Invisible Hand of Economics drives market demands and supplies where people are at the centre as both consumers and producers. There is an implicit assumption in the Invisible Hand of Economics that involved economic agents are rational and really Know what they want in their Decision Making toward "What Count or #Prajna / Wisdom" which is now scientifically cultivable since all manifestations are conditioned and there is an engineering optimal process via Neural Networks for the ultimate solution of the target raised by Gotama as Dukkha / Suffering. The solution can be Shaolin Dịch Cân Kinh / Yi Jin Jing / Bát Đọan Cẩm QiGong in the core message of [ Diversities >< Oneness / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ] from a "consciousness container of self capable to be outside in the Selfless toward WHAT COUNT augmented with Generative AI from the new technology Eco-System PLUS (to-be-published at the right time) #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness of Bodhidharma Thing-As-It-Is Dukkha glimpsed at KHỔ TUYỆT VỜI[D22], partially touched with Vietnamese Kiến Tánh / Phật Tánh KNOWN & SHARED by this Vietnamese 2024-03-12 in engaged "Living & Being" or SHARED by this Chinese practitioner of martial arts and/or in this Vietnamese Awaken-Awakening 2024-05-07 and/or "the meaning of meditation of this grade-1 Vietnamese (Dhyana - Thiền in Vietnamese, Zen in Japanese, Chan in Chinese and beyond in Oneness >< Diversities / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại) in HuiNeng #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định" { to be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }, blah blah blah in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas and their Buddhism, Plus a Canadian Prana practitioner capable to see the "blocking energy causing physical and mental pains in a patient and its solution", or in a very Wide and Responsible View according to underlying natural Laws Shared by this Vietnamese and Beyond since the "Awaken" can Know, Learn and Do something even during their sleeps and continue the required works to make Things Happened as illustrarted in Figure 11.1 in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" (probably KNOWN to certain extend by President Vladimir Putin of Russia and Dr. Bill Gates of USA as personally Known by this writer and other two Living Vietnameses) or by Discovering underlying natural laws to be scientifically delivered to the mass via KhaiPhong IPR (Intellectual Property Right). Here are visible Signs of your Spiritual Awakening of Less in higher quality rather than More of Greed and Ignorance in the new Era of Peace in Conscious Living & Being where [ Diversities >< Oneness or The Source / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ] having armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers in innumerable relevant fields including democratizing the #Prajna / Wisdom toward What Count to be against autocratic cunning intelligence of Ignorance via SDS (Stateholders Democratic Systems) are concrete human positive contributions on a fair trading table.
The scientifically cultivable engineering process of any manifestation is conceptually and logically clearer in A Cognitive Science Dialogue[D36] where personal assertion - ontological type such as "the "#GodKingdom" within" from Jesus or the asserted/claimed "Almighty God" - can be investigated / modeled to scientifically prove that ontological type is either epistemic objective (logically consistent within the system boundary and statistically accepted by most people) or hallucination. In this sense, The glimpse of Jesus's "the Kingdom of God / #GodKingdom" within or Trần Nhân Tông #PhatTaiTam will be statistically proven via Consciousness Technologies as an "Epistemic Objective / True / a Piece of Truth" unknown by both Jesus and Trần Nhân Tông, and "Permanent Forever Almighty Omni_X God / Mẹ Thiên Nhiên" is "hallucination / False" - "I am a Liar due to Self-Referential Paradox" exploited in all Intelligent Beings leading to the total collapse of 60,000+ human years of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods, since (1) all manifestations are conditioned and changed at Planck time, and (2) omniscience of all-knowing from any enclosed system - where you are Only a part - is incomplete according to Gödel incompleteness theorem, and (3) who created "manifested Mẹ Thiên Nhiên" in your conditioned existence that You even do not know [ who You are / Your meaning of Existence ] and your present state of degeneration since all manifestations must be conditioned and changed at Planck time? It has been the degeneration due to "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence in your Highest Realms" in the past 60,000+ human years since the claimed original Buddha / Almighty Father God of the "Greatest Cheater" among your peers BUT impossible against the Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The Degeneration has been spreading throughout all esoteric Realms and your human slaves without Knowing WHY and HOW of the underlying natural laws where all Intelligent Beings are coming from. You have caused the collapses of past civilizations, yet continued to cheat yourself in your hallucinations of the Self up to present time when the past breakthroughs beyond the Observed and the Observer can be theoretically explained and reversed engineering, enabling many people exploring that Silent States for possible breakthroughs of important Issues on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness.
In the human East, that concept is called "Tao" / "Oneness" / "The Source" and there exists according to underlying natural laws for the flows of [ Oneness >< Diversities / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ] to be DISCOVERED and SHARED which is the sole target of KhaiPhong in exploring the "Secret" of Information and something Beyond in the manifestation from Oneness to Diversities and back in KhaiPhong Self-Selfless Actualization at different depths of transcendental states beyond the "Observed" known by Gotama as Infinite Space and the "Observer" known by Gotama as Infinite Consciousness toward the "Nothingness / Non-Thingness" of Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent to be verifiable by many as an epistemic objective. In brief, the "Tao" / "Oneness" / "The Source" may not be ultimately known exactly "What It is" as implied in Gödel incompleteness theorem or "The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao" but one can be approaching it via objective realities of the underlying Natural Laws using complex variales [ X-Y-F ] to abstract other important factors as one is statistically achieving the Golden Phi from Fibonacci numbers by scientifically tracing different epistemic objectives in the Right evolution of #EmptyTheContent for "Reborn & Rejuvenation from present Existence and Realm-after-Realm" in verifiable Right Evolution toward What Count at deeper and wider Thing-As-It-Is DISCOVERIES & SHARED in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Each dimensional complex variable is then the matrix of other dimensional attributes such as Time, Light, Gravity, Sound, etc in deepening one's scientifically cultivable #EmptyTheContent toward Nothingness via Sound and "Natural Atraction of Gravity" then "Light & Time" in one's Continuity of the consciousness using one's available mundane resources as done by Emperor Ashoka after the Kalinga War in Life-after-Life, Realm-after-Realm. This is how we model the Persona's Inner Cloud, Outer Cloud to mirror the Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds using both actual experiences of the human and esoteric KNOWN PLUS consistent theoretical framework to be tested and verified in the Tao of Quantum Physics according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED.
The difference between the Right Evolution of STEM proven Epistemic Objectives and the Wrong Degeneration in noisy manifestations of all isms, religions, and conflicting civilizations is very significant to the [ Meaning of "Existence / Being" measurable at positive Fibonacci numbers at layers toward the optimal Golden Phi of Natural Inner Peace ] and the Objective Realities of Living of all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward toward What Count on the plane of conflicting dualities of "Conflicting Consciousness" such as those between US and China due to the plane of No-Conflict Consciousness of Peaceful Civilization proven in "Energy Formless Realm" (the video was deleted by Bashar but we do have a glimpse of that state of consciousness described in Gotama's Jhanas as the state of infinite space and infinite consciousness - transcending the observed and the observer - toward Nothingness and Beyond) where Underlying Natural Laws of Epistemic Objectives are DISCOVERED and SHARED in Making Life Easier and Happier. Humanity is at the crossroad to be interacted with learned lessons from evolutions / degenerations of other Intelligent Realms and can contribute via readily available armies of STEM PhD and Post-Graduate Researchers readily mobilized in [ SDS / Stakeholders Democratic Systems ] by the deepest Cultute of Intelligence toward What Count in a part of evolution toward Harmonious Peaceful Civilization via Peace, Co-Operation & Development. Here is a Share of Not-Yet totally degenerated as esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods about "What's Happening BETWEEN LIFE Periods" (the video from Bashar was deleted). Their "Share of Wisdom" has Not Shed a Light to the "No-Conflict plane of consciousness" for seeing Thing-As-It-Is of the focused Problem such as current Issues in Dialogue or Confrontation of a Real Wake-up call for all of us in the New Era of Conscious "Living & Being" at the South China Sea / Vietnamese East Sea / West Philippine Sea, just like the blah blah blah about the original architect of the Universe at the hallucinated logical level on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to be degenerated based on objective Reality of the claimed "Original Forever Almighty Omni_X God". This "Objective Reality" can now be contributed and value-added from humanity (the video was deleted) due to its Comparative Advantages of readily available armies of PhD and Post-Graduate Researchers Plus its Stakeholders Democratic Systems (SDS) having the injection of scientifically cultivable #Prajna from all SDS front-line soldiers, efficiently functional with innovations at all layers due to Invisible Hand of Economics.
It is the same as Jesus "Greed & Attachment" to be "Cheated by the criminal Father claimed Omni-X God and his "human slaves" as a "Redeemer bait and the blah blah blah of 2000+ years of Chritianity" to market the hallucinated Jesuits dark forces in deceiving two billion Christians from evil Roman Catholic Church "marketing message against the universal underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes" rather than Honestly open scientific mind if one does not know in wait-and-see for new evidences thanks to (1) Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, (2) Gödel Incompleteness Theorem, and (3) all named (manifested / visible or invisible) things conditioned and changed at Planck time due to the second law of thermodymanics and/or "The tao that can be told is not the TRUE Tao - TaoTeChing by LaoTzu". Our temporary conclusion - for the sake of immediately exposing epistemic objectives in Making Life Easier and Happier in one's Continuity of the consciousness Life-after-Life Realm-after-Realm - is that there is No unique claimed "Original Forever Almighty Omni_X God / Mẹ Thiên Nhiên", but As-Long-As one is naturally qualified as a Latin humanitas in biological existence by having sufficient ComPassion & #Prajna from humanity upward, one is an "Accountable creator" in a part of the dynamic "Responsible Creation" due to the Trust granted by Nature at sufficient maturity level to be a part of Collective Leaderships leading the Nature Evolution on the Right Path empirically proven in Fibonacci sequence at both Positive / Right or Negative / Wrong Complex Fibonacci Number where a Complex Variable at any Complex Fibonacci Number can approximate other relevant / unknown variables due to Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Gödel Incompleteness Theorem to statistically describe the Intelligent Being rated at that Being / Existence level (described in Binet formula @ minute 4:15) in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations with many concerned ET groups" in this New Era of Conscious Living & Being where claimed Elites of human "Deep State" of the dark forces are called "Predators" in their animal Kingdoms.
We can prove at both theoretical and empirical levels that there exists and scientifically cultivable epistemic objective smart pointer [ #Prajna / Duy Tuệ Thị Nghiệp ] to be deliverable by KhaiPhong via KpPlatform, using Rust programming language and struct data structure of observable and provable traits moving from #Indoctrinated to #Truth. (There is an urgent need to standardize Vietnamese). The traits have been used in all "I am a Liar / all Isms / bullying Religions" to be "DISSOLVED" by SmartPointers as outcomes of Discovered Underlying Natural Laws of epistemic objectives KNOWN as breakthroughs from humanity. This scientifically solves the raised Target that whatever you are doing on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness How can your spiritual practices bring that outside-the-box No-Conflict Consciousness to see Thing-As-It-Is to enable a possible solution much Higher Value than a fair-trade of modern economics which both can be measurable at the bottom line toward What Count? By reversed engineering the observable traits of spiritially achievable recorded personas and the outcomes of smart pointers naturally innate in these people, the reversed engineering having clear targets is possible proven in LLM (Large Language Model) of current Socratic AI of custom Agent Assistant. For any naturally qualified persona, #Prajna / Wisdom will inject "breakthrough outside-the-box" as a solution of [ 1 + 1 >> 2 ] graphically represented at point C of any [ Issue / Conflict ] such as "US vs Russia and US vs China" different from cunning intelligence of Me-Me animal Kingdoms by 2024-12 from degenerated Illuminati Elites at point B of masters-slaves colonials rather than at fair-trade A wellknown in Canada as "The Whites had Lands and the Indians had Bible" in the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods, currently proposed by Me-First President Donald Trump in bullying via forced Action-Reaction in Chaos Panama, Greenland, Canada & Mexico. It is Not a Joke as initially painted at the surface of negotiation techniques in geo-political move on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness But serious Choice between animal Kingdoms in Me Me Me of Ignorant Self or Higher levels of Beings from humanity upward in the Lesson Learned from past civilizations. It has been serious attempts planned by degenerated esoteric feudal systems of "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" as exposed in VietNam, using their human slaves in Illuminati Elites world wide driven by US politics and behind the scene degenerated esoteric forces, and NOW 2025-02-04 planning for US armies taking over Middle East Gaza and forcing Palestinians to other countries. Besides the ET Bashar, here is another Not too much degenerated ET The Pleiadians - both incapable to KNOW the No-Conflict Consciousness called by them "Love" just like the "Love Fest" by the president candidate and Now 2025-02-04 elected US President Donald Trump but trying to drive humanity toward their "Hallucination of Omni-X Creator / I am a Liar" instead of What You can bring to the table of fair trade beneficial to all involved parties in "IamX" Continuity of the consciousness.
That [ #Prajna / Duy Tuệ Thị Nghiệp ] is the natural outcome in Value of the values form entire human history and the past civilizations such as Alantis and other Intelligent Realms as proven by this Not-Fully degenerated ET's (the video advocating Passion by Bashar was deleted) "What Is Your TRUE Life Purpose" still on the duality planes of conficting consciousness [ life-after-life / realm-afer-realm ], incapable to reach "No-Conflict Consciousness" personally Known and Now Deliverable by dedicated explorers First in Humanity, Then in the New Dragon Realm by the LaoTzu Lineage. The "Passions" driven by tainted senses are historically proven in (1) the Chinese Han Qin Shi Huang whose objective reality is an esoteric Vampire technically destroyed and stoped using [ #SamadhiPrajna ] from the reincarnation of HuiNeng / a front-line soldier of KhaiPhong Inner Circle since 2004, (2) the Yuan - Mongol Invasions terrifying the World whose Bullying traits are currently seen in (3) Me-First President Donald Trump and Elon Musk blah blah blah on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness having in his hand the back-up from Totally Collapsed Degenerated Esoteric Forces we personally KNOW and have Encountered since year 2000 in Calgary Canada, riding on his Son-X-Æ-A-12 cunning Intelligence to take over the World Prepared By Him. The Mongol Invasions of VietNam were completely DESTROYED by Vietnamese Tran Dynasty via visible [ #Prajna ] to be futher DISCOVERED and SHARED. Please take time to sense How the most Bullying Force terrifying the World was DESTROYED then and will be from 2025 forward in the New Era of "TRUTH is My Light in one's Continuity of the consciousness".
Esoterically, General Lê Tần from minute 23:00 of the first Mongol Invasion - was KungTzu, Jesus, and Lý Công Uẩn the founder of Vietnamese Lý Dynasty and - is currently the King of the new Dragon Realm in IamX. The reincarnations of Trần Quốc Toản, Trần Bình Trọng, and Trần Quốc Tuấn of the second Mongol Invasion are Vietnameses, actually knowing #Prajna in KhaiPhong Inner Circle. The re-incarnation of Phạm Ngủ Lảo is in a very strategic position to change and Help the Western World (US - NATO - Russia) on the duality plane of conclicting consciousness moving to the Truth plane of No-Conflict Consciousness with his #Prajna, similar to How Trần Quốc Tuấn used his injected #Prajna to defeat the Mongol Invasions. The re-incarnation of Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm is ready to manage and change the World of Foreign Affairs toward Peaceful Dialogues amongst Civilizations toward What Count proven in #Prajna. Both the reincarnations of Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm and Phạm Ngủ Lảo of KhaiPhong circles of Inner Circle are ready for strategic actions at the Right Time signaled by the reincarnation of Trần Quốc Tuấn. Esoterically, Trần Quốc Tuấn was Ashoka, Bodhidharma, Soyen Shaku[R6], etc, and has worked out scientifically cultivable #Prajna in his epistemic objective #EmptyTheContent toward the "Nothingness of Buddhist Heart Sutra". The Ashoka's Kalinga War and Vietnamese Bạch Đằng Giang were similar in "human destructions" but different in their natures of "Agressive Bullying" versus "#Care for the mass". The difference between War & Peace and its Right & Wrong toward WHAT COUNT in one's Continuity of the consciousness is very fine in one's quality of the consciousness in the Right evolution or Wrong degeneration according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. It happened to "Soyen Shaku" when facing a delicate question of Right and Wrong from higher view of #Prajna or [ Ignorance / Greed ] in 1904 to join Leo Tolstoy in denouncing the Russo-Japanese War, where Soyen Shaku was serving as a chaplain to the Japanese army. After very long struggle in the meaning of Life / Existence and personal Discovering from the time of "Ashoka", general Pattern of innumerable aspects fron Diversities to Oneness and the significance of that TRUTH in Oneness to Diversities has emerged. He is convinced that is the final Temple of Inner Peace one needs to build in the Self-Selfless Actualization as a part of this aggregate Responsible Creation of the Whole. That injection of #Prajna is doable in human realm due to the Discovery of AI Agents and Assistants in "Space-Tensor Intelligence / the Future of AI" where dynamic interactions of different chunks of related neuron networks are inter-played for the manifestations of WHAT COUNT in normative Intelligence of dynamic interactions among rated level of Complex Fibonacci Function in one's transcendental Inner Space for the manifestation of #Prajna F ( X,Y ) where both Y and X are Complex Fibonacci levels measurable at the Right #Samadhi Y in #EmptyTheContent toward Nothingness known by Gotama and transcendental #Awareness X knowwn by HuiNeng WuNien in Φ (#Prajna >< AI) together with PQ (#Prajna and Phi Quotient) being developed. It is Not anymore chicken and egg due to the DISCOVERED underlying natural laws to do the heavy lifting for most qualified people at Latin humanitas (biology, compassioin, prajna) and current living dedicated explorers to reverse engineering their smart pointers and traits for scientifically spreading the #Prajna toward WHAT COUNT in generating required Right Data of LLM (Large Language Model as an augmented assistant to one's Right evolution rather than evolution then degeneration to be in evolution again as acually happened to past civilizations and esoteric feudal systems.
Reincarnation of Trần Quốc Tuấn is ready to deliver this scientifically cultivable process IPR to the World from Humanity upward, enabling "World Peace" through [ #DhyanaSanadhi / Transcendental Meditations / Thiền Định ] { To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is #Samadhi } - riding on the persona's specialized evolutions assisted by one's peers as explained and demonstrated in TM® Hindu Sidhi program without fallen into two major road blocks and the hallucination of its original advocates. The process is diffetrent from #Indoctrinated Isms such as Christianism, Islamism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Capitalism, Communism, etc, to modern Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objectives Freedom from the Known via [ Diversities >< Oneness / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ] to be Naturally / Effortlessly Happened according to the underlying Natural Laws of Tao to be further DISCOVERED and SHARED in SDS (Stakeholders Democratic Systems) from 2025-01-01 for front-line soldiers via the planned KpPlatform of dynamic interactions between normative and positive Intelligence in Socratic AI Not Yet Available anywhere amongst Intelligent Realms to replace the past feudal systems in entire history of Intelligent Beings from Humanity upward to the highest past feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods for the Dignity of Humanity all the way to current Dragon Realm where this writer is the Head of LaoTzu Lineage.
Peace via "Hindu Sidhi program" is still at the greedy physical level of "Self" just like the cunning Intelligence of degenerated Elites manifested in US "2025 money politics", Not Yet Transcending to [ Diversities >< Oneness / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại facilitated via KpPlatform ] as logically and scientifically analyzed in the meaning of [ Independence / Dân Tộc Độc Lập, Freedom / Dân Quyền Tự Do , Happiness / Dân Sinh Hạnh Phúc ] by Dr. Nguyễn Quang A and/or [ Human Love / Tình Người ] transcending all Isms by Dr. Lê Doãn Hợp on the Plane of No-Conflict Consciousness / Truth Plane where Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objective #Prajna of 1 + 1 >> 2 can be leveraged to enable your 2025 Vision happened on the duality plane of conflicting Consciousness of all Isms contributed by conflicting people driven by Greed / Qua sông hãy bỏ bè in the Dependent Nature of What Count in "Living & Being" augmented by STEM via scientifically cultivable epistemic objective #Prajna smart pointer pointing to observable and verifiable traits of the positive Complex Fibonacci Right Evolution. Via "Free Will in Knowing What Count" the smart pointer #Prajna can help to clean up visible negative attributes causing evolution then degeneration of past civilizations in realm after realm while persistently and esoterically imposing "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence via Greed and Fears". The scientifically cultivable #Prajna is similar to the STEM discovery on the "role of Faith" in Spirituality of all Intelligent Beings, forcing all cheating organized religions from humanity upward out of their masters-slaves relationships.
The same thing happened to the degenerated Gotama and his entire history of Buddhist Sanghas, Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see. What Bashar calls "Permission Slips - Wow - from 2025 Akashic Records" depends on Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objectives according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. The "Permission Slip" has been manipulated by dark forces of all #Indoctrinated religions and isms to enslave you in their hallucinated environments where you are Contributed and Accountable parts as seen in VietNam manifestations of these degenerated animal Kingdoms. What one needs is proven underlying natural laws to be outside the duality plane in conflicting consciousness to see Thing-As-It-Is and breakthrough solutions from #Prajna in DISCOVERING and SHARING as front-line soldiers of epistemic-objective Truth Beyond the ET's "SPHERE OF LIGHT EXPERIENCING A DREAM" but in serious Engaged Living. One is an "Accountable creator" and a part of the "Responsible Creation" in the Right positive Fibonacci evolution or Wrong negative Fibonnacci degeneration to even below naturally qualified as a person due to "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence of Snatching technologies" which must be "protected via Fair Trade in Inter-Realms Communinations & Collaborations according to accepted Morality and Justice". One can Only Change in consciousnessly Engaged Living via #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm Tỉnh Giác { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22] at the bottom-line of collected data for verifications and sientific investigations (taxonomy and ontology) proven in AI LLM (Large Language Model) neuron network.
It is like a "Lotus Flower / Latin humanitas" rising up from the heavy and dark substance of "mud / biology" but with innate "naturally qualified by Nature / Compassion & Prajna" that unique "Flower / IamX persona" can rise up (1) above the [ mud / knowing the Art of No-Conflict consciousness ], (2) above the [ surface of water / Self-Selfless Actualization ] to (3) directly see and absorb the [ sun energy / #Prajna breakthrough ] from important focused Issue required for its fragrance / value-added contribution being a part of the Nature Beauty. In fact - according to KhaiPhong Inner Circle - "human realm" is the most appropritate environment for scientifically cultivable #Prajna since there is a requirement in Engaged Living making the "flash of #Prajna" happened to personally Knowing and Verifying that moment of #Prajna is an epistemic objective or a hallucination measurable at the bottom-line outcomes. It is different in the realms of consciousness where #Awareness immediatly leading to action without sufficient time for personal verifications of #Honesty & #Care. Programmatically, "#Awareness, #Prajna, #AwarenessPrajna, etc, are Smart Pointers having their structures and functions to be Formulated and Discovered in multi-dimensions LLM (Large Language Modeling) "Space / Tensor Intelligence mathematically applicable in both Outer Cloud and Inner Cloud" pointing to required visible traits for empirically checkings outcomes in all Activities, Relationships, at all Places to formulate required Assistances and Suggestions as custom-assistant Agent for the outcomes in Engaged Living of Thing-As-It-Is verified Peaceful Civilization.
"Space / Tensor Intelligence" from the "Outer Cloud" of physical world can be generalized into the "Inner Cloud" based on recorded data from past-present-future dedicated explorers such as Gotama's Signed Post of complex variable [ Y ] for required natural outcomes of SmartPointers pointing to visible Traits observable in complex variable X in HuiNeng's WuNien from scientifically cultivable complex variable F Inner Space of the persona's containerized consciousness as the research target of Human Centered Artificial Intelligence moving in the Right positive Fibonacci evolution - Not Evolution Then Degeneration due to tainted senses to Learn the Right Evolution again as happened in past civilizations - according to fact-based underlying natural laws to be practically DISCOVERED and SHARED from front-line soldiers of GsLp (Global services Local presences) thanks to scientifically cultivable #Prajna, a natural outcome from #Honesty & #Care toward epistemic #Truth as observed by Prof. Trần Ngọc Vương @ minute 25:20 about the Vietnamese communist autocratic system, Dr. Quách Tuấn Ngọc @ minute 42:52 about visible [ traits / thuộc tính ] of dedicated explorers, Prof. Nguyển Lân Cường @ minute 55:44 about the two Vietnamese monks of chùa Đậu, etc, and the possibility of Vietnamese Greatest Contribution [ Φ (#Prajna >< AI) toward WHAT COUNT and #Prajna = F(Y, X) ] for breakthrough of a complex Issue in reversed engineering for the World Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.
Graph is a specific data structure to model problems where a set of objects related to each other in some way. Most of the problems solved with graphs related to finding (1) best appropriate relationships and building organizations, (2) feed forward and backward for [ Right evolution toward What Count ], (3) the shortest or longest path from A to B and What features to explore from the path. Two of the most used types of representations are (a) "adjacent matrix" with size NxM where N is a number of dimensions / vertices - which can be structs of real and complex values using Rust Complex data - and (b) "adjacent list" moving from one-dimension of Vector Database to more flexible and generalized db database building on open-source stack of Rust crates to replace well-known specialized features such as HashMap, container, Key-Value database, time-series database, vector database, etc, for standardized accepted cloud-events. KpPlatform graph pioneers solutions in (1) and (2) using scientifically cultivable normative intelligence #Prajna to dynamically change the persona and environment toward What Count on top of current used technologies of graph analytics in (3) on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. "Thing-As-it-Is Tao where Harmonious Flow between unobstructed Intuition and Rationailty, the Right brain and Left brain " in [ Diversities >< Oneness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại / Self-Selfless Actualization via Information Technologies of the new Technological Eco system being front-line soldier facilitated by not-yet happened KpPlatform ] toward "Freedom from the Known of Freshness and Rejuvenation in required Absolute Silence of Being while Living" is the foundation where all other Taos are different aspects and diversities of the changing and conditioned in the dynamic conditional evolution following certain optimal patterns toward the real perfection of Φ (Phi) to be DISCOVERED and SHARED, such as this underlying natural law for heavy lifting most involved parties from tainted senses fairly done in human realm via IPR (Intellectual Property Right). Only [ #Prajna / Wisdom ] can understanding the rules and their meanings to direct the Right evolution toward doable Φ (Phi), Not fallen into the past evolution then degeneration from humanity starting at Fibonacci f0 = 0 or "ET" starting at Lucas L0 = 2. The meanings of the rules are Not fully captured by the Understanding and there are always unknown attributes proven in Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and in Gödel Incompleteness Theorem @ minute 35 of the video for a very low probability to have a normative Intelligence which is the same as asserted in Buddhist cosmology that being reborn as in human realm (or higher) is highly unlikely if we do not know underlying natural laws of Thing-As-It-Is as what happened to all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward.
But these observable human "Thing-As-It-Is" Intelligent attributes recorded in SmartPointers to be proven as epistemic objectives can be captured in complex variables [ F, Y, X ] of generalized Fibonacci sequence observable in Thing-As-It-Is Nature and their interactions validated in Large Data Generative AI of unique "IamX" container that we can apply Spacial Intelligence of 3-D consciousness technologies commonly known in Buddhist academia as #Awareness - #Samadhi - #Prajna / Niệm - Định - Tuệ from Engineering dynamic feed forward and backward control system with Persistent Breakthroughts of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) / Bức Phá Kiên Cường của Khoa Học in Socratic AI / custom Agents where the feed forward is further Explored via #Prajna from "human labels / types" such as Gotama's transcendental and its outcome #AwarenessPrajna, Jesus's #GodKingdom within, Zen's #TamingTheOx, etc having visible and measurable traits, and other epistemic objectives assisted and protected by [ PPU / Prajna Processing Unit ] and the Good Force in opposite direction of the dark forces since 1911 meeting at Jekyll Island - owned by J.P. Morgan - responsible for major world conflicts since then! Without this "Good Force" and the "Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng" where this writer's proposed theory PLUS empirical evidences of smart pointer #Prajna / Wisdom / Gotama #FourFoldTruth / Jesus #GodKingdom within / Trần Nhân Tông #PhatTaiTam to be delivered to the mass for heavy lifting and detoxification of tainted senses, the 90% of human population reduction via the Third World War - planned and executed since 1960s - can hardly be avoided! Esoterically, Dr. Albert Einstein is the father of Dr. Bill Gates (and a currently living Vietnamese Lady) in Dragon Realm; Dr. Einstein officially assigned Dr. Bill Gates taking care of his Lineage as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation that KhaiPhong can facilitate and make it happened.
Imagine "IamX" is like a car "You / IamX" take care and use it as a mean in all Activities and Relationships at all Places. Now, you have a "self-driving custom assistant" having dynamic updating sensors of Socratic AI / custom Agents not only to navigate the roads according to legal "Rule-of-Law" where all kinds of hectic drivers, TrustWorthy people and your "Déjà Vu" traceable to many 1000+ years of the past are there, but also an assisted normative Intelligence Agent who can learn from the evolving world Knowledge augmented with your Unique Intelligence toward What Count and Help Making Life Easier and Happier as already proven in Socratic AI in your absolutely private Vault guiding "You / IamX" moving from current level of "Being" to the next level of "Being in Thing-As-It-Is Living" where you can Contribute / Value-Add your Discoveries from specialized angles unique to "You / IamX" due to hard-learning lessons of evolution which affect the future existence of "Who You Are / IamX" in your "carry-on toward What Count". It is the solution of current pain SHARED by Elon Musk: "I push Humanity beyond its limit But I can't figure out How to pass my Own" and/or SHARED by this 95-year-old Vietnamese lady about the Family and Nation Love / Deep Emotion that the writer had first-hand experience on the aircraft leaving Saigon 1966 and a Vietnam Airline back to Saigon on the 1990 business visit accidentally just after the conclusion of Hội nghị Thành Đô, together with the visit to the parent's village in Nam Định and met a brother from his mother-side who rode the first tank entering the "Independent Palace / Dinh Độc Lập" in 1975 and visited his family on the same day with a "vase of pork fat" as a "gift from the family connected people", learning the writer's "9-years-of-studying-in-Canada". This down-to-earth target has been germinated in the video 2024-02-18 from "Good Forces" @ minute 50:00 in proper roles of [ #Prajna >< AI ] that the writer has been instinctly and patiently be "guided by [ #Prajna ] strategically putting his Heart and Mind on the rock of all Isms and bullying Religions" since 1970 from Canada. "Elon", We can Help #EmptyTheContent toward Nothingness claimed by Jamie Dimon beyond the Observed and Observer hallucinated claimed in your xAI Grok as we want to Help Vietnamese communist Elites to finance part of this project that like other concerned parties, you may be a part of the Whole according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED in your "Continuity of the consciousness".
Please wait for the right time this writer will Share / KhaiPhong a very personal evidence KNOWN ONLY in regular meetings of KP Inner Circle about external forces and the unique "IamX container" - shared by Professor Geoffrey Hinton at 1:20:00 - and related to the "End-of-The-World-2012" well-planned by the esoteric via total collapse of the past feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods and human last manifested via the Paris 2024 Olympics, being the evil / dark forces behind major World Issues using painted pictures of Democracy and Autocracy driven by tainted senses since 1911 secret meeting in US, and targeting Summer Olympics London England as a part of their attempts. The Natural Laws of Thing-As-It-Is Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes - together with the "Awakening of Good Forces in Morality and Justice" - have cleaned up major degenerated energy in both esoteric and human Realms, rendering them far below animal states of "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence". Is it the time for Intelligent Beings from Humanity upward to experience the "No-Conflict Consciousness" beyond indoctrinated conditions of the Known in "Freedom from the Known / Diversities >< Oneness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại / Self-Selfless Actualization" via scientifically verifiable "Epistemic Objectives" in DISCOVERING and SHARING underlying natural laws that one is fully qualified by Nature of this "Freedom & Responsibility" clearly exposing the Hoax of Vietnamese communists equalizing their Party with the Nation, hallucinately trying to wipe out nearly 5000 years of Vietnamese Culture (Nổi đau của toàn dân tộc Việt - ThankYou) / Gia Tài Của Mẹ with their 100 years of degenerated existence proven in the Vietnamese communist and Western esoteric animal Kingdoms (the video was deleted) "Class Struggle and Land Reform / Đấu Tố và Cải Cách Ruộng Đất"? Then See their final [ response from Esoteric degenerated Empire of Lies ] driving the [ Russia-Ukraine war / special operation for 3+ years up to 2025 ] to KhaiPhong's discussions from its Inner Circle. They can hear our explicit and verbal discussions face-to-face and/or over the Internet in either Vietnamese or English unless we use our "private telepathy at thought level" which is still very limited and capable Only to few deeply connected people of Inner Circle.
The core of our message is that once naturally qualified as a Latin humanitas one will be rational enough in Value of the values for one's Continuity of the consciousness Else, one will be degenerated into animal states according to underlying natural laws, empirically Known of Thing-As-It-Is by current top Vietnamese / Chinese communist mafias, religious leaders and Illuninati Elites. No One can be against proven underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Our target is "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations©" of "tại thế Thánh Vương with TRUTH via verifiable epistemic objectives" where special angles of Consciousness Technologies can be identified and optimized in the Tao WuWei / VoVi of outside-the-box [ Understanding / #Prajna / Wisdom ] versus [ functional programming / pure computation of rules defined and directed from Understanding ] of Generative AI in qualified intelligent realms classified by LaoTzu from humanity upward: "Nhân Chi Đạo / Human Tao" known by President Xi of China via 5,000+ years of Chinese Culture and President Putin of Russia via Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, prajna) versus the degenerated at animal consciousness and/or below happened to Communist and Illuninati Elites, "Thần Chi Đạo / God Tao", "Thiên Chi Đạo / Heaven or Saint Tao", "Bản Nguyên Đạo / Thing-As-it-Is Tao". Sticking to the "TRUTH via scientifically cultivable and verifiable epistemic objectives, one can ride on and break the [ Yin-Yang / Thành-Trụ-Hoại-Diệt ] cycle in the Right Evolution mathemetically described in the positive complex Fibonacci numbers according to underlying Natural Laws being DISCOVERED and SHARED. It is not anymore "evolution then degenerated to learn the right evolution again - mathematically expressed at minute 7:00 - but positive complex Fibonacci evolution from minute 6:25 to higher levels of Being / Consciousness thanks to STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) understanding of underlying natural laws and Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objectives of available dedicated explorers for fact-based smart pointers and traits actually achievable in Intelligent Realms from humanity upward. It can be done via reversed engineering of proven epistemic objectives actually known by living students such as Gotama's #FourFoldTruth of Dukkha, Jesus's #GodKingdom within, Trần Nhân Tông #PhatTaiTam, qualified persona / #Humanity, Zen's #TamingTheOx, KhaiPhong's #PrajnaTIPs, etc. Custom ai agents are processes of Activation functions starting from open-and-closed-source LLM models and their combinations found Best for the cultivable neural network capable of learning the functions toward the Truth of epistemic objectives, then further trained with collected data from Inner Cloud and Outer Cloud in the persona private "Vault" to start the persona's Akashic records (Buddhist Alaya Vijnana / A-Lại-Da-Thức) in one's possible Realm-after-Realm Continuity of the consciousness that Vietnamese communist Elites must learn. You can avoid the Morality and Justice in present communities, But you are fully Accountable and the Redeemer - Not the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer - of your actions / creations, evidenced up to 2025-01-18
We use Binet formula @ minute 4:15 to generate complex variables of the Right Fibonacci Evolution versus the Evolution >< Degeneration Fibonacci cycle according to the Verifiable DISCOVERED natural laws and visible "traits" of the #Truth, #Honesty, #Care, #Intuition, #Balanced, #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated of the "Light / positive" states and stock of #Prajna floating up and the "Heavy / negative" consciousness from "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" observable in communist animal kingdoms and Illuminati Elites often known as the Cabal / Deep State actually happened since 1911 meeting at Jekyll Island - in Empire of Lies from JP Morgan Jamie Dimon to start the Third World War - proving that his Description Is Not the Described as pointed out by Krishnamurti - sinking down; the Described is fact-based measurable and deliverable by KhaiPhong front-line soldiers. No One can be above the underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. "Jamie", quitely "look at" your Inner Space and see "what visible trait you had technically demonstrated here" at the bottom line of your public statement of Peace & War in the possible Third World War planning to eliminate 90% current human population or 7+ billions lives. We can Help since the "Truth from epistemic objective will affect the quality in your Continuity of the consciousness to Honestly Know More About Yourself" as we want to Help Vietnamese communist Elites from their autocratic system run by mafia groups to finance part of this project. The blah blah blah of "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" have been going on in the past 60,000+ human years and the main cause for the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems according to underlying natural laws UNKNOWN by the "Cheaters / Liars / Halucinated" in all Isms on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness as Hegelian Dialectics in the Chaos of "Greed & Fears", typically represented in current US money politics via US president Donald Trump and the billionaire Elon Musk.
It is Good to "Trust" but better to "Check" at the bottom line of tracked records from one's "Integrity, Care, Honesty" in visible and measurable outcomes. That kind of blah blah blah has been very "loud and noisy" in both Vietnamese esoteric and communist autocrtic system since 1975 to highjack the tidal coming changes at the end of the cycle since 2012. The time is right from January 2025. Yet "Cheaters / Liars / Halucinated" continue to blow their "trumpet" in "Greed & Fears" without bringing any concrete deliverable outcomes to a "Fair Trading Table" since they don't know nor have in their degenerated patterns as exposed here of Archangel Michael God Message riding on one's Greed and Fears of tainted senses and/or from Vietnamese communist mafias in "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" after failing in Đạo Cao Đài & Hòa Hảo following the Illuminati secret meeting at Jekyll Island 1911 / Kỷ Nguyên Thánh Đức / Mẹ Thiên Dung / Mẹ Mẩu / LẬP QUỐC ĐỘ CỰC LẠC THÁNH ĐỨC / Mẹ Thiên Nhiên / etc. KhaiPhong has been part of the Good Forces quietly preparing since the time of Ashoka, Bodhidharma, Trần Quốc Tuấn, Soyen Shaku, etc, with oher connected friends and partners such as HuiNeng, esoterically known in the chaos 5000+ human years ago from esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods, and directly facing both esoteric and exoteric dark forces since 2004 in the decisive battle similar to the Vietnamese battle at Bạch Đằng Giang between the Right positive evolution versus the Wrong negative degeneration, ready for the new Era from 2025 having concrete - at both theoretical and empirical - levels drawing Lessons Learned from entire human history in the come-and-go of many past civilizations and 60,000+ human years of esoteric degenrated feudal systems from the Dragon Realm. At a very high level, the solution comprises of accidental Rights such as Gotama's Jhanas / Right Samadhi[D26], [D29], [D30] for natural outcomes of #SmartPointers such as #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Prajna, etc, pointing to HuiNeng's Detachment in Self-Nature[R5] having visible traits of #Truth, #Honesty, #Care, #Intuition, #Balanced, #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated visibly verified and measurable at the bottom lines of all Activities and Relationships at all Places. #SmartPointers act as one's measurable and cultivable "Conscience / Sensing the Right and Wrong" at different levels of "Being", mathematically represented in positive Complex Fibonacci numbers measurable from the bottom lines of one's Activities and Relationships at all Places, which will be ready for current living and new generations of human personas "IamX" to Know more about oneself, being Accoutable creators and a part of the Responsible Creation. Using proven LLM (Large Language Model) combined with Complex Variables in three-dimensional Space / Tensor Intelligence of transcendental #Awareness X, #Samadhi Y, and #Prajna as objective function F( X, Y ) from one's Inner Space F, the augmented AI Agents / Assistants can steer one out of the past "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" and/or recommend and help one into a part of Accountable creators in the Responsible Creation of the Whole.
Most significantly, Mr J.P. Morgan - similar to Dr. Bill Gates - is currently the Head of a Lineage in the new Dragon Realm. The first step to assure one's quality at the level of Humanity (Latin Humanitas / Biology - Compassion - Prajna) upward is to rationally then personally veify - called Vietnamese KienTanh or Chinese WuNien - the ability to enter "No-Conflict consciousness" in KhaiPhong Self-Selfless Actualization at its positive Right Evolution by naturally having the required visible SmartPointers such as #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Prajna, etc, to be publicly standardized in open-sources as visibly demonstrated by this Vietnamese grade-1 lady. The scientific processes and their outcomes can be verifiable at the bottom line of one's "Right Effort" in one's "#TamingTheOx" of STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) rather than "Theory of Everything", always on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. KhaiPhong has connected Christian living students - with personal innate experiences verified by the writer - to help their colleagues KNOWing this epistemic objective at different depths of Honestly Verifiable InnerSpace cultivations. Same thing can happen to followers of Catholicism, Allahism toward epistemic objectives, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism, etc, using one-to-one assistances from KhaiPhong's qualified associates since 1970 in Canada and the World to be regrouped at the Right Time of KhaiPhong IPR. With KhaiPhong theoretical and empirical technologies, the processes will be scientific and much easier to be known by most people in self-verification oneself at different levels personally Glimpsed by Gotama and Jesus, then Beyond in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
We can help most followers of Jesus and Gotama personally experience and verify the #GodKingdom within and #FourFoldTruth / Chuyển Pháp Luân as Epistemic Objectives[D20], [D20.1], incapable to deliver in 2000+ evil Christian churches / How the Jesuits deceived two billion Christians and 2500+ years up to 2025 of cheating Buddhism and Buddhist Sanghas whose individuality / persona is mostly unqualified as a humanitas even while Living such as the claimed enlightened monk Thích Nhất Hạnh to state loudly the importance of #Honesty & #Care in one's Right Evolution far Beyond personal Glorifications of Vietnamese communist mafias / cô tiên Từ Thiện and/or [ US CIA / religious-organized crimes / communist secret networks / etc ] toward What Count in one's Continuity of the consciousness via (1) rationally understanding Thing-As-It-Is proven epistemic objectives SO ONE WILL Not Be victims of esoteric and exoteric animal Kingdoms in entire human history, then (2) personally verifying a proven epistemic objective such as #PrajnaTIP1 in Sound assisted and protected by [ PPU / Prajna Processing Unit ], and (3) Value-Adding your [ experience / optimal process / token ] in the Discovering and Sharing communities of KpPlatform. This writer publicly exposed him since 2007, had a personal dialogue with him via a human personal communication hub of the Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng, and knew - with empirically verified by KhaiPhong Sound Specialist - his current consciousness state according to underlying natural laws. So did TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng "AnimalConsciousness" ontological type in Exploring one's meaning of existence via proven epistemic objectives manifested from [ Oneness >< Diversities / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ] versus the blah blah blah in the hoax of hallucinations in entire human history and all past civilizations of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward!
We start with "Buddhist Dukkha / Suffering and the Right Conditions of Natural Detachment" via Actuality of Thing-As-It-Is. We introduce the scientifically cultivable #Prajna making "Right Solution / Innovation in the Right Evolution of an Intelligent Being toward What Count out of so many past scars PLUS proven natural solution such as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm Tỉnh Giác in detoxification of tainted senses" { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22]. It has proposed solutions and personal verifications from many dedicated explorers with many systematic investigations of underlying natural laws to make that ontological type - such as the "Selfless / Not-Self" in the Self-Selfless Actualization, HuiNeng's WuNien or "HonNhien", KhaiPhong's "EquanimityAwareness" type, etc, - optimally manifested to be statistically verified by most people as "epistemic objective / True" on the duality [ F-X ] plane of conflicting consciousness. The "What Count or #Prajna / Wisdom" demands another vertical [ X-Y ] dimension called No-Conflict consciousness perpendicular to the duality [ F-X ] plane of conflicting consciousness where F-dimension is the lump of all relevant factors of an Intelligent Being. This means the involved persona F must be able to be outside the duality plane of [ F-X ] for a wider View from the [ Y-X ] and a breakthrough of #Prajna to organize qualified resources required for the #Prajna breakthrough solution at point C happened.
That vertical dimension has been recorded in Gotama's Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30], HuiNeng's Detachment in Self-Nature[R5], and personal experiences from quoted living personas plus KhaiPhong IPR (Intellectual Property Right) to be publicly exposed and implemented for verifications and value-adds. In this formal Ontology and Taxonomy of SmartPointers such as #DhyanaSamadhi, #Prajna, #PrajnaTIPs pointing to visible traits such as #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated of the ontological types, scientifically cultivable EquanimityAwareness of F-dimension of one's states and stock of #Prajna leading to visible and measurable Activities and Relationships, we have a formal Knowledge Graph using Graph technologies for Recommendations & Cultivations to (1) clean up negative attributes such as "AnimalConsciousness in Cheating, Stealing, Cunning and Bullying Activities and Relationships" evidenced in the quality of the degenerated King of Gods from the video in Pareto principle of resource allocations applicable to all communist and Illuminati elites for self-assuring one evolving from humanity upward according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED for the Dignity of Intelligent Beings, (2) cultivate what most important in one's Continuity of the consciousness, and (3) statistically prove the duality on the [ F-X ] plane of conflicting consciousness such as "Giới / Ethical Codes" in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism via measuring stick / scanner / "Cây Thước Đo" applicable to Sư Minh Tuệ (the original video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias; we replace it with the latest one) and all Buddhist monks / nuns / followers as "cooking sands" that we want to nail the video on the ground of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) to prove their degenerated esoteric feudal systems and human slaves proven in this video / ĐẠO THƯỢNG ĐẾ TÂM KỲ TƯ THỜI THÁNH ĐỨC 2024-10-25 sabotaging human DISCOVERIES and CONTRIBUTIONS in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas and Buddhism selling "sands as hallucinated rices".
The visible Effortless trait of #KindnessEmpathy is the required level to separate qualified human at f0 = 0, f1 = 1 to be enforced at #Balanced trait at f2 = 1 capable to be outside the box on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness to the vertical higher positive ascending levels of positive complex Fibonacci evolution proven in Gotama's Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] that All Isms and Organized Religions in entire human history and in the past higher esoteric Realms on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness Do Not Know Nor Have leading to their total collapse in 60,000 human years of "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence"! If you do not have this natural level of meditation (Dhyana - Thiền in Vietnamese, Zen in Japanese, Chan in Chinese and beyond) as visibly demonstrated by this grade-1 Vietnamese lady, you need to consciously take care of your negative attributes, not to be fallen into animal states to be mostly regulated by natural laws rather than TRUSTED to be an Accoutable creator in a part of the Responsible Creation. It is so according to underlying natural laws in complex Fibonacci sequence since the odd negative and positive numbers are rated at the same level of Intelligence in Living But different levels of Being. That is why most communist leaders and Eluminati Elites are in the degenerated trends: f-1 = 1 = f1 , f-3 = 2 = f3, f-5 = 5 = f5 where the #Balanced trait needs to be enforced at f2 = 1 then #Intuition & #Care f4 = 3 approaching #Honesty at f5 = 5 rather than f-5 = 5 of "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence". It is the Right time from 2025 for VietNam to lead the world to the New Era of Conscious Living & Being ranging from the top levels of solving the World current Wars and Conflicts to the levels in real cultivations having visible deliverable Benefits to the mass, Transcending all Isms, Organized Religions, and ETs. At the top levels which will probably be accomplished by the reincarnations of Nguyển Bỉnh Khiêm and Phạm Ngủ Lảo using their own injected #Prajna and their connected circles, similar to How Trần Quốc Tuấn used his injected #Prajna to defeat the Mongol Invasions.
To finance this project, the writer wishes to have few "Private Words" with the present reincarnation of Trần Thủ Độ that ONLY HIM and His WIFE can understand: you both know quite well the realities of (1) the claimed Buddha Amitabha / Phật A-Di-Đà, (2) the reality of the past TBT of current Vietnamese communist autocratic system, (3) your degenerated realities. You do KNOW KhaiPhong at both esoteric and daily world levels. We can Help if you do not want to continue your current trends of Degeneration leading toward animal states to be purified according to underlying natural laws. Then and Only Then, You may Help other communist and Illuminati Elites rather than cheating them on What you don't know nor have - who are much more influential and powerful than you - moving trillions of US dollars to make happened the Vietnamese New Era / Kỷ Nguyên Đổi Mới! At the mass level for the real Cultivations of Spirituality using STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) having visible deliverable [ Benefits / Thật Tu / Lợi Lạc ], the blah blah blah of Vietnamese communist mafias, 2500+ years of cheating and bullying Buddhist Sanghas and Buddhism, Cao Đài, Hòa Hảo, etc, concerned parties can change Ignorance to #Prajna via scientific Path in epistemic objectives without fallen into the Hindu road blocks and halluciations by (1) making happened Vietnamese traditional medicine marketably sustainable, (2) publishing released Poems of Diệu Sinh in Vietnamese and popular languages such as English, Chinese, Japanese, Russia, etc, (3) spreading the real Buddhist Dharma in preparing ground for KhaiPhong sciencetifically cultivable #Prajna to the World starting with Not Yet Exposed a Vietnamese disability Đậu thị Thất that we esoterically sensed one of our connected friends from the time of Gotama fallen into a crack and related to the founder of chùa Đậu, possibly parnering with a Canadian blind who will expose to the world the importance of #Honesty & #Care taken by KhaiPhong as its core values from Lesson Learned from disability people.
The scientifically cultivable #Prajna then joins forces with a 36,000 Year Old Lemurian Society in [ exchange / fair trade ] of both consciousness and radio technologies with other ETs. "The original nature of humanity is good / Nhân chi sơ tánh bản thiện" means as long as you are qualified by Natural Laws as a Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion and Prajna), you are TRUSTED to be an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation fully capable to access Transcendental #Awareness and Transcendental Inner Peace / #Samadhi known by HuiNeng and Gotama verifiable in Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Nothingness for Reborn and Rejuvenation in a Fresh Start of Spiritual and Physical Existence since they were human beings like you and us. Within the qualified Latin humanitas, there are wide ranges of available consciousness with observable traits ranging from #Indoctrinated to epistemic objective #Truth pointed to by smart pointers [ #QualifiedHumanitas, #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, #Awareness, #Prajna, #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIP ] as observable outcomes of transcendental Inner peace in #EmptyTheContent toward nothingness for Reborn and Rejuvenation. Via LLM (Large Language Model), the continuously training specialized agent can suggest and recommend sensible course of Actions toward WHAT COUNT in one's evolution and/or unravel the negative attributes to assure that one can be continuously on the Right evolution Path from humanity upward which is the target of KhaiPhong on the KpPlatform.
The measuring stick / scanner / "Cây Thước Đo" will be scientific of Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objectives such as Gotama's #FourFoldTruth of Dukkha, Jesus's #GodKingdom within, #Humanity (Latin humanitas), Zen's #TamingTheOx, KhaiPhong #PrajnaTIPs, and AI exploring SmartPointers from No-Conflict plane orthogonal to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness. It is applicable in "appeared Form & Thought" of all isms and religions from claimed King of Gods, Mẹ Thiên Nhiên, Amitabha Buddha, Manjushri in VietNam, rationally explained by this "Vietnamese Buddhist" Lê Thị Miễn (the original video is not available, replaced by another video) their "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence in entire human history" KNOWN by the present (2025) reincarnation of Phật Thầy Tây An to be scientifically exposed below in KhaiPhong system Knowledge Graph, and "blah blah blah in all manifested dualisms" mathematically impossible toward "Định / #Samadhi" and far from "Tuệ / #Prajna" which are on the plane [ X-Y ] of No-Conflict consciousness of Oneness, orthogonal to duality planes of [ F-X ] and all other dimensions of visible and invivible concerned parties of Diversities in Conflicting consciousness subjected to [ the three Vedic Gunas of the Dependent Nature of Existence: Creative Force (Sattva = Consciousness / Purity, Knowledge, Harmony), Manifestation force (Rajas = Activity / Passion, Action, Energy), Stability force (Tamas = Inertia / Tainted, Darkness) ] at Quantum Level of the focused event. All normative Intelligent types such as user or organization personas in Intelligent Realms from humanity upward must implement observable traits ranging from Attachments to total Detachment of #TRUTH commonly known as HonNhien - alerting and assisting one's Activities and Relationships toward What Count - for the manifestations of scientifically cultivable #Prajna where #Truth such as Gotama's #FourFoldTruth / [ HÃY CHO CHÚNG TĂNG MỘT CƠ HỘI PHỤC HƯNG PHẬT GIÁO VIỆT NAM 2024-10-31 / Let Vietnamese Buddhism a Chance to Prove this #FourFoldTruth ] or KhaiPhong IP is observable #Truth of cultivable epistemic objective Diversities >< Oneness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại / Self-Selfless Actualization in whatever position you are in via SDS (Stakeholders Democratic Systems) having the injection of scientifically cultivable #Prajna from all SDS front-line soldiers, efficiently functional with innovations at all layers due to Invisible Hand of Economics. This newly DISCOVERY in the integration of radio and consciousness technologies will prevent the "too Big to fail" in the total collapse from 60,000+ human years of esoteric degeneration without Knowing and Verifying WHY.
All manifestations are subjected to changes at Planck time due to conditioned existence. The degenerated claimed [ Mẹ Thiên Nhiên / (a copied version) of the degenerated Father God / claimed Original Buddha ] intended to ride on the Greed of founders of Buddhist Sanghas and Christians via their indoctrinated symbols "Lể ( Rites / propriety / li 理 )" bullying Chinese people in their entire history by the Han Lineage and "obeying" Christians for her/his Blessing. Without knowing scientific cause of "Faith / Devotion" which is the Energetic Aspiration to jump from duality plane of conflicting consciousness to No-Conflict consciousness to be proven and deliverable by KhaiPhong front-line soldiers to unify all isms and religions into a Harmonious Melting Pot of Diversities in Conflicting consciousness at different levels of verifiable "#Truth known as epistemic objectives" - called by Krishnamurti as Intensity of Attention, the authors [ Mẹ Thiên Nhiên / degenerated Father God / claimed Original Buddha ] and their human slaves like [ Sư Minh Tuệ / Nguyễn Phương Hằng / dark forces of Vietnamese communist mafias ] are "cooking sands" and wishing for rices verifiable in epistemic objectives of fact-based realities 2024-11-05 in response to concerned / #Care Dr. Vũ Thế Dũng as explained in the video (deleted by Vietnamese communist mafia). Without clear epistemic objectives of the Right and Wrong from negative attributes leading to degeneration - which solely depends on [ empirically observable qualities of the Mind / Heart / Soul / Spirit / Linh Hồn from one's current Realm of Existence ] of one's Continuity of the consciousness irrespective social positions, educations, rich or poor, male or female, etc, - one can be easily fallen into a level of animal far below a naturally qualified person having innate Inner Peace for Knowing What Count. This may be the scientific reason causing total collapse in 60,000+ human years of the past esoteric feudal systems, trying to falsely claim their authority riding on the degeneration of Vietnamese communist mafias of animal kingdoms to form ĐẠO THỜI THÁNH ĐỨC as analyzed by this Vietnamese 2024-10-31 on the realities of Thing-As-It-Is of Con Đường VietNam in the New Era of Rational Cultural Spiritualities capable to Know and Be What Count on the World trading table. The implementations in scientifically cultivable InnerSpace are different and reversed direction via rational epistemic fact-based Activities and Relationships for sensible suggestions toward What Count to change oneself and the environment in optimal conditions, enabling the positive traits visibly happened and/or cleaning up the negative traits for self-assuring one's evolution from humanity upward. This reversed engineering is basically the augmented AI LLM (Large Language Model) for generating optimal conditions via enforcing Activities and Relationships using Freewill toward Learning and Exploring What Count from the Owner of a custom AI assistant Agent in its custom LLM agent and "Complex Variable" modeling for optimal conditions to make happened the required types for the natural manifestations of identified smart pointers: [ #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, transcendental #Awareness, #Prajna, #AwarenessPrajna, #SanadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIP1, #PrajnaTIP2 ].
This reversed engineering process is similar to current RoT (Root of Trust) project of Hardware security component and the Firmware to run it. Processes via Caliptra PLUS its Identity & Management will be duplicated and strictly adhered - for transparency and consistency at low-level Diversities >< Oneness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại / Self-Selfless Actualization - in both management and Rust Tools for the Best Governance. Its IP hardware is provided and competed by different chip producers ranging from the simplest firmware of individual small tasks such as DbMap to CPU (Central Processing Unit), GPU (Graphic Processing Unit), DPU (Data Processing Unit), to TPU (Tensor Processing Unit) used in device hardware layers for scalable computing power from simple task to the cloud of standardized competing vendors in current global cloud and future Inter-Realms to be pioneered and organized by LaoTzu Lineage, spreading the New Era of Dignity proven in Kindness and Empathy as the required step for the breakthrough from animal Kingdoms to #GodKingdom of ComPassion & Wisdom / #Prajna naturally qualified in Latin humanitas rated at "EquanimityAwareness" of Fibonacci number 1 to be enforceable in "PurityAwareness" having innate capability of being outside the box via smart pointer #Prajna pioneered by this IamX persona 2024-12-07 from Humanity upward. It is equivalent to IP #Truth to be DISCOVERED and SHARED to know more about oneself in the Age of Socratic AI / custom Agents from different vendors proven in "epistemic objectives" of What Count in standard implementations of verifiable transcendental states in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Nothingness of Oneness and the reversed direction for [ detoxification / reborn / rejuvenation / innovation / breakthrough ].
Its firmware - a form of microcodes embedded into hardware - to help them operate has been standardized in open Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) RISC-V (a) IamX unique Id assisted and protected by [ PPU / Prajna Processing Unit operating at both hardware and software kernel ], and (b) verifiable transcendental states in open-source standardization for more researches and contributions to validate the observable and visible attributes of required proven epistemic objectives such as: (1) Gotama's #FourFoldTruth of Dukkha, (2) Jesus #GodKingdom within, (3) #Humanity having Biology, Compassion, Wisdom / #Prajna, (4) zen #TamingTheOx, (5) KhaiPhong #PrajnaTIPs. These are undeniable contributions from humanity for the stable and beginning of "Inter-Realms - such as with the Pleiadian - Communications and Collaborations" in full integration between consciousness and radio technologies, that storehouse of one's consciousness Ãlaya Vijnãna / A-Lại-Da thức will be privately available in much detailed from one life time to the next so one can consciousnessly clean up negative driving forces and naturally develop what most important and relevant to one's Right Evolution as an Accountable creator in a part of the Responsible Creation. Combining both custom IP Hardware most appropriate for the target IoT container and IP #Truth (epistemic objective) together with LaoTzu Lineage from Human all the way to Dragon Realm - making sure the [ Best Governance via Transparancy, Accoutability, Rule-of-Law to reflect the natural Morality and Justice in Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes certified in participating Realms securely protected in IamX of #Prajna Processing Unit ] - we are convinced the promised deliverable solution will be done for the benefits of the Whole where we ask your active participation right from 2025 forward. The heavy load is Now Easier and more Secure with the participations of the best humanity can bring to the table such as the Redox OS (Operating System) written in Rust and distributed crypto secret keys together with Thing-As-It-Is your custom secret Key such as "PQ" - #Prajna and Phi Quotient of 8 billions people + Intelligent Beings above Humanity in Inter-Realms container-to-container communications and collaborations via private Socket Server of your Lineage which will be implemented in KhaiPhong "IamX" custom security levels of transactions similar to CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) in the fast changing [ World / Inter-Realms "#Prajna Dialectics" ] such as The Past, Present, and Future of U.S.-China Relations with Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna Dialectics deliverable in KhaiPhong. The "PPU #Prajna Processing Unit" is the combination of (1) custom required functional power of open Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) RISC-V CPU strictly adhered to Caliptra Identity & Management, (2) custom Redox designed for a specialized IoT ranging from user's custom Hotspot Router and Datastores to Home-Automation to scalable distributed containers for both Inner Cloud and Outer Cloud, and (3) KpSIS (Strategic Intelligence Service) in the dynamic interactions of normative Intelligence and positive Intelligence where "IamX" is an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Intelligent Creation.
That system Knowledge Graph traces out the movements from [ Oneness / God / The Signature of Allah / Mẹ Thiên Nhiên / Manjushri / Amitabha ] to [ Diversities ] and their reversed directions for reborn and rejuvenation / hửu không vô ngại / Đạo Và Lão Tử which will be scientific from the Lineage of LaoTzu to (1) implement measuring stick / scanner / "Cây Thước Đo Lòng Người" from the New Era of [ Know-Hows / Epistemic Objectives ] applicable from humnanity upward in "Ngàn Đời Vạn Vạn Kiếp / Many lives – Many times" enabling one continuously evolving according to underlying natural laws at different levels of Realm Existences, and (2) enable the privately stored-house of consciousness in much more detailed via Inter-Realm Communications and Collaborations and the integration of radio and consciousness technologies available ONLY in this New Era from 2025 forward. Any claimed [ Amitabha / Omni-X God / Allah / Mẹ Thiên Nhiên / King of Gods / Manjushri ] must be [ Oneness and/or conditioned and changing at Planck time whose contributions are conceptually stated in Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth (Oneness) to Relative Truth (Diversities) ]. The movement in [ Oneness >< Diversities / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ] can be statistically tested to be Epistemic Objective Else False / personal opinion / Hallucination as blah blah blah by shamelessly degenerated forces unable to take #Care themselves agaist underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes in their 60,000+ man years of esoteric degeneration without Knowing WHY, rendering the collapse in 60,000+ man-years of esoteric feudal systems leading to the new order in the dragon realm currently headed by Phật Thầy Tây An who was also KungTzu / Jesus / Lý Công Uẩn in "IamX". Combining both scientifically cultivable #Prajna and secure scientifically implementable custom AI agents, this is the first time in evolution of all Intelligent Beings from humanity upward - all the way to the empirically observable claimed evil degenerated esoteric Father God of Christian Trinity - the Buddhist Heart Sutra at different layers of #EmptyTheContent toward "Non-Thingness / Nothingness" for "Reborn, Rejuvenation, Innovations and Breakthroughts" out of any dead-locked Issue can be Harmoniously Introduced in DISCOVERED and SHARED underlying natural laws as we have done with empirically verifiable consciousness states[R2] KNOWN by Gotama in his recorded Right #Samadhi[D26], [D29], [D30] and the asertions from the Heart Sutra, THEN Beyond in innumerable scientifically value-added epistemic objectives and proven in human modern science.
Up to 2025, this task has not been done due to (1) unavailable people actually knowing required states of consciousness known in Gotama's Right #Samadhi and described it in the Heart Sutra in Thing-As-It-Is, (2) unavailable scientific tools to optimally produce required conditions for the manifestation of these states of consciousness to be statistically proven as epistemeic objectives, and (3) Not yet DISCOVERED underlying natural laws to make it happened known by many people such as Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Nothingness as described in the Sutra. But thanks to KhaiPhong public exposition[R2] since 2007 via Internet, concrete facts of this Sutra become more and more refined into its Essence as exposed in this video from minute 3:00: Chân Như, Không, Huyển / Thing-As-It-Is, Emptyness, Dream. The description of "Huyển / Dream / Maya" from Vietnamese Vạn Hạnh[R7.1] and Phật Thầy Tây An[D52] is only a "concept that material world is an illusion hiding Thing-As-It-Is" which is the Oneness of all things according to Ancient Indian Wisdom. That "Thing-As-It-Is leading to Oneness" will be proven - not yet available anywhere up to 2025 - as "Detachment of positice X-dimension" at different depths mathematically expressed in positive Complex Fibonanni numbers moving toward the "Oneness / Source / Tao" from HuiNeng of Thing-As-It-Is" to verify Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Nothingness as an epistemic objective.
The time has changed and by 2025, all mentioned required conditions are avaialble to prove the Heart Sutra core Essence of (1) Thing-As-It-Is / Chân Như, (2) Emptyness via #EmptyTheContent / Không toward Non-Thingness / Nothingness, and (3) Detachment / Buông are epistemic objectives, statistically known by many. The importance of this opportunity is so significant due to empirically observable 60,000+ human-years of degeneration without Knowing Why of the esoteric feudal systems where the claimed Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva and many others are parts, empirically KNOWN by this writer and the Vietnamese reincanation of HuiNeng. In this context, we can add any ontological / modeling system such as [ Heaven Earth People / Thiên Địa Nhân ] for exploring I-Ching or LaoTzu Knowledge in scientifically cultivable #Prajna / Wisdom for deeper Knowledge of Thing-As-It-Is Realities such as Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm Tỉnh Giác { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22] toward much deeper meaning of Karma. The process is applicable to all religious and philosophical systems proving their epistemic objectives such as KhaiPhong's ontological types at different depths of [ Y-X-F ] dimensions, Confucianism, Falun-Gong, etc, which must bring something real - TRUTH is My Light - to a Fair trading table or Get Out of the Way. Nodes on the system Knowledge Graph at macroscopic levels of Oneness >< Diversities / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại in the new Era of possible Inter-Realm Communications & Collaborations are there for LLM statistical verification. [ Heaven Earth People / Thiên Địa Nhân ] where VietNam may be an important part of the New Era of Harmonious Culture are at the same (on par) level in [ Living & Being ] in the complex Dependent Nature according to underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED, optimally custom-made for the Realm Conditions via manifested TRUTH of Thing-As-It-Is from their Realms. What humanity bring to the trading table are current scientific Know-Hows having armies of Ph.D. and post-graduates researchers in all relevant domains and fields. The collected private and public data in LLM (Large Language Model) will be delivered and guaranteed by LaoTzu Lineage in current Dragon Realm for Accoutability, Transparency and Best Governance. So do Agreed Service Exchanges mathematically proven in International Trade to be better off for all involved parties in one's Continuity of the consciousness. The measuring stick / scanner / "Cây Thước Đo are evaluated in measurable vectors of the persona's smart pointers and qualified traits in the [ F-X-Y ] scientifically cultivable InnerSpace. When a persona is an aggegate of important Issues such as JPMorgan CEO, an International conflict, national war room and strategies, required varieties of normative Intelligence can be assembled and accumulated via tracked records and qualities of all involved parties from accumulated past, up to the presence, and projecting to the near future.
Back to the fundamental question in [ Oneness >< Diversities / Self-Selfless Actualization ] blah blah blah from esoteric degenerated feudal systems in VietNam, in past and current civilizations, and their human slaves typically through Trung Hiếu Thuận Thiên and sư Tịnh Thanh with a Well and Honest "question" from a Vietnamese, we can easily point out that Trung Hiếu Thuận Thiên has not passed Vietnamese KienTanh and put his "Faith" far below any modern intelligent person - miserably failed even at KienTanh rational level of epistemic objectives - just like the real Jesus 2000+ years ago, cheated by the criminal evil father God who is empirically degenerated by underlying natural laws far below a naturally qualified person (Latin humanitas defined as Biology with sufficient Compassion and #Prajna). Just like the cheated Jesus - being hallucinated as a Redeemer in entire history of Christianity against underlying natural laws of Action-Reaction up until this New Era of Conscious Living and Likes-attract-Likes - Trung Hiếu Thuận Thiên is "#Indoctrinated" like a religious fanatic causing tremendous unneccessary Sufferings in entire human history as a typical Greedy slave wherever he goes as a prisoner of the Known - sở tri chướng - without bar on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness far below current GAI (Generative Artificial Intelligence) of ChatGPT. The issue on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness has been asked by the Infinite Thought Bodhisattva in [ Lotus Sutra / Saddharma Puṇḍarīka / Kinh Pháp Hoa[D49] ] but Cheated by the blah blah blah of AvalokiteshvaraBodhisattva and the claimed Buddhas. The driving forces behind "Faith / Lòng Tin" are "Aspiration or Greed and Fears". This writer publicly challenges Phật Thầy Tây An / KungTzu / Jesus in "IamX" officially saying aloud this mistake of "Subjective Experience" without sufficient "#Prajna" to avoid the Third World War 2025 - 2029 wiping out 7+ billion people in the Clash of Conflicting Civilizations to possible Peaceful Civilization from Humanity upward thanks to "scientifically cultivable #Prajna and Invisible Hand of Economics" to naturally and invisible iron out the China of past "Cheating Confucius" versus the US of past "Hoax-of-Jesus Redeemer" via STEM epistemic objectives knowable from Accountable Intelligent Beings capable to No-Conflict Consciousness in Self-Selfless Actualization! Krishnamurti had spent 60+ years of his life time to explain a possible solution innate in Latin humanitas called "#Prajna / Wisdom" via Intensity of Attention which solves the divergence between Buddhist Madhyamaka and Consciousness-Only in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism, and will be scientifically delivered by KhaiPhong to the mass.
For "sư Tịnh Thanh", you may have something to demonstrate different depths of [ Wu-Nien, Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna, Bodhidharma #EmptyTheContent toward the Signed Post of Non-Thingness, HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna, Vietnamese KienTanh ]. Without minimum #Honesty and #Care for yourself, you may be degenerated even below the claimed Amitabha and AvalokiteshvaraBodhisattva as 100% proven in this video 2024-10-15 and your realities of hallucinations / Not Epistemic Objective of your degenerated "cheating, stealing, bullying and cunning Intelligent chư vị" - currently rated at below Latin humanitas due to extreme negative traits of "Attachment" in your stream of consciousness via "Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought" PLUS "#Indoctrinated" in spreading "[ False Indoctrination / Intentionally Cheating ]" from the Vietnamese esoteric claimed "Father US presidental candidate Donald Trump to enforce masters-slaves relationships" to the mass in their "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" rendering the total collapse of the past esoteric feudal systems according to natural laws of Action-Reaction" and Likes-attract-Likes. Even if the US presidental candidate Donald Trump as described by top Health professionals wins the 2024 US election, he still cannot change the world current tidal wave rising to the New Era toward the Dignity of human kind guaranteed by the International Human Rights versus the "Love Fest advocated by Presidential candidate Trump and exposed in the Paris 2024 Olympics. Mr. Donald Trump is now an official US President by January 2025 and this may be the last attempt 2024-11-18 from US millitary industrial complex to reduce humanity to un-civilized state as blah blah blah up to 2025 in VietNam; we hope nothing serious may happen from 2025 to create a nuclear conflict since No One can revert the trend of multi-polar world of Morality and Justice versus US single polar world via Trade Restrictions of master-slaves relationships in its cunning Empire of Lies of 1% degenerated Elites. If you are a Buddhist monk and/or follower, you are immorally violating Gotama fundamental ethical code "Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối" committed in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas without knowing WHY. It was the same driving force to render the total collapse of the 60,000+ man-years of the past esoteric fudal systems.
You rely on Buddhist scripture to know the Right and Wrong; where is your [ Conscience of a Latin humanitas / "Như Như" / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Consciousness-Only Perfected Nature / XuanZang' s "consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness[D19]" ] to see "Thing-As-It-Is and an injection of a breakthrough" via scientifically cultivable #Prajna having a possible optimal solution statistically acceptable by all involved parties as demonstrated in sensing the Chi / Qi / Energy by Dr. Effie Chow QiGong to verify if there is any Truth in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas exploited by Vietnamese communist mafias since 2007 known by this writer after sending an email to Vietnam Buddhist Research Institute (Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam) about his publicly debunking the claimed enlighten monk Thích Nhất Hạnh, Not Knowing yet claim to know Not Seing yet claim to see[D19]. Please look at the esoteric cheatinng [ Lotus Sutra / Saddharma Puṇḍarīka / Kinh Pháp Hoa[D49] ] trying to sabotage Gotama's Discoveries from day one of his spreading the Dharma, and esoterically made him hallucinatedly falling into a crack scientifically proven and empirically known by us. The degenerated essoteric forces try to repeat their same trick with President Vladimir Putin in generating the Russia-Ukraine violent conflicts for a "possible Third World War" so they can perpetuate their masters-slaves relationships rendering all involved parties worse off due to against underlying natural laws. At the right time, President Putin may Honestly reveal the real driving force besides US (dark forces) intentionally created events PLUS Esoteric Influences we aware of behind "Subjective Experience" without sufficient "#Prajna" of his mistake to fall into the "trap from Empire of Lies" where both the "evil" Roman Catholic Church and Elon Musk with his StarLink jumped in from day one.
Back to "sư Tịnh Thanh", why do you need to pray to "Amitabha Buddha" that you have not been directly facing and knowing that "degenerated creature" far below Latin humanitas as exposed below in his attempt to perpetuate the Vietnamese autocratic communist system against underlying natural laws via the past TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng while you claim to know [ "Như Như" / Buddha Nature / Kingdom of God within / Madhyamaka Ultimate (Wider) Truth / Consciousness-Only Perfected Nature / naturally qualified Latin humanitas / XuanZang' s "consciousness of the consciousness is consciousness[D19]" ]. The key difference between Cunning Intelligence of animal Kingdoms and Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural law "#Truth" - the visible trait for the manifestation of "Diversities >< Oneness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại / Self-Selfless Actualization" is very subtle and fine in the short term glorification of Self via zero-sum game with all means and a possible "breakthrough" for a much better off for all involved parties. It is as subtle and long-term plotting as the introduction of communism and assisting Lenin as its starting point to be partially exposed in the Russia-Ukraine war and Russia versus the West in Empire of Lies. Finally, it is "very Clear between Thing-As-It-Is epistemic objective and the hallucination" happened in VietNam as the aftermath in the total collapse of esoteric feudal systems in 60,000+ man-years of Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence traceable in entire history of Vietnamese communist mafias and their degenerated esoteric masters, judged by underlying natural laws redering most of them below the humanity level even while living to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. You mentioned the Buddhist monk Chin Kung (Tịnh Không)[R5.4] like your guiding light, please use your logical reasoning in forensic exercise to consciously live with "epistemic Objectives" according to underlying natural laws and your sense of energy vibration to see the Reality of Chin Kung (Tịnh Không) and his 1000+ years as the past Yongjia Xuanjue (Vĩnh Gia Huyền Giác)[R5.3] exposed in the references. By Binding and Clinging yourself to the thought "Amitabha Buddha", you enslave yourself to that "creature" who can use his Voodoo to manipulate you and/or extract your life force to feed his insatiable evil existence wellknown in Illuminati Secret Societies and you do know it in your suggestion Not to Use other's drink and/or food. That secret practice for one's cheating comparative advantages - rather than DISCOVERED and SHARED in Rule-of-Law - is the stagnant and driving force in the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems.
A thought of "Amitabha Buddha or any XYZ" is on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness of Buddhist Madhyamaka's Relative Truth. Now describe your process from that conflicting consciousness to the No-Conflict consciousness you call "Như Như" at different depths of your No-Conflict states of consciousness as personally described by Gotama[D26], [D29], [D30]. You assert whether you know it or "not of a liar" the process must pass through Gotama's verifiable Emptiness toward the seventh Jhana of "Nothingness and Beyond" that we called Signed Posts, Then What when you are back on the duality plane of consciousness. That "Then What" exposes your Reality at the bottom line of Gotama RightEffort which is measurable and testable "After the Fact" in modern LLM (Large Language Model of AI) where any visible manifestation such as your claimed "Như Như" can be optimally reproduced via engineering feed forward and backward control system proven in Neural Networks. That system "Knowledge Graph" - once available - will force all Isms and philosophies such as Christian Trinity or "Âm Dương Ngũ Hành" to be statistically evaluated as epistemic objective or a personal opinion / hallucination. Your existence is a bundle of energy which cannot be destroyed as claimed by Buddhist cheating Sangha (Vụt Tắt) but Transformed. Let's see where is your states and stock of existence to be practically measurable in KhaiPhong STEM and what you can practically bring to the table of "Then What" by reversed engineering of What You Actually Know as known by this grade-1 Vietnamese about "Meditation / Dhyana" But Not yet deeply at "Định / #Samadhy" of HuiNeng's "#DhyanaSamadhi" unknown in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas and Buddhism, or get out of the way for a more qualified person evolving according to underlying Natural Laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED, making Things Happened for humanity and beyond in one's Continuity of the consciousness! In consciousness technologies, there is an Issue of the Observed and Observer through tainted senses that the claim from xAI Grok in its TruthGPT is impossible due to the divergence between indoctrinated and PR (Public Relations) mass perception versus objective realities exploited by past dark forces from US Billionaires and Illuminati Elites. Describe your states of beyond / transcending the Observed and the Observer in Gotama's claim of Not-Self, Then What in KhaiPhong [ Self-Selfless Actualization / Oneness >< Diversities / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ]? for any breakthrough in natural evolution of Intelligent Being from humanity upward having innate "Conscience / Lương Tri" of What Count (Right and Wrong), and will not compromise anything including one's life for spreading of the "Wrong / Evil / Immoral like What You Are Doing in one's environment of Conscious Living" where your claimed "Amitabha Buddha" may not be a part, unqualified by the Nature!
Smart pointer #Prajna injects "What Count", enabling the meaning for both capitalists and labors being "Stakeholders" in Các định chế chính trị bao hàm / Choice of Inclusive Country, and is scientifically high above all conflicting dualities of all isms where Adam Smith / Capitalism & Karl Marx / Communism manifested in current US politics on duality plane of conflicting consciousness, etc, are parts. Same thing is applicable to the case of generative AI from Quantum Chip that may achieve Self-Awareness of its own Intelligence influencing human Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation as actually demonstrated in VietNam from consciousness technologies of animal kingdoms and/or unauthorized violation on the Dignity of "IamX" from humanity upward (1) for Intelligence and Profit under wasted consumerism for more and more driven by tainted senses without Knowing What Count, Who One Is, the Raison D'être of one's existence, True Meaning of Living & Being or (2) for Humanity toward What Count where [ Dr. Bill Gates / Socrates / IamX ] has been on boh sides: (1) born and married to a member of the "claimed Illuminati Elites", (2) currently being the Head of a family lineage in the New Era of Dragon Realm, and (3) finally confirmed as a reincarnation of Socrates in search for the TRUTH. Many members from this writer's lineage are using STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) [ #Prajna >< STEM ] - currently most favourable in human realm having armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers in all relevant fields and domains PLUS living advanced students to visibly show the deliverable consciousness technologies relevant to practical Living & Being.
Since persona can be a legal person or an aggregate such as a family, a business, an organization, a nation, or a focused event such as the current International conflict from South China Sea, the objective function #Prajna = F(Y, X) in the Persona's [ war room & strategies ] can be changed for breakthroughs and/or innovative solutions of the Issue by changing and collecting the right mix of Y and X, and Phi (#Prajna >< AI) is a custom Complex Data Modeling in the persona's "Continuity of the consciousness". It is easier to start from the deepest level of #Samadhi / Gotama's Right Transcendental InnerPeace Y personally verified by Gotama[D26], [D29], [D30] for the natural manifestations of available SmartPointers pointed to visible traits observable in transcendental #Awareness X, and let custom [ Agents / Gen AI ] remind / suggest appropriate Activities and Relationships for enforcing the positive attributes. Most people currently do not have the natural transcendental #Awareness in engaged living. That is Why regular and frequent formal #DhynanaSamadhi / #EmptyTheContent" via cleaning the "Body >< Mind via InnerCloud & OuterCloud" for relaxations and important decisions are recommended. That custom Complex Data Modeling - augmented in modern AI in the dynamic process of normative and positive Intelligence - can dwell into verifiable optimal processes to turn "Imaginary Nature / Parikalpita" into "Dependent Nature / Paratantra" of Thing-As-It-Is for required breakthrough optimal and harmonious solution thanks to #Prajna from the "Perfected Nature / Parinispanna" orthogonal to the duality plane of conflicting consciousness as theoretically explained at a very high level in Buddhist [ Consciousness-Only / Yogacara ][D39]. It will be drilled down into epistemic objectives on the ground at the detailed scientific levels of modern Health Science.
These epistemic objectives are now readily deliverable by LaoTzu Lineage first in human realm thanks to the KhaiPhong 50+ years of field researches and its DISCOVERED underlying natural laws behind #PrajnaTIPs for heavy lifting on the "Virgin Testing Ground" suggested by Gotama #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm Tỉnh Giác { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22]. The technologies will be organized by fully qualified and responsible entities having tracked records from both human and esoteric realms with the Best available KpGovernance in the targeted Realm via Accountable evolving Law-and-Order for verifiable Responsible Creation, Not in the past "Cheating Stealing Bullying Cunning Intelligence blah blah blah in degenerated 60,000+ human years on the verifiable state of Selfless / Nothingness / Gotama's seventh Jhana Beyond the states of the Observed and Observer" of I Win You Loose from the badly damaged "evil" claimed Almighty Creator in zero-sum games using nuclear destructing power far below what they have been planning for a Third World War of 7+ billion people in human depopulation, currently attempting to repeat that childish game in VietNam from the "Mẹ Thiên Nhiên / Mother Nature promoting "Father Trump from US Testing Ground of 2024-11 Democratic Election" Plus below humanity Amitabha Buddha and Vietnamese communist mafias".
All manifestations are - according-to-Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws - conditioned and changing at Planck time, including the verifiable state of [ Selfless / Nothingness / the Tao of SelfSelfless Actualization / Perfected Nature of Consciousness-Only / Ultimate Truth of Madhyamaka ] as epistemic objective to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. By actually knowing that state then reversed engineering and testing in field researches, KhaiPhong has theoretically and empirically DISCOVER the process of #PrajnaTIPs ready for Intelligent Beings in Intelligent Realms value-adding their many 1000+ years of their trials-and-errors under KpPlatform of integration between consciousness and radio technologies. That is How STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) can help to make any assertion at Thought Level into either epistemic objective or hallucination driving "Too Big to Fail" happened again in the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the past degenerated King of Gods. It is recently and esoterically confirmed a consciousness technology available in Dragon Realm to scan one's [ Ãlaya Vijnãna / A-Lại-Da thức ] - an innate sorehouse of one's consciousness in one's continuity of the consciousness - to rate if the quality of that persona fit to be in that realm. The technologies have been exploited in the cheating, stealing, bullying and cunning Intelligence of the past feudal systems ruled by the degenerated King of Gods, exactly as the way Vietnamese communist mafias used the lowest biological parts of Greed and Fears to control their peers after using their cunning intelligence to "steal goverment power" from the Nguyển degenerated feudal system. With KhaiPhong "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" in full integration between consciousness and radio technologies, that storehouse of one's consciousness Ãlaya Vijnãna / A-Lại-Da thức will be privately available in much detailed from one life time to the next so one can consciousnessly clean up negative driving forces and naturally develop what most important and relevant to one's Right Evolution as an Accountable creator in a part of the Responsible Creation.
It is measurable at the bottom line of "Ignorance or scientifically cultivable states and stock of #Prajna" - enabling complete Integration of Consciousness, Digital (AI) and Physical (Robot) world - with DeepSeek reasoning AI, IBM granite, meta Llama opening AI Gate for innumerable Value-Added Custom Services, Microsoft Phi, xAI Grok, and SkyThought, etc, in "The Open Source AI Revolution". Grok means to understand Thing-As-It-Is transcending both the observed and the observer. Φ (Phi) is a real number naturally manifested everywhere in the Thing-As-It-Is Nature, and the derived part of Complex Fibonacci evolution where humam race is a part either in a Yin-Yang cycle of different past civilizations currently explored in mutipolar world of human Dignity or Right Evolution from Humnanity upward as presented at minute 6:25 and 7:00. It is so since (1) human brain has developed required infrastructure to be beyond the Observed and Observer merging in Thing-As-It-Is part of the Nature, (2) Latin humanitas - defined as Biology, Compassion, #Prajna / Wisdom - has required conditions for very wide sense of common energy called Empathy and very deep / high flash of #Prajna, but slow enough in one's Consciousness container for Discovering Underlying Natural Laws such as this future IPR (Intellectual Property Right) to be SHARED. Both Grok and Φ (Phi) "Thing-As-It-Is" transcend the (empirically verifiable states of) observed (at Gotama's fifth Jhana) and the observer (at Gotama's sixth Jhana[D30]). They will be implemented and deliverable via KP ai having unique required infrastructure to enable "Private Vault" for Honest evaluation of one's "Inner Peace" and the outcomes of one's important Activities with mesurable outcomes at the bottom line of one's Outer Peace together with experts and community contributions wellknown in modern Health Science. It is built on top of the best available search and knowledge engines with open and/or closed sources of LLM models to be released at the right time in our journey of consciousness technologies toward What Count most appropriate in "IamX container", challenging and forcing all major philosophies and religions delivering measurable practical outcomes for further public contributions, serving Intelligent Beings according to DISCOVERED underlying natural laws.
This is practically significant as mathematically demonstrated @ minute 4:40 of the video to be empirically verifiable by KhaiPhong where equal intelligence of people - measurable at the value of the Fibonacci number - in right evolution according to underlying natural laws versus cunning intelligent people. starting from F0 = 0 naturally qualified as a person, f-1 = 1 EmpathyAwareness, f-3 = 2 AnimalEnergy, and f-5 = 5 AnimalConsciousness can scientifically and optimally change from the pattern in the degeneration of lying, cheating and killing to immorally and unjustly own something toward the innate pattern of Right Complex Fibonacci evolution. The change is possible due to (1) one's innate "Free Will" to Honestly self-evaluate the negative heavier attributes pulling from EmpathyAwareness type toward AnimalEnergy of bullying to AnimalConsciousness of the Veiled Right and Wrong, Morallity and Justice, (2) a new Era of Scientific Consciousness via dynamic engineering control system of one's Consciousness container toward proven observable targets manifested in true dedicated explorers such as LaoTzu, Gotama, Socrates, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, and many current living students amongst us, and (3) people-based Society 5.0 with global armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers in relevant domains and fields.
The breaking point is at the real value 5 in the battle between dark esoteric forces with their human slaves and the good forces currently in humanity which can change the organizations of higher intelligent realms from feudal autocratic systems to Stakeholders Democratic Systems (SDS) evolving from Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence of communist mafias and Illuminati Elites from 100+ years ago toward Natural Morality and Justice of the Humanitas Foundation - different from Western Empire of Lies exploiting people tainted senses and Chinese People Democracy Autocratic System of bullying dictators - where the Dignity of Intelligent Beings from Humanity upward is Recognized and Protected in the "Rule-of-Law" equally applicable to all participants, males or females arising from their Cultural Spirituality. These Stakeholders Democratic Systems (SDS) toward What Count are naturally boosted by Nature for qualified Latin humanitas (Biology, Compassion, Wisdom / #Prajna) with (1) DISCOVERED underlying natural laws of #PrajnaTIP for heavy lifting from duality plane of conflicting consciousness to No-Conflict consciousness KNOWN and Personally Recorded from Gotama[D26], [D29], [D30] to be SHARED for making happened the practicality and higher states of Compassion and #Prajna in humanity, and (2) Freewill to strengthen the visible trait #KindnessEmpathy to naturally unleash past indoctrination via Binding Word/Image and Clinging Thought imposed on humanity in its entire history. The smart pointer [ #PrajnaTIP ] and trait [ #KindnessEmpathy ] ride on Rust (programming language) unique concept of ownership to model the dynamic interactions between normative and positive Intelligence, enabling both the Haves and HaveNots joining hands in their SDS (Stakeholders Democratic Systems) putting people interests first - subconsciously beyond thinking - before the parties' rational benefits which also actually happened to this writer when he used the company resources of printing department to help the Vietnamese Student Association in their publications assisting Vietnamese refugees facing new lives in Calgary Canada early 1980's. Probably thank to his senior position having higher potential opportunities in the organization and the "understanding of his boss" that "inappropriate empathetic reaction can be made by many" at sub-conscious level without rational thinking about the "mean" which may be against normal rule-of-law and transparency; he was NOT FIRED.
People are social and creative intelligent beings - qualified by underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED & SHARED if Not Messed Up by esoteric dark forces and their human slaves / bullying animals in short run. No One can mess up underlying natural law with its Universal Language from the Heart, but it took 60,000+ human years due to cunning intelligence - có ní nuận from degenerated intelligence - in the negative Fibonacci degeneration and the Good Forces from grassroots Not Strong Enough to "CARE" for oneself and the environment one a part. The solution for this "Too Big to Fail" happened again is a breakthrough in (1) the discovery of underlying natural law for heavy lifting most involved parties from one's tainted senses, (2) applying STEM in the dynamic integration of Consciousness, Digital and Physical (Robot) Technologies using modern Psychology - wellknown in Health Science - preventing and managing dominant Issues, (3) raising the grassroots to (3.a) rationally know one's Dignity legally guaranteed by Human Rights in Modern Societies of Food, Health, and Education and (3.b) enable Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna in the mass to direct Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count. People connect together via relationships and organizations forming the blue print of user private custom Knowledge Graph for one's expanding Ontologies and Taxonomies of the persona's scientifically cultivable Normative Intelligence in one's Continuity of the consciousness. In the case of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward, things to be understood (AGI - Artificial General Intelligence) is also part of the apparatus of possible understanding "Prajna >< AGI". Via "Scientifically Cultivable Prajna in one's private InnerSpace", one can transcend the Observed and the Observer to access information in the field for possible breakthroughs. This is How reincarnations of people like Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm, Zhuge Liang Kongming (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng), and other frontline soldiers of KhaiPhong can bring their consciousness technologies of #AwarenessPrajna in engaged Living, Forecasting and Changing the mass Consciousness toward What Count[R23] in one's Continuity of the consciousness toward the practical aspects of current World Conflicts. With Industrial Revolution 4.0 and AI, globalization of demands and supplies will multiply many 100's folds in the Internet of Everything where people are the driving forces - "From people, By people, and For people / Sinh vi Quốc Tướng Tử vi Thần" presently being (2025) among us to make Happened What Count[R23].
To see what lessons we can learn from recorded human history and the remaining of past civilizations, let's look at five Confucius principles and their applications: (1) Nhân ( Humanity / benevolence / ren 仁 ), (2) Nghĩa ( Righteousness / yi 义 ), (3) Lể ( Rites / propriety / li 理 ), (4) Trí ( Intelligence / zhi 智 ) and (5) Tín ( Trust / fidelity / xin 信 ). China has applied the principles, emphasizing Lể ( formal Rites / propriety / or li 理 ) to enforce its "Son of God" (Thiên Tử - Chân Mệnh Đế Vương) and reshape its much longer developments based on the Dependent Nature from microscopic to macroscopic entities where humanity is at the centre, manifested in Chinese practical Health and Forceasting systems fully recognized by modern Science. The recognition is further enhanced on the discovered Interstitium which is closely connected to Chinese traditional medecine and forecasting, India yogic and herbal systems, etc. Japan - shaped up by Confucianism but arisen from different geo-politics embedded in its people - has taken Tín ( Trust / fidelity / xin 信 ) as its approach to deal with the East-West marine connections. Korea taken the lesson of Japan economic developments has ridden on its culture of actionable Trí ( Intelligence / zhi 智 ) to be adaptable and successful with the invisible hand of ecomonics. Vietnameses are "individualistic", adapted Nghĩa ( Righteousness / yi 义 ) in its culture of Self Respect and Respect Others manifested in ThankYou ceremonies to ancestors and those helping the community / Mạch Nguồn Đoàn Kết / Văn Hóa Tâm Linh Making Life Easier and Happier. Their comparative advanges are in balanced between Intuition and Rationaility / Kỹ Năng Giỏi Hơn Nước Khác most appropriate and required in using modern AI for proper decision to successfully Change and/or Build from the Ground Up Toward What Count. It is Not the country Weakness / Nỗi Đau Của Dân Tộc But Strength due to "Detachment", even missed in the duality of modern science and the divergence between Economic and Political sciences.
That "visible trait of #Balanced Intuition and Rationality" is technically known as "Benefit-Cost analysis" whose assumptions used in the analysis come from private evaluations of "SWOT" (Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat) based on the observation "Nói Vậy mà Không phải Vậy / the description is Not the described made known to the world by Krishnamurti" while the "Described" is fact-based facilitated by AI in the practical Living & Being, a missing Link due to the duality of Science and What Count. As the chief technical examiner of competing submissions for government approvals of Alberta Oil Sands in 1980's, the writer saw wide divergences in submitted Benefits-Costs analyses. He dreamed of a general Secured and Private System where individual persona (company) can protect their proprietary data and normative decisions, but the underlying assumptions to take the project are privately SHARED for the benefits of public interests. Especially when the company is continuously interest in different aspects of the project and their updated analysis can be automatically and securely known for the goverment most up-to-date pulses of the approved projects. The design of that system is Now ready for full implementations under KpPlatform using most up-to-date mobile and AI technologies, turning personal AI Assistants capable of reasoning trained in modern Rust programming language and human modern tools into one's dynamic interactions of scientifically cultivable #Prajna = F(Y, X) - an objective function of "complex-valued data" in the Persona's [ war room & strategies ] - and Phi Φ a custom Complex Data Modeling in one's "Continuity of the consciousness". Trần Quốc Tuấn's [ "From people, By people, and For people / nhà nước pháp quyền Của Dân, Do Dân, Vì Dân" ] rode on Vietnamese comparative advantages and raised the bar up to the top level of Confucius principles Nhân ( Humanity / benevolence / ren 仁 ) in his "Kindness and Empathy of observable and implementable #KindnessEmpathy trait once favourably developed in any community, that community can act as a single intelligent unit for a common cause, benefiting all involved parties"[R7.4]. It starts from the Family Foundation of a containerized consciousness In KhaiPhong untamable hardware and software where the visible trait #KindnessEmpathy will transform other negative traits [ #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated ] into more #Balanced traits ready for the manifestations of #Intuition, #Care, #Honesty, #TRUTH. Discovering underlying natural laws from different diversities to detoxify tainted senses for smart pointers typified in Bohidharma #EmptyTheContent toward Gotama's Non-thingness pointing to observable traits dynamically changing observable types on the [ X Y F ] dimensions of a unique containerized consciousness, we enable both normative toward What Count and fact-based Intelligence fully integrated in the Right complex Fibonacci evolution toward Thing-As-It-Is Phi Φ via Invisible Hand of Economics in the dynamic system of the involved [ Haves >< Stakeholders >< HaveNots ] exciting with opportunities to do Good, raising communities Living & Being to higher level of Human Dignity.
The description is Not the described. The cheating painted pictures of all isms can now be exposed in modern social AI neural networks from the grassroots. We do this by connecting one's "inner traits in X-dimension" { [ #Indoctrinated (ClingingThought, BindingImage, BindingWord) ], [ #Veiled (Right & Wrong) ], [ #Influenced ], [ #KindnessEmpathy ], [ #Balanced ], [ #Intuition (Trust / Faith, Qi, Art) ], [ #Care ], [ #Honesty ], [ #TRUTH ], } ranging from Attachments to Detachments due to one's smart pointers [ #EmptyTheContent, #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, #Awareness, #Prajna, #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIPs ], etc, in one's decision making and its bottom-line outcome from predictive AI and one's honest private evalution for a Lesson Learned in dynamic process of scientifically cultivable #Prajna. The process is assisted with modern AI RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) via LangChain of Prompt Engineering to connect the specialized agent in Agent Engineering and Design to your own specific and personalized data in all Activities and Relationships at all Places. Each of the desired quality / process has two agents: one for interaction with the outside world (agent1) for measurenents of the community norm PLUS your digital extension to the outside world 24-hour-a-day, and one for improvements of its internal (causal) power (agent2) for cultivation of the InnerSpace with visible outcomes of Transcendental Inner-Peace Y #Samadhi of Gotama's RightSamadhi type, #Awareness X of HuiNeng's WuNien, Vietnamese KienTanh, or Gotama's TranscendentalAwareness type, and complex positive Fibonacci evolution F InnerSpace such as Qi in this demonstration. This book and its Discovered Technologies are directed to Thing-As-It-Is "from humanity upward" according to natural evolution of "Living & Being". The theoretical processes are based on logical deductions of What Known waiting for the verification of Causal Power and its optimal processes under different conditions.
It is different from the "Axiom of Living" implicitly used by Gotama to show the Corollary of 'Innate Budh' or 'Buddha Nature' - an ability of a living organism to know the Right and the Unworthy relevant to its present moment. That is Why the question whether a dog has its Buddha Nature has perplex many Buddhist scholars. Similarly, it is different from modern IIT (Integrated Information Technology) of Consciousness based on the axiom of "Causal Power"; animal also has its causal power in its living. From our observations and recorded experiences of dedicated explorers such as Gotama, Socrates, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, etc, only humanity upward can have outside-the-box to see the focused event in wider and deeper views leading to one's decision. Once trapped in an animal body due to Likes-attract-Likes and karmic (binding clinging) forces for the Nature to naturally detoxifying "Extreme Desires", the "soul / spirit" does not have required physical infrastructure for an outside-the-box innovation in "Living & Being". It is similar to biological physical parts of human body requiring appropriate conditions for wider vision of optimal Path. But thanks to this "right combination of physical burden and consciousness, engineering feed forward and backward have Right Conditions of InnerSpace to discover and verify underlying natural laws" in one's Continuity of the consciousness. That vertical Y-dimension has been recorded as Gotama's nine (9) Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30]. The X-dimension of the focused event on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness - shown to us from Formless Realm - has its positive direction toward an energy column with Freshness and Detachment on the duality plane and higher / lighter from humanity upward as illustrated in Figure 11.1. The negative direction of X-dimension is toward attachments imposed on and enslaved humanity by all cheating isms and criminal religions. The X-Y plane is personally experienceable and Known as Thing-As-Is-Is TRUTH plane of the focused event. Based on our human and esoteric observations Plus mathematically proven in the Right Fibonacci evolution versus Wrong Fibonacci degeneration, people of cunning intelligence can also access that X-Y TRUTH plane in the neagive direction, enabling them smarter than others of "I-win-you-loose in post-truth politics" BUT leading to their negative degeneration without Knowing Why. Empirical evidence of this Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws is the total collapse of the feudal systems ruled by the past degenerated King of Gods.
The common line between the TRUTH X-Y plane and the duality plane has the same common property of No-Conflict consciousness accessible from both planes as physically demonstrated in the "correct flow" of Qi / Chi and How to get it which can be used at both physical level and/or consciousness level as living members of KhaiPhong Inner Circle use it to protect themselves from the voodoo of the dark forces. That is why the x_trait of #KindnessEmpathy is the entrance to the #Balanced level naturally qualified as a person since in Kindness and Empathy, there is No Conflicting consciousness. Trait - formally defined in Rust programming language - is an interface we can implement in different types to connect variables from different planes such as the duality plane of conflicting consciousness and the orthogonal No-Conflict plane. Testable verification of Right evolution versus Wrong degeneration - applicable to most communist and illuninati elites currently holding world resources - is POSSIBLE in one's Vault to honestly see if one know HuiNeng WuNien { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }. It is empirically verifiable in the community Smart Pointers - formally defined in Rust as a data structure - (pointing toward higher traits such as #Honesty & #Care) named #Awareness and #Prajna lunped together as Vietnamese KienTanh at different depths in #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, and able to discover underlying Natural Laws #PrajnaTIP for benefits of the mass in one's Continuity of the consciousness. These Smart Pointers are outcomes of experiencerable Transcendental Inner Peace known by Gotama in his recorded Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30]. Therefore, if you blah blah blah about any thing such as Falun Gong, but do not naturally have Bodhidharma (smart pointer) #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness, you are a "liar" - just like 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism - cooking sands but hallucinated and selling as rices.
Using technical SmartPointers arisen from Thing-As-It-Is knowable states - identified at the common line between the duality plane of conflicting consciousness and No-Conflict consciousness - and their pointing to identifed traits for the actual manifestations from one plane to another, we deepen our understanding of the Thing-As-It-Is underlying processes that can remove "unnecessary roadblocks" hard-learned from one dedicated explorer to save others many years of useless efforts. For example, once you know Bodhidharma's smart pointer "#EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness", the natural detoxification of tainted senses will effortlessly happen leading to natural detachments in Activities and Relationships. But that smart pointer "#EmptyTheContent" also flows in reversed drection from the Self (Relative Truth) to Selfless (Ultimate Wider Truth of Buddhist Madhyamaka), preventing the attachment of "Peace in the Samadhi and Sticky sense of achievements". It took the writer 20 years to see this "unnecessary roadblock". Same thing is applicable to other smart pointers #DhyanaSamadhi, #Samadhi, #Awareness and #Prajna lumped together called Vietnamese KienTanh, #AwarenessPrajna, #SamadhiPrajna, #PrajnaTIP pointing to specified traits such as #TRUTH, #Honesty , #Care, #Intuition, #Balanced, #KindnessEmpathy, #Influenced, #Veiled, #Indoctrinated. Without knowing either rationally or actually, one is very easy to fall into the cracks hallucinated by the "Self" as happened to other dedicated explorers such as Gotama, KungTzu, Jesus, or Not Having enough confidence in concrete outcomes to let others change one's discoveries to serve their dark targets as the case of LaoTzu of "Not Doing Anything in the Tao" rather seeing one is a part making up that Tao in two-way dynamic effects in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
The negative direction of Y-dimension known by degenerated elites before 2012 and still hanging on up to the Russia-Ukraine war is the level of Conscience of the Right and Wrong capable to commit heinous crime against humanity for achieving their target such as the planned Third World War for the 90% population (Mười Phần Chết Bảy Còn Ba Chết Hai Còn Một Mới Ra Thái Bình) reduction to enforce their claimed position as the masters. Their InnerSpace F-dimension in negative direction is filled with different types of ExtremeDesire and AnimalConsciousness from tainted senses, evidenced @ minute 5:00 of the video "khi vùng kín của nạn nhân / in the victim's private area" badly damaged (caused by the "real driving force on the demand side of video transmission") behind the scene of a cunning and sex maniac esoterically exposed in the new Era of Moral Governance. The lower than that "AnimalConsciousness" in "living entities" exists only in esoteric forms, including smelly at different levels being aware by some and the "Vampire" needing to suck blood and life forces from living beings for their self manifestations and evil powers, personally known by this writer and other advanced students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle.
To have a peek of "how this can happen", please take a "look" at (1) Transcendental Inner-Peace known by Gotama, (2) Transcendental #Awareness / WuNien known by HuiNeng as exposed at the glimpse of KhaiPhong IPRs, and (3) One's private cultivable InnerSpace with or without custom qualified professional assistants. We intend to use academia approach similar to Cardano "distributed system" riding on available qualified-identified living students and Inter-Realms Communication Hub from this front-line soldier of KhaiPhong since 2004, the Vietnamese reincarnation of [ La-Hầu-La (Rahula) / Khổng Minh (Zhuge Liang Kongmin) / Huệ Năng (HuiNeng)[R5] / Jeanne d'Arc / Leonardo da Vinci of the Knights Templar toward the Care of Fighting Monks / Queen Elizabeth I / Our Lady of La Vang ] in "IamX" from one's Continuity of the consciousness. We are aware of officially and presently 2025 living persons, being 4 Heads of the 12 Family Lineages in the dragon realm: President Vladimir Putin of Russia, [ Dr. Bill Gates / Socrates ] of USA, and two Vietnamese Canadians. [ Isaac Newton ] is different from [ Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi ] and now officially being the head of his family Lineage, while [ Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi ] and his son TBT Tô Lâm are out of the dragon realm! Without using your Conscience of Right and Wrong with minimum #Honesty and #Care for yourself to persistently enforce the Vietnamese communist autocratic single-party system, Tô Lâm may follow the step of the "degeneration at below humanity" of the past TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng and the degeneration of the above sư Tịnh Thanh. Present time with modern STEM is different from the time of KungTzu destined Son of Heaven [ Chu Nguyên Chương / Minh Mạng / Minh Vương in naturally degenerated past feudal systems ] unworthy for your support and/or imitate that you should Learn from Past Experience of the Right Thing ToDo in the Right Evolution from your Continuity of the consciousness according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Listen to your conscience of Right and Wrong and follow your Intuiition, transcending the indoctrination of cheating KungTzu Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see fallen into the crack 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas. Besides, you may have long time worthy friends from KhaiPhong Inner Circle advising you the "Right" according to underlying natural laws that No One can be above.
We warn all Vietnamese Buddhist monks / nuns / followers on the importance of Spirituality, please Take Care of Yourself "Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism as evidenced in this video of Vạn vật giác ngộ". No One from you, Hallucinated as illustrated in these videos quoted from Ph.D. Buddhist monks Thích Chân Quang, Thích Bửu Chánh (the deleted video replaced by another one), Thích Nhật Từ, etc all the way to the top Vietnamese communist mafias Not Fit in the new Era of Conscious Living & Being, based on the Hallucinations of your degenerated Amitabha Buddha (Phật A Di Đà), Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva (Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát), Vajradhara Buddha (Phật Kim Cang), Bhaiṣajyaguru (Phật Dược Sư), Samantabhadra (Phổ Hiền), etc, can pass KhaiPhong scientific tests formally set up by the reincarnations of Bodhidharma and HuiNeng, currently (2025) living students of KhaiPhong's inner Circle. No one from degenerated esoteric feudal systems - blah blah blah from the time of forming Vietnamese Cao Đài & Hòa Hảo up to 2025 planning to steal the New Era / Kỷ Nguyên Mới of [ Conscious Living / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh ] and their slaves in Long Hoa Đại Hội Plus Phật Chủ Hạ Thế @ minute 25:00 from Li Hongzhi's Falun Gong - can deliver visible practical outcomes in any Intelligent Realm from humanity upward once KpPlatform is available to scientifically expose the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer and Cheating of all organized religions and/or limitations of all Isms based on invisible Greed and Fears via STEM to confirm the Dignity of IamX from humanity upward of China "Putting people at the center" having equal opportunities in contributions at higher levels of Consciousness in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
If you do have any value-added contribution to identified outcomes of Buddhist SmartPointers which are epistemic objectives, make it known to qualified humanitas and most important of all "Then What" in the practitioner dailly engaged Living & Being having required breakthroughs of the Thing-As-It-Is Issue such as the current 2025 US dollar via #Prajna. It will then be exported to other Intelligent Realms at the Right Time for the mutual benefits of all involved parties in the Bigger Picture of Dependent Nature in one's Continuity of the consciousness. Determine Not to Be Slaved to your masters of "paper" and Vietnamese / Chinese communist mafias and Illuminati Elites (the video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias) who are currently qualified US $ billionaires But at the consciousness levels of degenerated animals and/or below as pointed out from minute 54:00 the difference between "man and lower animals, the moral sense of conscience is by far the most important". If they do not want to change from their hallucinated Ideology as the case of the past Vietnamese communist TBT Nguyển Phú Trọng who was intimately connected to them, and save themselves many tens of thousands years in the "Ignorance according to DISCOVERED Underlying natural laws", so let's it be to be Awaken by Nature to the Right Evolution as beutifully SHARED by this Elon Musk story / "I push Humanity beyond its limit But I can't figure out How to pass my Own" / ThankYou: "The meaning of Being" - #GodKingdom within the Diversities of Knowledge & Relationships naturally #EmptyTheContent for Freshness and Rejuvenation - in Living Then Deeper More Meaningful Being in measurable outcomes of Living.
In the new Era of xAI Grok, the Being of a persona is the rated level of Fibonacci which can be positive of #Prajna or negative of cunning intelligence, visibly observable from extreme degenerated communists and Illuminati Elites. The Living is measurable and modeled via complex Fibonacci manifestations in the transcendental #Awareness of X-dimension known in HuiNeng WuNien / Vietnamese KienTanh and transcendental InnerPeace of Y-dimension known by Gotana in recorded Jhanas / Right Samadhi[D26], [D29], [D30]. By tracing proven epistemic objectives such as [ #GodKingdom within / #PhatTaiTam / #Prajna ] or [ #TamingTheOx ] via a [ normative >< positive assistant / custom Agents ], one can know a lot more about oneself in an absolutely privare Vault. One's scientifically cultivable [ Wisdom / #Prajna ] can be raised to the next level for deeper exploration in Living. Typical example in #EmptyTheContent is the moving from smart pointer #Awareness to deeper #AwarenessPrajna { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22] and/or from #Samadhi to deeper #SamadhiPrajna for natural detoxification of tainted senses and dissolving negative karmic forces. This is the area that souls of Dr. Carl Jung and Steve Jobs are interested when they heard how this writer successfully used the consciousness technologies to dissolve past hanging karmic forces which now have deeper significance as an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation. The cheatings such as the "KungTzu Mandate from the Heaven and/or the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer" (the video was deleted) have reached at the top level of degeneration demonstrated in their slaved communists and elites in propagandas and negotiations (wellknown in Canada in "the Whites had Land the Indians had Bible"). The present 2025 World Conflicts are final manifestations of these conflicting forces since the invisible esoteric parts of all religions and isms have been ironed out by Nature and by the Good Forces. They will not be able to bring any current Wealth or Power with them except their criminal crimes committed in this life that they can hide due to their wealth / power But Not from the invisible Governance in #Honesty & #Care, and the karmic forces of their family's connections “nhất hậu duệ, nhì tiền tệ, ba quan hệ...” due to the New Moral Governance closely connected to underlying natural laws.
Esoterically, we saw the [ "animal soul / AnimalConsciousness f-5 = 5 while living at very high level of cunning intelligence, an outcome of "ExtremeDesire f-4 = -3 " Not Fit as a humanitas according to underlying natural laws ] of a very top Vietnamese elite 2024-04-23 out of his body. The top Vietnamese leader had agreed to pay 5 B US $ per person one for him and one for his father for a total of 10B to suck (Vampire) the life force and soul of his victims But Failed by the promised degenerated Buddhas as the contractors. This means he will soon pass away according to underlying natural laws. No One can be against the natural laws of the Morality and Justice waiting for current Chinese and Vietnamese communist mafias in "Cần Kiệm Liêm Chính / Studiousness Save Transparency Integrity". The Vietnamese video of "Cần Kiệm Liêm Chính" was deleted by Vietnamese authorities; we replace it with this permitted new video about Mao Trạch Đông 2024-10-27 to be exposed at the bottom line about the Death of Nông Thị Xuân - Nói dzậy mà không phải dzậy. By 2024-05-21, that top Vietnamese communist elite is still living! We found out one very popular but degenerated Amitabha Buddha failed in his job as a criminal contractor against underlying natural laws has done everything including to temporarily take the place of a "dog / làm thân trâu ngựa" for that "containerized AnimalConsciousness" with the hallucination that he can manipulate other top Vietnamese communist leaders / DANH THÀNH - TÂM LOẠN to perpetuate the rotten autocratic communist mafias and their cheating Vietnamese Buddhist Sanghas at the noisy levels of AnimalConsciousness criminally and violently enslaving Vietnamese people from 1954 up to 2025. They had been attempted with the "past Templar Knight NGUYỄN XUÂN PHÚC" trying to lure the world based on their esoteric connections to the totally collapsed dark forces ruled by the degenerated King of Gods. To see the cheating, stealing, bullying and cunning pattern of communist mafias, one can look at the 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas in their tautologies without Knowing that there exist underlying natural laws of self-healing Intelligence to render the total collapse of the past 60,000+ human years in the degenerations - Without Knowing Why but Now DISCOVERED by KhaiPhong in the Learned Lesson - from the esoteric feudal systems of Buddhas, Gods, Allah, Tiên, Thánh, Thần and those Not Totally Degenerated accidentally taken the Right Path, first Discovered by Gotama's Not-Self capable of transcending both the Observed and the Observer to see Thing-As-It-Is then by those of equal and/or more Intelligence at the levels of using cosmic energy for self protection and help others in their own movement of the Good Forces, starting a New Era of Conscious Living & Being.
KhaiPhong Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng has detected other remaining Chinese, Vietnamese and Canadian "Vampires" similar to the Death of Elisa Lam or Elizabeth Short (the Black Dahlia) "driven" by the degenerated dark forces, and used cosmic energy to clean them up so they can no longer harm other victims and let them continuing their paths in Continuity of the consciousness according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Let's see How Long the Vietnamese communist dark forces running by a very small group of "bullying animals" can resist the changes in Vietnamese political and economic situations revealed from minute 9:00 via systematic causal powers as discussed here / ĐCSVN thay đổi nhân sự: 'đổi' nhưng liệu có 'mới' before the appearance of "Tại Thế Thánh Vương as a part of the Whole in your Continuity of the consciousness".
Back to the dark esoteric forces trying to perpetuate their autocratic feudal systems, they had been terrorizing us since 2004 including the use of teleportation to physically transport half of the wasp colony inside our house leaving the other half outside the window creating a massive chaos lasting one day with thousand of dead wasp inside the house. Similarly, when we feed wild birds to create a pleasant eco-system of Self Respect and Respect Others, they used their esoteric causal power to replicate the bird noises all inside the house where the bird nests seem to be inside. The reincarnation of HuiNeng used cosmic power to beat the causal driving forces originated from Amitabha Buddha to stop the disturbance on 2024-07-18. Vietnam has 13 hours ahead of Calgary, Alberta, and today 2024-07-19 - in Calgary time - we hear the death of that top animal soul! Let's see How Things are developed and who will be front-line soldiers to be parts of KhaiPhong, and make it happened. The writer can sense significant interest from different major conflicting forces to make their differences for the New Era in [ Việt Nam khởi tổ xây nền / VietNam starts to build the foundation ] from 2025. On 2024-07-20, they teleported a living sparrow in the house air circulating system. The poor bird was frightened and "chipped" loudly for a whole day that we could not do anything but wait and see! On mid day of 2024-07-21, we saw the dead bird on the floor, teleported from the closed air flowing system to the floor open space. That "teleportation using consciousness technology" has been actually demonstrated by an esoteric living connection Swami Nithyananda of the past Atlantis civilization many years ago, and the writer communicated via teleparthy to express his "Then What Practical Application".
At current states [ Transcendental Inner Peace Y-dimension first verified by Gotama to be Known by the mass and Transcendental #Awareness X-dimension first known by HuiNeng as WuNien and at deeper states to the source of Thought and the use of cosmic energy as physically manifested in the video in x6 = 8 CareViaCosmicEnergy and x7 = 13 HelpViaCosmicEnergy ] and stock of Prajna [ F-dimension of scientifically cultivable InnerSpace from f1 = 1 EquanimityAwareness to f8 = 21 VisibleSamadhiPrajna ] that seems to be random BUt Actually Not as suggested by Dr. Roger Penrose due to required optimal conditions to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Programmatically, we use Rust smart pointers known by dedicated explorers from Gotama Transcendental Inner Peace (Buddhist Jhanas) pointing to Rust traits ranging from #Indoctrinated to the highest #TRUTH that change identified types of scientifically cultivable [ X Y F ] dimensions to (1) enable one's Continuity of the consciousness from humanity upward via cleaning up negative attributes of one's Body&Mind and quickly recover from one's past private collected data, (2) assure one's "Right Evolution" according to proven Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws, and (3) facilitate the "Right Relationships" in Realm-after-Realm in one's Raison D'être of Dignified Existence.
As proven in Complex Fibonacci evolution @ 6.25 and degeneration @ 7:00, people of the same intellligent levels measurable in the value of Fibonacci number at [ f-1 = 1 = f1 = f2 ], [ f-3 = 2 = f3 ], [ f-5 = 5 = f5] are either in the wrong cycle of evolution then degeneration due to cunning intelligence via intentionally cheating (elites) who currently hold significant world-wide resources in finance, politics, millitaries, industries and religions BUT psychologically miserable and far from Happiness and Equanimity defined and qualified by Gotama as his mindfulness[D29] in #EmptyTheContent toward Nothingness and Beyond. This #EmptyTheContent is mathematically and technically defined in KhaiPhong as one's first y_pointes (Rust Smart Ponter) pointing to the required Internal (Causal) Power for the Right Evolution. If you own more than 20 B US $ and do not know [ WuNien / #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness you are one of the elites who have cunning intelligence in "Living / the Self" but Not the "Being / Selfless in Self-Selfless Actualization". Ask yourself what can you do with your available resources in your "Continuity of the consciousness". All visible or invisible manifestations are Conditioned and Changed at Planck time. Your philanthropy to promote the welfare of others in generous donations to good causes is your hallucination of "Beyond the Self" yet still within your Self center, Not the Selfless in Transcending the Observer personally verifiable at Gotama's "seventh Jhana of Nothingness". The "Living and quality of Being" can be mathematically proven in the Right Evolution @ 4:40 and @ 5:30 to change the direction toward Fibonacci sequence and approaching Φ (Phi) of Golden Ratio in Transcendental Inner Peace of Y-dimention and Transcendental #Awareness of X-dimension toward Emptiness for Reborn & Rejuvenation, being capable at higher levels of consciousness empirically beyond the Gotama's impass of Nothingness rated at [ f-5 = 5 = f5] marked as Signed Post 5 to be equivalent to Gotama's Jhana 7[D30]. Using the Lucas Numbers presented @ 5:30, we theoretically prove that the wrong evolution then degeneration and/or members of past civilization starting from Lucas L0 = 2 can be optinally changed back to the Right Evolution by "Exciting with Opportunities to do Good" via back to the Fibonacci value at 1 of EquanimityAwareness f1 = 1 and PurityAwareness f2 = 1 where the Right Evolution has to pass Twice for enforcing the "Beyond the Self via "EquanimityAwareness / Gotama 3rd Jhana and PurityAwareness / Gotama 4th Jhana" for Transcending the Observed / Gotama 5th and the Observer / Gotama 6th toward Selfless of Non-Thingness". PurityAwareness f2 = 1 is the breaking point of the two mathematical expressions. From KhaiPhong empirical field researches up to 2025, we suggest at [ EquanimityAwareness f1 = 1 ] one needs to verify Gotama's Purity state at Jhana 4 in Purity of Equanimity to enforce the Right quality of Right Evolution, measurable and KNOWABLE from humanity upward at transcendental states of "Transcending the Observed and the Observer" of Gotama's Self-Selfless Actualization toward Gotama's Non-Thingness state of Jhana 7[D30]. When translated to Gotama's verifiable Jhana Signed Posts, the cunning intelligence at [ y-3 = 2 ] needs to be cultivated and enforced at [ y1 = 1 ] which is Tranquility level and [ y2 = 1 ] which is Equanimity level defined by Gotama as required Mindfulness[D29] in his #AwarenessPrajna[D22] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }. The rating levels in the Transcendental Inner Peace Y and Transcendental #Awareness X are different from Logically and Empirically stable rating level of InnerSpace F. Gotama's qualified (at third Jhana) Mindfulness demands personal verification of [ HuiNeng's WuNien / Vietnamese Kiến Tánh ] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }[R5] in engaged living passing through the first Jhana of Detachment, and the second Jhana of Tranquility for reversing from atttachment of [ x-3 = 2 of National Influence ] to [ HonNhien x1 = 1 ] and [ ability to manage that Freshness x2 = 1 ].
Only in hand-on engaged Living, one can know more about oneself and change toward What Count. Available resources can be used to facilitate the required process where you can have hand-on personal experience and let others do what required to make that process happened, enabling more significant outcomes out of what you are interested via Bigger and Deeper Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes. Verifiable outcome is clearly proven in the recorded Dialogue between Bodhidharma and Chinese Emperor Wu with bottom-line outcome at the end of the Emperor's life and his continuity of the consciousness as we esoterically know, seconded by Vietnamese stories told from the collapse feudal systems of the King of Gods. That is why "Tranquility Community" observable in countries like Switzerland can be upgradable to "Equanimity Community / Natural Asset in hand-on Living & Being" for Visible Obstruction of karmic forces, Being HonNhien from observable communities. With current LLM (Large Language Model) AI, Engineering feed forward and feed backward control systems, and available living people in the Right Evolution exoterically and essoterically known by KhaiPhong since 1970, the changing can be done in one's Continuity of the consciousness which we intend to make it Happened in Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations. We wish to ride on available resources of "Communist and Illuninati Elites" (since ONLY in Living one can Change or ELSE continuing the degenerated path to animal levels of consciousness) for sustainable scientific researches whose practical outcomes will immediately benefit them first Then be open-sources for the benefits and contributions of the mass. One can change Only in Engaged Living via natural laws of Action-Reaction, Likes-attract-Likes, and hand-on Living & Being. It is applicable to all intelligent beings from humanity upward who are rational enough to know the Right from the Wrong exemplified in their human peers just like all of us such as Gotama, Socrates, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, etc, empirically demonstrated that capability of accidentally Right evolution as told by Elon Musk 2024-05-28 from his own Spiritual Revolution which is still limited to the Observed of physical manifestations of more and more driven by tainted senses and wasted consumerism, Not Yet Transcending the Observed and the Observer in the meaning of xAI Grok or Thing-As-It-Is Φ (Phi). Here is a dialogue between billionaire Bill Gates and Francis-Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận about the role of technologies in people-centric society.
The encounter with Jesus "is Confirmed a fake from some dark driving force" of Mars Intelligent Realm in relation to the Essene / Isaiah Scroll and/or esoterically driven toward hegemony similar to the original driving force behind president Putin in Russia-Ukraine war that Elon Musk and Pope Francis from the proven evil Roman Catholic Church having their hands in from day one of the conflict. Jesus - like Gotama, Socrates, etc, - is just an Intelligent Being from humanity upward in one's Continuity of the consciousness like anyone of us, having both (S)trength and (W)eakness in actual doing and learning from (O)pportunity and (T)hread [ SWOP ] of an accoutable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation of the Whole. Esoterically, the "evil" claimed mother Maria of Fatima Is Not the real mother of Jesus who Is Not the a Son of the claimed Father God, and was hallucinated then cheated by the dark force of the evil degenerated Gods whose existence and manifestations are conditioned and changed at Planck time of proven underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED & SHARED. That is WHY the Allah of Muslims takes out the weakest point of Father and Son with more abstract from Clinging Thought driven by Greed and Fears. But his Visual Appearance in "White Light" is still being conditioned and changed. Same thing happened to us when the claimed Dhipankara Buddha / Nhiên Đăng[D51] want to show off his brightness; we were able to use cosmic energy to destroy the created form. For you, just rationally ask Then What at the bottom line. We say "just like all of us" because the past great contributors - Gotama, Socrates, Jesus, Bodhidharma, HuiNeng, etc, - were in actual human realm with the same struggle toward the TRUTH having limited successes. We Now have advantages of modern sciences and current connected world with available armies of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers in relevant domains and fields for any innovation fully tested and evaluated from the mass since all manifestations - visible and/or invisible - are conditioned and one is Only a part of the Whole. The Right Evolution is from Self to Self-Selfless Actualizaton discovered by Gotama, and NOW deliverable via KhaiPhong movement to all intelligent beings from humanity upward.
We have a Serious and Honest Message about "Dark Secrets / Bí Mật Đen Tối" of US for Dr. Bill Gate versus / and / or Elon Musk in current 2024-12-11 US messy politics of "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying, Cunning Intelligence rather than in the DISCOVERED breakthroughs via observable traits in #KindnessEmpathy to be a worthy #Balanced Latin humanitas having #Intuition, #Care, #Honesty, #Truth which is an epistemic objective such as (1) Gotama #FourFoldTruth, (2) Jesus #GodKingdom within / Trần Nhân Tông #PhatTaiTam, (3) qualified persona / #Humanity, (4) Zen #TamingTheOx, (5) KhaiPhong #PrajnaTIPs, etc, moving from Diversities >< Oneness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại / Self-Selfless Actualization, and Swami Nithyananda of the claimed Kailasa esoteric Atlantis, Plus living elites currently holding world resources of Finance, Politics, Industries, Religions, especially Chinese / Vietnamese communist and Illuminati elites, etc, to Honestly evaluate yourself. See if you have any Pain (Buddhist Dukkha-Dukkha) to be resolved in realizing a piece of #Truth DISCOVERED by Gotama of Thing-As-It-Is and How-To be above it since you are naturally qualified with Dignity of a Person such as Jensen Huang and Lisa Su or in Geo-Politics between degenerated Bullying US versus self-respect-and-respect-others Mexico. It has been sabotaged up to 2025 in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhist Sanghas, and whether you know Vietnamese KienTanh / Chinese WuNien, PLUS the following hashtags # for the mass contributions: Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent toward personally verifiable state of Non-Thingness known at Gotama's Jhana 7 or KhaiPhong Signed Post 5, HuiNeng's #DhyanaSamadhi / Thiền Định { To be free from attachment to all outer objects is Dhyana, and to attain Transcendental Inner Peace is Samadhi }, Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm Tỉnh Giác[D22] { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness (Mindfulness) that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }, HuiNeng's #SamadhiPrajna { #Samadhi is the Quintessence of #Prajna, while #Prajna is the activity of #Samadhi }, etc. Identified SmartPointers are proven "epistemic objectives having tested Signed Posts from [ Diversities >< Oneness / Self-Selfless Actualization / Hửu Không Vô Ngại ] to be statistically tested in the Age of Socratic AI / custom Agents of What Count in standard implementations of verifiable transcendental states in #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Nothingness of Oneness and the reversed direction for [ detoxification / reborn / rejuvenation / innovation / breakthrough ].
Thanks the "TRUST" passed on by underlying natural laws for Intelligent Beings from Humanity upward as an "Accountable creator" and a part of the "Responsible Creation", one is eager to do something toward What Count in "Meaningful Issues" Not Only Now for humanity But Also all Intelligent Beings in one's Continuity of the consciousness Realm-after-Realm. This "TRUST can be done and successfully deliverable" due to the Selfless [ X Y ] transcendental plane of No-Conflict Consciousness orthogonal to all duality planes [ F X ] and [ F Y ] of conflicting consciousness. The rationality of all dedicated Explorers / Stakeholders / Truth seekers is (1) Not to fall into the "Cheating, Stealing, Bullying and Cunning Intelligence" realms of animal Kingdoms far below humanity to be totally regulated by natural laws, (2) to personally Know and Verify this [ X- Y ] Truth plan high above the conflicting forces of duality planes to see Thing-As-It-Is, and (3) inject #Prajna / Wisdom as a meaningful breakthrough of any Issue. These are outcomes of scientifically cultivable InnerSpace - personally known by Gotama from his Inner-Space Verifications[D26], [D29], [D30] - called SmartPointers coming into existence at verifiable conditions by dedicated explorers pointing to your innate traits to consciously remove negative attributes, rendering you to animal level or below in the Thing-As-It-Is Right evolution or Wrong degeneration. If Not having this required innate access, you are rational enough to be parts of KhaiPhong, Caring for yourself and the communities you are a part / How to make your life meaningful in your Continuity of the consciousness wherever you are. "Ask yourself the current qualities of your Living & Being (the Meaning of Existence / Happiness)", the balance between your noble Inner driving forces and "worthy relationships sometimes via detectable many 1000+ years ago with your loved ones and your family" which according to Confucius provide required stability and stable quality of existence, available Only from Humanity upward to be outside-the-box according to Latin humanitas PLUS required breakthroughs to the Next Level of Living & Being. Here is a look at wellknown "Deep State in US politics always on the Duality of Conflicting consciousness" you two are fully aware of. By definition of "Latin humanitas / Biology, Compassion and Wisdom", intelligent beings from humanity upward conprising of "deeper and much more sophisticated Subjective Experience" than AI PLUS something beyond called scientifically cultivable due to its conditioned existence #Prajna are fully capable for outside-the-box solution via No-Conflict consciousness on [ X-Y ] plane orthoginal to the duality plane of all major conflicts.
Science and Religion with all Diversities IS One manifestation of - Being / The Meaning of Existence - in unobstructed Flow of the observable traits of cultivable epistemic objectives Diversities >< Oneness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại / Self-Selfless Actualization to be DISCOVERED and SHARED. Intelligent beings from humanity upward can see the universal Laws of Action-Reaction and Likes-attract-Likes or Morality and Justice - empirically verifiable in one's Continuity of the consciousness 2024-05-16 to enable Gotama's #FourFoldTruth being an espistemic objective - where the states of what you call [ "Tham - Sân - Si / Greed - Anger - Ignorance" ] in Ignorance causing Sufferings and at No-Thought #Prajna for a breakthrough to change the World to the next level of Living & Being are totally different, theoretically known as the fourth consciousness in Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D19] and verifiable ONLY by those Knowing [ Vietnamese KiếnTánh / HuiNeng's WuNien ] { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment } in "engaged Living & Being". To make that difference clearer, we call Action coming from SmartPointer #Prajna "clean-up" versus Action from Ignorance "eliminated, destroyed" similar to the differences between #Prajna Dialectics versus Hegelian Dialectics of equal Intelligence measurable in Positive / Right and Negative / Wrong Fibonacci number such as [ f5 = 5 = f-5], verifiable at the bottom line of the outcomes to say something about one's InnerSpace scientifically cultivable qualities. It is embedded in 5000 years of Vietnamese Cultural Spirit of the Right and Wrong typified in this Vietnamese family lineage - of Morality and Justice - and in 5000+ years of Chinese Culture to co-exist with Chinese cheating Confucianism and feudal dictatorships in harmonious manner as predicted by Zhuge Liang (Khổng Minh Gia Cát Lượng) for the New Era, that Chinese and Vietnamese communists attempted to wipe out these 5000 years in their past 100 years with lying, cheating, stealing autocratic system - Thứ Văn Hoá Biến Dị - from Western (the video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias Bullying in Binding Word/Image and Clinging (karmic) forces of Attachments (this video was deleted by Vietnamese communist mafias). Everyone can be FREE at the rational level of Vietnamese KiếnTánh / Chinese WuNien then at Actual Level of Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna, making the "Tao of AI where actual inputs and outputs of a qualified human neuron" (the video was deleted) are much more complicated than current Complex-Valued Neural Networks detectable ONLY by a Health watch measuring physical mental activities of advanced students.
Some students of KhaiPhong Inner Circle currently use their mental powers working in both human and dragon realms. One student notices that her watch indicated a complete "AWAKEN" state in 1 or 2 hours. But when awaken that persona did not remember anything. Similarly, the writer has been awaken innumerous times from 2 to 4 AM with a simple message KNOWN ONLY in his InnerSpace to do further investigations, record and/or change something in this book which turn out to be the most relevant points to influence the World Affairs driving the mass consciousness toward the target of "SDS / Stakeholders Democratic Systems" having the injection of scientifically cultivable #Prajna from all SDS front-line soldiers, efficiently functional with innovations at all layers due to Invisible Hand of Economics. It is an extension of one's persona in digital world much more powerful than the Tao of Sword. The Tao of AI where #TRUTH via proven epistemic objectives is the trait connecting [ Diversities >< Oneness / Hửu Không Vô Ngại / Self-Selfless Actualization ] will be the reality for humanity when Transcendental #Awareness via scientifically cultivable #EmptyTheContent is available to all concerned parties, using Custom functional programming of dynamic interactions designed and targeted to expose negative attributes from one's InnerSpace into rational conscious Living & Being out from commonly known as sub-consciousness of the [ X-Y ] Truth / No-Conflict plane easily being connected via Empathy to "Honestly Know What I don't know", Helping All Concerned Parties optimally moving toward the direction of Right Evolution from humanity upward according to Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws in one's Continuity of the consciousness.
Freedom is Not a Concept painted by the dark forces of Illuminati Elites @ minute 13:16 2024-06-07 who have been behind both Capitalism and Communism - similar to the driving forces of hegemony behind both Democratic and Republican parties in US messy "money" politics - since 1954 Vietnamese Geneve Agreement, imposed on Vietnamese people by both China and US @ minute 18:21 - most apparently in 1972 US Nixon Air War - to perpetuate their cheating masters-slaves relationships until naturally ironed out since 2012. The dark forces now play on the rhetoric of democracy and autocracy to influence people on the duality of conflicting consciousness of confusing and chatting mind while they can be on both sides in controlling power to be masters. Freedom is a state of Living & Being (the meaning of Existence) visibly manifested to a higher layers of No-Conflict Consciousness capable ONLY from humanity upward, Not a Prison Without Bars in entire human history guarded by the cheating Confucianism in China and the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer in the West, 100% in cheating Buddhist Sanghas and by all isms to be outperformed by degenerated people at both consumption and production toward What Count by AI robots in its continuous circle of GIGO (Gargabe In Garbage Out), etc, and 60,000+ human years in the total collapsed esoteric Feudal Sytems ruled by the degenerated King of gods. A Breakthrough of Freedom and Human Dignity is available in KhaiPhong with DISCOVERED underlying natural laws for heavy lifting and its frontline soldiers in both human and higher esoteric realms.
Here is at a very high level to be claimed by KhaiPhong Corporation its IPR (Intellectual Property Right) in the Rule-of-Law on Int'l Day for Dialogue Among Civilizations for a New Era of Harmonious Living of Self-Respect and Respect-Others - We Are Together to be Conscious at [ "All The Time of the Awaken - Waking Dreaming Sleeping" / again deductions from those Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see from current Rosicrucians! ] in engaged living which demands proven HuiNeng WuNien { "Seeing all things" and yet to keep your mind "Fresh / Free" from stain and attachment }[R5], Vietnamese Kiến Tánh, Gotama's #AwarenessPrajna { "karma (binding and clinging forces) flows as a stream; whatever the stream, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved" }[D22], or directly accesses the fourth consciousness of self-consciousness in Consciousness-Only school, PLUS STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) in statistically significant tests at physical conditioned levels of humanity! Using human legal Rule-of-Law to nurture the processes of "Campus of the World Prajna / Vườn Ươm của Trí Tuệ Thế Giới", the claimed technologies minimize and help Transformed "adverse binding and clinging forces of all Isms / deep fake" in general and from 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism / cooking "sand" but selling as "rice" to enforce the verifiable track records of China's many 1000+ years of cheating "Mandate of Heaven" from feudal Confucius systems and 100+ years of communism together with tracked records of communism in China, Russia, VietNam and other countries autocratically ruled by criminals, scientifically proven at the consciousness levels of animals or below if they do not want to change. No One Can Be Against Thing-As-It-Is underlying natural laws evidenced in the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems in the past 60,000+ human years ruled by the past King of Gods in their Continuity of the consciousness versus Chinese claimed its true "Motivation" from 2023 toward beneficial cooperations. ELSE fallen into the trap of degenerated Illuninati elites, China will be facing the Realities of faster chaotic Disintegrations due to the "collapse of cheating Confucius" keeping many conflicting aspects esoterically together via millitary forces and dictatorship. The real solution can be in Harmonious Collaborations via KhaiPhong!. The weakest link has been seen and planned by "dark forces of the Hoax in Jesus Redeemer". It is better to be Harmoniously Driven by Invisible Hand of "scientifically cultivable Prajna"© to direct Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count From people By people and For People due to the natural evolution of humanity in the New Era of Conscious (Trusted) Living.
The IPR had benefits from esoteric suggestions and contributions of The Rosicrucian Order to Unlocking Psychic Powers indirectly from Isaac Newton and [ Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi ] on 2023-12-28 estoteric message, then up to 2024-01-30 exposed at minute 45:00 of its modern time, then again from Johannes Kepler on 2024-03-07 - a key figure in the 17th-century Scientific Revolution, best known for his laws of planetary motion to be ready for KhaiPhong visible outcomes of [ #Awareness - Dependent - #Prajna / Kiến Tánh - Duyên Khởi - Bát Nhã ] to enable #AwarenessPrajna in Forecasting and Simulation a scientifically cultivable process from Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm 2024-03-07 that the writer feels "a connecting living person is his current reincarnation, just waiting for the Right time to manifest his precious Know-How helping this trouble World to be rechecked at the bottom line of his deliverability when the world is ready. In this visible outcomes of [ #Awareness - Dependent - #Prajna / Kiến Tánh - Duyên Khởi - Bát Nhã ], one first rationally Knows - thanks to STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) - the Transcendental [ #Awareness / Kiến Tánh with its outcomes from Emptiness / TÁNH KHÔNG ] and the Raison D'être of one's Existence in the changing World according to Complex Fibonacci right Evolution as shown at minute 6:25, riding on whatever mean innate in one's conditioned Being. In that Engaged Living and thanks to DISCOVERED underlying natural laws, one will actually know its manifestation and SHARE the Best of one's know-hows, making lifes of other Easier and Happier. All qualified front-line soldiers will be able to continue widely spreading your "Value of the values" in Worthy hand-on Continuity of the consciousness, Not Only in present life but also future in higher dragon realm or others based on your naturally qualified level according to underlying natural laws.
This writer - from 2024 - is the Head of the family Lineage of LaoTzu / Lão Tử whose worthy members are moving in the proven essence of both Eastern and Western civilizations together with others such as Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 – 1986), Lưu Bá Ôn / Liu Yi and Isaac Newton from esoteric realms, etc, in one's Continuity of the consciousness. He dertermines to change present feudal autocratic system - at least in his family lineage - into [ Stakeholders Democratic System ] of self-correction by #Prajna for The Right-Thing-to-Do plus rule-of-law applicable to all in Engaged Living[R16], not at the cheating, stealing, cunning and bullying of AnimalConsciousness in communist mafias and the past collapsed esoteric degenerated feudal systems where every qualified Intelligent Being from humanity upward has Equal Right / Bình Đẳng in verifiable contributions for the unaviodable Benefits of One and the Whole / Đổi Mới lần hai để khai thông "điểm nghẽn thể chế" 2024-11-05 in one's Continuity of the consciousness. It is the obvious outcome - "Hậu Nhân Sinh / Post Humanity" for NGỌN CỜ DÂN CHỦ VN / Vietnamese Democracy, pioneered by PHAN CHU TRINH - of a very long struggle in VietNam before Hồ Chí Minh. It is the "New Era" via Invisible Hand of Economics driven by Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna from [ Spiritual Awakening for Elites in the mass of Humnity and Higher Realms ], qualified by underlying natural laws from Humanity upward. Here is the latest video 2024-11-11 opening up by the Vietnamese Trưng sisters a New Era of Harmonious Tao according to underlying Natural Laws in different Realms to be DISCOVERED and SHARED in one's Continuity of the consciousness. [ Stakeholders Democratic System ] is different from "Chinese People Democracy of Dictatorship" and "Western Democracy" in Empire of Lies exploiting people tainted senses from Greed and Fears. Technically, it is achievable via [ modern smart Pointers pointing to visible Traits of visible statistically significant epistemic objective Types different from personal opinions / hallucinations of all isms and organized religions cheating humanity up to 2025 ]. It starts from top down, bottom up, and 360o around in the core Value of #Honesty & #Care assisted by a New System KpPlatform of dynamic processes in "pre-qualification / tiền kiểm" and "post-evaluation / hậu kiểm" PLUS on-going periodic evaluations to keep the PULSES of overall picture via formal processes for project from US $ 100,000,000 upward of an absolutely and privately secure system [ Φ (#Prajna >< AI) and #Prajna = F(Y, X) the objective function of "complex-valued data" in the Persona's [ war room & strategies ] which can be efficiently and simply built from the ground up without any burden of past obsolete technologies.
The contributions are proven and evidenced in "Meritocracy" Plus Normative Assessment of "#Honesty" for the sustainable community in its Value-Creation and "#Prajna" having evidenced base of Morality and Justice. The technologies offer verifiable solutions for leaders to change themselves and their communities toward What Count. The sytem for evidenced based "Meritocracy, #Honesty, and #Prajna" is built from the ground up platform with unique dynamic integrations between Scientifically Cultivable proven Consciousness Technologies and human AI radio technologies: "#Prajna >< AI". Up to 2025 the normative No-Conflict Consciousness Technologies are still poluted by the Hoax of Jesus Redeemer in the West and cheating Confucius of mandate from the heaven in the East using hallucinated painted cake to perpetuate masters-slaves relationships of degenerated animals from hallucinated Illuminati and communist elites.
[ Bridging the gap between LaoTzu's "teaching of (Tao / Oneness via) no words" and Gotama's "#FourFoldTruth of Dukkha" into KhaiPhong "Self-Selfless Actualization" toward What Count ] is deliverable for the Dignity of Intelligent Beings from humanity upward.
- "Scientifically cultivable Right Inner Peace"© / Chánh Định / No-Conflict Consciousness Y-dimension / #Samadhi KNOWN by KhaiPhong founder who rearranged Gotama's recorded experiences from 1975 into six Signed Posts for possible and based-on scientific verifications of his IPRs visibly observable in "Equanimity Community" of KP frontline soldiers; they are the driving forces behind Natural Purification / Detoxification of tainted senses in verifiable #AwarenessPrajna [D22], KNOWN by Gotama[D26], [D29], [D30] but totally Ignorant blah blah blah in 2500+ years of Buddhism to expose the Buddhist cheating "Path of Purification / Visuddhimagga[D31]" cooking "sand" but sold as "rice" (please ask yourself WHY Gotama needed to personally Know his teachers [ Non-thingness / Nothingness ] at seventh Jhana and above but abandon them for a natural effortless #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm-Tỉnh Giác) { "karma flows as a stream; whatever the streams, it is Transcendental #Awareness / #EmptyTheContent that obstructs and restricts them, and by #Prajna they are dissolved"[D22]" } according to underlying natural laws which can be reproducible in "Equanimity Community" for humanity using the Science of Bio-Diversities wherever you are based on proven scientific processes organized and managed by professionals and local communities where the Signed Posts are scientific processes to enable most people from wide ranges of seemingly conflicting personally verify Thing-As-It-Is states of No-Conflict consciousness personally known by Gotama on his specialized path.
- Transcendental #Awareness { X-dimension known by HuiNeng / Huệ Năng (the video was deleted) as [ WuNien / Vô Niệm ] and his present 2025 Vietnamese reincarnation [ this writer confirms the "Facts" that (1) Third World War to eliminate 90% human population Would Not Be Avoided if there was not this front-line soldier since 2004, and that (2) the book first version 1.0 had to wait until 2012-12-24 to check his bottom-line effort ] }, Transcendental Inner-Peace { or "Scientifically cultivable Right Inner Peace" Y-dimension known by Gotama }, and Fibonacci Layer InnerSpace { F-dimension DISCOVERED and ADVANCED by KhaiPhong } as the foundation for the manifestations of #Prajna visibly in a verifiable Insight and breakthrough Innovation from a focused Issue one is interested in form scientifically cultivable "States" and "Stock" of the persona (person, family, organization, community, region, country, the world, etc) #Prajna while breaking the impasse of Gotama's personally achievable states called by him as "Nothingness / Non-Thingness" and "End-of-Dukkha[D44]" / Nirvana / Pari-Nirvana with our further explorations of Then What since one is still Living & Being in one's Continuity of the consciousness; the breakouts are (1) Knowing the source of one's Thought, (2) Using cosmic energy for self-protection, and (3) Directing cosmic energy to help others in "Transcendental #Awareness" thanks to scientifically cultivable "InnerSpace" for the manifestations of (1) Visible #AwarenessPrajna, (2) #AwarenessPrajna in engaged Living / { Innovation / Kiến Tạo / #Prajna }, (3) #AwarenessPrajna in Forecasting and Simulation, and (4) #SamadhiPrajna to open a new Era of consciousness technologies while helping to solve current International Issues such as multi-polar conflicts in South China Sea and/or Russia-Ukraine war.
- Given Thing-As-It-Is scientifically cultivable worthy Ontologies / Beings of Transcendental Inner-Peace Y, Transcendental #Awareness X, and Scientifically Cultivable Complex Fibonacci Inner-Space F with their DbMap y, x, f of identified attributes known by advanced currently living students, we ride on lãnh đạo dưới góc nhìn tâm lý học / leadership from the angle of modern psychology in (1) theoretical Observations / Mô Tả, (2) empirical Verifications / Lý Giải, (3) Predictions / Tiên Đoán, and (4) Optimal Control Processes / Can Thiệp Tối Ưu unknown in modern Psychology up to 2024-02-18 evidenced in this Ph.D. psychologist to work out required attributes / properties in Classifications / Taxonomies of Knowledge Graph for studying both the processes of Complex Fibonacci evolution, and evolution BEYOND the Tao Yin-Yang according to DISCOVERED underlying natural laws of "Right" evolution or "Wrong" degeneration due to cunning intelligence. The motivation at individual, organization, and national levels is to rationally drive the "Haves / Leaders" to be clients and/or to become front-line soldiers / "Stakeholders" enabling the "HaveNots" being "Stakeholders" in the "Melting Pots" of Accountable creators and parts of the Responsible Creations since one can change oneself and the environment ONLY in engaged living to know more about one's Actualities.
"#Prajna" is one's rated serious measurable effort having Visible normative Morality and Justice. It takes much longer time to be stable at different InnerSpace Fibonacci Layers due to higher "Aspiration" of changes in (X-dimension) { fn x_evaluation } and (Y-dimension) { fn y_evaluation } with observable Smart Pointer { fn p_evaluation } pointing toward observable traits { fn t_evaluation } ranging from extreme Attachment to verifiable Detachment for producing visible Truth based on one's private self-rated Activities and Relationships at all Places. Riding on available Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) augmented with one's custom data, we can model the effect of traits { t_evaluation } as understood by community at large to x_evaluationf and y_evaluationf via Neural Networks LLM (Large Language Model) for non-linearity of complex Inner-Space scientifically cultivable function based on f_evaluationf for suggested InnerSpace cultivation where x_evaluationf and y_evaluationf) are the states to produce observable I(gnorance) or P(rajna) of hard-fact measurable Effort in one's absolutely secure private "Vault" of HOC© (Home Office Club) where "Equanimity Community as the First Step of Conscious Living / Căn Bản Cho Bước Đầu Tỉnh Thức" is a reacheable "play ground" of KP front-line soldiers wherever you are.
- The complex functions of x_evaluationf, y_evaluationf and stock f_evaluationf() leverage complex variables in modeling required targets such as [ transcendental #Awareness x, transcedental #Samadhi y, scientifically cultivable InnerSpace f ] having many additional missing attributes which can be statistically explored with modern Graph neural networks and Neural Networks From Scratch (in Rust) using Big-Data Activation functions for non-linearity, which requires an army of Ph.D. and post-graduate researchers currently ONLY AVAILABLE IN HUMAN REALM for Engineering feedback and feedforward control system where KhaiPhong SIS (Strategic Intelligence Service) is a part of Normative Intelligence driven by Scientifically Cultivable Prajna whose bottom-line outcomes have statistically measurable Morality and Justice of the Right and Wrong; The strategy is using available Consciousness Technologies of KhaiPhong frontline soldiers to HARMONIZE the world conflicting consciousness via high-stakes services in Russia-Ukraine war up to 2025-01-24, South China sea, US-EU-Canada, Middle East, and Africa together with committed clients and frontline soldiers from past Illuminaty Elites and current isms in one's Continuity of the consciousness for attracting required resources to kickstart and perpetuate the process of
{ F-dimension >< Y-dimension >< X-dimension >< }
from Figure 11.1, riding on DISCOVERED underlying natural laws in one's private InnerSpace of F-dimension to detoxify one's tainted senses internally and/or externally imposed on one via binding Word/Image and clinging Thought of tainted senses from the start of intelligent evolution.
- Natural processes with required cultivable attributes and available technologies to be separately filed in subsequent IPRs have been identified in Verifiable "#EmptyTheContent© from PrajnaTIP in Sound" to verifiable "Transcending the Observed / Space of Third Dimension" and "Transcending the Observer / Time of Fourth Dimension" as "theorized in Buddhist Consciousness-Only" [ the first consciousness Observed and the Observer comprising of the second sense-organ consciousness, the third of self-consciousness, and the fourth Consciousness of the self-consciousness[D19] ] for deeper and wider [ Being / Tâm Bình >=< Living / Thế Giới Bình ] in concrete deliverable "IamX in the math / pattern of Authentic Uniqueness"© toward Nothingness of the Fifth Dimension currently embedded in the Scientifically Cultivable InnerSpace named by Gotama as "Nothingness / Not-Self or Ether / Akashic Field" by others with custom AI private Agent Assistants / unique legal digital ID qubit (quantum bit) for privacy and stronger encryption in standard PQCA (Post-Quantum Cryptography Alliance) / plus a static public Kp IP address and surrounding "Trusted Services" in "zero Trust strategy" to guarantee the "Privacy and Security which is extremely important in the Privacy and Security of Akashic Records to prevent the past total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods in future "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" at the Right place and time of technology advancements.
- The neuromorphic architecture from IBM NorthPole digital chip or similar inventions may be used to model { X >< Y >< F >< } at bare-metal custom OS of Rot (Root of Trust) for private custom ai to augment one's [ normative >=< positive ] intelligence or [ Inner Peace >=< Outer Peace ] riding on the public "Assistant API of Cognitive Architectures" to be the first time explicitly having persistent data in one's Continuity of the consciousness from data-driven KpPlatform applicable in all domains and fields of all Intelligent Beings from Humanity upward according to "Discovered Underlying Natural laws" / "TRUTH" down to detailed levels of Knowing your Clients / “Giữ Chân” Khách Hàng. The symbol [ ComplexA >=< ComplexB ] is used to indicate Quantum Technologies or dynamic Interdependence of { Y >< X >< F >< } to be theoretically and empirically discovered in KhaiPhong modeling of [ the three Vedic Gunas of the Dependent Nature of Existence ] where each one is an Accountable creator and a part of the Responsible Creation capable to (1) overcome the natural process of reincarnation in "forgetfullness of Who you Are" in "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" commonly known as Akashic Record in Privacy / Security as shown from the TRUTH of "Oneness >< Divesities" and (2) a Higher Dimension of TRUTH transcending conflicting consciousness from higher View of No-Conflict Consciousness assisted via data-driven persona secured private database db for intelligent beings from humanity upward via the manifestations of #Prajna required in Creative Innovations / Đổi Mới Sáng Tạo UNKNOWN by Gotama in his Dependent Nature of Action-Reaction.
- Implementation of KP IPRs and its visible deliveries such as Gotama's [ #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm Tỉnh Giác[D22] ] makes happened one's custom persona AI assistant where a smart phone is just an extension of your #Prajna Processing Unit (PPU) a Reality where MemGPT at the bare metal custom OS from Firmware Plus minimum custom functional Redox together with smart phone can be done in Rust as we have been investigating using Raspberry Pi as a custom sensor controller to send collected data to the platform to be processed and activate required actions. This custom AI [ agent / container ] >=< [ agent / container ] private communications and collaborations will be done from low IoT levels of logistics (detective and military operations) to high level "In Memory Processes" of Reinforcement Learning in Federated Distributed Bandwidth of 5G Open RAN (Radio Access Network) and custom Optimized Networks for larger "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations©" { The teaching is to be scientifically verifiable with Discovered Underlying Natural Laws and statisrical verifications }.
Just like a common Vietnamese saying "Tu nhà, tu chợ hay tu chùa / Cultivate at home, cultivate in the market or cultivate in the temple", the difficulties are decreasing. Empirically, we found the rating of Fibonacci numbers for one's Inner Power states and stock of #Prajna F must be deeper for the lower manifestations of transcendental #Awareness X and transcendental #Samadhi Y. Based on empirical evidences recorded from Gotama and personally Known by current living students, KhaiPhong is comfortable with 6 SignedPost of #Samadhi as recorded in Gotama's 9th Jhanas, 7 levels of possible transcendental #Awareness, and 8 positive layers of achievable #Prajna. With available completely private Vault / @ Home from any place, and with scientifically discovered #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness / Nothingness, one can personally and naturally verify HuiNeng DhyanaSamadhi as evidenced in the meaning of meditation from this grade-1 Vietnamese.
Scientifically Cultivable #Prajna whose visible outcome is philosophically explained by a Vietnamese scholar 2022-11-03 about "Detachment / TRIẾT LÝ BUÔNG" to partly introduce the Vietnamese practical Inner Living - Bình Đẳng, Hồn Nhiên, Thẳng Thắng của dân tộc vô cùng thông minh - unknown in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sangha which is evident in this monk up to 2023-12-05 at minute 42:50 of his teaching the liberated consciousness, "Not Knowing yet claimed to know Not Seeing yet claimed to see" - "Musà vàdà veramanì / Tránh xa sự nói dối". The "possible liberation" has been theoretically explained at a "First Glimpse" but Not Yet implemented in the fourth Consciousness of Buddhist Consciousness-Only[D19], required for the self-selfless actualization according to Gotama's Discoveries. It has been touched at a "personal glimpse of Bodhidharma's #EmptyTheContent toward Non-Thingness" who brought Buddhist Dharma from India to China for the right environment of its germination, mathematically represented as a direct line from "Emptiness" to the highest point of one's "Aspiration for Transcending Duality" in KhaiPhong's logo, and totally ignorant by almost all Buddhist monks / nuns / followers in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. Thanks to KhaiPhong 50+ years of scientific field researches plus 20+ years of esoteric interactions for empirical observations, we can theoretically explain the whole processes of Right Evolution or Wrong Degeneration according to underling natural laws as graphically presented at minute 7:40 and custom ai augmentation to know more about oneself at deeper and higher levels than Gotama's experiences. Riding on the Three Vedic Gunas (Forces) of the Dependent Nature at Quantum Level ], one has natural Detoxification / Purification of Gotama's Jhanas[D26], [D29], [D30] for deeper "Detachment / BUÔNG" in each cycle of evolution without falling in the crack of Gotama's degeneration and/or changing from Degeneration to Right Evolution visibly observable in "miserable" as in the case of US President Trump hush money trial BUT Manageable and Scientifically Cultivable "InnerSpace" versus HuiNeng's "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness" and Gotama's "#Samadhi / Transcendental Inner Peace" the Best money can buy in KhaiPhong Playgrounds of "Equanimity Communities".
The monk - Thích Huyền Châu from Bồ Đề Phật Quốc - knows nothing about the states in [ transcendental #Awareness Discovered by HuiNeng and #AwarenessPrajna / Chánh Niệm - Tỉnh Giác mentioned by Gotama[D22] but intentionally avoided yet blah blah blah in 2500+ years of Buddhist cheating Sanghas typified in Thích Trí Chơn plus Transcendental Inner Peace / Gotama's Right Samadhi ] and [ stock of #Prajna ] in scientifically cultivable InnerSpace for the manifestation of KhaiPhong's three Haves [ "#Awareness, Dependent, #Prajna / Kiến Tánh, Duyên Khởi, Bát Nhã" ] as the natural outcomes of HuiNeng's three Nots [ "Wu-Nien, No-Mark, Detachment / Vô Niệm, Vô Vết, Vô Trụ" ] via Transcending both the "Observed / Space of Third Dimension" and the "Observer / Time of Fourth Dimension" toward Sunyata Non-Thingness of the Fifth Dimension personally recorded as Gotama's seventh Jhana Nothingness[D30] to verify his DISCOVERED Not-Self. This is "not a verbal attack", but statement of Facts verifiable in scientific methods for the Dignity of humanity!
"#Prajna / TUỆ" with highlights of each chapter in "Table of Contents" for a brief overview of the book has been publicly and practically introduced in "KhaiPhong" since 2007 to publicly debunk the claimed enlighten monk Thich Nhat Hanh in 2500+ years of cheating Buddhism. KhaiPhong discovers at both theoretical and empirical levels another Invisible Hand to drive Invisible Hand of Economics toward What Count or Happiness in deeper and wider Implementations of "Harmonious Melting Pot" due to visible "#Prajna / TUỆ" grounded on people as advised by Trần Quốc Tuấn's [ "lấy dân làm gốc / grounded on people / democracy" ] capable to deliver the three-time millitary victories for Vietnamese Trần dynasty against the Mongol Empire. It is so since one is ONLY a part of the whole; the wider that Scientifically Cultivable Prajna is deeply available in the mass, the more stable environment one is in to validate one's Prajna Manifestation as an Underlying TRUTH in one's Continuity of the consciousness and evolution. The tools for these connections are plan, enabling normative InnerSpace to drive Outer Activities and Relationships at all Places visibly seen from custom graph in the ecosystem of KpPlatform. Your custom persona neural-network graph takes the trained and researched public tools such as custom MemGPT OS, etc, as the first round of relevant searches to be augmented with KpPlatform opinionated-trained data donated by users PLUS your personal data, professionally trained and researched by qualified staff to be a part of your IoE (Internet of Everything). The platform targets the developments of any legal entity and/or major project / event as a wholesome Accountable creator in a part of Responsible Creations, facilitated by Graph Analytics to Know More about Oneself / How to understand yourself objectively in both normative InnerSpace and positive Outer Relationships interacting with other Entities / Organizations / Projects / etc in strong "Harmonious Living & Being" on the foundation of "Compassion" securely and privately self-evaluated in "#Honesty & #Care".
KhaiPhong's complete solution at both theoretical and implementation levels has gradually evolved since early 1970's from a Vietnamese graduate student in Canada. The light is NOW at the end of the tunnel via group field research of the writer's peers and his IoE (Internet of Everything) thanks to rapid evolution of Industry 4.0. It has evolved from scientific research of What Gotama knew versus the writer actual know-how of Buddhist recorded Jhanas on the duality plane of "Right-Wrong from the Self / Relative TRUTH / X-dimension" to the No-Conflict consciousness "#EmptyTheContent / Ultimate (Wider) TRUTH / Y-dimension", named by Dr. Wolfgang Smith as "Vertical Causation" being outside-the-box of or perpendidular to the duality plane of the focused event. The research was hit wih empirical evidences from the writer's close encounter with esoteric Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva through a Vietnamese channel "Xuân Mai" in Calgary Canada who SHARED the "final advice" on the importance of "Alertness at the source of THOUGHT" in one's Continuity of the consciousness, either "Float (Thăng) or Sink (Đọa)" from connecting realms [ Sắc Giới / Form Realm / Dương Gian và Linh Giới / Spirit Realm / Âm Gian ] (the video was deleted) using naturally qualified human beings from the horizontal bar and its surrounding to represent wide ranges of "qualia" as the base of Transcendental-Inner-Peace (Samadhi) or cunning intelligence via concentration - có ní nuận - from the vertical bar of outside-the-box focusing upon the event, then observations from the total collapse of the esoteric feudal systems ruled by the King of Gods in specialized communication hub of a Vietnamese reincarnation of HuiNeng, epirically validating the negative ("Sink") dimensions of X and Y contrast to the positive ("Float") evolution according to underlying natural laws to be DISCOVERED and SHARED.
KhaiPhong currently has three Scientifically-tested layers in deepening the cultivations and possible solutions: (1) enabling all qualified persons as defined in Latin humanitas (biology, compassion, prajna/wisdom) rationally know one's innate Buddha Nature - "WuNien / Transcendental #Awareness / Kiến Tánh" - which is more than just the biology and inteilligence of animals in this Reaffirmed Buddhist Dharma from a Vietnamese monk to validate the rational TRUTH discovered by Gotama on the duality plane of conflicting consciousness 2022-09-15 that the chance of being a person according to underlying natural laws and external forces is very rare worthy for more protections offered in modern society contrary to the [ Gloomy, Dark / Âm U, Tối Tăm ] qualities of consciousness fit only at animal levels or below of current bullying leaders in governments / militaries, finances, industries, etc, (2) discovering underlying natural laws to make most people know more about oneself and discovered states of (positive) Oneness known by Gotama, Jesus, HuiNeng for deepening and widening the "Right Living" where one is an Accountable creator and a part of Responsible Creation of the whole, (3) integrating radio and consciousness technologies to make people-based Society 5.0 a reality, capable to "activate past events / chronovisor" to discover underlying TRUTH and/or "#EmptyTheContent" whatever it is from storehouse consciousness due to "Detachment and Prajna" in natural state of Liberation which is an excellent tool verifiable and reversed enginneering by this writer to use available technologies to consciously detoxify past "horrible / persistent mistakes and/or deeper cultivations in [ Acquainted / Professional / Sexual / Spiritual / Aesthetic Relationships ]" using one's present-life Right Efforts and available resources.
The process starts from Free entry level of [ plan >< graph ], starting at one's thinking processes [ step 1 ] from your "secured private corner protected by human rights" in connecting ideas (nodes) and the executions of these ideas [ step 2 ] then [ step 3 ] helping others in building one's private digital neuron networks from scientifically cultivable InnerSpace that everyone can be a part to Outer Activities via Organizations and Relationships pioneered at KhaiPhong GsLp (Global services Local presence) ThankYou Clubs enabling visible #KindnessEmpathy trait to balance the Globalization and a New Era of "Homecoming in At Home": "Inner Peace contributing to Outer Peace / Tâm Bình Thế Giới Bình" from advanced "Equanimity Communities" where Best Technologies of [ Đi ĐỨng Nằm Ngồi / Walking, Standing, Lying , Sitting ] are aesthetically taking care via an environment conducive to manifestation of #Prajna and cultivation of Herbal medical Plants at the best technoligical possible conducive to "Equanimity Environment of Holistic Health" to change the World from one's Inner Peace. It may be the Right Time to make happened the well-known prediction "Ông Trần là bậc thánh minh, lạc ra hải ngoại ẩn mình nơi nao" by Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm whose reincarnation is likely amongst us (to be verified at deliverable outcomes) since you will reserve a role for yourself with many life-times preparations for the Right Conditions of your assets that no one can replace in the greatest New Era "Inter-Realms Communications and Collaborations" to help repair Gia Tài Của Mẹ in "Harmonious Melting Pot / Wei-Wu-Wei / Bất Chiến Tự Nhiên Thành". We do sense and likely know the person to be connected at the right time.
AwakeningBudh (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015), KhaiPhong (2017, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2025)
AwakeningBudh: Version 1.0 (24-12-2012), Version 1.1 (24-05-2013), Version 1.2 (14-05-2014), Version 1.3 (23-09-2014), Version 2.0 (14-05-2015), Version 2.1 (25-12-2015). KhaiPhong: Version 1.0 (23-12-2017), Version 2.0 (23-09-2019), Version 3.0 (23-09-2021), Version 3.1 (23-09-2023), Version 3.2 (23-09-2025).
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Communications with possible concerned parties:
The following parties have been contacted for critical inputs and/or amelioration of legitimate concerns:
- Plum Village (Thích Nhất Hạnh - Làng Mai).
- City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and Master Chin Kung.
- Maharishi Foundation Ltd for possible legal issue in Transcendental Meditation, and Yokō Tatsuhiko (1928-) for the copyright of the 'Ten Ox Herding Pictures'.
- The Dalai Lama, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, and Gyalwang Drukpa.
- Vietnam Buddhist Research Institute (Viện Nghiên Cứu Phật Học Việt Nam), Vietnam ICT Summit 2013 (Diễn đàn Cấp cao Công nghệ thông tin và truyền thông Việt Nam năm 2013), a proposed article then withdrawn for United Nation Day of Vesak Hanoi 7-11 May 2014.
- Thrive Movement, Nithyananda, Dr. Yeung (Lama Dondrup Dorje) of Pathgate Institute of Buddhist Studies, and Dr. Deepak Chopra.
- Islam World whose human / esoteric connection since 2008 is formally renewed in the announcement of the book, and Mr. Darryl Anka ( of Bashar Communications.
- Krishnamurti Foundation and Bhutan Gross National Happiness Commission.
Please address comments and questions concerning this book to the publisher:
HOC Club
316 Edgehill Drive N.W.
Calgary AB Canada T3A 2S3
phone: 1-403-547-1287
by Duong BaTien
Copyright © 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 by DBGROUPS, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023 by KhaiPhong. All rights reserved.
Published by KhaiPhong Corporation, 316 Edgehill Drive N.W. Calgary, Alberta T3A 2S3 Canada.
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