1. Preface - [ #Prajna / Bát Nhã / Wisdom ] to Know "More about Oneself / Biết Mình Là Ai" and to Learn from one's [ mistake / mandela effect / false recognition ], exemplified in the private life of General Trần Quốc Tuấn who esoterically had "Wrong Perception" about the "Second Half" but luckily still had the Best due to his long good karmic forces. One then knows the Human Conditions whose core [ Issue / Psychosis / Dukkha ] were identified with partially DISCOVERED Solution personally verifiable by real persons. This happens due to tainted senses without Knowing Why due to Ignorance rather than #Prajna to Purify all isms from form-realms, enslaving humanity and intelligent beings via Binding Word / Image and Clinging Thought (e.g. Buddha, Redeemer, Allah, etc).
A "possible Solution without falling into Psychiatry & Big Pharma" is Wholesomely REVITALIZED by KhaiPhong in one's Continuity of the consciousness contributed by many dedicated explorers, summarized in The Heart Sutra and actually verifiable as described in this Video - LỘ TRÌNH CỦA MỘT LINH HỒN TIẾN HÓA / THE PATHWAY OF AN EVOLVED SOUL - 2023-10-26 via Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, and is another "Invisible Hand" to direct the "Invisible Hand of Economics" toward What Count[R23]. The core values of the Sutra are epistemic objectives (verifiable truths) honestly known by any naturally qualified persona: Thing-As-It-Is, Emptyness, Dream / Chân Như, Không, Huyển. It is like a "Dream or Maya", a "concept that material world of Diversities is an illusion hiding Thing-As-It-Is" which is the "Oneness" of all things according to Ancient Indian Wisdom. This happens because one does not consciously know "Thing-As-It-Is and Emptyness" fully qualified by an Intelligent Being "IamX" from humanity upward.
Since all manifestations are conditioned including actual states achievable by dedicated explorers, there is an engineering optimal process via Neural Networks for the ultimate solution of the target raised by Gotama as Dukkha / Suffering where one can trace out layers of epistemic objectives moving from [ Diversities >< Oneness or The Source / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ]. These layers are empirically observed following Complex Fibonacci and Lucas numbers in both evolution then degeneration to be awaken by Nature to further evolved again, or starting at higher level of intelligence applicable to alien ETs or past civilizations. Humanity is currently in unique position to bring concrete to a Fair Trading Table having armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers in all relevant fields to study optimal engineering processes of both inputs and outputs in each proven epistemic objective asserted by dedicated explorers plus present explorers from humanity upward. The injection of #Prajna / Wisdom / Innovation in all facing Issues is another Invisible Hand since there are wide ranges of levels and paths in [ Diversities >< Oneness or The Source / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ].
It "Liberates" one from psychological "Knots or Burdens / Khai" then Frees one from the "Known / Phóng", providing Right Foundation for "Innovative Development". This can overcome GAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence) based ONLY on the capability of mass processing the Observed of What already there which is represented in private ai while "can Transcend the Observed (verifiable in Gotama's Infinite Space / scientific curved space) for wider scope of information from the field and the Observer (verifiable in Gotama's Infinite Consciousness / scientific curved time toward verifiable Non-Thingness of Not-Self) for Complete Silence to know the [ Right & Wrong / Morality & Justice ] toward What Count, putting people at the centre of all Activities and Relationships at all Places in "IamX© with custom AI Agent Assistants / unique legal digital ID / plus a static public KP IP address".
The book is the theoretical outcome of KhaiPhong 50+ years of field researches PLUS exoteric / esoteric observations of qualified candidates as the first front-line soldiers while waiting for verifications and/or modifications / enhancements of later academia contributions. We start from actual experiences of a Vietnamese student since 1970 about Gotama's recorded Jhanas. It has been further investigated and explored, leading to Bodhidharma's exchange with Emperor Wu (Lương Vũ Đế) on “What is the highest meaning of noble truth" and HuiNeng's specialized contributions about (1) the Three-Not (Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ), (2) #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định, (3) #SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ". That leads to KhaiPhong (1) Three-Haves ("#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / KiếnTánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã") via (2) observable X-dimension in both exoteric and esoteric realms from Figure 11.1 that forms with personally observable Inner Peace of Y-dimension from Gotama's recorded Jhanas a No-Conflict plan at any focused event and (3) scientifically cultivable #Prajna / Wisdom with discovered underlying natural laws of #PrajnaTIPs from one's scienrifically cultivable InnerSpace F-dimension for detoxification of tainted senses.
Introducing the #Awareness to the persona F-dimension with Right evolution or Wrong potential degeneration of complex Fibonacci sequence - testable with KhaiPhong KienTanh / HuiNeng WuNien / Gotama's Inner Peace / Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent - together with Lucas Numbers applicable to innate Intellligence of Illuminati / Communist elites, we theoretically and empirically prove that the Right evolution must come through (type) EquanimityAwareness f1 = 1 enhanced and materialized in Equanimity Communities where Nature and Science toward What Count join hand. It is then enforced with (type) PurityAwareness f2 = 1 for the possibility of Transcending the Observed and Observer in seeing Thing-As-It-Is.
2. #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace - Being naturally qualified as a person (Latin humanitas - biology, compassion and wisdom / prajna) one can "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Transcendental-Inner-Peace" as actually proven by Gotama in his recorded Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30]. Taking Fibonacci [ f0 = 0 as the base of a qualified person ] there is a wide range of rated y_evaluation and x_evaluation to be scientifically modeled via reasoning AI in complex evolution and degeneration of "IamX". Our field researches have indicated that two types of intelligent people capable to be outside-the-box of a focused event and see its breakthrough / innovative solution are either naturally relaxed or cunning intelligence. Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness of Gotma's recorded Jhanas is verifiable at different states of these two types. With discovered underlying natural laws and modern scientific processes using digital tools such as mu in extensions of one's existence, the possibility is widely available once opened up with required facilities to safe-guard community interests. It will be quickly sprouting up from grassroots of diversities to be further tested and statistically verified of people-centered DISCOVERING and SHARING once the normative intelligence of Right and Wrong based on underlying natural laws of Morality and Justice toward What Count can be contributed by all concerned parties.
We model the known "#EmptyTheContent" as six Signed Posts on the positive Y-dimension of Fibonacci evolution personally verified by Gotama 2500+ years ago where the subscript is the rated Fibonacci number and the value indicates its layered level of Intelligence: [ y1 = 1 Gateway-to-Oneness / Tranquillity, y2 = 1 Equanimity to enforce the stable level 1 based on the simulation of positive Complex Fibonacci at minute 6:25 of the video, y3 = 2 Purity, y4 = 3 Not-Self / Selfless a TRUTH discovered by Gotama value added by KhaiPhong as the verifiable consciousness state of Transcending the Observed and the Observer, y5 = 5 Gotama's Nothingness to be on bar with x5 = 5 in knowing the source of thought or f5 = 5 VisibleAwarenessPrajna as the last advice of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva to the writer in semi-public meeting early 2000 Calgary Canada, y6 = 8 HuiNeng's Unmoving Sunyata of Gotama's End-of-Dukkha to be on bar but required more stable with x6 and x7 capable to use cosmic energy to protect oneself and help others or f6, f7 and f8 of #AwarenessPrajna in engaged Living, Forecasting and VisibleSamadhiPrajna] to indicate that the glimpse of Gotama's Nothingness and HuiNeng's Unmoving Sunyata needs to dig further and more enforceable for verifiable manifestations in the X and F dimensions in exploring what we know that we do not know THEN BEYOND in natural Complex Fibonacci Evolution.
The negative direction in Y-dimension is observable in cunning intelligence away from the base of humanitas [ y-1 = 1 Empathy ready for "Transcendental #Awareness / KiếnTánh / WuNien"[D26], y-2 = -1 Kindness to dig deeper into a wider state of mental health, y-3 = 2 Conscience to widen the Right and Wrong, y-4 = -3 Conscience-1 to alert who you are, y-5 = 5 Conscience-2 to activate your realities that we ask all (Illuminati and Vietnamese communist) elites currently holding (world) powers of finance / politics / militaries / industries / logistics to influence millions lives, etc "HONESTLY / CHÂN THẬT" look at the Realities of your "Living & Being" in your Continuity of the consciousness and do something for Yourself toward What Count, y-6 = -8 Conscience-3 to let you know you are only a part of the Dependent Nature of the Whole ]. Conscience (lương tri) is the ability to know the Right and Wrong and living according to underlying natural laws is empirically observed as what happened to the claimed Father God (aka the original Buddha / Phật Nguyên Thủy) and Allah. The bottom line of Right and Wrong in evolution or degeneration according to underlying natural laws is the observable of the Light / Float or Darkness / Sink in the Reality of Existence. Through a very long trials-and-errors of evolution or evolution-then-degeneration, people have different patterns and preferences. Generally speaking, those having advantages in the Y-dimension are better in Detachment due to more detoxification of the senses. But "Detachment" is Not there for its own sake of Not-Doing-Anything But being tested in visible Transcendental #Awareness. The InnerSpace F dimension to balance the invisible Y and the visible X dimensions needs stable and extra Inner (Causal) Power represented in higher Fibonacci number to dig deeper in both X and Y dimensions consistent with a common Vietnamese saying "Tu nhà, tu chợ hay tu chùa / Cultivate at home, cultivate in the market or cultivate in the temple" at decreasing levels of difficulties.
3. Awareness - The saying that it is very precious to be a living person is NOW theoretically and empirically demonstrated at the width and depth of Transcendental #Awareness in X-dimension rated at Fibonacci layered number having on the positive side seven observable types actually known by living students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle which can be reproducible to all concerned parties [ x1 = 1 HonNhien, x2 = 1 ManagingFreshness, x3 = 2 KnowingFreshness, x4 = 3 ProcessDiscovered such as scientific process to naturally produce the Freshness, x5 = 5 KnowingThought to properly manage one's reality, x6 = 8 CareViaCosmicEnergy for self-protection, x7 = 13 HelpViaCosmicEnergy in directing cosmic energy to help others ] and on the negative side incapable to #EmptyTheContent toward non-thingness as the reality of most people [ x-1 = 1 Cultural Influenced, x-2 = -1 Regional Influenced, x-3 = 2 National Influenced, x-4 = -3 Veiled Right and Wrong, x-5 = 5 Binding Word, x-6 = -8 Binding Image, x-7 = 13 Clinging Thought ].
Yet, only from human upward in the evolution scale of the light floating up and the heavy/darkness sinking down, the physical structure - male or female - has sufficient conditions to be outside the duality plane of conflicting consciousness in deeper and wider consciousness states, capable to transcend the Observed and the Observer in seeing Thing-As-It-Is and innovative solution outside the duality plane of conflicting consciousness in deeper and wider consciousness states, capable to evolve acording to underlying natural laws as described in complex Fibonacci number at minute 6:25, Else degenerated due to cunning intelligence as exposed at minute 7:00.
"#Prajna" to be exposed in the next chapter #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness is visibly serving as a smart pointer [ #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, #Awareness, #Prajna, #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIP ] pointing to one's visible trait of [ #TRUTH, #Care, #Falun, #Intuition, #Balanced, #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated ]. Dynamic interactions of these functional smart pointers and traits on different layered No-Conflict Consciousness of [ F >< Y >< X ] dimensions preliminarily form scientifically cultivable states and stock of Prajna. Custom functional programming of these interactions are designed and targeted to expose negative attributes from the three dimensions into rational conscious Living & Being out of the automatic Action-Response of the [X-Y] Truth plane to Help All Concerned Parties optimally moving toward the direction of Right Evolution from humanity upward according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
4. Fibonacci Layered Inner Space - Facing any event - visible or invisible focused or sensing - one's "InnerSpace may manifest (states of) #Prajna" via Transcendental #Awareness and/or Transcendental Inner Peace / Right #Samadhi for an initial "Right Understanding" of immediately sensing the current state of the focused event waiting for proper "Right Motivation" from the stock of Prajna / one's InnerSpace of Gotama modified[D26] Eightfold Path. These states of Prajna commonly known as "Intuition" is personally known by most people. If [ sufficiently developed / Awaken / Tỉnh Thức ], one can mobilize not only the physical and mental make-up of one's "Containerized Consciousness / Alaya / Soul / Core" commonly known in "Reincarnation" (the video explained by an ET was deleted) PLUS its finer sixth sense of "Intuition" and the seventh sense of "#SamadhiPrajna / Định-Tuệ" { Samadhi is the Quintessence of Prajna, while Prajna is the activity of Samadhi } in "complete silence" of instant "#AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác[D22]" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" } to see "Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position to change the event toward What Count[R23]. It is the "FIRST and ONLY integration between radio and consciousness technologies" to enable practical utilities of "subjective experienced quality" in one's Continuity of the consciousness, Making Life Easier and Happier, Knowing the Raison D'être of One's existence according to underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED.
Given achievable and verifiable [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác[D22] / [WuNien of X-dimension having observable attribute of Detachment in positive and Binding-Clinging Forces in negative / Kiến Tánh ] and Signed Posts of Y-dimension from #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness in positive and less-and-less Conscience of Right and Wrong in negative known by KhaiPhong Inner Circle, HuiNeng, and Gotama in one's mental makeup, KhaiPhong's InnerSpace F-dimension is the lump of all other relevant factors empirically observable in Complex Fibonacci numbers at minutes 6:25 and 7:00. "Quality / Qualia" is the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, formally defined from "Quality Evolution in Natural Science". The science is "applicable" to all intelligent beings selectively qualified by Nature as one time being a "Latin humanitas" capable to access higher dimensions of Compassion-Prajna for the "persona" further evolution or degeneration and currently being in "concrete Realm of existence" subjected to the Realm underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED in the new Era of Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations. in terms of Gödel incompleteness theorem, the "InnerSpace domain" we are investigating comprises of duality consciousness of X-dimension (Buddhist Relative Truth) and the innate ability to instantly access the No-Conflict Consciousness #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness (Nagarjuna Ultimate Wider Truth) at scientifically knowable and experienceable level of (1) Transcending the Observed / Space, and (2) Transcending the Observer / Time of Einstein's theory of general relativity, empirically verifiable from humanity upward. KhaiPhong will export these technologies having armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers to other Realms at the level of humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
Esoterically via direct interaction with different realms from Communication Hub of HuiNeng's present (2004 - 2025) reincarnation, we empirically know the existence of "information from the field and available consciousness technology to replay certain portion of the information via the participant's [ Eighth Consciousness / store-house of one's "Continuity of the Consciousness / MUÔN KIẾP NHÂN SINH" (ālāyavijñāna) ]". It is very rare to be naturally qualified as a person having sufficient Conscience of Right and Wrong with enough Compassion and Prajna trusted by the Mother Nature with Free Will to be an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation. Here is an important piece of information to enable technical integration between radio and consciousness technologies based on the Morality and Justice of verifiable "IamX" in one's Continuity of the consciousness with a very rare living Vietnamese to kick start the Right Harmonious Melting Pot Now and for many 1000+ years later. Since all manifestations are conditioned, we ask these qualified students reversed engineering their special qualities, Making Life Easier and Happier for oneself and the environment one a part. It is not only for VietNam but also the World and Inter-Realms of conflicting interests and deeply conditioned by the past governing systems, civilizations, and religions. The writer sincerely asks Vietnamese elites and all who "Care" to make Happened this kind of Personal Commitments / Exciting with Conscious Living (via Free Will) and Opportunities to Do Good (among the "Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots") from South to North West to East throughout the country in changing the mass consciousness for the new Era of Trần Quốc Tuấn's [ lấy dân làm gốc / "From people, By people, and For people" / democracy ]. There are identified qualified students ready to be parts of this "job" from all domains and fields.
The following layers have been theoretically and empirically researched from qualified legal living entities capable to manifest required attributes and functionalities at each layer, together with field researches from close-encountered esoteric realms, still waiting for formal "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" riding on established human armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers: [ f1 = 1 EquanimityAwareness / Buddha Heart / Tâm Phật from minute 21 - 27 which is diferent from f-1 = 1 EmpathyAwareness to be naturally qualified as a Latin humanitas personally experienced in engaged living - totally different from formal living styles set out by Gotama for his cheating Buddhist Sangha, f2 = 1 PurityAwareness to enforce the trait KindnessEmpathy, f3 = 2 knowing all Signed Posts, f4 = 3 SelflessAwareness, F5 = 5 VisibleAwarenessPrajna, f6 = 8 EngagedAwarenessPrajna in Living, f7 = 13 AwarenessPrajna in ForecastingSimulation, f8 = 21 VisibleSamadhiPrajna / Định Tuệ ] and [ f-1 = 1 EmpathyAwareness, f-2 = -1 KindnessAwareness, f-3 = 2 AnimalEnergy, f-4 = -3 ExtremeDesire, f-5 = 5 AnimalConsciousness, F-6 = -8 Smelly-1, F-7 = 13 Smelly-2, F-8 = -21 Smelly-3 ].
The layered F-dimension is a lump of all other relevant factors beside the two scientifically cultivable #EmptyTheContent / Transcendental-Inner-Peace Y-dimension of Right #Samadhis for Normative Intelligence and X-dimension of Transcendental #Awareness / Self-Selfless Actualization as illustrated in Figure 11.1 shifting around the base of qualified Latin humanitas to stable higher level according to underlying natural laws via Freewill to detoxify tainted senses, exploring TRUTHs DISCOVERED and SHARED in KhaiPhong KpPlatform. The F-layer is modeled with a complex number in well-known engineering feed forward and backward control system using empirical data from those actually demonstrating the measurable quality of Y and X. They are contributing Harmonious Parts of all concerned parties according to Thing-As-It-Is as the practical solution for what China calls the clash of civilizations between (1) Confucius and (2) Jesus Redeemer on the ashes of (3) half-baked cheating Buddhism and Lying Taoism. It is the scientifically cultivable "Float or Sink of the F dimension" well-described in positive Complex Fibonacci evolution or negative Complex Fibonacci degeneration in one's Raison D'être and Continuity of the consciousness.
5. Fingers Pointing to Testable Moons - "Self-Selfless Actualization" - proven at both theoretical and empirical levels - in Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objectives of scientifically cultivable processes is a New significant DISCOVERY to be SHARED and deliverable by KhaiPhong as presented at a high level Preface, moving deeper in proven Inner Peace via #EmptyTheContent in vertical No-Conflict Consciousness of Y-dimension toward Non-Thingness / Nothingness for "Reborn & Rejuvenation", optimally required for visible manifesttions of transcendental #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm Tỉnh Giác in X-dimension on duality plane of conflicting consciousness via visible injections of #Prajna in engaged Living & Being which are outcomes from scientifically cultivable Inner Space F-dimension as a lump of all relevant attributes of Complex Normative Space / Tensor Intelligence in ontological types Y, X, F of complex variables to describe the three dimensions of Normative Intelligence. It is first Verifiable by Gotama in his glimpse via a binocular View, achievable in his recorded 9 Jhanas / stages of the Right #Samadhi. It is then augmented with deeper explorations from both East and West to shed "Light" on the nature of "Tao" independently glimpsed before Gotama by LaoTzu in TaoTeChing.
Thanks to modern science that all manifestations - visible or invisible - are conditioned and the precise definition of epistemic objective[D36] with Big Data AI, reputable assertions are not any more "blind faiths from criminal conflicting monotheistic religions" and/or "finger pointed to the moon" asserted by Buddhist unworthy people. All manifestations are verifiable at the bottom line of reproducible outcomes in Discovering and Sharing - Making Life Easier and Happier - Knowing Your Raison D'être - Managing What Count. In that sense, #Honesty & #Care are minimum required "traits" which are technically abstracts to be accademically determined that all qualified types of Activities and Relationships must have / implement, Not to be fallen into one's own crack of hallucinations such as the claimed evil Father God and/or dedicated explorers as the claimed Buddha Gotama, Master KungTzu, Jesus Redeemer, etc, that we scientifically prove their loopholes and subsequent outcomes of an Accountable creator in a part of the Responsible Creation of the Whole. Using Rust programming language of smart pointers and traits - together with modern reasoning AI - Intelligent Beings from humanity upward can definitely join forces to learn the Right Evolution rather than Evolution then degenration, optimally happened in each living environment.
6. Self/Selfless Duality/Oneness - Thanks to aggregate human efforts in search for the "Raison D'être" of one's existence, together with Industrial Revolution 4.0 we can theoretically and empirically point out the existence of "Oneness / the source of all diversities" accesible by normal person qualified by Nature commonly known as cultivable "Right Understanding and Right Motivation" that Gotama used as the Prajna division of his modified[D26] Eightfold Path and his personal assertion about the Right #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác[D22], the model to solve identified Issues of Sufferings (dukkha-dukkha, vipaninama-dukkha, sankhara-dukkha) to Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha[D35] in { Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" via "Chinese Wu-Nien / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / Gotama's Transcendental #Awareness" from stain and attachment }.
The "Harmonious New World Order" in one's Continuity of the consciousness is Now Possible due to KhaiPhong Open-Source Integration of human radio technologies and consciousness technologies, opening a Harmonious Melting Pot from "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" to activate "Fair Trade" when one knows more about oneself for the benefits of all involved parties in one's optimal conditions for continuous evolution revealed from the case study of Nikola Tesla for DISCOVERING and SHARING the "TRUTH of Innate Morality and Justice from underlying natural laws embedded in positive Complex Fibonacci evolution" instead of evolution then degeneration due to tainted senses, a "Big Lesson in 60,000+ human years of degeneration without knowing Why SHARED by Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Calgary Canada early 2000s" learned from the collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods.
7. Budh Dharma and Buddhism - Budh Dharma refers to Gotama's discoveries based on the fundamental Issue of Living (Dukkha) whose corollary is the innate Budh - knowing the Right and Wrong in actual living - and its claimed ultimate solution of Not-Self / Selfless. Buddhism is what established by Buddhist cheating Sangha, riding on the defects of Gotama's design, build, and execution, and his 45+ years of personal efforts to "falsely" spread the precious discoveries in exploitation of his credibility.
Scientific approach with discovered natural laws for heavy lifting is the solution helping most people from tainted senses - statistically tested from the grassroots in Right Understanding and Right Motivation of important events - to effortlessly clean up unworthy[R18.3] people[R18.4] from all organised religions where Buddhism is a cheating part of this messy state.
8. Truth and all Isms - Organised religions and all Isms do not need to be divisional and conflicting if one can separate the mean and the deliverable / verifiable target, acting as the guiding light[R6], [R7.3] for measurable "Right Effort".
This "Right Effort" in the Harmonious Melting Pot can Now be empirically / statistically deliverable having optimal outcomes with its DISCOVERED underlying natural laws to do the Heavy Lifting in Purification of tainted senses, Self-Assuring one's continuous evolution from Humanity upward and Learning (1) the Way to Make Decision, (2) the Way to Create Value, and (3) How to make the "Created Value" Happened and Sustainable so others can build on it.
9. A Light out of Darkness - Using evidence-based measurable yardsticks of Right or Wrong Effort, each person - due to innate "Budh-Nature / Kingdom of God within / Latin Humanitas" - can play an Accountable part / creator to make up an aggregate "Responsible Creation" (family, community, regional, country, the world, and inter-realms) in one's Continuity of the consciousness. We drill down (1) Breakthrough of the Vicious Circle in Duality Consciousness to enable Science revitalise Gotama's target in "Freedom / Liberated" from the "Known / physical and mental manifestations" via his suggested solution in the "Four Noble Truths" and the right-side-up of the fourth TRUTH "modified[D26] Eightfold Path", having (2) Vertical Switches from Duality Consciousness to No-Conflict Consciousness with measurable Signed Posts that enable (3) Technical Singularity on the right direction of Making Life Easier and Happier "From people, By people, and For people". It is the outcomes of very long (4) Inter-Realms Competitions and Influences, proving (5) Continuity of The AwakeningBudh Movement in human realm to signify one's Raison D'être Life-after-Life Realm-after-Realm at the Right Times and Places, leading to logical (6) Ontological System and Projection of a Golden Era.
10. Nature of Things - "Nature-of-Things" are collections of proven human discoveries unknown in other intelligent (Esoterics, ETs) realms of consciousness technologies we are aware of, augmented with current scientific "Know-Hows" to turn the discoveries into fundamental pillars of practicalities in engaged living, Making Life Easier and Happier in the positive Fibonacci evolution where one "breakthrough" can sit on the proven accumulations of the past. The Three Pillars up to 2025 are:
- The states of #Prajna in X-dimension of Gotama's TranscendentalAwareness to replace his "Right Mindfulness", enabling his Fourfold Truth and Eightfold Path "Practically Deliverable" based on HuiNeng's Wu-Nien { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" aka Gotama's [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác ( "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" ) ][D22], KhaiPhong's #Awareness, Vietnamese Kiến Tánh } and his present reincarnation in observing through the mind-eye the "Energy Column" cross-cut all duality planes of intelligent existences, serving as the positive direction of increasing "DETACHMENT toward Oneness / Selfless Actualization" from any focused event for "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" and/or poking into other "InnerSpace" via Verifiable Process from #PrajnaTIP in Kindness a "Consciousness Technology of Quantum Entanglement",
- The Signed Posts deepening toward "Non-Thingness" in the Y-dimension of outside-the-box achievable from a qualified person - first contributed By Gotama[D26], [D29], [D30] then by Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent via Detachment and other living students of KhaiPhong - serving the deepest Silence verifiable as a person having innate "Latin Humanitas / Kingdom of God within / Buddha Nature" which is the DISCOVERED underlying natural laws to be SHARED in practically delievering LaoTzu's Wu-Wei and I-Ching Thing-As-It-Is or Buddhist Tính Không Śūnyatā and Chân Như Tathatā with value-added services using custom AI,
- The Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace of F-dimension that lumps all other required mixing of Right attributes according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED for the layered stock of #Prajna from its scientifically cultivable processes to enable [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] states of #Prajna scientifically represents available cultivable stock of #Prajna in facing different events based on its achievable depths of the Silence Y-dimension at the source of thought and beyond as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation.
11. Agent of Changes - Kindness (mettā - tâm từ) and Empathy (karuṇā - tâm bi) form a solid and deeper foundation for one's [ Body >< Mind >< Effort ], having wider perspective of events since only through No-Conflict Consciousness[R2.1] one can deepen and widen the view of seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for a Right Effort in any event, especially in complex event where many opposing forces continuously and dynamically influencing one another such as a global international conflict, a long-term territorial ownership, a vision, etc. With Prajna Dialectic from scientifically cultivable Prajna, one can solve many complex Issues such as the current (2025) [ South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea ] with "Harminious Melting Pot" of conflicting forces from thesis in "Belt and Road Initiative"[R8] versus anti-thesis of US-inspired “Build Back Better World” (B3W) project from G7 leaders through Invisible Hand of Economics directed by Invisible Hand of cultivable Prajna.
Equipped with new technologies riding on Natural Laws for heavy lifting in Freedom from the [ Known / Binding Word-Image and Clinging Thought / Sở Tri Chướng ] and being "At Home" in all activities, one acquires deeper understanding and integration between the "Right effort" and the Oneness / Thing-As-It-Is without Conflict. Further augmented with Tools in Change Management - AI technical contributions from KhaiPhong - one is an Agent of Changes, to change oneself and the surroundings toward What Count[R23] in [ The Connected Universe where Everything is Connected ].
The gut of KhaiPhong Technology comes from discovered underlying natural laws to enable most people passing the Gateway-to-Oneness and beyond, riding on Natural Purification[D26] from Gotama's "Right Transcendental Inner Peace / Samma Samadhi / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness and beyond" to naturally purify tainted senses and clear "one's inner sky[R7.3]" or Complex Fibonacci Layers of InnerSpace for a sudden manifestation due to Detachment of HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna[R5] of seeing Thing-As-It-Is and one's strategic position for the "Right Understanding and Right Motivation (Prajna division of Gotama's modified[D26] Eightfold Path)" of any event, statistically significant in "Making Life Easier and Happier". One can reclaim human innate ability of [ Wu-Nien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment" }.
12. An Engineering Roadmap - Integration of Diversities and Oneness is within the reach of Intelligent Beings from humanity qualified by Nature (Latin humanitas / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within) and upward where each Persona - individual or aggregate - plays an active role as both an accountable Creator and a part of the responsible Creation. An engineering roadmap of four or future five circular steps enables AwakeningBudh target the Science and Economics of Oneness in KhaiPhong, sustainable with or without original founders.
Glossary - ontological nodes of the book index for clear communications between human and machine. With visualization of nodes and edges - together with custom drill down at source codes - we enable thought-connections of all legal users parts of the "user private and public neural networks" to be connected as parts of the community's vector searches where codes are the sources of TRUTH.
Index - Each index is a node evolving through the four step process: (1) Commonly related nodes, (2) Conceptually related nodes, (3) Domain classified nodes, and (4) Ontological nodes. Glossary covers ontological nodes for clear communications between human and machine. Index and Glossary are special searches.
Under planned KpPlatform eip, 100% approved "Free" book - such as this KhaiPhong - will be available in Public Platform where one-click ecommerce of verifiable authors, contributors, commentators, etc, are connected to the right nodes from one's public Home page. Thus by participating in this Public Platform, one extends the responsible concerns to all relevant domains and fields connected to What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness which can be widening and deepening via AI mathematical detections to help one know more about oueself. This is AI liberating factor different from its current usages in autocratic systems to enslave humanity.
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