understand "Why" and "How" to quickly recover according to underlying natural laws. It is different from the Dependent Nature of Conflicting Consciousness on the duality plane of events (Madhyamaka Relative Truth). This patented discovery and its implementation in Executive Information Portal (EIP) for human harmony - driven by natural laws to be discovered in invisible hand of Empathy and Economics - according to Gotama's First discourse[D20] is the target of NfP AwakeningBudh and its technical arm KpPlatform SMART Projects.
What is the bottom line of this Right scientific (testable, verifiable and reproducible) Transcendental #Awareness veiled by unworthy people in 2500+ years of Buddhist Cheating Sanghas[D19], Not Knowing yet claimed to know, Not Seeing yet claimed to see? A Persona in EIP is a legal identity - an identifiable personal or aggregate stream of consciousness - such as a family, community, company, nation, international organisation, humanity, etc, to ride on discovered underlying natural laws in Making Life Easier and Happier. It help to allocate scare resources and Right Efforts toward a grand vision of present target. Let's take the current target of a nation as an identifiable National Security and/or territorial ownership where the country elites in or outside the governments are the driving forces. There is a balance between protecting privacy rights of the users, but taking into account the world evolving needs of different approved regulating processes. KhaiPhong EIP protocol designs are flexible to gear to these conflicting forces. It enables the Persona privately accumulated data in one's Neural Graph Database db legally conformed to the conflicting forces at the same time pushing them toward What Count via Invisible Hands of #Prajna and Economics.
The Right (scientific) Transcendental #Awareness enables (1) the Optimised Sweet Spot of [ Cultivable #Prajna >< Required Conditions conducive to WuNien >< Elites ] to raise committed elites of the nation to Higher Consciousness and breakthrough Technical Innovations which can be realities in all activities and relationships of all fields and domains due to the Freshness of WuNien and Value of the values from #Prajna, Making Life Easier and Happier; it invisibly draws international investments and committed elites in changing oneself and the environments towards What Count in putting real efforts to transform the HaveNots into Stakeholders then committed Elites since only in engaged living one can know more about oneself in both Actions-Reactions and Likes-attract-Likes, and (2) the Optimised Sweet Spot of [ national relationships >< expats relationships >< national budgets ] to dynamically and optimally achieve the grand vision.
Besides identified students in our group or esoterically connected, we do not know any claimed Buddhist [ meditation master / zen master / dharma king / dharma master / Dalai Lama / reincarnation of x-y-z ] personally and actually touch this defined meditation state which demands a minimum Qualified Transcendental #Awareness by Gotama[D29] or [ Detachment (XẢ) ] by HuiNeng. The minimum qualification - either by Gotama or HuiNeng - is the described "Equanimity" where one is Free from binding Word/Image. Most are "the blinds touching elephant" logically deducting what it is about emptying the contents at thought level while personally not passing the "Gateway-to-Oneness" knowing nothing about "Equanimity" to be naturally Free from binding Word Image indoctrinated by all organised religions where Buddhism is a part. The Free from binding Word/Image at Equanimity Higher Consciousness and Free from clinging Thought at Purity Higher Consciousness are results of our limited field research based on actual experience of living students in our group to look for visible attributes in measurable Signed Posts similar to international rating of Chinese Qi Gong.
For example, Buddhist unworthy people argue that by logically and rationally seeing the "five skandhas (senses) Empty Of Essence" - as described in the Heart Sutra[R2] - one becomes disgusted with them and free from greed of attachment to the senses, hence liberated. The description is not the described. Conditioned thinking on the duality plane of conflicting and changing events - a darkness - cannot take one out of the darkness of innumerable conditioned and changing forces influencing the event as argued in the [ Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra / Diamond Sutra ][R7]. It is just the vicious circle of [ Ignorance >< Attachment / Greed >< Aversion / Fear ] that Buddhist cheating Sanghas trying to enslave humanity to perpetuate their claim of masters-slaves relationships in the entire history of cheating Buddhism up to 2025. By logically and mathematically showing the minimum required quality of Transcendental #Awareness at Equanimity level[D29] - passing the Gateway-to-Oneness - plus no Buddhist and other meditations providing "proven process of emptying the content" beyond the observer effect from We Are All One, we can temporarily stop the destructive forces from the unworthy people wearing Gotama's monk robe riding on his credibility in making very unworthy living. When normative technologies are deliverable, enabling most people knowing the Gateway-to-Oneness from vertical on-off switches on the vertical plane of [ #Oneness / #Prajna / Conscience ], these unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] will be effortlessly weeded out.
Let's dwell deeper into the Dependent Nature of layers of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] to see why humanity and middle form realms have gone astray in the glorification of self, knowing only the cunning intelligence of duality thinking tools leading to the natural elimination of Illuminati and communist elites regulated by underlying Natural Laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes; many of whom are not even qualified as persons in their continuity of the consciousness. This is also a wider view of Rationalism - a methodology "in which the criterion of the truth is not sensory but intellectual and deductive" - where a wider view of a focused event is possible in Prajna Dialectic to enable Rationalism of Hegelian Dialectic on the duality plane of conflicting events moving toward the Right and Wrong of What Count[R23] which is statistically measurable in the Right or Wrong of Effort. If you are billionaires - whether the money coming from illegitimate at its start-up or completely legitimate - and vaguely sense you have to do something with the resources you cannot bring with you except the quality of your consciousness, please follow your intuition in a dialogue between Bodhidharma and Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty otherwise it may be too late as in the case of Emperor Wu of Liang. In the light of "The Architecture of Fazang's Six characteristics" coming from accumulated Chinese and Indian Philosophies, together with scientific Fourth Industrial Revolution we are looking forward to Prajna University where Technical Singularity directed by #Prajna Dialectic can be achievable at both Normative and Objective Intelligence, achievable "From people, By people, and For people". We have in our hand an esoteric token - similar to HuiNeng's symbolic token to be the Sixth Patriarch of China - to indicate the New Era of Awakening Budh in every person due to one's innate "Buddha Nature / The Kingdom of God Within / Latin Humanitas".
Back to the visible foundation of Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ], the Dependent Nature in these no-conflict layers is that “because this exists, that arises; because this does not exist, that does not arise”. So an act of Kindness activated in daily simple activities of Right Speech and Right Action - readily giving a hand of assistance - will naturally enable Empathy or the ability to understand and share the feelings of other beings in a ksana / Planck time of present moment which activates Conscience - the sense of Right and Wrong - Justice and Moral Value resulting in Joy and Equanimity, having "Natural Purification" of the senses. When Natural Purification - regeneration and reborn - strong enough one can effortlessly pass the Gateway-to-Oneness, #EmptyTheContents. That is the beginning of "Transcendental #Awareness" and meditation (being free from attachment to all outer objects). It is the most natural relaxing and merging - a universal tool discovered by the writer into "Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh". The process has its feedback loop. That is due to scientifically cultivable states and stock of #Prajna of Right Understanding and Right Motivation, one's Worthy or Right and Wrong activities and relationships move toward this Right direction of What Count[R23] in one's continuity of the consciousness.
There are a lot of trials and errors in discovering the Natural Laws underlying these layers of No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1]. [Self / Thought] is part of conflicts on the duality plane. Duality [tools / means / darkness] such as Buddhist mindfulness of breathing (Anapanasati)[D24] and The Great Frames of Reference (MahaSatipatthana Sutta / Tứ niệm xứ)[D25] can not push practitioners to the vertical plane of no-conflict at different degrees of "Light" except in concentration / cunning intelligence of achieving Self rendering all involved parties worse off. It is the (no-conflict) "Intensity-of-Attention" which is the same mechanisms as Aspiration via Faith, music, dance, martial arts, etc, Compassion, Detachment, two discovered and tested vertical switches #PrajnaTIPs in Sound and in Kindness, or assistance via external consciousness forces from available living students in HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna and Hindu's natural levitation that take one to higher layers of consciousness on the no-conflict plane of [ #Oneness / Conscience / #Prajna / Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Consciousness-Only Perfected Nature / Kingdom of God Within / Latin Humanitas ]. Without clearly knowing the Dependent Nature of these no-conflict layers of consciousness and that a duality tool - proven by the observer effect - cannot operate in the selfless no-conflict dimension, both Gotama and Jesus could not reverse-engineer their discoveries for others to verify their discoveries as epistemic objectives.
Seeing the proven processes and fact-based measurable levels of the foundation of Transcendental #Awareness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] - together with minimum conscience not to be Buddhist unworthy people[R18.4] in recognition of one's reality - there is a suggestion of rational approach using the feedback in reversed process of [ Detachment (XẢ) >< Joy (HỶ) >< Empathy (BI) >< Kindness (TỪ) ] to activate the Compassion and #Prajna for deeper Right Understanding and Right Motivation in achieving the right order of no-conflict foundation of Transcendental #Awareness. This is logically right if and only if one actually knows Gotama's Emptiness[D29] or Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, qualified at the minimum level of [ Transcendental #Awareness / Equanimity / Detachment (XẢ) ] capable to pass the 'Gateway-to-Oneness" transcending conflicting forces. We proved that most - cheated by unworthy monks / nuns in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha - have not reached this level and there are more potent vertical switches to take one to that level, riding on discovered natural laws of existence. Almost all naturally qualified persons having minimum compassion and prajna of knowing the right and wrong as a part of defined Latin humanitas embedded with human rights can ride on these new technologies to personally experience the transcendental states of dissolving the contents, activating Natural Purification of Transcendental #Awareness once passing the Gateway-to-Oneness which will take humanity not only out of the dark ages imposed by organised religions of unworthy people but also the limitation of [ Pure Rationalism / Chủ nghĩa Duy Lý ].
Back to the dialogue between Bodhidharma and Emperor Wu of Liang, you clearly see that the internal (causal) power of [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] cannot be bought by money or traded with political power. One must cultivate in engaged living and the outcomes of one's efforts are measurable at the bottom line. That engaged living is applicable to all activities, relationships, fields, domains, places and times. Do not let Buddhist unworthy people cheating you as they have cheated humanity to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships while veiling Gotama's discoveries. Since each identified stream of consciousness is Unique with different positive and negative signs accumulated in innumerable pasts, qualified counsellors - capable to see your realities more than what you can know yourself - can design a custom process and functional programming augmented by your private data to take you as a case study that in engaged living with your real [ capital/sweat ] putting more "Intensity of Attention" in what most important to you as a part of AwakeningBudh Movement, helping you and the world toward What Count[R23]. We think the gathering of these elites - each bringing to the table some unique significant contribution - can quickly change the grassroots of humanity. Accumulation of these processes form parts in the Science and Economics of #Oneness in KhaiPhong.
Similarly, Buddhist cultivation of Bodhisattva is only action of the blinds, enslaved themselves on the duality plane of conflicting conditioned (sankhara-dukkha) and changing (viparinama-dukkha) events. Same thing is applicable to Christian Samaritan[R16], God/Allah/Buddha in all organised religions, and 60,000+ human years of esoteric degeneration in middle realms - pulled and pushed by self glorification via technical singularity at the manifested events - leading to the collapse of Illuminati (New World Order) Elites in human realm. Surviving elites - controlling over 20 billion US dollars - must know their realities and the natural power of [ Conscience >< Justice >< Moral Value ] coming from cultivable #Prajna of Thing-As-It-Is that no one can cheat the underlying natural laws forever.
In the ComPassion circle around the encountered points, the larger the ComPassion or common vibration of energy, the wider perspective of #Prajna one has. From #PrajnaTIP in Kindness, ComPassion is (1) the first corner stone in the Three Supporting Legs of a Right Living / Effort being fully Aware of the Dependent Nature (Paratantra) of a Worthy Existence (Sat) in all activities; the other two are (2) 'Stability deep rooted in Sunyata' not to be Pulled and Pushed by Binding Words and Clinging Thoughts for the manifestation of the Perfected Nature (Parinishpanna) graphically represented as the patch C without the arch to represent the limit of the previous Dependent Nature ComPassion, and (3) 'Right Effort / Seeing one's Strategic Position' naturally driven by #Prajna with breakthroughs from #Prajna Dialectic of seeing one's Strategic Position in a complex issue without any veil (Imaginary Nature - Parikalpita) of expectation coming out (Chit) from Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) and Right Transcendental Inner Peace graphically represented as the Change Dynamics in patches A and C of Figure 2.
ComPassion is also the force to naturally generate "Detachment", qualifying the 'Right' in both Transcendental #Awareness and Transcendental Inner Peace (#Samadhi). The easiest and most effective cultivation is to have some 'feelings' from the 'True Heart' (Empathy) for other beings, manifested through the six Perfections [ Generosity/Giving, Ethics, Patience, Energetic, Right #Samadhi, #Prajna ] which now has the meaning beyond the observer effect from We Are All One due to the [quality / depth] of Transcendental #Awareness. Virtue will naturally flow out of these perfections, due to natural fluidity of the Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) without any need to use one 'doctrinal' thought to fight other 'binding' thoughts. #Prajna from one's Innate Budh (Buddha Nature) is naturally Awakening seen from both its states and stock. See the damages created by unworthy people from all isms to destroy themselves and others via exploitation of "Fears and Greed" painted by Words of "Love, Compassion, Illusion" and pictures of "show-off Heart, and Light".
Part of the 'Perfection' is Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định / #Samadhi), easily accessible with PrajnaTIP in Sound / Light, PrajnaTIP in Kindness, and cultivable Prajna in Activity via Faith beyond Thought and/or merging into the Open Space. There are several safe and physical techniques, similar to Yoga, to induce the body into an 'Empty State' where there is a flush of energy and a natural state of being Aware of simultaneous signals arising not only [ from inside the observer ] but also [ the current states of relationships between the observer and the surroundings ]. One can easily cultivate that relationship to expand one's Direct Perception with the Nature as one's lab before applying that Direct Perception in a more complex situation in daily activities.
Direct Perception with the Nature turns out to be the most enjoyable and effective way to let one's inner stress to be neutralised by the Nature for some Clarity of the Mind via Transcendental #Awarenesss, plus some revitalisation of the physical body. In KhaiPhong, Transcendental #Awareness is the driving force to solve all Conflicting Events to prove Gotama's advice to Ajita[D22] that he is not a cheating artist as most of his [ monks / nuns / followers ]. Krishnamurti after many years of logically and sanely analyzing the causes and effects of the Thinker and the Thought to see if there is something 'Unborn' and 'Unconditioned' to initially assert the existence of that state, but concluded that the 'Thinker is the Thought' at the operational level of Present Living. Toward the later period of his life, he suggested a state of Direct Perception, best cultivated with the Nature to see the Totality As It Is since it is too tedious and impossible to see all the causes and effects which are not directly relevant. Two living students personally and independently discover this technique as a tool to Expanding Space (Transcending the Observed) and Expanding Consciousness (Transcending the Observer) in Cosmic Consciousness.
The many thousands years of esoteric and human darkness in Grasp-er and the Grasped[D39] on the conflicting duality plane of existence have a breakthrough thanks to the discovery of layered No-Conflict Consciousness [ Conscience >< Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< #Prajna >< Justice >< Moral Value >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] and its scientific cultivation process. Significant concepts such as Empathy, Samaritan, Love, God, Allah, Buddha, etc, now have precise meaning and statistically measurable for a Right Understanding and Right Motivation of any important focused event in the Science and Economics of KhaiPhong (Opening and Liberating). As a case study, you can use the dominant Issue of any country such as the issue of market economy - thanks to its invisible and moral hand of economics - (1) directed by communist ideal from Vietnam or China, or (2) in God We Trust via some simulated reality of The Matrix having no escape or Freedom. The meaning of existence - Raison D'être - is Accessing the Creation (Selfless) to direct the Creator (Self) in seeing Thing-as-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the focused event toward What Count.
That Direct Perception, outside conditioned boxes of the event, that we call '#Awareness Beyond Thought' (embedded in one's Intuition and prove a required attribute of Transcendental #Awareness) has been actually exploring by many, known under different names:
- Chit or Consciousness running side by side with other Waking, Sleeping, Dreaming states known in Hindu as [ Sat Chit Ananda / Existence Consciousness Bliss ] that we modified into a more appropriate term [ Sat Chit Sunyata / Existence Consciousness #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness ], consistent with deeper exploration of 'Transcendental Bliss' latest modified into 'Emptiness', 'Non-Thingness' by its founder[D54],
- The cessation of Dukkha at its 'mountain top' called Nirvana. Riding on KhaiPhong Technology one can logically know as a road map to direct one's Right Efforts, and later in one's Continuity of the Consciousness personally verified as the Nirvana of the Present Moment similar to a scientific process starting from a logical theoretical model for exploration and empirical verification in Actual Living,
- The Ultimate (Wider) Truth simultaneously manifested with the Conventional Truth[D46], [D38] in Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka,
- The Perfected Nature (Parinishpanna) infused into the relative existence to see 'Thing-As-It-Is' of both the Grasp-er (Grahaka) and the Grasped (Grahya) and the Dependent Nature (Paratantra) of One with the World to lift one out of the 'Binding Word' and 'Clinging Thought' of the Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita) in the Abyss of Sufferings explored in Consciousness-Only[D39] by Asanga and Vasubandhu,
- Dharmapala-XuanZang (HsuanTsang) theoretical model of Self/Selfless #Awareness[D19] to explain the capability of the Innate Budh (Buddha Nature) to see 'Thing-As-It-Is' outside all conditioned boxes of the the Observed, the Observer and the State of the Observation,
- 'Where can the dust alight?' expressed by HuiNeng in his well-known contest in the Unbroken Lineage of the new Movement started by Gotama toward the Right Relationships of self-respect and respect others in opposing to the existing master-slave relationships. He formally stated: 'What cannot be named by any name is called the Self-Nature. This non-dual nature is the Self Nature [ that we call self/selfless nature ], and it is within the Self Nature [Ultimate (Wider) Truth - Perfected Nature] that all teaching doors are established' (Sixth Patriarch's Sutra[R5.2] page 273 BTTS 1977). We translate HuiNeng's description of this [ Non-Dual nature / Self Nature / No-Conflict consciousness on the Y-dimension ] into the visible observable outcome of self-respect and respect others.
- States and stock of #Prajna defined by KhaiPhong as the driving force behind Right Effort coming out from the depth of circular flow between the Buddhist Fourfold Truth and the Heart Sutra[R2] used as the Supreme Koan, facilitated with hard evidences from the circular flow in the stability division: [ Right Effort >< Right Transcendental #Awareness >< Right Transcendental Inner Peace ].
What relevant is the #Awareness or Understanding of the Issue according to Thing-As-It-Is, and the Right Effort (#Prajna) coming out from Clarity of seeing "Thing-As-It-Is" having infusion of something outside the boxes of objective and subjective worlds in the Change Dynamics of the event, beneficial for the Present Moment to solve major International Issues such as the current Russia-Ukraine war and/or South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Phillipine Sea, etc. Without that 'Direct Perception' outside all conditioned boxes of involved parties at the focal point, there is no real 'Clarity' (Transcendental Inner Peace) and 'Insight' (#Prajna Cultivation) to be qualified by HuiNeng as a Buddhist Counselor. Here you see a Wider Rationalism of Transcendental #Awareness in Conflict Resolving at both individual and aggregate level that we technically call Persona in Artificial Intelligence. Most Buddhist training of Samatha and Vipassana in traditional Buddhist Cheating Sanghas are within the box, hence no real 'Clarity' and 'Insight' and far from possible manifestation of one's innate #Prajna (Bát Nhã) required in all activities. There is no transcendental states / dissolving emptying contents in Buddhist Samatha and Vipassana since Samatha is NOT "#Samadhi" and "Vipassana" is NOT #Prajna, always in the duality[D19] of inner conflicts - outer conflicts. That is Why we said Samatha and Vipassana are applicable ONLY to Gotama due to his innate proficiency from Hindu meditation up to the Sunyata Nothingness[D29], [D30].
Here is an honest report 2023-07-09 from a Vietnamese student who may know HuiNeng's Sudden Awaken and Transcendental Inner Peace via Vipassana. Please reverse engineering optimal conditions leading to your natural Detachment / Wu-Nien / #EmptyTheContent as we ask many qualified students cross-cut all religions, cultures, skin colors, etc. In your case, please dig deeper into (1) your [ #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness ] to testify recorded Gotama's Jhanas[D29], [D30] which will be known and testified by many at different levels when the underlying natural laws to detoxify tainted senses riding on the past efforts of present three universities, then [D26] being Thing-As-It-Is parts of Gotama's DISCOVERIES, (2) verify that Gotama was Not Cheating humanity in his [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ][D22] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } that No monk / nun / Buddhist scholar, University and/or Institution up to 2025 dare to touch in 2500+ years of Cheating Buddhism, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19], (3) form your Inner Circle and circles of Inner Circle in both esoteric and exoteric senses such as this lady: "Phân biệt giữa nguyên thần, phần điển và bị nhập" 2023-07-22 and qualified people mentioned in this book currently available in VietNam, and wait for KpPlatform to be part of the movement, (4) defend and spread out the "TRUTH of What You Actually Know" to kick ass unworthy Buddhist loud mouths such as Thích Trí Chơn on his spreading Buddhist [ Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác / #AwarenessPrajna ] and/or Thích Viên Minh on his Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness at the present moment) / WuNien[D22] that both of them do not Know yet claimed to know do not See yet claimed to see[D19], to be easily controlled and directed by Vietnamese Communist mafias - outperformed by Chinese communist mafias since the beginning of International communist movements - based on Hegelian dialectic (có ní nuận) of [ thesis - anti-thesis - synthesis ] from cunning intelligence against the Right underlying natural laws mathematically proven at minute 6:25 and 7:00 and illustrated at point B from Figure 2 well-known in Canada as "the Whites had land and the Indians had bible in their Peace treatise" on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness; it is NOW courageously and Morally protested by the Archbishop of York on 2023-07-09 about 1700+ years of the Roman Catholic Church Lord’s Prayer of "Our Father" who had controlled and directed the world toward an exclusive club of [ patriarchal connotations / male chauvinists ] to be debunked by "Merchants of Light" (those involved in that very long cycle 100,000+ man years were degenerated according to underlying Natural Laws known by KhaiPhong Inner Circle), (5) be KhaiPhong front-line soldier so good people will not be victims of the hallucinated claims / Big Mouths just like unworthy Buddhist Sanghas in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism as the original and sole Creator - Cha Trời Mẹ Đất / Heaven Father Earth Mother - who know Nothing about "Emptiness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" for the re-born and re-juvenation between [ #Oneness >< Diversities ] available to all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward, trancending all dualities of male-female, cultures, religions, nationalities, skin colors, isms, etc, known in Hindu's meditations and attested by Gotama 2500+ years ago. Phật Thầy Tây An is real and currently head of the Dragon Realm. All other claims [ such as Huỳnh Phú Sổ, new hallucinated person first claimed from the power of Manjushri then Phật Thầy Tây An, or in Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought from the "Holy Bible" (Năm 2024 Trong LỜI TIÊN TRI Của KINH THÁNH), and others Kim Thân Cha Trời Mẹ Đất, Mẹ XYZ, etc, (the video was deleted) ] 180o opposite to Freedom from the Known of #EmptyTheContent to Non-Thingness are degenrated and/or impostors that we can publicly challenge them. It has been done either via DIỆU TỐT (the video was deleted) and/or any XYZ including the King of Gods from the degenerated 60,000+ years cycle cheating and stealing without Knowing Why of the past esoteric feudal systems on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. They must deliver what they can bring to the table for trading or get out of the way!
In KpPlatform, #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness is scientifically and empirically studied via "#Samadhi" assisted by custom ai. #AwarenessPrajna[D22] is scientifically and empirically studied via the Inner-Space cultivation of lumped together Complex Fibonacci F-dimension where both normative (Observer) and positive (Observed) Intelligence PLUS another dimension of Transcending Both the "Observed / Space" and the "Observer / Time" in the Vista Beyond the Known are parts of creators and the Responsible Creation toward What Count[R23] according to DISCOVERED underlying natural laws visioned by impossible xAI as TruthGPT to transcend both the Chinese Confucius of the East and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer of the West, called a "Clash of Civilizations" by China toward the New Harmonious Conscious Living & Being in the Right Society 5.0. Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien is scientifically and empirically studied via "#Awareness / WuNien toward total Detachment / Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm / 應無所住而生其心 " capable to activate Cosmic Energy in Inter-Realms Enforcement of the universal Morality and Justice as actually deliverable by the "Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng" since 2004 astrally known by all participating in the Inter-Realms Broadcasting Hub at thought level sorting out the past cheating and stealing from esoteric dark forces. From our limited field-research in 50+ years / Sự Bắt Đầu của KHOA HỌC TÂM LINH, each axis of Figure 11.1 - #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness Y-dimension, the Inner-Space cultivation F-dimension, and Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension - is a dimension of classified types of related dominant properties for DISCOVERING and SHARING underlying natural laws for the manifestation of scientifically cultivable states and stock of #Prajna rather than Ignorance in KhaiPhong proposed Prajna University to make happened the innate #Prajna from humanity upward as verifiable and statistically significant epistemic objectives which has been blah blah blah in the past 60,000+ years from esoteric and slaved human degenerated forces of cheating and stealing (the video was deleted) Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see[D19], driving them into a total collapse evidenced in the Clash of Civilizations between East and West up to 2025 of perpetuated War & Peace on the duality plan of conflicting consciousness, WORTHY to be world-wide researched as in Health Science via most recent advanced Neural Graph Databases and mathematics attempted by KhaiPhong custom ai.
With world-wide contributions in the fields of AI Large Language Model AND Multi-Agent Framework for the Persona / Organization Chart PLUS role/project based Standardized Operating Procedures (SOP), the hard tasks of persona / user custom ai are easier with specific domains and contributions rapily available to enable #Prajna shedding its "Light" to dispell the darkness of past Ignotance moving from Fair Trade at section A to outside-the-box section C or D rather than section B rendering all involved parties Worse Off according to underlying natural laws toward What Count. [ By the time we are ready, the open-source required tools may have their clones in Rust for Zero Trust Strategy ]. The very long process of trials and errors throughout human history can now be shorten via Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) with six Vertical Switches in four Conducive Activities and measurable at six Signed Posts from a proposed Science of #Oneness in KhaiPhong. Once the underlying natural laws are discovered as scientific processes, the progress will be quickly enhanced and improved as actually known in physical sciences. There are living students having that capability to show the practicality of the Present Moment from KhaiPhong. Advanced 'soft' and 'hard' technologies can significantly shorten the path and make it readily available to the mass to have significant impact on humanity from the grassroots of Right Living that no tyranny and dark force can stop the spreading of the "Light / measurable States (X-Y dimensions) and Stock of one's Scientifically Cultivable Prajna (F-dimension in evaluation of one's "Instinct and Intuition" - "Instinct" a feeling or reaction based on one's past experiences, "Intuition" a feeling or reaction based on one's gut feeling which can be at the state of (a) transcending the Observed / Space and (b) transcending the Observer / Time for a breakthrough solution in one's Continuity of the consciousness)".
Through that "Direct Perception", one can reconnect to past experience and Worthy "Déjà-Vu" Relationships as the recorded event of Krishnamurti sitting under the young pepper tree during his transformation period or this writer's "Déjà-Vu" with a partner 2000+ years ago, a "helping friend" 700+ years ago, PLUS sensing as the "reincarnation of Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm" to be tested at the bottom line. There is nothing special to this event, including the event under the Bodhi tree happened to Gotama or 40 days and nights meditation in the desert by Jesus. It is an orchestration from higher esoteric circle and/or from one's 'Teacher / Friend' in accordance to one's aspiration of being more useful to others. It can happen to many in a Right Condition under any tree, next to a spring, in a vista open space, on a rock at the sea side, in the market place of helping the needy, etc, since it is a natural process with Right Technologies at the Right Place and Right Time having Noble Assistance from one's Inner Circle and circles of inner circles. This writer has had similar to Gotama's experience when he was a child under the shade of a tree: (1) the first time was sitting in a quiet room for transcendental meditation using Sound that he has reversed engineering as #PrajnaTIP in Sound to deliver transcendental states for most people that Buddhist Shurangama Sutra[D33] have been unable to implement in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas, and (2) the second time was under the shade of a young apple tree similar to Krishnamurti's experience. He also has a quiet place for meditation where with disappearing technology he can be alone under a huge tree in front of a beautiful lake in a very open and quiet space that he senses somewhere in a higher realm.
Based on personal experience of all Gotama's nine stages of Samadhis[D29], [D30] in 1970, the writer has searched recorded Buddhist dharma, translated Buddhist Heart Sutra[R2] as theoretical foundation for the legal Prajna Pagodha in Calgary Canada, and doing field research to prove the relevance and importance of Gotama's advice in Ajita's Questions[D22] which is very precious in one's continuity of the consciousness. Scientific researches and statistically proven implementations of this advice - applicable to all concerned parties in all intelligent realms of existences from humanity upward - are the targets of AwakeningBudh Foundation and KhaiPhong Corporation where [ ThankYou / GsLp (Global Service Local Presence) ] Clubs are their infrastructures to fundamentally promote community empathy and economic prosperity.
In the field research he has personally known more than nine other persons in addition to himself who - at different depth and width of #AwarenessPrajna - actually to have and personally know "WuNien / #Awareness / KiếnTánh" at any moment of directed #AwarenessPrajna to verify the truthfulness of Gotama's advice[D22] for 100% Freshness at the present moment. The first one knows Quantum Consciousness of HuiNeng #SamadhiPrajna, very likely to be HuiNeng reincarnation that we hope the world can recognise this precious gem as a living student, able to sense the counter part quality of the consciousness and what need to change, able to scan physical body for any "block" and use cosmic energy to clear the hurdle, etc. The others are a professional psychologist who did not have pleasant experience to share a fresh state of mind in naturally emptying all contents when being young, a business adviser, a musician, a sport trainer, a housewife having keen #Awareness, a yoga and dance teacher, a natural mystic, an energy consultant. The writer suggests these persons reverse-engineer the process when our digital infrastructure is ready since psychotherapy and modern processes are duality tools to push the issue to a dark corner of many cans of worms while Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] can not only manage the issue but also Dissolve it via states and stock of #Prajna. It is also the reason why esoterics and human slaves can enslave humanity via what have not been rationally known such as the descriptions rather than the described of Gods, Allah, Buddhas, etc.
The writer is looking for the right time with available resources to bring to the table verifiable experiences of "#EmptyTheContent" - personally known by the writer, other highly qualified students in his inner circle, and many others he has encouraged their "reversed engineering" of their visibly observable qualities - to statistically demonstrate the "Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien / KiếnTánh" first discovered by HuiNeng and Krishnamurti is Not a Pathless Land as originally perceived, but a scientific process according to discovered Natural Laws exactly as in KhaiPhong scientific implementation mu of Gotama's first discourse / Dhammacakkappavattana in turning the Dharma Wheel[D20]. Only recently one can use current scientific knowledge such as the second law of thermodynamics to debunk the manifested and forever Gods, Allah, but not the more cunning Buddhist Pari-Nirvana and Dharmakaya that Soyen Shaku[R6] must ride on the difference between practicality of described instead of "the blinds touching elephant" of Gods, Allah, Dharmakaya, etc.
This is also the reason why PrajnaTIP in Sound has to wait for required supporting infrastructure and proven psychotherapy to help manage "hidden cans of worms" when the collision of outdated mark (matter) and emptiness (anti matter) happened due to the transcendental technology to tell the practitioner it is time to do something in one's continuity of the consciousness and one cannot properly manage by oneself. PrajnaTIP in Kindness can happen if and only if there is certain stock of "Transcendental #Awareness / Detachment" built up in one's inner (causal) power which is mostly absent in general public. The writer has personally used achievable #AwarenessPrajna in both simulation of past binding and clinging forces, then dissolved them including sexual drive to properly manage this present life time when worthy conditions are no longer available.
Similarly the writer has encouraged connected people with following natural abilities to directly flowing into the Oneness states, working on the reversed-engineering to help others on similar paths achieving their natural states: (1) ability to scan the body "pain" and direct the "chi" to dissolve it, (2) ability to use music to instantly "flowing in" being part of the musical orchestration, (3) ability to have "Empathy" for the needy and do something just like it is one's own pain, (4) ability to detect energy vibration of the other who may be long good/bad/neutral connected for selecting relationships, (5) ability to flow in with the nature in direct perception of Emptiness, (6) ability to sense and trace out energy connections, directing and/or influencing the counterpart in business relationships and dealings, (7) ability to directly sense the quality of the counter part energy vibrations to foresee whether the proposed deal having some chances of success.
In translation of the Heart Sutra[R2], the writer is only interested in the practicality of what actually known by others, and esoteric interference in human realm. He used the Sanskrit version with meaning of each word to gauge against his personal experience to detect the differences in the Sanskrit and Chinese (identical to Vietnamese) versions. In the latest explanation of the Heart Sutra, the Dalai Lama XIV shares two significant points: (1) the explanation of Not-Self in Gotama's first and second discourses, and in the Heart Sutra, (2) possible meditation of Emptiness via astral body (in dream state). Both two points will be the targets of KhaiPhong since living students of KP Inner Circle do have personal experiences of both points. We sincerely wish him very healthy and continue spreading his Buddhist Knowledge using advanced technology of streaming for wider audiences in the World since these serious public exposures will help KhaiPhong Vision - Mission - Execution hedging in the past 50+ years, waiting for the Right Time and Right Place of the proposed "Prajna University". His quality is very rare to play a significant role in advancing humanity when KhaiPhong is ready.
On the difference between Self and Not-Self exposed in Gotama's first and second discourses which is based on the gross levels of skandhas, versus the five skandhas (aggregates - form, feeling, perception, volition, and consciousness) in the Heart Sutra[R2] - Empty Of Essence - we can logically question for the beginning of scientific explorations at both theoretical and empirical implementations whether (1) the "understanding of Not-Self" coming from Gotama as his actual experience that this writer can teach qualified people to verify the "Not-Self" as a part of Gotama's Infinite Space (the fifth Jhana) and Infinite Consciousness (the sixth Jhana)[D30], (2) riding on personal experiences of qualified students we can theoretically explore whether this experience can be said as the process of Transcending Space mathematically known in physical science, (3) passing the Infinite Consciousness to Non-Thingness testified by qualified students what can we say about this experience in the mathematical understanding of Transcending Time, (4) the messing up in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism with its monks and nuns called Buddhist unworthy people[R18.4] to be at its full stop, or (5) from the esoteric influences to deepen and widen Gotama's discoveries in his life time while waiting for the right time and right place for implementation? Then What in practical "Living & Being" thanks to KhaiPhong KpPlatform.
The answer is likely from all five. According to Thanissaro Bhikkhu, the Pali phrases for the four noble truths in the first discourse are grammatical anomalies. From these anomalies, some scholars have argued that the expression "noble truth" is a later addition to the texts[D20]. The Not-Self means that there is no permanent, unchanging entity in anything animate or inanimate. The first discourse is at the gross level of Dependent Nature "all subject to arising is subject to cessation” which is Dukkha. The second discourse is about the impermanence of the aggregates which is unsatisfactory (Dukkha). It is the insight into the true nature of a sentient being which - argued and hold in 2500+ years of Buddhist Sangha - leads to initial disenchantment with the aggregates, then detachment and equanimity and final emancipation which is impossible due to the binding and clinging forces on the duality plane of conflicting events unable to move to higher dimension of consciousness.
The "understanding of Not-Self" has been further value-added for theoretical understanding by (1) Madhyamaka Relative Truth and Ultimate (Wider) Truth[D38], (2) Consciousness-Only Three Natures[D39]: Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita), Dependent Nature (Paratantra), Perfected Nature (Parinispanna), and (3) Dharmapala-XuanZang (HsuanTsang) consciousness of the concionsness[D19]. The practical sides were value-added by Bodhidharma[D35] in Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha and HuiNeng[R5] Samadhi-Prajna to hint on verifiable states of higher consciousness which may have different underlying natural laws that Gotama discovered but asserted as personal achievements[D29], [D30], not as epistemic objectives and Then What. Thus, Buddhist Mahayana is an evolution of Theravada with deeper understanding in the Nature of Things, but still on the rational basis of duality tools having no deliverable technologies (1) to move from Dukkha on the duality plane of conflicting events to [ Higher Consciousness States ], (2) explore the Dependent Nature in this Higher Consciousness, (3) discover the pay-off (consequence) in reaching this Higher Consciousness.
In connecting the dots and pulling our group's personal know-hows - based on esoterically known as very long and hard evolutions - we identify layers in no-conflict Higher Consciousness that duality tools of logical thinking by Gotama and his Buddhist Sangha[D24], [D25], [D20], [D28] are not applicable, and discover required conditions and technologies with measurable signed posts to enable Not-Self as a part in Self-Selfless actualisation, accessible by most people due to scientific processes and implementations. Deliverable technologies from KhaiPhong will make modern Self-Selfless Actualisation or implementations of Gotama's First and Second discourses epistemic objectives.
On accessing the fields of collected data via astral body in [ The Connected Universe where Everything is Connected ], many amongst us probably know that if we deeply engage in something serious, solutions and/or breakthroughs suddenly appear in a sleep. With cultivable #AwarenessPrajna, the on-off switches are even clearer and sharper via astral bodies. The change from fuzzy version of AwakeningBudh to present technical version of KhaiPhong is an outcome of this process. Since each one is unique and there are innumerable aspects in practical living, imagine what happen when Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna[D22] is widely known to be applicable and contributed for statistically significant Right Understanding and Right Motivation of all important events. Astral bodies of many qualified and/or connected people have been assisted to be parts of this esoteric learning hub. Please follow your intuition and/or privately let us know what you wish to accomplish in this new Era of humanity. Together, we can make it happened.
Combining Normative Intelligence from #AwarenessPrajna with Artificial Intelligence having fact-based measurable targets, everyone can be a part of Change Management to change oneself and the environment toward What Count. The integration is even more relevant in the emerging field of Behavioral Economics whose pioneer has been awarded 2017 Nobel prize in Economics. In this technical excellence of fast changing space, humanity more than ever needs the on-off switches from Gotama's Awareness-Prajna to assure that all activities and relationships must come "From people, By people, and For people". The solution has been asked by "Infinite Thought Bodhisattva" from Buddhist Lotus Sutra[D49], but not yet delivered which is the real cause of the total collapse of the esoteric systems ruled by the King of Gods. The solution is "Now Possible" applicable to those in negative Fibonaaci degeneration. Are many of "top religious and political leaders" in this situation, unable to have a silent moment for rejuvenation and reborn in 100% Freshness of HonNhien[D22]. Together, we can Help!
5. Sine-Qua-Non of Conscious Living
Despite the innate 'Buddha Nature / the Kingdom of God Within / Latin Humanitas' having precious qualities such as [ Kindness, Empathy, HonNhien, Equanimity / Detachment, Prajna / Wisdom ] or required attributes of Transcendental #Awareness, most persons have incessant thought activities of irrelevant things (gossips). When there is a required Intensity-of-Attention point for a serious thing, the energy is not there due to No Transcendental-Inner-Peace / incapable to #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness which is like the required Potential Energy to pull the arrow far from the back before releasing it to the target. To minimise incessant irrelevant thoughts, meditation varying from 'bodily movements', forceful 'concentration' at the Intensity of Attention point, to 'reflection', 'aspiration', etc, have been developed under different cultures and religions, enforcing more Virtuous Darkness on one's already messy darkness invented by people in deeper darkness than oneself wearing their own masks - priests, monks, teachers, masters, holy, saviour, etc - of what they do not know nor have (Kindness, Empathy, Detachment, Wisdom, etc) to mess up their lives and others with rituals, entertainments in exciting the senses, ideals and concepts, etc.
Most of these techniques, including techniques developed in Buddhism from current Buddhist cheating Sangha, do not fully recognise another major hurdle forcefully put forward by Gotama right in his second discourse to kick-start his Buddhist Community. This hurdle is the 'self' or 'Grasp-er' and the 'Grasped' of whatever available for the continuity of the species, deeply explored as the seventh consciousness in Buddhist Consciousness-Only, further veiled itself in abstracted 'Binding Word' and 'Clinging Thought', or biologically as the left brain to categorise received signals according to past pattern and projecting them into future for the survival stability.
Yoga developed from Hindu traditions and Chinese Qi Gong are practical integrations of physical body with energy (Chi) body for Direct Perception of something beyond conditioned existence such as 'the Heart Sutra Demonstration' via Qi Gong. Out of these techniques, the easiest and most effective at the beginning is the 'Aspiration' to raise the 'heart' out of the 'confined and suffering' self toward a higher level of 'Trust' and 'Esoteric Connection. Aspiration - such as Trust/Faith, Music, Dance, etc - is different from devotional path of one-way Faith exploited by organised religions driving many into an Abyss of Sufferings.
Like addicted drug, faith under Prayers can attract many because it does raise the spirit by temporarily stopping the cunning mind, pulled by outside visible grandeur space, exaggerated by a hallucination of Absolute/Forever, and a warm sense of supporting/love community at word and thought level. Real Love is beyond both words and thoughts, and can be overwhelmed by the cunning social dynamic of glorified self and a sense of belonging, to activate 'outside the box' which is the connection between the Mind, the Heart Chakra, and the Whole. The higher spirit generated through aspiration, together with a sense of belonging in enforced faith via deep conditioning rituals to something larger than the self, bring some happiness (more space than the suffering self) that creates a desire or binding thoughts which generate a shell to enslave one within its own box, making no difference whether the desire is in Faith, Sex, Power, Drug, etc.
The desire to repeat that elevated experience, becoming its own road block since the desire already veils the HonNhien (Natural, Unaffected, Spontaneous, Purity). It forces the devotional practitioner exerting more devotion (called Faith by Jesus in the bible that demands a devotion to move the mountain destroying all established relationships such as one's family and culture for a new culture based on hallucinated 'Word and Ideology'), and forcefully converting others in one's periphery to further gratify the self glorification that automatically sucks one into the path of religious fanatics, having tendency to violently wipe out others not on his/her own path. This pattern had proven historical records.
It is the addicted pattern as in addicted drug because the deeper one moves into it, the higher doses one requires and will do anything beyond one's conscience and True Heart to get that required doses as evidenced in the past crusaders, inquisitors, jihads, etc. Jesus experience and pattern showed this kind of behaviour when he violently attacked money changers in a temple which did not belong to him in the first place.
It is an Actuality that we are able to observe from highly intelligent beings assuming highly responsible positions in society (the Richest, the Holiest, the Brightest, the Crooks, etc) and their degeneration. Once disconnected from the Source - [ Kindness (TỪ) >< Empathy (BI) >< { Prajna = Conscience >< Justice >< Morality } >< Joy (HỶ) >< Detachment (XẢ) ] where the invisible Prajna injects its visible [ Conscience >< Justice >< Moral Value ] - there is no rejuvenation and no sense of Right and Wrong. One has to exert more efforts and determination to maintain that level of competitiveness in a dog-eat-dog world. Brain intelligence is only a physical part, and not a carry-on attributes in (the "Containerized Consciousness / Alaya / Soul") life after life. In the Continuity of one's Consciousness, one will first loose the ComPassion (Kindness, Empathy), then Prajna, then (brain) Intelligence. It is a natural process one can logically understand to allocate scare available resources into What Count which is At Home, in connecting back to the Source in one's Continuity of the Consciousness from one's trusted Inner Circle and circles of inner circles.
Desire is different from #Awareness of Thing-As-It-Is due to the call of Nature; one is in the Addicted Pattern, while the other Free one from mundane requirements toward a Purity-Tranquility of Worthy Existence, figuratively represented as a lotus flower rising from required nutrient of the mud. Both 'Desire' and Transcendental #Awareness (not the kind of Awareness at superficial thought level) generate their own Intensity of Energy to make things happened: one driven by ego conditioned by a very long past evolution, the other driven by the 'Right Thing to Do' from #Prajna on a wider perspective of ComPassion deep rooted in the Sunyata. It is the next level of Consciousness Evolution capable to see the difference between #Prajna and Ignorance that drives the Volition / Freewill / Sankhara to the Purity-Tranquillity of Existence rather than drowning in the Abyss of Sufferings according to Natural Laws.
This very-fined trap has not been pointed out up to the Present time which is only possible due to the right conditions of many factors including human scientific advancements, lessons learned from horrible crimes inflicted by hallucinated self (a divine king, claimed infallible priests and currently narrowed down only to a pope from a faked Redeemer to establish an "Inter-Realms Hoax", a supreme religious leader, a tyranny under idealistic communist utopia, a greed of all things, etc). Faith is important, but not one-way direction to drive one toward a 'directed love' of religious fanatics as evidenced in past 'crusaders', 'inquisitors', 'jihads' to violently inflicting crimes against humanity. It is different from Aspiration; that is why many say you can have Faith (Aspiration) without religion while many have religion (Faith driven by Greed in the case of Jesus and Fear in the case of Mother Maria) without Faith (driven by Aspiration).
Under #Awareness, 'faith' turns into 'Trust' for the 'benefit of doubt' to be verifiable from 'feedback' of hard evidences for a decision of Worthy or Unworthy guests. Religious 'opium' if temporarily used is a prescribed dose in hospital to release unnecessary pain, being sure that it does not make the patient addicted. In advanced consciousness Living environment, all religions with priests and monks trained in their rituals have no useful role whatsoever in their ritual games so they need to change to useful deliverable services as parts of the Science of Consciousness if they still have anything Real and Truthful to bring to the table.
The key point is Aware the source of 'the driving force' either at the thought level or before the arising of the thought to have an appropriate action of Prajna in 'Understanding the Issue' to have a Right Effort away from drowning in the Abyss of Sufferings to float up in a Worthy Existence. Yes, Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) can detect the source (and motivation) even before the arising of thought, and definitely at thought level. That is why in the Right Awareness (Chánh Niệm), one Is Aware of simultaneously arising signals from [ the body, feelings, mind, mental qualities ] and [ one's relationships with the World ].
The simultaneously arising signals are based on millions years of the evolution of one's Consciousness having a sense of an agent embedded at the core of one's manifested energy and form structure, commonly known as Gut Feelings or instinct, including the instincts in reproduction (sex), belief[R9], etc. It is the integration of [Intuition + Brain] Intelligence with something outside the box in the wider perspective of ComPassion "Vibration" from the Heart to Open and Reveal the hidden part of the Mind - called the seventh sense - for the manifestation of Prajna. Therefore, Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) is the 'casual / state of' Prajna (Bát Nhã) and Prajna is the concentrated stock of one's InnerSpace, continuously pounding on the focused Issue (Intensity-of-Attention point), riding on its depth of "#EmptyTheContent Y-dimension" and Inner-Space of its positive Fibonacci evolution around F-dimension. For important issue, put the 'Right Transcendental Awareness' pounding on the focused point, just like Tilopa[D41] in crushing the sesame seed for its oil in his song of enlightenment.
Right Transcendental #Awareness is the connection between Gotama two snapshots #Awareness and #Prajna in the dynamic nature of "Thing-As-It-Is". The millions years of evolution are not only scientific and logical but actual fact, exactly as described in scientific evolution of species which is operating in different conditions from "consciousness to higher evolutionary forms", then the next wave of evolution from "form back to higher consciousness", by-passing conditioned senses and their outdated marks. It proves the Continuity of the consciousness. There are two kinds of evolution: form evolution and consciousness evolution. Due to possibility of evolution then degeneration, the consciousness evolution will find appropriate form to drive it more appropriate to the living environment which are different from different realms.
Samma Smadhi or Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định) is concentrated cultivation for either Prajna and/or ComPassion and since ComPassion works at finer vibration of energy, it enables the student more #Awareness at the state of observation. Right Transcendental Inner Peace keeps the Middle Path more vibrant and dynamic at the razor sharp "Right Effort", represented as [ ComPassion - Right Transcendental Inner Peace - #Prajna ] and [ Right Transcendental #Awareness - #Prajna ]. In that "Right Effort", one can access the Sunyata - different layers of consciousness - outside all conditioned boxes at the encountered point from high above on the plane of [ Oneness / Conscience / Prajna / Wisdom ] for a wider view of Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to push the event toward What Count called Prajna Dialectic. In the Patch C of Figure 2, we show different depths of #AwarenessPrajna outside the boxes measurable at different observable attributes of Right Transcendental Inner Peace.
Those who actually know this 'outside the box' can use Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) to clearly see innumerable issues at the Present Moment and a clear path of one's evolution, not as boosted in the Imaginary Nature (Parikalpita). 'Knowing Oneself' is available to all, not wearing any mask from any organised religion. It is 'Continuity of the consciousness' as scientifically and logically understood, and the importance of the Quality of the Consciousness as it evolves according to Likes-attract-Likes and Action-Reaction in different life forms of less Sufferings and appropriate environments for further evolution.
Riding on one's Instinct that exclusive workshop for CEO translates it into a Commandment 'Obey Your Instinct / Intuition' (Gut Intelligence or the sixth sense), together with Conscience and Carefully Listening to one's True Heart (ComPassion), one will not be astray too far from Right Living / Effort of Worthy Existence to have Right Understanding and Right Motivation from one's Prajna Dialectic or the seventh sense, not forcing oneself into Inner Conflicts - Outer Conflicts within the box of others' Virtue from organised religions and obsolete cultures, imposed on one's existence even before one is born. Similarly, one can work out the way of flattening the organisation hierarchy away from master-slave relationships into the Right Relationships to enable responsible decision processes starting from the front lines of the business where real leaders are only facilitators, not the dictator / monopoly of the claimed One and Only.
KhaiPhong will dig much deeper than 'Executive Workshops' to popularize systematic Consciousness to the mass via the integration of Intuition, Rational Thinking supported by hard evidences from Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Brain Intelligence, and ComPassion from the Heart to Open hidden part of the Brain for cultivation of Prajna in the six Perfections [Generosity, Ethics, Patience, Energetic, Right Transcendental Inner Peace, Prajna]. There are measurable metrics and Quality Assurances to assure the Actualities are there, not the marketing and deceptive images built from Word and Thought by organised religions and 'isms' which have nothing to do with Actual Living.
At the aggregate ecosystem such as a family / business / organisation / community or a country, the aggregate Persona is no different from personal Persona in terms of (1) the way to make decisions, (2) the way to create Values, and (3) the way to make the Created Values happened and sustainable. The 60% of required infrastructures for a Digital Identity is the same. The 20% of targeted domain in the aggregate may be different. When the technology is driven under a Cluster of Open Innovation, the lower barrier of entry will generate a flush of applications and services from innumerable domain experts. On top of this middle layer, the last mile of 20% directly addressing the domain specifics will bring in a flush of practical services where everyone can be an Agent of Changes to change oneself and the environments relevant to one's present moment.
The complexities in modeling the snapshot of one's States where an Action is taken have been greatly understood and advanced in Cloud Computing and Business/Competitive Intelligence (BI/CI) to process huge amount of information in functional programming to have a snapshot of the 'current state of observation' where individual action from all participants counts that can change both Data and Structure of the Whole system, or allocation of scare resources in the Normative Economics that change both the demand (data) and consumption pattern (structure).
There is No Omnipotence and Omnipresence of a unique managing agent in imperative system of do-this-do-that at thought level by the already degenerated claimed Absolute Forever God. All are evolving according to Scientific Facts such as Action-Reaction, Likes-attract-Likes, naturally reborn and rejuvenated in Sunyata Non-Thingness as in observable physical black holes. This is the current state of observation, deliverable with modern Technologies in sustainable mass markets, very close to the interactions among natural Living Ecosystems.
We think it is the Right Time for KhaiPhong Technology that everyone can be a part in Right Relationships started by Gotama from [ ComPassion - Prajna ] of 'Being' to change oneself both at the levels of Structure (Right Relationships rather than Master-Slave relationships) and Pattern (environmental friendly rather than unlimited resources from the Creator for man to foolishly Grasp), and help change the World - 'Doings' - in the new Evolution of Consciousness away from Master-Slave Relationship of Grasp-er and the Grasped which drive the evolution then degeneration back to forms of species to re-learn the Worthy Existence of ComPassion and Prajna. Prajna takes the evolution to a higher level of Consciousness.
In the Right Relationships, through frequent reflections and technologies to Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Unity, one puts sufficient Effort to access Higher Consciousness, known as the Ultimate (Wider) Truth in Relative Truth via Nagarjuna Madhymaka, Perfected Nature (Parinishpanna) in Dependent Nature (Paratantra) under the Consciousness-Only, Consciousness of the Self Consciousness under Dharmapala-XuanZang (HsuanTsang) theoretical model of cognition, Self Nature under HuiNeng, and as we prove in Self/Selfless Awareness the Nirvana at the Present Moment from the Buddha, etc. This kick-starts a new evolution of Consciousness on top of evolution of the species.
Going even beyond the answer to Ajita's questions[D22] and the ability to naturally drop required emotions connected to the action once the action is completed, living students learn another very significant aspect of Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) of (1) being Aware beyond thought (Vô Tướng) at the Observed and (2) detachment (Vô Trụ), a natural outcome of sensing 'Thing-As-It-Is'.
There is a vast difference between Prajna (Trí Huệ) and Intelligence (Trí Khôn); one enables a clear direction of the Right from the Unworthy (similar but beyond Conscience) or the 'essence from the chaos' while the other provides 'the Right Way to do' of what directed by #Prajna, plus decent living according to one's driving force. That is why Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) or 'casual / state of' Prajna can protect one from very strong karmic force of the Grasp-er and the Grasped and help dissolve that karmic force because 'it is not Right or Unworthy', applicable in all realms of existence wherever one's Continuity of the Consciousness happens to be. It also directs one's priorities of What Count[R23] (Happiness) within the constraint of scare resources.
Right Transcendental Inner Peace (Chánh Định) at different depths, having Key Performance Indicators(KPIs) - Signed Posts - is a Sine Qua Non of Dhyana (Thiền, Zen, Chan) as specifically defined by HuiNeng: 'To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain inner peace is Samadhi'[R5]. Through Right Transcendental Inner Peace, the senses are purified[D32] as described by Sariputta in the presence of Gotama at the mountain top Nirvana, separating their functionalities from the five entanglements (form, feeling, perception, impulse, consciousness). This natural separation enhances the power of Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) enabling it naturally see the aggregate of various components in each entanglement and the Source of Thought, i.e. the Volition (Sankhara) before the appearance of the thought. It is exactly as the answer to Ajita's questions[D22] to properly manage one's Reality.
As an intelligent being having a sense of an agent, each has many 'psychological blocks' and 'dark sides' that are major hurdles to prevent one naturally flow with the Living and Circumstances, to realise one's full potentiality for a Worthy Existence. The power of Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) ('casual / state of' Prajna), enforced at different depths of Right Transcendental Inner Peace naturally happened in the "Right Conditions" that one can cultivate, can be used to unbound that dominant psychological block and/or make it manageable, including phobias, fears, addictions to sex and/or others such as fashion, power, money, violence, etc. Generating the "Right Conditions" in all aspects of Living are Areas of "Transcendental Inner Peace and Prajna Cultivation" called "PrajnaPlace".
If one really wants to dissolve the major barrier, Prajna (concentrated Right Transcendental-Awareness continuously pounding on the same Intensity-of-Attention point) needs to be activated from whatever level one has attained. It is the process to use the force of Right Transcendental Inner Peace to expose the hidden 'deep stress' through 'Intent' or selective direction, then use the same force to naturally annihilate the 'stress' just like the collision of matter and anti-matter which may release a sudden surge of energy. Facing a very long evolution having innumerable visible and invisible outdated marks and barriers, one is very easy to be bullied by unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] in their painted pictures of enlighten Gotama, Jesus the only son of God, xyz divine rights, etc. Right Transcendental-Awareness enables one see beyond binding Word/Image and clinging Thought, directly at the target energy and consciousness level of actuality.
Simulation Technology is a process to utilise Right Transcendental #Awareness (Chánh Niệm) to see 'Thing As It Is' of past karmic forces (outdated Marks), and #Prajna (Bát Nhã) for solving dominant issue of the Present Moment, exactly as the answer from the Ajita's Questions[D22]. Here is a huge opportunity for Sharing Happiness of successes and helping others of similar pattern to mitigate unnecessary Sufferings that one has overcome. It is the solution to the Question 'when there are unbearable outdated marks such as Fears, Phobia, Uncontrollable Urges in innumerable things including sex, shopping, gossip, how can I manage them and/or take it off'.
To show the complexity of the issue, hence potential opportunities in Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings that almost all religious leaders boosting in their international cheating game of Love/ComPassion and Emptiness to make a living on what they don't know nor have, let's look at the issue of sexual desire to see if one is ever Free from slavery of the senses and use them as tools toward the Essence of the Right Living / Effort in one's Continuity of the Consciousness. See for yourself the Reality of claimed enlighten monks, gurus, reincarnation of Xyz, enlighten masters. Can we all parts of the Friendly and Compassionate [Heart - Mind - Sweat/Capital] Culture of Sharing Happiness - Mitigating Sufferings?
Please look around and observe all existing relationships even today of modern society to see the Grips of Grasp-er (Grahaka) and the Grasped (Grahya) to unconsciously maintain the master-slave relationships: husband-wife, parents-children, brothers-sisters, in-laws, great family name, boss-employees, business partners/competitions, etc. Past relationships were even worse, justified by cultures, philosophies and religions: caste and feudal systems, Confucius social order, colonisation, slavery, religious leaders - faithful followers, religious laws, etc. See for yourself what is Worthy in your existence and do something about it which will revitalise your Innate ComPassion and Prajna or the Buddha Nature within you.
Over 2500 years ago, Gotama was the Only One capable to Connect and Live the logical Relative Truth with something beyond, outside the boxes of all involved parties, to see 'Thing As It Is' for a Right Living / Effort as proposed in the modified Eightfold Path. Those claiming to be his gatekeepers cannot demonstrate in their bottom-line activities nor understand the razor-sharp Right Understanding and Right Motivation of his "modified[D26] Eightfold Path" where the word "modified" for Right Transcendental #Awareness clearly exposes the Issue in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. If you do not know Gotama's solution for his raised Issue, how can you claim to be the teacher of his Discoveries! Esoterically, that capability is only at the surface as we point out the scientific process from any event to the source of Oneness, and along the verifiable signed posts on the dimension of [ Prajna / Wisdom / Conscience ] to instantly at HuiNeng Samadhi-Prajna of most verifiable events for personal verification of Soyen Shaku's [God not in the world is the false God and the World not in God is unreality] or illusion, blah blah blah by Buddhist indoctrination at theoretical level. We say it was at the surface since we do know many reincarnations of Gotama and of HuiNeng who had always to start from square one with tremendous hurdles and bullying processes from organised religions in both the East and the West! This is the Raison D'être for KhaiPhong, effortlessly wiping out unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all organized religions.
The picture will soon be changed due to scientific (observable, testable, achievable / reproducible) processes of accessing Higher Consciousness plus Internet Communications for spreading to the mass, just like electrical switches unavailable at that time. Gotama left many holes for Buddhist Sangha to fill in from their within the box of logical Words and Thoughts. Tracing the evolution of Buddhist Dharma which is different from Buddhist Sangha proves the interference of the third dark esoteric force and orchestration of the Budh Esoteric Circle to make things more likely happened than leaving it to chance according to Quantum Mechanics.
Prajna is the one-and-only Topic of the Heart Sutra[R2] visibly manifested from Sunyata which asserts that in Sunyata, there is even not Dukkha nor Nirvana. If it is not a fanatic hallucination, what are the roles and relationships among Dukkha, Prajna, and Nirvana? Buddhists - defined as ones exploring the Innate Budh (Buddha Nature) - should poke into these Dynamic Interactions and Changes to manifest the Seals of the Consciousness (Table 1.1) either as formulated by the Buddha or AwakeningBudh where KhaiPhong at Awareness (Kiến Tánh), Dependent (Duyên Khởi) and Prajna (Bát Nhã) are concretely measurable to evaluate the abstract signed posts at the other two angles.
Being At Home with one's level of Prajna via "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" in all activities, one is dynamically Learning and Doing by injecting normative Right having measurable feedbacks for self-evaluation to gradually discover one's strength and comparative advantages, as well as what most important and count[R23] at the present moment. Since a conflicting duality (darkness) cannot see other conflicting duality (darkness) As-It-Is, and one's senses are mostly conditioned tainted by outdated marks, "Natural Purification" must pass the Gateway-to-Oneness, transcending the dualities and conflicts. Followings are Right Processes together with patented discovered technologies to deepen one's Transcendental-Awareness and Prajna at different depths of Insight into the Emptiness, knowable in human realm:
- Starting from one's present level of "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" from the normative "Right" of one's present being at dualities - of all isms, cultures, and organized religions - one can ride on KhaiPhong Artificial Intelligence in "Making Life Easier and Happier". Graphically, it is a tool to activate your Transcendental Awareness and Prajna to know more about yourself and the nature of [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] foundation of doing good as shown in Figure 2, mathematically proven and known in international trade plus Scientifically Cultivable Prajna.
- Riding on "Natural Purification" generated at appropriate conditions of PrajnaTIPs, cultivable Prajna, and PrajnaPlace you deepen your "Insight into the Emptiness" in implementing and making happened Gotama's Transcendental-Awareness and Prajna documented in Ajita's Questions[D22]. Graphically, you expand your Awareness-Prajna in Patch C at any point of intensity of attention.
- Adding specialised sauces and spices to widen HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna, Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna or KhaiPhong [ "#Awareness" as its target - “Kiến Tánh" làm tông, Nói Vậy Mà Không Phải Vậy / "Dependent" as its substance - “Duyên Khởi" làm thể / "Prajna" as its fundamental principle - “Bát Nhã" làm gốc ], you are in the driver seats to help yourselves and others in sustainable KhaiPhong.
- Deepening #SamadhiPrajna, one can inject new normative dimensions on top of Big-Data discovered bottom-up patterns and/or top-down verification of the normative insights in Gotama's "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" of complex (global) issues, turning all Arts into cultivable scientific processes.
- At sufficient depths of Compassion and Prajna, one can sense the Right Place and Right Time in the Art of War of strategic events of Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D34] to push one and the environment toward a Right Direction of Making Life for "One and the Whole" Easier and Happier.
- Within the reach of humanity, one can know "telepathy and teleportation" and other technologies such as "Free Energy" from Consciousness in "Making Life Easier and Happier".
Thanks to playing a small part in foiling the esoteric dark forces behind Illuminati (New World Order) Elites, we can declare that three major esoteric and psychological mechanisms used to control selected people in high economic and political power have been destroyed at the source.
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